#why isnt anyone talking about this series anymore
ma4chestier · 27 days
actually, im not surprise anymore. he tried to kill himself at fricking 9 years old, he's capable of everything at this point.
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umemiya may be a well-witted person wih good intentions and a charisma that can befriend anyone but when it comes to his mental strength.... im not so sure he's as strong as others, like sakura or... or no one actually. sakura is the strongest when it comes to the state of mind in a fight, the most stable. yes, he has abandonment issues but thats outside of a fight. we could see in almost every fight that everyone somehow gets distracted or is affected by emotions they shouldnt be distracted with, they're easy to manipulate in that state of mind, and im prerty sure endo knows it and thats how he managed to bring the old umemiya back to give takiishi a good fight he could enjoy.
endo says a lot of times that he isnt capable of a good character judgement, but he was capable in the past its just that he has become more thrown to please takiishi that he makes errors he didnt use to make about people, because whether he noticed or not, meeting takiishi changed the way he used to read other's motifs and actions. the way he can talk about umemiya that way proves that he is still capable to read people so well, even noticing sakura's worries (and being worried himself). he may not be able to read takiishi like a book, but thats no reason to not understand him, also something about not knowing what he will do next is part of the beauty endo sees in him, that spontaneous personality and disinterest in everything makes endo want to see more, to keep reaching to the unknown.
i dont know where i was going with this but yeah, i love these four dynamics like no others. and i know it wont turn out this way but im really hoping for takiishi to talk with sakura, just a couple of words would satisfy me, they dont even need to be directed to sakura he just needs to say something controversal to make sakura yet again have a crisis, that would be so cool
anyway, someone give sakura a hug please
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sakura's trying to understand for the first time the reason why soemone fights. he hasnt question in his entire life why someome fights, he just assumes is a very common way to act, but umemiya changed his way of thinking inside a fight, with the "you can have a conversation with punches too", and im pretty sure sakura is trying to understand what he's trying to tell takiishi with his fists. we already know what takiishi is trying to make across, with the little snippet of his mind we were allowed to see, but we dont know what umemiya is thinking at this moment.
i think that apart from seeing that piece of hell that was takiishi's mind, satoru nii is making the fight in sakura and endo perspective as a whole, not letting us know what this two monsters are even thinking about, making the feeling of anticipation even greater
i love this series so fricking much, satoru nii is really amazing with their job, i love the visuals and metaphors they put in their work.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Opinion time
honestly, I like the hero of time as much as the next person- OOT is one of my favorite games in the whole entire series and I love the characterization Jo-Jo gave him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admit he’s an extremely flawed character
and I mean this in a good way, Jo-Jo wrote a character you can know did bad things and still like him /pos
but I didn’t like how, in the timeline parts, wind does confront and ask him “why did you leave?” And times only response is, in my own words
”I left it behind cuz I felt like it LMAO”
..????? yes he took percussions to make sure ganon “didn’t come back” (which.. he did, time knew the seal would break eventually. ganon literally screams out about how much he hates him and is coming for his descendants)
leaving an entire world behind to rot is just written off as “shit happens” and you can’t say “well time didn’t know what he was doing” because, at some point, yes he FIGURES OUT his actions have consequences /nm
Imagine being rulie, your entire world is a wasteland and you ask the guy who CAUSED its downfall “why does my land suck so much” he just goes “oops my bad”
in the child timeline he just fucks off, in the downfall timeline he dies, comes back, and says forget everybody else, he only really started giving half-a-shit in the adult timeline with twilight. We can see this with his blatant favoritism over him.
anyways this was me screaming at the clouds about how time isnt a cookie cutter hero, he’s flawed and he’s made mistakes and honestly? It makes his character better and more enjoyable. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk (feel free to give ur opinion on the matter)
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okay sorry for any spelling mistakes or oddly autocorrected words, this was kinda a lot longer than i thought it would be alkjslkjs 😭
Okay this is an incredibly interesting perspective and I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone else with this exact take on Time. I have a much different view of his character and his actions, though it was nice to read yours! /gen
First off, I completely agree that Time is a incredibly flawed person, and that’s part of why I love his character so much. He is not perfect, he is not the best leader, he makes mistakes. I genuinely think that the only reason he’s leader of this group and why the others tolerate him being the unofficial official leader is because even they can acknowledge that Time is just the best person for that role. He is not a perfect leader, he is not and I don’t know if he’ll ever truly reach that, but looking at the other options, he really was the best for the role. (Warriors would’ve been incapable of fully separating the others from the military in his mind, Twilight wouldn’t have been able to go off as Wolfie without causing mistrust or doubt towards him in the beginning, and Legend simply didn’t WANT that. The only other person who possibly could’ve lead the group would be Sky, and while I do think that could work, Time has way more experience)
Time has made a lot of mistakes, in his games, in the comic, he’s not flawless. I think in the comic (LU) we most commonly see this through how he’ll say things that come across as incredibly flat, snappy, or a bit harsher than what was really necessary for the situation. And this is just something it seems like he’s always been like, at least with how Jojo characterizes him, because in that one sketch with him and Malon when they were younger, he said something that did very much come off as snappy/rude, and he immediately realized how what he said sounded and tried to make an attempt to apologize. In the most recent update, we see how his stress and emotions made him much snappier and harsh towards the others than he really needed to be. I’d even argue in some moments, when he’s talking about his past and we see parts of his past, he’s a BIT arrogant. He certainly isn’t that way anymore, or at least he’s not as arrogant, but we see some moments where he comes off ass a little full of himself, the one I remember the clearest is the expression on his face when he got into Gerudo Town and a bit how he was talking about it. He’s also able to admit his flaws and that he was too distracted and let that get in the way of him helping the others while Twilight was hurt
Where I disagree with you (AND THIS IS ALL MY OPINION AND MY INTERPRETATION) is on Time’s thoughts surrounding the whole timeline thing. I do not think he had ANY idea that he was creating a whole other timeline, nor do I think he really even had a choice. He was sent back in time in an attempt to stop Ganon from destroying everything, and I believe he’s spent all the years since thinking all he did was go back in time. I don’t think he ever even considered the fact that Wind’s timeline continued on without him there (screenshots taken from Timeline Talk 1, art credit to @/linkeduniverse)
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He DIDN’T know what he was doing. He was like, 9-10 in the body of (roughly) a 17 year old, he was doing whatever he was told by Zelda, Rauru and the sages, the goddesses, whoever. And I don’t think ANYONE realized the consequences of sending him back in time like that. I genuinely think that this right here is where he realizes not only that the timelines split, but the timelines split because of HIS adventure/journey. And when faced with the idea that every time he used his ocarina he abandoned hyrule (kingdom) he seems horrified (also from Timeline Talk 1):
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I also don’t think the others have any idea at all that Hyrule and Legend are on a separate timeline from everyone else. I think everyone who comes after Time on ANY timeline has heard of him, but Legend and Hyrule haven’t had the chance really to talk about their timeline with Time, at least not really like how Wind did. And even if they had, again, Time DIED in their timeline, which could not possibly in any way have been his fault 😭
So yeah, he did leave Wind’s timeline (which is the adult timeline), but he genuinely had no idea that it got ABANDONED. I think the way he was looking at is was like erasing and starting anew and not just writing over what was already written and leaving that there (if that makes sense). And even if he had realized he completely abandoned that time, I’m not sure it would’ve even been possible for him to go back, and if he HAD, there’s only one Time. Twilight either wouldn’t have been born, or he’ve been born in Wind’s timeline. Which raises some INTERESTING theories because if Twilight had been there, would his game have happened? If it HAD, would Wind even be a hero? Given that whole theory that Wind doesn’t even have the hero’s spirit and he CHOSE the hero life instead of the other way around. That’d honestly be so interesting to explore!! I kinda wanna write a fic on it
Time did was he was told to do, he did was he was guided to do by people older than him or who had more ‘power’ than him. He was around ten years old, I don’t think he had a “Lmao fuck this shit” attitude when timeline hopping, I don’t think he understood he was timeline hopping at all. He didn’t understand what he was doing and he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, he was just trying to survive, and I’ll even bet he really thrived on what little acknowledgement and appreciation he got for saving hyrule (kingdom) because he seems (to me at least) like after losing the Great Deku Tree and the Kokiri he was REALLY lonely
And yes, he definitely for sure has a soft spot for Twi. But aside from Twi JUST being his descendant, I think Time feels bad that Twi followed after him in the hero business. He probably realized Twilight was descended from him and then really LOOKED at him and saw everything that young man went through and Time probably felt AWFUL. And after realizing that Wind’s entire timeline suffered because of something he did, I’m sure he feels the same way towards Wind. Because he may not be Time’s blood, but he’s a KID and he’s been through so much. Also there could be an argument made that Time is such a hoverer around Twi rn because he was hurt. I’m sure Four could’ve been the one who was hit and Time would be hovering over HIM instead
TL;DR: Yes Time is incredibly flawed. That’s what makes him interesting, that’s what makes him a good character, I wouldn’t like him very much if he were perfect alkjslksj. But I do not think he intentionally abandoned the other timelines, nor do i think that has anything to do with why he seemingly favors Twi. He was a kid, I don’t think anyone understood what was happening. I think if Wind had never spoken up, Time never would’ve known
(also Timeline Talk 1):
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but thanks for sharing your perspective! It’s always interesting to see the different ways we see the same character :) /gen
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coffeesugarandsand · 23 days
Middle of the road
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Damon is depressed and overdramatic <3
-Angst and fluff -Damon Salvatore x Reader -Might turn this into a series
Damon had fallen on his face many times, it's hard not to when the only family you have left hates you, even more so when that family is your own brother.
Tonight was one of the worst blowouts he and Stefan have had in a while. It was about Elena, it was always about Elena. Bunny Blood isnt satisfying Stefan's hunger anymore, but of course, Stefan won't listen to anything Damon has to say because keeping the Rabbit diet is safer for Elena. In other words, Stefan doesn't want to end up like the selfish and arrogant Vampire that Damon is, the one that Elena hates.
So now here Damon is on a Friday night quite literally falling on his face as he's basically blackout drunk on alcohol and blood, walking down the middle of the road. At one point he lies down in the middle of the road, mind to dizzy to keep walking.
"Damon?" A familiar voice calls out to him. Elena's younger sister, Y/N Gilbert. "Middle Gilbert? What are you doing out here, hasn't your sister warned you about the vampires? They're dangerous y'know." Damon slurs, his eyes closed.
"Damon, are you drunk... Why do you have blood all over you?" Y/N leans over Damon. "Dont worry I didn't go on a spree, it's only blood bags, o-" Damon slurs out as he finally opens his eyes and looks up at Y/N.
"I wasn't worried, why are you out here like this?" Y/N brushes his hair out of his eyes as she tries to stand him up. "Fight with Stefan" Damon sighs out, complying with her efforts to stand him up. He stumbles before he swings his arm around Y/N's shoulders.
He laughs before looking at you confused "Wait, why are you out here again, Middle Gilbert?" He says, trying to balance himself on his own, and failing miserably. Y/N grabs his shoulder "I was at your house actually. Everyone is freaking out about Klaus and I needed some air." "Air is good, I like air."
"Me too" Y/N laughs at him.
Y/N looks around for somewhere to sober Damon up, deciding his house isn't the best option considering how many people are there. Y/N leads Damon to her house and into her room, dropping him onto the bed. "If you wanted me in your bed, you could've just asked" Damon hums shutting his eyes again. I roll my eyes and go get a wet rag to wipe Damon off making sure to grab a hoodie and sweats from Jeremy's closet.
"Roll over lemme wipe your face" Damon groans as he rolls over, but puts on his usual arrogant smirk when he sees her. "Gonna give me a sponge bath?" He grins wider. "Shut up" I slap his arm before wiping his face. I look down gently wiping his face, occasionally forcing Damon to drink some water.
As he sobers up Damon starts to become more aware of his surroundings and his current state. "Fuck..." "Sober now? talk to me."
"Stefan chose Elena over me, which isnt unusual but I'm just...tired of it y'know. Everyone has chosen anyone except me for over 100 years" Damon expresses, while trying to mask his emotions.
I run my hands through his hair trying to calm him down, trying to prevent him from getting himself worked up again.
"I understand...well not the over 100 years part but being everyone's second choice, Elena is everyones favorite, the golden child, and before my parents died Jeremy was their baby. I just fell under the radar" We sit in silence for a minute, with the fact that both of us had such messed up lives, and complicated feelings.
"We have each other"
"Yeah we do"
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Aita for blocking a friend on instinct? So i (f16) have this friend, (m16) we can call him D, who i've been friends with since kindergarten.
About a year ago, i started growing very close to D through our friend group's dnd campaign we held every friday. I knew him for a long time but that was the first time we had started hanging out out of school. We were talking on snapchat every night just chatting and after a while he started to send much more... revealing snaps. Just his bare shoulders but like without a shirt. He said it was because he had to let his medication for his back dry. I was a little uncomfortable, but we were friends so i didnt think that it would escalate into anything weird.
After about a month, D starts sending snaps in a towel and pictures of his chest which made me very uncomfortable. I kind of let the chatting die down after that because it was the only way i could think of that would be enough to gently let him down easy (i was wrong). I stopped going to the hangouts with that group and kind of distanced myself because how uncomfortable D made me. This only made D try harder to get my attention.
I was still friends with the others in the group so i would often have one-on-one hangouts with the others and watch tv. One thing we watched was Miraculous and we laughed and joked about it all the time. D overheard us or something and went home and binge watched the entire series in a week. Then everytime i ate lunch with that friend group, D would always make direct references to Miraculous or sing the theme song really loud. This wasnt once a day, D would make miraculous references every single minute. He became obsessed with the show (which, for reference of how weird it was, D is a very religious Christian boy. He gets upset if he gets an A- and never drinks caffeine (no problem with any of those things but just understand that kind of guy being deep within the fandom of Miraculous out of all shows 😭)). It was so bad, and it once again was making me very uncomfortable.
Eventually, it got to an insufferable point where D changed his route to go home and made sure to pass me every day after school and wave. I started avoiding him in the halls, he would always ask obscure questions that werent that important. I couldn't understand why he couldn't get that i didnt want to be friends with him anymore so i set boundaries.
A text i sent to D: i apologize if i ever caused any misunderstanding, but i would like to make it clear that im not romantically interested in you. i can see that you have been trying to grow closer, but i dont feel the same way. i don't appreciate being followed around, and i dont like when people force themselves to like the same things i like. its not attractive to be a copy of someone. i enjoy being your friend but it's difficult to disregard these things. if im being totally honest, when you do things like this, it makes me really uncomfortable and borderline creeped out. i know crushes wont disappear overnight but i would appreciate more space. if youre looking for a girlfriend, this isnt the right person, nor the right way to get it. and i wont tell anyone about this so dont worry about word spreading or anything. thank you
D's response: Oh, I'm so sorry I made you think that! I don't have a crush on you, I just noticed how you don't hang out with our friend group as often and I just wanted to make sure that I was being as nice as possible to make sure you weren't mad at us or anything. I did start to think that maybe me trying all that made me seem clingy or annoying, so I'm really sorry for all of that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll try to do better now!
This didnt sit right with me because after all of that i cannot fathom how that translates to "i wanted to include you". This made me question a lot about the situation.
Reasons i feel like i MBTA: i'm over thinking things and D could be a genuinely a nice person. Its hard for me to read the room and i need to work on that and probably apologize to D.
Reasons i feel like i MNBTA: i should trust my instincts rather than ignore them. I've had a psychological abuser in my family before and the situation could be a stalker behavior that i've learned is not ok to have.
What are these acronyms?
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ultimateloserboy · 2 months
ok you know what im gonna say it with my full chest. literally nobody talks about bendy (the character) like who he actually is and ive been tired of it since the old game ended. i think hes genuinely one of the most incorrectly fanonized characters like ever at this point. and i genuinely believe it changed the actual canon and it bothers me a lot.
as for the physical version of him/ the ink demon— in the original batim game there was literally a whole plot point about bendy being non-human and how he came out of the machine physically and mentally sloppy compared to the other creations. hes not a fully fledged-out person and that’s LITERALLY an entire section of the original game. he has no human soul or mind, hes sentient but about as much as a gorilla. he attacks like a zombie or an animal with instinct and not like an angry human being. he cant speak because his mouth is fake and he cant walk properly because his limbs are liquid sludge— hes literally an abomination— a mockery of actual human life. its crazy to even call him the “villain” of the story because he doesnt have the thinking ability to genuinely be malicious. its like calling zombies the villains of zombie movies, they cant be because they dont have the brain function to be.
a lot of people ignored the obvious fact that he isnt human-like so they could sexualize him, which isnt as bad as sexualizing an actual animal— im not claiming that— but what bothers me is how the creators made him MORE HUMAN to lean towards these people and ill never think otherwise. yall can argue with me or call me chronically online, but bendy WASNT able to speak or was human-like at all until the dark revival, which was so obviously fan service its not even funny.
im not claiming that people who sexualize bendy are zoos or something— thats too far. what im claiming tho is that this genuinely interesting character was given consciousness and the ability to speak after previously not ever having those things JUST so booktok ass teenagers could swoon over him like they do venom, taking away the interest of his original character. he wasnt fully sentient until it made money for the creators and then suddenly hes speaking poetry in a deep sexy man voice with a fucking 8 pack. how does that not bother anyone? im not even trying to say its morally weird— im just saying its bad writing in general!!! like why do yall let these games ruin characters for fan service and not even give a fuck, and then have the balls to ask why newer ones are so poorly written?? no fucking shot EVERY one of yall was ok with them retconning his entire existence like HES THE MAIN CHARACTER???? DO YALL REALLY WANNA SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING //THAT// BAD TO THE POINT ITS OK TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE MAIN CHARACTER AS LONG AS IT MEANS YOU CAN FINALLY SEXUALIZE HIM CANONICALLY??????
and before people say anything— no i dont think its wrong for bendy to develop a voice or to become more human over time— BUT COME ON DUDE ARE YALL DENSE?? IVE SEEN LESS FAN-SERVICE STARING AT MY GOD DAMN AIR CONDITIONER!!!! they didnt “develop” bendy more— they retconned him to please freaks online!!! surely ONE of yall had to have noticed like… when tdr dropped the sexualization was so bad i genuinely didnt have fun with the series anymore. and I CANT because its justified now! the creators retconned him to be more sexyman so now you cant even argue against it!! literally why cant we have ONE thing online without people wanting to pound every single fucking character??
im sorry if this sounds mean but ive been upset about this for YEARS!! bendy was my favorite character as a kid and NOBODY gives him justice NOT EVEN HIS OWN CREATORS. it would be one thing if there was just a small portion that treated him like this but now its literally everyone and the games lean into it and i just want to explode and die at this point fr.
it genuinely makes me a little ill knowing he was once just a confused, soulless being fighting and killing out of the confusion, rage and fear that his cruel existence caused him to feel, but now hes just a deep voiced venom-ripoff villain whose just a big meanie and hunts you for sport or some stupid shit.
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maddiescinema · 7 months
first, your services are very much appreciated and i hope you have a wonderful day
second, here's what i remember about the fic i'm looking for (and if it's not real wow my brain is so good at coming up with stories)
lando norris x reader
pretty sure reader is female
its (freelance?) photographer reader and i think also best friend reader
reader was hired by mclaren to do photography stuff for f1 and of the drivers, thats where lando and reader first met and became friends
im pretty sure its part of a (ongoing?) series
part smau part written
financial issues & mclaren not being able to hire reader all the time or smth like that (maybe) lead reader to accept a contract or whatever its called to photograph a football team
its one of england's/uk's football teams (im not well versed in football so bear with me) i think
i think the team may have been manchester city? and i think i remember a jack grealish or someone like that
reader goes there and does readers job and becomes accquianted with the team members
there's this one member who has a fuckboy/playboy reputation, and keeps bothering reader to go for dinner and eventually reader says yes bc he promises its just between friends
dinner goes fine until the end where he confides in reader that the team is going to let him go if he doesnt get his act together or so he believes
then he asks reader to pretend to be his girlfriend so that doesnt happen, reader says no, he threatens reader and her career, so she gives in and he says lets kiss in front of the paps so word gets out and they do bc theyre outside having this convo and there are paps around and an article is posted and it goes to social media
anyways that dude is an asshole
reader just ignores him and tries not to be with him and interact with him going back to work, and reader is feeling really alone bc lando isnt answering her calls and she deosnt really have anyone at the moment to vent and talk about this situation to, also the internet gets to her a bit i think
reader is camping out in an empty conference room getting stuff done when she goes to get a snack and maybe the bathroom to cry & try to call lando again?
when she comes back theres someone there and its jack grealish(?) (not the relationship forcing asshole) and shes like oh im sorry i must have forgot our meeting
hes like we had no meeting i just wanted to check up on you, bc ive noticed you been down lately and the whole dating thing
readers opens up and vents about being forced into the relationship
he shares that the team is either waiting or looking for a reason to let the asshole go bc his behaviour is bad and the players dont like him and dont get along with him
and he promises reader that if she ever needs anything that hes there for her and that she can go him
and she feels safe and happy and not alone anymore
and thats all i remember, and since im 94% sure that this is a series or at least part of a series, i might be mixing up parts
if you can find it thank you! if not thanks for trying!
p.s. why is it so hard to find things on tumblr??? ive tried to look for this but im also weak and give up to easily
first of all, thank uu 🫶🏻 i’m happy to help!!
second of all, I SWEAT I’VE READ SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE, like i’m so sure but going back to find it is actually impossible 😭 i’ll try again tomorrow cause i know i’ve read this one BUT if anyone knows where to find it PLEASE let us know in the comments, my inbox or my dms!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
“A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words” by @f1byjessie
(thank you SO much to the comment and the anons who helped find this fic!! all the love to you guys!!)
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pawbeanies · 6 months
tagged by: @emo-mmy !!! hi!!! running around in circles around you thank you for the taggg
im. putting this under a readmore because i realized i like talk so much and then i got embarrassed because this is so long and silly and i go on a billion tangents. tagging games fun though !!!
last song:
covering my face with my sleeve paws i may be silly. lately i am getting into vkei bc beloved people in my life are like "you would like it!!!" and i DO !!! this specific song is actually a cover of the op of the 80s rose of versailles anime which like is in itself a whole other fun thing to talk about because of its like influence but like OK its a good somg. its a good cover. lareine is no longer together but like the members have gone on to do other stuff !!!!
favorite color: pink and blue !! i am indecisive and it swaps... but i like those the most
currently watching: sara z's video on dear evan hansen!! for some reason. my yt algorithm is like all musical theatre videos. or episodes of kitchen nightmares. i don't even think i'm all that into theatre but i like listening to people who know more tear into it
last movie: i was like in agony trying to remember what the last movie i watched was and then i remembered. its twilight. it was twilight. im on a vampire kick right now it seems (but also it was like at a friends house and i was only half watching because they brought their pet rabbit out to hang out with us and i was playing with it the whole time and it was BITING ME !!!!) (but also i was like locked in for the baseball scene. the best scene in all of cinema.)
sweet/spicy/savory: cruel i cannot choose one... trapped between sweet and savory because while i love spicy things i cannot handle them ...... i feel like i like sweet things sliiightly more but. hmhm. like when you eat too many sweet things you end up wanting something savory yknow .....
relationship status: single ........... there is an obvious reason why i think you can tell from my posting (its that im annoying and do not shut the fuck up .........)
current obsession: unfortunately the vampire book series i have been like talking about so much, silver under nightfall and its sequel court of wanderers !! i am thinking of what i wouldve done differently in the sequel fkskfksf (also coming to the horrid realization that they were like setting up pegging but i dont think my guys ever got pegged. whats the point. truly. heres my editors notes. why didnt the main character get pegged? like theres so many things that were set up and mentioned and that didnt come to fruition and thats not my only critique its not JUST about pegging. but the lack of pegging is like representative of many of the issues i have with the book. why didnt he get pegged. they bring it up MULTIPLE times and yet we never saw the strap. they describe it in universe as being "shafted" and YEAH i certainly feel shafted !!! i need answers!!!!!!!! im OPENING my googledocs and writing the fic where he gets pegged !!!!!) this will like pass in a couple days im sure. i think. i hope
um also my fun game blorbos i think. yah
last thing i googled: "pin feathers" like the kind that birds have !! i dont remember the context anymore but they're like. developing feathers on a bird and sometimes they have BLOOD in them and then they are called blood feathers isnt that cool... i wish i was a bird
tagging: not tagging anyone in particular because i'm nervous about tagging people fksjkf BUT if you see this and you wanna do it please pretend like i am !!! tagging you !!! do these !!!!!!!! im tagging you in spirit if you want to do these. tagging you with. my mind. yipee
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yc-shiya · 7 months
danganronpa universe dashboard simulator
💔 monoslayy Follow
rlly it’s not “pretentious” to not find the newer seasons better?? listen i love the new ones as much as anyone else (ESP DANRON 48 UGHHHHH WTFFF) but to act like the junko twist is still subversive is just WRONG
😈 junkosgirl04 Follow
Literally who said that lol this is not an unpopular opinion at all
💔 monoslayy Follow
are you biased maybe “junkosgirl04”
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
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they did him so dirtyyyy 😭 we do not talk about this hair ATROCITY!!! its not even funny
🌟dangan-wrongpa Follow
I find it really interesting that you so-called “sympathetic” Danganronpa fans are always harping on about the tragedies of the characters played by *REAL LIFE ACTORS* rather than the later seasons when the showrunners recruited and killed *TEENAGERS* for money and views. It’s one level of wrong to be a fan of the show and still acknowledge its problems, especially with the newer releases. It’s something else entirely to still be talking about seasons one, two, three…and completely ignore the ongoing human rights violation that is modern day Danganronpa. You people disgust me. I sincerely wish you could take a better look at the media you consume, because it’s actually, LITERALLY killing people.
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
not reading that
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🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
wow! posting fetish art of REAL LIVING PEOPLE too! literally nothing shocks me anymore with you freaks!!!
🍬 kimurasgf Follow
hey wait arent you the guy who auditioned for season 53 pitching yourself as the ultimate vtuber? lmfao?
🧈 death-by-balls Follow
If i had a nickel for every danganronpa man ive loved who was executed and turned into butter, i would have three nickels, which isnt a lot, but its weird that its happened thrice
#in 1 then 13 then 39 #they were cooking tho ngl 🔥🔥
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
listen i can be fucked in the head sometimes but we srsly gotta take a step back and consider how the series is exploiting mentally ill people for content. i mean, whens the last time we had a double or triple murder where the killer wasn’t already, or eventually revealed to be, mentally ill? What is that saying, exactly??
💣 togamicorp Follow
🔪 chapter3sweetheart Follow
OP i have some news about your best boy
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
….agh…….my worthless talent…….
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
okay can someone tell me why im seeing ship discourse about danganronpa 48 again? i thought we all played the same game and came to the consensus that the optional romance event with the whole class was universally canonical
🔮 30-percent Follow
Some of us didn’t get it on our playthrough 😒 also Sorry but I don’t like some of the cast of danganronpa 48. I don’t want them all shipped together.
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
I can’t forgive you . Im gonna have to kill you for having that opinion.
🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
you shouldn’t ship the cast of danganronpa 48 because half of them are confirmed clones of Junko. go through chapter 5 again if you forgot.
🚀 femmesakura Follow
🐹 gundamwenttohell Follow
dont bother with him hes the vtuber guy
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luhloydsworld · 2 years
Now i dont know if anyone here reads this anymore but im making the post anyways. If you dont know the Fence comic series you can keep scrolling (or not)
I wanna rant about how INCREDIBLE of a friend Nicholas is to Seiji. Seijis had a friend before, as we've all known, we'vw gotten more and more hints as to seiji giving someone a chance close to him before, even as to why he was so relucatant to let it happen again.
but this time nicholas managed to sneak his way into seijis heart and oh is it so different than last time. seiji liked how jesse pushed him, but he only pushed him physically. emotionally, mentally, jesse kind of did the opposite to seiji, and he was a very isolated individual because of it.
nicholas is different. in volume five we got the verbal comfirmation of the way nicholas as a character contrasts jesses role in seijis life; he strives to push seiji physically with his fencing, the two of them at the top as well, but nicholas has also pushed seiji to a better version of himself outside of fencing.
with jesse, it was only fencing. thats what they were. seijis feeling extended outside of fencing, he wanted it to be the two of them in more than just the fencing world, a world jesse couldnt single himself away from at all. seiji eventually did this too.
fencing is equally nicholas' whole world, but he sees seiji as apart of his whole world, not just inside fencing. nicholas manages to get seiji outside of his comfort zone completely, and feel comfortable in situations seiji wouldnt have let himself in originally.
my first example just so i look like i know what im saying, is when theyre training together. in the end of Vol. 4, seiji goes to nicholas. this already indicates a change in how seiji views nicholas.
then you get THIS SCENE in Vol. 5. seiji kept himself reserved for so long but now he lets his guard down with nicholas. maybe he doesnt think its professional to be so chatty or maybe seiji isnt used to being able to geek out on fencing talk, but by the seems of it seijis a huge nerd. in only over an hour you see seiji completely comfortable with nicholas in dicussion, something before this you dont see from seiji at all.
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my other example right now (i could talk abt this for hours) is THIS RIGHT HERE.
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its made a point originally that seiji likes to spend his time alone, including meals. this shifts in Vol. 5 when we see seiji eating with nicholas, bobby and dante after he spent all morning training with seiji.
its not just the fact that seiji ate with nicholas, its been established well enough thus far that nicholas is someone seijis comfortable with and is comfortable friends with. he's seen content with but also interested in the other people joining them, even engaging in what bobby was going to say after he got nervous.
later on we're given a scene where seiji is happily eating in the group during camp, which is what really stood out to me.
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seiji has grown a lot since being friends with nicholas, maybe not in his fencing (yet) but hes become comfortable with people, and maybe its just when nicholas is there, theres nothing to say for sure as of right now but its important growth.
even in the bathroom scene when seiji has his breakdown and nicholas went in, he was completeply unwilling to "show weakness" and just belittled nicholas.
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now when nicholas goes to comfort him, after something that bothered seiji more than anything up to this point, we seen him engage in playful banter, enjoying nicholas' company over being alone and acting as his earlier self would likely have called childish.
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this growth means so much to me and i cannot stop thinking about it. anyways.
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sophiesbookishthings · 2 months
July Reads
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
I read this like 2 days before the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out 🫤. And since now it feels too weird to talk too much about anything regarding him right now, I'm not gonna fully review this book. I considered not putting this here at all, but I want an honest chronicle of the books I've read. And I feel like this little non-review isnt gonna cause anyone to go read his books or support him in any way. So, I will just say that I did enjoy this book, and it's one of my favorites I've read from him, but I'll leave it at that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Pale Dreamer by Samantha Shannon
This is a little prequel novella to The Bone Season. I enjoyed seeing the dynamic of Paige and her seven dials gang before she gets thrown into the whole main plot of the series. It also gives a bit of interesting insight into why she and the other 6 act the way they do in The Bone Season.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Bone Season (author's preferred text) by Samantha Shannon
This is a really interesting dystopian book. This is the first book in a seven book series and I'm intrigued to see where it goes. The main character Paige has really interesting psychic powers that I think are going to get really badass as the series goes on. There's also the rephaim and I really want to know more about their whole thing. Can't wait to keep reading these. I went and got the authors preferred text editions when they came out cause Samantha Shannon is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
I got an absolutely gorgeous edition of this book from litjoy, and I think I read it like a day or two after I got it in the mail. I remember watching the movie when I was a kid, but I'd never read the book. Sometimes, it's better to watch the movie first, I think. Because I liked the movie, but it's not a lot like the book, and had I known that I probably would've liked the movie less. Anyway! I loved the love story in this book. Ella and Char match each other’s energy and quirkiness so perfectly. And the fantasy element of the book is really cool. There's centaurs, fairies, giants, and elves, and the way they were done felt like an old fairy tale, which I feel like doesn't get done too much anymore.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
I'm going to do a single review for these two novellas because I basically read them as one continuous book and I don't know how well I can deferentiate between the events that occur in each one. This book is very philosophical but also very cozy and sweet. There were some ideas and quotes in these two books that I will probably be thinking about for a long time. The friendship between the main characters (a tea monk and a robot) was incredibly well done and I really liked both of them. These books ultimately hold such kindness at their heart and I think we need more of that. I highly recommend these books.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Secrets of Blackthorn Hall by Cassandra Clare
I read this before when it was being released on tumblr but I received the Kickstarter hardback edition and it's absolutely gorgeous. Shadowhunters is always a comfort series to me, especially anything involving the Blackthorns and Malec.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
As per the Stormlight Archive, so much happened in this book, dear lord... So much happened in the last like 300ish pages alone (which i guess is the length of a normal book). This is also the longest book I've ever read, so that's fun. For a lot of this book, I was really thinking that Kaladin/Shallan/Adolin all have two hands, and Sanderson should stop being a coward lol. But anyway... I loved reading from the perspective of bridge 4 through the book and seeing what they're doing outside of kaladin. I need to know more about like all of the singers because I've been lowkey rooting for them since the first book. Which is really a testament to Sanderson's writing because I could tell that they really weren't the bad guys, and that there was something deeper going on, and some of that was revealed in this book.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chlorine by Jade Song
I didn't love this book. I think it was the fact I really didn't like a single one of the characters and there was very little dialog to the point it almost felt just like stating of events and the narrators (usually all negative) feelings about the events and the people involved. I will give it that it had the first scene I've ever read to make me actually physically uncomfortable. It was gay but in a very messy pining way that never really felt like it went anywhere. I think that there are people that would really like this book cause it did have potential, but it just didn't worj for me. I will admit I have been thinking about it a lot, though, so there's that anyway.
3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I haven't watched the Amazon series of this, and I'm mad that they changed the songs for it from the ones in the book. I wanted to listen to those ☹️. I feel like I shouldn't like that it was so obviously based on Fleetwood Mac, but I kinda did. I've always found their whole extremely messy deal fascinating, and this was basically the fictional version of that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was really interesting to read after having read the whole lotr trilogy first. This reads like a children's book (because it is) which was a bit surprising because of the much different tone I was expecting after lotr and the Hobbit movies. Also, it basically says the elves are fae. It refers to the Undying Lands as Faerie. Why do people not talk about that more??? It makes so much sense. They act like fae. They're whole vibe and lore is so fae like. It makes sense. Regular elves are little guys! Tolkien elves are fae! Anyway, lol, I really liked this book. I do think I liked lotr more just cause I love books/series that are lore heavy and also Samwise Gamgee.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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idcpxseur · 10 months
i want more laurance thoughts pretty please
My thoughts on Laurence Zvhal
soft warning for aaron slander. im not really slandering him im just sharing my conspiracy theories. ALSO THIS BITCH IS LONGGGG AND THERES SO MUCH RAMBLIGN GOD HELP
god i love him so bad... thats the main thing i wanna get cleared up right the fuck away. i love him SOSO bad and i think jesson uses him completely inappropiately and im stealing him. okay? hes my oc now.
this is also a warning, i havent refreshed completely with my mcd knowledge and mystreet is more fresh in my mind so if i say something wrong about a plot point be nice to me im doing my best im a little guy with a dissociative disorder so i forget shit
aaalllrighty where the hell do i begin?
okay so first off, right off the bat: when he got back from the nether in mcd, he should've been blind. because
disability representation. blindness isnt something that can just be cured unless you get touched by jesus christ himself (im not religious but i think thats in the bible lol) and it something that impacts millions of people on the daily. exposing that to young kids can introduce them to the fact that not everybody is just like them and that people come in many different shapes and sizes. and it ofc helps anyone who happens to be blind have a chracter to relate to and project on.
do YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT WOULD BE FOR A BLIND KNIGHT? like fighting is a very visual skill for the most part you need to see your opponents sword to properly dodge it or you are good and truly fucked. so taking something integral to fighting and ripping it away gives another great chance for character development as well as some really sick ass scenes where laurence goes all toph and uses his senses that are now firing at all cylinders and kicks total ass
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST!! like. laurence is a very visual guy, right? he sees pretty ladies to flirt with, he's a knight, he cares about his looks. so now he has all of that pretty much ripped away from him in an instant. what the fuck is he supposed to do? he flounders. hes a shell of his former self, in a way. like hes still there, hes still alive, but is he even laurence anymore? its something he has to learn to embrace and come to terms with. the main cast could also be super encouraging for him and basically is like "hey dude youre still the same fuckin awesome guy and you can still do all these fucking awesome things you just gotta learn how to do it again"
itd make for some cool relationship building between him and garroth or him and zoey or him and aphmau or even like him and cadenza. it gives him external relationships outside of just aphmau's love interest
i think giving laurence (in both mcd and mystreet) jealousy/possessiveness issues is lame and a total turn off. like its such a gross thing to tell to kids, no? like "hey kids if you love someone they are ENTITLED to love you back and they CANT be in love with someone else"
obviously this behavior is still shut down but still... like why include it? especially because, prior to him falling in love, he seemed to be just a completely chill dude who only gets angry if he needs to. but suddenly hes mass slaughtering people at weddings (mcd), stalking his love interest because he saw her talking with another guy (mystreet), giving aphmau the cold shoulder because she is either indecisive or loses interest in him (this goes in both series i believe)
like it just gives you such an ick and obviously i know why they did this. i will say this until the day they put me in the damn ground its because of motherfucking aaron becoming a love interest. i have zero issues with aaron as a character and i even like him as a character (i have redeemed myself. i used to hate him) but as a love interest i think hes the worst thing to happen to every series because he just simply destroys any male character who had the potential to be shipped with aphmau which was all of them
were moving to mystreet here because mystreet is the best and most glaring example of this because mystreet was after they had decided to make aarmau canon in mcd and you can tell because of the way they set up laurence and garroth.
lemme explain and yes i know this is deviating from strictly laurence a tad but stay with me
im not going to use pdh because pdh was written after mystreet based off of the fact that for some reason travis doesnt know aphmau???? despite them being best friends in pdh??? WHATEVER WHWATEVER NOT THE POINT OKAY. were also going to completely disregard the undercurrent of grooming for aarmau and were going to pretend like this relationship is normal and not at all weird. okay? okay.
so from the moment you first meet laurence and garroth, you can tell their vibes are off. theyre openly hostile with each other (even if its playful theyre still "competeing" for her), theyre trying to shove each other out of the way. it makes them seem unlikeable. every time theyre on screen theyre talking to her or about her (often times planning on stalking her or getting irrationally jealous because they heard something through the grapevine) and it just turns the viewer off. if youre a first time viewer without any preconcieved notions of these character you're thinking "wow thats creepy. why would she stay friends with them? why would she bother sticking around her if all they want is a relationship out of her and not a genuine friendship?" and if you happened to watch mcd first youre thinking "wow is this how theyre really like? wow i dont like them at all anymore" and then you go to mcd and see their worst traits being ramped up and amplified to make them even more unlikable
and then you see aaron
in mcd hes a silent protector. hes always by aphmau's side. hes her one true loyal knight even when she does something he doesnt like. they understand eachother in ways that laurence and garroth just dont
in mystreet hes her guard dog. hes always there to step in when shes uncomfortable. hes her secret best friend her home away from home. he makes her feel loved in such a way that laurence garroth never could since theyve only ever cared about her superficially and not in any way that really, truly mattered
it makes the audience cling to him. it makes them think "well fuck why did the other guys even try hes obviously perfect for her" it blinds them of any other potential option because jesson just didnt give any other opportunity to shine through.
and thats fine. thats completely fine they can do whatever the hell they want to with their series because as one creative to another sometimes you just gotta make your bed and lie in it knowing that not every bitch out there is going to like every creative decision you make.
as a viewer it just.... it just makes you feel dissatisfied. leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, especially given the fact that in mcd you were basically told "these are your two options for love interests" and then a third love interest swoops in seemingly out of nowhere, gets her pregnant, and then he fucking dies.
in mystreet it just like... ugh. i dont know. i guess i feel happy for them because i can see their development. but like me personally i cant really feel shit for ms aarmau simply because of pdh and the FUCKING WEIRDNESS OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP
sorry this, once again, turned into a rant about how aaron's introduction as a love interest fucking ruined everything (my words, not anyone elses)
to sum up this long, long, long post my thoughts on laurence are as follows: i think hes written very poorly in mystreet and severely mishandled in mcd. i think that he had the potential to be very interesting in both series if used properly and he couldve had more intersting things happen to him in terms of the love interest department.
i think hes a character that gets the a lot of the character assassination tirade that jesson went on and i wish we got to see more of him but unfortunately we never will since you know his va left.
but most importantly:
hes my pookie wookie booboo bear and i love him so bad and im going to shake him and bite him and rip him to shred
well... i hope you got what you wanted. i have emptied all of my thoughts about laurence
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diamond-punk0963 · 4 years
Question: Does anyone remember Tron?
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I really liked uprising and this was basically one of my favorite shows to watch, back in the day.
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lonely-cavalry · 5 years
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another note from my self loathing: happy 2 year anniversary, you worthless piece of shit. two years later and you still haven’t fucking learned your lesson, have you? you’re still fucking crying yourself to sleep on the exact same night and it’s still all your fucking fault. you should have listened. everyone is better off without you, didn’t you know that by now?
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vividaway · 3 years
The problem with "sanders sides"
This is something i WANTED to touch on, because i want to know if anyone else has noticed this. through the start of the series, we're met with this extremely "Made From Home" vibe. from the camera angle, the editing, the lighting, the cut away gags-- its a youtube video.
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Personally, around "Am I Original" is when we get this tone-shift. its still "youtube video" but you can tell that theres clearly a plot behind what you're watching. its interesting, its fun-- and you can easily connect with the characters THROUGH thomas.
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from this point forward, the series slowly shifts from "youtube video" to an actual, proper webseries. something that takes time and effort to make-- the same as any other tv show would. theres a whole production team (in thomas' own way, of course) behind the series now, and you can TELL.
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When i first left the fandom, there was apparently some things that went down. one major issue that i saw pop up consistently was people talking about the time gap between thomas posting videos, and when thomas would film again. there were a lot of issues, because at this point, we were all under the impression that this is still a youtube series. we hadn't all adapted to this tone shift, and most of us just took this tone shift as "better production quality" and didnt consider WHY it was changing.
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The series CLEARLY has a story. theres a message behind EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO. canon, or not. you learn more about the character each time you see them, and the ability to relate to a character, and create your own headcanons on their backstories is incredible. to leave it filled out enough to be a good character, but ambiguous enough that people feel the need to solve the puzzle.
i watched "Working through intrusive thoughts" and i... i honestly cant describe it. it almost scares me, because it has this bitter-sweet, gut wrenching feeling of "THIS. THIS IS A SERIES. this is something that could win awards, and this is something that could genuinely be a horror movie, had thomas WANTED to make that." It had this sad tone shift of "This is professional." it was sad for me because, it was done SO well. the pacing was incredible, and the script was genuinely something i will NEVER EVER EVER get over.
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so, with all this being said-- whats the problem with sanders sides? the problem is that people havent realized that this isnt a "youtube vlog series" anymore. this is a proper production. something about this has changed, and it had this genuinely, real vibe to it now. with each video we get, the story is slowly revealed, and so many people are stuck up on how LONG a production takes, that it somewhat overlooks what it takes TO make these all happen. the cinematic value of sanders sides is so often overlooked, and its something i've come to appreciate, a LOT.
so much planning goes into making an episode. making sure to stay relevant while also not dating the video, making sure everything follows canon lore when its supposed to-- heck, just the ability to know the fanbase consuming the content the way they DO is beyond incredible. the inside jokes, and the way some of the script LITERALLY sounds like fanfiction, but in a way thats still realistic and in character.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
hard 2 face reality // spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part one - part three
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a/n: a lot of people asked for part 2 to “not ur friend.” omg i didn’t expect it to blow up like it did. sorry this isnt the fluff conclusion you guys wanted...but i’m willing to make this a series maybe? idk it’s up to you guys. thank you for your feedback and support. (see notes at end)
also i tagged all the people who commented on part one.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 2.9k wow.
request(ed): yes. very requested. thank you @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks for this idea.
summary: after hearing something she shouldn’t have, she has to deal with explanations and tough decisions.
hard 2 face reality by poo bear ft. justin beiber and jay electronics.
sometimes it’s hard to face reality...even though you might get mad at me.
It’s ironic sometimes.
The twists and turns of life and the paths it puts you down. Sometimes you believed in fate but right now it only felt like a pain in the ass. Whoever was controlling your strings you hoped they would just give you a break, but no. There was always something more.
Last night, you had a dream. There was a memory within the dream. You and Spencer were cuddling on the couch watching a movie and his fingers were combing through your hair. From where you were, it was more like you were witnessing it instead of actually living it. You were just watching yourself fall harder for the man behind you. You were content. Happy even. You forgot all about your issues and problems and conflicts. You forgot about what Spencer said and the things he had done. You just forgot.
You watched as he took his fingers out of your hair and pushed you away. The you that you were watching was confused and so were you. Why would he do that? What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the memory.
Dream Spencer got up, put his shoes on, grabbed his bag, and was halfway out the door. Before he left completely he said, “We’re just friends. You’re not enough for me. You never will be.”
Dream you just sat there and stared blankly.
Your eyes opened and you stared up at your ceiling in sorrow. The tears just kept coming and you tried to keep yourself quiet but it was so hard, and you were so tired. You hated to admit it but you were in love with him. You were in love with a man who didn’t feel the same way. A man who did nothing but play you and pretend you were nothing. A man who lied.
How did this happen?
How did you end up in a position where you were in a cold bed crying about a man who was unphased? Someone who didn’t find anything wrong with their actions? How could you love someone who would never find the way to love you back and treat you right no matter how hard you wished? No matter how hard you hoped?
How could you do this to yourself?
And to think - in a few hours you’d have to wake up and see him again. After everything you realized and have come to terms with you’d have to see the man who was responsible for the ache in your heart.
When Spencer woke up the first thing he thought about was work. How he didn’t really want to go but he knows he has to. He thought about how heart wrenching the case he’s been on for the last week has been. He thought about how today he might actually be able to solve it...and then he thought about you.
He’d be seeing you.
Hotch invited you to help with the case. He figured your skill set would be exactly what they needed to solve it.
And yeah, you there definitely was for the better of the case but was it for the better of him?
He had no idea what to do. You were mad at him. You weren’t answering his phone calls or his texts and he figured out that you heard the conversation and he gets that maybe calling you a grandmother was wrong, but really what did he do?
He knew he missed you. He missed being able to rant to you, and you consoling him. He missed the movie days you guys had...but he could watch them on his own...right? He could figure out his own problems...he didn’t need anyone to help him. Especially not you. Not someone getting upset about the smallest of things.
That was so rude of you. Why would you ignore him? Why wouldn’t you reply to his texts are calls?
He thought that that was pretty selfish of you.
And yeah sure, maybe calling you clingy was a lie but was that really something to ignore him over? To throw it all away for?
Should've been adjusted to my life, had the opportunity to stay away for the last time...now you’re standin’ right in front of me. It hurts me to know that I lied. Tryna protect your feelings... you read in between the lines
Hope your heart has started healing
You arrived.
He saw you, bag over your shoulder, going straight towards Hotch’s office and ignoring him.
Not even a hello? Not a good morning? You hadn’t even looked at Emily or Morgan either. What had they done? What had he done?
From what he could tell you had been crying, but you covered it well. If it was anyone but him they wouldn’t have been able to tell but he could. Did you miss him too? Were you hurting?
“Is something going on between you and Reid?”
Hotch was looking at you expecting an answer but you didn’t know what to tell him. According to Reid nothing had ever been going on.
“No. I’m really just trying to focus here.”
Hotch nodded. “Good.”
Truth is, it was very hard to ignore Spencer. He seemed so oblivious that it made you feel sorry for him. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He wasn’t the one crying his eyes out at night and cussing out rom coms when they came on the television.
And you could tell he didn’t feel the same. He didn’t look how you felt. He looked conflicted, but he didn’t look sorry or hurt. His normalcy pained you. Had you really meant that little? Maybe you were over exaggerating things. No. You deserved an explanation - but you weren’t ready to hear it.
A while ago...
“Okay Y/N cover your eyes!”
You giggled. “No, Spencer why?”
“Just do it! I promise you’ll like it.”
You were sat criss crossed on the couch and Spencer was behind you with something in his hands. Before you could look at it he told you to close your eyes and he hid it behind his back. You smiled and closed your eyes waiting for whatever the surprise was.
You felt his fingers move your hair out of the way and you felt a coolness along your neck.
A necklace.
“Okay open.”
You could feel him grinning. You opened your eyes and looked down at your chest. You nearly gasped. On the end of the necklace was a miniature glass sculpture. When you met at the museum you told him that they were your favorite.
He remembered.
You held it in your hand and turned around to kiss him. He was a bit surprised but held your face in his hands and kissed you back.
“L/N!” You were snapped out of your head. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
The necklace. You can’t believe you were still wearing it. It felt like the only thing holding you together which was strange since glass was so fragile. The metal necklace part felt like it was burning you. The happy memory burned you. You took the necklace from under your sweater and ripped it off your neck. You couldn’t wear it anymore. It hurt you, but you couldn’t hold on.
Reality is kinda hard to face, like actual facts is for flat-earthers. Rains a requirement for flowers to grow, and pains a requirement for power to grow. It’s a miracle how one can change, from one what was just hours ago.
When you got home that day you were happy and running on adrenaline. Yeah, you had to see Spencer...but you helped solve a case. You helped save someone. It was tiring, and gruesome just like what Spencer said but the feeling you get after helping someone? Unexplainable.
After changing out of your work clothes and into some jeans and a shirt, you’d thought you’d treat yourself to dinner. Maybe that would help you forget. Forget and move on. Besides, it was a nice little diner and you used to be a regular. You had wanted to bring Spencer but he never wanted to go. He never wanted to go out.
His loss.
When you got there the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon wafted through. You had missed this. When everything was so simple and uncomplicated. When you could be you. Not wondering if today was the day Spencer would decide to come over or not. Or to even call. You could finally breathe. You weren’t in your stuffy apartment. You weren’t in a Spence filled work place. You were where you considered home in a city away from it.
“Y/N, hey!” Em the waitress called you over. You would consider her a friend. You two had always talked when you came through.
“Hey!” She went in for a hug and you hugged her back.
“Where have you been?”
You sighed. “Busy.”
She nodded. She understood. From there she asked you where you wanted to sit. You were just going to request the counter since you were alone, but when a little boy came up to you yelling your name, and wrapped his arms around you...you didn’t have the time to answer. It was little Jack.
“Hey buddy!” You hugged him back.
You looked around for Hotch. What a coincidence. He smiled and waved you over. You and Jack walked over to the booth and Hotch stood and hugged you. “I’m so sorry about Jack.”
“Oh no, it’s fine!”
About two years ago Hotch hired you to babysit Jack every once in a while. You needed the money. You were making enough from the paintings you sold but you needed more to finish college and save up. You weren’t going to some big expensive college or anything but still.
A little while later you met Spencer and it just became and inside joke.
“Would you like to eat with us?” Hotch asked.
“I don’t want to intrude Hotch...”
“Aaron.” He corrected while smiling. “Please, join us.”
And you did. You ate dinner with Aaron and Jack and you were having fun. This past month you had been moping around feeling sorry for yourself but you were actually happy. There was still that pain in your chest, and a part of you that longed to call Spencer and talk to him - but you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
After dinner Em invited you to go clubbing with her on Saturday. At first you were going to turn her down but you thought...why not? You didn’t have to stay up waiting for Spencer to call anymore. You didn’t have to cook or plan to order in in case Spencer decided to stop by. You didn’t have any plans.
“Sure Em, I’ll be there.”
She walked behind the counter and looked from you to Hotch. Like a suggestive look. Like a “ask him too!” look. And you weren’t ready for anything, and wasn’t even sure if you liked Aaron that way, and you still were in a gray area with Spencer...but you thought it’d be rude not to ask.
He nodded, urging you to go on.
“Do you want to go with me Saturday? I mean...I don’t really want to be alone..Em has a girlfriend and it might be fun.”
He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “Yes Y/N I’ll go.”
When you got home and ready for bed you had this weight in your stomach. There was a lump in your throat, and your fingers tensed. You thought about Hotch and it made you feel like you were cheating on Spencer. But you weren’t. You and Spencer weren’t together. There was no need to feel guilty.
He didn’t.
That Saturday came soon enough and you weren’t sure if you were ready. Physically yeah, you showered and got ready...but emotionally? Mentally? Was this a date? Had you asked Aaron out? Were you ready for that? Had you moved on from Spencer? No, of course not. But Aaron wasn’t a distraction either. You could never do that to him no matter how bad you felt. Never.
Your doorbell rang and when you opened it you were surprised to see Hotch...not in a suit. It fit him and you could admit it...he looked...really good.
“You clean up nice.” You said laughing a bit to yourself.
He looked you up and down. “So do you.”
He looked a bit taken aback and you could see he was a bit flushed and that made you a bit happy. You liked giving people that kind of reaction. It gave you just a bit of confidence you needed. Especially tonight, where you’d try not to think about Spencer.
When you got there you were glad it wasn’t too busy. The music wasn’t that loud either and you were glad because then you got to dance without immediately getting a headache. Your first dance was with Hotch but then he saw one of his friends from college (he’s a lawyer now) and then started talking to him. You didn’t mind. You actually kind of liked being alone. It gave you you time to think. But not about Spencer.
No. Not tonight you wouldn’t.
You wasted too many tears on him to be thinking of him while you were supposed to be having fun. He didn’t deserve your thoughts. He didn’t deserve your tears. He didn’t deserve movie nights, or cuddles, or sex, or kisses, or waiting, he didn’t deserve -
Spencer Reid.
You thought you were dreaming, but you weren’t. He was just a little bit away from you with JJ on his arm. “Just coworkers.” You wanted to say it didn’t hurt you, you did, but your heart broke. In a million little pieces. Had he not want to get serious with you because he was in love with her. It makes sense, everything about that makes sense but it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t make the tears in your eyes stop, it didn’t make the ache in your chest dim but at least it made sense.
Know it hurts to see the truth in your face, circumstances bring you down to your knees. Go on and cry an ocean, but don’t drown in it. Enough to put your heart at ease. Oh don’t lose your self esteem. I apologize for being a man. It’s way harder than what it seems.
You grabbed your bag from Hotch and told him you needed to go outside for a minute. He asked you if you wanted him to go with you but you needed to be alone. You wanted to be by yourself to fight these tears. You couldn’t cry in front of him.
He gave you his coat which was much too big but still appreciated.
Once you were outside you took your phone out to check your face. Your nose was red but the few tears hadn’t ruined anything. You were fine. You were going to be okay. Everything was alright.
Until it wasn’t .
Fucking Spencer.
You turned around to see Spencer Reid walking towards you with a confused look on his face.
“Hey.” he said. Hey? Hey?? What the hell were you supposed to say to that? Hey?
He cleared his throat. “Things are weird, right?”
“Weird?” you scoffed.
“Y/N, it’s been a month! I don’t understand what I did! You just stopped talking to me even after I tried to apologize! What more can I do?”
He stopped for a second, “Is that Hotch’s jacket?” He stepped forward to take a look at it but you flinched away. “Don’t tell me that’s Hotch’s -“
“You were hiding me Spencer. You said the equivalent to hanging out with me was of visiting a grandmother. You never wanted to hang out unless it was on your terms and you called me clingy and suffocating when I NEVER asked you for more. I NEVER went out of my way to ask you for anything and you treat me like this? Like I’m replaceable? After everything we’ve been through? After all we’ve talked about and experienced? What’s your excuse for that Spencer? What could you possibly have to say that would explain that?”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
“If I were to have called you and said ‘Yup, everything is fine Spence we can go back to normal.’ It would have gone back to normal! YOUR normal! A normal where I’m hidden like a side chick but you get to be in public with JJ on your arm! Fucking JJ! And yeah, we never put a label on it but YOU made it clear that we weren’t to fuck other people. That was YOUR decision! She was the girl you said I didn’t have to worry about and here we are.”
Spencer was silent. He looked to the floor, and said nothing. His fingers ran through his disheveled hair and his lip was quivering.
“So this is because of JJ?” he asked.
“Fuck you.”
He watched as you walked into the club and back out again with Hotch. Before you went in his car though you walked over to Spencer and put the necklace into his hand. Silently you walked over to Hotch and got in the passenger seat.
Spencer didn’t know what to do.
This was your necklace. He gave it to you. It was yours to keep. Yours to wear, cherish, and hold. Why would you give it back? It was supposed to make you happy and help you remember him. Instead it was in his hands unworn but the girl he had hurt. What was he supposed to do?
JJ found him outside but he said nothing to her the whole ride when he took her home. He was thinking about you. He was thinking about what you said. You were right.
When he got home he looked at the box of things you gave him. There were polaroid pictures of the two of you and he started shaking as he cried. What had he done? How could he have been so selfish?
You were right.
You were right.
Truth was he did like JJ, and he had been hiding you. He had been treating you unfairly. He had been a jerk and he had done every single thing you said he did.
He was all of the names you were calling him in your head.
Every single one.
He held the glass sculpture necklace in his hands and could feel his tears running down his face falling on it.
Even though he fucked up, and had something weird with JJ, he realized...he was in love with you.
Sometimes it's hard to face reality.
literally wtf is this. what in the love triangles - anyway. ik you guys wanted fluff so...part 3? idk. should reader have a thing with hotch? should she choose hotch or reid?
feedback always appreciated. it pushed me to write this.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
comment tag list: @peculiarinsomniac @mgg-theprettiestboy @187-reid @realalpacorn @wooya1224 @minami97 @studywithrosie01 @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks @meowiemari @thedaughterofhotchniss @reniescarlett @lovelyspencerreid @ashwarren32 @fantastic-fans @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @psych0crybaby @drreidsconverse @castbyfox
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Is there any past tmnt moments/episodes/movies you like to imagine rottmnt style?
ooooooooh yes yes yes yes yes a good ask a very good ask (taps fingers together excitedly)
First and foremost, the 2007 movie with some alterations. Where as I could see RISE Raph taking on a Nightwatcher Persona (Red Angel of Preventing Harm anyone?) and I could see RISE Leo living in South America to continue his training, there are some alterations I would have to make
2007 Movie Verse
1st of all, Leo isn't all angsty and sad. he's loosing his mind. He probably had a bunch of rock 'brothers' aroudn to talk to and argue with as he laughed manaically. Adn the reason *he* didn't return home when he was supposed to was because he didn't think his brothers wanted him back, he thougth he had failed and deserved to be all alone. The only reason he did return home was cause April (on a school trip) convinced him to come back atleasat for some super exclusive jupiter jim item he had preordered ahead of time. And when he sees how happy his brothers are to see him he stays purely out of guilt without acknowledging his own feelings and still feeling guilty about Splinter giving him the leadership role
2nd of all Raph isnt' angry and angsty the whole time. Raph still becaomes the Nightwatcher as I said, but he also feel so guilty about his decision to go agaisnt his fathers wishes that he tries to make up for it by being overly optimistic, which becomes worse when Leo gets home because Raph is upset he's not leader anymore but doesnt' want Leo to know he feel sthat way. SO instead of glaring at eachother and making snide comments They're being overly " OH HI BUDDY! BIG GUY! BIG RED!" with eachtoher. And of course there's still the fight which almsot plays out the same way, except instead of blaming eachother their blaming themselves
Mikey becomes a cooking youtuber. He started off making great good on it but foudn he only got more views when he messed up so he continuously puts up videos of him failing while cooking which affects his self esteem but becuase it helps makes money he keeps doing it :c he's sad
Splinter is wracked with guilt when he realizes he never shoudl fo send Leo away and though he puts on a brave optimistic face for his sons, he regularly retreats to his room to sleep and eat carrots to make himself feel better (why carrots? he doesn't deserve the sweet embrace of ice cream)
And ,of course, theres mah boy Donnie. His mental health is suffering, he's having meltdowns more and spends more time in his room. Seeing his family so different makes him feel alienated and he wants to blame Leo for the change but because he knows its not Leos' fautl and he's not sure how to deal with his emotions he spends more time playing video games by himself and only talking ot Shelldon (who often acts as a go between between him and his family cause he can't handle alot of social interaction at the moment)
In the end, everyone confronts thier guilt to themselves and eachother and help eachother heal :3
2003 Series (my personal favorite)
For this i love to imagine the "Shredders Strikes back" arc (which is the infamous "Leo goes through the window" scene for this series happens) Which is super interesting cause of the events leading up to it would be different. I'm not sure how yet. Maybe They're spying on the Foot Clan? Maybe The Foot Clan is spying on them as they have a sleep over at Aprils either way Leo ends up running to the store alone to pick up a itme which leads ot the Foot Ambush and Leo, being Leo underestimates the fight and makes a bunch of jokes. which slowly become more and more frantic as more foot show up. Then of course Shreddy shows up and does his thing adn bam window scene. And of course we keep the "Tales of Leo" episode which is more humorous and heart felt
I'd also want to use Good Genes arc which....wont go into details for reasons (dont look at me like that)
of course, I'd have to do a "Across the Universe" Arc (which includes SAINW cause haaha Donnie torment) which would basically play out the same except I can see Mikey's arc being alot more "OK I GET IT YOURE SUPER HEROES I WANNA GO HOME!!!" and Leo spending five minutes on his phone weeping casue " DIDN'G THEY HAVE THE INTERNET IN FEUDAL JAPAN!?" and Raph whose more anxious adn probably needing some comfort from Hawk (was that his name? HEEL BHNA FANS) not too sure about Splints, he'd probably be nuts going rabid
I woudl also try to incorporate as many Casey epsides as humanly enough, cause 2003 Casey and Rise Casey are differnt but similar enough I'd love to do that character study
OOoh then theres imagining the justice force as Yokai rather then just super heroes
I would of cousre incorporate a Fast Forward episode, where instead of the Turtles "gotta go home!" it'd be more "these annoying ass holes have been in our timeline for four hours and you've ruined our advanced intelligence with our memes, our self esteem with your technology and our mental health' and kcik the turtles out of the future with a mighty YEET
oh and a dinosaur arc of course
so much potential
2012 (series)
haha no
can't make me
I guess that's it for now, might add to this later. I hope this answers your question! Thank you so much it was so interesting to think about!!!!!!
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