#also i just block people who have threatening auras on a bad day lmao
witchofthevale · 8 months
do ya'll ever think that if rhaenyra gave herself that chance to be an older sister to aegon and the other green children how wildly different everything could've become?
we already have that deleted scene of nyra trying to teach aeg to pronounce her name but i digress...
viserys already neglects nyra in his own way, telling the realm she is his heir but not actually teaching her her duties (as his heir or otherwise), by upholding her as his heir in proclamation he is assuaging his guilt to his wife's death (as if that's all it took), so it stands that if she got the chance and took it (as even i am aware how hard it must have been to come to terms with your new half siblings, your new half siblings popping one after another, threatening your position, from your former best friend), but if she had gripe with it and made peace with her half siblings,
i bet my bottom dollar aegon would be absolutely obsessed with his older sister, that age gap would be enough for aegon to be completely obsessed with nyra's attention, and his natural lax attitude would put nyra to ease.
helaena would find her presence soothing, as she takes enough personality that she can gather spotlight but has that undertone of maternal care (oldest daughters will always develop a maternal instinct of some kind if they're around enough, speaking as an oldest sibling lol, especially to a disjointed family function) that she would find it easy to be around her. would find her drawl of bugs boring but would indulge her nevertheless. her only sister sparking so much with life from little critters, she cannot possibly bereave her this.
aemond would have an older sister who could scold aegon for being a twat— and aegon, enamoured with nyra so much he had proposed to her when he was five, would be properly chastised and listen to whatever she said — and at the same time share her enjoyment with literature, with high valyrian and their ancestral roots. would have someone to share a lookin a room when someone made a stupid comment and share an eye roll and a giggle. would boast about their uncle daemon like a couple of fangirls.
even baby daeron would find nyra fun, her baby brother with his blue dragon against her gold, teaching him to properly care and bond with tessarion and at the same time teaching him how to have fun. the youngest brother rarely knows the taste of power. she would be most at eased with him.
even if otto bares down hard on alicent's anxiety— which is such a fucked up thing to do, and i've worked in a hospital lmao — aegon would not budge, would refuse with a hiss and gritted teeth even a whisper of treason against his sister. his sister whose skirts he clung to when they got harsh with his lack of interest in education or ruling, his sister whose disappointed look had made him cry worse than any hard hit of his grandsire, his sister who raced him with sunfyre and syrax, who made jokes on who is the prettiest dragon.
the minute alicent tells them that viserys said aegon was his heir, aegon would snort wine so hard he'd blow it out his asshole. because he was never his father's favourite, never was his son nor his child. and that hurt but he didn't care.
because nyra was his sister. and so was his heir.
im having so much feels with my nighttime medicine yall, i feel both lucid and floaty
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rainwatersunset · 6 years
Look I've been really thinking about the fact that when Bella left Phoenix like... She had no friends she kept in touch with? Or any friends at all over there? She never mentions even one fucking friend, she doesn’t contact anybody OR even briefly thINK about someone. And I find that to be one of those things that just... Leaves a big, gaping hole in Bella’s life. And I’m holding Smeyer fully responsible for literally neglecting to build Bella some sort of SOMETHING in Phoenix, yeah, but I’m not gonna lie I’ve already mentally gave her a best friend in Phoenix whom she emails (or texts/facetimes if set in modern day).
She’s loud, stubborn about weird topics like ‘what qualifies as a condiment’, somewhat too honest at times, and physically affectionate (lots of snuggles and hugs), her family is very new age pagan which Bella honestly likes, very chill. Her family is super close and Bella sort of gets adopted by them. They invite her to go on “moon walks” on the new moon, but never on the full moon, because it’s “bad luck”, and they have big family dinners after the full moon which Bella always finds herself going to.
She notices that her friend is good in social situations that she herself was not, and vice versa, so they sort of tag-teamed middle school and the first year of high school together. Bella is good at paperwork and figuring out what to do like a grown up more book smarts, and her friend looks at stuff at an odd angle just once and then can fix it right away, more tactile.
And when she moves, her friend is really bummed out but doesn’t blame her for leaving because she’s known how Bella felt about living with her mom. She swears she’s going to visit her sometime soon and Bella is like dude I fucking wish you were here you should see this one family they’re like models.
And when Bella finds out they’re vampires she Soooo wants to tell her. She wants to blow up their FB chat with deets, but they tell her it’s a very bad idea to get any more people involved, and she doesn’t want her best friend getting hurt so she says nothing about it. But because it is such a big part of her life all of a sudden, she finds it harder and harder to keep in touch without outright lying, and they made a promise years ago that they’d try to never lie to each other. Her friend can tell something’s up, and she tries to ask her what’s wrong, but Bella confesses that she just can’t say. It hurts her friend but she doesn’t press, instead opting for reluctant silence instead.
When she gets hurt in Phoenix, she comes running to the hospital the moment Charlie texts her that she’s there. She runs right into a very hostile Alice and Jasper.
And that's the awkward moment where Bella finds out her best friend is a child of the moon, and her family’s “moon walks” weren’t just some pagan family thing, and Bella threatens to break her arm on Jasper’s face if he even THINKS about hurting her friend, no matter what she is. Her friend advises he listen to her, because Bella totally would do it.
Anyway so then her friend comes to visit after that to keep Bella from going nuts over the cast on her leg, and Esme falls in love with her half because she’s super affectionate (which her own kids need to work on lmao) and half because she can stuff her full of food to her hearts desire. Esme only somewhat jokingly asks her if she’d be interested in staying in one of the cottages on their property and Bella is instantly like PLEASE ACTUALLY DO THAT I MISS YOU SO MUCH. She has to refuse because she doesn’t want to be a freeloader, but assures both of them that she’ll be looking into nearby colleges.
Also Carlisle is super intrigued by her genetics and she’s absolutely willing to figure out how her own biology ticks; Emmett finds out she’s super fun to team up with to annoy Edward and they bond over that, Rose at first hates her but then she turns out to not have the same control over her sass as Bella does and claps back at each and every dig earning her surprised respect, and Jasper finds her aura to be so fucking nice even when she’s not particularly happy he can’t help but just hang out on the sidelines and make like, flowercrowns for literally everyone. Alice at first can’t stand to be near her because she blocks her vision, but on a particularly rough day of really graphic visions she hides out next to her to block them out and they talk it out.
Bella finally has someone whom already knows her and doesn’t coddle her, who she doesn’t have to pretend around, who accepts the Cullens and doesn’t judge her choice to later become a vampire, who’ll sit out on the deck with her as she reads Shakespeare and just chill out, no doom and gloom wahh I’m a monster; she was born into her condition, she has a hold on it, and she doesn’t reject it. That could really help the vamps accept who and what they are too.
She isn’s a fix-it person, she has her own shit to deal with, but Bella’s her best friend, and together they can figure stuff out, but with the Cullens they can do more than just that.
Anyway wow I just made a new character lmao and she doesn't even have a name djxjanzn
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