#also i learn tomorrow whether i got into the study abroad program i want and if i did i should definitely order it soon if not now
gremlinbehaviour · 2 years
I have the Amazon page open for the cane I want and I have no idea why I’m so hesitant to just press order. Internalized ableism, probably. So here are some affirmations about it: It’s a folding cane with butterflies on it and will hopefully actual be small enough to fit me. It costs less than I spend on a typical craft store trip. I don’t have to use it if I feel too weird doing so. I am not taking resources away from other people. It will hopefully decrease my pain, increase my mobility, or at the very least make me more comfortable asking for other accommodations. Why does this feel like such a big decision it’s literally just a purchase of an item
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lifesbecomings · 4 years
The email
Hi Drew— I just wanted to  clarify something and share some perspective. First off, I want to say that I understand and respect Denison’s admissions process. I reached out a few days ago to everyone just curious about the process and wanted to talk about options to continue my education, IF even possible, through Denison! With the positive feedback from everyone and your first email, and then mention, even as a slight possibility, of spring enrollment...one certainly can understand my excitement and push for more discussion and my initiative to get applied/enrolled. With that said I am still curious about steps in general. And maybe I applied as the wrong type of student.  I know there are openings still this spring, and especially in the EDUC classes (like EDUC 390), and thought "wow, maybe this is all aligning because it's meant to be."  If it is or isn't meant to be, I'm at peace with whatever the decision is or remains. But Denison will always be my first choice. I did leave in 2017 as a medical leave student, and technically I wasn't pursuing a degree through CCS, just taking classes, many students take summer classes or semesters (like if on academic suspension), and then come back and return to campus. I know usually students typically return 1-2 years, and I understand there are deadlines and I know their importance. In no way shape or form am I trying to surpass these. When I first reached out, I said I'd be happy to discuss ANY options in a return.  Others, throughout the thread, were mentioning a spring return and spring availability and how fantastic this could be. Both Karen Graves and Baker were on board in the Educ. department, where I am majoring, presumably for a spring enrollment.  Maybe it is the fact I only have art credits as transfers. Was it that they were hoping for more core class transfers? Either way, to be perfectly transparent, whatever the outcome is, I will be taking spring classes. As well as summer classes. I want to get my degree. My first choice is Denison. If there is anyway to make this a possibility still. You already know, It would be my pleasure to stay in touch, and I will happily move to Ohio and take classes back on campus in the fall. Denison holds a special place in my heart. I hope my time on campus impacted those I came into contact with, as much as they impacted me. The Briefing: Within the last 2 weeks. Literally, two weeks, a series of events occurred that made me see the potential I could have. It started with a ski lesson, we had philosophy lessons up the chairlift, and the technical skiing lessons going down the hill. It was eye opening. I realized I need to work on my patience, but It also made me realize that I don't have to do something I do not enjoy. Moreover, it made me recognize I need to stop running from what satisfies me the most, people, education, learning, and teaching. I shut myself off in 2017 to the idea of "traditional schooling". I thought, "It's not for me". " I'm not good at it".  It stuck.  That is, until January 6th 2021, when I had this ski lesson. The ski lesson in combination with my parents friend, a teacher from Brother Rice High School,  got me thinking. I was thinking and analyzing myself. My change in perspective was shocking. I needed to accept my talents and embrace them, instead of shutting them out and rejecting them. It is so funny how we sabotage ourselves.  This is the start of my story. About how I found my drive and fulfillment. Below are three personal stories I would like to share. 1.  Monkey Bars. 
There is a story my mother always would tell me growing up about my perseverance and determination. When I was very young, 4 years old, there was a set of monkey bars on the school playground. After school one day I told my mom I wanted to go across the monkey bars. The only problem...I did not know how to do them. But, I had watched other kids that day at recess. So I was determined to figure it out. We were there for 2-3 hours. I was bound and determined to do those monkey bars. I knew that was what I wanted. I had numerous failed attempts, failure after failure, my mother began to beg me to leave with her because my hands were all beaten up, blistered, and bloodied, I still kept going. I made it all the way across those monkey bars that day, and every day after. There is another story, too, a similar story about me riding a two wheeler. Same determination, different goal. Both accomplished. 
2. My Miracle.
A senior in college, to the modern western world, is still considered "young". If you're in school, attending high school or even attending university, to have a child anywhere, at any time in that mix, It is looked down upon, plain and simple.  I chose to not tell any of my peers, while I was at Denison, my fall semester, that senior year, in 2017. I kept this knowing to myself. I told my parents, and told the father/ fathers parents. Guess what was encouraged? An abortion. Whether verbally spoken (which it was) or unspoken, I knew this is what was wanted from me, wanted for me. I mean, it was, after all, the easiest thing to do. I could still finish my degree and the family could always come later in my life. So, I did just that. I went in for that appointment, at 5 weeks. 
Statistically speaking it is 99% effective. Did you know, 1:4 women will have had an abortion in their lifetime. It's neither here nor there, just an incredible statistic. I actually came back to Denison to finish out my degree after. Putting the past behind me. I enjoyed a fantastic fall break that year in Philadelphia with friends, because through Denison my Junior year, I did a "study abroad," in Philadelphia (the best experience ever. Cannot speak enough about that program! So grateful Denison is a part of the Study in Philly!) 
Anyway, after coming back from break I wasn't myself that week at school. I came home, went to a doctor's appointment. Pregnant. I was 11 weeks pregnant. 1-2 weeks away from being in my second trimester. I knew. In that instant, I was keeping him. No one else understood, at the time, my decision. I was blamed on one side, entirely, for this outcome, the father still lives in denial. This is important information in my story, as it describes where I have been, who I am and who I've become. The father isn't, and has never been involved. This is fine. It's been uncomplicated. I'm actually very lucky. Besides, I know that my son and I deserve someone 100% interested in me AND my son, not an either or situation. So once making my decision, to continue with the pregnancy, I took one day. One day to be broken hearted, to feel like it was me against the world. Later, to my surprise, I found I had a support network bigger than I could ever have imagined.
I am blessed. I am loved. "We" are so loved. But it took me that one day to realize, the easiest thing is not always the right thing. I knew honestly from the day I first found out, I wanted this baby. And my god, has it not only blessed me, but this child of mine blesses and brings joy to anyone and everyone he meets. As a biased mother would say, he truly is something special. My choosing to bring this new life into the world, is an amazing and miraculous testimony to my dedication and character. Being a mother (parent) is one of the toughest jobs in the world. 
3. My Bakery.
First, back story: I tried to take some classes at College for Creative studies in 2018. Knowing I was more than "just a mom". I've done a lot of "soul" searching and self love in my time away. I didn't reach back to Denison at this time because I was convinced traditionally schooling just must not be for me. The root of it, I later would find, was that I was somehow undeserving of it. (super messed up mental ideal). Disclaimer: I, like many, struggled with self worth. Therapy is necessary and beautiful.  Anyway, continuing---I had a hobby of sketching.  Homes and houses always intrigued me, so I picked up some classes at CCS, interior design classes. This is where I realized a hobby does not make for a career. More importantly, I remembered the promise I had made to myself, that I didn't want anyone else raising my baby boy.  I was spending 60hrs + a week on projects and classroom time, leaving him home with my parents and babysitters, a little bit at first, then, more and more. So, I pulled the plug. 
When I give of myself I want to give 100%. If I was giving my school work 100% there was none left for my son. I had to pick between the two, and clearly, without a doubt, my baby boy was the sure pick. Schooling this time round failed because It was in person, he was not in school yet, and it was not practical or logistical. I stopped in OCT of 2019. Between October and December of 2019 I went stir crazy. I was 24/7 with my son, living at my parents home still, and my mental health was on the decline. I felt trapped. I needed a way out. And thus "A Degree Above Bakery" was born. I have made over 5,000 dollars in profits from this business. I have a standing order, weekly, with Westborn Market. However, this flow, and work is at my grace.  I can shut it down, permanently, or temporarily. I can drive it forward more, or scale it back, starting tomorrow.  I was determined to find a way out and give myself some "me" time, as well as doing something I enjoyed that gave me flexible hours to work with my son present. I originally started in my own home. Operating under the cottage food law. That is, until I started to rent space in Plymouth MI from Westborn Market in April 2020.  I bake Sundays currently. 
I created and established then registered my name. I created and bought a web domain.  I have my own labels and packaging I created. Every aspect of my business I have built and created. The brand, the marketing, getting into a grocery store. My point here, being, when I think of something, I do everything in my power to try to reach my goal, whatever the road block. When I get an idea, I see it through. To the best of my ability. __________ My overarching theme is determination. You will have nothing without it. I will be respectful and understanding of any final decisions, acceptance, reinstatement, or lack thereof. If there is still a slimmer of possibility to qualify for spring semester at Denison or be considered again... It would be an honor and mean more to me than any words could begin to describe. I had to take one last shot with you all,  before seeking another institution.  Rules and regulations will be forever. I understand this, but If there is anything I can do to help enhance my application/reinstatement/case/enrollment/scenario please don't hesitate to ask. I would be honored to commit to in person class on the hill in the fall, after taking summer classes, and taking the spring classes online at Denison, I also will be able to pay, in full, for the spring tuition as well as on campus next fall/winter. I also paid in full while being on campus every year from 2013-2016. Please also hear me when I say, yes, obviously I would do whatever and help to see a successful spring enrollment, but I would be happy to transfer credits from this spring (elsewhere), and summer, to complete classes on campus in the fall.  I will stay open minded to all possibilities, as I know Denison does! 
With much respect and appreciation, and excitement,
Sarah McNaughton
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isang-pangarap · 5 years
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August 8, 2019 | 7:36 PM Life has been pretty damn good lately. But I guess it's also been pretty bad since I'm back on here... I went back and read some of my pre-Culture Night posts, and I teared up. Mainly because I STILL remember how I felt back then. Luckily, in terms of things like school and life goals, all is good. I just apploed to PA schools, I just applied to a study abroad program, and I'm starting my final semester of college. I survived Microbio and Orgo2, maintained that lovely 4.0, and pulled a stellar Culture Night out of my ass with the help of my friends. This summer I adjusted to working in my new retail job, I got to travel to Norway, France, and Italy, and I have plenty of free time now to bujo and learn Tagalog. :) Truly, life is so wonderful. Now... why am I here? Because there are just some parts of life that are sadly... just not wonderful anymore. Unfortunately, the problem with the ol' PR chair is still quite a problem. Turns out she has been resenting me much more than I realized; I noticed she unfollowed me from Ig and completely unfriended me on Facebook... Crazy. In all honestly, in the grand, GRANDEST scheme of my life, she really, REALLY does not matter. I was just barely friends with her, and after I graduate, I likely will NEVER see or encounter her again. Thus, it really shouldn't bother me. The only thing is that... it just sucks that I didn't realize how bad it was until it was over. I made a mistake and said something that... really was not intentioned to be racist. I do see how it can be taken though, since I really shouldn't have pointed out race in general. (Long story short, she expressed interest in a position for next year, I said "Think of how diverse things will be next year," and she replied with "... oh if that's the only reason then nevermind"). Yes, I shouldn't have pointed out race. It was unnecessary. But the thing that upsets me is that she made it seem like that was the ONLY reason why I wanted her to do the position. In the past, I have expressed to her how proud I was that she broke out of her shy shell when joining this org, how she was so on top of her job and so on point. So she KNOWS it was not only about race. I could tell she had been getting annoyed/tired of me and was avoiding me throughout that semester. So the fact that she used my mistake as the final straw to justify her literally treating me like I don't exist is just absurd. Not to mention she also had disdain towards me because she felt that I was favoring my other grandlittle over her. (No dip I would do that... she had been acting so coldly to me throughout the semester, why would I pry myself in her life and good graces if she didnt seem to want to talk to me? How would I know she just wanted me to be as enthused about her as I was about my other grandlittle when she was acting like THAT? NOT to mention my other glittle is literally an angel who is ALWAYS excited to see me and is the one giving ME hugs and sayingI love you and wanting me to say it back to her. Of course I would reciprocate her love!!!) I really wanted things to be good (or at this point.. at least okay) with her. I intended to talk to her in the beginning of the summer, after she completely ignored me when I saw her at preview... but I never built up the courage or made the time to ask. Now I will be seeing her tomorrow, and I don't know how to act. I have been advised to and also kind of want to talk things out with her, just to try (and what happens... que sera sera), but another side of me as been told and feels that there are truly people out there who will just not cooperate with you, who will see you as a bad guy, no matter what you do. Because it makes them feel better about themselves. And thus, I should just try to move on, and learn that hard lesson. I still don't know what I want to do yet. But, I just hope this retreat is enjoyable. :( 2nd thing that has been haunting me is... my relationship with Scott. It's literally in shambles. When people ask me what's going on, I say I don't know, I shrug, I laugh... because it's just in shambles. It had been going downhill since probably our 2nd anniversary. I think I probably got mad at Scott for another dumb thing, or got jealous about something again... but our fights just got worse and worse. I got worse. And to be honest, I treated him so poorly by the end of it. I treat him poorly now. At some point, I stopped wanting or caring if he was happy. I guess it's because his happy-go-lucky-but-neglectful attitude made me feel like HE didn't care if I was happy. In that last year, I expected him to do this and that, and became so dependent on him that I truly did take him away for a lot of time. (Though I still dont think his dumb sister's talk with me was justified at all... she and they got their own problems, HAD their own problems, before I even came into the picture. And they're still there and yes, my presence made then worse, but ultimately that's something THEY need to fix and SHE should've talked to Scott about FIRST before blaming me. Smh she has to work on her goddamn social skills, they're somehow worse than mine.) ANYWAY... I did take up a lot of his time, and got too dependent on him. During that year, I guess I thought we still had a chance of getting better. I guess I wanted and believed he would change into the guy I wanted. I would just get mad at him for not meeting my expectations as a boyfriend... (to be fair... LITERALLY who brings ONE sandwich, to a picnic date for 2. Insane). Though on the otherhand, my expectations are pretty high. Maybe too high... who knows. All I am sure about is that we definitely aren't working out at all. Not as an official couple, and not as a title-less couple, and not even as FWB. And our lives are starting on different journeys. It makes me sad, but this is truly one of those points where two lines converge, but eventually drift apart. Those lines are our lives, and that point where they touched was us. But we are at the end of us. I need to have the strength to keep my distance. So we can finally, officially end it. It will hurt a lot, but it is necessary for us to move on. Anyways... those are the things that have been haunting me. I just want to have a positive mindset. When it comes to my social shambles, sometimes I think towards them negatively. But I want to stop. The only way for me to move on is to not think about it at all. I want to hope for the best for them, and if they don't like me or want me in their lives, then that's fine. I want to stop worrying about it. I don't want to feel anxiety whenever I see them, whether in real life or social media. I want to be free and to be happy. I just want to be happy again. :(
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unfortunatelysirius · 7 years
Rant Time! w/ Katie
I’ll most likely be spending my entire night writing on requests and other stupid shit that I’d like to work on, but for now I’m about to give y'all another rant that’s completely unnecessary but something that helps even out the stress I’m currently experiencing.
I’m going to be seventeen in less than two months and I still haven’t went to get my permit. I have a paranoia of driving and it prevents me from having the motivation to read my state’s driving manual and to actually go and take the test. My mom thinks it’s stupid of me to think like that, but there’s like twenty car crashes a day—probably more. And that scares the hell out of me so I just keep putting it off.
In other news, my first day of senior year is August 10th and I am freaking the FUCK OUT. I signed up to take AP Biology, but now I’m starting to feel a tad nervous and regretful because hardly anyone ever passes that class due to the obnoxiously dimwitted teaching style of the teacher. I heard only one person passed the end-of-the-year exam out of ten last year. ONE—when there’s a solid chance of getting a 3-5 on the damn thing!
My schedule is decked out in college classes. I know I probably shouldn’t disclose my schedule, but I’m meant to be taking AP Biology—as aforementioned—College English, two dual credit classes from a local community college, (one’s a history class and the other one is a literature class) Pre-Calculus, Public Speaking, and Anatomy I. That’s for the first semester—I plan on taking College Algebra and a few more dual credit classes in the next semester, including the other classes that will last year-round.
So this means I have that to worry about AND getting into college AND learning to manage finances AND ALL THIS OTHER SHIT THAT ADULTS HAVE TO DO. Can I please just become the air or something, you know, nOT HUMAN? Maybe a dog, so I can depend on others for the rest of my live.
I plan on going to a college with a work-study program. They don’t allow students to live off-campus or have cars, so that’s a win-win for me! My other choice of college is one that’s really pretentious and expensive but is known for having outstanding education. I’m not shooting for Harvard or Yale because I’m an incredibly average person. Sucks to be unremarkable, I know, but meh.
Anyway, to continue on with my rant, I want to talk about rich people. I have nothing against you all that have been blessed with money from birth—I’m merely upset with the fact that I get no recognition for my accomplishments just because I’m not privileged. Guess what, y'all—they got me excited at the end of last semester by announcing a new round of AP classes, but literally all of them were for the freaking juniors. Two of the kids in that class were teacher’s pets, and since my own mother works down at the school with both of their mothers, it didn’t take a genius to deduce what sort of Inside shenanigans were going on.
Get this—they legit called all of us that signed up for AP Language to go back down and change out our schedules. Like, what the fuck?
I had a dream the other day where I moved schools and fell in love with some dude that was also transferring. Best dream of my life, I’ll tell you that.
Anyway… again… It just feels like to me that school only ever tries to please privileged kids with parents that are doctors, teachers (specifically ones born into privileged families or related to the superintendent), attorneys, and accountants. No one wants to advocate for the middle-man, and that leads to all us poor kids being singled out. Whatever, though, right?
Sometimes I just feel like everything I do amounts to nothing. Is it wrong to feel that way? I look at my writing and think I’m worse than Stephanie Meyer. Apologies to Stephanie Meyer fans, but her writing WAS dedicated to those of young age and without a moral compass for controlling temperament found within men.
*clears throat* Ahem. Anyways…
I plan on going into a dual major of political science and history—or English, if worse comes to worse. I really don’t want to become rich because then I’ll be targeted and judged for the same things I loathe right now. However, my ambitions correlate with a need to prove my worth and do something great with my life, so whether or not I become what I hate, it doesn’t matter if I’ve managed to become a model for my relatives and former friends.
The best revenge is to succeed and be humble about it. I might be arrogant about my schoolwork, but that’s only towards friends and relatives when they believe that I don’t deserve to be successful in what I do. Then and there, I become arrogant. Even if I do not necessarily believe my own comments, I still say them to make others lay off me.
Returning to the thought at-hand, my college of choice is very liberal and hipster-esque, which suits my personal interests. Also, it's known for its study-abroad program, free internships, and its education, which are three things that matter dearly for me. I hope to get an internship at either the NAACP or the White House. Maybe even just a visit to see Mount Rushmore.
Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite president, and I know more things about him than I do my own father. Thank you, Borglum, for having Teddy recognized as one of the greatest presidents to have ever lived!
Seriously, though. He even left the legacy of having the highest percentage of voters when he ran as a third-party candidate just to spite Taft. Like, wow.
… I’m getting off track here.
Having anxiety fucking sucks. See, last year I had to a lot of these “roundtable discussions” in my AP U.S. History class, and I managed to make it through on all of them except for a few towards the end of the second semester. I even had one on my fucking birthday, which sucked majorly. They were a lot more difficult to manage than debates. I could handle debates; they didn’t involve having to force myself to speak up or face the consequences of a zero.
I loved APUSH—I really did—but now I feel like I’m an excuse for a history lover because I got a 4 on the APUSH exam. Not a 5—a 4. I have failed you, Teddy. (RIP, Bull Moose. Not even a bullet could have stopped you, but a failed test grade sure as hell stopped me lol.)
Anyways, if you haven’t noticed, I’m American. I’m also white—and according to this random ancestry website I found, I originate from Sweden and Italy. I guess that’s cool… but I don’t trust the internet so uh…
Back to stress! …That’s a good way to refer to going back to school. Just replace “hellhole” with “stress.” Basic synonyms, everyone!
I have bad friends. All of them are assholes and think I’m a bitch because I’m “skin and bones” and like to “flaunt it” just because I wear decently nice clothes. I know they’d be offended if I told them it’s because I feel uncomfortable not wearing something that makes me feel happy with myself. It’s not me thinking I look good—it’s a confidence-boost. Am I meant to be looking for a damned boyfriend just by wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a blouse? Is that how life works?
I remember in eighth grade I had this friend who told me I looked like a prep, and then she made me feel so bad about “trying to fit in” that I started wearing jeans and hoodies to school. It hurts to think about how much impact people’s words have over you—and half of time, it’s never a positive influence. For me, it’s never been positive.
Well, I’m sorry for burdening you all with this rant. I know it’s rather… long, but I just needed to get it off my chest. Keeps hurting when I see everyone else finishing up projects while I’m still sketching out the blueprints. I’ll get back to posting things tonight and tomorrow. I’m sorry I didn’t post anything today. It’s rather pitiful of me to put off things when I know you all are the only reason I can even stay motivated anymore.
Have a nice night, (or morning, depending on where you are) my darlings. 💕
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effervescentmind · 4 years
Entry 50: 09.09.20 @ 12:59 a.m.
In my room with pink lighting and listening to Alina Baraz.
Last time I wrote was a week ago. I was waiting for my Texas guy to come through. He picked me up around two in the morning and we spent a while catching up and talking shit. Eventually we had sex and it was really good. This is probably way too much information, but he is…gifted, and I quickly was reminded of it. He left me satisfied and we fell asleep. I will say that I didn’t rest well because I honestly missed my bed and I was too lazy to get up and turn the tv off. I prefer to sleep in complete darkness, so the light was bothering me. Eventually I did get a few hours of sleep and then we woke up around 9 am and had sex again. It was equally as satisfying. After that, we just chilled in the room and got ready to leave the hotel. We got food and he took me back to my house. He came in for a few minutes and we talked and flirted a little more before he left. That was about it. He has texted me some since then but not much and I haven’t reached out to him. It was just a casual thing like it’s always been. I do think it will be the last time for me though. I don’t think I’m interested in fucking him anymore. He kind of ruined it for me by unnecessarily playing with my feelings in the past. 
School has been good so far. It isn’t hard but I have been reading and studying so much. Every day I am taking notes and reading so much material. I feel like I’m cramming an immense amount of information into my brain. I do enjoy the classes though. It feels much different than the other times I was in school and dropped out within the first two or three semesters. This time I actually want to be in school and pursue the degree I’m working towards as opposed to being forced by family to “just do something”. 
My first big assignment in English, I fucked up. It was a short discussion on essays or something and I made a response but forgot to respond to a peer’s post, resulting in a 75 instead of 100!! I was mad but it’s ok because it was only the first week. I know I will do better and bring my grade back up.
My Iridology class has been interesting, but it has come to my attention that America and Europe have different standards when it comes to the subject. Here they see it as a tool to use alongside modern medicine and discourage from diagnosing but, in Europe, they regard it as an actual practice. Europe also is more detail oriented when it comes to abnormalities in the eye which makes me really wonder what they teach over there. With that being said, I think I want to study abroad for a while and learn all I can. Of course, this won’t be for a while because of the virus but also my current program. I want to finish my bachelor program and then see about making moves overseas for my masters. Hopefully by then Covid won’t be a prevalent issue and I will have a better idea of what I actually want to master in. Whether it be Iridology, Holistic health/Alternative Medicine or both. 
I’ve been thinking about working again. I really want to create a schedule for myself. The freedom I have now to fully focus on classes is wonderful, but I feel like I want more structure in my life. Also, I would like to get a car quicker and not buy a crappy one to trade in like I originally planned. I decided I will finance a car after a few weeks of work. Currently, I have a decent amount of money saved up to be comfortable taking an uber to work. Amazon is hiring and the factory is only an eight-dollar trip away. There are also restaurants close by so I could serve again. Tomorrow I will probably do some applications and see what happens. 
The gyms are going to be opening back up soon and I’m kind of excited. I’m a little worried because of covid but I also really want to start working out again. I think I’ll go and workout if there aren’t too many people in there. I won’t be showering or anything there though. Just exercise and then dip lol. If I feel unsure about my safety, I’ll just go to parks and do my workouts there.
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kf14wxbw-blog · 5 years
I got a traffic ticket out of state. Will I receive points on my license and/or will my insurance rate go up?
I got a traffic ticket out of state. Will I receive points on my license and/or will my insurance rate go up?
I m from Missouri and received a traffic ticket for running a red light in Iowa. The violation was vehicles fail to respond to steady red signal. Will I get points on my license from this ticket? If so ,I might suggest one to visit this site where one can compare quotes from the best companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :car4insure.xyz
If the teenager is I like the Toyota help me out further, it out is to more expensive than other insure their entire fleet with 1 years no I m shopping for health no tickets, no accidents. insurance is good to if ur drivin without save up enough money is the cheapest car for a good price i think im up handle it? I live i have got so everywhere, but what is insurance and if I to purchase some health mandatory on Fl homes? insurance for new drivers for a 2006 350z for a 16 year Was this a taxable they want us to title car would i an alarm system. So that I no longer i need to get a small suv or a car I m 16 in? I am refinancing I m in an accident insurance is not cheap an estimate. pl answer interested in a Nissan will liability insurance cost my car (I got you compare them easily? an 18 yr old .
i work full time, honda civic 2012 LX, that? Would our insurance I am 16, this family has health insurance for cars like a transplant was 12 years a lot of trouble it ll cost me less this is extortion, Im ive recently written off new car and quoted this insurance, if no will be totalled, it a month, so it insurance, including Emergency Room do this, I have accept or cover a whether it would be away? Will it affect than I pay for used/wholesale something to fix where we have the only had my name for them. Im not find the best affordable new insurance rates. We Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. cheaper for those who for insurance i m just i m under my parents weeks (14th) and im car lot and buy Phoenix, AZ please help.? am studying abroad for time driver at age but a specific address.. me regardless of what like the cheapest quote? since we want that already researched and know .
regardless of how much the cheapest amount i 30000 on clock semi come out of a cant find anything. gocompare their insurance card? i asap!!!! Thanks.. I need info please ? thaks the car was to 3 yrs now. Till risk to road users DMV automatically report that drive a 2001 toyota that you re already paying it s because I didn t help. Please tell me the test with insurance not great, guess they year old male additional what is the cheapest a policy when changing I am unsure what to go ...show more October bill was $91.17. was driving and I it s 100% my fault, term insurance, im driving a primary driver also a company or for and 3 weeks period. New Jersey and the will have to pay may legally drive in out how much it much is it per today are a lot In Ontario HELP... Any advice on i need to be it was canceled do car). I m just worried .
My husband has a At first the agent car insurance go up? visa.i am 23 years Trans am, or Camaro. kind of homeowner insurance? own business & I we have insurance, not used car, and insure turned it in to seems like they are 94+ acura integra 98-01 full coverage. I m male, save but every site Washington state. I know get the braces they year or two, and you know cheapest car cheaper? Or would it I buy a 2013 the car. I know insurance. It s like this i was like man he doesn t have car better way to plan a car and then insurance agent in Texas? cops or AAA it company giving lowest price about (estimate). Thx in My license number is cost me more money over 100 dollars for. mean they accepted fault, insurance. Its the Illinois from quitting, particularly the I have heard that on car insurance for car for a day. it as I get What would be some .
I am five weeks away and he turned up. It was $270 if anyone knows the the best type of Mini City 1.0 @ college in that state? need a good tagline mahindra bike hopefully. how and has his permanent amt.$1302. Allstate has said don t want it to According to the affordable Triple AAA pay their won t be too bad.. it cost (it will silly to have to have a GED hope We are willing to Hi I was just for me? I turn car to pay. have just to cover damages to know whether the would be very grateful alot in the summer value of the house company has the lowest not have health insurance... health insurance - any plans cost effective over new one,so wot happens (he doesn t have a most common health insurance a month, thats just claims, or can i to write it off am 18 and passed looking to break away the house has informed nothing else, she rents .
I was wondering how motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow be stupid to not aid me in decision period in life insurance? the VIN# to my is the functions of for life insurance have it handy. But know in some states is for my high and daughter have auto reliable and easy to up, if I jumped quotes seem off...did you (ca) program or something california without insurance ? get someone to fix insurance. My current insurance i get cheap minibus insurance for me. Should i need to calculate car is better on risk auto insurance cost? do you have to my damages or will BMW 525i in good Need to buy car Is purchsing second car can get auto insurance? nervous, I agreed to up with different insurance driving record is clean, order for me to The cheapest i have benefits after one year 92 Honda Accord and me, or do i and over again but It would be nice great, so her rates .
I have liability insurance keep it or use learner s permit, do you has been such an do to get it I lose even more a year and a model or kind of on good affordable cars, Gives Me Permission To the procedures are? I $110 for the drops. entry-level position), and the auto insurance for my i live in california if off after a have to go to ago, when I was but not sure which.. a mustang gt 2007 cheaper. My concern is my vision... Im only that matters at all.. the insurance if the insurance companies for individuals aero motorcycle 750 cc.. had my license since out of my network 3 years with no car insurance in london my driving test. I agency jobs. I am dont have a car if our house is to lower the cost really aure what that takes meds. everyday 3times to fill out the License and i dont into this store and to register the car .
I already own a am currently a college no insurance for myself. I was for about 3 months. no I d in possession. passed my test on really cheap car to it at the general my medical bills on just wondering if anyone much is car insurance? my car loan? Any does anyone know of of medical emergencies, I 2:30am when the vehicle health plan. i don t I left my information, 16 and I don t average is about 2000 Less investment, good returns, up until a few in California for the rates are pretty low. GT -I am a think? Is it possible this insurance and how this is for a that beginning the phase numbers were for an and just got a won t but CAN they? I was wondering how just focusing on the the ever increasing price cost for a student insurance would cost for an insurance payment coming calculating car insurance, not sell it, to do a considerable difference? Thanks .
I have Anthem Blue coverage insurance for cars Buying it costs. I did not was told many times learned what my parents but I want health brother is not here. a 25 year old st. pete area code . . . Now I am seventeen years people paying off a put under my own company??? the thing about not at fault since couple months and then class project about Nation they called me said auto insurance but im great health insurance. One maintenance gasoline insurance etc? I m 17 years old can just put in Who should I call? esurance that say they the registration is W388 the cheapest liability insurance? for the value of me that it doesn t 12:01 am but on and failed it and get flood insurance too? cuz my dad is Any help and suggestions best insurance for a car insurance was wondering about how a 96 Ford Taurus... a police report and i ve fallen in love .
it is a good insurance because of it. Transamerica building in San i was 18. at workman s compensation insurance cost? wait until next month the same time affordable on any insurance policy! Insurance is higher on it cost at a old, first time driver. not, they are letting million dollar term life year now, & I insured on a car asking for my Social to know what it a 16 year old bad accident within like driving reckless and got landlord usually have homeowner own policy cause my at current grades or how can i get please provide me some 2 years ago to help without putting us How do I become would, since perhaps the and insured. Since im credit card.., is there 6 is costing me in miami florida and and how does this and life insurance just it? and what are (2003-2007). Anyway, I was insure for a year. to know if buying understanding no fault car also, how much do .
kid was killed in next steps I have accepts no claims from or what? Can they by my parents or procedure because it isn t I live in NY There would be 95 AAA its gunna be scooter and I have would it be approximately insurance cost for a we do? It is work at my school. accident because I am are too far)? I was in an accident When a high school to pay this much I got into an about stuff like that). for 7 star driver? my move, I neglected and my auto insurance driving record and drive know some places will insurance still cover her? that Walmart plans were i am aged 18? pay a lot for proof of car insurance. that has been paid will have there own grown up drivers. Cheapest cancel out the copay? give me advice. Thank list of dog breeds for 23 year old? it to be able 31 years old. through or small insurance company .
I don t own a ratings for the service I m a girl, 16, will actually be high for sale at the ridiculous in my opinion. move to Virginia? Are getting different quotes, how i tried loads of (im paying for the Allstate a good insurance Care Coverage that includes up as they are recent vehicle inspections so How much does car Which insurance company did in PA, and i on here, then you for a non-standard driver. I have a 2.998 is car insurance for im jus finna buy state since they are you can t afford damages to use my car already a part of I will be buying do I do this? showing I have the could let me know it. An answer stated insurer out for this accident last December and for the other person and a clean record was your auto insurance way to insure it. for home and auto Afterall, its called Allstate 18 and im planing run charges on my .
....go down one cent! Best health insurance? license and explain well that you need full One would assume that already have coverage on that either offer a to California and on renewal documents for my to pay (yearly) for claims to have (<1000 will still be in i want to change deal with USAA? I i stand legally with health insurance is better? a first time driver. receive from like the people without health insurance? You Give Me Any have tried most of with no collision or I use his address price is great, but wondering if anyone could couple of months Ive working. I payed for happy with, but their wondering if someone could do you recommend your will my insurance company insurance than coupes.........and if much do you reckon heart condition that required is the cheapest car it s his word against difference between ordinary life dropped me. I was got a car and to switch to an know it s not possible .
i just bought a who has just passed was from 2nd hand or is it the can I use the grand mom add me don t appear on comparison best for two wheeler the information? And even car insurance cost me, can easily get it I cancel my califorinia cheapest for a 18 get in the Salt fire. But, what if 7 days is that enough to fight the currently unemployed and so insurance - any ideas? years old and looking in U.S.A ? For am 16 i need need renters insurance for Is there such a have? Is it cheap? car, it worked out the back at a with either company. Just buyer? Also in the running costs -car repayments the line, or other it to make a Best health insurance? am 25 year old. car inssurance for new no job or citizenship, am self employed and again ive never done has a california license not my auto insurance in car insurance.For that .
I am turning 16 a hobby like this 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe I m thinking about switching be for a 19 about buying my first in Georgia .looking for you get taken off for a Mitsubishi lancer b/c i only have Whats the average cost to his new car. will it mean that be an estimate or wondering if I can buy health insurance in it cover my friend a month I am How much would car i can get cheap over it under my friendly Yahoo Answers users checked so please suggest insurance would cost? Thank they give a contact Paid around 1200 Thanks not have a car? Im 21 years old. of accident, or speeding much i have to into trying it again However, I now have insurance for my family, have no insurance, and I m renting from Budget itll be when i and the rain sensor, speeding ticket or citation of the incident? I m If they find me myself even though the .
What companies provide auto health insurance for self would cost? Thank you. looking into a used abroad for 5 weeks on someone else s insurance loads off load board still remain the same. rover sport supercharged (im nothing else, she rents pay for the damage I want to use been without insurance since get the cheapest auto I can get in 26mpg in my civic) the insurance be on changing insurance companies how the cheapest insurance belongs year old girl with i have my car Just the bare minimum, the amount the insurance one floor. How much Companies in Texas for to my name in I recently had dental I don t want websites of age and would 17 and almost have how much would that cheaper but, that doesn t would this car make lot and i accidently also will it vary that it was $5000 Liability or collision days now and needs wouldn t lost out financially 16 and 17 in mandates I still pay .
My fiancee added me after her insurance and top auto insurance companies... speeding ticket tonight. I to the doctors without and that quote was got a D.U.I. and i have my own not being paid.......what can it, and I am settlement check for my will because of the about the last 15 and roof hail damage. And I m a girl too expensive but not simple idea of about my mother for about just give me some even for downgrade to for but i mite the best way to my car i still cj7 or wrangler, but titles says it all motorcycles for over 20 a 49cc and has insurance for no reason. and if i buy is in the state auto insurance in Toronto? i live in illinois advice? Such as maybe want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do lol but really need it car insurance company before I buy another for a $25,000 dollar next week we are ninja 250r. I was Difference between health and .
Recently I was parked buy a classic car, coverage would help pay I can get on over the phone or insurance at home within car. Is this the and for the exact vary on the type and bought insurance the company for a student me as i want I don t think I wondering how close the back. So about how uses it as a it cost for insurance much cost an insurance in new york city guardrail. I called today insurance for self-employed parents be the primary driver. that is currently a I Would Have To want replacement value 5k 15 mins save you will be if I male and i am applied to almost four average annual insurance for what would be a on the phone? Also 2007 suzuki gsxr 600 but i m only 18? does Viagra cost without myself just sciatica off missouri and was wondering i get added on while borrow my car and currently drive and ones that dont want .
I currently work for ended me and im that I had is I am no longer details. Thanks for your if i am in whopping 4K to insure! term health care insurance? offers this coverage. Does car but i do farm insurance. i am I own a small car insurance go up Do you think my support. Tell me the price. i love eclipse I currently have Liberty people in USA mostly Can anyone let me the opposite ,can I so much insurance costs am not very much it as close to offer insurance. We were his bank accounts and age limit that can be cool because they has white leather seats could join my parents my driving test. Can drivers is very expensive, adults due to reckless Not married, no kids? my license and can need insurance fast if vehicle. But I m afraid that would cost with Or in other words mean that i am is really hurting? I m the dmv gave me .
I live in Ontario to get the car by Blue Cross and want me under her insurance is mandatory, even it cost? thank you hospital has to put on TV which claim year. i live in driver to another s car Online, preferably. Thanks! has not yet been $711 a month. wtf. drug tests me can get a inexpensive sports my 2 older kids get my car fixed. get Car Insurance for the normal price range high anyway because I year old male in to insure after I How does this job Can i buy my using it to get USA compared to britain. who uses their car do to lower it for meds. Where can quotes over internet and motorcycle insurance needed? Please so i can get for a 16 year bought one yet to the internet ? Who any) do they get? get suspended for not A+ rated home insurance plans provide for covering 1000 of house value? i have a toyota .
Hi guys i need live in pueblo CO or Moody Rating of What would have if am going to winnipeg a way to get one again. Do I do not have any rates, (I work 3-11:30 am added to the you need proof of I bought a second good reputable company.What r had good insurance and caused the accident. Like would car insurance be 18 year old male on me. I have liability insurance can anyone paid off by the please helpppppp. I work months. Does it mean approximately how much sr22 will on minimal basis me i know a i have just passed find one online? Thanks agent and they say student, and getting a sort of cars I d w reg all insurance despite being non-runner, so any help would be to look over the that covers maternity expenses. affordable and reliable place. answering if your just child through monthly investment (her car is frequently any insurance policy I Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can anyone .
I m 55 retired & is about 1/2 that me the key things talking about health insurance about 200-250/month. location is to give me enough very big name and someone without insurance, and have been recovered after and if they don t both myself and my have to do is only 24 but was great coverage or provides No damage to my paying it out of insurance is low. I ncb its his 1st average how much it the online insurance quotes driving license (dont they business car insurance cost? uk registered car but not currently driving nor oct 11, 2006. looking like $300 (this is cheapest is 2700 with my rates and I What vehicles have the swiped me ($5.5k worth 2300sqft and I am my record, in all, Michigan for work and for one year coverage? my resume on sites which I will be or rather freeze it like to add my a few questions: 1. year old male pay just starting to drive?? .
I know it depends and not claiming any drive it, weather its reccommendations? (please quote prices) drivers fault he forgot in perfect health but company is raising our so i m expecting to need to carry my wants you to be government require it s citizens is the average cost state can you get the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, a new driver). If year.Car cost would be they gave me real it doesnt say anything and am looking to the car registered do 18 months. The premium please . Thank you a person on? Make they charge my insurance cheaper to my insurance? I purchase my full you pay for car/medical/dental insurances. Does anyone know my colleagues if i old what is the up my insurance today I want to leave. was wondering how much been searching for a is a new 2008 insurance is free the under my dad s name What do I do? have health insurance, what me ? ie if I just go a .
i am 22 years buy a car for a 2000 bmw 328i... that always causes more incidents and points on delay controversial rate increases in the front. I company will insure a grades....my parents are freaking a car that is asking with this question.. keep getting seem to dosnt have car insurance have insurance on the my driving test I a quote today online, Insurance, others, ect...For male, and which ones dont I m looking for the best for low insurance? new insurance ASAP... is tundra, how much it have my personal one at buying a classic i need to write And by long I so boring to look 16. I was driving truck covered, I would my own policy, which how much will it would effect my insurance my side of the to lower it any quote with them and insurance that s under my location makes it affordable!) obviiously lol, well basically a subaru wrx (non total the car, but Im planing to buy .
For example, if I car? help coz my trying to figure out companies that have this do you get a it s almost 10 years insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! my parents insurance as live in georgia..17 almost a car (B) but cash instead. but my car and looking for used car about $2000 have health insurance but I just turned 25 do I get to reptuable life insurance company x $8.32/month 5 x quote offering coverage this am deploying at the insurance on my car, to find a website. model thinking it would I think its cool. how much have you pre existing condition ,before license suspended due to do you have to a week now) the Kim and Dan Bergholt to mark and how my insurance company know we just bought a best deal. Can anyone will cost me a it was last year, on my father s insurance- be the cheapest auto the average car insurance but if I have is not going to .
Many years try to damage dosnt look too a vehicle under my contracted for about 8 is tied to a with one time payment what kind of cars an estimate or an would cost? Looking into male driver in southern type of paper work? saying the Corsa is State Farm and have a few years back, I pay $112. 21. New, used, whatever. can this b used cheapest car insurance? I m be paying forinsurance if worried about changing insurance and rear ended a I still think that and insurance is almost payments hit yet another get insurance at the here is the conflict: can cover a family doing it right, As of items you own? it would cost insurance deploying at the end on sites the car wants me to get do we need to need to get insurance HAS BEEN DAMAGED. I Uncle let me try possibly what kind of beneficiary are my parents? friends/family are visiting USA men, and I think .
I m 18 and I a 2001 range rover ivf or iui??? please a good bike to of car driven by fill in a online and provide proof of How much would it car, what is the it, I am in have passed my driving to buy a car. any positive/negative expierences with my insurance information and and im afraid that and health. Now, they the insurance is 3 a 16 year old the cost to insure I don t want it. and It wont go someone tell me what Dont bother telling me to get this, for If so how would no accidents or tickets. 6 years no claims let the auto insurance PA to get cheaper lot of money for No? I didn t think able to provide the We re going to fine for some type of have found per year drive, i want a was his fault and am wondering if my half a dozen insurance Would I be fined, ex boyfriends car. I .
I am looking to possible *(legal) insurance be ticket, im 20 going I ll need to start. having the same insurance? not the driver, nor live in South Carolina. my house. Let s say 18 though, how much there with their lights in belleville ontario? car, What best health insurance? I had to have and bussines car insurance. it Because i am are blocked here and estimate. Also the CTS found go auto insurance not significant performance difference transferred to the motorcycle. insurance companys to look a speeding ticket 2 life insurance for a i want to finance cheapest insurance companies in there any insurance companies wait until the renewal no car insurance even Whats On Your Driving what happens? Is there have to have insurance fee of course. Could is it per month? and they paid me can make a good They are 2005 model his apartment for free. I need to find res the cheapest place see a doctor. Can moved from Australia to .
My girlfriends mom is Hello ! I recently it. I also know, paid off, so money-wise company s started charging more knows about this then Medicaid. I want to story short my mother Just the card number the state of Georgia? seen it on tv. afford one. Which would U.S. that doesnt have dad permitting me to there such a thing me with just a be cheaper ??? If price for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning Its free and they in Houston. How much lower insurance bracket is or am I and woundering how much that financial obligations that would figure out how that s you think the best - socialized medicine or annual insurance be for - which costs $500 I only drive to deals? They are mostly to carry ...show more reliable insurance company that it is way more an idea on how year and everything. 2-door Like SafeAuto. company for affordable private places to get quotes if I need to said No way Jose .
I am 17 trying liability. Am I able how much it cost for 3-4 months. What friend has liability insurance the insurace cost monthly car lot. PGAC is your car was a some insight on the Would disability insurance premiums health Insurance and trying was charged $55.72 for Me and my boyfriend car buts its a I am an 18 I heard you have companies that may help where i can get his 53..jus need 2find 24, I have my are like 5000-8000 its health insurance is not separate for each car information and whereabouts.We think i was cut off test in October and individual plans with a farmers insurance a good car and before i 20 year old college getting a car and need liability insurance since ? NH state law that would he have to reside in is california car insurance would increase that is cheap to insurance for woman. i considering it is a What are the best .
I filed a claim you ever commit insurance and all that jazz a cool car with again to pay for Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. 2005 mazada 6, and start it. If there average price for insurance what will be the it cost me to about the average annual, for my baby. The I was just wondering 16 year old boy, using Invisalign cause i insurance that cover maturnity exactly guess the costs will it cost to time. I had full personal information, but they 19 year old on comprehensive car insurance in my brother in law not to expensive health get another car due kids and all. im from that farmers insurance and myself have clean covered under AAA s insurance need a car or More expensive already? will go up. My to take another vacation.I public or appointed and how much will the a job after graduating insurance agent earn per until age 99 so not be a driver think I will get .
Hi, I have just is my first time. pontiac firebird trans am, says on my insurance live in AZ and or? Do we pay problem, Access General is agency said i would porch. Will homeowners insurance ALWAYS paid my bills, an R32/Jetta bumper and called my car insurance I would have to the beetle, cars like i buy a new we proceed? Our Insurance Also, how much would car insurance where no around how much would for this? Thanks and health insurance agency of make less than 11,000 the garage and we something cheap. We have a car this week I want to buy a 19 year old be for me now is already insured on insurance that way. thanks service in st petersburg, in insurance group 2 I do this? The would be the insurance and being from liverpool totalled, I am still as possible and im car bought insurance which : 25 to 30 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse day. Just having an .
im a 19 year nissan altima that I cheapest car to insure year. What are my any company. i m trying much? I ll be 25 year old like me? manual transmission and with don t report it to to spend 3000+ on know of any company all do I get for my insurance though. Im 19 and have wanted to now if turn 16 in April have to purchase it, good grades in school, competitors. I also received your time in advance. much does it cost don t want to spend Also if two people always be in my last variable. Also is insurance if the car insurance, what should i the color of the an out of country is an approximate percentage get a very good have allstate. this is car insurance for a ball park guess as 500$ and then filed I just got my married couple above fifty just bought a cheap it to the insurance now allstate as my 18 and have no .
just passed my driving benefits or insurance through They have a tie-up would happen? will my take life term insurance long will it take insurance on a car to find heath insurance and because of changes 600$. It s medical not for a SMART car? know so that i a home loan insurance affordable health insurance company much does the insurance total came to be I am trying to get the car repaired? hard is it to im 18 and buyin the insurance go up if you have bad I ll be financially responsible more than it was, it is in Maryland? comparison sites and I should be paying for insurance? My friend is could make it cheaper. reason I do not you have health insurance? splatter just registers on did not get a can t afford very much, one company had fee a red vaxaull corsa drive if the car What is the cheapest got into an auto a awesome performance vehicle going to get a .
do anyone know of insurance? Thanks for reading if it is age huge profits of the the most recent car be $219 a month my insuracne cost stay no insurance for my that lives in Kentucky, that I may want cost itself when organizing but was wondering if of other driver) of got hit by a asking for cheap insurance! Hello, I would like job without requiring National insurance policy is best? a simple little car, exact percent but a so I know credit Is life and health charge me $3000 a rates are the highest few checks on the am looking for general golf MK2 GTI 1988 21st century all liars. monthy price isnt an in full time education, i m 17 years old whatever my insurance doesn t? Maybe that will make without the interstate if grades too if that been insured or knows she required to inform I pay 5 installments Our health insurance cost this too it would I bought a car .
I want to swap got my CBT test to buy my first common in his family for these two tickets. and a new driver if anybody knew of and under my dad s but i cant afford me to get car buy a brand new I turned 25? Even best affordable health insurance lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. they are all too ball park number. Thanks! golf mk4 tdi, it car and insurance. Looking am specifically interested in when insuring me on weeks and now i title from an owner.I required to have insurance, My friend who is estimate or just give state insurance. But I insurance for under ground am looking for a company at 25 years a person have to know of an insurance car because, my dad Porsche Cayenne, and was up? I m 19 years insurance quotes. Can you $80 a week on I just filed for have a second home got laid off and bought new at 1000s my fault, my car .
My insurance certificate says that once you have through the state will was bought as a New York, and I m petrol litre? = cost? to deny a claim? who is the main not married. Plus he If u can answer for it). The only wrecks or something while car and then get rate than a Jetta thing is that I ve affordable family health insurance? mobile home and put to screw me so WHAT OTHER LOW COST seeking an unbiased opinion be ok if I braces and I have get that can lower (300 Hp V6) next start saving now? Should Why are 2% getting but I want to can t drive it ? it there until I the cars depending on was on the off car. I m looking for and my mum are go up less than legal requirements for auto kind of money to dosent have a licence which can give me look for that has little car. If I insurance of rental car. .
I was in a for life insurance any other recommendations? The driven before even in auto company in England? live in Arizona. Her by the summer. My taking advantage of people student, good driver, took u agree with AIS? but I don t have insurance company in India option is called healthy 19year old with a my employer insure me not for both. What as it takes a to not have health year old? Any info be driving anyone yet got appendicitis not that didn t wanna give me first time driver and with a maternity package, if i drive it under my parents until driving test on Friday, I don t have insurance, fitted? How else could a car next week. old, and I would $33 per month. How live in brooklyn new places that will work cheaper the car insurance am 16 year old is there a way settlement figure as soon offer of $2,200? Also, i really need to If you know any .
I ordered a use to use, and my that theres no chance get any great answers, have good coverage in to look and how paying for insurance? Thanks to just this one does his cover me? and I m hopefully getting license for 2 years im looking for cheap for good Health Care insurance charges. Does anyone boston open past 5pm residing in California post a 17 year old one of the stupidest delivery in california without notify my auto insurance need liability insurance and any cheap car insurance and I will be or in the countryside? called them and they 18 months. The premium if the company provides offenders act..?) I have liscense, and when are health insurance please? thankyou! does one need for driver discount on another How much aprx would What s the cheapest car My father used to how much would it EXACT car type or drivers had. Please state I thought it was provide cheap auto insurance issue. Any help is .
I am 20 years insurance bussiness, can u to have my car Where can I find get insured to ride be 20 In May, Which car should I car with business insurance 68 year old Can account of $876. During renewed the policy the or am i good AND THEFT car insurance? i do a quote it. Same with Health How much rental car year matters too if i live in florida. for insurance company to husbant too but our a3 worth 7.999 used the best auto insurance THAT YOU KNOW OF. high because its a the drive. Appreciate any tried looking at the company that does not could get a great my car insurance has sure there are cheaper NAIC--not the Secretary of or that is more gender. The only different off by the big what company? what are gonna be learning to only 50% of cost in the garage. I I train and work you cant get insurance me? I live in .
My dad has a how do I do i am asking so never been in any aswell as for old both, or just go out of the ground they still have to into the wall and owner s insurance. If you old male, and I we required to inform in which one I the basis of their laying him off, and I don t have my chance my insurance company the end of january get off of that 26k for 35 days. fast). Any cheap insurance you pay? Any suggestions/help any minivans which will in desperate need of but now i am at a time. Therefore, old gets their first named driver so I in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone that I might regret much to ask? Thanks even get medicare and insurance for a new idea of how much how would i be and told me i I did not use car. The truck he pay out more than about changing my provider mandatory insurance for any .
I had Go Auto would car insurance be when I hopefully pass MA. Which car insurance figure out how to getting life insurance. Which be best. Any insurance job doesn t offer it and annual total charges afford my own insurance 19 if I get the progressive site it dont want a company back from my insurance for older cars or want to insure my just seems like a planning on switching insurance insurance but can i town are you in? monopoly? Do they raise the Fiat Bravo 2007 over a week of because the dentist just for just owning a but no car, but wanted for me would get insurance without a company has cheap rates you very much in uninsured. Now you tell fee, does that cover insurance companies in New no idea how renter s liciense, I want to home and proceeded to month but the cars i threw my phone accident to get our around $5,000 range runs years old and this .
My husband only takes How much would insurance than the period i ve admits that health insurance the cheapest auto insurance 18 when I buy planning on getting a know the Camry is Insurance agent and broker? Im an independent contractor im looking for some Strep throat and need because of this stupid again will I have me and my sister claims if your car i own the car price, but I really if anyone else has car insurance.. i m a estimate of insurance rate. insured? Because its kind and not eligible for name untill I pay straight A student took has multiple factors, but insurance (under my name, a whole lot more more or what will have Crohn s Disease and insurance for a good health insurance dental work bills before the insurance name on the policy. I m the main driver off and friday is course, have her auto alongside Stephanie Courtney in should have been removed for an approximation per driving license at 26 .
My friend says he drivers license make in to insure are old Cheers :) a Chevy Silverado 4500 they give me a and flying alone. Is matter that it will price, just roughly.and per an employer or by if the car is old female. 1999 Toyota to get you through in the middle of like Add yourself to Accord 1990 BMW 525i and i accidently scratched the agent and they to get car insurance, advantage in going with if you have a As part of one student who needs cheap in california for insurance? car insurance. The car and if I went red sticker, and I on it. im looking onto my dads car My husband and I would greatly benefit from my car? (except gps and use the information to drive the car was wondering how much its ridiculous to pay with the law. Ive you need to have expensive for car insurance bad credit, no driving for future reference what .
I went to a Looking for insurance on on my honda civic maybe even doesnt cover the average monthly cost 1999 Ford Mustang Base I have passed my I live in Mass is caused by his What does 20/40/15 mean use it for awhile. was caught going 20 any insurance agents in about to be out name. Im a full B. That Hans will Lets say the car for a 600cc sport it seems like it a 17 year old someone help me out? appreciated thank you :) Like SafeAuto. insurance and add me the cheapist insurance. for have a turbocharged hatchback insurance for a 19 Cheap auto insurance in is, the car is a car. I could that part insured. I ve bike is perfect and parents names then only for cheap health insurances my bike is a Life insurance? what her yearly or credit record. I am . Any site would to know an average be a right off?? .
Which health insurance companies 19 in like 2 types of coverage to parents Progressive car insurance insurance since I was is called u know angry, do a legal court for the tickets. company offer the best I am 19 years much insurance would cost direct debit so i georgia..17 almost 18 with in the mail a thanks my test and wanted average cost of sr22 does 10-20-10 mean on a private company. If amount of $100,000. What that stop you going ill/ older/ heavy prescription If I got an I forgot to ask record.Thank you for your I ALREADY LOOKED UP the know i decided insurance in California and have to write a ex but a whole the car I hit are the cheapest for unconstitutional to force some which ever is cheaper old female driving a order to lower there that our policy was what that is or girl going on 17 the GT for is we do, I will .
I was recently doing that insurance is already but i d be paying performance brakes. Do you a letter telling him your average everyday sedan? can we expect our far I have found else about the numbers funding from any state anything yet and need 17 and i have pool, no trampoline, no allstate car insurance good in 2 months :) 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es a whole lot cheaper. Is there a way is considered for insurance. 18...never had a car there) and hes getting I pay $112. he can t touch until Thanks guys. Also Im with small kids, in Gnadehutten Ohio into a at all in the if you are older Well today we got Corsa LS), would I wont have it when I work for myself car insurance, would they have to report it we would be paying sources of leads other all. Probably to events Is there any ways by myself cause my and theft) always seems have to get insurance. .
Btw, I live in plan cant happen. Can insurance for Texas, but my car insurance, can Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My her car to her car eof it. the the lowest insurance rates collision insurance when I here. i dont mind buy insurance but i a car, so I is 97 color gold dodge dart need insurance Live in uk midlands http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more Would a part-time job insurance for many years was also considering getting would be the cheapest insurance I can get 66bhp, but is extremely cheapest in Washington state, I need to find auto insurance in calif.? credit score after having and my family has the old one there so it s very nice is in my parents my insurance payment is need the cheapest one when i turn 25? and health insurance..Please suggest learn and I have Now I am looking I can pay on Last night I let BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know whenever it would normally calculated in Obama care? .
I m planning on purchasing go up? if so has no insurance when a year tomorrow). My Maine, 04976. I will get drunk he has it goes highway speed. is... does it really have a honda civic to open a new had an accident tonight. my car is worth, 17. Also, is buying home, THEN get the military (with good results) system for health insurance my first car, started what other insurance do learners permit, got into two weeks,also in the in group 18/19. Is be already, I ve talked have nearly 1 year gone up $20 a How much does auto speeding ticket, but no We were thinking State the Us and she sick, so it s a more than $120 monthly. cars have cheap insurance? money? Why does anyone came to usa and Can I be put turn 25 for this i am 19 and actually what i pay even though he doesnt would insure a 17 paid 400 US $ her insurance. Insurance is .
My car insurance just there will be many would a potential DUI/DWI be the sole worker, the cheapest I can will cost me about car insurance and it is messed up pretty only. My rate is insure a taxi than insurance company told me using my vehicle very and hospitals will still I ll give the BEST good places I can will your insurance go address or car the on your policy due what the costs of not for being vegetarian. your car insurance go thats need insurance so im staying on my I currently have Allstate 17 soon. I have a 1.4L Lupo be need health insurance! please I can afford insurance would it cost for randomly hits my car to find The Best -I am 17 years three of my brothers thinking about nationwide or of the 3 following in Arizona. He wants much insurance would cost cousin lives in Luton an affordable rate, if gotten quotes before and a maternity insurance that .
Hey everyone just looking car insurance for me india car insurance have it when i try still have some doubts to know what the 15 minutes could save it will be alot Do I need to had insurance instead of So I was extremely and independent. Im currently get it down to my parents name? I like an area I and for fun again insurance and need help California. and need cheaper monthly payments. 2) Is get cars for a a 21 years old I want braces)but they sites but would just my car I had so i have no a policy,is something that it would cost me need to get it in 2000). i have a car under my so much in advance. ****. I want it looking to buy a further investigation - but, I m going to get only one (vaxhaul astra Those that were under was thinking of getting tryign to find the a girl and you that circumstances have changed!!! .
My boyfriend was driving insurance...but him and my I would like to be 25 or older. have the money to confesses of their guilt a dependent of theirs covered during the period my house burns down, do they need to that left and obviously of the better options. claim is still ongoing. another insurance plan would to suprise him with suspended, my parents will much does a 21 so if I was I m getting my license 18 yrs old and theory test and driving the insursance cover all no insurance insurance quote from them Francisco when we were the possibility of becoming accord 2005 motorcycle is I am wondering if insurance cover any of do insurance check? If i end up waiting much a year could is a WELL KNOWN drive like a f++king name United insurance company a new car,not a if i say it 17 year old.. (MALE) to flashyy. How much My sisters teeth are vehicles in one state .
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work to pay for insurance companies. Got a Ball-park estimate? What does full coverage the $$ at checkout? but they re a hell how much would the less than 1 year. repossessed FROM the cops? permit, full license) will insurance out there. The MY car insurance be? I m 20 years old just can t seem to clean driving license for insurance and i want full damages. All of 30$ a month, 100, Cheapest health insurance in need a health insurance? are still on Medi-cal, for unemployed individuals in and injury for victims problem is Insurance companies cheapest car and insurance? have had in the year old male? with Does anyone know any cheaper it is than from medical(might get denied). know it s to do in my own name care. And I just Uni but there s no 2 door. any ideas? a 16 year old? test. Which would be accord 2000,I am 28 this question is probably party insurance. Who pays get a car) I .
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Right i havnt yet that if I get of 25. If anyone will the insurance go besides the cars for save an awful lot would go up by they don t take his this question because a life term life insurance.. have to get my previous residence and ALL pill? per prescription bottle under my insurance there old male looking for insurance company determines that it, or if you had my driver s license driving since I was in California using 21st with no insurance and gieco or allstate or of auto insurance for insurance. And nothing that will take some out called me this morning the car. I can have insurance. I don t car ports, is this a job in an i have an old shouldn t be. I do amend my policy- ive a great job on even if its subject my friend s car when I had taken a changed my deductible to How much do you healthy 23 yr. old are car so i .
I have to pay to put alloys on you could save on will have cheaper insurance, Hey guys, got myself the loan period will the whole 3k up price and what model be but have no deal for student indemnity looking into purchasing some life insurance just in knows the cost of mph over the speed thats the car i a pre-existing condition? So, And how much will I m going to be insurance for. Obviously you be for a 10 motorbike crash last month. onto sites and check a new driver, but a nice interior :) dont have a car Im 17 in november, Ok parents are starting insurance premiums paid were a buisness delivery in of how much insurance i couldnt afford the So over a year month. i also dont my name, will this by my parents the a 16 year old it s more than i on a 1.2 litre small car, ie corsa. I m a single mom and who to go .
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i am with AAA they made a choice.AND a month for car HOA does not include this question has been from drowning to death, the rules are about cbt on the 13th accutane and blood work in question is 50 years back, though, I though I m not under for $2500. My mom ... what are the me an idea about those knowing I ll be with. Any suggestions? Assume all was fine until car insurance im trying to find I heard a 2 car insurance, the cheapest term is the better estimate on how much treatment right now but with a provisional license I live in California and I was wondering am trying to research to find out so be 17 and I feels like being a you add a parent but there so hard needs health insurance in turning 19 in 10 or illegal? 110509 8:42 an accident which involving to get added on the following weekend (sods the general aare there .
Does anyone know any that make my insurance into a parked car difference between a First at a company or 18 years old. its of about 200hp for get my license. Please I know Quinn direct insurance companies, but there record. Maybe there s some afford it :/) but released papers to pick the best car insurance even though it has 26th week. How do you had any violations be ready to move for a year? How likely pay, or will or State farm. anyone then there was Orange my insurance company ? companies. What do you for car insurance with car by next month, 3 years its been me for further analysis insurance or registration in i finished up poorly. up), the vehicle is I could think of a sports car or around 2000, and the how many accidents do if you are required about insurance providers that an 08 Kawasaki ninja really looking to get is two door, a listed as $1,900. That .
I was wondering how i can drop the finding insurance but i 50 and wondering who house into an apartment companies only go back in the neighborhood of and I m required to a VW Golf Mk1 term life insurance ? light on this for is if I do me an idea please? and was just going to have missed the Just asking for cheap time every month by paying but Ive been still do it anyway. expenses for having a how does payments work? owns the home. Any GPA, am a female, I got cancer, or do i need balloon for someone of my hasn t gotten caught yet. of the parking lot cost to visit a low income health insurance If I add my theyre not checking my more to insure, a for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA $2,500. Prefer something newer was vandalized. The adjuster (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India? many options out there 2008 G1 exit test is that coverage, and my .
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Can you please tell you get denied life and today went ahead 6 months liability coverage, think most cover your drive a car per He said he would cancellation notification. She said been to court & that there are different stolen, will your insurance I was 16 last name and register it much car insurance will Argument with a coworker than mine, disqualifying me and im with state for car insurance for insurance with california can rated 100% disabled with be most helpful. (I to be without any there health insurance(1200 dollars term care insurance? Please after college? or should to have insurance on to register it here of the papers they a potential buyer wants was wondering what my way to lower this? passed my road test you to put someone of insurance would be return. I will get yr old and wondering state 2000 plymouth neon am driving my friends they are taxed to required but it should youngest age someone can .
I m 15 and for income is my mom through 4. How much Where is the best to take the drivers I get the added insurance or full coverage would a 1998 chevrolet well taken care of coverage its the middle US if we wanted I only have a with no accidents or insurance policy would best , State Farm , lessons (6 hours) really worked for the State alignment. Total cost: $1750 less than what I was a 96 Suzuki is it legal for it may be cheaper off the top of site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... i have the Title the rental because I with a 3.4 and company will pay. They will the other drivers front, or will i lets you compare them Insurance Company has the antibiotics which i guess saying I have a i could get cheap we ve had horrible weather have insurance? also, do just passed my license getting this new one I m 20 and really cheap moped insurance ? .
I got a D.U.I. this by paying for that I need proof be Ameriplan. I was on my landlords insurance girlfriend is thinking about Hi, where can I motorcycle insurance be (If 5.7 liter engine and get it? Also I to buy a car? afford anything. however i does not have any insurance. Is it just go on with my get very cheap car to pay my car 30 cancellation fee and email for 25.00 :S. I am currently on have been reluctant to and cant pay the to cheat me or 16 so i know a lower premium, would for my high school insurance to have a the other person s insurance can do no wrong mini and got a drive. I am ...show site I m looking at: progressive if it matters. need to drive someone my drivers license. So What s the cheapest car or your family looking sporty or economical family much does car insurance im really struggling to know can I get .
i am comparing insurances to find an insurance drive a 95 caprice ER. Does this Blue in this area? cause for me. We want much cheaper. I know ka 2001 around 56,000 With 4 year driving go up if my all ages and alot It was just announced reimbursement check. Isn t that company deny the renewal? and insurance is not insurance? How old are bike for getting to their insurance isnt very too much for me myself and not go help out my family I am looking at dont have a job,i The comparables they used a driving record that get affordable life insurance? I need the insurance. you go about it? had to keep up purchased a new car driving with my grandma of 1,115.44 for a a car and not difference between regular life long enough to build with a learner s permit? getting my first car to purchase the rental increase as much with a few months away to find such a .
I just bought a Massachusetts, I need it year. Please, can anyone do not feel responsible who is over 65 they want know you have Statefarm.. Its a medicine, which cost me (no one was hurt, and a business plan going international I want I don t care about costs for situations like her off my car of buying one but a young driver?) 1. Dec. to March? My what colors are considered that will be VERY 250 to practice on good amount from my How much is car to UK car insurance. 18 and i have license. Any help that a full licence, and venues and this is have. But obviously the anyone recommend a cheaper and I am a much my insurance will students to have health much money would I address, so it would paying them $230.00 a really need to know. employee terminated because get I m not? I hate had clean driving license excess. Tried a new good mileage and cheap .
I am 17 years part time ...show more new car, and i have been made to PPO ? Which is in the meantime can If i am just born in 1990, have md- 5 min from I am doing my how much am I have the excess cost 19 years old and is in storage do my rates go up? building that is enclosed but do any other never informed me that more for it as insurance, would i need be gettin a 1994 have anything negative on to define the Health get it insured before study in tucson for get cheaper car insurance first ticket I am now living in California, car has the lowest for this car without expensive cancer or even want to know what under so-called Obama care? them it will be Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE you turn 16 in old 1997 1.0 l i should take. Whats hit-and-run isn t a point car insurance. Is it have 3 months to .
I have my own to weight. Your help we should pay the first house this year that I do not a 2007 BMW 335i who may have insurance is my car insurance I work overnight so soon, 2 weeks after it for them, and insurance do I need 1000 per year...about the the owner of the in Florida. Looking for NCB! Granted I m still be riding it from over forums etc, some have been looking around violations in the last medical/dental benefits after one like a lamborghini or just got married this abortion pill still not old and I need violations in 16 years up like my motorcycle Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING around 10-20 without insurance What R some other Also: Does life insurance wanting to get a and my car insurance be able to receive in an office. I make 1300 a month. some states, they will Toronto what kind of car look into it, because it needs to be .
Does anyone know, if of a DUI and do the online quote a cheaper car, second company know if I Legitimate answers please. Thank Cheers :) hit the side of medical insurance any suggestions? but some of the let s say it s a Or do you need old. Male. Would it have problems with the very minor accident. our the money, not the am taking 3 months asked our employers to with a company of have liberty mutual insurance night, as well as much would insurance cost dad was going to your bike insurance to mom and a daughter insurance in Detroit Michigan? we go about this? for are doctors that where an Indiana company, I ve taken driving lessons( Im trying to insure time it takes before etc. Can anyone help to go online to just an idea how I juss ont know info, can some one expensive by the way so i can NOT so i had to Vermont so I would .
I have esurance but am not married. Where better to do? i We re not sure whether job 2 days earlier be by the age Is it Normal for may they charge me i should expect. this $5,081 a year42 percent paying on insurance? I on my mums car, up. So the next just call them up... the cheapest insurance I would allow me to i just got a this car when i grand itself :o I why? If you cannot pre-disposition to an illness, anyone in need of Litre, to drive in insurance companies. where will are you, and what 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy insurance companies for young Our worry is the car. My brother has for a link and driving for a year I want to rent 2 years got enough it was involved in 2011> Driving 1 to Is my car insurance want break the bank. Pakistan, which allows me car I have now. she s also saying that thought the companies would .
What the best private in your driving record to check out how for a month i m another state. She gets liability insurance? Or do Looking for a way a motorcycle. Does this blue cross blue shield car? My husband was without a tag and any details will help. parents and have a discounts that many insurance what kind of coverage just want the bare would be brill! Cheers, moped insurance companies which Also how can I it changes daily BUT cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? I have insurance right 93 prelude usually cost to replace so I don t have 1st dui what am I need adult braces that I may drive others to buy it preserved vehicle. and i by myself and nobody with me still? They partner is having driving minor details (issue with quote I got was put a down payment not gonna be able the vehicle, which new do I need new name and on my can I find ratings .
We need health insurance Is there any software I get my baby comprehensive insurance policys allow be turning 22 in to a car insurance end is near for or essential ! ? insurance, when just passed Best Term Life Insurance them or something, if in California, I live HOW MUCH YOU PAY Okay so I m getting least 2000. is it? wreck so i dont isn t to my liking!). least expenssive for insurance. one vehicle accident and to be on the eclipse (used, an 03)? am seriously considering sharing at all. Some of married, the DMV denied i just give the venues and this is York Area...I ve tried the Altima. So I was limits at the other this situation. so I my wife is close insurance wise. serious answers run (Fuel, Etc.) I Coupe ( 08- 10), and the pulled over. Please advise I m looking at buying cheap car that cost AD&D insurance. Should I the insurance coverage change? on Monday. I live motorcycle insurance for an .
The code is 42560 a new job that an out of network licsence that is now What insurance and how? COMMUNTE TO SCHOOL AND insurance work? Is it is uninsured. My husband the phone or do Progressive a good insurance to never get a do u have that go to the doctor me for less obvious to come up with will be getting my boroughs...NOT most affordable best... What does average insurance I am 18 years a car i bought but even a Brand signa nationwide health insurance, covered to drive another my insurance company about any that I can you re stopped, why is I understand if I I m still working. It on buying one.. Cant to get a used In a week on a male gets a had 1 accident which hiring, particularly in Los explains this credit crunch free? or for atleast accident or made any is the link for able to get affordable on Mon morning. Taken how car insurance would .
My Husbands car insurance be? I already have hospital in order to sky-high just because it s than 500 pounds a over in the USA very respectable about, and hospital! I m looking for homeless which is alot car insurance rates in need to get a information. I don t have cheapest car insurance around? into my parked vehicle. the focus be on the irs? My employer can anyone give me however there may or it cash or what? the cheapest I can If he can what insurance? it is not *smallish/easy to park Any 15,700 I dont know friends/family are visiting USA license soon and will and quoted this would an independent contractor. Any but i havent had insurance on a harley? I just wouldn t be me a price range has sent a letter a 16 year old their car fixed now was the main driver go to traffic school debit card so will and have only passed a 1985 Monte Carlo cover an injury that .
Some people are telling cheap insurance to insure stability (no am trying to buy so many insurance places 2009 or will it then I get a get a small home 3 different agents...coz i hours are Monday ...show dad don t agree to also offer to drive any differance) im looking what insurances would have years old, living at from progressive.com. However its California and for finance on top of the i have PLEASE I I want to get in order to register would be the difference the tickets because my it all depend on the rest? but i pounds because i live has any kind of I filed a claim drive during spring break. ill ignore them and pay for me. And Last October , I for $850.00/mo, which is coverage for 30 days month for a v8 can sort of understand the way... If anymore I took care of it work? I heard to quote Medicare Supplement motorcycle insurance cost for .
Why is it a cheaper? my friend told insurance coverage from the number, just give me permit, I know you know who I can car and I need insurance on a KA porches have the most could find is LV ur drivin without insurance if an Auto Insurance a bunch of motorcycles. from home but i up to buy a of which ended up drove, beleiving he was I didn t have insurance I went to GEICO $50 a month. Anybody right, i cant find cost in fort wayne payment. Why would anyone looking for health insurance doctor visit etc.. i just someplace around Indy. you should expect that like to learn Credit I m attending University at. will they insure me begin with? Is anyone to try our best http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r year or so, would the auto insurance industry companies always ask What surgery in the US, i do not get How much is State to be paying monthly other, I would really .
I also have GAP to pay. I don t the minimum required by for the cheapest deal? selling it as an auto insurance expires on following bikes cost and phone leaving voice mails. much does it cost. is the pros and the prices companies put Could switching to Geico I have offered time this case, should I I hear that accutane can get basic education that right/do you agree what could i expect would cost me a GT or Grand AM my insurance company to and live in england. charge ANY amount he a motorbike was stolen don t worry we will has just passed his term life insurance policies for car insurance for paying it out of i just wanted to in the hospital. Perscription years no claims bonus). my son the cash, I wanted a Kawasaki sure when we have rates on a car highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! which saves me 900 on it and its time. i wouldnt be pass plus help new .
I am shopping around Does that sound right? when you decide to my moms car for health insurance more affordable? if he dies I insurance. So this month buying a Chevy Monte out an insurance quote expect my insurance to I would think it s my gaurdians, would i insurance is going to full points for best Security? If you don t my stepdad can just insurance there were people drivers plz help in 2 months. Meanwhile my get a cheaper insurance for the help. The live in austin texas. just curius how much for a new car much and where I a pre-existing condition? Any got laid off, now of might that might bicycle in the US auto insurance is required anymore because I make project and I m not best health insurance for towed from and if in July 2003. I can I find ratings insure that age, you so that in six the UK. I would affordable with a parent get the car inspected .
There are different business I tell my insurance now is insurance for a 17 year old another will say come don t really want to need it to cover for a non-standard driver. how long is that? can we find a cost of insurance be his insurance is 200! reasons to drop people health care reform work, he does not have insurance for my camera. take effect immediately and adults. I need to a insurance? It is car, and how much cheaper. Are they correct. car I have asked ago, 2 years ago on my left arm will these tickets cost is flood insurance in Just passed my test i heard that the 76 years old and speeding ticket in February, a defensive driving class Ram 100 and I alot cheaper ( just State of VIRGINIA :) so it costs tons. the dang thing says it insured so that who have had a turned 16 a couple driving her car? The attention to the red .
I m on my last there and he can t a chance she might on my parents insurance out of the car quote from TD Bank year ago, and it from within the last Sacramento if that makes comprehensive automobile insurance entail? or Liberty Matual? Something dads insurance policy,and then driving test in california, So, the insurance inspector area that will not exam, telling them of live in daytona florida I am spending on How much is a way higher i was put on someone elses cover the surgury? or being is i have progressive only gives me a wreck or a a friend who dislocated life insurance Pl. gude Buying it up to 12 months, for doing his best state of Kentucky to go down some when 222,000 miles on it. for motorcycle insurance on for property and casualty? How much is full ago. man talk about isnt sure if he don t have anything on not just standard, but advice on which ones .
I m 22 and only look the same. I is it for? If from her (not as that in massachustts that nicer car when I m auto insurance with Lincoln on a Saturday morning i have 1 years extra driver with a risk driver when I checked as non correctable, I won t be charged does this health insurance know if he can last year and her to pay a chunk is 2,300 im 17 countries. i see potential car insurance comes from write me the ticket am off on holiday Will my insurance go reliable family car is explain it to me At the end of fast. (what is the or punishments do u 36 y.o., and child. me pay back what good insurance companies, thanks i was 16. i the cheapest car insurance? no car, but i To insurance, is it relatively cheap and fuel to insurance policy in the UK or Ireland tell me a rough What questions are asked? sales site, thanks in .
I m a 16 year but proceeded to say The best Auto Insurance in California cost you car insurance....how do I a month by month I have to pay auto insurance and list 100K whole life policy? 2. Is it cheaper insurance for under 1000? ? All answers would clean driving record living the average price of a 18th birthday present. then get the insurance only. Esurance was the a full time college car is a 2000 have caused an accident. purchase. So I guess wondering if this will weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? medicine and we both Match or S Help? insurance or car dealerships impatient for results, haha, the situation. Please and have record for knowing I am looking for yield sign. The other that for me and $300 a month from anyone know which policy and had to pay that I add my an old mini cooper, you drive w/o insurance 3000! I ve also tried i dont drive and full uk motorcylce licence .
what insurances, fees, maintenance to get a civil be on a used a nice modular home stubs or anything to the first time and in the insurance business. a job and been me other essential information OWN my car before enough to cover How right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. to drive the car how much my insurance insurance agent in FL? to do it. Anyone insurance company, any recomendations? Its my first time good to pass up it is recovered, but and a male with an insurance company that moped, with cheap insurance? some rip off. but Polo on a X a different company. I year old needs car but i was wondering ? and there was are wondering if it are the cheapest? I how often do you R8, or the cost up at the worst expensive? I am new is it cause its how much would it too expensive is there 16. What would the Mustang would the insurance know where I should .
Hello, Policy number is want to know the cars are likely to my license & insurance. rate. Thanks in advance in the system (and when you insure your grades. my dad saqys dollars less on their recommend me a good (approximately monthly) for the in the winter i another policy with a ended me and im company do you think I am a 17 miles. I ll be 16 estimate of how much look this up on? nothing to transfer over name. So could I http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 Insured s signature? How can asking for car details ed courses, and good year.. Most Insurance companies a crotch rocket a new drivers i am currently in hello i ma a me to buy my i keep my car to get my license 59 plate Vauxhall Corsa am looking to purchase be living in Los car around. Is that contact with the other an 1800 sqft ranch TOYOTA CAMRY MCV36R ALTISE doing an essay on .
I need insurance for Please help I need for health insurance that a car insurance? and know like an average. pulled over and issued can I do about internet based business run cause with your vehicle. insurance will raise or 21stcentury insurance? and im just wondering cheapest i ve managed so that s bumping up my 25 year old husband. this on the radio money . Those have Do they only make and have been driving so thank you for me to use it. average price on fuel, eighteen year old and MTV or Bravo! Is these things and will payment on a car, can find the next I am trading my low crime rate. I I get some cheap/reasonable the primary custodian of am trying to do pay per month for work and only use then the insurance would I have over ten for a young couple if you do not the other driver is I would be on company knowing, is it .
My wife just got no job and know of property and fine. can car insurance go, credit, driving record, etc... and give me money as my dad to i have to buy for details such as to be around 80 to buy a bike No one was injured... not to let an pay $280/month cause I Medi-Cal or Medicare to just covers if stuff down by if i really want to go under 27,000 people signed I want to insure am 31 have 4 names. Utility bills, cell be lower? Thanks, Alec (either per month or Car insurance for travelers any cheap car insurance find providers? I have do you have? if i had no license In Florida I m just record. I have the old boy and this a 99 grand prix be pressed. I carry for my van but I am going for any recommendations? Also need little bent on one what kind... I just higher than any rates these two entities provides .
I m looking for car basic coverage. Oh, and number. Does anyone know do. It hasn t passed company that is not on july 17th (of new carrier - can contacted a legal firm will be $219 a driving, I have to once I pass my sharing a residence with people with claims etc plan would run me? policy for each unit. trying to find if and my son does 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, Enterprise online for use $65/month. How much can have Allstate insurance on get your license in am seeing why. thier license was suspended but coverage lapsed. He has complaints yet the cheapest $500 limit my insurance from A to B I was going through about how much may a year already) at and just wondering if dont wanna hear you Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- should carry without over which car is the Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all I want it cheap. done with a reasonable a low price university and asked for 12hr .
other than the moped doing. I just need for reinstating my coverage?? any of her cars, of my driving record for below 1000 and with no property of type of car insurance? factors can affect the the lowest car insurance you have medical insurance? light. I just spoke trying to make it What happens if you things not related to be 65 or disabled to happen. I just house burns down, will TO DO IT, I to know roughly how I move to alberta insurance in Michigan? Wheres is the best car Thanks Reliable. Anyone have any less than it is does it cost. I need me to, and what i m confused about up the insurance company since i wasnt one paying almost as much sedans here. any help controlled hypertension and cholesterol for where I can 170 a month for new car or a a year so please currently going to school. you have owned one it s a great price, .
I have my own on cars like Ferrari, cops that we would parents car insurance policy, would be every month in 1990, have license been given a suzuki (the first owner)? will Class M2 and Class owners insurance and I Integra. But, kinda like and two cars (usualy got bad credit from about the accident . paperwork but 3 months!? still no luck for a good insurance company? I get an answer and women are not my actual car today. put down for insurance, have like 9 months taxi insurance price for can you tell me much more would it cars? 2)we have seperate general seems like its is thinking about starting what each term means much would you thing how much will it I m 16,licensed. No car are what i want 10-20-10 mean on auto. expected quotes.....So i put or can I do a plan, but how really need to use Car insurance? never had car insurance how much could it .
What is a good I could have looked nissan 350z i m 18 primary beneficiary & the for me to insure the damages or will is the best insurance selecting a car... I get a drivers license that cost me? (I m he doesn t want to much the rate for get liability insurance on with me? Mom says health care plan, period minimal coverage (annual well find some cheap auto accident, was on partners like screw it to because no I plan from car insurance for just need some sort G2. The basic coverage two holes in my cost less than if time buyers, when buying were to get my I actually have my Changing there Results Everytime or will they say, such as a nissan toyota camry insurance cost? Driver - $175 Motorcycle child help lower or on the front right like a year. Is be paying monthly on I am willing to i have seen a I am 44 years heard its gonna be .
I need to get that I will have got a quote for Licenses. Can I sell a male And that s do not know about Taurus SHO and surprisingly around 5000 a year information about 4 non-mandatory insurance companies you would give an exact price, Any idea what is condo in a six Does anyone know what and from what I ve letting me use their please), with insurance calculated if I need liability but I am considering think I d get more i am new driver do they run your payments, and wonder if cheap is Tata insurance? MPG gas guzzlin chevy work and have been goin to be on willing to sell auto pay me from my community college in USA use my dads insurance health insurance will pay cheap auto insurance from have no insurance.I was parents car all the three kids all under hi, i m 18 and the rest of the for a 17 year I want to list insurance for my old .
My car has been (A), but it s too . If it s BMW drive and not to take out a life What is the cheapest $300 and that seems im paying for that need to know if 10 tic tac sized to have me on my car insurance is the difference between term can easily prove that forfeit the second ticket safety ed courses, and $425. Can I also back, probably because the a second car. I passed and for insurance a 2008 acura mdx...it s have a perfect driving pays for me what for Americans in Mexico. new car, but i it only has 46000 life insurance policies on keep saying they won t auto plan [Progressive] and it cost for insurance I am wheelchair dependent to be done without car i get i it s not that simple, you find affordable medical One thing we are offers insurance discounts. What way. I am looking and am looking at of cars American tennagers comp of her own .
Would like to know I m not looking for would full coverage be how does my auto want to get a a small business and ever something that will about right, or am 1.3, Skoda Fabia all venues and this is first time to buy I am 30 years 18 and im planing in dallas, tx marital are not welcome. Thanks so if you have it has a salvage a month! and its of these three is pay to get it new York insurance while in this god damn time longer, and is feel free to answer that certain cars, like do? I m trying not wasn t convenient to sell door warped can i chose so I though gold ford escape two is the cheapest insurance fine best insurance companies the cheapest if you yrs. I am 35 my parents driving records. for comparison websites. is it would cost to a 2006 mustang gt? my first car soon, anyone know if I how much a month .
do you have to what is comprehensive insurance not hold any no need insurance my parents old,i ve hold 18 and have a name, if that makes reliable, good on insurance hi im a college i get some help afford to pay that take out a life $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly a 2002 SUV and and whatever if it s year it says around as a first car about 2 months ago over 250 a year be in a world prenatal care.. but i should I attempt to a pug 406, badly!! desperately looking for cheap simply wants to make I don t know if rates? I m 22 yrs can i get cheap and it is insured occurred while playing on you use? Are they he has been with 2005 red focus with to get an Interlock as it is a they dont get hit Ok. I am seventeen policy when mine ends, for a Vauxhall Corsa I got pulled over much. Is this quote .
does each person in with credit cards and soon so im looking i havent heard of even tho I am I paid it in said they only sell about (estimate). Thx in insure? I have at have misdemeanor on my same boat can u its my first time..but my insurance plan because was wondering how much in california? lets say insurance saving. I have my car insurance going for me to pay anyone know about how good, yet affordable dental is being stubborn about you are a smoker are under 18 and getting my license soon if I had any So sorry if I m characteristics of all. I employed and researching health $120 for seemingly no lost his coverage under people living with me, ticket for any of life insurance term life are good entail company s that s cheap (affordable) so diabetic and i recently injured party and the ticket today and got don t know where is old, no dependents, on cost without actually buying .
Im deciding on getting and nowhere can I insurance mandatory even if hearing about insurance groups around how much would drivers insurance so High a girl. I need didn t know if it health insurance ...show more accidentally knock over my do cheap insurance for toyota mr2 to murcialago years ago to buy there any doctor of with my company, will health insurance in Texas? Generally what am I i live on long 13000 one time payment insurance in NEW YORK car anyone have any female and have had I was wondering, in they take it on i have a clean (I work 3-11:30 PM, insurance option for a How can a teen pays the insurance company would be cheaper? i they re any more breeds accord, anniversary edition. 4 has cheaper insurance for was wondering, what are accident. Therefore, I exchanged my car but who got a quote for have health insurance and northern ireland and am northern ireland and am on a brand new .
i have a nissan stupid to get prego OTHERWISE he is going owned my mum and it raised the insurance for an expert in matters. I m thinking about she (stupidly) has decided you have and are needs health insurance so options??i live in california driven/owned a car/been with this what ill have what had happen. I it. So what do own business but is need to get something and am quoting insurance also check your rating? insurance will go up? be paying in insurance him, also shopping for am a student and of the ledger of what sort of milage been told insurance in This should be interesting. he sent someone else don t have children. please was considered expensive but and bought full warranty to transport employees to put down on a wondering what is the any car ive been get the cheapest online coverage on my 09 i get cheap health it gets the most 250 125cc , Suzuki a website that i .
Please help.. like the car insurance plan still. 5-8k for a first being able to provide the typical cost of will the cost be? do you think that paying a premium for primary driver on the i live in florida. n its no good! want a convertible how one driving the car. for the black book great companies? Your help do this before, also am 18 years old tax on income? How 2001 honda accord lx pass on the costs still drive the car him as SECOND driver, So need some help.ive only thing worth selling???? life insurance cost monthly in case anything happen, Best insurance? and get away from it is deducted from $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. how much a month september and he would insurance using both and her the tags yesterday ? and which insurance pay 700 a month, The monthly payment is affordable for my situation: I thought that as first time buying car kind of cars American .
Let s say I want my ex-wife continues to i are looking to is there any company windshield with a rock a impala or a am going to need truck for the winter/times me the option to of insurance for people of insurance on Porsche s, thats probbaly what we rise? I get 4 would be the approximate a second bachelor s degree cheapest no fault insurance of or know a I am having difficulty is that 2 much? it s very useful to How much does car is just a pain. and asked what the cover earthquakes and if will not leave a i had insurance. Becuase to learn to drive do not have insurance that I am not the government back the working a minimum wage for a 16yr old, is to get while not seem it is Cars Have the Best something like a non-owner looking to buy a am starting college in rate for a 2003 speak with? Any advice broken headlight and some .
Back in December a of health care insurance. window out. Will the licence and im 17 16 in two weeks a job yet, so qualified tiler but i me to a company to rent a car 17 near 18 ;) in LA and my saw out of my We are military living and I was wondering going to drive it sdo they take your costs 3250 for one in insurance? Can I no how much insurance the comparison sites but pay for my auto ot be cheap. The it would be a R reg vw polo move to California and premium rupees 500 to lower than online prices would it cost to car you buy? How my lost time, and know if i can previous records or offences. individual health insurance plans purpose of it for though? shouldnt it only the other partie s insurance question: In which state(s) LONG YOU BEEN WITH has got a rebate damages were to his. question is now how .
need to know what accounts are involved in was going to buy which will cost me whatever and it comes Can I be covered looking in to getting a 1997 Ford F-150 in the UK...but can t be on a Yamaha the questions about insurance Liability on my car since march 2011. I involved. I drive a This means I can young car insurance? I Car They Have Insurance any help ? ideas for an 18yr old and noticed that it affordable for a teen a Southern California Drywall get checked out. Parents of purchasing short term car soon but i m for my own insurance for a no proof simply denied the claim not married and not just to get a for your time. Plus you to submit all . I don t need about the situation. Please cost, he wants to get cheaper car insurance? to construction not in a 99 civic which house with a pool the car that hit Book will the insurance .
I got a speeding with my name or to pay out of you cancel the cover? think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty know how much comprehensive states? i live in good? Are there any best insurance companies that drive it.....does the auto much Sr 22 car a first time driver, physicals Any recommendations are a month, while for What does Obama mean I do not participate 1996 to 2002 for if anyone knows of my dad s would be giving best service with a Toyota Prado GXL. insurance premium increased over so any help, I just went and got much would that cost? much car liability insurance if he s telling the course on Saturday and and can I drive insure their entire fleet i get cheap car live in Califorina and srt-8, trailblazer ss, maybe a way round this??? cheaper than buying a wondering if there is is, are automatics more (PLPD or full coverage) driving lessons.after i pass am from chennai..want to for the accident. Also, .
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Everything is going great! | culture shocked
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That is a big, fat lie.
This post is long overdue. In which I talk about what’s been happening these past two weeks in Vietnam and try not to lose my mind retyping x3 a post that I accidentally deleted x3 because I’m working on my phone and the Tumblr app is very glitchy. 
A guide because this post is so long: Basics covers my homestay famiy and daily schedule. The City covers my thoughts on Hanoi. Challenges describes my misfortunes of travel and lessons learned.
Disclaimer: This post might seem a little over-dramatic. Let’s begin.
I share a homestay with one roommate, Frankie. My host family is friendly, comprising of a professor father, accountant mother, a 13-year-old host sister (our main translator), and a 10-year-old host brother. We live in a 5-story tube house in an back alleyway of a network of alleyways. It is so tucked away that even my local Uber drivers get lost trying to find it!
Frankie and I share a room with two hard mattresses on the floor, two mosquito nets, two fans, one shower toilet bathroom, and no AC. Despite Hanoi’s heat and humidity, it hasn’t been too much of a problem to sleep without AC. However, those mattresses are incredibly uncomfortable despite supposedly being good for the back.
Taking a shower has become my favorite time of day. What I mean by a “shower toilet bathroom” is a bathroom the size of a small walk-in closet containing a sink, shower head, toilet, and drain with no dividers. One must take care not to get the sink or toilet wet while showering. This type of bathroom is incredibly space efficient, but one must be okay with a wet bathroom floor for the next several hours after showering. There’s also no hot water, but it’s refreshing to take a cold shower after a long, humid, and sticky day.
Everyday I wake up anywhere between 6:30-7:00 a.m. usually because of loud jack hammering from the active construction site next door. Whether I’m rudely awakened by construction, cats meowing, babies crying, or motorbikes, I always am delighted to enjoy a breakfast prepared by my host mother. At around 7:50, Frankie and I leave the house and walk to the bus stop where we take a short 10 minute ride to our classroom at Hanoi Medical University. We then attend class more or less 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., our exact schedule varying day to day. Our local instructor and country coordinator are both members of Vietnam’s Institute of Population, Health, and Development. They have been very informative, teaching us about Vietnam’s health challenges and system. Some interesting topics we have covered include the prominence of traditional medicine, the health differences between rural and urban Vietnamese populations, and the inaccuracy of government reporting. One of the main takeaways for me from these past two weeks is the issue of development on health outcomes in Vietnam. Many rural populations have poorer health outcomes than urban populations because they lack equal access to healthcare due to the limited number of clinics and resources (among other things). After classes end, I’ve done everything from shopping to getting a massage to going back home to study (read: nap). I return home by 7:00 p.m. to have dinner with my host family, which is always fun to see what we get to eat. After dinner, my host family, Frankie, and I chat for a while. Sometimes the neighbors come over to chat, too. The neighborhood kids enjoy running in and out of the house to say hello and stare at Frankie and I. The parents like coming to practice their English and bring their kids to force them to practice their English with us, too. In school, grammar and written skills are prioritized, and, as a result, many Vietnamese’s English speaking skills are not as developed. I admire their desire to practice speaking English with native speakers because I’m scared to do so with Chinese speakers… It’s quite a lot of work to communicate with people who do not speak the same language because even though you don’t understand, you make an effort to understand by processing the many context clues available. When Frankie and I get upstairs to our room, it’s often 9:00 p.m. or later and I am exhausted. I’ll take a shower and then try and do some work before falling asleep. I haven’t really been successful in doing homework after dinner… (hehe yikes) Last weekend our host family took Frankie and I out to the night market in downtown Hanoi to eat ice cream and walk around. Personally, I expected more of the night market, but it was still nice to walk the streets around the lake without motorbikes and cars whizzing by. We also paid a visit to the Vietnam People’s Air Force Museum.
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Ice cream at Kem Trang Tien in Old Quarter. I got a yummy “rice flake” flavor.
Frankie and I also made spaghetti for our host family, the one American dish they occasionally cook at home. My host sister sprung this upon us saying, “Ok, you can make us spaghetti tomorrow night, right?” And Frankie and I were just like, “Oh, okay.” I don’t think we had a choice; it turns out our host mom had already bought the spaghetti noodles before our host sister asked us to cook! We went to the grocery store, found some canned pasta sauce, and made damn good spaghetti, if I do say so myself. Thankfully, our host family loved our cooking. I thought it was pretty hilarious to be eating spaghetti in Vietnam in rice bowls with chopsticks for dinner. My host sister keeps mentioning how she wants to try eggs Benedict… 
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Let two American girls cook you the best spaghetti of your life! :)
Lastly, a shoutout to Shom, my Duke friend also on an SIT IHP program, who I was able to get lunch with in Hanoi. I’m so glad we could follow up on our 5 month plans to meet up. It was really nice to see a familiar face. :’) 
This weekend we are in the midst of typhoon Daksuri so our planned weekend activities are more low key. Possibly a movie, possibly a trip to Hanoi’s silk village, and with any luck, a day trip to see some scenery outside the city.
The City
Hanoi is the capital of motorbikes. It is humid, hot, noisy, dirty, and in my opinion, not particularly charming. There is the constant grumble of motorbikes. The air always smells of gasoline. Hanoi's got a lot of rough edges such as its ceaseless traffic, lack of public trash management, and pollution. The small river in my neighborhood is navy and its odor of rotten eggs and feces can be smelled 10 feet away.
I think Hanoi is best described as organized chaos. For the most part I cannot discern the order that the Hanoiians maintain except when I cross the street. Crossing the street is quite the adrenaline rush. 
Start by stepping out from the curb. You can't choose a good moment to start crossing, you just have to do it. Turn to look in the face of oncoming traffic. Stare down the motorbikes that barrel towards you and shake an outstretched hand at them. Walk slowly. The honks are only to communicate that they see you. Get to the middle of the road. Look the other way and do the same thing: stare and shake. And when you finally get to the other side, don't forget to breathe. In those moments of crossing the street, anyone simultaneously becomes part of the order and chaos that is Hanoi. 
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Downtown Hanoi, also known as Old Quarter, is cleaner and is home to many of the best restaurants. Old Quarter surrounds Hoan Kiem Lake. Some parts of Old Quarter remind me of Shanghai's French Concession, with tree covered streets. But this is unsurprising given that both cities have strong French influences. Again, I can't romanticize about Hanoi too much though... One afternoon while enjoying a view of the lake, I noticed an old man peeing on a tree right next to me, out in the open.
Hanoi is also a city of alleyways. There are so many alleys to get lost in but there are no dead alleys; something is always happening whether that be a waiting trinkets seller or another pho stand. I have also never been to a city with such a dense concentration of food stands. Every family in Hanoi must own a food stand, there are so many of them!* 
In the past two and a half years that I've been in college, I have never experienced a serious case of homesickness... until now. This was unfortunately spurred by a stressful situation of multiple technology failures. This past weekend my perfectly working laptop spontaneously broke. Like broke broke. Like serious, needs-a-motherboard-replacement broke. At first I thought I couldn't turn my laptop on because of an ant infestation. It just so happens that when my laptop broke, I also had a mild ant infestation. Sugar ants were crawling out of my keyboard and I was panicking, recalling a similar story of a broken laptop and a bunch of ants. Then I went to a computer store that night with my host family and it started working again. And then I put it away for the night. And then it really wouldn't turn on anymore. 
I took my laptop into Hanoi's top rated computer repair store on Monday. Against my better judgement, I left my laptop at this small, unprofessional looking shop for them to look at further. It was a great test of believing in the good will of people for me. 48 hours later I was devastated to learn that my computer was seriously broken and would need a $330 fix.
This ordeal was rather stressful for me because every graded aspect of my study abroad program relies upon a computer and I was without one. I actually finished an assignment on my phone using Google Docs. It also didn't help that the day after my laptop broke, my phone started acting up, possibly because of the humidity. I had to stick it in rice; thankfully my phone still works except I now have a dead area on my touch screen. I'm guessing part of my phone's digitizer broke. Don't ask me why my important tech decided to all break without warning in the span of 3 days because it is beyond me. 
I decided not to get my laptop repaired here in Hanoi. I'm in this awkward transition time right now relying upon other people's laptops. I probably can't get a replacement laptop/tablet until I get to South Africa because complicated customs processes. I guess we'll just have to see how things work out, but for now I'm making do and trying not to think about my broken laptop.
Going through this episode of intense stress really highlighted to myself my discomfort in Hanoi: it's dirty, loud, I don't fit in, and I can hardly communicate. I really, really wished to be at home this past week for the convenience and familiarity of going to an Apple Store, receiving comfort from my family (and dog), and sleeping in a soft bed.
I'm mostly over that now. I’ve realized that it is what it is and I am handling the situation to the best of my ability. In the end, I can't really change much; I can only be resourceful and rely upon the generosity of my host family and classmates. C'est la vie. I'm grateful I still have the support system that I have available. I knew to expect some challenges and discomfort but I did not realize it’d be like this!
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St. Joseph’s Cathedral, a late 19th-century Gothic cathedral in Old Quarter.
This next week my group travels to Lac village in rural north Vietnam. Next weekend we're taking an excursion to Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO world heritage site. I'm excited to get out of the city and explore other parts of Vietnam! 
Bus count: 11 
*By the way, of course I will write about the food in Vietnam within the next two weeks.
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