#also i like the backstory you suggested for kara! i love kara training with the amazons and living with lana <3
bisupergirl · 7 months
what's your favorite background for kara? not necessarily one single canon one, it can bit a mix-and-match of canons (for example, i like the n52 'older than kal and sent alongside him from krypton', but the post-crisis 'lived in themyscira and then with lana lang', etc (i also really like the danverses, but i can't make sense of a random couple adopting her without having clark just drop her at an orphanage, which doesn't make sense, or them being cops, which ew)). also, do you prefer her bio parents being alive or dead?
(hi i'm the previous anon who asked about kara's background, sorry to send another ask, i just thought of something) how would you feel about a combined backstory where lana lang married fred and edna's son before taking in kara? that way they could still be related to her but without either the orphanage or DEO plots happening (i know lana is dating steel rn but checks wiki jan danvers could still die at some point after their wedding)
thank you so much for the question this is going to be a little long <3
i really liked kara's origin in woman of tomorrow where it mixes some of her different backstories together. so she was born and raised on krypton (and is older than clark) and then lived briefly on the surviving chunk of argo city after krypton's destruction before getting sent to earth.
as for why she arrived so much later on earth after clark had already grown into an adult, i think i like the new 52 version best where her pod kept her in suspended animation while it orbited around the sun before eventually crashing down to earth. i don't actually remember why her pod did that, but i'd just explain it as her ship got damaged somehow on the way to earth and malfunctioned causing it to keep her in suspended animation for longer than it should have.
okay, now for her adoptive family: i've thought a lot about how to justify the presence of fred and edna danvers in kara's life in modern comics and i think the easiest way to incorporate them is to make it so either fred or edna are related to the kents in someway, probably on martha's side of the family (i think i'd have it so edna is martha's younger sister, so she's clark's maternal aunt) so in this scenario clark isn't dumping kara with a couple of strangers, but rather he's placing her with his own family that he already knows and trusts.
i like your idea of having lana be related by marriage to the danvers since i also really love kara's post crisis relationship to her, but ultimately i'd still want the danvers to be kara's adoptive parents. i'd just make it so clark is more active in kara's life and takes her to smallville often to see where he was raised. and then there kara and lana can meet and develop that same kind of bond they used to have.
and finally, my favorite version of zor el and alura being alive (and what i prefer above anything else) is from the new krypton storyline. like that exact version of them and the exact events that took place are the only way i want to see them alive. i'm also fine with them dying along with everyone else on argo city, but if they're going to survive somehow it'd want it to be like how it was in the gates/igle run of supergirl vol 5 (i really did not care for the cyborg superman arcs in supergirl vol 6 and 7).
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ninjagoat · 7 years
Supergirl 3x14 Speculation Post
As some of you may have heard, episode 14 of this current season of Supergirl will feature Academy Award Nominee Laurie Metcalf as Winn's mother, Mary, who abandoned him as a child after his father committed mass murder.
We know that she's been out on location with Ms. Benoist, possibly with Mr. Brooks and Mr. Wood. So far, it doesn't seem much like the kind of reunion we've seen in 3x03 with Maggie and her dad, or the "I'm dying and I want to make amends" type a la Iris and her mother we've seen on The Flash. The episode title, 'Schott The The Heart' is a play on the Bon Jovi classic 'You Give Love A Bad Name', and that would suggest heavy Mon-El or, indeed, Imra involvement.
Ms. Metcalf is great. She's been great for DECADES. And, as the ever-so-slightly angry people at the Winn end of the fandom will attest, Mr. Jordan brings it pretty much every single week (which is why he gets the Jeremy Jordan Award For Doing So Much With So Little time and time again). Their scenes together will be great.
This post is not about their scenes.
This post is about the *other* big scene: who does Winn confide in? Who does he tell his sob story to?
Because that's the actual story. 'Childish Things' is not the story of the Winslows Schott, but the story of Winn and Kara. Whoever gets told that backstory is the focal point of Winn's arc for the episode and - let's not kid ourselves here, because he's not likely to get another one - the season.
So let's look at the options.
Kara seems like an obvious choice. Not only does it rhyme with 'Childish Things', but Kara's been... distant from him recently, from him more than others. She's said some questionable things about their friendship. This would be a chance for her to reconnect with him, and by extension, with Kara Danvers.
Kara will absolutely tell him he needs to give Mary a chance. When she says compassion for all, she means it. But Winn might not go for it. After all, why should it be his job to forgive the woman who convinced him, intentionally or not, that he would only ever be his father's son?
It's not going to be Lena. But I really want it to be.
It would be my absolute dream for this show if Winn showed up at CatCo after the initial encounter with Mary, looking to talk to Kara or James, he can only find Lena; and, in one of her moments where she believes she's good with people (she is, but it's an individual, case-by-case basis thing), she takes him into James office, expecting much ado about nothing.
And Winn dumps *everything* on her. His mother, his father, his time in foster care, everything. And she realises she's totally out of her depth.
Yes, Winn and Lena have paralleling backstories. But Lena's experience happened largely in isolation, both from other people and from the consequences of her family's actions: Winn's dad kills six people, he lost everything; Lena's brother tries to nuke California, and her immense wealth and privilege carries on as normal.
Winn, on the other hand, went into foster care. He'll have met ten, maybe twenty other kids while he was there. He'll have heard their stories, or at least parts of them. He probably doesn't even consider his story to be *that bad*, compared to others.
This would cause Lena to rethink her own history, and her attitude toward it. It would also put an end to the endless "Am I Evil?" stories, because if Winn can make it... she's got no excuse.
She should probably tell Winn that he should stand his ground against whatever Mary wants; but, more likely, will tell him he really needs the advice of someone else, because she is nowhere near qualified to handle this.
Most of Winn's scenes this season have involved J'onn. Winn is also has a significant functioning relationship with J'onn's father, M'yrnn (or Mr J). J'onn's story this year is basically built around 'fathers and sons'.
You can see where I'm going with this.
J'onn being a father to Winn in this scene would be the final link between everyone being Winn's friends and people he works for to actually being his family. Plus, J'onn having lost his own mother, and known the joy of being reunited with his father, he is in a unique position to offer advice.
Mon-El has been, hard as it will be for some to believe, Winn's most consistent friend. He has always respected Winn: promises to let Winn make his superhero suit (even though he had no intention of being a hero when he did - I'll get to that later); congratulates Winn when he learns about Lyra, and asks Winn for relationship advice when he needs it; supports Winn when Lyra gets kidnapped; and, my personal favorite, his aphorism "Hope for the best, have Winn Schott plan for the worst".
He *also* knows which of Winn's buttons to press to get him to do things he doesn't want to do, or rather, says he doesn't want to do. This is a quality you want in a good wingman.
And, of course there's his *own* issues with his parents, which gives he and Winn a shared perspective. The most likely advice he would give about Mary would be that which mirrored Winn's previous advice to him; i.e, listen to her, but tempered with his new found leadership skills, he could emphasise that Winn doesn't have to give her what she wants, and he should stand up for himself.
Dipping into speculation on the Winn/Mary side of the episode for the moment:
- Winn's supposed to be moving into some sort of leadership role this season (this may have just been the cross-over, or that might be foreshadowing for this arc)
- Mr. Brooks's IG pic shows him, Ms. Benoist and Mr. Wood in kind of a golf-cart, in the middle of nowhere. This feels a lot like a corporate 'team-building' exercise.
- The pic of Ms. Metcalf with Ms. Benoist appears to be at the same location, and her hair/costume choices seem... very Alex.
So, a theory. A decision is made: in order to beat Reign, Supergirl and Guardian and Mon-El will have to work as a team - kind of like National City's very own Trinity - with Winn as... not Overwatch, exactly, but in a similar leadership role as Iris currently has on The Flash; and so, in order to get them all working together, J'onn sends them all off with Alex to DEO boot-camp, where they'll get training from a legendary instructor.
Everyone's excited, but Winn's nervous too. He's never done anything like this, and he's got a huge responsibility here.
And it only gets worse when he finds out the instructor is Mary.
Now, to me, this would be very cool - which is why it's pretty much guaranteed not to be what happens - but the thing about it is that this moves the focus away from 'will he forgive her?' to 'will he win her approval?', while still being part of the main story arc.
So how does Alex fit into this?
Mary is Alex's possible future; a future where she can't balance her current life as a DEO agent with that of her desired life as a mother. Alex is going to see a woman who abandoned her child at a time when he needed her most - the kind of mother she has no interest in being - and she's going to hate her breathing guts.
And then she's going to tell Winn to kick Mary's ass at whatever challenge she's thrown at him, because that woman can go to hell. He doesn't need her approval. He can do this *his* way.
Those are the most likely candidates (and Lena). Here's my thoughts on the others:
Please no. I can't sit through James giving his patented generic-but-somehow-uniquely-unhelpful advice on a subject he can't possibly understand (given that he never seems to go home to see his own mother at all). This is a bad idea.
(It's going to happen, isn't it?)
An interesting idea, given that Imra's supposed to be a telepath, and particularly given the vague motions toward SaturnNerd in 3x07 and 3x09. She could put his muddled thoughts into order for him, help reconcile what he's saying with what he's thinking. But she'd need to develop a personality very quickly for that to work, because she sure doesn't have one now.
It'd be hilarious, but no.
There's no way. There is absolutely no way that this is happening.
So, there's my thoughts. Feel free to kick my ass/leave thoughtful comments.
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pippytmi · 7 years
Hi, for the drabble thing: The Last of the Real Ones by Fall Out Boy Supercorp, please And if I may... I feel that the first part is lena's pov and in the second it swichs to kara's But feel free to do whatever. Thank you so much
this song deserves so much more backstory ahhh but thank you for sending me this prompt!
The leaves of the trees are just beginning to fall when Lena loses her mother.
The cold of the air is turning her cheeks pink, and even the scratchy wool blanket Kara has draped over her shoulders offers little solace. Eventually Kara emerges from her home, carrying a cup of something hot, and Lena feels relief flood through her.
“You’ll catch your death, of cold,” Kara says, and she cups Lena’s face in her warm hands.
Lena swallows as though there is something lodged in her throat, her sorrow resurfacing at the soft sympathy in Kara’s eyes.
“Is she,” she tries to ask, and Kara’s sad smile is answer enough. Lena takes a cautious drink out of her cup as to avoid saying much else. The murky tea is something Kara’s mother always makes for those with upset stomachs, and it is just right for now.
Over the edge of the tin cup, Lena quietly watches the horses lined up by her home and wonders how, in such a short span of time, her life has changed so drastically.
Kara follows her line of sight. “I always did say you were meant to be a princess,” she says, perhaps to distract Lena as her mother’s body is carried out by soldiers. “One day, you will be queen as well.”
The thought makes Lena’s stomach churn. “I am not equipped to rule,” she says, dropping her gaze to her tea. “I find myself wishing that this is all a bad nightmare I have yet to wake from.”
“Do not count this as a complete misfortune, my friend,” Kara says gently, and she guides Lena’s head to rest atop her chest. “You will have a new family by the morn, and you will be in the palace walls, free from cold and hunger.”
“I will not have you,” Lena says. She has known Kara her whole life, and yet she is bashful in a way she does not understand now, cheeks pinking for a reason beyond the cold.
She cannot fathom why she has been the one chosen for this now, when there are others who deserve it more than she. Kara is one of the people who never seeks glory, but deserves it most of all; she is kind, and she is selfless, and has a heart so golden that Lena has always felt as though she is undeserving of such a friend.
Kara has a smile Lena would never tire of, and she shows it now. “You will not lose me,” she says. “I will write you, so you may tell me all about your father.”
The father she has always assumed has been dead, suddenly alive. A brother Lena has never known existed, suddenly dead on the brink of taking over his father’s place. Lena has gone from a tame life of a peasant to a sudden, overwhelming new one of a missing princess destined for the crown.
“Promise?” Lena asks, quietly, and Kara nods against the top of Lena’s head.
“I will always protect you, Lena. You have my word.”
Kara has not heard from Lena for many moons.
Alex rides with her all the way to the castle, and they deliver the letters Kara writes, but no letter ever comes back. Kara suggests they move closer to the palace, for it may be an issue of distance. Realistically, she knows she cannot uproot her mother, and they do not have the money to move as it is; eventually, she stops writing.
She does not banish Lena from her thought entirely, however, for she knows how afraid Lena is bound to be. She takes a position as a squire in town, and rides out daily to work every morning. Her hope is to become a knight, to keep her promise and protect Lena as best she can outside the gates of the castle.
“The new queen’s coronation shall take place in the summertime,” Alex tells Kara one day as they chop wood, one rare afternoon when Kara is not needed by her knight. “Mother has insisted on going.”
“So soon?” Kara asks, and she thinks of Lena, of her old friend who she has not laid eyes on for quite some time. “She is unwed still, is she not?”
“She will be wed before then, or so I have heard,” Alex says. “To a Lord Jackson. You know how much of a gossip Winslow is, he could hardly wait to tell the news.”
Kara knows not why the news gives her pause, but it does. “Lord Jackson will be a fortunate man, then,” she says, and swings her axe next a bit harder than before.
“From what he’s heard, Winn swears it is an arranged marriage,” Alex says. She looks over at Kara and gently smooths the crinkle of Kara’s brow with her thumb. “I miss her myself. Do not count this as the end quite yet.”
“She has moved on, Alex,” Kara says. “I do not fault her for it. It is her duty.”
“Matters of the heart have never concerned those with power,” Alex says, and it sounds as though it is an apology. “You needn’t concern yourself with them either, if you truly hope to one day be her knight.”
“You are entirely too cynical, sister,” Kara says, and she tries to smile a bit. “Have you no wish to follow your heart’s desires?”
“No,” Alex says, her eyes full of nothing but pity. “I fear, however, that you do, and that one day you will suffer for it.”
Lena does not wed.
Lord Jackson, who prefers to be called Jack, is a very kind man. He is honorable, and handsome, and though Lena knows she cannot love him, she imagines she can bear this marriage as best she can.
But her father dies before the wedding is set to take place.
Her stepmother, who has never been particularly warm to her new daughter, becomes even colder. She does not want to step down from the throne, but any queen who has just lost their husband is expected to be torn apart with grief and unable to reign any longer; even though that is not nearly the case, Lilian Luthor is counseled to step down lest she gain a reputation as a heartless monarch.
Lena assumes the throne unwed. Her first decree is that she will not wed, for she owes it to herself to find love just as anyone ought to.
“Do not be foolish, Lena,” Lilian says, repeatedly. “You will be assumed weak.”
“I will not marry someone I do not love,” Lena says, and she raises her chin in quiet defiance; Lilian dares not to challenge her, now that she is queen.
“Your foolishness will be your undoing,” Lilian swears, and she storms out of the throne room.
Lena is left with her guards, the two knights she trusts more than anyone else.
“Call for my council,” she tells Clark, who nods at her. “We have much to discuss.”
“Of course, my queen,” Clark says, but before he can move to do so, the doors of the throne room burst open.
Lena rises for that is all she is compelled to do, her jaw slackening in nothing but shock as Kara Danvers enters. She is disheveled, and her blond hair dirtier, longer, but she stands as strongly as she always has.
“Forgive me,” Kara says, immediately ducking into a bow. “Sir Kent, Lord James requests your presence. He says it is a matter of urgency.”
“Kara,” Clark says. “You know you must never enter the palace.”
Kara’s face falls. “I know, Sir,” she says. “I apologize.”
Lena is unable to keep quiet any longer. “Sir Kent,” she says. “Who is this?”
“Apologies, my queen,” Clark says. “This is Kara Danvers, my squire. I will leave with her at once.”
“No,” Lena says, and she looks at Kara, who refuses to meet Lena’s eye. “Please, leave us. I shall talk to your squire alone.”
Clark bows. “Of course,” he says, and he and his fellow knight take their leave; Lena sees him cast a warning glance at Kara as he goes.
Kara does not move any closer. “I apologize, my queen,” she says. “I meant no harm.”
“Kara,” Lena says, stepping down from her throne so that she may be the one to bridge the gap between them. “You needn’t be so formal with me.”
Kara’s jaw tightens. “I would not dare to disrespect you.”
“Are you not still my friend?” Lena asks softly, and Kara looks down.
“I know not, my queen,” she says. “I have not seen you for many winters, now.”
Kara has always been as brilliant as the sun, as warm and inviting as its rays, and Lena has always been unable to resist her. Now, however, she seems more guarded, formal, as though her light has dimmed.
“I received your letters,” Lena says. “I was not permitted to return them.”
Kara’s eyes snap back, as if surprised. “No?” she says. “I feared you had forgotten me.”
“That could never be true,” Lena says. “I have missed you dearly.”
She is shyer than she hopes to be, more hopeful than necessary perhaps, but it is worth it all to see Kara softening, slowly.
“I train to be a knight,” Kara says. “For the sake of the kingdom, as it is my duty. But also,” said quieter, more bashfully, “for you.”
“Oh, Kara,” Lena says, and her heart aches for her friend. “I fear I will be selfish when it comes to you, if that is the case.”
“You are allowed to be selfish,” Kara says, and she gently takes Lena’s hand. “You deserve it, Lena.”
The  sound of her name, so simple and yet not my queen, is enough to make tears spring forth.
“I have missed you,” Lena says, tearfully. “So very much.”
Kara wraps her arms around her, and it is as comforting as Lena remembers; Kara’s body is a bit leaner, but nothing else has changed.
“I have missed you, too,” Kara breathes against Lena’s neck, and the words make Lena’s heart pound in desperation.
She does not dwell, of course. “Come,” Lena says, untangling herself from Kara and urging her towards her quarters. “You must tell me what has happened since I have been gone.”
Kara smiles. “So long as you return the favor,” she says, and it sounds like a promise; Lena takes Kara’s hand once more.
(This time, she knows she cannot let go.)
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
47 for director sanvers, if it strikes your fancy?
A/N: I had SO MUCH FUN with this prompt. So thanks for that :) It also got really long because I enjoyed myself…
47. “No one needs to know.” 
Alex and Lucy swore up and down that they’d be just fine while Maggie went away for a couple of weeks. After all, Lucy knew how to cook, and Alex was a pro at finding the best takeout deals, so they wouldn’t starve. They were both highly trained and decorated soldiers, so they would certainly be able to protect themselves. And they were both clean enough that the apartment wouldn’t deteriorate while she was gone.
For the most part, they were fine. They missed Maggie like crazy, but they called her every night and sent her incredibly dirty pictures once she let them know she was back in her hotel room. They even managed to send out a postcard or two after they got the first two from Maggie and realized they might be slacking a bit in their girlfriend duties.
But neither of them realized just how fickle Maggie’s bonsai trees were. They had never been happier to remember that M’gann had taken in her two favorite ones—the ones she’d had since her very first assignment in Gotham—though they did wonder if that choice had been intentional.
“Alex!” Lucy hissed, pulling Alex’s attention away from the medical journal she’d been reading.
“What?” Alex whined.
“I need your help!”
“Get your own damn beer,” Alex huffed, settling back down into the couch.
“Not that. Come look at Maggie’s tree.” Lucy chewed on her lower lip as she took in the sight of the half-dead bonsai tree.
“Fuck,” Alex muttered, noticing how distinctly unhealthy it looked. “Um, we’ve been watering it, right?”
“Yeah? I mean, I think so…don’t trees just grow naturally and shit?”
“I think the little guys need some extra help.”
“Is that a short joke? It’s not fair when Maggie isn’t here to help me defend our honor.”
“No…well, not intentionally,” Alex chuckled. “Okay, so do we just…water it a little extra?”
“Maybe? Yeah, I guess.”
So they gave it quite a bit of water and went to bed feeling okay about their actions, though they were noticeably reticent during their evening call with Maggie.
The next morning, however, the tree looked even worse. “Luce��” Alex called out.
“What?” Lucy asked from the kitchen where she was preparing eggs for the two of them.
“Um…the tree looks like shit. I think we fucked it up even more.”
“How is that possible? Isn’t water always good?” Lucy ranted, plating their eggs and hurrying over to inspect the damage. “Okay…maybe we can google some answers.”
Which is how the two girlfriends found themselves deep in the online world of bonsai blogs that morning, clicking through links about caring for them that were more often than not full of personal anecdotes and words of wisdom that had Lucy and Alex giggling and snorting into their coffee.
“Ooh! This blog sounds more our style!” Alex called out, motioning for Lucy to look at her laptop screen. “It’s called, ‘Badass Bonsais.’”
“What sort of loser dude-bro names his blog that?” Lucy laughed.
“Nope. Look in the bio, this one is run by a woman!”
“Huh, okay…I guess we can look through it.” So they began scrolling and reading the surprisingly witty and insightful posts. “She’s sort of cool,” Lucy eventually conceded. “I think she might bat for our team too.”
“You think everyone bats for our team,” Alex scoffed.
“Uh, they all would if they met us.”
“We are attractive…”
Before they could get too distracted, Alex turned her attention back to the blog, clicking through a few more articles that seemed directly relevant to questions of how to care for the trees. “Wait a second…is that our living room?”
“Huh?” Lucy asked, looking up from her phone where she’d gotten distracted by a Buzzfeed article Kara sent to their group text. “Oh, hey! That looks like Maggie’s tree.”
“Dude…I think that is Maggie’s tree. Think about it: this blogger is a woman, probably a gay woman. We both find her oddly charming and her bonsai puns delightfully endearing, rather than weird. And that is 100% our furniture in the background of these photos.” After a long enough pause for it to be dramatic, Alex declared: “Maggie runs the Badass Bonsais blog!”
After a moment, Lucy burst out laughing. “Oh my god! We have to tease her about this forever!”
After they enjoyed a good laugh, Alex seemed to sober. “Shit…if she runs a blog, she definitely cares about these stupid little trees a lot. Which means we have royally fucked up.”
“Okay, but no one needs to know,” Lucy corrected, looking sternly at Alex. “We still have a few days; we’ll fix it by then.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, trust me.”
Hours later, they found themselves writing desperate please in online bonsai tree care forums under the username, “Badass Bonsai Babes.”
“We should make up a backstory in case Maggie reads these forums,” Lucy suggested.
“Ooh, good thinking! Um…here, how about this? ‘Hey! My best gal pal and I are looking after our friend’s bonsai. Our friend is a great guy, who is also an accountant. We might have messed up his tree a little. Please advise.’”
“How did you possibly make it through a lie detector test?” Lucy laughed, staring incredulously at Alex.
“Because I’m an amazing liar.”
“That sounds absurd!”
“No…I offer just a bit too much personal information just like all the other weirdos on these forums! Therefore, I blend in perfectly. Boom.”
Shrugging, Lucy conceded, “Alright, maybe…add a typo. Maggie would never believe you’d let an imperfect draft go live.”
“Good thinking!” Alex quickly switched advise to advice, then abbreviated please to plz before finally hitting post. They watched with bated breath as the replies began to come in.
“What kind of bonsai does your friend have?” is how almost all of them started.
They both shrugged. “Um…it sort of looks like the sad tree in Charlie Brown’s Christmas episode?” Lucy wrote back.
Ignoring the somewhat condescending responses, they were at least able to get at the fact that they were likely working with a Juniper, which had rather important watering instructions that they definitely hadn’t followed. After sending pictures of the browning needles that had begun falling off of the branches, they were advised to simply get a new tree, which brought them to a quirky bonsai shop downtown that Monday morning—just one day before Maggie was due home.
“What the fuck?” Lucy hissed. “How are they so expensive?”
Alex just shrugged, feeling rather awkward lugging around the bonsai they’d killed, which looked even worse now, almost entirely bereft of needles. The shopkeeper had looked judgmentally at her, eyeing the dead Juniper suspiciously and asking Alex to stand farther away from her bonsais.
Finally Alex went directly up to the counter. “Look, I need a tree that looks exactly like this one with a matching pot. Do you have something?”
The woman explained that she could carefully repot the tree for them, since she didn’t trust them to do it (and, she explained, it shouldn’t be done frequently, but she would do them a favor). She helped them look through the Junipers and find one that looked at least similar to the one they’d killed—or, the way it looked before they’d killed it.
One expensive purchase and a lengthy repotting process later, Alex and Lucy were ready. They set the tree up exactly where Maggie’s old one had been and prayed she wouldn’t notice.
Maggie said nothing when she got home. It helped that she was distracted by the sight of her two girlfriends waiting for her in lingerie, matching grins on their faces, ready to apologize for a plant crime she didn’t know they’d committed.
They were pretty sure they had gotten away with it when they didn’t hear a word from Maggie for a full week. But then Lucy got an email from Alex with the subject line “*facepalm*” that contained a link to the Badass Bonsais blog.
She pulled it up, finding a new post with a picture of their newest acquisition. It began: “Well, you were right. Turns out my favorite Badass Bonsai Babes (hey, guys, by the way!) weren’t quite up to the pressure of caring for my little guys just right. Thanks to all for the suggestions about leaving my favorites with a friend. But, these two were sweet enough to try to replace my lovely Juniper with this new one—as if any gardener worth their salt wouldn’t notice!—so there will still be tales and lessons learned with this one. To be continued!”
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
So today was fine, if not particularly interesting, got the presentation done with and I think it went pretty well so that's a win. I languished in bed for like, ever, because I didn't feel like getting up and I really didn't need to, so I finally dragged my ass out of bed at like, 2:40 pm (my absolute you really have to get up now last chance alarm was set for 3:45 pm) so I hung out for a bit and ate breakfast (which was a donut and cocoa krispies, because free donuts must be eaten) and just chilled for a bit before getting ready and heading over to school. I got there a bit early than I normally would for no specific reason, just that I had a presentation and it would make me feel better about it, lol. So, class. There's 4 of us going today, I'm up second and my friend is last. The presentation was supposed to be about 20 minutes, including a 5-8 minute question and answer period. The first guy took like half an hour, during which I mostly just reviewed my notes and didn't pay very much attention lol. I basically was just worried that I wouldn't be able to expound properly on the cues I had on my outline, cuz like he said specifically several times not to just be reading from our papers but that's like, the exact info I needed to present haha so I had to just go off my cues, and I think I actually pulled it off pretty well! Other than saying "um" a lot which I don't like and don't normally do, I was able to talk a good amount of each of my points and explain the issues we would address and the programs we'd have and expansion and fundraising. Few questions at the end about dealing with kids running away from homes and my prof wanted me to expound on the fundraising which I didn't have a very good answer to haha cuz I haven't really put much work into that part of the paper. But overall I think it went well. My friend did well as well, then he just gave us some feedback on general presentations for stuff to include in our papers that we turn in, and a lot of it was stuff about like, scope and such that I know I need to work on scaling down properly because this is supposed to be a startup plan for a nonprofit and while I may want it to be a national organization in 20 years I need to focus first on getting off the ground. So I think I can manage with that. We got out about half an hour early which was nice. My friend has taken the train in and we were leaving the class at like 8:08 and there was an 8:10 train that she obviously couldn't make now, and the next wasn't until 9:50, so I suggested we hang and get some food. I originally wanted pizza but we ended up just going to the Italian place next door to the school that students hang out in the bar portion of fairly frequently, lol. And we just talked about the semester and trial ad and larc and everything, and about scheduling for next year, which I need to figure out what I'm doing. If I can't get into a legal drafting class (I'm second on the waitlist for one of them, but haven't seen any movement yet which is surprising) I should probably look at another bar course to take, but 1) I don't know which ones have already filled up 2) I don't know which ones would fit into my schedule and 3) I'm still trying to deal with the disparities between the New York and Illinois bars and which classes each covers, because while the plan right now is to take both that may change on job offers and other circumstances, and I don't want to take a class thinking its for the bar just to find out it's useless. So I need to take a look at all that, hopefully I'll get some time to do so at work tomorrow if I don't have any assignments, lol. But yeah, we ate pasta and chatted, then went back to school shortly to grab our bags and briefly talk to our other friends, then I headed home. It was about an hour later than when I typically get home, but I still wanted to watch Supergirl to unwind a bit. I had some mixed thoughts on this episode. Like it had some good points but others were just kind of meh for me. I know there's a large contingent shipping Kara and Lena at this point and that's definitely a ship I could be good with (definitely preferable to Meh-El) but I'm also totally fine with them as friends and quite like their friendship. I'm really just very fond of the character of Lena Luthor in general, especially given what they put her incarnation on Smallville through (different backstory, but she is fundamentally the same character) and she deserved so much better than those shitty writers gave her. So I obviously want her to succeed and very much not turn evil (which at this point I don't think will happen which I'm quite glad about). But yeah, so I wasn't super territorial or anything about this guy, and he was likable enough really, so when it became apparently he was supposedly evil I was kind of sad because he was a good character. I was kind of rolling my eyes at the whole villain who turns into nanites or whatever thing just because I feel like I've seen versions of it on so many shows before it doesn't feel like a very original idea at this point. However, I did appreciate the twist at the end that it wasn't actually him running the show and he was in fact a good character, but then I was sad that they actually did go and kill him, because I felt like he was a solid character that we definitely could've gotten a few more episodes out of, so that felt like some wasted potential. So I did appreciate Kara and Lena's friendship a lot during this episode and I'm always going to approve of strong female friendships like that (even though I wouldn't protest in the least if it turned romantic). And of course Meh-El didn't do much of anything, so that was nice. The guardian subplot was pretty meh, seemed like it was just there to give Jimmy and Winn something to do. We all knew Snapper was gonna hire Kara back sooner or later, and I'm at least happy to see her back because her being all unemployed and just with Meh-El all the time was starting to drive me nuts when we know Kara loves her job and she's quite good at it. So I'm glad that happened. And yeah, I think that's about all my thoughts on the episode. I'm sad that all the other shows are coming back this week and legends is just over, lol. I mean there's been a fair amount of discussion about why having a shorter season is a lot better for the style of plot they do and it churns out higher quality episodes which I can totally understand, but at the same time I just want more episodes of my favorite damn show, lol. Ah well. I'll live off press release details about season 3 and fanfics until the premiere in the fall I suppose (and of course I'm waiting on that announcement that Wentworth Miller will be coming back as a series regular for season 3. I'm having faith that it'll happen). And yeah, after supergirl I started to get ready for bed. Work tomorrow, and I can actually go straight home tomorrow, which is legit something I can't remember doing since like, December at the earliest, lol, definitely never this semester. So I'm looking forward to that for sure. And yeah, it would be good. Getting late now though and I have to be up in a little over 6 hours (boo) so I'll call it a night here. Goodnight sweet peas. Stay awesome.
0 notes