#also i made a cute theme for my hiatus but too lazy to put it all together
kuroosdarling · 1 year
hello friendz !! popping by to wish everyone a good day ^_^ i will not be online much this next week as i’m going camping :3 ! hope everyone has a good week ! see ya on the other side ! <333
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hardnoctlife · 5 years
About Me
Me: Oh, sweet, I have time to write on my WIP!
My brain: Let’s answer these author-asks instead that NOBODY asked for:
Fandom Questions
1.       What was the first fandom you got involved in?
FIRST, first? InuYasha! First one I wrote actual fanfiction for? I think that was Yu Yu Hakusho.
2.       What is your latest fandom?
Final Fantasy XV (if you couldn’t already tell.)
3.       What is the best fandom you’ve been involved in?
Final Fantasy XV. I haven’t met a person I don’t like! Generally everyone is super nice and supportive.
4.       Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Supernatural, maybe?? Only because they killed it with too many seasons…and there are some pretty weird fans.
5.       Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for?
Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII, Legend of Zelda, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, InuYasha…maybe some others when I was younger?
6.       What are your OTPs from your current fandom?
Promptis and Gladnis
7.       List your NoTPs from your current fandom
ArdNoct is my least favorite, but everyone is SO shippable…
8.       How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
One of my good friends, Claudia, was obsessed with the game so when I finally got a PS4 I started playing and got hooked! I’ve played final fantasy games since I was young so I was already a fan of the others.
9.       What are the best things about your current fandom?
I know there are dark sides to every fandom, but seriously, FFXV is the most kind and receptive fandom I’ve ever been a part of. I have a discord group chat with several people and we talk all day, everyday about anything and everything and I’ve made some really good friends from it. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
10.   Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
I’m actually not a huge reader of fanfiction (I know, it’s awful), but that’s because I’m too busy writing my own! I do read FFXV fanfiction that gets recommended to me though.
Author Questions
11.   What’s the first fanfic you ever wrote?
It was waaaaay back in high school. I can’t remember much, but I know it was a YYH high school AU.
12.   Is there anything you regret writing?
Eh. Not really. I had fun with everything I’ve done so that’s what’s important, even if my skill was cringy back in the day.
13.   Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of and explain why you like it. 
Insomnia High School! (Really, my whole FFXV high school series). It’s the first set of long-fics I’ve written in probably over a decade, and I wrote them while recovering from knee surgery, which kept me sane because I’m a super active person and not being able to do anything had me depressed. IHS I’m particularly fond of because it’s a little edgier and I got to feature Zidane from FFIX who is probably one of my favorite video game characters of all time! Also, it’s my longest fic I’ve written, but it was maybe the easiest for me to get through. It really just flowed for me, and even though it’s not my most popular, I put a lot of heart into it. 
14.   What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
Probably Dawn of the Godslinger, simply because it was the first fic I wrote after a ten-year hiatus from writing!
15.   What’s your most popular fanfic?
Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between. It’s probably my second favorite thing that I have written, and it was definitely the most fun to write out of all my current works.
16.   How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Uh… they just come to me? Some are pretty straightforward (like Insomnian Academy for the Elite), and then for others I try to pick the main theme and come up with something witty, like Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between, which is meant to reference all the different domestic life scenarios and the ‘slice of life’ vibe. 
17.   What do you hate more: coming up with titles or writing summaries?
SUMMARIES. God, they suck. I’m really not sure why they are so hard, but I struggle with them at times.
18.   If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story/stories, which story would it be and what would it be a picture of?
I have been blessed with talented artist friends who have done fanart for several of my works! If I’m being selfish though, I really want some from Rain or Shine or The Long and Short of It All with all the bros being cute and silly.
19.   Do you have a beta reader? Why/why not?
My wife is an editor with an MFA so she is my beta reader/editor (I’m very lucky). Overall, I think it’s important to have someone check your work and give you objective feedback. No one is perfect and there is always room for improvement.
20.   What inspires you to write?
There are endless possibilities in my fandom…it’s pretty easy to stay inspired. But really, I just enjoy it.
21.   What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I have received a lot of super nice comments… I think I enjoy when people are inspired to write or draw their own stuff because of something I wrote! Also, when people told me they cried or FELT some sort of strong emotion, that’s the greatest compliment.
22.   Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you?
Omg YES. Music inspires me more than anything else. I have playlists for just about every fanfic I write! I’ll often listen to a playlist on repeat while I’m writing or throughout the day when I’m brainstorming ideas.
23.   Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics, or HUUUUUGE epics?
A little bit of everything! Depends on how I’m feeling and how much an idea takes off.
24.   What’s the word count on your longest fic?
I think it’s around 88,000
25.   Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I walk the line between drabbles/one shots, but usually they’re just a single scene I wanted to get out but was too lazy to put into a larger story.
26.   What’s your favorite genre to write?
Probably angst, with fluff/romance being a close second.
27.   First person or third person- what do you write and why?
Both! It just depends on how I want the fic to be interpreted/felt by the reader.
28.   Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I try to use canon characters as much as possible, but I don’t have an issues creating OCs if the need arises.
29.   What is your greatest strength as a writer?
People have told me they like my dialogue and also the little subtle details/body language I include.
30.   What do you struggle with most in your writing?
Probably pacing, especially towards the end of a fic when I get excited about finishing it. Also, I don’t usually write outlines so sometimes I can dig myself into a hole plot-wise and my wife (editor) has to help get me out. (thanks babe!)
31.   What is your all time favorite fanfic?
Probably “Such Is Us” by surveycorpsjean. It’s what inspired me to write my own OT4 fic for FFXV.
32.   If someone wants to read one of your fanfics, which would you recommend to them and why?
Honestly, all of my stuff is so different it would really depend on the person! But my favorites that I’ve written (in order) are: You’re My Cup of Coffee, Rain or Shine and Everything In-Between, and The Insomnian Academy for the Elite.
33.   Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why or why not?
Of course!! As a writer, I love when people comment on my stuff so I feel it’s important to do the same for others.
34.   Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
If they do, it’s AWESOME and I really appreciate. If they don’t, that’s their choice! I believe in writing for myself, so I’m not going to base my worth as a writer on kudos/like/reblogs, etc. It does give me the warm fuzzies when people leave sweet comments though <3
35.   Rant or gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction.
Okay, so, smut. I like it! IF I’m in the mood for it. If I read a smutty fic and I knew what I was getting into, it’s great. However, I tend to not like s*x just for the sake of s*x in my fics. I try to focus on emotion and WHY two characters might be getting physical rather than just throwing something in there because I think it will get my fic attention. When people put in a s*x scene that doesn’t further the plot it’s a major turn off for me. 
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itsamiraculous · 6 years
A Friendly Shove- Tyrus
So I’m really not a huge part of the Andi Mack fandom, I have just finished watching it during it’s hiatus and then because I picked up on Tyrus I wanted to see what other people have said about their scenes and I noticed some stuff and I wanted to share it because I’m really bad about containing myself with this sort of stuff and I haven’t seen this exact stuff being said 😂😅
Okay so we all know that there are limited scenes with Tyrus as a whole, but the ones we do see I find are always meaningful and hint to their endgame/relationship. I’ve seen posts that comment on how they are there for each other, how they build each other up etc. I’m kind of going to add to that in a way.
Anyway, so I noticed how TJ shoves Cyrus (not in a bad way); in a metaphorical and physical way. Cyrus also does it, but in a different way, but I’ll talk about that last.
So first let’s go to the Muffin scene. 
It’s their first interaction and TJ immediately decides to teach Cyrus. Already that’s giving him more of an attachment to him, rather than keeping his distance and just getting what he wants; Buffy’s tuition. That would have meant him just getting the muffin and be done with it.. 
This already sets up TJ to be a nicer person than what he comes across as. It’s not that he was lazy, because that is emphasised by what he does; that he is kind.
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I’m sorry, but Cyrus’ face is priceless. Even before TJ offers to teach him, he is open about his embarrassment, he owns that he doesn’t stand up for himself which I think is lovely also.
I’ll come back to this later, but I’ll put it in anyway. Buffy’s reaction after the game plan.
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“He can’t do that”- Her face says it all as well, so does Cyrus’ side profile towards Buffy as it’s like “Is that what you think?”
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“Hey, don’t tell him what he can’t do”- Okay, Buffy was talking to TJ like Cyrus wasn’t even there in the first place, also TJ totally wasn’t there to just counteract Buffy with everything she said either; TJ was sticking up for Cyrus, despite him not knowing him. That is honestly so lovely. I have a theory about TJ anyway in relation to that statement that I might mention later (honestly the muffin scene links to everything with Tyrus).
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Buffy’s reaction, she knew she said the wrong thing probably.
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Ignore the hilarious facial expressions it was the best I could do, but TJ gives Cyrus a push/shove. I would like to say that this is after Cyrus is already moving, meaning it’s not that harsh, though it could easily come across as impatience on TJ’s behalf. I think this is because TJ is just broody in this situation. This is the start of his redemption. But I think at the end of the day, it can be encouraging, it can also be metaphorical because he is putting Cyrus out of his comfort zone, but Cyrus wanted that in the first place. 
I think this scene is made better by the fact that TJ actually looks to Buffy briefly when Cyrus disturbs the crowd like “You’re not going to help him?”  or it’s just to the crowd in general.
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He jumps in himself, getting Cyrus his muffin. He still lets Cyrus be the one to take it, he wasn’t that impatient to the extent that he could have just picked it up and shoved it into Cyrus’ hands. It was still a win for Cyrus, TJ just happened to back him up, he was with Cyrus (team/equals visual).
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Also I find it hilarious how many times TJ tries not to smile, like his facade of the confident, laid-back school bully falters as he smiles, he’s grinning when he goes to Buffy and I want to say that it’s both because he succeeded in his task and was able to prove himself for Buffy’s tuition. It was just Cyrus in general as well.
Anyway, so moving on I guess.
We then also have the Swing scene (❤❤)
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(sorry for poor quality, but you get the idea)
I mean, TJ is literally pushing Cyrus... on a swing.
Again, TJ’s facade falters here as well, when Cyrus calls him “scary basketball guy” TJ introduces himself and it was like he was uncomfortable; he doesn’t like that title. Honestly, he’s just so soft in this scene. He even giggles! 
The whole “Swing” is a metaphor anyway. Cyrus goes there because it makes him feel better about himself, he reassures himself and that’s what it stands for, self-love I guess, it’s also just a break from anxiety. So the fact that TJ says about Cyrus reminding him to swing again means that he has gained some happiness again. It also fits in with the theme of not letting people get to them (I will reference this again later). 
But also my first thought when I watched this scene was I thought the swing was a reference to childhood; also how TJ was speaking and Cyrus’ little songs made things seem childish. So maybe it was a reference to nostalgia (like most symbolism's of swings), goes into a theory I have about TJ anyway as well. 
The thing with swings is that they come back. That’s another thing. One of them (TJ) pushes, but the other (Cyrus is always there). The muffin scene, TJ pushes him forward, TJ ends up having to put himself next to Cyrus as well to really help. Then with the swings TJ is pushing Cyrus, but Cyrus is coming back to him. There is something about TJ also doing the underdog thing as well, he starts off behind Cyrus (having his back), then the underdog thing, he is then facing Cyrus, still pushing him, encouraging him. Honestly it’s so sweet 
“That was exhilarating!”
“Want another one?” 
“No thank you”
*pouts* “Too bad” *does it again with a cute side giggle*
The fact that TJ calls Cyrus underdog is so freaking sweet as well because it combines the swing scene and also the muffin scene (in my opinion), because in the muffin scene he stood up and kind of routed for Cyrus (”routing for the underdog”) and then it’s just a reference to the swings where TJ performs an “underdog”. 
The way the swing scene ends with Cyrus leaving is really nice too. To be honest, those two interactions with Cyrus and TJ so far are with Cyrus making his own decisions. He wanted that muffin and was okay with him doing it himself, then here Cyrus was offering TJ someone to talk to, to confide in without prompt, he had already made the decision to befriend TJ. The swing scene is where Cyrus sees right through TJ because he recognises that he also needs some uplifting.That’s another thing with them both, they aren’t so different, and that fact is what gets TJ to confide in Cyrus every time. Cyrus is a little more free in the respect that he makes it clear when he’s nervous/anxious. 
He owns it and that’s part in parcel to what Cyrus’ arc is about; owning himself, which just so happens to be what TJ helps with on first interaction...
Then the final “shoving” scene.
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This is wwaaaaayyyyyy more friendly, playful and encouraging compared to the one in the muffin scene. I honestly think it was meant to parallel it. Cyrus wasn’t walking in, but TJ’s expression and the situation is just way to light to not be friendly and encouraging. It is just a direct parallel situation anyway with TJ helping Cyrus how to somersault is the exact same as TJ helping Cyrus to get the muffin. The context is different now; they know each other, they’re friends and they are getting closer. 
So yeah. 
So what about Cyrus? This next situation is where both of them metaphorically push.
It’s when TJ tells Cyrus about his Dyscalculia.
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TJ is being broody, to Cyrus of all people, and the amazing thing is that Cyrus already knows TJ well enough to know that he doesn’t mean it. When I first saw Cyrus put his hand on the rail, I thought it was TJ’s arm (a girl can dream, I’m sorry) but yeah, Cryus was reaching out because he knew TJ wasn’t okay, but because TJ hates the idea of having dyscalculia, feeling like he’s dumb and thinks he is looked down upon, he takes it out on people; pushing them away. We see this as TJ walks away from Cyrus. He was the same with Buffy, and Buffy pushed too, but there is something more against why he was the way he was with Buffy, and also Buffy’s response as well could’ve been better. Plus Buffy here in this scene was rubbing it in TJ’s face. Not good.
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Cyrus is practically un-phased, maybe a little disheartened, but he stays where he is; by the rails almost to let TJ know that he is still there.
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Cyrus doesn’t give up though, he goes after TJ, he pushes himself in as TJ pushes him away. The imagery of a door indicates to us already that he is crossing over the border.
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Something tells me that Cyrus following TJ, Cyrus stating that he does the same as TJ (eats his feelings) and then Cyrus sticking around makes TJ feel okay enough to confide in Cyrus. I think it’s also that matched with Cyrus being so open to him anyway and Cyrus in general. It lets TJ know that Cyrus is there, wants to be and isn’t going away. Cyrus enforces that by his words and actions when they actually talk.
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Cyrus sits like that for a reason; despite arms folded in front of him- Cyrus is casual and open.
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This scene, honestly is beautiful. If there is anything that confirms Tyrus (other than the cast saying that TJ looking back was deffo to Cyrus) I would argue that this scene tells us. 
It tells us that Cyrus and TJ are on par “Eating your feelings? I do that”- Cyrus bottles things up/feels bad and eating is a comfort. It is metaphorical in the sense that you swallow and try to ignore your feelings, but also just feel like you need comfort so you turn to food (anxiety and depression does this!!)
It tells us that TJ isn’t all that confident. He doesn’t want people to know he is dumb, or that he has a “problem”- this topic I thought would arise with Jonah because of Andi and Cyrus both saying “You’re Jonah Beck!” claiming that by being that he has no flaws (we all know that’s wrong). It must have hurt a little when Cyrus said to TJ about “How can you be sad? You’re the captain of the basketball team”. Mere seconds before that scene TJ was telling Buffy that he didn’t want Basketball euphemisms used with Math to suggest he only knows basketball- TJ wants to be smart; he is smart. He just needs to get around this obstacle, to own it and not let it get in his way. 
Jonah is still portrayed as being good at everything (aside from relationships but I’ll just let that slide), even with his panic attacks, he is still a natural at everything he picks up. TJ is so much more with the fact that we learn he has this one obstacle that to me tells me that he fears what people think of him, that he doesn’t actually like being that person, that maybe he has been put down in the past and maybe has a facade to protect him from stuff. I say this because the thing that really sets TJ at ease is when Cyrus tells him that his teacher can’t fail him or judge him for his dyscalculia, that he is common. It suggests to me that TJ have been privy to people putting him down and he was scared of people (hence the kids that walk through) and his teacher doing that. He is known for his confidence, so I imagine that maybe he doesn’t have such a good home-life or something and they reprimand him if he doesn’t do well. He has to work, unlike all the others who run riot. The only other teen character that we see that has a job is Amber and it’s to help pay and keep up her family. I wouldn’t put it past that TJ is in a similar situation and that maybe his parents aren’t the best, or maybe he has the one parent, who knows. It would be really cool to get more background on him!!!! But yeah, I think maybe here and in the swing scene TJ may have felt like a lost cause, that’s why he had heightened hostility. Also, you see what I say about having a childhood? Having a job already indicates to us that he doesn’t have the same freedom; he has responsibilities, and he doesn’t act like a kid. His childhood may have been taken from him in some way.
This scene also tells us (I feel) with the difference between Buffy and Cyrus in relation to TJ. Buffy was saying and trying to do the exact same thing as Cyrus was saying: “So Buffy was right all along”. Buffy’s actions were just the wrong ones. She didn’t get to know TJ, she didn’t seem to care overly much either (and understandably so). There was a goal. I think she really had to know TJ to really help him in teaching methods. She did try, and she did try understanding with searching into dyscalculia etc, but Cyrus was so much more open and calm... He also knows TJ on a different level because of their similarities and interactions etc. Cyrus has also put in the effort and seen TJ for who he is without any one telling him otherwise. Cyrus’ reaction to TJ saying he has dyscalculia is the best reaction, it’s like he was just learning another casual thing about him, there was no surprise, no pity, just plain “yeah, and?...” attitude. 
This approach is just so different, and I think that’s why TJ really appreciates it. It’s chilled out, it’s like it’s the most casual thing in the world, as it should be. It’s so funny though because TJ is all about helping Cyrus own himself, building him up and here Cyrus is, doing that for TJ. Buffy was trying to tell TJ all this but it was lost. Their hostility clouded it. Cyrus was the middle ground. TJ didn’t want to impress Buffy or anything, he had a goal, just like Buffy did with tutoring. TJ and Buffy really aren’t the endgame. That is made clear when TJ tells Cyrus that he is the one that helped him, not Buffy. That is what the fortune teller meant, but Cyrus is so much more than just a friend. That I think starts to change here, and then as time goes on and finally with the look back bit and rap. That is where things properly change between those two mostly. Cyrus is constantly surprised by TJ, but it means more when it’s for a friend also... That is the moment I believe that Cyrus fell for TJ, but for TJ, I don’t know, maybe it’s just been a slow build, but this scene here when he reveals he had Dyscalculia says a lot.
Finally, I wanted to say about what I stated earlier about Buffy saying that Cyrus can’t do something. Honestly, both Buffy and Andi have no faith sometimes with Cyrus, and that’s very sad. I don’t know whether that will be addressed, or Buffy and Andi just cotton on to “Oh, Cyrus is becoming more comfortable and confident with himself, that’s nice. Maybe he can do that” (most likely the latter but we’ll see). They can be a little selfish and yeah, they can just have very little faith in Cyrus which isn’t fair because as (best) friends you are meant to support each other. 
So yeah. To finish off that last scene with TJ and Cyrus, I forgot to say about how it ends. Cyrus also was getting worried and Cyrus was also open about that...
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and TJ reassured him, tells him he was the one that helped the most. 
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I think what sets this scene apart from his therapy session with Amber and Buffy is how unforced this was, like everything with TJ and Cyrus. It isn’t forced, it is so uncomplicated compared to literally all the other het ships on the show. It’s probably why I like it so much 😂😂
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^ also that is a look of hope, that is hella gay.
But yeah, so Cyrus builds up TJ, just as much as TJ builds up Cyrus. They also push each other in the right direction and they are in it together. They are a team, the set apart from the crowd as well and I can’t wait to see TJ be integrated in the GHC. 
Can’t wait to see what comes of them :)
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runa-stuff · 5 years
Here be spoilers!
My jumbled thoughts on season 4 and the differences now that we’re on Netflix.
Alright, I’m somewhat back to the land of the living after binging season 4 two times. I have never been this emotionally drained after watching a show/movie. So much PAIN.
Things I loved and other thoughts:
- That opening song! I never liked that song but this version I adored!! Those lessons are paying off, Tom flippin nailed the high notes.
- The focus being on the characters instead of the case. This season makes it very clear how much fox pushed for this being a pure procedural. I mean we knew that the lucifer team had to fight for every scene that had nothing to do with the case of the day, but look just HOW MUCH! Most of the time during s4 I even forgot there was a case going on, and most importantly, the case’s sole purpose were to enrich and advance the character’s own storyline. It felt organic instead of forced.
- The costumes. They all looked so bloody good this season.
- The fight scenes were out of this world!!
- More supernatural stuff!! For once Lucifer was allowed to show he is more than human! He has more freedom because Chloe knows now, yes, but he was never allowed to show his strength before at all, except for the occasional door-handle crushing or chain ripping. That car scene was everything! Let him be a BAMF every once in a while, he’s the rebel angel!!
And Demons! More of that please! Love the zombie-esque way they handled the possession business.
Also Lucifer starting that boat cracked me up. Of course, he can turn everything on. 😂
- Things like racism, police-violence and mental issues being acknowledged and taken seriously.
- The way the triangle was handled. After the Pierce fiasco I was very, very worried about this being another generic love triangle. Honestly it wasn’t even a love triangle in my eyes this time, because it was painfully clear the whole season there’s only one Lucifer loves. It was more about him being torn apart by what Chloe and Eve represent, and that was brilliant.
The women didn’t “fight” over the guy. All of the involved characters learned from it, and it didn’t end with Lucifer “choosing” either side of him, but with him realizing that he wants to be HIMSELF. That he shouldn’t have to choose a side and change for others.
- Deckerstar! THAT AXE-SCENE!! That was intense and charged  and holy carp, all I can think of is: if she had wanted to push that axe down, he would have let her, wouldn’t he? He is vulnerable around her, and every time he chooses to be around her he puts his eternal life in her hands, and Chloe finally knows that. Ahhh! There were so many amazing scenes between them. Both their hearts got ripped wide open again and again, and it brought them closer than ever.
I also love how they keep playing with the fact that he’s vulnerable around her (the bar fight, him flinching when he slips with the knife before realizing Chloe is not there etc). Crying about the ending scene later.
- Chloe babe!! She’s back in the game! Lauren killed it this season, she was finally allowed to shine. Her post-reveal journey to acceptance was handled perfectly (I know many liked to believe she’s gonna accept and love him for what he is like two seconds after seeing his face, but that’s the stuff of fanfics).
I don’t wanna see anyone shitting on her because of what she almost did! Her whole world was turned upside down and she was manipulated in that vulnerable time, if you wanna shit on anyone, shit on Kinley. I’m so proud of her breaking out of that and realizing Lucifer ‘is who he is’, after all. The most important thing is that she didn't do it, in the end. And maybe that wine glass breaking was a bit of divine intervention, because the music being loud enough to break it alone would mean she’s at the very least deaf now. (don’t overthink it, I know) just rewatched the scene and saw she actually topples the glass over so nevermind.
- Lucifer finally found his brain again. I was getting tired of him getting more and more stupid and regressing for no reason. Also that dark velvety edge is back in his voice.. my voice-kinky ass is very happy with that, since his voice somehow got higher and higher with each season lmao. Oh and that scene at the end of 4x08 in Lindas office. Holy shit, guys. Tom ripped out my heart, trampled on it and threw it into the trash. The growth in the last few episodes!! And how is no one talking about the voices-in-his-head bit?
- My devil kink has been fed very well. Phew. Perfect eye-flashing moments, and use of distorted voice.
- STEP-SATAN HAS RISEN. Seriously that was awesome and cute. And finally some acknowledgement that he DOES love that little urchin too.
- Dan. Some of those scenes were painful to watch for my Douchifer heart. I hope he is the next to get into the Know… I don’t see any other way for him to change his opinion on Lucifer again any time soon.
- That whole Baby plot line? I usually hate baby plot lines with a passion, but this one wasn’t so bad. 'Aminidiel’ still cracks me up though. Still, my least favorite part of the season I think. Not a fan of Remiel either. That felt a bit wasted, probably because of time reasons.
- Eve. I was skeptical because there was way too much focus on her in the promos, but she is super cute. She also tackled some fe/minist themes that I believe has a lot of potential for the future. I hope she comes back next season, Mazeve all the way!
- Michael and Lilith hinted!! Very interested in the tension I smelled between Amenadiel and Michael, and more of Maze exploring the feelings for her mother please.
- The humor. It’s a bit darker, but still like we know and love it from past seasons. I’m still giggling over the “he got tired” pun. Heh.
- I am now more convinced than ever that at least one of the writers is very familiar with fanfiction, because some of that stuff was grade A fanfic material. Hell, some of the stuff WAS almost straight out of fanfics I read, and that I had never imagined to see on screen! I love it!
- The CGI was.. nice actually. At least the devil bits. So crispy. The wings were consistent this time and pretty good too. I’ve always been proud of this show going the full on CGI way instead of the lazy/cheap supernatural-way, as I like to call it (no offense, I loved that show back in the day), so I’m not complaining about weird wings and stiff movements too much anymore. I don’t expect Legion level wing fights ( https://youtu.be/Mp6aKCE3jSc ) but I do wish they would make the feathers look a bit less looking like.. plastic. A bit less feather-duster, at least - a proper look at real wing anatomy wouldn’t hurt. Ok I shut up about that now, I promised
- Tom Ellis’ new devil-bod. Thanks Netflix. But they didn’t overdo the nudity either, it was just right.
- Sex positivity! Open relationship! Bi! Yes! Just disappointed Lucifer still didn’t get to snog a willing man properly. What’s the hold-up? Once again only women kissing other women on screen. Not that I’m complaining about Mazeve or that Eve/Ella kiss. Damn, Ladies.
- THE ENDING. OH MY GOODNESS, THE ENDING. Final episodes of Lucifer have the tendency to build up and up and up until you think this scene HAS to be the climax of the episode, but it’s NOT. Because there’s always one more scene that punches you in the feelings until the end (and you know it’s gonna happen when a way too amazing song starts playing). And boy, did they deliver again.
I knew Lucifer is going to say something stupid the very moment I saw his face at the beginning of the scene. I could fangirl over Tom’s incredibly expressive face and eyes all day long, but I’ll spare you. I just KNEW, you know. Lauren killed it again, I felt every bit of pain and despair from both of them. I have never been/will probably never be in love in my life, but I imagine what I felt during that scene is somewhat what love feels like. It hurt, man.
A bit of angsty goodbye love-making would have had the perfect timing here and made it all the more bittersweet, but we can’t have it all.
Earlier I had the thought that Chloe probably feels guilty about conspiring with Kinley… would be cool if they used that next season when she’s going to drag his devilfriend out of hell. Also very much looking forward to some Hades + Persephone vibes - because it would be stupid to drive them apart again.
All in all I think the cancellation really was the best thing that happened to this show. I believe it would have only gone downhill on fox with the amount of episodes and all the restrictions and hiatus. Iirc, the cast themselves said they always felt like the ugly duckling there with how the show was treated. On netflix we finally have promo, freedom and a storyline how the writers imagine it. I’m so proud of this fandom, and I can now safely say that the month with barely any sleep was worth it (even though it made me kinda addicted to twitter, damnit).
I hope netflix doesn’t wait too long with the renewal - while I have no doubts we’ll get s5, I still hate this in-limbo feeling lmao.
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kveom · 7 years
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My first follow forever (wOW)!!!! cya 2017!!
It’s so crazy to think that at the start of this year the only Seventeen I knew was the number… and now, whenever I hear the number seventeen, the first thing I think of is the group of 13 boys that brightened up my 2017.
After my introduction to seventeen came my introduction to this fandom and to some really beautiful people. I’m so grateful to all of you for being so welcoming, and filling my dash with posts that are memetastic, creative, beautiful and filled with the awesomeness of 13 precious boys. Oh! Also, thanks for brightening up my dash with awesome tags as well hehheheh. I hope 2018 treats you all with the happiness and love you deserve 💕💕
So for my mutuals I thought I’d write out my first impressions of each of you or the first post I saw from you (i’m really cheesy okay). Most of them I remember, but for the few I couldn’t, I wrote down the post that is most memorable for me or what I love about you/your blog :))
Also, it isn’t in alphabetical order... eep too lazy
@dokyeoms-angel - ’wow she loves dk as much as i do... i love her’
@17dad - i was a bit like ‘lol wut’ at your url because you were one of the first blogs i followed (and i was still getting to know svt) so i didn’t know how much of a dad scoups was
@kwoncoups - i followed you when you were imhobi and i remember thinking your url was for hoshi (even though i’d never heard hoshi being referred to as hobi idk) because i didn’t know hobi was jhope’s nickname lmao
@exxtramint - the first thing i saw from you was this vocal unit gifset and it was an instant follow hehe
@pechajun - i’m pretty sure i started following you when you were lunarjun and i rly liked your username ^^
@powerfulhoshi - this is the first gifset i saw from you and the font and the gifs and everything was soooo clean and nice!!!!!
@bubkwan - i wanted to steal your description
@hoshi-ssi - i’m pretty sure it was hoshi’s palm fairy gifset that made me follow because... yes... that’s the content i’m here for
@junshva - i found your layout so beautiful <3333 esp. that picture of seokmin *-*
@kyoem - i think this was the first i saw from you, but even if it wasn’t, it’s amazinggggg
@mvngyu - ‘heehee the sidebar is so cute’
@swimmingfool - this!!!! freaking!!!! edit!!!!! <3333
@jeong-hanie - beautiful gifs, must follow
@keyboardaegyo - i thought your theme(+ navi page) was really cuteee!!!
@vernons-laugh-is-my-aesthetic - ‘memes??? um YES’
@jeonwoooo - okay, this one is probably the creepiest... i thought ‘ooh i like their name’
@wonnwoo- i loveeee your wonwoo starsign edit
@santascoups - read your desc + about page and thought you seemed cool lmao
@the1the8 - i think the first thing i saw of yours was that simple but gorgeous chocolate edit <333
@woenoo - i thought your tag for wonwoo was so cute wnfnadssndk
@wonshu - will always remember you as the one to tag me in that lethal dk photoset... so there’s a love/hate relationship (jk i love)
@leejhs - tbvh, your love for milk tea is what i remember
@dearseventeen - ’this theme is sooo cuteeeeeeeee... dino!!!!’
@vitaminniedk - ‘they love dk, i love them’
@myungho - tbh your url kept coming up on my dash because of follow forevers/mentions and i was like this person must be really cool lmao (and you are)
@96kwon - your memes 😂
@rappershua- *reads* lee seokmin; you’re my love (on your navi) ‘SOLD’
@jeongahn - i found your layout so beautiful!!!!!
@7unhui - saw this and... yeah...
@jisoostar - this was the first post i saw from you and it was amazing (colours!!!) and i also thought ‘why haven’t i seen that photo of dk, he looks so good skdnfjdfsn’
@wonhuis - i love that you’re a tag talker hehehe
@bbaksu - i love your rocket edit *-* (it also might’ve been the first edit i saw from you but i can’t 100% remember)
@jishua - 'this secret santa is so sweet lfmslmdf’
@pitdae - ‘only an awesome person can write this about page’ (and thank you for awesome gifs ^^)
@pinktomatocat - this edit made me cri follow, it’s so nice!!!
@kwoncity - ’wow they know their stuff’ (was reading your answers about music and yeah)
@chiwoopsie - the ‘types of carats during comeback season’ post was the first one i saw from you. it’s gold <333
@hoshidotcom - ’i like my soonyoungs spicy’ yes okay that’s a follow
@captainoates - thank you for everything you provide for this fandom <3333
@boosonseok - lmao this post
@xiyeonah - ’wow... her dk tags.... are me....’
@zeonghan - i’ve said it before but you’re a cOOL person
@softmanscoups - ’this one’s a riot’ / i still remember when dk was your bias and there was one post about slushies and tongues lmao... i will never forget
@seokmins-thighs - i don’t think you had this url when i followed you but it said somewhere that this used to be your username and i thought ’they should totally go back to seokmins-thighs’ (also, the fact that you have a tag for his thighs... thank you // edit: i’m going through that tag now and your tags are gold 😂😂 i luv dk stans)
@bangtanbombdotcom - this one’s probably the most vague but... it was some sort of text post about seventeen that made me follow you but i can’t remember lol (it might’ve been talking about their dancing or just praising them, but anyway i agreed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@cafewoozi - (you were meant to be down there ↓ like a day ago but now you’re here and that’s amazing) ‘pastel everywhere 😍’ *reads description* ‘ahhh’
@sunshine-turkey - ‘sunshine-turkey... interesting url’ lmao
If we’re mutuals and you’re not here, pls let me know!!! and if you’re up there ^ and we’re not mutuals... hope you had fun reading my first impression anyway!!!
I know i’m the worst mutual ever because people scare me but I hope you know that I love and appreciate all of you!!!
The rest aren’t mutuals, but are still blogs I adore <33
@woozzi, @camera-seventeen, @verngyu, @12fools, @incorrect7teen, @svt-laughing, @happydk, @17cuties, @amemericans, @pledisboys, @yoonjeonghannie, @gyuofficial, @17hateblog, @seungkwa, @dokyummm, @juunshua, @adoreu-carat @livelovelunch, @je0nghans  + my whole blogroll (also there are some blogs who i constantly reblog from or who make me laugh but i can’t remember the urls so... there’s that // there’s one in particular i tried to find but i can’t remember :(( )
okay, now this is gonna get real extra but here are some special mentions lmao:
@verymerryotl - when i was first getting into svt your analyses were really interesting and helpful, so thank you for writing them ^^
@pabospoiler- your giffing of dk actually made me start giffing because i wanted to make him shine like you do :) (even though i’m doing a bad job of it lmao)
@fyseokmin - *bows down* you really make my dash a happier place (you might not see this bc you’re on hiatus but i hope you’re doing okay <333)
@kristian-do - thank you so much for everything you do for this fandom!!! i know you’ve said before that you’re not sure how long you can maintain your blog for, and i hope that when the time comes, you put yourself first ❤️
@jisoosmeoli - the first person to talk to me on tumblr!! thanks for dealing with this socially awkward weirdo >< you’re awesome 💕💕
@raphamster - thanks for being dk trash with me 💖💕❤️ i’m so glad i made that post about seungkwan being the best person ever :))
Happy new year!!!! Kick 2018 in the behind 😎
The last part is just a cheesy thank you to seventeen, which you don’t have to read if you don’t want to (and i couldn’t put it under a read more, sorry) -- this is kinda something I don’t want people to see but I also do because it needs to be said and I want to show people how wonderful seventeen is
so halfway through the year i found out about seventeen. i’d never stanned a kpop group before and i never really wanted to, just because of the emotional toll it would take on me. but seventeen pretty much said ‘nuh uh, coming through’ and... yeah... and i’m so grateful for that :’)
discovering seventeen this year has helped me a lot. these boys just radiate happiness and love, and you can’t not feel it. i’m a really (negative) emotional person, so if i get one whiff of sadness or anger, either from others or myself, i fall into this dark hole of negative emotions, which i usually just wait out. but now, whenever i’m in that dark hole, i can watch some seventeen videos or listen to their music and my heart will feel a bit lighter. i mostly watch their dance practices idk why?? maybe because it makes me feel so proud??? oh, also their performances!! which shows how much of an impact their stage presence/energy has. anyway, just watching them do anything really fills me with warmth and all these good emotions that override the bad. even just daydreaming about what it’s like to be part of their lives, surrounded by that bubble of joy and love they create gets me through it :)
they also made me realise that i need to surround myself with people who make me love life. i have a circle of friends but we’re not super close and i used to be fine with that, but learning about these boys and how important they are to each other made me realise that i shouldn’t settle for that. i need a friend that i can tell anything to, to lean on when i need to (and who’ll listen to me talk about seventeen all day). they give me hope that i’ll find friends like that, who i’ll treat like family. they also reinforce my belief that everything happens for a reason. can you imagine if scoups or woozi had debuted before the rest?? or if seungkwan ended up in jyp?? but nope, they all found each other and they adore each other so much while creating AMAZING music, so they give me hope for the future :) 
i wanted to write another paragraph about dk but i’ll just say this: he reminds me of all the good things in the world and he can make me smile like no other 💖💖
so to sum this up, i want to thank the 13 beautiful boys of seventeen for making my 2017 a bit brighter just by being them :)) go and make 2018 your year like you did 2017, but look after yourselves!! i hope you carry this joy for life and love for one another into the new year 💕💓💖❤️💕💞💘💚💛💙💜❤️💕 
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