#ok sorry this is reallly long
kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
ashe is really pretty tbh
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ambeauty · 1 year
I have some many thots and feelings on the season opener of Titans Part 2. I’ve literally had all day to process these thoughts and I hope they come off well intended. Well DCTK was something… I’ll make this a compliment sandwich. In the caul’s folly ep I loved how hands on Dick and Kory were. Dick constantly checking on her meant everything to me. 🥹🥹🥹 That was when I really floated to the ceiling. It is something so wonderful and so beautiful about seeing Dick be a literally shoulder for Kory to lean on, even with how strong she is. That’s how their relationship has always been but not seeing them shy away from each other physically meant a lot to me.
Now Kory not knowing how to read ancient tamaranean was a choice.. and the fact that the vision was not discussed was also a choice… How does the heir to the throne not know their ancient language. I can see if she forgot like when she had amnesia and maybe it would’ve curled over better if she said I can’t translate this right now, it must have gotten loss when I landed. IDK something to prove she hadn’t studied her own race’s native language as the next in line monarch, even if she didn’t want it.
However the Diner scene, when Dick sat next to Kory I have to say I was very pleased. Like that’s really her man without being her man.I can’t deal with them. I love how Kory went ahead of Dick to talk to the cops too. She was gonna use that charm by any means necessary and then Dick stepped in like “Baby, I got this.” 🤭🤭
Now here’s where things get shakey for me. When Kory starts to feel sick and Dick takes her back to the RV, where the hell does he leave her while going to meet with the sheriff? Was he not afraid someone wouldn’t find her after? Idk him going to visit the sheriff alone just didn’t sit right with me. And constantly leaving her “alone” throughout DCTK gave me some friction. Just didn’t seem like the smartest of ideas. But likely she didn’t wander off or get taken.
Ok so here’s my ultimate gripe with the episode. This episode was supposed to be about Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory… and I feel like they only got about a fourth of the episode. I feel like this was an episode full of very flavorful tastings of something reallly really special. I feel like if Tom could’ve written the episode of just Dick & Kory he would’ve went so crazy and I wanna see that version without all of the extra plot points like TimBer and Brother Blood. I wanted Dick & Kory actually communicating about why they put them together as a marry couple since it seemed so outlandish that they could be in bed together 🙄 (y’all have fucked multiple times.. be fucking for real) I would’ve liked you to remember it but yeah idk it was weird. Like funny but weird.
At this late stage of the series the tiptoeing and longing and pining of this ship is tortorous and TIRED. We should not fucking be here. I am sorry. We shouldn’t. Dick should’ve tried to snap Kory out of her spell by telling her some of her memories that intertwined with his. A conversation about the Mar’i vision should’ve been discussed there. I feel like it won’t ever be fully discussed because when do they have the time???
I am just forever upset that so much of s3 could’ve been giving us this but they had to throw Barbara in there for some sick reason. We should’ve gotten all of this pining last season so we weren’t spending majority of our final season there. I feel like the moment we see Dick and Kory happy and in love it’ll be over. Like 5 minutes of it. And what was the point of spending 11 episodes pining. IDK. I know Dick and Kory would have such a beautiful relationship once it’s finally said and done and I am perturbed that I am going to have to spend time exploring it in fic alone.
I just don’t wanna have to write fix it fics because that means that I was unfulfilled by the media and that was fine last season they had time to fix it on their own but the way they went about it here leave so much to be desired.
In conclusion. Dick telling Kory he would never leave her was sooooooooooo sweet. A perfect moments in the midst of a lot of shit and although he didn’t tell Kory directly. She knows how he feels. Idk when they will actually have the talk if they actually have the talk but I am sooo ready to see it. For my little DickKorian heart there’s so much riding on this conclusion. And I hope I can feel satisfied in the end. Right now I feel edged to the end of oblivion not gon hold you.
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
OK FOLLOWING UP ON THE BARD THING i think eichi definitely invited wataru to perform at a noble party before. because they'd usually have musicians and so? so ok picture this. it's eichi's birthday so his parents want him to hold a ball and he usually thinks those are annoying but then he gets an idea. make it a masquerade (for the drama). invite wataru as both a performer And his partner for the ball. he's an actor! and everyone is of course impressed by wataru's performance but they're even more impressed because the always polite but unreachable tenshouin heir is expertly dancing with a masked stranger (i love the fact that eichi's specialty in his profile is ballroom dancing). and then they're annoying and overdramatic in public together but no one can figure out Who That Is
and also i know you said that shu was a tailor but i think it would be funny if he also were a noble (his family is also of high standing in canon i think) so he can be there to judge eichi. harshly. i havent figures out yet how to make him besties w wataru but ! it can work
This got soooo long again so this is once more put under read more I am so sorry
The idea with the Masquerade comes up while Eichi complains to Wataru about his parents pretty much forcing him to throw a ball for his upcoming birthday (they already planned the whole thing and didn't reallly give him a choice in the matter) and how much of a hassle he thinks that is because of all the superficial politeness between people that everyone knows are gossipping about each other behind each others backs and how sick he is of the pretending to be well acquainted with these people he's talked to maybe once or twice and all the ladies that wish to dance with him and that want to suck up to him because of his families wealth and how really this is all just one big farce to "save face". So Wataru suggests "why not make it a masquerade ball" to spice things up a little bit maybe, take some of the stiffness out of it. And Eichi says he wants to invite Wataru because what's a public event without proper entertainment? Wataru agrees of course and they come up with all of these overly grandiose ideas and scenarios (most of them are utterly absurd. One they genuinely consider involves Wataru pretending to kidnap Eichi and causing a scandal (Eichi woud miraculously reappear the next day and they'd gaslight everyone into thinking that never even happened and all the people are just imagining things)).
Wataru mentions that he'll be gone for an evening to play at the noble's ball to the elderly inn-keeper couple over dinner and they make a really big fuss about it and tell him to dress nicely and to watch his manners because "Remember, you can't just drop from the ceiling with those high society people like we let you do it here they're very sensitive about manners you have to make sure to watch your manners!" and for a minute he wonders how it got to the point that his landlords started to treat him like they personally picked him up from the street when he was a child.
I like to think he met Shu when he was out on the street doing a little street performance to earn some extra money for himself and Shu, the way that he is, came by, looked him up and down, and then started a conversation with him about music as an art form and that somehow turned into a philosophical discussion and at the end of that they each went their own ways with the knowledge that there was a new friendship formed that day.
And maybe he's the one that sews Watarus clothes for the ball because if you spent most of your life as a traveling bard living hand to mouth from your music you won't really have the money for fancy clothes (Eichi still insists on paying for Wataru here because he wouldn't need to spend so much money on fancy ballgowns if it wasn't for him in the first place and also he just wants to treat Wataru to something nice and sees this as his chance seeing as Wataru declines most gift offers me made before). Wataru tells him about the entire thing and Shu scoffs because dislikes Eichi (still need to come up with a way to explain that disdain but I will come up with something trust me!) but his parents force him to be there too so "he might as well" (it's obvious he still puts in a lot of care "because of his pride as an artists" (because Wataru is his friend and he wants him to have something nice)).
Shu only has to be there because his family guilt trips him into going and he doesn't see the point in opening that can of worms again ("We already let you pursue your foolish dream of sewing clothes like a commoner this is the least you could do for your family.")
And then at the actual event he's in some secluded corner together with some other people who only attended as a mere formality because they also do not like the Tenshouin family but they have to be there because they're important and aristocrat politics are weird that way I suppose.
Meanwhile Wataru does his usual thing and charms everyone with his beautiful beautiful voice and his elegance and charm and oh he is so agreeable as a performer. Eichi has to handle the usual "pleasantries" (nothing pleasant about those tries) and he exchanges the one or the other suffering glance with Yuzuru when nobody pays attention that just screams "God when will it end". Yuzuru shoots him back a look that conveys the exact emotion of "my condolences" and then he goes on to look for Tori who's 1.53m figure has disappeared in the group of people and when he finds him he's talking to a gentleman that's about a head taller than him and the mask obscures his face but judging by the hair and the slight "animosity" between them he's talking to Tsukasa, so Yuzuru decides he's in good hands and leaves to do his own thing. (do they know they're talking to each other? Who knows! But they'd probably manage to start bickering either way.)
And eventually it gets to the actual Ball bit of the Birthday Ball Event where they actually dance (there's an actual orchestra there now and they play very lovely music). And almost everyone asks to dance with Eichi at least once. Eichi does not want to waste his time and energy on these people who are just interested in him for his money so he always makes up something about being preoccupied or a little tired or something that gives them no other choice but to back off. Suddenly Wataru appears behind him and does a little "boo!" and Eichi didn't expect that so he startles and almost drops his glass and tells Wataru not to do that anymore at public eventshas while Wataru has to stiffle a laugh because he thinks Eichi is cute when he pretends to try to be firm with him. After he's done with his "scolding" (you can barely call it that. he was very soft on Wataru.) Wataru asks him for a dance this time and he's very chivalrous about it - he goes all out really - he kisses his hand and offers him a rose while he does a little bow and asks if he "may have this dance with the lovely star of the evening" (and oh Eichi wants to kiss him so bad right then and there but in a room full of people that are worse than a committee of vultures that is very much not an option). Of course he agrees and they move to the dance floor and suddenly a Lot of eyes are on them because Eichi Tenshouin, whom a good chunk of pursuers have already given up on - because let us be real. It will never happen. The man hasn't shown interest in anyone at any moment in time and lives together with the Himemiya heir and his butler as far removed from the rest of the aristocracy as one would be able to - is waltzing with this masked stranger and it becomes very obvious very quickly that Eichis constant declining of dance offers was not for a lack of expertise because those two look breathtaking together.
Eichi actually dips Wataru once and some people wish they had hired an artist to paint the scene (because I'm a sap and wataei is beautiful I don't care I'm being self indulgent here)). And they talk but nobody can understand what because of the loud music and they curse the orchestra - which is still playing very lovely music (it's heavenly really) - for it.
After their dance is over Eichi goes back to declining every dance offer he gets with the excuse he's exhausted and needs to rest a little before he can dance again (the "I don't wish to dance with you" is implied and in the room but most people chose to ignore it to spare their ego and decide to take him at face value) and Wataru disappears to somewhere, nobody really knows where but somehow he's nowhere to be found. Until he sneaks up to Eichi a second time and does the whole "Boo!" thing again and Eichi almost drops his glass yet another time and as he turns around to "scold" Wataru again Wataru shushes him and takes Eichis, who is more confusedd than anything by now, hand and sneaks out of the ballroom with him.
Eichi asks where they are going and Wataru doesn't answer he just keeps walking and Eichi decides to just trust the process and suddenly they're on the Balcony again, not a cloud in the sky and the only sounds to be heard are the muffled instrumentals from the orchestra that started playing their next piece. The only lightsource being the moonlight reflected by the new years snow. And Wataru turns around, he's not wearing a mask anymore, and he does his little bow and kisses Eichis hand, hands him a rose he had appear from nowhere - a white one this time - and does his entire "May I have this dance with the lovely star of the evening" spiel again. It's the same routine really but it's different somehow. More intense. Because he says it with more sincerity than he did when they were around more people. And Eichi doesn't even have to reply before he finds himself whisked into this waltz yet again, somehow in the leading position. And then they dance and they dance and it's just the two of them, the stars as their only witnesses. And as the orchestra finishes their piece and the music fades out Eichi dips Wataru again and they kiss and it is so sappy and they are so so so so sappy.
They stay out on the balcony a little while longer but they retreat back inside rather timely seeing as it is still january and the night and as the following consequence of those two circumstances actually pretty cold and they'd both rather Eichi not get sick (he already got Watarus coat but then they'd also both like it very much if Wataru also didn't get sick either so they migrate back into the empty, dimly lit hallways of the mansion rather quickly)
(meanwhile at the actual ball people have noticed Eichi missing and started to ask questions, poor Yuzuru has to repeatedly tell people Eichi probably retreated into his quarters already, seeing as it is rather late and he was rather tired "Please excuse the young master for his failing in notifiying the other guests, he told me he didn't wish to interrupt the nice atmosphere and preferred to leave unnoticed".)
After the festivities died down Yuzuru and Tori go to check up on Eichis room because he's been gone without any notice and it would probably be useful to know if their kind-of-roommate just went away to fool around with that strange bard man they've been seeing sneaking around their mansion from time to time that Eichi seems to be oddly fond of or if the should actually be worried about his well-being. After they knock and get no reply Yuzuru just opens the door and he and Tori are both greeted with the view of Eichi asleep in his bed and next to him the also seemingly fast asleep figure of Wataru who's braid got considerably more lose during the course of the evening and who's also seemingly wearing some of Eichis sleepwear.
They both decide they have seen enough they do neither need nor wish to see more. Yuzuru, who has been in this situation before doesn't even have it in him anymore to react in a specific way. He just lets out this big sigh because he doesn't get paid enough for all of this as he directs Tori out of the room. Tori who has not been in this situation before has a Lot of questions now because he doesn't know this man but he's apparently closer to Eichi than most other people and he doesn't know how to feel about that but happy is probably not it.
(The following day Eichi has to listen to a (rightfully) disgruntled Yuzurus passive-agressive-yet-somehow-still-very-polite-sounding-Yuzuru-complaints about him just disappearing like that and leaving it to Yuzuru to take care of his mess (Eichi promises him to make up for it and that if Yuzuru has any favour to ask he's very welcome to come to Eichi about it). Tori really wants to ask about the strange man Eichi was so involved with but between not really getting a word in while Eichi and Yuzuru are talking and not really knowing how to take the exceedigly good mood Eichi is in (he's had "A very nice evening". With utmost certainty it was for reasons other than him actually enjoying the mingling witht the high society at social function he was obligated to host, Tori guesses), he kind of clinks out here and decides to simply take matters into his own hands when he gets the chance.)
#never let me write anything about them ever again#this got so long again I really just wrote my heart out huh#can you believe I actually researched flower language for this#in the middle I remembered that January is actually really cold at night so maybe I should switch up my approach a little#hm. did that work out? I have no idea#I kind of blacked out somewhere in the middle#Hiyori could've been in this idk he was there too somewhere with Jun or something#Eden attended the event but they're unimportant right now#can you tell I love fairytales by the way I feel like that got a little obvious throughout this entire AU#oh I should make a tag for this I'm actually rather fond of my embarrassing cringefail wataei au rambles#Btw when Wataru comes back home he's also in a very good mood and the elderly inn-keeper couple tease him about it#I've gotten very soft about that little thing that started as a side bit initially#those are his parents now they looked at this guy that has been occupiying this one room for a Long while#and that pays his rent by doing shows for the guests or helping in the kitchen or generally just helping around#some things are just easier when you're young and energetic#and they looked at him and his birds and went ''You're a little strange and off putting but you're part of the family now''#this is way less profound than the first one it's suuuper self indulgent and a little lame but I like indulging from time to time#head in hands i really like wataei#wataei#OH! wait there's symbolism in the dance scene (the second one)#the rest is just me being silly#yumefan🎼🌠#Wataru could wear Eichis clothes no problem I think thats so neat#because they're the same height and it's been said Wataru can pass perfectly for a woman so I assume he has more of a slim frame#chances are Eichis clothes sit loser on him than on Eichi i think that's a little funny#the possibility is there is all I'm saying#<- tag until i figure something out that sounds nicer#Märchen au
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halo-lll-odst · 11 months
ok anyway continuing from this post
wanna preface this with i am still pretty new to writing and just figuring shit out as i go 💀but i REALLLY wanted to write shit for my ocs. feel free to leave any criticism u have ok here i go gonna start with the poems first. none of these really have names so i'll just put dividing lines between them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a tongue tied by years of misuse flower petals disintegrating under the sweltering sun my eyes are pained by the sight
i remember your hands well held together by adhesive, too unreliable otherwise yet they were loved all the same
i don't know how something could've gone so wrong
a heart stretched thin by decades of mistreatment a cold snow drifting over the landscape my eyes are shut
i don't want to remember it anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ what is a body defined by? its shape? its volume? a body should be made of flesh, so thought the unwise but i myself am a shining example contesting that
the point where a blade cuts meat, that is where i lie a singlehandedly unique experience among the other cutlery it's either this or that, but i am neither a part i walk lines filled with uncertainty
does a butcher consider this? does a butcher ever stop to think? a new creature made from gore and metal, born in his shop perhaps he doesnt ever realize it perhaps i'm never going to be seen.
my body buried beneath the earth, yet i still horrifyingly remain my flesh has sloughed away in ripples, yet again, i remain metal scratches and whines as it glides over similar structures my blood may have turned to mist aeons ago, but i will still be here
i watch and wait for a similar experience cutting through cartilage and snipping tendons with stainless steel replacing beautiful blossoms with polymers day by day i shift and warp
i am something subhuman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    i keep my still heart close and my knives even closer
drifting through a confusing, uncaring world knowing only how to float along the winding roads they no longer speak to me their chords all ringing wrong
stepping on pedals, seeing what they do testing them with reckless abandon, just wanting to hear something similar it's a billion to one, i've checked it time and time and time again my song is never going to play for me anymore
the music playing before me falls onto deaf ears it irks me, but what can i do? this world has moved past me with little regard i cant help but grasp the handle as tight as i can
i'm losing my grip i can feel it with every millisecond that passes this world turning into a blur of sounds and sights and i have no say in it
can you blame me, then? for being so fierce and fearful? the sands of time trying to wash me away yet i'm going to keep carving my place here with every fiber of my being
i'll keep on carving as long as i need to even if it drowns the song out with knives so polished it mirrors your every move placing my body into the scales, becoming one with an object
perhaps i'll create a new heart, just for me a place to restore my once lost rhythms my personality built from the ground up made of wood and glue
i'll keep on carving and if i don't, cut my strings let me drift into freefall i'll be damned if i can't find a place for this still heart
i'm keeping my promises and i'll keep my knives even closer than before ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ok now for the actual fics and shit :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hey. it's me  you awake? > mmhn > yea i'm awake  good.  hey, look, i-... i'm sorry. > ?  i just  ugh.  fuck. > that's a new one coming from you  oh, hush > LOL > but besides that > i'm not gonna be able to take an apology i don't know the purpose of  i know i know i know  i just  need to collect myself. > ok  i'm. sorry for what i did to you. you shouldn't have ever ended up as... this.    > it's ok  it's really not. i went behind your back. i never told you what i was doing. i planned so much and told so little, you deserved to know.  i'm a terrible mother. > ...  don't feel obligated to say anything, please.  i messed up. > stop  i messed up and your whole life is different now. if i h > mom  ad just let you go peacefully, things would > Mom.  be okay > MOM > i'm sorry, i had to get your attention somehow  it's okay, i probably deserve that. > now you hush > but i don't think you're as evil as you think you are. > you may have messed up, sure, but your heart was in the right place. > isn't that all that matters? > sigh > look, i'm not going to pretend this hasn't taken its toll on me. > but there's no sense in mourning over a missed opportunity. > might as well roll with it  i guess you're right. > see  how many times are you going to make me tell you to hush? > LOL but i guess you're right. i just, hope we can move past this. i'm sorry i interrupted your recharge cycle > how many times are you going to make me tell you it's ok?  hush. > hee hee hee but, seriously. you're at low charge last time i checked, which was no more than an hour or two ago. you should go back to bed. > you're not my mom :p  i have bad news hun, i am. i love you. > love you too  goodnight. > same to you, and hey  yeah? > good luck with work in the morning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > journal 63. 2 months already, wow. > i don't really know how to open this one, so i guess i'll just start with the usual stuff. i drove a little over 14 hours today, got caught in traffic maybe 30 minutes or so outside of des moines which pushed the 13 hour drive to 14, but i made it from the love's stop in battlement mesa colorado to the one outside edmond oklahoma. don't really know why those ones are always my choice, but the workers have this air of exhaustion about them that lets me slip by without any worries. they always have good electronics i can scavenge from too. > i would've taken the route through kansas instead, but there was loads of rain forecasted throughout the state. didn't want to have to just park my semi on the side of i-70, would've almost certainly gotten the highway patrol called on me. > i was kind of thinking though, when going through one of the smaller towns, hartley, just how wide and vast so much of this part of the states is
Tumblr media
> my current image encoder sucks ass, sorry future me, but you can see a small semblance of what i mean > and i don't ever like to be the type to mull over things for too long, but i got to thinking, just how the hell did i get here? > seriously, i mean my case must be one in a million, right? > hell not even that generous. one in... fuck. i don't even care to count right now. but crunching the numbers super quickly of just how many of the people like me there were in that facility, and maybe in others, that's... what, 500 people, max? i'm just pulling numbers out of my ass, again, i don't care enough right now to do statistics and likelihoods of there being other facilities. but from what i am now, it doesn't seem like something that would just be thrown to the side. > damnit, i'm rambling again > my point is that i divided that random guess number by the current population, and got 0.0000000803083841953. that's a 0.00000803083841953% chance that some random schmuck on the side of the street is like me. > some mechanical fucking freak. > i don't know why i'm getting so angry all of a sudden, but i just wish i had an explanation. > i wish i knew why i ended up like this. > the only thing i remember before waking up on that glitchy old ms-dos computer (bless their soul, they were trying their hardest, but i could tell they hadn't seen maintenance in years) was a doctor telling me that i needed surgery again. > and i don't think in all my years in and out of the hospital that THIS was ever an option. > i didn't choose this, and i sure as hell don't know what to do now > lord > i hate being angry. i really honestly do, but i don't know what other emotion to rely on > i'm frustrated. > i don't even know where to begin. > who do i tell this shit to? sure i have internet access, but forums only get you so far. do i just scream at a wall until it crumbles? > i thought not having medical issues would help me. > clearly fucking not. > what's that one book > i have no mouth and i must scream? > that > where do i even go from here > i can keep driving forever virtually. > i could keep driving and driving and driving until i'm found out by the cops and deconstructed or whatever > i don't know how i thought life would be any easier if all my issues were just lifted away > i'm just lost and drifting now > i can keep creating but that's only going to keep me sane for so long > fuck > at this point i'd be content with some random scientist coming up to me and telling me why i'm this way all of a sudden and why this happened and what to do > i just need a sense of direction > i just need a fucking sense of goddamn direction. > i'm scared and this body can't feel exhaustion > i can't just sleep this off i can't just reset my brain > i can't do anything to stop this damn nagging fear > i don't think i've ever had to confront something this way before > i'm rambling and i'm panicking and i can't even cry about it > closest i can get is spinning up my fans faster than light itself > if there's a god, he's sure as hell laughing at me > i don't know how to end this entry > i'm just stressed > i wanna go home and see my mom > i want things to go back to normal > whatever > i can't deal with this right now. i'm leaving this for now. fuckin hell. > til tomorrow future me. > night i guess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ok those are all i have rn :3 hope u emjoyed and criticism/comments or anything are always appreciated!!!!!  btw sorry these are all kind of out of order on the in universe timeline, i posted them in order of when i wrote them (save for the 4th thing i wrote that first but wanted to group it with the other fic). also the first poem is written by the one character who types like “> this”’s mom. the next two are written by her herself also i can explain these ocs story a bit if you want!!!!!!
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middle-earth-tardis · 10 months
Oohh for the song recs ask i can't not rec florence and the machine because oh my freakin goodness, it's so hard to pick one song
Bird Song- (the live one on YouTube channel cvdvanspeyck. This one is reallly cool though if you watch this one bear with cuz the intro is long)
Queen of Peace & Long and lost (The odyssey music video one) (oh my goodness this one is just uhhh its like the feeling of being in nature)
What the Water Gave - ( this is one of my fav songs, she based it off of Virginia Woolfs suicide)
Throwing Bricks
I'll stop now because I'll just go on and on if I don't stop now lol, I won't be offended if you can't be arsed checking them all out cuz the first two are long
I lied one more then I'll shush, Gary B.B Coleman the sky is crying
Ooooh thanks for the ask! I actually really love Florence and The Machine!
Bird Song: |couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library|
Queen of Peace & Long and lost |couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library|
What the Water Gave |couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library|
Throwing Bricks |couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library|
Sorry for the late reply, I just got over being sick!
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nameless-and-joymaking · 11 months
do you have like top 5 or whatever musicals? also thoughts on hamilton? (sorry) (im curious..)
omgg what a welcome yet hellaciously difficult question. as of this very moment, my top five is
1. Company
2. Hello Again
3. Parade
4. A Little Night Music
5. (i cant in good conscience put pippin but in my heart its pippin) Follies
honorable mentions to fiddler, the wild party (la chuisa), and a strange loop which has reallly grown on me since i saw it
okay. ok. its fun to make fun of lmm but im going to try to be serious here. the thing about hamilton, and the Woke Left may cancel me for this, is that lin manuel miranda is pretty undeniably the rightful inheritor of sondheims legacy. him and jason robert brown are the only two people working today (or barely working) who write lyrics that are as complex, character and setting-specific, and delightful on the ear as sondheim’s. hamilton uses leitmotifs in an almost peerless way in the modern musical theatre. show-off triple and quadruple rhymes galore, all of them warranted. i was def part of the initial hype (i was 14 and obsessed with aaron sorkin give me a BREAK) and tbh i probably wouldnt even care abt its politics if it werent so popular and profitable and long-running.
BUT while it may be good craft re: the conventions of musical theatre, its pretty bad craft re: the conventions of rap. its just too corny for anyone who enjoys good rap to take particularly seriously.
and ofc politically i think its pretty rancid liberal schlock. awful treatment of slavery. reifies the american settler project and valorizes the founding fathers.
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scourgethecat66 · 2 years
who are some of the nicest people you met on here? Looking for friends😔
Also reallly love ur art❤️❤️❤️
ok definitely @boobyalla @fishycloth @nuroxis @samdrawstoday @sapphicrobolone and so many more istg people and if i ddint mention you im sorry this is just the top of my head 😭 dude people on here are so nice 😭 i remember always wanting to build up my social skills online and i think joining tumblr was the best thing for that
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mach1ne-g1rl · 1 year
Saw your most recent post on dhmis and tma and I've got opinions to say I believe Computers is an Eye episode because Colin's whole deal is stealing personal info and being smart but its not my strongest I see Jobs as a buried because while it doesn't involve much claustrophobia its more about harmful workplaces and overworking which ties in with the buried in a symbolic sense. I will argue so strongly Death is an End episode. The End is LITERALLY the fear of death smh. While I can see the argument its a Stranger because of Stain Edwards the theme of death is so strong that it isn't that relevant. I see Family as both Stranger and Corruption, Stranger because the whole episode feels very uncanny with the design of the family and set being a "real" place. It's also Corruption because the episode is about toxic family relations. I still cannot believe how you thought Friendship was originally a Vast episode. While I can see why you would assign it Lonely it's clearly a Corruption, it's literally about toxic friendships. Also bugs. Tbh i don't know what to assign to Transport my closest guess is Vast but my argument isn't very strong Electricity is a hard one, I don't think i can assign it to one entity. I think Electracey is a Extinction avatar because she's a robot and the "everything in the home will be plugged in and part of the electric family" line. I could see Charged Yellow being either Eye, Stranger or Extinction. Eye because he's want to find the truth and also green eyes, Stranger because Yellow gets replaced, and Extinction because he gets replaced using specifically technology. The power outage is probably Dark because darkness. Lesley is a Web avatar, I will fight you on this. She's controlling them, she's the literal puppet master. You said that Lesley isn't the main one pulling the string making her less Web aligned but I would argue that makes her MORE web aligned because she's knows she's not fully in control. I interpret becoming a web avatar as not only being manipulative, but accepting your lack of free will. As Annabelle said in 147, "let it never be said that I do not dance the steps I am assigned." Sorry this is long and probably sounds a little rude i just have very strong opinions on tma and dhmis have a lovely day
COmputer being eye was also on my first post but i removed it bc i didnt think it was part of the big Fear factor ? but the way you phrased it does make it work
jobs being buried makes sense too !! my main reason for it being spiral is just Duck calling everything out and then Also going weird ? and then going back to "this is all wrong" very strongly (also the episode is reminiscent of Sculptor's Tool to me with only duck pointing out how this is Odd)
death SHOULD be end ur right , i just didnt think anyone in dhmis seemed very scared of the Death there ? so i thought it wasnt very important but Yeah when you mention it its definitely end ty (Or desolation bc it also feels like . theyre more focused on the grief of losing someone n not the Fear of Death ? if that makes sense=? but i dont rly get the End and Desolation anyway so)
CORRUPTION FOR FAMILY IS SO RIGHT i think i considered corruption for it at one point but i second guessed myself enough to remove it again . and stranger never reallly seemed correct to me but it was the closest and i had no one to discuss with so i ran with it:sob:
IM SORRYY LSITEN OK i hadnt listened to tma in full when i made the first list. i just read the entities wiki page and heard season 5 ..!!!! honestly idk if i agree with corruption bc , while thats probably the deeper meaning of the episode (toxic friends) warren always seemed like just an autistic asshole to me so i never saw the whole . toxic thing ? and he never really actually seemed friends with any of them ?? yea taking advantage of their kindness but i wouldnt call it a toxic relationship bc there never Was a Relationship to me (probably factually wrong n im being ignorant here but its my list and blehh :P im biased towards warren) and im probably just forgetting something bc i havent rewatched it in a while but are there bugs besides warren (are worms bugs)?
transport i assigned Web bc red guy being like . aware of the whole They're Trapped There thing and trying to escape and Lonely bc they're trying to get to other people/ civilization/ community but are just . stuck ? and in some episodes the lonely just takes ppl to endless places that they cant leave (cul-de-sac is the only one i remember) and it just (again) reminded me of that
ELECTRICITY /SHOULLD/ be more than 1 or 2 very true but i just Really hate assigning more than 2 to these idk why ive set that rule for myself but it just feels wrong, disorderly and i dont like it . but yes i can see electracey being extinction (tbh i feel like teachers being avatars/ assinging them patrons/fears could be a whole other list itself) Charged Yellow being stranger i disagree. yes hes replaced but it feels more like . if s1 jon got replaced by s5 jon ? does that make sense ? I HAD DARK For this episode too bc the power outage but it didnt feel like a big fear factor here ? and i just didnt think it was significant enough (the dumb self-imposed rule) Lesley IS web coded i completely forgot annabelle for a second when i made this :sob: ive had too much michael on my mind and i thought being trapped wasnt enough of a theme here ? not like it was in Transport or like Dreams but yea it definitely should be Web
IM GLAD this is long i like hearing other ppls thoughts and input on this silly stuff (it did sound a little rude at times but dw i get it) I think at the end of the day the way we judge these is just Very different? Unless you disagree, i dont think the web series is this "up for debate" as the tv show is bc it just has . Less. There's maybe 3 lines at the start, then the teacher comes in and starts singing about what they embody, then the horrors and the end (only the last 3 episodes rly made me question which Power would be associated with them bc it kinda follows a plot so they could all a little be taken as web and lonely with red guy?) Theres just so many more ways the TV show can be interpreted. These could be judged on the Teacher, the Lesson, the thing that scares the characters, the thing that scares the Audience, symbolism/manifestations, etc. (i think i just went with whatever seemed the most relevant to me / what scared the characters ? but i was also being pretty inconsistent there lmao) i feel like there would probably have to be multiple lists or just one BIG list of everything that could count as one of the entities ? or maybe im blowing this out of proportion and its really simple for you, and only i struggled with this :,) either way it was fun ! and i think thats all that matters maybe the real dhmis tma entities assigning list were the friends we made along the way aww
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nemjun · 7 months
please tell me every detail of u and tsukasa because I am beyond obsessed with you two
would you believe I had 2 whole ass paragraphs written when i switched tabs and lost it all??? this is hell, tumblr is hell.
annyways YES OK SELFSHIP SATURDAY LETS GO, UNDER A CUT BC IM SHY AND IM GONNA BE RAMBLY. TLDR, summed up as Me and the Bad Bitch I pulled by Being Autistic
I GOTTA BE HONEST, tsukasa was not it for me when i first started the series, but i was also busy chewing furiously on senku bc he's Neat. but I was sunk after we found out about Mirai he loves her SO MUCH. big stronk man good with children is an instant K.O., i was smitten so quick.
Dr Stone is actually the first series i ever Blatently self inserted into! it was a really good fit and I felt that i could just, genuinely suit the story setting bc 1) ADHD has blessed me with sprawling random curiosities and an accumulation of trivial but Useful knowledge and 2) I literally studied archaeology for my B.A. and bc I live in Canada most of our archaeologoy is based on the Indigenous population who was still using stone technology when first contact with europeans occurred. random note for anyone who might be parusing, the 'ages of history' such as stone, bronze, and iron, didn't occur across all of civilization unilaterally, and the technology used by people is not an indication of civility or advancement of a social group. Anyways.
My real life plan for after I finished Uni was to go and teach english in asia! This didn't happed for various reasons, but it presents a good opportunity for bending realty into fitting me into the series, ehe. I genuinley think it would be really funny if I got revived by the Tsukasa empire by complete accident, busting outta the stone speaking minimal japanese and being a literal scientist by education - i was put here to cause problems on purpose. Tsukasa and I would absolutely start out as bumping heads, not quiet immediatley but as someone Anti smashing people and pro science it gets hostile fast. Arguments are conducted largely thru translations via Ukyo, who i quickly grow attached to as the only person capable of commincating in fluent english (we also have birthdays close together and I Adore that, we're birthday buddies, v cute stuff) I gotta sidetrack for a second bc as much as I love this series theres SO MUCH STUFF THAT JUST ISNT ADDRESSED AND I GET ITS JUST A MANGA BUT IM A WEIRDO. like, what about the bees??? they were just chill after having simbiotic relationships with humans for thousands of years?? sure y not. k sorry
I do wonder tho, if Tsukasa would see me as a threat to the stability of his Empire. Even with poor communication with the majority of the group, I've got a decent set of leadership skills and a lil bit of charisma, and who wouldn't like me really - esp with all the useful knowledge i can bring to the table (yes im hyping myself but its also true, i know how to do pottery and i've experience with stone tools & the types of stone you can use). I think even if he did, I'd really only get put in time out if I was causing problems, and like Taiju and Yuzuriha I might have someone keeping an eye on me. Thing's between me and Tsukasa start to change when we manage to find common ground, using him to practice japanese and finding out about his sister and his feelings about wealth etc - admittedly this was Not Well convayed in the anime, but when he's beaten up while getting seashells on the beach, the adult is yelling at him bc he doesn't want kids running around and stealing from 'his' beach. And his mom sucks too. I think that's something we could bond over, having lousy times growing up. I think he'd also be sensitive to the fact that I'm so far from Home and all my friends and Family, he's very thoughtful like that.
Man this is already reallly long and i dont feel like I've really said much, but I think when it comes down to it, Tsukasa and I just share a lot of the same values. He's strong and kind and good hearted, and that makes me feel safe. He's just very caretaker coded to me and after thinking about it the last few days, i think thats something I'm really looking for in a partner. I think I also balance him out a little bit, make him look at a bigger picture and slow down to enjoy simpler things. When we start to get along a little bit, I like to think that I'd accompany him on simple outings to forage or something, or maybe I'd be able to drag him away for a little while to show him something Neat, or getting to teach him something. He teaches me how to fight a little bit as well, so that I'm better able to take care of myself.
I think that's all I've got for now, but it's nice to sit and think about it and write it down, maybe I'll do a lil more writing over the next few days :3 OH I ALMOST FORGOT, i did a star chart love compatability thing and what I got to read for free was SO FUNNY like, he's enchanted by my whimsy lmao
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kveom · 6 years
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My first follow forever (wOW)!!!! cya 2017!!
It’s so crazy to think that at the start of this year the only Seventeen I knew was the number… and now, whenever I hear the number seventeen, the first thing I think of is the group of 13 boys that brightened up my 2017.
After my introduction to seventeen came my introduction to this fandom and to some really beautiful people. I’m so grateful to all of you for being so welcoming, and filling my dash with posts that are memetastic, creative, beautiful and filled with the awesomeness of 13 precious boys. Oh! Also, thanks for brightening up my dash with awesome tags as well hehheheh. I hope 2018 treats you all with the happiness and love you deserve 💕💕
So for my mutuals I thought I’d write out my first impressions of each of you or the first post I saw from you (i’m really cheesy okay). Most of them I remember, but for the few I couldn’t, I wrote down the post that is most memorable for me or what I love about you/your blog :))
Also, it isn’t in alphabetical order... eep too lazy
@dokyeoms-angel - ’wow she loves dk as much as i do... i love her’
@17dad - i was a bit like ‘lol wut’ at your url because you were one of the first blogs i followed (and i was still getting to know svt) so i didn’t know how much of a dad scoups was
@kwoncoups - i followed you when you were imhobi and i remember thinking your url was for hoshi (even though i’d never heard hoshi being referred to as hobi idk) because i didn’t know hobi was jhope’s nickname lmao
@exxtramint - the first thing i saw from you was this vocal unit gifset and it was an instant follow hehe
@pechajun - i’m pretty sure i started following you when you were lunarjun and i rly liked your username ^^
@powerfulhoshi - this is the first gifset i saw from you and the font and the gifs and everything was soooo clean and nice!!!!!
@bubkwan - i wanted to steal your description
@hoshi-ssi - i’m pretty sure it was hoshi’s palm fairy gifset that made me follow because... yes... that’s the content i’m here for
@junshva - i found your layout so beautiful <3333 esp. that picture of seokmin *-*
@kyoem - i think this was the first i saw from you, but even if it wasn’t, it’s amazinggggg
@mvngyu - ‘heehee the sidebar is so cute’
@swimmingfool - this!!!! freaking!!!! edit!!!!! <3333
@jeong-hanie - beautiful gifs, must follow
@keyboardaegyo - i thought your theme(+ navi page) was really cuteee!!!
@vernons-laugh-is-my-aesthetic - ‘memes??? um YES’
@jeonwoooo - okay, this one is probably the creepiest... i thought ‘ooh i like their name’
@wonnwoo- i loveeee your wonwoo starsign edit
@santascoups - read your desc + about page and thought you seemed cool lmao
@the1the8 - i think the first thing i saw of yours was that simple but gorgeous chocolate edit <333
@woenoo - i thought your tag for wonwoo was so cute wnfnadssndk
@wonshu - will always remember you as the one to tag me in that lethal dk photoset... so there’s a love/hate relationship (jk i love)
@leejhs - tbvh, your love for milk tea is what i remember
@dearseventeen - ’this theme is sooo cuteeeeeeeee... dino!!!!’
@vitaminniedk - ‘they love dk, i love them’
@myungho - tbh your url kept coming up on my dash because of follow forevers/mentions and i was like this person must be really cool lmao (and you are)
@96kwon - your memes 😂
@rappershua- *reads* lee seokmin; you’re my love (on your navi) ‘SOLD’
@jeongahn - i found your layout so beautiful!!!!!
@7unhui - saw this and... yeah...
@jisoostar - this was the first post i saw from you and it was amazing (colours!!!) and i also thought ‘why haven’t i seen that photo of dk, he looks so good skdnfjdfsn’
@wonhuis - i love that you’re a tag talker hehehe
@bbaksu - i love your rocket edit *-* (it also might’ve been the first edit i saw from you but i can’t 100% remember)
@jishua - 'this secret santa is so sweet lfmslmdf’
@pitdae - ‘only an awesome person can write this about page’ (and thank you for awesome gifs ^^)
@pinktomatocat - this edit made me cri follow, it’s so nice!!!
@kwoncity - ’wow they know their stuff’ (was reading your answers about music and yeah)
@chiwoopsie - the ‘types of carats during comeback season’ post was the first one i saw from you. it’s gold <333
@hoshidotcom - ’i like my soonyoungs spicy’ yes okay that’s a follow
@captainoates - thank you for everything you provide for this fandom <3333
@boosonseok - lmao this post
@xiyeonah - ’wow... her dk tags.... are me....’
@zeonghan - i’ve said it before but you’re a cOOL person
@softmanscoups - ’this one’s a riot’ / i still remember when dk was your bias and there was one post about slushies and tongues lmao... i will never forget
@seokmins-thighs - i don’t think you had this url when i followed you but it said somewhere that this used to be your username and i thought ’they should totally go back to seokmins-thighs’ (also, the fact that you have a tag for his thighs... thank you // edit: i’m going through that tag now and your tags are gold 😂😂 i luv dk stans)
@bangtanbombdotcom - this one’s probably the most vague but... it was some sort of text post about seventeen that made me follow you but i can’t remember lol (it might’ve been talking about their dancing or just praising them, but anyway i agreed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@cafewoozi - (you were meant to be down there ↓ like a day ago but now you’re here and that’s amazing) ‘pastel everywhere 😍’ *reads description* ‘ahhh’
@sunshine-turkey - ‘sunshine-turkey... interesting url’ lmao
If we’re mutuals and you’re not here, pls let me know!!! and if you’re up there ^ and we’re not mutuals... hope you had fun reading my first impression anyway!!!
I know i’m the worst mutual ever because people scare me but I hope you know that I love and appreciate all of you!!!
The rest aren’t mutuals, but are still blogs I adore <33
@woozzi, @camera-seventeen, @verngyu, @12fools, @incorrect7teen, @svt-laughing, @happydk, @17cuties, @amemericans, @pledisboys, @yoonjeonghannie, @gyuofficial, @17hateblog, @seungkwa, @dokyummm, @juunshua, @adoreu-carat @livelovelunch, @je0nghans  + my whole blogroll (also there are some blogs who i constantly reblog from or who make me laugh but i can’t remember the urls so... there’s that // there’s one in particular i tried to find but i can’t remember :(( )
okay, now this is gonna get real extra but here are some special mentions lmao:
@verymerryotl - when i was first getting into svt your analyses were really interesting and helpful, so thank you for writing them ^^
@pabospoiler- your giffing of dk actually made me start giffing because i wanted to make him shine like you do :) (even though i’m doing a bad job of it lmao)
@fyseokmin - *bows down* you really make my dash a happier place (you might not see this bc you’re on hiatus but i hope you’re doing okay <333)
@kristian-do - thank you so much for everything you do for this fandom!!! i know you’ve said before that you’re not sure how long you can maintain your blog for, and i hope that when the time comes, you put yourself first ❤️
@jisoosmeoli - the first person to talk to me on tumblr!! thanks for dealing with this socially awkward weirdo >< you’re awesome 💕💕
@raphamster - thanks for being dk trash with me 💖💕❤️ i’m so glad i made that post about seungkwan being the best person ever :))
Happy new year!!!! Kick 2018 in the behind 😎
The last part is just a cheesy thank you to seventeen, which you don’t have to read if you don’t want to (and i couldn’t put it under a read more, sorry) -- this is kinda something I don’t want people to see but I also do because it needs to be said and I want to show people how wonderful seventeen is
so halfway through the year i found out about seventeen. i’d never stanned a kpop group before and i never really wanted to, just because of the emotional toll it would take on me. but seventeen pretty much said ‘nuh uh, coming through’ and... yeah... and i’m so grateful for that :’)
discovering seventeen this year has helped me a lot. these boys just radiate happiness and love, and you can’t not feel it. i’m a really (negative) emotional person, so if i get one whiff of sadness or anger, either from others or myself, i fall into this dark hole of negative emotions, which i usually just wait out. but now, whenever i’m in that dark hole, i can watch some seventeen videos or listen to their music and my heart will feel a bit lighter. i mostly watch their dance practices idk why?? maybe because it makes me feel so proud??? oh, also their performances!! which shows how much of an impact their stage presence/energy has. anyway, just watching them do anything really fills me with warmth and all these good emotions that override the bad. even just daydreaming about what it’s like to be part of their lives, surrounded by that bubble of joy and love they create gets me through it :)
they also made me realise that i need to surround myself with people who make me love life. i have a circle of friends but we’re not super close and i used to be fine with that, but learning about these boys and how important they are to each other made me realise that i shouldn’t settle for that. i need a friend that i can tell anything to, to lean on when i need to (and who’ll listen to me talk about seventeen all day). they give me hope that i’ll find friends like that, who i’ll treat like family. they also reinforce my belief that everything happens for a reason. can you imagine if scoups or woozi had debuted before the rest?? or if seungkwan ended up in jyp?? but nope, they all found each other and they adore each other so much while creating AMAZING music, so they give me hope for the future :) 
i wanted to write another paragraph about dk but i’ll just say this: he reminds me of all the good things in the world and he can make me smile like no other 💖💖
so to sum this up, i want to thank the 13 beautiful boys of seventeen for making my 2017 a bit brighter just by being them :)) go and make 2018 your year like you did 2017, but look after yourselves!! i hope you carry this joy for life and love for one another into the new year 💕💓💖❤️💕💞💘💚💛💙💜❤️💕 
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juhaksworld · 3 years
TBZ reactions to their s/o being shy and having an rbf in public but really talkative around ppl they know
requested by: @dalivanmagritte 
i’m reallly sorry this took me so long to post! T__T I thought I’d be able to finish it in one day,,, but that unfortunately was not true. I hope you enjoy! <3
would be so used to you being super talkative and fun that whenever you were both in public he was surprised by how scary you could look when not smiling. like he’d look over and see you zoning out bc you felt really uncomfortable around strangers and he’d be like “shoot i need to go talk to her before someone thinks she’s plotting murder” so he’d rush over and be like “whatta thinking about that makes you look so grim?” and you’d be like “oh i was just wondering if I should wash my clothes when I get home or wait until tomorrow” and he’d like blink--- and then shake his head wondering how you can be so different around strangers than you were when you were around ppl you were comfortable with. he likes to stay near you most as much as possible in public bc he knows it makes you more comfortable.
the first time you met he was like “oh she’s scary!!” and then his friend introduced you to each other and you became friends and then he completely forgot about ever thinking you were scary bc you were so talkative and silly around your friends. but then after you started dating you went out together and he left for a moment and you started to feel really uncomfortable around all the ppl there and so you stopped smiling and looking around with interested and just sat there with a serious face avoiding all eye contact and when he came back he had a flashback of first meeting you and was like “ummm hey” and you looked up and smiled and looked like your usual self that he was use to and he was like “you look mad scary when you’re not smiling” and you laugh and you’re like “I know. It keeps the weirdos away” you don’t spend that much time around ppl you don’t know after you started dating him though, so it’s all good
I mean, he sort of has an rbf too so you’ll would connect over that, like the first time you met you were at the library studying and you both looked so scary everyone avoided y’all so you started sitting at the same table so others could sit together away from y’all and then one day something funny happened and you both laughed and you both looked so pretty smiling that everyone in the library was like *mouth drops open* anyways, you and younghoon kinda start liking each other bc you’re always together at the library so you start dating and you’re so happy together you forget how scary you both look until you go out into public alone and look like murder is on your mind. You have a picture of each other smiling as your lock screens so you remember to smile and not scare ppl in public. 
he’d tease you a lot lol. he knew you for a long time so he kinda got used to your rbf when you were around unfamiliar ppl so he teases you so you smile and look cute again. and he knows you could talk for hours once you're around ppl you like, and he loves that more than anything. he actually realized he was in love with you while watching you zone out across the room. like he always thought “where would this girl be without me” and then suddenly he was like “wait--- i need her more than she needs me” but he just loves seeing you looking all scary in public and ppl lowkey being afraid of you and so you approaches you all coolly and is like “YAH!!” right in front of your face and everyone is like “this dude is gonna get socked in the nose for that” and then you just smile and he’s like “yes. mission accomplished” and everyone’s like “hold on she looks really friendly when she’s smiling!” but they never get a chance to talk with you once hyunjae is around bc he keeps you all to himself knowing you feel more  comfortable and happy that way and he loves listening to you talk.
legit thought you hated him at first and was like “shoot i made this girl hate me and idek what i did” and then one of your friends walks up and you start smiling and he’s like “oh. that girl is beautiful! and she looks really friendly once she smiles” so he tries to get to know you and you instantly like him so you begin talking freely with him and he’s like so whipped for you whenever you smile which is often when you’re talking. so he just listens and listens while you go on and on. and he just loves that he won your trust. he wonders how he could ever think you were scary until you’re left in the corner of the room by yourself and you feel afraid around a lot of strangers so you stop smiling and talking and avoid ppl and he’s like “sjkfjskdksjdkjksjdk I need to go talk be with her rn so she’s happy again” and basically that’s how you start dating. while you guys are dating it’s pretty much the same thing-- he loves listening to you talk and he loves more than anything that you’re comfortable around him.
you were at the library and you zoned out and you were staring all scarily in the same direction kevin was sitting in and he *that meme of the kid holding the cup and who keeps looking sideways at the camera* like he really thinks you’re gonna approach him about something he never did. so he goes over to you and he’s like “are you ok?” and you jerk out of your daydream to see this really cute guy looking at you worriedly and slightly scared and you’re like “ohhh ummm yeahhh why do you aks tho???” and you smile a little bc gosh he’s cute and he’s like “gosh she’s cute” and he’s like “oh nothin” and uses a cheesy pickup line to get your number and you start dating/ become bffs and he lowkey loves that you look so scary when you’re around other ppl but then open up like a flower in the sunshine with him and you and him laugh and talk like there’s no tomorrow whenever you’re together bc you’re both pretty talkative. y’all are inseparable! but like he picks up the habit of looking scary and avoiding eye contact with ppl bc of you and his friends are like “?????” but he doesn't even realize how much he’s been influenced by you. 
he meets you through mutual friends and they warn him like “yeahhh she looks really scary around ppl she doesn’t know but be warned, she’s SUPER talkative once you get to know her” and chanhee’s like “scary around ppl you don’t know? a girl after my own heart” and so you immediately click like---yeahh bffs! you both look scary in public tbh, but when you’re alone you just talk and talk and he just listens with heart eyes bc he loves listening. and you always look so happy when you’re with him or your friends and he’s just like “ahhhhhhh she’s so cute!!!” even when you look like you want to murder someone out in public. you’ll both just glare at ppl together when out in public sometimes even though you’re happy together, just to annoy your friends lol. chanhee never judges you or forces you to talk with ppl when you’re feeling uncomfortable. he 100% understands and instead of saying things like “you should just tryyyy to talk to someone new!!!” he’d be like “what? you’re feeling uncomfortable? mmkay, let’s go...rn!” and y’all would leave-- doesn’t even matter where you were at.
would be like “??????” the first time you felt comfortable enough around him to open up. he thought your gloomy face and quiet personality was who you always were and he was starting to fall in love with that part of you when you burst open like the sunshine and just talked and laughed freely. and then you’re like “oh,,, i’m sorry. did i startle you?” and he’d be like *shocked pikachu face* “oh my goodness no! your laugh is ADORABLE!!!!” and then he’d constantly do things to make you smile and laugh and bring up topics he knew you could talk about for days bc he’s just so in love with you. every part of your personality is endearing to him. he’d tease you after you’d been dating for a while and he knew the limit to which he could tease you without going too far. he’d pretend not to know you and look all scared if he ”happened” to end up standing next to you and like jokingly make a “help me” face to his friends and then someone would notice and start to walk up to him to rescue him from the scary quiet girl and then he’d start laughing and hold your hand while you rolled your eyes.
confused. how could you be so different around strangers than when you were with him? even with your friends your social battery would run out soon. but when you were with him?? you had no limit to your energy and excitement and you showed your happiness so easily to him whereas with others you looked scared and skeptical even if you were happy. he worried about you a lot at the beginning of your relationship,,, like you’d be standing there zoning out, not talking to anyone, and he’d be like “gosh, is she ok???? did someone say something upsetting to her????? did she receive bad news????” and he’d rush over to you as soon as he could whenever he saw you starting to look abandoned and sad out in public. after dating for a while you learned to just constantly hang on to his arm bc he protected you from strangers trying to converse with you. when you two were alone you both talked a lot but you laughed even more, like you would have deep meaningful conversations and then just switch to telling the lamest jokes and rolling on the floor dying with laughter and then he’d just look at you while you were smiling and wiping away tears from laughing and he’d smile thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world to have you--- all to himself!
wouldn’t even be surprised the first time you hung out together and you really opened up. like he could tell there was a lot more to you than your quietness and rbf. when you first started dating some ppl that knew you both would be like “she looks scary af. what if she’s really boring and like,,, mean??” and he’d *cue the tongue in the cheek thing* “shut up”. once you two were dating for a while he would get so used to your talkative bright personality that when ppl are like “ohhh! you’re dating y/n! the really quiet girl?” he’d be like “who tf are you talking about! I’m dating y/n” and they’d be like *confusion*. he knows your quiet personality in public is a part of who you are and he respects that, but like he doesn’t really even remember that part of you, bc most of your time together is spent alone and he knows that’s when you’re most comfortable and your true self. absolutely HATES when ppl misunderstand you and then hold that against you. you don’t really care but he gets really protective over you.
would think it was SO cute! he would coo and tease you gently when you were in public together making you crack a smile. when you started dating and he saw that you matched his energy he would be ecstatic! like he could not wait until you were home and in your comfort zone so you could be crazy together and laugh and talk for hours. sometimes in public old ladies would be like “deary,, you must remember to smile sometimes for your pretty bf here” and Eric would be like “????” “she does, but only when we’re alone” and then he would like flirtatiously smile at you causing you to blush and causing the old lady to feel kinda uncomfortable (as she should) literally does not phase him at all that you’re so different around strangers. like he doesn’t understand it, but he doesn’t think it’s weird either. if you’re standing there like “ughhh i hate ppl” written all over your face you’ll just smile to himself bc yeahh he just thinks it’s cute that you’re that way (idek) and then when someone tries to talk with you and he’s around he’ll swoop over and be like “hi. I’m her bf and spokesperson, how can I help”
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missamyrisa2 · 3 years
How would you tickle me? I also love/hate post orgasm torture, would you give me any mercy?
The love and hate is what I thrive on sweet darling. I know how much you'll want that release, and how much you dread it too. That's why I adore the magic wand. I get to tease you to mushy madness, where you'll struggle to endure, welcoming every buzzy tickle I administer and trying to avoid the pricetag. Ooh, but I'll take my time. I'll cuddle up next to you, smiling brightly as I throw an arm over you pulling your naked body to my clothed form. I want the materials of my outfit to sensually tease you. I want to remind you that I get to stay clothed, and your naked body is but a toy for me to explore and make dance with those adorable squirms. "What a lot of giggling and quivering for just a little tickle~" I muse, skittering my nails up your tummy. "Poor thing. You just love these tickles. Don't fib now, or I'll just tickle you more~ and then we'll ask again" I have one hand slipped around your back, holding you snug whilst grasping at your sides and ribs and hips. My other hand now has the wand. So purpley, so buzzy. "Can't escape the buzzy buzz tickles~ Let's see you really giggle it out~" I smirk, taking the bulb of the wand over your lower abdomen, moving in tight little circles drifting down slowly. "Whooop...oooh here it comes.. oooh gosh, so close now. Woooop~ it slipped to your hip! Ooh my goodness, look at you buck, silly. You reallly reallly like those tickles don't ya? Ok. Alright. I'm gonna buzz you where you really want it~ try to hold on now sugar, try to endure..." I coo, holding that wicked buzzing tool to your most private area. "Oooh, tickle tickle on your royal parts now. Coochie coo cutie!" I kiss your cheek, kiss your ear. I smother you with affection as I tickle at your side and tummy, keeping the wand trained on that hot spot. "Listen to those giggle moans. My goodness, so silly silky just from a little buzz buzz~" I snicker with you, laying kiss after kiss on your ears, blowing raspberries and puffs of air on your cheeks and neck, my long leg brushing on yours~ "Ooh sweetheart. You're so hot and bothered. Are you? Yeah? Ooh yes, I do believe I'm going to make you cum. Yes I am. Yes I am~" I repeat, cuddling up and speeding up the wand to the maximum buzziness, relentlessly kissy tickling your neck and collar, grasping at your sides and ribs with my nails. "Tickle tickle. You can't help it. You're gonna. Yes you are! Such a cutie. Come on, come on, cum on!" I egg you on, giggling, tickling, teasing. And when you finally *pop*, I don't miss a beat. "There you go! There we go. Such a good ticklegasm from my cutie! So adorable. You love your tickles, oh yes." I reposition myself, straddling you, holding the wand at your most intimate area, and I wiggle my fingers over you~ "Post orgasm ticklesss!!" I declare, laughing with you as I wildly spider my fingers over your bellybutton, dipping in and out before trailing madly up to your nipples, rubbing and tweaking~ The wand follows your every squirm through the aftershocks of your orgasm, never relenting with those vibing tickles. I easily dodge around your weakened attempts to defend against the tickles. "Are you trying to stop your tickles! Silly goose. You wanted to cum so bad and I'm sorry this is the price you pay sweetheart~!" I cackle and set the wand between your legs, forcing you to try and divert it as my now free hand retrieves a feather duster, allowing me to tease large swaths of sensitized nerves, starting at your neck, down to your arm playfully taunting~ "See you try to block my nails with that arm and now it gets feathered. Oh my goodness, trying to buck me off? Well now your hips get feathers too~ coochiee coo!!! Sorry charley, this is what cutie pies get when they ticklegasm under Miss Amy!" I scoot back and dig into one thigh with my nails, the other is relentlessly feather dusted. I switch between your thighs and tummy until I have you goopy, then turn to finally attack those feet. "Now that you have no fight left, let's see about these toesies. Yes, ticklish toes. Ticklish toesies" I chant, spreading my fingers between your toes
and playfully sliding them back and forth, using the duster to attack your soles with fluffy tickles. "My goodness, just pull your feet away if it tickles that bad! Listen to that cute giggle. Cute ticklish giggles" I scrub into your feet with my nails, now using the feather duster to tease those wiggly toes. And it isn't long before I notice something. "oooh, is that fire starting again? My, my, what a glutton. Now now don't try to hide it. Noooope. No, you can't hide that from me." I smile and pick the wand back up, nodding excitedly to the sweet spot between your legs again. "Uh huh. Yep. We're gonna go for another round sweetie. And I'm not stooooping!"
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hellishgoat · 3 years
Thanks for the tag!!! @tatsueli :3c (sorry it took so long for me to do this ; ;)
Name: Theo
Gender: Male
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5’6 sooo 167 cms :’)
Time: 1:07 am I gotta sleeeeep!!!
Birthday: December 7th (born in winter... Gojira...)
Favorite band/group: hhhhh Deftones, Mastodon, Static X,,, and.... uhhh many moar XD but those are some of my top faves that come to mind right now
Favorite solo artist: Ozzy Osbourne....... Cher ... Ashnikko and yea there’s moar here toooo my mind is just blank
Song stuck in my head: Anything by 7m3 man this song has been stuck in my head all day 😩 he has such a nice voice it’s unreal!! Also it makes me feel all ->🥺 lol
Last movie: Clown Motel. I don’t recommend it’s fucking SHITE, I actually turned it off bout 30 mins in. (It’s a horror movie and usually I can stomach them even if they suck but this one actually pissed me off it was so bad) XD
Last show: Dr Phil... My stepsister forced me to watch it with her 😒
When did I create this blog: 2019 or so...
What do I post: fandom stuff, my art(occasionally) lot of aesthetic things... and just things I find funny. Oh and like lots of music. I try to keep it positive here but 😅 it maybe hasn’t been the best recently. Smh....... Buuuut uhhm I am trying to make my blog reflect me the best I can and I think I do a good job at that. :’}
Last thing I googled: one piece gogoanime dub.. :’)
Other blogs: 😳 uhhgfghnnnnmnmmmmmm @lovelyleons is my resident evil sideblog.... I have a My Hero Academia one but I’m not active on it at all anymore so I won’t share it and then everything else is just me hoarding Urls XD
Do I get asks: yea :3 I mean not always but I do appreciate the hell out of them all when I do get them ; u ;
Why I chose this Url: cause it’s cool B) and goats ‘nuff said
Following: 296
Followers: 192 (love ya folks ❤️)
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours I s’pose, I never really know, it’s either I oversleep or I don’t get enough 😪
Lucky number: 8 🎱
Instruments: I don’t own any, would be cool tho! Like having a bass or something 🤔 when I was in fourth grade I tried the violin and I just could not get it down (I mostly did it cause my mom really wanted me to play the devil went down to Georgia for her lol) sad to say I couldn’t do it xD
What am I wearing: Van Halen shirt (and long sleeve under shirt cause this one has a hole in the stomach of it :( it’s my fave tho I can’t get rid of it!!) just some sweatpants... and lil fuzzy sock monkey socks :•)
Dream job: im just gonna say not having a job too xD (but ok ok I have given it some thought and like maybe owning... a diner or something would be kinda cool 🤔a breakfast place) ahh idk...
Dream trip: Japan would be cool... or honestly anywhere that isn’t here. (But of course Finland too 😉) traveling the world would be nice... if I wasn’t so terrified of the thought of being on airplanes ._. I’d need someone to hold my hand all the way XD and also like all the Dramamine in the world would probably make it better
Favorite food: hhhhhhhhhh Pierogis are awesome... I like beef stew, pizza (and I have to say that pineapple on pizza is amazing😤) can’t go wrong with anything involving pasta... ahh it’s always so hard to answer favorite foods > n < cause now I’m just forgetting everything I actually do enjoy
Nationality: American
Favorite songs: Entombed by Deftones.. You get what you give by New Radicals always makes me super happy, Ghost of Perdition by Opeth is rad as fuck.. Jaguar God is perfect.. sustain the untruth.... ok I’ll stop now :’D (SIKE...I also just reallly enjoy the hell out of Chasm by Flyleaf)
Last book I read: Something something.... I haven’t read anything in forever.... really should get myself into reading again tho
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: the pokemon universe ; ; I could have so many Pokémon!! And travel everywhere. Atla universe so I can be an earthbender. And yea a nice little dreamy place in a Ghibli film as well ((((imma actually add a fourth... but living in the one piece world would be pretty sweet.. specially the freedom that would come with being a PIRATE!!)))) ; ;
Gonna tag @mikey-putrid @seaofashes @radellama @junk-culture @isabelle-lux @kuukigajan @kneesofthebee @lordswagcheese @adultswin @baeson-todd 🤔💭 of course no pressure if you don’t want to do it! No biggie!!
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heleizition · 3 years
[1] Hi! Neighborhood nuisance here and I just wanted to say first of your art and aus are amazing and the only thing keeping me going at this point. I also saw some talk about band aus and wanted to throw my 2 cents in. (ok honestly my opinion has little value so more like 2 pieces of lint). this is gonna be super long and is just honestly bs so feel free to ignore lol. I've been in multiple bands during my funky time in this meat sack and I have some ideas of who's doing what. Cassie: lead vocals and rhythm guitar (sometimes keys) Bart: Drummer (and other percussion I could see him adding in bells for some kick) Conner: Lead guitar and supporting vocals when needed Tim: Bass and supporting vocals when needed. Now here is my explanation for each position. Lead vocals are usually very dominant in personality they arent afraid to give their ideas and they can help steer the band. (though that's just one main one the other is just the singer that's kinda a dick to everyone but that's none of the core 4) Rhythm guitar tends to do harmony and help add to the rhythm section and merge it with the melody and I feel like that role fits for Cassie. Anyway those aren't reasons for Cassie. Drummers are often energetic and a lot of them actually have adhd. As the way one of my mates put it "the way our brain works just make the fast pace and multitasking of drumming easier" and i know a lot of people hc speedsters to have adhd or have similar ways of thinking and working. They also have a special way you need to communicate to them that I dont know how to explain but I feel like it fits for bart. For Conner I feel like lead guitar is a natural place to put him they tend to be extroverted a little on the more crazy side and just likes to have fun during sessions. also I'm sorry but kons 90s look is the same aesthetic of over 70% of the guitarist I've worked with. Then bassist so there are a couple different main ones but one tim fits well into is lanky guy with longish hair that tends to be more on the chill side but will call out bs tends to have amp volume way to high also are usually skaters. they tend to be taller but I've met some short stacks. I cant see any on full time keys just cause those tend to be the most serious ones who have a background in a lot of theory and want to band to get shit done not mess around. and I just cant imagine any of the core 4 fitting. anyway this is just something I've had popping around my head for a while and when i saw that band ask I got excited lol. As I said earlier this is just my random thoughts so ignore it if you'd like just me messing around lol. very sorry for the long ask.
ok while i love all of this i really reallly dont have the Strenght to answer in length but !!! thats good !!!! good au !!! 
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ambertea · 3 years
What are your top 5 quotes?
What are your top 5 pieces of jewellery?
What are your 5 top female characters?
Oh my god you absolute darliiiiing <3
5 favourite quotes:
1. I’m reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry at the minute and thiiis quote stuck out so much for me: “We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out—and we have only just begun.” I love that it’s so beautiful.
2. “I have this strange feeling that I'm not myself anymore. It's hard to put into words, but I guess it's like I was fast asleep, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling.” From Sputnik Sweetheart, just ugh 👏💓 definitely feeling this so hard right now when there’s this tentative step back into socialisation and I can’t quite remember how to be Amber anymore
3. “Let's never come here again because it would never be as much fun.” From Lost in Translation, that film has always meant so much to me and it becomes more so as I get older and it feels like all the brilliant parts of my life are like all these snapshots that were amazing at the time but I know I can never return to, and would never really want to either
4. “Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep on living.” From Bojack Horseman. Ohhh man. When I saw that for the first time I instantly wanted it tattooed on my body, the only reason I haven’t is bc of lockdowns.
5. I feel like I need to include a ten/rose one because that is essentially what I come to tumblr to spew out 😂😂 and that has to be the “I was inspired” line from the Stone Rose. Just— [screams into the void]
Top 5 jewellery:
Unfortunately I literally never wear jewellery because I am a terrible fidgeter and always end up leaving a trail of jewellery that I’ve scattered behind me. I got a nose ring briefly last year but fiddled with it too much and hurt my nose haha.
Top 5 female characters:
SCREAMS what a great question.
1. Okay so first off Valkyrie Cain from the Skulduggery Pleasant books needs to be on the list. I started reading the books when I was 12, and she was everything I needed to see from a girl when I was that age: she was funny and strong and her entire life wasn’t revolving around men (like most of the other YA fiction of the time.) ALSO as both myself & the character have aged it’s been so helpful for me to see this character that I idolised as a kid go through mental illness and addiction which were things I suffered with terribly for years as a teen, and I found so much comfort in that.
2. Naomi Jones from I Hate Suzie also needs to be on this list because I feel like that character is just a version of my irl self put straight to screen. Always trying to be in control, always acting the mother and caring for other people who are falling apart, and not taking any time to focus on herself, and her own needs and wants. Also it’s so nice to see a bisexual on screen who has sex, and is a sexual being in a way that doesn’t feel gross or portrayed through some male lens that isn’t accurate or kind.
3. Britta Perry from Community!!!! Okay I know a lot of people reallly don’t like her and I get why. But I so relate to her early on, when she desperately wants to do good things and work for charity and be this shiny kind figure, but finding it difficult and expensive and just hard. It’s so easy to be charitable if you’re rich, it’s so hard to be generous when you don’t have much to give in the first place.
4. OK DOCTOR WHO CHARACTERS. Donna fucking Noble. If I had watched Doctor Who for the first time as an adult, she would definitely be my favourite character. I know this character, I’ve met so many people just like Donna. So funny and absolutely brilliant who just have no awareness of it because life and other people have always kicked them down.
5. Alright. You guessed it. It’s Rose Tyler. I think the reason I still love this character so much is what she meant to me as a kid. I lived on a council estate, I didn’t feel especially smart or brilliant, and I didn’t really have much ambition because I didn’t really know what success even looked like in reality. That she was this kind of classic “chavvy” noughties girl who got jealous and petty but was also funny and clever, and so so good with emotional intelligence—that meant so much to me.
I made this waaaay too long sorry!!! But thank you so much for your ask it entertained me for a good chunk of time 😂
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agent-ccarter · 4 years
mischief / James potter
Request: hi! It’s me agaaaain! Could I get a James Potter x reader? The reader and James are childhood best friends and they develop feelings for each other? Also, prompt #38? Thank you again for the fantastic imagines ! :) xx
for @hahaboop​ (sorry it took so long!!!)
Pairing: James Potter x reader
Warnings: none
A/N: I reallly love writing for Marauders Era! But, this has been half written in my drafts for a while, so apologies for the weird halloween time setting!!😂 also, I realise mischevious night isn't a thing everywhere, so, for context, where I'm from its on Novemeber 4th, and kids use it as an excuse to wreak havoc on houses, like throwing eggs at windows and toilet paper. I know none of the marauders are northern, but, lets be honest, if they heard of it they would eat it up!
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“Merlin, Y/N! It’s exasperating!” Lily said, almost pulling her red hair out of her skull. The Great Hall was full of students devouring various breakfast foods before their morning lessons.
“That’s a big word for a Monday morning, Lily.” You muttered, earning a swift shove from your good friend.
“But it is! All he talks about is this girl, how beautiful and gorgeous and funny she is when we are checking the halls or going to meetings. It’s driving me insane! Why did he have to be head boy?”
You wanted to start on telling her it’s completely her fault, that she shouldn’t have applied for head girl, but she just continued on, “And to make matters worse, he won’t even tell me who she is! I just want to know who the mysterious girl is!” 
“Well I don’t,” you shrug, “and if you wouldn’t mind stopping screaming in my ear, that would be great.” You smiled, finding her anger at the situation rather amusing. Sure, you wanted to know who it was, but you could never admit that to Lily, who was sure that you had been in love for James for years.
“You cannot tell me you aren’t even the teeniest bit curious?”
“No Lily, I do not care whose pants James Potter wants to get in.” 
You swiftly pulled open the wax seal on the small envelope your parents had sent yesterday and had forgotten about in the deep pockets of your cloak, the card inside jumping out and shaping itself into a floating orange pumpkin.
“Ohhh, trust me, you really do.” You heard the laughing, arrogant voice of one Sirius Black behind you, yet, to your surprise, James wasn’t with him. You merely scowled at him and told him to bugger off as you took a seat at one of four long tables, the house to which it belonged not particularly bothering you. 
Of course, it wasn’t long before the other three boys arrived, Marlene in tow, her clunky boots thundering on the hard floor. James walked behind and attempted to give you an affectionate hug over your shoulders, but instead came across more as a bit of a choke-hold. Sirius, ever desperate for attention, pouted as James did so, earning a strangling for him too, granted it was much harder
The Great Hall was completely decked out for Halloween, pumpkins and candles everywhere you looked; which, of course, had the group of friends discussing their plans for the holiday, and in turn, the upcoming trip to Hogsmeade. Remus saw the newer tradition of giving out sweets as a great opportunity to gain lots and lots of chocolate without gaining too much attention, whilst the group of boys as a whole were looking forward far more to Mischevious Night; an excuse to cause even more havoc than they do usually.
Halloween quickly arrived, but celebrating was the least of your worries as mock exams were coming up and to say you were stressed was an understatement. On top of that, you couldn't bare the thought of hearing James go on and on about this girl he fancies.
“Come on, Y/N, can't you have one night off?” Lily whined, trying to hold you back with her full body weight as you tried to make your way to the library, your workbooks held in your left arm. 
You stopped dead.
“Who are you and what have you done to Lily Evans?” She punched you in the arm playfully before grabbing your arm back when you tried to leave again.
“Shut up, it won't be the same without you there,” she pouted, her childish act earning stares from the other students, “and I can't cope with James alone.”
You scoffed, “You won't be alone, you'll have Mar, and Sirius, and Remus, and-”
“But he shuts up when you're there. Please, Y/N.” 
You paused to think. Yes, you could spend the evening in the library, hidden away in mountains of books. But you knew that as soon as anyone asked where you were, Lily would open her mouth and your quiet evening would be ruined. 
“Fine, I’ll come.”
“Thankyou!!” She shouted, hugging you. Before you knew it, a mound of curly hair was running towards you and wrapping their arms around too.”
“Sirius!” you shouted through the mountain of hair, “your-ow-your’e squishing me!”
“Sorry,” he pulled back, “why are we hugging?”
“Y/N is coming with us tonight.”
Sirius didn't reply, but just smirked mischievously.
“What’s that look, Sirius Black? I don't like it.” You pouted, confused.
“Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, Y/N,” he smiled, ruffling your hair, “This will be fun.”
“This is not my idea of fun.” You sighed, looking at the mountain of pranking supplies in front of you.
“Besides, michevious night isn't until tommorow.” Lily sighed, plopping down onto the sofa of the Gryffindor common room.
“This is your fault, Lil. I could be sat in the Library right now!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but-”
“Now now ladies. Stop fighting, we only have a very short amount of time-”
“Shut up Sirius.” Remus muttered from behind his book, earning a handful of pepper imps to the head and yelping “Ow”.
“This is the most important night of the year,” James dramatically shouted, standing at the other side of the table, “so choose you're weapons wisely.”
James started rooting through the pile, picking out fireworks and dung bombs, whilst Peter opted for small, less potentially lethal items that could still cause some damage.
“We need to split off,” Sirius said, rubbing at an imaginary beard and reaching his conclusion far too quickly, “Y/n and James should go together so you don't back out, Remus and Lilly, and me, Marlene and Peter. Sorted. Let’s go and corrupt the school!” 
“Come on,” James picked up a handful of items and plopped them into your hand before grabbing your other one and almost pulling the arm out of its socket. You managed to make it out side the castle in seemingly record time, and before you knew it, James was throwing things at the whomping willow. 
“James,” you said, looking back into the castle for potential onlookers, “this doesn't seem, maybe we should -”
“Come on, Y/N, it’s FUN.” He grabbed your hand once more, before pulling your wand out of your pocket and handing you a roll of toilet paper. You looked between the boy and the roll a few times before muttering a “screw it” and firing it at the tree. James shouted and laughed, but his voice turned into concern quickly; unfortunately, it wasn't quick enough. Before you knew it, a branch had grabbed your waist and you were flying through the air.
You were being tossed around for what felt like forever before James finally muttered a spell you couldn't hear and you collapsed onto him.
“owwww.” He groaned.
“Are you ok?” 
“You just got catapulted by a moving tree and you're asking if I'm ok?”
“I could kiss you right now.” You said, grateful that he'd basically just saved your life. You didn't expect him to lean up and press his lips to yours. He pulled back quickly, going to apologise before you stopped him by kissing him once more. The two of you settled into it before being startled by a loud bang: a large red light shone in the sky, shaped like a love heart as you heard a whoop from Sirius, and saw a look of complete and utter shock on the face of Lily.
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