#also i really wanted yo try doing a glitch effect here
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Wonderful April Fools u guys (I think I might turn off the undercut for some one my less eyestrain y art)
Also KILLS!!!!!!
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viostormcaller · 5 years
Discord Chat Room Analysis
Yo Seán I'm gonna do an analysis of yesterday's "Discord mayhap" (or, "Discord discord", if you will) if that's alright?
(The following screenshots are not mine, they're just like the only screenshots I've seen going around, and if anyone knows the owner feel free to tell me please and thanks!!)
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Firstly, I just wanna say that this is the very first time we've seen all the Egos in one place, interacting. This is HUGE. You'll notice the lack of introductions, questions of "who are you?", which means they all know each other/know of each other. At the very least, they all have interacted before without our knowledge. Hooray for context clues!
Onto the next thing. Jack. As a new server owner with many many users and a lot of potential for things to go wrong, I can only imagine how confused he would be (especially as a person with a glitch being on his tail). And I'm certain he wouldn't interact directly with any of the Egos unless he knew it was completely safe. As you can see, it was not, in fact, safe. That's most likely why instead of talking to the Egos, he was trying to get the mods to shut down the text channel as soon as possible. They weren't supposed to be there, and that is not supposed to happen.
Next, the Egos. Wherever they were transported to, it was someplace where they could not see one another nor could they see their surroundings (hence Chase's panicked "I can't see!"). Even though Chase was the only one who pointed out that he had no visibility, it doesn't mean that the others did. They probably couldn't see, either.
Now, my current theory is the end of Observation is in connection with this: there was some sort of tear in the fabric of reality. Whoever was recording that video, we saw transported before our eyes. It took a few hours, but eventually they ended up in a digital space, the discord server. We know this was Anti's doing, because the title of the chat room said "watching", encoded in a Caesar cipher (Anti is using codes now, we have to watch for that. There are MANY ciphers, believe me) and zalgo-ified, which was the biggest giveaway. I wouldn't be surprised if last year's Stories Untold first episode ending was foreshadowing for being trapped in a digital space (remember Jack/possibly Chase being stuck in the computer after someone opened the door to his recording room?) The question is: are they stuck there now? Or have they since been brought back upon the deletion of the chat room? We have yet to find out, but as of now, this is just a theory (a gA-- nah lemme stop there).
Next, we have Marvin. His first words are "This doesnt seem right". This leads me to believe that, as a magic-user, he's probably encountered some really weird shit and had some strange experiences, but in this situation something feels off for him. Also, as people have pointed out, Marvin is the only Ego with a recent profile picture, one that is not from his appearance video. I am assuming this is because either A) Marvin's first video wasn't truly Marvin, because it was US that made him an Ego, B) the video in which his profile picture is from was actually Marvin recording, hence why he pulled out his mask, or C) both A and B.
Jackie is the one who figures it out.
He probably saw the zalgoed code in the title, decoded it, and upon finding what it said went "Shit this is REALLY bad, I have to warn the others but I can't let Anti catch on that I figured it out". So when Jackie says "Ah fuck, people are watching this. Everybody shut up!", he's not talking about US, he's talking about Anti. Remember, Anti was brought into existence by saying his name. Saying his name in any form is extremely dangerous, and in a digital space where a glitch would have the upper hand, a direct warning against Anti would be way too risky, so he generalizes it hoping the others would get the message. Sadly, amidst the panic and confusion, they didn't.
Then, there's Chase and Schneep. Evidently, these two are close; Schneep gravitated towards Chase almost immediately for some sort of guidance or reassurance: "I dont know what happened here, Chase?". Their friendship must run deep. This was hinted at before: Henrik saved Chase and is his "good friend". Both of which are close with Jack. Seeing them interact like this pretty much confirms it.
Now this is where I laughed. See, Chase's response was immediately, "What do you want from me?" which is Chase's infamous line from Dark Silence. Marvin's immediate response is "Alright, thats enough" as if he knew that Chase was going to say something of that effect and went "Oh god not this shit again". Of course, this got Schneep started, because towards the end both of them began repeating lines from Dark Silence, Stories Untold, and Kill Jacksepticeye, respectively. Even though they were panicking and clearly trying to get in contact with Jack here, you have to admit they're both dorks. They could have said anything else and yet said that. I found that hilarious.
And little Jameson. Bless him, he silent even in digital form. This leads me to believe, however, that he may be mute in canon. If the Egos are not typing and are rather speaking in a digital space and their words appear as text in the server because of the coding, then it would make sense for Jameson's only "words" to be an ellipse.
This entire situation told me quite a bit about the Egos' interactions with each other. With Marvin and Jackie, as the two oldest Egos, they seem to be the "heads of the household", so to speak. They're like the two older brothers babysitting all the younger ones. They both hold a sense of authority (which was a surprise on Marvin's end for me, admittedly). Whether the others will actually listen is a whole nother story. Chase and Schneep are close and they gravitate towards one another. Jameson, being the newest, understandably looks like he feels out of place (communication barrier, perhaps?).
One thing is certain, though, is that Anti is their common enemy. He brought them all there against their will (kind of as if he gathered up all their strings and pulled). And Jack, according to Chase, is still comatose. So maybe Jack's consciousness is trapped in a digital space, which is why they were able to talk to him (even if Jack didn't respond), and why Marvin and Jameson were able to send him messages through videos (like in Try To Fall Asleep)?
In any case, I feel like the next episodes of Observation will give us more answers as to where the story is heading, just as Stories Untold did. Whatever happens in Observation will most likely hugely relate to this plot, so that's important to keep in mind.
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turffieldstadium · 4 years
punkamena-moon submitted:
Here are the things I have written down for now
(It's me , snom-imagines mod )
Katalix > normal type
Ability : Unlucky
Raises the probability of the pokemon getting a status condition
Littrik> electric/steel type ( evolve from Katalix if its paralyzed when leveling up)
New Pokemon type idea ?? Maybe
Weak against
- water
( Because uh yeah have you ever tried throwing your computer into a bathtub ? Not really a good idea)
- fire ( computers and phones etc can overheat)
- bug ( get it ?? Because bugs ? As in digital bugs ? Like glitches ?)
Strong against :
Ghost ( basically because digital means phones which means more informations which means ghosts become less scary because we know they're not real )
Fairy ( same with ghost, more informations means fairies become suddenly just tales )
Immune to Plant ( have you ever tried charging your phone using a tree ? Didn't really work, uh ? So yeah Plant type pokemon can't even touch Digital )
Normal damage against everything else
Also new status condition idea : Hacked
When hit by a digital type move, a Pokemon can get this status
When it does, it won't have control of its moves (= if the opposing pokemon has this status condition, when it's the enemy pokemon turn you get to decide what move it uses )
until it's either healed from the status effect
or faint. A Pokemon can not recover from this status condition on its own
I don't have the resources or anything to make a fangame but
I can and will make a fanfic
And basically in this region
The MC doesn't get their first pokemon legally,, they straight up steal it
So let's just say their pokemon doesn't like them at first
But luckily for them they have a device that allows them to speak to pokemon, made by their friend not long before that
so they quickly explain they had to get a Pokemon somehow because everything is getting dangerous and they need someone to protect them and they tell the Pokemon that they hope it can understand them
the whole reason everything is becoming a danger in the first place is that people started saying breeding pokemon excessively was pokemon abuse and then there were the people saying that pokemon were just pokemon and that pokemon didn't have feelings
So breeding pokemon kinda became more restricted and now people have to have a license to breed pokemon and they can't make their pokemon lay more than 5 eggs every month
so people are getting mad because they feel like their freedom is being taken away, and at the same time other people are saying they shouldn't have done what they did in the first place
so the Liberty to Breed Acadamy ( or LBA ) says that breeding pokemon is harmless and they're just trying to get good pokemon anyways
To which the PRA ( Pokemon Rights Activists) reply that : " it hurt the Pokemon to breed them again and again because it makes the Pokemon feel like they have no other purpose
Because yes, while breeding is essential to the survival of a specie, Pokemon are born to fight
Some people would disagree, but then why do wild pokemon also fight together ? Because they know they need to grow
Fighting is essential to the majority of Pokemon
And when a trainer makes their pokemon battle, within limits and care , they're helping it grow, they're helping it change , and they bond with it as well
But breeding doesn't do any of that
A Pokemon doesn't get anything from laying eggs
It doesn't get stronger
It doesn't get better in any way
It doesn't bond with anyone "
They also add that most of the times the breeders don't even let their pokemon see the newly hatched pokemon and that can hurt a Pokemon a lot emotionally because you're basically forcing it to breed then you don't even let it see its babies
So MC is confused and scared because they don't know what to do and they just want everything to go back to normal
They're just here with their pokemon wondering how to fix this mess
A lot of the pokemon MC will get are pokemon that ran away from their old trainers
There's also a lot of abandoned pokemon in the wild, most who grew with humans and never lived in the wild in their lives
Also the main character's dad is an outlaw because he breed pokemon even tho he doesn't have a license
And MC is against that
So they're like
Not on the same side
So MC had to ran away from home
At only 14 years old
Okay the region pokemon professor is called Prof Hickory
He's 23 so still really young
He has dyed hair that faded from blue at the top the pink at the bottom
He always wear sunglasses when he's not alone so people rarely get to see his eyes
Almost nobody knows that his eyes are brown and they shine like gold in the light when he's not wearing sunglasses
Aside from his white coat he wears pretty simple clothes : just a pinkish red t-shirt and black pants. But
He studies how Pokemon made humanity into what it is today, like he studies big event histories that Pokemon had important roles in, how society shaped itself around the big thing that is pokemon training and just living with pokemon in general
The region name is Mirsos
> extremely modern and full of technology
> Also why Digital type Pokemon only exist in Mirsos in the first place
> like most of the regions Mirsos has Pokemon Gyms and a Elite 4 but all of that went to ashes after the " pokemon breeding incident"
> There 0 pokemon from other regions in Mirsos
> Even the Region Champion, Florian, doesn't know what to do about this whole situation
Florian :
29, blonde hair tied in a ponytail , black eyes, wear a white bandana, use mostly ice type pokemon, always wearing a big black sweater with the face of his favorite Pokemon, wears ripped white jeans and black and white sneakers, has gold earrings shaped like clouds
gives me a bit of a Pokemon Reborn vibe with the more serious/darker tone
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punkcryptids · 5 years
okay, so throughout the recent life is strange games i have made posts such as this one; I would make a bullet-point list of my ideas and thoughts of the game, certain little lines or details and shit. i did this for the farewell episode, i think before the storm (at least one of the episodes), and captain spirit. i tried to do this for life is strange 2, but Tumblr fucking killed itself when i tried, like i even restarted the fucking episode to redo it. so i don't think ive done these for life is strange 2, but honestly they're a lot of fun to rant out my opinions of the game and the little details and shit so, without further ado, here's this -spoiler full- little list.
also, little sidenote: i had no clue this was supposed to come out, i heard jack shit about it so like, the day after it was released i saw an article, googled it, and fucking died and felt so stupid. so anyways. let's begin.
*spoilers ahead, ill tag the post too but smh once got anon hate over this shit*
ok just to start this off, the little like "last time on life is strange" refresher is really nice and unique and i fucking love it still
the wolf drawings v cute
not game related but this fucking incense im burning is floating across the screen and it's so fucking ominous
why the fuck is Chris a racoon
okay now game points for the a c t u a l fucking game??
ok this fuckin music fuckin kicking
ok i like the choice to start this episode with like a flashback, i really like that choice (also three bullet points in a row i start with "ok" v original)
yo sean wanna give me that weed bag? could use some brother skksks
fuck Daniel his room nice af
honestly the instant thought when Daniel came into Sean's room was that he was stealing his weed? cause I could've sworn that's where it was in the first episode
i love his dad sksksk
i hate that fucking toy okay, it's awful
ok low-key, i hate kids and if i Sean I'd be so annoyed? because like he came into Sean's room when he's been told not to, and like snuck in there, and then lied about Sean hitting him (bc I didn't hit him) and then as soon as Sean goes to apologize he's like "get out" like u little hypocritical shit hhhh. love Daniel but it's fuckin annoying
"and don't touch my stuff" (comes into Sean's room and touches shit)
Sean is a dick to Daniel sometimes but like he still acted like a good brother in the end and i would've been pissed so like good on Sean lmao
*inhales* AAAAAAAA
love the drawing of the deer smoking
wonder why they got kicked off the ranch
i want a fucking joint Jesus Christ Sean fucking share? rude ass
ok so ur shirtless
good doggie
accidentally trapped the dog whoopsies
american grafitti
"fuckin ranch of hell AVOID" what the fuck happened there?
i like penny, he seems cool af
Daniel's fucking hair yikes
also why the hell he being a dick to us for? why the fuck it so hostile?
I like Finn too
"it was my turn" you had been throwing them?? for the entire morning wHY IS HE FUCKIN MAD AT US??
Daniel is pissing me off I s2g
why is asking about the watch a "big choice"
oh okay so finn replaced sean and now daniel is just a little fucking asshole about it
big Joe big angry
he just fuckin hit her head what the fuck hell yeah I'll intervene fuck you??
why does he want to talk to me what the fuck did i do
okay if Daniel loses us this job i will fight him
am i really trimming weed rn i dont think y'all understand how much my stoner ass is jealous
uh? random ass glitch of flying scissors
okay whatever sounds effects are in the background of talking with Finn sound like lis 1 music and im freaked
if we get caught while training I'm murdering someone
new emo daniel
that music is fucking intense
"im not a kid anymore" I'm gonna fucking hit this kid I s2g
pass me the BONG
"how come you can and i can't" YOURE NINE DANIEL GODDAMN WAIT A COUPLE YEARS
ok Sean, you had one like mediocre bong hit and like two hits from that joint like you should not be that high. high screen is cool tho
someone pass me more weed
I have taken 3 drinks of this beer and Sean cannot see anyone but the guy he's focusing on
i wanna stay with these guys ffs I don't want to go to mexico
fuckin daniel, hhh i feel bad that I didn't go with him but i wanna have fun :(
edgy boi now
this song is a bop tf
i feel like they haven't had as much copyrighted music in this season
nice work montage
i wish there was an option to say I'd buy Daniel some food that he wants :/ I get we have to save but fuck :/ trying to win big brother points and game won't let me
thank u Merrill im glad ur not mad at me uwu
don't punch out finn i love him
why is Daniel showing him his powers like i get he threw the thing at big Joe but why this necessary,,,
can we give Daniel a haircut now like im sorry but his fuckin hair
they like took 1 drink of that beer and it was done what
you cannot fucking use daniel if they make me i will feel like shit
gimmie tattoo
ok ik I should probably say "wolf" bc of the symbolism throughout the game but like fuckin surprise me Cassidy
what is with this episode and fuckin nudity
i can literally see her nipple under the water wtf u good
I didn't talk to anyone else, just Finn and then fucked Cassidy so ya know
fucking finn are you fucking serious
shut the fuck up stop trying to convince me shit
fuck you I didn't fucking do this
fuck you finn
and you got him fucking shot you fucking proud? hm? fucking dick.
ok so Cassidy is still here, and Finn, and Merrill, and I swear to God, if fucking Daniel left us I will fucking
okay so uh this episode? not my favorite. at all. especially because the choices didn't fucking matter. the "big" choices are supposed to fucking matter but they didn't and that really kinda pisses me off. and idk. i didn't care for this episode but like :/ time to wait till august
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:35 PM GOD that voice is so Zim. Y'know, that could be a fun thing to watch! Mimic — Yesterday at 9:36 PM Zim's voice actor tends to stick to what he's famous for though it's weird hearing a zim voice with emotional range thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:37 PM Poor little Zim nerd. Mimic — Yesterday at 9:38 PM I feel like his character was built around the very concept of "long-suffering" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:39 PM Pffffff highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:39 PM "What I'm saying is I'm available, please take me." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:40 PM Ha! This is going to go so well. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 9:42 PM Small city boy is trying to be a cowboy? Mimic — Yesterday at 9:42 PM yep highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:42 PM He's doing his best.
Mimic — Yesterday at 9:42 PM and he's sounding exactly like zim doing it highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:42 PM The stream isn't lagging, that's how it's animated in this segment. Not well. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 9:42 PM oh that's what's familiar... thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:43 PM I'm sensing a theme Sharpwing — Yesterday at 9:44 PM ohhhhh, what timing. Gotta go, tell me how it ends! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:45 PM fjd;laskdjf Hoo boy Mimic — Yesterday at 9:46 PM little hissy noises thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:48 PM f Pull the trigger highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:49 PM He makes a solid point. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:51 PM So much letting him talk when they could have shot him. Mimic — Yesterday at 9:52 PM hope springs eternal thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:52 PM Ohoho! Mimic — Yesterday at 9:52 PM pretty birb I fuckin' love this movie thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:54 PM :eyes: Well then! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:56 PM This had better not be another movie about a child giving up an immortal life of magic for a hideous neglectful mortal family. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:57 PM ...Mimic?  Is it? "well that's the problem" I love the art here highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:00 PM Oh, he's doomed. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:00 PM Gotta be. Kid... Mimic — Yesterday at 10:01 PM sorry about that, dogs needed feedin' thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:01 PM this is a great way for someone to get shot Mimic — Yesterday at 10:02 PM and no, it is not that kind of story this is the kind of story where the bad guy is a huge jerk and magic is a way to flip him off and live happily thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:02 PM nice~ Mimic — Yesterday at 10:03 PM this is based off one of the many periods in history where England was basically beating up Ireland for its lunch money highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:04 PM It should have won the Oscar based on the artwork alone. Mimic — Yesterday at 10:04 PM right??? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:05 PM That and the moral, I'm assuming, isn't "How dare you dream big, disenfranchised and marginalized human?" Mimic — Yesterday at 10:06 PM actually, the villain is the one that believes that thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:06 PM Uh oh. There we go. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:10 PM Oh, for Pit's sake. I mean, at some point, someone she loved was getting shot. It was a question of who and when. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:11 PM noooo, not the bird hehehehe So they just had that ready, huh highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:13 PM They always do. Mimic — Yesterday at 10:13 PM this guy is a complete bag of dicks highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:14 PM His face looks like it's made of genital skin. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:14 PM D: Two days to kill all the wolves in a forest, sounds reasonable Sheepcube. spide! So she IS the wolf, right Mimic — Yesterday at 10:18 PM LISTEN TO THE BIRB highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:42 PM Grow up together, see each other in a new light, raise a litter of magical pups. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM oh noooooo highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:43 PM Oh! Well then, a third of the way there. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:44 PM awwwwww aaaaa :heart: OH that's who's in the room... Mimic — Yesterday at 10:48 PM noooooo sad doggo Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:53 PM nfskdgsdf oh no was i connected the whole time?? Mimic — Yesterday at 10:53 PM yup! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 10:53 PM oops thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:54 PM gooooooo please, just listen to her for two seconds fffffffff Mimic — Yesterday at 10:57 PM everything is depressing thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:02 PM nooooooo highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:02 PM No one in this movie communicates. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:03 PM how about "I talked to your mother and that's what she said to tell you" Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Isn't that true of most movies? Though if she had told her where her mother is, she wouldn't have done anything other than make a beeline to her highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:04 PM "I almost got shot getting to her and somehow all of the bullets missed me." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:04 PM NO YOU COULD HAVE SAID THAT BEFORE highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:05 PM "I probably would have believed you before the cage." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:10 PM God, I hope he dies a distraction!  let her oooouuuuuut :heartpulse: highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:14 PM Awww! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:14 PM :pleading_face: thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:15 PM NO oh yeah, they have healing powers Mimic — Yesterday at 11:15 PM thank goodness thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:15 PM or, uh is that what this... is nooooooo "and you almost shot me" is that a bite mark on his arm highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:17 PM It is indeed. The mother bit him a while back. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:18 PM ohhhh highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:21 PM "Our god will make us immune to fire!" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:24 PM noooooo YES Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:26 PM OHHHHHHHHHHH N I C E Mimic — Yesterday at 11:26 PM SUFFER Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:26 PM oh no hes gonna die isnt he NO NO NONNONONOOOOOOOO YES!!! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:27 PM GOOD yes, right onto the spiky rocks Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:28 PM no, bad i think im afraid,,,,, oh wow huh thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:28 PM phew Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:29 PM he...didnt die?? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:29 PM he didn't die! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:29 PM i really like this movie thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:32 PM aaaaaaaaaa :heart: Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:32 PM YYYYYYYESSSSSSSSSS thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:32 PM yeah, you kinda SHOULD feel bad Mimic — Yesterday at 11:34 PM WOLVES FOREVER thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:34 PM :heart: :heart: :heart: Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:34 PM highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:34 PM Well, that was flawless! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:35 PM absolutely superb! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:35 PM YEAH highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:35 PM I can't think of a single thing I'd change! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:35 PM I love the little girl's design so much, she's just A Little Fluffball thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:35 PM yeah! Mimic — Yesterday at 11:35 PM right? Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:35 PM Bounce Bounce Mimic — Yesterday at 11:36 PM Floof thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:38 PM What a tasteful game highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:41 PM More tasteful by the minute! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:42 PM Where is HE getting all this money Wuh oh. HA Calamity...? Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:49 PM ..........social distancing. Mimic — Yesterday at 11:49 PM pfff Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:50 PM it-- isn't it supposed to be spelled "beggar king"? also why is that a thing Mimic — Yesterday at 11:50 PM at least it's not as disconcerting as teleporting watson Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:50 PM fgsdfhgjg thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:50 PM Oh my god Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:51 PM why is this game so exploitable Mimic — Yesterday at 11:51 PM this feels like a video game purgatory Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:52 PM this makes me vaguely uneasy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:53 PM Only vaguely? Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:53 PM there are things that make me specifically uneasy, but this is pan-game uneasiness everything is somehow Quite Wrong ....was that an audio glitch, or a sound effect, because his voice briefly turned into a banjo thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:57 PM Well then. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:58 PM That certainly was that. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:58 PM it was. also, side question ive been meaning to ask, you mentioned people requesting movies. how do i do that? i have An Suggestion for sometimes, if you want. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:59 PM Oh, just fire away. Sharpwing — Today at 12:00 AM The old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the one with Gene Wilder. I may or may not be requesting because it's one of my favorite movies and they took it off of Netflix and I'm too skittish to pirate it myself. Also because it is ripe with opportunities to poke fun at a million different things. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:00 AM Oooo, yes! That sounds like a fun time. :slight_smile: highglossfinish — Today at 12:01 AM We watched it ages ago, just after he died, but I'm not at all averse to streaming it again! Any opportunity for piracy! Sharpwing — Today at 12:02 AM Arrrrr. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:02 AM yo ho ho! Mimic — Today at 12:03 AM while we're suggesting things, has anyone else ever browsed stupid horror movies on IMDB highglossfinish — Today at 12:03 AM I'm constantly on the lookout for horror movies, stupid movies, and stupid horror movies, so any suggestions are welcome. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:03 AM How about... Zombieland? highglossfinish — Today at 12:03 AM Ooh, absolutely! Mimic — Today at 12:04 AM I love Zombieland. plus, there's the sequel now thenightetc2 — Today at 12:04 AM A sequel! Mimic — Today at 12:04 AM Zombieland: Double Tap https://www.imdb.com/list/ls023868653/ okay, I just want to share this with the server IMDb Horror Movies with Ridiculous Concepts - IMDb Horror Movies with Ridiculous Concepts
thenightetc2 — Today at 12:05 AM Good. Also, I feel like Mirrormask would be a fun stream night idea. Sharpwing — Today at 12:06 AM The Gingerdead Man?? Mimic — Today at 12:06 AM that one stars Gary Busey! thenightetc2 — Today at 12:06 AM It's not horror, but it's very artistic Sharpwing — Today at 12:06 AM someone made that movie after coming up with the pun, didn't they. Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:06 AM Willy's Wonderland? Mimic — Today at 12:06 AM probably. also it has multiple sequels thenightetc2 — Today at 12:07 AM ...Killdozer. That looks amazing. Mimic — Today at 12:07 AM right??? that's sci-fi channel original movie levels of cheese also, Trail of the Screaming Forehead highglossfinish — Today at 12:08 AM These sound dreadful and perfect. Sharpwing — Today at 12:08 AM .....""Frogs""? Mimic — Today at 12:09 AM Frogs Sharpwing — Today at 12:09 AM That's... just... a nature documentary, POV bugs. Mimic — Today at 12:10 AM OH, MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. the movie co-directed by Stephen King's cocaine habit. Sharpwing — Today at 12:10 AM The Refrigerator?? Mimic — Today at 12:10 AM also, Death Bed: The Bed That Eats thenightetc2 — Today at 12:11 AM I've heard good things about Lord of the Flies Sharpwing — Today at 12:11 AM mutated killer tomatoes. highglossfinish — Today at 12:11 AM I wonder if it's about some sort of bed? thenightetc2 — Today at 12:11 AM ...I want to watch The Blood Beast Terror Sharpwing — Today at 12:11 AM That's just a pitcher plant for humans though Mimic — Today at 12:12 AM I can't imagine why they wouldn't make their title clearer Sharpwing — Today at 12:12 AM the bed, not the blood beast Mimic — Today at 12:12 AM The Blood Beast Terror sounds neat Sharpwing — Today at 12:13 AM I know the man-eating worms movie is probably terrible, but for some reason I like the title being "Squirm". Not too on the nose, but evocative of imagery probably in the movie. highglossfinish — Today at 12:13 AM "In the United States it was released by Pacemaker Pictures on a double-bill with Slaughter of the Vampires under the title The Vampire Beast Craves Blood. " Sharpwing — Today at 12:13 AM Evil Bong??? Mimic — Today at 12:14 AM there are fuckin' six evil bong movies on Hulu Sharpwing — Today at 12:14 AM WHAT. Mimic — Today at 12:14 AM four sequels and a crossover with Gingerdead MAn, iirc Sharpwing — Today at 12:14 AM wow okay thenightetc2 — Today at 12:15 AM what Sharpwing — Today at 12:15 AM please read the synopsis for Killer Tongue Mimic — Today at 12:15 AM the full summary is a thing of beauty thenightetc2 — Today at 12:16 AM ??? highglossfinish — Today at 12:16 AM "This horror story involves a woman hiding out with four pastel colored poodles in a desert gas station with the loot from a heist while her boy friend does prison time. A meteorite crashes near the station transforming the woman into an alien being with a gigantic voracious tongue and her poodles are transformed into four drag queens. The whole thing grows even weirder as her boy friend escapes from prison and also encounters the meteorite, as does a mute Nun who is converted into a sexy drum majorette. Pursued by the prison officials who are after him, the whole group eventually come into conflict." Mimic — Today at 12:17 AM I fucking love this list page 2 of the list has the movie Zombeavers. Sharpwing — Today at 12:18 AM "A comic-book artist meets a woman on the NY streets, but after a quick flirtation, she suddenly collapses, and is picked-up by an old ambulance. He checks all the hospitals in the area, but the woman seems to have disappeared." Ratchet gets a taste for humans Mimic — Today at 12:19 AM pfff thenightetc2 — Today at 12:19 AM :skull: Mimic — Today at 12:19 AM oh, and there's a really stupid Bela Lugosi movie on this list too. The Devil Bat 'A mad scientist develops an aftershave lotion that causes his gigantic bats to kill anyone who wears it.' Sharpwing — Today at 12:19 AM .....please never let him know I said that --wait, aftershave?? Mimic — Today at 12:19 AM yep highglossfinish — Today at 12:21 AM If there's a movie out there about an evil ambulance, we are fragging watching it. Sharpwing — Today at 12:21 AM why would you not make something more gender-neutral, what if you want to assasinate a random woman via gigantic bat, how are you going to get her to unwittingly put on aftershave It's on the first page of the list, just called "The Ambulance" I believe, if you want to ctrl+F search for it no wait, here https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099026/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb The Ambulance (1990) - IMDb Directed by Larry Cohen. With Eric Roberts, James Earl Jones, Megan Gallagher, Red Buttons. A comic-book artist meets a woman on the NY streets, but after a quick flirtation, she suddenly collapses, and is picked-up by an old ambulance. He checks all the hospitals in the area, but the woman seems to have disappeared.
i forgot i could send links for a minute highglossfinish — Today at 12:22 AM We're watching it. Oh, frag yes, we're watching it next time. Mimic — Today at 12:22 AM holy fucking shit, there's a movie called Rubber A homicidal car tire, discovering it has destructive psionic power, sets its sights on a desert town once a mysterious woman becomes its obsession. Sharpwing — Today at 12:23 AM oh no, what have i done highglossfinish — Today at 12:23 AM I'm letting Ratchet know and then we're watching it so very hard. Sharpwing — Today at 12:23 AM are you planning to tell Ratchet this exists or-- OH NO RATCHET IM SORRY highglossfinish — Today at 12:23 AM I'm not. Sharpwing — Today at 12:23 AM oh nooooooooo Mimic — Today at 12:23 AM do it. DO IT thenightetc2 — Today at 12:23 AM Think he'll join us for it? highglossfinish — Today at 12:23 AM I hope so. I'll try to work him over. Sharpwing — Today at 12:24 AM i would pay to see his reaction, 100% serious ....im also still a little bit sorry a little Sharpwing — Today at 12:25 AM Oh I have heard of that... somewhere Mimic — Today at 12:27 AM btw, this same poster has lists such as 'stupid kids movies' and 'ridiculous shark movies' thenightetc2 — Today at 12:27 AM lots of good ideas here! Mimic — Today at 12:28 AM just gonna leave this https://www.imdb.com/list/ls041237729/ and this https://www.imdb.com/list/ls026096034/ here IMDb Stupid Kids Movies - IMDb Stupid Kids Movies
IMDb Ridiculous Shark Movies - IMDb Ridiculous Shark Movies
Sharpwing — Today at 12:28 AM thank you, this is wonderful ...."Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies". Mimic — Today at 12:29 AM "Sharktopus Vs Whalewolf" Sharpwing — Today at 12:30 AM ....eeEEEeeeeww, the concept of Snakes on a Train is genuinely disgusting Mimic — Today at 12:30 AM yeah sometimes ridiculous crosses over into grossout >P Sharpwing — Today at 12:31 AM "Contaminated grain breeds overgrown, killer rats in this Golden Harvest production. Dachshunds were dressed up as rats for the special effects." Mimic — Today at 12:33 AM it takes some vision to commit to that course of action instead of literally anything else Sharpwing — Today at 12:34 AM And of course, for you... :3 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075809/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb The Car (1977) - IMDb Directed by Elliot Silverstein. With James Brolin, Kathleen Lloyd, John Marley, R.G. Armstrong. A small desert town is terrorized by a powerful, seemingly possessed car, and the local sheriff may be the only one who can stop it.
it's sadly not as pretty as you, but then again who could be thenightetc2 — Today at 12:34 AM Ohoho! Mimic — Today at 12:35 AM Christine's lower-budget third cousin Sharpwing — Today at 12:35 AM Christine? thenightetc2 — Today at 12:36 AM Christine! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085333/ IMDb Christine (1983) - IMDb Directed by John Carpenter. With Keith Gordon, John Stockwell, Alexandra Paul, Robert Prosky. A nerdish boy buys a strange car with an evil mind of its own and his nature starts to change to reflect it.
It's excellent. Sharpwing — Today at 12:37 AM Huh! Sounds neat-- and silly, but still https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063145/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb 'It's Alive!' (TV Movie 1969) - IMDb Directed by Larry Buchanan. With Tommy Kirk, Shirley Bonne, Bill Thurman, Annabelle Weenick. A loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his land. To feed his newest critter, the farmer kidnaps three people. The three desperately try to escape and finally, one of them succeeds.
eye tiddies?? Mimic — Today at 12:38 AM sadly, not the first time I've encountered that concept Sharpwing — Today at 12:39 AM .....w.....w.here..........? Mimic — Today at 12:40 AM believe it or not, a highly acclaimed JRPG series. that happened to have an NPC with seventeen breasts scattered around her body highglossfinish — Today at 12:40 AM One of my all time favorite Earth movies, and my favorite Earth love story. Sharpwing — Today at 12:40 AM Oh, who falls in love? highglossfinish — Today at 12:41 AM The car and her driver. Sharpwing — Today at 12:41 AM :O! Mimic — Today at 12:41 AM truly, a love for the ages Sharpwing — Today at 12:41 AM I thought it was gonna end with her taking him over as a vessel tbh thenightetc2 — Today at 12:44 AM Ohhhh, that would have been interesting, too. Mimic — Today at 12:44 AM they grow closer in other ways like murder Sharpwing — Today at 12:44 AM .....i did not think you were going to say murder. highglossfinish — Today at 12:45 AM Don't tell him, but someday I'd like to get the little "Let me tell you a little something about love" monologue inscribed on something and give it to Breakdown. Mimic — Today at 12:46 AM awww, that's sweet~ thenightetc2 — Today at 12:46 AM We won't spoil your surprise! highglossfinish — Today at 12:47 AM Appreciated! Mimic — Today at 12:47 AM sometimes you just gotta woo your honey with vehicular manslaughter Sharpwing — Today at 12:47 AM .......I need to look up this monologue highglossfinish — Today at 12:48 AM https://youtu.be/HYqSugRiG5Y?t=77 YouTube Movieclips Christine (1983) - Love Eats Everything Scene (8/10) | Movieclips Sharpwing — Today at 12:50 AM I love that speech very much very much ........so is this movie like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but with more murder. Mimic — Today at 12:51 AM more like Herbie the Love Bug... but with more murder and a sexier car. Sharpwing — Today at 12:52 AM Never seen that actually, though with a name like The Love Bug it must be hard to out-sexy him. actual lovebugs are so gross and smushy though, i dont know if the writers knew what they were doing when they named Herbie. Mimic — Today at 12:53 AM 'The Love Bug (sometimes referred to as Herbie the Love Bug) is a 1969 American comedy film directed by Robert Stevenson and the first in a series of films made by Walt Disney Productions and distributed by Buena Vista Distribution that starred an anthropomorphic pearl-white, fabric-sunroofed 1963 Volkswagen racing Beetle named Herbie. It was based on the 1961 book Car, Boy, Girl by Gordon Buford.' thenightetc2 — Today at 12:54 AM It was based on the 1961 book Car, Boy, Girl by Gordon Buford.' Hmmmm.  Hm! Sharpwing — Today at 12:54 AM wingman, or love triangle?:smirk: Mimic — Today at 12:55 AM oh my god, I forgot one of the characters was:'Tennessee Steinmetz, a character who creates "art" from used car parts' Sharpwing — Today at 12:55 AM ....Tennessee? Mimic — Today at 12:55 AM yup thenightetc2 — Today at 12:55 AM ...o_o gruesome! Mimic — Today at 12:56 AM right??? Mimic — Today at 12:57 AM por que no los dos? Sharpwing — Today at 12:58 AM .....I've seen sculptures like that, and I only now realize what they must look like I am now imagining statues made out of stomachs and kidneys and the like. jeez earth must be horrifyng thenightetc2 — Today at 1:04 AM Well, I need to go run an errand before the store closes.  Goodnight--and thanks for the stream! That was a fantastic movie. :smile: Sharpwing — Today at 1:05 AM https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050720/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb The Monolith Monsters (1957) - IMDb Directed by John Sherwood. With Grant Williams, Lola Albright, Les Tremayne, Trevor Bardette. Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
RoCkS highglossfinish — Today at 1:05 AM Goodnight, night human! Sharpwing — Today at 1:05 AM Oh, goodnight Night!<3 Mimic — Today at 1:06 AM good night friend! ahem. Fungicide What happens when a crazed scientist gets a forced weekend away at a Bed and Breakfast? Mushrooms and mayhem! Death stalks the shocked guests as mushrooms of all shapes and sizes run rampant through the woods! Sharpwing — Today at 1:09 AM https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0299712/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb They Crawl (2001) - IMDb Directed by John Allardice. With Daniel Cosgrove, Tamara Davies, Dennis Boutsikaris, Ken Lerner. After a terrifying incident of man, a policewoman detective needs to find a way to stop the creepy horde of roaches before it can kill more people.
This one isn't special, just-- "incident of man"? is that a phrase i dont know or a typo Mimic — Today at 1:09 AM I need to work that into my vocabulary Sharpwing — Today at 1:10 AM "after a terrifying incident of man" Mimic — Today at 1:14 AM Terrifying incident of man sounds like it should be mandatory to describe Florida Man events Sharpwing — Today at 1:18 AM Sorry, I know it's getting late for most of the US, but I do have a genuine suggestion this time https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0026663/?ref_=ttls_li_tt IMDb Mad Love (1935) - IMDb Directed by Karl Freund. With Peter Lorre, Frances Drake, Colin Clive, Ted Healy. In Paris, a demented surgeon's obsession with a British actress leads him to secretly replace her concert pianist husband's mangled hands with those of a guillotined murderer with a gift for knife-throwing.
1935, batshit premise played completely straight apparently Mimic — Today at 1:19 AM this is how surgery works Sharpwing — Today at 1:21 AM .......not to pick at poor Ratchet again, but I'm reasonably sure that in one timeline he did do that, with his own hands. Mimic — Today at 1:22 AM I'd believe it.
0 notes
livingtheupgrade · 7 years
Squip X Reader - Romantic Effects
Word Count: 802
Request:  Anonymous: Can you write some Throwback!Squip? Pretty please?💕
Warnings: Pure and utter fluff, some shocking at the beginning though
Notes: I wasn’t even planning to write but then I got a bunch of sweet messages so i’m not yo blame /)///(\ also throwback Squip is my weakness, bless you all <3
Y/N - Your Name
“What does this one do?”
“That one makes me glitch out, I'd avoid that unless you'd like to end up less productive then usual.”
You'd only had your squip for a couple months, but...Your squip recently, and accidentally you could assume, slipped up on revealing that while the normal mountain dew activates him, the others have effects as well. Of course you knew Red deactivated but you assumed that it ended there. Of course after that discovery you had bought bottles of every flavor you could find to test out.
“How about that one?” You asked pointing to the Code Red, wondering if it had similar effects that the original Red had.
“It does not.” He corrected me mentally “It will in simple terms make me very angry and that will, once again make you less productive.”
“Do any of these do good things? Like...idk make you more...chill.” You grinned shooting finger guns at his unimpressed expression as he groaned. “Depends on your definition of chill...”
You chuckled a bit and pointed to another “What does whiteout do-” he shocked you, and shook his head “You will not touch that Y/N”
“Okay, ow for one.” You groaned “Two, what does it do?”
“It will be the reason I will shock you to an early grave at the rate you going.”
You laughed again, shaking it off as your eyes landed on throwback “How about this? Is this one good?” You asked, annoyed that everything you had picked out seemed to have negative effects on your Squip.
He paused, rolling his eyes “Do we have to keep doing this? Didn't you have work to do?” He smirked, sending a shock down your spine, causing you to jump up a bit.
He was pushing your buttons, but quickly realized his error as you looked him dead in the eyes and chugged the throwback.
“Y-Y/N don't be so hasty-” He groaned, trying to shock you and get you to stop, before you knew it had reached the bottom of the bottle “Hey you didn't have to be hasty and shock me, but here we are.”
You assumed whatever throwback did was setting it as he seemed to calm down some, quietly moving to sit next to you. “uh...You okay Squip?” You asked a little surprised at his much calmer expression. You were more shocked however at the fact that he had given the most genuine smile you could ever imagine coming from a computer, which is to say something you have never imagined “Of course Y/N, I'm with you.”
You felt your heart skip a beat, a tad surprised at the praise. “I'm sorry I chugged it, I was just frustrated an-”
“I shouldn't have shocked you, you were only curious, I apologize for the harm.”
“W-What does throwback do? You...You're acting really different...” You mumbled as he scooted closer to you, leaning his head somewhat on yours. “Unlike my normal mode, Throwback sets me to a more kind, caring and romantic mood set I suppose.” chuckling somewhat.
You felt your face heat up a tad, moving your head slightly to stare up at him, his eyes were gentle compared to his usual cold judgmental gaze, if it were a cartoon you could swear you'd see hearts in his eyes.
You couldn't find words to respond with, so you just kinda leaned into his touch. of course, you knew it was only simulated through your nerves, but it felt very real, he felt very warm... You found that his whole vibe was extremely comforting. “You're so cute Y/N, I really shouldn't be so hard on you all the time.”
You paused as he causally wrapped one of his arms around your waist gently “I mean...I got you for a reason..And I can be stubborn sometimes I know.” You chuckled as he leaned back, pulling you with him, making you let out a small yelp. “Of course, that is my function after all, but you are far more compliant then many would be.”
You found yourself mumbling a bit as you found yourself awkwardly cuddling him, he was very comfy for someone who wasn't actually there. “I promise we'll get there, I will always help you to see your best self.” He smiled, kissing the top of your head, before stroking you hair gently with his hand.
“ahhhh, quit your not supposed to be sweet, you'll kill me later.” You mumbled as he laughed again. “I won't, I could have easily stopped you if I really wanted too, I like being close to you like this.”
You tried to come up with a retort, but found you really didn't want to argue at this point, deciding to just enjoy the moment and taking a note to buy more throwback.
“Quick question though...what does the whiteout do?”
439 notes · View notes
someaxolotl · 3 years
Practical Exam
I have no idea how I managed to confuse an AI… “Nim, did I do something wrong?”
“…” Her face is glitching slightly…
It is still extremely easy to dodge. “STOP TRYING TO ELECTROCUTE ME!”
“...it’s wrong…”
“Nim, seriously what’s wrong?”
“...follow me”
Nim floated away… great… “Hey, wait up.” 
Oh, it looks like we ended up in a training room with a few dummies and such.”
“Ok Veronica, watch. Jolt.” As expected the dummy she was aiming at was struck. 
“So, what was so special about that?”
“How long did it take for it to strike?”
“Oh around a second or so, why?”
“Jolt is a basic level electricity spell, but it has the positive of being almost instant. I’m currently casting it equal to a rank 2 or so, only rank 6 and up would be able to doge it effortlessly like you do. So, why is it saying that you should be a rank 1?”
“Well, the screen I saw said there was an error or something under ‘build’. Could that be it?”
“No, ‘build’ is just a way we categorize what members are best at. They are all self-explanatory, Fighter, Supporter, Explorer, Creator, and Researcher. Not fitting in one should not really cause an error that affects rank… I don’t want to but we may have to do a practical exam…” Nim is starting to look concerned.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I’m worried that you could be injured or such… you haven’t made us any money yet.”
“Oh… great…”
“Yep!” She seems happier but still slightly off. “So standard regulations state that in order for a practical exam to be valid, two guild leaders must be present. In most situations, it would be the guild leader of the testee’s guild and me but you don’t have a guild… so I’ll just put out a request for a guild leader. In the meantime, we can begin to record what you can do.” 
A few objects materialize into the room, it looks like there’s a few dummies, an orb, and a strange box. “Ok Nim, what do you want me to do.”
“Do you have weapons on you?”
“Oh… no. I lost them before arriving here.”
“So a pistol and a knife… Ok, I’ll send a request to administration staff. For now, let’s test out your magic. Is your wind magic mainly offense, support, or utility?”
“Oh it’s a mix of both offense and utility I guess.”
“Ok, attack that dummy with a base level wind spell.”
“Got it!” Ok, light and airy, concentrate… “wisp” A small shot of wind magic impacted the dummy.
“Good! You were even able to cast it without a focus! Now what is the strongest attack you can do with wind magic?”
Ok, I’ve got this… still light and airy, but fierce and unrelenting… focus on the mana… there’s the heat from the brand… and “Gale!”... That’s a hit!
Nim looks impressed. “Great! So why exactly do you use brands?”
“Oh, I just think it’s almost comforting, the flow of mana feels nice…”
“You’re channeling a large amount of mana directly into your arm… If you misfire there can be extremely bad consequences.”
“Really?!” That’s strange… “Whenever I misfire the spell just kinda pops.”
“Oh, is that so?” Nim’s face is displaying some character that kinda looks like a thinking face.
...I hear footsteps… It’s a person carrying a case, oh he’s waving at Nim.
“Nimue, here are the items you requested.”
Nim is somehow holding the case. “Thank you, Fredrick. That is all I need. Thanks!”
He seems to be pretty busy because he just took off… 
Nim is still holding the case… “Hey Nim, how exactly are you holding the case, you’re just a hologram right?”
“Oh, that’s just a little trick I can do.” ...another colon three face
Now that I think about it I feel a slight amount of mana… It feels heavy and constant… “You’re using gravity magic aren’t you?”
“Whaaaaaat, noooooo…” Nim is making a face with a greater than symbol, a dash, and a less than symbol. “What makes you say that?”
“I can feel you using it.”
“Wait really?!” Huh, that really surprised her! “Anyway, here.”
Oh it’s the case, let’s see… It's a pistol and knife of decent quality.
“Ok Veronica, let’s get back on track. Show me what you can do with wind utility spells.”
“Ok” ...focus… and… “jump!” Like typical, I fired off two streams of air, shot up into the air, and landed comfortably.
“Interesting… Can you do that non verbally?”
“Oh, I just said ‘jump’ out of force of habit.” 
“Hah, nerd. So any other things you can do?”
“...I wish i could punch you right now, but eh yes.” … I dash towards the dummy using wind as a boost.
“Ok cool! Now how about-”
I hear some distant clopping. “Hey Nim, gotcha call. I had some free time, and I thought maybe this new girl might be cute.”
Oh, I guess it’s a centaur, that’s coo-...Huh, she’s not a centaur… that’s a llama’s lower half… also a llama neck...nothing here is normal is it…
Nim seems relieved somewhat. “Good to see you. Veronica, this is Celeste, the guild leader of the Rainbow Sanctuary”
Celeste seems nice enough… “Hi Veronica, nice to meet you! Can I interest you in joining the Sanctuary?”
That seems to have angered Nim and she whispered to Celeste. They are in a conversation but I can’t make out what they are saying… Oh, wait Celeste just said, “but she’s cute.” ...fantastic. 
Oh it looks like they are done arguing, good.
“Before you interrupted us, Celeste, I was documenting Veronica’s abilities. It is probably a good idea that we understand what she can do before we drop her into a practical exam.”
“Very well… What do you have so far?”
The screen that has my info was pulled up again, this time however it also displayed the wind spells I can do.
Celeste seems curious about the info. “So let’s get to testing!” I feel mana building up for some reason. “I’ll ask the questions and Nim will record what happens.” 
“Celeste what ar-”
“So Veronica, let’s see that space magic!”
...are they fighting over me? “Ummm I can only do utility spells for space…”
“Then show those!”
“Ok” steady...ready the pistol ...focus on the target… feel the warmth of the mana...and fire! Even though I was aiming at the ground, the bullet hit the dummy from behind.
Nim seems pretty impressed “Impressiv-”
“Don’t worry about talking, Nim just focus on recording the results.” Did I somehow cause this hostility… “Any other fun things you can do with space magic?”
“There are a few more things I can do.” ok… focus on the knife… conduct the mana into it… “Phase Edge!” Good… now think of where I’m going to land… and use the mana to jump forward! Ok, I’m in the air behind the dummy, so now I just… the knife flies through the dummy and imbeds itself in the ground in front of it.
“Good job, a weapon infusion and blink, are you getting this Nim?”
“Thanks Nim! Now for your skills, it said you have curse resistance, so can you go touch the orb?”
“Is the orb going to curse me?”
“Maybe, being honest I don’t know. Nim summoned it, not me.”
“Fine.” I pat the orb and nothing…
“Nim, what does the orb do?”
“Oh it’s supposed to put an enfeebling curse on the person who touches it, but there’s no effect on Veronica… I guess it’s curse immunity not resistance.”
“Interesting…” Their hostility seems to be decreasing. “I guess trap resistance is also trap immunity. Ok, Veronica open the box.”
“Fine…” I very lightly tap the box and it breaks. A pink gas emerges from it and nothing else happens.
“Sleeping gas, so it’s also blanket trap immunity… now, what does mana nose mean?”
“Hmmm, Veronica?”
“Yea?” I feel mana coalescing into an orb. Celeste snaps and the orb shoots toward me but I manage to dodge it.
“Oh, impressive!”
Nim looks concerned “What did you do Celeste?”
“I casted stealth shot and Veronica managed to know and dodge it... Say, did you ever feel me charging up mana?”
“Yep, after you read the stat info thing on me.”
“...You’re right…” Celeste is completely shocked.
“Wait, that explains a lot! Mana nose must give you a sort of sixth sense that allows you to sense the flow of mana.” Nim’s face is doing the colon three thing again… “I’m so happy I’m the one who found you in the park!”
“Ok, that’s pretty unique Veronica. Anyway, I believe that that is all the preliminary stuff shall we move on to the exam?”
“First off we will test your combat capabilities, Celeste and I will watch you defeat a Rank 3 simulated monster.” Nim pulls open a screen and marks some things on it. The training room turns into a cavern-like arena. “Your opponent is a… Possessed armor! Begin.”
A set of armor is materializing around a shadowy sphere…  ok, let’s do this. “Phase Edge!” If I dash in I should be able to stab at the core… “hya!”...the knife is not long enough… that’s bad it’s starting to get mad… I need to Blink… good I got out before a punch landed…
I need to think of a plan. I can’t pierce its armor with any of my own attacks, so is there anything I can use… rocks, rocks, more rocks… great nothing… wait! If I take a big rock… ok focus… The rock blinks from the floor to the air directly above the armor, falls, and destroys the helmet. Good! Now, just need to… “Jump!” and throw… The knife pierces the core and the armor collapses. The arena turns back into the training room.
“Good job Veronica. Celeste will heal you and we’ll move on to the next test.”
“And good, you completed the twenty-third test… How do we still not have complete results?” Nim seems tired, to be fair though I’m also incredibly tired, it’s been at least 4 hours.
“Maybe we aren’t testing her correctly?”
“Celeste… we’ve tested her every way we can. Do you have any form of a suggestion.”
Celeste is oddly suspect right now… “Actually, yes. Yes, I do.” I feel a strong flow of magic gathering around Nim.
“Celeste! What are yo-” Nim is silenced… and seems to be trapped.
“I’m speeding up the process!” The training room becomes a labyrinthine maze. “Your next test, Veronica, is to save Nim. Begin!”
...why… everyone in this place is insane… if I focus enough I might be able to track the prison spell… ok I got a trace… I run through a bunch of turns. 
Ok, I’m at the center, I see Nim trying to say something to me… I feel an interesting type of mana.
Celeste’s voice echoes throughout the maze. “I forgot to say you also have to defeat a basilisk.”
...why is this not surprising… The basilisk’s eyes glare but I guess petrification is considered a curse so I only feel a slight burning. 
“Gale!” The spell hits the monster’s body… Its tail whips around… I was too slow… I brush myself off. The basilisk is drawing in mana. This is bad… A single hit from the basilisk’s magic will easily end me. Instinctively I start a chant and my brands heat up, “Oh space bend to my will, Grant me protection from ills. My reality becomes clearer, come forth Karmic Mirror!”
The basilisk opens its mouth and fires a shot of acid but it strikes the air in front of me and dissipates. Space shatters and a massive beam of energy impacts the basilisk, burning its scales. “Suffer” Mana swirls around me. “TYPHOON!” ...the basilisk is shredded in the resulting blast.
The room returns to its regular state and Nim is freed from the spell. “...how…”
Celeste starts clapping. “Impressive...”
“Thank-” I fall toward the ground and the world goes black.
0 notes
ecotone99 · 4 years
[FN]The Abysia Practical Exam
I have no idea how I managed to confuse an AI… “Nim, did I do something wrong?”
“…” Her face is glitching slightly…
It is still extremely easy to dodge. “STOP TRYING TO ELECTROCUTE ME!”
“...it’s wrong…”
“Nim, seriously what’s wrong?”
“...follow me”
Nim floated away… great… “Hey, wait up.”
Oh, it looks like we ended up in a training room with a few dummies and such.”
“Ok Veronica, watch. Jolt.” As expected the dummy she was aiming at was struck.
“So, what was so special about that?”
“How long did it take for it to strike?”
“Oh around a second or so, why?”
“Jolt is a basic level electricity spell, but it has the positive of being almost instant. I’m currently casting it equal to a rank 2 or so, only rank 6 and up would be able to doge it effortlessly like you do. So, why is it saying that you should be a rank 1?”
“Well, the screen I saw said there was an error or something under ‘build’. Could that be it?”
“No, ‘build’ is just a way we categorize what members are best at. They are all self-explanatory, Fighter, Supporter, Explorer, Creator, and Researcher. Not fitting in one should not really cause an error that affects rank… I don’t want to but we may have to do a practical exam…” Nim is starting to look concerned.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“I’m worried that you could be injured or such… you haven’t made us any money yet.”
“Oh… great…”
“Yep!” She seems happier but still slightly off. “So standard regulations state that in order for a practical exam to be valid, two guild leaders must be present. In most situations, it would be the guild leader of the testee’s guild and me but you don’t have a guild… so I’ll just put out a request for a guild leader. In the meantime, we can begin to record what you can do.”
A few objects materialize into the room, it looks like there’s a few dummies, an orb, and a strange box. “Ok Nim, what do you want me to do.”
“Do you have weapons on you?”
“Oh… no. I lost them before arriving here.”
“So a pistol and a knife… Ok, I’ll send a request to administration staff. For now, let’s test out your magic. Is your wind magic mainly offense, support, or utility?”
“Oh it’s a mix of both offense and utility I guess.”
“Ok, attack that dummy with a base level wind spell.”
“Got it!” Ok, light and airy, concentrate… “wisp” A small shot of wind magic impacted the dummy.
“Good! You were even able to cast it without a focus! Now what is the strongest attack you can do with wind magic?”
Ok, I’ve got this… still light and airy, but fierce and unrelenting… focus on the mana… there’s the heat from the brand… and “Gale!”... That’s a hit!
Nim looks impressed. “Great! So why exactly do you use brands?”
“Oh, I just think it’s almost comforting, the flow of mana feels nice…”
“You’re channeling a large amount of mana directly into your arm… If you misfire there can be extremely bad consequences.”
“Really?!” That’s strange… “Whenever I misfire the spell just kinda pops.”
“Oh, is that so?” Nim’s face is displaying some character that kinda looks like a thinking face.
...I hear footsteps… It’s a person carrying a case, oh he’s waving at Nim.
“Nimue, here are the items you requested.”
Nim is somehow holding the case. “Thank you, Fredrick. That is all I need. Thanks!”
He seems to be pretty busy because he just took off…
Nim is still holding the case… “Hey Nim, how exactly are you holding the case, you’re just a hologram right?”
“Oh, that’s just a little trick I can do.” ...another colon three face
Now that I think about it I feel a slight amount of mana… It feels heavy and constant… “You’re using gravity magic aren’t you?”
“Whaaaaaat, noooooo…” Nim is making a face with a greater than symbol, a dash, and a less than symbol. “What makes you say that?”
“I can feel you using it.”
“Wait really?!” Huh, that really surprised her! “Anyway, here.”
Oh it’s the case, let’s see… It's a pistol and knife of decent quality.
“Ok Veronica, let’s get back on track. Show me what you can do with wind utility spells.”
“Ok” ...focus… and… “jump!” Like typical, I fired off two streams of air, shot up into the air, and landed comfortably.
“Interesting… Can you do that non verbally?”
“Oh, I just said ‘jump’ out of force of habit.”
“Hah, nerd. So any other things you can do?”
“...I wish i could punch you right now, but eh yes.” … I dash towards the dummy using wind as a boost.
“Ok cool! Now how about-”
I hear some distant clopping. “Hey Nim, gotcha call. I had some free time, and I thought maybe this new girl might be cute.”
Oh, I guess it’s a centaur, that’s coo-...Huh, she’s not a centaur… that’s a llama’s lower half… also a llama neck...nothing here is normal is it…
Nim seems relieved somewhat. “Good to see you. Veronica, this is Celeste, the guild leader of the Rainbow Sanctuary”
Celeste seems nice enough… “Hi Veronica, nice to meet you! Can I interest you in joining the Sanctuary?”
That seems to have angered Nim and she whispered to Celeste. They are in a conversation but I can’t make out what they are saying… Oh, wait Celeste just said, “but she’s cute.” ...fantastic.
Oh it looks like they are done arguing, good.
“Before you interrupted us, Celeste, I was documenting Veronica’s abilities. It is probably a good idea that we understand what she can do before we drop her into a practical exam.”
“Very well… What do you have so far?”
The screen that has my info was pulled up again, this time however it also displayed the wind spells I can do.
Celeste seems curious about the info. “So let’s get to testing!” I feel mana building up for some reason. “I’ll ask the questions and Nim will record what happens.”
“Celeste what ar-”
“So Veronica, let’s see that space magic!”
...are they fighting over me? “Ummm I can only do utility spells for space…”
“Then show those!”
“Ok” steady...ready the pistol ...focus on the target… feel the warmth of the mana...and fire! Even though I was aiming at the ground, the bullet hit the dummy from behind.
Nim seems pretty impressed “Impressiv-”
“Don’t worry about talking, Nim just focus on recording the results.” Did I somehow cause this hostility… “Any other fun things you can do with space magic?”
“There are a few more things I can do.” ok… focus on the knife… conduct the mana into it… “Phase Edge!” Good… now think of where I’m going to land… and use the mana to jump forward! Ok, I’m in the air behind the dummy, so now I just… the knife flies through the dummy and imbeds itself in the ground in front of it.
“Good job, a weapon infusion and blink, are you getting this Nim?”
“Thanks Nim! Now for your skills, it said you have curse resistance, so can you go touch the orb?”
“Is the orb going to curse me?”
“Maybe, being honest I don’t know. Nim summoned it, not me.”
“Fine.” I pat the orb and nothing…
“Nim, what does the orb do?”
“Oh it’s supposed to put an enfeebling curse on the person who touches it, but there’s no effect on Veronica… I guess it’s curse immunity not resistance.”
“Interesting…” Their hostility seems to be decreasing. “I guess trap resistance is also trap immunity. Ok, Veronica open the box.”
“Fine…” I very lightly tap the box and it breaks. A pink gas emerges from it and nothing else happens.
“Sleeping gas, so it’s also blanket trap immunity… now, what does mana nose mean?”
“Hmmm, Veronica?”
“Yea?” I feel mana coalescing into an orb. Celeste snaps and the orb shoots toward me but I manage to dodge it.
“Oh, impressive!”
Nim looks concerned “What did you do Celeste?”
“I casted stealth shot and Veronica managed to know and dodge it... Say, did you ever feel me charging up mana?”
“Yep, after you read the stat info thing on me.”
“...You’re right…” Celeste is completely shocked.
“Wait, that explains a lot! Mana nose must give you a sort of sixth sense that allows you to sense the flow of mana.” Nim’s face is doing the colon three thing again… “I’m so happy I’m the one who found you in the park!”
“Ok, that’s pretty unique Veronica. Anyway, I believe that that is all the preliminary stuff shall we move on to the exam?”
“First off we will test your combat capabilities, Celeste and I will watch you defeat a Rank 3 simulated monster.” Nim pulls open a screen and marks some things on it. The training room turns into a cavern-like arena. “Your opponent is a… Possessed armor! Begin.”
A set of armor is materializing around a shadowy sphere… ok, let’s do this. “Phase Edge!” If I dash in I should be able to stab at the core… “hya!”...the knife is not long enough… that’s bad it’s starting to get mad… I need to Blink… good I got out before a punch landed…
I need to think of a plan. I can’t pierce its armor with any of my own attacks, so is there anything I can use… rocks, rocks, more rocks… great nothing… wait! If I take a big rock… ok focus… The rock blinks from the floor to the air directly above the armor, falls, and destroys the helmet. Good! Now, just need to… “Jump!” and throw… The knife pierces the core and the armor collapses. The arena turns back into the training room.
“Good job Veronica. Celeste will heal you and we’ll move on to the next test.”
“And good, you completed the twenty-third test… How do we still not have complete results?” Nim seems tired, to be fair though I’m also incredibly tired, it’s been at least 4 hours.
“Maybe we aren’t testing her correctly?”
“Celeste… we’ve tested her every way we can. Do you have any form of a suggestion.”
Celeste is oddly suspect right now… “Actually, yes. Yes, I do.” I feel a strong flow of magic gathering around Nim.
“Celeste! What are yo-” Nim is silenced… and seems to be trapped.
“I’m speeding up the process!” The training room becomes a labyrinthine maze. “Your next test, Veronica, is to save Nim. Begin!”
...why… everyone in this place is insane… if I focus enough I might be able to track the prison spell… ok I got a trace… I run through a bunch of turns.
Ok, I’m at the center, I see Nim trying to say something to me… I feel an interesting type of mana.
Celeste’s voice echoes throughout the maze. “I forgot to say you also have to defeat a basilisk.”
...why is this not surprising… The basilisk’s eyes glare but I guess petrification is considered a curse so I only feel a slight burning.
“Gale!” The spell hits the monster’s body… Its tail whips around… I was too slow… I brush myself off. The basilisk is drawing in mana. This is bad… A single hit from the basilisk’s magic will easily end me. Instinctively I start a chant and my brands heat up, “Oh space bend to my will, Grant me protection from ills. My reality becomes clearer, come forth Karmic Mirror!”
The basilisk opens its mouth and fires a shot of acid but it strikes the air in front of me and dissipates. Space shatters and a massive beam of energy impacts the basilisk, burning its scales. “Suffer” Mana swirls around me. “TYPHOON!” ...the basilisk is shredded in the resulting blast.
The room returns to its regular state and Nim is freed from the spell. “...how…”
Celeste starts clapping. “Impressive...”
“Thank-” I fall toward the ground and the world goes black.
submitted by /u/SomeRandomAxolotl [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2R4qlxU
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Assassin's Creed Rebellion Hack Cheat - Assassin's Creed Rebellion Helix Credits
Assassin's Creed Rebellion Hack Cheat - Assassin's Creed Rebellion Helix Credits
Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack Mod – Cheat Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Helix Credits and Coins
A lot of you guys have already requested this new Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack Cheat to be made and starting from today you will be able to use it every time you would like. You will see that this tool is going to work fine and you will like it a lot. You can read all of this guide and if you don`t want to read it, you can jump directly to how this one works.
About Assassin’s Creed Rebellion In this game you will need to forge a brotherhood and spark a rebellion. You will be able to experience memories from the past and also play with some legendary characters from Assassin`s Creed. You can rediscover some legends and you will be able to recruit more than 60 heroes to your brotherhood. Another thing that you can do in this game will be to collect, customize and also equip, train and promote your assassins to higher ranks. You will also need to manage your stronghold while developing it. You can increase the power of the stronghold and you will see that it will even be possible to build new rooms, craft gears and also gather a lot of resources as you do so. Another thing that you can do will be to collect DNA fragments and you will also be able to unlock all of the legendary characters. In this game it is also possible to raid Templars castles. You can send your assassin`s characters on convert quests and you will see that you will also be able to choose the perfect combination of heroes as you do so. You can easily develop your very own strategy in this game and you will be able to fight your way through the game as you do so. There will also be different events in this game which you will like a lot. Using Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack As you know, this new Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack Cheat will help you in adding all of the Helix Credits and Coins you will be needing so that you will manage to have fun. We are sure that you will like using this Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Cheat also because it will be working on any of your desired iOS and also Android device that you own. You won`t need to fear that this Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Trick won`t work for you and all you need to do will be to focus on the game. We really hope that you will be able to achieve all of your game goals with this new Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack and we are sure that you will like it. You should also know that this tool is going to be working fine and you will be protected. This is due to the fact that the Anti-Ban Feature will hide all of your personal and private data form being discovered. Have a nice game time with it and manage to become a really good player of the game while using it out. You will see that you will manage to become a better player of the game and we are sure that you will enjoy it. Another thing that you should take into consideration is the fact that this new Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack is working online. This means that you don`t have to download anything from us. All you will need to do will be to input your data and after that this tool will start adding all of the needed features directly to your game. You won`t need to wait for a long period of time until the features are going to be added and you will only have to use this one out in order to become a better player of the game. A lot of people have already tried this new Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack and they now know how easy it is to gain all of the features you would like with this tool. We really hope that you will manage to use this one out and you will see that you will be able to have fun with this Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack every time you would like because it will work well and you will enjoy it a lot. Have you been wondering if you could find a working Assassin’s Creed Rebellion cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for Assassin’s Creed Rebellion hack for android or iOS, Assassin’s Creed Rebellion cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited Helix Credits and Coins in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working Assassin’s Creed Rebellion hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited Helix Credits and Coins now! The Assassin’s Creed Rebellion generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the Helix Credits and Coins in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack Assassin’s Creed Rebellion? If you just started to play Assassin’s Creed Rebellion you won’t really feel the need of having lots of Helix Credits and Coins, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a Assassin’s Creed Rebellion hack apk, which can generate free Helix Credits and Coins on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get Helix Credits and Coins, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on Helix Credits and Coins. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the Helix Credits and Coins you want (for free)! Want more Helix Credits and Coins on Assassin’s Creed Rebellion? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after Assassin’s Creed Rebellion cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free Helix Credits and Coins, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the Helix Credits and Coins so important in Assassin’s Creed Rebellion?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game Helix Credits and Coins in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free Helix Credits and Coins you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited Helix Credits and Coins – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to Assassin’s Creed Rebellion server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Hack port, you have to choose amount of Helix Credits and Coins you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited Helix Credits and Coins by using Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Cheat. This Assassin’s Creed Rebellion hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting Helix Credits and Coins. Should I use this Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited Helix Credits and Coins? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat Assassin’s Creed Rebellion cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
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