#also i tied this to being ace on the prev reblog tags
helladventurers · 10 months
To elaborate a bit on the tags of the last reblog, I wish games with romance options (not talking about games like romance VNs, where the whole point of the game is dating someone) treated remaining single as a route, instead of a "the result of choosing not to engage with the romance aspect of the game"
For example, in games like story of seasons or rune factory, where romance is an optional aspect of the game you can interact with but are not forced to (excluding stuff like RF3 and A Wonderful Life, where you're forced to marry someone to progress), you Can chose to remain single, but in doing so you're missing on stuff like character related events, side stories related to dating people, a lot of character insight that comes from dating them, all of that stuff, and you don't really get anything else in return
So as a follow up to that, if you chose to remain single and not engage romantically with any characters, instead being friends, or in some more extreme cases, unable to get close to a character at all because them opening up to you is tied up to the option of dating them, you get to see new facets of these characters, like you becoming closer platonic friends, or an eventual falling off with a character who has a one sided crush on you because they can't handle being your friend without having said crush being reciprocated, getting to see what would happen to a character who gets character development during your relationship or relies on your love for them for emotional support now that they don't have that to help them
You know, have the choice to remain single one with consequences instead of a mere "option not to engage with our game's romance system"
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wndamaximov · 5 years
Of Love And Secrets
Part 2: First Date
Main Masterlist                      Series Masterlist
Summary: While y/n was initially stuck in the book store because of the rain, she stayed longer for the handsome stranger that kept her company. But this handsome stranger has a secret- one he’d rather not let see the light of day.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Abusive Boyfriend, PTSD
Words: 1, 436
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
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Y/n’s POV
Y/n deftly maneuvered her way through the crowds of New York, having a heated conversation with the person on the other line. Even though they hadn't been in the weapon business for around 4 years, the publicity around the decision had yet to cease. Although it did die down, the occasional desperate reporter would try to write a critical article on how business was failing ever since the arms division was shut down. Christine Everhart was the worst- and the most relentless. 
Yup, ever since y/n's nice, relaxing time at the bookstore, her life had gone back to its usual chaos. 
"Alright, will they be needing anything else?" she asked politely, to the voice on the other end. She was nearing the Stark Tower, and really wanted to be done with this call by then. She was itching to talk to somebody about last night.
It had ended perfectly, and she'd texted Steve yesterday  just after she reached her apartment.
Y/n: Hey, would you be interested in coming to The Palm with me this Friday? I heard they have the best steak in town. No blue food though :(
Steve: I'd love to! :)
Y/n: :) 
It wasn't much, but those three lines meant a lot to y/n. 
"Hello? Ms y/l/n, are you still there?" Crap. She'd forgotten all about the person in her ear. 
"Yeah, sorry, please continue." She sighed, thinking about how today was going to be a very long day.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Steve’s POV
Steve pushed open the door to Bucky's store, bracing himself for the lecture that was bound to come.
“How stupid could you be?” Bucky was walking towards him a book in one hand, coffee in the other, a pencil stuck through his bun and another tucked behind his ear.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more stupid, you did!”
“I know, I know, it was a mistake,” he admitted.
“Oh, thank God. I thought I was going to have to do more convincing.” He was about to leave, but Steve opened his mouth once more.
“But…” Steve continued, Bucky’s glare getting more and more intense, “we’re meeting next week.”
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky whispered angrily, running a hand through his hair, forgetting it was tied. He then stomped away to the “Sci-Fi and Mystery” section, shoving the book in his hand into its proper spot.
Steve followed him, making sure to keep at least a foot of distance between them. “I’m sorry, Buck-”
Bucky whirled around, jabbing his index finger into Steve’s chest, the coffee from his cup spilling a tiny bit over the edge and down his hand. “No! You don’t get to be sorry. You could go to jail, you understand?”
Steve looked down, guilty. “I can’t help it Buck.”
“I know you can’t, punk.” Bucky’s gaze softened, just for a split second. “But don’t come crying to me when something inexplicably goes wrong.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Y/n’s POV
“You get ‘em off our back?” Pepper and y/n walked down one of the seemingly endless hallways of the tower discussing business.
“I got ‘em off our back.” Y/n had been able to shake the glorified blogger about ten minutes earlier. 
“Was it Everhart?”
“Not this time, no. You’d think there’d be more buzz on the September Foundation, but people really love bringing back dead news. In order to put Stark Industries back on the headlines for the Foundation, I’d suggest hosting a press conference.” 
Someone passed Pepper something and asked for her signature. After signing the document, Pepper replied. “That can be arranged. Will Tony have to be there?”
“Well, it was his idea.” 
“Okay, I’ll get Tony to come. You just concentrate on alerting the press.”
“Will do. Oh, and can I take Friday evening off?” Pepper stopped moving and turned around, a knowing smile on her face.
"And what's on Friday?"
Y/n let the words, the ones she'd been waiting forever to say, tumble out of her mouth. "I have a date."
"Oh my God, finally! It's been what, five years?" Y/n's heart suddenly stopped, remembering her last boyfriend, Brock. They'd had a whirlwind romance that was amazing before he became abusive. It was the worst year of y/n's life, and the reason why she hadn't been on a date in so long. Thank God Brock was in jail, serving out his sentence. 
Pepper realized what she said, and continued, hoping to make y/n forget about Rumlow, at least for a while. "What's his name- tell me everything about him." And just like that, everything work, and Brock, related left both of their minds. Y/n talked while Pepper listened, hanging onto every word.
"He sounds perfect." And not anything like Brock, is probably what she was thinking.
Before continuing on to the elevator, Pepper told y/n to not even bother coming in on Friday. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Plus, you really need a break. I swear, even the birds and squirrels here know you too well."
Y/n pretended to look offended. "Are you insinuating that everyone's sick of me?"
"No, I'm insinuating that you work too much." Pepper pushed her floor's button, and y/n watched her friend disappear behind the closing doors. 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Friday, Y/n’s POV
Beams of sunlight hit y/n's face, coaxing her out of a deep sleep. It was the first time in a long time that she hadn't woken up to an alarm blaring, startling her awake.
She wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched herself out on the bed. Today was the day of her big date, and she cold feel the butterflies fluttering around her stomach.
When reading romance novels, the butterflies sound so glamorous, only being a light case of nerves. For y/n, however, she felt like throwing up.
She still remembered her first date with Brock, how nice and sweet he was, just like Steve, before turning into something dark, twisted, and ugly. All of a sudden y/n didn't feel like going on a date anymore.
Just as she was about to text Steve to cancel, her doorbell rang. It was Pepper.
"You were going to cancel, weren't you?" 
"How did you know?"
"Because I know you. Also, you look like you've been crying." Y/n touched her face, surprised to find it wet. She hadn't even realized.
"Oh, and I brought backup." 
Just then, Tony Stark passed through her door, playing Shoot To Thrill by AC/DC, and said, "It's Britney Bitch."
Y/n laughed, wiping away her tears, and walked up to hug him. "Thanks, but you guys didn't need to come."
"Yeah, we did. Pepper- hair, makeup, and wardrobe STAT! I'll stay here and make sure she doesn't cancel."
Pepper rolled her eyes. "Of course, you get the easy job." 
Y/n didn't care who did what, as long as she had her friends next to her. 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Time of date, Steve’s POV
Steve sat at their table, fidgeting with the fork and knife. This place was so out of his budget, what with the whole fancy design and immaculately dressed patrons. He felt out of place with his rented tux. 
He took a sip of water, and mid swallow, he saw her. She looked gorgeous, with a flowery, sleeveless top that flowed into a gown cut short. It was the color of blood, a deep scarlet.
He stood up to help her get seated. "You look... beautiful."
"Thanks- you do too." They shared a soft smile.
"So, work keeping you busy?" They easily fell into the rhythm they had at the book store. It was only broken twice by the waiter taking their order. Then came the time Steve was dreading- the check came.
"I gotta be honest." Steve was almost as red as y/n's dress at this point. "This place is way out of my league," he whispered, leaning close so that only y/n could hear.
She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. Steve sat back in his seat, unsure of what to make of the situation.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, that was rude." She took a sip of her water, then dropped her card onto the plate containing the check. She didn't even let Steve protest.
"What's mine is yours," y/n said when he tried to object.
Other than that minor hiccup, the night was perfect. It ended with a mind-shattering kiss, where it felt like time had stopped and they were the only ones truly living. Not to mention, his secret was still safe.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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Angels: @rebelwriter95  @freshly-painted-duck
Of Love and Secrets:  @theadventurousqueen @marvelgirl7 @ashley-unicorn
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