#also i was typing bloodmoon so i could find the tag i use for them and i just say bloodmoon x reader
Update: bloodmoon is back and he has a knife
also he can drive now
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well they cant do that now th eyre fucking dead
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raayllum · 2 years
Hi! I saw in the tags of one of your reblogs you talking about how sometimes magic systems need to be malevolent and that you sometimes write parasitic magic systems. I was wondering if you could recommend anything with a magic system like this? I find in my reading I usually gravitate towards neutral magic systems, where it's kind of like using a sword. But I'm super fascinated by the idea of a story where perhaps the magic itself is evil, rather than the evil side to a good half (like the Sith and the Jedi type of thing.) I hope my question was articulate! And thank you for your time and the awesome blog, of course.
Re: this post. So I would argue Dark Magic falls under a malevolent magic system with primal magic under a beneficial to volatile magic system (aka it can still be dangerous but is mostly about control), since Dark Magic consistently damages the body and the souls of other beings (re: Through the Moon, Bloodmoon Huntress, and even the containment of Sarai's last breath saying "No" before Thunder is slain). Also obligatory mention of TDP's Jewish themes and its implementation of Kosher / views of nature and animals.
ATLA gets close to having a mostly spiritual and tool based magic system, as sometimes bending is linked to spirituality (illusion of separation, which bloodbending arguably violates because it doesn't separate enough)
(And is now making me curious as to how Aaravos' body has withstood centuries, possibly millennia or more, of dark magic use)
I myself write a volatile to parasitic magic system, in which the danger is of constant excess of power in the body. The limited set of magic users are more in tune with the world; with each other, with certain elements (more awake at night, alert when it rains, or out in nature, or when surrounded by death, etc etc), so in some ways they're living a fuller experience than ordinary humans. But the magic is also latched onto their souls and does not care for them as a vessel, and will consume/destroy them if they use too much. Cue this snippet from my drafts:
“Better nothing than too much,” Rynn said, eyes flashing. “Your nea is not a game, Ally. You have no idea how much power is held behind that block of yours, and what it will do if too much of it leaked out before you were ready. It is not something to push—or it will consume you.”
which was heavily inspired by interpretations of the Force in Star Wars from certain materials, expertly laid out in this post, and a type of magic system I find very compelling (and why I think I love Dark Magic and its various allegories - for cannibalism, hunting, and fossil fuels - because the characters themselves also hold those matching, allegorical attitudes towards it).
Malevolent magic systems used to be far more common in like, older tales and mythos (think anything with traditional fae) because magic was a symbol of the Unknown, and the Unknown was always Dangerous (a lot of cautionary tales, for example) but it's not nearly as common an exploration nowadays, which is too bad. I don't read nearly as much fantasy as I should, so i don't have any strong recommendations in that regard - and I would say most fantasy leans on magic being neutral and it depends on what the user is well, using it for. Which has its own interesting set of ethical and moral implications / explorations & allegories, it's just not what I'm super keen to explore!
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kwamiwayzz · 7 years
In the Guise of a Masquerade
A/N: Hey guys, so it’s been awhile since I’ve ever added anything to my writing tag and couldn’t really think of anything since the current fics I’ve been writing are in such a slow process of being written it’s almost painful. 
I actually wrote this awhile back, back when I sent a submission prompt to elsannafervor inspired from the Bloodmoon Ball dance episode from Star vs. the Forces of Evil. Anyway, it kinda bothered me that I wanted to post something but got nothing (I was this close to posting a Citrus fanfic today, but I’m so slow and picky I’m probably just gonna finish it later) 
So, here’s a thing for the old fandom I was once in. Even though I’m not that into Elsanna as much nowadays I did have some fun writing/finishing this--btw there’s no proofreading, no sense of consistency, nothing. I just wrote everything straight out of the first thing that popped in my head.
Fandom: Frozen 
The moonlight shining through the glass ceiling was mesmerizing. It was a beauty that she had never seen before, and it certainly was something she never thought she would be standing right under with her supposed-boyfriend.
After about a year, Hans thought it would be best to invite Anna over to his family-organized parties, even though his relationship with most of his brothers hadn’t exactly gotten better in the last few years. Anna thought it would be a wonderful idea and give her a chance to meet the rest of the Westergaard brothers. Actually, out of guilty admission, she mainly accepted the offer to come to his party just to see the inside of the family mansion.
If Anna had to be truly honest, she wasn’t finding the idea of being with Hans to be such a pleasant experience as she thought. For the first few months of dating, the two seemed like they would be the perfect match; however, her sister, Elsa, and her friend, Kristoff didn’t exactly trust the man. Despite the sisters growing up with Hans, his interests seemed to be elsewhere. Whether that was caused by his growing disdain towards his family or simply in his nature, Hans didn’t seem like the type of person that would fit under Anna’s so-called “dream romance���.
Needless to say, even though she hated the many times Hans would stand her up due to some “important business”, Anna was hoping something would change between them, hopefully for the better. That is, if she attended the Westergaards’ party.
“What’s wrong, Anna?” Hans asked as he fixed his tuxedo, “this isn’t about worrying about my family is it? We’ve practically known each other since birth, I’m pretty sure they already like you.” He gave a small laugh before muttering under his breath, “a lot more than me at least.”
Anna tucked her hair behind her ear and tried to give a response that wouldn’t possibly mess the enthusiasm of the night, “Nothing, I just...um, my hair…”
Great going, Anna.
Hans gave her a confused look before laughing softly, “You look fine,” he said as he held her cheek, trying to cheer her up, “now come on, the party’s waiting!”
Yet while Anna was possibly going to try and make the night something she would remember, Elsa was drowning in nervous thought to Kristoff about her sister going to the party.
“I just don’t really know if she’ll be fine…”
“What are you talking about? You’ve seen her. Besides, as much as I don’t trust Hans. I think she’s more than capable of handling herself,” Kristoff responded, trying to calm Elsa down.
He was right, Anna was more than capable of handling herself in tough situations. Elsa completely knew that, but for some reason there was something bothering her about her sister going to that party that wasn’t just her “older sister” instincts. Luckily, or unluckily, for her Kristoff didn’t like him either and that would end up having to involve him helping whenever Hans was around.
Kristoff sighed, “...but if it makes you feel any better, we could, I don’t know...go and check up on her?”
Elsa looked at him in confusion. “How? I don’t really think Anna would like it if she found out we’re spying on her.”
Suddenly, Kristoff beamed. Maybe Anna wouldn’t have to know that they’re spying on her. At least, not recognize them.
“I think I might know how. A couple family members of mine were involved in makeup and costume design for a couple movies they used to work on. If we could get them to help us, Anna wouldn’t suspect a thing.”
It sounded like a good idea, but that still left the question, “That sounds nice and all, but what are we going to do about getting in? This isn’t exactly a public party,” Elsa said.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll have that taken care of,” Kristoff assured her.
“Invitation, please,” the guard demanded.
Crap, Kristoff forgot to give it to me.
Elsa stood at the doorway thinking of clever excuses to get past the rather burly man. In all honesty, as much as she wanted to check up on her little sister, she would much rather have stayed home than get herself into trouble with some...crazy disguise.
“She’s with me,” she heard a voice from behind. It was Kristoff wearing a rather ornate mask. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out two invitations. Where he got them? Well, he’d rather not say. That wasn’t the important part.
“Sorry, for being late,” he whispered.
The guard let them pass through, not before giving both of them some disapproving looks.
Once the two made it inside the Westergaard mansion, they snuck into the nearest obscure corner and properly got themselves ready.
“So, you sure this is going to work?” Elsa asked.
“Positive!” he reassured. “I mean, nobody even recognized you’re actually a woman,” he pulled out a small mirror from his coat, causing Elsa to gawk at her reflection in the mirror. She barely even recognized herself. “Now here, take this mask I brought from my aunt’s makeup studio. Your disguise may be good, but this is still a masquerade party. And who knows how long it’ll be before Hans or Anna recognize you.”
Elsa took the mask and wore it over her face. Once preparations were established, she did her best to strut herself into the mansion’s ballroom.
The moment she arrived she saw Anna having what seemed to be a casual conversation with Hans. They both weren’t wearing their masks. She released a sigh of relief.
At least nothing too bad has happened.
Anna didn’t seem unsatisfied at the party, but she also didn’t seem to be having much of a good time either.
She relaxed against a table, taking some of the assorted cheeses and crackers set on the table. She wouldn’t mind having to watch over from a distance as long as Hans wasn’t trying any funny business.
But the moment she thought things were going smoothly, Hans had to announce some sort of special moonlight dance tradition. Elsa saw how hesitant Anna was in dancing with Hans, but needless to say, she let him lead her to the center of the ballroom.
Careful not to make much of a scene, Elsa squeezed her way among the crowd to where the two were to get a better view. The moment she got to the center, Anna bumped into her.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Anna apologized.
“Anna, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to dance?” Hans sharply said, causing the redhead to wince a little. That tone awakened much of the older sister’s protective side and gently grabbed Anna’s hand.
“She doesn’t want to dance with you,” Elsa argued, trying to maintain a low and unrecognizable tone.
After a rather curt argument, Hans stormed off, and Anna thanked the “mysterious stranger”, then asked for a dance. Elsa could feel sweat form at her brow, but accepted the offer nonetheless. Hopefully, things would continue to go smoothly.
They danced in under the moonlight, in sync, and in rhythm; it was almost hypnotic. Anna was smiling. Elsa was simply breathing. The redhead didn’t know what it was that magnetically drew her to this “mysterious stranger” she just met. Before she knew it, she leaned in and captured Elsa’s lips, much to the older woman’s surprise.
But what was more surprising, was that she wasn’t resisting or pulling back. After Anna pulled away, she smiled. But then that smile faltered as if a revelation had come.
All of a sudden, Anna yanked the mask off her face a little too hard and stared in shock.
Hans, not too far from the scene had his jaw hanging, while everyone around them.
In the corner of the room, with his hand over his face, Kristoff groaned, not wanting to think of the consequences later, “why did I think this was such a good idea?”
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