#but they are fucking dead and i hate that fact cuz they were my like
Update: bloodmoon is back and he has a knife
also he can drive now
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well they cant do that now th eyre fucking dead
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momentomori24 · 7 months
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I swear to God, Twitter being able to accumulate so many brain-dead, malicious, pseudo intellectual low lives all in one place at the same time is a phenomenon worthy of being studied under a microscope in a science lab. And no, that is not a compliment.
Thankfully people have already spoken out against this bullshit-- the fact that people needed to is already maddening to think about-- but as someone who got the basic gist of what happened literally yesterday I'll also put my voice out there: Don't you fucking dare try to paint Hbomb as a murderer over this situation.
Somerton may be a lying, misogynistic plagiarist and conman, but he obviously doesn't deserve to die and while I do make fun of the guy, I genuinely hope that he continues to have a life after the dust has settled on everything. Not on YouTube or any social media platform for a long time at least, but just a life nontheless. I don't wish what he's potentially going through on anyone, and I hope that he makes it through this. But regardless of if he does or doesn't-- and God forbid he doesn't-- none of this is Hbomb's fault. It's not his fault, or Kat's fault, or Jessie's fault (because apparently there's people blaming her too cuz WHY NOT), or anybody's fault. All they did was call out his actions, hold him accountable for the harm he's done. They have done nothing to deserve having to carry this on their shoulders should the worst happen. They did nothing wrong. They didn't kill James (he's not confirmed dead yet either btw). They are not murderers. And to the people saying they are: say those words out loud, listen how they sound like, and re-evaluate. Just cease.
And to people like this:
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''Oh I'm not blaming him for anything I'm just blaming him for what his audience did because according to HIM you're responsible for your audience'' Yeah, you people can shut your mouths too. Of course you're responsible for your audience, and that includes Hbomb too. However, your tiny, godless little monkey brain can't see why your argument is still rubbish even with that in mind. The difference between James, Internet Historian and Hbomb is that Hbomb never promoted problematic behaviour to his audience. If you promote problematic shit like harassment or misogyny or racism, then yeah, you're absolutely responsible for how your behaviour influences your audience. But that's not what he did. He made it very clear where he stood on those things, literally stating that ''if anyone were to harass Somerton on his behalf they are worse than him and will not see the light of heaven''. He's done his part in making it clear that harassment is wrong, so if someone went out of their way to go against that and harass James anyway that doesn't reflecf on him at all. Also, what the hell do you mean ''hatemobbed'' to suicide? I don't doubt there are people who went to extremes because those bad apples always exist, but most of the things I've seen are valid critisisms, memes and call outs about that guy. If holding people accountable for their actions and poking fun at them a little counts as 'hatemobbing'' (which has Filip calling his critics a ''lynch mob'' energy tbh) what the hell do you call actual hatemobbing then? Do we just let people continue being shitty because calling them out ''damages their mental health'' or ''drives them to suicide'' then? Is that a world you want to live in?
Same thing goes for people like this:
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Criticing someone for their objectively bullshit content and wanting them dead are two seperate things. What the actual hell is wrong with you. The plagiarist in question is a person. Those ''harshest critics'' are still people. And because we're people, we care. I'd rather James pump out more plagiarised slop than commit suicide. I'd still hate him for it, but I'd prefer him being alive over the alternative any day. We all do. None of us would sleep easier knowing he's dead just because he wouldn't be ''committing the cardinal sin of putting out a 'pure content mill' video'' because someone taking their own life is horrific-- especially Hbomberguy, how dare you even try to imply that?
And this gets me to the reason I'm furiously typing all this out in the first place: Hbomb is the fucking victim here, so stop treating him like he isn't. He tried making things as right as possible by compensating those that were burned by James through a video where he revealed everything there needs to be known about the guy so that less people fall victim to his actions and lies. To just ignore the harm James was causing while he had the evidence to prove it and platform too big to threaten into non existence should he speak out would've been bad. So he didn't. He did the right thing by sticking with the people James had stolen from, giving them a voice and making them known after they've been scrubbed from the picture by decidedly being uncredited for their works or bullied into silence. He shouldn't have to deal with this for doing the right thing. He shouldn't be labelled a murderer for doing the right thing. He shouldn't have to have the death of a man on his conscience for doing the right thing. People claiming otherwise are obviously wrong, but I can't imagine what all this must feel like right now. Because even tho they're wrong, guilt isn't a rational thing, and I know that if I were in his position I'd still feel like a morally bankrupt individual were the worst to happen even if I knew that it was not my fault. This isn't a funny story. So to add to this dumpsterfire by using it as a prop to bash on a creator you don't like and immediately write Somerton off as dead even when he's not even been confirmed dead yet to do that shows how little these people actually care about the thing they're talking about. They don't care a guy potentially killed himself-- what they care about is using it to paint Hbomb in a bad light because they don't like him. Here they are, posting memes and ill jokes about this very delicate situation while barely a day since the news broke out had passed. It's opportunistic, it's sickening, and literally the exact thing he criticised in his video when talking about 'content mills'. Like, I know none of these clowns bothered to actually watch it, but have some self-awareness. And some shame too, while you're at it.
This long story short: I'm writing this to contribute to the narrative not getting twisted to make Hbomb out to be the villian. Same goes for everyone else. Don't let these people paint them as the villians. If I see another person pull this shit again I will literally bite you and shred you into salad and spit you back out because I hate you so much and I mean that wholeheartedly.
To Hbomb: you will never see this but if you do, take care of yourself.
To the asshats this post is about: Delete your account. Cease all together. Stop talking about this. Just leave him the fuck alone.
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were Roommates (Part 8)
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A/N: ok. Wahou. Firstly, thank you all. The love this has been receiving just makes me feel so happy. I'd like to apologize again i do take a bit of time to update as i work. I'd also like to thank evberyone who sends ideas for the story. PS: you can tip me a dollar if you want, but my content stays entirely free.
WARNING: violence, mention of death and injuries.
You heard the door close behind you. The boys had left and Simon was tense. 
"Who's that guy?" He asked. 
"That's Sergeant Peter Hansen." You explained. 
You headed to the fridge to check what you could cook tonight. 
"Since when did you know him?" 
"Since he moved in. Across the hall Simon." 
You answered, rolling you eyes. 
"I don't like him." 
You sighed turning back to him. 
"You're just jealous again." 
"No. Not this time. There's something off about him. " 
You smirked. He closed his eyes, realizing his mistake. 
"So… you were jealous of Alejandro?" You teased, slowly walking up to him. 
"You didn't want him to flirt with me…" you kept teasing. 
He straightened himself as you were finally in front of him. 
"You didn't want him to kiss me… or even fuck me-" 
You had only time to blink. You were pressed against a wall, his body flushed to you. Face so close to you. 
"Bunny… don't play like that." 
You let out a shaky breath. It felt so hot all of sudden.  But you loved the way you rilled him up. 
"Why… don't like that thought…?" You whispered. 
"Hate it." 
"Why… cuz I'm yours..?" 
"Yes. My bunny.. only mine." He growled. 
You put your hand on his chest, pushing away. He played your game and stepped back. 
"Am I really?" 
He frowned. 
"You still haven't apologized… yet you come here… and you want me to be fully yours?" You teased again, with a smirk. He chuckled darkly, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. He wrapped his hand over yours softly, bringing it up to his clothed mouth. 
"Oh little bunny…" he growled. "I'll show who you belong to." 
You gasped. 
"You'll only want to be mine after it." 
You sighed. You had woken up that morning with Simon already up and about. 
"You didn't run this morning?" You questioned.
"Why?" You worried. 
"Couldn't get out of bed… weirdly enough… my bedsheets smell like you." He teased. 
Fuck. He knew you'd slept there. You feigned ignorance. 
"Yes. Very weird…"
Later on you had found him on the couch hugging Reaper. 
"Hey!" You complained.
"He smells like you." 
"That's not an excuse! Give it back!" 
After last night's announcement, the squad had decided to not leave you alone a single second. They spent the day at your place. Simon hadn't said a word about it so you suspected he was the one who called them. 
"Ghost. I'm at the base. Do you really think that hacker would try to get in? He's not obsessed." You had tried. 
Nothing had worked. The day was spent in your room, your custom built PC being much more useful for your work. The boys had been bringing you snacks and drinks to make you smile each time. You were trying to find any information. You had ended up using drastic measures. Illegal ones. 
You had gone back to old places, contacted old friends that remained seen by the governments as online terrorists. They, of course, had full secrecy with you. You had helped them all at some point,  so even weary of your new affiliations they accepted to help. 
Thanks to them, you had finally managed to get his username. Darkends. What a dumbass name. Could you show off more than that? 
Thanks to that little information you had finally managed to find a few things. Unfortunately, that asshole was involved in the worst things. The fact that he was after you disgusted you but filled you with the need to catch that asshole and make sure he was locked away for the rest of his days or better. Dead. 
As time passed, the boys had turn by turn come to tell you goodbye and see you tomorrow. It was dinner time when Simon knocked softly and walked in. 
"Hey. Dinner is ready." 
You had smirked. 
"You made dinner?" 
"What? Absolutely not. Food poisoning is not on my to do list. I ordered." 
You laughed. You stretched, sitting on your desk chairs had made your muscles sore. You let out a small moan as you felt your muscles stretching. 
You turned to look at Simon staring at you. 
"Fuckin hell…" 
He shook his head, turning around and walking out. 
You smiled and got up, following him. 
You weren't prepared for the view. You weren't prepared for the candles. For the dim light. For the coffee table to be decorated and pillows surrounding it. The blankets. You felt your heart melt. 
"Sorry, it's fast food… not a grand five star dinner…" 
You smiled, looking up at him. 
"It's perfect." 
His eyes softened a bit. 
"Come on let's eat." 
You followed and sat down on the ground next to him. Your heart felt so light. 
"Thank you Simon…" you whispered. 
"No.. not yet." 
You frowned. 
"Eat little bunny." 
You smiled. 
Dinner went along very nicely. You guys talked, slowly getting to know each other more and more. You felt so happy. Like he was finally letting you in. After dinner, you had cleaned up. Sitting back down on the couch this time, he had made pop corn and put on a movie. You snuggled closer next to him. He chuckled. 
The movie was funny. You were laughing as he seemed to just look at you. It made you slightly embarrassed. He was going to sip on his soda when he spilled it on his shirt. 
You giggled. 
"Take it off, I'll throw it in water before it stains." 
You paused the movie. 
"I'm sorry…" 
"Simon, don't apologize. I'm spending a wonderful evening." 
You smiled at him, the most honest smile you could throw at him. 
You got up to fill up the bathroom sink, putting some detergent in. He walked in and you froze. He was shirtless, his shirt in one hand. He was handsome. But the fresh bruises and cuts was what your eyes focused on. You must've had a worried look on your face because he slowly stepped closer, lifting your chin up so you'd look at him. 
"It's nothing. It's just a couple bruises." 
You frowned slightly. 
"Does it hurt?" 
He chuckled. 
"I've… had much worse." 
That did not, in fact, make you feel better. At all. He must have seen it too. He grabbed your hand, lifting it up to his chest. He placed it on a bigger wound. Clearly a gunshot wound. 
"This. Is my worst one. I was… shot and left for dead." He explained. 
You felt your heart shatter. Silence settled in. You leaned in, pushing both of your hands aside, and dropping a light kiss on it. He sighed. 
"I'm glad you're here…" you said. 
"I'm glad too. I haven't been for a long time. You're making me feel like it's worth it. You and the squad." 
You wanted to cry. You tried to keep it in. He dropped his hand, leaving yours on his chest. He was letting you explore. You softly passed over his pecs, featherlight touch over the angry violet marks. You let it softly trace down to his abs. You could feel his muscles twitch under your touch. The more they traveled south, the more you noticed his breath quickening. His chest lifting. 
Reaching his navel he swallowed hard. You traced a scar on his hip bone, very close to the hem of his sweatpants. He grunted.
You kept tracing, now along the hem of his pants, stopping in the middle where you could see a soft trail of blond hair. Suddenly realizing what you were doing you quickly took back your hand as if his skin had burnt you. 
"H-hum… I'll put this to wash." You stammered. 
Ghost took a small step back handing you his shirt. 
"Yeah… sure..thanks." 
He stepped out, leaving you alone in the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror cursing yourself for what had happened. 
When you went back to the living room, Simon had put a t-shirt on and sat on the couch, head back staring up at the ceiling. You stood there looking at him. The realization of how important this man had become to you made your heart flutter. It also made you slightly worried. After all, you still didn't know what he wanted. Sure the little attention was adorable. But you needed to hear it. 
"Bunny. Come here." He ordered. 
How did he? You didn't even make a sound! 
"How…what?" You were confused. 
He straightened his head looking at you. You could see a thin outline of a smirk through the mask. 
"Come on." He patted the empty space next to him. "The movie isn't over."
The next morning, Ghost had welcomed you with a full breakfast ready. 
"Oh… thank you Simon." 
"Yes. You're welcome, please get dressed, I have to go to the base today." 
"What? I can-"
"No. No discussion. Get comfy. Take your laptop. I have to get through training some recruits, you're not staying here."
"Simon. It's already hell to get into this base when you work here. No one else would even try." you tried. 
"Bunny. No discussion. You're not staying alone."
God. Bunny. Everytime he called you that you wanted to drop to your- no. Wait. 
"S-simon…" you whined. 
"Do you want my hoodie?" 
You chuckled. 
"What? Wearing it around the house isn't enough for you anymore? Want everyone around the base to see me wear it too?" You teased. 
He leaned forward, incredibly close. 
"That sounds like wonderful fucking idea." He growled. 
His words ran back in your mind. You'll only want to be mine after it. God. Was he fucking succeeding? Cuz the thought of him wanting you to wear his clothes for everyone to see made you feel all kinds of warm. You tried to gain composure again. 
"I… don't think you deserve it yet." You whispered. 
He chuckled. 
"This isn't about deserving it. But you do as you wish." 
He straightened himself. Fuck. Now you wanted to wear his hoodie to base. You pouted. 
"I want the one with a pocket in the front…" you mumbled. 
"Good girl." He praised. 
You stood there in shock a bit as he walked to his bedroom. You took a deep breath walking to your room. He grabbed you as you were going to close your door, handing you his hoodie. You snatched it, pretending to be pissed. 
You heard him chuckling as the door closed. You got dressed, leggings and his hoodie. You smelt his scent as soon as you put it on. Did he… put his cologne on it before giving it to you?  
You shook your head, grabbing your bag. You made your way into the living room, still questioning yourself on how he made you comply so easily? 
You peaked around. Everything had been cleaned. No mugs left, no plates. 
"I could have helped Simon." 
"It's alright. I don't mind." 
You looked at him. He was in tactical gear, minus the vest. You couldn't deny how hot he was in it. You blushed. 
"You ready?" 
You nodded. 
He put a hand in the small of your back, walking you out of the door. He was locking the door when Peter stepped out of his apartment. 
"Oh hi Sparrow!" 
"Hi Peter!" You greeted. 
Simon automatically tensed looking at the man. 
"Lieutenant." Peter greeted. 
Simon didn't say anything. The awkward silence stepping in. 
"Hum.. so you liked the muffins?" 
The muffins… wait. You didn't try them. They weren't in the kitchen this morning. 
"Oh yes! Thanks, that was great. " You lied. 
"Nice. Hum… be careful your shoelace is untied." 
You looked down. You were going to bend down when Simon dropped to one knee. 
You blushed heavily. 
"Hands on my shoulder." He ordered. 
You obeyed. He took your feet and lifted it to his knee, tying your shoelace. He took all of his sweet time, making a show of letting his fingers dance over your ankle as he made sure everything was well and tight. He softly tapped your ankle to make you drop your feet as he stood back up. 
You could feel your cheeks burning. It was such an adorable gesture. But you also knew he was entirely jealous of Peter.  
They were staring at each other. The air was thick as hell.  
"Hum… Ghost." You called softly, putting your hand on his biceps. 
"We should go, we'll be late." You tried. 
He nodded, putting his hand back on your lower back. 
"Bye Peter!" 
You hurried away with Simon before the two men would explode. Not only was Simon's behavior weird, though it wasn't the first time, but Peter acting that way was even weirder. 
Once in the parking lot, Simon opened the passenger door for you. You froze when he grabbed the seat belt to buckle you up. Softly pulling on it around your hips, making your breath hitch. 
"Simon." You called. 
He looked up at you.
"You threw out the muffins didn't you?" 
He just stared at you. 
"Would you be mad if I did?" 
You bit your lip. 
"No. Just confused. Do you hate him that much?" 
You saw his jaw clench under his mask. 
"I don't trust him. At all. I want to keep him away from you. As much as possible." He groaned angrily. 
You let out a shaky breath. You lifted your hand to his cheek. He was actually angry and worried. 
"Simon. I'll keep my distance if you want…" 
Even if you didn't feel as if Peter was a threat, you trusted Simon and his instinct. If it made him feel better to know you were away from him, you'd happily comply. 
"Attagirl." He praised. 
You rolled your eyes faking annoyance. He closed your door, walking around to take place in the driver seat. 
"Let's go bunny." 
And on that note, you drove to the base. 
You could already see the team waiting for you guys when you parked in front of the training grounds. 
Soap had jumped to open your door. 
"Soap!" You mimicked. 
"Welcome back to the training grounds." Price smiled. 
"Thank you, I was forced to come." You smiled, earning a dark look from Ghost and a laugh from Price. 
"Understand us Sparrow. We'll all feel better having you where we can keep an eye on you." Price said. 
You looked at him through half lidded annoyed eyes. 
"Again, I'm on a highly secured military base." 
That argument seemed to be shoved under the carpet every single time. You were dragged inside by the men. Obviously, as you were completely out of place, everyone stared at you, making you blush. The guys walked you to a specific corner of the warehouses. You gasped. They had made a corner of training mats and blankets and pillows. 
You blushed. This was embarrassing. Adorable, absolutely cute. But in a room where soldiers were training to fight and kill, you had taken a little place out of this space, and turned it into a realm of comfiness. You felt like you were intruding. 
"This… guys. Too much." You stammered,  blushing and shaking your head. 
"Ah don't worry. Look, Ghost already made them look away." Gaz said. 
You turned around. He was right with one dark look, and probably a promise to turn the training into a living hell, Ghost had made everyone avoid looking this way. 
"Thank you guys really but perhaps something a bit less showy next time…" you smiled. 
They laughed. You sighed and climbed into the fort. It was actually incredibly comfy. You took your laptop, headphones, and hard drive out. You started preparing your things to work when soap approached with another man. 
You recognized him. You remembered him by his mask, hanging very loosely. He was training with Simon before their mission. 
"Hey, here you go" 
Soap dropped various snacks and drinks next to you and the other soldier dropped some more. 
"Guys. Seriously. This is too much." 
"By the way, this is Konig." He ignored.
The big man waved shyly. 
"Hey!" You waved back. 
"If you need anything you can also ask him." 
"Soap. I'm fine. Go train. All of you." You sighed. 
They hurried off. You glanced at Ghost who was looking at you, tightening his gloves around his wrists. You mouthed STOP to him. 
He shook his head making his shoulders roll. You were hypnotized by the movement watching him step into the fighting ring. You forced yourself to turn back to your laptop, trying to get some work done, you still had a hacker to find. 
When lunch time came around, the boys made sure to take you in a room a bit more secluded to eat with you. You chatted happily. You returned to the training grounds after that. 
The day had ended calmly. You had tried to stay focused on your work, but you found yourself often gazing at Ghost sparring. The way his muscles rolled. They way he powerfully sent the recruit's down. It made you feel hotter than necessary. That man could easily break you. Yet this morning he kneeled down and tied your shoe lace. Yet he lets you touch him as you wish without any consequences. Yet you were here, sitting in his hoodie that smelled like him. You were sure your heart was going to burst. 
The way he came to find you after training, his scent mixed with sweat. The way he often sent looks your way to make sure you were ok. 
The way he put his hand on your lower back to walk you back to his car. And buckled your seatbelt for you. His hand sometimes caressed the side of your thigh with his knuckles every time he stepped a bit too much on the gaz. 
The way he opened the door for you once you arrived home. 
You hummed. 
"Are you alright? You barely spoke on the way home. Something on your mind?" 
Yes. You. 
"Sorry. Just trying to find a way to make my search a bit easier. But it's not work hours anymore." You said with a smile. A little white lie he seemed to accept. 
"Alright. I'm gonna hop in the shower." 
You nodded with a smile. You went to drop your things in your room. Stretching a bit. Your mind was trying to figure something for dinner as the water in the bathroom started running. You walked back to the living room with Reaper in your arms. A knock at the door made you put him down on the couch. 
You walked to the door, opening it. 
"Oh. Hi Peter!" You greeted. 
Your conversation this morning came back running to your head. 
"Hey! Sorry to bother you, you got some eggs to spare?" 
"Oh hum sure." 
You walked in as he followed to the kitchen. You opened the fridge grabbing a pack of eggs. 
"No problem." 
He stood there awkwardly, glancing back behind him. 
"Hum… your boyfriend is not home?" He asked. 
You frowned. 
"He's not really my boyfriend. He's showering." You said leaning on the counter. 
"Really? Fuck, by the way he acts it looks like you two are married." 
You blushed. He had been acting as if you were his yes. And fuck. That's all you wanted. He had managed to do exactly what he said. Make you crave being his. 
"Yeah. It's complicated." You said. 
"Complicated enough to refuse a date?" He asked. 
You blinked. What? 
"It's alright. Don't worry. I just needed to say it. You're amazing Sparrow. And in all honesty, I kind of like you. I wanted to ask you on a date but. The big guy showed up." He said with quite a dark chuckle. 
"I'm sorry Peter. You're amazing..but I think my heart belongs to someone else." 
He nodded.
"I fully understand. Really. It's fine. I hope we can just be friends." 
You sighed, swallowing hard. 
"Perhaps it's better if we shouldn't. It's not fair to you." 
He remained silent for a little moment. He nodded. 
"I understand."
Simon walked in, freshly showered, stopping as soon as he saw Peter. The staring match had begun again. 
"Thanks for the eggs, neighbor." He said, nodding towards Simon before heading for the door. 
You heard the door close. Simon rushed to you.
"The fuck is that guy doing here? You ok? Hey look at me." 
You obeyed. 
"I'm fine Simon. He asked if I could give him some eggs, that's all." You lied a bit. 
"No.. there's something else. Tell me."
You sighed. You were scared of his reaction. Not towards you. But towards Peter. 
"He… came to confess." 
His gaze hardened.
"Confess?" He spat, almost if the idea made him nauseous. 
Simon looked frustrated but visibly he was trying to contain himself. 
"And what did you say?" 
You smiled. 
"Do you even need me to answer that Simon…" 
"Yes. Please." 
"I thanked him, but told him I didn't feel the same way. That my heart… was busy somewhere else." You answered trying to keep cool about it. 
He relaxed. 
"Alright. Next time just call me." 
You chuckled.
"Sure, sure." 
The next week was spent the same way. Sometimes you'd stay home together other times you were dragged to the base with Simon. 
The boys had started joking saying it wasn't bringing your spouse to work days, making you blush and earning a harsher beating while training for embarrassment. Though as Simon had told, he didn't care about what they said, as long as you weren't home and anywhere near that guy. Obviously he meant Peter. 
It was finally the weekend, you wanted to get home as Simon had promised to draw you a bath.
You were walking to the car with the squad and you were checking for something you might have forgotten. 
"Fuck." You cursed. 
"What is it?" Simon worried. 
"I forgot something inside. Be right back." You began to turn. 
"Hey come he-" 
"Simon, it'll be just a minute. I'm fine. Be. Right. Back. For god's sake this is a secured military base." 
He sighed, nodding. 
You jogged back to the door, opening it. You ran inside to your little corner, looking around for your charger. 
Suddenly you felt a chill. You slowly turned around. Your eyes widening. A black figure stood, looking at you, your charger in hand.
You stood very slowly. 
"Thanks, I forgot about it." You tried. 
No answer. Who were you kidding? No soldier dressed like a fucking ninja. 
"You're not here to chat and Gossip right?" 
This wasn't the first time you were targeted..not the first time someone tried to kill you. 
He took a step forward, you took one backwards. You had to run..you had to make a run for it. In a second you let your bag fall to the floor, fuck your laptop..and you ran. 
A hand grabbed your hair, pulling harshly at your scalp. You yelped loudly. He yanked hard enough to send you falling to the ground on your back. Your ears were ringing, the sound of your pounding heart making you almost dizzy. You crawled back and you were going to try to get up when the shadow dropped on you, charger wrapping around your throat. No… no. No. He was trying to kill you. 
Fucking secured military base my ass. You tried clawing at the man, using your legs to push him away. The more he pressed the less you could breath, and the more your vision started to fade. With a last desperate try you punched his throat. It was enough to make him falter. A second had been exactly what you needed. You pushed him away with all your strength, the adrenaline being the best help. You turned around, vision still blurry, you tried to stand just to be brought back down..you were terrified. You were going to die. He was going to kill you. 
And then suddenly you remembered Simon. The way he looked at you in the bathroom. 
"You're making it worth it." 
No. Fuck no. You couldn't die. You filled your lungs with air, your throat aching and burning. 
You let out the loudest scream your throat could, breaking something deep in it. His name was the only thing you could think of. The sound echoed through the warehouse, making the sound even louder. There was no way they hadn't heard you. No way. No way right? The charger had found its way back around your neck. This time much tighter. You were quickly losing consciousness. They heard you… they did right? 
You… you couldn't die here. You started to fade, unable to keep your eyes open. 
The memory of Simon's words accompanied you as you fell deep in the darkness. 
"I'm right here"
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11queensupreme11 · 17 days
Queen! Since Beel and Percy went on Midgard dates, do you think there were like rumours, gossip about them especially on some sort of forum or social media? Especially in New York like:
“Young woman, who looks like Adriana Lima and unknown hot priest with suffocating aura seen in ..."
And the comments would be like:
“They look like Michelangelo painted them”
“When I drove them in a taxi, the priest's aura was literally making me scared”
“Did you guys even see what the girl was wearing? Pearls. I remember a friend of mine managed to steal one and she found out it was a real one. ”
“I wanted to take a photo with them, I did do it but... The dude was glaring at me if I would hurt the girl ”
“They are too hot for New York”
adriana lima doesn't exist in ror verse for my fic!!! i did this solely for adriana lima's sake cuz daddyseidon would NOT be happy if he found out a bunch of humans were comparing his daughter's looks to ANOTHER "lowly human" 💀💀 (she exists in pjo verse tho and percy LOVES the fact that she looks like THEEEEE it girl of the 2000s)
and also.... about that first taxi driver...... he dead 😔
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(but i like to think that some other taxi drivers survived in the later dates..... maybe..... lol)
let's be honest, some (very brave or very foolish) people probably tried to sneak some pics/vids of them too, especially in this day and age where ppl just go around blatantly video taping and snapping pictures of strangers in public to post about them in tiktok or twitter (smh)
ppl are so shameless nowadays, they really WOULD obsess over random hot and rich looking strangers 😂😂 especially since percy's always dressed in those ethereal dresses and outfits and beelzebub's also really fucking hot too; they'll probably theorize beel as one of those filthy rich televangelists who own those expensive ass megachurches and that percy's his wife or some shit LMAOOOOO 😭 she would absolutely hate it if she knew ppl were mistaking her as a televangelist's wife, she'd throw up and beg beel to find a way to fix this 😭😭😭😭😭
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thatwritterbeach · 2 months
So About that Alley .3
Jason Todd x fmc
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
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stop what is this gif lol^^
"Hey, Jay," she asked in a totally calm totally cool manner the next morning, completely numb thanks to the nice little combo she'd whipped up. Not floating or un-present but not in pain, even where the arm of the couch was digging into her side as Jason squished into her, laying fully on top of her.
"Yes, my beloved?"
"Don't make me take away your books you little dork. I was just wondering if your family knows about you...you know, not being dead?"
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Just if I happened to run into them I wouldn't wanna be like 'oh I'm dating Jason' and they'd be all 'wtf is wrong with this chick, he's dead' you know."
"I guess. Alex," he said grabbing her hand and pulling it to his mouth," I'm gonna introduce you, I'm not ashamed of you or whatever the hell else your mind is trying to say. My family is...overwhelming for most and I didn't want to scare you off."
"I get it dude, and since I just recently placed you as Robin you would have had to hire a family, or spill you deepest secrets to me. Lucky for you, I am the most understanding woman on the planet."
"I'd argue, but you're right. I'll text Alfred, the leader of the gang, and see when we can come for dinner. Be warned though, it could be tonight, they've been trying to get me to come home for a while now."
It was in fact that night. Alex scurried around for a clean pair of jeans, then after a glance in the mirror at her too large reflection she ripped them off and tossed them to the floor. A dress? No, that one has a tear. This skirt? No, it's too short. Jean short, they're clean but who the fuck wear jeans shorts to a mansion. Business slacks, no that says trying too hard. Ah ha, a superman t-shirt, and black leggings, then top it off with one of Jason's zip up hoodies.
"Is that what you're wearing," he asked with a laugh as he came into the room. In fact the laugh became a full blown fit and he doubled over nearly to the ground clutching his stomach and wheezing. With each second she got more and more self-conscious. Of course she couldn't wear what was basically pajamas to a fancy place, what was wrong with her. With a sigh she took off her boots and slid out of the leggings and switched them for her jeans, that she hated but whatever. Searching in vain for something that wasn't a graphic tee, or a business blouse she was half way through her closet when Jason recovered enough to notice what she was doing.
"No, put it back on, it's great, doll, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing with you."
"I wasn't laughing," she said without emotion.
"Hey, come 'er." Much to her wiggling protest he pulled her tight against him and placed several loud kisses along her scalp.
"Everyone else will be in pj's I solemnly swear, in fact I was just about to change into my matching flannel set, someone amazing bought it for me, but I can't remember who," he said tapping his chin with mock thought.
"Cross my heart," he said, though his fingers were crossed behind his back.
"Ok," she conceded trying to get free. He held on for another minute before spinning her out away from himself and winking when she fell back onto the bed. Matching pj's in hand he headed to the bathroom, not for privacy but to send an urgant group chat explicity stating lounge clothes were to be worn.
See masterlist for more
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Xavier Thorpe x Male Reader Headcannons
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A/N  - sup my dudes, chicks and everything in between. I have risen from the dead aka depression and i decided to give y’all something i haven’t seen YET - a Xavier Thorpe x male reader ( cuz i’m a simp for dudes who look healf dead and tired as hell lmao) so enjoy :)) (if yall want me to write sum u can try submitting it but like i can’t promise that i will write it cuz im lazy af, but u can try ur luck lmao
First of all, I would like to imagine you’d be an Addams
And alternative like the rest of your family
When you run into him after you finished unpacking and left to find your sister, he wouldn’t give you much thought
And the fact that after running into him and falling down you curse, A LOT
‘‘Aw fucking hell man, watch where you’re going!’‘
And speed walking away after getting up
After that, he’d definitely be intrigued
Xavier is a sucker for alternative people let’s be honest
You would catch him staring when you’re reading and listening to The Cure or System of a Down
But then again, he’s probably staring at someone behind you or something, no way he’d be into you, a dude, right? And no way you’d be into him, out of all people.
That all changes after you keep seeing him in the hallways, you both are whipped for each other.
One day, you were walking to class and there were no seats left, except for the one next to him
Just your luck! ( Don’t lie, you’d be happy)
‘‘Hey, uhh, is this seat taken?’‘
‘‘Is it?’‘
‘‘Uh no yeah no it’s not’‘, he stumbles over his words while moving his bag away so you can sit.
‘‘Cool, thanks, man.’‘
After that, you start to greet him when you see him, which is quite often since you both go to Nevermore.
Sometimes, you even start a conversation about art and other things, like teasing him about being in a secret club, which you definitely didn’t hear from your sister Wednesday.
Those little hi’s and hello’s turn into something else at the Rave’N.
Xavier is left stunned and speechless after your entrance. You were wearing combat boots, a beautiful black suit, and a fancy black dress shirt.
At first, you didn’t get along with Bianca, but after a heartwarming conversation about things you hate, you find out you actually have a lot in common, and she definitely notices your and Xavier’s mutual pinning, so she basically pushes him out of his seat to go talk to you.
‘‘Wow, Y’N, uh you look amazing, just, wow’‘
He stutters out.
‘‘Thanks, you look great too, can’t say that white is my favorite color but it suits you. Wanna dance?’’
‘‘Yes, yeah, definitely.’’
After dancing the night away, you decide it’s too stuffed inside so you leave to get some air. The cold night air never felt better. That’s not the only thing you wanted, you pull out a pack of cigarettes and light one. Ah nicotine, my beloved.
Of course, Xavier finds you and joins you on the cold ground after a few minutes, when your cigarette is smoked only halfway.
‘‘Since when do you smoke?’‘ He questions you.
‘‘Since I don’t know, it just happened. Uncle Fester offered me a cigar once and it kind of went on from there.’‘ You say smiling at him, which is quite rare.
Both of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, watching the stars and enjoying each other’s company.
‘‘Hey, may I ask you something?’‘
Xavier asks, clearly nervous about something. Without thinking, you put one of your hands over his, thinking it would comfort him, but it only makes him freeze.
‘‘Oh shit, sorry, my bad.’‘ You utter, sad when he pulls his hand away.
‘‘Oh no, it’s not that I don’t like it, you know, it’s not that I don’t like you, no I like you, uhm’‘ Xavier rambles on trying to find the right words.
‘‘What I’m trying to say is that I like you, I don’t know if I only like guys or girls or both but I know that I definitely like you, like I like guys, more specifically you.’‘
That wasn’t anything you were planning on hearing from him. You’re frozen in place, mouth agape just staring at him.
‘‘If it makes you uncomfortable I’ll if you don’t want to talk to me again and..’‘
You cut him off mid-sentence, pulling him by his tie into a kiss. At first, he doesn’t kiss you back, but after a short while, you can feel him ease into it.
When you pull back you can hear him utter a small whoa, which makes you slightly laugh.
Xavier is definitely smiling at you, admiring how beautiful you are.
‘‘Oh fuck off Thorpe.’‘ You scoff at him, slightly elbowing him in the shoulder.
‘‘You like me, you, Y/N Addams, like me.’‘ He retorts, grinning at you.
‘‘Yes, I like you, you idiot. Now come here, I want another kiss.’‘
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om0000 · 5 months
⚠️ sorta longass post
i like the characterization of Peepers' n Wander's dynamic where Peepers fucking hates Wander's guts n wants him dead i think its funny asf but also like. what if he doesnt. cuz Wander is a lot of things to Peepers, his boss' most hated enemy (that he needs to capture but doesn't half of the time cuz he sees it as a waste of time), an inconvenience to account for in his brilliant plans (which he doesnt do at first, ex. The Brainstorm, but later even incorporates Wander into his plans sometimes, ex. The Showstoppers, My Fair Hatey), the idiot friend of his Esteemed Rival, a tactical weakness("pure unadulterated love") that he needs to train the watchdogs out of, ect ect, but that's all through the lens of either his job or other people. i dont think Peepers actually personally hates Wander. if they existed in a vacuum bro would have no beef with him at all. and i don't think he does? id even say Peepers barely knows him enough to form a personal opinion abt him. i might even dare to say Peepers didn't even actually begin to acknowledge Wanders intelligence n the purposefulness behind his actions in The Prisoner. the fact that he continues to disregard n underestimate Wander (again ex. The Brainstorm n more) could suggest that him admitting that Wander is a "cunning, sly and crafty genius" back then was only to convince Hater to deactivate the self-destruct. n u could argue that his disregard of him is pretty reasonable especially compared to how outrageous Hater's concerns w him sound even if theyre real (ex. The Axe, The It, The Brainstorm n more) but i feel like it goes beyond that sometimes. Peepers refuses to acknowledge him as a real threat, refuses to see his strengths and, i feel like, refuses to actually get to know him. even from an enemy standpoint, yk keep ur friends close n ur enemies closer, n it probably has its roots in his shaky pride in his own intellect n hence self worth(i think its so fucking funny n also kinda pathetic how during That's how we'll get her when him n Sylvia were striking poses in the last chorus he pointed at his fucking head, oh he wants to be the brains to her brawn soooooo bad) that would falter if he admits to himself that WANDER of all ppl is a genius, n that's smth that comes to bite him in the ass often — but imagine if he did. imagine him starting to realize stuff abt Wander, begin to understand him, willingly or not. imagine him getting to know Wander, without the lense of everything else they got going on. i think that just has so much potential for enhancing their dynamic n is so interesting... n ill probably never actually do anything abt it but its rlly fun to think abt. like imagine. imagine that
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cocogum · 6 months
“The Great Wave” wakfu manga FINALLY has a summary :
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Back then, it didn’t show up but now that we’re closer to the date episode 0 drops (April 14), they finally revealed what the first volume of the manga will be about.
Here’s the translation :
“ Thanks to the will of the Sadidas and the Eliatropes, Toross Mordal and his army of Necromes were defeated. Amalia became queen of the Sadida Kingdom alongside her husband, Yugo, king of the Eliatropes. But just as life seems to be returning to normal, Yugo has increasingly disturbing visions and Aurora, the wife of Amalia's brother who died in battle, returns to the kingdom to claim the throne. ”
Alright so first of all, I’m loving the fact that Ankama labelled Yugo as Amalia’s husband cuz it just feels so nice to hear it again 💕💕
Second of all, these visions with Yugo better not be Toross or else I’m gonna throw hands at this crusty ass mummy.
AND THIRD OF ALL, i did not just read that Aurora would come back. Like I knew that we would see her again but did she really just have THE BALLS to come back?? To a land that she fled??? During the middle of a WAR that could have WIPED THE ENTIRE RACE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAD if they would have lost???
What is she trying to prove here??? Does she really think the sadidas and eliatropes are gonna welcome her with open arms and pretend she didn’t just do shit during the fight and left like a little bitch???
Omg the nerve of that hoe.
She’s trying to take back the throne?????? Gurl according to who??? Why are u coming back???? Did ur daddy also tell you to do that??? You just listen to ur daddy and never actually act like a woman with a brain???
I hope she gets jumped. I hope she gets spit on. No seriously I hope that wave annihilates her so she can be part of Yugo’s body count.
Cuz honestly who is brain-dead enough to come back to a kingdom who they fled during the middle of a war and have the audacity to claim that you will take it back from the people who saved it and almost lost their lives for it???
Is she an actual bimbo???
Wait no, not even bimbos would do this shit.
She’s just a trophy wife omg….
She’s so constipated, I have literally never hated a character like this in my life.
She’s trying to take away what belongs to Amalia like bitch who tf asked you to come back???? Also what makes you think people WANT you to come back??
How can you convince the people to come to your side when you’re known as the coward queen who didn’t do shit and left??? How can you convince them when you’re competing against a literal god-king who possesses artifacts that can surpass the gods such as the six eliatrope dofus AND the Eliasphere, and a productive queen who’s already doing so much and has been loved by her people since she was fucking born??
I’m far confident to say that the people would rather have a deity and a heroine than literal garbage.
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yeonslayjun · 6 months
Dumb and Dumber - Hualian
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so OBVIOUS and OBLIVIOUS at the same time Honestly They amaze me ngl
Cuz Hua Cheng be Like - Wdym Gege Loves me?? That's impossible like I don't think he loves me solely for the fact that I'm one of his last believer left and that I built a FUCKING CITY for him and how I ran helped him in a case and dressed up as a Groom and gege was a bride (Oh his dead heart definitely started beating then pls ) and how I Built a temple to worship him and how I released 3000 lanterns for him and that I've made 10,000 statues for gege and not how I have red thread of fate on my finger bc he tied his hair on my finger
ALSO wdym I had my gay awakening at the land of tender??? Impossible He's my god I can't have those feelings for him bc I'm a dirty piece of shit (NO YOU ARE NOT)
and DEFINITELY NOT HOW I GAVE HIM Spirtual Power... DEFINITELY NOT HAHAHA.... Now let me just ask his hand for marriage OH nvm I'm unworthy he doesn't like me ( WHILE XIE LIAN IS SITTING ON HIS LAP ) let's make it into a joke hahaha..... OH? Gege's says he's happy for my beloved when will he know it's him talking about?? :( ( let's ignore he didn't know half of these lmao)
OH MY GOD GEGE SAW THE STATUES That's it I'm getting disowned by him He'll hate me ofc he will... I knew this would happen no I'm okay, IT'S FINE... Yeah he really should make it clear that he doesn't love me huh? :((
Like Hua Cheng is SO DOWN BAD for Xie Lian Like Honey we get it You exist to LOVE your Taizi Danxia and to serve Cvnt and angst
My guy Xie Lian here is SO VERY OBLIVIOUS like I get that he was practicing abstinence but bro's like -
Oh Hua Cheng is such a pretty name *giggles* Oh and his hands were so beautiful and he was gentle with me too when he dressed as the Groom *blushes* Oh Crimson Rain Sought Flower is his name? *swoons* HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT *nosebleeds*
I like this kid san lang. OoO Did he just suck the poison out of me?!?! DAYUM he killed so many people at once *swoons x2*... WAIT IS HE HUA CHENG??!?! Oh my gosh IT IS Hua Cheng ajhsjdhsudhu Let's act calm and composed hehe. Let's sleep together cuz He would never hurt me >:( I wonder what happened to the kid who said he'd worship only me :( He was a good kid yk? Had one eye covered too kinda like you actually haha Funny Right???
He's so perfect as a "sworn brother" ( Yes I'm looking at you SQX) protecting me and shit. Wait he trusts me??? ME?!?! huh?!?!. San Lang~~~. AHHH HE RELEASED 3000 LANTERNS FOR ME AHHHH I LOVE HIM as a friend ofc ofc.
Oh I LOVE getting Spiritual Energy from him <3 that wasn't a kiss nope it wasn't.... ERROR 101 San Lang asked my hand in marriage ERROR.... o h He was Joking :( ofc he was :((( I wish he wasn't tho :((((( SAN LANG HAS A BELOVED?!?!? Ofc he has He's such a handsome and kind man he probably gets all the bitches he wants But why do I feel smth weird in my heart?? (IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY YOU DUMB MOTHOFO )
Honestly God (Jun Wu LMAO) Knows how he survived the past 800 years like BRO WHY IS YOU SO STUPID when it comes to love?!?!? Like ISTG He's one of the smartest of all the jokes called "GODS". But he still doesn't get it till he saw the 10,000 statues Hua Cheng prepared like pls
ALSO Hua Cheng the ghost king who defeated 33 gods and how his smartass self esp rubbed the floor with them Civil Heavenly Officials But the one moment he needs it to realise the VERY OBVIOUS FACT that Xie Lian loves him The Genius Smartass is nowhere to be seen
But tbh I can't blame Hua Cheng much here cuz Xie Lian was very oblivious to his own feelings pls BUT STILL
Their Slow-burn was too much for me Like the chemistry was SO OBVIOUS but they're just Dumb kids when it comes to feelings *sighs* The Hualian Brainrot is rotting my brain away as we peak
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drthugitout · 2 months
My ver of dream :00000 AND RANTS ABT MY AU
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I ws going for a more princesssy vibe if ykyk if ya like dream do u wanna have more hc on my au in stuff
So a lil rant, but this ver of dram takes place ofc after the whole being trapped n stone thing passses but more in the mist of trying to save his brother, not knowing that he’s already dead ((couldn’t be me type shi.))
He’s way more trusting and open arms meaning he could eager hurt easily, even if your mean he just assume he need to try harder to make you happy or to trust him n vice versa.
He’s also just not good with helping ppl who don’t want to be helped which his can never understand especially with people like killer or early on cross and even sometimes ink.
He can’t read. I mean he can read but not to the best.
Dawg hates getting treaeated like a child, he’s not a child he’s an adult man, yes trapped in stone for a long time sucks and he dose have some problems with not getting a lot of adult topic but prefers for them to get explained and not gatekeeped, with that in some ways even core could be considered more mature then him ((not like they aren’t though))
He gets wat to excited for missions but it’s not jus him so do ink and swap that dose change though
He’s not above overworking himself for the greater good no matter what it is.
He’s scared of going blind, random but it makes sine seeing as he was practically Lind for 500 years trapped in some weird purgatory.
Yes he try’s to make every one happy but if there’s really nothing he can do he won’t keep trying to make you better n be near your negative ahh.
Sometimes British.
His magic is sometimes hard to control as ink describes it he’s ’rusty’ training with him and swap so they all can up there strategy’s
Continuing the theme of the last hc of this au, he hates fighting especially and of corse against nightmare, from his eys he got stuck in a endless loop of nothingness for years only to wake up the the sweet kinda kid he knew as his brother know the most well known asshole across the world, along with getting teased and pushed during battle against nightmare for nights own sadistic personal gain, AND HE JUS LETS IT SLIDE BCZ HE WANTS HE BROTHER BSCK it actually hands to be stud dyed how overlooked that is.
He can fly, to some existent. Nobody is truly sure how?! But he can.
Trap rap scares him like that aggressive stuff ((I also don’t like it I LIKE MY RAP CATCHY N MUISCAL NIT HEADACHE RACING)) He also don like hardcore rock
The king along with his right hand men. ((Ink and swap)) along with core
His main friends are just the main sanses besides the bad guys.
Loves cosplayer n dress up
But HATEDSSSSSS holloween
To scared to accept his friends as family dispute how close they act the fact they sometimes live together feed each other and share clothes, I luv them<33
Hes open to showing affection in almost every way so yes he dose so time give ppl kisses on the cheeks and hugs and say how much he loves them bcz ipit brightens there day.
Gets annoying headaches from nightmares voice mainly when he yells, it just brings back pain and damn, that sucks. Smh smd
He’s seen as royalty but hates getting treated like that as he feels like he shouldn’t be looked highly in for what he dose ((mainly because he feels like he should be able to do more, and hates that he can’t help everyone mainly because of his childhood))
lowkey fuck them villagers.
Cusses n it catches ppl of guard but for him it’s not shown as bad at all
Says some things that would get him canceled but doesn’t know that so he has to get explained that
One when angered he best nms ahh n once night left came to the realization of what he did n cried, ink swap and pretty much everyone were so proud though.
Everyone is his best friend
513 ((A GROWN MAN))
Actually scared of octopus/ squid’s ect. Like when he would cry cuz nightmare scares the fuck out of him. ((He actually got over his fear a bit with freshs parasite
Sleeps in dirt, a weird calming thing for him especially since he like to sleep in the sun. I dunno his ass weird but yeah needs sunlight like a plant.
Swap carries him around somtimes I dunnod I jus though that was sweet
Also wears anything, this goes for slot of the skellys n my aus but he would wear the most gorgeous ball room dress ever n never bat an eye.
A rly good singer. Who can play the piano kinda sometimes.
Hates wearing headphones or annoying boarding noises.
For some reason he dependent on helping cross mainly him because of how bad he feels but how much he relates to him especially after that one battle with nm around when he gets closer to cross n more open to the fact most ppl suck. He stops being less of a bitch.
Seen as the leader even though swap would make a better one out the three
Along with his sleep he doesn’t have the best eating habits swap of then haveing to help him out and vice versa as they love overworking them selfs
The thought of a muiltverse overwhelmed him. A lot. ((Cuz ur saying I gotta make allll these ppl happy? Damn.))
his smiles contagious.
Ngl the drawing kinda gives “I will fight n the name of Rose Quarts n every thing that she believed in.” Very Steven universe coded though.
Can’t flirt or take a romantic hint
Pretty gender neutral
He pokey prob likes gross food btw like nuts, ew.
His highest priority is children as he projects on the highly.
((Note I came up with half up these from the top of my head, I don know hc were so easy, n I don even like dream like that))
That’s most of my hc but yeah there less silly fun ones n most jus to do with his character n my au.
Uhhh he likes frank ocean.
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darkchocolatedimples · 3 months
the tortured poets department (sponsored by my procrastination)
excuse my essays for each song the lyrics are so interesting to me so there’s like actual analyzation for each one.
fortnight - dex
that lingering resentment disguised by surface level friendship is that not literally him and sophie come on. “run into you sometimes, ask about the weather” the awkwardness!! “your wife waters flowers, i want to kill her” he was the #1 fitz hater for multiple reasons after all (although i think he was over it by the time keefe became prominent)
the tortured poets department - sophie
this is so keefe from her perspective come on “you’re in self sabatoge mode, throwing spikes down the road, but i’ve seen this episode and still love the show” “i chose this cyclone with you” “sometimes i wonder if you’re gonna screw this up with me. but you told [biana] that you’d kill yourself if i ever leave. and i had said that to [dex] about you so i felt seen. everyone we know understands why we’re meant to be.” also let’s be so real keefes drawing journals + goodbye letters, he’s giving tortured poet
my boy only breaks his favorite toys - fitz
guys he’s just a silly little boy with anger issues, and he’s MY silly little boy with anger issues stop hating him 😞 “the voices in his head called the rain to end our days of wild” “he saw forever so he smashed it up” he may have fucked up but it happens!!
down bad - dex
CUZ FUCK IT HE WAS IN LOVE!!! also if i may present to you: “i might just die it would make no difference” in the context that outside of sophie saw no purpose to his own life. he saw himself just as he is presented in the books: as her best friend and nothing more. so in losing that (blaming himself and his own feelings for it) what was left of him? who was left? sophie was also his ONLY friend. not to mention in the context of the fact that when he WAS presumed dead nobody cared, they still cared more about sophie.
so long, london - keefe
no not bc of london actually but because “and you say i abandoned the ship but i was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip holding tight to your quiet resentment” is actually a direct reference to keefitz’ friendship falling apart as fitz got angrier and keefe got more closed off. “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues?” “im just mad as hell cause i loved this place” me when everglen is no longer keefes safehaven. nor anyone’s for that matter bc its haunted by alvars betrayal and alden’s mind break and fitz’ anger.
but daddy i love him - biana
“i just learned these people only raise you to cage you” “i just learned these people try and save you…cause they hate you” “dutiful daughter all my plans were laid…growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all.” i hate alden vacker. how do u manage to use and fuck up all ur kids by age 12 like wow. “i’ll tell you something about my good name: it’s mine alone to disgrace” she would 100% say this. she would also 100% say “im having his baby! no im not but you should see your faces.”
fresh out the slammer - keefe
sokeefe or keefitz take it as it comes. “in the shade of how he was feeling.” “as i said in my letters.” “my friends try, but i wouldn’t hear it…for just one glimpse of his smile” “swirled you into all of my poems” it’s so him it is truly.
florida!!! - keefe
THIS one’s about london! “well me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time! yes i’m haunted but im feeling just fine” ethan and eleanor wright who?? “your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in” candle shade/shores of solace type beat “i need to forget so take me to [london], i have some regrets i’ll bury them in [london]” “i don’t want to exist so take me to [london]” aw bae
guilty as sin? - dex
i don’t know how to explain but i just feel like this feeling of i shouldn’t be doing/feeling this the literal guilt and all these delusions and the sheer intensity of it all is just giving me dex. “this cage was once just fine, am i allowed to cry? i dream of cracking locks, throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean rocks” “i keep these longings locked in lowercase inside a vault” this must be the way he loves if he thinks so little of himself and doesn’t let himself have good things. “i choose you and me religiously” because at the end of the day when he makes a decision or chooses something or someone he puts his all into it.
who’s afraid of little old me - sophie
“you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me. you caged me then you called me crazy. i am what i am cuz you trained me.” all of it’s literally giving her growing into herself in stellarlune and making decisions on her own. SHE IS NOT A PAWN!!!
i can fix him (no really i can) - tam
idk its just giving him defending rayni with his life when everyone else including linh was like who tf is this girl.
loml - fitz
every sad pining song is fitz vacker to me. esp the refrences to the romance being dead but never buried... "still alive killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried...i'm your holy ghost" the way that sophie switched up on him in stellarlune (although i fully support her) didn't give him much time to recover. "are they second-hand embarrased that i can't get out of bed because something counterfiet's dead" give me heartbroken fitz!!! for once instead of angry fitz just give me tired, resigned fitz. "it was legendary, it was momentary, it was unecessary, should've let it stayed buried" is such a good summary of sophitz imo.
i can do it with a broken heart - linh
linh is so interesting to me as a parallel of fitz: meaning she, just like him, is always angry. however she masks it in smiles and kindness the way he never learned to, he just lashes out. this song feels like it’s talking about that mask: “i’m so depressed i act like it’s my birthday everyday” “i can read your mind ‘she’s having the time of her life’ …i can show you lies” “cause im miserable and nobody even knows” “i can hold my breath, i’ve been doing it since [i] left”
the smallest man who ever lived - keefe
it’s giving a letter to cassius/gisela/alvar. “and i don’t even want you back, i just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. and i don’t miss what we had” “did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?” “in 50 years will all this be declassified and you’ll confess why you did it, and i’ll say ‘good riddance’” “i would’ve died for your sins instead i just died inside. and you deserve prison but you won’t get time” “in plain sight you hid, but you are what you did. and i’ll forget you but i’ll never forgive.”
the alchemy - sophie
“cause the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me. honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?” aw sokeefe.
clara bow - biana
BIANA BEING COMPARED TO HER BROTHERS AND ALL THE VACKERS BEFORE THEM "the crown is stained but you're the real queen" "beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours, demanding more...its hell on earth to be heavenly" i love her.
the black dog - fitz
bring back petty fitz!! i think the young girl not knowing the starting line could parallel with keefe not being able to understand things about telepathy that really connected fitz and sophie. i also think we could shift the angle and make it about alvars betrayal and how it sparked his angry trauma response. “you said i needed a brave man, then proceeded to play him until i believed it too.” “now i want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes…even if i die screaming, and i hope you hear it.”
imgonnagetyouback - fitz
he is 100% this delusional. he's just like me. "you'll find that you were never not mine" "even if its handcuffed im leaving here with you." "told my friends i hate you but i love you just the same, pick your poison babe, i'm poison either way"
the albatross - keefe
“one bad seed kills the garden. one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.” “the devil that you know looks now more like an angel. i’m the life you chose, and all this terrible danger.” HE IS THE ALBATROSS. i can’t wait for the movie i want edits of him to this. ACTUALLY I WANT A LOT OF THINGS maybe I’ll make a separate post about that.
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus - keefe
you saw it coming. this song SCREAMS KEEFITZ. like- “you said some things that i can’t unabsorb…you needed me but you needed drugs more.” “changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules all to outrun my desertion of you.” “if you want to break my cold cold heart just say ‘i loved you the way that you were’” WHAT THE HECK DUDE IM SOBBING “back to the moment i crashed into you like so many wrecks do” that line solidified this as keefe’s pov for me. in conclusion. SOBBING.
how did it end - biana
i propose to you: not a relationship, but the vacker family falling apart and the way they became a huge subject of gossip in the lost cities. when alden’s mind broke, while fitz had turned to anger biana became depressed, and i think this song could relate to that as well. the whole part of “guess who we ran into at the shops” feels very much like conversations others would have about the vackers at the time and when alvar betrayed them. “soon they’ll go home to their [brothers], smug cause they know they can trust him.” and i think at the end of the day when all of it happened biana was just young and betrayed and lost, because she didn’t see it coming or understand why (who did?) “the deflation of our dreaming, leaving me bereft and reeling” “i can’t pretend like i understand, how did it end?”
so high school - biana
HER VIBES ALL THE WAY she’s so cute and lovely and i want this for her (and dex. specifically dex. not anyone else.)
i hate here - sophie
was leaning dex until “you see i was a debutant in another life but now i seem to be scared of going outside” but the whole idea of escapism applies to both of them. especially to sophie though when she lived with humans and was so alone because even her own family couldn’t understand her, and she canonically is a bookworm and probably found more comfort in those other lives than she ever could in her own. "I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind...i read about it in a book when I was a precious child" "ill get lost on purpose, this place made me feel worthless"
thanK you aIMee - tam
aimee 🤝🏽 the song parents. “everyone knows that my [sister] is a saintly woman. but she used to say she wished that you were dead.” “but when i count the scars there’s a moment of truth: that there wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you.” thank you song parents 🫶🏽
i look in people’s windows - fitz
i thought this song sounded so creepy till I actually listened to it and now the idea of like lowkey stalking someone just to see if they still care about you or have moved on is slightly making sense. "does it feel alright to not know me? i'm addicted to the if only." it's giving keefitz (when isn't it?)
the prophecy - dex
"let it once be me, who do i have to speak to about if they can redo the prophecy?" THIS JUST REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF THE BEGINNING OF STELLARLUNE WHEN HES LITERALLY MOURNING WHAT HASN'T EVEN HAPPENED TO HIS BROTHER YET i need more dex being the oldest sibling and shouldering that burden. the love-hate relationship with his siblings while simultaneously trying to make their quality of life so much better than what he had. also "a lesser woman would've lost hope, a greater woman wouldn't beg" is so him. he is so that middle.
cassandra - tam
"so they killed cassandra first cuz she feared the worst...do you believe me now?" "you can mark my words, i said it first. in a mourning warning, no one heard." tam when keefe joined the neverseen fr
peter - keefe
pls tell me you saw this one coming. "are you still a mindreader? a natural scene stealer, I've heard great things [fitz], but life was always easier on you than it was on me." "promises, oceans deep, but never to keep" "forgive me [fitz], my lost fearless leader...from when we were just kids. is it something I did?" i think I'm just in a constant state of mourning their friendship.
the bolter - keefe
obvious reasons but also "i can confirm she made a curious child, ever reviled by everyone but her own father." "hearts are hers for the breaking, there's escape in escaping." "she's got the best stories, you can be sure, as she was leaving, it feels like freedom."
robin - dex
had to do some research for this one but apparently its talking about preserving a child's innocence! for this reason it reminds me again of dex and his siblings because of the way he really wants to protect them from things that haven't happened yet (especially considering rex being talentless). "way to go tiger" definitely sounds like something he would say to them feeling all sentimental but then, knowing siblings, they'd probably grill him about why he's being nice 💀
the manuscript -
we know the drill by now, fitz gets all the breakup songs because they could be about sophie OR keefe. "afterwords, she only ate kid's cereal, and slept in her mother's bed" while the song is discussing reverting back to childhood habits in vulnerability, fitz's vulnerability made him angry (but it was still a big change from his regular self) "looking back might be the only way to move forward" I hope he does get to move on!!! im tired of the love triangle plot if we're not gonna focus on keefitz' friendship 😭
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tachiharastanacc · 2 months
“Traitor! I’ll never forgive you for this!”
He could hardly believe that he was the one speaking the words, spitting them at the people he considered some of his closest friends. The man he considered a kind of father.
It was him that should be screamed at. That should be cursed out. He was in no place to accuse anyone of anything.
And yet.
“I trusted you! How could you do this to me?!”
The traitorous old bastard in question didn’t move, staring at him with a pitied gaze.
“Don’t fucking talk to me!”
“Can we wrap this up? I have an appointment to annoy Kunikida after this, and I can’t miss it.”
And then there was the damn detective. A far cry from the Port Mafia executive that he used to hear reports about, the obnoxious fucker had walked up behind him and cheerily cuffed their hands together.
If Tachihara hadn’t grown up around Jouno, he might’ve been impressed.
“Tachihara, it’s not that we want to hurt you or anything…”
Higuchi, in her ever-sensitive state was standing behind Hirotsu, holding onto the arm of a mildly annoyed Akutagawa. At least, that was how he wanted to come off.
Tachihara could practically smell the disappointment coming off him in waves.
“No. You just wanna get rid of me! This is revenge for betraying you!”
He considered lunging at them, but he doubted they’d fall for the bluff. And at the end of the day, he knew he wouldn’t actually hurt them.
Plus, he was dragging around about 67kg of dead weight.
“We don’t want to get rid of you. You know that.”
Hirtosu continued speaking in that same antagonizing tone of voice. As if Tachihara were some cornered animal he were trying to soothe. Or worse, a child throwing a temper tantrum.
“Do I?! Cuz you’re the ones who fucking ambushed me!”
It was supposed to be a simple picnic. That was all he wanted. The only request he’d made.
‘Before I die, I wanna do something. As a family.’
It’d been an embarrassing thought. And even more embarrassing to say. But after everything that had happened, spending his last two days with the them seemed like bliss.
Gin’s voice was soft as always. Gentle in ways that the others couldn’t even fathom being. He’d refused to look at her, and he wasn’t planning on starting now. She of all people should know how he felt.
It was her that he’d told first.
‘Yeah. The Hunting Dogs are fucked like that. But hey, I wouldn’t trade this for the world. I’d rather die in a couple days than spend a life away from all of you.’
Gin hadn’t said anything at first. Just quietly ran her fingers through his hair as he talked.
The next day, the boss called him up.
He’d essentially taken one glance at the shadowed corner of his office and vehemently declared it was Tachihara’s choice and he wasn’t going to get involved.
Tachihara, meanwhile, had made his position very clear when he’d pulled a sword on his own commander.
And yet.
“Fool. To think you’d throw away your future for a bunch of lowlives.”
Tachihara gracefully didn’t mention the fact that Akutagawa had done the same thing for a man he claimed to hate not even a month prior.
“You’re one to fucking say shit! You spent years pining after praise from a man who tries to kill himself every other day.”
He turned to the bandaged man essentially holding hands with him.
“No offense.”
“None taken! Though, if you wanted to commit a double suicide, all you had to do was ask~”
“Is that some kinda joke to you?! My brother killed himself ya know! It’s not fucking funny!”
He paused.
“And I ain’t suicidal either!”
“Maybe not, but you don’t really value your own life~”
“Keep talking to me like that and I’ll grant your last wish and end you myself!”
“Enough. Both of you.”
Hirtosu, as always, was the voice of reason.
It was frustrating though, having the old man treat them like squabbling children. Even if they were. In a way.
And even if Dazai was right. In a way.
“It’s not…that I dislike bein’ alive or something. I just…”
He was a hunting dog. He’d been trained to always fight for justice. He was a weapon to be wielded. A soldier to be ordered around. A dog sent to catch its prey, no matter the cost of the hunt.
That was who he was. Who he was designed to be.
That was why he had tried to slit his throat without hesitation, if it meant not being turned against the world.
Higuchi was still behind the others, but she took a step forward as she spoke. Her eyes were wet with unshed tears. Great.
“Nee-san, I didn’t mean…”
Curse the damn detective. No wonder Chuuya couldn’t stand him.
Thought to be honest, his instincts as a spy told him otherwise.
“That’s not the damn point! The point is that you ignored what I wanted! You lied to me and said we could spend today together! Why is that so hard to understand?! That I wanna spend the day with the…with the only family I got left.”
Higuchi turned away from him, but he could hear the sob she muffled behind her hand. Even Hirtosu, usually so calm, so stoic was looking at him with something akin to-
“Don’t ya dare pity me, gramps! I don’t need that! Not from you!”
If nothing else, he didn’t bother denying it. Tachihara had already seen the glint in his eyes. If he didn’t know better, he’d think he was about to start crying.
But he’d known the man for years. It wouldn’t make sense. Not for him.
The pity hurt. The fact that they didn’t see this as betraying him. They saw this as saving him. And it may have been the only way to save his life, but…
Images flashed through his mind.
A cheery young girl bragging about her latest successful torture method. One who, despite her constant joy derived from tormenting him, was always by his side. One who he viewed as a little sister.
A master of the blade whose accomplishments were only slightly less impressive than the food combinations he ate on a daily basis. A stoic pillar of support for the others.
A man who teased him, but was always the first to support him. Who could break the toughest of men and then come back and treat him just like a little brother.
The one who’d raised them. Who’d turned them into what they were.
The mafia was his family, but so were they.
And without them…
“I’m not goin’ back! You can’t make me!”
That wasn’t a threat or a challenge or anything. It was just true. Even they couldn’t manage to drag him all the way back to a top-secret military base. Not without abilities. Which they wouldn’t be able to use while Dazai was touching him.
And they all knew that the second he let go, Tachihara would be off like one of his bullets.
“That’s where you’re wrong, I’m afraid.”
That voice was one he’d only heard a few times. They’d never been particularly close. More of a distant, mutual respect for one another.
Which made sense, with the two of them being the only successful spies that infiltrated the mafia and survived.
“What? So you’re in on this too?! I guess that’s not shocking, considering your track record,” Tachihara spat.
The black-haired man stepped forward, adjusting his circular glasses.
“That’s enough. It’s time to go home.”
Agent Sakaguchi’s expression was schooled, neutral. Near unreadable, if not for Michizou’s prior knowledge of the man’s training and history.
Despite the faint regret, Tachihara knew better than to reason with him. While the Black Lizard only wanted to help him, Sakaguchi was just doing his job. There was nothing to be said that would persuade him.
“I thought this was my home.”
“The mafia isn’t a home.”
Though his words were harsh, the teenager knew that he was convincing himself more than anyone else. He may have had no loyalty to the Port Mafia anymore, but everyone with connections to his division knew that he took the same day off every year and came back smelling of whisky, curry, and flowers.
It wasn’t hard for a trained spy to connect the dots. Or even an untrained spy, if gossips were to be believed.
Tachihara understood though. He too wished things could’ve been different. But unlike Ango, he really believed he’d found his place.
Dazai threw his arms around him just as the man snapped his fingers. Though his reflexes were far beyond average thanks to the surgeries, even if his were lighter, the exhaustion of his body shutting down and being pushed passed its deadline slowed him down considerably.
He barely had time to react before he felt a sharp prick in his neck.
“Heyyyy Ango~! Do you think this stuff would kill me if I got injected with it?”
The parking lot was spinning, but the excitement in the detective’s voice was loud and clear.
“Absolutely, so don’t even try it. The Hunting Dogs are resistant to most poisons and drugs, so we need an extra strong dose. That’s enough to kill 30 men.”
“Aw, and you didn’t save any for me?”
Jeez, he didn’t have to sound so damn disappointed.
From beyond the haze of blacks and grays, Higuchi’s blonde head approached him.
Tachihara swayed a bit on his feet, allowing the deceptively-strong twig of a man still clinging to him to support his weight fully.
He felt like he was speaking underwater. His limbs felt like jelly.
He’d had surgery over 70 times. He’d been under anesthesia a lot. But this was different. This felt like the world itself was fighting against him, trying to drag him down to hell with the rest of his missing unit.
“Shhh, I’m here. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
He closed his eyes, nodding slowly as cold hands came to rest upon his cheeks. “You’re not alone. We’re all here with you.”
He was faintly aware of the heavy hand on his shoulder. The stench of cigarettes easily overwhelmed him.
“Hey…you should really…take better care of your lungs. You’re already…practically…a fossil.”
He yawned. He was so, so tired all of a sudden.
The old man in question gave him a sad chuckle before patting his head affectionately.
Tachihara may have been a mafioso, but he never was a fan of Gramps smoking. If nothing else, the lecture Jouno would give him when he came back to the base smelling of nicotine was bad enough.
Still, he allowed them to wrap around him.
He couldn’t quite remember why they were so worried, but he knew they were upset.
“Why…ya sound so…sad?”
“Shut up,” Akutagawa’s voice echoed over the ringing in his ears.
Tachihara Michizou was never one to refuse a direct order.
Ah, it was all too hazy.
“Think ‘m…gonna sleep…now…”
Words continued to be said, but he didn’t process any of them. Even Gin’s soft voice, whispering in his ear.
Hirtosu didn’t know how long he’d been standing there.
His cigarette tasted bitter in his mouth. The sounds of the engines and Higuchi’s wails had all but faded now.
“It’s a shame.”
He had nothing to say beyond that. It wasn’t that he didn’t care. Far from it. It was just that despite his enjoyment of reminiscing, he didn’t want to think about this any more than he had already.
Perhaps once he, Chuuya, and Kajii were all a few beers deep.
The elderly mafioso took another drag of his cigarette.
“I wonder if I’ve made a mistake.”
It wasn’t a question he wanted to reflect on particularly. But his audience wouldn’t show itself until he invited conversation.
“You already know where I stand.”
The executive didn’t bother emerging from the shadows. He didn’t have to. The fact that he’d left his office was tell enough that he was invested.
“…I couldn’t let him die.”
“That doesn’t mean you let him live.”
“I know.”
Another breath. Another cloud of smoke.
“This isn’t over. Things won’t end like this.”
Hirtosu didn’t respond for a moment. Then, with a small smile, he spoke.
“You sound like you’re agreeing to help.”
“No. I’m not. However…I’ll see what information I can find. I have resources.”
As one should expect of perhaps the greatest assassin of all time.
“Why? I’d half expected you to wipe your hands of this.”
“I did too. Those soldiers…they may not be like my brother and I. But we’re the same in some ways.”
The man in the shadows smiled softly.
“Someone once saved me, despite how I betrayed him. He’s the reason I’m still here, though he is not. So, I’ll find what information I can.”
The man turned to leave.
“Perhaps one day, I can make up for everything I’ve done. Right, Arthur?”
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shoyosoneandonlywife · 5 months
Yoshida Shoyo is a virgin and I stand by that😤
(with proof and analysis)
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I definitely could have added more info on why I think that this is so cuz I have many more things that would stand as proof so ill add on a bit more. Read below 👇🏽
this is the same text but in video format but the scenes at the back in some places can be considered as back up for my post😭
1. Total ostracism
He was ousted since he was a kid and it lasted for centuries. He was literally TORTURED for simply existing my man did nothing to warrant this hell but oh well that's humans of the past for you. It should be known that his whole 1000+ years of life, not one soul had bothered to help or stand up for him, because nobody knows what it's like to be in his state and never bothered to sympathise with him.
2. Disgusted by humans
He has literally called humans disgusting many times, and yet it's not even the most insulting thing he has called humans. He's a certified hater to the point that he could be considered a racist(discriminates the human race and kinda every other life form in the universe)
Mostly someone would say oh but he's been alive for over a 1000 years something definitely happened. Yes something did, hate and pain and agony is what happened😭😭😭 first few centuries, were different methods of killing and torturing him, then for about 500 years I think, he was rotting away in a cell in a cave.
And then the next 500 years he was killing mfs left and right. I can safely assume that after his break from jail, when he immediately started killing the first group of humans that he met, he literally means he wanted to get rid of anyone he laid eyes on💀 Man didn't just despise, he was REVOLTED.
An important qns that could come up is what if when he was yoshida shoyo (for around 15 years). It's a very short amount of time compared to his lifespan isn't it☠️ Also not to forget the fact as I mentioned before, he was still heavily discriminated and feared. Also He was chased out of every town or village he travelled to, hence the title that he's a wanderer(along with gintoki).
(This could possibly have been the fact that the people recognised him as either the immortal demon or as the leader of Naraku) However it could also contribute to the fact that his revolutionary teachings were bothering the townsfolk's norms, thus the community unrest resulting in chasing him out.
Idc what anyone says a man who was so intensely and ruthlessly tortured would have a dead libido, man has literally experienced death like a daily occurrence. It was frequent ritual to come back from the dead, he has literally seen death and had tea with it, and is used to it he would NOT gaf about his dick which probably stays dead too with how many times he's been killed.
I could say the same for physical attraction because, firstly, his deep hate,more emphasis on DISGUST and DISCRIMINATION he holds for humans as well as for living beings on every other planet in the universe as Utsuro is well known. But as for yoshida shoyo, the compassionate man, I would consider him a man above worldly pleasures, as his immortality, past lives and wisdom(along with how tired he is of everyone) can attest to that.
3. Man beyond societal pressures and standards
Considering that he's a certified menace to society from birth till death, along with the menaces he trained. Safe to say he would not give any fucks about being socially acceptable even as yoshida shoyo he was still a force to be reckoned with, he was in no way submissive(the scene where he rushes to protect his kids amd threatens a bunch of men that he'll collapse the whole government because HE COULD).
With the way he has lived his life and all the events he has gone through, societal expectations/cues would actually mean nothing to him(along with his lifespan), He had become numb to the minds and behaviours of humans long ago. He has no need to go out of his way to do or say anything that does not please him and has no one to appease to. The only reason he surrendered when the Naraku came for him was to not jeopardize the safety of his students.
He COULD have easily fought them off, but after twenty years or so he probably got tired again of constantly running from the naraku(he did say at one point he was tired of running). And he was also confident in the beginnings of revolution and strong spirits he had sowed into the students he taught.
His teachings were considered as revolutionary and forward thinking, he took a new approach to life that breaks away from the stigmatised version of what was initially taught to young people and his method encouraged individualism and soul searching along with self sufficiency and inner peace, atleast to pack all of his teaching's purpose in a nutshell(definitely encapsulates much more than these ideas).
The new outlook he had begun to teach was seen as rebellious and as a fire that had to be snuffed out before its influence could spread. This further solidifies the idea that he was rather more taken with the notion that each individual pursues their own ambitions and their own rules of life, rather than conforming to the society's expectations upon them at the time he was a teacher. The principle of a man following his own rules set upon his own soul can be found in Gintoki as well, which were the concepts of individuality Shoyo had passed down to his students.
In the current years as far as I know nobody really judges you for your sex life but hookup culture was more "normalised" a few decades ago, cough cough millennials cough cough. E.g. sorachi making constant cherry/virgin jokes. No matter how normalised or societal standard anything maybe, shoyo was FARRRR from normal, bet that he would be the polar opposite of any type of expectation society normally has. And society does largely normalise as men sleeping around or even encouraged to sleep around, some reasons for that is to prove they have a sex drive yappa yappa bunch of bullshit.
Further emphasised by my point that Yoshida Shoyo is a Man that Never conforms to societal expectations, no matter what personality he was in, from his original birth till his last death(1,700+ years when he died) in silver soul and I stand by that. As to why he would never even bother to get involved in romantic or sexual intentions is also explained in this post.
The ordinary person who has been through many struggles in their life would already stop caring about what society thinks or says even when we would have been indoctrinatedfrom young, at one point. And as for Yoshida shoyo who has been treated nothing but cruelly and inhumanely from the start, a treatment to an extent no other being would ever be able to experience. And then found compassion and humanity within himself to go forward, even if it was only a mere 15 years, would never even stop to think about what other people expect or would say and criticise, always.
Moreover, despite shoyo being human, he is not ordinary as I have repeatedley stated, and the way he was born human is also not the way anyone else has been created and come into existence.
It's clear for us throughout gintama that shoyo viewed being alive and having a body as a burden, immensely. So it's obvious that a body that pains his soul to have would not be worried about pleasure in a physical sense. As aforementioned in the first part(twitter post), he would not even bother to think about it given his life incidents.
And as an individual, for 1. he is very mentally ill and at war within himself,
2. he's seen too many things in life and is traumatised to an unimaginable extent.
3. nobody would ever be able to truly understand or sympathise with him.
4. with the way his character is he seems self sufficient and independent, thus losing the need to find gratification in anyone else physically, emotionally and mentally.
Instead he had a lot of wisdom and knowledge to share and demonstrate to the world instead, hence his choice to become a teacher(starting/working in a temple school).
4. Not human nor programmed to be humane.
Shoyo was born human(but born directly from mother earth and came out of one of the dragon holes which each shrine monitors), but due to unforeseen circumstances he ended up becoming a being of altana or was born with altana in his blood. So from a very young age he was programmed to be much different from the average human. He himself, due to all the abuse and visceral disgust aimed towards him, stopped considering himself a human and instead became a monster, not human, and was even deprived from any sort of human normalcy. As Yoshida shoyo, he would have not valued anything the average person would, he is not normal. (in a good and bad way).
Moreover gintama has many references deep-rooted into Buddhism and Shoyo was basically akin to a monk during his teaching era.
He chose to run his private school as a TEMPLE school and I have a theory that since gintoki had found shoyo reborn and being taken care of in one of the shrines near the dragon hole, I assume that when shoyo had first come into origin, he was also taken in by the monks in the shrine at first, and raised for a while until he was discovered to be immortal, to which he was then subject to endless torture and deaths by the common populace during that era.
None of his personalities via his split personality would ever delve into pleasurable ways, because, exempting his personality of yoshida shoyo, every other personality was an extension of Utsuro, who wanted nothing to do with humans and wished for the extinction of them. So excluding his hundred other extensions of his mind(personalities), his singular personality, can definitely be perceived and considered as a zen master/monk.
Heres a link to a shoyo analysis(at the end of the post), it delves into the life and character arc of yoshida shoyo, along with his connections and references to Buddhism. And importantly how his death signifies nirvana, nirvana means to break the cycle of life, and to do that, some points to achieve this are to go beyond the worldly/materialistic aspects of life, which shoyo has already mastered in my opinion. Atleast as yoshida shoyo, excluding his other personalities.
The only thing stopping him from being freed was his suffering and absolute pain which even resulted in him becoming mentally deranged. His suffering was the only thing stopping him from absolution.
In a way, Utsuro yearned for nirvana too(shoyo is no different from utsuro in the ways of his soul no matter the amount of personalities, hes still just one soul, one man), but went about it in a more "all encompassing" method💀 because his nihilism was at its peak within him, with his history of genocide as a fuel to his ambitions. He wanted to truly end not just his existence and consciousness but everything that exists as a whole. As he believed as Utsuro it would be a more fitting way to end ALL cycles once and for all (perpetuated agenda by his hatred).
In the end, obviously as he has repeatedly stated, he yearned for death, the end of the cycle. And a man who yearns for death, would not consider anything else in his life other than leaving the very body that is nothing more than a burden to him. And vehemently strived to dissolve his soul to put a full stop to the endless agony that he knows and calls life.
Link: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFGagoWo/
I greatly recommend u check out my other post too! where I delve into Shoyo's mental illness, Multiple personality disorder and how that made his journey tougher to make peace within himself and finally die as yoshida shoyo.
End of my post I hope that everyone realises I'm always right when it comes to my love, shoyo😝.
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
We already know that the ror gods hate everything about the pjo verse but what about the humans? What are their opinions on the pjo gods and everything else (like poor anthonius) about Percy’s world?
the humans won't like it either, but it's not BURNING FUCKING HATRED like the gods feel at least 😂😂
i actually didnt get to think much about how the humans would feel about the pjo world (aside from.... you know, the fact that they'd obviously dislike what the demigods are forced to go through) since i haven't gotten to writing about them yet (i'm still on act 1)
most of the ideas are related to leonidas' reaction tbh (being greek and all) 😭😭
did you know that leonidas was believed to be the descendent of heracles??? obviously that can't happen in ror verse, but i think im gonna implement that in my fic cuz imagine leonidas finding out that there's alt version of him THAT'S A LEGACY OF ZEUS???? 😭😭😭 i know he'd be mad asffffff 😭😭😭😭😭
or ohhhh you know how dead ppl were coming back to life in hoo??? what if i had pjo!leonidas come back and make trouble for the argo ii crew? imagine leonidas watching his counterpart bully teenagers, he'd be so fucking embarrassed 😂😂😂😂
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everynya · 2 months
sorry ive been mia today im oh so tired but i need to get some thoughts out and this is the only way i can gush abt my oc f/o cuz despite the fact i made an entire site for him and all i cant bring myself to talk abt. he. so um yea gush below…if u dunno who tf im talkin abt its all here wuahaha wait i change my mind dont look or whatever
i want him dead. is this anything
OK BUT SRS i made him like. around a tough time in my life after a friend gave me an idea for an oc f/o and holy fuck ive just been so hooked OC F/O SELFSHIPPERS I LOVE YOU ALL SO BAD GIVE ME UR STRENGTH OR SMTH
idk idk i just mixed a mess of characters or things i like or character i wanted to like but didnt and put it all into a conglomerate of a man and added in extra things ive always wanted to mess with….hello my fat short mixed wasian can we honestly edate
emihiko and nayla are like, idk, lots of weird mixes of things? emihiko holds a lot of traits i really adore in a character, i made him very loyal and determined and cocky and a bit of a weirdo nerd and nayla on the other hands holds aspects of me that idk i just need loved or smth. a vampire who constantly pushes people away and isolates pursued by a werewolf who persistently reaches out to him? haha. what do you call …that
he makes me happy. i guess. these two are so domestically annoying and sure theyre a vampire/werewolf but its the least relevant thing. i just wanted a dog boy. nayla finds such a joy with him yet is like ‘i fucking hate you so bad you sick weirdo’ and emi is like ‘hey cmon cant you give me one chanc- wait ur smiling. wait. omg do u like me? uh i mean i knew it lol haha u like me’ and the whole time they were cuddling on emis bed so its like Okay.
EVERY PIECE OF ART OF THEM STILL MAKES ME CRAZY BTW. BTWWWWWW. hahahahahahashhahshsqiisdjsiwjdidifidisisjwiwudiwuwiwejwiaididuf difi edifnod ok what the fuck is this post becoming my guy
hes just everything to me rn…i hadnt had another main fo in YEARS it was fuyu and peach for so so long like actually…and he just idk, i lauv him so so much i wanna **** *** ****** *** **** (kiss him. im just shy or whatever) curse that i have a top 3 now and theyre all BLONDE GRIPS MY HEAD
anyway perceive them again THAANKKK YOUUUU giggles and kicks my feet over this art again btw teehee hee..hee….im hopeless
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tokkias · 2 years
How about actor au hc’s for fairy tail! (Nalu centered cuz i need my nalu crumbs)
so i got like 80% of the way through writing these before i realised i may have misinterpreted this ask, and that you were in fact probably asking for an au where they're actors on fairy tail as a show. oops! but these are actually headcanons that i have (to no ones surprise) talked about pretty at length with @nalunalu which is why this was my default list.
in fact, they even drew some absolute banging art based on one of these headcanons so you should go look at it <333
if that is in fact what you meant, and you still really want to hear my thoughts on it, i would still love to write that up, just send me another ask and i will make a post, but i hope you enjoy these general actor au headcanons nonetheless <3
misc natsu + lucy headcanons
natsu primarly does actions films and lucy mostly does dramas
natsu got his start in the industry as a stunt double but eventually started getting acting roles of his own
he does all (or most) of his own stunts
lucy gets into acting in college where she's doing a business degree at her fathers demands and she takes an improv class to try and make friends
she's really bad at improv and thinks it's fucking lame, but it sparks her interest in acting and she gets a conjoint degree in business and theatre
she would have dropped her business degree but if she did that her father would have stopped paying for it and it was the only way he would entertain the idea
as soon as she graduates she leaves home, cuts off all contact with her father and goes to pursue acting
she works waitressing and modelling for a while and she's offered the chance at a full time modelling contract but as much as she likes it, she still wants to pursue acting
natsu is crazy good at spotting cameras and paparazzi
like this video is natsu
there are so many photos of natsu and lucy where lucy's minding her own business, chatting along, while natsu just stares dead straight into the camera
natsu's instagram is made up entirely of bad pictures he takes of lucy
he only posts when he's contractually obligated to promote something and it's always his stupid genre of bad lucy photos
when he's not allowed to post bad lucy pics to promote his new projects, it's bad pics of his cat happy
his agency gets so sick of his terrible instagram prescense that he has it taken away from him and a social media manager takes over
they start posting actual nice good quality photos from red carpets and other events and people fucking hate it
the comments are so flooded with demands to bring lucy and happy back that they are forced to give it back to him, which he of course announces with a bad picture he took of lucy holding happy
all the comments are just like. the return of the king.
people constantly ask if his phone/camera is like 10 years old or if his terrible quality photos are an aesthetic choice, and it's not. it's 5 years old and has a crack on both cameras because he's always dropping it doing dumb shit
lucy still does a lot of modelling for magazines after her acting career takes off, but more for fun that for money like when she first ran away from home
brands are clambering at her feet to have her as their ambassador
she becomes a style icon and still retains her expensive taste from growing up in the heartfilia household
she wears lots of designer dresses on the red carpet and she works with a stylist but most of her stuff she picks herself
while lucy is always wearing show-stopping gowns on the red carpet and to every other promo event, natsu has one (1) suit he wears to every event
the only thing he changes is the shirt he wears underneath and it always matches what lucy's wearing
nalu specific headcanons
they meet for the first time on the set of a romcom that they're starring in opposite of each other and it's both of their first time doing anything like it
they're pretty much instant besties and they surprise literally everyone with how great their chemistry and comedic timing is
lucy did not know of his stunt double background until she watched him do one on set for the first time and she was fucking mortified. she screamed
their first kiss (and probably natsu's first kiss ever) is on set and they both get a little too into it for their own good
it's just a good old friendly kiss with no meaning whatsoever except for the fact that it definitely goes on for way longer than it was scripted to
they have a sex scene in the film and lucy is super nervous because it's her first time filming one
it's natsu's first time too but he's not nervous at all because he's jumped off of moving cars before so pretending to have sex with lucy is nothing compared to that
every time the cameras aren't rolling natsu is just goofing around to try make her feel more comfortable and it works a little too well because they're laughing and giggling and goofing off the whole time
if they were good friends before that, they're basically inseperable after it
on set, it's cute sometimes and infuriating other times
lucy's hair stylists and makeup artists fucking hate him because he will not leave her alone while they're trying to do her hair and makeup
he once got himself cursed out for giving her a noogie between her hair being done and get scene
once filming wraps they're both really bummed because they go from seeing each other every day to being lucky to see each other once every few weeks
once promo for the film starts they are attached at the hip
the films marketing team doesn't even have to try to push them into a fake relationship to promote the film because everyone just thinks they're dating anyway
in fact, they're so close that they're constantly accused of being in a fake relationship and that it's "so fake and forced" even though they're not actually dating
so much arguing ensues because of the sheer natural chemistry they have together in interviews even though both sides are wrong, they're just close friends who kiss for a job
lucy desperately needs everyone to know that they're not actually dating and that they're just friends but the films marketing team shushes her because it'll be good promo for the movie
natsu on the other hand does not care about it at all because he pays so little attention to the media anyway that he didn't even know people thought they were dating
both of them were pretty well known before the film, but the dating speculation and their acting in the film itself turns them both into household names and people hardly seperate one from the other
they both make cameos, even small ones, in each others films
lucy landed a role in a soap opera and natsu, who has never worked in television before, plays a recurring role as her love interest
he is not very good at acting in soaps because he thinks they're kind of lame and he's not practiced in it at all so his role is pretty limited to scenes with lucy because they just have stupid insane chemistry that everyone loves
natsu enters stage left. natsu kisses lucy. natsu exit stage left.
it's not until years of being best friends and well after the dating speculation dies down do they actually start dating, but neither they or their reps reveal it
no one gets confirmation that they're dating until pictures of their wedding pops up online and everyone is like THEY'RE MARRIED???
lucy writes a super long heartfelt post about how she got to marry her best friend and how much he means to her
natsu posted a picture of him and happy in matching suits and then the one (1) nice photo of lucy he has on their wedding day on the second slide with no caption
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