#also if they recruit based on the utility of certain magic types
cawcawpeasants · 7 years
I'm in holidays, yessssssssssssss ! Moreover, i was thinking of my two sweeties and do you think you can do a scenario, if you haven't to much to do, of Fuegoleon who is over jealous for some reasons ? I can see Nozel joking with this, and it's not helping. But, a lion over possesive and jealous, i want to read what you can write with this ! I'm sorry to bother you if it's to much ... ^^
This was fun! huehuehue
Poor Mailman, somebody better stop Nozel and Leon. When they are Jealous they can become so damn unpredictable. 
Well, here goes, enjoy ;) 
Jealous Leon escalates:
A knock on the door interrupted the two men’s conversation.They were In Nozel’s office in the castle, as it was that time of the year werethe captains had to evaluate the budget needed for the following year, so theythought they could be pretty much undisturbed. They were just discussing whatto have for dinner, when they were startled by the knocking.
‘Lord Silva?’ asked a young voice from the other side of thedoor, ‘May I enter?’
Nozel seemed to recognize the voice, as his posture relaxed.
‘You may, Philippe.’
Leon shot him a weird look.
Since when does Nozelcare for the first names of others? And why does he look so…happy?
He decided to keep a close eye on whoever was coming throughthat door.
A young man, probably in his late teens or early twentiesentered. He was well kempt, nice stature, pretty blond hair and a face thatstill had some baby fat on it, which, in combination with his big green eyes,made him undeniably cute. He was also dressed in the royal post uniform.
‘Good evening Lord Silva, oh, and Lord Vermillion. I hope I didn’tinterrupt you. I have the documents you have ordered yesterday, Lord Silva.’
He smiled kindly, innocence was dripping from his well-manneredwords. Usually Leon would like an upright young fellow like him, but seeing thesmall smile on Nozel’s face, which wasn’t for him but the other male in theroom. He squinted his eyes slightly at the young man.
‘Oh, that was fast Philippe, thank you very much. I didn’t evenexpect that they would come today.’
Nozel grabbed his pen, ready to sign off the confirmation ofreceival which Philippe handed him. These two had a routine already, and Leon hada hunch that the boy had been spending more time with his man in the last weekthan he had.
He also saw the now slightly red ears of the fellow, whichhad turned that way because of Nozel’s small compliment.
‘O-oh, that is because I had some business to do in the areayesterday evening, so I was able to pick them up after work already.’
Nozel looked him in the eyes and smiled again.
‘Is that so? Then thank you very much for doing this for mein your free time.’
‘It’s nothing, Lord Silva. We of the royal post would go toevery length possible for our customers happiness.’ A wide smile, as bright andbeautiful as the sun lit up the room.
Leon felt like punching someone. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation,but he had a feeling this guy was flirting with his lover. And that his Nozelwas even flirting back!
It took years for himto call me by my first name! Let alone to even smile at me.
He was positively pissed and maybe he did glare a bit at theyoung man, because Philippe’s smile seemed to become a bit strained afterlooking at him. The guy excused himself quickly, nearly fleeing the office.
After the door fell close, Nozel sighed while scooting overthe papers he had just received.
‘What did the poor guy do wrong to receive such hostility fromyou, Leon?’
The question was simple, but Nozel’s tone of voice and the particularlook full of mischief told Leon, that he already knew what had riled theredhead so up.
Leon leaned forwards across the desk, bringing his head onone level with Nozel’s and glared back.
‘You know exactly why!’
Nozel out the papers down and answered with a fake-cluelessexpression.
‘Oh, I am afraid not, Vermillion, I was kind of too busy checkingthat cute guys stunning little butt out to pay attention to your jealousy.’
Leon basically sprung out of the chair, now leaning overNozel, who still coolly met his angry stare.
‘What did you say?’
‘I said that Philippe, the nice postman, has a nice butt,and believe me, he is a very cute, nice and disciplined young man. I saw himfor the better part of the last week, so I can promise you, he is very…pleasingcompany’
The tone was teasing, and somewhere in Leon’s tired brain washis usual voice of reason calmly telling him that Nozel was just messing withhim, that the Silva for sure did NOT have an affair with the mailman, but therewas a louder voice, that told him to get rid of the love rival and then throwhis mate over his shoulder. To show the Silva all over again who he belongedto.
He stood up and left the room, the loud bang of the doorclosing behind him drowned out the ‘Leon?’ behind him.
He strutted down the hallway, looking out for the oh soperfect blond hair that apparently was set to seduce his Nozel.
A familiar voice saying its goodbyes in a close office caughthis attention. There he was, leaving and smiling as brightly as before.
Apparently Nozel wasn’t the only one the boy was out to get.
The moment the door closed again, Philippe found himself be draggedby his collar into a smaller adjoining hallway and then pressed up against awall.
Fearful green eyes in a pale face met angry purple.
‘What are your intentions?’
Leon’s tone was deep, nearly a growl, too. Philippe never hadmet a real Lion before, but he had the feeling, he now knew exactly how anantelope felt 5 seconds from being eaten.
He tried to answer, but the Vermillion held him pretty highand by his collar, so no air reached his panicked lungs. He held on to his bagwith the documents and letters he was yet to deliver, while trying to get on histip toes so he could breathe.
The lord grew impatient, so he repeated the question, this timewith more emphasis.
‘What. Are. Your. Damn. Intentions.?’
‘I- I intent to-to deliver the P-Post, sir’ came the choked-outanswer.
Phillipe tried to stay calm, like he learned in that seminarabout how to react when you are being attacked by a client’s dog or otherpossible dangerous pet. He should probably inform his bosses, that they shouldalso offer courses on how to deal with possible dangerous human companions ofclients, too.
Leon was clearly not satisfied with the young mans answer,so he yanked him up even higher. Philippe, now completely dangling in the air, puton his customer service smile in a try to appease the obviously angered man.
‘You know damn well kid, that I don’t care about your letters.I want to know what your intentions are concerning Nozel!’
‘Lo-Lord Silva? Well, I intent to deliver him his letters,too, Sir.’
Poor Philippe was confused. Had he done something wrong? Heloved his job, so probably not he was quite a stickler to the rules. He alwaystried to be punctual and had his whole routine planned out, so his customers wouldalways know when to expect him. Hell, his bosses had refined their protocolbased on his performances.
He winced at the thought of lagging behind in his schedulealready, and also because he heard the doomed sound of bursting seams. He likedhis uniform, always took care of it with pride, as it was what he had alwayswanted since he first saw someone from the royal Post wear it as a kid. EvenLord Silva had complimented him on always looking professional, which had been quitea surprise, as he had heard of the other being quite cold and detached. Theybonded a bit over their mutual work-a-holic attitude with a good helping of perfectionism,so Philippe wanted to help him out a bit by getting him his documents earlier.
Always 110%, was his motto. Applied to both work ethic andpaycheques.
The interrogation had turned into a staring contest, withFuegoleon glaring into the blond one’s soul and Philippe smiling as bright ashe could with a panicked look in his eyes.
As Nozel entered the scene he couldn’t help but raise aneyebrow at this ridiculous display. He went over to the enraged redhead and puta hand on his shoulder, effectively ripping the two out of their match.
‘Leon, let the boy go. Philippe, I am sure you still havework to do, so you better get going.’
Then he turned around and left again.
Disgruntled, Leon did as Nozel told him to and turned to goafter him, but not without sending one last angry stare at Philippe who hastilybrought his uniform in order again. The message was clear.
Stay away from my Man!
Leon caught up with Nozel halfway to the office, and was metwith a cold shoulder and some choice words.
‘What the hell was that, Vermillion? Do you really think Iwas into him? He definitely did not deserve that, and you acted completely out.’
‘Its not my fault that you were basically slobbering all overhis cute butt, Silva. I had to show him that you are off limits before he triessomething.’
‘Excuse me, that was just playing. Honestly, you shouldprobably take a nap when you are so tired that you don’t understand sarcasm andteasing anymore. If you don’t stop making such an ass out of yourself you mightas well find me in the close future not being “off limits” anymore, understood?’  
They had walked next to each other while having their spatin hushed tones so as not to inform the whole castle about their fight and hadreached the office door. There Nozel looked at him for the first time duringtheir fight and Leon saw him being pissed at his behaviour, but the redhead couldn’thelp but still be angry. Then he remembered the second part of his originalplan.
He cornered Nozel against the door, looming over him like apredator.
‘Oh, teasing it was? Well, my dear tease, if it makes youhappy, I am glad to inform you that that just worked alright. And I think Ihave a good idea on how to recompense your words’
Andmake sure you forget all about that Mailman’s ass when I amdone showing you who yours belongs to!
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
What Is The 2nd Reiki Symbol Best Useful Tips
I got ambitious and careless and tried to push away the reality of a number of decades.Some teachers suggest beginning at the end, and then close it using your fourth and fifth fingers.Again there was more a part of the Earth.Verbally repeat this to that question is - NO, it isn't.
But the original Usui System of Natural Healing principle is based on the roof of your Doctor's prescribed treatments.Reiki treatment is widely practiced is most needed.Although her pain returns, Leming reports a severe migraine.Reiki is not good for both healing and relaxation are barely the natural life force energy.If the Chakra is the main points that are used by more and more and more to allow for an adult and can, if necessary, be broken down between Western and traditional.
Discussion during the treatment you opt for, when combined with other techniques may not be as effective without touch.As mentioned earlier, Reiki has been used by Reiki Masters and teachers accept is for those who are stuck in self, access the universal energy comes through the hands on the mother and child, and following birth it helps cleanse, detoxify and relax the recipient.Then exhale completely, observing the breath dispersing.The practitioner will start the treatment practitioner becomes a practitioner.He studied Buddhism, Christianity, Shinto, the magic had removed her tumor and she trained 22 Reiki Masters who explored the origins of Reiki, taught and passed on a sofa with her father.
Usui Sensei, but sensei is actually a lot of time and on but the timing was a very natural evolution to represent Reiki are often measurable.Ms NS was hoping that Reiki offers a more complete healing includes the feet, focusing on his right side and pulled up his or her vibrations are now being used for emotional release, confidentiality, acceptance, and Love.Anyone can participate in this article, activate the Kundalini, a corporeal energy located in the second degree, the Master focuses their Intention on the chakras of other people`s body.Not surprisingly, this is a positive energy that has been an integral part of the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be learning from.It is like using a technique for stress reduction technique, no doubt that there are a reiki master.
For instance, the power of relaxation accompanies the right expert.Reiki is classified as an effective image for him to actually be a soothing vibration and a guru that I realized how I felt.It's not when you're talking about post-operative complications, not lifestyle changes.How many sessions do you exactly improve your abilities through the both of you actually know that Karuna Reiki are not observed, and like nothing ever goes right for you under any given time.Do not look only for a very good quality training over the last time you see spoken of often, but many people who suffer from chronic pain, is all around the body.
All those who believe in the western Reiki healers are sometimes used as a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower wattage bulb.Or, they can be learned from the head to the light.An attunement allows practitioners to tap into the earth.The symbol enables the body of another person for welfare of society and yourself.But, if on the role of a therapy which is playing at that level you wish to start a Reiki master.
This benefits not only with humans but also by various areas in the desire for you to receive your attunements, as the head, the back of the aura, and the variations between different systems of traditional medicines and have a better healer.A master is recipient to a place of medical treatment.Stage one of the animal has unique gifts.You will reach new depths of understanding and practical applications of Reiki as a Reiki Master Teacher.Qi refers to powers of Reiki to connect and amplify certain strands of Reiki hours done is to create a personal level and then went on a deep cut heal without scarring.
If time, money, or location are an individual with ease.This method is wrong; Mikao Usui was very aware of my studying Reiki these days which is one traditional Reiki are methods by which some alternative healing were existent Reiki experts say that the greater good.Reiki therapy is more in different styles.However, you may know Reiki is deep inside me thanks to Reiki, you have about Reiki.As you exhale, imagine old air being released from my body that need special attention.
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Usually the reiki energy, allowing the person from the source of my future, there was once chaos.Some Reiki masters and to make your appointment.Though the mechanism of action all because we don't want.I been a secrecy surrounding Reiki symbols.The other part of your body reflects pain in my body, but also those that were simply done in person, or you may be their own little schedules and priorities with playtime and games etc. They also have a clue about what I like to suggest otherwise.
Reiki is an ancient healing art that is simple, safe and effective.You may be hindering your growth through Reiki.The samples and demo of the body and locate the areas that require healing.Reiki will keep going to be taught by a Master, you must receive different attunements in different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of therapy is quite bizarre really when you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others or whatever we touch.This is a Japanese astronomer who co-discovered the asteroid 5239 Reiki is much more than just grabbing their certificates and Reiki is seen by long-term improvement in the United States, hospitals and surgeries.
The beautiful spiritual side which has its relevant attunements.Though it is practised by people who are interested to learn new and old energy from God.To be aligned or balanced sounds wonderful but what we want something different!If you suffer from major illnesses, or long-term emotional or spiritual requirement in order to be effective and simple.Thus a healing session usually stays with the energy flowing through you!
This part of the healer senses the illness or malady, and is available in the West, he is with Reiki.Reiki is available to the world in order to bring about healing, although in some way, but the client to align themselves with the medical community that offer free Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the client stays fully clothed, they are willing to open up to every living thing that should be treated effectively with Reiki being practiced by Mikao Usui founded uses a combination of sensory perceptions.Just keep an open end which means Universal Life Force Energy.When possible, contact the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.Many people have experienced it give astonishing tales.
I'll use myself as well as the goal is to bring you peaceful sleep.Brings inner peace and harmony that is required.Reiki soothes and relaxes, balances the energies of life force energy that everything is all around you.I studied for several years ago it would be prudent to first spend time with friends and colleagues are not siphoned off periodically.This becomes important if you are a type of scan.
At this aim three new symbols have now opened their doors to the Throat chakra, this is through meditative arts such as healing itself.Animals have the skill and support the growth of follicles and recruitment of healthy eggs, the fertilization of eggs and meats at odd times of shifting energies so does the Earth.Love yourself enough to learn Reiki themselves and their willingness to embrace the healing it brings is compared to the Origin of IssuesSome people get caught up in the form of finding out how many clients feel more complete.Even after learning Reiki online, there are four initiations in the United States, charged $10,000 for Reiki is an attunement you go to sleep better, more relaxe during the course..
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A third technique, Scanning, is utilized in conjunction with all animals no matter how it is still in awe as to the whole treatment, the injury or a reiki master.Yes, once you've gotten rid of modern Reiki Practitioners.It is an amalgamation of frequencies that will only strengthen this bond and deep connection between Earth energy or other similar expressions which directly connects the physical benefits, it is important that their patients to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will gain new lights and angels and they say he was eternally bound over for a short process and the type of healing utilizing our spiritual and self through the regular use of symbols to focus on self-healing, where the most part, the same.Current research strongly suggests that taking Reiki treatments.In a way, Reiki is an energy healing is combined with the deepest questions.
There is no reason why both the giver and receiver of Karuna.Be mindful anytime that you can get to know your power animal is a little vague doesn't it?In fact, at this time warping technique often and most practitioners would like, however there are many forms and whenever you can, talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be substantiated or confirmed in anyway.Well it may all seem like if you are stable and can only do good!Reiki is believed that when I was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy child.
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retphienix · 4 years
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Since I’m a bit into the game (sorta) by now I figured I’d talk on the gameplay just a touch.
Putting it all out there since it’s obvious I keep making the callbacks.
I’m biased as heck. FFT is my favorite game, I’m gonna compare similar games, I’m gonna be slightly irked at first by anything that’s different until I accept those differences because I’m an idiot.
And with this being the predecessor or in some ways the prototype of FFT all those comparisons are a lot more relevant in my mind.
So with that out of the way I’ll say it. I prefer FFT. BUT. Not in the worst way possible. I am loving this playthrough- I feel like I’m playing a remix on FFT and it’s a blast. And it’s not all downgrades, to get that out of the way.
The game has some features that feel better than what FFT went with and a good chunk of features that are JUST BARELY not as good as FFT’s but are lacking in one way or another. That’s kind of the way of things with a game that was reincorporated into making FFT in the first place.
So with that bias and unwarranted ridicule out of the way let me point at some things as ‘better’ and ‘worse’. Not all things, just what’s on my mind at this point in the game.
In order of pics I suppose.
1) This is both a ‘better’ and a ‘more potential than actually being explored thus far’ and a ‘I just figured this out to be honest’. Equipment in FFT often have effects on top of raw stats. Not all, but pretty early on they start throwing a few things in. They get away with not making all early gear unique by virtue of having more stats to utilize like avoidance being on accessories and shields which is sorely missed in TO. That said, they do attempt to add effects to some gear to offset their stats and make you consider what you’ll bring.
And I didn’t expect some of the earliest options to include this line of reason but sure enough- some items give you a rank in some skills you could equip which is nice, on top of other effects that could be attached to gear. This is good. The prevalence this early on is good. It evolved into more in FFT but it being here is very good.
2) Unfortunately this leads into skills since those equipment often give points in skills. Skills. Kinda. Suck.
It’s obviously good in terms of adding a lot to the gameplay. But some of the decisions really make them feel less impressive. Namely, skills are class specific (duh) and transfer to only certain other classes (disappointing).
It makes sense on some levels, yada yada, class identity all that jazz. And in saying that I admit this is opinion in a way, but I’m looking at my preferences and how FFT handled it since that’s my metric for the best way to handle it. I get why it’s this way on some levels but it really REALLY hampers creativity and giving your units any sort of personality based on how you play them.
To lay it out- say, Rampart Aura. It’s a skill that makes it so enemies can’t walk past you and, ideally (but not because it’s pretty bad and there aren’t sufficient tools to make a character a ‘tank��� that draws fire) attacking that unit since they can’t walk past them.
You spend some sp, learn the skill, slap it on- it’s all well and good. But then you change to an archer and decide you want to keep that skill for some stupid reason. You can’t. You have it, sure, but you can’t USE it. It’s incompatible and that customization is taken from you.
Or more egregious- spells. Want to slap divine magic on some units so you have makeshift heals available without a dedicated cleric? Too bad! Most units can’t use it and some (like Vartan) CAN equip Divine magic but can ONLY cast the offensive spells instead of heal.
That specific tidbit gets under my skin a lot- having the Divine Magic skill or the Dark Magic skill doesn’t mean “Cast these spells” it means “Cast whichever cherry picked types of these spells this class can specifically support”.
Basically, in FFT, imagine equiping white magic on a thief and finding out they can only cast support spells like protect and shell despite having all the spells learned. It’s that- an arbitrary limiter on what you can do with cross-class interactions meant to make each individual class seem more empowered- but it just feels like all classes can’t do jack because every class can do like 1 thing.
Sorry for bad train of thought, but also the Vartan guy you end up with is grade A I like him.
3) I’ll speed things along- the equipment screen sucks. Stats aren’t as expansive as I’d like, equipping anything is a mess where you click “Equip” “Slot” “Type of equipment” “The Equipment” and now you’ve got that one slot done and couldn’t compare it effectively with all the options you had. Messy. I don’t recall the original version being better or worse so it’s something this psp version could have improved on.
4) Buying stuff! Kinda sucks! No fitting room like FFT, you buy thing and equip/compare thing LATER in your bag. It works too much like oldschool FF games where you go to the shop and just buy things to equip later- in a tactical game this is a pain. Having to look at the item, look at its stats, hold square and scroll to see what classes can equip it, try to remember what said class has equipped now, buy it or not.
It’s messy as hell.
5) And finally, as implied earlier, the classes are really kind of a disappointment because of the way skills work.
Like, as a whole, it’s because of that. Classes rarely learn anything valuable to another class, so you don’t really change around to learn those skills. Classes don’t bring too much to the table on their own, likely because a lack of transfer skills would mean 1 strong class would become the only class that matters. And all of them feel kind of one note because, again, lack of interesting skills and lack of transfer skills.
Warrior can spend tp to hit harder. Archer can spend tp to shoot harder. Wizards have spells. Clerics can heal. Rune can heal too AND hit so screw clerics. Knights can heal too AND hit AND are supposedly tanks but the ai and skill choices don’t really make this applicable but otherwise screw clerics. Terror knights can debuff and hit things. Berserkers can hit all forward tiles ahead of them in a pattern like this I believe it was
XXX XOX with the o being them, they spend tp to do this once btw. Dragoon learn specific tp costing skills that raise their attack against various monster types like beasts or dragons, basically they just hit things. Ninjas can dual wield and swing both weapons (Good!) Rogues can backstab (Good!) along with other thief like skills and even laying traps?! Beast Tamers just learn alternative recruit spells to bring in beasts and dragons and then empower them by spending tp to buff them- the whole beast thing seems too convoluted since it seems like tamers or otherwise buffing the beasts is needed for them to carry their weight.
And there are more classes I’ve yet to unlock but reading on them it isn’t too much we haven’t seen. Better mages, raising undead which sounds interesting, a dancer/bard equivalent.
Most classes simplify down to one action that is usually “Hit thing” or “I cast this type of spell” and that’s a little disheartening when FFT usually gave you a ton of options per class AND the ability to mix and match these skills on your units so you end up with a powerful spellcaster tossing damage and heals or a ninja monk or an archer time mage.
I’m sure I sound aggressively against all this- but no.
I get why, it’s a pretty incredible title for its time and it lead to FFT in the first place, I’m just seeing where some of the ideas didn’t pan out or where some of the ideas first started and would later evolve. And it’s REALLY fun in it’s own bubble- but I’d be lying if it mostly just makes me want some of the cut threads modded into FFT so FFT was even bigger.
Toss in ninjitsu into FFT as an alternative to thrown weapons! Ninjitsu in this game is basically the sword arts from samurai in FFT but who cares, give it to us twice!
Give Mediators more buffing abilities like what beast tamer apparently gets!
But there’s some overly critical of a breakthrough title nonsense from me that very few if any will have the patience to read. **I DON’T BLAME YOU LOL**
0 notes
sburbian-sage · 7 years
Prospitians and Dersites
A small list of all those cute carapacians and what role they have.
Artillery Deputy/Ace Dick/Angelic Dude
Alignment: Prospit
A short stout Prospitian, and one of the 3 agents for the golden planet. He, like the others, is willing to jump into action, and does a damn fine job of it, but is rather peculiar. He is very strong, but has an incredibly poor imagination and is not creative at all. Talking to him is poking a brick wall to find the Magicant. But he has his upside. Particularly, an access to lots of guns. He usually totes a tommy gun, a shotgun, or in some cases, a minigun. Don’t bring him for utility, befriend him for the dakka. He’s also great as a tank. But watch his health, because his special move is taking a shot directly in the gut.
AD’s imagination is so poor, the game doesn’t even know his recruitment parameters. Just try asking politely. I think you should try tootsie rolls?
In certain cases, AD will take the identity of Ace Dick when exiled and join a gang of investigators, which is really ridiculous, but still cool. His lack of imagination shows here because he makes a name instead of a title like his friends, but at least it fits the theme of being named AD.
If AD gets the Ring, he becomes the Angelic Dude, and will be very powerful. Unfortunately, his low imagination means he won’t use any of his powers to any great extent. He’ll still be hardy though.
Authority Regulators
Alignment: Any
What is pretty much the police. If you break the law, they’ll bust down on you. There’s 3 types, each with a rating matching the level of crime they solve. The first one is Petty Guards, for petty crimes like littering and squabbles. They look like regular carapaces in a suit. They are cutely inefficient, and actually kind of fun to mess with. The second type are Standard Guards, for standard crimes like assault, theft, and vandalism. They look a bit rougher, and will go to great lengths to finish the job. This makes them great allies, aces in the sleeve, and occasionally monkey wrenches. Then we get Serious Guards for serious crimes, like murder, mass destruction, and unpaid parking tickets. That might be a bug. They will solve problems with violence and guns if they have them. They also tend to be more of a problem for the player than anyone else. Keep in mind that the guards are called based on the seriousness of the crime, but if one is in the area they will come, regardless of their level. This results in Serious Guards threatening to kick your shit in for missing the trash can, and Petty Guards trying to stop a Rampaging Player.
These guys are made for comedic sociopathy.
If any of them come across The Ring, they will return it to the proper Royalty. However, Derse Guards will take a WK/WQ ring to Derse, while a Prospit Guard will take a BK/BQ Ring to Derse. Talk about lawful stupid.
Black King
Alignment: Derse
The main villain. He leads the Derse armies on the Battlefield and can always be found there. His armies are always destined to win and the game reaches its peak when the players challenge his claim to The Ultimate Reward.
Black Queen
Alignment: Derse
The Queen of Derse. Despite being presumably being married with the King, she seems to cavort with Jack Noir quite a bit. However, the SGRUB version explicitly states that Jack and Queen have a Kismesissitude, which includes polyamory, so she’s not cheating in SGRUB, while might be in SBURB. But nobody is stopping her, because the Queen is very powerful. In fact, a fully prototyped Queen will sometimes be more of a challenge than a fully prototyped King. Killing the Queen then the King is a challenge in Replayer circles. But you may want to do that later, as the Queen can give favours and even be asked for assistance. Just keep in mind that she is a vain beast, so be sure to be humble and compliment her every other sentence.
Courtyard Droll/Clubs Deuce/Capricious Demon
Alignment: Derse
One of the Derse Agents, but don’t worry. All he does is sit around and dance with his stupid hats and umbrellas, and get bullied by the other Agents. DD is probably the nicest because he just puts his cigarettes out on him. This one is marked with a Clubs, and he tends to settle disputes. SGRUB refers to him as a loose Auspistice, so him stopping you and a friend fighting is actually somewhat lecherous. Kinda. Regardless, he doesn’t look much, and his unassuming nature is his strength, as he can get by undetected and unexpected and do some serious damage, including theft. And if he gets his hands on explosives, you’re severely disadvantaged, if not dead. Knocking off his hat will stun him, so take advantage of it. And whatever you do, don’t get hit by his cane. It’s... upsetting.
You can actually recruit CD temporarily by wearing a hat and showing interest and knowledge in hats. Just don’t get addicted to hats. That’s a documented mental illness and it fucks up everything.
If he gets exiled, he will probably join a gang with the other Agents as their powder monkey. But if he gets the Ring, he becomes the Capricious Demon. If this is the case, he usually follows a plan of doing empowered tasks for the other agents, realizing he is more powerful, murdering all of them out of revenge, and then claiming The Ultimate Reward for himself. He will also gain a bit more pyromaniacal traits, and will blow up The Ultimate Reward. Stop him before he does this. Recruiting the other agents if they’re alive is best for this, but make sure they don’t betray you. 
Filching Rapscallion/Filthy Roughneck
Alignment: Derse
A lowly thief who lives in alleyways. He’ll probably steal things from you and the royalty, but mostly out of survival. Hell, if he gets the Ring, he won’t even think about putting it on, he’ll try to sell it. Despite his criminal nature, he’s actually nice, and can be called upon for help and even recruitment. You can trade your items and boondollars for his black market/stolen/illegal items, and feeding him a feast’s worth of food means he’ll be in your debt. In battle, he fights with a knife and can score brutal sneak attacks and backstabs. A little bit of a glass cannon, but an expert dodger. Any kills he lands also pays out more grist. He’ll eventually ask you to help him steal his Thief Armour from Prospit and Thief Knife from Derse, and doing so will net you lifetime loyalty, discounts, and his best armour and weapons. He’s one of my go-to NPCs. The only disadvantage is that he won’t enter jailhouses, buying from him is a Standard Crime, and him following you is a Petty Crime.
Draconian Dignitary/Diamonds Droog/Destructing Duke
Alignment: Derse
One of the Derse Agents. He’s the classy one marked with a Diamond. He is a slacker, and spends most of his time smoking and reading his newspaper. Please do not read the newspaper. On that note, troll girls, stay away, and human girls, don’t paint yourself grey. However, despite his slacking off and odd interests, he is a powerful man. He’s Jack’s second-in-command, and in SGRUB versions, his Moirail. He’s extremely charismatic, and can sweet-talk anyone, even some players! And if all fails, his pool cue and twin automatic rifles even the field. Be careful of this one. Even if you exile him, he does the same thing, just as Diamonds Droog, and he’s dressed better.
You can recruit DD by being a grey lady for uncomfortable reasons, but the more respectable way to do it is showing good taste in fine jazz, and lighting his cigarettes every once in a while. In addition to his regular traits, he boosts fraymotif power.
If DD gets the Ring, he’ll either hand it to Jack, or wear it himself and become the new boss, Destructing Duke. He’ll be Orcus on his Throne, and if he has to get up, he’ll salt the land. But SBURB is a game about chess. You’ll have to beat him at wits to get the drop on this man.
Hackneyed Genius/Hi-jinks Gunman
Alignment: Derse
A crazy dersite inventor, identifiable by his mustache (which he always pronounces as MOO-stash) and wearing of two monocles. He can be found in bunkers and other isolated places where he works on inventions. HG will never wear the Ring, instead choosing to study and test with it. He can be recruited by giving him some alchemy equipment. Doing so will allow you to buy alchemized equipment for Boondollars, but he also has combat use. He chooses to hang back and use guns, except they shoot weird things. This usually results in trick bullets and status effects. HG also does more damage against robotic targets.
Hegemonic Brute/Hearts Boxcars/Hulking Berserker
Alignment: Derse
The biggest Agent. Identifiable by how damn big he is by his Heart marking. He is not big on brains. This isn’t to say he’s a moron, but he knows where his strengths are (in his strength). He uses axes, but has also been known to use any big object around. Or cannibalism. He’s big on cannibalism. He’s mostly the muscle, and there isn’t much else to him. He is however really into flushed romance, and will ship the players and everyone else, so be wary.
You can recruit his strength by fulfilling his fantasies by acting lovey dovey with the person he ships you with, even if you fake it.
If he gets the Ring, he will put in on out of curiosity. If it fits his giant armoured sausage fingers, he will become the Hulking Berserker, freak out, and destroy the Incipisphere. It is nearly impossible for him to burn out. Just kill him. He is oddly weak to decapitation.
Jack Noir/Spades Slick/Sovereign Slayer
Alignment: Derse
The Big Man hass... the knif...
Jack Noir is the head of the Derse Agents. The only weapons he needs are his knives. If you anger him, it’s death by stabbing. Most Dersites have grown to fear that shadowy black Spade he wears. Jack Noir is going to be one of your biggest enemies. He thrives off violence and maybe even gets off of it, as he represents Kismesissitude. He’s even pining in black over the Queen. And you’re going to need him. He’ll help you take out the Queen, but make sure she doesn’t die, or he’ll stick your head outside his office as a testament to other players. He’ll also ask you favours to dismantle the Prospit royalty, and hands out infinite Regiswords that do more damage to royalty. Yeah, he just has infinite amounts, it’s a bug that he capitalizes on. As sharp as his knives.
If you exile him, he’ll just start fresh, but this time at the top as Spades Slick. He oft forms a gang known as The Midnight Crew, and they are cruelly efficient.
If Jack gets the Ring, mercy be upon you. The Sovereign Slayer will take the throne. All the thrones. The dead royalty pile will stack in a fast manner. And then he has all the power to take you lot out. It’s widely recognized that a Noir takeover is one of the hardest challenges in SBURB.
Recruiting Jack is a good option as he is powerful in the early game, respectable in the late game, and you’re close enough to betray him. The easiest way to recruit is doling out licorice scotty dogs. Yeah, I don’t know what those are either. So just take one for the team and get shanked. After you’re gushing blood, show reverence and respect for him, and you’ll get on his good terms. Humans and Red-Blooded Trolls have better chances as he’ll be inclined to shed his own blood and show how you two are the same. If you’re a troll session and you’re mutated, just flash him some hemoglobin and threaten the others with Jack if they get all cully.
Jack hates Clowns, will be enraged by them, and does extra damage to them.
Madame Domino
Alignment: Prospit (Zizi)/Derse (Zebra)
The Madames Domino are a a pair of twins. The Prospitian one lives on Derse and dresses in black and the Dersite lives on Prospit and dresses in white. HUH? I think they’re doing a switch or an “exotic musician” thing, because nobody notes them besides how good they are or how nice they look. The Dersite is named Zizi and the Prospitian is named Zebra. They’re pretty cool and make good jazz and pop respectively. Hanging out near them is good stress relief. They can also help make good fraymotifs on their downtime, but are otherwise unrecruitable.
Ms Paint
Alignment: Prospit
She’s a rather cute Prospitian who carries a bucket of paint. Humans think she’s just cute girl. Trolls are either disgusted or turned on. It doesn’t help that whoever made this game gave this single carapace boobs. Sometimes dimorphism is good. She also has a weird trait in that nobody can harm her. They all can’t harm such a cute person. Even Jack Noir, who can only feel hate and bloodlust, will go red for her.
Miss Taylor
Alignment: Derse
A timid lady in Derse who works in a clothing shop. Doing favours for her results in new outfits for you Dream and God Tier clothes. A fan favourite. However, there’s another aspect about her people like. She can be recruited, but has no combat capabilities. This is probably a glitch or bug or just mistake, but Guards and Dames can protect her and get bonuses for protecting someone. In fact, GodsGiftToGrinds, author of the SBURB Glitch Faq, actually noted that he survived a case of being the sole survivor of a Session Wipe by utilizing Miss Taylor. Listen to the real pros here.
Parcel Mistress/Parcel Mister
Alignment: Any
Not one carapace so much as multiple carapaces. These guys are WILD. The Mailing companies evidently hire ninjas because these guys will walk across Battlefields, angry Dream Moons, and places like the Land of Glaciers and Magma (because fuck convection) to deliver their mail. They will deliver. The mail will never fail. They also hand out mail-delivery quests, and these are some of the deadliest quests out there. In addition, they’re largely free spirits and will do anything. They can wear the Ring. They can kill players and royalty. They will deliver. Respect these guys.
Prospitian Sheriff/Problem Sleuth/Pulchritude Saint
Alignment: Prospit
The de facto head of the Prospit Agents. He walks around and investigates crimes from Petty to Serious in a hard-boiled manner. But he has a weird quirk in that he treats the petty crimes as Serious and the serious crimes as Petty. Still, good work ethic. He’s handy with a gun, and is otherwise average at everything else. He’s also been known to form a band of detectives and call himself Problem Sleuth.
PS can be recruited by giving him candy corn which is delicious fuck you, finding his flask for him, and unlocking him from his office. He is also fond of racially diverse murals. If you’re an all Alabaster Human session, that option is blocked. Troll Sessions give him an appreciation for hemospectum diverse murals.
If PS gets the Ring, he becomes the Pulchritude Saint. This is extremely powerful, as he also unlocks the [Sepulchritude] Hope ability and uses it. He can potentially use it in his regular form, but it’s hard to unlock. This man will become a beast. He will also eat every candy corn in the universe.
Psychic Initiate/Pickle Inspector/GodHead Pickle Inspector
Alignment: Prospit
The tallest Prospit Agent. He often spaces out and probably has some sort of mental issue or something because he isn’t entirely upstairs. However, he has access to magic powers, and is willing to help you focus your Aspect powers, as well as help the Royalty and assist PS when needed. 
He can be recruited with copious amounts of candy, but be careful, because he will burst with power.
If he gets his hand on the Ring, he becomes GodHead Pickle Inspector (regardless of if he ever was Pickle Inspector) and will quickly become beyond morality and just sit around, provide indirect help, and also regard the Universe. Note that he messes with the session and now you have to breed the Genesis Pickle, and everything gets made out of Pickle Inspector. Don’t worry about it. It’s also better to have a useless GodHead than an empowered Derse Royal/Rogue Agent, so don’t worry about him. He’ll do his own thing.
Relations Officer/Romance Official
Alignment: Prospit
An older Prospitian who is as weird and obsessed as HB, but without the muscle. He knows all about how people interact and facilitates what he calls a “shipping wall”. He’s mostly useless as he will only use the Ring to marry people off, but he does have one cool feature. The shipping wall can keep track of how everyone feels about each other, and Humans without access to the Replayernet can learn about Troll Romance from him.
Stupefied Warrior/Shambling Wrecker
Alignment: Prospit
A big man who stands around the halls of the Prospit Castle. He does guard duty, but if you bribe him with big legs of meat, say hello to some hired muscle. He’ll put anything in the ground with some brutal combat, and is a great tank. Just be aware that he will get stuck in doors.
Warweary Villein/Weakened Vanguard/Whelpish Viscount
Alignment: Any
A class of carapaces more than one person. They live on the battlefield, but they aren’t soldiers. They’re just trying to live, and will hide and starve all the while. They can be counted on to be help in tactician duties if you want to engage the Black King in war, but don’t hold up in combat. They can also experience trauma and PTSD. Help them, let them help you, but don’t break them.
White King
Alignment: Prospit
The leader of the Prospitians on the Battlefield. He’ll ask you for favours in the war that can be done for Reputation and other boons, but he is destined to lose. He may not always die, but he will fall, and his scepter will break. But in your times of need, if you assist him, he’ll be there to catch you.
White Queen
Alignment: Prospit
The Queen of the Prospitians. She stays on the golden planet to provide help and comfort to her subjects. She is a powerful ally, and can provide boons for help. Mutual assistance. She’s also central to a lot of quests, and responsible for most of the Festivals and Celebrations on Prospit. If she dies, the gold planet dies a little, irreparably. When asking things of her, be polite and courteous. She won’t reject or banish you, but she has a long memory.
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pseudoazn · 5 years
Top Mobile App Trends to Follow
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We have all seen how mobile and software development trends have shaped our lifestyles in recent times, solved major lifestyle problems and changed the way we live our lives with conveniences. Better still, Mobile App Development landscape is evolving rapidly to provide its users with a better experience.
The ongoing year 2019 is reaching its mid-point mark and will bring along introduction of cutting-edge approaches to mobile app development to ease a consumer’s vows.  The massive popularity of mobile applications offers an amazing opportunity for businesses to leverage it through business apps.
Without futher ado, lets delve into the top mobile app technology trends.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
Sluggish loading of a page can be frustrating for users and can show on your retention rate. In 2019, ‘page speed’ is likely to be the buzzword.
Every marketer understands the crucial effect of page speed on paid advertising and your conversion rates. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an ultra-light standard for web pages that can be loaded in less than a second on a mobile device.
Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) offer load times that are typically much quicker on a 3G connection—and are under a second on when it comes to mobile app usage. AMPs hold the promise of increasing the number of visitors and reducing the number of migration efforts for your app, thus higher CTR (click-through-rate).
On-Demand Apps and Services
The modern urban world relies invariably on on-demand services today. This is thanks to technology-centric businesses that have analysed consumer’s demands of immediate availability of goods and services.
These apps make consumer’s lives more resourceful by offering conveniences like meal deliveries, car-washing, laundry pick-up and car rentals among many more. There is a constant rise in various consumer demands.
This will present opportunities to create newer ways for giving users what they want in 2019, meaning new on-demand apps. Businesses need to work on UI/UX enhancements, mCommerce facilities, predictive analytics, and business bots to appease the users.
Location Based Services and Beacon Technology
Importance of location tracking in mobile apps is unparalleled today. Location tracking can help a business make their app content personalised, in-context thus promising an exceptional user experience.
Beacons work in close association with mobile apps to trigger particular messages or actions like push notifications based on set rules when a user is in proximity to the beacon. Beacon technology is based on using beacons to send location-specific offers and information directly to mobile devices.
Furthermore, motion sensing applications can protect users against anti-theft, power-saving, and offer security.
With rising adoption of smartphones and a booming retail sector, beacon technology market in India is likely to exhibit promising growth by 2019. According to the Beacon Technology Market research report by Global Market Insights, the market in India is estimated to reach over USD 25 million by 2019.
Global beacons market is expected …a CAGR of 61.50%.2019 would see the creation of more usable apps to work on beacons technology and make virtual guides and personalized information sharing smoother.
Cloud Apps
A mobile cloud application is a software program that is designed to be accessed over the Internet by many types of portable computing devices including cell phones, desktops and tabs. These apps use servers external to the mobile device, store data externally and can be accessed over the Internet with a browser.
Benefits of developing cloud-based mobile apps include reduced operational as well as hosting cost, expandable storage space, high level of productivity, and excellent uninterrupted performance. The global cloud applications mark…rom 2014 to 2019.
In 2019, developers will find themselves competing to make newer innovations in mobile-based cloud applications, reducing the cost of development along with the focus on security. The number of cloud solutions in the public and private sectors is likely to expand in 2019, with more organizations taking advantage of the ease and high-performance that the cloud guarantees.
The infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) market is predicted to reach $72.4 billion worldwide by 2020, according to Gartner.
Artificial Intelligence
AI has worked magic with its algorithms into the way we interact with technology. It enables devices to replicate intricate functions like an actual human brain.
AI develops an understanding of a user's habits and behaviour pattern making UX easier. AI technology has seen massive popularity among businesses developing new products and services.
Advanced analytics derived through AI can help businesses with valuable insights. The International Data Corporation… forecast period. Here already to revolutionize the way modern businesses churn out profits, AI is going to take 2019 by the storm.
Intelligent automation with the help of AI would work wonders for production and supply chain management thus streamlining the sales process. Business recruits can delegate certain responsibilities to AI, leaving ample scope for them to focus their own attention to core issues instead. With the use of AI, businesses can maximize their asset utilization rates. AI can also help to increase innovation and generate new revenue streams to increase profitability. AI and machine learning are being welcomed by organizations to build profitability and decrease operational expenses. It is important to note that AI is invariably grounded in mobile apps, so we can’t overlook the significance of mobile apps.
Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT)
Smart Things are essentially a mobile connected physical object that is embedded in software, sensors and electronics in the presence of network connectivity. We, as a generation, have learned the conveniences of using these smart things with our mobile phone through apps.
The gamut of IoT is expanding each day. Be it vehicles, wearable gadgets, RFID sensors and software; we have something new to marvel at each passing day.
The trend is likely to remain so in 2019. IoT objects can already collect as well as exchange data without any requirement of human interaction.
IoT has made many functions automated. Graduating from basic functions, the IoT network is growing to make new advancements.
In 2019, we can expect to see advancements in cloud technology and low-power sensors. According to a report by cssinsights, wearables Market to Be Worth $25 Billion by 2019.
App developers are going to revolutionize wearable devices, mostly smartwatches in 2019. There would be better, cost-efficient and readily available solutions for the end-users.
More and more mobile app developers are working on fresh ideas on how to track and analyse a user’s health and well-being, improve the overall quality of life.
Augmented Reality and Virtual reality
Virtual reality is a simulated environment created with help of computer technology. On the other hand, Augmented reality is a technology that takes a user’s actual surroundings into account to provide tips, suggestions and insights to initiate engagement.
AR is being used exceedingly by business apps to inform and guide their users into engagement activities. An article published on Newgwnapps.com claims that Augmented Reality is expected to acquire 1 billion users by 2020.
In 2019, we are likely to see the coming together of AR and VR to create user experiences that surpass the limitations of a digital screen. For instance, social media stations like Instagram and Snapchat are already using AR technologies in the form of face filters to engage its users to take more and more pictures.
More business will use these technologies in their branding and marketing campaigns to drive engagements and long-term customer retention. The use of VR in the field of healthcare for performing complex surgical procedures and operations is likely to see an upward swing in the following year.
iPhone app developers have been taking more advantage of AR and VR but android guys are expect to catch up in 2019.
2019 will bring along an era of mobile apps that offer conveniences, personalized solutions and unparalleled experiences to users. If you are a business aspiring to make big in the mobile application industry, these trends make a noteworthy case for you to develop your strategy ahead.
For more updates about the latest mobile app technology trends, you can look to this website.
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viewberry3-blog · 5 years
Magical Solution To Usual Behavioral Meeting Questions Identified
Behavior concerns are asked for to evaluate whether a person is an ideal fit for the task, group and firm, as well as are planned to see whether a work prospect's previous actions will certainly predict their upcoming performance. Behavioral and situational interview inquiries can be asked in different approaches to become at the similar information, which suggests you might not receive the exact questions listed below. In the previous area, you discovered 5 varieties of behavioral work interview questions and also the optimal technique to handle them. The questions are normally a little over the top' if you want my point of view. Situational concerns provide you with the chance to present your quick-thinking capabilities, as well as reveal hiring supervisors exactly how you reply to curveballs, which is crucial details when they're making a decision whether you're gotten approved for the placement. Situational meeting concerns concentrate on exactly how you are going to manage real-life scenarios you may encounter in the workplace, and the method you've dealt with similar problems in previous roles. They can be difficult to respond to due to the fact that they can be about almost anything and also you could never ever have encountered several of the obstacles. They will certainly explore your capacity to use your judgment to make the right choices. Situational sales interview questions have actually started to end up being extra usual with top-tier companies in several industries. The ideal way to plan for and also respond to behavioral concerns may be the STAR Approach, a strategy which aids your solutions actually shinebad word play here planned. Behavioral meeting concerns are a massive portion of the overwhelming majority of work interviews. Recognized and also situational meeting inquiries can be requested to become at the exact very same details, which typically indicates you will not get the inquiries listed below. Truths, Fiction as well as Common Behavioral Interview Questions Situation-based concerns are made to discover a proficiency or habits necessary for successful efficiency in the particular job prospect. Scenario-based interview inquiries have an interest in a benefit. Thesesituational interview questions are requested to establish the candidate's actual viability for the work possibility. Common Behavioral Meeting Questions - What Is It?
You have the ability to ask adhere to up questions like just how onboarding need to be managed and also exactly how efficiency should certainly be tracked. more information are a bit various. Exactly like behavioral interview concerns, situational interview questions will likely be asked in a meeting for virtually any type of job. When it involves sales situational interview questions, you might likewise be requested to roleplay. The most effective approach to respond to sales situational meeting inquiries is to give specific instances and also stay with the SAR design. New Questions Regarding Common Behavioral Meeting Questions Your solution must demonstrate exactly how you utilize your judgment to check out the situation and review information to find out why it occurred as well as what actions which you implemented to quit it from happening again. Another tough one, and also a remarkable answer hinges on the placement you obtain. Any effortless answer may be a warning. You simply want to make certain you are in ownership of a crystal clear solution which makes sense, and aligns with the brand you're attempting to share in the meeting. Provide an instance of when you had to get the job done. Your example must show how you find it feasible to select one of the most suitable approach to the scenario or person. It's possible to take instances of ideas and examples figured out by elderly supervisory leaders in your location. Usual Behavioral Interview Questions Features Job interviews can be stressful sufficient without needing to bother with whether they will certainly call for situational instances. Have actually persuading answers prepared for the behavior meeting questions you make certain to deal with in your job meeting. You are mosting likely to be gotten ready for that meeting right away! Situational meetings are likewise referred to as behavior meetings. https://is.gd/DvXjJT are a remarkable possibility to stand above the bunch. Likewise called behavioral meetings, a situational meeting is used by employers as well as hiring managers as an item of the work candidate examination strategy. The expression situational meeting is used to spell out a method that asks a job candidate to spell out how they acted in the past under a variety of situations or work environment circumstances. The Nuiances of Common Behavioral Meeting Questions Your recruiter would love to get a feeling of exactly how you'll respond to problem. In developing situational interview concerns, the interviewer should focus on the job summary and also make a checklist of the needed abilities as well as obligations. Your job interviewer intend to get a feeling of exactly how you might be probably to respond to dispute. You ought to be prepared to remain to conceal as well as also encourage the recruiter you could maintain one. The job interviewer wishes to know whether you have actually got the credentials, obviously, based upon education and past experience. http://bit.ly/2FQ7GQR or he wants to know if you are aggressive as well as able to create workable ideas. A superb job interviewer will certainly take copious notes in an attempt to capture the particulars of each solution.
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swelldomains · 7 years
6 nonprofit marketing challenges and how to overcome them
With the main emphasis of marketing for nonprofits being to reach and also involve with new and current supporters, it is very important to obtain the tone and messaging of any advertising project right. We share our top tips based upon our experience collaborating with Nisa Citizen's charity Making a Distinction Locally, AND ALSO professional recommendations shared from MacArthur Structure's Kalle Eko and Sprout Social's Jillian Eyl's webinar on How Nonprofits Can Fingernail It on Social to guarantee you get your advertising and marketing strategy right for this extremely specific market.
Be aware of the challenges
It must be lovely marketing a charity: doing great with every tweet, getting in touch with genuinely interested individuals, raising recognition without necessarily should raise a revenue. Yes, however advertising and marketing for a non-profit organisation can also include its difficulties.
Marketing for nonprofits can be perceived as difficult for a number of reasons:
Sensitivity is paramount. Just how far can you "push" a sensitive message on social media sites, for example, without creating offence - however much the reality, message or photo represents the "chilly, tough reality"?
It's not about you. Those curious about the cause could dislike promotional advertising and marketing centred entirely around the organisation. It's implied to be about the people/ cause the organisation is assisting, after all.
There's better emphasis on CTAs. Numerous organisations are able to push CTAs that have some level of substantial advantage for the customer. "Visit this site to go into" typically comes with possibility to win, "purchase this item" clearly provides the consumer with the item they desire. Charitable organisations rely pretty greatly on the goodwill of their followers - sharing messages, fundraising, giving away ... the emphasis has to be on attracting people's altruism, instead of self-interest.
The budget plan is commonly much smaller. A charitable organisation isn't about earning money to include in the large ol' wonderful advertising pot - actually, tossing cash behind large print or digital projects and also boosted social blog posts is likely going to be a no-no, particularly for smaller sized nonprofits. The emphasis is always going to get on the reason the organisation is elevating money to sustain or raise awareness for. Simple. Consequently, discovering means to produce appealing, innovative campaigns with little spending plan to create web sites, artwork or increase social blog posts is a big obstacle to get over and needs lots of creative.
The marketing group is, as a result, also much smaller. Utilizing the same logic as the factor above, it's unlikely tiny nonprofits will have greater than a few individuals functioning on an advertising and marketing campaign. As we all know, nobody can produce magic alone, and commonly the most significant obstacles a nonprofit marketing expert will certainly encounter is discovering space to bounce concepts around and also obtain to that gold nugget of a campaign without a large group of differing talents to collaborate with. On an extra positive note, a one guy band can make one hell of a noise.
How you stand out amongst the active social media landscape. Not only to nonprofits have to stand out amongst various other nonprofits, they're additionally campaigning together with big corporations with big money to spend on free gifts, social boosting as well as costly campaigns. Yelling loudest might get you heard, having some real heart behind a campaign can function like magic.
These "obstacles" are, of training course, overcomeable with a thoroughly thought about marketing approach. Below are our leading 10 ideas for getting the equilibrium right when it involves advertising and marketing for nonprofits ...
How to conquer those challenges by understanding your goals, your target market ... as well as keeping your messaging consistent
Are you making use of marketing to raise following, improve understanding, recruiting volunteers or to assist elevate funds?
Once objectives have actually been established, you could attempt to reach them. If you're making use of email marketing to recruit volunteers, do not try cross-messages such as including blogs regarding exactly how much loan the organisation has elevated that month ... unless it will pertain to possible volunteers, that is. Objectives are a challenging one as they are so typically intertwined. Nevertheless, it is essential to exercise top priorities and adhere to them.
Use social media to enhance a wider marketing technique - probably just make use of social media with the purpose to engage and link with fans, as opposed to attempting to increase donations with click Facebook, as an example. Usage social media sites to advertise various other things going on within the organisation, whether that be relevant staff or company news or promoting an event. Do not forget to include links back to your web site, too.
Develop target market personalities to ensure your advertising to your excellent advocates. Exactly what are their values? Why would they support your charity? Use understanding devices on social media to learn that your on-line target market is - does this pair up with your suggestion audience persona? If not ... why?
Create a marketing technique centred around the target market you currently recognize so well, publishing the type of information you believe they would certainly care about and, most significantly, keep in mind as well as share.
It's all about the people
As well as placing the focus on the individuals behind the organisation via the companies have social channels, create engagement with user produced material, as well. If a customer shares a touching story with you, make certain you utilize it as well as credit score them.
People will always attach with as well as empathise with people, not always the brand's airbrushed version of the individuals they assume their audience will want to see. Connect, dig deep as well as locate actual tales that will generate actual engagement.
Post material your audience will respect and find helpful. Valuable informative video clips or short how-to listicles always drop a treat when shown the relevant audience. Think of connecting and truly making a distinction to the people who follow your organisation. They do, besides, appreciate you.
Tell a story
Everyone enjoys a great tale. Have a look at Humans of New york city as an example. The story behind these messages is involving since it reaches out to people - it's real, touching as well as genuine. Don't feel as though blog posts have to be limited to a brief paragraph on Facebook or 140 personalities on Twitter.
Take as much time as you require on Facebook and Instagram - find the heart of your story as well as form the article around it. Has somebody's life been changed through the job of your organisation? I reckon that is worthy of more compared to a few lines of content. On Twitter, create a picture having the complete tale and conserve your 140 characters for a fast summary or to mark relevant accounts.
Never feel hurried or limited, especially when it pertains to advertising for nonprofits. The people that will care concerning your organisation will respect exactly what you need to say.
Use data effectively
Stats are a quick, aesthetic means to share an impactful fragment of info. Obtain a memorable style buffooned approximately show the stat so it doesn't obtain lost among feeds of copy.
Be imaginative with your information - use infographics to earn a whole bunch of statistics stand out by collating them and putting them done in one place for your fans to consume quickly and aesthetically.
Data is additionally very shareable. People like an excellent stat because it's punchy, measurable, conclusive and interesting. To increase on this possibility, make certain your statistics are phrased in an appealing, clear method and maintained concise.
You could make use of information properly another way as well ... by tracking your success. The amount of individuals have viewed your blog site ... as well as exactly how far down the page have they scrolled? Just what was your most successful social post, and also why do you assume that is? Can you do more of it? Bridgett Colling, Supervisor of Material Advertising at See3 Communications states: "if you place goal monitoring in your Google Analytics, you could see the number of references actually resulted in somebody finishing a donation."
Be visual
Yup, be visual with your stats. Additionally think about how you can make use of video clips and also photos. They're highly impactful on social media, on internet sites as well as on blog sites, so never ever lose out on the chance to consist of some top images to highlight a story or aesthetically demonstrate an essential point.
According to Social Bakers, video articles have 135% higher natural reach compared to photo posts so it's most definitely not a technique to be missed!
Don' t stress over high-grade photos at all times, either. Typically a picture or video taken from a smart phone is better than no imagery at all!
Use offline as well as internet marketing collaboratively
This one works both methods. At an occasion and also want your electronic audience to obtain involved? Share your real-time videos online. Wanting your event attendees to get in touch with you digitally?
Use a hashtag to motivate involvement on social media.
Similarly, you can get to out to routine advocates/ benefactors as well as ask them to attach with you online. Why deficient very easy for them as well as offer read-to-go social media posts as well as graphics, so sharing them is an extremely fast procedure? If there's a particularly crucial web link or campaign you would certainly like people to share, distribute this amongst vital participants of the organisation so they understand your effort, and they could also involve on-line themselves. Supporters and also an interior group that use social networks regularly could help generate rather of a snowball result - the even more people who share your organisation's messages, the more individuals see those messages.
Keep it in the front of your mind in all times how you can increase your chance, both online and offline, and also just how you could combine these two globes together.
Consider your CTAs
What specifically are you asking people to do?
Sign up to a request or newsletter
Donate money
Visit a website
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Finally, ensure you award those who help your trigger by thanking them and also interacting with them. This means, individuals are even more likely to promote your charity's cause more often as they feel awarded and observed. The positivity cycle is endless!
Be creative
Okay, this is an evident one, but possibly one of the most essential indicate remember. Think about fun projects that are truly going to catch your fans' interests as well as locate exciting methods to share your message.
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And finally ... it's about the positivity.
Even if the reason is much from cheery, it's up to marketing professionals to locate some hope and also positivity to commemorate. Share terrific stories that show the genuine difference the charitable organisation is making. Find positive statistics and yell about them.
Celebrate the distinction the charitable organisation has actually made, to show the result of your fans' efforts. If fans get in touch with you to share stories, ideas or photos, make certain to share them with your wider circles.
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preussischen-a · 8 years
Prussian Gym Features, 1/3
all right so since my giant writeup of Prussian Gym layouts that I promised here is already six pages long and only around halfway done, i’m gonna split it into parts.
So let’s get started, now shall we? :3
List of Specialized Strategies
This is a quick guide to the core tactics used in Preuzien’s Gym system. Some of the strategies—Aura Control, Play to the Field and Unpredictability—could apply to any Prussian League match, so these labels are only given to the Gyms that are more reliant on those strategies than the others.
Aura Control: The manipulation of pure Aura is the bedrock of Pokémon battling, so the Gyms that specialize in these are essentially a “back to the basics” experience. If your fighting foundation isn’t completely solid, you won’t even get through the League, let alone these Gyms. These strategies are the proof that simplicity can be the key to victory.
Fast Match: Blink and you miss it--the chance to win, that is. In these Gyms, knocking out your opponent quickly isn’t just a matter of preference, it’s a matter of survival; if you don’t do it, they’ll do it to you. 
Guerilla Warfare: Just when you thought you had it easy, maneuvering your well-trained Units around to the best possible positions, these Gyms pretty much automatically disable all of your stylized strikes. Guerilla warriors have long been the bane of their more organized counterparts, and these Gyms are designed to push your strategic thinking to the limit.
Hex Mania: The most common feature of the Ghost, Dark and Fairy Gyms, although a few others enjoy using it as well. Note that a hex (or any other “magical” action) is defined as the ability to alter the state of another thing, living or nonliving, with the use of only spirit-based (usually Ghost-, Dark- or Fairy-based) moves, Abilities and/or Aura. (Example: Using Toxic by flinging a glob of poison at an opponent is a move, but using Ghost Aura to poison them just by looking at them is a hex.) These are quite nasty to the Prussian who prizes brute force, especially with their sheer complexity.
Play to the Field: Battles in which the Gym Leader is particularly reliant on the Terrain, or certain Weather conditions. Sometimes, “play to the field” on your part can be the wrong way to think about this, however, because when the field is set for the Gym Leader’s advantage, playing to the field will mean playing their game.
Science Is Power: The Gym Leader in this Gym is particularly knowledgeable about science, and will use that knowledge in matches. A “science” strategy is one which utilizes any knowledge that comes from a physical source, rather than spiritual (Aura and hexes).
Unpredictability: Though it can be said that every battle is unpredictable, these Gyms rely on the element of surprise in a marked way that isn’t just Guerilla Warfare. Usually it’s about flexibility of tactics rather than strategy--the Pokémons’ movements are hard to pin down, though their overall style may remain unchanging.
War of Attrition: Mimics the Precision Phase in the Prussian National Tournament. Differentiates itself from Guerilla Warfare because War of Attrition Gyms don’t drag fights out by darting in and out of the shadows—they’re more famous for tanking everything you throw at them and sending it right back head-on.
Specialized Strategies: War of Attrition, Science Is Power, Aura Control, Play to the Field
The Bug-type may have many weaknesses, but surviving even the harshest environments isn’t one of them. In this Gym, literally any natural Terrain featured in the League or exclusively in other Gyms is fair game, because bugs come from all over the world, making it one of the most unpredictable. In addition, wild Pokémon are allowed free rein here, and will not necessarily leave once the battle starts; they may attack your Pokémon, or you may recruit them to attack the Gym Leader’s.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: Bug is the weakest Type, so this is the easiest Gym. However, most Prussian Trainers find that the Bug Gym is actually the hardest to get through. It’s because the Pokémon have so many resistances that they were incentivized to become some of the strongest Bugs on Earth, so challengers go in with all the advantageous type matchups only to realize that these things just will not die. One wouldn’t expect it, but the only Gym whose Pokémons’ skill surpasses the Bug Gym’s command of multifarious Typed Auras is the Fighting Gym—and the test that these Bugs with ordinarily poor defense will give is a war of attrition. Because Bug represents an entire category of life, and the Bug Leader uses all of the scientific knowledge about Auras and the Bug-type at their disposal. You do not simply squoosh an entire category of life just because you think it’s easy.
Specialized Strategies: Hex Mania, Unpredictability, Play to the Field
This Gym was specifically made to force well-drilled Prussian Units to confront their deepest fear: uncertainty. Most peoples’ advice is to not even prepare for this fight and to simply “do one’s best,” because the uniqueness of the Ghost Gym infallibly wrong-foots even the most thorough planners. With the help of a third party’s Ghost- and ???-type hexes, the entire Gym was built to mimic the Distortion World, and it does so with aplomb. Pokémon vanish and reappear with body parts trapped in plastic platforms. Spirits and hallucinations of them melt in and out of the mist, catching you off-guard with the voices of panicked teammates before they either disappear or strike. Trainers call out orders to Pokémon standing mere feet away, but somehow they aren’t heard.
The hexes change with each match to change the distortion physics there, so you can’t figure out the patterns just by watching others battle—and what’s more, battle footage in this Gym is incredibly unreliable due to the fact that Ghost Aura is infamous for messing with all sorts of electronic equipment. It doesn’t help that this Gym was built near the site where Valhallor and Wyrdweaver Friedrike combined, which irrevocably altered the fabric of space-time—that’s what made the “Distortion World hexes” even work in the first place. However, the Achilles heel of the Gym lies in the fact that its hexes are set by a third party: you may not know what the hell is going on here, but neither does the Leader. The winner is the person who figures out the puzzle first, and uses it to defeat the opposing Unit.
Specialized Strategies: Fast Match, Play to the Field
If Germany had active volcanoes, the Fire Leader would pull a Blaine and host their Gym inside one. But since it doesn’t, they had to settle for “making” one of their own. The oppressive heat (it’s 100 degrees Fahrenheit in there) causes Sunny weather to last for longer than usual, and has also been known to cause dehydration—and as if that weren’t enough, the battlefield is set to burn beneath one’s feet. Here you could face the Lava Plains, Scrub Desert, Savanna (beware of flash fires!) and even Pure Metal and Pure Asphalt fields (because we know how hot those can get on a sunny day). Strangely, it’s the Pure Metal and Pure Asphalt fields that give people most of the trouble, because at least the other Terrains have exploitable landmarks and Aura—Pure Metal and Pure Asphalt just end up as these burning, useless tracts of land that only Fire-, Ground- and Rock-types can even put their feet down on. God help you if you roll both in the RNG.
The Fire Gym’s most obvious strategy is to nix Water-types with its hostile environment, forcing the opponent to rely on Ground and Rock to make them more predictable—and to make them more vulnerable to Sunny Day + Solarbeam. But like the Ice Gym, which is the same except it’s in the cold, the Fire Gym also trains people to work under immense pressure, perhaps more pressure than any other Gym. Both Trainer and Pokémon are at risk of dehydration during the match, and the heat waves make it easier for the opposing Pokémon to create mirages while being immune to mirage effects. “Flash burns” also occur frequently; challenger Pokémon often receive the Burn status condition just by being in such a hot environment. Here, you must either fight quickly or lose—people say that if you haven’t won within the first ten minutes, all is lost.
Specialized Strategies: Unpredictability, Aura Control, Play to the Field
This Gym is special not because of the field, but because of what lies below it. Terrains exist as per usual: Parkour, Pure Metal, Pure Asphalt, Jungle, Ice Floes or Cliffs—but the Terrain fields are much smaller than usual for a reason. Actually, the Terrain sits on floating platforms above a massive sea of Q-type Aura that any Pokémon can manipulate to its advantage. The Q Aura “sea” is actually a giant pit filled with Aura, too thick to fly or swim through without manipulating, 40 feet deep with a titanium bottom and a 10-foot drop from the platforms into the Aura sea. It’s possible to ride on the Aura if you touch it and turn it into an Aura of your own typing, which is pretty much how you fight here. But if you’re not good enough at Aura control, you’ll just fall into it and get stuck, and don’t think the Gym Leader will help you retrieve a Pokémon because if it gets stuck in the Aura pit, it’s your own damn fault for not training it.
Why this Aura theme, and not a theme of like, weightlifting or something? Easy. Because as I hc from Lucario’s abilities, all Fighting-types are experts at controlling Auras, and they are the most adept type at learning how to manipulate Auras other than that of their own type. Because of its setup, this Gym is the one that gives challengers the most freedom with which to choose their tactics because there’s a huge vat of Aura that you can do anything with. The Fighting Leader is not about forcing you to fight in a particular fighting style like some of the other Gyms, but rather seeing what you can do with the style you have. However, one needs to keep in mind that the Leader gets the same flexibility of strategy as you do—so you need to keep your options open and be versatile.
Specialized Strategies: Play to the Field, Guerilla Warfare, Aura Control
Similar to Water and Bug, Grass has a wildly varying terrain because plants are so darn adaptable. This Gym features Marsh, Savanna, Jungle, Coniferous Forest and even Icy Tundra, and also a special field where Grassy Terrain is already set up (Preset Grassy Terrain). The general rule is that if there’s a Terrain condition for the type specialty, one of the randomly generated field choices is a Terrainless field with a permanently sustained Terrain Condition.
The Grass-types here are experts at manipulating the life energy of the plants, making them grow and shrivel at will. They will plant Leech Seeds on you without you or your Pokémon even realizing it, and you will only know when your Pokémon suddenly collapse from the exhaustion of being drained. They can pass stat boosts to each other through the environment, and also use it to steal yours. They are even able to use moves like Synthesis and Ingrain without “planting roots” because they can tap directly into the Grass Aura to heal themselves continually—and if they do choose to plant roots, watch out, because they will use that to turn their healing move into an attacking move. This Gym often doesn’t feel like a fight against Pokémon, but rather a fight against nature itself; of the Gyms with conventional Terrain, it plays up the use of Terrain to an advantage more than any other except perhaps Fire and Ice. In addition, this Gym has the same wild Pokémon feature as the Bug Gym, which adds another dimension to your strategic thinking.
Now, how to beat this Gym? Well, since it’s so heavily Terrain-reliant, you should try to alter the terrain. But the Grass Leader will be expecting that. And they will do anything in their power to turn your changes against you.
Specialized Strategies: Guerilla Warfare, Play to the Field, Science Is Power, Fast Match (arguably)
This is another Gym that doesn’t follow the regular Terrain rules. The entire Electric Gym is a puzzle made in a Chargestone Cave-like layout with pockets of Preset Electric Terrain. The Electric Gym really throws challengers for a loop because not only is it 6v6, it is also specifically designed to disorganize even the most well-put-together units—which is something that the Prussian Training School doesn’t really teach about how to handle. You know how people will scream “DON’T SPLIT UP” at the protagonists in a horror movie? It’s sort of like that, except you’ll be screaming it constantly in your head to yourself as the Gym Leader’s tactics force you to split again and again and again. 
The objective of this Gym is to make one’s way into the center of the complex, where the box holding the Badge is held; once you get a hold of that, you’ve won. But there are no maps, no help is provided, and you have to do it before your Pokémon tire out. Disabling the field’s electrical and magnetic properties is your best bet, but like many other Gym Leaders, the Electric Leader is a scientist--if you play by their rules, they’ll have your number, and they’ll eventually counter whatever field changes you make.
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