#also in my head there would've been an epilogue with erik and eva grown up in the human world showing signs of dragon / shek and unicorn
"Suggest how you might resolve the staging difficulties inherent in a production of Ibsen’s Peer Gynt." if you get the reference I'd love you forever, but it's not the question for this week. Here it is: If you could change the way any movie/play/book was made, which one would you change? how?
i don't understand the reference sorry 😔😔😔
at first i was gonna talk about glee or skam españa but i don't want to open that can of worms so i'll talk about memorias de idhún instead hehe
i re-read the whole thing again after being obsessed with it as a preteen last year i think? and i realized the most annoying thing about it was the love triangle, ESPECIALLY in the third book. basically, by the end of the series the love triangle is resolved with a very weird polyamorous relationship, and that's exactly how book 2 ends; book 3 just rehashes the same issues the characters had in that love plot once again and it becomes really tiring. so, i would keep everything the same until book 3, and instead of rehashing everything, i would spend more time developing jack and kirtash's relationship with one another. i just want them to not be mortal enemies basically, i think that would help lol. i actually really enjoy the main plot in that book so i would only change the love triangle stuff. oh and i would explicitely state that they're in a polyamorous relationship, i would really focus on that as well :)
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