#the pregnancy tho... no <3
soulsilvers · 5 months
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top ten reasons why red is THE MOST BADASS trainer in the pokemon franchise NUMBER ONE he gets that man pregnant!!
green and red still have the energy and room for one more <3 that wish proves itself to be.. fruitful.
(yes this subject matter can possibly piss off some tumblr catholic. blacklist the pregnancy tag if this is not your thing or block me. thank you for your co-operation.)
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kana7o · 1 year
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May Sketches!
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blaithnne · 10 months
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I’m literally fine I don’t care its not even that big of a deal it’s whatever who’s Hilda
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skyloftian-nutcase · 19 days
Link sighed, listening to the crickets as he laid in the grass. Sonia was napping peacefully, a gentle, grounding weight pressed against his chest as she laid on top of him. Occasionally he tipped his head to kiss her hair, smiling at the golden curls.
They’d played all afternoon and into the evening, which technically meant she’d missed her afternoon nap. That would likely come back to bite him (or the nannies), but she was sleeping now, right? He couldn’t say no to her, honestly – they were having so much fun, and he… well, it seemed he had little impulse control when it came to his daughter. Perhaps they were both toddlers, he mused with a smile.
His mind wandered as he rested. His recent visit to Hemisi was still weighing him down, frustrating and freeing and terrifying and painful as it was. He didn’t particularly like that he couldn’t remember what had happened after they’d started drinking (surely… surely nothing too terrible—as wild as Hemisi could be, his dear friend also had principles as well… and they’d woken up in separate rooms, fully dressed…), hated that he’d let himself lose control like that, hated it even more knowing that Zelda had likely figured it would happen.
Zelda. He still couldn’t believe she’d—how could she—
Link bit his lip. He didn’t know why he was surprised, honestly. Zelda had been ordering him around since their marriage, since he’d enslaved himself and then made himself thoroughly useless.
He knew he hadn’t been doing the queen any favors. His mere acceptance of the proposal had helped her, of course—the Sheikah had been brought back into unity, the Sage of Shadow had pledged her loyalty to Zelda as a result, the people had seen it as a sign of destiny itself that everything would be fine—but since then… he’d only just recently started to step up once more. He knew that. He wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t like Zelda hadn’t been struggling and trying to rebuild a nation by herself.
But it still hurt that she would start treating him like she did the nobles. Link wasn’t an enemy, damn it. It wasn’t the fact that she’d sent him to the desert that bothered him, it was that she’d had an ulterior motive without telling him, and she’d wanted to manipulate Hemisi as well. He would not stand for that.
Sighing, the king consort rested his hand overtop his daughter’s back, trying to settle himself and only feeling bitter. He’d thought maybe their relationship was improving after he’d finally started helping, after the incident with House Ishita. He supposed he’d been wrong.
Perhaps I’m just not doing enough, an old, familiar anxiety whispered. He ignored it. That anxiety had driven him to tear himself apart his entire life, seeking the approval of others. He was sick of it. He was so sick of it.
It was foolish to assume everything would be fine. Almost four years had passed since their wedding, and neither of them had really been an admirable spouse. But as he looked down at his daughter once more, Link felt his heart soften a little. At least something good has come of it.
His mind betrayed him a moment, thoughts lingering on Hemisi for too long, wondering what it would have been like to have children with her, and he shook his head as his hand slid off his daughter. It did him no good to linger on such sentiments. He knew that by now. Why couldn’t he just accept the position he was stuck in, that he’d put himself in? Why did he have to be so angry, so hurt, so lonely? Fear gripped at his heart as he looked away from Sonia, the same fear that partly drove him to avoid her when she’d been born, because what if he took that hurt and anger out on her? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. It wasn’t her fault she was born into these circumstances.
He should have never gone to the desert.
Footsteps approached, moving at a pace that put him on edge. It wasn’t quite running, but it certainly wasn’t a casual gait.
“Your Majesty,” a guard called as he approached.
Link sat up immediately, holding Sonia so she wouldn’t be too jostled, face hardening. This couldn’t be good.
“Sire, it’s—it’s the queen,” the guard stammered breathlessly. “She’s collapsed—”
Before the guard could get another word out, Link was on his feet. “What happened? Where is she?”
Link heard council room and then taken to her quarters and moved quickly, handing off his half-asleep daughter to the nanny at the entrance to the castle. It didn’t take him long to reach Zelda’s room, and he saw her laying in bed looking paler than ever, Lady Impa at her side with a hand on her forehead.
“What’s wrong?” Link asked as he approached the bed.
“The healer said she’s sick and worn herself out,” Lady Impa answered.
“I’m f-fine,” Zelda mumbled, looking anything but fine. Her usually perfect curls were plastered to sweaty skin, bags under her eyes, face drawn and exhausted. “You can go, Link.”
Link glared at her. “I’m not leaving. You look awful.”
Zelda’s brow furrowed a little, eyes remaining closed, mouth pulling into a frown. “I’m ordering you to leave.”
Link felt his body stiffen, irritated and hurt. He wasn’t going to leave her while she was like this! But she clearly didn’t want to deal with him, and just her having the gall to order him around—
Link bit his tongue while Lady Impa looked between the royal couple, worry and sympathy in her gaze. It wasn’t her place to speak up against the queen, and she knew that. Link, however, was reaching a point where he didn’t care anymore, where he didn’t want to keep repeating this cycle any longer, and he knew exactly how to get to her.
“You’re keeping Lady Impa from her duties,” Link said curtly.
Impa immediately stiffened. “Taking care of you two is my duty, Link.”
“As are the Sheikah,” Link reminded her firmly as he watched Zelda open her eyes. “I don’t really do much around the castle, in case you hadn’t noticed, except for take care of the royal family. Given that Zelda falls into that category, it makes more sense for me to care for her so you can continue helping others. Wouldn’t you agree, Your Majesty?”
The queen frowned further. Link smiled. He had her and he knew it, and it made him feel vindicated; it was fairly common throughout his life for people to assume he couldn’t think for himself because of his quiet and obedient nature, and he knew Zelda had probably started assuming the same, so it felt good to prove her wrong. Just because he bowed over to her all the time didn’t mean he was a fool.
When the queen couldn’t come up with an argument, Link waved Impa off. “Just tell me what she needs. I’ll handle it.”
His chief sighed, glancing at Zelda once more, and then rose. Link knew that Impa was just as fiercely protective and caring for Zelda as she was for him, if not more so, but if finding a way to essentially get her out was the only way for him to take care of the queen, then he would do it. He’d apologize to her later.
“The healer’s convinced it’s just a bad cold, but given…” Impa stopped, glancing at the queen once more. “She’s… just overworked herself.”
Link watched the Sheikah chief quietly. There was more to it than that. He didn’t push, though. Not yet. Nodding, he thanked her and then sat at Zelda’s side.
“I don’t need anything,” the queen said quietly, tiredly, as Lady Impa looked at them one last time from the doorway.
“Your Majesty,” Impa called from where she was half out of the room. “Please, just… let him help you.”
Link glanced over at his chief, giving a small nod of gratitude, and then she left, closing the door behind her. The pair was silent, and Link suddenly wasn’t entirely sure what to say next. The last time they’d spoken was when he’d snapped at her in the throne room upon his return from Gerudo Desert, and that had been a week ago.
He definitely had no right to be here. But he also knew Zelda, like him, would hardly accept help from anyone. She somehow trusted people even less than he did.
“You know, when I was younger I fell prey to the same issues,” Link noted, leaning back in the chair. “I pushed myself too much, and I… learned it didn’t do me much good to not accept help.”
His heart twisted for a moment, recalling that the help came from Hemisi and Merovar, from Ganondorf. That had been a lifetime ago.
He still wondered if that monster had ever cared at all. Probably not. It didn’t matter anymore, anyway. He was gone, and with his soul split into four pieces, the primordial evil that he’d bound himself to would never return, either.
It shouldn’t still hurt, after all these years, should it?
Link shook his head. Not now. It wasn’t like Hemisi didn’t have it infinitely worse than him. He had no right to mourn anymore.
“Spare me your anecdote,” Zelda snapped tiredly. “I know I got myself into this. I’m not a child.”
“You’re right,” Link bit back. “You’re not a child, yet you choose to act like one.”
Zelda sat up, eyes opening, glaring at him weakly. “I’m not the one who lost my temper last week.”
“I’m not the one who lied to my spouse, manipulating her to make someone else fall in line with my wishes,” Link retorted before realizing this was quickly spiraling in the wrong direction. He took a calming breath, slow and steady. “Look. I… I still don’t agree with what you did. But can we put that aside to just focus on now? It doesn’t matter our opinions on what happened, you’re sick and you need to rest.”
“I don’t see how that involves you.”
“Perhaps because you look like you can hardly get out of bed,” Link snapped. “Perhaps because you probably will not be able to attend to your duties in the morning—”
“I will attend to my duties in the morning,” Zelda insisted, laying back down, voice shaking, and though she glared defiantly at the canopy of the bed, he could see fear starting to trickle in. She looked on the verge of tears.
Link didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to get through to her. He tried for one of her redeeming qualities. “Look. Hyrule needs you to be strong, but you can’t always do that all the time. The best way you can help your people is to rest.”
Zelda’s lip wobbled, and she closed her eyes as the tears quietly slid down the sides of her face. Link slipped a hand into hers, and thankfully she didn’t pull away.
“C-can… can I see Sonia?” She asked quietly.
Link’s thumb traced along the back of her hand. “In the morning, okay?”
For once, she didn’t argue. But the tears continued to fall.
Link frowned at it, feeling his chest hurt. As much as they didn’t get along, he hated seeing her like this. “I’m sorry.”
Zelda started to sob. Link’s eyes widened a little, alarmed, and he pulled away from her touch to grab a handkerchief for her. Helping the queen sit up, he let her lean against him as she buried her face in the cloth.
“I’m a—a t-terrible mother,” she cried.
Link wasn’t quite sure what to say all of a sudden. Zelda did try to be there for Sonia, but honestly the couple spent so much time avoiding each other that he wasn’t entirely sure how often she saw her. Sonia did talk about her mother, though, so that had to count for something. “She loves you, Zelda.”
The queen cried even harder, losing all composure, and Link finally just wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.
“I don’t—I don’t know if I—if I can do this again,” she gasped between sobs.
Do… again…? Link stiffened, glancing down at his wife. “Are… are you pregnant?”
Zelda tried to halt her tears and cries, tensing up, but there was no denying it now. It explained her cold, defensive demeanor, her sudden burst of emotion, Impa’s hesitancy to leave. She was not only pregnant, she hadn’t wanted him to know.
Link swallowed, blood freezing.
That had to be the case, didn’t it? They hadn’t been physically intimate since their tour of Hyrule, and that was months ago. She must have known for a while, based on what little he did know of the process.
Unless, of course, she had found someone else to take to her bed, and that was why she had sent Link to be with Hemisi. He wasn’t sure if he should feel insulted or not. But no, it made no sense – Zelda didn’t trust anyone enough to let a man into her life like that. The only reason she and Link had a daughter was out of duty.
So the child was his. And she’d hidden it from him.
Link took another steadying breath as so many different thoughts washed over him. He bypassed that initial realization, just thinking about the fact that she was pregnant again.
Could either of them handle that?
He supposed they had to. Their actions had created the baby, after all. His actions more than anything – although Zelda had never said no to his advances, he had always been the one to instigate them on their trip across the kingdom, a means of physical release from being paraded around like a doll.
This was his fault.
Well. Technically, Zelda had been the insistent one for their first child, had always been the one to push for the matter. So… he supposed this evened things out?
Her first pregnancy. Sonia. Link hadn’t even looked at Zelda since finding out she was pregnant, not until that awful baby shower. He hadn’t looked at his daughter until six months after her birth.
Link swallowed, overwhelmed, and held her more tightly. “You’re not doing it alone this time.”
Zelda glanced up at him, fear dissolving into pure, utter vulnerability. She was so exhausted. He felt all the worse seeing it. Link tried to smile, and it only made her cry once more, burying her face into his neck.
Link hushed her gently, closing his eyes, heart racing, reeling at the fact that this was how he found out, that she was actually willing to hide it from him. Just how broken was their trust if…?
He should know better. She’d manipulated him anyway, time and again, steadily growing subtler and seemingly more sinister as a result. How was this any different?
It involved their child. That was how it was different.
Link hadn’t been involved with Zelda’s pregnancy with Sonia. He’d been too lost in himself. Perhaps that was why she hadn’t bothered to tell him. It stung either way, even more so because Lady Impa clearly had known for a while; she’d been glued to the queen’s side for weeks.
He swallowed, swallowed the hurt and frustration, the regret and shame, the fear of bringing another child into this chaos, and rested his cheek against her hair. “Get some sleep, my queen. I’ve got you.”
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rat4women · 7 months
Still sometimes think about that time they were like “does mommy want to get me pregnant” after scrolling through this blog a lil and it immediately short circuited my brain a lil, like yes, yes I do, however you didn’t have to call me out like that Pal 🙄
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dabideserveslove · 2 months
I haven't been on in a fucking while, life's been crazy yo.
If it makes up for it at all I'm almost done writing a moderately (read: extremely) angsty & smutty ShigaDabi oneshot featuring trans Dabi that may or may not fall into the Light at the End of the Night universe (I haven't decided yet, we'll see what happens lmao) as well as most of the next chapter for the main fic.
I really appreciate everyone who has been so patient with my sporadic updates and I'm gonna go through my asks and answer some of them today, too.
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djservo · 1 year
Incredibly un-based that there's juicy bro drama happening off screen...
ur so right, apologies:
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sinningtamer · 6 months
You should draw all this (/nf)
I WANT TO AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT. normally i'm not in the mood for kink stuff with my sona but this gaaaaaaame fuuuuuckkkkk man. i'm tempted. my save has been such a comedy of errors when you imagine plot to it. we got married on the 4th, his birthday was on the 14th, and then i got his max heart event on the 15th AND GOT PREGNANT IN THE SAME NIGHT??? i looked it up and by god the game really gave me the opportunity as soon as possible.
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hello yes harvey here is your late birthday gift. also i was not keeping track of the days so catch me in shock running around the first day of spring hauling around and planting a billion crops cleaning up the farm etc always super busy OH HEY YOUR KID IS HERE
i know the game gives you the choice to get pregnant but in my mind's eye this is absolutely an accident. and i am choosing to internet this dialogue as evidence.
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squilfmybeloved · 16 days
the feminine urge to be a mother because you have a stupid stupid dumb uterus and stupid dumb girl hormones
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angel---eater · 19 days
this is such a minor thing in the grand scheme of all that is wrong in the world rn but im actually getting really s8ck of people rebranding twil8ght and being into it as a 'reclamation of girlhood' while never once acknowledging all the racism and mormon dogma running through it. like can we do this with something else. there are so many other vampire romance books. there are so many other things that girls were and are mocked for being into. i know this is The Big One but can we die on another hill. maybe im just sick of hearing about this fucking book series or maybe this isnt the girliepop girlhood win we think it is. if we can leave harry potter behind can we leave twilight behind
anyway you can support the real Quileute tribe here
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
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Not to ride Bezos's dick, but Shiny Happy People is free on prime video rn with ads and it's got all the hits including commentary from Fundie Friday, an interview of Paul and Morgan that's currently making Paul meltdown, and a summary of the "Joshua" generation
It is about the Duggars, so please be careful when viewing due to the nature of the documentary. There will be discussions of things like child sexual abuse material, child abuse, cults, and fundamentalism
#I'm so excited I didn't realize it was free#it's about the Duggars so be warned#and I am once again saying#it is about the DUGGARS family so please be careful#I'm so excited to watch tho for the emotional validation#this is the shit I was raised with#my grandad was 13 of 14 kids#my dad was 1 of 6#my nana wanted 12 and only stopped cause she got cancer#she's cancer free now thankfully!#but yea this is the shit I dealt with#I was lowkey groomed#still unpacking that part with my therapist#I was a fuckin sister mom#I helped raise the younger 3 from 11 y/o onwards#and it felt overnight too cause I was an only child then suddenly had 6 stepsiblings/cousins in the house#I was told at 14/15 years old that I was a sinner and disappointment if I didn't submit to a man get married and have multiple children#but was told unless I physically could not give birth because of something like cancer like my nana#I fuckin CRIED cause I had undiagnosed endometriosis and an irrational fear of pregnancy#I better fuckin do it or get use to fire and brimstone now#I want to see Jim Bob. Michelle. and Josh get what they deserve on 4K television#I want to see their girls go free and heal#And I want justice to finally be fucking served#I am very passionate about quiverfull families#They showed the Rodrigues family too who have 13 kids#idk if they showed the Collins with 10#n e ways I hope y'all enjoyed my brief moment of rage I'm gonna go to bed now#realized I didn't even explain the Joshua Gen but that's for another time#ex christian#religious trauma
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sampilled · 4 months
sometimes people will talk to me about their strange health related anxieties and i have to physically restrain myself from telling them i know someone who experienced that
my aunt had a parasite a few years ago and it comes up wayyyy too often (btw please wear gloves while gardening)
and if you have pregnancy anxiety!!! my cousin had 4 children. the first one was an accident and she thought she learned a lesson so she went on the pill... and she got pregnant on the pill. she gets the implant.... and she gets pregnant with the implant. she gets HER TUBES TIED AND THE PROCEDURE REVERSES ITSELF AND SHE GET PREGNANT AGAIN. like jesus when they say abstinence is the only 100% effective method they weren't lying
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sayakxmi · 2 years
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Absolutely. Jade would draw on them, too, and they'd both have So. Much. Fun. They'd also draw their fursonas, and of course joke about Jade being a part dog, so she's in a way her own fursona in real life. Dave draws her in his signature style. Jade ends up drawing furry!Dave, too, not just Akwete, as a payback. All in good faith, obviously, they're just fooling around and they both know it.
And when their kids are born (or adopted), they are not only allowed but encouraged to add their own creative touches to the ever growing collection of plant pots and probably even more random knickknakcs.
They have one of the tackiest houses out of all the people they know, being outranked by 2-3 at best, but it's colorful and full of joy and good memories.
Something they have both always wanted.
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camellcat · 1 year
AMY POND I LOVE YOU!! I'm so sorry :(
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sxcredbunn · 4 months
Was it your birthday couple of days go?
someone's a little stalker 🤭
in reality, no 😭 it was actually before i even created this blog but i was too busy remembering what i'd put in my prev blogs description to remember updating my age, figured id finally do so :3
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lanshappycorner · 1 year
im gonna meet my new roommate this weekend........i hope that they r normal
(ramble in the tags)
#for context last yr (or this yr . but last school yr) i had the most insane roommate#she was like an insane clean freak and she was also really loud and kept moving my stuff and I SUSPECT she even stole smth but idk#she also lied to me a lot and attempted to gaslight me to turn me on our other housemates . she made me cry multiple times </3#i lived in an apt of 5 ppl and everyone all hated her but i shared a room with her. and the thing is that they all liked Me but not Her#so whenever there were arguments id end up having to be the middle ground like even when i went home for summer vacation#i was called over on the phone to solve household disputes bc yknow she only listened to me and i was the only person capable of not-#-like blowing up on her bc she'd say some pretty unreasonable things sometimes and my other housemates r all pretty hotheaded#(my roomie included) but i . i do not get angry like ever so im able to calmly deal with things#when i tell you i do not get angry ever im so srs i know i say shit on here but my housemates have never seen me angry even once in 2 yrs#but anyways sometimes my housemates take me out for drinks and theyre like are u sure ur okay lan how do u live with her 💀💀#anyways yeah last yr was a shitshow i hope my roommate this yr is normal like just the bare minimum is fine#ive only ever had insane roommates like my first roommate was a party animal and shed come home drunk at like 4 am#there was even a pregnancy scare once but anyways at least i got along with her rly well#i miss her actually :(((#my second roommate tho. she scares me
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