#also interlocked fingers??? me googling like crazy
keyotos · 1 year
swear to be overdramatic and true
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summary ⎯ different wedding scenarios w/ the hsr men. like they are all different. none of you are getting married in this tho. modern!au
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, & jing yuan
notes ⎯ i want to go to a wedding so bad after tiktok kept on showing me crazy rich asians-esque venues (i love crazy rich asians)
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dan heng
⎯ you promised him you’d go for the food (dan heng is not one for parties), you ended up staying for everything else.
⎯ a close friend of yours was getting married and invited you to their wedding. you were so excited and ready while dan heng was like ehhhggggg
⎯ dude is not a party-goer. but you really put your all into convincing him to go. you brought out puppy dog eyes (didn’t work), pros and cons list (didn’t work), 15 slide google slideshow (didn’t work), and finally: begging on your knees (worked).
⎯ so now, you guys are here: sitting at a table by yourselves (everyone else was dancing/mingling) and sharing a slice of wedding cake.
⎯ secretly, dan heng loved weddings. he loved the joy everyone felt and he really did enjoy the food.
⎯ he would never tell anyone this, but he was taking notes for his future wedding (preferably with you). he takes note of the theme, the food, the venues. he’s very observant of these things.
⎯ the one thing he did not like about weddings was the partying afterwards. call him boring, but after sitting in a cathedral for two hours got him exhausted.
⎯ but he could make exceptions for you. you seemed to love the party aspect of weddings: you bounced to the music and you waved your fork around like a microphone when there was a song you liked.
⎯ dan heng wished he could have your loud and exciting spirit and love for after parties, but he found himself done for the day. so now, the two of you were eating cake while most people were on the dance floor
⎯ dan heng felt bad about it; he felt like he was holding you down from your happiness because he was not the party type. he didn’t want to burden your enjoyment.
“if you want to dance, you should dance,” dan heng let go of the arm he had wrapped around you.
“what?” you furrowed your eyebrows. you took another bite out of the shared cake.
“you don’t have to worry about me. i’ll be fine. you have go have fun,” dan heng repeated himself with utmost seriousness. you almost burst out with laughter.
“i don’t need to dance to be happy,” you chuckled and interlocked your fingers with dan heng’s, “as long as i have you around, i’m perfectly content,” you grinned.
⎯ yeah. dan heng definitely enjoys weddings.
dan heng returns your smile and wraps his other arm around you once more. he pulled you closer to place a kiss on your temple. as long as you’re around, dan heng is more than perfectly content. he is overjoyed.
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⎯ you two are executives for a wedding planning company; it’s not your company, it’s pela’s. you two are friends of hers and just so happen to work there together.
⎯ you two are the best in the wedding planning game. you two are also rivals.
⎯ you guys are practically trying to outdo each other with every plan. the theme, the decorations, the music: whatever it is, one of you is striving to be better than the other.
⎯ you and gepard bicker so much that some of the maintenance people think YOU GUYS are the married couple.
⎯ gepard blushes so hard that you would think he just had a heat stroke. he quickly brushes of the comment and gets back to work.
⎯ you two are just so… different. but you’re the SAME. whoever’s idea it was to put you two together on an assignment needs to be fired bc most of the time you two are bickering 😭
“why would you make that the theme?” you questioned gepard, “that doesn’t match the wedding venue at all.”
“technically it is apart of the venue. they have two,” gepard corrected you. smartass
and also, “don’t you dare move that. it’s perfect where it belongs,” you ordered.
“it’s actually not,” gepard counters, “it’s not centered.”
⎯ you end up getting so frustrated that you have to walk off the scene and run to starbucks.
⎯ but there are some points where you see gepard in a different light. like when he helps you set up the fairy lights. also when he helps you lift heavy things.
⎯ oh yeah and the fact that he caught you when you fell from a ladder.
you didn’t know how you managed to slip from a ladder, but you did. you thought you were about to face imminent death until you felt strong arms wrap around your thighs.
“what were you thinking?!” gepard exasperatedly asked.
“uhh, that i could reach it?” you brushed him off, trying not to acknowledge the position that you were in at the moment. you were also trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating, but that was blamed on adrenaline.
⎯ even though you and gepard argued for half of the time, there were a few (many) accidents, and someone spilled punch on the ground; the wedding venue ends up looking nice thanks to you and gepard!
⎯ at the end of this tiring and long day, you sat down at one of the tables and ate a few bites of leftover cake. that is until gepard randomly comes up to your table.
gepard extends his hand to you, “would you like to dance? as a way to celebrate the happy couple?”
you raise an eyebrow and give him a sly smirk, “you deign to touch the hand of your opposition?” you joked.
“i’m full of surprises,” gepard looks away from you to scan the venue, “just like this venue. it's beautiful by the way. you did well.”
you take his hand into yours; gepard’s hand is calloused and warm. “give yourself some credit,” you pull him out to the dance floor, then you pull him closer to you, “shall we?”
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⎯ you two are some WEDDING CRASHERS
⎯ you first suggested the idea as a joke; you’ve been wanting to go to a wedding after your tiktok kept showing you wedding venues.
⎯ you never expected to actually be wrecking a wedding so soon. you didn’t even know how blade found a wedding to crash.
“are there apps for these things?”
“um… no????”
⎯ you two sneak in undetected and you arrive just in time for the after party!!
⎯ you guys end up sitting in some randos’ seats that never showed up. so for the time being you two were the married couple mr and mx anderson.
⎯ luckily, the people you sat by had no idea what the andersons looked like. they had questions, and surely they will be confused by the end of this night, but you will never see these people ever again!! so you guys answered their questions
“how’s your newborn? we heard you guys just had a baby,” the couple next to you pointed.
⎯ psa for my gn!readers or male!readers, you guys just had a surrogate
⎯ BABY??????? you nearly choked on your food. chivalrously, blade took the opportunity to answer for you.
"we did," blade smiled and rubbed your stomach, "we're hoping for another one soon," he smirked when he looked at you.
⎯ your eyes popped out of your skull and you turned to him. you took the rest of your food down with a gulp and you turned to face the couple across from you.
⎯ once they left, you elbowed blade in his ribcage. or, you tried to anyway, you doubt he felt anything from it.
"what was that?" your eyes went wide. you tried to hide your embarrassment.
"what was what?" blade asked. his tone with filled with mock-confusion. the bastard knew what he was doing.
"please, don't make me say it out loud," you hide your face in your hands, trying not to smile. to say you haven't thought of a domestic life with blade would be a lie.
blade rubbed your shoulder and then slid his arm over your waist, pulling you closer, "it was funny," he chuckled.
you unmasked your face to punch him in the shoulder, "it was mortifying," you laughed.
blade planted a kiss near your ear, "'m sorry," he was not, "let's go dance. enjoy yourself. before the next one comes," he added. you almost shoved him off of you after that.
⎯ blade is NOT funny.
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⎯ here you were surrounded by so many couples, yet you are alone. you are alone at the bar and you've had waaaaay too many margaritas to be thinking straight.
⎯ you were almost about to leave when a mysterious blue-haired man slid into the seat next to yours.
⎯ sampo had been watching you for the entire wedding. maybe watching wasn't the right word: he had been observing you. that is not the right word either. simply put, he was entranced by you. you were stunning; you lit up the entire room. it's strange how someone like you had no one by your side.
"care if i bought you a drink?" sampo asked, leaning towards you.
"i think i'm too drunk to drink," you slurred. you were tired and single and lonely. not even this random man could console you.
⎯ when you laid your head down and groaned, sampo was a little concerned. he was concerned for two reasons: for your wellbeing and for what he might've accidentally gotten himself into.
⎯ sampo has fallen victim to hangovers multiple times and, judging by how wasted you are right now, you are about to be the next victim.
⎯ he asked the bartender to get you a glass of water. now, he just had to wake you up. or cheer you up.
“hey, you might wanna drink think,” sampo pushed the drink towards you.
you raised your head up, surveyed the drink, and then pushed it away. “nice try buddy. i know you put something in that.”
⎯ sampo’s jaw went agape. he completely forgot about that possibility. of course you wouldn’t take a drink from a stranger that randomly came up to you.
“uh, how about we just get you another glass of water,” he grabbed the cup back and ordered another one, this time with you watching. once you made sure nothing happened to your drink, you gulped it down.
“thanks,” you set the glass down. “i’ll be needing that in the morning,” you groaned.
⎯ even when you’re miserable you’re beautiful, sampo thought
“i get it,” sampo laughed. you two exchanged names and you started to tell the story of why you were so drunk in the first place
⎯ when you finished, sampo remembered every detail of your story. he wanted the sound of your voice to be imprinted into his brain; he wanted the sight of you burned into his eyes.
⎯ and by the end of that night, after you two exchanged phone numbers, sampo was sure to make his dream a reality.
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jing yuan
⎯ best couple alert??? you guys are just there for fun and relaxation
⎯ everyone knows you two are the couple that’s getting married next. just the love that you two have for each other is enough evidence to prove their theory.
⎯ you two are there for the reception, the actual wedding, the after party. like you guys EAT WEDDINGS UP.
⎯ it’s a sweet and silent love. it doesn’t overshadow the wedding couple, but everyone can tell that it’s prevalent and it’s most definitely there.
⎯ everyone can also see the immense love jing yuan has for you just by looking at his expression. as a general, most would think his mind is preoccupied on strategy and tactics. that is not true though; jing yuan would argue that, half of the time, his mind is on you. he wonders about you, thinks about you, wishes about you.
⎯ and his actions?? the way he always pulls out a chair for you so you can sit before him. the way he carefully tugs you to the side if someone were about to hit you. the way his hand rests coyly on your thigh.
⎯ don't get me started on when you two start dancing.
cliche as it is, sometimes i does feel like the world is shining it's light on the two of you when you two dance. you two aren't master dancers or anything. with jing yuan's lifestyle, there is no time for trivial activities such as dancing, but for you he'd always make an exception.
⎯ you two are both awful. omfg you guys actually suck at dancing. like get off of the dance floor LMAO. since you two probably have very busy lives, there isn't much time for fun like weddings. that's why the two of you try to embrace weddings and other fun activities as much as possible
"you keep stepping on my feet," jing yuan laughs. he tries to guide the two of you to an empty slot on the floor, but fails.
"i'd be able to dance properly if someone stopped knocking me into others," you jokingly retorted. even though jing yuan was a general, all his poise and prosperities was washed away on the dance floor.
"i highly doubt that," he twirled you. you leaned closer into his chest this time, melting into his body. he was warm; a good contrast to the chill of the room. even with his shitty dancing skills, you think that you could never be sick of him.
⎯ yeah u two are definitely getting married in the near future. jing yuan is sure of it. after all, he's already gotten a ring.
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petriichors · 7 years
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yoonseok + royal!au as requested by @in-theory​.
there’s a certain charm in the way hoseok calls him by his title; it’s the way hoseok encompasses everything he feels for yoongi (reverence, happiness, love) in just two words. 
“my prince.”
yoongi tugs him closer by their interlocked fingers, “husband.”
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