#also it deserves to be long bc we share the same love for him šŸ˜¤
cnc-hoebayb Ā· 5 years
hiii for the besitos- my favorite weather is rainy and cold kind of day, i like night time, and i like to go to futbol games and go out to party lol. u can pick erick or chris šŸ’ž love u!!
Youā€™re the first person so far to even mention Erick Iā€™m so juiced imma pick him lol (luv u 2 heehjeje)
Ericks grown but like still a bb so i think his besitos would be rly childish and kinda fun ~
You guys would be at a party with all your friends. Everyoneā€™s gettin wild, people showing up more in more in giant groups and it was crowded crowded. Which made it easier to just go absolutely crazy, blast the music and dance your heart out bc there were way too many people that you couldnā€™t care.
Erick would be behind you letting you do your thang, bussin it down or throwin it in a circle idk what freak stuff u like baby, but heā€™s LIVID. Youā€™re both a lil tipsy at this point too and wow you cannot keep ur hands off each other. Youā€™d turn around to face him and give in, slapping a sloppy beso right on his lips.
And heā€™s not gonna stop you, he was just about to make the move if you hadnā€™t already. So you back it up out of the room where everyoneā€™s dancing, searching for a more intimate setting. His hands would be up and down your body, and yours tight in his hair. So when you finally find a door to a random room upstairs and are greeted with the sight of some randos gettin frisky- itā€™s like u sober up on spot.
You quickly apologize and slam the door, both of you kinda in shock. But Erick would still be adamant. Heā€™d go across the hall and open another door quick.... And slam it just as fast. ā€œDonā€™t go in there.ā€ Heā€™d say nervously. And you laugh bc you know thereā€™s no way thereā€™s gonna be an empty room anywhere with this many people.
Heā€™d come up and push you against the wall tho, kind of a change of pace and it rushes all the feeling back into your body from earlier. Heā€™d lay his lips down across your shoulder and up your neck, stopping teasingly at your mouth only to talk instead. ā€œCmon,ā€ your hand in his, heā€™d lead you back downstairs and towards the bathroom. Whatta child. But you donā€™t care. You blush and contain your smile so no one knows.
You both rush the door, whipping it open to a more disappointing sight. Itā€™s Richard and a pretty little thing doing some not so pretty things. Erick screams like a kid and slams it shut before Richard can even register it was him and come beat his ass. Now that one was the kicker. You fall over onto Ericks shoulder and just laugh, the kind of one that hurts to breathe and makes your eyes water. He joins in for a little then looks at you genuinely, all intentions now dropped. ā€œWanna just go home? Watch dumb videos until we pass out.ā€
You smile, kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand, ā€œyea letā€™s go.ā€
Youā€™d choose to walk home, your place not being far from the party venue. Plus side was the rain, it was a little sprinkle, not anything heavy. Enough to cool you down and have even more of an excuse to cuddle into his arms as you walked.
But you stop at the sight of something intriguing at this late of an hour. Itā€™s the futbol field yall and other locals usually go to for fun, but itā€™s completely empty. Which was way different than normally seeing it packed and loaded with as many people as could fit. You pull Erick off track and into the field, checking your surroundings to make sure it really was empty.
ā€œLetā€™s play real quickā€ you find a ball next to some of the benches on the side and kick it at him fast. He doesnā€™t hesitate and takes advantage of this once in a lifetime empty field to him self and goes crazy. It feels like youā€™re playing for hours, screaming and trash talking freely with no eyes watching.
You score one last time and tackle him to the grass as part of your victory dance. He rolls you over, the both of you now pretty damp from the rain and wet ground. Heā€™d hover above you for a moment, letting you both laugh it out and chill. And heā€™d look down at you, messy hair and clothes, skin somehow glowing in this rainy cold night.
And itā€™s exactly then when he realizes this is his first chance with you alone all night. So he might as well take advantage of it. He swoops in for another kiss. This time not so sloppy and needy, but itā€™s focused- free and unapologetic. It knocks the air from your lungs and it feels like you need him more than anything to breathe.
But at the same time heā€™d kiss you so good that youā€™ve never felt more alive. Energy at a high and you canā€™t help but smile. Rolling around with him in a dirty field right now was probably the most fun youā€™d had and felt genuinely happy to be there. And it was just bc Erick was unapologetically himself and loved you with out hesitation, it was so easy to feel appreciated and spend forever with him- no regrets
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