#mi bebito lindito
cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Dumb dad things the boys would be caught doing
-super casual and simple but like
-Hed totally get caught just pushing your kid over
-Like he doesn’t know you saw so when your little boy just plops down and starts whining you just “why’d you do that?”
-And he plays it off “i didn’t do anything wym”
-“Zabdiel i literally just saw you push our son”
-He shrugs
-“I think he kinda deserved it”
-bc he was in his bubble apparently ur kid deserved it. Valid
-probably would get caught having a full convo with your son too
-not even about fun cute kid stuff either, it’s about things he needs to remember to do, telling him a story about something douchey someone did on tour
-Thats just very Zabdi, long deep thought out talks with his bb son about life even though he can’t understand
-K but something dangerous but not really
-Zabdiel is kinda aloof sometimes rigjt
-and is big gentle man giant
-So i see him as doing something like letting your toddler climb him literally like a tree when he’s bored and while Zab is busy on the phone or doing something important and just can’t handle it rn
-Hes multitasking big time while you’re gone
-He needs to be on this call right now, but has to start making dinner and cleaning some little messes here and there
-Your son is begging for attention that he just can’t give
-so he does what any dad would do and just picks him up to ease him
-And after awhile ur kid gets kinda restless, starts climbing dad like a play thing
-he climbs up and down his torso, on his head, jumping back onto him from the counter when Zabdi sets him down for a second
-Which is valid given Zabdiel can handle it and can take care of his kid, but...
-it’s not the best sight to see walking in the door to your family with your son next to a hot stove top, plunging himself off to dangle off of your baby daddies stiff arm
-Youre driving home from work/school after a long day
-You pull into your neighborhood and on the corner of your street you spot it
-Your child
-On a baby leash
-rolling around in the leaves
-Erick just laughing and encouraging
-and you honk at them from your view in your car and when he sees you
-He starts laughing even harder
-Totally catch him one night playing with your kid in his room
-and as you peek in you see them just hangin, playin and all of a sudden your son snatches a plastic Dinosaur rigjt out of Ericks hands
-and Erick really sadly “heeeyy- i was playing with that 😞”
-Hed start fake crying
-Your son gets sad too and starts actually crying
-“lo siento, daddy im really sorry” in between sobs (also imagine that voice and ur lil boy with a lisp)
-Erick panics
-“aahh esta bien, niño. Let’s play with the Dino together.”
-Holds your little boy in his lap and they play together
-You cry happy tears a lil bit in the hallway
-Erick is also still like a child so this is 100% truth:
-Would get caught actually genuinely arguing with your son
-Theyre yelling at each other (your son in baby toddler babbles), and Erick is heated heated
-“que está pasando niños??” You try to gauge the situation immediately
-“he stole my last ice cream sandwich i hid in the fridge!!”
-You want to yeLL
-he glares at your son, who revolts with a tongue sticking out and arms crossed
-“you think you’ll get away with it, huh? Cuz ur cute,” he argues with him and you have to actually talk him down from his stubbornness
-“i was saving it for later today :(( “ he whines as you pull him in like you would your baby for a comforting “its ok” hug
-You’d be in the kitchen
-Come out into the living room to ask Joel to get ur little baby ready to eat
-And you catch him deadass recording your baby crying on the floor, a pile of toys around her
-“bro tf”
-“She was dancing and fell into her toy box”
-“Then whY you recording ?”
-“.....bc it was funny 😔”
-Would also do your daughters hair himself sometimes and dress her
-And you know he knows what he’s doing
-But like he also forgets she’s a baby too
-You have to remind him your daughter really shouldn’t be using his grown man curl products just yet
-or that she can’t wear a shirt that says “fuck” in it
-and she is definitely not wearing a bandana like that to picture day
-teaches your kid how to thirst trap !!
-this hoe!
-catch them both in the bathroom mirror one day, he’s shirtless, lil cute baby girl in his arms
-and she’s serving !!
-Like duh she’s your guys’ kid so she’s beautiful n shit but
-she’s posing and tilting her head in the right angles in this cute lighting (bc daddy taught her to find her perfect angle)
-He shrugs like “what’d you expect, we’re hot stuff” and smirks
-Openly and unapologetically teaching your kid how to say bad words
-and recoRDING IT
- to POST on his insta
-also would get caught scripting a whole thing for her to perform for the camera
-convinces her that the reason his hair is red is bc he drank all of his juice mommy gave him instead of spilling it out for the dog to drink
-your kid chugs down that juice like her life depends on it so she can have red hair like papi too
-tells her stories that the snacks she wants to eat before dinner make you scream and that’s why she shouldn’t eat them before dinner
-convinces her by shoving his mouthful of potato chips and immediately starts screaming to prove his point
-ur kid laughs but is also kinda terrified
-gets caught reading her stories and getting reallyyyy into it
-like acting and doing dramatically different voices for the characters
-Does the Joel thing and just dresses her head to toe in ICE like the most expensive jewelry and clothes
-kinda salt bc you don’t even dress like that
-have to stop her before you send her to school bc you know she’s gonna lose one of those expensive necklaces in the sand box or something
-Another instance where you’re driving home alone
-Whipping down the street to see your toddler running down the sidewalk a few blocks away happily
-You flip and swerve over to park on the side of the street bc wtf ! Your kid !!
-But as soon as you park you see him
-Its Chris sprinting just as fast, frantically too
-Finally catches up with your kid and swoops her up in his arms with a relieved breath
-You roll down your window slowly
-“You pretty lil things need a ride home?” You yell out and when he looks up to see you caught him he’s dEAD
-also teaches your daughter how to cuss and cackles so hard bc it’s funny to hear her call each of her uncles “puto”
-id see something happening like
-You walk out of the room for one second during dinner and when you come back it’s food fight chaos
-Chris and your kid are racing to see who can eat the fastest but also there’s food flying everywhere bc they’re trying to distract one another and win
-lil baby hits Chris in the eye with a fistful of eggs (in this scenario it’s breakfast for dinner thx) and then he counters the hit by throwing his whole pancake at her face
-also gets caught playing dress up a little too good
-You glimpse in her room and she’s painting his nails, slapping on some gross little kid lipgloss all over his face
-and all the while Chris is smiling and acting like a pretty lady, flipping his hair around and batting his lashes all nice
-they spew some chisme back and forth, sip fake tea, and do cute model walks down the room
-You take secret pictures of the event for later blackmail
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
hiii for the besitos- my favorite weather is rainy and cold kind of day, i like night time, and i like to go to futbol games and go out to party lol. u can pick erick or chris 💞 love u!!
You’re the first person so far to even mention Erick I’m so juiced imma pick him lol (luv u 2 heehjeje)
Ericks grown but like still a bb so i think his besitos would be rly childish and kinda fun ~
You guys would be at a party with all your friends. Everyone’s gettin wild, people showing up more in more in giant groups and it was crowded crowded. Which made it easier to just go absolutely crazy, blast the music and dance your heart out bc there were way too many people that you couldn’t care.
Erick would be behind you letting you do your thang, bussin it down or throwin it in a circle idk what freak stuff u like baby, but he’s LIVID. You’re both a lil tipsy at this point too and wow you cannot keep ur hands off each other. You’d turn around to face him and give in, slapping a sloppy beso right on his lips.
And he’s not gonna stop you, he was just about to make the move if you hadn’t already. So you back it up out of the room where everyone’s dancing, searching for a more intimate setting. His hands would be up and down your body, and yours tight in his hair. So when you finally find a door to a random room upstairs and are greeted with the sight of some randos gettin frisky- it’s like u sober up on spot.
You quickly apologize and slam the door, both of you kinda in shock. But Erick would still be adamant. He’d go across the hall and open another door quick.... And slam it just as fast. “Don’t go in there.” He’d say nervously. And you laugh bc you know there’s no way there’s gonna be an empty room anywhere with this many people.
He’d come up and push you against the wall tho, kind of a change of pace and it rushes all the feeling back into your body from earlier. He’d lay his lips down across your shoulder and up your neck, stopping teasingly at your mouth only to talk instead. “Cmon,” your hand in his, he’d lead you back downstairs and towards the bathroom. Whatta child. But you don’t care. You blush and contain your smile so no one knows.
You both rush the door, whipping it open to a more disappointing sight. It’s Richard and a pretty little thing doing some not so pretty things. Erick screams like a kid and slams it shut before Richard can even register it was him and come beat his ass. Now that one was the kicker. You fall over onto Ericks shoulder and just laugh, the kind of one that hurts to breathe and makes your eyes water. He joins in for a little then looks at you genuinely, all intentions now dropped. “Wanna just go home? Watch dumb videos until we pass out.”
You smile, kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand, “yea let’s go.”
You’d choose to walk home, your place not being far from the party venue. Plus side was the rain, it was a little sprinkle, not anything heavy. Enough to cool you down and have even more of an excuse to cuddle into his arms as you walked.
But you stop at the sight of something intriguing at this late of an hour. It’s the futbol field yall and other locals usually go to for fun, but it’s completely empty. Which was way different than normally seeing it packed and loaded with as many people as could fit. You pull Erick off track and into the field, checking your surroundings to make sure it really was empty.
“Let’s play real quick” you find a ball next to some of the benches on the side and kick it at him fast. He doesn’t hesitate and takes advantage of this once in a lifetime empty field to him self and goes crazy. It feels like you’re playing for hours, screaming and trash talking freely with no eyes watching.
You score one last time and tackle him to the grass as part of your victory dance. He rolls you over, the both of you now pretty damp from the rain and wet ground. He’d hover above you for a moment, letting you both laugh it out and chill. And he’d look down at you, messy hair and clothes, skin somehow glowing in this rainy cold night.
And it’s exactly then when he realizes this is his first chance with you alone all night. So he might as well take advantage of it. He swoops in for another kiss. This time not so sloppy and needy, but it’s focused- free and unapologetic. It knocks the air from your lungs and it feels like you need him more than anything to breathe.
But at the same time he’d kiss you so good that you’ve never felt more alive. Energy at a high and you can’t help but smile. Rolling around with him in a dirty field right now was probably the most fun you’d had and felt genuinely happy to be there. And it was just bc Erick was unapologetically himself and loved you with out hesitation, it was so easy to feel appreciated and spend forever with him- no regrets
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Erick soft besto in Cuba as an kid please 😭
So many for Erick all of a sudden I’m so juiced aH :,))
I love a good old school childhood romance ~
I see it start off as you guys being really close friends since you were really little. Like lived close to each other, families were super tight and always have been. So it was easy for you to both start a friendship early on.
He was your first best friend, and you were his. You’d spend every moment together, shared stories and life experiences together. Went through awkward growing phases, school, drama, there was never secrets or boundaries between you two.
And as you became older it never changed, you’d wrestle with him in the busy streets after school on the walk home, sneak out late at night to go be dummies out there together. You’d always be honest with one another when someone started talking to/dating someone they didn’t catch good vibes from. And it was never out of jealousy or spite- but bc you both knew who was right for each other and maybe deep down felt something else..
So one day you guys are outside in some random field behind his house, a pretty little spot where you can see everything Cuba has to offer- and it’s beautiful. The sun is setting and he has his guitar in his lap, strumming a random riff with his eyes closed. You’re sitting and watching him play with ease, this kid was such a natural, you had always known he was gonna do big things.
He makes a little face as he hits a sweet note and you can’t help but smile at him, something in your heart fluttering differently than usual. He opens his eyes and the golden sun beams in those beautiful patterns and colors of his irises. He looks down nervously, laughing shyly as you gawk about his playing. You begin to tickle and pinch him playfully, teasing him to play one of your favorites.
He giggles so loud and finally gives in, steadying his grip on his guitar, looking you right in the eyes, and finally letting it flow. Goosebumps run down your arms and your heart bounces, his voice always had a way of catching you off guard every time.
He would slow his strumming after a minute, not quite the end of the song yet, his voice trails off into a kind of hum. You swallow nervously because the sudden silence is intimidating, all his focus locked on you in one drawn out moment. He smiles again and you squint at him suspiciously. He laughs at that and you’re about to finally say something, ask him what the heck he’s being so weird for.
But before you can even think of anything to say he’d be leaned over his guitar in front of him, pressing his lips fully on yours. It’s fast, precautionary. Testing the waters. He pulls away and your cheeks are bright red you just know it. “Wha-“ You stutter out, pressing your lips together, trying to understand what you were feeling, trying to remember the press of his lips on yours.
You look back at him to see what was possibly going through his brain, but it all became a blur. He lunged back over to you, throwing his guitar off him and to the side. His hands find their spot on each side of your face, pulling you deeper into his lips. It’s a jumbled mess of emotions and feelings, and your body feels like it’s floating.
He notices you shaking a little from nerves, and rubs his thumb soothingly along your face. “Its ok,” he’d mumble through the separation between gentle pecks, “It’s just me..” His words would calm you in an instant. It was just him, your best friend, Erick. You were kissing your best friend Erick.
It wasn’t weird or something groundbreaking. It was natural, probably expected actually. You both knew you were it for each other, it just took you this long to figure out.
So he’d sit there with you for what felt like forever, hands sweetly running over your features, the sun setting slowly behind you. The sweet sound of home filling your ears with kids laughing and playing, people partying and catching up, the busy streets full of life and energy. And his lips are soft against yours, inviting. They feel like home too.
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
(lovely idea, btw. oh, and ily.) so im torn between erick and joel. and my favourite weather/season is winter/snow. erm..i like nights. and my favourite thing to do is...eating. playing games? idk, and walks too. i love walking. THANK YOU♡
Omg ily2 ur a sweetie
And I’m picking Erick bc he needs more love rn and I’ve only done one for him so far this whole time aw
Here’s a casual winter break day with our bebito lindito ~
Im seeing y’all both on some type of winter vacay, whether it be school, work, etc. And you guys have spent every second you can together. It’s been a busy time for you both and it’s about time you get some quality alone time.
But the greatest thing about Erick is that he’s not super picky or demanding with what you guys do. Sure, you can go out together and have a fun lil date day/ night, but for the most part he just likes to be with you and do whatever.
So an average day would consist of probably the both of you waking up at an ungodly time like noon or later since y’all are such night owls. You’d wake up well and rested then start a casual day. The snow is packed in pretty tight this afternoon, so it doesn’t look like you’ll be driving anywhere. So Erick would be super chill, come walk over to your house (in this imagine y’all don’t live together yet I’m sorry lol).
And he’d pick you up for a little mid afternoon stroll, stopping somewhere down the street for lunch. His besos are warm and comforting on your frosty cheeks while you walk hand in hand through the snow. You joke and trip him into a giant pile on the side of the street, and he fires back with a ball full of snow to your face. Which he totally counters with a “haha sorry mamita, you just deserved it,” And a soothing kiss on your lips.
By the time you’re done wandering around and finished a nice walk, you settle down back at your house as the sun sets. He gathers a bunch of blankets and pillows to make a fort in your room, filling it with games and snacks. The rest of the afternoon is spent there, laughing and snacking, playing all your favs and chilling in your warm lil cozy space.
And when it gets really late, all the chips and candy is gone, games are all put away- you lay in his chest and just talk. Joke about something dumb he said and probably argue about conspiracies at some point. This time you make the move, kissing him so he can shut up and stop yelling about how Area 51 is a sham.
It’s a sleepy kiss session, lazy tongues and hands holding each other loosely. Your legs intertwine within the blankets of your fort slowly falling apart. It’s so natural and comfortable that you don’t even remember it stopping, the both of you casually falling asleep after awhile. But it’s not weird or awkward or anything, this happens a lot actually.
Bc his besitos are the kind to sink into and loose yourself in. They make u feel cozy and relaxed and that’s all that matters right !
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Ah Jay your besitos asks are so cute I’m dYING. If you aren’t tired of doing them (if you are just ignore it gurl you know I love you anyway): my favorite weather is in the autumn when it’s like 60 degrees and breezy. It’s really overcast cloudy but the light from the sun still like brightens everything so stuff is only slightly grey. Like sweater and leggings and a beanie weather ya feel? Also you pick whichever guy you’re feeling tbh they’re all a catch luv u❤️
Ily bb cita don’t worry i got your other message
Also this vibe fits u so good I’m in love
Imma choose Erick too bc u know y’all my favs and this is totally an Erick vibe~
Ok so my layout is it’s Halloween night lmaoo. You and Erick both know you’re definitely a little too old for this, but you dress up in attempt to trick or treat and snag some free goodies hell yeyuhhh.
You’re both dressed as Spider-Man (which is bc there was probably an argument on who got to be him, but y’all just decided to be different versions of him instead so no one is angry). And you’re driving up to the fancy part of town to park the car and blend in, get the full size stuff while kinda undercover.
You hop out the car and it’s chilly. The sun sets in the distance and it’s heat is still prominent enough to keep you warm. Leaves crunch underneath your feet loudly as Erick grabs your hand and takes off running. It’s a screaming giggling mess of following a big crowd of kids, crouching down a bit to seem small and equal to them.
The group approaches the first house and thank god these kids were here to ring the doorbell for you guys or your voices would’ve totally blew it. You both wait single filed in line with the kids and retrieve candy then book it.
After the first rush of adrenaline from the opening houses, y’all go on a roll. You zoom up and down the streets infiltrating little groups and staying discreet, a total score in your book.
But it’s the final houses when you get too cocky. The sun had set and the jack o lanterns and glow sticks lining the sidewalks were the only light left. The routine got sloppy, Erick started breaking off from the groups, going up by himself and cracking character. “Aren’t you a little too big?” Some adults would say and he’d just shrug and run back to you before they could say anything else. You on the other hand weren’t gonna risk it all that easily.
The real kicker tho, was the Reese’s pieces house. You had sat the last few houses out and waited in the driveway of one more spot. Erick went up by himself with confidence and determination. And he had it too- until the descent back down the driveway. “Bebe! Mira!! They gave me the whole bag!” He screamed as he ripped his mask off, waving a full jumbo sized assortment bag of Reese’s pieces in the air like an idiot.
He charged you excitedly, pulling off your mask as well, laying a fat ol beso right on your lips, dipping you into it dramatically too. You press into it and he tastes like chocolate and the essence of fall. He dips you back up, lips still locked, and that’s when you hear it. It’s a mom from down the street who sees this intimacy right in front of her kids trying to get up to the house. “Hey! You guys are grown !!” More eyes fall upon you and your covers blown.
Erick giggles a “oh shit,” and grabs you tightly, signaling its time to make a run for it. You grab your candy bags to make sure they’re secured and diP. More adults are yelling and scolding you but the adrenaline is so high you block it all out. You get to the car and hop in fast, starting to take the heck off out of this neighborhood.
You’re shaking from nerves and Erick is driving so fast it feels like a dream. He stops at a stop sign about halfway from home and just sits there. He’s catching his breathe from laughing still and raises his hand for a high five. “We did it,” you say with achievement and he stays holding your hand, leaning over the glovebox between you to kiss you again, this time slow and still happier than before.
You part and lick your lips to taste him longer. He smiles at you wide and bright even through the night sky. “Wanna get comfy at home and binge some movies? Maybe make us some chocolate milk..” He says and wiggles his eyebrows, one hand softly placed on your thigh as the other takes the wheel. You nod in agreement, way too happy to answer out loud.
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Hi! I think it's really cool that you're doing this so if you don't mind, I'll request a besito! My favorite weather is the type where it's chilly enough for blankets and fuzzy socks and hot chocolate, but not completely freezing. I really love to read and write in my spare time, and if I can't do either, I watch movies or documentaries! I swerve lanes a lot but my main boo is Erick. Thank you so much for doing these! You're such a talented writer :))
Thank you 🥺 that’s so nice ily
Aw a warm cozy movie night with Erick
Am i hearing lowkey intimate date night with Erick ?? U freaking know it ~
He’d come over to your house in ether pjs or just chill clothes, his own supply of blankies and pillows to add onto your own pile. You provide the snacks and the space, the perfect setup for a fun movie night. The chill from outside rushes through your house and gives you the perfect opportunity to wear all your comfy clothes, fuzzy socks, and especially cuddle up to your cute warm bf.
You start to browse through some movie options, but you’re halfway in the list when Erick whips out a giant notebook and slaps some pens in front of you. You’d be like “que???” Super confused and everything but he just pulls out another cute notebook of his own and gives you a look. He explains how he wants to do more things you like together and he knows you like writing so you should do quick short story writing challenges.
You take the upper hand and just jump him with a million kisses over his sweet innocent face. Bc ur so excited and feel so loved that he would do something like that even though it’s so simple. So he’d play a random movie in the background, and you guys would go at it, writing like your lives depended on it, looking up prompts and fun challenges.
He reads you his sci fi based love story and you’d show him your mafia action scene. It’d be a really fun and easy going night, full of talking and writing, sharing ideas and being creative together. And when the night ends and your hands are super tired from all the scribbling you’ve been doing, he’d pull you under his blankets and into his lap, pushing your hair from out of your face before he leans in.
It’s like any of your makeout sessions, but maybe this time a little longer, more intimate. You’re both tired and feel really close at the moment, so you express it in each other’s lips. It’s warm and you melt in his lap, his hands pawing at your skin, butt, waist, chest, touching every part of you. It’s one of those times where it’s like lowkey hot n heavy but either of you really take it that far bc the tension is worth so much more sometimes.
You grind in his lap and he moans soft boyish tones against your neck as you run fingers through his hair. Things would slow down like a good hour later i bet, making out would be something that you guys could just do forever. So the kisses slow down and your hips stop moving, instead now just laying your head in the crook of his neck and resting there. His hands would rub your back soothingly and you’d play with his hair as you both sit there in each other’s arms.
And that’s how the rest of the night would go, besitos in between movie scenes, and close tight cuddling within heavy blankets.
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cnc-hoebayb · 6 years
We could start off every day with sex n super smash bros
*Smut warning!!
Erick sinnn omg guys im so nervous
Also this isn’t gonna be superrrr explicit like my others just bc this is new territory and a lil different still...
But here it goes, lmk your feedback pls 🙃
“Ew don’t touch meee” Erick whines as you roll over, playfully nudging him with your toes. His eyes are scrunched shut tightly, trying desperately to ignore you. “Pero es la mañanaaaaa,” you fight with him as he pulls the sheets over him and drowns you out with a pillow over his ears.
You can’t seem to find a hole in his little barrier, so you give up with a huff, slumping back onto your pillow. It was your one day off. A day for you to sleep in and relax, but of course you would end up fully energized at 7 am. Erick was no help either, that kid would be asleep for another 3 hours max and there was no way to stop him.
The phone on your bedside table buzzed and maybe it wouldn’t be too bad to just browse social media for a couple hours. Or so you thought...
You click the little Instagram icon and it immediately shuts down. Click again, same thing. You go back and forth between apps, disappointed as each one loads with an error- no connection. “Dammit,” you whisper and notice the icon on the top left of your screen disappeared, WiFi shut down.
The laziness in you kicks up and overpowers the effort to fix it. You look over to Erick, still buried in blankets and sleeping soundly. So trying not to wake him, you remove yourself from the bed slowly, inching your way out as quietly as possible. Feet hit the cold tile beneath you and you bolt over to your closet. Moving a few old jackets and shoes, you find a big box and slide it out next to your tv.
You remove the contents quietly again, making sure to check on Erick every time a sudden noise was made. Tangled chords get plugged into multiple ports and outlets, your desperate attempt to find some entertainment for time being. Once it was all set up, you place the console on the tv stand excitedly, digging through the box one more time for exactly what you were looking for. You insert the game and hop back in bed carefully, controller in hand.
Once you got situated in a comfy spot on the bed, a good distance away from Erick to give him room, you clicked the switch for the tv. The room immediately filled with the blaring music from the theme opening. You scramble for the remote rapidly and smash the button until it was silent. It didn’t work, however, since Erick was already up and facing towards you.
His hair was messy, sleep still in his heavy eyes and with a little baby frown. “Que estas jugando??” He questioned and looked at the screen so obviously plastered with the logo. You shrivel up a little in place, trying to look unknowing but also cute enough to get away with it. “Super smash bros......”
You fail to hold back a playful smile and cover your face with the controller. “Without meee!?” He argues and pushes you away from him. You point at him with the controller in hand, “Erick- estabas durmiendo, déjame en paz im bored.” His pout becomes a little softer, but he sits still with his arms crossed.
Some time passes of him being silent, you watch and wonder what’s running through those sleepy thoughts of his. He lets out a defeated sigh, rubbing his eyes before holding his hand out to you. “A controller,” he starts and yawns in between, “dame.” You hand him the one you were holding and grab the other off the nightstand. He adjust his eyes to the screen and gives you a nod to start it. “Ready to lose?” He jokes, and you lean in.
“Can i have a good luck kiss at least...?” You rest your head on his shoulder and bat your lashes up at him. He perks up quickly, catching himself just as fast, trying to play it cool. “Yea ye, i guess i could share some of my super smash bros skills with you this way.” He turns his head to press a soft kiss on your lips. You take it in while it lasts and run your tongue across your lips right after. Erick goes on and turns his attention back to the tv, ready to play.
But you look up at him and that messy hair, that light cover of stubble layering his chin, his perfect pink lips- and maybe there’s another game you wanna play now.
“Erick,” you say and he responds with a quick “que”, choosing through a long list of characters and not looking back at you. You roll your eyes and say it again, but this time while tugging at his shirt “Eriiickk.” He sets the controller down and turns toward you “queeee??”
You hold him by his jaw and slam your mouth to his, his eyes going wide with surprise. He pulls back a little, not quite sure what to do. You take the controller from him and toss it off the bed, yours following shortly after. His confused look changes up as you assure him of what you want, locking your arms around his neck, laying back and pulling him down on top of you.
“Whoa whoa,” he lets out as he falls over you and begin kissing and nipping at his ear. The tv played on in the back, background game music that sounded ridiculous in this situation. You smile against his skin and he giggles. “Ahora que” he laughs, now starting to kiss all over your neck and face. “La música, it’s funny,” you reply and he stops to listen.
“Guess we just gotta drown it out,” he says and sucks a mark onto your collarbone. Now there’s the gross teenager in him. You fall into his embrace, letting him droop over you lazily as kisses become more sloppy. The heat in your body increases as he takes the initiative to grab your thigh and lift it for him to settle in between.
“Por que eres tan bella en la mañana?..” he mumbles against your ear and it makes your heart flutter a little. His lips slide against your skin in all the right places, knowing exactly where to hit you for these types of moments.
A good amount of time goes by before you’re both ready for the next level. With as great of a kisser he was, you could get caught up in those lips all day. There would be no problem with that on either side too, because Erick definetly felt the same way. But what was happening now was sudden and pure need- a desire that wanted to be addressed immediately. And honestly, mornings like this was one of the times where he was at his hottest to you. So this would be fun.
The now so obvious bulge in his sweatpants grinded between your legs, making you gasp with all the thoughts that started to build in your head. Knowing he never liked to initiate, you part from his lips and squeeze his biceps with intention. “Erick,” you stop mid sentence and he bites his swollen lips while looking right into your eyes. “Grab a condom, I’m ready.” And with the speed of light, he rolls off of you to dig through the bedside drawer, pouncing back over you as he shows off the tiny little package.
You giggle at the goofy excited face he makes and he tears the corner of the wrapping with his teeth. He leans down to kiss you deeply one more time, letting you help pull his remaining clothing off before doing the same with yourself.
His nose rests against yours, pretty little lips hanging open as he slides the condom on, your own hands making their way down to assist. He exhales sharply and interlocks his fingers in yours. “Lista, bebe?” Its quiet and intimate, opposing slightly his normal character. I mean, he was always sweet, but it surprised you to see another side to his sweetness, however many times you’ve seen it before.
“Lista,” your hands massage the back of his neck, right where his hairline starts to fade. He’s slow, gentle, almost to the point where it’s too hard to wait for more. But he was careful with you, and that was always the most important thing.
He bottoms out fast, collapsing over you with a deep breath. “Don’t start losing on me now,” you joke and it helps relieve the tension of the moment, his confidence boosting up again. You guide him with a pace, something you can both handle and work out together, rolling your hips up into his.
His soft groans were actually more like whimpers, never afraid to overcompensate and be too dramatically vocal, he was as natural and amateur as any other boy your guys’ age. You clench onto his arms, arching up at his constant thrusts. The veins in his neck flex slightly and he’s never looked so focused in his life.
Your loud whines match the volume of the still playing video game and the squeaks of the bed frame. Sheets bundled at your feet as he pushes your bodies higher up on the bed, getting that perfect leverage to finish you out. “WhoA-“ you accidentally mutter, the sensation simply emitting your first thought out suddenly, and in a totallyyy not sexy manner.
He smiles wide and it’s almost like he wasn’t literally inside of you right now, because before you know it you’re both giggling at your little slip. Your eyes start to water as you try to keep it together and not break out into a full on laughing fit- Erick above you doing the same. “I couldn’t stop, it just came out,” you justify and cover your face with your hands, all previous movement now at a hold.
“You’re a nerd,” he teases and starts to poke at your hands while pinching and tickling around your face, trying to get you to reveal yourself again. You squeal when he blows a raspberry on your neck, making you wiggle and finally push him away. The both of your laughter fills the air and the mood is so much lighter than before.
You push his hair back and snap back to what was happening before your guys’ fit of laughter. His cheeks are flushed with color and you bring him into a kiss. “I ruined the mood didn’t i?” You smile nervously and he continues to pepper your face with kisses. “No, you made it better” his tongue sweeps along the roof of your mouth with skill and you moan in response.
The rest is frantic- hands pushing and pulling at open skin, hips pounding against one another, muffled noises as teeth bite into soft flesh in pleasure. He mutters a string of broken English, bucking into you roughly. His body spasms and you chase your release shortly after, burying your face into his warm neck.
Your fingers clench into his skin as you come undone, feeling lost in his touch and body. You both start to slow down until he finally rolls from on top of you, plopping onto his pillow. He lays there and it looks like he’s trying to reload back into normal Erick mode.
“You’re weird,” you cuddle up to him to lay your head on his sweaty chest. And like all he needed was the sound of your voice, he turns his head to you and shows off those perfect teeth. “Youre weirder,” he wraps you in his arms and starts to play with your now very tangled hair, “siempre me quieres así en la mañana.”
“You’re not complaining” you snap back and he agrees silently with a single look, fingers still locked in your silky strands. You squeeze him tightly to remind yourself how amazing he is and how lucky you are to have him to yourself. He groans as you squeeze tighter, almost pushing you away. “Oowww,” he squeezes you back to play along.
You release him and kiss his cheek one more time. “Okay can we go back to playing the game now?” Youre already reaching for your controller on the floor, pressing buttons to get it started. “Desnuda???” He almost screams, already halfway through putting his own underwear back on.
“Yea, it’ll distract you more,” you wink at him and press play. “My chance of winning is waaayy better now,”
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
So i just realized I’m a pendeja and don’t know how to make any sort of master list of all my millions fics n shit, bUT!!
I do tag every single one based on who it’s about with their own single tag and that’s probably the best way to navigate and find what ur looking for
So imma just list the tags i made up for each boy and then if you ever wanna find something for them, just search the tag on my page until i get my shi together 🤭
Here’s da tags:
Chris mi corazón (Chris duh- also sometimes i forget the accent oop sorry there’s 2 options there)
Mi morenito rico (Richard)
Mi joelito (Joel)
Zabdi bb (Zabdiel)
Mi Bebito lindito (Erick)
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cnc-hoebayb · 6 years
Lemme jus say... this was the exact moment i knew i had to protect him foreVeR
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