#cnco besitos
cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Hi bby! First off I just spent like an hour reading your blog because you're so damn good :) this is for the besos x my favourite type of weather is when it's warm but cloudy. Kinda humid but not too much. I love singing, acting and writing. Also, just anything involving music haha. You can do this with any boy I really don't mind. I'm also in an electric wheelchair so I'd be so grateful if you could tailor it around that. It's ok if you can't though :) ty so much!!
Omg i can’t believe u read through my blog like that pls lemme luv yoU
This is like a sloppy sleepy night with Joelito that just has a lot of twists n turns but also super fun n cute ~
“So you think you’re better than me?” Joel would sass as those sacred words rush out of your mouth instinctively.
“I bet I’m a better actor than you.” You’d say it again with more intention, adding a “prove me wrong” in there this time to get him going even more. He’d gasp dramatically, falling onto your guys’ bed as if he just died from the thought alone.
“Just kidding i think that was dramatic enough to out act me, you drama queen.” He sits up from the bed and laughs with a pushing “HA” and walks up to you with a sudden change of character. It kinda scares you at first, his eyes look sad, hurt almost, watering a little in the corners.
“Joel...” you’d say scared as he comes up and sits on his knees right at the edge of your chair and looking dead at you. He grabs your hands tightly in his and his curls fall over his eyes sloppily.
“Promise me you’ll never let go, Rose.” The words come out his mouth and the anxiety relieves. “Pendejo!!” You push him off you and watch him plop to the floor.
“I thought something was actually wrong, not that you were gonna start quoting the Titanic.” You spin around to face your back at him, arms crossing over your chest stubbornly. He laughs and you feel defeated. “Now who’s the better actor?! Huh!!” He screams and comes up to push you around to face him again.
You smile although you wanted to fight him for beating you in this fight. He uses the sides of your chair to boost himself up to hover over you, his bright toothy smile making your heart feel so many different emotions. He leans in and lifts your chin up to him, pressing a sweet beso on your lips.
“What was that for?” You say as he pulls away. “Felt bad for just destroying your acting career, had to make it up somehow.” You hit him again playfully and he plays dead on the floor. Typical.
The rest of the night youd keep goin back and forth, having improv acting battles of your favorite movies, plays, anything that came to mind. Just being dumb and doing what you like together, not caring about how stupid or annoying you might look.
Time would pass and the more chaotic the acting would become, the sleepier you got. Soon you were both reciting your favorite song lyrics instead, laying closely together in bed, the lights already off before you knew it.
He’d lay his head on your chest as you both stare blankly at the dark wall above you, singing quiet off tune melodies as they come to mind. You play with his curls as his singing fades down and you can tell he’s spiraling into sleep mode. He shifts his position so he’s cuddled right up on the side instead of on top of you.
He looks at you and he’s so perfect in this moment- even all sleepy headed and crashing down from his energy high earlier. It’s the moon that comes in from your cracked windows. It reflects that deep blue over his sweet tanned skin. The warm humid air that lurks into your room leaving a sheen glow over his features.
He looks at you, heavy tired eyes, and a little smile. You smile back bc you always knew what that cheeky grin meant. He’d lean in slowly, never one to be too ravenous at times like this. His lips would sync perfectly to yours, taking their time to express the most through such a little gesture.
The moment your mouths separate he captures his bottom lip between his teeth, letting it slide as his sleepy smile grows and his eyes shut slowly. You lick your lips to taste him one more time and watch him fall asleep gently next to you. Your heart is full and you drift off feeling so immensely loved.
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marriedmonth · 3 years
Comencemos con una canción o dos... escúchala antes de leer mí pequeña (larga) carta.
¡Amor! ¿Me haces un favor? Escucha todas las cancioncitas y préstale atención a todas las letras, y una vez hecho eso y que hayas terminado, quiero que la dejes funcionando desde la primera hasta leer todo lo que tengo qué decirte, de este modo porque ya sabrás lo que dicen las canciones y tendrá más sentido...
AHORA SÍ !! sí ya hiciste todo lo pedido podemos proseguir a lo nuestro...
¿14 de mayo? Un día normal e inusual para personas que no saben el significado de este día, en mí corazoncito simplemente significa absolutamente todo y estoy demasiado feliz porque será un mes más en el cuál nos estamos eligiendo mutuamente, y para mí es más que un honor que sigas eligiendome y mirándome entre tantas niñas bonitas que están rodeandote actualmente. Me siento demasiado afortunada por tener la dicha de llamarte "esposo", ¿ya te he dicho qué me haces inmensamente feliz y sonreír cómo estúpida con un sólo mensajito? Estoy completamente enamorada de vos cómo sí fuera el primer día de relación.
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Pasar tiempo juntos es una de mis cositas favoritas, soy fanática de escucharte reír y escucharte hablar acerca de tú día, acerca de tus pasatiempos o incluso de tus cosas favoritas que amas ver e incluso escuchar, me encanta, me encanta, me encanta y me encantas mucho. Soy una pequeña personita que su propósito en la vida es hacerte sonreír una y otra vez, mí propósito es hacerte feliz, y hacerte entender que sos una persona magnífica, maravillosa y fuerte que logrará muchísimas cosas en la vida, puedo asegurar, que te amo con todo mí ser y que sos el amor que quiero en toda mí vida, y el amor de toda mí vida. Amo que estemos unidos por el hilito rojo que nos va a llevar al otro y el destino así lo quiso, y estoy demasiado feliz con ello, esperaré a qué me des de comer de este modito, mhñ.
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Ahora vamos a meternos más a fondo y a contar nuestra historia, creo firmemente que ya estaba escrita, y siento desde el primer día que en nuestra anterior vida fuimos conocidos, cercanos o incluso pareja, la conexión que tenemos es tan fantástica e impresionante cómo para ser de tan poco tiempo... agradezco al destino por juntarnos nuevamente en esta vida y espero que así lo haga en la que sigue o al menos en las vidas que nos quedan. Un día te conté la historia de la luna y el sol, pero vamos a refrescar un poquito la memoria:
Hablemos afuera de esto solo por un momento. ¿Por qué mencionó a Luna y Sol junto con nuestra relación afuera también? Porque he aquí, el significado del tatuaje que también me haré, Luna y Sol se juntaban cuándo existía el famoso eclipse se hacía presente, cuándo estaban juntos se veía a lo lejos lo feliz que eran y la distancia para ellos jamás fue un problema para poder seguir amándose, y seguir admirando al otro. Ellos separados se sienten tristes y vacios, exactamente cómo me siento yo cuándo no estás... anhelo el día en el cuál ambos formemos nuestro eclipse y seamos uno al menos un día, y disfrutemos del habla, de la risa y de la compañía del otro, dicen que los mejores momentos no tienen fotos, sólo se recuerdan, estoy de acuerdo con ello, pero quiero capturar con mí cámara y mí corazón cada hora, cada minuto, cada segundo, y cada instante que pasaré a tú lado... en conclusión: sos mí Sol, aquel tan brillante que irradia pureza y bondad, aquel que me hace inmensamente feliz y que ensancha mí sonrisa de una forma sorprendente, admito que esto me encanta demasiado, y espero poder ensanchar tú sonrisita, al igual que haces conmigo. Me gusta, me agrada, me encanta y emociona mucho que nuestro amor también sobreviva tantos momentos malos, tantas personas nuevas que llegan y tantos momentos buenos también, la distancia es dura, pero más duro es no tenerte... espero que nuestra llama jamás se apague y sigamos pensando nuestros proyectos juntos, sigamos pensando en vivir juntos, viajar de la mano e incluso adoptar un bebé, también casarnos... quiero que estemos juntos hasta que la muerte decida buscar a uno de nosotros para llevárselo, ¿por qué la mencionó nuevamente? Creo que la razón la sabes muy bien, amor de mí vida.
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Mí estrellita dorada y brillante, lo que más amo en este mundo entero, te amo infinitamente. Gracias por permanecer a mí lado, ¿puedo comenzar a agradecerte? Gracias por estar cuándo el mundo se me vino abajo y me sentí realmente sola por una partida inesperada, gracias por estar a mí lado en los momentos que más lo necesite y me sentí realmente mal, puedo asegurar que te conozco cómo la palma de mí manito. Conozco cuándo te sientes triste, por la misma razón que te pregunto sí estás bien cuándo noto esto y ahí me respondes, conozco cuándo te enojas y estoy segura de que puedo calmarte, conozco cuándo te sientes demasiado feliz porque al menos a mí, se me contagia el buen humor que cargas, conozco la mayoría de tus manías y creo que te es, y será difícil ocultarme tú estado de ánimo, al menos a mí. Ayer dijiste que hasta puedo quitarte la frustración por más pesada que sea aquella y eso... me hizo muy feliz, me hizo feliz saber que tengo el poder hacerte sentir bien y hacerte sentir mejor cuándo las cosas no van bien, me gustas mucho y te amo demasiado, quiero cuidarte, quiero darte todo el amor que mereces y el que no te he dado por ciertos temas, y meses, cómo ya te he dicho antes, estaré a tú lado en los peores momentos porque no soltaré tú mano jamás, y haré que ese momento pase a uno más feliz, será cómo un cuento de hadas del cuál no querrás salir porque la felicidad que te haré sentir se sentirá cómo en una historia con final feliz. Prometo no soltar tú mano nunca jamás en todo lo que me resta de vida y hasta el momento que deje de respirar, y decida partir de este mundo.
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Quiero seguir conociéndote, porque por más que ya conozca absolutamente todo, estoy segura de que día tras día existe algo nuevo acerca de vos que me gustaría ver y saber. Quiero seguir escuchando muchas cosas acerca de tú persona, quiero decirte esposo por muchísimo tiempo y hoy vengo con una propuesta para usted.
Mí gran y único amor, ¿acepta renovar votos conmigo? Sí es así, quiero que me hables por privado y arreglemos nuestra fecha para hacerlo, quisiera expresar lo que mí corazón siente y con más claridad que la vez anterior, también quisiera poner que estamos casaditos porque tengo una foto guardada que jamás te mostré, y me gustaría hacerlo luego de ese momento. 💌
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¿Sabías qué te elegiría por más qué vengan muchas personas nuevas a mí vida? Te elegiría una y mil veces, responderé el porque. Te elegiría porque nunca congeniare tan bonito con otra persona, te elegiría porque me conoces demasiado y me amas cómo soy, te elegiría porque haces mis días nublados tengan sol, haces que mis días oscuros tengan luz y esto sólo lo tenés vos, sólo este poder tan fantástico, es sólo tuyo. Haces a esta boba explotar de amor y que su corazón lata con mucha fuerza, al punto de sentir que saldrá de su pecho, quiero darte todo lo que tengo a mí alcance y hacerte muy feliz, quiero ser la única niña que puedas mimar a tú gusto, quiero ser la niña que te haga sonreír en los momentos tristes y quiero tomar tu mano en los peores momentos, sólo con vos lo quiero, no me imagino con otra persona o no veo a otra persona cómo te miro a vos, es tan fuerte lo que siento que permanecerá en mí hasta que deje de existir.
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Dentro de poco tiempo estaremos cumpliendo un añito y ese día, tendrás una sorpresita más grande aún, ya la estoy planeando, tú novia es una niña detallista que ama hacerte feliz y hacerte sentir amado con estos, espero que pronto puedas pedir el regalito que te envie y ver mí letra fea con mí mensaje para vos.💌
Feliz mesesito, espero que sean muchísimos más y que podamos cumplir cada uno de nuestros proyectos, y promesas. Ya quiero que estés acá y poder mimarte cómo mereces, te amo infinitamente, y eternamente.♡
Te envió fuerzas, mimos y besitos a vos, y... quiero que vengas a reclamarlos, te amo, amor.🌙☀️💘
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anninhiliation · 3 years
I think there's new people here because of @cncothoughts so a reminder, minors block the tag 'cnco smut' and minors DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG
Okay besitos bye 🧡
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smoljoelito · 5 years
homesick || erick colon
word count: 2,139
description: Erick is homesick and the only person that makes him feel at home is not by his side.
warnings: fluff 
tags: @quierick @mepuserojito @ericks-mala-actitud @woowoodaaboo
A/N: watch this video before reading the one shot it’s so funny it’ll make reading it better.
I’m sorry this imagine sucks
The loud ringing of your phone causes you to about jump out of your skin as you’re launched out of your deep thoughts. When you see the name on the screen, you groan loudly, already knowing exactly what will take place in the conversation.
“Hey, Y/N!” Richard exclaims, not wasting a second before continuing, “Would you mind checking on Erick? He’s been acting weird lately. We invited him to go out with us tonight and he said no, which he never does. He won’t tell us what’s wrong, so I was wondering if you could ask him for us?” 
A sigh escapes your lips as you agree to Richard’s statement. You can practically see him beaming from your hotel room as you kindly finish the conversation before hanging up. When you applied to be an intern for Clara on CNCO’s management team, you never thought you’d become best friends with the band members, nor did you think you’d become particularly attached to the young Cuban member.
As soon as you both met, you knew he was going to be special to you. There aren’t enough words to describe what it felt like when you met him, but the one feeling you remember was tranquility. 
The whole day leading up to meeting the management team members and CNCO themselves, you were freaking out. You didn’t eat, you hardly slept, yet you had so much nervous energy. When you first met Clara, her gentle smile and personality took a weight off your chest, but the nervousness was still there when you met the boys. 
Thank god they were nice, incredibly nice, yet you were still incredibly anxious. Ever since day one, Erick has been able to sense your discomfort, or any feeling really besides happiness, and goes out of his way to make it better. Of course, that day, he began talking to you, asking you questions about your life and schooling, and the anxiety completely melted away. His presence was, and is, soothing.
From then on, you two were pretty much inseparable. If you didn’t feel like going out at night, he wouldn’t leave the hotel and vice versa. Before each show, he always gives you a “bueno suerte besito”, as he likes to call it, on the cheek, still to this day making you as red as a tomato. 
It’s no secret to anyone, including Clara, that he likes you. It’s so obvious that random people ask you in public if you’re dating. Even the fans like you, which is crazy. Everyone wants you to date so bad, and the only one holding back the relationship is, well, you.
You like him, you sure as hell do, but you’re afraid of risking your job. Clara already said it’s okay since the fans support it so much and because he really likes you. The issue arises after this internship. When you apply for an actual job with another company and they see you’re dating or were dating one of the members, the question of how well you actually did your job will arise. Anyone could think it was a publicity stunt.
And anyway, once the tour is over, so is your internship. There are merely a few months left, so would he actually want to stay with you after it all?
Keeping it private is a longshot since Erick already said he doesn’t want to keep you private. He wants to post about you on Instagram and hold hands with you in public, actually, he already told you that a while ago. Still, your fear keeps him locked away in the friend zone, even though your heart is aching for him.
Even now, your heart is aching for him, but for a different reason. You already asked Eric what was wrong, but he wouldn’t tell you. Instead, he shut the door of his hotel room in your face a few days ago and hasn’t spoken to you since. 
It’s incredibly odd to suddenly have someone that was such a constant in your life suddenly disappear. Even the air seems different; you almost feel completely out of place even in your own room. Normally, you and Eric would be snuggled up in someone’s room talking, watching a movie, or he would be singing to you, something he knows you love.
You know exactly what you have to do as you collect all your things together, before heading out into the eerily quiet hallway of the hotel room. Each step and breath you take is completely audible until you finally reach your destination.
Softly, your knuckles tap on the door of your friend, Erick’s hotel room door. The closer he gets to the door, the louder the thuds are echoing from inside, until the door swings open, revealing an anything but happy Erick. For a second, you two just stare at each other, no words being exchanged, but then, he begins to shut the door.
Not this time.
You push the door as hard as you can, causing it to fly open and for Erick’s grip to be released on it. As he stumbles back, you walk into the room, before softly shutting the door.
Spinning around on your heel, you face a very startled Erick, who just stands there, staring at you with wide eyes. A sigh escapes your lips as you cross your arms over your chest, meeting his intense gaze. As soon as his lips part, you cut him off.
“We need to talk and you’re not slamming the door in my face again,” You state sternly, trying to keep a poker face. In reality, you’re about as threatening as a rabbit, which Erick finds adorable. The anger you’re trying to put into your face makes you look like you have puppy dog eyes, completely tearing down the wall he put up around himself.
“Lo siento carino  Dime todo y piensaré sobre perdonándote o. Perdóname.” The honesty that’s evident in his voice causes you to drop the anger you’re attempting at portraying. With another sigh, you walk over to his bed, inviting yourself to sit on it and pull your knees to your chest.
“Dime todo y piensaré sobre perdonándote,” You say with a small smile, letting him know you’re kidding. This seems to relax his mood a bit, causing you to pat the spot next to you on the bed. Your fingers play with the edge of the sheet to distract you from staring at him and forgetting why you're here as he walks over. to sit next to you. Once he sits, crossing his legs, you dare to meet his gaze, which you find already on you.
“What’s going on amor?” You ask him, using the pet name you know he loves.
“Me extraño mi familia, en Cuba y en Florida mucho. No sé por qué ahora pero, por alunga razón, he estado triste por los últimos días.” You know it sometimes hard for him to express himself completely in English, so he always switches to Spanish when something serious is going on. The light that used to rest behind his bright green eyes has been dimmed, breaking your heart completely. His eyes disconnect from yours as he stares down at the comforter, trying to hide his apparent sadness.
In an instant, it hits you what’s wrong with him. Excitement runs through your veins, making you smack his arm to get his attention. 
“Ow!” He calls out, rubbing his arm and staring at you with his eyebrows knitted together.
“You’re homesick!” The word doesn’t seem to resonate in his brain, causing his eyebrows to furrow even more than before as his head cocks to the side slightly.
“Estoy triste porque llego a mi casa enfermo?” It takes all of your willpower not to laugh as you stare at him.
“No, no! La palabra significa cuando extraña malo a tu hogar o su familiar in inglés,” He raises his brows a big as he draws his lips downward slightly out of embarrassment for his bad English. You can't help but giggle, causing his eyes to meet your gaze again. The sound of your laugh always ignites something in him, drawing out a smile he didn’t know he could make based on the current feeling he was holding.
“It’s true though. They can’t come up to visit, they’re too busy. Every time I call they aren’t home or are sleeping because of the time zone differences. Lo que debo hacer?” He asks sadly, looking at you with hope-filled eyes. It seems for the second or third time today, you’re heart physically aches for the boy in front of you. He’s so attached to his family, which is something you love about him.
“Well, why don’t you text them and tell them you really miss them and want to see if you all can set up a time to FaceTime this week? I can’t see them saying no, they love you so much, Erick.” Within seconds, the boy is back to beaming at you, causing a sudden warmth to spread through your veins. At first, you don’t even realize his smile has made you smile the same way back at him.
“Eso es una buena idea! Gracias, Y/N.”
Before you can even respond, he’s already on his phone, fingers flying across the screen ecstatically. 
“Sent!” He calls out excitedly turning back to you. You smile at him happily, since his happiness seems to only enhance your own.
“Thanks for everything,” He begins, gazing at you, “I’ve been a really bad friend this week. I’m really sorry about that. I promise next time I’m hurting, I won’t push you away.” 
“I forgive you, Erick. It’s okay.”
“Good! Cuddles and Netflix?” He asks, causing you to grin, nodding excitedly at him. This is what you do for each other each time your down. It’s always cuddles and Netflix, no matter what.
Instantly, he’s pulling back the covers for you to get in, which you do, before sliding under them himself. Before you can even begin to lie down, his arm wraps tightly around your waist, yanking you into his chest. Your laughter rings out through the room, causing his heartbeat to skip a few beats, but when you smile up at him, it stops completely.
God, you have him so whipped, and he could care less.
With his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest, you watch a random Netflix movie, unmoving. The coolness of the AC works in Erick’s favor, thank god, since you keep yourself tightly pressed into the side of his body for warmth. Knowingly, he doesn’t offer you a hoodie to put on over your tank top and shorts, even though he loves when you wear his hoodies. Right now, he wants to keep you as close as possible.
When the movie ends, neither of you dare move, not even to start the next one.
“You should FaceTime my family with me,” Erick finally says, shattering the peaceful silence of the room. The statement causes your breath to hitch in your throat, which Erick hears, causing him to grab your hand.
“Cause they love you so much! You know they always ask me about you and if we are dating yet,” He says matter-of-factly. The whole room goes completely silent, only the AC running in the background, and for a second, you can’t even hear him breathe with your head on his chest.
“You know we can’t.” Your voice is so quiet, you aren’t sure if he can even hear it. The confirmation he did comes in the form of a sigh.
“You know we can. The only person holding us back is you. I’m not sure what you’re afraid of. I mean god you know Clara is already talking about hiring you as a full-time member of the management team. She’s literally making a job for you right now.” You gasp loudly, lifting off his chest to look into his brown orbs to see if he’s bluffing.
“You’re kidding.”
“You didn’t know? Oh! I may have just spoiled the surprise... surprise nena?” He smiles cheekily at you when he says this causing you to grin back at him before excitedly bouncing up and down on the bed. His laughter sounds throughout the room at your excitement, but really his heart is beating twice as face as yours.
“Oh my god, Erick! You’re gonna be stuck with me!” You scream loudly causing him to burst out laughing yet again.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Well, now will you date me?” The statement stops your excited actions as you spin to face him. Your heart is dancing around in your chest, yet you feel constricted of oxygen. For a moment, you simply stare at him, contemplating the question.
“Yeah, yeah I will.” 
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cncosangel1 · 5 years
Hi! I love this mini head canon idea ❤️ for me. I’m an Aquarius, I’m 5ft 4 with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I loving telling joke and sharing memes. My friends say that I’m caring, kind, extroverted and a smol bean. 🤣 I enjoy doing art and being creative, and I love to dress up and have a great time with ppl. Thank you for making my head canon, I’m excited to see who you’ll ship me with. Besitos 💋
Hey love 💖, I'm sorry it took me so long to reply !
I ship you with Erick, here is your headcanon :
1. whenever you'd be around each other, he'd try to make you laugh with his (un)funny jokes
2. but you'd have great jokes too
3. so you'd both end up having a joke contest
4. and you'd usually call either chris or richard to arbitrate it
5. stalking cnco meme accounts would be your passion, like you'd find a funny meme and send it to him, and he'd repost it on his story
6. he might be dating you but he'd mostly likely act like your child, because we all know he's a baby and you're super caring
7. sick? he calls you. can't sleep? he calls you. bored? he calls you. at the grocery store and doesn't know what to buy? he calls you.
8. it doesn't keep you from having the greatest of times around him though, hanging out with him would always be so fun
9. so many jamout sessions, food fights, all nighters, and just doing stupid stuff without even knowing why/how you thought of doing it in the first place
10. he'd pratically beg you to let him give you a makeover
11. he'd just be like "I know you love dressing up, but you'd love it even more if you'd let me do it"
12. you'd just look at him, wondering where his confidence suddenly came from and he'd get so shy aww
13. of course you'd let him do it
14. he'd be very dedicated, but not very talented? he'd eventually realize that and start messing around
15. you'd promise him that you'll never let him do that to your face ever again but he'd just laugh it off
16. he loves your art. like litterally whatever you do (whether you write, sing, draw...) impresses him so much that he's in aww at it for days
17. then he'd send you a voice note he recorded at the studio of some lyrics he wrote for you, and that were inspired by your art
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ghostofyoujpg · 5 years
hi i’m feeling soft and i just wanna say i’m so happy that i started seriously blogging about cnco on here 🥺 because if i didn’t i wouldn’t be laughing at my mutuals posts bc y’all are so funny and i wouldn’t have met some wonderful human beans. big shout out to marie n josie, i love those angels with my all my heart and i love all my mutuals so if u see this here’s a besito and i’m sending you all my love n affection 💖💖💖
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Mi medicina-CNCO
Son esas ganas de sentirte cerca, al pronunciar tu nombre (tu nombre)
Cada segundo que no estás conmigo es una eternidad (eternidad)
Apareciste en mi vida cuando yo estaba perdido
Y me entregaste lo mejor de ti sin pedir nada más
Se me va la cabeza, si dices te quiero
Te bajo la luna, te sueño despierto
Por una caricia, eh, sabes que me muero
Y tu mente y la mía están en sintonía
Eres el motivo que alegra mi vida
Esa melodía que rompe el silencio
¿Qué está pasando? que esa carita divina
Se ha vuelto mi medicina
Y poco a poco yo me estoy sanando
Son esos labios los que me tienen atado, como loco enamorado
Sin darme cuenta ya me has conquistado
Uohh-uohh, uohh-uohh, uohh-uohh
Yo necesito tu remedio, porque estoy enfermo
Me sube la fiebre cuando no tengo tu cuerpo
No sé qué me pasa, esto es un misterio
Pero se me cura con besitos en el cuello
Señorita venga aquí y deme esa receta que me gusta a mí
Que así convaleciente no puedo vivir
Si no es junto a ti (si no es junto a ti)
Se me va la cabeza, si dices te quiero
Te bajo la luna, te sueño despierto
Por una caricia, eh, sabes que me muero
Y tu mente y la mía están en sintonía
Eres el motivo que alegra mi vida
Esa melodía que rompe el silencio
¿Qué está pasando? que esa carita divina
Se ha vuelto mi medicina
Y poco a poco yo me estoy sanando
Son esos labios los que me tienen atado, como loco enamorado
Sin darme cuenta ya me has conquistado
Y es que me tiene loco
Estoy obsesionado
Me invade un mar de dudas, si no estás a mi lado
Porque ella es mi primer amor
Es tan inmenso como el sol
Es tan grande que llena de vida mi corazón
¿Qué está pasando? que esa carita divina
Se ha vuelto mi medicina
Y poco a poco yo me estoy sanando (poco a poco yo me estoy sanando)
Son esos labios los que me tienen atado, como loco enamorado
Sin darme cuenta ya me has conquistado
¿Qué está pasando?
Que esa carita divina
Se ha vuelto mi medicina (mi medicina)
Y poco a poco yo me estoy sanando
Son esos labios los que me tienen atado, como loco enamorado
Sin darme cuenta ya me has conquistado
Sin darme cuenta ella me ha conquistado, oh
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rubideniz · 3 years
Todavía no no puedo creer que Cnco Ya se va a terminar te amo más extraño mucho Los chicos de 😘CNCO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ también jole A todos todos ustedes bastante mi corazón siempre voy a pensar en ustedes en el apoyo que va a decir ella todas las ustedes son mi no me has una favorita grupo Muchas gracias por todo bonita recogerlos gracias por el cinco años Cnco Siempre bastar en mi corazón y siempre son buenos cuidados mucho mucho cariño me duele mucho que ya no vas hasta juntos ♥️🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔 jole Deseo más bonita suerte con todas tus fotos ahora te vamos apoyarte gracias por todos los lindos cinco años gracias por las mañanas mucho ánimo cada niño o todas las fans de cncowners ☺️ te mando muchos besitos abrazos pone todos los que nunca te vas a olvidar de nosotras yo siempre voy a estar contacto con todos tus amigos y todos tus fans 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 
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10 Song Tag
Thank you @dekaythepunk this is super cool and you’re amazing ♡ List 10 songs you are currently into and tag 10 people 1. Tu Luz by CNCO 2. In Bloom by Neck Deep 3. Mi Gente by J Balvin ft. Willy William 4. Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger 5. Quisiera by CNCO 6. How Do You Feel? by The Maine 7. Me Voy Enamorando by Chino Y Nacho ft. Farruko 8. Linger by The Cranberries 9. Where Do We Go When We Go by Neck Deep 10. Un Besito Mas by Jesse Y Joy
@gothamfanboy @let-the-sun-rain-down-on-meee @kirsctein @seizethecunt and who everelse wants to do this :-)
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
Hey there! My favorite weather is quite specific actually-- it's when you're staying somewhere right on the beach, when you wake up and the sun is just rising. It's not insufferably hot, just warm and there's a light breeze. Standing right at the water's edge, watching the sunrise and how the sky changes. It's incredibly calm and serene. I like listening to the waves and sounds of the ocean, swiming, and kayaking. Or even just playing in the sand. My lane is Chris. Thank you! You're wonderful!
This feeds into all fav Chris concepts so ily for that you’re wonderful :,))
It’s kinda like domestic Chris, but also just how fun n easy going he’d always be ~
The breeze would wake you up along with the sound of crashing waves in the distance. You squint your eyes against the light sun beaming through the tiny crack in the curtains. The patio door of the room was cracked the tiniest bit, letting all sounds and that crisp air run through.
You roll out of bed quietly, trying not to wake Chris as you inch towards the open door. Pulling the curtain aside even more, you creep out into the open. The sun peeks along the horizon and it’s reflecting off shades of blue in the sky. The wind is subtle and runs across your skin softly. You close your eyes to take in a deep breath, letting the air, ocean, and sun take over your body in the moment.
You let the air back out and as you do, a pair of arms snake their way around your waist naturally. His head rests on your shoulder and you lean back into the embrace. He kisses your neck once and then your cheek, whispering a low “gmornin”, his voice still gravelly from sleep. You turn your head slightly and lock lips with his, a hand running along his jaw and holding him there lingering long after the kiss is finished.
Your noses press together and you open your eyes to his cute sleepy smile. You plop one more beso on his lips and let him hold you again, the both of you watching the sun rise slowly. The colors shifting like nothing and the heat rising little by little, setting a good warmth across your skin. “Here,” Chris takes your hand and starts leading you off the patio and onto the sand.
You follow as he closes the distance between you both and the edge of the water. The tide brushes across your toes and it shocks your body from the cold. You take a little step back and admire the water inches away. Chris pulls you into his chest again, rocking you side to side in his arms while the sun takes its final place in the sky.
“I can stay here like this all day,” you sigh and gawk at the beautiful view before you. He giggles behind you and spins you around to face him, the sun shining so perfectly on his face, all your favorite features of him looking more gorgeous than ever. “I know you can,” he says and gives a little besito on your lips. “But we’re doing a lot of other fun stuff today, cmon let’s get ready nena.”
You give in hesitantly, but lowkey know that he’ll break down and end up cutting plans short just to bring you back here to watch the sun set later. He loved it as much as you did. The feeling, the scenery, everything that came with it.
You start walking back towards the house and he stops you real quick, wrapping you in his long comfy arms again. He squeezes you and whispers, “oye,” before pressing his lips passionately on yours, “Te amo.”
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youfuckingloosah · 7 years
Unpopular Opinion: CNCO is better than wandirection. Besitos😚
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Besito de buenas noches de @joelpimentel😘. Hasta mañana CNCOwners que descansen y sueñes con @cncomusic 😂❤. #CNCO #cncomusic #cncowners #forevercnco #ilovecnco #cncomivida #cncomylife (en Argentina)
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veonoticia · 8 years
Premios Lo Nuestro publicó la lista de los nominados a obtener el preciado galardón
Premio Lo Nuestro a la Música Latina es una ceremonia de entrega de galardones a los mejores músicos latinos del año organizado por la cadena Univision. Tendrá lugar en el American Airlines Arena de la ciudad de Miami.
Fuente: Noticias24
Estos son los artistas nominados en las cinco categorías de Premio Lo Nuestro: General, Pop/Rock, Urbano, Regional Mexicano y Tropical.
Categoría General
Artista Premio Lo Nuestro Del Año 1. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 2. Enrique Iglesias 3. J Balvin 4. Romeo Santos
Colaboración del Año 1. “Como lo hacía yo”. Ken-Y ft. Nicky Jam 2. “Duele el Corazón”. Enrique Iglesias ft. Wisin 3. “Tomen Nota” Adriel Favela ft. Los Del Arroyo 4. “Traidora”. Gente de Zona ft. Marc Anthony
Álbum del Año 1. “Amor Supremo”. Carla Morrison 2. “Recuerden Mi Estilo”. Los Plebes del Rancho y Ariel Camacho 3. “Visionary”. Farruko 4. “Visualízate”. Gente de Zona ft. Marc Anthony
Artista Femenino del Año 1. Chiquis Rivera 2. India 3. Karol G 4. Sofía Reyes
Artista Masculino del Año 1. Enrique Iglesias 2. J Balvin 3. Julión Álvarez 4. Romeo Santos
Single del Año 1. “Duele el Corazón”. Enrique Iglesias ft. Wisin 2. “Hasta el Amanecer”. Nicky Jam 3. “La Bicicleta”. Carlos Vives ft. Shakira 4. “Sólo con Verte”. Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga
Video del Año 1. “Andas En Mi Cabeza”. Chino y Nacho ft. Daddy Yankee 2. “La Bicicleta”. Carlos Vives ft. Shakira 3. “Safari”. J Balvin ft. Pharrel Williams, BIA & Sky 4. “Soy Yo”. Bomba Estéreo 5. “Tu Enemigo”. Pablo López ft. Juanes
Grupo o Dúo del Año 1. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 2. Gente de Zona 3. Maná 4. Zion & Lennox
Categoría Pop / Rock
Álbum del Año 1. “Amor”. Reik 2. “Latina”. Thalía 3. “Primera Cita”. CNCO 4. “Renacer”. Christian Daniel 5. “Un Besito Más”. Jesse & Joy
Canción del Año 1. “Duele El Corazón”. Enrique Iglesias ft. Wisin 2. “Ironía”. Maná 3. “No Soy Una de Esas”. Jesse & Joy ft Alejandro Sanz 4. “Solo Yo”. Sofía Reyes ft. Prince Royce 5. “Tan Fácil” CNCO 6. “Ya Me Enteré”. Reik ft. Nicky Jam
Grupo o Dúo Del Año 1. CNCO 2. Jesse & Joy 3. Maná 4. Reik
Artista Femenino del Año 1. Gloria Trevi 2. Leslie Grace 3. Sofía Reyes 4. Thalía
Artista Masculino del Año 1. Christian Daniel 2. Enrique Iglesias 3. Marco Antonio Solís 4. Ricky Martin
Categoría Regional Mexicano
Álbum del Año 1. “Historia De La Calle”. Calibre 50 2. “Hombre de Trabajo”. Banda Carnaval 3. “Me Está Gustando”. Banda Los Recoditos 4. “Mi Princesa”. Remmy Valenzuela 5. “Qué Bendición”. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga
Artista Masculino del Año 1. Gerardo Ortíz 2. Julión Álvarez 3. Régulo Caro 4. Remmy Valenzuela
Canción del Año 1. “Cicatriiices”. Régulo Caro 2. “Pistearé”. Banda Los Recoditos 3. “Préstamela a Mi”. Calibre 50 4. “Si No Es Contigo”. Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lizárraga 5. Sólo Con Verte”. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 6. “Ya Te Perdí La Fe”. La Arrolladora Banda El Limón de René Camacho
Grupo o Dúo del Año 1. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 2. Calibre 50 3. La Arrolladora Banda El Limón de René Camacho 4. La Séptima Banda
Artista Norteño del Año 1. Ariel Camacho y los Plebes del Rancho 2. Calibre 50 3. Gerardo Ortíz 4. La Maquinaria Norteña
Artista Banda del Año 1. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 2. Julión Álvarez 3. La Arrolladora Banda El Limón de René Camacho 4. La Séptima Banda
Categoría Tropical
Álbum del Año 1. “35 Aniversario”. Grupo Niche 2. “Conexión”. Fonseca 3. “Mi Mejor Regalo”. Charlie Zaa 4. “Tiempo”. 24 Horas 5. “Visualízate”. Gente de Zona
Canción del Año 1. “Andas en Mi Cabeza”. Chino & Nacho ft. Daddy Yankee 2. “Culpa Al Corazón”. Prince Royce 3. “La Bicicleta”. Carlos Vives & Shakira 4. “La Carretera”. Prince Royce 5. “Las Cosas de la Vida”. Carlos Vives 6. “Traidora”. Gente de Zona ft. Marc Anthony
Artista del Año 1. Carlos Vives 2. Chino y Nacho 3. Gente de Zona 4. Prince Royce 5. Romeo Santos 6. Víctor Manuelle
Categoría Urbano
Álbum del Año 1. “Dangerous”. Yandel 2. “Energía”. J Balvin 3. “Los Vaqueros: La Trilogía”. Wisín 4. “Pretty Boy / Dirty Boy”. Maluma 5. “Visionary”. Farruko
Canción del Año 1. “Bobo”. J Balvin 2. “El Perdedor”. Maluma 3. “Encantadora”. Yandel 4. “Hasta El Amanecer”. Nicky Jam 5. “Obsesionado”. Farruko 6. “Vaivén”. Daddy Yankee
Artista del Año 1. Daddy Yankee 2. Farruko 3. J Balvin 4. Maluma 5. Nicky Jam 6. Wisín 7. Yandel 8. Zion & Lennox
Colaboración del Año 1. “Ay Mi Dios”. IamChino ft. Pitbull, Yandel & Chacal 2. “Chillax”. Farruko ft. Ky-Mani Marley 3. “Como Lo Hacía Yo”. Ken-Y ft. Nicky Jam 4. “Disfruta La Vida”. Antonio Baullo ft. J Álvarez & Flex 5. “Mayor Que Yo”. Luny Tunes, Daddy Yankee, Wisín, Don Omar & Yandel 6. “Not A Crime”. Play-N-Skillz & Daddy Yankee
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
I like the weather you get right before it’s gonna rain in the fall. Where you’ve got that light breeze kicking in, just enough to go through your hair, but while still maintaining that cool crisp fall air. Time of day, just after sunset but before it gets totally dark. I feel like it’s more peaceful. Yashua’s lane. As far as what I like doing, playing with my dog and having me time, since I have to deal with people all day, it’s nice to be alone for a while.
I love you so much bc you always give me opportunities to write about yashua and share that mutual love for him ANd that’s what we all need more oF!!! !!
I just love Yashua so much and so do you so I’m making this long and v detailed lol ~
I can see you guys at the park while the sun sets off in the distance, sitting in the grass cuddled together close. It’d be on your day off from work/school, a perfect time for y’all to cool off and spend some quality alone time with each other. You’d both be the type to not need to say a lot in moments like this, you’d be comfortable in silence and only each other’s presence. It’s a nice little getaway from your crazy schedules.
He’d lay back in the grass as you see a faint strike of lightning in the distance, he yanks your hand and you lay with him. The wind tickles your skin and the smell of oncoming rain fills the rest of your senses. Your dog rests by your feet and you close your eyes to take in the moment.
It’d be quiet for a longer period of time before Yashua finally breaks the silence. It’s a start up of a random conversation about some weird dream he had or something wild. You’d be laughing and sharing stories, but before you know it the convo turns more serious. You’ve never had these kinds of talks before.
It’d be about his life, growing up, everything he’s been through up until this point. You’d share the same, cry and laugh at the similarities in each other’s stories. It’d be a totally new territory that offers so much more to explore now.
It ends with his feelings. And yours. You’ve both never loved like this, and quite frankly it’s a little terrifying. But you trust each other and that’s all that matters. He makes you feel safe and you make him feel loved like you’ve both never known.
The besitos he gives you afterwards aren’t really besitos at all actually. They’re reassuring words. Something that tells you he’ll never leave, never hurt you like you’ve been afraid of. They’re a book of secrets and memories, your future together waiting to be told on the curve of his lips.
And that’s how all his kisses are from that point on, a lil promise of his love for you whenever he gets the chance. Whether they’re unsuspected on your forehead in the morning as you sleep, sloppily and drunk on your naked skin after a night out, or even on your silent alone time walks, bc he knows you remember exactly what they mean
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
hiii for the besitos- my favorite weather is rainy and cold kind of day, i like night time, and i like to go to futbol games and go out to party lol. u can pick erick or chris 💞 love u!!
You’re the first person so far to even mention Erick I’m so juiced imma pick him lol (luv u 2 heehjeje)
Ericks grown but like still a bb so i think his besitos would be rly childish and kinda fun ~
You guys would be at a party with all your friends. Everyone’s gettin wild, people showing up more in more in giant groups and it was crowded crowded. Which made it easier to just go absolutely crazy, blast the music and dance your heart out bc there were way too many people that you couldn’t care.
Erick would be behind you letting you do your thang, bussin it down or throwin it in a circle idk what freak stuff u like baby, but he’s LIVID. You’re both a lil tipsy at this point too and wow you cannot keep ur hands off each other. You’d turn around to face him and give in, slapping a sloppy beso right on his lips.
And he’s not gonna stop you, he was just about to make the move if you hadn’t already. So you back it up out of the room where everyone’s dancing, searching for a more intimate setting. His hands would be up and down your body, and yours tight in his hair. So when you finally find a door to a random room upstairs and are greeted with the sight of some randos gettin frisky- it’s like u sober up on spot.
You quickly apologize and slam the door, both of you kinda in shock. But Erick would still be adamant. He’d go across the hall and open another door quick.... And slam it just as fast. “Don’t go in there.” He’d say nervously. And you laugh bc you know there’s no way there’s gonna be an empty room anywhere with this many people.
He’d come up and push you against the wall tho, kind of a change of pace and it rushes all the feeling back into your body from earlier. He’d lay his lips down across your shoulder and up your neck, stopping teasingly at your mouth only to talk instead. “Cmon,” your hand in his, he’d lead you back downstairs and towards the bathroom. Whatta child. But you don’t care. You blush and contain your smile so no one knows.
You both rush the door, whipping it open to a more disappointing sight. It’s Richard and a pretty little thing doing some not so pretty things. Erick screams like a kid and slams it shut before Richard can even register it was him and come beat his ass. Now that one was the kicker. You fall over onto Ericks shoulder and just laugh, the kind of one that hurts to breathe and makes your eyes water. He joins in for a little then looks at you genuinely, all intentions now dropped. “Wanna just go home? Watch dumb videos until we pass out.”
You smile, kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand, “yea let’s go.”
You’d choose to walk home, your place not being far from the party venue. Plus side was the rain, it was a little sprinkle, not anything heavy. Enough to cool you down and have even more of an excuse to cuddle into his arms as you walked.
But you stop at the sight of something intriguing at this late of an hour. It’s the futbol field yall and other locals usually go to for fun, but it’s completely empty. Which was way different than normally seeing it packed and loaded with as many people as could fit. You pull Erick off track and into the field, checking your surroundings to make sure it really was empty.
“Let’s play real quick” you find a ball next to some of the benches on the side and kick it at him fast. He doesn’t hesitate and takes advantage of this once in a lifetime empty field to him self and goes crazy. It feels like you’re playing for hours, screaming and trash talking freely with no eyes watching.
You score one last time and tackle him to the grass as part of your victory dance. He rolls you over, the both of you now pretty damp from the rain and wet ground. He’d hover above you for a moment, letting you both laugh it out and chill. And he’d look down at you, messy hair and clothes, skin somehow glowing in this rainy cold night.
And it’s exactly then when he realizes this is his first chance with you alone all night. So he might as well take advantage of it. He swoops in for another kiss. This time not so sloppy and needy, but it’s focused- free and unapologetic. It knocks the air from your lungs and it feels like you need him more than anything to breathe.
But at the same time he’d kiss you so good that you’ve never felt more alive. Energy at a high and you can’t help but smile. Rolling around with him in a dirty field right now was probably the most fun you’d had and felt genuinely happy to be there. And it was just bc Erick was unapologetically himself and loved you with out hesitation, it was so easy to feel appreciated and spend forever with him- no regrets
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cnc-hoebayb · 5 years
What kind of besitos the boys would give you
I did a couple of these in the past that were super fun and really interactive with y’all so I’m starting it up with another fun one i can’t wait for! !!
So here’s for this one-
Send me your favorite weather, fav time of day, whatchu like to do, and which boy is ur fav, and I’ll tell you what kind of besito they would give u !!
My fav is probably a nice rainy summer night, i like to go out and do as much as i can and enjoy the heck out of my time, and my bb is Chris..
So for myself I’d prolly say he’d give a spontaneous lil beso, something in the middle of the street while it’s pouring rain- maybe while we’re running through a storm back to our car after a night at the movies. Just out of nowhere, a quick yet passionate lil thing that fits the moment and scenery, followed by a cute sly smile as he continues running through the rain...
Ya dig it??? K now send em in im readyyyy
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