#cnco asks
pohutukawa22 · 3 months
yo-shi is my jam! also a bop 💃🪩
I’m not surprised that you are saying zabdiel is cold. I feel like he is getting karma for staying with wk. his music videos have low views in my opinion. I also feel like he debuted with the wrong song, (too much auto tune and it’s very boring song to me) I liked that CNCO sounded like nightclub music so if solo boys do upbeat songs I like them more. zab only has 51.4K YouTube subscribers and joel gained over 100k very fast. I also think zabdiel’s Spotify streams are very low for someone who came from a group. It’s karma. 😩
I don't want to even think how miserable the last few months of CNCO must have been & I'm glad Chris & Erick's friendship survived.
I didn't like Zab's debut song - I haven't liked any of his solo work tbh.
I do like Mar Lucas who he sang with & who is doing reasonably well on Spotify. I have a couple of her songs on some of my Spotify playlists.
@virgatowhipped had a theory that Zab was just used to promote other wk artists - I don't know if that was true originally, but they (WK) seemed to lose interest in him very quickly.
The CNCO member I would most like to see succeed is Chris, followed by Richard then Joel. I don't think Erick's voice is strong enough for a solo artist - & I have already given my opinion about Zabdi.
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spevvy · 3 months
the new latin singer named chesca who just released a song with zabdiel is performing at a latin american cultural festival in my city next month. what a small world because I always believed I lived at the end of the world (canada) for anything related to a CNCO to be close to me. it would be nice if they tried to get zab, joel & richard for the festival
wow wee that's absolutely amazing, and honestly as a CNCO fan living in somewhere equally the end of the world (UK) as far as Latin American music type stuff is concerned, this genuinely gives me hope for the future that maybe I WILL one day be in the same timezone/airspace as my tiny pasty Ecuadorian... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Seriously, Anon, please please let me know if you get to go to the festival and how it all goes, I'm so so excited for you - imagine ACTUALLY being able to be breathing the same air as one of our boys!!!!!!!! That's absolutely incredible!!!!!! I'm so so so soooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
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celebratory hugs all round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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imgloriaa · 1 year
Do you think they’ll remain friends after the break up? Seems like only Chris and Erick are hanging out
i feel chris and erick are the only two that will keep seeing each other and hanging out with. richard and zabdiel were fighting over zab solo career starting while the others had to wait longer than him & zab is surely going to hang out with different people - “cool people” and leave the guys behind. richard has now a newborn and his solo career to care about and his daughter as well, i don’t think he’ll have much time to build new friendships so he’ll probably hang out with chris and erick occasionally 🤷🏼‍♀️
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xrichukix · 2 years
Wheres Richard today? The guys were doing promo for Extranos and Richard was MIA. He for sure has checked out of the group. Something isn't right here. Wheres the tea. Who knows the details?
In my opinion, Richard just couldn't be part of it today, but i can tell this boy is fed up with pretty much everything from the wk side, and he don't really get along with Haisam. You can even see that the last video i posted is from ig radio and not from the guys account so if richard is not forced to do something from the management he just doesn't contribute, he just wants to be free of them and make solo music oh his terms.
Anyway, you can see for a long time that the boys don't have much interaction on the video's and on their social media accounts. They meet and Haisam shoots content for the next month to post it on tiktok and ig and post SOLO selfies. In my opinion, the only good recent content we got from Symon and Steve, and how Musikita was created, so I'm afraid how it will look like in the future
@stripzabdiel @justmyblogworld and what do u think about this situation?
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cloudslou · 2 years
i was going to send you this ask earlier but i forgot 😞bestie do you listen to music in spanish???
i do!!!! not tons and by far i mostly listen to paz but i have a few artists i listen to in spanish like rosalia and hinds and recently i have a go-to playlist of music from columbian artists after a friend used cairo by karol g in an instagram video!!
i def wanna check out the album u listed and also if u have recs!!! pls
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magikbitch · 2 years
Do you still talk to any of your old friends? Do they have non-CNCO blogs we can follow?
i still talk to some of them but if they haven't told y'all their new blogs i don't think it's my place to do it sorry
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hamilton44jpg · 2 years
Yea like 💀 we all thought it was just a rumor. But Zabdiel legit post his daughter, damn
right??? like i’m still shocked
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anninhiliation · 2 years
Going off of last anon. Please can I just fuck Zabdiel De Jesús! He looks so good. 😮‍💨 he has blue hair now ❤️
Zab always had the best hands tbh
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konaanaria13 · 2 months
K so I wrote this back when I was utterly obssesd with Harry Lewis and then compleattly forgot about it so yeah here u gooo
Warnings: sex, unprotected sex, cursing, Oral sex (F reciving) uh yh.
Also like I love this song and Its just soo perfect so yhh.
Idk about part 2 btw maybe maybe not.
I move closer to them, one of them noticing and without hesitation pulling me into the circle of friend's, an arm around me and jumping up and down with me.
The music is making my body sway, my hip's slowly as I let my hand's go through my hair and down my body, the alcohol making me feel dizzy, looking around I notice the group of boy's before me, all of them jumping up arm in arm laughing, I look back to see my friend's in the booth getting new drink wondering why they aren't here with me like that, returning my attention back to the boy's, I Grin as I see one of the Blondes Loudly singing to the song, His hand in a fist as Microphone as his friend's cheer him on.
"Excuse me baby boy, just had to dance with you know" I muse loudly and finally his eyes lock with mine, he grin's as I loudly sing with him, he step's aside and the other's laugh as I sing toward the boy.
"See theres nobody in here that compares to you, no! Your hand's on my waist, my lip's you wanna taste" He moves closer, his hand's around my hip's and I grind myself into him, wrapping my hand's around his neck, he lick's his lip's and I grin.
"Come muvéte muvéte muvéte" I sing and his face moves closer to mine, his nose brushing mine as he guides my hip's against his, his lip's brushing mine, I press my lip's against his, his hand's responding by pulling me closer into him, running up and down my back he cup's my ass and I part my lip's for his tounge and he bites my lip.
Our bodies move against the music.
The people outside die out, I can hear their laughter but I shut it out as he kisses me toward the music and all I can hear is him panting and the music making my body move.
"Y/N!" I pull away harshly and push him off as my best friend Katie stares at me.
"No! Absoulutly not! We said no boys!"
"I- you did not just ruin the best kiss of my life for a stupid promise!" I scream over the music and notice how his hand's stayed on my hip standing behind me as his friend's laugh.
"Mate fuck off she's on a boy ban"
"Nope babe stay!" I demand and he laugh's laudly.
"Harry come on they're gonna start fighting over you-" one of the boy's say's and me and katie look at him then at each other and start laughing.
"Dude you think we would fight over a guy?" I ask laughing as the boy behind me —Harry— licks his lip's when I look back at him.
"Let alone him" Katie says and I frown.
"What's that supposed to mean he look's good" I ask and she scoff's.
"You drunk and its night-"
"Nope i stand by it he look's like that one youtuber- I always have his thirst traps on my fyp whats his name?"
"The autistic guy?" Somehow as me and Katie talk the guys didn't get bored and created a circle around us.
"Yeah yeah"
"You see the problem in your statement or no?" She ask's and I laugh again.
"Harry Lewis" I look at the boy who gave the answer, A lanky guy who is grinning from ear to ear hitting the guy beside him.
"Yeah that fucker- so hot- look's just like you friend Har-" I look back to see him biting his lip's in a grin.
"Oh fuck-" I gasp my eyes widening as I grab Katie by the hand and literally run.
Harry Lewis. I just made out with Harry Lewis. And he was just as good as I'd imagine.
"Fuck fuck fuck" I run into the bathroom
"Fuck Katie" Katie laugh's as I cover my face in emberassment, the light's of the bathroom wake me up a bit and I laugh again.
I clean up my lip's and my hair before breathing through. Fixing the blue mini dress on my body I look at Katie for help who just shrugg's.
"God's I hope they changed club's" I mutter as we step outside again but no no, he's leaning against the bathroom wall on his phone his friend's in the back chatting with my friend's, at my table.
Harry look's up as I step out, looking me up and down I blush and cover my face looking at Katie for advise but she moved toward the other's leaving us alone.
"I'm Harry" he extend's his hand and I let my eyes lock with his sliding my hand into his.
"Y/n" I whisper and he pull's me closer by the hand.
"May I pay for your next drink?" He ask's and I lick my lip's, he's right before me again and I suppress the urge to just climb him and kiss him again. Nodding slowly I whisper out a yes, his eyes dip to my lip's and my hand around his, he pull's me along.
"Go to drink?" He ask's as we approach the bar, leaning in close to say the word's into my ear letting me actually hear them.
"Double vodka shot with lime?" I ask and he turns his face to me, again his gaze dip's to my lip's and so does mine as he grin's.
"Are you my soulmate or-?"
"Coincidence." I assure him as he order's four shot's and I take the salt shaker off the counter.
"You wanna do something fun?" I ask, he nod's, I wet my lip's with my tounge and start pressing salt on it making it stick, our shot's arrive and I press one into his hand, he doesn't hesitate to lean down and lick the salt of my lip kissing me for a second my own tounge getting the salt too as I lick it off his tounge, I take a shot and quickly grab the lime biting into it.
"Fuck your a dream" He whisper's into my ear and I blush again smiling, I take the salt shaker again this time I simply sprinkle it on my tongue and take the second shot quickly.
He take's his second one aswell and I watch as the liquid spill's over his lip, without thinking I lean up as soon as he set's the glass down I'm going on my tip toes to reach him and kiss him, I wonder if he really wanted to kiss me that bad or if it was the taste of lime juice in my mouth that made him grab my waist and pull me on top of him.
"Can we get out of here?" He ask's and I nod furiusly as I place my hand's on his shoulder's, out of his hair.
"Yes please" I whisper into him and We quickly walk back to the other as I grab my purse and he grab's his jacket, I pull Katie toward me and tell her I'm leaving to which she roll's her eyes.
"Autistic guy she has to pay me 20 pound's if you guys hook up you know" I gasp as the other's stare at us, the girl's giggle as the other boy's start questioning me and Katie but Harry grab's my hand and waist pulling me along.
"I'll pay it don't worry" he say's to Katie who visibly gasp's.
Harry pull's me outside of the club and I start jumping a little as the cold get's to me.
"Fuck" I shudder, Harry pull's his phone out and order's an uber drunkly looking at me.
"Where's your coat?" He ask's, the blue mini dress around me not being the best for cold wheather I suppose but I just smile akwardly as he look's at me with a dissapointmet mum look.
"I can't look good in a coat" I say and he laugh's, taking his coat off he put's it around me, sturggeling with the zipper, I put my arm's through the holes and hug into him as he closes the zipper, I laugh, he put's his arm's over my shoulder's and I hug him back keeping him warm in return.
He look's down and I'm thankful for wearing high heels because I only have to highten myself a little to reach his lip's.
I kiss him quietly, the music and the people gone compleatly as his hand's go into my hair pulling me into him.
Somebody honks and I groan into him.
"Uber" he say's grabbing my hand he pull's me into the car and onto his lap.
"Good night mate?" The driver ask's as I think of kissing him but the taxi driver look's back at us so I curl up into Harry instead blushing horribly against his panting chest, I can feel him hard underneath me and his hand goes to my thigh running it up and down my bare skin making me want to whimper.
"Please tell me you live right around the corner?" I ask whispering but he grin's in response pressing a warm kiss to my lip's.
"10 minutes love" he promises and I close my eyes as he kisses me slowly, nothing like the kiss before, this kiss is warm and soft and there to last for an hour or two without moving a single muscle.
He strokes my back, my hair, my leg's and I pull away panting.
"Few more minutes" I let my head drop into his chest and close my eyes against him.
After what feel's like hour's the Uber stop's and as soon as we step out of the car and the door closes he presses his lip's onto mine harshly, hungryly grabbing my ass he lift's me off the ground and his jacket is the only thing in the way for comfortability as he walk into the building, in the elevator he unzips the jacket as he hold's me up against the wall kissing my neck, biting my neck, sucking on my skin until im moaning.
I walk backward's toward where he is leading me through the hallway, he fumbles in his pocket while his lip's are on mine and I sigh and Pant against his, he groan's until he find's the key's the presses me against the door as he opens it, we collide with the wall in his flat and I gasp as he takes his shirt off and I Try to unzip my dress, turning me around, my ass flusch against him, he kisses my neck from behind unzipping my dress slowly taking it off, I moan loudly as his hand's run down my chest and cup my breast squezing softly, he sucks another hickey into my skin.
Pressing into me from behind, I rub myself against his hardness and he groan's.
"Bedroom" he mumbles turning me back around, my lip's meet his and I fumble with his belt as he moves me from the wall guiding me toward his bedroom, I hear him take his shoes off as I throw his belt to the side.
The dress fall's off compleatly and I struggle to get my heels through it, taking off his pants he leaves my lip's quickly getting down on his knees, with a simple push he sit's me on his bed and I gasp opening my eyes to realize we're already in his room, looking down on him he takes my heel's off quickly kissing up my leg's he kisses the inside of my thigh's, not thankful that I wore white panties because you can see the wetness right through them and he grin's looking up to me with those fucking beautiful eyes.
"Fuck" I swear, his hand hocks around my thigh's and his lip's caress my thigh's, slowly he takes my panties off and I thank all the god's for reminding myself to shave, as his tounge run's over my wetness making me moan out loudly.
"Fuck" I moan again as he start's kissing and sucking and fucking magic on me, I stay silent for about five second before I turn into a moaning mess, One of his hand hold my leg's apart as I shake against his face, his other one running up and down my stomach pushing me to calm my shaking down but fuck i'm sensitive.
His hand moves from my stomach and two of his finger's fill me up, I cry out loudly gasping for air.
"Please please please" I beg screaming as a wave of pleasure roll's through me.
"Fuck Harry please" His head fall's back and he grin's licking his lip's and his finger's clean before moving up to me and kissing my lip's.
"Fuck you taste like magic" He groans loudly into my mouth his hand's holding my face in place.
He moves on top of me and I scotch up the bed hoocking my leg's around his waist I use all the strengh in my body to make him turn around on his back, I grind myself down on him and I use my hand to feel to get him complewttly hard, he moan's as I stroke him a couple of times before alining him to my entrance.
"Hey i'm clean but uhm condom?" He ask's and I shrug.
"Im on the pill? And i'm definetly clean." I Inform, he licks his lip's and his hand come around my waist, pushing me down a little, I let myself drop on him and I moan out, he fill's me up compleatly and I look down groaning in frustraisiton as I see that I'm about halfway down on him. "Fuck" I moan as I start moving up and down until I really have all of him inside of me, I let out a shaky laugh and look at him, he has his head back, his lip's pressed in a fine line as he starts guiding my hip's back and fourth, up and down.
"Fuck your so thight, Love" he moan's and I moan leaning my body down to him, kissing him slowly as he start's moving his hip's into me, He hold's me down steadily as He fuck into me with force, making me cry out again and again, he groans loudly.
"I'm gonna cum, fuck" I whisper my eyes tearing up at the pure pleasure going through my body.
"Fuck please do" he muttered in a groan and it doesn't take much more than that please for me to realease, sitting up I ride out my high as I hear him groan loudly and feel him slowly fill me up, I sink down on him and let him do exactly that, he moans and sit's up grabbing my face with both hand's and kissing me, my skin against his, I feel how sweaty i've gotten, how hot his skin is.
"Shower please?" I ask after ten minutes if not moving, sitting there and kissing him until We finally calm down.
I get off him slowly as he point's toward the shower.
I put the water on and wash my body clean, I can barely stand so I sit down in the shower, noticing how fucking expensive it all look's I take as little as I can from his shampoo and clean my hair and body.
I step outside and notice a fresh towel on the sink along with some boxers and a T-shirt.
I put the clothes on drying my hair with the towel as good as I can.
Stepping outside I notice he's put fresh cover's on the bed and also that he's put my clothes in a near pile on the chair.
"Do you wanna stay overnight or?"
"I mean if you don't want to I can leave no worries? I'll get the uber don't-"
"No no no, I'd love for you to stay, actually please do stay." He say's and I look at him, he's in some grey sweatpant's and I grin a little moving toward him.
"I would love to stay then" I mutter and he leans down because now that I don't have my heals on it would be very hard for me to reach his lip's.
"Great, then I'll just be right back out with you, make yourself comfortable" he kisses me quickly before going to take a shower himself.
I take my phone out my purse and text katie a quick messege.
10/10 asked me to stay over plus fuck fuck fuck he's good. Too good im scared in a good way
Kys. U owe me 20 pounds.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 9 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
I'm actually going to start posting a new chapter everyday, just because 😁.
0. The Slow Burn
Part 1 - the meet-cute
Part 2 - the coffee mug
Part 3 - the spicy song
Part 4 - the absence
Part 5 - the watch/the sweet song
Part 6 - the backrub
Warnings: none.
“So,” Jess began, her eyes flicking up to gauge X’s reaction, “you and Miguel, huh? Can’t say I’m not surprised.”
She froze, her eyes widening with terror at the implication of Jess’s words. She swallowed her food slowly, trying to keep herself calm as she replied. “What about me and Miguel?”
“Oh, come on, X!” MJ gave her a light smack on the arm. “It’s so obvious that you guys like each other!” Another pause, another attempt at not choking on her food. Was it really? Did he like her? Like, like-like her? In the same way that she like-liked him? She kept her head down, trying to hide her blush from everyone else at the table.
“No way,” she protested weakly, pushing the last few grains of rice around her plate. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “There’s no way he likes me. Like that.” How could he? When he was so handsome and strong and smart and … and she was just her. Small and quiet and with absolutely nothing to offer him. She slumped over, disappointed.
“Of course he does!” Ben reassured her, noting her sudden drop in mood. “It’s so obvious even I can tell.” Her lips twitched at that, but she kept her head down, still hesitant to believe it.
“I don’t know,” she argued softly. She bit her lip, considering the next words out of her mouth. “What … Why do you think so?” She looked up at them, the nerves written plainly all over her face. She must really, really like him. Jess grinned.
“Girl, you should have seen him when you weren’t around,” she informed X, waving her spoon in the air enthusiastically. “The man was basically throwing a tantrum the entire day!”
“Oh my God, yes!” Ben agreed, his eyes wide as he leaned forward in his seat. “I asked him if we had any cashew nuts left and he got so mad at me! He started cursing and swearing and everything!” X let out an amused snort at the revelation, finally seeming to ease up a little. She returned her attention back to her food, rolling the rice around her plate.
“What does that have to do with me, though?” MJ and Ben sighed, both of them exchanging incredulous glances.
“Because!” MJ replied, insistent on making her understand. They’d be so cute together, after all, the big and grumpy Miguel who only ever let himself relax when he was around her, and the small and shy X who’d light up with excitement whenever she was with him. They made each other happy, and what more could anyone ask for?
“Hey guys,” Peter began, settling into the seat beside X. “What are we talking about?” He looked around at their faces, trying to discern the subject from the excited looks on Ben’s, MJ’s and Jess’s faces and the hesitant smile on X’s.
“Peter!” MJ exclaimed, her expression transforming into one of victory as she looked at him. “Tell her! Tell X how much Miguel missed her when she was gone.” Ohhh. So that’s what they’d been talking about. X glanced over at him nervously, her eyes wide as she waited for his answer.
“It’s true,” Peter revealed, giving her a gentle pat on the forearm. “He was practically counting down the days until you came back!” She grinned, then lowered her head, letting her hair fall over her face to hide her blush.
“Oh.” Her voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the happiness in it. Then suddenly, a vibration buzzed through the air, causing her to jump in her seat. She looked down at her wrist and began tapping frantically on her watch, trying to stop the notification that her vitals were abnormally high.
“X? What’s wrong?” She turned around, startled to find Miguel standing right behind her. She froze, panicked, then turned around quickly, curling into herself to hide her expression from him.
“Nothing!” She winced when her voice came out as a squeak. Then she cleared her throat and tried again. “Um, nothing. What’s up with you, Miguel?”
He’d heard - he’d heard everything they’d said about him being agitated when she’d been away. And then he’d heard her heart, pounding in her chest at the thought that he might have missed her. He swung his leg over the bench, taking the seat on her other side. Then he glanced around at the others, his eyes narrowing in suspicion beneath his eye protectors.
“Are they bullying you?” She turned to him, lips parting in horror at the suggestion.
“No! No, they’re … they’re not bullying me.” She waved her hands, then lowered her head again, her lips curling into a shy smile that had his own heart racing. She brushed her hair behind her ear, then flickered her eyes back up to his, peeking up at him from beneath her curly lashes. Dios, she was cute. He cleared his throat, shaking away the thought.
“Then why was your heart beating so fast, arañita?” Oh God. Had he heard? Had he heard her heart speeding up at the thought that he might like her? That she most definitely liked him? As more than a friend? She pulled her gaze away from his, trying to ignore the warmth radiating off of him, the pure masculine scent of him flooding her senses.
“Um, did you … did you hear that?” she asked him apprehensively. “Or did you get a notification?” The corner of his lips curled at her reaction. Could it really be true? Could she really have had a crush on him? A passing infatuation that would wear off once she knew the real him? His stomach curdled at the thought, his smile slipping slightly.
“I heard it,” he told her, wanting to tease her, to see that shy smile grace her lips once again. She tensed, her fingers curling into fists as she studiously avoided meeting his gaze. He lowered his head, his lips stretching wider as he tried to get her to look at him. “¿Qué pasa, arañita? Is something bothering you?”
He straightened when she looked up at him again, that devilish smirk taking over his features. God, he was so hot. She squeezed her legs tight, dragging her gaze away from his as she clasped her hands together. He carried on, undeterred by her lack of response. “Or someone?”
He reached out and scratched her waist lightly with his finger, causing her to let out a surprised squeak. He snickered at the sound, only getting more amused when her watch started buzzing again, signalling the increase in her heart rate. MJ reached across the table and punched him in the arm.
“Stop teasing her like that, Miguel!” she scolded him when he turned to glare at her. He returned his attention to X, raising an eyebrow and feigning confusion.
“I’m not teasing her,” he argued, convincing absolutely no one at the table. “I’m just worried about her vitals being so high.” She shifted in her seat uncomfortably, wondering if he knew exactly why she was getting so flustered right now.
“I just have a naturally high resting heart rate,” she protested, still avoiding his gaze. “And I have an anxiety disorder! Therefore, I would like to petition for the sensitivity of my watch to be turned down. Just a little?” She held up her finger and thumb, wincing as she awaited his response. He smirked again, holding his hand out for hers.
“Well, if your vitals are naturally so abnormally high,” he began, fiddling with her watch, “then maybe we should increase the sensitivity. Just a little.” He pulled on her wrist, tugging her closer to him so that her knee was pressing against his. She let out a little whimper and, mierda, the sound of it, the reminder of how absolutely tiny she was compared to him, it drove him wild. He leaned down slightly, bending over to murmur in her ear.
“After all,” he continued, his fingers still curled around her wrist, “we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you, would we, arañita?” She looked up at him, eyes wide, lips parted in surprise, so close he could have leaned forward and brushed his own against them. Then her watch started vibrating again, and she pulled her hand out of his grasp, holding it close to her chest as she frowned up at him. Dios, she was cute when she was mad.
“You’re so mean, Miguel!” she huffed, getting up from the bench. She picked up her plate, going over to return it to the kitchen, and he followed after her, catching up to her easily.
“Arañita,” he called, grabbing her wrist to get her to stop. “I was only joking, arañita.” She set her plate down, then turned around to face him, that adorable frown still etched onto her features. He took a step closer to her, forcing her to crane her neck back to look up at him.
“Here, let me fix it,” he reassured her, tapping on her watch again. She held her breath as he worked, trying to keep herself calm even though their proximity was making her heart leap out of her chest and into her throat. Finally, he released her, letting her arm fall back to her side. “There. It should be better now.”
“Um, thanks, Miguel.” She clasped her hands behind her back, that shy smile taking over her features as she shifted in place. “See you tomorrow!” And then she ran off without another word. He crossed his arms, trying not to let out a frustrated groan as he watched her retreating figure. Ay, ¡por Dios! Why did she have to be so f*cking cute?!
She wasn’t here again - something about going out with a friend. But it was okay this time, because he knew he’d see her tomorrow. That didn’t stop the uncomfortable ache in his chest that made him feel like his day was missing something though. He rubbed his chin, studying the data in front of him. There was something he wasn’t seeing, something that X would have stared at for a minute and then figured out somehow. Maybe he’d just wait for her to come back.
“Lyla?” She popped up beside him immediately.
“Yes, boss?”
“Play some of that music that X always plays.”
“Copy that. Pulling up her playlist now.” She disappeared and then the sound of old-timey pop music began filling the room - well, old-timey to him anyway. He furrowed his brow, not recalling having heard this song before - he’d listen in sometimes, when she put her earphones in to start playing her music: because it helped her focus, she’d told him when he’d asked her about it. He’d grabbed her phone then, showing her how to connect it to the speaker system so that she could just play it out loud in the lab or the control room. Her eyes had widened with amazement and she’d treated him to that sweet smile he was getting far too fond of as her music started playing around them. He’d waved her thanks away, doing his best to ignore the way his heart fluttered in his chest as he turned back to his monitors.
‘Son esas ganas de sentirte cerca, al pronunciar tu nombre …’ He paused for a second, surprised by the Spanish flowing through the speakers. He knew she listened to Spanish songs sometimes, French ones too, but it always made his heart skip a beat, the reminder that she could understand his native tongue.
‘Qué está pasando, que esa carita divina, se ha vuelto mi medicina, y poco a poco yo me estoy sanando …’ His lips curled at the lyrics, a very specific little face popping into his head immediately: thick, curly lashes framing large, almond-shaped eyes, her full lips so soft and rosy. She had seemed to pop up in his life right when he'd needed it the most. And she never asked him for anything, nothing except his company, the two of them sitting in contented silence for hours at a time. And everything always seemed so much easier whenever she was around, less … scary. Just like in the song. He pulled out his tools, setting the data aside and deciding to work on some gadgets instead. He’d take a little break, come back to the problem after he’d given his brain some time to reset. And maybe she’d be back by then, there to lend a fresh set of eyes to the problem. But then the music started to fade away, the song changing to a new one, and he looked up, frowning.
“Lyla,” he called her back, “play the other one again. The Spanish one.” The song restarted and he felt his lips quirk at the ends again, the tension leaving his body as he settled down to get some work done.
She’d had fun today; going out with her friend to get some shopping done. But, of course, it still wasn’t as fun as hanging out with Miguel. So she’d changed into her suit when she’d gotten back, opening up a portal to take her to HQ. An unexpected sight greeted her when she entered the control room, however - or an unexpected sound, rather. Miguel stood on the platform, bobbing his head in time with the music as he fiddled with a gadget, his smooth, deep voice mumbling along to the lyrics of one of her favourite songs.
“Miguel?” she called to him, trying not to laugh as she webbed up to stand beside him. “What are you doing?”
¡Coño! He dropped his tools, startled by her sudden arrival. He hadn’t even heard her walk in, so absorbed had he been in the song. But what was she even doing here anyway? She wasn’t supposed to be back until tomorrow. She looked up at him, lips stretched into a wide smile, her face lit up with amusement as she waited for his answer.
“Uh …” he began slowly, trying to come up with a response. He gritted his teeth, flashing her an embarrassed grimace as he muttered out of the side of his mouth. “Lyla! Turn it off!” Thankfully, she did as he said, turning off the music without arguing back - for once. He let out an awkward chuckle.
“Uh, what are you doing here, arañita?” he asked. “I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to make it today.” She continued grinning at him, a hint of shyness tinging the edges of her knowing expression.
“Well, I … I wanted to see you,” she confessed, breaking his gaze for a moment. Then she looked up at him again, her features rearranged into an expression of mischief this time. “I didn’t know you missed me.”
“Oh.” He broke her gaze, afraid to use that word specifically to describe how he’d been feeling without her there. “Uh, well, it was just a little quiet, that's all.” He turned back to his desk, fiddling with the gadget there as he figured out what to say.
“Hmm.” She nodded thoughtfully and took a step closer to him, trying to tamp the happiness starting to bubble up in her chest. Had he really missed her? Just like the others had said? Just like she'd missed him? She kept her gaze fixed on his hands as she leaned into him, her eyes tracking the movements of his long fingers as he twisted and fidgeted with the gadget. “I missed you too, Miguel.”
He froze again, unsure if he’d heard right. He glanced over at her and found her gaze trained on the ground as she smiled and shifted on the spot shyly. His stomach flipped at the sight and he dragged his eyes away from her, tapping on the table nervously as he digested her response. She’d missed him - she’d missed him even though she’d only seen him yesterday. How much had she missed him then, that week she’d been away? As much as he’d missed her? He shook his head at the sudden thought, not wanting to admit how he felt about her - not even to himself. He bit his lip, thinking. Then he cleared his throat and returned his attention to the computer, pulling up the dataset he’d been having trouble with earlier.
“Uh, I … I was having some trouble analysing this data, arañita,” he informed her, turning to face her without meeting her gaze. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Could you take a look at it?”
Of course he’d never use the word ‘help’ - probably an oldest sibling thing, considering how she still struggled to ask for help too, sometimes. She grinned, delighted by how well she was beginning to know him, how soft and easy everything was with him. She clasped her hands behind her back and turned her attention to the screen, trying to keep her heart beat steady as she studied the data in front of her.
“Okay, yeah, this is … not right,” she told him, lips still curled into an amused smile. He raised an eyebrow, confused.
“What do you mean?” She stretched onto her toes and pointed at a set of numbers that didn’t seem to fit with the rest.
“These numbers make no sense at all,” she informed him, lowering herself back down again. “I don’t know if you accidentally typed in the wrong numbers or something, but … this ain’t right, boss.” It was the way she always said it, that playful smile on her face, that teasing tone of her voice. Dios, it drove him mad. He tucked his hands under his arms, his muscles clenching as his stomach gave another flip.
“Vale, I’ll … I’ll go back and check the raw data,” he acquiesced, waving her away, needing her to leave so that he could work on getting his emotions back under his control again. “You should go home, arañita: it’s getting late.”
He was so cute, the way he kept rubbing the back of his neck or clearing his throat or pulling his gaze away from hers. Was he nervous? Around her? Now she wished she had some of his super senses, so she could hear his heartbeat and be sure of it. She tugged her chair over and sank back into it, swivelling around as she looked up at the screen. “I’ll wait. We can go through the data together.”
She turned to him, smiling up at him in a way that made his heart stop beating in his chest. And he wondered what it would sound like, hearing the words ‘I love you’ fall from those lips, what they would taste like beneath his own, her body small and soft in his hands. Just like in the song. He tensed up, suddenly realising the direction his thoughts had been going in, and turned away from her quickly. He was being ridiculous. They were just … colleagues. Just two strangers thrown together by unfortunate circumstances. Just … His stomach curdled with each excuse, the words weighing heavily on his heart. Even he hated how they sounded in his mind. He slid his gaze over to her and she smiled at him again, waiting. But he couldn't let himself indulge in … whatever this was. They'd only get hurt and she might not have been able to see that, but he … he knew better. He gripped the edge of the table, considering his next words.
“Uh, actually,” he began slowly, trying to come up with a lie that would get her to leave. Not something that would hurt her though - he knew he wouldn't be able to stand the crestfallen expression on her face if he hurt her. If anyone hurt her. “I was just going to get someone else to take a look at it. You said you'd have a lot to do at work this week, so I already got someone else to cover all your stuff.” He waved her off in a way that he hoped was an adequate mix of dismissal and reassurance. Not so dismissive as to make her think she wasn't valuable, but not so reassuring as to convince her that she meant more to him than anyone else at HQ. It was perfect.
She pursed her lips, thinking. She could see how careful he was to control his instinct to push people away. He was still afraid to let her get too close - hence the dismissal - but a part of him seemed to have begrudgingly accepted that she wouldn't be pushed away so easily. He was trying, and that was all she'd asked for. So, she wouldn't push him. She stood up and took a step closer to him, her brain running through all the possible responses she could leave him with. And then, she found it.
“Great,” she replied unexpectedly, sidling up to him. “That means I get to spend more time with you.” She flashed him a cheeky smile, then opened up a portal to take her home, not giving him the chance to respond. Not that he would have had a response anyway: what could he say, after all, when she'd told him she'd missed him? When she'd said she liked spending time with him, just the two of them alone together? When he'd started to like it too? He sank back into his seat, clutching at his hair in frustration as he sighed loudly. Por Dios, she was going to be the death of him one day.
Tags: @leahnicole1219
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pohutukawa22 · 3 months
I once showed my parents CNCO’s la banda auditions and when christopher walked on stage before even talking my dad called him latin harry styles. I was literally shook my dad thought that in two seconds of seeing chris on tv.
Your dad has good taste. 😊 There was always something about Chris.
Out of the chicos who made it into CNCO, I thought Zabdi did the best audition - he never performed as well solo again.
Which was your favourite La Banda audition?
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spevvy · 3 months
hi, I understand that people here don’t like CNCO anymore but I have started posting gifs and gifsets on tumblr if you are interested (including content from la banda music competition) please publish this on your blog
Oooooh fantastic news, thanks so much for the heads-up!!! I'm always here for a good gifset, and especially La Banda era stuff—awwwww, god love those small precious children!! 🥹🥹🫶🏻
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imgloriaa · 8 months
Yes pleaseee post the link I’ve been missing them a lot lately which is rare because I’m telling you I couldn’t care less a few months ago😭
HAHAHAHAHA same here, i just have a soft spot for these jackasses. anyway here's the link if, for any reason, it gets removed from youtube, send me an ask because i have it downloaded on my laptop 🫶🏻
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xrichukix · 2 years
Why is no one concerned about Richards car accident he was in yesterday?
whaaat i don't know about it 😶
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cnco4ever · 1 year
How about a story with Christopher. Something with a situationship turning serious however, the girl moves to Japan for a job wants to end situation but Christopher wants to be serious and he's leaving for a tour.
Thank you so much for your input! I hope you like it!
Sorry for the wait though!
A Christopher Velez one shot
Warning: none
We weren't serious, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?
I saw Christopher for some time while working together. We met while on a set for a music video. I was just hired by management and had to work with CNCO as a part of their crew. Christopher was easy to work with. He knew what he wanted and there was no discussing it.
I'm a stylist and we immediately hit it off. Mutual interests made it easy to start a conversation and then one thing took the other and we formed a friendship. One night the whole crew went out to dinner. I was sat opposite Christopher. CNCO was kicking off again after COVID and the last details regarding the upcoming tour had to be finalised. People were talking around the table. I had Zabdiel on my left and my co stylist on my right. This was the dinner that Zabdiel and i really got into talking about his new interests in alien themes. I was right with him on it. If that is what he wanted, that is what he got.
But i could feel a pair of eyes on me constantly. Christopher watched me with his big, brown eyes across the restaurant table and the look in them were much more intense than usual. His smile was not his goofy smile that night either. He was sort of smirking at me. I wasn't used to that sort of attention, and especially not from such a good looking guy as him. I was instantly flushed all over and my foundation did little to hide it. I suppose playing with the hem of my dress, didn't help either. Erick confirmed that when he asked if i was alright or if i was feeling too hot. Christopher leaned his elbows on the table and looked me straight in the eye and said "you do look quite hot tonight", i got the double meaning, but i didn't say anything. All i could do was to shrug my shoulders as i looked down at my pasta with a small smile.
After that particular dinner, the majority of us went to a club. Christopher had smiled, engaged in smalltalk with me while being handsy as usual. I was starting to think that i had imagined it all, until i felt his hands on my hips and his chest against my back. I looked up at him over my shoulder with way more insecurity than i would have liked. "Mi amor, please be mine tonight" my eyes got wide. His gaze didn't leave mine and he had a serious expression on his face. I could tell eventhough he was mere inches away from me face. He had never spoken to me like that before. His hands grabbed me tighter and pulled me even closer, so that he could guide my hips to the music that was blasting. It felt way more sensuel than it probably was. I let myself be swept off of my feet. Literally as we stumbled onto his hotel bed that night. His lips were burning on my skin and the noises i heard from him, was pure bliss. It was a memorable night for sure. The morning after he was his goofy, charming self again. Zero awkwardness. It suited me well and eventhough we didn't talk about it, it was left in the air that it would be a one time thing.
But it wasn't. In the beginning we only hooked up when we were drunk, which we often were at the time, but then it turned into when we were horny yet sober and before we knew it, we were hooking up on a regular basis. It seemed like we were on the same page about keeping it casual for a while, but i could feel Christopher starting to become more romantic. He bought me little gifts, kissed me on the cheek or my shoulder wherever whenever. I reminded him that we were casual only. I couldn't fall for him. Not with all these girls around the globe fighting for his attention and affection. I don't have the confidence to compete with that. He smiled at me, his beautiful gentle smile and promised no strings attached. "But what does it matter bebesita?. We're together all the time and we're leaving for tour in a few weeks. We'll be together anyway baby" he laughed. But that was the thing. We wouldn't be leaving for tour together. He would be leaving without me.
I had been offered a job in Japan for a TV station. It's a once in a life time opportunity. I have to go. Christopher got furious when i told him. He was hurt. He suddenly spilled his feelings at a record speed. He had wanted a serious relationship. He had fallen in love with me. He had told me to decline the job offer and accept his commitment offer instead. I hadn't said a word while he was pacing back and forth in front of me. I just sat on his bed with my hands in my lap. When i realised that he had stopped moving and was looking at me, i lifted my gaze and met his eyes. I shouldn't have. Christopher was looking at me, waiting. Wanting to hear me say, that i would stay with him. He dropped to his knees on the floor, in front of me, taking my hands into his. "Stay. Don't leave. Please" he begged. It broke my heart, when i had told him that i couldn't. I wanted to be with him. So badly, but i couldn't let this job go either. It was a huge opportunity for me and my career.
I'm now sitting in my seat on the plane. I feel empty. I can't turn this opportunity down. Not for a man, not even for Christopher. I have to put myself first in this situation. Just as i'm about to put my phone on airplane mode, a text comes in. Christopher's name is spread across my screen. Being too curious, i open it immediately. "We'll figure it out, mi amore. I want you. I want us".
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magikbitch · 2 years
Do you still talk to your old CNCO friends?
once in a while, yeah. we still follow each other on other platforms and catch up when we can
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