#also ive been convinced by my friends to write for poly relationships
ryuttaeng · 2 years
~ if you want to, i know this is more of a triggering topic to write about but is it possible you could make a ryuryeong x reader poly relationship of when they find out reader SH? i just started doing it again and i want to imagine someone comforting me . i havent told anybody in my real life besides my closest ever friend that ive been doing it but i hope you understand why i was requesting this. ~ random but i absolutely ADORE your name so much it sounds like a queens name
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pairing: chaeryeong x ryujin x female!reader (poly)
content/warnings: self-harm, mental breakdown, angst with fluff, ryuryeong being supportive girlfriends, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
summary: tired. that’s what you’ve been hearing about yourself recently, only smile weakly, convincing people around you that you’re fine. no one else knew that you’ve been cutting yourself, but your girlfriends walked in when you were asleep.
genres: angst, fluff
a/n: that’s totally fine and i understand you, anon :) also thank you, i actually thought about not using my real name as i thought it would be confusing for someone (i hope not)
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you’ve been so tired, so overwhelmed and done with everything that you thought you just might lay on your bed for weeks. you turned your head, looking on your arm. you could see several wounds before lifting up your sleeve, right in the moment when you heard knocking at the door.
chaeryeong and ryujin behind her back opened the door, looking at you with… sadness in their eyes? you got up, smiling at them softly, when they sat down beside you. “are you feeling good?” chaeryeong asked. “you seemed like very tired recently.” ryujin finished, as her hand was on your thigh. you only nodded, still smiling at them. ryujin and chaeryeong looked concerned, furrowing their brows. “you know you can tell us everything, right?” younger girl asked, looking in your eyes. “i know, i just feel sleepy, that’s all.” you said, imitating to rub your eyes.
they nodded, before kissing you softly and leaving you alone. you sighed, rubbing your fingers through your hair. maybe you indeed should get some sleep, as you barely slept in… two, or was it three days already? you couldn’t tell exactly. closing the curtains, you laid down, closing your eyes and almost immediately falling asleep.
ryujin carefully opened your room’s door, silently walking in, being followed by her girlfriend. they saw you sleeping, and the first thing that caught their attention was your rolled down sleeve, revealing all your wounds. they have already noticed changes in your behaviour, hoping their last that it wouldn’t be the worst scenario they could think of, but as it turned out, it was it. recent wounds were still there, not so noticeable were scars that you had even before.
it was only one hand, they were scared to look at the second one, while chaeryeong grabbed ryujin, burying her head in her neck, silently crying. ryujin felt so heartbroken at the sight, while she rubbed chaeryeong’s back.
you woke up late, almost at 4 pm, as you turned to the other side, you saw your girlfriends sitting beside your bed. “ryu? chae?” you asked, looking at them. they looked down at you, you saw chaeryeong’s eyes tearing up, while ryujin looked at you with sadness in her eyes. something was not right. your sleeve… your sleeve rolled down while you were asleep and they seemingly walked in not in the right time.
you tried to cover your arm, when ryujin stopped you. you looked at her with fear, fear of being judged and seeing disgust on her face, but anything you could see was… heartbroken expression on her face. chaeryeong carefully approached you. “y/n… you know you can share with us any kind of secret, right?” she said. you nodded, looking down, not able to look at her.
“please… please look at me y/n.” she whispered and you did. she still hold back in tears, but you saw smile forming on her lips, before she spoke. “we can go through everything together, y/n. even if the whole world will be against you, there will be just the three of us. do you remember that?” chaeryeong said, and you felt tears falling down of your face. she leaned forward to kiss your cheek, as ryujin did the same.
you wrapped your arms around their necks, still sobbing. you knew your girlfriends loved you and you loved them multiple times more. chaeryeong and ryujin fell asleep in your room, cuddling you, as you fell asleep again, but now with your loved ones.
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devinescribe · 3 years
Burnt Out
Bitches... (1, I love you all very much. 2, .... read 1) it's time for some angst...
And the start of me making poly relationship things-
Request away lol (I'm working on a request and small project chapters :) )
Warnings: Toxic Relationship, mentions scars, burns, Manga spoilers, swearing, emotionally abusive behavior, mentally abusive behavior, gaslighting(?) Let me know if I missed any!
You giggled as both men chased after you through the halls of the hotel. "(Y/N), you're wearing socks! You're going to- shit!" Niragi yelled after you, cursing when he saw you fall. You slipped down the stairs. You landed with a thud at the bottom. Tears filled your eyes at the pain, but you swallowed them back, standing up. You yelped, falling back to the floor. Chishiya stared down at you, kneeling besides you,  squeezing your leg. "Ow! Shi-Shi, hurts," you whined, slapping his hand away. He glared up at you. "Maybe don't be stupid next time. I'm just trying to help you," he scoffed, going back to trying to find out what was wrong. "You don't have to be so mean to he-" "Shut up. You're dumber than her, you're the whole reason this happened anyways." He felt people stare, and stopped. "Take her back up to our room. I'll figure out what's wrong there," Chishiya stated, getting up, and walking away. You expected Niragi to yell after him, or repremand him for something, but we're met by silence. "Gi-Gi, you ok?" You whispered as he picked you up softly. He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead nodding.
"Niragi... this isn't the way back to our room," you said, noticing he was taking you the opposite way. "Clever girl," he praised with a smile. You laughed at his words. "I'm taking you to Ann. She has more equipment to help you. I'll get Chishiya after I take you to her though," he explained. You nodded.
"And then it was like bam, then woosh, and like... wow!!" You exclaimed, trying to find the words to explain your game. Niragi laughed, patting the top of your head. "Sounds fun sweetheart. Tell me all about it after I take a shower," he said. You nodded with a smile, sitting on the edge of your bed. Chishiya had been on the bed, listening to your rambling. "Chishiya, I think it was really cool how you tried to-" you started. "Gods you're loud. Quiet down. And I know. I'm clever, after all. Neither of you would be here without me. Probably dead," he lectured. "But Chishiya, Niragi and I survived without you before we came to the Beach, remember? We were t-" you started, confused at his words. "I get it, he's your favorite out of us both! You make it so fucking obvious. I bet the only reason you wanted both of us is because you're an attention whore who needs multiple men to use her to feel good about herself. Shut up and let me sleep," he shouted. Tears filled your eyes as he turned away from you. Had you really shown favoritism? You didn't try to, if you had. You always made sure you tried to do things with both. Was he feeling left out? Is that why he was being a jerk?
Those were all thoughts running through your mind, not knowing that you weren't the problem. You had spent equal time with both, giving them equal attention. Chishiya just never wanted you around him.
"(Y/N), come with me. Now," Chishiya ordered. Ten of Hearts. That was tonight's game. And you were terrified. He had pulled you away before anything got to out of hand. You thought that maybe he was trying to be nice. Maybe he had finally come around? Had you given him enough attention? "W-where's Niragi?" You asked, jogging to catch up with him. "Don't worry about him let's go."
You followed him around the whole time, watching as his hands quickly grabbed items. ''What are you making?" You asked, hoping he didn't snap at you. You feared his response. "Something to beat the game with. If you can't bring the witch to the fire, bring the fire to the witch," he said. You sighed in relief. He didn't yell at you, and you were happy about it. "Ok... so... you know who the witch is?" You questioned. "I have a hunch. Now stop asking questions," he stated. "So annoying..." you heard him mutter. You frowned, keeping your lips shut.
Following him up the stairs, you kept to yourself. You knew he wouldn't care about your thoughts. He might yell at you, or call you annoying. You didn't want to make him angry... He was just trying to protect you, right?
"Niragi!" You shouted happily, seeing he was at the rooftop. He wasn't dead. He looked over at you with a smirk. "Ah, so he did keep you safe. Where were you hiding?" He asked, picking up his gun from the floor. "There's many places for me to hide," Chishiya responded. You tried walking towards Niragi, but Chishiya grabbed your sleeve. You tugged at his hand, trying to get away. "Let me go," you said, struggling against him. "No."
The next few minutes went in a blur. All you remember was Chishiya and Niragi arguing a bit back and forth. You were so overwhelmed already, the game getting to you, and now your lovers were fighting. Cards flying, fire, screaming. You couldn't tell if it was your own scream or Niragi's, but it didn't matter.
"C-chishiya what the hell?! W-what?!" You yelled, shaking, stepping back from him. "Hmm... guess he wasn't the witch then,'' he stated, dropping the homemade flamethrower to the ground. He started picking up the cards on the floor. You however tried taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. You couldn't. Tears slipped off your face, hands scratching you your arms. You couldn't scream, couldn't talk, couldn't move. It was like you were living in a nightmare.
There was more instances, of course, but you were so done with everything. Niragi was still alive, to your relief. After all that, he was alive. And that's all that mattered to you. Chishiya had been with you, and still was. Understandably, you were scared of him. Niragi was angry at him, but couldn't do anything about it.
"Look, just tell me I'm right, and we're fine," Chishiya stated bored of the conversation. Both you and Niragi were so tired of this. The constant fighting, gaslighting, and hateful words. Chishiya was just too prideful to admit he was wrong.
It was a relationship between you three. You and Niragi shouldn't be putting in all the work, while he didn't try. At the begin he had. He had tried to be a part of the relationship, giving you both kisses and hugs. Random bouts of energy at 3 am to go to a random room. It had all started slowly going down hill. He pushed you both away, but didn't want to leave. He never left, giving you hope that maybe he really loved you both, and just didn't know how to express it. He had told you about his parents, and you just always tried to excuse his behavior as his trauma, but it just got to a point where you couldn't anymore.
"You're right," you started. You saw him smirk, and continued. "We couldn't fix you," you said. Suddenly he wasn't so sure of where this was going. "You're right, we shouldn't have tried to. Your pride is what you're concerned about?" Niragi said. He was tired of dealing with this as well. All he wanted was to find someone who actually cared about him, and who showed it. He didn't want to be with someone who made him feel alone. You didn't make him feel alone... "I'm still right, he wo-" Chishiya started, getting ready to argue back and forth with you two until you finally gave into him. But that wasn't going to happen today.
"Is "you're right" really all you wanna hear right now?" You whimpered, sitting on your knees next to Niragi.
"Well, you're right, we should've walked away faster... should've know You would only break our hearts after we were already in love," You whispered. You were all hurt. Niragi had severe burns, and bullet wounds, Chishiya had bullet wounds as well. You had burns on your arms and legs, cuts and bruises adorned your (s/c) skin. Most of which Chishiya had caused when he put you in danger at games for his own gain. Or when he needed to test one of the weapons he made, you were his test subject. "Yeah, I guess I'm just not good enough for either of you then. All you two do is act scared of me like I'm the bad guy-"
"You're right, you aren't good enough," Niragi stated angrily, caughing up blood after. He winced in pain at the sudden movement. You felt tears fill your eyes, and shook them away. ''I kissed your scars even after you hurt me, and he held your hand, even when you fucking burned him-" you shouted angrily. "Do you know how embarrassing that was?" Niragi whispered, his voice hoarse and raspy.
"Oh, because it's all my fault?"
"Yeah! That's exactly what we're saying! When was the last time you actually tried acting like you liked us?"
''She's right. You agreed to be with us. This is just fucking embarrassing to be with somebody who hates us, and doesn't even try to hide it."
"I don't hate you two I-"
"We hoped things got better, we hoped that love could turn a monster into a man," you stated, getting angrier by him trying to defend himself. "But it doesn't and it won't
Because you're beyond repair
But there is still someone for her somewhere, who will treat her so nice, you'll wish that you did-" Niragi retorted to his words. He didn't hate you both? He sure did a horrible job at showing it. Niragi knew he would die with his injuries. You would live. You could find someone who would treat you better than either of them could. "For someone so smart you're so fucking stupid to think that we're really that dumb..." you interrupted Niragi. He was losing energy, and anytime he coughed you could tell it was so painful to him. "We love you, but we're done... Pretending this was gonna work... Pretending loving you didn't hurt... Pretending that it doesn't burn when you think you're always right..." Niragi ended. Those words were hard for him to say, and hard for you to realize. You three had just been pretending this was going to work after Chishiya started pushing you two away. You two tried so hard to stay with him, and tried so hard to fit all three of you together, that you didn't realize how much staying fucking hurt.
" 'Cause you're still stuck on your past...You hate him so much but you're just like your dad!!" You screamed, shouting the first thing that came to mind. It hurt him. That was a first. The first time someone's words hurt him. And you, (Y/N), his sweet (Y/N), said them. You could see the shock written all over his face when you said them, and it made you feel a bit bad. Niragi was secretly proud of you, but focused on the situation at hand. Tears feel from your eyes, and you cursed yourself. "(Y/N), I- I'm- I can't... I-" Chishiya stammered. For once, he was at a loss for words. You and Niragi had made him happy. He didn't feel alone with you two, and that scared him. So he tried to push you both away, scared of hurting either of you, but I'm the end, he hurt you more than he meant to. He tried, he really tried at the beginning, the feeling of being together with you two bringing him the feeling of love, understanding, and happiness he'd never felt. But he ruined that. He hurt himself in this instance, he hurt the people he loved, making them scared of him. He realized you were right. He was turning out to be just like his father. He didn't want that. He wanted to wake up, this was surely a nightmare. He would wake up and you would be squished in between him and Niragi. You would be playing with his hair, talking about your dream. You wouldn't be scared of him, and you would all be back at the beach. Like the 10 of hearts never happened. But he knew that was wishful thinking. This was real, and this was happening. Everything he used to laugh about people worrying about was happening to him right now. This was his karma. It had finally caught up to him.
"And I know, that you tried...Gave it all that you had," you whispered through tears. No. He couldn't let the one thing that made him happy slip through his fingers. But... he had to let you go. You wanted to leave. Niragi wanted to leave. It would be cruel to both of you to make you stay. So he stayed quiet. Did you really think he tried? That made him feel a tiny bit better. You thought he tried. That he tried to make things work. "And being a monster doesn't necessarily make you bad..." Niragi added quietly. He was a monster. The words he had said to not only you, but Niragi could back that up. Not just his words either. His actions. He was a horrible person to both of you. Why did he expect both of you to stay with him, when neither of you had anymore energy to put into the relationship.
"But...even if we could staple it back together now... we all know that you can't light a fire that's already burnt out," Chishiya whispered. You both looked up, shocked he was agreeing with you. Was he crying? Neither you nor Niragi had ever seen him cry. Niragi chuckled a bit, not at the fact that Chishiya was crying, but at the fact that this was what it took for him to care. "Fuck... it hurts," Chishiya muttered with a laugh. "My injuries hurt less than losing both of you... fuck... I-"
He was interrupted by a voice. The games were over. "Oh my gods... we can go home! I reject citizenship in the borderlands," you said. "Same. I don't want to stay here. Fuck that," Niragi stated. "I also reject citezenship of the borderlands. This is like a personal hell..." Chishiya muttered. A bright light obstructed your vision.
You walked on crutches into their hospital room with a smile. " 'M back!" You chirped. You had all been in an accident, as a lot of people that were currently in the hospital were. You didn't know why, but the seemed so familiar. You liked being around them, and constantly visited them. "Ah, finally a pleasant noise to hear," the blonde man complemented. You could hear the teasing tone directed towards the other man in the room. "I can't really help it can I? So... shaddup..." the other muttered. "My nurse told me... that my heart stopped... for a minute," you mentioned, sitting in a chair in between their beds careful to not hurt your legs more. They had burns and scars, nothing tho serious. "What a coincidence. Us too," Chishiya said. You nodded, humming in acknowledgement. "I um... I also... get released tomorrow..." you said sadly. "That's great (Y/N). You can head back to your home," Niragi said. You shook your head. "I wanna stay. I don't know why, but you two seem familiar to me. And... I want to know why... it feels like...I don't know how to explain it..." you stated. "I... I've felt that as well," Chishiya admitted. "Ok, good I'm not crazy then," Niragi joked, coughing slightly after. "Well... how about I come visit everyday until you both get released... then we can figure out why? Or get to know each other more? It feels like... I've loved you in a past life kinda thing. Silly of me to say, huh?" You giggled. "I think... we'd both enjoy that... and it's not silly, in fact, we've both been talking about it, and that's how we feel. About you, and each other. It's quite weird, I've never met either of you in my life. You're both rather attractive though," Chishiya said. Niragi snickered and you looked over at Chishiya, who's eats had turned red.
"I said that outloud, didn't I?"
"It's a good thing I find both of you attractive too, blondie."
"Hey, I think you're both cute too! Lemme join in on this!"
"Of course. Join in on it (Y/N)."
I couldn't let you guys be sad, I'm sorry-
Also, I'm going on a trip to Arizona this week, so there will probably not be many (or any) updates. Sorry, but I do hope you enjoy this!
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
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TSB Week 10 Roundup!
And for our badge earners for last week, we have some BINGOS!
And for participation, Peach got a badge!  CONGRATULATIONS for all our badge earners!!!
We got a good bunch of fills this week, partly in thanks to our Discord Party!  We love our parties, and all the people that are able to participate!
Title: Got Your Nose! Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Writing format: flashfic Ship: Dum-E & Tony & JARVIS Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff and crack, Dum-E is adorable Summary: Dum-E is intrigued by the game Ton-E is playing with the miscellaneous smol child that is hanging out with him in the workshop. Word Count: 2739
Title: Yours, An Admirer Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Confession in a desperate situation Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff, love letters, secret admirer Summary: Tony gets an anonymous note, freaks out, and turns to the Avengers for help. Much to Steve's mortification. Word Count: 2901
Title: Guardian Angel Collaborator: abitnotgoodiebag Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: IronStrange Rating: Gen Major Tags: Major Character Death Summary: N/A [Art] Word Count: N/A [Art]
Title: Avengers: The Band Collaborator: dr-stxrk Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - AU: Band Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: None Word Count: None
Title: Unwanted Memories Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Fireplace Ship: FrostIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Major (Canon) Character Death, Comics Canon Summary: When Tony’s world erupts into Civil War and the worst happens, Loki gives him a way out.  Word Count: 1036
Title: In My Dreams I Turn You On - Chapter 3 Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron, background Sam/Rhodey Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Tony’s crushing hard on his new massage therapist, but doesn’t want to be a sleazy businessman. Bucky’s crushing hard on his latest client, but doesn’t want to take advantage of him in a vulnerable position. So they handle it like any sane adults - pretend it’s not happening and refuse to discuss it. At least they both have terrible friends to help them through it. Word Count: 17,235
Title: Show Me How You Do It Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Sidekick Ship: WinterFalcon, IronHusbands Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Fluff and Smut, Accidental Voyeurism Summary: Bucky’s birthday surprise for Sam turns into a bit of a surprise for them both. Word Count: 3432
Title: Tony Stark: Captain America Collaborator: dr-stxrk Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R5 - Image: Captain America Tony Ship: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags: Edit/Graphic Summary: N/A Word Count: N/A
Title: The Smaller Kinds of Avenging Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - doing groceries Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Self-Insert Summary: An associate at a grocery store is having a *very* bad day until Tony Stark shows up. Bucky Barnes is also there to save the day.Unabashed self-insert wish fulfillment. Sometimes I just want Tony Stark to save me from the worst customers out there. Word Count: 1490
Title: Hide and Seek Protocol Collaborator: politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: Ship: T3 - Ultron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Drabble Summary: Much like his creator, JARVIS doesn't give up easily. Word Count: 100
Title: So Just Let Us Be Three - 2 Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Secret Hobby Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Sam Wilson Rating: Gen Major Tags: M/M/M Summary: A fluffy epilogue for newly together Steve/Tony/Sam, wherein Tony discovers Sam's secret hobby and Steve and Sam get kisses. Word Count: 682
Title: with or without his unhallowed touch - chapter 3 Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - KINK: Concubine Ship: Tony/Thanos Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Tony is Kidnapped by Thanos, Female Tony Stark, Obsessive Behavior, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Emotional Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, Forced Relationship, Gaslighting, Rape, Past Domestic Violence, Slavery, Non-Consensual Sex between Toni and Thanos, Forced Orgasm. Summary: Toni sees the Chitauri mothership high above her, sees the hundreds and thousands of warships that circle the Earth, and she knows, she knows. She thinks, oh, I understand. A beat. Her hand burns. Wow, we are so fucked. She lets the bomb slide out of her hands, watches as it floats towards the mothership, and fire rains down on her, even in the dark, pale, cold hollow of space. She laughs, breathlessly, thinks of all the ones who’d loved her the most, and dies. Word Count:
Title: Let's Go to the Mall - Chapter 1 Collaborator: betheflame Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - AU: 80’s Popstar Ship: Pepper/Tony/Bucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: AU - No Power, AU - Rock, explicit sexual content Summary: Once upon a time, Bucky, Pepper, and Tony were 80s popstars who sung in malls and had articles in Tiger Beat. What happens when Tony looses a bet and convinces the other two to relive their glory days? Word Count: 1837
Title: Adorable is Not Welcome Here Collaborator: EachPeachPearPlum Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - fluff Ship: pre-Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: accidental baby acquisition, Avengers family, fluff Summary: In which Thor speaks baby, Steve commits acts of diaper witchcraft, and butlers are sorely lacking. Word Count: 6696
Title: with or without his unhallowed touch - Chapter 4: iv. Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: A5 - Kink: Sex Compulsion Ship: Tony/Thanos Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Tony is Kidnapped by Thanos, Female Tony Stark, Obsessive Behavior, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Emotional Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, Forced Relationship, Gaslighting, Rape, implied/referenced past domestic violence, non-consensual sex between Toni and Thanos, forced orgasm, mind control, implied/referenced sexual assault of a child, violence, Toni approaching Thanos for sex but they are still in a non-consensual sexual relationship and she's imagining Steve instead just to get an orgasm. Summary: Toni sees the Chitauri mothership high above her, sees the hundreds and thousands of warships that circle the Earth, and she knows, she knows. She thinks, oh, I understand. A beat. Her hand burns. Wow, we are so fucked. She lets the bomb slide out of her hands, watches as it floats towards the mothership, and fire rains down on her, even in the dark, pale, cold hollow of space. She laughs, breathlessly, thinks of all the ones who’d loved her the most, and dies. Word Count: 21,567
Title: Spring Blossoms - Chapter 2 Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Strawberries Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Getting Together Summary: There wasn't much Tony had that was truly his, but this was one of them. Until he noticed Bucky struggling and decided to help. Word Count: 2993
Title: Untitled Collaborator: chel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A2 - Hope Pym Ship: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags: Wasps Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A [Moodboard]
Title: You’re the One That I Want Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Waking Up Married Ship: Ironhusbands Rating: Gen Major Tags: Domestic Fluff Summary: Tony wakes up married to his best friend, softness ensues Word Count: 333
Title: A Day to Ourselves Collaborator: DarthBloodOrange Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Date in the Park Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts Summary: It is not often that Steve and Tony get a break. JARVIS finds a free day in both their schedules and Tony jumps on the opportunity to take Steve on a spontaneous date. He takes Steve to the park for a picnic. Word Count: N/A [Moodboard]
Title: The Pleasuredome Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Writing Format: Email/Chat Log Ship: James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange/Hope Van Dyne/James "Bucky" Barnes Rating: Mature Major Tags: Five-Way Poly Summary: Welcome to the Pleasuredome We’ve got fun and games for all [legal] ages and lifestyles Would you like to go straight to the Avengers server? Word Count: 1313
Title: Tony Stark, Doo Doo Doo-Doo Doo Collaborators: sleepoverwork, rebelmeg Link: AO3 Squares Filled: sleepoverwork - R2: All's Well That Ends Well rebelmeg - adopted, Iron Dad Ship: Tony & Morgan, Pepperony, Tony & Science Sons, MIT Bros Rating: Gen Major Tags: fluff and humor Summary: Tony has Dad Brain, Morgan is disinterested in her nap, FRIDAY is amused, and a whole pack of teenagers are watching it unfold from behind the couch. Word Count: 3935
Title: Face of Salvation Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Alcoholism Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Superfamily Summary: No matter how long it's been since that last drop of alcohol, Tony knows it will always be hard to resist the urge. It's even harder in the dead of night when everyone is asleep. His child's face is the beginning of the answer. Word Count: 791
Title: If they're really out to get you Collaborator: KahunaBurger Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Drunk Dialing / Wrong Number Ship: Tony & Brock Rumlow Rating: Teen Major Tags: post-Avengers1, possible canon divergence, punchlock villain Brock Summary: Brock Rumlow is the farthest thing from a therapist there is, but when Tony Stark mis-dials you on the edge of a panic attack, you do the best you can, right? (Just because of Stark's value to Brock's employers, of course.)  (He doesn't feel sorry for the guy.)  (Or like making him laugh.)  (Shut up, it's three AM and he's doing his best!) Word Count: 2169
Title: You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - cliche Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hanahaki disease, mutual pining Summary: Sure, Tony felt short of breath whenever he saw Bucky, and his throat tightened whenever he saw Bucky and Steve together, but he was sure he had his little crush on Bucky under control. When he started coughing up flower petals, however, he realized that he did not have it under control even a little bit. Word Count: 1224
Title: Tony Stark and the Multidimensional Matchmaking Collaborator: ashes0909 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Science and Magic Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Multiverse MCU!Tony Stark Harry Potter!Tony Stark Harry Potter!Steve Rogers Established Relationship Getting Together Matchmaking Magic Crossover Summary: With no other plan in mind, Tony broke from the trees and headed for the castle. No one stopped him, though the kids on the other side of the lake looked up at him, waved, then returned to their game. He waved back, his hand feeling as surreal and confused as the rest of him. The castle only grew as he approached, and he lifted his head as its foreboding stone cut off the sky. The doors were nearly three stories high, but Tony pushed them open easily, far easier than he expected. Word Count: 1227
Title: Computer Love Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Artificial Intelligence Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Steve Versus Technology, Get Together, Smut Summary: A spam email and a misunderstanding from Steve lead to him accidentally revealing something very surprising. Word Count: 6228
Title: Coffee and a Date Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Coffee Shop Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: none Summary: Nat said he’d be here, so where was--ah, that’s gotta be him. Tony checked his phone again, rereading Natasha’s message for the fifth or sixth time. “His name is Steve. Big guy. Trust me, you’ll know him when you see him.” Word Count: 2976
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marvelousaddiction · 7 years
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. 
I was tagged by @pheonyxstorm
Drink: Last thing I drank was a coke, last alcoholic beverage was Gentlemen’s Jack (but I may have regular Jack tonight)
(btw Tay, try Irish Trashcan, optional but add strawberry sour straw candy)
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 Phone Call: My momma lol 
Text Message: @ceobryce
Song you listened to:  Rammstein - Feuer Frei! (and Victorious a Breezy original)
Time I Cried: two tears in the shower, I missed the breakdown this time and I took care of myself so yeah...
Dated someone twice: nope
Been cheated on: twice 
Kissed Someone and regretted it: yep, four people.....well....yeah four
Lost someone special: yep, some of them died, and one of them is still alive but I wish her the best still
been drunk and thrown up: yes, twice, but only a little bit each time  and I’ve never really had a hangover, only maybe a mild headache when I wake up, I barely notice it 
Made a new friend: I’d like to say so 
Fallen Out of Love: no
Laughed Until You Cried: all the time like (almost) errday
Met Someone Who Changed You: no, not really, but people I have always had I’ve come to some realizations about leading to changes in myself, example, I drink sometimes now
Found Out Who your true friends are: mhm, I always constantly play it safe in this department because of my past
Found out someone was talking about me: honey, listen, people been talking about you since you came into this world and they gon’ talk about you after you out of it. (at least you're on their mind) 
How many people in Tumblr do you know in real life?: @ceobryce @wolfsilverlight @leftzombiepenguin @brayamac @violet-soulkeeper17 @talonvictor @oneshoeshort (and Megan, I have to find her name and edit this lol)
Do you have any pets?: Yep. Dusty Leroy (my last name), Simba Sophia (my last name), Angel Clemingtine (my last name), Bobby Lee (my last name) and Loli (Lolli) Pop (my last name) 
Do you want to change your name? : First name,no, it made Papa proud I was named after him, Middle name, yes until this past june because I was the only kid of my dad’s kids (and grandkids) without the middle name Marie but in June something happened that changed my mind so I thanked my mom for naming me Irene. Last name, eventually lol, yknow marriage and shiz
What time did you wake up this morning: 6:00
What were you doing last night: laying in bed, talking to @browneyedhunter and ignoring what was going on outside my bedroom or trying with all my might and failing 
Name something you cannot wait for: Just one thing, other than actually starting my life (long ass story), tonight (giggidy), the black panther movie and april fools day to take a day trip to Raleigh and see Kevin Hart (if life allows) and down the line a little bit, to be a mom 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: not to my recollection, but yes in my dreams, Tom Hiddleston is a amazing man 
What’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing really at this moment, i guess being a female has terrible timing 
Blood type: blood? red? 
Nickname: Nerd, Short Person, BabyGirl, Jess, Jessie, Jessie Jess, Angel, there are so many 
Relationship Status: Happy 
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (June 25)
Pronouns: She, her, I am a cis girl lol but I will proudly respond to Dude, Bro, Bruh, Broski
Favorite Show: Obviously Supernatural is number 1, top 3 are Supernatural, Sherlock, and probably Penny Dreadful (but I have many favorites)
College: Not yet, I took a placement test and such but I am trying to get things straight first. Fingers crossed, within the next year or so I can start. I took some CP/ college class in high-school, there was one, Physcology, where  the professor actually came and taught us and I did well in that also I think I made like a high Cor a B but with the history class they gave us a book, popped us in front of computers. I tried, I really did, but I also did something there that I never did in school before, I tried and couldn’t learn anything (that is when the computers actually worked) and it was just boring so I got fed up basically said fuck this shit and failed on purpose. My education currently is K4-graduating from high school with a diploma. I actually love learning so please don’t misunderstand, I hated school, but I still tried my best and did pretty well and never flunked a grade level or anything, I was also that person everyone hated for reminding teachers of homework when they forgot it because I was the one that, not exaggerating, had mental breakdowns doing it. In highschool there is/was a notorious teacher that everyone hated, literally, someone keyed his truck, but, he saw how hard I worked and such and he actually became like my best friend and I may have been a teacher’s pet but he and my other math teacher my senior year were my best friends. Okay long unnecessary rambling sorry 
Hair Color: brunette, naturally, will eventually be black I know for certain. However, I colored it black once years ago, and in highschool I bleached my bangs so they were blonde, about two years ago but longer I put blue where the blonde was and that faded to teal, then i put red streaks throughout my hair when that was gone. Its been natural for a long time 
Do you have a crush on someone: yes. celebrities, obviously, but there is one man on campus i sware i cant take my eyes off of lol. My babe,marie, and I have a whole private joke thing about it. He is known as Superman, you had to be there
What do you like about yourself: this one is really hard, honestly. It varies but I guess....I mean, my sweatshirt I am wearing now? that count? Oh! I can drink and not become my big sister, despite having to convince myself of that. It is complicated and my eyes too lol 
First Surgery: it was getting my tonsils taken out when i was like maybe 5 or 6
First Piercing: ears, although i was never really able to wear earrings because of a reaction but they are closed now. I’m really thinking about getting my belly button pierced
First Sport You joined: there was the time when I was little and wrestling my dad, but that career ended when I kicked his nose/mouth and they swole, and the time I played football as a baby at my moms old family church but I bit my evil cousin? do those count?
First vacation: I don’t know if I ever had a vacation but I know my first time leaving home for a trip we went to Virginia, then Pittsburgh PA, then Niagra Falls NY
First Pair of Sneakers: I am willing to bet were hand me downs or from dollar general or a thrift store
Right Now: 
Eating: Nothing at this second
Drinking: Nothing at this second but later Jack & Coke/soda  and going to taste green apple Crown Royal with sprite,supposedly tastes like Jolly ranchers 
I’m about to: respond to @browneyedhunter, shes been waiting while I typed all of this and hopefully tonight......uh giggidy 
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Listening to: keys typing and Jimmy’s snoring behind me 
Want Kids: in the future, someday, yes, very much 
Get Married: maybe, I’ll see if life let’s me but people say Jimmy and I are married. By people I mean my 62 yr old parents and his grandad, and his mom 
Career: I really want one someday, but, we have talked, and we would both be alright with being a SAHM too. Right now, I don’t feel like I am doing my part despite what everyone says; but as long as I feel like I am doing that, I am good
Lips or Eyes: who’s?
Hugs or kisses: again, who are we talking about?
Shorter or tall: I am shorter than everyone, @emoryhemsworth knows what I mean since we are both 4′9
Older or Younger: I have a thing for older guys
Romantic or Spontaneous: both
Sensitive or loud: those things don’t always necessarily correlate 
Hookup or Relationship: Relationship. Unless it is another girl’ then I couldn’t do a relationship unless it was Poly
Troublemaker or Hesitant: hesitant af 
Have You Ever:  
Kissed a stranger: no, that is how disease happens. Unless...I guess Jimmy was technically a stranger when I met him and we kissed 
Drank hard liquor: the hardest thing I have found I actually like is whiskey or Irish Trashcan 
Lost Contacts/ glasses: nope
Sex on first date: believe it or not i have only ever done it with one person
Broken someone’s heart: I think I broke Faith’s heart when I told her true things about disney,childhood movies, fairytales etc 
Been arrested: no, my parents have though XD
turned someone down: nope
Fallen for a friend: Yup, wish her well but she co go screw herself or that sweet soulles-
In yourself: most of the time, no
Miracles: yes, because of I have lived through some, many of them 
Love at First sight: i guess 
Ive tagged people lol, I am done 
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