#i told you i was going to make Chishiya toxic
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 1! !!HERE!! is Part 2! !!HERE!! is Part 3! !!HERE!! is Part 4!
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut in later Parts, both Characters are Teens, Slight Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
BestFriend!Chishiya who you have known since Childhood. You were totally in awe how smart and independent he was, and he liked that someone viewed him as that, so you two became friends. Sort of. It’s complicated.
BestFriend!Chishiya who grew up with you around him, getting used to you calling him a genius in your sarcastic tone, whenever he informs you, sitting on his high horse, of all the errors you have done on the last test, especially the math ones. You are so bad at math, and he is so smart. You smile every time tho and he smirks cocky.
BestFriend!Chishiya smirks a lot, bit he gives you his honest ones. You know of his problems with his parents and them never really being there for him. You don’t know everything, just the bit he told you, but unlike other people, you are the person he trusts the most, so he shares some of his vulnerable moments with you. Not many, he is a cool guy after all and there is no way he lets something like his past destroy that.
BestFriend!Chishiya who you had sleepovers with since you were a little kid. You always come to his house. Your many siblings and overbearing parents don’t understand how you could befriend someone like him. They already tease you and sometimes try to push you to make new friends, but you don’t want to.
BestFriend!Chishiya doesn’t get along with many people and because of that you don’t make many other friends, but if you do, those friendships always break apart when your new friends like to point out how awful BestFriend!Chishiya is and downright mean. You don’t like what they say so you dump them.
BestFriend!Chishiya is more than happy about that. Your friends come and go, but he always stays with you and you with him. Even in your teens you two have regular sleepovers.
BestFriend!Chishiya is still way better then you at math and tutors you a lot. You do homework together and then he asks you if you want to stay for dinner. After dinner he tells you if you really want to walk home in this neighborhood and at this hour. He makes sure to point out how someone like you could easily get kidnapped and worse. He scares you so much, that he must hide his grin when you later ask him with a worried face and a shaky voice if he minds you staying for the night. Just this night, you say, tomorrow I will walk home after school.
But BestFriend!Chishiya asks you if you need help with homework after the next school day. He drops in passing that you are still so bad in math, that you maybe have to repeat this year if you don’t put in some effort, but hey it’s your future after all, right?
BestFriend!Chishiya walks away without another word and you follow him after hesitating for a moment, telling him that maybe you will take his offer “It wasn’t an offer, I was just stating the facts” he said, smirking when you panic for a moment, then adding “If you want me to teach you again you have to offer ME first something in return for the hassle”
You promise BestFriend!Chishiya to buy him his favorite chocolate but he waves this away. His parents have left him enough money to buy whatever he wants. You then ask him what he wants, and he will act like he is thinking for a moment and then whisper in your ear, that it’s a surprise.
Later, when all homework is done and Dinner has been eaten, BestFriend!Chishiya comes up to you and tells you it’s time to pay your debt. You smile, cause hey this sounds like a funny game, what will he make you do? Kiss a frog, or maybe scream obscenities from the balcony? But BestFriend!Chishiya has something else in mind.
BestFriend!Chishiya tells you that when you go to take a bath, he wants to stay in the bathroom and watch you. He is kidding right, you think and laugh but BestFriend!Chishiya remains totally serious and you tell him no, no way will you agree to that.
BestFriend!Chishiya knows what he is doing. He states facts to wrap you around his finger. He tells you that it’s just for research reasons, nothing sexual, but you don’t buy it. He then says that he wants to become a doctor, which you already knew of, so he needs to know the human body and he wants to know more than just what books and diagrams can show him. You are his friend so that’s okay right? It’s not like he wants something from you or you from him, right? The both of you are teens, 16 in age so there is nothing wrong with it, don’t you agree?
BestFriend!Chishiya sees you aren’t fully convinced but you have to agree that his reasons sound kind of reasonable, which they totally aren’t, BestFriend!Chishiya knows this, but he also knows very well how to talk you into things and he is using this knowledge to his advance.
You have to admit that BestFriend!Chishiya was always the more ambitioned one. The one who strived for understanding things and information’s beyond what the everyday person wants. He was very intelligent after all, consuming news and learning at a way higher speed then you could ever master, so maybe his request wasn’t unreasonable at all, you just didn’t understand it because you weren’t seeing the world like him, thru his observant wary eyes.
BestFriend!Chishiya has you hooked. You say yes and when you walk into the bathroom later, pushing the bath as far away as possible, you slightly shiver and your hands clench and unclench into fists. You want to undress first and then let him in, but he tells you that this is dumb. He will see everything anyway, so why making a fuss over it? Just get it done and you do, feeling like you act illogical, and he is right after all.
BestFriend!Chishiya watches as you take off your school uniform in front of him. You don’t face him, can’t. Your back is towards him, and you steal glances from time to time to look at his face but there is no expression at all. He looks like when he studied the dead frog’s corps during class. Focused and totally in his element. You on the other side feel so exposed and ashamed like never before. If you weren’t naked already, you maybe would take your legs into your hands and run, but there was no going back, not after he stepped forward, his arm expanding and his hand reaching for your body.
BestFriend!Chishiya raises his eyes to yours when you back away as a reflex. He knows he got you, but he still had to be careful not to let his true intentions slip thru the facade of reasons. His hand reaches for you again, this time you have yourself better under control and don’t move at all, while his fingers wrap lightly around your waist. Eyes travel down to every piece of exposed skin, and he likes what he sees, damn he really does.
BestFriend!Chishiya is thankful that he is able to control his body better then you and way better than his urges, specifically his carnal ones that made him trap you into this situation. Ever since you two got older, you starting to bloom into a young and beautiful woman, he also felt the changes in him. Like the first night when he woke up in the middle of his sleep, surrounded by pitch black nothing with a wet spot around the center of his crotch and his heart pumping the blood so fast thru him, his ears couldn’t hear anything else.
BestFriend!Chishiya had his first wet dream and you were a significant part of it. There wasn’t anything special about it. Nothing too sexual or overly bothering. In his dream the two of you had been sitting on the rooftop of your school building. It was breaktime and you starred into the sky while your head was lying on his lower body, and he was reading a book he couldn’t remember. Nothing else. Just this and still, after that night, many more followed, until one morning he woke up to his pants standing up like a tent with a hard on erection underneath, that he had to get rid of in the same bathroom you were standing right now, hoping you won’t wake up before he had finished.
BestFriend!Chishiya has felt his interest for you growing since then and it wasn’t in a friendly manner. Day after day passes and he beats his meat at night, with you sleeping next to him in his bed, cause that’s how you two have always done it since childhood so why changing it now? Oh, you were so innocent, so naïve. For you, nothing has changed since then. The two of you were still friends, best friends to be clear, so what if others didn’t understood your relationship, BestFriend!Chishiya was special so it was only logic for that friendship to be special too, right?
When BestFriend!Chishiya hands roamed your body up and down, grabbing your tits, pinching your nipples and squeezing your ass after turning you around, you were more than confused when he let go off you and walked to the tub at the end of the room, turning on the faucet and feeling the waters temperature until he was content with it and let the tub fill up.
BestFriend!Chishiya gave you a reassuring smile, as if everything was okay and you were going to take a bath like always. Nothing weird has happened between the both of you, that’s what you told yourself, but you still gauged at his crotch when he set down on the edge, expecting to see at least a hidden sign of an erection, but nothing. Dead pants. This all really must have been just for research for him.
BestFriend!Chishiya caught you starring and followed your gaze, snapping you out of your mind with a mocking comment “Hoping to see something?” you immediately shook your head, almost getting whiplash from how hard and fast you did it but BestFriend!Chishiya grin only widens “Sure” he said and you felt the need to defend yourself and your actions “I was not!”
BestFriend!Chishiya raised his arms, feigning defense “Hey, I’m not the one who makes this weird” You want to scream at him, to hit him on his shoulder and tell him he is the creep that requested you undressing for him, but you remember his reasons and his non-existent arousal, asking yourself, if you did hoped to see some reaction from him. You felt a little let down, that after seeing you naked, touching and squeezing parts of you no man has ever seen before, he could just turn around and go back to normal, with no effect on him at all. Where you that unattractive?
BestFriend!Chishiya made you question things you have never thought about before, your eyes side eyeing his hidden penis. BestFriend!Chishiya sighed, making you realize you have been caught again “Anything you wanna ask?” you didn’t answer “Just spit it out, unless you want to keep undressing me with your eyes” you gasp, shocked at his accusations “I wasn’t…” you stammered but he shut you up with a look that pretty much said, Bitch please.
BestFriend!Chishiya waited, watching you open and closing your mouth again and again. The wheels in your head turning, trying to find the right words “Do you not…feel anything?”
BestFriend!Chishiya scoffs “I feel bored” you shake your head “No I mean do you not feel something…else?”
BestFriend!Chishiya ask “Like?” and you fidget with your hands, the fact that you were naked in front of him, your chest and everything right on display for him to take in, completely forgotten “Like” you begin “Some…arousal…maybe?”
BestFriend!Chishiya takes a deep breath but you interrupt him before he can say something “I-I mean I wasn’t expecting something, it’s just usually, I mean no, normally, yes normally a man reacts differently to a female…naked” you end and BestFriend!Chishiya titles his head “Do I give off the impression that I am like normal guys?” and you don’t answer right away, instead search for better words, but nothing comes to your mind “No” you finally admit, but it sounds more like a question and BestFriend!Chishiya must hide his smirk, knowing now you were really hoping do see a different reaction on him after this whole scenario.
BestFriend!Chishiya plays it cool by shrugging his shoulders “I guess I need something more to really get into the mood. As I said, a naked body is something a doctor sees on a daily base and I have seen some for study reasons, so I guess I see yours with the same eyes. Meat on bones” that did hurt more then you had anticipated. You never wished for BestFriend!Chishiya to few you as anything else then a friend, let alone some sexually attractive female, so why did it sting so much to hear that he wasn’t looking at you in any other way than he looked at those human models in biology class.
BestFriend!Chishiya gets back on his feet, he takes a long look at you, which is okay, you are way too deep into your thoughts to realize him starring at your sex, imagining his cum dripping down your thighs, after he stuffs your body full of it.
“Wanna see it?” BestFriend!Chishiya asks and catches you by surprise. His dark orbs are now back on your face, erasing any signs of filthy thoughts he had. You don’t understand what he meant “Come again?”
“If it troubles you so much, there is no point in getting all worked up, when the solution is so easy.”
You still don’t understand what BestFriend!Chishiya is trying to say, so he tugs at the hem of his school uniform trousers and cocks his head with a smirk “You showed me yours, I’ll show you mine”
“Oh” is all coming from you, your brain short circuited at the thought of seeing him LIKE THAT and before you can really think about what this means, before you are able to calculate all the possible happenings after this and how your friendship could turn out when all this is over, your voice whispered a small “Okay” and BestFriend!Chishiya almost laughed at your reaction, which he totally saw coming.
BestFriend!Chishiya unbuttoned his pants, unzipped the clothing and pulled down his legwear. You were holding your breath, about to pass out, when he stopped and instead proceeded with his shirt, his bare chest making you gasp for air.
Then, BestFriend!Chishiya made a show of slowly sinking his thumbs into his boxers and pulling them down teasingly, until his cock was all out and he let the fabric pool around his ankles, stepping out of both clothing’s. You should look away, anywhere, best would be his face, to create some kind of normality, instead you stare at his at his long and girthy dick, unable to look away “How did you fit that into any clothes?”
BestFriend!Chishiya looked down and then smirked up at you, walking with cautions steps towards your form, so he doesn’t scare you away with his sight “Are you telling me I’m big?” he asked teasing, reaching for your hand, squeezing it, reassuring you that everything is alright, before pulling it towards his sex wrapping your fingers around the soft meat. Your breathing hitched, unable to comprehend what is happening right now.
BestFriend!Chishiya saw this. He saw how overburdened you were with all that happened so far, and he decided, even tho he wanted more, it was enough for the day. The tub was full now. He carefully took your hand from his cock, not missing the small twitch of every single finger, before maneuvering you towards the hot water, helping you step inside, carefully, then joining you by sitting down on the other side. Too much body contact and nudity would probably make you pass out, so he keeps that for another day. The foundation was there now.
BestFriend!Chishiya was free to build on it however he planned and he was good at planning things after all everything that happened today, from the moment you left school, to you touching him, was all well calculated and thought thru and you followed every step he laid out for you, right into the rabbit hole.
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
Is anyone up for some toxic manipulating Chishiya? I know I am. I wrote part of this a long time ago so you might have seen it in an ask on another blog, but I changed it up a bit and turned it more into ”is Chishiya toxic or actually nice?” and the answer is yes he’s toxic. It’s in both the readers and Chishiyas pov. When ———— shows up it means that the pov changes. Just a silly little sfw one shot where Chishiya is nothing like I see him in the show.
The setting is the scene where all the executives (and Arisu) finds out that the Hatter is dead and they have to vote for a new leader.
Disclaimer! This contains mentioning of violence, the same that was in that scene in the show. I’m not describing anything, just mentioning that it happend. I also mention lasers and hints at what they do.
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Chishiya raised his eyes from the table and up towards Niragis face just to be met by the most intense image he’d ever seen. Held by a steady hand, the tip of a handgun was touching the side of his head, just next to his temple. A finger on the trigger. A pair of eyes filled with nothing and a depth emotions Chishiya couldn’t understand, all at the same time. Your face gave away nothing. You didn’t look angry, you didn’t look sad. Even Chishiya couldn’t read you. How the fuck was this the hottest thing he’d ever seen?
”Do that one more time and you’ll be the one on the table.” Your low voice sent chills down Chishiyas spine, as if you’ve whispered it straight into his own ear. It was exhillerating. Not that he wanted anyone to be shot, although if someone had to be then Niragi would be his first choice. It was the way you held yourself and they way you spoke as if there was nothing out there that could stop you. Like the only thing that mattered to you was the space between the gun and Niragis head and wether or not it would be filled by a bullet. It was nothing like how you presented yourself to others, but Chishiya had wanted to see this side of you show itself. He’d seen glimpses of it before when he really pushed you. Not that you’d been anywhere close to this intense, but enough to make him aware that you were so much more than you led on. It was as if he was finally seeing the real you in front of him, the raw and ugly part that you didn’t show anyone. It was captivating.
Chishiya didn’t realise that his fingers had gone numb from how hard he was pressing them into fists in his pockets. If it wasn’t for the way he followed every breath you took he would’ve forgot to breathe himself. He almost wished that he was the one you were pointing the gun at, that he was the one getting that attention from you, that he was the one who brought out this primal part that he’d been begging to see for weeks now. How could someone look so composed, so intense, yet so empty all at once? Those lips that usually told him to go to hell were now sucking him in with every slow breath of air passing through them. He couldn’t wait to bring this side of you out again.
No one in the room as much as blinked. Every pair of eyes were focused on you. You could feel their gaze burn into your skin, but the heat from the anger burning inside you was still hotter. You watched Niragis reaction carefully. You watched as he slowly retracted his rifle and let it fall to his side, watched his throat move when he swallowed down the words he wanted to say but knew he shouldn’t. His eyes were directed straight forward and you could see a glint of fear in them. How funny, the only thing he was scared of in this place was you. ’I guess I’m just as fucked up as the rest of them after all. Oh, well.’
You took a slow breath and lowered the gun without wavering your eyes from Niragis face. With another click you put the safety back into action and turned around on your heels. You took three slow steps, stopped right in front of Aguni and then shoved the gun flat into his stomach to signal him to take it from you. He took it without hesitating but you could tell that he didn’t like it. He refused to look at you. Not that you expected him to, but some response would be nice. Then, before you walked away, you leaned in right next to him, face away from the rest of the group, and whispered ”Get yourself together, for fucks sake” with a sterness that you didn’t even know you had.
You fled to the roof of the hotel as soon as you had walked out of that meeting room. Seeing your friend laying dead on the table while your other friend let that walking piece of shit beat the crap out of him was more than enough to make you snap. The way Aguni looked at the Hatter on that table, completely dead inside, made you instantly aware that he was the one who killed him. Something must have gone seriously wrong, but you were not interrested in finding out what. Instead you ran away so that you didn’t have to see the mess that was about to unfold.
You had found a way to the roof of the building several weeks ago when you once again tried to get away from the ”utopia” that this place was supposed to be. Being there at night was your favourite past time. You could see the city spread out in front of you while the night sky was so full of stars that you could barely make out the black sky between them. If there was one thing you could miss about this twisted version of the world, it would be how peaceful the nights were. The noise from below was drowned out by the beauty of the landscape around you. You even brought a blanket and a pillow that you permanently had laying up there now. It was your place and it was the only peace that you were able to find in this awful world.
You sat down by some sort of large pipe running along the middle of the roof and leaned back against it. Knees pulled up towards your chest and the blanket pulled up as far as you could. The music blasting from the pool area was still there but the small breeze in the air cancelled it out for you. And just as you finally started to relax you heard footsteps coming towards you.
”I want to be alone” you said to the figure coming towards you. You knew who it was even without looking. He had a talent of sneaking up on you, so much that you had gotten used to it by now. You kept staring into the sky and just waited to hear what he wanted. Then you could tell him to fuck off. It was less rude that way, or so you told yourself. It wasn’t because you were curious, of course not. That was also what you told yourself.
”That was something else.” Chishiya sounded amused when he sat down a few meters away from you. He knew that if he came too close you would leave. You wanted your space and he graciously gave it to you. Why did he always show up when you wanted him there the least? Maybe he put a tracker on you. It wouldn’t be suprising.
”Aguni gave the gun to me several weeks ago, just in case.” You didn’t look at him while answering but you just knew that his eyes were glued on your face. ”It wasn’t loaded anyway. I emptied it right away when I got it.” You twirled the number tag on your wrist around a bit as you spoke. Why were you even explaining this to him? You came here to be quiet, to not think about this. ”I didn’t want it in the first place but Aguni wanted me to protect myself from the militants. I guess it worked.”
”I thought you were serious.” Chishiya said with a touch of honesty in his voice that you hadn’t heard from him before. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking over at him. He looked peaceful, just sitting on the roof looking up at the night sky that stretched above the two of you. His legs crossed in front on him, hands in his pockets. His hair was flowing a bit back and forth in the breeze. ”You had this look on your face… like you finally had enough. It was thrilling.”
”You have a strange taste in amusement, you know that right?” you told him, rolling your eyes.
Chishiya didn’t answer but he gave you a side eyed glance and a smile before he went back to looking back up. You’d be afraid that you’d hurt his feelings if it wasn’t for him being… him.
You two just stayed like that for a while, just looking at the stars and they way the city stretched in front of you. You didn’t know why Chishiya was there next to you but you didn’t have the will or the energy to find out either. You just went with him maybe being a nice person for once and tried offering you some condolences in his own way. Who knew, maybe he was? You knew that there had to be a side of him that cared about people. Somewhere in there.
”It’s almost midnight” Chishiya woke you up from your thoughts. ”Here.” You turned your eyes over to him and saw that he was reaching out his hand to you. In it was a simple lighter.
”I don’t smoke” you answered confused, but you still accepted the lighter and took it in your hand. ”And what does this have to do with it being midnight?”
”I know that you don’t like the lasers. So I thought that you could look at the flame instead. It’s better than closing your eyes, right? I’ll tell you when it’s over.” Chishiya didn’t look at you when he said it but the sincerity in his voice was there. He did care. You didn’t know how to react to that.
”Thank you.” You didn’t want to make a big deal out of his actions so you left it at that. How did he know that closing your eyes would just bring up the images of people dying from lasers in previous games? Maybe he get those images too. Maybe it was just simple psychology, seeing traumatic images when the sound from them was all around you. You chose to not think further into it and let your eyes wander to the yellow lighter in your hand. With a quick flick of your thumb it lit up and a small flame danced in the air. You kept watching it as the sound of the lasers went off all around you. You kept your eyes peeled on the flame, following its movements, analyzing its colour, letting it occupy your mind.
”It’s over” Chishiya said and woke you up from your trance. Before you had chance to say anything, he got back on his feet and started to walk away from you, going towards the exit.
”Wait.” The flame in your hand died out, leaving the space around you in darkness and suddenly you had felt a surge in your stomach. You didn’t want to be alone. You wanted him to stay, you wanted his company. With pleading eyes you saw him turn around to look at you, probably just as confused as you were to why you stopped him. ”Stay. Please.”
Chishiya didn’t answer, but still walked back to where he had been sitting previously, hands still deep in his pockets and a calm look on his face. When he sat down he leaned his head back, raising his gaze towards the sky, before turning his eyes to you with a smirk.
Chishiya barely believed his ears when he heard you calling out for him. You had fallen head first into his traps this time. Maybe you had let your guard down after your performance back in the office. Chishiya wasn’t sure, but that didn’t matter now. You were broken. He had slipped in through the cracks. The hardest game he’d ever played was over. You were finally his to play with. He had won.
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changbokkii · 22 days
“You’ll be okay”
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Paring: Kuina x reader (platonically) (Maybe some Chishiya x reader)
Summary: your best friend, Kuina helps you through your wild pregnancy journey.
"Come on, come on, come on..." you sighed heavily and looked down but looked back up when you heard the door open and loud music in the background. Standing there was a blonde man with shoulder length hair and a white zip-up jacket. Wasn't his name Chishiya? Kuina told you about him but you've never met him before. It's interesting how a dude can look so beautiful.
"Hi! Is Kuina here?"
"Yeah, she's in her room blasting music. You can come in if you'd like"
His voice was bland and cold. It matched his apathetic appearance but still. He stepped aside for you to come in and as you walked in he shut the door. You walked over to Kuina's room and knocked. The loud music that was playing suddenly stopped.
"Come in!" You slowly opened the door and walked in and Chishiya followed behind you.
"I'm going home Kuina." Chishiya said, his voice not changing from his nonchalant tone.
"Okay, Bye!"
Chishiya waved and left out the door.
"Hey you okay? You don't look like your normal self. You're normally loud and annoying. No offense though because I like you like that."
"Well...there's something I've been needing to tell you...I ummm...im pregnant.."
Kuina shouted loudly that her neighbors could probably hear her but she didn't care as she already has enough noise complaints as it is.
"You're pregnant!? By who?! Don't tell me it's your boyfriend!"
"He's no good for you! I've told you this already! He's toxic and he's obviously not ready to raise a child with you!"
She's not wrong. He has cheated on you with many girls and you've forgave him many times. Kuina is extremely pissed every time you do it and when you complain to her every time she gives you the same advice but you do your own thing. The one thing Kuina Hikari hates about you.
You want to leave him, you really do but what are you going to do without him? He think you're nothing without him and maybe he's right. But who knows?
"Can you help me...? If I'm gonna keep the baby I'm going to need some serious support."
"Of course! Besties help each other no matter what! I promise you'll be okay. And they baby as well" You smiled at Kuina and she smiled at you.
"And I couldn't have asked for a better bestie"
"I love you so much!"
"I love you even more!"
You both share a giggle and hug each other and hugged. You start to ramble about the most random things.
"Since bf/n isn't going to be the father of the baby maybe I can convince Chishiya to date you and raise the child."
"First of all, don't make that man do anything he doesn't want to. He looks miserable enough. And second of although he is cute I'm probably not his type."
"I can ask-"
"Absolutely not! If you do I'm going to microwave you on high heat!"
The both of you laughed. You always made jokes like this ever since the two of you met. When strangers heard you make jokes like this, they would look at the both of you concerned. But the both of you know that either of you wouldn't harm each other.
You both share your random thoughts with giggles here and there until you get a notification. It’s from your boyfriend
"I have to go...I'll see you later" You break the hug and start to walk out the front door
"make sure to dump 'em bestie!"
You giggled at her words.
"I will don't worry!"
And with that you left her apartment hoping you will be able to explain your soon-to- be ex boyfriend.
When the baby is born Kuina is there by your side holding your hand as you squeeze out the baby.
"You got this n/n! You're almost there!"
You let out another scream of pain and push as hard as you can and the baby was born.
"You did it! I'm so proud of you!"
She hugs you very carefully making sure that she's not hurting you because you are very delicate in this moment.
The doctor hands you the baby. It's wrapped in a pink duvet. It's a girl.
"Awwww! It looks just like you!"
You start to cry tears of joy as you hold your baby girl. You smile down at her and she takes your finger and plays with it.
Even if she doesn’t grow up with a father (or her real one), she has you, Kuina, and possibly chishiya. That’s good enough for you.
For the next few days at the hospital Chishiya was your doctor for the rest of the time you spent in there.
“You should be able to leave in a day or two. The baby is healthy and has no health problems. If there’s anything you want or need call me or Kuina.” Chishiya said in his calm voice as he checks your vitals. You nod your head and sigh softly.
“And if you ever need someone to take care of the baby or you call me”
“Thank you”
“It’s no problem. And please don’t try to get up from the bed unless me, another doctor, or Kuina help you.
“Okay…I’ll try”
Chishiya walks out and starts talking to someone. As Chishiya disappears in the distance Kuina comes in with a smile.
“How are you doing?”
“Good I guess”
“Do you need any snacks or anything else?”
“No…but Chishiya is hot-“
“That’s my friend! And I will not be a third wheel the next time we hang out!”
“Weren’t you trying to set me up with him a few months ago-“
“Thats different!”
Your baby is now one years old and couldn't be happier. You and Kuina are going to the bar for a girls night out and Kuina convinced Chishiya to take care of your child.
You hear the doorbell ring and you assume it is Chishiya but to your surprise it is you ex Boyfriend...
"Why are you here?"
You ask with a slight tone of surprise and anger. Your ex boyfriend chuckles a bit.
"I just came to see my little girl. Is there something wrong with that?"
"Yes it is! She's not your daughter! You will not be apart of her life!”
Your baby comes crawling over to you
“Hey sweetheart!”
You pick her up and she lays her head on your shoulder. As soon as she sees bf/n she starts to cry.
“Shhh…it’s okay baby. I won’t let him hurt you.”
Kuina walks up behind you.
“Is something wrong? And what the hell are you doing here!?”
“I’m just trying to see my daughter”
He put his hands up in the air mockingly.
“She’s not your daughter and will never be!”
Your ex boyfriend rolls his eyes and smirks. You wanted to slap his face so bad.
“Hey Y/N go back inside with your baby and I’ll take care of him.”
You nod and walk back into the house.
After all that you and Kuina didn’t have a girls night together but instead had a fun night with Chishiya and your baby.
You two laughed your asses off when your baby tried to put make up on Chishiya. Your baby just smiled the whole time.
“Mama!” Your baby said proud of what she did to Chishiya’s face.
You four had the best night together and you couldn’t ask for a better daughter, best friend, and maybe future boyfriend.
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goblin-waifu · 2 years
Welcome to the New age Part 4
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Stepping outside to the cars, she found Chishiya already waiting for her, hood over his head. Stepping next to him, she felt the glare before she even saw her brother come around the corner. She did her best to hide her smirk, keeping her face neutral as she leaned closer to the blond, watching Kuina walk to one of the other groups. With a simple gesture of his hand, Chishiya motioned towards the car, letting Asuna get in first before he sat next to her, making sure he was seated next to her. Close enough that his knee rested against hers, but not close enough for anyone to get ideas.  
As they drove to their destination, she felt him shift beside her, leaning close so their conversation wouldn’t be heard. “How are you enjoying our agreement so far?” he asked, though she was sure he already knew the answer. How could he not when he seemed to read her mind before she could even form full thoughts?  
Glancing over at him, she saw the familiar smirk on his face and didn’t bother to hide her own. It seemed so much easier to let her guard down around him, though she had no idea what he was planning. If she had figured out anything about the blond beside her, it was that he was planning something, and had contingencies for those plans. He always seemed two steps ahead of everyone somehow and anticipated the smallest of changes in people.  
“Hopefully more than you are. He acted like I stole his girlfriend when he was told I’d be in this group with you.” Her voice was low, but not devoid of humor. The image of Niragi looking both betrayed and angry burned in her mind, something to keep her going no matter what this game had in store for them. “No, I just stole his sister.” He said simply before settling back in his seat, the statement hanging between them. What had he meant by that? She was left with her thoughts for the rest of the car ride, thinking back to the days at the beach.  
Chishiya had always been within her line of site, a constant yet silent pillar watching her as she dealt with her brother, doing her best to interact with people around her. How often had he been watching her argue with Niragi or hang out somewhere alone? Was he able to see the inner turmoil that lay within her as she struggled with the demons that woke her up at night?  
She was pulled from the rambling of her brain when the car stopped outside of the arena. Getting out, she walked inside, grabbing one of the phones. Keeping close to Chishiya, she leaned against the wall, chewing on her lip absent-mindedly. She hadn’t even realized that her anxious habit was evident until a hand was on her face, pulling her lip from her teeth.  
Looking at the brown eyes of the blond, she sighed and ran her fingers through her dark locks. “It’s going to be fine.” He whispered just as the game was announced to start. Stepping into the room, they saw nothing but doors along one wall. On the other side was a large window, showing bodies laid on metal tables.  
GAME: Operation  
DIFFICULTY: 7 of Diamonds  
OBJECTIVE: One of these doors is your key to freedom. Find the way out before time runs out. Players win when they successfully find the right door. Fail to open the door in the time limit will result in toxic gas being released, killing everyone. Time for completion, 2 hours.  
The voice said over the intercom, causing some tension to build up within the room. “How are we supposed to find a way out? What are those bodies for?” some of the people asked. But Asuna was already starting to play out what could go wrong if they failed. With a sigh, she looked at Chishiya, who happened to be looking at her, his eyes dancing with excitement.  
Game Starts Now.  
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devinescribe · 3 years
Burnt Out
Bitches... (1, I love you all very much. 2, .... read 1) it's time for some angst...
And the start of me making poly relationship things-
Request away lol (I'm working on a request and small project chapters :) )
Warnings: Toxic Relationship, mentions scars, burns, Manga spoilers, swearing, emotionally abusive behavior, mentally abusive behavior, gaslighting(?) Let me know if I missed any!
You giggled as both men chased after you through the halls of the hotel. "(Y/N), you're wearing socks! You're going to- shit!" Niragi yelled after you, cursing when he saw you fall. You slipped down the stairs. You landed with a thud at the bottom. Tears filled your eyes at the pain, but you swallowed them back, standing up. You yelped, falling back to the floor. Chishiya stared down at you, kneeling besides you,  squeezing your leg. "Ow! Shi-Shi, hurts," you whined, slapping his hand away. He glared up at you. "Maybe don't be stupid next time. I'm just trying to help you," he scoffed, going back to trying to find out what was wrong. "You don't have to be so mean to he-" "Shut up. You're dumber than her, you're the whole reason this happened anyways." He felt people stare, and stopped. "Take her back up to our room. I'll figure out what's wrong there," Chishiya stated, getting up, and walking away. You expected Niragi to yell after him, or repremand him for something, but we're met by silence. "Gi-Gi, you ok?" You whispered as he picked you up softly. He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead nodding.
"Niragi... this isn't the way back to our room," you said, noticing he was taking you the opposite way. "Clever girl," he praised with a smile. You laughed at his words. "I'm taking you to Ann. She has more equipment to help you. I'll get Chishiya after I take you to her though," he explained. You nodded.
"And then it was like bam, then woosh, and like... wow!!" You exclaimed, trying to find the words to explain your game. Niragi laughed, patting the top of your head. "Sounds fun sweetheart. Tell me all about it after I take a shower," he said. You nodded with a smile, sitting on the edge of your bed. Chishiya had been on the bed, listening to your rambling. "Chishiya, I think it was really cool how you tried to-" you started. "Gods you're loud. Quiet down. And I know. I'm clever, after all. Neither of you would be here without me. Probably dead," he lectured. "But Chishiya, Niragi and I survived without you before we came to the Beach, remember? We were t-" you started, confused at his words. "I get it, he's your favorite out of us both! You make it so fucking obvious. I bet the only reason you wanted both of us is because you're an attention whore who needs multiple men to use her to feel good about herself. Shut up and let me sleep," he shouted. Tears filled your eyes as he turned away from you. Had you really shown favoritism? You didn't try to, if you had. You always made sure you tried to do things with both. Was he feeling left out? Is that why he was being a jerk?
Those were all thoughts running through your mind, not knowing that you weren't the problem. You had spent equal time with both, giving them equal attention. Chishiya just never wanted you around him.
"(Y/N), come with me. Now," Chishiya ordered. Ten of Hearts. That was tonight's game. And you were terrified. He had pulled you away before anything got to out of hand. You thought that maybe he was trying to be nice. Maybe he had finally come around? Had you given him enough attention? "W-where's Niragi?" You asked, jogging to catch up with him. "Don't worry about him let's go."
You followed him around the whole time, watching as his hands quickly grabbed items. ''What are you making?" You asked, hoping he didn't snap at you. You feared his response. "Something to beat the game with. If you can't bring the witch to the fire, bring the fire to the witch," he said. You sighed in relief. He didn't yell at you, and you were happy about it. "Ok... so... you know who the witch is?" You questioned. "I have a hunch. Now stop asking questions," he stated. "So annoying..." you heard him mutter. You frowned, keeping your lips shut.
Following him up the stairs, you kept to yourself. You knew he wouldn't care about your thoughts. He might yell at you, or call you annoying. You didn't want to make him angry... He was just trying to protect you, right?
"Niragi!" You shouted happily, seeing he was at the rooftop. He wasn't dead. He looked over at you with a smirk. "Ah, so he did keep you safe. Where were you hiding?" He asked, picking up his gun from the floor. "There's many places for me to hide," Chishiya responded. You tried walking towards Niragi, but Chishiya grabbed your sleeve. You tugged at his hand, trying to get away. "Let me go," you said, struggling against him. "No."
The next few minutes went in a blur. All you remember was Chishiya and Niragi arguing a bit back and forth. You were so overwhelmed already, the game getting to you, and now your lovers were fighting. Cards flying, fire, screaming. You couldn't tell if it was your own scream or Niragi's, but it didn't matter.
"C-chishiya what the hell?! W-what?!" You yelled, shaking, stepping back from him. "Hmm... guess he wasn't the witch then,'' he stated, dropping the homemade flamethrower to the ground. He started picking up the cards on the floor. You however tried taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. You couldn't. Tears slipped off your face, hands scratching you your arms. You couldn't scream, couldn't talk, couldn't move. It was like you were living in a nightmare.
There was more instances, of course, but you were so done with everything. Niragi was still alive, to your relief. After all that, he was alive. And that's all that mattered to you. Chishiya had been with you, and still was. Understandably, you were scared of him. Niragi was angry at him, but couldn't do anything about it.
"Look, just tell me I'm right, and we're fine," Chishiya stated bored of the conversation. Both you and Niragi were so tired of this. The constant fighting, gaslighting, and hateful words. Chishiya was just too prideful to admit he was wrong.
It was a relationship between you three. You and Niragi shouldn't be putting in all the work, while he didn't try. At the begin he had. He had tried to be a part of the relationship, giving you both kisses and hugs. Random bouts of energy at 3 am to go to a random room. It had all started slowly going down hill. He pushed you both away, but didn't want to leave. He never left, giving you hope that maybe he really loved you both, and just didn't know how to express it. He had told you about his parents, and you just always tried to excuse his behavior as his trauma, but it just got to a point where you couldn't anymore.
"You're right," you started. You saw him smirk, and continued. "We couldn't fix you," you said. Suddenly he wasn't so sure of where this was going. "You're right, we shouldn't have tried to. Your pride is what you're concerned about?" Niragi said. He was tired of dealing with this as well. All he wanted was to find someone who actually cared about him, and who showed it. He didn't want to be with someone who made him feel alone. You didn't make him feel alone... "I'm still right, he wo-" Chishiya started, getting ready to argue back and forth with you two until you finally gave into him. But that wasn't going to happen today.
"Is "you're right" really all you wanna hear right now?" You whimpered, sitting on your knees next to Niragi.
"Well, you're right, we should've walked away faster... should've know You would only break our hearts after we were already in love," You whispered. You were all hurt. Niragi had severe burns, and bullet wounds, Chishiya had bullet wounds as well. You had burns on your arms and legs, cuts and bruises adorned your (s/c) skin. Most of which Chishiya had caused when he put you in danger at games for his own gain. Or when he needed to test one of the weapons he made, you were his test subject. "Yeah, I guess I'm just not good enough for either of you then. All you two do is act scared of me like I'm the bad guy-"
"You're right, you aren't good enough," Niragi stated angrily, caughing up blood after. He winced in pain at the sudden movement. You felt tears fill your eyes, and shook them away. ''I kissed your scars even after you hurt me, and he held your hand, even when you fucking burned him-" you shouted angrily. "Do you know how embarrassing that was?" Niragi whispered, his voice hoarse and raspy.
"Oh, because it's all my fault?"
"Yeah! That's exactly what we're saying! When was the last time you actually tried acting like you liked us?"
''She's right. You agreed to be with us. This is just fucking embarrassing to be with somebody who hates us, and doesn't even try to hide it."
"I don't hate you two I-"
"We hoped things got better, we hoped that love could turn a monster into a man," you stated, getting angrier by him trying to defend himself. "But it doesn't and it won't
Because you're beyond repair
But there is still someone for her somewhere, who will treat her so nice, you'll wish that you did-" Niragi retorted to his words. He didn't hate you both? He sure did a horrible job at showing it. Niragi knew he would die with his injuries. You would live. You could find someone who would treat you better than either of them could. "For someone so smart you're so fucking stupid to think that we're really that dumb..." you interrupted Niragi. He was losing energy, and anytime he coughed you could tell it was so painful to him. "We love you, but we're done... Pretending this was gonna work... Pretending loving you didn't hurt... Pretending that it doesn't burn when you think you're always right..." Niragi ended. Those words were hard for him to say, and hard for you to realize. You three had just been pretending this was going to work after Chishiya started pushing you two away. You two tried so hard to stay with him, and tried so hard to fit all three of you together, that you didn't realize how much staying fucking hurt.
" 'Cause you're still stuck on your past...You hate him so much but you're just like your dad!!" You screamed, shouting the first thing that came to mind. It hurt him. That was a first. The first time someone's words hurt him. And you, (Y/N), his sweet (Y/N), said them. You could see the shock written all over his face when you said them, and it made you feel a bit bad. Niragi was secretly proud of you, but focused on the situation at hand. Tears feel from your eyes, and you cursed yourself. "(Y/N), I- I'm- I can't... I-" Chishiya stammered. For once, he was at a loss for words. You and Niragi had made him happy. He didn't feel alone with you two, and that scared him. So he tried to push you both away, scared of hurting either of you, but I'm the end, he hurt you more than he meant to. He tried, he really tried at the beginning, the feeling of being together with you two bringing him the feeling of love, understanding, and happiness he'd never felt. But he ruined that. He hurt himself in this instance, he hurt the people he loved, making them scared of him. He realized you were right. He was turning out to be just like his father. He didn't want that. He wanted to wake up, this was surely a nightmare. He would wake up and you would be squished in between him and Niragi. You would be playing with his hair, talking about your dream. You wouldn't be scared of him, and you would all be back at the beach. Like the 10 of hearts never happened. But he knew that was wishful thinking. This was real, and this was happening. Everything he used to laugh about people worrying about was happening to him right now. This was his karma. It had finally caught up to him.
"And I know, that you tried...Gave it all that you had," you whispered through tears. No. He couldn't let the one thing that made him happy slip through his fingers. But... he had to let you go. You wanted to leave. Niragi wanted to leave. It would be cruel to both of you to make you stay. So he stayed quiet. Did you really think he tried? That made him feel a tiny bit better. You thought he tried. That he tried to make things work. "And being a monster doesn't necessarily make you bad..." Niragi added quietly. He was a monster. The words he had said to not only you, but Niragi could back that up. Not just his words either. His actions. He was a horrible person to both of you. Why did he expect both of you to stay with him, when neither of you had anymore energy to put into the relationship.
"But...even if we could staple it back together now... we all know that you can't light a fire that's already burnt out," Chishiya whispered. You both looked up, shocked he was agreeing with you. Was he crying? Neither you nor Niragi had ever seen him cry. Niragi chuckled a bit, not at the fact that Chishiya was crying, but at the fact that this was what it took for him to care. "Fuck... it hurts," Chishiya muttered with a laugh. "My injuries hurt less than losing both of you... fuck... I-"
He was interrupted by a voice. The games were over. "Oh my gods... we can go home! I reject citizenship in the borderlands," you said. "Same. I don't want to stay here. Fuck that," Niragi stated. "I also reject citezenship of the borderlands. This is like a personal hell..." Chishiya muttered. A bright light obstructed your vision.
You walked on crutches into their hospital room with a smile. " 'M back!" You chirped. You had all been in an accident, as a lot of people that were currently in the hospital were. You didn't know why, but the seemed so familiar. You liked being around them, and constantly visited them. "Ah, finally a pleasant noise to hear," the blonde man complemented. You could hear the teasing tone directed towards the other man in the room. "I can't really help it can I? So... shaddup..." the other muttered. "My nurse told me... that my heart stopped... for a minute," you mentioned, sitting in a chair in between their beds careful to not hurt your legs more. They had burns and scars, nothing tho serious. "What a coincidence. Us too," Chishiya said. You nodded, humming in acknowledgement. "I um... I also... get released tomorrow..." you said sadly. "That's great (Y/N). You can head back to your home," Niragi said. You shook your head. "I wanna stay. I don't know why, but you two seem familiar to me. And... I want to know why... it feels like...I don't know how to explain it..." you stated. "I... I've felt that as well," Chishiya admitted. "Ok, good I'm not crazy then," Niragi joked, coughing slightly after. "Well... how about I come visit everyday until you both get released... then we can figure out why? Or get to know each other more? It feels like... I've loved you in a past life kinda thing. Silly of me to say, huh?" You giggled. "I think... we'd both enjoy that... and it's not silly, in fact, we've both been talking about it, and that's how we feel. About you, and each other. It's quite weird, I've never met either of you in my life. You're both rather attractive though," Chishiya said. Niragi snickered and you looked over at Chishiya, who's eats had turned red.
"I said that outloud, didn't I?"
"It's a good thing I find both of you attractive too, blondie."
"Hey, I think you're both cute too! Lemme join in on this!"
"Of course. Join in on it (Y/N)."
I couldn't let you guys be sad, I'm sorry-
Also, I'm going on a trip to Arizona this week, so there will probably not be many (or any) updates. Sorry, but I do hope you enjoy this!
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pipipinyyy · 3 years
Explaining why I have added every song in my entire and very long Niragi playlist because I can and because over analyzing him is my passion (I usually update it from time to time but I'll do it with the current songs)
Completely self indulgent post, but I decided to share to feed my fellow Niragi stans (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
This is entirely based on my view of the songs and how I interpret them while thinking about Niragi. I'm aware that most of them have entirely different meanings, this is just for fun :) (Also sorry if my explanations don't make much sense, English is not my first language and I might make mistakes when trying to put my feelings and thoughts into words)
This may contain manga/s2 spoilers
Hayloft-Mother Mother: Vibes
Criminal-Britney Spears: The whole song describes him ("he is a sucker with a gun") and the fandom's obsession ("mama I'm in love with a criminal")
Daddy Issues-The Neighborhood: I feel like he would act like this, using the most vulnerable spots to pick on someone ("cry little girl, nobody does it like you do")
Psycho-Jin Dogg, OVER KILL: Vibes
Riot-Hollywood Undead: He'd definitely start a riot like he did in the 10 of hearts, burning and destroying anything that crosses his path
Bitches-Mindless Self Indulgence: He most likely thinks he's a total fuckboy and popular with girls since he can get almost anything he wants out of scarying people
Baby's on Fire-Die Antwoord: Vibes
Insane in the Brain-Cypress Hill: This man is being consumed by his own way of protecting himself
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing-Set It Off: Based on how he feels towards the people who hurt him in the past ("Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay" "You've always been a huge piece of shit, if I could kill you, I would" "Karma is gonna come collect your debt")
Death no more-IC3PEAK: Vibes
Gasoline-I Prevail: Sort of similar to Riot, ("So burn it all down, burn it all down, I don't give a fuck")
Toxic-Britney Spears: The whole fandom knows how much of a piece of shit this dude can be, but we still find ourselves liking/enjoying his character (to an extent), a toxic addiction
Nice Guy-GRLwood: As much as I love this man, he'd use the "I'm a nice guy c'mon" card just to fuck. If he wants to, he'll get it, if he doesn't, he'll most likely get mad
Dernière danse-Indila: Vibes
TRRST-IC3PEAK: Mostly vibes, I kinda see this song as how he felt the first time he killed someone on purpose inside the borderlands ("mama they say I'm a terrorist, I did nothing wrong but I got on the blacklist")
Saint Bernard-Lincoln: Vibes
Nowhere To Run-Stegosaurus Rex: Being with him at the Beach would either be ignoring each other completely or a game of tag, no inbetween. If this man wants to kill you, he'll get his fun time out of it as well ("You're gonna die, I'm gonna kill you")
The House of Wolves-Bring Me The Horizon: Based on how he sees life after being consumed by his current mental state ("Show me a sign, show me a reason to give a solitary fuck about your god damn beliefs" "What you call faith, I call a sorry excuse")
Smells Blood-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
SIU-Maretu: Similar to Daddy Issues, don't expect this man to be a therapist. If he sees anyone crying or panicking in or outside a game, he'd most likely tell them to suck it up, just like this song.
Judgement-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
MONSTER ENERGY GUN!-KevinKempt: Vibes + He for sure has an energy drink addiction, specially pre-borderlands
HURT-1 800 PAIN: Vibes
Fear Is The Mind Killer-Zheani: Vibes
I Bet on Losing Dogs: Based on how I know Niragi is toxic, and most likely unsaveable of his deteriorating mental state, but I still have him as my biggest comfort character ("I bet on losing dogs, I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place")
Emo Boy-Ayesha Erotica: He's been in an emo phase (and maybe still is), the lyrics are pretty self explanatory, they describe us Niragi simps perfecrly ("come on fuck me emo boy")
Crybaby-Destroy Boys: Vibes
The Fox's Wedding-MASA Works DESIGEN: Vibes
You're a useless child-Kikuo: We don't know much about his past, but judging by the unstoppable bullying he's suffered, his parents didn't care about him, or were straight up absent. He's been insulted by pretty much everyone in his past to the point of believing it and telling those things to himself ("You're a useless child, the most useless child in this world" "Drool in snot, dandruff, shit and piss" "I'm a useless child" "Nobody will save me" "I'm a lonely kid")
Take A Slice-Glass Animals: Vibes
Fighting With The Melody-Jimmy Urine: Vibes
Comics-Caravan Palace: Vibes
Rhinestone Eyes-Gorillaz: Vibes
Butch 4 Butch-Rio Romero: Mostly vibes, sort of how I think the most "peacefull" moments in a relationship with him would feel like, kind of bittersweet feeling
Suki Suki Daisuki-Jun Togawa: Yandere Niragi. If he's interested in someone, he'd go through an obsessive phase, most likely forcing the other person to "love" him. This man is so confused about the feeling of love that he's unable to tell when he loves someone or when he's obsessed with them due to his lack of attention ("Like you, like you, I love you. Say you love me or I'll kill you")
:(-The Garden: Vibes
Kitty City-Cyriak Harris: Vibes
Blood-My Chemical Romance: If Niragi went to a therapist, he'd act like this song, with his signature cocky and sarcastic personality (at least before he gets better) ("I can't control myself because I don't know how" "They can fix me proper with a bit of luck" "I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love")
A Mask of My Own Face-Lemon Demon: He feels like he needs to protect himself or else he will get hurt inside the borderlands by others again. He uses another personality, a completely ruthless one, even if he doesn't like it and hates himself for it, he doesn't see another way to deal with his fear, allowing his "new self" to consume himself. ("I'd wear that mask of my own face" "I look into my eyeholes and what do I see? A handsome motherfucker motherfucking looking back at me")
I'm a Murderer-Freddie Dredd: Mostly vibes ("I'm a motherfucking murderer")
'Cause I'm a Liar-Mcki Robyns-P: He would lie just for fun even in serious situations. If he needs to manipulate someone to survive, he'll do it his way, after all, he doesn't care anymore, he just seeks for excitement. ("Without emotion, without devotion. It's much easier to fake something happy")
I Disagree-Poppy: I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like this is how he sees and feels the world and those around him, feeling misunderstood and going his own way ("If only all of you could see the world I see, then maybe everyone could live in harmony")
Personal Jesus-Mindless Self Indulgence: He has a superiority complex, that's for sure. I don't think he sees himself as a god, but I see him joking about it
Rainbow Factory-GLAZE, WoodenToaster: Vibes
Frontier Psychiatrist-The Avalanches: I kinda see this as Aguni taking the role of Niragi's "father figure" inside the borderlands, realizing he's turning insane and is unable to control him ("That boy needs therapy")
Hate it. Hate it. "JIGAHIDAI!"-WADATAKEAKI Kurage P: Jealousy. I can see it either in a pre-borderland situation where he hates the popular students in school, or inside the borderlands hating both Chishiya and Arisu. Jealousy takes over him constructing a big ego, causing himself to develop his superiority complex ("You see, I hate that popular girl!" "Does she think I don't notice? How she looks at me as if I'm trash" "I want to be praised" "I'm different from you all, I have my own ego! I'm not a side character" "I have zero common sense. I'm special")
Villain-Stella Jang: He knows damn well he's a villain, that's his goal after all, but what if someone took his point of view? wouldn't the villains be all of those who hurted him in the first place? ("We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side, but what if we are the villains on the other")
Violent-carolesdaughter: This is how I view an argument inside a relationship with Niragi. He's used to violence, to cause fear, and getting what he wants, so being in a healthy relationship would require a lot of patience and strenght. While he's getting better and suppressing those violent actions, there will be times where he accidentally uses violence or threatens the other person unintentionally, mostly hurting himself and his partner psychologically. The lyrics change between both points of view ("Don't make me get violent, I want my ring back baby that's a diamond" "She knows I'm a wreck" "I gave you all my trust and I told you just don't break it")
Hey Bunny-Baby Bugs: Based on how I think it would feel to partner up with him inside the borderlands and catching feelings for him while knowing the huge mess he is ("Hey bunny, what's with those evil eyes?" "Hey bunny, what the hell is wrong with us?" "Hey bunny, what if I loose you too? If I become the monster, together we can always be blue")
Kokoronashi-majiko: I'm pretty sure Niragi isn't able to see himself as someone able to love, even if he doesn't want to be alone (just like when he confesses this feeling while fighting with Chishiya and Arisu). If someone truly loved him and was willing to not letting him go, it would hurt. He can't see himself as someone who can love or be loved, so he can't accept the love he's seeking for in case that turns him "weaker" making his true self confront with the protective mean personality he's created. He could learn how to accept it, so he might want the other person to stay in the end, but it wouldn't be easy for him to accept it ("It's awful, I'd rather you destroy my body, tear it to sheds, do as you please" "No matter how much I'm loved by you, my heart is just one" "I don't know this, don't leave me alone")
Nightmare Parade-FAKE TYPE.: Vibes
Slipping Through My Fingers-Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried: Niragi seeing himself loosing his young, gentle and caring personality due to his fear, being unable to control what's happening inside, nostalgia and sadness kicking in ("The feeling that I'm loosing her forever" "That funny little girl" "Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time")
Kuroneko No Tango-Pink Martini, The Von Trapps: Vibes
YKWIM?-Yot Club: Him confroting his feelings of loneliness when he's left alone with his thoughts ("It feels like I care too much when I'm alone, oh no")
Romantic Lover-Eyedress: Just appreciating his physical appearance ("She's a killer, I love her features")
Wrecking Ball-Mother Mother: Based on how he sees himself as someone who needs to destroy everything in a way or another in order to be powerful + the fun he has with it ("Call me a reckless wrecking ball" "Let's break it just because we can")
Edge-Rezz: Vibes
Freaks-Surf Curse: Again, confronting feelings when loving someone, but not in such a painful as Kokoronashi ("I need a place to stay where I can cover up my face" "Don't cry, I'm just a freak")
Little Bit-Lykke Li: Vibes
6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con)-Will Wood and the Tapeworms: Vibes
PHONKY TOWN-PlayaPhonk: Vibes
I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE-Måneskin: Freaky time. He would absolutely love this song, definitely his type of thing ("You could be the beauty and I could be the monster" "I wanna touch your body so fucking electric" "I wanna make you hungry, then I wanna feed you")
#BrooklynBloodPop!-SyKo: Vibes
A Cold Freezin' Night-The Books: Vibes
A Pearl-Mitski: My most favorite song to associate with Niragi. Represents his evolution as a character. Creating an scenario where he is loved by someone,he rejects it at first, acting tough ("I don't want your touch") and then proceeds to explain why ("It's just that I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended" "it left a pearl in my hand and I roll it around every night just to watch it glow") the war being the borderlands and his new personality, he loved it, but nobody drew a line and it's getting out of hand. The pearl is the feeling of power, the one he has to remember when feeling weak just to feel something. At the end of the song it changes to ("Sorry I can't take your touch"), realizing that he wants love, but he's not able to take it or else he'll become the Niragi from the past
Problematic-Bo Burnham: Him acknowledging his problematic actions but not wanting to apologize because he doesn't feel the need to. He knows he's done bad things but he is going to laugh at it and be a sarcastic mf about it
First Love/Late Spring-Mitski: Similar to Kokoronashi, he wouldn't be able to accept love and how it makes him feel. He would think that he prefers for everyone to hate him and be lonely instead of sacrificing his tougher side. Also talks about how he's grown way too quickly for him to understand feelings properly ("So please hurry leave me, I can't breathe, please don't say you love me" "One word from you and I would jump out of this ledge I'm on baby" "I was so young when I behaved 25, yet now I find I've grown into a tough child"
The Other Side Of Paradise-Glass Animals: Vibes
Bodybag-Chloe Moriondo: How I feel about liking his character, confronting feelings basically ("Don't know if I hate you or if I wanna date you" "I don't wanna like you, I just wanna tie you up, then keep you in a cage and watch you sleep for ages"
Get Into It (Yuh)-Doja Cat: Vibes
Psycho Killer-2005 Remaster- Talking Heads: Vibes
INFERNO-Sub Urban, Bella Poarch: Again, another song that describes him pretty well ("Baby I'm the reason why hell's so hot" "Terribly like terrible, she's a villain" "Think I'm getting butterflies but it's really something telling me to run away")
Bad Morning-Omori: Vibes
Trouble Brewing: Vibes
Dueles Tan Bien-Bruses: Another song about my confronting feelings with this man ("You know what? You taste better than alcohol to me. You know that and you've got control" "Because you hurt, and you hurt so good that I don't know what to do")
And that's it!! This took me the whole day to write but it makes me very happy to be able to share it :)
I've you've read the entire thing, hope you enjoyed the character analysis! ლ(◞‿◟ლ)
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 3 !!HERE!! is Part 1 !!HERE!! is Part 2 !!HERE!! is Part 4
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut, Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior, Harassment, Stalking, Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
ToxicFriend!Chishyia who uses the summer heat and with that the open doors of your balcony to let you hear just how good he is at sex. A few weeks in his fake relationship, he stars to screw his paid girlfriend on his balcony, that was just two meters away from yours, daily. What a coincidence! One day, knowing you are home, he made up a whole script of what the prostitute should say and behave during and after their bodily activities.
“Fuck, Shuntaro, you are so big” ToxicFriend!Chishyia  makes her scream and “Can’t anymore, too sensitive” after he made her cum at least two times. It is more than he usually wastes on any hooker, but this is an act after all, and he needs to give his best performance to make you understand what you are missing.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia knows you can hear him, your glass door is wide open during the scorching heat, so his trust got stronger and fester giving his best, in case you dare to take a look around the corner. Just in case. He knows you are a dirty girl inside.
Finishing and putting his clothes back on ToxicFriend!Chishyia makes some talk with his ‘Girlfriend’ where she tells him, she is leaving and he asks her where. He told he hooker before to be rude and come off as bitchy which she deliveres perfectly, telling ToxicFriend!Chishyia that its none of his business what she does in her free time.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia knows you are listening. He heard your steps echoing to him till you reached the balcony, not daring to step outside but unable to turn away. What a bad girl you are, eavesdropping on your neighbor. Tze tze tze. Its exactly what he planned to happen and you, being the oblivious person to all his doings, follow right thru it.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia tells his fake girlfriend that he feels sometimes like she is using him and she snorts and tells him that if he would be more like the guys she usually hangs around, manly and so on, she would maybe stay, but she has business to attend. His ‘Girlfriend’ walks out of his apartment while ToxicFriend!Chishyia sits there in silence. He gives himself some moments before faking a deeply troubled sigh and calling you on your phone.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia catches you off guard and you try to run as silent as possible to your phone, clearing your throat a few times, before picking up. ToxicFriend!Chishyia tells you in a staged heavy troubled voice, that he doesn’t feel like being alone today so would you mind going out with him. Spending some time, maybe eating out, drinking some stuff. You say yes to all of that, feeling bad for him and the shameful way his girlfriend treated him. You also feel ashamed for listening into private matters that in no way concern you, so you make sure to be extra nice to him.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia goes out with you to your favorite shops and buys you whatever you coo at. After the sixth or so time, you feel more and more guilty, that he spends his time and money on making you happy after being treated so harsh. You want to make it up so much to him, but don’t know how and after telling him that he doesn’t have to do this, he insists only stronger. He tells you, with a forced sweet half smile on his face that you can see thru how hard he is battling with his emotions, which he totally planned, that he needs that right now. To make you happy. It makes him also happy.
Saying that, ToxicFriend!Chishyia smile grows into a sad one adding fast “Unless this is too much. So sorry, this is all my fault. Damn, I can never do something right, hm?” his tone, his fucking hurt tone is all you need for you to break any restrain you had. Your independence? Out of the window. Seems like you will get endless sets of new outfits, if that’s what ToxicFriend!Chishyia needs to be happy again.
You hug ToxicFriend!Chishyia in the middle of the store and he takes it, knowing he plays you so well and you fall for every single one of his traps. He hugs you back, but makes sure to do it hesitantly, asking you if you are okay, which you answer with a trembling voice “Yes”  and a “I’m always there for you, you understand me? What ever it is, just ask and I will be with you” He knows he got you so wrapped around his finger. When the time for dinner comes, you suspect nothing when he treats you to one hell of a romantic restaurant.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia tells you he wanted to come here with his girlfriend today. That he planned it all out since its their three-month anniversary but then he shrugs, looks down painfully and you feel so bad for him again. You reach for his hand on the table, squeezing it and he tells you how thankful he is that you came with him. At least the day wasn’t all lost. Having you here with him lights his mood immensely and he is so glad to have you in his live. You nearly shed tears from his sweet words, but thankfully the waiter approaches and asks for your both orders what gives you the time to collect yourself and all your raging feelings now.
ToxicFriend!Chishyia is such a sweet and handsome man, how can his girlfriend not see it, you think. What a bitch. ToxicFriend!Chishyia speaks so highly, so in love about her, all while she treats him so bad. He surely deserves better. Fuck, he deserves the world, for how nice and caring he is. You think back to your awful ex-boyfriend and his low behavior. How he broke your heart by sleeping with some chick in your apartment! ToxicFriend!Chishyia would surely never do such a thing. He is so loyal, such a good person. Always so nice to his patients, giving his job his all and you, he always treats you like a queen and never says no when you crave his attention after one of your boyfriends’ disgusting gifts appear. He is such a good friend. If only, you think, there would be more guys like him.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya who told his fake girlfriend to meet up with another paid prostitute, this time a male and make out with him in public right on your path to work. He paid extra so it gets steamy, when the two become all handsy. They make out, there is tongue, and you are so shocked, you can’t even talk. What a whore! Then they disappear behind a tall bush, and you follow all grossed out at the scene unfolding in front of you. There she was, getting it in public up her ass and your jaw was hitting the floor. How could she? Such a slut. Playing poor ToxicFriend!Chishiya who is so in love with her and does everything for her. You step away your body shaking in sync with your head on your whole way to work.
Thoughts of ToxicFriend!Chishiya fills your head, making you unable to work properly the whole day. Thoughts of how to tell him what you saw and breaking his heart raced thru your mind. Not telling and keeping it to yourself was no possibility. ToxicFriend!Chishiya deserves the truth after all. He is such a good person, faithful and loyal while his girlfriend slept around like a prostitute. Surprise... He deserves so much better! You must tell him. As a friend, it is your duty, and you also don’t want him to stay in a relationship with someone who probably only uses him for his money and his name. But how?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya comes over later. He comes off a little excited and you ask him what is wrong. He tells you that his girlfriend told him they should move in together and he feels so happy. ToxicFriend!Chishiya was so worried that their relationship was somehow breaking apart but this shows that she does care for him right? She also loves him, right?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya says he feels so happy, but he wants to hear your opinion too, cause he might see things with his pink glasses. You struggle. Nerves a wreck and ToxicFriend!Chishiya of course knows you so well, he is such a wonderful friend after all, that he sees right thru you and asks what’s wrong. You come clean. Completely. Tell him what you saw, everything. That they hugged. Kissed. Fucked. You watch as his face falls, his smile disappearing, and he looks at you with an empty expression. When you are finished, he doesn’t respond, only sits there and stares at you.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows what you have seen, after all he wrote the script of the act that played out for your eyes. He knew how to react if you tell him and of course you tell him, you are such a loyal person, you can’t stand infidelity. He puts up a heart wrenching smile and thanks you for your honesty. He then tells you that he needs some time alone to comprehend that news and then leaves. As he walks towards your apartment door you tell him to wait and he turns around, tired look all over him. Shoulders slumped. He looks so exhausted. Gone is the man that came to you with happy news. Replaced by a kicked down boxing bag.
You hug ToxicFriend!Chishiya. Squeeze his body tightly to yours, reassuring him that you are there for him. He will always have you and when he wants to talk, to stay or to drink, you are ready to fill in whatever he needs. He thanks you, burring his head into your shoulder and fake sniffing, then turning around again and walking out of the door with a smirk on his face.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya stayed in his apartment, waiting for the paid prostitute to come over for the last time. She had another client before him, so it took some time, but that was ok. He needed you to lose your mind, thinking of all the things going on in his apartment right now. Poor ToxicFriend!Chishiya, all by himself, trying to understand how his life turned upside down in just some minutes. As if.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya almost laughs at the thoughts of you worrying about his mental state. When she finally appears, he makes sure to put on his hurt facade when opening the door, in case you were peeping out, watching him interact with his ‘girlfriend’. He paid the woman, then allows her to take a shower in his bathroom to pass some time, while he watches tv. Two hours go by, where she paints her nails and talks to some girlfriends on her phone, before he finally sends her away.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya walks out to his balcony, sitting on a chair with his face in his hands. He has never been good at fake crying. Tears just never wanted to spill when he needed them to, and his sobs just sounded so superficial. Instead ToxicFriend!Chishiya plays a YouTube video of someone sobbing while knowing damn well that your glass door was still open and you could hear every sound.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya phone made a Bing sound and he stops the video, to sniff a few times and read your text messages.
“Want me to come over?” nothing more, nothing less. Just that simple. He takes some time to reply, after all he must look like he is thinking about the answer, then writes yes and goes back in to put some droplets into his eyes that he knew would irritate them enough to cause some tears to spill and redness to appear. Just in time.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya opens the door. His face wet because he splashed some water on it, drawing the picture of washing it to calm himself. You hug him instantly, telling him sweet words like “It’s okay” and “I’m here for you” you both only hug for a while. You rub his back with your hands, his face buried deep in the crook of your neck, fingertips roaming your body and you think nothing bad of it. Of course. He makes sure to sniff a few more times, before he parts and ToxicFriend!Chishiya puts on a smile and thanks you, telling you what a wonderful person you are and that he loves you so much. What would he do without you. He would be so lost.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is so close to you, he knows it. You both know it, but he waits for you to make the first step. It is important for the future. And you do. He sees it coming when your eyes lock on his lips, biting your own. He looks like a lost puppy and only you can save him. That’s when you lean in and steal a kiss from his lips. You gasp when backing away, repeating again and again how sorry you are and how you shouldn’t have done this. You don’t want to use him. He is in such a miserable state. So vulnerable. You are a terrible person!
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is now the one kissing you. He cups both your cheeks, pressing his lips against yours and waits for your surprised gasp to open your mouth. There you go, good girl. Invading your mouth with his tongue, he got you worked up fast, but he knows he has to play his cards right. He sees all the possibilities and so it doesn’t surprise him when you part from him, shaking your head telling him that this isn’t right. That he is confused, and you shouldn’t be using his poor state.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya doesn’t let you go on. He grabs you by your waist and pulls you back, whispering that he needs you right now. That he needs this. So fucking much. And you let him. Let him undress you and kiss you and suck on your neck, along your shoulder and down to your chest. He pants again and again that he needs this. That he feels so cold and only you can warm him up and of course you do, it is your duty as a friend to help him in any way possible, so if that’s what he needs, it would only be right to give him all, yeah? After all, you told him, you will always be there for him, so why backing down now?
Soon, ToxicFriend!Chishiya has you all naked, bend over his kitchen counter while he trusts into you from behind like a mad man and ripping apart your insides every time he plunges right back in. At least his ex-girlfriend didn’t lie about his big cock. Gosh it hits all the right places and has you moaning in seconds. His hands grip your waist, fingers dig into the soft flesh while the sound of skin-on-skin echoes from every wall.
Sweat is forming all over you and it’s not the summer heat’s fault. ToxicFriend!Chishiya works you so deliciously good. His balls slap against your dripping pussy, while he gives you one orgasm after the other. You finally understand the ex-womans pleading for ToxicFriend!Chishiya to stop. Your clit is so sensitive, he has you completely overstimulated under him, rutting into you like a maniac. If you wouldn’t be bend over the counter, nothing could keep you from falling to the ground.
But ToxicFriend!Chishiya isn’t finished with you. When you start whimpering to him that you can’t anymore, that it is too much, he shuts you up by claiming your mouth again, deepening the kiss and sucking every bit of oxygen right out of your lungs. He pulls out of your weeping hole, only to maneuver you towards his bedroom and picking up his ministrations on you again, as soon as he had you laid down on your back with your legs in the air and him between your thighs. Never had any man fucked you so good. So hard. So long. ToxicFriend!Chishiya is a man on a mission and who are you to deny him that. No really who are you? He fucked your brain out so you only know his name anymore, so who are you again? Who cares, you think when he finally stops, falling on the mattress next to you. You are on your belly now, not knowing when you changed position, but it must have happened at some point.
Your cunt is oozing out ToxicFriend!Chishiya cum, overflowing and unable to fit all of it inside that loose hole. He was the first man that ever fucked you raw and right now you are so glad you never stopped taking the pill, even tho you broke up with your ex months ago. It isn’t long after, that you lose conscious, falling asleep while stuffed to the brim. ToxicFriend!Chishiya takes his time studying your naked body lying around, all spread out and covered in his and your juice. That is the beginning of your end, and he will make sure you will enjoy it to your fullest.
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 1 !!HERE!! is Part 2 !!HERE!! is Part 3 !!HERE!! is Part 4
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut, Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior, Harassment, Stalking, Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who you have met when moving into the building two doors away from his apartment but at the same level. You have immediately piqued his interest for some reason, which you of course were totally oblivious to. Much to his liking.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who met your then boyfriend 1 week later in the staircase. He didn’t like him from the get-go. Way too smug about dating you and presenting it all in ToxicNeighbor!Chishiyas face, who only smirked faking innocent thoughts.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who invited you over the following weekend and you ended up a little tipsy, not drunk no, you are a responsible drinker, but it’s enough for you to tell him stuff you two are definitely not close enough to share. Maybe he lied a little how high percentage the alcohol is you were sipping at.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who stirred you to the topic of your boyfriend to find out what you liked about this motherfucker and what you generally like in guys, for research reasons, after all he must prepare himself, to take his place in bed.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya listens to you, telling him how unreasonable your boyfriend of 6 months is to push you into sex. You haven’t done it with him yet, but he is persistent and tries often to get you into it, going all out but you tell ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya that there is something, you don’t know what and you can’t put it into words, that seems wrong about him, so you usually say no.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who starts planning the moment you tell him that. You have a good intuition and are very confident and independent Person. Maybe that’s what got him first into you. He wondered how someone like you would look all broken with no hope in you or the people around you and with him as the only anchor in life. He is bad and he knows it, so what?
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who looks online for a prostitute to rent. Not for himself no. For you. He makes an appointment under a fake name at the company you work so you would have to stay overtime. Then he would send his professional worker along to bump into your boyfriend, randomly of course.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who has told the hooker that your boyfriend is his best friend who needs a good time after literally working himself to death every day but is against paying for sex and that’s why he can’t know the real reason.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who watches over his front door camera how the prostitute and your boyfriend walk into your apartment all secretly. It’s the closest one and you work overtime so you will never find out right?
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who cancelled his appointment with you last minute, so you come home early to find your boyfriend balls deep with his tiny dick in another woman. You break up with him on the spot and tell both to leave. Unable to stand there and watch, you take ToxicNeighbor!Chishiyas offer to wait inside his apartment.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who just opened the door all confused to the commotion, offers you tea and a shoulder to cry on but even tho you just lost your oh so loyal boyfriend to the cunt of another woman, you still stay strong to his subtle advantages.
ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya who watches how a delivery company brings a new sofa after your old, totally good one, was thrown away two days ago. He assumes it’s because your boyfriend nailed the paid hooker on it.
This evening, ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya buys Champagne and comes over unannounced, but you don’t mind, thinking he does it to party with you for loosing dead meat and to celebrate your new independency as a single.
Poor you, you have no idea what kind of person ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya really is. If you did, you definitely wouldn’t have become friends with ToxicNeighbor!Chishiya.
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
MASTERLIST (up-to-date)
This is Part 4 !!HERE!! is Part 1 !!HERE!! is Part 2 !!HERE!! is Part 3
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.
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Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut, Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior, Harassment, Stalking, Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
ToxicFriend!Chishiya who made you his personal mattress since he fucked you the first time, after breaking up with his fake girlfriend. The way you moan his name and scream as he hits your g-spot repeatedly making your inside hug him so hard he could cum then and there, get his head spinning and he can’t help but smile every time he pumps you full of his cum, knowing your plead towards him to use protection has gone ignored for yet another time.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows you feel bad every time he rolls off of you, after cumming yet another time, but you still never tell him not to. Never push him away. Never say no. And It’s all because he tells you he needs you. That he needs this and that only you can give him the warmth of a human body that he craves so much, tho it’s all just bullshit that he knows will hit just right into that caring heart of yours, where he started to dig a hole a make a place all for himself since he first laid eyes on you.
But ToxicFriend!Chishiya still sees how you blame yourself for something that isn’t your fault and never will be. You think that you are using him, sweet friend Chishiya, after that terrible break up he had to go thru and that you pretty much caused, cause well it was you who told him about it. Told him about his fake paid hooker girlfriend that he only used to get closer to you, cheating on him and here you were, yet another time, having him inside you while lying on your bed with your face in the pillows and your ass in the sky, getting pounded in the most delicious way possible that you totally enjoy. Really you do, it’s just that as soon as it’s over, and you look to the side, seeing him on his back, breathing like he just ran a marathon, you remember that you are only friends and the sex hasn’t changed anything between you, beside that none of you is looking for other partners anymore.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is still coming over daily, listening to your blabla about your day and you listen in return to his, only to end up with your pussy all stuffed to the brim, somewhere in someone’s apartment somehow. Dang it, you couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol, because you stopped drinking after the fourth of fifth time in a row of him having you all to himself. It was rather that somehow, he is hitting a nerve and all you wanna do is be there for him.
This wonderful and caring side of ToxicFriend!Chishiya, that he actually doesn’t inhabits, but hey, don’t blame you, cause how should you know how much of a manipulative toxic man he is? After all, if there is something ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows best, it’s how to play people around him and you are nothing than just his newest toy, tho he has grown quiet fond of you.
Anyway, after screwing around for more than a month, ToxicFriend!Chishiya hoped that you would have finally gotten rid of your concerns, but you wouldn’t be your usual self if that would be the case, right? Always wanting the best for him, you don’t consider yourself that to be. After all, it feels more like you trapped him in a circle of sex, where he does nothing but fucks his worries into you, instead of facing them and to get over it and finding someone else. But he doesn’t. Oh no no no no no.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya doesn’t even think about moving on from you. For now. Because who knows what the future will bring. He wants you and he wants you all to himself, but your guilt is stopping you, from, in his eyes, surrendering your whole self to him, so he has to pick up his game again, making you understand how good he is for you. In fact, he is the best, you just can’t see it, since you don’t see him with his eyes. Oh, if only you could.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya has grown quiet used to hire sexual workers for whatever he needed with you. In other words, prostituted to manipulate you towards him and it always had worked yet, hasn’t it? So why changing a bulletproof sure thing?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya likes to play all sweet and caring for you, as he one day approaches you, sitting on your couch and taking your hands in his, while searching for your orbs to lock his eyes with. He needs your full attention and for you to see every played emotion in his face, so you totally fall for his act, otherwise things wouldn’t work out completely.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is a dedicated man and as much as he is dedicated to have you, he is also 100% into his plan to finally have you completely without you questioning your situation.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya tells you that he has thought about the last weeks, he really did, and how your relationship has taken its turn, that is also true, but he believes he is using you to fill the hole his girlfriend has left in him and as much as he enjoys, physically, what you two do, he thinks its best to stop, so your precious friendship, that he appreciates so much, wont gets destroyed by his need for warmth.
Now, everyone who knows what ToxicFriend!Chishiya is really planning, could now be thinking, wtf you doing my friend you a taking a step back, but ToxicFriend!Chishiyas a genius. A mastermind that is looking for his kind and yeah, his next move will set him a step behind, but in the long run, he will make 2 steps forward and that is still a one-step win.
You nod, somehow baffled because, well how else are you supposed to react after him basically doing what you didn’t have the guts to, tho you instantly also feel something else. The realization that the wonderful sex the two of you are having every day and that you oh so grew accustomed to, will now end. But its ok, you tell yourself. It’s the right thing to do, the only right thing. After all ToxicFriend!Chishiyas mental health is more important, than one hell of an orgasms right?
Well, it would have been good to know that this train hasn’t only departed long ago. It crashed full speed into a plain, that flew into the sun, made it explode and on top of all this, caused what little normal self ToxicFriend!Chishiya still had to burn down into nothing.
So here he is now. Insane man, telling you what you already have been thinking for so long now and making you feel even worse for him being the one who finally, not only brings it up, but also makes the cut. What a good friend you are, you could kick yourself into your ass right back to your old family home.
You don’t deserve ToxicFriend!Chishiya, is all you can think off. He is so kind and sweet and a wonderful man unlike all the others you have been with yet, but deep down you know what he is saying is the right thing, so you nod, again, agreeing with him and going back to normal, like you have been before the first time he squeezed your tits so good while fucking you over his kitchen counter. Fuck. You want to kick yourself for already missing the wonderful sex.
Anyway, ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows what he is doing with you, so he hires yet another male prostitute. What a surprise! One he knows is exactly your type, since he fed the man all necessary information about you. What you like and what not. What your favorite music is and what books you read. Even what your political view is. Everything the guy needs to get under your skin and just as ToxicFriend!Chishiya predicted, he does and not only that.
After ToxicFriend!Chishiya pretty much cut you off from his cock-resources and with that from all the sex you have gotten used to. Daily. Several times. Your libido has been going crazy. You felt your pussy itching all day and after going to see a doctor and finding out that, physically, everything was alright with you, no STD or something that could explain it, you had to come to the conclusion that your fucking pussy was weeping like crazy for some dick. Sadly, that same pussy has gotten so used by the same pleasure bringing cock…ah you meant guy, after all ToxicFriend!Chishiya is more than just his cock, yes yes he is. Anyway, you have gotten so used to your neighbor taking care of certain parts of your body, that your fingers weren’t able to fill that hole anymore. Like, literally.
It’s like ToxicFriend!Chishiya fucked you lose or something. Destroyed your vagina for anything else and you soon had to come to the realization, that also included other man. Fuck him. Him and the addicting sex the two of you had. So sinful, so erotic so…not you, and still, here you were, craving him like a crazy bitch in heat.
So, you thought that your libidos problem could be easily solved right? The new guy you met, so caring, it was like he was made for you. Hearing him talk was like looking into a mirror, so for the first time in your live, you actually slept with a guy before being in a relationship with him. And it was, to put it mildly, terrible.
Exactly like ToxicFriend!Chishiya has planned it.
It was like the guy didn’t even knew what he had to do. Rutting back and forth like a mad man and all you did was lying there, hitting your head repeatedly against the headboard. WTF???? You could swear he has been so perfect only to turn out so terrible. You even peeked once at your watch to find out how long he has been going at you. There was no nicer way to say it. You hoped he would soon either give up or finish, but damn again, even after half an hour, boy was still looking strong, while you could do nothing else then yawn and hold both hands over your head to try push your body away from the beds frame and with that a possible concussion.
Then finally, that poor excuse came and the way he did…you wouldn’t forget it for years, maybe even decades. The way he suddenly started screaming obscenities at you calling you a dirty whore and yelling at you that you will go to hell, like you are some terrible car driver, that just cut in front of him at the intersection and later stole his parking lot. And you? You again just laid there and took it, because you have been too awestruck to say something, until he pulled out, took the condom off and shot his load right onto your face and you…you chased him out like the piece of garbage he was.
You even told ToxicFriend!Chishiya about it. How could you not? He has become not only your neighbor, but also your dearest friend, tho you planned not to share anything of your hopefully new relationship and dating experiences with him, when you decided to start dating again. Then again, you were so in shock, you just had to tell him, how much it took you aback when he begun yelling after rutting for what felt like forever in silence, only the high creeking of your bed frame filled your bedroom from wall to wall..
And what did ToxicFriend!Chishiya do? He nodded understanding, however you saw the pain in his eyes for a moment, when you started to talk about being intimate with someone else. Pfft, as if. You reminded yourself to not bring it up again, like ever again, because how could you hurt someone like him, who even after everything he had gone thru with his girlfriend and then with you, was still such a good friend. Just perfect him.
In reality, ToxicFriend!Chishiya had a hard time not throwing the table and stomping out of your apartment to this piece of shit he hired. Of course, he told him how to behave in bed. How to disappoint you terribly and even scare you so you would thing about what an awful choice you made, but nutting on your face? Nah ah, that wasn’t part of the deal. If someone was allowed to dirty your soft and beautiful skin, it was him and only him and surely not that piece of a paid nutcracker.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya made a silent note in his head to have some words with this guy before he hires the next to disappoint you deeply in your ability to judge people, but also in today’s dating life and how hard it is. Seriously, with people out there like the insane blond asshole, its motherscrewing dangerous to say the least.
A week later, because you are just not the kind of person to give up that easily, ToxicFriend!Chishiya could tell, you were already on your next first date with a man a tad older then you and what you normally date. Someone who, you of course didn’t know it, was also a prostitute, hired to toy and shatter you into pieces. But hey, what were the odds? Judging by the fact, ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows your work path and schedule and what clubs and bistros and small café you like to visit, pretty high.
This one invited you to a concert that was one of your favorite bands. How nice right? Well, it was less nice, when he, during the concert, like mid-music, lowered his pants and not only rubbed himself on you but then had the audacity to stain your favorite jeans with his dirty pervert jizz. You practically ran out of the concert, home and into ToxicFriend!Chishiya arms who invited your distraught self over to his place for a glass of wine and a good talk and you couldn’t say no, exactly how he planned it. You sobbed to him again, how awful it was and that you can never listen to this band again, without remembering this old guys remains on you. And the sight of his small shrimp…
Did you learn it this time? No, you told ToxicFriend!Chishiya to his face, after he gave you a small tad-talk, that you won’t give up that easily. No way everyman was a pig, right? There have to be normal ones, even some that are somehow likeable right? Again, you registered the second his smile dropped, and he looked like a kicked dog at your words. And you instantly felt terrible to bother him with your problems and talking about being on a search for good guys, when the nicest one, the best you ever met, was right in front of you. What a terrible human being you are. So terrible.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya almost had you on your knees again, sucking him off like he is a god, but no, he couldn’t do that just yet. He had to show you how much better he is then all the other ones out there.
Can’t you see? Soon you will.
And with other ones, ToxicFriend!Chishiya meant the guys he will pay to cross your way. Because after all, he is the best for you, he has decided that long ago and if only you could understand this finally, things wouldn’t need to go that way, breaking your self-confidence until you were nothing then a piece of clay for him to mold the way he wanted.
The next three months you dated the hell out of the single community and with every passing man, your expectations on man lowered. After all, it couldn’t be that all of them were shitty people, so if you believed them to all be bad fuckers and having an awful personality, couldn’t it be that you were the problem? After all, in all of this, you are the common denominator and ToxicFriend!Chishiya was counting on that.
The guy that you have been going with to very expensive nice dinners and who seemed so shy all the time, only to have a heavy and surprising orgasm, as you kissed him goodbye at your door. He came in his pants and at first, dear lord, you thought he had a heart attack. You were so worried. Anxious he could die in your hands that you even went as far as to run to your neighbor and knock on ToxicFriend!Chishiyas door to ask him for help, tho your date asked you not to. And when he came out, rushing to your aid after seeing your tear stained and fear covered face, he had to tell you, looking as uncomfortable as possible while doing so, that your date just got heavily aroused by your lips, he had to shoot his whole load, and damn it was a big one wetting his white pants and staining them forever.
The walking embarrassment even had the guts to call you the next days and ask you for a next date. NO WAY IN HELL!!! You have never hung up your phone that fast in your whole life.
After that, you couldn’t look ToxicFriend!Chishiya in his face for a whole week, before he reassured you he wasn’t thinking in anyway bad of you. He told you that you were still the wonderful, sweet thing in his mind and that nothing could change that, not even all the stories of terrible fucks and perverts staining your pants or theirs. Such sweet words. If only you could have looked him directly in his eyes instead of peeking constantly at his delicious, clothed cock, you maybe would have seen the dirty smug grin he send your way, warning you of your impending mistakes. But you didn’t and so your adventures went on.
Your next guy made it past your door pretty fast, since you were sexually so frustrated you just needed something between your legs. You didn’t even care about all the stuff he said to you that just fitted your type or how beautiful he called you again and again. You just needed his cock and nothing more and after you had okay-ish sex with him and he went out to grab himself a glass of water, and for you too, since he was a gentleman, you just had to look at his phone as it vibrated right next to your head so constantly, someone must have died.
You didn’t want to. Didn’t plan to. You were never the kind of person to do such things, but something felt odd about him, tho you couldn’t pinpoint it. Sadly, you were right. The messages on his phone were from a group chat he and at least 6 other guys were constantly writing in and what did they wrote about? You.
How to get you and what to say. You were seriously a whole damn topic to be discussed. They were telling eachother about a side that someone was running, all dedicated to you and your hobbies and favorite food and what even where you worked etc. and those guys? They were talking about it, sharing information and even batting which info would be the one that would grand any guy entrance to your panties.
You threw him out. Literally. Never have you ever been such a Xena, then when you threw phone, clothes and what else he brought into your apartment, from your balcony right onto the streets, but hey you weren’t a monster, right? You let him leave thru the door, naked and hoping he felt just as much as shameful as you did, believing such a guy and even sleeping with him. You felt so dirty and violated and who did you turn to in this time of need? Yes ToxicFriend!Chishiya, tho you told yourself not to again and again.
He was holding you while you cried in his arms, wetting his dark shirt and white cardigan, telling him how awful you feel. You haven’t cried this hard since your last boyfriend cheated on you in your own apartment. Damn, how stupid you are. Dating man after man, one worse than the other, and now there is even a group out there with information about you, trying to get you laid like you are nothing then some dumb bet straight of some rom-com-movie. And ToxicFriend!Chishiya, the always so loyal friend that he is, reassures you that he will take care of it.
He tells you he will look for someone to search for this side and take it down immediately and this chat? Everyone and everything that participated in it, will be searched out and taken down too if he has to. After all you are ToxicFriend!Chishiyas precious friend and no one is allowed to hurt you. He takes your sobbing chin in his hand and looks you into your eyes, as he whispers to you so softly and alluring, how much you mean to him and that he can’t stand to see you hurt.
You ask ToxicFriend!Chishiya if there is something wrong with you. If there is something in you, that attracts that kind of man. Are you just that easy to get? Or are you just that desperate? Are you a broken woman looking for man to treat you terribly, because you believe that’s what you deserve? What is it that makes you go always for the bad boys but never for the good ones?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya shakes his head in front of you. He says that he doesn’t know if there is anything wrong with you because in his eyes you are perfect. When he looks at you, all he wishes is to make you happy and he cannot understand this man toying and playing with you when they could have you forever. Just thinking about it makes his head spin. He says that those men are trash and that it can’t be your fault. That you are just your normal you. Believing in love and looking for someone who does too, but he tells you that there are man out there especially targeting sweethearts like you, so they can watch you bleed under their terrible acts.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya looks at you with longing, as he caresses your cheek, wiping away tears you shed for trash you will never know what really thought of you. That you are a poor girl who fell into the net of a toxic man like him. But he will never tell you than, no. Not when he is so close to have you so willingly. So, he tells you again how perfect you are in his eyes. That you are the best thing that ever happened to him and if he was in those guys shoes, he would never let you go.
Touched by ToxicFriend!Chishiyas honeyed words, you lean forward and place your lips on his, carefully as if that small act alone could destroy everything the two of you had built up so painstakingly. And for a moment you two remain that way. Two people kissing eachother in the most chaste way possible. So modest and sweet. Almost like diabetes. And just like this illness had its terrible effect on humans, ToxicFriend!Chishiya has his on you. He lets you take control, let you set the pace, so every following move comes from you, but he makes sure not to come over as not willing enough, so you might pull away, thinking you have done something wrong, and he didn’t want this too. No no, he is a mastermind, remember? A genius who has set up his trap and you walked right into it.
As soon as you open your mouth and ToxicFriend!Chishiyas tongue slips in, things are less coy and innocent. With no sign of prudish behavior, you swing your leg over him, sitting on his lap and grind like a horny teenager, while kissing him furiously. Your touch starved and underfucked-self has found its way to the surface, devouring ToxicFriend!Chishiya with your mouth and hands and every roll of your hips down on his groin, hearing the sweet moan drown out of that sinful throat, while the bulge grows under you, prominent and begging to be released from its prison. You smile happily into the kiss, trying to make him feel how much you want this. How much you need him. And that you will take every little bit he is willing to give you, even if it should be only the tip of his fucking godly cock.
None of the countless guys you screwed and dated the last months were like ToxicFriend!Chishiya. None of them knew how to please your body. How to take you in every possible way and make you nothing but a moaning mess under them.
Fucking you like you believed, deep down, you deserved and if ToxicFriend!Chishiya was willing to, where was the problem? No way you would go back to those losers that didn’t know how to stuff your pussy properly. No way you would let any of them roll over you ever again. No way.
No, no one except ToxicFriend!Chishiya, because he always knew what he had to say to get you into his hands and inside his pants, no matter what, and right now you were pudding between his fingers and juicy in your panties.
It didn’t matter. Soon, that unimportant piece of cloth would be gone and replaced by ToxicFriend!Chishiyas dick, like you both now agreed to, should be.
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