#also ive been on a Sonamy kick
sparkles-rule-4eva · 5 months
Am I really making plans for a Sonamy AU story based off a Taylor Swift song and making art for it instead of doing my homework?
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
ive been always so shy too ask but since ur doing a prompt meme, i mean why not?? so can u pls pls pls do #9 with sonamy if its not to much trouble!! i admire ur writing so much!!!!
PFFT, PLEASE NEVER BE AFRAID TO TALK TO ME~ I love you so much, omg, let’s please be friends, you are too cute XDDD It’s never trouble to write sonamy, no stress! :D
“You’re always teasing me!”
“Teasing? I’d think some people would call it ‘honesty’.”
“You act like I can’t see through you, but I do!”
“I also think you see what you want to see.”
Amy shook her fists down in front of her, seeing him look a little exhausted by her antics and having his arms folded.
He looked at her from the side of his eyes, and sweat dropped a moment.
“Why can’t you just admit it!” She leaned up, turning to do so at him.
He lightly moved back, leaning mostly in the action of it away from her.
“A-admit what?” he blinked his eyes, looking puzzled and uncomfortable.
She puffed up her cheeks, “You… you..!!!”
She waved a finger at him. “You know what I mean!” she shouted out, “You always act like your ‘so cool’ but you end up just looking like you’re hiding something!” Amy bent her shoulders upwards and held her hands in tight fists in front of her, as Sonic looked away again, growing more and more awkward at this new turn in the conversation.
“Amy… I…”
Amy pulled his head forward, really making him sweat now.
She pouted.
He froze a moment on his words, before speaking again, closing his eyes and putting up an nervous smile, trying to look apologetic and soothe her anger somehow.
“I say what I mean. I think you sometimes think I’m saying something I’m not…”
It was the truth..?
She lowered her hands, and shook her head. “I don’t believe you’d lie to me on purpose Sonic… it’s just…”
He suddenly lost his awkward nerves.
She was starting to have her shoulders bounce, seeming to begin to cry.
Now he grew even more worried with panic, and held out his hands, waving them out. “A-Amy! Don’t cry! Hey now..” he walked up, by her side, lightly holding a hand out and waving it in front of her, trying to get her to look up.
“I didn’t mean to sound harsh or anything.”
“…I know you don’t…” she wiped her eyes.
“I just wish I knew how to read you sometimes… it can be so confusing…”
He stopped his hand motion.
“Sometimes.. I get a lot of hope… when you smile towards me, and no one else.” she smiled lightly, before looking up and away from him at the sky.
“Other times…. I worry you may have forgotten all about me.”
His acting smile suddenly faded down, as his mouth opened slightly.
“One minute, I think to myself. No! Sonic would never leave me! Other times… I wonder if I even pass by your thoughts…”
He lowered his hand, remaining still and silent.
“…But that’s just silly of me, huh?” Amy turned her head, closing her eyes to block the clear as day windows of her soul from his sight.
She put on the best neutral smile she could.
“I ought to stop pushing on you so hard to just state your case. Sometimes, I should just know.” she put her hands behind her back, still putting up the facade that she was alright with what she was saying.
Sonic’s eyes remained in shadows of the darkening sky…
“You don’t always have a case,… do you, Sonic?”
His hands tightened to fists by his sides.
“You just do what comes naturally. I shouldn’t force you to say or do something you wouldn’t naturally do on your own.” she opened her eyes to the ground, not looking up, especially towards him, and kicked the ground.
“Silly me. I shouldn’t feel this way about it. I’m sorry.”
“…You don’t need to justify how you feel,… Amy.”
Amy’s head shot up, amazed by his words.
He slowly lifted his head, and his eyes, into the light.
His expression…
Amy had only seen this look from Sonic a handful of times in her life, but it was so distinct and impacting on her, that it never left her mind’s eye.
“Sometimes…” he lifted his hand, seeming like it was going to her cheek…
Her eyes widened… but it moved passed her cheek… and to her head, flopping down on it.
He lightly rubbed.
And smiled.
Tilting his head.
                                                     “You worry too much.”
                                                               I love you.
Her eyes bent down, as she held back the tears.
She could read him.
She could understand.
The words weren’t in his words at all.
She stared into his eyes.
He had let her see his soul for a change, and for a split second, she could almost hear his heart saying what he truly meant.
She nodded, smiling genuinely this time.
She started laughing.
Now his hand flinched from her head, as his expression left and he blinked his eyes, innocently.
“Huh? What’s wrong?”
“You’re just.. haha! You’re so flirty, Sonic!” Amy pushed him away, forgetting her strength as he was flung halfway across the forest terrain before breaking with his heels, and sighing in relief, holding his chest.
He suddenly grew confused, and stomped a foot down, leaning over to her, “Flirty!? How was that-!?”
She kept laughing, and he stopped himself a moment, sweat dropping.
He stood back up, dipping his head down and shaking it, before letting his arms sway out and then onto his hips.
He raised his head to a smile.
“Now you’re catching on?”
(AU, lol, I think the ending makes it so. It’s so weird. haha! It’s like, a bit shaky in the beginning, narrows out into a good structure and character towards the end, and then always tends to fade to AU. I find that funny XD lol! These prompts bring out the shipper in me~)
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