#also just a me thing but im not a jealous person so plots w jealousy as the driving tension are usually hard for me to relate to ahah;;;
xmoonlitxdreamx · 4 months
Junkrat and roadhog meeting mauga . Roadhog and mauga instantly get on well and find out they have a lot In Common . But junkrat doesn’t get on well with mauga and gets jealous and paranoid and starts to worry that roadhog will ditch him for mauga and his gang .
Interesting headcanon! Tho tbh can't say it's one I share with you, ahah
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mayabishopapologist · 4 years
station 19 - season 4, etc
this is long but i want to put down my thoughts before thursday comes and i guess i have A Lot To Say.
honestly didn’t pay much attention to this show until halfway through season two—  always liked maya and was glad that they gave her more to do. going into season 3, i was excited for more character development &stronger storylines. however, by the end of  301 the dip in quality was glaringly obvious. a quick google search revealed that there was a new showrunner and, well, it showed. 
while the show had been going in a really good direction with balancing the screen time between andy and the other regulars, this season, the plot was all over the place. it was uber dramatic and just. so much happened just to happen? seemed like every other episode had a major event(deaths alone; ryan,rigo,pruitt?!!?). they were so frequent, it was hard to process. it was also hard to get invested as the characters themselves moved on(or were shown to have moved on, extremely quickly!) 
i enjoy the show for what it is and i have no delusions about broadcast tv shows (or shondaland productions, for that matter)but the suspension of disbelief.... i mean: a stabbing, a robbery, a shooting and a car crash? all in one episode? please! lmaooooo. drama for dramas sake is always boring and weakens the story.  
& as for the characters... .
everyone felt like a hollow version of themselves this season and it was hard to watch sometimes, actually. characters switched motivations /personalities for the sake of the current episode and i know this show is very ‘monster/emergency of the week’ but. some consistency! please! like—
maya: she’s always been determined and focused but they went so far with it this season, it was almost cartoonish. her competitiveness was hinted at in season 2 but she was always portrayed as self aware. ‘the beast,’ as she dubbed it to andy, was something she knew of and tried to contain, because she knew it could get out of hand. 
yet, in season 3 she suddenly forgets this and just. becomes the most power hungry/singularly focused person, ever. she goes after the captain position behind andy’s back, (citing andy’s emotional state, because of the death of her best friend as a reason she shouldn’t get the job?? huh. since when is maya this purely callous??!) she just doesn’t give af, suddenly, about andy at all, and goes for a job that she is hardly qualified for(she was lieutenant for like, a few months?)
and then after she gets the position, she just. loses all sense of reality? literally she was so unhinged(fun to watch but so much) and it was like. um?? maya has never been the uptight one (they've mentioned and depicted andy as being the one like this, multiple times!) and we know she knows how to have fun, so, for her to all of a sudden just. not know how to read the room? yeah okay. to make her so intense and severe, especially w the drills and training was, a choice. a bad one, on the writers part. like, i get that they needed her start as captain to be dramatic or whatever,  but there were ways to do that. and even the animosity with the team and her went so far, i just think that whole storyline was amazingly lazy, honestly.  
and the friendships!! andy and maya’s friendship is just, a mess. at this point they've spent more time at odds, and the idea that they're supposed to be best friends with this super close bond? yeah, i just... i dont buy it tbh. if they'd spent more time building up their connections and making us understand why they would be friends and showing them being there for each other past a few scattered scenes her and there? maybe. but so far, that hasn't been the case.  making that bond real, solidifying that friendship, would have made this conflict have more of an emotional impact. but doing it now? making maya ‘turn’ on andy, this soon and this drastically just. it made her seem like she was extremely jealous and had been waiting to pull the rug out from under andy all along. and also, why would they stay friends when, so far, maya has showed, time and time again, that she’s willing to let her wants/ambitions leech on her loyalty to andy? (jack thing, job thing, etc). although, it’s not like andy’s a good friend to maya either, she’s selfish and seems to like it when maya is in her corner but isnt always there for her. they went so far with the idea that maya was this coldly calculating asshole that she was almost a villain?? it was so silly to me.
and the traumatic home life plot they gave to maya was clearly their attempt at some adding nuance to her character and trying to explain why she would act the way she did, but to me? it fell flat. it was rushed, and they went from zero to 100(why did her mother come to talk about her divorce/abuse at maya’s job? like she was literally working? idgi. no boundaries lmaoo) 
and i actually relate and sympathize w maya a lot. and while i liked that they were exploring the many ways abuse can present itself, it was very... hm, ham-fisted. just super rushed and then wrapped up so quickly. they have, i think, written themselves into this dark place i fear they have no intention of exploring. 
and while i understand it, i hated how far they let maya go, especially because i don't feel they’ll adequately address it. they move on so quickly( maya was deaf for like half a season and then. she just. wasn't) and i hate the idea of her just being ‘fixed’. a relationship and an apology doesn't undo years of abuse, idc. also will they ever address maya’s um, thoughts about death??? because that was super heavy and not just something someone gets over? going to need for her to get actual professional help. that isn’t her girlfriend, like. asap. 
speaking of carina, i do like her and maya together a lot. big part of why i watch, ngl. but i need their relationship to be a lot more reciprocal. like, lets dial it back on the codependency, maybe. carina cant (and shouldn't have to) hold her up so much ! that’s not love. also maya needs to start being a good girlfriend. they started off that way, i know they can get back there. but like, we hardly got to see them settle into it, we got those cute 30sec clips of sweetness then maya was lashing out and cheating and it was like. wait a minute! what??? 
for s4, i want to see them working at reconciling—im talking, groveling, awkward in-between moments where carina isnt sure she can trust her. okay, tough conversations, hell, even jealousy because let's be real. maya working with jack is a lot for carina to just. take? i know i absolutely would not be happy about that, but i also wouldnt take maya back so... anyway! brushing over that would not just be a missed storytelling opportunity, but it would also be super unfair to carina and do a huge disservice to their relationship as a whole. as cute as they are, having cute moments with no real depth would get very old, very quickly.
carina: what can i say but-perfect, amazing, fantastic, WOW
seriously, carina is almost unrealistically perfect. she takes a lot and has been through the most (can they be nice 2 her this season? like just for fun) going forward, im going to need her to be more than a plot device to calm and soothe maya. i get that she was introduced as a love interest, but in season 4(as a season!!regular!!) that cant be all she is.
speaking of, it was really weird to me that she was promoted to station 19 and not greys because... what is a gynecologist going to do at a fire station? the general consensus seems to be that she’ll join warren’s PRT but like. she’s not a general surgeon so that’s a reach but, i want her around so ill buy it. i just want better and more for her tbh. not just screen-time, but also character development and depth! also friends! tired of carina being isolated, they did it on greys which. a waste! i meaaan, amelia was RIGHT. THERE. just look at the material! for s19, i want her, vic and travis to be friends or even just her and vic, like yesplease! i also want to know more about her and im tired of her being treated badly. like, i think society had progressed past carina being shitted on, thanks!
vic: my fave!!! they did so lazy by her this season ugh. she’s so charismatic and charming and just so good!! yet, her storyline was all over the place. we hardly got to see her sit with her grief  (spontaneous crying aside; barrett doss is so good!) she was just kind of... around. and that relationship w jackson. lol. it was so obviously for crossover potential and well. i didnt hate it or like it. actually, i was mostly indifferent. bored, even when they were onscreen together. i just didn't care and wanted more of vic, not vic and whoever. i know they're up in the air rn but i wouldn’t be torn up if he doesn’t come back. 
i want more for vic past just romantic entanglements. i know we’ve gotten a bit of her past, but i would like to see more! also, what about employment accomplishments? her artsy theatre friends? her family? just. more vic, please!!
she’s so fun and cool and when they let her, she shines. they need to let her! 
jack: my boy! so dumb, but i love him sm. he def needs like. major help, though lmao. and maybe it’s just me but im tired of his sex addict plot. like, we get it, but can we move on now? kthanks. they need to let him work on himself especially, the constant self sabotage. it's getting old. for ALL of them, actually, seriously, how many times can they all get in their own way.
andy: don’t really think about her. the mom storyline seems like it would be wonderfully dramatic, im intrigued. she and sullivan are cute, i guess. hope they make it.
ben: no major issues w his storyline, hardly remember it honestly. i liked the rapport he was building w vic and want them to explore that relationship more, its cute. 
travis: so funny and adorable, let him do more.
dean: loved him in all his entitled first born African son glory. i didnt so much love the baby plot but that always bores me. his sudden love for vic though. lol. since when? it def, came out of no where and while i really enjoy their friendship, to me, there is zero romantic chemistry there so i would prefer it if they just. stopped. lmao. also. the way he treated her because he could get a handle on his emotions? ridiculous. has humanity not like, gotten past the ‘he’s mean bc he likes you’ thing?? like grow up maybe?
and this isnt just about dean but like. are there not more single young people in seattle? why do they all have to sleep with the same 5 people. ik for the sake of plot, workplace relationships are easier but still. i think they should branch out. really. 
overall, i want better for all of them, and i think if the writers would just. take a moment and stop trying to tell so many stories in such little time, they could do better! also, whoever’s out there. please, enough w the crossovers! dont want to be forced to watch greys just to know what’s happening on 19. i get that they're in the same universe. it’s only mentioned every other episode. we. get, it. i liked what they did with private practice, it was like once every few seasons. and i know they won’t do that, but maybe, two a season. 
this is so much. but this how does have a ton of potential and i just really want it . like, get there.
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gagmebucky · 4 years
talking ab the request list and concepts i am marinating on for them (pt 1)
the extreme dominance one.
i wanna do that one so bad because it’s like the closest ill ever get to writing full on b//d///s//m. but it requires a careful hand because at the same time i want it to be, well, extreme; i have to draw a clear line in the sand. and that’s actually easy ‘cause i plan on framing it with complimentary trauma (what a funny phrase) in the sense that as a function of bucky’s upbringing, he has a compulsory need for control (because if he isn’t, then things are going to unfold into chaos, at least that’s what his brain tells him); then the reader’s upbringing makes her crave to be controlled (because if she’s in control, then she’s gonna ruin everything). but i don’t want to glorify either of those things - they’re just reasons as to why and sorta soften the harshness of the fic dynamics. like you know, bucky isn’t some asshole who likes to be in control because he’s an asshole but a result of childhood conditioning. and reader isn’t some naïve little thing who’s agreeing to it because she doesn’t know any better but because it’s sort of coping mechanism for her. but i can’t present it w/o showing that although they use that dominant / sub dynamic lifestyle as a coping mechanism, both of them make active steps to actually cope psychologically with their past trauma. and i know you’re like, q!! it’s not that deep!! just write ab them fucking!! but i cant just do that 😭 there’s a way to write really filthy shit while maintaining a moral boundary. if it’s not, then im gonna hate it, SO
but anyway, it’s gonna be sexi, tho. and i gotta keep the request as main plot. so im thinkin, after a lil soc from Bucky’s pov, then it’s like reader pickin stuff out for a party at one of bucky’s friends house, and you know it’s like a fashion show ting with him no-ing and yes-ing. anyway, so they go and i think i want bucky to show off. like “reader, do this” (she does) “now do THIS” (she does) in front of his friends and stuff. is that qualifying as a dominance kink, or is it simply thinly veiled exhibitionism?
idk. (i do, it’s the latter 😞). but now the question is, how do i implement the first bullet point in with the next? that’s my barrier. i shant just state it outright ‘cause it ruins the flow and i know i possess the ability to seamlessly insert info in action. it all has to Fit. i can intertwine it in the fucking without it seeming staccato to the plot. tailor it into the smut content where it’s relevant and necessary to add.
the goddamn bucky x reader x loki one. fucking christ.
i literally can see it. innocent but alluring eyes against stern but intense blues and mischief-sparkling green ones, a body on a couch between bucky’s six foot but broad build and loki’s slender but six-foot-two build, one big hand on each thigh; the “brother” is leaning forward on the coffee table, attention on a video game screen clueless to what’s going on behind him. a scene shift, midnight, a body pinned partially to the kitchen counter; loki’s fingers tangled in hair, wrenching head back while bucky’s fingers spanning the jawline as he leans over and fucking spits > turns your head so loki can do likewise.
and ive got the goddamn personalities down, i think. reader is fairly “innocent” - in the sense keeps to herself and hadn’t sought this “affair” out but at the same time, she isn’t stopping it, neither. bucky tries to show some restraint but ultimately fails, repeatedly, while loki is full steam ahead, no control and almost outright with his infatuation and the fact it goes both ways.
there’s mild conflict where bucky’s caught between loyalty and his you-based monomania. and he knows about you and loki but he isn’t necessarily bothered by it in the sense of jealousy because he understands and there’s a sort of comfort in knowing someone else is also affected by you. however, he’s trying to be loyal and all that and loki’s like no :).
that’s it. seems like everything is there, right? well it’s NOT, my goddamn subconscious wont give it to me -_-
father’s best friend!bucky.
so bucky steps in as a temporary professor for reader’s college class. but you have no idea and you’re lowkey a freak, and the lecture is so chill and stuff that you can sorta just fuck off. and you’re next to a guy (peter, i do believe) and his hand is up your skirt and you two are being lowkey but highkey which is fine ‘cause everyone there is your friend and shit and use to it.
but professor barnes, who had been excited to teach your class and seen you all studious and shit because he’s been your father’s best friend for four years now and he’s been impressed at all your accomplishments and beauty, sees you all wanton and a true marvel in female sexuality. and he’s fucking shocked, appalled - but really just jealous - that you’re doing that in front of everyone with fucking baby-faced peter parker.
and he tries to call you out - privately, btw - but you know what? you are highly intelligent and you know he just wishes that he was the one to have his hand between your legs. which you point out furiously in a whispered sidebar before storming off and resuming your behavior.
but professor!father’s best friend!bucky is not done. and he calls you up to be his “aid” and has you read the textbook off the projector. except, you’re bent over it, next to the prof desk, backside proposed in the opposite direction of what everyone can see so they don’t really understand why your words begin to stutter and your face is becoming flustered (you’re so confident and comfortable in that lecture, why would you be embarrassed?). but it’s because the temp professor has his fingers wedged between your thighs while muttering the filthiest things though they think he’s just tellling you to repeat the sentences you stumble over ❤️
best friend’s father!bucky. (deadass did not realize this had been on the request lskdjslkjf)
idk. I just know that i want to do a fic with this trope where the best friend is guy and he’s sorta an asshole who’s lowkey been trying to get w you but really you’re fucking his father and that’s the only reason you’re his friend. 😳❤️
i probably won’t be able to do this for a while but i do wanna do it.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 122
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
theheartofmaria said:
Hey sorry to bother but I’ve checked the tags and can’t find this one: modernbucky who’s a mountain climber and dates steve(possible cap not sure) Bucky falls and wakes up in a train station with other Buckys and Steves and they’re all waiting for their counterpart to meet them there and they leave together. Pretty sure it’s multichaptered and the train station is one chapter only. Bucky is like #48 or something of the Buckys to show up. Please help! Thanks ♥️♥️
Anon sent in The Station by krycekasks, Queerily_kai (complete | 15,972 | T)
Anon 1 said:
hi there! I'm searching for a fic I can't remember the name of. Steve was a musician, Bucky got hired as bodyguard after his Winter Soldier years, they get closer. I think Steve gave him a mix tape where one of the songs triggerd Bucky, also there was a Stalker who left hundreds of roses on Steves tourbus. at the end Bucky got arested and they were trying to rip off his metal arm? I'm not too sure if the end sequence was the same fic to be honest....
Anon 2 said:
Hi! Do you know the fic where Steve gets jealous because Bucky's been hanging out with Peter and he invites same and Nat(?) over because he's lonely and Bucky comes home with Peter, realises Steve's jealous and asks Sam and Nat to take Peter home cause Steve's feeling neglected. Ive tried looking through fics tagged with jealousy and Peter Parker but I can't find it?? It leans more towards crack fic than serious. Please help!
Anon sent in Super Soldier Drug Reactions and Other Engineering Failures by AggressiveWhenStartled (oneshot | 9,419 | T)
cevansebb said:
hi guys i read this short fic where bucky “sold” his soul to a witch just so he can bring steve to live again? like revive him after he’s died?? he done it five times at that point. i forgot to save the link :( if you guys know which fic im talking about it’d be awesome thank you!
Anon sent in crawl home by biblionerd07 (oneshot | 2,307 | T)
whitewolfwintersoldier sent in A War Story* by thewriterofperfectdisasters (complete | 45,562 | M) *graphic violence, major character death
descendio said:
hello! I've looked all over for this fic but cannot find it - basically (modern) Bucky meets the avengers one by one or in pairs but doesn't know who they are? Sounds really vague but I'm pretty sure it's around 36k words and he's either dating Steve or ends up dating Steve. Thank you for your work!
Anon, whitewolfwintersoldier and miraishu sent in Brooklyn Baby* by sprinkle_of_cinnamon (oneshot | 33,725| M) *graphic violence
Anon 3 said: major character death
Hi, I was looking for a fic where the plot was that the super serum stopped working on Steve. It was a heartbreaking long fic detailing his and Bucky’s relationship as he got sicker and eventually died. There was a scene with Bucky visiting his grave that may have had art. I can’t find it anywhere on Ao3. Many thanks!
notasgeekyasidlike said: suicide attempt, character death
i've looked thru all the angst w a happy ending, suicide, depressed steve, steve's ptsd, etc. tags i can think of. i'm looking for a fic where steve "kills" the winter soldier, finds out he's Bucky, and steve's therapist is a bad guy and alive!bucky bursts in at the last second to stop him killing himself? plz xoxo
Anon and whitewolfwintersoldier sent in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Take Me In by Nightwing11 (oneshot | 8,035 | T)
Anon 4 said:
Hey! Thank you so much for your work! I read a fic once but I lost it. I remember that in the end Bucky's mother and his sister go to Steve's and Bucky's apartment and find their beds together and some other things that show that they were a couple. In the last chapter we see that the whole story was being told by a Bucky's relative (who I think was a lesbian) and she tells the boys that Bucky's mother accepted her and she thought that she would support Bucky as well
irishsaints sent in Dreamers With Empty Hands by girlbookwrm (complete | 41,803 | T)
the-stormy-princess said:
So, I know this is a huge longshot, but I've already searched AO3 with various filters. I'm searching for a fic where Steve is majorly depressed and paints all these fucked up paintings of various things that have happened to him. I know it wasn't alternate universe, in terms of Steve still being cap in the fic, but I really can't remember much. Its just been on my mind for weeks now, if yall have any ideas it would be hugely appreciated!
Anon sent in You and a Test of Will* by thepinupchemist (complete | 72,489 | E) *graphic violence
Anon 5 said:
Hi I'm looking for a fic where the theme is Bucky being very possessive and protective of Steve. However, near the end Natasha says, after a mission, something like"you guys really thing Barnes is the overly possessive one?". They turn to Steve who's yelling at Bucky for jumping in his way, then shoving him against a wall. Sorry, that's all I can remember. Thank you!
Anon 6 said:
Hey there! I really love your blog and I was wondering if you could help me find a fix? I've looked everywhere, tried every search I could think of, and still can't find it. Basically Bucky wants Steve quiet during sex so he can hear for asthmatic issues. He seems pretty serious about I and doesn't want Steve to say word. I think it's preserum Steve and I thought it was written this year though going back to try and find it didn't bring up any results. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!!
mashishi-shi said:
Ever heard of a story where Steve and Bucky adopt and they have like a pool party, and then like bucky and Steve go have sex while the pool party is happening, top!bucky BTW
doctorenterprise said:
I sent in an ask probably 2 months ago but didn’t see any answer. Trying again! I’m looking for a specific fic I read where Steve and Bucky were cops who raided the house of an old married couple who were drug dealers and apparently also weirdly into kink. Steve was all shy and didn’t get it, but then Bucky used a paddle on him right there in the basement. Steve was nervous out because they were on a job. If anyone has an idea of what fic this is, please help! I’ve been looking for ages. :)
Anon sent in Lawful Discovery by SoftObsidian74 (oneshot | 3,654 | M)
possibleplatypus said: major character death
Can anyone help me find this fic? I'm afraid it's been deleted. I remember there was a major character death tag and I think it happened after Civil War. Steve and Bucky are reunited and happy for a short time before the government catches up to them; there's a fight and Bucky is permanently paralyzed. He's brought to the US and sentenced to death and he doesn't want to appeal. Steve stays with him in prison and takes care of him. There was an illustration of tombstones at the end.
Anon sent in Twice* by DarkCaustic, Elendrien (complete | 52,006 | M) *major character death
Anon 7 said:
Hi! There’s this fic I read a long time ago and can’t find anymore :,) Basically Bucky works at a café and ends up moving across the street from Steve. Then Bucky ends up with amnesia and Steve lies about being his boyfriend to the hospital but Bucky ends up overhearing and thinking that Steve actually is his boyfriend.
miraishu sent in I've been holding my breath by MsPeppernose (oneshot | 20,186 | E)
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cupidoargiades · 5 years
hello ! can i please request a one shot of changkyun, and jungkook (from BTS), based on the song ‘Who do you love?’ by Monsta X? And in the end, the reader ends up with changkyun? thank you in advance, sorry for the bother
A/N - first of all, ur not bothering me with sending requests! i like getting requests, that way i can write what my followers would like to see :) anyways, i lovelovelove this idea! it might end up to be a little long to create some more plot and tension, but i hope that's fine w/ u :) this took me quite a while, so i hope you like it! thanks for requesting <3
pay the piper
tw: angst, jealousy, y/n leading people on, foul language and violent fighting
two crushes, two gorgeous, kind and perfect men, but only once choice to make. they were each so different, too, which didn't make everything easier. you could never compare the two; it just wouldn't be fair.
changkyun was so deep, and mysterious. whenever you talked to him, you felt like diving into a pitch black ocean, and the water was accepting you as if you were a mermaid in disguise. he listened to you when you felt like ranting, and understands how your mind works, but still, he's not emotionally invested like jungkook. well, he is emotionally invested, just in a different way.
jungkook, on the other hand, was much brighter at first sight. he has that 'sunshine' feel to him. if changkyun is a pitch black ocean, jungkook is the shining sun, casting diamond-like reflections on the waves. he'd take care of you, even when you didn't ask. he took responsibility for you, and made sure that your time spent with him was spent well. no arguments, just the two of you.
the fact that they were both your best friends didn't help either.
and another thing that didn't help, was that jungkook and changkyun didn't quite get along well, either.
that ends you up with three disadvantages, two crushes and one big question: who do you pick?
you ended up asking them both on two seperate dates: the same location, same time, same outfit, stuff like that. when the dates were over, you compared the two.
which one was more fun?
which one was more romantic?
which one needed just that extra little push for you to end up at his house?
which one was simply the best?
picking a man was still hard, however.
flirting was the next test. you were planning on finding out who would react the best to your 'accidental' touches and body language. which- simply ended up with another tie. they both reacted so differently, and that just made it hard to compare the two.
changkyun went along so well with it, squeezing your thigh back and basically undressing you with his gaze when you sat just a little too straight up. he definitely liked it, and just like the date, you two needed one more push for you to end up in his bed.
jungkook, however, was a little confused, but more than happy. he kept his focus on you, to find out what you were trying to do, but you and your perfect ways just had him in a daze. his young and innocent train of thought was disturbed by you testing him with that dress on.
they noticed.
they know you're flirting with both of them, and now that they're in the same room, there's just this angry and jealous tension. you stood up to go to the toilet, and once you came back, you found them bickering about the littlest things.
"what's wrong?" you asked
"you know damn well what's wrong" changkyun mumbled under his breath. "what was that?" you asked, frowning ever so slightly. jungkook stepped in, saying "we- we think you're leading us on. both of us. the date, the flirting.. we know what you're doing, and one little thing: that's not cool. at all."
you felt your heart break a little.
"you know i love you" changkyun mumbled, his head down. if it wasn't for his trembling voice, you wouldn't have known he was silently crying in his lap.
"you know i've loved you for the past few months, but what do you do? try me out and test me like i'm a fucking guinea pig" he said, louder now.
you couldn't do anything but stand still, mouth hanging open just a little thanks to a loss of words. "changkyun, i'm-"
"i don't need your worthless excuses. don't you think it's funny how- how you manage to play with me like this, yet my love for you doesn't shrink an inch?"
jungkook just sits there calmly and lets changkyun rant, but on the inside the fire in his heart was being fed with gasoline; he wanted you that bad.
"i'm your fucking toy, just admit it." he demanded, having you shaking in your shoes. "listen- on my end it's not easy either..! i'm living with a crush on you and on jungkook, and i just had to find out-"
"which one was manipulated faster? good fucking try, y/n."
"can i finish talking?" "don't waste that pretty little voice on useless words" he answered, having you sigh and talk anyway. "i just had to find out which one of you i wanted more. that's all.." you said, realizing how bad that actually sounded.
"conciously leading us on, huh? as if that doesn't make things worse" he said, shooting his gaze up at you. his stare seemed to shut down your nerve system, it was that tense.
"i didn't mean it like that, i swea-"
"and you didn't by any chance mean to conciously break both my and jungkook's heart either?" he carelessly said, almost at a shout.
"no! of course i didn't! you two are my best friends- and i would never conciously break your hearts, you know i wouldn-"
"'you know i wouldn't'? save your empty lies, i do know you would conciously break my heart because that's exactly what you just did, over and over again!"
"changkyun, how about you let her finish speaking before you say something..?" jungkook tried, placing a hand on changkyun's tense shoulder.
"jungkook, how about you shut the fuck up, you insensitive asshole?!" he yelled back, not giving a damn about the neighbours that might be listening in. along with his voice raising, he stood up to tower over jungkook.
you felt scared for a second, and you felt the need to pull him back, yet you didn't.
you let changkyun shout at jungkook. the fire in jungkooks heart had lit a fuse, and the fuse had now reached the bomb. jungkook shot up out of his seat and pushed changkyun back, standing just a little taller than him.
tears rolled down your cheeks, as you just couldn't do anything but watch what you did. this was your punishment.
they shouted forbidden words at eachother, about how the one loved you more than the other, about how the one deserved you more than the other.
"so you're just gonna stand there and do nothing?!" changkyun yelled, pushing jungkook aside to now yell at you. "changkyun, lashing out on her won't help y-" jungkook started, but he was interrupted by a fist, changkyun's fist, landing on his jaw.
"don't tell me what to do, shitface"
you zoned out, thinking back at what you thought of them in the beginning of this whole fucked-up testing process. you compared those opinions to the ones you now had. you could finally make a choice, hoping he would still want you.
"even though you screwed up big time a few years ago, with that whole 'who-do-i-love' phase, i love you." changkyun said, taking your hands.
you punched him lightly, making the both of you chuckle. "you said you wouldn't talk about this.." you said with a smile. "too bad, see this as my revenge"
"i really love you a lot, and i'm sorry for lashing out at you back then. i needed a break from you for a few weeks, but when i came back, you let me know i was worth your love again." he said, trying to keep his voice from quieting down to a soft and careful whisper.
"i love you, and i will fight for you for as long as it's needed. i can go on even longer about how much i love you- but i don't know.. that'd be too clingy, huh? then i'll end it here, but i promise that tonight i'll continue my vows, this was just chapter one" he chuckled.
"then," the marriage officiant said. "do you, y/f/n y/l/n take im changkyun as your life-long husband, and do you promise to share everything with him?"
"i do"
you could feel the smiles of both families burning into your back, as you stared into changkyun's eyed with great passion. now it was his turn. you could feel even jungkook smiled, who had now happily accepted the two of you being together, as he had found his own wife.
"im changkyun, do you take y/f/n y/l/n as your life-long wife, and do you promise to share everything with her?"
"i-.. i do"
"why'd you hesitate..?"
"i just can't believe that you picked me, is all" he said softly with that heartwarming dimple smile only he can do.
"you can now exchange rings" the marriage officiant said softly with a kind smile. the two of you looked at eachother, and you let him know he could go first with a nod.
he took the black, velvety box and opened it, showing you the shiny silver ring, decorated with black gemstones. it reflected his personality, so you could always carry him with you. he slipped it on your finger and kissed it for a short while, securing it into it's place. "it's beautiful.." "no, wifey, you are beautiful"
now it was your turn. you grabbed the slightly bigger box, and opened it slowly and teasingly, making the two of you, your family and friends chuckle a bit. "woah.." he mumbled as he stared at the silver ring, thicker than yours but also decorated with the same black gemstones. "that's- perfect" he said as you put it on his finger. "no, hubby, you are perfect" you said, smiling brightly.
"i hereby pronounce the two of you as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" he said, turning to changkyun.
he leaned in for a gentle but passionate kiss, and you could've sworn there was fireworks behind you. you thought the sound of fireworks cracking was all in your head until you turned to actually see literal firework. "god damnit changkyun, why do you make everything so cheesy and perfect..?" you whispered. "just because you deserve it all.."
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seidas-blog1 · 5 years
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meet sadie chae, your resident helplessly hopeless romantic !
whaddup i’m ellie and that’s basically it! i’m so excited to be here and meet u all!! i’m a slut for plots, so if u wanna plot then :) a gal is here and ready <3 but also if u just wanna b friends  then :) a gal is also here n ready pls <3 
(  kim seolhyun, cis female, she/her/hers  )  who is that ? oh, it’s just SADIE CHAE. the TWENTY TWO year old has been in beauhart for EIGHT YEARS and is currently UNDECIDED. i’ve heard they can be SINCERE and DEVOTED, but also PASSIVE and IDEALISTIC. maybe that’s why their anthem is WORST OF YOU by MAISIE PETERS and THE SMILE INBETWEEN KISSES, CLICHE FAIRYTALES, THE SMELL OF ROSES makes me think of them. ⁠— ellie, 20, pst, she/her/hers
basically! sadie is a helpless hopeless romantic, a walking doormat, and that’s literally the best two ways to describe her because that’s sadie chae
disney stories, sappy novels, and romance cliches are everything to sadie. she believes in love in every way possible. 
falls in love too quick, catches feelings too fast, and falls too hard 
when she loves, she loves with everything in her (romantically, platonically, familial, and everything except for herself basically aha) 
she lacks self love and kinda looks for love from someone else and for someone else to fill that for her. 
family life was kinda average. she wasn’t neglected as a child, but she also wasn’t drowning in love. she lived in a typical asian household where “i love yous” were never said and instead were shown thru actions
that’s okay but unfortunately sadie’s love language is words of affirmation and while she knew her parents loved her, she was never really convinced growing up
she was born in houston but moved to beauhart (bc of her dad’s job relocation) when she was 14 which was around her first year of high school
went to university and she’s doing something right now but me (the mun) is still deciding what sadie is doing bc i’m still? up in the air about her occupation like i have an idea or two for her but im not sure which one i want for her yet 
she’s sincere, devoted, and completely genuine 
she’ll never fake how she’s feeling and she’s not afraid to show how she’s feeling either. like if she’s in love with u ur gonna know it. she doesnt shy away from her emotions and she’ll let it b known
but also she’s only vocal when it comes to positive emotions ig. if she doesnt like u then she’ll avoid u or simply not know how to act around u. if u hurt her then she’ll be passive about it and kinda just let it happen. 
when i say she’s a doormat she’s an actual doormat she’ll let people hurt and walk all over her and allow it to happen in silence and be completely passive about it. 
very idealistic and while it was cute when she was a child, having ur head in the clouds isn’t gonna help u in life and sadie sadly doenst kno this nor does she realize it
wants and craves love from anything and everything that’ll  give it to her. 
probs victimizes herself or like. if she’s hurt she wont come to u about it and highkey feels like u should just know y she’s hurting. she needs attention just as much as she needs love
the most important thing to know about sadie is that she craves love like it’s her entire worth 
like to put it into perspective an ex went down on one knee once bc he dropped his wallet and she freaked the fuck out thinking he was proposing and repeatedly said “yes,  yes, yes!” like a dumbass. 
like she’ll believe anyone nice to her might b “the one” and will fall for anyone. like literally anyone. unless they’re homies n strictly platonics then sadies chilling but other than that? she’ll fall in love x 
u say u fall in love 10 times a day but sadie actually  falls in love 10 times a day 
throws around love like its nothing despite being so far up loves ass if that makes sense? she’ll believe she’s in love w anyone n everyone but sadie has never actually been in love (or has she? omg plot?) 
a hopeless romantic but falls in love for the wrong reasons aka not for the actual person 
sadie is kinda more into the idea of love than the actual person sometimes. she likes being someone’s other half and sometimes she likes that more than the actual person 
doesnt kno when to let go. her fish died 6 years ago and she’s still crying about it at 3 am. bitch get over it 
that’s it that’s all i got for now pls love her x 
i’m a slut for plots so if u wanna plot then! reply to this post saying something and i’ll come to u <3 but also if u wanna go off of like natural interactions then we can do that too its wtvr we can plot or go w the flow its wtvr u wanna do <3 
possible plot ideas tho if u DO wanna plot r <3
best friends / ride or dies
cousins ? 
roommate maybe? omg think of how cute 
sibling like relationships r everything  to me
ex best friends
crushes (one sided or reciprocated)
exes (sadie is pan) 
one night stand that sadie didnt get the memo about it being JUST a one night stand 
bad influences (shes not an innocent innocent but i think someone who’s real w her and basically opens up her eyes to b more realistic would b great for her. shes stuck in the clouds so much she’s gonna start floating away if someone doesn't anchor her to the ground) 
ENEMIES bc those plots r always so fun UGH PLS
maybe some jealousy? sadie could feel jealous or the other way around ??? could b interesting 
someone who uses/manipulates sadie. she’s a walking doormat  and so having someone use her isnt something new and probs something sadie doesnt see or just doesnt have the balls to call out 
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arvoze · 7 years
sorry if im dumb but what is a keroro
“[sergeant] keroro” is the main titular character in the anime “keroro gunso” (also known as “sgt frog” in both the dub and the english translated manga!), and he looks like this:
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the anime + manga’s plot basically boils down to like, keroro and his platoon (the “keroro platoon”, consisting of keroro and four other characters) being tasked with invading earth (”pekopon” / “pokopen”, as they call it).
the keroro platoon are a race of frog-like aliens known as “keronians”, from the planet “keron”. i have no idea how long this might get so i’m gonna put it under a readmore! i’m gonna try and be really simple w/ explanations etc.
this is what the entirety of the keroro platoon looks like, along with a moderately boiled-down summary of their roles/what they do/who they are. i’m usin this pic instead of an ordinary pic of them all just standing bc i love this pic lmao
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sergeant keroro (keroro gunso) is the green one, and he’s the leader of the platoon. he’s far from a hero-like character, often putting himself in front of others, and is always swayed by greed and gundam models. regardless, he still cares deeply about his friends, and has some form of a “no man left behind” attitude (not all the time, but, sometimes). iirc he’s pretty egotistical and also a lover of comedy which is a big mood.
private second class tamama (tamama nitohei) is the black (/dark blue) one, and he’s the lowest-ranking member. he is young and naive, and is prone to making rash decisions based on his personal emotions. he has a strong love and adoration for keroro (legitimate, romantic love - icr if tamama is canonically gay or bi), and is also notably incredibly jealous of specific scenarios. he literally converts his jealousy into a weapon and can shoot lasers out of his mouth. i love him
corporal giroro (giroro gocho) is the red one, and he’s An Angery Man but also i love him. he specializes in guns and all that kinda shit and is really argumentative with keroro (because keroro just. lazes around and does nothing). he’s very war-driven and commonly makes war analogies. one of my fav things about giroro tbh is that he’s the embodiment of masculinity and All Things Manly(tm) but he’s also incredibly emotional, iirc he cries more than the rest of the platoon members (except maybe dororo), and is genuinely just a Good Character? I Love Him? 
he falls in love w/ a human tho and the human is like. a minor. which is kinda Nasty. a lot of us generally dont associate with/Despise the pairing of giroro + the human (natsumi) even tho the show can focus pretty heavily on it.
sergeant major kururu (kururu souchou) is the yellow one and he’s honestly such a fucking mess i love him so much he’s a big cc. he’s your typical creepy/perverted nerdy guy except he takes that concept and cranks it up to the extreme. iirc he has like little to no empathy for anybody, is generally disliked by the rest of the characters because he prides himself on being a twisted asshole, and happily uses other people for his own personal gain or torments them mentally just because he can/finds it enjoyable. he’s vital to the platoon since he’s the one who invents all the shit for their invasions. i love him so much hes such a fucking oddball compared to the others i love always looking for kururu in a scene because hes doing some stupid shit
lance corporal dororo (dororo heicho) is the blue one and is hands-down the best character in almost any piece of media ever conceived. he’s a highly skilled assassin but he’s also a complete sweetheart who’s like your Classic Hippie who just wants world peace and loves plants and nature and all that shit. every time there’s a reference to dororo doing gardening i cry because he’s such a pure and sweet character. he’s very commonly forgotten by almost every character in the show, and being mistreated by others (namely keroro) developed literal trauma within him (if that’s the right phrasing?). he’s very prone to emotional manipulation iirc and he’s just a very like. whenever he’s upset u just find urself begging for him to be ok
those were really bad descriptions
ok anyways
so these 5 have to like. invade the planet. they get split up when they arrive so the first few episodes are them getting the crew back together (iirc, keroro is of course in episode 1, tamama should be in episode 2, giroro is in episode 3 or 4, kururu is in episode 9 i think and dororo might be episode 14? this is all from memory so i apologise).
keroro is discovered (accidentally) and captured by the hinata family, which consists of fuyuki, natsumi, and aki (aki is the single mother and doesn’t show up often so i won’t talk about her).
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im jst grabbing random images off google dfkndkjgd
natsumi hinata (left) is the older sibling, iirc she’s around 14 years old, and she’s one of my all-time FAVOURITE female characters in media. she’s physically strong and athletic, and is shown to be like .. i mean i don’t want to be like ~ooh she’s independent and all that~ but like holy shit is she so fuckn independent. she’s literally heralded as “earth’s last line of defense” because shes TOO good. shes so good. i love natsumi so much. she’s also very easily angered but that’s good and i love her
fuyuki hinata (right) is the younger sibling who i Think is around 12 years old. he’s SUPER big into the occult and all kinds of mysteries, paranormal or not. he obsesses over stuff like cryptids and is just A Huge Nerd. he’s physically like, awful, which is incredibly relatable like me too dude. he becomes rly good friends with keroro and sometimes there’s episodes revolving around them and their friendship and i always cry because it’s so genuinely emotional and touching and i love them so much they’re such good friends id die for their friendship
keroro gets captured and ends up living with fuyuki and natsumi in their basement. tamama lives at momoka’s house (a character i haven’t mentioned) but shows up in the hinata household a lot. giroro lives in a tent in the hinata’s back garden. kururu lives in his lab in the platoon’s secret base which is like, in a refrigerator, in keroro’s basement. dororo lives in a simple house with koyuki (a character i haven’t mentioned) and sometimes shows up in the hinata household.
episodes tend to follow the formula of like
keroro has a really shitty invasion plan for earth, they’re usually really awful like “we’re going to invade the planet by making sentient cabinets that detect where your feet are and force you to stub your toe”
kururu makes whatever it is keroro wants for his awful invasion plans but usually has some kind of drawback on said whatever he makes
giroro usually complains about keroro’s shitty ideas because they’re shit
tamama sometimes objects or questions keroro’s ideas but generally follows them and compliments him
dororo usually doesn’t show up, objects to keroro’s plans because they can harm people, or is just straight-up forgotten by the rest of the platoon
keroro fucks up somehow, usually because of his own cockiness or because someone like natsumi stopped him
keroro laments his failures but nobody is surprised by him failing
that’s rly loose but it’s like. the general gist though it’s presented in a way that never gets boring
there’s also episodes that focus around specific characters/character development/character backstories/just fun-filled filler episodes idk i love it
i lost my train of thought LMAO i hope that makes some kind of vague sense
most of the stuff i post about are “orikeros” (”original keronians”) which r just like. like you know bnha ocs? like those except its for this show instead. i’d go into more detail about like anthing but this is long as is dkjghdfkjg
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tayegi · 7 years
Lu thank you for once again not making the o/c some weak character I love that you aren’t afraid to say you know what I don’t need a man to save me or guess what girls can go out and have sex to get over things too. I love that you write flawed characters.Your writing always paints a picture a real one that human beings can be messy so thank you for that. Also hope you’re having an awesome day.
Anonymous said:i love how u make OC to forgive Mijoo at the end of the chapter!
Anonymous said:Wow I am really loving New Rules. The OC's personality is really refreshing I don't typically see that in a lot of other fics I've read. I really like her maturity and how she thinks about the implications of her actions but at the same time shes had so much bottled up that she loses herself. Idk I am sensing a lot of complex emotions from it and I really like it! Thanks for writing even though you have a ton of things to do in the real world I appreciate it!!! 💕
Anonymous said:I barely finished reading New Rules pt 2 and the OC is just amazing???? Not just for forgiving Mijoo, but because of how she’s outspoken yet kind she is and how much she values her relationships. I aspire to be like her tbh. This isn’t just limited to the OC in New Rules though. Your other OCs are freaking great too and your works are some of the best!!!! I can’t wait to see what more you have in store for us :)
Anonymous said:Damn I love the OC in New Rules she's so mature & is handling the situations so calmly like I could learn a thing or two & it might be my wishful thinking but I have a feeling the OC will have her happy ending & that Mijoo will get what she deserves because karmas real & life always seems to come in full circle Mijoo will lose jimin the way she got him which was by her selfishness or at least I hope
Anonymous said:The maturity displayed by OC is admirable. I'd like to think I could handle the situation with as much grace. To be honest I wanted OC to rage at Minjoo and tell her what was what. I can relate to OC with her issues about trust. It wasn't a girl that broke my trust it was an ex boyfriend. I loved him, confessed to him, and he disappeared from my life. But before that he was perfectly content to play my feelings and sleep with me. Even with all that I still believe in true love.
Anonymous said:What a way to be the bigger person and rise above. That is a true feminist no matter how wrong Mijoo was you cannot let jealousy take away your morals. But why do I feel like there's a storm coming? I understand that Mijoo is her friend and she forgives her but she wont forget anytime soon. Afterall they're now a couple so they'll be everywhere so more instances to drown in the poison that is Jungkook. This is very interesting with a different take on female relationships can't wait for more!!
Anonymous said:I think I kinda learn from your fics?¿ If I were actually at oc's place in new rules I would have just stopped talking to her. But if takes a more mature route and thus in future I'll try not to fight with my friends on some stupid shit like that. Love 💚💚
Anonymous said:I really like how you kept the oc and mijoo's friendship. I know a lot of people who ruin their friendship over some boy and it breaks my heart that they let a stupid boy get in the way of their friendship. I'm happy that you're showing the values of friendship. There are a lot of people who neglect this connection and/or think of friendship less than being in a romantic relationship when it should both be valued.
Anonymous said:(this is the inner dialogue anon) I also wanted to add that I really really appreciate you making the oc a so-called ice queen when she simply doesn't see her own value, thus acts in a way where she makes her emotions not matter, even though they truly do! furthermore, i loved that you put that while the oc was ok with sexual interactions, she was not ok w romantic, more sensual intimacy... ppl like that really do exist, and I'm so thankful that they were shown through ur fic! love you ❤️
Anonymous said:inner dialogue anon again - lemme just add as a final note, i really respect the oc for her not going crazy over mijoo backstabbing her, and forgiving her to the best of her abilities. that's how i wish i could be in situations like that
Anonymous said:I understand now what you were aiming for in regards to the whole Mijoo thing! Def in real life I wouldn't act as rationally at first (you said you'd be petty af lol same) but its your writing and you can choose for a character to be problematic or as ideal as you want! Definitely caught me off guard, which I like! I'm so glad you're one of my favorite writers, promoting maturity and women empowerment in your way!
Anonymous said:I honestly hope I can find friends as loyal and understanding as oc, I wasn't expecting her to be so forgiving! I'm so used to reading stories where friendships are torn apart over love, this was interesting. I was mad at mijoo too, but when I thought about it, if I had such strong feelings, I can't be certain I wouldn't have done what she did. Still, I hope oc comes clean to mijoo eventually about her feelings for jimin, it can't be healthy bottling all that away:/ keeping up the amazing work!!
Anonymous said:I wanna know what the OC went through with her past friendships to be so adamant about forgiving Mijoo. I’ve been following you for awhile now so with that said, I’m positive you have some plots up your sleeve ohoh I’m excited!! I just really want OC to find her happiness though ): whether it be a fantastic man or a great friend that’ll value her as much as she values them! I’m just glad to see a character that’s not out to destroy other females though. Once again love your writing!!
Anonymous said:Lu! The thing is that I like your OC’s they’re powerful,with that I mean that they have attitude and they aren’t submissive nor humiliated,also they don’t tolerate shit from nobody I don’t understand sometimes when girls want guys getting jealous 😳
Anonymous said:i have to say i relate to the oc of new rules so much? like all of my closest friends always telling me to stop forgiving people so easily and to stop being so insecure but ive NEVER been able to do it and reading this just hit me like a ton of bricks because wow even though i act strong i seem like such a pushover? thank you lu for writing such human characters that have bits of reader's personalities! i love you and im extremely excited to read the rest of the story :-))))
moeeshah said:I'm actually very pleased with how the OC confronted Mijoo. It shows how mature she is. Granted, I really was hoping the OC to have revenge, but I'm glad she didn't and o respect her for it. And I respect you for deciding she wouldn't stoop so such a level. Can't wait to see how the story plays out.
Anonymous said:omgg i love new rules so much!! i really like how the oc decided to forgive mijoo unlike most fics where the oc decides to do something hasty like take revenge and it jus messes everything up?? jungkook's character is so funny and hot im all for this.. thank u for writing a masterpiece!!!!
Ah everyone is more than welcome to their own interpretation of the ending but I have to admit that these kind of comments makes my heart happy. It’s one thing to feel anger, but I was secretly hoping that there might be a lesson for ppl to learn to be the bigger man from this fic and this made me so pleased. Thank you, guys
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bastardnev · 7 years
Steal Your Heart Ch. 1
so for whatever reason when i shared the first chapter it didn’t show up in nev’s tag, so im gonna repost it because i can (i’ll be putting chapter two in another post bc if i put them together then this post would be Too Long)
also i am SO sorry to anyone on mobile lmao
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wade Barrett/Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Wade Barrett, Pac | Adrian Neville, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Detectives, Alternate Universe - Thieves Summary: Random happenings in the lives of Wade, a detective, and Neville, a thief who took a liking to him and decided to tag along with him during his investigations.
Ch. 1: Buddies
Why could Wade never be assigned to a simple case?
Even though he had been busting his ass for years, Wade's rank as a detective was still fairly low. Maneuvering has way through Manhattan to get to the office was no easy feat due to the traffic and groups of pedestrians everywhere he turned, and it was a miracle that he even showed up on time some days. His efforts were constantly being overlooked by his boss, however, who was far too preoccupied with the higher ranked sleuths to pay attention to him. Wade was forced to watch his superiors be assigned the easier cases, the boss claiming that they'd been working 'far too hard' lately and 'deserved' something less complicated. The cases that they should have been given were handed over to Wade and everyone else who wasn't 'deserving' of a break, lack of qualifications be damned.
This time, a man had been murdered in his room at a fairly prestigious hotel in Miami. At first glance, it looked like the suspect was easy to pinpoint -- an ex-business partner was apparently staying in a room on the same floor. There were rumors that he had been jealous of the victim's success, going on record saying that he felt like he should have gotten that big promotion, but no one ever thought he would resort to murder. He was 'too nice of a guy' for something like that. Wade, however, wasn't buying such a cheap and overused excuse, and he was ready to bring the suspect into custody and call it a day.
There was more to this case, though, as Wade soon learned once he further looked over the file. Everything was far more complicated than it really needed to be. In addition to the rumors of the suspect's jealousy, there was also some speculation that a few members of the hotel staff were in on the killing. The victim had died due to poison, and it appeared likely that one of the workers had slipped something into his food once he ordered room service. Despite all of that, there was still no concrete evidence, and Wade was required to find irrefutable proof that they were involved.
To do so, he needed to go undercover, which he hadn't had to do in quite some time. Wade reserved a room on the floor directly below where the murder had taken place, pretending to be a delivery person who was staying in town for the next few days. It wasn't the best occupation that he could have chosen, but it was better than nothing. Better than being a murderer, that's for damn sure. Wade thought to himself.
The first day on the job was relatively uneventful. Wade's flight had been delayed due to poor weather conditions and he didn't arrive to the hotel until late in the day. All that he had been able to do was scribble down a few points in his notebook, outlining what he would do on the second day of the investigation. As of that moment, Wade was planning on keeping an eye on anyone involved in delivering room service. If he chose to believe the rumors that a staff member was involved in the poisoning, then the most appropriate choice of action would be to order food and learn just who he was possibly up against.
It was while he was plotting that Wade remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since he had gotten off the plane. It was too late at night for him to be getting room service, so he settled on a snack from a vending machine down the hall. He kept telling himself that he needed to start packing extra, more healthier snacks in his suitcase so that he wouldn't have to rely on junk food all the time, but in the end he couldn't be bothered. Besides, he loved Doritos too much to give them up.
The vending machine was in a small room that served as a sitting area of sorts. Wade remembered passing by it on his way to his room and spotting a few couches around a coffee table. He had made a note to himself to spend some time there once his work the next day was done, compiling whatever new information he had gathered. Hopefully no one would be there and he would be able to work without fear of getting caught.
When he arrived at the machine, Wade inserted the money and punched in the number for his chips, crossing his arms as he waited for it to fall down. Once it did, he crouched to get it, pausing when he saw the slot. How the hell was he supposed to get it open? He couldn’t push it in like he usually could.
“Who the hell designed this?” He wondered aloud, sighing frustratedly. The genius who built this damn thing should be fired. He was going to find away to get this bag even if it killed him. Trying a few more times to push the slot in, he gave it a light smack. “Fuck you.”
And someone laughed.
Wade jumped, hitting his head against the machine in a somewhat embarrassing fashion. This just caused the person to laugh again. Once he had composed himself, Wade stood up, turning to face whoever had been watching him. He found a man not too much younger than him sitting on one of the couches, covering his grin with his hand. Wade could see that there was a DS sitting in his lap.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh, but that was really funny,” the man said, giggling. “The machine tricked me up when I first got here, too.”
All Wade could do was stare at him for a moment. Aside from being embarrassed as hell at the fact that someone had witnessed the whole scene, he was also confused. How had he not noticed that someone was sitting there watching the whole time? “Yeah, it’s… it’s a pain,” he responded, averting his gaze and looking back towards the machine. “Stupid.”
“Here.” The man put the DS down on the couch and stood up. “I’ll get it for you. Watch and learn.” Wade watched as he crouched in front of the slot and pushed it down from the top, pulling out the chips and handing them over with a smile. “See? Easy!”
“You had to pull it down?” Wade’s eyes narrowed.
“Yeah! A bunch of machines are like that nowadays.”
“Who decided that?”
“Someone who’s clearly lost in life.” The man made his way back over to the couch, plopping down and putting his feet up on the coffee table. He crossed his arms behind his head and asked, "So, what's your name? I'm Neville."
"Neville?" Wade repeated. If he was being honest, it was a bit of a dorky name, but Wade kept that thought to himself. Now wasn't the time to be rude. "I'm Wade."
"What brings someone like you 'round these parts, Wade? You on vacation or something?"
"Uh, not exactly," Wade replied. Whatever he did, he absolutely could not give Neville any hints about his real profession. "I'm a delivery person."
"You're a delivery person? Seriously?" Neville looked confused. He appeared to eye Wade up for a moment, his eyebrows quirking up briefly. "That's... interesting."
"Yep. I've got some, uh, packages and things to deliver in this area. I'll be staying here for a little while."
"How much do you have to do if you gotta stay in a hotel for a few days? Seems like a lot."
"Yeah, well... It's part of the job. I don't get a say in it." Wade shrugged. Now that he'd said it out loud, the whole 'delivery person' thing was the worst lie he’d ever come up with, and that was saying something since Wade had had his fair share of bad lies in the past. Neville didn’t even look like he bought it. His eyes were slits and he was pouting, deep in thought. Wade could almost see the gears turning in his head.
Then Neville snorted, a smile returning to his face. "Sounds wild. I'm a professional thief."
"Oh, that's nice--" Wade stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening. "Hold on, you're a what?"
Neville shrugged as if it weren’t a big deal. “I’m a thief. I steal shit. Oh, son of a…” He was looking down at the red light on his DS. He switched the system off. “I need to charge this damn thing.”
Neville had already moved on to the next subject, but Wade still couldn’t believe what he had just been told. This man who he’d met only a few minutes ago just admitted to being a thief as if it were nothing, like it was a regular 9 to 5 job. How was Wade supposed to react to that? Seeing as he technically worked with the police, should he bring this guy in? Or should he let him go? Neville might not even be worth the force’s time.
“What’s with the look?” Neville asked when Wade hadn’t said anything for a little while. “You’re making a weird face at me.”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” Wade assured. “You… are a very interesting person, you know that?”
"I do know that, actually." Neville grinned cheekily. "And I'm also a pretty honest person. I don't feel the need to lie about my profession like you do."
Wade froze up, and he swallowed. How did Neville know that he'd been lying?! He knew that his excuse was lacking, but he didn't expect to actually be called out on it. "W-What makes you say that I'm lying, huh?"
"Because you are." Neville had begun to fiddle with the DS stylus, casually slipping it in and out of its slot. "I can tell."
"Your badge is sticking out of your pocket. It has been the whole time."
"Are you serious?" Wade looked down. Sure enough, Neville was telling the truth -- his badge had been on display the entire time they were talking. Wade stuffed it back in, nervously shoving his hands in his pockets. "I, uh... Listen, you didn't see that."
"But I did!" Neville looked a little cocky.
"Neville, I'm being serious. You cannot tell anyone about who I really am, do you understand me?"
"Wade, don't worry. If there's anything that I'm good at, it's keeping things secret," he said. "How the hell do you think I've been living here for as long as I have?"
"Wait, you live here?" Wade cocked his head to the side. "How long have you been here?"
Neville thought his answer over, looking up towards the ceiling before looking back to Wade and saying, "About a month or so."
"How have you gone this long without being noticed? Does the staff really pay that little attention?"
"You would not believe the amount of unfilled rooms in this place. I just hole up in them and come out at night when no one's around. The patrons all think that I'm a really accomplished businessman since I always tell them that I'm here for a conference. They buy it every time."
"What about when someone reserves a room? What do you do then?"
"Then I move on to the next one. It's not that complicated." Neville stood up. "So, now that I've told you all about what I do, do you think you can fill me in about what your job really is? Pleeease?" He clasped his hands together, wearing puppy dog eyes. "If you have a badge, then it must be super interesting!"
"I really shouldn't..." Wade sighed, tapping his foot. Telling Neville the truth would defeat the whole purpose of going undercover. It was true that Neville had told him some pretty incriminating things about himself -- he admitted to a detective that he was a thief! Someone who was that brutally honest couldn't possibly have any malicious intent, could he? Besides, those eyes... Wade was weak for that sort of thing.
"Come on! At least tell me a little bit?"
"Well, if it's only a little..." Wade took a deep breath. "Okay, so you know that murder that took place here not too long ago? The one on the floor above us?"
"I know of it, yes. People were freaking out about it."
"I was sent here to investigate it, but I had to go undercover. The suspect is still staying here, and I need to gather information on him and a few other people who might be involved. There, are you happy now? I told you everything you need to know."
Neville pursed his lips, closing his eyes and crossing his arms as he processed what he'd just been told. "So you need to get some dirt on people, huh? Who else besides the suspect?"
"Some hotel staff members."
"Ooh, scandalous!" Neville rubbed his hands together, suddenly looking excited. "Lemme see the case file! I wanna know some names."
"I can't show you that," Wade said firmly. "That's confidential information."
"How do you expect me to help you if you won't even let me see the file?"
"You-- When did I say I wanted your help?" Wade's mouth fell open. "I never said anything like that!"
"Wade, I'm serious about helping you. This is a pretty big case. I've been staying here for awhile now and know the schedules of pretty much all the employees. If you need a second set of eyes to keep an eye on a suspicious staff member, then I'm your guy. So, what do you say? Are we buddies?"
"I'm not sure if 'buddies' is the right word to describe it..." Wade had to admit that Neville was onto something. There was no way that he would be able to keep an eye on so many people on his own. Even having just on extra person to help him would make things easier. Then again, could he really trust a thief? This definitely wouldn't look very good...
...Then again, his boss never gave a shit about anything that he did, so what would it matter?
"Fine..." Wade finally gave in, gesturing for Neville to follow him out into the hall. "Come to my room. You can read the file in there."
"Yes!" Neville pumped his fist into the air, hurrying after Wade. "Believe me, you won't regret this!"
"I'm sure I won't." Wade knew he would.
A day had passed since Wade and Neville were first introduced. Wade was seated at the writing desk in his room, his prior plans to work in the seating area thwarted by a family of five who insisted on hanging out there at that ungodly hour. It's too damn late for these little kids to be running around... Doesn't anyone have a bedtime anymore?
Wade tapped his pen against the page, propping his head up with his left hand. The second day of investigation bore a little more fruit than the first one, though Wade still didn't have any substantial leads to go on. After ordering room service for breakfast and dinner, all that he had learned was that the hotel had really good buffalo wings. Those things should be illegal... But I can't charge someone with murder for food.
He hadn't heard from Neville since last night. If he really only came out when it was dark, then that must mean that he spent the whole day lazing about in his room doing nothing. Why was Wade so worried about giving him the case info if he didn't seem to care too much...
Wade suddenly looked like he'd made a breakthrough, and he hurriedly wrote something down, smiling. He then crossed it out a few seconds later, frustratedly tossing down his pen. Those little kids aren't undercover spies, Wade. Get over the seating room thing and focus.
A knock on the door snapped Wade out of his thought, and he slammed the notebook shut. It wouldn't look very good if a staff member showed up and saw him speculating about their involvement in a crime. Then again, what would any employee want with him this late at night? He didn't order anything.
Then Wade remembered that there was only one person who would want to speak with him at that time. This should be interesting.
Wade stood up from his chair and went to unbolt the door. Sure enough, Neville was waiting for him on the other side, leaning up against the door frame with one hand and the other one on his hip. "Howdy," Neville greeted him with a wink.
"Alright, kid, what'd you find?" Wade stepped out of the way and allowed him to enter, shutting and re-locking the door. "Assuming that you actually found something and aren't just here to screw with me."
"I found out some top secret info." Neville leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "You ready? I learned... that this hotel..."
"...has really good quesadillas." Neville pulled away with a cheeky grin.
"Are you kidding me?" Wade rolled his eyes, bumping Neville with his shoulder as he walked back over to the desk and sat down. "You're not taking this seriously at all."
"Oh calm down, would you? It's only a little joke to lighten the mood."
"Look, if you don't have anything relevant to add, then please leave." Wade came across a little harsher than he intended to. Neville didn't really mean any harm... Still, this was important. Now wasn't the time to be screwing around.
Neville sighed, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out some printed documents. "Okaaay..." He said, sauntering to the desk and showing the papers to Wade. "If you don't want me here, then I guess I'll have to leave and bring these with me."
Wade read over the contents of the papers. They were a series of emails, each one of them containing instructions.
Instructions about the murder.
"Holy shit--" Wade reached for the papers, but Neville pulled them away.
"You don't seem to want me here, so I'll just be taking these with me. Haaah..." Neville let out a dramatic sigh and slowly walked towards the door. "Maybe I'll catch up with you later."
"Hold on, kid!" Wade stood up again, grabbing his shoulder. "Where did you find those?"
"A thief never reveals his secrets." Neville winked at him from over his shoulder, but the look on Wade's face forced him to continue. "I, um, snuck behind the front desk when no one was around and printed these out."
"It was... that easy?"
"Mmhmm! You need to stop overthinking things. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you! Just like how I am right now." Neville patted Wade's arm. "But, y'know, you don't seem to want me here so... I'll be taking this back to my room with me."
"Nev, please. Stick around. I need that info."
"'Nev'?" Neville repeated, a smirk spreading across his face. "Is that gonna be my new nickname?"
"I guess." Wade shrugged. He didn't even mean to call him that -- it just slipped out.
"So am I like your little sidekick now? Are we... buddies?"
Wade took in a deep breath. He didn't really have much of a say in the matter, did he? He slowly let the breath out through his nose before responding, "We're... buddies."
"Hell yeah!" Neville grinned broadly and plopped down on Wade's bed, lying on his stomach and saying, "I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship."
"It's certainly the start of something, alright..." How does Wade keep getting himself into these situations?
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