#also just kami and mr popo just being gay old
cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Ok so having a tv in the lookout implied many things here:
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1. Kami and/or Mr. Popo have specifically ventured on the lower realm just to buy a television; OR have materialized their own tv after seeing how entertained the Earthlings are of them. (I prefer the former because it's funnier; I'm also ignoring Bulma just giving one to them after learning Cell would give the tournament details on tv for the same reasons.)
2. Kami and Mr. Popo have their own favorite shows and talked about them a lot.
3. Movie nights for 2 overworked old men on their free time.
4. Dende, initially confused and a little scared about what the Earthlings are into, have been able to adjust way easier to Earth culture than he thought he would. (Of course it helps that the lookout have a library specifically about Earthlings and all of its creatures, and that Mr. Popo and Gohan are there to explain things.)
5. Dende, Mr. Popo, Piccolo, and Gohan movie nights <3
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