#fritz headcanons
cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Namekian Culture (Headcanons)
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Posting my random world-building headcanons here once again.
Sign Language
It’s mandatory for Namekians to learn sign languages and code-like ways of communication (like morse code) that makes use of their keen hearing.
The current Namekians in New Namek were taught a lot of Namekian languages that existed before the climate crisis and each of them were made to be fluent in at least one more than their universal language (the one Porunga knows) and their equivalent sign languages (yes, of course you can wish to Porunga with the Namekian SL). The Namek also see even just a hearing that's average for most of the universe's people (like the Earthlings') as a disability and they accommodate this as they do all of their people.
Dragons & Warriors ≠ Their Careers
Much like any civilization, Namekians do not see being a Dragon and a Warrior as a hindrance to a path that they wish to have and have a wide range of careers they can choose from (they at least had engineers, scientists, teachers, cultivators, and all varieties of artists judging from the spaceship and the things they had in their villages). Namekians are known migrants in the universes they are in. However, due to the climate diminishing, they had to start from scratch and had to focus on survival.
They also don’t usually give birth as much as Guru did and used to have a better ratio of Dragons and Warriors in their planet. Since giving birth to Warriors needs more energy (headcanon), Guru decided to have one sole warrior (Nail) to train the willing Dragons.
Life Partnerships / Relationships
Even before Guru repopulated the planet with his children alone, their society already did not comply with amatonormativity. Namekians, with their long lives, rarely settle for monogamous relationships. Some Namekians preferred to have multiple separate partners, some preferred a polycule and all the different types of ethical non-monogamy, while some preferred none at all. Queerplatonic relationships are the most common.
Each kind of relationship was as ordinary as breathing and Namekians were also even known to espouse outside their race due to the long-encouraged migration of their people. Now, however, most Namekians who long for partners in New Namek are encouraged to wish to Porunga for the opportunity to travel in space and find intimate companions, and some had already left the nest.
[Headcanons beyond this point have less than zero canon foundation (it came out of my a– you know what I mean)]
Namekians give great importance to their vows of love and find it unacceptable to violate them. They also have their own ritual for marriage (I haven’t thought of one) that can be done between two or more people.
Before the nuptials, the Namekians are supposed to use their Materialization (famously known in the fandom as Clothes Beam ™️) technique to create an accessory to give their partner/s at the ceremony. The purpose is to create an object tough enough to last their long lifetime.
I've long since headcanon that the longer one stays using the technique, the better quality the material is. Unlike the kais who can create even the hardest metal in the universe in a snap of a finger, mortals make better use of Materialization with how long they pour their ki on them.
This object may be given back or kept after divorce and must always have the name of the one who created them. (I think some polycules create all of theirs at the same time or even create separate pendants for one necklace or bracelet but I think it’s better if they give each other different kinds of accessories like bangles, earrings, noserings, pins or something for their clothes, or even hats.)
This is just the vows I created specifically for Namekians that I plan to use in my every fanfic if I ever finish/post any:
(After receiving the accessory the person will say:)
“The gift of your embedded soul shall bring with it your comfort, your pain, your thoughts, your worries, your warmth, your memories, and your hopes and dreams; as long as a piece of you resides with my person, so will you.
"I, who have accepted the you who stands before myself, accept you as my companion beyond the end of my life or the day we find ourselves unable to respect and trust one another; as you would do the same.”
Vows are spoken in the language of one's heart, to which most of the time is the person’s native language. (If you're bilingual then the combination of the two MAY be your native language; then if you're multilingual, more variations like that etc.)
Extra: I invented a Namekian Equivalent to "I love you"
Pikkaro apakuto = My love/respect/adoration/admiration of you knows no bounds.
Apakuto = the word that can mean love, adoration, admiration, respect, or all of it at the same time.
Extra Extra HC: If Dende would have his own dragon, he'd probably name them Apakuruto (Dragon of Love/admiration/etc 😌) maybe following his father's dragon of dreams, Porunga.
[To see my first HC dump, check out this post!]
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iamespecter · 20 days
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No fucking way, Ziku does fnaf art??? crazyyyyyy
I forgor that FNAF had already turned a decade old jesus christ y'all we're so old now, I'M so old.... crumbling to dust as we speak
also used my designs that I haven't used in a LONG ASS WHILE because the fixation diverted from FNAF to Shipwrecked 64 then to TADC
Last year's anniversary piece was solely focused on Chica, so in this one she's the butt of the joke (I'm so sorry Chica... not that she's complaining about getting a face full of cake anyways)
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medicsbigburlychest · 2 months
I like to headcanon Medic as having the worst eyesight in the world. Like you can't tell me the prescription on his glasses isn't thicker than soured milk! Bonus points if he's fine with his glasses on but as soon as you take them off he can't see A THING
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jevilowo · 2 months
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Hell yeah Medic Changed His Name Bc Legal Trouble headcanon confirmed
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ninjakitty6252 · 4 months
Pixane Headcannon: If something happens and the Formlings end up revealing Zane’s identity as the Ice Emperor to the rest of the merged realms two things will happen. The first is Cole will try his best to help Fritz see that his Uncle Zane isn’t a monster. And the second thing is Pixal will stand by Zane’s side and defend him no matter what, even if it damages her reputation or puts her in danger. Pixal is one loyal motherfucker.
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mrslectermoriarty · 4 months
Headcanon Series #20
I need the Daggers to have a TikTok Account, hear me out!
Coyote: "Were the Daggers, of course we look amazing in our flight suits." He does a twirl and strikes a pose. Applause behind the camera.
Cut to Halo: "Were the Daggers, of course we managed to get good callsigns." In the background someone yells “Fuck off, Egg White!”. Halo gives the camera a pointed look. “We definetly good the good call signs.”
Cut to Fanboy: "Were the Daggers, of course our CO is the Navy's greatest pilot." He holds up a picture of Maverick lying on the ground, he stumbled over his open shoelaces. “But seriously. He is.”
Cut to Fritz: "We're the Daggers, of course we've been at least once at Top Gun." The camera zooms out, so we can see the base he’s standing in front of. He does a thumbs up. “Crazy place!”
Cut to Hangman: "We’re the Daggers, of course we're the best of the best." Rooster in the background gives him the finger. Hangman doesn’t see it. Chuckling behind the camera. “What’s so funny?”
Cut to Phoenix: "We're the Daggers, of course we blackmail each other with embarassing photos." Bob is sitting in the background. He looks up into the camera and gives it a serious nod.
Cut to Omaha: "We're the Daggers, of course we look back at our academy days in shame." Fritz walks by and grimaces.
Cut to Payback, in a bar: "We're the Daggers, of course we loose a shit ton of money to each other when we play pool at the hard deck. Well, some of us." He smirks. Groaning behind the camera.
Cut to Bob: "We're the Daggers, of course we have a group chat." His phone lights up and he shows the screen to the camera. We see a group chat that gets new messages every couple seconds. “Guys? You know we’re all on the same base right now? We can actually talk to each other.”
Cut to Yale, it’s night by now and he’s standing in front of a dimly lit house in otherwise darkness. There’s whispering in the background. "We're the Daggers, of course we continue the tradition of raiding the CO's liquor stack."
Cut to Harvard, inside of a house. Looks like a living room. Everyone is standing in the middle of the room and shouting; it’s loud. Harvard looks bewildered. "We're the Daggers, of course our CO is married to an Admiral and didn't tell us about it. He also didn't tell us about one of us being his legal child." Cut to the zoomed in background where we can see a blurry figure standing in a corner with a glass in its hand. Cut to Harvard, now in selfie mode and close to his face. He whispers: “That’s the fucking COMPACFLT.”
Cut to Rooster in the same living room. He has a small, awkward smile on his face while Phoenix stands a bit behind him and looks pissed. "We're the Daggers, of course it never gets boring with us around, I guess." Hangman sneaks into the frame, kisses Rooster and runs away, yelling something like “it never does”. Rooster stands there, too stunned to speak. Behind the camera: “Wait, did he just-“
Cut to Maverick sitting in a comfortable looking armchair, elbows on his knees and a beer in his hands. He’s laughing into the camera and speaks with a soft voice: "They're my Daggers and of course they’re family." “No no no, you’re supposed to say- what, did you just call us family? Guys, Mav just called us his family!” Happy shouting erupts in the background and Maverick is being group-hugged by several aviators around him. The camera shakes and the video ends.
Beautiful inspiration, I must say…
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puppetlefty · 1 month
8 FNAF headcanons for fun
1. William is very judgmental of other pizza restaurants pizza. He would complain about it to Henry. When he actually makes a pizza it’s always burnt or something else is wrong with it, but he always says it taste great.
2. William has two bigger front teeth that make him look like a bunny
3. Mike is gay and never told William. So William just thinks he’s a loser virgin who lives with his very good male friend.
4. Vanny takes care of burntrap like she’s a nurse in a old person home. And in my own au, when vanny tells Mike to take care of his dad. Mike will put him in a wheelchair and keep him in the corner or dump him on the ground
5. I still like to believe the aftons are British and that William is a immigrant. Mike had an accent but hated how he sounded different from his friends and made himself have an American accent.
6. Mike is a rotting corpse but he still is the age he was in sister location physically. The remnant let’s his body stay together, but since he got scooped he’s super skinny. Also Mike wears a wig after the scooping and is super insecure about it. He found the wig in the garbage but refuses to get a different one.
7. Cassies dad is Jeremy from FNAF 2. Him and Mike worked together and he had a crush on him but never said anything. In my au they’re together and raise Cassie’s and Gregory together. He also had bite scars from being the 87 victim
8. Cassie plays dress up with Gregory and he always acts like he hates it but secretly it’s his favorite thing to do. He also likes to act like a wolf with Cassie but she’s not super into it. Gregory owns multiple wolf shirts
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Ya’ll might not be able to handle this but in my personal opinion based on the depiction of Billy Lenz in the novel. His character is on par with Fritz the Cat. And I think there should be more fanfiction where they write Billy while looking through a Fritz the cat lens.
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zipzapzopzoop · 3 months
Meet the Robinsons Headcanons (Part 3)
There are more Robinsons that live in other places. Uncle Wormly, Cousin Pete, Uncle Judlow, Orbley, Nimbus, the Family Lazardo - They’re all out there.
Petunia’s side of the family is Irish. They all have bright red hair just like her and her children. 
They do not know about Laszlo and Tallulah, but Petunia’s father disapproved of Fritz.
Franny is still good friends with Lizzy and Stanley. Both are often welcomed over and considered part of the family.
Wilbur and Laszlo are known to get into laughing fits at the worst possible times. Like clockwork, the two are glancing at each other and trying not to laugh at every little thing. Neither of them even have to say a word, it’s all in the eye contact. Gaston often finds himself in on these fits as well. He’ll try and scold them, but next thing he knows, he’s laughing with them. According to Carl, they all struggle with situational awareness, although that could easily be an entire-family trait.
Fritz is squeamish and can’t stand the sight of blood or needles without becoming faint or passing out.
Tallulah, like her father, hates needles. Not to the point of fainting, but she definitely needs help at the doctor’s office. 
Laszlo has to hold her still when she needs to get a shot or vaccine. She’ll usually do the ‘slip to the floor to get out of their hold’ thing. Fritz just straight up passes out.
Wilbur stares at the garage door a lot, especially when it’s cracked open. Everything just seems to go fuzzy for him…
The same thing happens during thunderstorms, especially at night.
He now double and triple checks locked doors. Sometimes his relatives will have to get him to leave it. He’ll always refuse until he’s certain it’s shut and locked with the alarm on. The only way to get him inside is to show Wilbur that the door is locked.
Franny was always that kid bringing home stray animals. Her favorites? Frogs!
She did bring home a snake one time. She had never seen Gaston run so fast in her life.
When Cornelius came home at the end of the movie, Bud pulled the ultimate dad joke and told him “The last time I saw you, you were this tall!” While holding his hand up at Lewis’s height.
Grandpa Bud can do a walking handstand.
Laszlo is quite skilled at both the theremin and the piano. He loves playing ragtime on the piano.
The first prototype for Laszlo’s paint gun was a modified water gun.
Cornelius has a bad habit of pulling all-nighters with his projects.
Wilbur isn’t much better with his video games.
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roseatebug · 3 months
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small gnarly hc design edit,,
+ a bonus below!
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(og chart by goomyloid!!!)
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Uncle Vegeta and Gohan bonding activity where Gohan points to him the different constellations in the sky and Vegeta takes a few minutes to calculate and then remember which of the frieza force people destroyed one of the heavenly bodies there or all of it
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halstar-the-clown · 4 months
Here’s my take on the Missing Children and other important FNAF kids!
Since almost none of them really have canon designs, I wanted to give my own twist on them! (Note that I mean “canon” as in “in game”. Most of the books aren’t canon). Please click for better quality cause it looks awful if you don’t.
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Here’s some info about them!
Gabriel Mack, Soul of Freddy
16 years old
North American
Transmasc (FtM) and Bi
He was the oldest out of all the children
Jeremy Blakeson, Soul of Bonnie
15 years old
Gay Demiromantic
He was Gabriel’s boyfriend
Susie Cruesta Lugato, Soul of Chica
8 years old
Spanish Canadian
She was the first victim of the Missing 5
Her dog’s name was Sparky
Fritz Smith JR
6 years old
Mexican & Asian American
He was the youngest out of all the children
His father was Fritz Smith from FNAF 2
Evan Afton, First Half of Yellow Bear
9 years old
Son of William Afton
He suffered from Insomnia and PTSD
Cassidy Sumulong, Second Half of Yellow Bear
9 years old
Hawaiian Filipino
She was the last victim
Her death wasn’t as thought out as the others
Charlotte Emily, Soul of The Puppet
14 years old
Palestinian American
Daughter and only child of Henry Emily
Her best friend was Elizabeth
Elizabeth Afton, Soul of Circus Baby
13 years old
Daughter of William Afton
Her favorite ice cream flavor was vanilla bean
May all of them Rest in Peace especially Cassidy. She needs to let go of that old bastard
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wilnelia99 · 22 days
More Meet the Robinsons Headcanons
(courtesy of Character Headcanon Generator)
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demonicchicken1121 · 11 months
Give me your head cannons about the purple raisin man
ohhhhhh, get fucking ready buddy, this is gonna take a while (also be warned i will probably be incorporating aspects of my au that i need to post about more soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Gum post
The lore around remnant is really weird and confusing, and Mike is an especially odd case because he is essentially possessing his own body rather than an animatronic or something inanimate. I think that it would be neat if his body would start repairing itself. his hair, nails, bones, and other parts made of cartilage would grow back first. Then bits of skin, then some organs. I think he would like that he could paint his nails and grow his hair out, and it would give him a sense of humanity that he thought he would never get back. There are downsides, however; the more major repairs, like organs, would take a really long time. They would start developing as if they were in utero, and would be very easily damaged. Damaging the new organs wouldnt cause him any permanent harm since he's already dead, but i imagine it would be really inconvenient and painful.
Building on the last point, Mike is constantly falling apart. The whole regeneration thing is a "one step forward, two steps back" kinda deal. his skin rips, his bones break, sometimes a whole chunk of his face or hand or leg will end up in the couch cushions, and God help the poor soul that finds his missing pieces.
Speaking of The Poor Souls That Find His Missing Pieces: Mike gets back in touch with his FNAF 4 friends after getting scooped. His friends are Jeremy, Fritz, and Gabriel; they are not the missing kids. William killed kids with the same names because they were involved in Evan's death. Mike rebuilds a really close bond with Jeremy and ends up moving into his apartment.
Mike lived with Henry in the direct aftermath of being scooped. He had practically passed out on henry's doorstep, as it was the only place he could think to go. Mike was out for several days after Ennard left his body, and was hardly able to move or speak after waking up. Henry was left with the responsibility of taking care of him during that time. Unfortunately, Henry is also very squeamish. Taking care of mike while he was asleep was bad enough, but once he wakes up and recovers a bit, he starts intentionally grossing Henry out. He also keeps finding body parts in the couch cushions and he screams every time he does.
Mike has a great sense of humor, especially after being scooped. His favorite thing is to point to where his stomach used to be and say "HEY! Look at my HOLE!" and then laugh at his own joke for like thirty minutes. He mostly does this to Henry, because of his previously mentioned squeamish-ness.
Mike has a love hate relationship with butter. he likes it on toast, but like... that damn butter basket. also he has defiantly tried both butter and toast flavored gum before (see: Gum post)
I have so many more hcs (a lot about his relationships with his parents and siblings, pre-scoop mike, post ffps mike, etc) and will probably add to this list, but here is a healthy portion (ok, more like a grandma sized portion) of my Raisin Man Thoughts
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ratboiishere · 4 months
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Happy Pride with Headcanons
FNAF night Guards + ocs Headcanons (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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back-in-2037 · 5 days
Ni se que es esto pero pues Viva Mexico! 🇲🇽
Meet the Robinsons Mexican Party headcanons (Why? Why not?)
The uncle at the grill cooking the Carne Asada and the ones who help him make the salsa, beans, and Guacamole: Art, Carl and Lefty.
The cousins wrestling inside the bounce house: Wilbur and Laszlo.
The one who unplugs it with those two inside so they stop being stupid: Tallulah.
The uncles pulling the piñata: Art and Gaston.
The one who’s old af but still throws themselves to get the candy once the piñata is broken: Gaston
The ones fighting over which version of “Las Mañanitas” to play: Franny and Gaston.
The ones shouting “Mordida!” At the birthday person blowing the candles on their cake: Gaston, Billie, Petunia, Laszlo, Wilbur.
Playing Loteria: Wilbur, Cornelius, Billie, Joe, Tallulah, Bud, Lucille, Gaston.
The one calling out the cards: Franny
The one who keeps winning (nobody knows how he does it): Joe
Ready on the dance floor when Caballo Dorado starts playing: Wilbur, Lucille, Tallulah, Billie, Franny, Bud, Gaston, Petunia.
Dragged to the dance floor, forced to dance Caballo Dorado: Carl, Cornelius, Fritz.
The ones who dance through the whole thing: Wilbur, Cornelius, Franny, Tallulah, Bud, Lucille, Billie.
The one who went in too confident into Payaso de Rodeo, doing spins and everything, got tired midway but kept going because he didn’t one others to tease him, got off the dance floor as soon as the song was over, didn’t dance again for the whole night and slept on two chairs using his dad’s lab coat as a blanket: Wilbur.
The one they sent to OXXO to get more ice and came back with everything but the ice: Laszlo
The ones who tell you “ya nos vamos” but then stay talking to other people at the party for two more hours: Franny, Lucille, Art, Petunia.
Singing Jose Jose songs as the party is ending: Carl, Cornelius, Gaston, Fritz.
Singing Jose Jose songs as the party is ending (sober): Art and Bud.
Record the whole thing and upload it to Facebook the next day: Spike and Dimitri.
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