#dragon ball kami
cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Ok so having a tv in the lookout implied many things here:
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1. Kami and/or Mr. Popo have specifically ventured on the lower realm just to buy a television; OR have materialized their own tv after seeing how entertained the Earthlings are of them. (I prefer the former because it's funnier; I'm also ignoring Bulma just giving one to them after learning Cell would give the tournament details on tv for the same reasons.)
2. Kami and Mr. Popo have their own favorite shows and talked about them a lot.
3. Movie nights for 2 overworked old men on their free time.
4. Dende, initially confused and a little scared about what the Earthlings are into, have been able to adjust way easier to Earth culture than he thought he would. (Of course it helps that the lookout have a library specifically about Earthlings and all of its creatures, and that Mr. Popo and Gohan are there to explain things.)
5. Dende, Mr. Popo, Piccolo, and Gohan movie nights <3
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 year
Dragon Ball Legend Part 27
Garlic Jr.'s Return,
Piccolo was training in the wastelands, fighting against copies of himself.
"You know, you really should get a house." He heard Nail spoke in his mind.
"Oh, sure, let me do that with the money I don't have right now." He retorted.
"You could at least build one." 
"And you're starting to get annoying right now." Piccolo replied back.
"By the way, where do you think Ocarin is? We haven't seen her in a while. I miss her." Nail said. Piccolo continued to train as he fought against his clones. Come to think of it, he was starting to miss her as well. But there was no way he was going to the look out. Not while that old man was there.
Then Piccolo stopped and quickly refused back when he sensed a familiar energy approaching from behind. Piccolo shifted his eyes behind himself and scowled seeing that it was Kami. "Thank goodness, I was beginning to think that I needed glasses." Kami smirked.
"You...What are you doing here?" Piccolo frowned.
"Thanks. Nice welcome. Same here, Piccolo. You're still rude, arrogant, and completely lacking in social graces. But that's all just an act, isn't it? Inside you've changed a great deal. Which is why I've come here to talk to you. I was hoping that you would ascend to the throne and take over as guardian of the Earth." Kami told him. 
"What?!" Piccolo was silent for a moment, thinking. "No thanks. I'm not interested. But I have been worried about you."
"Huh?" Kami blinked at him confused.
"Lately, I've been having disturbing images in my meditations and I'm not sure, but I think their glimpses of the future. There might be some trouble brewing so just be careful." Piccolo explained. "By the way, how's Ocarin been doing?"
"Why do you want to know?" Kami asked.
"Because she hasn't been around to bug me for the past few weeks. That isn't like her. Nail's been bugging me constantly." Piccolo growled at the guardian. Kami looked at him confused for a moment.
"Nail? Oh, the Namekian you fused on Namek."
"Hello! Kami!" Kami heard Nail greet him in his mind as he read Piccolo's.
"He can't hear you." Piccolo replied.
"Actually, I can. Hello there." Kami said to Nail.
"And here I thought reading minds was dirty business was that your exact words, Kami? You're such a hypocrite." Piccolo growled at him. Kami narrowed his eyes at Piccolo.
"I just feel sorry for the Namekian that has to be stuck with you for eternity." Kami retorted.
"Back to the question, where's Ocarin?" Piccolo asked him again.
"She's been sleeping." Piccolo scoffed at his response.
"Sleeping on the job. Of course. But I wouldn't exactly blame her after all that's happened." Kami frowned, narrowing his eyes at Piccolo. "Not so entirely. She can't control her newly discovered powers."
"What?" Piccolo blinked. Kami continued. "The reason why she sleeps so much is because every time she sleeps, Ocarin phases through her bed and out of the look out. She hasn't been able to."
"Well, can't you help her with that?" Piccolo asked him. Kami sighed.
"I have talked to her about it. But she's too stubborn to accept my help. She told me she wants to figure it out for herself."
"That sounds like her." Piccolo replied before he looked at Kami one last time. "Just think about what I've said and keep an eye out." and he flew off leaving the guardian behind.
"Piccolo." Kami murmured, thinking, growing concerned, about what his former half had warned him. Mr. Popo was watering his garden when he sensed a powerful energy followed by several more heading towards the Look out. The genie's eyes widen and dropped his watering can. He saw four things darting and bouncing around the Look out, destroying parts of the building, the palm trees and his garden. Then Mr. Popo's eyes widened in shock when he saw someone stepping outside from the building.
"Oh, no!" 
It was Garlic Jr.! The small blue alien smirked maliciously.
"I'm back!" The four figures landed down beside him and started to surround Mr. Popo. One was tall and muscular, long dark red hair, wearing a horned hat, blue armor. The second one, was small had red skin, wearing a green armor and yellow scarf. The third, had horns and red hair and large and muscley, like the first. The fourth and last one, had spikey white hair, wearing pink armor and cape.
"It's you Garlic Jr.!" Mr. Popo cried out.
"Very observant, Mr. Popo!"
"What do you want!?" the genie demanded.
"I have returned to reclaim my rightful place as guardian, the position that Kami stole from me! Which brings me to the question, where is that woman that Kami cares so much about?" Garlic asked.
"You think that I'd tell you!" Mr. Popo shouted. Then everyone froze when they heard someone yawn and turned around to see Ocarin. 
"Mr. Popo, what's with all the noise?" She blinked before her eyes widen seeing the Spice group surrounding Mr. Popo. "I thought we agreed on having no more wild parties." Then her eyes met with Garlic Jr.'s and she backed away.
"You! But how!?" She shouted in shock. Garlic Jr. chuckled, darkly.
"Ah, Ocarin, just the person that I wanted to see."
The Spice boys started to approach Ocarin to attack her when Mr. Popo stopped them, attacking them, trying to hold them off. "Ocarin, you have to run! Get out of here!" He quickly summoned a magic carpet and tried to distract the Spice boys but was caught in some red wires, holding him in place. One of the Spice boys quickly moved and slammed Ocarin to the ground before she could react, pinning her down. Ocarin tried to push the large alien off of her and Garlic Jr. laughed at her attempts.
"Struggle all you want. It's pointless!" He smirked and bent down to Ocarin and grabbed her chin making her look at him. "Now, where is Kami?"
"I don't know! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!" She spatted out, glaring at him.
"Then maybe you'll need a little persuasion-" Garlic Jr. launched an energy blast at Mr. Popo, engulfing the genie inside of it. "Mr. Popo!" Ocarin cried out. The energy trapped Mr. Popo inside of a small glass bottle, shrinking him. Garlic Jr. caught it just as it fell down. She saw Mr. Popo banged against the glass, trying to get out. Garlic Jr. laughed at her, holding the jar in front of Ocarin as he taunted her.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill him yet. All in due time. Now, where is Kami?"
Kami landed back on the Look out. His eyes widen in shock to find it destroyed and almost in ruins. "What's this!? What happened here?" Then Kami sensed the energy, lurking inside of the Look out. "Come out, whoever you are, I see you!" Kami gasped in shock when he saw that it was Garlic Jr. and the little alien smirked as he stepped out of the building. "Garlic Jr.!? That's impossible!"
"Don't have a heart attack, old man. I don't want you to die before I have the pleasure of killing you." Garlic Jr. said, chuckling. Kami glared at him.
"You're even more arrogant than before. Only a brat like you would destroy a beautiful sanctuary like this!"
"What business is yours, Kami? This is my sanctuary now!" Garlic Jr. shouted. Kami frowned when he didn't see Mr. Popo or Ocarin anywhere. Garlic Jr. smirked and pulled out two bottles, holding them out in front of the guardian. Kami's eyes widen in shock and in horror seeing Ocarin and Mr. Popo inside of them.
"Is this what you want?" Garlic Jr. smirked. "As new guardian of the Earth the first change that I'm making is to hire a groundskeeper that's actually tall enough to help water the plants!"
"You fiend! You will never get away with this! Your dark plans have no firm foundations to stand by. You're going to crumble, you can't succeed!" Kami shouted.
"Yes, I can. You were lucky last time. If it wasn't for that kid, I would be sitting on your throne already." Garlic Jr. said.
"In your dreams! I'd die before I let that happen!" Kami shouted.
"Oh my, I could've said it better myself. I'm taking over and you're going to die!" Garlic Jr. shouted. Before Kami could react, Garlic Jr. quickly charged at the guardian. Garlic punched Kami in the stomach, knocking him back. Kami quickly darted into the air, but Garlic Jr. was already above him. Kami gritted his teeth, narrowing his eyes, as he glared at Garlic Jr.
"He's too fast!" Then Kami soon found himself surrounded by the Spice boys and one by one they ganged up on the guardian, punching and throwing him around in the air.
"Kami!" Ocarin cried out. Red wire wrapped around Kami, trapping him in place. 
"Good work. We'll keep him alive for the time being. That way we can use the Dragon balls." Garlic Jr. told the Spice boys. Kami quickly flicked his finger and knocked Ocarin out of Garlic Jr's hand. "What!?" The bottle fell to the ground and shattered, freeing her.
"Ocarin! You must get out of here, now!" Kami shouted at her.
"But I can't just-!"
"Get out of here!" Kami shouted. Ocarin bit her lip but nodded and she quickly flew off the Look out.
"Don't let her escape! Get her!" Garlic Jr. ordered the Spice boys. The Spice boys obeyed him and left the Look out, chasing after Ocarin. Then Garlic Jr. turned back to Kami. He shrunk the guardian inside of a glass bottle. "As for you Kami..." He smirked as he looked down at Kami. "You are a sight to behold. You have no idea how much I'm loving this, old man!"
"You won't succeed!" Kami glared at him.
"My, my those are awfully big words for a tiny little man. You're too much. Don't you get it, you feeble joke of a guardian? Your time has come!" Garlic Jr. laughed, evilly.
Now, deep in the forest, the spice boys continued to chase after Ocarin, flying right behind her. One of them fired several energy blasts and Ocarin barely managed to dodge them in time. She quickly fired back and managed to hit one of the henchmen and created an explosion with another blast giving her some time to escape. Ocarin quickly flew off, but a hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist. She was pulled backwards, hard, and another hand slammed against her mouth. Ocarin squirmed and she struggled to break free out their grasp.
"Be quiet!" Ocarin's eyes widened when she heard Piccolo's voice in her mind. She looked up and saw the four henchmen searching for her before they flew off. Piccolo pulled his hand away from her mouth.
"Who were those freaks?" Piccolo asked.
"Garlic's Jr's back." Ocarin told him. Piccolo's eyes widen.
"What?! Garlic's Jr.'s back!?" Ocarin nodded. "Yes. Kami told me to run. He's taken over the Look out. We need to get back before Garlic Jr. finds the-!" Piccolo and Ocarin saw a strange red mist slowly approaching them. The two quickly flew up, avoiding the mist, also trying not to inhale it. They saw it began to fall upon the Earth, engulfing its inhabitants.
"The Black Water Mist!" Ocarin noticed Piccolo was staring off to where the spice boys had flown off. That direction..Roshi's house was there. "Piccolo.."
"I sense Gohan is heading in that direction." Piccolo said.
"Then let's go help him out and get back to the Look out." Ocarin said.
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dreamerdagn · 6 months
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thank you dbza for this character dynamic
based on (source)
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jorongbak · 1 year
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Late night random piccolo thoughts
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wheregoodthingsthrive · 6 months
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💚🪻Some compiled WIPs involving Dende
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noqueronaaa · 1 month
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Thinking about their past dynamic
Click for more resolution
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quantumleper · 7 months
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RIP Akira Toriyama, creator of Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball (1955-2024)
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laladbzland · 11 months
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pyro3066 · 1 year
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piccolo has to listen to these two 24/7
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scoots-canoe · 2 months
Lunch kicking kami into the kikohole
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
who do you think is the best teacher in Dragonball?
That's a tough question. But I'm leaning towards Mr. Popo.
Our journey through teachers begins, of course, with the Muten-Roshi. Goku's only with Roshi for about eight months so we don't get to see a lot of his teaching, even though other Kame-senryu students are with him for longer. In that time, he's able to instill a very important philosophy in Goku that will guide him through his life.
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It's the Muten-Roshi who imparts Dragon Ball's central theme of never being satisfied with yourself and always striving for self-improvement. He went to great lengths to instill that in his pupils - lengths so great that even Roshi questions whether they were truly necessary.
And he does have other good things to teach. Most notably, he's the one who teaches Goku the value of mental discipline and rest.
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This well-balanced approach to self-improvement is something Goku carries with him. Part of what makes him so exceptional as a martial artist is that he understands that training and technique honing is only part of the process.
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One of the things that makes Goku a great martial artist is that he understands your body needs time to recover and grow after exertion. That is the turtle master way.
But for all his benefits as a mentor, what the Muten-Roshi sucks at is fucking teaching martial arts. In terms of philosophy, he has much to impart. But when they ask him, the Muten-Roshi, the Old Heavenly Master of Martial Arts, to teach them martial arts?
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He just gives them bodybuilding instruction. Roshi tells them that this is all the Kame-senryu is: Extensive strength training to become so physically tough that you can knock out a foe with one punch. He is, however, full of shit.
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Despite claiming that martial arts is just being really strong, his fight against Goku in the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai sees him pull out all kinds of esoteric techniques and skills to level the playing field against Goku's insurmountable might and analytical brilliance. The Muten-Roshi knows a ton of practical martial arts technique. He's just not sharing.
I'm half-convinced he held all this stuff back on purpose just so he'd have a few aces up his sleeve in the tournament proper. Which even Roshi isn't sure was actually necessary.
His next teacher is Karin, the God of Martial Arts. Karin has some useful wisdom to impart with regard to anticipation.
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And he introduces one of the most important items in the Dragon Ball series.
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Thank you Viz for the redundant translation of "Holy Hermit Bean Bean". I don't get enough migraines from the dub constantly calling them Senzu Beans. This is the Chai Tea of Dragon Ball.
Goku is with Karin for about three days, and it goes pretty well. Karin presents Goku with a challenging test to overcome, which he must do by getting lighter on his footwork and learning to anticipate Karin's moves.
But for the most part....
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It's still just strength training. Tenshinhan's out there learning secret Tsuru-senryu techniques to levitate in the air and nobody's willing to do more for Goku but bulk up his muscles. Speaking of which.
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This guy tried to murder his own students because they wouldn't do an assassination for him. Fuck this guy. He sucks. Get out of here!
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When you get to the moon, tell Toninjinka that his mochi needs wo-- Oh, wait, the moon's gone. Uh. Have fun in space.
Goku's next teacher would be God. Or at least he would be if God ever bothered to teach him. Which he didn't. Goku has never studied under God.
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He made Goku stay at his Temple for three years to prepare for his rematch with Piccolo. But he gave up on that after deciding Goku didn't have what it takes to do what he felt must be done: Kill Piccolo and let God die with him. Goku's soft heart wouldn't allow him to do it.
So he dumped Goku on Popo and went, "You deal with this, I'm busy," and then went off to pursue the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave instead. Goku's training was a scrapped project for him.
Nonetheless, Goku grew substantially during his time in Heaven. (Look at him! He's so much taller-- No, I jest.) Popo is the first teacher to offer Goku something that isn't strength training.
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It's almost like he's never had a master teach him spirit or skills before. It's almost like.
Mr. Popo doesn't offer Goku more strength training. Instead, for the first time, Goku has someone who wants to teach him technique.
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This is some of the most game-changing instruction Goku ever receives in his career. Over the next three years, Popo sharpens Goku not just physically but spiritually.
He technically doesn't learn to sense ki here; He gained a rough comprehension of it from drinking rat poison earlier that day. But as Popo demonstrates here, there's a world of difference between "Oh cool I can sense your ki" and "I feel Yamcha's ki 700 km in that direction. He's sitting in his home eating breakfast Wheaties and scratching his butt. Puar's preparing to make eggs aaaaaand now he's a frying pan."
This is where Goku makes the transition from martial artist to Heavenly Martial Artist, and the difference is stark. When he shows up to the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, he's on a whole different playing field.
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He no longer experiences reality the same way as everyone else. He's ascended to a higher plane of understanding. All because of Popo, since God abandoned this project and ran off to do his own thing instead. Goku is literally the "Dr. Gero's computer kept working and completed Cell anyways" of martial arts.
Great work, Popo. Gold star.
Kaio is next on Goku's list of mentors. He's working on a bit of a time crunch; Goku only has six months to spend with him. Kaio's training emphasizes two things. One is, of course, more strength training though this time there's an interesting twist to it.
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Planet Vegeta's gravity is at least as strong as the gravity on Kaio's world. This is where Goku's introduced to the concept of gravity training for the first time - Something that, ironically, Vegeta would cling to more heavily than Goku. Goku's been doing weight training since Roshi, but the idea of increased gravity as a substitute for (or in addition to) weight is introduced by Kaio.
Goku himself would incorporate this gravity training into his later efforts to more fully master the Kaio-ken on his way to Namek. Speaking of which, that's the other thing Kaio imparts on him. From him, Goku learns the Genki-Dama and the Kaio-ken.
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Kaio pretty much became Goku's forever teacher after this point, but we rarely see him do more than supervise. Which makes sense, since Goku officially became a Master himself as of the Namek arc. Though all of Goku's teachers will always be looking out for him, his art becomes truly his own from this point onward.
That brings us to Piccolo.
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Piccolo comes from the "My Daddy beat me and I turned out fine" school of shaping young minds. It's to be expected; He was literally Evil Incarnate just eight years ago.
While Piccolo's journey of redemption is heartwarming to see and he does succeed in honing Gohan into a weapon, his skills as a mentor leave something to be desired. He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. He builds Gohan's strength and teaches him technique, but fails to grasp that this four-year-old child does not have a warrior instinct to get out there and throw hands with planet-killers.
He throws Gohan into the deep end and Gohan sinks like a stone. Failing to develop his bond with Gohan and offer the kid the encouragement he needs to get out there and do this is a fatal error in his training.
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Piccolo pays for this mistake with his life.
Finally, that leaves Goku himself.
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As a Master in his own right, Goku has so much to impart onto Gohan. At least, whatever Piccolo hasn't already. As a teacher, Goku is encouraging of Gohan and offers him clear and unmistakable guidance.
He talks things over with Gohan, explaining ahead of time what their goal is and how they're going to achieve it.
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Like Popo, Goku's pretty great as a teacher. There's just. One. Small. Problem: He fails to consider Gohan's psychological needs. Yeah, that's right, Goku walks face-first into the same error that Piccolo died for, which is why Piccolo freaks out on him for it.
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It helps that Piccolo not only has personal experience making this exact same mistake, but also the wisdom of God now.
Like. It's important to note that it's not that Goku misunderstands Gohan. He knows, intellectually, what kind of person Gohan is. He knows Gohan's passions lie elsewhere.
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Nonetheless, Goku sees too much of himself in Gohan, overlooking the reality that Gohan was so gung-ho about training with Goku because he thought he was helping his dad. Despite clearly conveying the mechanisms and goals of their training, Goku never even thought to broach this topic with him because he just. Assumed.
Even though he knew Gohan longed for academia, he assumed Gohan also had the spirit of a martial artist in him. That Gohan was still driven by the same fire that he is, compelled to push his limits and test himself against mighty foes. He makes that fatal mistake that so many parents make, of projecting himself onto his child.
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Goku pays for this mistake with his life.
Android 16 is able to salvage Goku's mistakes and make this work, much as Goku once salvaged Piccolo's. And to his credit, Goku learns and is able to offer Gohan the emotional support and direct coaching he needs to finish the job.
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I particularly love "Show me the power that we made together" because it puts the emphasis on his and Gohan's bond, rather than Gohan's fighting. It demonstrates the expansion of his understanding of Gohan's motives.
Nonetheless, this was a pretty significant error too make as a teacher so I can't give Goku full marks.
With that in mind... I gotta give it to Popo. Popo took God's castoff dumpster-project, poured himself into it, and gave Goku some of the greatest instruction of his entire career. A+
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pixelmacaron · 9 months
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bleachanimefan1 · 1 year
Dragon Ball Legends Part 29
A Suicide Mission,
Krillin helped Gohan sit up and Gohan looked at Kami and Mr. Popo, surprised to see that they were freed from their glass prisons. Then he looked at Piccolo. "Mr. Popo? Kami? Piccolo? I thought that you were..." Gohan murmured weakly.
"The black water mist had no effect on me at all." Piccolo spoke. Krillin nodded, smiling.
"Yep. We fooled you. Piccolo was one of the good guys all along. Ocarin told me of his plan after she pretended to bite me. I guess it's true what they say you can't trust anyone anymore." He explained.
"Krillin, you, Ocarin and Piccolo are really good actors. I didn't suspect a thing. You guys were acting, weren't you?" Gohan sneered at Piccolo, who kept his eyes on Garlic, who was still snarling at him on the floor.
"It was the only way for me to able to get closer to Garlic Jr. and release Kami and Popo safely." Piccolo said.
"And thank you for saving me, Piccolo. I am truly grateful." Kami spoke.
"I didn't save you because I wanted to, Kami." Piccolo answered, not looking at him. "The only reason I did it was because you were captured, I can't fight at my full power."
"Yes, of course you did." Kami frowned.
"Kami, get the sacred water and go!" Ocarin quickly told him.
"We'll take care of them!" Krillin shouted as well. 
"Yes!" Kami quickly grabbed the white vial that was sitting on a stand, near the throne.
"Garlic Jr., your plan is going to fail! I'm going to send you back to the dark world that you came from! Are you ready?" Piccolo shouted.
"It's not easy taking over the universe. But its days like this that make it all worthwhile!" Garlic Jr. chuckled, darkly. Ocarin blinked staring at him, warily. Piccolo noticed, wondering what the blue alien meant, as well.
"I don't like this." Piccolo thought to himself.
"Yeah, something's up." Nail told him in his mind. Then Garlic Jr. began to cackle, evilly.
"Don't you fools realize that it's too late to use the sacred water!?"
"What?!" Kami exclaimed. Garlic Jr. smirked.
"It will be dawn long before you can spread the sacred water over the planet and by then it will be too late! By that time every living thing on Earth will have succumbed to the effects of the black water mist. They will all belong to me! So, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to defeat me!" Garlic Jr. laughed. "You are about to witness the birth of a new world of darkness and evil! And I will be the ruler of this beautiful new world!"
Kami growled, clutching the bottle in his hand tightly. 
Underneath the Lookout, on Earth all of the inhabitants were running wild, causing chaos and destruction to everything in their path. Even attacking people who were lucky enough to avoid the mist. In a forest, a little girl quickly ran as several people and dogs chased after her. As she ran, the girl tripped on a tree branch, twisting her ankle. The girl screamed when she saw one of the dogs pounce at her. Suddenly, a bright light fired in between them blinding everyone. The girl felt someone grab her hand, pulling her up.
"We need to go!" She heard a voice shout. She blinked her eyes adjusting them a bit to see what was pulling her and saw an alien, a boy with green skin and pointed ears wearing a yellow vest over purple robes and a purple sash.
"I can't walk." The girl winced holding her ankle. He quickly pulled her onto his back and piggy backed her as they ran while the attackers were still caught off guard by the blast. Seeing that they were no longer being followed, the boy pulled back some branches and walked into a cavern. He sat the girl down and glanced back at the entrance, listening, to see if they weren't followed.
"We'll be safe here in the meantime." He spoke.
"Ow, my ankle hurts." The girl whined, tearing up a little. 
"Here, I can help." The girl's eyes widen when she saw the strange boy make a strange light come out of his hands as he placed them over her ankle. Even more shocked to feel the pain, disappeared. The boy pulled his hands back.
"What sort of magic trick is that?" She asked him.
"It's not magic. I just some of my energy to heal you." He told her. She stared at him confused before shaking her head.
"What's happening to everyone!? My friends and my dad they're all acting strange!" She shouted.
"Quiet. They'll hear you. It's that mist. It's done something to them." He told her.
"What are we going to do?" 
"I know of someone who might be able to help. Her name is Ocarin. Her and her friends are probably figuring out on how to stop this as we speak." He spoke.
"Who are you?" the girl asked him.
"My name is Necke and you?" Necke asked her.
"Ramu." She spoke.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked her, seeing that she was looking at him with a strange look in her eyes.
"Are you related to the Demon king?" Ramu questioned. Necke blinked at her confused and shook his head.
"No. Who is he?" He asked her.
"My father told me stories about him. He had green skin like yours, in fact he looked a lot like you. He tried to take over the world before I was born." She told him.
"Well, I'm not him. You have nothing to worry about." He replied.
"With them all under my control, Earth will become the most feared planet in the universe! Ever few seconds that ticks by brings me closer to realizing my dream!" Garlic Jr. laughed. Piccolo growled, glaring at Garlic Jr. 
"Piccolo?" Ocarin spoke, concerned as well. What are they going to do? They don't have much time left before the mist's effects becomes permant on everyone on Earth!
"We might still have chance!" the genie shouted. Kami turned to him.
"Mr. Popo?"
"There is a way. We can spread the sacred water everywhere quickly." He quickly told Kami.
"Tell me!"
"If you take the sacred water down there. It will take you to the seven air currents of the world." Mr. Popo explained and pointed to a round vent big enough to fit through.
"Are you certain, Mr. Popo?" Kami questioned. He nodded to the guardian.
"Yes, Kami. The air currents flow just below your Lookout. It's the best way for you to spread the sacred water."
"Then let's go!" Ocarin walked over to them.
"I'm going to come as well." She told them. But Mr. Popo held up his hand, stopping her.
"I'm afraid you cannot." He told her. Ocarin stared at him, confused.
"What? Why not?" 
"Only the guardian of Earth is allowed to enter but I'm afraid it's even dangerous for you as well Kami." Mr. Popo told them.
"Why is that?" Kami questioned him.
"It's located where the spirits of the former guardians go for the eternal rest. You must really think about this Kami. There is a risk that your spirit will be trapped there, and you might not come back. You could die!" Mr. Popo insisted, hoping that the guardian would change his mind about the plan.
"I understand." Kami sighed. 
"Kami..." Mr. Popo said, worried.
"If this is the last chance that we have then there's no time to waste. Let's go, Mr. Popo! We must get the sacred water to the people of Earth before it's too late!" Kami insisted.
"Be careful, you two." Ocarin told them. Kami and Mr. Popo nodded.
"Of course."
"You're not going anywhere!" Garlic Jr. shouted. Then two of Garlic's henchmen, now concious, jumped down landing beside him. The two began to fight with Gohan and Krillin while Garlic Jr. began to clash with Piccolo and Ocarin. Piccolo dodged a blast that Garlic fired and punched him back.
"You can do better than that!" 
"Piccolo!" Kami shouted at to him in worry.
"Kami, Mr. Popo, get out of here now!" Ocarin shouted at them. Mr. Popo quickly summonded a magic carpet and the genie and the guardian hopped on it.
"Come on, we must hurry!"
Kami and Mr. Popo quickly flew off while Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin and Ocarin fought against Garlic Jr. and his two henchmen.
"Over here, you twerp!" Piccolo shouted at Garlic. He knocked Garlic back and Ocarin kicked the alien slamming him into the wall and he fell onto the floor. "Give up. You can't win." Gohan and Krillin had managed to finish off Garlic's two henchmen. Garlic Jr. growled baring his fangs at the Piccolo and Ocarin before it turned into a twisted smirk.
"So Piccolo aren't you worried about Kami? I'd be worried if my mind and body was linked to that decrepit old fool. It'd be such a tragedy if something happened to him. You'd certainly would have a tough time surviving without him. And with Kami gone I bet you wouldn't talk so tough." He laughed.
"If I were a coward like you, your words might scare me. But I'm not." Piccolo said. "You want to see what real strength is then I'll show you!"
Piccolo and Ocarin continued to throw kicks and punches at Garlic Jr. throwing him around and Garlic was slammed to the floor. Piccolo and Ocarin landed in front of him, seeing the alien starting to get back up again.
"It's over Garlic Jr." Piccolo said. Then the two saw the alien started to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Ocarin demanded.
"I want to show you two something." He pointed upwards and Piccolo and Ocarin both looked up to see a small red star in the sky above them. "My source of power! Behold the Makyo Star! My home. Its warm and glow revives me with incredible strength! And after 12000 years it's been making its way to Earth. You can feel it. Now that the Makyo Star has finally arrived, I will become ten times more powerful than I have ever been before! There's nothing that you can do to stop me from taking this planet for my own!"
"You talk too much." Ocarin spoke before she stopped when she saw Garlic Jr. started to twitch a little. Then his body began to shift, getting larger and bulkier with muscles. Piccolo watched in shock as well. "W-What?"
"He's changing...Krillin, Gohan, Ocarin! Get out of here!" Piccolo shouted. Gohan and Krillin quickly left heading up to the topside of the Lookout. Piccolo saw that Ocarin still haven't moved. "I'm not going to ask again! Get out of here now!'
"Then come on!" Ocarin quickly grabbed his hand and the two quickly flew up while trying to dodge the falling debris above them.
"Watch out!" Piccolo quickly pushed Ocarin out of the way from a falling piece of rubble. The two made it to the top of the Lookout, along with Gohan and Krillin as they crawled out of the pile of debris. Piccolo turned to Ocarin, seeing her hold her head, bleeding a little. "You okay?" 
"Just a little banged up. I'm fine." Ocarin replied. Then the group saw Garlic Jr. standing above them as he had made it out of the pile as well. He smirked malicioiusly down at them.
"Piccolo..." Gohan whispered.
"Go leave this place!" Piccolo shouted at everyone.
"The last time we've fought you got lucky kid. But now you're about to find out how powerful we really are." Garlic Jr. chuckled darkly at Gohan.
"We?" Ocarin questioned. Two of Garlic's henchmen that Gohan and Krillin had finished off were right by the alien's side, completely healed of their injuries and now even more stronger.
Deep underneth of the Lookout, Kami and Mr. Popo quickly flew on the carpet as the genie took them to their destination, stopping at a large door. The two hopped off the carpet.
"This is it Mr. Popo. Let's do it." Kami spoke. Mr. Popo opened the door and they were pushed open and the two slowly walked into the room. It was completely baren and filled with a strange green mist.
"We need to find that vent and spread the mist quickly!" Kami spoke. Just as the guardina took another step a blast of lightening fired directily at him, knocking Kami back.
"Kami!" Mr. Popo cried out, quickly running over to him. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them a few feet away, staring down at Kami.
"I'm not sure what that spirit did, Mr. Popo. But some reason I'm having trouble staying awake." Kami groaned.
"Please, Kami, you have to fight it! If you go to sleep in this place, you'll never wake up!" the genie shouted, shaking Kami. "Kami!" Kami groaned, trying to keep his eyes open but they were getting heavier and heavier.
"Leave him alone!" The restless spirit shouted. "Let him rest. Can't you see how weary he is? You know what it means when a guardian of Earth passes though those gates, Mr. Popo." The genie's eyes widened and he turned back to the spirit in front of them, recognizing the voice.
"T-That voice...Kami, it's your predecessor!" Mr. Popo exclaimed. Kami's eyes widened in shock as well.
The spirit glared at Kami and Mr. Popo as he blocked their path.
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tightjacketkidda · 3 months
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jorongbak · 2 years
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I am pleasantly surprised to find out that dads wearing sandals with socks is a universal thing
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"And have you forgotten Nail- how old is he-"
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upgradewater · 11 months
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kinda weird how piccolo wasn't relevant in gt until he decided to sacrifice himself
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