#lookout squad
cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Do you think the lookout squad have money? How do they have money??? They're probably creating zenies themselves since I don't think any of the people there (except Gohan) have anything against doing that. Dende would think money is a silly invented concept in the first place. (They have gohan to help them deposit but they dont tell him where they come from; he's convinced Piccolo has a secret job somewhere.)
What do they need money for??? For one, DVDs... until ONE OF THEM (looking at you Dende!!) learned how to pirate, then some art pieces, then buying some worthless shit online, also some food, and sometimes for presents, also technology that they can't or can't be bothered to replicate (since i think they should have knowledge of how something is created before materializing it).
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khans-kamala · 10 months
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Recently, I made a promise to myself that the next time I got a boyfriend, I'd be on the lookout for red flags. And if I saw any, I would do the healthy thing and I would murder him. And killing kids? Kind of a red flag.
The Suicide Squad (2021), dir. James Gunn
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ayo-edebiri · 6 months
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Recently, I made a promise to myself that the next time I got a boyfriend, I’d be on the lookout for red flags. And if I saw any, I would do the healthy thing and I would murder him.
The Suicide Squad (2021) dir. James Gunn
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ifwebefriends · 5 months
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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ecrivainsolitaire · 8 months
Humans have the capability of perceiving when they're being stared at, even if they can't see it.
Dr. T'Chem was staring at Lieutenant /θkɡɾɑːˈŋæ/ (or as his current fling affectionately nicknamed her, "Tucker-Annie"), whose dorsal spikes were still rattling after the incident at the holodeck. It was his first time at the witness stand, and he didn't want to ruin a young star sailor's life.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie was the combat specialist in charge of the training dojo of Federation Vessel TSN457, named after the Terra-Saturn-Ceres coalition where Dr. T'Chem currently served as the xenoanthropologist charged with facilitating human integration to the local Federation of Fraternal Planets and Satellites. The FFPS had the goal of finding planets with intelligent life to trade resources and technology, and due to their recent incorporation, local research vessels were fitted with diverse crews to acclimate everyone to each other's cultures and biological needs. Dr. T'Chem was the human expert in the ship, and was tasked with helping smooth over interpersonal relations among the crew.
The relations were, at that moment, as bumpy as Lt. Tucker-Annie's dorsal spike line.
An incident had occurred during a training exercise. The squad consisted of a Venusian, two Saturnians, three Ceresians, two monks from the Transcorporeal Temple of Robotic Ascension, and five Terrans (two humans, two dogs and a cybernetically enhanced cat). The exercise consisted of getting through a generic jungle scenario and, unbeknownst to the squad, avoiding a team of ninjas lead by Lt. Tucker-Annie trying to take them out one by one. It was supposed to test the way they would react to a surprise attack.
It was not supposed to reveal that humans could sense when they were being stalked.
Of course, any trained sailor would have an ingrained knowledge of potential threats and how to spot them. Look for the shadows that are too dark, listen for the spot air isn't blowing from, things like that. Basic things most people don't think about but that can be identified if you think about them.
This was not that.
"Something's watching us," said Crew Johnson, in that sloppy way only creatures with lips spoke.
"What do you mean? There's cameras everywhere, of course they're watching us," responded Crew Hessikh, slithering over the vines on a tree branch to cross a river. She grabbed the axe in Crew Johnson's belt with her telekinesis and took down a small tree to serve as a bridge.
"Crew Flufflepaws, could you please take a look?" Asked Crew Johnson, nervously looking around. Crew Flufflepaws got on the tree as well and scanned the terrain from above.
"I can't see anything, or smell anything. And my hearing isn't what it used to be. I'll stay on the lookout for—" a horrendous hiss interrupted the automatic translator's feed. Crew Flufflepaws' comm line cut off.
Hessikh and Johnson looked at each other. That was the strongest fighter of their team, gone. They knew it was a simulation, but it still gave them chills.
The rest of their crew mates were split into two different teams further along the path. Crew Fanning's voice came from the comm line.
"Johnson, Hessikh, are you okay? What happened to Flufflepaws?"
"We don't know, Johnson said something was watching us and it went to check, then we lost comms."
"I felt it too. I know this isn't that kind of exercise but I think— AAAHHH!"
Two blaster shots were heard, then a thud.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie, who was watching Hessikh and Johnson from the mud pit behind the latter, had her tranquilizer dart ready. She got ready to shoot down Hessikh, but then heard a voice over the comm line.
"Code Lithium, we have a Code Lithium, we have to end the simulation, I just took down- I can't-" the breathing was sounding heavier and faster, too fast for a human.
"Fanning, calm down, remember your sutras. We need you focused, what happened?"
"I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and saw this thing and it scared me and I jumped and I thought it was on stun mode and-"
"It's alright, we're calling it off. Captain, we have a Code Lithium! End the simulation now or- fuck, there it is again. Hessikh, do you see any heat sources?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary- why haven't they shot it down alre-"
The next thing Lieutenant Tucker-Annie remembered was the sound of a heel turn over the mud, followed by darkness.
Lt. Tucker-Annie woke up in the hospital bay, getting her tail regenerated by a robot nurse. She looked over and found her underling on the next bed, with a huge bandage on the side of his neck and a wing in a cast. Thankfully, he would be alright as soon as the stem cell bank was reprogrammed after her treatment.
The disciplinary board was called, an investigation was open, and both Crew Fanning and their captain were put on paid leave while the investigation was ongoing. Dr. T'Chem was called in as an expert after a review of the holodeck footage revealed there was no way Crew Fanning could have heard, seen or smelled the hidden sailor.
It was the first time in a while he hadn't helped himself to a glass of Venusian whiskey for breakfast. He really didn't want to mess this up.
"And would you care to explain how this is possible, Doctor?" Asked the prosecution, staring him down with an unnerving amount of eyes.
"I am as astounded as this court; our firm has been looking into Terran medical literature and we're still trying to figure out how it works; they don't even know, but they know it does happen, it's been documented for thousands of years. I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's even testable."
There was a murmur in the court. The judge asked him to elaborate.
"The way eyesight works is the light bounces off of opaque bodies and in its way it collides with the lenses in our corneas, which send it to the brain as electrical signals to be interpreted. The light that doesn't go into our eyes just bounces off our bodies and other opaque objects as well, the photons go everywhere and anywhere. This is the same for most species in this constellation, including humans. But even other Terran species don't have these abilities, as Crew Flufflepaws has testified."
A begrudging meow was heard from the audience.
"Order in the court, please. Dr. T'Chem, what do you suggest is the origin of this mysterious sense?"
The camera drones all hoovered around him. Dr. T'Chem straightened his fins and got close to the microphone.
"I believe it's possible that humans have a sense of touch so sensitive that they can feel the photons that don't bounce back. The ones that go into an eye instead of an opaque body. I think humans can actually feel in their skin when they are being watched."
There was an uproar in the crowd. His paramour, a dark skinned young human from the human settlement known as "Colombia", grabbed the religious symbol on her necklace and made a gesture with it he hadn't quite figured out yet.
The trial had to go on recess.
The implications were incalculable. Three dozen biologists from six different planets, including Terra, had emailed him before the end of the day to ask him to justify himself. Multiple human religious leaders took the chance to link it to demonic possession or moral evils. By the end of the week, four different labs were trying to figure out a way to double blind test shooting a photon cannon on a human's back and trying to get them to sense it.
But most importantly, the news made it outside of the Federation. The rumours about this new species that couldn't be stalked got so far, it ended up affecting the outcome of a border conflict with the Betelgeuse Libertarian Army on the Federation's favour.
Humans were terrifying.
If this is what they evolved to be, what was their planet like?
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littlexdeaths · 5 months
scotty doesn’t know - e.m.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: no use of y/n, cheating, protected piv sex, light degradation kink, spanking, phone sex kinda?, shitty boyfriend behavior, mentions of alcohol/partying, some angst, all characters are 18+!
series masterlist
based on scotty doesn’t know by lustra
a/n: i’ve worked so hard to spruce up this series and i’m so excited to be reposting it for you all. be on the lookout for the next two parts. this fic is my actual baby, and it means so much to me. i hope you all enjoy xx.
word count: 4.3k
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It had started out as mostly a joke, a proposition that he never imagined you’d actually take him up on.
You always thought Eddie Munson, the town ‘freak’ was incredibly attractive, not that you’d ever voice that opinion to anyone. Mostly due to the fact that you had a boyfriend, who in the eyes of everyone in Hawkins— was the definition of perfect.
Scott McGuire was a great boyfriend… on the surface.
He was a star basketball player, friends with the most popular people in school. His family was loaded, despite being from a small town like Hawkins. He drove a Mercedes, and made you feel so special. When he had asked you out halfway through your junior year, you were over the moon.
And in the beginning of your relationship, you were beyond smitten with him. But after a year of dating him, you’d come to realize he was nothing you had wanted.
Scott was arrogant, vain and downright cruel. His biggest flaw being that he took absolute pleasure in causing pain to others. The main target of his rage was Eddie and his band of ‘freaks’. His best friend Jason was right by his side, constantly tormenting the group. But always Eddie more so than anyone else. You never enjoyed it, always finding a way to escape the moment an insult (or a punch) was thrown his way.
Despite all of this, you felt pressured to stay with him.
Your parents absolutely adored him and so did your friends. Most of which were the girlfriends of his friends. Your lives had become so interwoven you felt trapped. So to appease everyone else in your life, you continued the relationship. Even though you knew you didn’t love him.
In your eyes he was, all around, the worst boyfriend you could have landed… especially when it came to sex.
Scott was terrible in bed.
He only wanted you on his terms, only caring about his wants and needs. And in the year you’d been with him, he’d never made you come. Not once. At first you thought something was wrong with you, that you were broken.
But the more you talked with your friends on the cheer squad, the quicker you began to realize it was a Scott problem. Not a you problem. So you started faking it, your little act becoming so good that you even deluded yourself into believing it sometimes.
But that was how you got yourself into this predicament in the first place.
You were at a party at Chrissy’s, a celebration for the basketball team making it to the state championship. Initially you wanted to stay home, as parties were never something you enjoyed. But you knew how bad it would look if you didn’t show. So you went, swallowing your pride with a fake smile plastered across your face.
You let yourself fall into the role of the proud, doting girlfriend. You knew how to play it well, as it was second nature to you at this point.
At some point during the night Scott had pulled you into a random bedroom, with the promises of rocking your world. Those promises fell short, as they always did. Scott had you propped up on the unmade bed, gripping your hips as he pounded sloppily into you. The fake moans that left your lips somehow had convinced you both that you were enjoying yourself.
That is until the door swung open and a semi-tipsy Eddie Munson stumbled upon the scene. He was originally looking for the bathroom, much to the embarrassment of you both. You couldn’t hide the shame that flitted across your features, or stop your moans from faltering slightly.
Scott miraculously didn’t notice the intrusion as he continued to thrust into you, your fake moans continuing to fill the small bedroom. Your eyes were locked with Eddie’s as he stood frozen in the doorway. The two of you just stared at each other for a few moments, before he snapped out of whatever stupor he was in and quickly left the room.
You figured nothing would come from it, except for a new found embarrassment every time you saw him in class. But what you didn’t expect was for him to seek you out in study hall that following Monday.
You were in the library, searching for a new book to read when he cornered you. His curls were wild, that faded Hellfire shirt hugged his broad shoulders nicely. A playful smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as you tried not to stare. But those brown eyes seemed to look right through you.
“You know, I’ve seen better acting in pornos.” He spoke softly, as not to embarrass either of you.
Or to alert Ms. Hall, the school librarian.
She was such a hard ass, especially when it came to talking in the library. You had hoped that maybe Eddie would’ve been too drunk to remember what happened at the party. Or both of you would ignore the situation.
But that clearly wasn’t the case. You can feel the embarrassment coursing through you as you actively avoided his curious gaze.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Munson,” you sneer before turning on your heel, grabbing a random book off the shelf in the process.
You clutch the paperback closer to your chest as you quickly try to escape the conversation.
He doesn’t let you get very far though, trailing behind you before taking a seat next to you at one of the study tables.
“I mean it must be frustrating, faking it all the time,” he continues nonchalantly, resting a ringed hand next to yours on the table.
His fingertips drum against the faux wood, as you struggle to think of a reply. But your continued silence and flustered appearance spoke volumes as you began to fiddle with the frayed hem of your dress.
Eddie leans in closer, letting his breath fan across your face. The smell of his spicy cologne and a hint of smoke engulfs your senses, making your head spin.
He hums softly, keeping his voice low, “Just doesn’t seem fair. Any decent guy would make sure you were being treated well.”
You could feel his body heat due to the close proximity, biting your lip as you stopped yourself from leaning against him.
“He does treat me well,” you whisper back, glancing down at the book as you begin flipping through the pages.
Eddie scoffs at the notion as his hand reaches out to close the cover again. His fingertips brush against yours in the process, the small touch sending tingles down your spine.
The male glances around the mostly empty library before he leans in closer. His lips nearly graze the shell of your ear as you hold your breath in anticipation. Eddie chuckles deeply, enjoying just how flustered he’s made you.
“Well, if you want to know what it’s like to be properly taken care of…” he trails off, as you let out a shaky breath. “You know where to find me, sweetheart.”
The promise behind his words instantly makes your thighs clench together. Watching in stunned silence as he quickly gets up and strolls out of the library.
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Those words sat with you for days, taunting you.
Finding yourself utterly frustrated, in more ways than one. You just couldn’t shake how badly you wanted to take him up on that offer. Morally, you knew it was wrong— you had a boyfriend.
But there was something that felt so right about it.
Despite your initial reservations, you very quickly found yourself in the back of Eddie’s van. Your legs were flung over his shoulders, your fingers tangled in his curls as his tongue had you seeing stars. It became blatantly obvious from your first time together that there was no way this could be a one time thing.
So you compromised, agreeing to meet up once a week. But only on Sundays, when you could give Scott the excuse of going to church with your parents. Ironically your family was not the church going type, but your boyfriend never questioned it.
However the longer you snuck around with Eddie, the more insatiable you became. Until it was almost a daily occurrence that you were under him, begging him to show you everything you were missing out on. It had surprised the both of you, but Eddie was more than happy to oblige.
But the constant sneaking around meant you couldn’t exclusively fuck in the back of his van anymore. Causing the both of you to become more creative in the process.
More than once you’d pull him under the bleachers in the gym once basketball practice ended. His ringed fingers tangled in your hair as you dropped to your knees. Or he’d bend you over the table in the drama room after a Hellfire campaign, dice and crushed cans of Mountain Dew falling off the table with each thrust of his hips.
But it still wasn’t enough, which led you to take more drastic measures.
You were on all fours, fingers clutching your floral bed sheets as Eddie pounded into you from behind.
Your parents were gone for the weekend to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Which left you with the house all to yourself, something that didn’t happen often. So this was an opportunity you didn’t want to pass up. Dialing his number before you even got out of bed that morning.
Regardless of his not so stellar reputation, it didn’t seem to sway a lot of women in Hawkins. And despite what Scott might have told you, Eddie has had plenty of sexual partners before. As many jumped at the chance to see if the rumors about the local freak were true. Which only seemed to fuel more rumors about the metalhead.
But out of everyone he had ever slept with— you were by far the neediest of them all.
Eddie couldn’t deny that he loved it. Knowing he was the only one who could turn you into a crying, blubbering mess. Not even seemingly perfect Scotty McGuire could make you feel this way. He would pay to see the look on his face if he could see just how wrecked you were.
Tears of pleasure streaming down your cheeks as you begged the town freak to fuck you harder.
“Look at you, such a needy little slut,” he chuckles, condensation lacing his tone. “Couldn’t even wait a whole day for my cock, huh?”
Eddie was by far the biggest guy you’ve ever had, and he certainly knew how to use it. His cock reached places inside you that you didn’t know existed until now. So it was no surprise that you didn’t want to wait another day to see him again.
But deep down you knew that wasn’t the only reason you had called him over. However, you weren’t entirely ready to have that conversation with yourself yet.
“I… shit,” you mewl, finding yourself at a loss for words as he increased his pace.
Pathetic whines spill past your lips with each thrust of his hips, your walls gripping him tightly. Pleasure coursed through you as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. A mixture of your arousal and his spit was smeared across your thighs. A reminder of where he’d been slotted between them earlier.
“Aww, come on, sweetheart,” he teases, nipping at your ear as he slows to a more gradual pace. “Be a good girl and tell me who’s making you feel so good.”
The orgasm that had been building in your abdomen suddenly fizzles out as he stills his hips at your deepest point. You nearly cry out in defeat as he lands a harsh slap on your ass.
You knew the rules by now, he needed to hear you.
“Y-You… fuck you are, Eddie.” He hummed in response, guiding your hips forward.
“That’a girl.”
The drag of his cock has you whining, the sound quickly being drowned out by the phone on your bedside table. You fully intended to ignore the shrill ringing as you began grinding your ass back against him. But he grips your hips to stop any further movement.
“Answer it.”
Your eyes widen as you glance over your shoulder at him, bewilderment crossing your features. There’s a smirk playing on his lips as he lands another slap on your ass, “That wasn’t a suggestion, sweetheart.”
You quickly fumble for the phone, not wanting this to end so soon. You’d come to realize just how much Eddie enjoyed teasing you the more you slept together. But you’d had enough teasing for one day.
So you place the receiver against your ear, trying to calm your erratic breathing, “H-Hello?”
You mentally curse yourself for the way your voice shakes, feeling your stomach drop at the voice on the other end of the line.
“You alright, babe? You sound winded,” you can hear the slightest bit of suggestiveness in his tone, having to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
This was something you’d come to expect from Scott, the male always finding a way to bring sex into every conversation. Despite knowing he was actually spot on this time, only it wasn’t your fingers that were buried inside you.
But what you didn’t anticipate was for Eddie to start thrusting back into you at a leisurely pace. You bite down onto your lower lip for a moment before you laugh, the sound not at all genuine. But Scott couldn’t tell the difference, he never paid enough attention.
“I’m great, Scott.” Your breath hitches in your throat as Eddie’s lips graze over your shoulder, “J-Just in the middle of a… workout.”
You hear Eddie laugh softly behind you, the male on the other end blissfully unaware of the kind of workout you were currently engaged in. Despite your initial reservations about answering the phone, you couldn’t deny the rush it gave you. Almost wanting to be caught like this.
“You still swinging by the party tonight?” Scott asks, as you continue to pulse around Eddie’s thick shaft.
His thrusts deepen, slipping a hand between your thighs to rub your sensitive clit. Your thoughts are completely jumbled as you try to stay engaged with the conversation. But it’s proving to be difficult.
“P-Party?” You breathe out, gripping the receiver tighter in your palm.
You can hear your boyfriend’s annoyed sigh, knowing he was rolling his eyes as your own rolled into the back of your head. Eddie grunts softly in your other ear as he rams into your sweet spot. It took every bit of your remaining self restraint to not moan directly into the phone.
“It’s Tommy’s birthday. I told you about it last week,” he huffs, clearly no longer amused.
You vaguely recall the conversation, but lately you’d found yourself tuning him out more and more. Having much more important things to occupy your attention.
“Right! No, I remember now.” Your words come out whinier than you intended, but Scott doesn’t seem to notice.
You were getting close, and Eddie knew it too.
“So? Are you coming?”
Eddie stifles another laugh at the unintended joke.
He quickly wraps his ringed fingers around the base of your throat and lifts you, so your back is now flush against his sweaty chest. The new angle allows him to slip even deeper inside, causing a gasp to escape you. You quickly disguise it as a cough, before answering your boyfriend.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Listen, I-I gotta go. See you tonight.”
You hang up the phone before he even has a chance to respond. The loud moan that was trapped in your throat is finally set free, earning a groan from the male behind you.
Eddie’s disheveled curls began tickling your face as he leaned toward your ear again, “Bet he didn’t suspect a damn thing, huh?”
You can hear the smugness in his tone, whimpering as he puts more pressure on your clit.
“Cause he can’t make you feel the way I do. Can he, sweetheart?” You frantically nod your head before letting it fall back onto his shoulder.
You know you can’t hold out for much longer, and judging by the way his cock twitches inside you— Eddie won’t either.
His lips attach themselves to the curve of your neck, sucking harshly as you tremble in his arms.
“Ed… f-fuck I’m gonna—” you are unable to finish your thought as that familiar wave of euphoria crashes over you.
He nearly growls as you cry out his name again and again, the sound being his undoing. He spills into the condom with a grunt of your name, his chest heaving as he buries himself at your deepest point. The sounds of his erratic breathing mixes with yours, filling the now quiet space of your bedroom. Feeling utterly weak in the best way possible.
And if his arms weren’t securely wrapped around your waist, you would’ve collapsed face first into the mattress.
You stay entangled like that for a few moments while you both come down from your highs. Enjoying the way his lips press against the curve of your shoulder.
Eddie’s actions are gentle now, carefully guiding your hips up to slip out of you. He coaxes you to lay on your back, a lazy smile playing on your lips as you gazed up at him. As amazing as the sex was, what came after was just as enjoyable.
Emotionally, your boyfriend was always unavailable.
Especially after a round in the sheets, he was particularly cold. In the year you’d been together Scott had never once held you or comforted you. It always left you with an overwhelming sense of shame— of feeling used.
So naturally you had expected the same kind of treatment from Eddie, as you had never experienced aftercare before. After that first time together you had begun to put your clothes back on, attempting to leave right away.
But he stopped you with a soft, “Don’t go.”
It didn’t take much convincing as you laid your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. He kept you tucked in his embrace for hours, fingertips dancing along your hip. From that moment on it was the same treatment. His affection only increased the more you fooled around.
Your eyes follow him as he rises from the bed to toss the condom in your trash bin. Giving Eddie the opportunity to finally take a look around your room.
You suddenly felt nervous as he made his way over to your record collection, flicking through the vinyls with the utmost care. While your popularity status had recently changed due to dating Scott, you always felt out of place amongst them. You could never be your full authentic self, in fear of rejection from your peers.
Eddie seemed to find a record that he liked, sliding it out of its sleeve and placing it on the turntable. It is quiet for a moment, the crackle of the record is almost comforting. Soon the beginning notes of the Labyrinth soundtrack fill that silence. You instantly feel shy, not expecting him to choose that album in particular.
Your boyfriend had teased you relentlessly for your love of David Bowie, always complaining about how weird he was. It made you feel ashamed to talk about any of your interests, most of which you’d hidden away in fear of being mocked.
But with that small act Eddie had proved, once again, that he was superior to Scott in every way imaginable.
He begins to hum along to the opening track, grabbing his boxers from the pile of your discarded clothes on the floor. Sliding the checkered material back over his legs, the fabric hanging low on his hips. You bite your lip as your eyes drift over his pale skin, zeroing in on the patch of hair that descended into his waistband.
“Keep giving me those eyes and we’re gonna have a problem, princess.” He teases, his smirk widening as he catches you ogling him.
You feel your body flush as he shoots you a playful wink before slipping into your adjoined bathroom. You hear the tap turn on, the rush of water mingling with the sultry baritone of Bowie’s vocals. You allow your body to relax against the mattress, a sense of calm washing over you.
Eddie wasn’t gone for long, emerging from the bathroom with a glass of water and a damp washcloth. He sets the glass on your nightstand, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. The male carefully parts your legs, pressing a kiss to your knee as he cleans up the mess of salvia and slick that has dried onto your thighs.
You let your eyes linger on his face, watching him in complete admiration. His cheeks are tinged pink, no doubt from the weight of your gaze. He’s also not used to being regarded with such gentleness.
Eddie sheepishly avoids your eyes as he stands, tossing the used cloth into your hamper. You scoot into a sitting position to take a few sips of water from the glass. Blatantly checking him out as he bends over to grab another piece of clothing from your carpeted floor.
“Arms up,” he instructs, allowing him to pull your oversized shirt over your head.
He quickly joins you again, causing a small giggle to escape you as he squeezes himself onto your twin sized mattress. The male grins, allowing you to drape your body over his. You tangle your limbs together, instinctively resting your head on his chest.
Your eyes flutter shut as you listen to the steady beat of his heart in your ear. A soft smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, feeling him press a kiss to the top of your head.
In moments like this, it was easy for you to pretend that Eddie Munson was all yours.
There were no worries about being caught, or what anyone in this god forsaken town had to say about it. But the more time you spent with him, the more you began to realize that you wanted him all to yourself.
You knew it was incredibly selfish, he didn’t deserve to be someone’s secret side piece. So you kept these newly emerging feelings to yourself.
“You feeling okay?” His voice cuts through your thoughts, lifting your head to meet his gaze. “I wasn’t too rough or anything, was I?”
Eddie’s tone was vastly different from how he’d spoken to you earlier, and yet it only made your adoration for him grow. Knowing he truly cared about your feelings, it wasn’t just a courtesy.
His hand gently caresses your sore ass, his fingertips continuing to ghost over the curve of your spine. The tenderness of his actions made you shiver as you nuzzled your face back into his chest.
“It was perfect.” You hum, voice echoing your contentment, “You were perfect.”
Gentle, rough or anything in between— you’d be grateful as long as it was with him.
You were sure he could feel the warmth that had begun to seep into your cheeks at your admission. Reaching out his hand to delicately grasp your chin, tilting your head up to meet his curious gaze.
But it wasn’t just curiosity that shone through his eyes.
There was something else. Something deeper simmering beneath the surface of his irises.
This was uncharted territory for you, as no one, not even your boyfriend had regarded you in such a way before. But that single look alone made your heart flutter rapidly against your ribs.
You both begin to lean in without realizing, lips brushing together as you cradle his jaw. This was something completely new for both of you. While you’d kissed plenty of times, it never happened after the sex ended.
This was quickly becoming a dangerous game, one neither of you had any intention of losing.
And as hard as you tried to avoid your feelings, you knew you were starting to fall for him. Which was the most dangerous game of them all.
Your lips continued to move against each other for what felt like forever, only breaking apart to catch your breath every so often. Kissing Eddie was just as addicting as every other part of him, and you never wanted it to end.
So you stayed like that for hours, stealing kisses in between gentle words. He told you about his home life with Wayne, how he’d listened and memorized every single chord of Master of Puppets until he got it right. Little things that made you understand exactly who Eddie Munson really was.
But time seemed to pass by in an instant, the evening sky bathing the walls of your room in a golden hue. A signal that it was time for him to leave.
You felt a tug on your heartstrings as you watched him slide open your bedroom window, desperately wishing the circumstances were different.
“Wait!” you call as he was already halfway through the window, flashing you a grin as you bounded over to him.
You press a searing kiss to his mouth as he cups your cheek, neither of you quite willing to be the first to pull away.
“I gotta go,” he tries to mask the disappointment in his tone, pressing one last kiss to your lips before slipping out of your window completely.
You watch as the male clumsily jumps down from the second story, his wallet chain jingling upon impact. Eddie takes a moment to steady himself before he turns back to glance up at you. Giving you a little bow before he’s off, cutting through your neighbors yard to get back to his van.
You can hear the blaring guitar of Quiet Riot as he starts up the engine, the rumble echoing in your ears as he takes off down the empty street.
Taking a little piece of your heart with him.
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— next chapter.
tagging some peeps who seemed interested 💕
@xxbimbobunnyxx @vamp-bunny @munsonhoneybaby @mugloversonly @lokis-army-77
and a special shoutout to my bby @undead-supernova for always being my lil cheerleader ily 🫶🏻
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Crosshair's character in TBB honestly makes a lot of sense when looking back at CW. He and his brothers have such an implicit trust in each other (something we saw in "Into the Breach"). With the exception of Cody, Crosshair says "we don't usually work with regs." The Batch is literally Cross' ride or die and it's not surprising he expresses a sense of superiority in S1 of TBB. He literally spends all his time with his brothers who show off just as much as he does. And when Rex says to leave Cody in Kix's care, Crosshair voices his concern. From the very beginning, loyalty is something he highly values.
Every single time Crosshair opens his mouth and makes a rude comment, Wrecker always comes in to defend him. I can imagine Crosshair just getting so comfortable with making comments because he knows that his brothers will defend him. When he falls from the pipe on Skako Minor, Wrecker doesn't hesitate to jump after him. Cross also trusts Wrecker to not let him fall when they jump on to the Keeradaks.
Crosshair is also very quiet and observational. He's the first to notice danger and the one to hang back to be the lookout. The amount of faith his brothers have in his abilities probably means so much to him.
Now, imagine you're Crosshair in TBB S1. Your squad, who've been your ride or die since day 1, leaves you behind and you don't know why. That implicit trust that was once there is gone. That loyalty you once thought you had didn't matter apparently. But you still want them to come back because of how tight knit your bond used to be. Not defending his choices, but I bet that's what was going on inside his head.
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mixelation · 17 days
wait here's something weird and kind of niche i wrote a while ago
sakura's POV, meant to be a build up to itasaku but barely contains a hint of itachi
From Sakura’s point of view, it goes like this. 
She takes a call from the Office of Public Health, which is located in the Fire Country capital and is a civilian institution. They theoretically have no power over anything Konoha does, but occasionally Sakura has to field angry calls about Konoha shinobi spreading diseases long distance, or putting things in public wells, or that one time some idiot chunin squad caused a landside that wiped out a major delivery of medicines to a rural province. 
“Konoha Hospital, Haruno speaking,” Sakura says, plastering a fake smile across her face even alone in her office. 
“Ah, yes, is this the…” The voice on the other end pauses, and Sakura hears the shuffling of papers. “Lead Medical Jounin?”
The woman says this like she can’t believe it’s a real title. But as of two months ago, it’s Sakura official, very important, and extremely high ranking title. It’s come with more annoying phone calls than she anticipated. 
“That’s me,” Sakura tells her. “To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”
The woman on the other side is head of Fire Country’s tuberculosis response team. She’s calling because of several very worrisome cases of TB across the Western provinces. 
“Multi-drug resistance is common in Water Country,” Sakura replies airily. She would rather people not be getting MDR-TB in general, but also, this is not her job unless this lady is about to tell her they tracked it to Konoha shinobi. 
Just to be sure, Sakura continues, “As you should know, Konoha includes an annual TB screen for all active shinobi, and a full course of antibiotics for any infected shinobi. Is this, perhaps, a courtesy call that we should be on the lookout for resistant strains?”
“It’s not coming from Water Country,” the woman tells her hotly. “We don’t know where it’s coming from. Contact-tracing hasn’t worked. These towns aren’t even on normal trade routes.”
Sakura’s cheeks are starting to hurt as her fake smile broadens. “Ah, well, if you require Konoha’s assistance, the more appropriate office is Mission Requests–”
“No traceable contacts paired with no obvious source,” the woman interrupts, “is almost always shinobi, Haruno-san.”
Sakura purses her lips, smile failing her. She just said they made sure anyone catching TB on the job was screened for and treated. She knows years ago that Tsunade had to handle some fiasco where a select few Konoha-nin were spreading an STI all over the place, but this situation is different. 
“What exactly do you want?” Sakura asks, voice hardening. 
“We’re auditing you,” the woman says. “I have an order signed by the Daimyo.”
Fuck, Sakura thinks. 
Sakura attempts to dump the audit on Tsunade. Tsunade laughs in her face. Sakura does manage to get approval for funding more overtime for medical ninja and staff to deal with it; Tsunade rarely argues against dumping money into the hospital or Medical Corps. 
Several thousand TB tests later, and many hours of Sakura organizing and photocopying records to prove they really were screening everyone, and she is royally pissed. Also, tired and probably malnourished from resorting to cup ramen for dinner too many nights. The audit is time consuming, and it doesn’t excuse her dealing with numerous other crises the hospital has just by virtue of being a hospital, on top of all her usual duties. 
Ms. TB Response Team deigns to make the trip down to Konoha to go through their audit. She looks exactly how Sakura imagined her on the phone: chin-length graying hair gelled into place, thick-rimmed glasses, a lab coat over a blouse and pencil skirt. It takes her and two other team members three days to go through the documents Sakura offers, and then another day to tour the labs to make sure they’re adequate. 
Ms. TB Response Team seems disappointed when they find nothing. Sakura doesn’t not want to harm a civilian woman just for doing her job, as annoying as it is. But she does sort of want to throw her desk through a window and yell I TOLD YOU SO. 
“This is good news,” Ms. TB Response Team says eventually, seated across from Sakura’s desk, “although inconvenient.”
Inconvenient? Sakura wonders, struggling to keep her smile in place. Yes, from the capital’s perspective, it would be a really convenient explanation if it were just Konoha ninja spreading TB around. They’d have their source and then also the ability to demand Konoha do something about it. 
But also: Tsunade’s Konoha doesn’t do this shit. Not with something as easily detectable as TB. 
“I’m glad we could assist in your investigation,” Sakura replies, surprising herself at how smooth her voice sounds. “Will that be all?”
“Mm, no,” Ms. TB Response Team responds, pushing up her glasses on her nose. “Perhaps the parameters of the audit were unclear. We’d also like to see your records on missing-nin movement.”
Shit, Sakura thinks. 
This one she really does get to dump on Tsunade. She’s positive of it as she opens the office door and gestures Ms. TB Response Team inside. 
Usually a small group like a disease response team wouldn’t be able to convince Konoha to share highly classified information like this. Another Kage probably wouldn’t let them at it, end of story. But Tsunde is a doctor first and Hokage second. She looks at the reports on MDR-TB, leans back in her chair, groans, and mashes the palms of her hands into her eyes. 
Multi-drug resistance means the bacteria do not respond to two or more of the available anti-TB drugs. This makes them difficult to treat, and untreated TB has a high mortality. They can’t let this spread. 
“Fine,” Tsunade eventually says. Ms. TB Response Team perks up. “No, I’m not letting you at our records. But I’ll let you have Sakura.”
Sakura immediately tenses, and the floorboard cracks underneath her as she shifts her position.
“Shishou,” she starts. 
“Sakura can go through the documentation and report back relevant findings,” Tsunade continues. “I assure you she’s highly competent.”
“Shishou,” Sakura repeats. “I have other important duties. Surely another shinobi is more suited to–”
She just got this position, and four out of the six months she’s been doing it have been this stupid audit. She doesn’t even have her feet under herself properly.
Tsunade eyes her levelly. “Learn to delegate,” she says. 
Several more floorboards crack when Sakura stomps out of her office ten minutes later.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
A Saving Grace
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Violence
Ever since she had arrived, there had been no complaints from her, even spending so much time around a group of men. Any time someone had asked something of her, it was a quick “Yes sir, I’ll get it done.” With no issue in her tone, and she did, in fact, get it all done with a degree one could only call perfection.
No one seemed to understand her though. She walked with an air of grace, a sun-bright smile lighting up her face, enthusiasm in her voice when she spoke. She kept everyone on the edge of their seats when she talked to them, attention rapt as if they looked away, they’d miss the world. And she was kind. Oh, so kind, and they knew when she played with the young children in the village, helped the elder women carry their laundry and baskets of food. The smile never left her face, the joy never left her voice, the grace never left her soul.
An Angel, they decided she was. The group’s mascot, a beautiful Angel with deadly precision and skill.
Quite a contrast from her call-sign she’d come in with.
Their mouths had dropped, eyes wide, disbelief written across their faces, what type of person, let alone a beautiful woman such as herself, would allow anyone to call her Whore. She hadn’t told them. Just that it was what she chose.
Despite going through the SEAL program, she had no real-world combat experience, only the training she’d received at SEAL boot-camp. Simon was inclined to not bring her along, but she insisted.
I won’t get in the way. I’ll provide backup and follow your lead, Lieutenant.
The compound erupted into chaos whenever the alarm sounded, and Simon had cursed their luck as bullets whizzed by. He shouted orders through the comms, go left, go right, stay center, open fire, suppressing fire.
She’d gone left, into a double open ended steel container that had been converted into a lookout. The shock from the carbine caused an ache in her shoulder but she paid it no mind, taking out enemies where she could see them, one even getting too close into Ghost’s blindside. He dropped five feet from the Lieutenant and the man’s head cocked up towards her, and even at this distance, she could see his eyes widen in what she registered as shock. He’d only ever called her by her rank, Ensign. Never regarded her with the term she gave herself. Call him a gentleman, but he knew better than to say something like that, even if it was her call-sign.
Whore! Left!
She turned too late; the carbine knocked from her grip by the man who had at least two heads on her. Her hands went to her sidearm but his were already winding around her throat, lifting her against the metal of the container, a choking gasp escaping what little room was left before all air cut off. The man’s eyes were wild, nothing there, but she saw herself in their reflection, a cornered and caged animal who’s only chance was fight. Rage welled inside her, not fear, only the red-hot, iron rage bubbled through the adrenaline, and she let her arms go slack, no longer digging her fingers into his hands, she gripped the K-Bar in its sheath, yanked it and sunk it into his neck. Those eyes went wide, the craziness of them disappearing in favor of shock before they hazed, and they both dropped.
Her lungs burned, eyes watering as she sucked in air, careful to avoid too much in the situation she needed to not be lightheaded. A noise came from the side, and she pulled her Eagle from its holster, pointing it towards the boot scuff and her eyes met Ghost’s.
Can you move?
Yes sir.
Scrambling, she grabbed her rifle, and nodded.
She sat on the bench, scratching at the sheet of paper, filling out the report that some of the squad had left behind, a promise to do it another time. A gentle clinking sounded next to her, and she looked over, watching as Ghost sat beside her, a glass in front of him, a bottle of Kentucky between them.
“Pour us a round, yeah?” he murmured, and she obliged, pouring each of them a decent amount; he watched as she picked her glass up first, taking a big sip but not swallowing for a few moments. His eyes met the darkened bruises on her neck. “Feel alright after today’s injuries?”
She swallowed and set the glass down. “Fine. Sergeant Mac—Uh, Soap, gave me some pain cream for them.” A small smile crossed her lips. “I had some in my pack, but I think he was trying to be kind and extend a branch, so who am I to turn it away.”
“Yeah, Soap’s good like that. Hard head, good heart.”
Her smile only grew wider, but it fell as she glanced up as he folded the balaclava above the bridge of his nose and took a sip of his bourbon. Ghost had a scar that started from the edge of his ear down to his lip, almost like someone had scratched him and torn his upper lip in two. The healing was mangled, something she recognized as self-stitching scars.
“Believe it or not, I got this from a cougar.”
She blinked, shock etching her features that turned into confusion then to thought and she quipped, “That’s why they say not to tease older women.”
For the first time since she’d met the Lieutenant, he snorted, a smile etching his features as he muttered, “Good one.”
“Where did it happen?”
“Took a trip to Brazil one day. My luck I ran into one in the wild.”
“Uh huh. Kinda surprised you survived that one.”
“I’m a hard man to kill.”
They fell into an easy silence, both sipping their liquors and she glanced down at the report she had been writing. “Everyone wants to know why, y’know.” She felt his eyes on her. “Why my call-sign is ‘Whore.’ No one knows me here, though I didn’t really expect a bunch of hardened soldiers to know the most prominent models of the times.”
Ghost watched her take her phone out, tap the screen a few times before she laid it down in front of him, allowing him to look over; what he saw surprised him.
Two Time Grand Winner of Miss Universe and Miss Earth Ditches Crown for a Uniform and Rifle As She Enlists In USN!
He took the device, scrolling down the article.
Winner and Model (Y/N) (L/N) (28) tossed her crown and dress aside for a uniform and rank earlier this year as she seemingly dropped from the existence in the runways and stages in May of last year. Little comment has been given from her family, though her tough and endearing, multi-billionaire father (F/N) (L/N) has stated this was not a plan she thought well through. When asked for a comment, a representative from the United States Navy declined, saying that Miss (Y/N) was a part of a greater force and her whereabouts would not be disclosed for her and team’s safety. So far, no one has managed to find where she is but perhaps one day, she’ll return to the spotlight and reclaim her crowns.
Ghost handed her back the phone, and now everything about her, her speech, her mannerisms, the way she carried herself, all made sense. They’d been interacting with a woman who’d grown up in the spotlight ever since she could walk.
No emotion came from her face as she spoke.
“When I was at SEAL training, one of the instructors kind of…took me under his wing. He eventually told me that his wife was a fan of the pageants and knew who I was when he’d mentioned me. Though she knew I couldn’t be coddled, she did ask for him to watch out for me.” She simply gazed at the table. “The others didn’t appreciate the small kindness his gave me at times, simple words of encouragement or a pat on the back. They nicknamed me the ‘The Captain’s Whore.’ I heard it from them, under their breaths as I walked by. But I paid it no mind. I’ve been called far worse from people I loved.”
She stood from the bench and poured herself a hefty amount of the Kentucky into her glass before walking towards one of the windows. “When we graduated, they asked us for call-signs. What did we want to be recognized as?” He saw a smile come across her face, a proud one. “Three guesses on what emotion they all felt when I chose ‘Whore’ as mine.”
Ghost watched her. “Why did you?”
“So they’d have to say it to my face and not behind me back,” she answered, matter-of-factly. “As damning of a word as that can be, I took it from them. I took the power they had in that word, and I made it mine. They’d have to call me something they thought would hurt me, but I saw it in their eyes every time they said it, that I had come out on top. And I did. I was the best in my class. I suspect that’s why Captain Price commissioned me for the 141.”
She turned, a sardonic almost pitied look in her eyes, and Ghost saw the drunken haze starting to crawl into them. “Ironically, I’ve never even had sex with anyone.” Downing the glass in one swig she set it on the windowsill and turned to stare out at the night, watching the few soldiers still outside moving equipment around. “I wasn’t scared today. This was my first real firefight, but I wasn’t scared. Not even when the enemy had me by the throat. I wasn’t afraid. I was angry. Enraged. There was no fear, only intense hatred, and belligerent rage.”
Her breathing calmed. “I should be horrified at myself. I killed people today. I took the lives of men and women who were husbands and wives, who had children and spouses, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles and cousins, and yet, I don’t feel sadness or regret. I did my job, I took out enemies who were trying to kill myself and my squad-mates. I fought to protect people I cared for. But no matter how righteous my actions were or for what saving grace they were, I should be in tears, and yet…I have none left.”
Ghost saw the reflection of her face in the glass, saw the same dead-eyed yet so filled with pain expression he saw when he looked at himself sometimes.
“He beat all of them out of me years ago,” she simply added, and said no more, silently picking up the glass and setting it back next to his. “I’ll take my leave for this evening, if that’s alright with you, Lieutenant.”
“Simon,” he murmured, and she met his gaze. “Call me Simon.” He stood from the table, gathering both glasses and the bottle in one hand and she had to crane her neck a little to meet his gaze. “And from now on, you’re call-sign is going to change. I’m not calling you something you’re not.”
“You can’t just change my call-sign, sir. That’s not how that works.” He paid it no mind but only stopped when heard, “Oh fine, what are you going to change my call-sign to?”
“Seraph. The highest of them all.”
“Wait, like the angels?” he nodded. “…Why?”
Simon glanced back at her and selfishly blamed the liquor loosening his lips as he murmured, “You. You’re a beautiful and fiercely protective woman with a burning devotion. Can’t think of a better fitting name than Seraph.”
Something flickered in her expression, an ache, a deep, deep ache he knew so well, and she simply dropped her gaze to the floor. “Thank you, Simon.”
“Get some rest, Ensign, we’ve a big day tomorrow.”
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Beyond the Fall***
Tech X F!Reader
word count: 6.8k
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*gif is mine so please credit if used.*
warnings: Spoilers for TBB Episode 9. Enemies to Lovers NSFW. Explicit Sexual Content, sex pollen, dub-con in both parties but also somewhat pretty aware, solo masturbation (reader), begging, swearing, slight mention of breeding kink, several positions, p in v, rough sex, creampie but reader mentions that she is protected. accidental confessions of true feelings I suppose. comfort at the end. Arguing at the start. Not proofread ngl.
When you take a tumble down a deep hole, you did not think for a second that Tech would dive in straight after you. With tensions on the high anyway, what fares when you both experience a certain aphrodisiac within the water.
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“Tell me, how exactly did you and Wrecker miss our ship being compromised?”
You watched in shocked awe as the Marauder, your home for going on the last eight months flying away without a crew member on board. Luckily, Wrecker answered Tech’s irritating question for you.
“Maybe if you hadn’t docked it out of view, we would have seen someone approaching.”
“Well, there was no other suitable landing zone, Wrecker.” Tech scolds.
“Yes there was,” you snapped at the goggled clone, eyes fuming with anger, “I suggested landing just on the ledge above and you said no.”
“The terrain was not suitable so I suggest you do not tell me where to dock my ship.”
You laughed mockingly at him, scoffing. “Your ship? How about next time you be the lookout then!”
“Perhaps I will.” He retorted, posture tense, “Although, the likelihood of getting the ship back is very slim.” His brown eyes are frowning at you from behind his helmet. His eyes always had that judging look when he looked your way which was enough to make your blood boil. 
But when you looked at Omega, your heart sank. The others may not have noticed but you didn’t miss the glistening of unshed tears in her eyes as the bunch of you argue. 
“Don’t worry Omega, it will be fine.” You reassure her softly, placing a hand to her shoulder.
Ever since Echo departed with Rex, the atmosphere had been tense. There was something about the man that had managed to keep the squad together, and with his departure, the cracks were starting to show. Nonetheless, this did not have a significant effect on your relationship with Tech, which had always been a bit unsteady.
“Other than the fact we have barely any food, shelter and mode of transportation, sure.” Tech interjects shortly before strutting off. You shot him an annoyed look before rolling your eyes. 
“Ignore him.” You tell her before the lot of you venture off to find any signs of life.
“What is your issue?”
With the Ipsium now gone, a rare and expensive mineral that you all came to this damned planet for, you find yourself trapped inside one of the vaults after the mineral exploded. So clearly, the mishap of the ship going missing was the start of the downfall.
His words were somewhat callous and lacked sympathy as he spoke down to Omega who was very frustrated and emotional, her young self looking to each and every one of you. Unfortunately, it was Tech who had to open his mouth.
You watched Omega leave, Hunter trying to get her to stay but after she insisted she wanted to be alone. As the team turned to Tech, you could sense their agitation and annoyance with his lack of empathy. You couldn't help but add your own thoughts to the mix, clapping slowly with a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
"Good job, Tech," you said, trying to make him understand the gravity of his words.
Tech, who had taken a seat on a boulder, was confused and looked over at you, frowning. "What did I say wrong?"
"You were stating the obvious," you voice with a grunt, grabbing your water canister and taking a gulp before saying, "but maybe you could've been a bit more empathetic."
“Would you rather me lie to her?” He counters, raising his brow as if to challenge you.
"It's not about lying, Tech. It's about understanding, especially in times like these." 
"I was simply using logic," Tech defended himself. "Telling her the truth is the best way to handle the situation."
You took a deep breath, trying to control your rising frustration. "It's not about just telling her the truth, Tech. It's about how you say it.” 
Although you did not particularly like Tech, nor did he seem to like you it seems, you felt a little bad that you had to discuss with him his lack of social skills and emotional response to certain situations. He had always been this way, down to his genetic programming but for someone so smart, he can’t see the bigger picture sometimes. “Can’t you see she is upset?”
“I am aware that Omega is frustrated at the present moment but that has nothing to do with me. Omega needs to be aware that these situations happen and one of us has to be the voice of reason and therefore, logical conversation is the best approach.” He holds his finger in the air, “I understand if this goes over your head.”
You gritted your teeth, trying to contain your anger but to no avail. "Will you stop being an arse to me? We're all in the same boat here, and I will not have you speak to me like that!" Your raised voice strained as you spoke. Never had you been so bitter towards someone in your life as of right now. Not only has he made matters worse with an already sensitive Omega, he blamed you for not seeing the ship being taken, he basically called you stupid to your face… you’re surprised steam was not coming out of your ears at this point.
You storm off for a few minutes to collect yourself and in the meantime, Hunter folds his arms and glares across at his brother. “Well that’s one way of telling her you like her.” 
Tech went to speak but no words came out, a little aghast at Hunter's insinuation. “I do not know what you’re talking about.” He mumbled a tad.
“Sure you don’t.” He unfolds his arms and begins to push away at some of the rocks. “Get back to work.”
Tech spots you from the corner of his eyes, your hands running over your face in presumed stress and just for a mere second, he is conflicting with his emotions.
The second you heard that Tech was off to find Omega, you don’t really know why Hunter and Wrecker suggested you go with him. Albeit, something in your gut was telling you to go along anyway, so you did.
Your heart was thumping with every step you took alongside him, the eeriness of the mine only adding to the palpable tension.
“Question, why do you think they wanted you to come with me?”
You’re surprised he’s making conversation but that wasn’t exactly unlikely of him. 
“I don’t know.” You grunt, not interested in talking to him at all at the moment. You also had a feeling it was so he didn’t upset Omega even more and to smooth things out but Hunter could sense how irate you got around Tech so this little mission together will be enlightening. 
When you nudged Tech and pointed towards Omega’s gear on the floor, you’re a little precarious to see her extracting the mineral that got them in this mess in the first place.
“Hey love, you doing alright?” You ask softly, peering through the small hole she had made to crawl through. When your heart landed on the large gaping hole beside her feet however you grew hot under your collar. 
“Fine.” She muttered, extracting the last bit from the section she was at. “What are you two doing here?”
"We came to see where you were, of course," you say softly, hoping to bring some comfort to her. That is until Tech decides to interject.
"And to find some Ipsium," he blurts out, causing you to shoot him a disapproving look. He quickly gets the message and coughs, trying to rectify the situation. "Which you are already cleverly extracting for us. Great job."
“No,” Omega mutters, pulling the drill away and finally looking up at you both, “why are you two here? Together? You hate one another.”
The pair of you froze. Even though it was clear that there was some kind of tension between the two of you, always bickering, hate was certainly a strong word. In fact, you knew what it was like to hate someone and you never felt it with Tech. You felt something, though you could not pinpoint what it was exactly.
Tech looks at you, gauging your reaction but he did not understand the look on your face. 
“Hate is not the word I would use.” You finally speak up, voice a little timid as Tech stood next to you. You didn’t want to add fuel to the already blazing fire between the pair of you, nor did you want to upset Omega any further. “We just have different thoughts about things.”
She blinks at you both before subtly rolling her eyes. “Whatever you say.”
You sighed, head slumped before moving out of the way to let Tech speak with her. 
Thankfully, Tech quickly changes the topic. “How much have you extracted?”
“Just this vial. Figured we could use it to blow ourselves out of here.” She holds it up to him, a little irritated that he didn’t take it from her grasp.
You stood back and watched the exchange and you can tell he is definitely trying to make it up to her. Although he is not apologising upfront nor discussing it, you figured his best approach is to forget it and move on.
When they both come up with an agreement, the tension slowly fading away between them, there’s one vial left but the extraction point looks just a little bit out of Omega’s reach.
“I’ll get that one if you want?” You suggest, not liking the way she was almost creeping over the edge of a large black hole.
Omega wants to finish the job herself but knows that you were probably better suited as you were taller. “Okay, I’m going to go back to the others then.” She wipes some sweat off her brow before swapping places with you.
Tech peers through the hole you just crawled in, tapping away at his datapad. “Are you aware of how this procedure goes?” He asks once Omega vacates the area. 
You reach down and grab the drill, looking to the final piece that was in a very precarious place. “Yep.” You reply shortly, trying not to get distracted.
“Do we really need this last one?” You mutter more to yourself but Tech had a keen ear.
“If we are to have extra, then not only can we escape this place but we will also be compensated for it.” He pushes his goggles up his nose. “So yes.”
It was no easy feat and several times you had to alter your position, crouching, leaning and every other position to make sure you’re safe but it didn't help at all when you had someone breathing down your neck.
“Are you nearly done?” You jump a little, turning around to see Tech staring at you with a bored expression. 
“I’m trying my best, Tech.” You sneer, turning back to the task at hand.
“You need to lean closer.” 
You groan in frustration and enthusiastically point to the gaping abyss. “Do you need your goggles cleaned or can you not see this hole? I’ll be done, when I’m done!” 
In a moment of weakness, you had reached across as prodded by Tech but just a tad overstepped, sending you over the edge.
“Tech!” You squeak, clawing onto the jagged rocks to hold yourself up, panic shooting through you as your feet scrambled to cling onto anything.
His eyes widen in horror and in a blink he is by your side, reaching across to you. “Take my hand.”
You take a breath and let go with one hand, reaching for him. But as your fingers brush against his, you’re not strong enough to hold on and fall into the abyss.
He screams your name, standing up and with no second thought, he jumps down after you. 
The water was tumultuous as you struggled to keep your head above the water. Your arms and legs are kicking, the energy you had slowly fading as you struggle against the current.
Then you heard your name.
“Tech!” You called out with a sob as the water thrashed over your face and partially down your throat.
He swam towards you as fast as he could, shouting your name as you cried out for help while your body crashed against the jagged rocks, your lungs filling with water.
But Tech soon caught up to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you both rode the current into the unknown. When you were suddenly confronted by a waterfall, you both cascaded over it, splashing into a peaceful pool.
You emerged from the water, gasping for air but began to panic when you didn't see your savior; Tech.
“Tech! Where are you?” You gasp, searching the water to see if he had been swept under 
but relief washes through you as he quickly emerged from the water moments later, gasping for breath and searching for you.
You both lock eyes, panting heavily before you start to swim for an embankment, crawling onto land. You’re coughing violently, some water pumping out of you as Tech collapsed onto his back, pulling his goggles back to wipe away the water droplets.
You lay staring at the rocky yet blue illuminated ceiling, catching back your breath as your wet clothes hung to your body. You sit up eventually, looking at the bright pool of blue you and Tech just got submerged in before glancing around. 
“It appears we have entered an underground aqueduct surrounded by plenty of Ipsium.” Tech acknowledges, sitting up and looking around too. “Not the best place for you to lure us into but not the worst.”
You processed his words and even now, he had the nerve to put the blame on you. “Are you saying this is my fault?” 
“Partly, yes.” He replies nonchalantly.
You scoff, standing up and moving away from him. “I can’t believe you. Are you really doing this? Now?”
He watches you move and stands too but remains where he was. “Simply stating facts.”
You look at him in disbelief, running a hand through your sopping wet hair. “Did I ask you to jump down with me?”
He shifts, suddenly feeling a little warm under the collar. “Well no but-.”
“And was I the one to initially upset Omega?”
“It can be argued we all had a part in that-.”
“Was it you who allowed me to get the last bit of Ipsium?” You bombard him with questions, all of it leading up to now. “Was it you who told me to lean in closer?”
His jaw clenched, fists tightening. “If you and Wrecker had not let our ship get stolen, we wouldn’t be here at all.”
“I told you to dock it somewhere else! In view!” You shout, voice booming around the small hidden cave. 
“And why would I rely on anything you have to say to me? You have not an ounce of my intelligence nor knowledge of planets. You do not know how to drive a ship, let alone instruct the pilot where it should land.” He rants, eyes trained on you, both of your breathing hard and heavy, tension so thick it felt like nothing could cut it. “Know your place in this squad.” 
His words hurt. A lot. No matter how much you bickered he had never said anything so belittling to you. Stress is evident on both of your faces given the situation but to hear how he supposedly felt about you was difficult to swallow. “I… you’re impossible.” You whisper but he still hears it. 
The second he heard you sniffle, he wanted to instantly narrow it down that you instantly got a cold from the water but as you aggressively wiped away a tear and stormed off, he knew he took it too far. Does he chase after you? No. He figured you wanted to be left alone just like he learnt with Omega. So in the meantime, he tried to contact the others.
You sat on the other side of the cave, your knees hugged to your chest as you just sat and hoped that Tech could summon a message to the others. In the meantime as you sat, you tried to ignore the odd pulse circulating under the skin of your palms. But, it started getting progressive and a wave of scorching heat flushed your body.
A whimper parts your lips and you begin to quickly strip the gear from your body and throw it around you carelessly. “Why’s it so fucking hot in here?” You gasp to yourself, tugging on the high collar of your body glove.
“I too am suddenly feeling quite feverish.” Tech’s voice sounded next to you making you jolt. As you look up at him, your eyes drank in his tall, slender figure. You swallow the saliva that started to pool in your throat, pushing the clouded thoughts to the back of your mind. 
“Did you get contact with the others?” You rasp, moving yourself onto your knees, staring down at the water as you try and steady your breathing that suddenly becomes ragged and scratched at your throat. 
Tech shakes his head and quietly sits beside you, unconsciously tugging at his now soaked clothes as he feels as though he’s been dipped in lava. “No, I can’t get a clear signal.” He says steadily, blinking quickly as sweat starts to seep into his goggles and blur his vision. 
You could almost moan in despair but the only whimper that parted through your lips was one of searing pleasure.
“T-Tech, do you feel… different?” You whisper, looking up at him through hooded eyes.
Tech looks back down at you, pulling his goggles up onto his head to swipe the dripping of sweat from his eyes and he almost gasps at the sight of you. 
Your lips looked full, parted and wanting. Your skin glowed with a distinctive hue that he couldn’t quite put his finger on but as he stands above you, seeing you on your knees a wave of pleasure shoots straight to his cock. He closes his eyes, tight. Mentally trying to snap him out of this precarious situation and then an idea popped into his head. 
His hands, now shaking and pulsing under his gloves reach to one of his many sections of his utility belt before pulling out a single vial, and swiping up the water the pair of you plummeted in. 
You chew on the inside of your cheek. Hard. So hard you think you think you could have drawn blood but it’s nothing compared to the bite at the center of your core as your heart races with nothing but desire. You needed to touch yourself. 
“Oh dear,” he finally says.
“What is it?”
Tech slumps against one of the boulders that surrounded the cave, a mixture of different emotions flushing through him. Confusion, worry and a whole lot of desire. “The water… it appears to be polluted which is why we are reacting to it.”
“You want to narrow that down?” You groan, falling onto your back as your fingers deep into the rough texture of sand beneath your body to refrain yourself from reaching down and begin to relieve this brewing sensation. 
Tech's eyes that were trying so hard to stare at the datapad in his hand only start to move to longing gaze at you, watching you physically writhe on the floor as a mixture of whines and moans erupt from your mouth. “It’s polluted with,” he gulps, trying to now ignore how physically aching it was to feel his length pressed against his pants, “aphrodisiacs.”
The word itself made you mewl and although you should feel panicked and alarmed, the burning feeling between your legs followed by the throbbing pulse all over your body was taking over instead. “W-what do we do?” 
Not knowing what he was doing, his hand lowers to his crotch and stars to slowly palm himself at the sight of you tugging and tearing at your bodysuit to rip it from your body. The moment of weakness stops and he quickly snaps out of what he’s doing and diverts his gaze and body away from you. “To erase the side effects you will need to masturbate in order to form the release. An o-orgasm,” he grunts, gripping onto the boulder as the word makes his cock twitch, “is the only way to stimulate. I will leave you alone to engage in this process.” 
The second Tech moves away to the other side of the cave to take care of himself, you have pulled yourself out of your body glove and began the impulse of pleasuring yourself.
Your hand flushed down your thigh and then to your bare sex, pressing two fingers harshly down against your clit that had you wailing out in ecstasy. “Oh f-f-fuck!” Your whole body arches in response to the touch to your bud, circling motions rapidly as you beg for the quick release that is brewing. 
Your moans and swears echo around the cave, deafening out the noise of the waterfall that poured down. But it’s not enough.
Frantically, your fingers move to your sopping  wet entrance, curling inside of you and rubbing back and forth as your opposite hand now rubs furiously at your clit. Although your body spasms, the burning that felt like your body was aflame with sexual desire would not fade. Moans become erratic, it isn’t long until you’re begging for your own release as you writhe pathetically on the ground. 
Then, you said his name. The one person who you knew could push you over the edge. “Teeeeeech,” you call his name. Wanting. Needing.
Within the space of maybe ten seconds, a shadow looms over your sweating and spasming body and as your eyes open, you melt to see Tech in the nude, pumping his cock that was glistening in precum.
“You look so wonderful like that,” he purrs, licking his lips as he stands over you and strokes his cock in frantic motions. “I knew it wouldn’t be long until you would be begging for me.”
“P-please Tech,” you grit, fingers going completely numb with the constant strumming against your clit, “it’s too much, I need you.”
The second your back arches, Tech falls to his knees beside you and slings an arm around your back. He’s swift in his movements and he’s uttering the most indiscreet filth he could before diving his fingers straight into your core without a second thought.
His fingers hook inside you, pulsing all the while expertly have his thumb rubbing at your bud. 
“Oh my stars! Tech, please don’t stop, please make this burning go away.” You beg him, writhing under his touch as his hand rocks against you, sending you into a flurry of loud groans. 
“That’s it darling, take my fingers. Maker, you’re sublime and a little begging mess for me. Glorious.” Tech grunts as his hand starts to spasm, his pace relentless and despite wanting you to cum all over his fingers so he could taste you, he didn’t expect for a second for your hand to come down and grab at his cock and balls.
Your hands look small in comparison to his length, his skin hot to the touch that felt like silk. With your touch alone, it has him bucking his hips as you both mutually pleasure one another. “You’ve got such a pretty cock, Tech,” you whimper, looking down at his member that twitched in your hands both somewhat aware and non aware of the lewd words that pour from your lips. 
“And you’ve got the most perfect little pussy that needs pleasuring. And am I doing that?” Tech locks eyes with you, dark and filled with an unspoken need. “Am I pleasuring you enough?”
“Yes! Fuck yes, you are. I think I’m going to cum soon.” You tremble and in your heart, you didn’t want him to stop the incessant rampage of his fingers against your cunt. 
As you pump along his throbbing cock, Tech feels himself start to edge closer and close to his release. He’s whimpering, a sound you never thought you’d be blessed of hearing but there’s something about him that makes you tingle. His eyes trail down from your face to your breast, mouth salivating at the thought of ramming his cock between the perfect mounds.
“Kiss them, please.” You had caught his leering and without a second thought he bends down and latches his lips to your stiff peaks, tongue licking aggressively against the sensitive skin. 
Your legs begin to shake, the touch of his hands agaisnt you, the feeling of his tongue licking feverishly against you followed by the gesture of you wanking caused your body to shoot, making you wail as you hit your climax. 
Tech follows soon after, his hot ribbon seeping over your fist as he his hips stutter.
You let out a longing gasp, elbows shaking as you prop yourself up to see Tech’s glistening fingers pull out of your body lewdly. 
The silence was ringing and for a moment, you didn’t dare look to Tech. Your heart race is the realisation of what just took place began to hit but not as quick as another jolt of pulsations straight to your clit once again.
“Tech,” you rasp out and consciously grip onto his wrist, shaking, “I’m sorry but-.”
“I’m aware.” Tech whispers and as you finally meet his gaze, you look down and see that his cock was already hard and twitching for your touch. 
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” you manage out before the aphrodisiac overpowers you once again.
Tech nods quickly in understanding and in the faintest of touches, he cups your cheek, “I know.” 
Quicker than before, the wave of desire washed over you both and simultaneously you both lean in, lips slanting over one another as his tongue plunged straight into your mouth. Both of you fought against each other, thick muscles that spent so much time bickering at another now dancing in a fiery passion. 
He’s crawling on top of you now, his cock sliding against your thigh and stomach as you maintain this intense make out session but it was going on for too long. You just couldn’t bear another second without his cock inside of you.
 “Fuck me,” you plead, “I need you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk for a week. I want you to ram your cock so deep inside me, please.” You moan against his lips, words of filth that were almost unholy to hear that made Tech let out a guttural snarl as he pulled away from your lips and quickly positioned himself between your now spread legs.
His tip presses to his entrance but he’s not shy in letting his hands roam your body, tweaking your nipples before resting them on your hips. “Maker, you do look breedable.”
In one quick motion, he’s breached your entrance in a swift motion, buried inside you.
“STARS! TECH!” Your cries in delight boom around the cave, your body beautifully glowing from the pool of water beside you both as he almost bottoms out ontop of you. 
“K-Kriff,” he stutters, feeling your walls clench around him like a vice, the burning through his veins temporarily subsiding before absolutely rocking his cock in and out of you like a man desperate for air.
His hands clasp at your waist, fingers biting down into your flesh as your body shoves down against the ground with every resounding thrust he gives you. “Could fuck this little pussy all night if I have to,” he grunts through gritted teeth, eyes dark.
If you weren’t intoxicated by this sensation you would be in complete shock at his words, but instead you let his words carve into your mind as his hips rock back and forth all the while your gazes are locked on another. 
In a moment of weakness, his hand moved from your hip and over your breast, caressing the soft mound with his fingers as a devilish smirk plasters his face. “I’ve always imagined your breasts to be divine to touch. So wonderful to know I was correct.” He sings, admiring you from above.
“They’re all yours Tech,” you submit to him, eyes heavy, “you can have me whenever, wherever. Just please don’t stop.”
A noise emits from him and you gasp as he manages to flip you so you're now on your front, forced to your hands and knees before he starts to take you from behind, spanking your cheeks with his thighs with every hard thrust. “You shouldn’t have said that mesh’la, can you not understand that I have wanted to fuck you for so, so long? Having to, ugh fuck-.” He pauses his unfiltered words, in awe of how pretty you looked arched downwards as he seethes his aching cock into you, “having to watch you all day everyday and never being able to express my desires.”
Again, your mind is too boggled to completely comprehend the seriousness of his words. Your cries of pleasure strain in your throat and your eyes burn with desire as Tech’s hands grip to your lower back, pushing you down to the ground as he hits you with wanting thrusts. 
“You’re fucking me so good Tech. Why haven’t we done this sooner?” 
Tech’s low chuckle does something to you as your words did to him, “Next time instead of fighting, we should just fuck. Or maybe, if you want me to submit,” Tech breathes through each thrust, seeing himself pull his cock out that’s now glistening with your juices, “be a whore and suck my cock. You obviously like it, don’t you?”
“Y-yes! Yes I love your cock! It feels so good in my pussy. Bet it’s even better between my lips.” You entice, looking over your shoulder at him which sparked something wild in him.
He pulls out despite being spurred on, leaving you almost begging for him. But this time you’re being pulled into his lap, tongues already dancing against each other the moment your lips meet as you seethe onto his thick length. 
“You may think my cock would be better between your lips, but I have never felt anything better than it being inside you.” He whispers to your lips, almost a glimmer of reality snapping back to you both as his words weren’t exactly driven by the intoxins - rather something else.
You’re smirking against his mouth and that’s when the desperation of needing to be fucked hard again, boils. As you begin to move your hips, frantically back and forth and rocking against his cock, his eyes shoot wide open and he’s whimpering tirelessly in front of you.
“That’s it, that’s my girl! What an edacious creature you are. Riding my cock like a good slut. Can’t get enough, can you?” He is holding onto your waist, fingers biting against the flesh once more as you tilt your head back, rhythm changing from back and forth to up and down. Your tits are bouncing in his face that he wasted no time in burying his face into the mounds, kissing and sucking against your skin.
 He had lost his sense of self completely now and was driving in pure instinct alone that when his tongue slid over one of your nipples, you gasped in approval. With your hands coming up and wrapping around his neck, your breathing is ragged and exacerbated whilst he uses you.
“You like it when I ride your cock, Tech? Huh? You love my pussy don’t you? Maker, could sit on your cock all day and never get enough.” Words of filth ooze out your mouth ease, making Tech react to your words with wanton moans.
Tech’s lips glaze over your beasts, leaving marks of today's antics as a reminder all the while claiming you. “Don’t stop darling, don’t you dare stop until you have milked every last drop of my seed until it seeps out of your little hole.”
You’re wet, warm, and velvet soft around Tech’s cock, taking him to the base with greed. He picks up a rhythm, matching yours as rocking his hips up and into you steadily as the blue shine of the cave reflects on your naked and sweating bodies. 
Minutes that felt like both hours and seconds passed, Tech pounding you at such a rapid pace that you were confident your pussy was getting warmer. Skin prickling with tingles, you knew you were about to cum. 
“Tech! Oh fuck, Tech I think I’m close to cumming! Make me cum! Please make me yours with your cum.” As you finished your thoughts, you cried out with joy, your entire body feeling like it was lighter than air while simultaneously being filled with every possible positive sensation it could possibly handle. Your mind lost all semblance of where you were, what had happened to you and what had gotten you to this point, instead focusing solely on Tech beneath you, still diligently pounding himself into you like he was sex starved. 
As your mind slowly returns to reality and your breathing catches up with your body's senses, you’re aware of what was happening. Especially as you felt him still pounding into you. Tech was whining, grunting and groaning as he maintained smashing into you rapidly, and you could tell by the way he breathed and his determination that he must be close to climax. 
Suddenly, he groans out your name. Shouting it so loud that it wouldn’t surprise you if the others had heard his cries from above. You could feel him driving himself as deep as he could go. A gasp emits from your lips as the burning that once was scorching your body from the water was replaced with the warm feeling of him filling you up with more cum than before.
Your lips part, words strangled in your throat as you felt his warm cum stuffing you while you guiltily enjoy the sensation. In fact, you could have sworn he was filling you to the point that you thought you may have had a second, smaller orgasm as he began his. Tech grunts with exertion as he finally finishes, his head flopping forward to rest against your shoulder, tiredly.
“Tech,” you whisper after what seemed like forever, hand gently resting on his shoulder to bring his head back to meet his gaze.
As the pair of you locked eyes, it clicked instantly what just happened. How one second you were arguing and then the next… Similar to you, his lips parts but this time he is speechless. 
A wave of new emotions flooded over him, none of which he understood or could process. Though the more you looked into his eyes, the more you understood that jittering feeling in your stomach. But now was probably not the time to look into it.
Eventually, Tech carefully removed you from his lap and you had to hold your breath about how lewd it was feeling his now softening length pulling out of you. 
He is silent when he collects his gear, slipping the damp clothing back on his body meanwhile you do the same. 
He glances over his shoulder at you and a wave of worry hits him when he notices grazing over your back. 
“Did I hurt you?”
Pausing, you quietly turn to look at him and see him gesture to your back. Awkwardly you glance down and audibly wince at the markings. But, from what you were aware, he wasn’t the cause of it. “No. It would’ve been from when I fell.”
“I see. When we head back to the ship I will gather supplies to help you clean it up.” He is fumbling around with his belongings, trying everything in his power to ignore what just happened but a pressing matter infiltrated his mind. “Speaking of supplies, we will need to head into the nearest village to locate any means of contraceptive-.”
“I’m on the pill, Tech.” You sigh, running a hand through your damp hair as you finish getting dressed before plopping yourself back on the sand, pulling your knees to your chest. 
Tech looks down from over his datapad at you, unsure how to approach this. But after taking a deep breath, he silently sits beside you, both of you gazing into the water that did unspeakable things to you both.
“I am unsure what to say to set your mind at ease.” He starts, trepidation on his words. “Though I can imagine it is hard for you to also summarize how you’re feeling about his moment.”
You close your eyes, hoping that burning behind your eyes would subside because although he had seen you, all of you, you weren’t ready to let him see your tears. “You don’t have to say anything,”
Tech looks in your direction, eyes drinking in your features. “I… I am sorry.”
“What for? You did what you had to to help me.” 
“I’m aware, but I am not apologising for that.” Your eyes open and a flurry of confusion crosses your face. 
You turn your head to look at him, shocked a little to see him already looking back. “Then, what are you sorry for?”
A sigh parts his lips. “I am sorry for all the times I have been hard on you. I am also apologising for what I said previously about you having to know ‘your place in this squad’.” Your mind is reeling and all you can do is let him continue. “It has come to my attention, for a long time now, that you are a valuable asset. My behavior towards you is unwarranted.”
“But,” you lick your lower lip idly, not quite processing what he was saying, “I thought you hated me?”
“Hate is a strong word. And as we discussed with Omega before, I do not hate you. Differing ideologies is all.” He breathes out shakily, feeling a minimal weight leave his shoulders. 
“So why are you hard on me?”
He rubs the back of his neck, a little unsure on how to answer. So often he had been judged for his blunt responses and now, he was finding it difficult to be honest. But, if the two of you were to never make it out of here - he may as well lay it all on the line.
“There is no denying that I struggle with emotions and how I reciprocate certain feelings from others. Truthfully, there is something about you that I find both irritating yet fascinating.”
He sneaks a glance at you as he speaks and he expected you to appear annoyed but instead, you appeared quite intrigued. Subtly, you nod your head to continue. “What I am trying to say is that I have a rooted attraction to you and feel as though pushing you away would help. But, it does not seem to be working.”
As you try to let his words sink in, you couldn’t help the feeling of your heart seeming to somewhat flutter at his admittance. All this time… he liked you? Truthfully your mind was still a little hazy to take it all in but there was now a burning question in the back of your mind. “Did you mean anything you said?”
“Indicating to what?” Tech asked gently though he had an inkling as to what you were referring to.
“You know…” you say shyly, cheeks emitting a certain heat.
He chews on the inside of his cheek, fully aware of what filth had poured from his lips only minutes ago. “From what I gather from aphrodisiacs is that it sends even the most sane people wild. All in all, a lot of truths are or have been told when under the influence.”
With a shaken breath, you close your eyes. “So it’s true that you’ve always wanted to fuck me? That’s what you said.”
“Yes. Yes, that is true.” 
Oddly enough, you’re okay with this information. Although you can’t say you have felt the same but in the back of your mind, you still remember the sight of him above you and remembered word for word everything he said. 
“I hope you do not think I have taken advantage of you - that would never, ever be the case. If I could have thought of a different solution then of course, I would have. There could be many anecdotes but-.”
“Tech.” You cut him off softly, clearly your silence was playing on his mind. You tilt your head to hom and offer him the softest smile he had ever been blessed to receive from you. “Thank you for saving me.” 
A gasp echoes through the cave as you gently lace your fingers through his, a gentle squeeze that speaks a thousand words. 
You weren’t too sure what was going to happen from now on. Would the others ever find you? What was to become of yours and Tech’s relationship? All you know is that if you were to fall into a cave filled with water with dangerous toxins with anybody - you’re somewhat glad it was Tech. 
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Tags and those who wanted to be tagged will be tagged in a sep post because tag limit and shite: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart t @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @rintheemolion @seriowan @agenteliix @kaminocasey @the-good-shittt @photogirl894 @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp
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skellymom · 4 months
Hey Skelly
You're taking requests? Oh I'd love to ask for one.
Could you please do a one-shot involving a reader and Hunter after Omega gets seriously injured on a mission (Bad enough to wind up in a Bacta Pod) and the reader has to comfort and reassure Hunter that Omega will be OK?
tysm, GenericFicer Hugs
@genericficerblog NICE! Another ASK!!! Thank you!
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The Bad Batch Hunter x Reader One Shot
Per more information (not included on this particular message):
So the reader is a male battle medic. It's all platonic The reader was a medic on Kamino. He had taken care of Omega after particularly bad tests (She has the scars to prove it) and he's protective of Omega because of her past with the Kaminoans
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Star Wars canon violence, angst, swearing, explosion, physical injuries, coma, mention of human experimentation by the Kaminoans.
I was tasked to hang back with Omega and Tech on board the Marauder. Hunter EXPRESSLY ordered us to stay put. His thinking was to only bring the members necessary for the job: Hunter at the head of the group, Echo next to him and to share logistics on comm with Tech, Wrecker as the “heavy”, and Crosshair as lookout/cover fire. 
The job was technically low risk...but Hunter started having those “feelings” of his just before landing at our target.  
Omega protested when he told her to stay on the ship. She had been looking forward to going on a mission for awhile. Many a time she stayed behind on Pabu with Shep and Lyana. Since her rescue from Tantiss, Hunter was dead set against her going on any dangerous missions. 
Hunter’s words were “You’ll have plenty of time to fight with the Rebellion in the future. Won’t stay young forever.” 
She bristled at those words. Then forgave him immediately after. 
They LOVE each other so much! 
But ever the doting dad, Hunter relented this time. She had eventually wore him down. 
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Oh...getting ahead of myself...who am I? 
Hello. I’m Y/N. The Squad Formerly Known as Clone Force 99’s Medic/Backup Heavy/Or Whatever They Need Me For. I can patch up just about ANYTHING with the bare minimum of supplies. Sometimes my methods are unorthodox, per Tech’s opinion, but effective.  It’s saved our butts a few times. So, they let me come along on every mission. 
Plus, having known and taken care of Omega while on Kamino helped. 
And the fact that Crosshair took a liking to me immediately sealed the deal. We both speak fluent sarcasm. 
But...back to the mission... 
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“What’s taking SO LONG?” Omega fidgeted in her seat. 
“My guess it is due to Hunter detecting an anomaly, they are taking their time.”  
Tech and I were attempting to play a few rounds of Sebacc. I’m HORRIBLE at it. He thinks he can help me improve my game. I’m struggling currently. 
“Safety first. No need to rush into trouble...especially since we seem to find it easily enough.” I threw down my cards. 
Tech glanced at them and frowned.  
“I totally messed up that hand too, huh?” 
“Well, it’s not a strategy I would have used...” Tech trailed off. 
“You’re being too nice.” 
“Shall I explain in detail the best plan of action for this hand?” 
“Can’t stop you. Just infodump me anyways. Maybe I’ll retain SOMETHING this time.” I LOVE to tease Tech. It was difficult in the beginning. Most of it just went over his head. 
This time, he just grinned at my cheekiness and launched into it. 
Omega continued to fidget in her seat behind us. 
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“...and THAT is why you should have held onto those cards until the end.” Tech finally finished his tutorial. 
“I... THINK I got all that? My brain hurts now. How ‘bout I switch with Omega.” 
“That will be sufficient.” Tech looks up and glances behind me. 
Then his face froze. 
I quickly swung around to see Omega missing from her seat. 
“OMEGA???” I called through the ship.  
“Oh SHIT!” 
“INDEED!” Tech immediately radioed Hunter that Omega slipped out of the Marauder and is probably enroute to them. 
I grabbed my med pack and ran out of the Marauder before he could stop me. 
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Omega used to sneak away A LOT on our previous missions. Probably one of many reasons why he wanted to keep her back on Pabu until she matured a bit more. Of course, he feels guilty...the Kaminoan’s keeping her locked up in their home world. He didn’t want to clip her wings.  
“TOLD YOU to stay on the ship!” Hunter’s voice fills my ear comm. 
“I can’t just assume that Omega finds you somehow and is safe.” 
“Don’t need ANOTHER person in danger. Go back to the ship.” 
“Well...is Omega with you?” 
“She SHOULD have been by now...AND I’m NOT going back.” 
Hunter’s tired sigh. “Well, then... 
He never finished his sentence. 
A flash of intense light... 
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I awoke thirty feet away from where I was standing. On my back. 
My head hurts...all I can hear is high pitched whine in both ears. 
Sit up dazed and look around at EVERYTHING obliterated and on fire. 
Torn remains of whatever was left of the trees and outbuilding I was near... 
...two small legs sticking out from under smoldering wreckage. 
I lurch up to my feet and limp over. Grab the unidentifiable thing crushing Omega and try to pull it off her. 
It’s not budging. I frantically keep trying. There's NOTHING else in this world except me and this huge THING on top of her that I cannot seem to move. 
Sweating, my hands are raw, my eyes are wet, there is blood dripping down my face... 
Is it lacerated? Could it be my eardrums are ruptured? I don’t know.  
Push, pull, kick... 
Then the wreckage flew off her like it weighed nothing at all. 
Wrecker is next to me. He freed Omega and put a hand on my shoulder. Hunter grabs her up. Echo is trying to speak to me. 
But I can’t hear anything at all. Just that damned whining in my ears.  
I can lip read though... 
He’s telling me to get back to the ship. 
Echo runs ahead with Hunter.  
Crosshair grabs my arm, dragging me along. He looks extremely worried. 
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Whatever happened or if we even achieved our objective, I don’t know. 
Hunter sets Omega down on a bunk. He’s beside himself emotionally.  
I can feel the Marauder take off world.  
My hearing is still impaired, but the whining is less pronounced. 
I gently nudge Hunter aside and open my med kit. Pull out the bacta...but it won’t be enough... 
...she needs a tank. Her burns and lacerations are too numerous and severe. Still breathing and regular heartbeat, but unconscious.  
I am doing the best I can with what supplies are on hand. Putting her prognosis out of my head for the time being. 
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We make a pit stop at a Rebel Base on a hidden moon. One with an extensive medical facility.  
Echo radioed ahead. As soon as Tech lands, the staff enters the ship and whisks Omega away. Hunter and Wrecker run after them. Echo runs in another direction...I’m assuming to report his intel to the Rebels. 
I stand at the bottom of the gangplank and watch them leave.  
Tech stares at me strangely.  
I shrug...and a horrible twinge of pain erupts from my upper back. My face feels sore too. 
Crosshair mumbles something. 
“WHAT???” I must be screaming but can’t hear anything. 
He mouths “your back” and points.  
I try to reach behind me to feel it.  
Tech grabs my hand and nods “no”. 
They both immediately took me to medbay. 
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I’m treated for multiple facial lacerations, on top of first-degree burns. Missing some of my eyebrows. And, like I guessed bilaterial ruptured eardrums. 
Oh...and the kicker: A 12-inch piece of metal sticking out of my back. Had NO idea it was there.  
Adrenaline is a HELL of a hormone. 
Tech left to confer with Echo over intel and our next move. 
Crosshair stayed with me during the surgical removal of the metal. I demanded to be awake and requested a mirror to watch the whole procedure. 
The doctors were horrified but complied with my request. 
Crosshair held the mirror. He also asked to keep the metal once removed...to frame and hang up back on Pabu. 
“You're NOT like the other kids.” I quip. 
“Neither are you.” he winks. 
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They won’t let me walk out of medbay. It’s the sedatives and painkillers, of course. I wouldn’t let me walk, either.  
Crosshair pushes me in a hover chair. We head over to the bacta tanks to check on Omega. 
She’s stripped down to a medical binder and med panties. Tubes to feed, breath, and eliminate. Floating in the tank, the extent of her injuries is very apparent: Second degree burns, multiple lacerations, a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and a head injury. Her hair had been clippered off entirely for cleanliness and most of it was charred.  
Omega was also put in a medically induced coma to aide her recovery. 
Hunter, sitting in a chair, has his arms around the bacta tank. He’s basically hugging it with his forehead resting snugly against the glass. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go. Blame myself.” He mumbles. 
Wrecker puts a hand on his back for comfort. “She’ll be ok Hunter. They said we got her here in time.”   
Then he looks shocked when he sees my face. 
“OH MY MAKER! Where are your EYEBROWS?” 
Still can’t hear very well, but I can DEFINITELY lip-read Wrecker. 
“Look what medical pulled out of him!” Crosshair proudly dangles a clear plastic bag containing the metal shard. 
Wrecker is transfixed. 
Hunter is devastated. “I MISSED that??? Didn’t even register you were injured...looked right at you...” 
Like a man lost and questioning EVERYTHING. His focus had been solely on Omega. 
“Aw...they couldn’t kill me. Don’t think I’ll be attracting any ladies with my perpetually surprised look though.” Trying to lighten the mood. 
“You can’t hear ANYTHING, can you?” Crosshair looks me in the eye. 
“You’re so LOUD.”  
“You should talk, Wrecker.” Crosshair sneered. 
“That’s how I know!” Wrecker rolled his eyes at his brother. 
Hunter looked even more guilty, hanging his head. 
“Hey guys...” 
Wrecker and Crosshair stopped whinging at each other. 
“Can I have some time alone with Hunter?” 
They both nodded and wandered off to find Echo and Tech. 
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I nudge the chair over closer to Hunter and look at Omega through the glass. 
She’s so tiny in that big tank. So beat up and bruised. The lighting in the tank leaves NOTHING hidden. Even the old scars from her time on Kamino. The “experiments” according to the Kaminoans. Things they did to her before her brothers took her away.  
Things she never really spoke about with even Hunter. 
Things I only know about since working so closely at the facility on Kamino. A little girl who needed someone to comfort her. This was before her brothers were ever aware of her presence. 
“Her prognosis is very good, yes?” I broke the ice. 
“The docs say she’ll have to spend close to the next month in this tank.” Hunter’s voice cracked. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“I knew better! Why is it SO HARD for me to say no to her???” 
“Because you love her. You know she’s strong. You also know she’s still a child. If it makes you feel better, she snuck out ALL the time on Kamino. The Kaminoan’s would ask me to go look for her constantly.” 
“More of an argument to have left her on Pabu.” 
“You REALLY want to be at fault, huh?” 
“I’m responsible for...” 
I cut him off. 
“YOU CAN’T CONTROL EVERYTHING, HUNTER!” I winced. Moving too much with my exasperation. The sutures on my back were straining...and wet. 
Hunter stood up, glancing at my back. He could smell it. 
“Strike through?” I asked. 
“Yeah...just a little blood. You need to lie down and rest.” 
“That’s gonna be hard. Not supposed to lay on my back...and my face isn’t going to feel great against the pillow. How about I just stay sitting in this chair with you?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to leave her alone while she’s in this tube.” 
"Thank you. Honestly...I should say that more often. Y/N...you've really saved our butts a lot of times...I'm grateful to have you in our squad...family." Hunter cracked a small smile.
"Of course! Man...you are MY PEOPLE!" I beamed back. They really are. I'd go to the ends of the universe for every one of them!!!
Hunter's smile was so warm and genuine. But it lasted very briefly. His face became pensive again.
He was silent for a while...thinking. 
“Technically she’s asleep? Is that what a coma is like?” Hunter asked. 
“Kind of. The doctors are monitoring ALL her vitals constantly. And if anything is off, they can immediately see to her needs. Besides, the coma is just for the next 24-48 hours due to her head injury.”  
“I see.” 
“She’ll come through this. You clones were made to withstand a LOT of physical trauma. Stuff that would kill a regular human.” I added. 
“It’s not necessarily the physical stuff I’m worried about.” Hunter motions to the faint old scars on Omega’s body. “When she does wake up...she told me she has fears about being in a tube like an experiment.” 
“Tell her she has nothing to fear.” 
Hunter looks at me strangely. 
“People in a coma can still hear. Talk to her, Hunter.” 
He nods. Then directs his voice to the speaker on the bacta tube. 
I sit back and relax in the chair, watching this man...a brother, a parental figure speak to his child. 
He’s doing the best he can with what he has. 
We are all doing the best we can... 
...hanging on with HOPE. 
It’s the only thing holding the galaxy together right now... 
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IF YOU WISH TO BE ADDED OR DROPPED FROM MY TAG LIST, PLEASE MESSAGE ME! Don't just comment as I might miss it. Thanks!!! <3
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
17 with Jake
25 with ransom
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Jake Jensen x ops!reader: a kiss to distract. (Ransom will be posted separately.)
No warnings except Jake is a dumbass... Cute divider by @cafekitsune and I hope you enjoy! This is one of my Valentine's Fics for 2024. (Ransom will be in a separate post, btw.) WC 738
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"Under no circumstances are you to zipline that damn thing, Jensen. You hear me?” Clay bellows over your comms. The whole squad can hear their friend’s stupid thoughts from hundreds of yards away.
Jake simply bounces his shoulders next to you on the skyscraper roof, an awkward grimace stretched across his face instead of a smile.
The cool, intense winds this high up swirl around while you watch your targets become smaller and smaller, taking the only hardware down the wire with them.
You and Jake burst through the access door, raced over to grasp at the jumpers, and missed by mere inches.
So your partner thinks on his feet. It’s very dangerous.
"Yeah, well, I don't see you guys having a better idea."
Your disbelief is palpable, as you loudly mutter, "permission to shoot him, boss?"
Then there's an explosion of noise in your ear.
"GODDAMNIT, JUST DON’T—“ "You idiot!" "Ten bucks says he goes splat.”
"No one bets on Pancake Jensen, okay?" You flash the bird toward the other rooftop where Cougar watches through binoculars.
Pooch scoffs. "Noob's no fun."
Jake is already ripping his belt from his jeans to use as a trolley.
Roque sighs. It’s so characteristic, he doesn’t even have to speak.
“Maybe no bets," Cougar chuckles, "but he's already playing strip poker."
"Jake, stop." You have to grip his hands to get his attention.
He's squinting at you in disbelief. "But they're getting away..."
"Yeah, and once they reach the bottom, that line'll get cut while you're still on it." He shifts so you have to step in front of him again and push at his t-shirt clad chest. "You cannot stick that landing."
"No hero landing?" Jake frowns.
You shake your head.
The group starts to throw out other options over the channel, and while you pay attention to that, your gaze wanders back to Cougar’s perch.
Jake sneaks past your grasp.
It’s only when the lookout starts shouting “woah, woah, woah,” that you realize Jensen’s about to toss the doubled-up leather of his belt over the wire, and you just…run.
You use your whole bodyweight to spin him. You push off the balls of your feet to reach level. Remarkably, you make it, your lips landing dead-center on his mouth parted in shock.
You did not, however, have time to calculate the ledge right behind Jake’s thighs.
He panics when he hits concrete and lurches forward, arms wrapping around you with an instinct to not die. Where was that consideration thirty seconds ago?
He holds on while stumbling, though, and by a few seconds in, you know he absolutely could have pulled away, if he wanted to, by now.
Jake slides his big hands up to cup your face, lean further in, moving his head to the other side and licking the seam of your lips.
You weren’t expecting that.
Jensen always gripes about his awkwardness and lack of experience, but this is not amateur tongue action and definitely not detached. You can sense some real emotion in the dig of his fingers behind your ears, muffling your comms for who knows how long until one shift has your forehead smearing across his glasses.
“Sorry,” you blurt, breaking the kiss.
He lets go of your face just in time for you to see the thick wire snapping back toward the rooftop.
You grab Jake’s t-shirt in both fists and fling the pair of you to the ground.
“If you doofuses are alive,” Clay grumbles. “you better be halfway to the lobby.”
There’s a long, anguished sigh before Cougar adds, “and I just lost fifty bucks.”
Pooch whoops joyously.
“Hell yeah, I won the pot, didn’t I? Get it, Jensen. You’re my boy. I knew you could do it.”
Jake waits for the snaking wire to stop moving and nervously licks his bottom lip. “Right. No hero landing.” He squints at you again before popping up from the gravel, cleaning his lenses and inching toward the stairwell with wildly incoherent, stunted hand gestures. “We should…if you’re good…render-vous.”
On your elbows, you realize a talk with Jensen about this is not going to be pleasant. He’ll probably make you do all the talking and deny there was anything there between you. Maybe he is too awkward for his own good?
You reach past your feet toward the ledge, waving your find in the air.
“Don’t forget your belt.”
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Bucky Barnes and a kiss, casually ⬅️ ➡️ Johnny Storm and a kiss in relief
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @spectre-posts @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @peyton--warren
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
Fandom Friday, 07/26: Fanart
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome back to a slightly shortened, though hopefully no less interesting, Fandom Friday update.
Firstly...wow. It's been quite the week here on my end of the universe, and if anybody's taken even five seconds to look at the news, it's probably rather easy to figure out why. 😅
Second...I had a rough day or two over the past weekend where some health issues decided to creep up on me, so. As a result of unforeseen circumstances, I may need another week to catch up on lost fanfictions, and I hope it's not too late to start apologizing for my recent sluggishness.
Anyways. Before I get too off topic here, it's time to bring in my picks of the week, so let's get straight to them all below!
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The Acolyte Fanart--By @blessyo4:
The Prequels Fanart--By @ann-i-inthestars:
The Prequels Fanart--By @bellum-gero:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @enzoo-art:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @alabyte:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @keef-a-corn:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @nika6q:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @fimloly:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @haat-ade-rise:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good afternoon, and good luck.
No Pressure Tags Go Out To:
@theweepingvulcan91 @libraryfordyslexics @olafur-neal @theunknownartist1 @bluedeedeedoop
@crazyinspirationaldreams @theosb0rnway @gun-roswell @melymigo @skellymom
@cinnamonsugar-pretzel @its-time-to-rise-above @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @universitysunflowers
@tazmbc1 @thegreenspectr @leos-multifandom-corner @badbatchposts @sharpasanaro
@tlmtwelve @thatflatfrog @nadjem-mari @leenabb104104
@difuf @rott1ngbra1n @saviinika @everybirdfellsilent @algo-o-nada
@botherdv @justhereforthesherlock @sportlover4life @aelfgiure @typewriters-and-love-letters
@maggie-dylan and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting fanart.
See you all in the next update!
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gabelew · 9 months
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I updated my Zora lineup from 2021 with the new TotK characters (and added the AoC guys too while I was at it).
To my knowledge these are all the named NPCs across the three games who use the generic adult male Zora model. I liked the idea of giving them more personality and trying to figure out unique features, all while staying faithful to the model (so no accessories, body modification etc).
female NPCs | elders and kids | unique characters
More details on each character (all 14) under the cut:
Ahrt Secro and Ettu are the merchants that exist only as character portraits, but I decided to count them as individual NPCs regardless. I made an exception in "no accessories" rule for Ahrt Secro here, because of his... unconventional name (and him living in Goponga instead of the Domain); he's justified in not following their fashion standards. Ettu's only character trait iirc is that he dislikes plants. Which make up most of his stock. Rip.
Kayden is the oldest non-elder Zora guy (140ish?), calm, responsible, etc. He's an another accessory exception, with the little belt attachment. He's married and it's the "zora armor" he got from Kodah. I like to imagine that non-royal Zora women also propose with "armor", just bit more budget friendly - a single accessory or a piece of jewelry.
Capelo has basically no personality, his only few lines point to him being older and somewhat responsible. So I put him here and made him... idk, look big and serious.
Bazz! He's perfectly average when it comes to height and looks, but visibly more buff than most Zora guys. Also on the older side.
Rivan's whole thing is being Very Tall and Very Pretty. In my canon he's basically the most handsome guy in the Domain, with his long fins, smooth features and warm brown colored scales.
Ledo is like, the most average guy you've ever seen. He looks younger than he is but has no special features otherwise. Surprisingly level headed. Not very fit (for Zora standards).
Tie is another one of the new undercharacterized TotK guards, his only thing being that he complains about being out of shape. I think I like his design the least, but come on, I had nothing to work with here.
Numien, the only new guy who actually had more than two lines, all of them making him the most annoying prick in my eyes. He's just... too enthusiastic and eager to praise his superiors. I like to imagine Bazz despises him for being such a kissass (Bazz is canonically pretty judgemental) but can't do much about it. The guy is competent enough to be put in charge of the Lookout Landing squad after all. Anyway, I did my best to make him look at least a bit unhinged.
Fronk, the only man in the domain whose eyebags could compete with Bazz's, courtesy of his airhead wife Mei. He's also wearing the "zora armor" she gave him.
Resco wins the prize for least characterization. His only single trait is that he admires Gaddison. That's it. So I made him try to emulate her energy in his lineup pose.
Cleff, the shopkeeper with crab obsession. One of the prettier younger guys, although the crab thing is not working in his favor. The last one of fully adult guys in the lineup (around 90ish).
Gruve is, amusingly, the one sole unemployed Zora guy. His occupation is therefore officially, A Problem. He's very much the tall lanky teenager type.
And Tottika, another tall lanky teenager (70ish), but this time with a job. It's not canon, but he's commonly considered a twin brother of Torfeau and I quite like this idea. He's not the smartest but tries his best.
That's it, thanks for reading if you did! Next up are the ladies, which I have sketched out but not colored yet. Also I'm still pondering if I want to do elders and kids, just for the sake of having all the Zora properly catalogued...
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mychoombatheroomba · 3 months
Lessons Final and Familiar
Between the Bones (Leon x GN! Reader) - Chapter 46
You and Leon tell your squad mates the truth of Raccoon City, and you are cleared to train fully again. Out of practice and in your own head, you seek help just as Leon once did.
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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Chapter Index
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They read the reports in silence, their own letters at their sides - easy cover, should someone step into your little room in the infirmary. You acted as something of a lookout, your fingers twisting pins into lock after lock, all while you kept an eye out for them. That was your ritual over the next few days, whenever your little group met to study. It had taken weeks for you to get through all of the reports Krauser had given you, all of the secrets, but you would give your squad mates what you could. More importantly, you would give Leon what you could. 
You would look over at him and the others, seeing horror or confusion or rage crossing their faces with each line they read, every word they processed. You watched them doing what you’d done; putting together the picture of all that had transpired. Even if you didn’t give them the report of what happened to you, or what happened to Leon, you knew that the timeline was becoming clearer to them all the same. 
“So, let me get this straight,” Alenko’s French was almost flawless - a skill he’d learned far before STRATCOM. It made him difficult to understand when he spoke with fluent speed, but that was the whole point, wasn’t it? To be able to understand? Besides, even if some of his words were lost in his quick speech, his disbelief was easy to understand. Besides, speaking in a mix of different languages they were teaching meant a slightly lower chance of someone walking by and learning what you were all talking about. Training through treason. If they wanted you to trade in secrets, then you would. “They knew about all of this for months? We lost a base, and they still wanted these weapons?” 
You gave him a simple answer in Mandarin. “Yes.”
Leon carried on the sentence, albeit in a flawed Russian. “And Umbrella learned about it. They killed Birkin after.” 
Valeria piped in, shaking her head and answering in perfect Spanish. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”
Williams cut her off, giving her a look that was a little too familiar. “Hey, it’s not practice if you’re fully fluent in it.” 
A pointed look heralded a sharp response - though even you could see the affection in Valeria’s expression. “If Alenko gets to do French, I get to do Spanish. Besides, it’s practice for you. Lord knows you and the pretty boy can use all the help you can get.” 
“I’m not that bad,” Leon defended, and even you frowned a little at his pronunciation, even if the words were right. 
Valeria beat you to voicing the brutal truth of it. “Your accent is shit. But good try, blanquito. You’re getting there.” 
Leon pursed his lips but took the criticism just as Alenko spoke again. “Are we going to brush over the fact that our government was willing to make a deal with a man who killed thousands? Even if indirectly? That we could have a cure if they’d just waited a little bit longer?” 
“We’re not ignoring it,” Williams answered in Spanish, her accent a little better than Leon’s though she took longer to think of the words. “But we can’t do anything about it. Unless those papers gave a name . . .” she switched back to English after a moment, not sure how to say what she wanted to say otherwise, “then we can go fuck someone up.” 
“But speaking of names,” Alenko shook his head. “This scientist - Birkin - he knew a lot about US internal affairs.”
“Umbrella soldiers were at Dorne Base,” you reminded him. “They told their . . .” you struggled to think of the right word in Mandarin - something you were thankful for, giving you something to think about other than the soldiers in question. In the end, you couldn’t think of the word you needed and resorted to English. “Higher-ups.” 
“Sure,” Alenko nodded, “but then . . . how did Umbrella find out? Who ratted him out about the deal with the CIA?”  
You frowned, because you’d thought of the same thing on many nights as you poured over the reports Krauser had given you. 
Leon weighed in again, his brow furrowed. “I don’t know.” He’d been the one to see the emails damning Birkin - but he’d told you they were from someone else in Umbrella sending his own correspondence back to him. No hint as to who it was that he was talking to, or if the tip had come from within Umbrella. 
You hoped it had, because the alternative . . . 
“And nowhere in these reports does it say who he was in contact with in the US government?” Alenko asked again, holding up one of the papers you’d given him. 
Your frown only deepened, then, and you shook your head. “No name.” Or, at least, not one that you could read beneath the black ink. No name for you to hate for making a deal with the devil, no name to loathe for dragging Leon by the throat into something he should have been kept safe from, or destroying Raccoon City and the cure it housed. 
And that presented a problem, because the only thing left to hate was the government behind it all. The one you’d sworn your life to. The one that had been your life and livelihood for years. The one that had offered you the chance to avenge those you loved. 
That was why you sat here, spreading the truth of their actions to those who deserved to know. You’d told Leon that you’d been a bit of a handful, once. That you had a disregard for authority or rules. Stealing the radio from Commander Cortez had proved that part of you to still be alive, but this? This was something else. A side of you that you weren’t used to . . . 
Well, you couldn’t exactly say that either, could you? Not when you’d been breaking regulations for months just to steal a few moments of peace with the man at your side. 
A man you wanted to give every advantage, even if it meant reinforcing what he already knew of the people pulling his strings. 
A man who, like you, was full of righteous anger at the people in power - for all that had happened because of them. “It’s not right, what they did,” he said, his gaze downcast but steady. Resolute. “But we can stop Umbrella.” He spoke the rest in English, his voice so steady and sure you could hardly believe it was the same boyish recruit you’d knocked to the dirt all those months ago. “That’s what matters.” 
Williams, Alenko, hell even Valeria all nodded. All set on a warpath you were barred from . . . but one you would be allowed to claw your way back to, in just a few days. Your ribs healed for a second time, your muscles aching to get back in the fight . . . 
And Williams spoke your next thought aloud. “Just have to make it through this place, first.” 
And you . . . you had farther to go than most, now. As the lock in your hands clicked open, regardless of what questions Alenko had posed, your thoughts were on that training and that training only. 
The mid-June sun was unrelenting, and so were you. 
The minute Doc had cleared you for full training again, you’d thrown yourself back in, full force. An attack dog given the signal, you sank your teeth into the training you’d been barred from for so long. And you did so viciously. 
You were sloppy. That was what you noticed in yourself, what you lingered on as you sparred with the lower-level recruits. Every error, every misstep, every mistake that could mean death in the field - you cataloged all of it. Filed it away, demanding that you do better. You were a harsh teacher and always had been, but you were harshest on yourself. Had to be.
The recruits you were helping to instruct ended up getting harsher instruction as a result, and you regretted that in part. You knew that your frustrations with yourself were coming out and biting into them instead, but you couldn’t help it. Not when you demanded nothing less than perfection in yourself, and when the man who was actually supposed to be teaching these men and women didn’t seem to be bothered. 
Reed would give notes, sure, but for the most part he just let the recruits fight, his focus on them but his thoughts unspoken and unknown. You’d watched him for two weeks now, not giving notes when he should. Keeping silent while you handled the squad.
Before now, it would have been alright. You’d had the ability to watch everyone, but now you needed to focus on yourself. So, three days into your return to training, you finally had enough. 
“You’re an instructor while you’re here, aren’t you?” You said, your temper getting the better of you as you looked over at an impassive Reed. “Some instruction for them would be good.” 
The agent’s head turned towards you, all too slow, his face just as impassive as ever but for a flicker of annoyance. 
“You want instruction?” He raised a brow and stepped forward, holding his left hand out towards another recruit. The young soldier looked between the hand and him before hesitantly placing the knife on Reed’s outstretched palm. “Let’s give them a demonstration.” 
With that, Reed took up a position against you, and your brow furrowed. 
You hadn’t seen him fight yet. It occurred to you then - he’d demonstrated moves on occasion, but you’d never actually seen him cross blades with someone. 
Size him up. What are his strengths?
Tall, lean, precise with his movements out of combat . . . and strong. Strong enough to break your bones. To knock you out of training for six weeks-
Stop it.  
You forced yourself to focus again, lifting your own practice knife and-
He gave you no more time to prepare. 
Reed advanced, his knife reaching for your right side and, with a sharp exhale and a stab of instinct, you blocked. Your body jolted with the action, combat an old friend that you weren’t sure how to greet any more. Your eyes widened as the agent moved, not letting you hold the defense for more than half a second before he was moving again, lighting fast. Low leg, right side. You blocked again, nearly too late, feeling the knife brush the fabric of your fatigues. 
Then, as he moved, you realized how Leon must have felt that first day against you, as your brain and body went into overdrive. You blocked another strike almost too slow, this one a stab as he switched his knife to his right hand, thrusting it at your chest.
How was he so fast? 
Or were you just slow? 
Had those six weeks really weakened you that much?
Control the blade-
Smaller arm movements-
Use more than your knife-
You reached across your body to block, so that hopefully you could free your right hand to strike at him. In doing so, you realized your mistake too late. 
His knee moved up, his body close to yours, and you only just moved in time to avoid the worst of it. Still, his knee connected with your left side. With your newly healed bones. You suppressed the yelp in your throat, eyes bulging in fear as you felt the pain and alarms rang out in your mind because no, God, no, please don’t be-
Your retaliation was instinct more than anything else. A thrust forward with your knife as you sucked in a breath, anger and terror making you lash out clumsily. Reed moved - still so fast - and blocked with his free left hand. 
His knife hooked at the back of your neck, and with his leg braced in front of one of yours, he leveraged you forward. You grasped at him, nearly taking him down with you, but it wouldn’t matter in a fight. Your spine would have been severed, or at the very least you would have been thrown onto your stomach as you were now, dry dust kicking up around you as you landed. 
And there, on the ground, you felt nothing but rage. 
You reached for your ribs, gingerly checking for any lingering pain, huffing furious breaths. Not broken. You could tell that, at least. Though not for lack of trying. You wanted to scream and curse as you pushed yourself part way up. Part way, before Reed’s words made you look over your shoulder at him. 
“A demonstration for you all,” the CIA agent said, his words callous as ever. “Exploit an opponent’s injury, if they have one.” He spared you a glance, but no offer of help up before he stepped away, tossing his knife back to the recruit he’d taken it from. “Back to it.”
You seethed there on the ground, your grip tightening on your knife. 
Stupid. Useless. Fucking pathetic-
“Here, Sarge,” a hand came into view, and you looked up, seeing one of the recruits you’d been working with offering it to you. Offering you a hand you felt you didn’t deserve. He was your age. Not bright-eyed as Leon had been, but with a smile of someone who knew the struggle. Someone who’d been through boot camp and gotten their ass kicked, same as you. 
It wasn’t comforting to you, though, because he didn’t know yet what awaited him. You did. And, even as you took the hand up, you knew that you were far from ready. 
That needed to change. 
Leon had been hesitant when you first brought up the idea - not because he didn’t want to spend time with you, but because of the other company the two of you would be keeping. 
But then, if Leon was hesitant, Krauser was even more so. 
Leon supposed he couldn’t blame the Major, entirely. It was, well, damned awkward as the three of you met in the training yard one evening - the night when Leon would have sparred with just Krauser alone. Even if Krauser had given Leon a rest with the insults about you, seeing the stone-faced man there that night made Leon on edge, at first. It was a smart move, having someone else there, both to keep suspicions off of you and to have a more experienced pair of eyes observing, but that didn’t make Leon any more thrilled with the idea. He could see the harsh line of the Major’s brow, the way he looked between the two of you with something like disdain . . . 
But in the end, he, you and Leon all found focus elsewhere. 
Namely, in the way you were moving. 
Leon had been able to win against you often enough before Fort Benning. He was still nowhere near as quick as you’d been, but his skill had been improving with each fight. He was almost a match for you, then. Now . . . Leon found no sense of victory each time he slipped his knife past your guard, or when he managed to twist your wrist and disarm you with a move that you’d so often used on him. With each loss, he could see despair growing in your eyes and it led him to moving a little slower. Leaving openings for you to attack, blocking just a second too slow . . . 
It made him smile when you took advantage of the little accommodations, even if each of them made your brows pinch closer together. 
“Stop holding back,” you hissed a plea after you stabbed at his side and landed - a move he, admittedly, could have blocked. You retreated from him, taking steadying breaths to calm your frustrations. 
“You heard the Sergeant,” Krauser nodded off to the side, thick arms crossed over his chest and his expression dour. Normally, there would have been an insult to follow up the order, but this time, Krauser just turned to you, his voice detached. “And you - what am I going to say?” 
He didn’t have to wait long before you gave him the answer he sought, offered with a tight jaw. “Go with your gut, don’t think.” The words Leon had heard on his first day, all those months ago. 
Words that you yourself had spoken to him in some way or another to Leon on so many occasions. 
Words that you struggled to recall, it seemed, as you attacked first this time. You were still strong, fast and skilled, but those six weeks spent doing so little . . . they had dulled you. Leon could see it as he batted your attack away. Even as you let his deflection shift you into switching hands, the knife coming up towards his right shoulder, then down when he parried. You almost caught him with that, but his own retaliation came in the form of a blade to your neck. 
Leon saw your eyes flash, and heard you exhale as you both lowered your blades. 
“You left yourself open,” Krauser pointed out, giving voice to what you already knew. 
Just as he voiced the next mistake you made. “Close distance.” 
“Watch your footwork.” 
“Don’t over-commit.” 
Mistake after mistake until, at last, Leon saw your frustrations boiling over. You got hit with a slash to the stomach and immediately you stepped back, turning your back to both of the men in the training yard with you, shoulders rising and falling. Leon thought he heard you swear beneath your breath, and then, concern for you overcame any hesitancy or lingering animosity he had for the Major. He looked Krauser’s way now that your back was turned, letting that worry be known. 
Leon wasn’t surprised when he saw a glint of that worry reflected back at him, then. Valeria hadn’t been far off, last week, after all. Favorite or not, Krauser had pulled you from the snow in Finland. He’d saved your life and given you the tools you needed to safeguard it in the future. He’d given you no mercy, but he had given you care, Leon could see it in his expression now. 
And for all their disagreements, Leon found himself smiling a little when the Major took a breath and spoke. “Kennedy, remind me what happened that first day I had you two fight.” The order was spoken with a now-familiar brashness, and it made you turn back to face Leon and Krauser both. 
Leon glanced your way, before looking back at Krauser as he gave his answer. “Got my ass knocked into the dirt, sir,” he said. He’d never thought to be sentimental over such a thing, but . . . well, these were strange times. 
He’d never thought to be trying to cheer you up with Jack Krauser of all people, either. 
The Major nodded once, very nearly smiling at the memory - smug bastard that he was. “You did. Several times. But you also landed a hit on one of my best men. You know why that is?” He turned towards you, this time, making it clear he expected an answer from you instead. 
Your answer was weighed down by self-loathing. “Because I was too slow.”
You were right - those had been the words Krauser had spoken to you, Leon remembered. Even so, the Major shook his head. “Because shit happens,” he corrected, and Leon felt a strange mix of emotions in his chest as Krauser took a step forward. “You made a mistake. Happens to the best. Your problem is that you get in your own head about it.” He looked back at Leon gesturing to the younger man’s eye - the one that you’d lined with purple and blue in that first fight so long ago. The strike you’d delivered out of anger and shock, that you’d apologized for the next day. “Made you bruise up that pretty face back then, and it’s making you sloppy now.”
Leon did his best not to react to that comment, even if the Major’s word choice made him blink. Instead, he focused on your expression, still a storm of self-pity and guilt. “I know,” you murmured, not meeting Krauser or Leon’s eyes as you did. 
Krauser tilted his head to the side, but his words didn’t hold their usual edge. Just tough love - something that Leon was becoming more and more familiar with from the Major. “If you know, then breathe and get your shit together.” Instead of making you angrier, you nodded and tried to smile. Didn’t quite get there, but you tried. The next comment, though, was the winning blow in that battle. “Now go on. Think Kennedy’s itching for you to knock him down again, isn’t that right?” The taller man gave a wolf’s grin as he looked Leon’s way - a silent challenge. 
Well, if that’s how it was gonna be . . .  
Krauser stepped back and out of the way as your expression shifted from disbelief to a grin. You rolled your shoulders back and stepped up to face Leon once more, but before either of you moved, Leon gave you his own devilish smirk. What he did next might have surprised him, not so long ago. You and Krauser had always had a rapport, but now, whether it was spurred by that twinge of something prickly in his chest or even the rapport that Leon himself had been building with the Major, Leon wasn’t sure. He didn’t know if it was because, as all that happened in Raccoon City and beyond came to light, he realized that the list of people in power that Leon could trust was well and truly bare, save for the man who had taken so many opportunities and risks to do his best by his men. He didn’t know if maybe, just maybe, he’d come to like Krauser just a little bit over the course of the last few months, and that was part of why his mind set him on this path. What he did know was that he wanted you to smile more, and he had one hell of an idea on how to do it. “You feeling up to a real challenge?” he asked, raising a brow, the one visible under his now-grown-out hair. 
Your expression sharpened as you tilted your head to the side. “Not sure I’d put up a good showing unarmed today,” you said, but Leon just shook his head. 
“Not what I meant.” 
Your own brow rose, then. “Oh?” 
Leon just gave you a smile and a wink, and then he whirled around, knife raised high. 
Krauser almost didn’t block in time. 
When he did, when he raised his hand and his arm felt the force of Leon’s blow, the once-rookie cop couldn’t help but smile wider. He never thought he’d have the pleasure of seeing Krauser so surprised, but those wide blue eyes spoke for themselves. 
“What the fuck do you-” 
Leon hadn’t been sure that you’d join in. Not until he saw the flash of your knife at Krauser’s other side, forcing him to lean back into a retreat. He looked between you and Leon, his arms coming up on instinct as he processed what was happening in the blink of an eye, and then . . . 
Well, Leon knew you were both fucked because Krauser smiled. 
Hours spent in training scenarios just like this - and the too-brutal memories of the fight at Fort Benning - gave you and Leon the right instinct to press your attacks. The trouble was that the Major had taught you both how to do that. He’d instructed you on how to move, how to seek out weak spots, and even if you weren’t a little slower than usual in that moment, Krauser was still faster and stronger than you both. 
With the two of you, though . . . it was almost a fair fight. 
You and Leon had time enough to find your rhythm, and there were a few times when your knife or Leon’s nearly had Krauser. So many times where a blade would come so close to achieving that victory, only for the Major to bat it away. 
And as soon as he did, the attacker either had to get clear or be faced with a punch or a kick as punishment. 
“Pretty sad showing. I expected more!” he called out, and Leon could swear that the man was actually having fun. 
He directed the flow of combat as the three of you moved, turning just in time to catch Leon’s thrust as the two of you tried to flank him, using the momentum to toss Leon into the wall of the officer’s barracks. Vaulting far too acrobatically over the table where the rest of the training knives were to arm himself, all while hurling the spare, dull blades at you as you tried to rush after him. 
“Use your surroundings!” the Major reminded the two of you, and as Leon rushed to rejoin you, he heard you grunt in frustration. 
A knife came spinning Leon’s way, then, and instinct made him raise his own blade - only to be met with a shing as metal met metal. Knife meeting knife. The blade Krauser had thrown landed in the dirt at Leon’s feet, and the younger man’s eyes widened in shock and excitement at what he’d just done. 
Even Krauser looked a little impressed - right before you rushed forward and raised your leg to kick forward. The table between you and Krauser shot forward then, hitting the Major hard in the thighs, making the man double over a bit, his hand bracing on the table’s surface. 
Leon took the moment of distraction you’d bought him, boots hitting the dirt hard as he dashed into the fray. He went for the Major’s unarmed left side, not surprised when his strike was blocked a little clumsily, the dulled blade scraping Krauser’s forearm. That was fine, if not the intended result. He quickly went for another, one that was similarly deflected. Just as well. All Leon needed to do was make you an opening. If he couldn’t land a hit, then maybe you could.
Or you could have, if it wasn’t Krauser that the two of you were facing off against. As soon as you got close enough, Krauser looked over his shoulder and kicked his leg back, catching you in the stomach - and very clearly low, avoiding the ribs that had just healed - before you were in range of striking with your knife. With you stumbling away, Krauser was free to answer Leon’s next attack, balancing focus between the two opponents effortlessly. 
Until, at last, it seemed like he’d had enough. 
When you came back in with an attack not too long after, Krauser blocked high in an arcing motion, spinning just as Leon stabbed out towards the Major’s neck. Or, at least, where it had been. Leon didn’t have enough time or space to move as Krauser ducked low, his leg outstretching with a viper’s speed. 
The leg that was forward in Leon’s stance was kicked out from under him and, with most of his weight having been on it, the younger man felt himself falling. Not for long, though, before he hit the ground hard. 
He didn’t see what happened next fully. All he knew was that his attempt at hooking Krauser’s legs to knock him down too missed, leaving him to raise his knife and try to roll to the side and away . . . only to see a shape moving his way. 
No, not moving. Falling. 
The weight of another person crashed into him, and both you and Leon had the wind knocked out of you as Krauser threw you down, right on top of Leon. Your chest against Leon’s back, your arms bracing awkwardly against the ground. Leon’s newfound strength was enough to keep him from being flattened into the earth, luckily, but fuck did you landing on him like that hurt. You were both shaken from the crash, and even if you landing on top of Leon didn’t press him down, Krauser’s weight added to that sure as hell did. Leon grunted as the Major forced him down once more, kicking one of Leon’s arms out from under him and delivering two stabs once his opponents were subdued. One to you, and the second to Leon. 
The three of you breathed in the dust that had risen around you, and Krauser . . . well, Krauser just chuckled. “Even if you have the numbers in a fight,” he said, still holding the two of you down, “those numbers can be used against you.” 
Leon huffed - or tried as best he could with your weight on him, but he nodded all the same. “Thanks for that, sir,” he groaned, and his heart soared when he heard you laugh the tiniest bit from above him. “You gonna let us up?” 
“You gonna learn?” 
“Eventually.” The answer came from you, snarkier than Leon would have expected for when you were talking to Krauser of all people.
Still, the Major hummed in mock-disappointment. “If you two fought half as smart as you talked, you’d be the best fighters I have.” His weight came off of the two of you, and Leon saw him extend a hand towards you. A moment later, you were hoisted to your feet, and Leon began to push himself up . . . only to have a callused hand offered to him as well. Leon looked up at Krauser as he reached for that hand, and he felt strange seeing the older man offering help even while wearing a smile. A grin that, once, had meant only harm was coming Leon’s way. 
“And who are your best?” You asked, and Leon could have sworn you chased the dark away even with the smallest smiles. Enough to make him and Krauser both smile a little wider. 
“After assessments, I’ll tell you,” Krauser shot back, matching your wit a little too well. Leon saw it in the way the corners of your mouth fell, ever so slightly. Because you wouldn’t be taking part in those assessments. Not any time soon. Leon didn’t need to read your thoughts to know that was what sobered you. Krauser must have seen it too, because his own good humor faltered like guilt had kicked the back of its knee. “Go on,” he said, his voice softer, “get some rest. Both of you. I’ll finish up here.” 
With you back in training proper, at least Leon was able to walk with you back to the barracks . . . but it was a walk that went by in almost complete silence. 
“You’ll catch back up, you know,” Leon finally said, not far from the barracks. He could see you grimace as he looked over at you, but he went on because he needed you to hear it. “You were already doing well tonight.” 
“I was shit tonight.” Your response was a brutal and self-inflicted wound. 
“Give yourself a break,” Leon insisted. “You’ve got time, you can work with Krauser-”
“I don’t want time.” You stopped walking, your lips pressed tight together, your fists clenched tight. “I should be going with you.” 
“Hey-” Leon shook his head, turning to face you. “I’ll be okay,” he promised once more. “You’ll be out there soon enough.”
You just frowned, not saying anything, but clearly not convinced. 
Still hurt, even if your bones had healed. 
He’d been seeing you like this too often as of late, so he stepped forward, his mind set only on one thing - the need to reassure you. His arms closed around you and you froze, even as he all but crushed you into his body. You were silent, even if he could practically hear your worries fighting to break free . . . but before long, Leon felt his heart stir as you returned the embrace. You held him tight for a few precious moments, ones that Leon knew he needed to savor. 
After all, there might not be too many of those moments left. 
“Do you think he’s ready?” The question forced itself from your lips before you could stop it, breaking the near silence of the woods around the base. Krauser looked over at you, lit only by his flashlight. Even so, you could see his expression curve into a frown. “Leon-”
“I know who you’re talking about,” Krauser grumbled. “You’re still in your own head.”
“And you didn’t answer my question.” 
“No one’s ever ready.” He never held back with you in training, you knew he wouldn’t hold back with the truth of this, either. You could see that much in his eyes as he rose from where he’d been kneeling, turning to face you fully. “You know better than anyone that you can’t ever prepare for everything out there. Especially not now.” 
“But do you think that he’s-” it was you that cut yourself off this time, because you knew the Major was right. Still, you needed to know. “Do you think he has a chance? That any of them do?” How could they, when their own government might hang them out to dry? When they were going to be sent against monsters and horrors beyond reckoning?
Krauser studied you, his jaw moving a bit as he thought of what to say. When he did speak at last, his words were quiet but honest. “He had no right to make it this far, but he did. He’s got a chance.” 
That, more than anything else, soothed your worries. It didn’t erase them, but hearing Krauser affirm that . . .
“But take it from someone who knows,” the Major went on, his voice more grave, his words broken up by a heavy breath. Like he was gathering strength, almost. Saying something he didn’t want to say. “Don’t waste a moment if you can help it.” 
You felt your lips part as your jaw dropped a little, surprise on your features as you looked at the man in front of you. Not so long ago, you’d heard him give you ice cold advice, telling you to forget the pipe dream of what you and Leon shared. “What happened to ‘not being stupid because it feels good’?” you asked, cautious and incredulous because this was in no way the advice that Krauser should be giving you as a superior officer. 
And yet . . .
“If you’re going to be stupid, better to be stupid here than out in the field.” It sounded like a half-logical and half-hearted reason, throwing you all the more for a loop. “You’ll have enough regrets as is. Don’t leave here with more.” 
You stared at him in the dark for a moment longer, trying to understand. Trying to make sense of the conflicting warmth and emptiness in your gut. In the end, though, all you could do was ask one thing. “Why? Why give a shit at all?” 
Another beat of silence met you before Krauser answered, deflection clear in his tone. “It’s all you ever talk about,” he accused with an attempt at humor. “Maybe this’ll finally get you to shut up about it.” 
You scoffed at that but smiled a little anyway. “Bullshit. We haven't been talking about anything for weeks.” 
Krauser just raised a brow. “You want something to talk about? Fine.” You were sure he was going to chew you out. To give you a lecture about how you’d been moping again, or how you needed to ‘get your shit together’. Something of substance, of weight and importance. Instead . . . “You really like that Spice Girls shit?” he asked, and you balked at the words. 
You, once again, spoke faster than you could really process your own words. “Rich, coming from the man who played bluegrass for weeks on end.” Krauser snorted at that, and you found yourself enjoying the sound. “But yes, I do like them.” 
The Major just rolled his eyes and set back to work - though this time, there was a steady conversation between the two of you as you finished up. One you were grateful for, but one that gave way to a single thought, when you returned to the barracks for First Call. 
A thought that pressed against you as the day carried on - one of the last days you were guaranteed to share with the man you loved. 
Krauser was right. You had enough regrets. Enough what-ifs. 
You hadn’t gotten to say a proper goodbye to so many people you loved. 
You would be damn sure Leon would get one. 
Before he was thrown into the fire, you decided that morning that he would have as much of you as you could give. 
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A/N: Idk gang, I was feeling extra gay this time around.
That said, the next chapter will be NSFW, because goddamn it, these two deserve it after all the shit they've been through.🫡
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