#also just realized this but i he gives chocolate to riz like fucking
brewstersbru · 5 months
A little comfort continuation of my riz 💚character study (aftermath w/ jawbone to the rescue!! hes such a dad 🐺)
Riz meant to go back inside. He did. He was going to heave himself up and amble back in, wedging himself between Fabian and Fig (if they hadn’t already filled his space with their flailing limbs in the short time he’d been out).
He was going to do it. Just as soon as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Just as soon as he got a handle on things.
It can’t have been longer than twenty minutes after Pok hung up when the door behind him creaks open. Shit. He thought he had more time. Riz swallows and blinks frantically as if that will somehow cover the puffiness to his eyes, the tear tracks that- despite excessive scrubbing- won’t completely go away.
 “Riz.” It’s Jawbone. There’s relief in his voice, but something else too. A yawning kind of drowsiness. Riz takes a deep breath, ignoring the sinking ball of guilt in his gut.
“Hey, Jawbone, sorry. Did I wake you up?” He almost surprises himself with the calmness in his voice, but is glad of it, nonetheless. What an inconvenient time to find out he actually can lie convincingly.   
The door creaks again and there’s a sharp click in the silence of the night as Jawbone shuts the door behind him. There are a few moments of scuffling before a weight settles over Riz’s shoulders- warm, fluffy- and Jawbone sits next to him on the steps.
Riz looks down to find that he’s been wrapped in a blanket, one of the nice ones from the linen closet. Had Jawbone known he was out here? How much had he seen? Did he hear anything?
Riz pulls the blanket tighter against himself, suddenly aware of how cold he is.
“Thanks.” He mutters. Jawbone hums and turns to look at him.
“Course. Saw you shivering, didn’t want you to catch a cold or nothin’.” Maybe this is something to do with guidance counselors, or faculty at Auguefort in general, but Jawbone’s gaze is piercing. Riz feels at once flayed open and carefully examined.
He coughs, curling further into himself.
“I can go back in now. Was going to, in a second, but…” He can’t finish the thought, everything that comes to mind is either childish or worrying, neither of which he wants to be in front of Jawbone. He swallows thickly.
Jawbone leans into the railing behind him, getting comfortable. “There’s no rush, Riz. I mean, I do think you need to sleep at some point tonight, but that can wait a little. At least until your tail stops swishin’ like that.” Riz immediately tucks the thing under one of his legs, embarrassed at being betrayed by his own biology. His face burns.
“I’m fine. You’re right, I need to get some sleep before the exam tomorrow, or I’ll be totally useless to the party.” He doesn’t turn to look at Jawbone as he speaks, simply stares resolutely at some of the loose brick in front of him.
“Now I didn’t say that last part, kiddo. You need to sleep ‘cuz it looks like you haven’t gotten a proper eight hours in a while, and I can see it weighing on your shoulders with the rest of it.” Jawbone says, gently. Riz bristles, almost wants to hiss at him. What does he know about what Riz carries on his shoulders?
“I said I’m fine, Jawbone.” He grits, standing. “I should go.” Jawbone curses.
“Wait. Please.” Riz pauses, finally meeting his eyes. They’re as sharp as ever, but soft, too. If that makes any sense. Jawbone continues, “It kills me seein’ you like this kiddo. I feel like a broken record sayin’ this, but I really do mean it, I’m always here to talk if you need to. Or, even if you don’t want to talk I just- it just seems like you could use somebody, is all.”
Riz feels like he’s glitching. His mind is screaming at him to keep walking, to get back in the house, lay down, and close his eyes tight until the sleep takes. But he’s so warm. And he kind of wants to cry again and Jawbone would give him a hug, probably, if he asked for it. Right?
At war with himself, all he manages to do is freeze in his tracks and utter an intelligent, “Um.”
Jawbone smiles and pats the stone next to him.
“Come on. You don’t gotta say anything, but at least sit down. And- oh, here,” He reaches into one of his cardigan’s pockets and produces a small mini chocolate bar. “A little pick-me-up.”
Riz settles gingerly next to him, closer than before but not close enough to touch. He reaches over and takes the chocolate, movements slow as he raises his eyebrows.
Jawbone shrugs. “I always keep a few on me, just in case. Never know when you might need ‘em.”
Riz smiles, small and to himself, for the first time in what feels like hours. Jawbone grins back.
“There he is. If you want another, just ask, I should have one or two more on me.”
Then it’s silent for a good, long while. Riz stares into the pitch black that pushes up against the safe halo of light surrounding the house as he chews on silky chocolate. He can’t help but replay the conversation with his father over and over again in his mind. Jawbone’s head is tilted to the stars.
For all he knows- for all Riz ever knows- that could be the last conversation he is able to have with Pok until he dies again. The watch is what allows them to talk across planes and it, like everything else Riz is and owns, is breakable. It’s unlikely that the watch will break tomorrow (Riz is a ranged fighter, he never gets close if he can help it, nothing should get near enough to him to get to it…), but not impossible. Never impossible.
Something warm and wet drips down his chin and onto his fist, where its clenched around the blanket. Riz brings his other hand to swipe at his eyes. Fuck. He shouldn’t be crying like this. He thought he was cried-out.
Jawbone’s voice rings out from beside him, tender, “Kiddo.”
Riz shakes his head, curling further into the blanket as if the fabric might protect him from this mortifying situation.
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “I thought I was done with this part.”
It’s quiet for a moment.
“It’s okay to need to cry, Riz. Definitely nothing you need to apologize for.”
Riz shivers, somehow cold again, even with the blanket. He wants to burrow into Jawbone’s chest, to cling like he used to, to his mom before he grew out of it and became a man (he was so young, then; he should’ve given it more time, he could’ve given it more time). He doesn’t want to ask, though.
Doesn’t know if he can ask.
Jawbone looks down at him- shivering, hunched underneath a thin cotton blanket- and he must see something that Riz doesn’t mean to betray because his breath catches, and he does the asking for him.
“Can I hug ya, kid?”
Riz nods once, sharply, as soon as the words are in the air. Jawbone reaches out and gathers him up in his arms. Pressing him firmly, but gently, against his chest. Riz buries his face into his cardigan and allows himself a minute of foolishness.
He hiccups.
“I miss my dad, Jawbone. I wish he wasn’t dead.” His voice breaks on the last word, all he gets out is the ‘de’, and he leaves the rest to hang in the air with his sobs.
Jawbone’s hand comes up to rub lightly over his back. He doesn’t say anything, just allows Riz to cycle through his emotions.
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair that he’s gone and me and mom just have to deal with it.” Riz takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
“Sometimes… I know it’s stupid and illogical, but sometimes I get mad at him. I get so furious with him. Because he’s not here. He didn’t do what he needed to do to be here for his son. And I know that’s wrong and he couldn’t help it and if he could choose to be here, he would, but it doesn’t stop the anger. I don’t like it. But I don’t know what to do with it because it’s not fixable. I can’t put it anywhere, so I just push it down and hope it goes away, eventually. It never goes away.”
Jawbone hums, and Riz can feel the vibration of it against his cheek. It reminds him of a cat purring, almost. If the cat smelled like dog.
“It’s okay to feel upset that your father was taken from you before you got the chance to know him. That’s not stupid or illogical. I’m sure he beats himself up about it just as much, if he’s anything like his son.”
Riz, despite himself, laughs.
“It’s nice getting to know him now.” He sniffs. “It’s just- I feel like I’m playing a game of catch-up every time we talk. Like I’m late to the race. Most kids know what their dads do for work before high school.”
“But it’s not a race, Riz.” Jawbone’s voice is low, but vehement. “No one is judging you for not knowing these things about your father, because you thought he was unreachable up until a year ago. The fact that you’re taking every opportunity to learn about him, that you spent so much time- even before you knew what he did for work- visiting his grave and updating him about your life, and still do, sometimes. It’s a testament to how much you love him. I think he knows that.”
The silence following those words stays for another minute or so before Riz huffs.
“But I don’t love him enough to bring him back, huh. There’s magic in any strong emotion, Kristin told me that, once. And I just started messing with magic stuff, but you would think that it wouldn’t be impossible. Not if the love was strong enough.”
Jawbone sighs, brings a hand to Riz’s hair and begins to card through it, almost absentmindedly. Riz freezes, then melts into it. It’s been so long since anybody played with his hair like this. His mom used to do it, when he was younger, but then the bills got higher, her shifts got longer. It fell to the bottom of the priorities list.
“You can’t do that to yourself, kid. You can’t. You think if Ms. Barkrock wanted it enough, was rageful enough, she coulda expelled the demon from her chest earlier?”
Riz shakes his head, slightly, afraid to dislodge jawbone’s hand. “Of course not. But that’s different-“
“Not really.” Jawbone cuts in, gently. “Point is, magic don’t work like that. Emotions are a factor, yes, but there’s so much else that goes into it. You love your dad so much, Riz, anyone can see that.”
Riz sniffles. “Thanks, Jawbone.”
Jawbone smiles where Riz can’t see, and ruffles his hair before allowing him to pull away.
“Anytime, kiddo.”
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
So I was wondering if I could get some period cramps comfort hcs with Legoshi and Louis please? (Also whatever animal u want is fine)
I had a couple of ideas for this but the indication of a period kinda means the reader would more than likely be coded as fem and I wanted everyone to feel included so I also did a version of them taking care of their significant other when they’re sick in general (like a cold or something).
Warning: NSFW-ish Elements
Period Discomfort:
- Growing up with only Oguma and himself, he’s never experienced seeing someone go through a period ever so he has no clue how to deal with it.
- If you want any empathy from him you’re going to have to explain it to him and how painful it is for you. He might think you’re exaggerating at first but once he actually sees you in pain, he’ll start to believe it.
- Thinks money solves everything and just buys whatever he thinks you’ll need and has it delivered to you. Thoughtful yes, however you end up with a lot of menstrual products you dont use and chocolate you won’t eat because Louis just went ahead and bought everything he saw instead of actually asking you what you about brands, sizes, etc.
- Not the type to comfort you physically. He actually really hates the smell of blood and his super sensitive nose always can pick up on it. He won’t go out of his way to avoid you because it’s you and you could never repulse him but he’s not the “let’s cuddle up on the couch and watch sappy movies” type either.
- Overall avoids the situation. Not the best in this subject but is doing the best he can in his comfort zone.
Sick S/O:
- Not very good at reading preemptive symptoms. Won’t realize that you’re sick until you’re nearly hacking up a lung or fainting from fatigue.
- But once he does realize you’re not well, he insists that you get some rest and don’t push yourself. Won’t take no for an answer.
- Again thinks the best way is to throw money at a situation so buys you the best medicine, heating pad, etc. Will also take you to the doctor and if you’re too weak or unwilling, will have his personal doctor make a house call.
- Stays with you while you’re sleeping. When you wake up and try to stop him, he insists your germs won’t affect him and he can’t get sick (they totally do and he totally does).
- Overall more equipped in this subject but can be pretty strict/ annoying in your recovery (he’s lost a lot of people okay? He refuses to lose you too, especially to something like this if he can prevent it)
Period Discomfort:
- His Canine senses always let him know when you’re on your period (plus he can like.... smell the blood but he’s too polite to point that out + blood is the farthest thing from unpleasant to Carnivores).
- By far the best in these type of situations. Does a ton of research and also outright asks you what he can do for you. Really attentive to you and your needs.
- Wanna listen to sad music under LED lights and just vibe out? He’s right there with your fave playlist. Wanna cuddle up on the couch and watch sad movies? He’s already got it started along with a pint of your favorite ice cream.
- Just overall Boyfriend of the year when it comes to this.
Sick S/O:
- Yep, he’s also an expert on his significant other being sick too (Go figure, right?)
- Makes homemade Soup/ Broth to soothe your throat. Runs you a warm bath to try and break the fever. Makes you take some medicines but also uses a lot of home remedies and practices he’s learned from Gosha growing up.
- Also claims he won’t get sick but unlike Louis, he actually doesn’t because he has a pretty strong immune system as a Grey Wolf. Able to stay by your side the whole time and will unless you asks for some space, which he’ll give but he’ll worry about you the whole time he’s gone.
- Overall has a tendency to hover but means well and is very knowledgeable about your recovery. Will have you feeling better the fastest.
Period Discomfort:
- Certified expert in this subject. Knows exactly what you’re going through and knows exactly how to deal with it. Will know what you want/ need before you even know yourself.
- Always has Pads and Tampons handy. Always knows the exact size and kind to get.
- Offers advice to ease the pain you’d never even thought of before such as stretching and doing Yoga (and of course you two do Yoga together/ she helps you stretch. The close contact can be pretty intimate which you’ll love if you crave touch during your period.)
- However, if you and Juno’s periods ever sync up, she’s not going to be the most pleasant to be around, it’s best the two of you just avoid each other.
Sick S/O:
- Loves to play nurse but not actually all that great in making you feel better. Definitely has a sexy nurse’s costume that she likes to put on while caring for you.
- A lot of head pats and hand holding with a few “We’re gonna get through this,” sprinkled on there so yeah basically not helpful at all.
- Will go get you medicine or anything else you need but you have to tell her EXACTLY what to get, she’s not great at following directions okay
- Like Legoshi, being a Grey Wolf means she’s hardly ever sick... like EVER. She has hardly any experience in this field.
Period Discomfort:
- By far the most touchy-feely when you’re on your period. He loves the smell of blood and he thinks you smell delicious. Usually a very chill, easygoing guy but becomes uncharacteristically clingy during this time.
- Never gets tampons or pads because he’s too busy eating you out or shoving his fat cock inside you.
- Thinks his dick is the cure to all of your needs and in this case he’s kinda right because period sex actually does help relieve like 80% of your symptoms.
- Fucks softer than he normally would but he’s nearly insatiable, especially when he’s high off your blood so you’re nearly on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.
- Once you’re too tired to continue, he’s still right there by your side, his arms permanently latched around you. He seriously can’t get enough of you when you’re like this, your period hormones have him even more lovestruck than he already is.
- Will draw you a bath after sex, carry you to the tub, and personally wash every inch of you. Anything to touch you at this point. Doesn’t join though because he doesn’t wanna reveal how such a seemingly innocent act gets him so hard.
- Overall has a pretty unconventional approach to period care but it makes you feel better all the same and you know it’s coming from a true place of love (and a little lust).
Sick S/O:
- Much more tame when it comes to caring for a sick S/O because the hormones you secrete during your period aren’t fogging his judgement.
- Still very touchy-feely but in a non-sexual way. Likes to lay you on top of him and hold you to help get rid of your chills. Also gives the BEST massages to relieve the ache in your joints.
- Believes honey is an end all be all cure to any illness and puts it in/on literally everything. Though it does help soothe your throat, you still end up sending him to the store to pick up some more potent remedies.
- Next to honey, he thinks sleep/rest is the answer to near everything (because he’s a bear and hibernating is their go to for any ailment) so he also adds sleep inducers to your tea, food, etc. to get you to sleep off the cold. You don’t mind because it actually does help (also he always tells you ahead of time that it’s in there)
- Overall a good caretaker in this department even if some of his actions can seem a little antiquated or stereotypical for Bears.
Period Discomfort:
- He’s surprisingly a lot like Riz in this department (which actually isn’t all that surprising since they’re both bears). He’s got a sensitive nose and your hormones really mess with his head and kick him into overdrive.
- This isn’t his first rodeo with his partners’ periods so he does have some experience in this field to help keep him under control.
- Will indulge in period sex but only if his partner asks for it/ brings it up first. He knows that’s a slippery slope, especially with his kind and with his self-control so he doesn’t seek it out first. (Can’t deny that he loves when you do ask for it though)
- Knows all the tricks of the trade in helping you feel better non-sexually and indulges you when he has time but since he’s pretty busy with clients and stuff, he hardly ever has time for the aspects that require him physically being there (such as cuddling, massages, etc.)
- Pretty average in this department because he’s older so he doesn’t have time to really baby you through this the way you might want him to.
Sick S/O:
- Deals with his S/O being sick very similar to how he deals with period discomfort.
- He’s a medical professional so he tends to just get you some medicine that actually works instead of incorporating home remedies that end up taking longer, in his opinion.
- Can be a little irritating when he walks around in the morning time with his shirt off looking like the embodiment of health and toned abs, sipping on his bamboo smoothie while you feel like you’re on your deathbed.
- Tells you to get plenty rest, drink plenty fluids, take the medicine he leaves for you but he’s not there to really enforce it because he leaves in the morning for work and doesn’t get back until super late at night. You usually fall asleep and forget to wake up to do anything he told you to. He’s not upset and not really the punishment type in the first place so there are no real repercussions, he just reminds you again the next day to do it if you want to feel better faster.
- Overall, has a pretty neutral/indifferent approach to this because he’s seeing the situation through the lens of professionalism, so some aspects you really crave such as physical contact or general affection, he falls short in.
Period Discomfort:
- Don’t call him.
- Thinks periods are gross and does NOT want to be around you if you’re on yours.
- The only way he’d reach out to you during this time is if he was horny and wanted you to use your mouth to get him off.
- A terrible guy who you should block tbh :/
Sick S/O:
- Says things like “Hang in there champ,” and that’s pretty much it.
- If you sneeze around him or cough near him, he’ll think it’s gross and proceed to avoid you.
- Why do you even bother with him again?
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dooptown · 4 years
we’re almost at the end...episode ten..d
Riz’s depiction is soo good in the anime. like, really spot on! I just am not sure why he’s like, chocolate/vanilla soft serve ice cream color when he should be brown. Would be fun if someone noted that and it’s cuz he’s going gray due to stress (well not fun but you know what i mean)
Riz calls Legosi perverted. Is that cuz of the kiss? God lmao that’s funny. And we have Legosi here still drinking way too much respect women juice cuz he thinks him having a sexy dream about Haru is punishable by death. He never really did get someone to tell him to calm down in the manga and that’s sad (i mean Kyuu kinda tried but the way she went about it was literally the worst)
“Let’s go somewhere else” goes to the only place legosi and haru have had scenes together this season
I’ve said it before but I’d be more on board with these romantic scenes with them if I didn’t know how little development they get later. Legosi even says “once everything is taken care of i’ll embrace you” but guess what! once everything is taken care of he doesn’t!
Pina gets a worse beating by palette swap/player 2 Els than in the manga. Also I feel like Riz warning him about not getting further involved and they’ll just go on peacefully is new? but it might not be. We get the finger suck scene which goes on for a hornily long time. Pina’s scene on stage which really fucking gets him to shine. Great voice actor for Pina! Shame he’ll disappear after this season (crying emoji) Him luring Riz out with a note is new, and gives Legosi reason to go to Riz’s locker to get the note and start the fight
The anime really makes me hyped for Fightgosi, until i remember how hurt he gets. Like damn whenever i draw him he’s so soft and happy and idealized and that’s GOOD but i wanna draw him fighting more too (also in writing i don’t write it much...well the CMTYG finale is coming up...) Riz sexy with eyes normal. He doesn’t say Legosi looks scrumptious or anything so like...yea they took that out. Also Legosi having the revelation about love breaking down the barriers between carnivores and herbivores isn’t a revelation here he just says it. In the manga his face goes all soft like he just realized himself and he has some pity for Riz. Speaking of that, Riz saying how all carnivores can have is anger and loneliness dude to their bodies and instincts so much reflects Legosi’s old mindset, further driving the Riz and Legosi parallel
Also i put this out of order but Free and Ibuki’s scene was moved here chronologically, which I think helps a lot. Also Ibuki gives Free a desert eagle instead of just a single bullet. Wonder if he’ll get shot multiple times here? And like if it’s with a DE then yea he’s fucking dying. In the manga it was odd that he died so fast from one bullet (although one could say he didn’t die right away but didn’t want to put Louis through more suffering that he had to. plus he wanted to die so he just gave up)
Anyway i’m happy with the anime now cuz Dressgosi is happening, confirmed by next week’s preview. Everything fitting into the last episode might feel cramped but like maybe now Lougosi will finally sail for the anime!!!
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venactricisfics · 5 years
Malibu Desert
Tumblr media
A night out
@lonelyheart75​ @audrie-bryant
Mayans Based Story. Adult Content
Master List
After coffee and breakfast at Vicki’s, she wouldn’t hear of us eating out when she had plenty, I climbed on the back of Bishop’s bike and we rode into town.  The gates of the scrap yard rattle open and we pull through. 
“It’s still standing,” I comment as I take my helmet off. “I’m almost surprised.” 
“So am I,” he takes my hand and we walk up the steps to the clubhouse.  “I just need to take care of a few things.”
I give his cheek a peck before releasing his hand, “Hurry or we may end up with a hot pink tufted couch.” 
“Don’t rush me, woman,” he says, “I will put my dirty boots on your pink couch.” He shoots me a wink then steps behind the stained glass door. I open my computer and remove the overly feminine options from my Pinterest board.  I didn’t doubt Bishop for a second. I also wanted to make the new place /our/ place.  Our home together.  If he could compromise on Harley art and leather I could meet him in the middle.  I love him more than any piece of furniture. Though I think I could squeeze that pink sofa in my new beauty room. 
“Yo Malibu,” I lift my eyes from my screen hearing Angel’s voice call out, “Bish wants you.”
“In there?” I glance through the stained glass. In all the time I’d dated Bishop I hadn’t walked past the stained glass. I respected him and the club too much to go uninvited. 
“Yeah in there, that’s where he’s at,” Angel responds, his words oozing annoyance. 
“Asshole,” I say as I walk timidly through the door. The decor was pretty much what I expected. A long table surrounded by big wooden chairs. I fought back the urge to run my fingers over the table’s artwork. 
“Sit,” Bishop motioned to the empty chair between Hank and Creeper. He had his Presidente voice on when he spoke. It was firm, controlling, if I’m honest with myself it excited me. I pushed that thought away, I was called in here to talk business. I take a seat after Angel pulls it out.  It was almost daunting having all those eyes aimed in my direction. 
“We voted,” Bishop says, voice still booming.  “We can cut you in for 10%.”
I quirk a brow, “While I appreciate you agreeing to include me in the business. I’ve already spoken to Vicki and sweetheart, that number seems a little low to me.” Trying to keep my face just as stoic. “I’m fronting all the new expenses and providing all the new connections.” He leans over whispering to Taza then looks to Riz. 
“Can you talk to Vicki and get her to kick in part of her cut?” he asks. 
“I think she will be ok with that,” Riz answers. 
“Then I think we can get you up to 20%,” Bishop states. 
“I can settle for 25%,” I respond, “as long as the girls don’t feel the brunt of that cut.” I couldn’t quite read Bishop’s expression.  Did I overstep?  No, it was more than fair.  Vicki and her girls get the majority, the club gets a cut for their protection, and I was kicking in all the costs for remodeling and medical. 
“Done,” he picks the massive hammer up and slams it down. Adjourning the meeting.  I blink, then blink again.  
“That’s it?” I ask, standing as he stands. 
“Not much more to discuss,” his face finally relaxes and he gives me a smile as we step back into the bar, his arm draped over my shoulders.
“You’re different in there,” I say as I slip my arm around his waist.
“I have to have my shit together, hermosa,” he tells me, “I earned their respect, I have to make sure that I keep it.”
“I like it,” I lean in keeping my voice low, “your Presidente voice is very hot.”
“Very hot, Bish,” Angel says behind me, “makes my dick hard every time.” I respond to his comment with an elbow to his stomach.  “Aw shit,” he responds blocking his stomach from any other blows, “Bish your ole la…” he pauses seeing the look on my face,” your girl is assaulting me.”
“I got no problem with it,” Bishop replies then walks with me to the table with my computer still set up. I show him everything I’d picked out.  He agreed with most.  I compromised the big fluffy couch for a dark brown leather.  And he let me go with the canopy bed with twinkle lights.  
“We can have it all delivered and set up by the end of the week,” I start punching in my credit card information.
“I can’t let you buy it all, querida,” he says, taking a sip from his bottle. 
“We’re buying it,” I tell him, “I’m just putting my card number.” I rest my hand on his thigh, “If it makes you feel better you can pay for the movers. I got a lot of shit that has to be packed and moved.” He nods and leans pressing his lips to mine. 
“Bish,” EZ says standing across the table from us, “I got that thing you wanted done.”
“Thanks, son,” he said, then turned his attention back to me, “You ready to get out of here for a while, querida?” 
“Sure,” I responded standing up with him walking out to the front, “Where are we going?”
“Just get on the fucking bike,” he states with a slight smile, “Stop asking questions.” He hands me my helmet. I swing my leg over the bike and rest my hands on his side. “You’re lucky I like it when you’re bossy,” I respond. 
We rode out of the city and up into the mountains, to a part of Santo Padre I’d never seen before.  The view was awe-inspiring.  He helps me off the bike and leads me to a blanket that was spread out over the grass.  A picnic basket in the corner.  
“It’s beautiful,” I say after settling down with him, “I don’t deserve you.” 
He rests his hand on my cheek, “You deserve so much more than me. I’m a fucking biker. I am grateful you ever gave me a second glance.” 
“I couldn’t help but notice you on your loud as fuck motorcycle,” I smile locking my gaze with his, “waking me up at all hours.” 
“Leave my bike alone, querida,” he says, “I know that bike better than I know your body.” His hand ghosting down my arm making me tremble.
“I’ll take your word for that,” I whisper as I move closer to him, my lips hovering just a breath from his, “you seem to know my body so well.” 
“Yes, mi amor,” he presses his lips to mine briefly, “I know you’re hungry, you didn’t eat much at Vicki’s this morning.” 
“Then I hope this basket isn’t just for show,” I kiss him back then reach for the basket.  It wasn’t just for show, it was filled with steak tortas, chips and salsa, and churros filled with chocolate.  It was all delicious.  
I slid out of my shoes and let my toes feel the sand beneath my feet as I took in the view. The sun dips on the horizon.  Everything from the scenery to the man was perfect. A gentle breeze blows my hair around my face.  I turn back smiling as he snaps a picture of me with his phone.  I walk back towards him, “Let me see?” He swipes through the shots he took. 
He gives me a meaningful look, “Take your shirt off.”
“Here? Now?” I raise a brow.
He nods, “Your skin glows in the moonlight.”
“That’s because I’m pale,” I give him a smile. I glance about realizing we’re in the middle of nowhere, I pull my shirt up over my head and lay it on the blanket beside him.  He watches me, eyes dark.  
“Now your pants,” Bishop says. I pop the button of my jeans and shimmy them down my hips.  His gaze moves over me, as erotic as though it was his touch.  He raises up on his knees, his hands cup my hips and his lips press against my stomach. His tongue dances over the waistband of my purple satin panties and he grabs me tighter.  My fingers lace through his hair when he inches lower, sucking my clit through my satin panties before peeling them down my legs. Bishop’s hands returned to my hips holding me steady as he ran the flat of his tongue along my slit. I let out a moan as the sensation courses through my body.  If he weren’t holding me I would have floated away.  My muscles tense and I start to tremble, but he continues probing me with his tongue.  
“I’m …” I couldn’t finish the thought before my release rushed over me, my legs shaking and I couldn’t stand. Bishop guides me to lay on the blanket. He trails kisses back up my stomach and then my chest and up my neck.  He whispers in my ear with a groan, “I love the way you taste.”
My cheeks still flush at his words, I brush my thumb over his cheek, “I love you, Bishop.” 
“Do you, hermosa, or just because I made you cum,” he smirks, “twice.” 
“That’s a bonus,” I pressed my lips to his, I moaned, tasting myself on his lips. His leather felt cool pressed to my heated skin.  I tug at his belt and my hand slips inside, stroking him. 
“You find something you want?” he asked, smirk still tugging at his lips.  
“Are you going to give it to me?” I try to push his pants down as he settles between my thighs. He hooks my leg over his arm as he drives into me. 
“You know I will,” he groans as he picks up his pace. My hands move over the leather of his kutte then grip tight on his firm shoulders. My hips move to meet his thrusts. I tremble beneath him as my mind goes blank as waves of pleasure flow through every cell in my body.  He fixes his eyes with mine before his lips crash into mine at his release. 
He rests his forehead against mine as he comes down from his high. I smile as his wallet chain brushes against my bare thigh, “Why am I practically naked out here and you are still fully clothed?” 
Bishop smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead, “I’m just fucking lucky.” 
“Damn right,” I smile back at him before pressing my lips to his. “Take me home and we can get naked together.”  
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Can I ask for a Mayan request? Can you do one where the girl is Miguel’s younger sister and like her relationships with everyone on the show?? It would be awesome if she was dating Nestor to. Thanks!
A.N:So, this one is going to be a two-parter because it got away from me lol. This first half will be focused on the MC, the next will be from the Cartel side. The second part should be posted sometime early next week, as I have a few Coco and Angel prompts coming up. I’ve also cut out some MC members, as I don’t think they would have had much interaction with such a character; Taza, Tranq, Creeper, Gilly. All that said, I really hope you enjoy this little slice, look forward to the next part, and as always, have a request? Drop it in! 
                                                                                                 FACE VALUE 
                                                        PART ONE
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Bishop is… Weary. You know that saying? All that glitters is not gold? Yeah, he’s a big believer of that one. And, hearing of Galindo’s sister, a young woman who, according to the grape vine, is a prominent charity fundraiser, volunteers at local hospices and does outreach work in underprivileged neighborhoods, those alarm bells are ringing. 
On the few occasions they meet, he takes to questioning her subtly. He asks her how work is going, if it was the hospice up on fifth that she worked at, even though he knew it was on forth, just to see if he can catch her out. He never does. She smiles, flashing dimples, and is always cheerfully polite. To be honest, it pisses him off. 
No one, and he sincerely meant no one, was spotless. Especially if they had Galindo blood. Still, he isn’t outrightly hostile, he isn’t about to risk his and the MC’s relationship to the Galindo cartel because he can’t keep his mouth shut or paint on a smile when needed, and neither does he take his doubts further than the odd question to see if her answer matches the Intel he has.
He knows how to play the great game.
Bishop is the type of man who likes knowing. And he doesn’t take anything at face value. It’s what’s kept his MC above water, and he himself as a dangerous president. He didn’t get, and most importantly, keep that position by not being an inch on the suspicious side. So, meeting this little sister, who for all the world looks like she is heading towards sainthood, and watching the way Miguel seems to look towards her, care for her, plain for all to see, you can bet Bishop is going to do a little digging, weighing up what exactly this means for him and his crew. 
If she might be a… Problem. 
He comes up with nothing but more sickeningly good deeds. Open craft nights for orphans. Funding rescue homes. Food shelters for the homeless. Fuck, the girl is in medical school, learning to become a doctor, where, from what he’s heard, she plans to volunteer in poor districts. Either she really is this spotless, and if so, damn, the world needs more people like her in it, or she’s so good at hiding her own shit that even he can’t smell it… And that is something he can respect. 
Even admire. 
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Riz is fond. He met her once, down in the brothel by the border, where she was doing some outreach work with the women there. At the time, he did not know it was that Galindo, and when he did find out when one of the women told him after the girl had left, he was surprised. More than surprised.
A Galindo? Are you sure? Really? 
Nevertheless, he watched the way she was respectful to the working girls. She didn’t judge them. She wasn’t snooty or condescending. She really just wanted to help. He could tell. 
She offered out free protection, gave out numbers for local shelters should the girls need it, counselling for any abuse if they wished to take it, and went as far as giving out her own number should any of them wish or need to simply talk to an open ear without condemnation or judgement. 
From then on, he liked her. 
It wasn’t often anyone cared about the little man, not unless the little guy could do something for them, and as an underdog himself, from less than stellar beginnings, Riz appreciated the work she was trying to do for those just like him when he was younger. 
Most importantly, she didn’t make it feel like charity work. There was no photo’s splattered about the place, on the front of newspapers, taken of her sitting with kids less fortunate than her, only to get back up, walk away and not look back. She didn’t boast about the work she did, in fact, most of it, especially her involvement, was kept under the table. 
She wasn’t afraid to go out into the field herself, rather than just simply pumping money out and getting a grunt to do the leg work, and, seemingly, enjoyed that most. It’s where she thrived, in the thick of it, meeting new people from all different walks of life, and she did, honestly, seem invested in each and every person she met. 
And that was something he could respect even more. 
She had a big smile, and an even bigger heart. So, one day, when she returned to the brothel to catch up with the ladies, if there was a bouquet of roses waiting for her with a simple note saying ‘thanks’, it was the least Riz could do to show her that at least one person appreciated her efforts. 
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Ez feels… Conflicted. To him, the Galindo’s are what is wrong with the world. Cutthroat. Duplicitous. Bloody. You don’t get in a Galindo’s way, unless you want to get dead. 
He’s formed a sort of picture in his mind. Perhaps over exaggerated in some aspects, grossly under exaggerated in others, this is a cartel family after all, and it’s very hard, especially for Ez, to move away from that picture. 
But she breaks that picture mercilessly. 
She’s exactly everything opposite to what he expects a Galindo to be. Kind. Caring. Perhaps a bit overly cheerful. And he can’t add the name, Galindo, to her face. It just doesn’t fit. 
Maybe it’s a bit of jealousy, her brother is married to his ex, an ex he still has strong feelings for, and by association, she’s guilty too in the beginning. However, with each time they meet, running into each other, the more Ez realizes she’s not her brother, and the more conflicted he becomes.
He doesn’t want to like her, but he does.  
Fuck, he does.
He’s passing over info about the Galindo’s to the feds, it’s his ticket to freedom, and that includes Miguel’s sister, anything at all the feds can use against the cartel leader, and a sister was prime real-estate in that battle, and, with each passing over, guilt begins to gnaw at him. 
Because he knows, when the time comes, the feds will use everything he has told them, including things about her, against Miguel. And she doesn’t deserve to be dragged into the vicious dog fight about to be unleashed. 
He doubts she would survive it. 
He hopes she proves him wrong. 
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Angel likes her, and that’s the problem. She’s a Galindo, and Angel, well, he had set himself squarely in the Los Olvidados camp. Unlike Ez, though, there is no guilt in the beginning. 
It’s just business. 
In the world they lived in, you either stepped on a few toes, or you had your own toes stepped on. Angel liked his shoes just how they were, thank you. It was nothing personal. 
The thing is, that sort of mentality was easier said than done. When you begin to get to know someone personally, that tends to start blurring the whole ‘business is business’ excuse. 
Angel didn’t like that. 
He didn’t like the way she was easy to get along with. He didn’t like the way she shared the same sort of humour as him. Dark, unexpectedly so for someone so fucking preppy, sardonic and bitter. Like black coffee. He didn’t like how she asked personal shit, like asking after how he was doing, if he was alright, and expected nothing in return. She really just cared. He wasn’t used to that. He was the older brother. He was the one to check up, not be checked up on. He liked none of it. 
Because it fucked up his whole ‘nothing personal’ rationalization. 
So, he starts distancing himself. When they cross paths, he walks by, acting as if he hasn’t seen her, seen her smile at him in greeting, growing confused as he ducks his head down and slinks off. When she waits in the car out in the scrapyard, when Miguel is down and in the temple checking off points with Bishop, he turns his back and pretends he doesn’t hear his name being called, only to go ignored. 
Again, nothing personal. It was just what had to be done. He had already started backing Adelita, and, at the time, thinking she was going to take down the cartel, Miguel’s sister included, Galindo’s appeared to come in a package deal, it seemed the best course of action. 
Yet, he feels like shit for it. 
Angel’s not used to being rude, unfriendly or even unsociable. Especially to someone so... Kind, It never sat right with him. So, when he learns Adelita’s plans were never one of obliteration, but of getting into bed with the Galindo’s, he feels fucking stupid. Real stupid. 
He feels even worse when, after spotting her in the car waiting out front of the temple for Miguel to finish, he greeted her, the first time in months, and she acted as if nothing was amiss, as if he hadn’t been treating her like a leper for the last six months. 
In fact, her first words were asking how he was doing, and fuck, she was a good kid. Better than most. Still, Angel doesn’t apologize. He can’t. If he apologizes, he recognizes he had changed towards her, and if he recognizes that, then he has to recognize the reason, and he doesn’t need anyone, especially a Galindo, no matter how nice they are, analyzing his shifting moods. 
Yet, he apologizes without words.  A strawberry frappe, those frilly drinks that don’t really belong in a coffee house, her favourite, is always waiting for her when the Galindo car pulls up to the MC. There’s always an extra slice of cheesecake left in the garage fridge for her. And there is, now, a bowl on the side of the bar, filled with her favourite chili chocolates. 
The kid has a sweet-tooth a mile long. 
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Coco is distrustful. He’s met plenty of people like her before. Social workers who came milling about when he was a kid, promising to protect, help,only to finish their paper work and move on to the next sorry case. 
That’s all they were, kids, people like him, numbers and statistics, bad stains on societies face that needed to be fixed. Quickly. They pretend they care, they pretend they want to help, but they don’t. Not really. They just want to finish their work quota, file away the day and get home. 
When they get to their bed, they could tell themselves they did something good today and sleep tight. Lies. All of it lies. Pretty, but false. The truth was that alcoholic dad they were giving anger management lessons to would still hit his kids, only in places people couldn’t see now. That druggy mother they had put in rehab? Yeah, she was back on the street scoring by the end of the week, leaving her kids at home, hungry and scared. That prostitute they had gotten to swear not to work the corner again? She was back to hopping men for cash within the hour. 
He knew that one personally.
Call him cynical. He just knew how people worked when they weren’t being watched. 
At first, he thinks she’s just another cog in the machine. The pretty face to the ugly truth of the Galindo cartel, something her brother uses to hide behind. A come look at me, look how good we are, how could we be conducting illegal drug rings, sort of deal. 
And then one night, on the ride home, he sees her down an alley way. It’s the type of alley no local would go down. Filled with trash, blankets where the homeless crash when the nights get chilly, where shady drug deals go down. Coco doesn’t know why he stops, but he does. 
He didn’t recognize her at first, having only saw her in brief passing before. No. That night, he simply see’s a woman crouching down in the dark, hunched. He parked up at the side of the road, still not really knowing what he was doing, why he was doing it, but there he was, getting off his bike, walking over. 
Call it his good deed of the year. 
Imagine his surprise when, through the flicker of the street light, he finally got a glimpse of her face and realised who it was. Now, imagine that surprise going tenfold when he saw her, crouched there, talking away to some woman, obviously down on her luck, black eye and all, and, upon seeing the woman’s bare feet, socks holey and damp, she sat right down in the middle of that alley way, plucked her own boots right off, and handed them over without so much as a blink. 
The woman took them, after some urging, and as bright as a sunbeam, she gave her some money, all she had in her wallet, told her were the local shelter was, and as if she was strolling off to Disneyland, stood up and started walking down the street, sans shoes. 
Coco followed her. 
He didn’t know why until he catches up. He tells her to come back, he has a bike, that she shouldn’t walk around, barefoot, at night, in this sort of place. She says thank you. That it was really kind of him. He didn’t need to go out of his way for her. She’ll pay him for the gas when she gets home and gets her bank card. Coco waves her off.
This girl was something else. 
When he pulls up to the place she told him to drop her off, he realizes it’s the hospice she volunteers at, that she has a night-shift she’s planning to take… Barefoot. Coco doesn’t say anything. She smiles at him, wishes him a good night, and she’s off, full of endless energy and smiles. 
However, come morning, by the time she has to leave to head home, there is a pair of new boots waiting for her at the front desk, new tags still hanging on the zip. Kindness deserved to be rewarded, even just a little. Perhaps, Coco thought, there really was people out there who were kind. Who really did care. For once, Coco felt hope. 
A pair of boots seemed a good price to feel that way again. 
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