I'm ngl it's kinda alienating to see other ppl w bfrbs (especially dermatophagia) always speak about it so negatively.
Like. I get it. It sucks. It's caused huge problems in my life, i'm not denying the harm and distress it can and has brought.
But i unironically love it too. I love the texture and the taste of my skin. I love tearing off my nails with my teeth. I play around and stim with them.
I've tried all sorts of things with my skin. I like when i bite off super big chunks off my toes and let them dry out bc they're really fun to eat after that.
Tring to smooth out my nails after biting a big chunk off is like a fun game. Exploring my fingers to find places the skin has grown back enough to be bitten off again is entertaining.
Idk. I just. I used to feel like a freak for biting myself, and then i found out i have BFRBs, but now i feel like a freak for not wanting to 'recover'.
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rantingwriter · 7 years
Could you do a scenario with GOM+ Kagami where s/o gets into an accident that causes them to get amnesia and forget about them. Could you also add how the boys try to help their s/o remember them too? Pls and thank u
His heart jumped into his throat the second he saw your figure in that hospital bed. Maybe it’s not them…maybe they had the wrong [name]… Once he opened that door though, there was no mistake it was you. Your body bandaged and broken from the car accident. He didn’t think things could get any worse, but he was wrong. Things were going to get worse before they got better. Once those words fell from your lips, his world collapsed. Those three heartbreaking words. “Who are you?” 
Kuroko: “[Name]…how do you feel?” He asks, adjusting to the situation rather quickly. 
“Um…Sore I guess.” You fidget with the blanket covering you. Having difficulty looking him in the eye. 
“Do you remember anything?” He pulls up a chair, ready to talk for as long as he needed to help you out. You tell him what was clear and what was still fuzzy. 
“Y-You never told me your name…” You were finally looking at him, making him feel a little better. 
“I’m Kuroko Tetsuya…you’re boyfriend.” He gauges your reaction, this information hitting you a little too hard. “I understand you don’t remember me. So, if it helps think of me as a friend for now. I only wish to help you and clear up some of the fuzzy memories.” You visibly relax, nodding slowly while voicing a soft, “okay…thank you.” 
Kise: He can’t comprehend the fact that you have no idea who he is. “[Name]-chi…your joking right?” His face must have shown how hurt he was, your eyes holding quite a bit of guilt. “We’ve been dating for years!” He wasn’t thinking about how much weight that statement held for you. Your eyes welling up with tears as you stare at him.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t remember…” You cover your face with your hands, one of your monitors going off. 
“Sir we must ask you to wait outside,” Your doctor states going to take care of you. While he gets escorted out of the room. Realizing his mistake, he leaves to go to your shared apartment. Grabbing some of your favorite things and photos of the two of you together. When he returns to the hospital, you had calmed down and were allowed to get visitors again. 
“Sorry about earlier,” you shift in your bed as he pulls a seat up. “I shouldn’t have overwhelmed you like that.” 
“I-it’s okay…I guess.” Your eyes land on the bag in his hand. “What is that?” 
“Oh, some of your memories,” He smiles softly pulling a couple items out at a time to show you. Even if you couldn’t remember him now. He would do his best to help you through this. 
Kagami: You would think hearing that would set his temper off. Instead, he grows silent. Those who know him would start freaking out, but you just look uncomfortable. “C-Can I help you?” He shakes his head, bringing himself back to the harsh reality of the situation. 
“N-No, I actually want to help you.” He is slow in his approach, sitting down on the edge of your bed. “I’m Kagami Taiga…what’s yours?” 
“[Name], your name…sounds familiar…I think.” You bite at your nails, his hand instinctively stopping your nervous habit. You look surprised, blushing a little from his large hand gently holding yours. 
“You asked me to help you break your nervous habits. Nail biting was the hardest to break…” Your eyes seem to flicker as you remember that conversation. Only the conversation nothing else. 
“I remember that…sort of…” His smile sets your heart a flutter for a moment. “Can…Can you tell me more please?” He nods and starts going through simple things the two of you used to talk about all the time. Avoiding the fact you two are dating for now. Wanting to work you up slowly, it is one of the few times he exercised patients. Hopefully you would remember him all on your own. 
Midorima: His lucky item hitting the floor scares you more than it should have. “Why are you carrying that?” The wooden doll rolling on the floor. 
“Ever heard of a lucky item?” He adjusts his glasses, trying to keep calm and collected as he picks the item up. 
“K-Kinda…It sounds familiar?” You scratch at the bandage on your head. 
“Don’t worry about that, I’m Midorima Shintaro. Is that in anyway familiar to you?” You slowly shake your head. 
“I’m sorry…I wish I could, but I barely remembered my parents…I don’t even know if [name] is my real name.” He calmly walks to stand next to you. Digging in his bag, he hands you a little stuffed animal. Your sense of panic diminishing a little as you take the item and hug it. 
“I assure you, [name] is your name. I am a close…friend and can tell you what is real and what isn’t or bring in other people you knew if that makes you more comfortable.” You seem to get calmer every time he speaks. Asking him questions about memories surfacing in your head. Clarifying them as best as he can. It would be a slow process, but he is more than willing to help you through this. 
Murasakibara: It was rare to see him without food in his mouth. Not that you would know how much he snacks. He is still holding his bag of snacks, but he lost his appetite. “You really don’t remember me?” He is hard to read, but it was obvious you were scared of him. 
“No…I’m sorry you seem like someone I would remember, but…” He sits on the floor near the bed, digging through his bag he pulls your favorite snack. 
“Food helps,” you hesitantly take the food. The taste of it seems to trigger something. 
“Sushi…” You look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s the nickname you gave me.” He pulls out some pocky and offers it to you. Every snack seemed to trigger a little bit more. Even if it was small, he would expand it. Making you more confident every time you remember something. He was going to need to get more snacks at this rate, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. 
Akashi: Already hearing from the doctor about the amnesia. He was prepared with a means to help you. Holding many bottles of familiar scents in his bag. He is not phased by your expression. “Hello, I’m Akashi Seijuro.” 
“[Name]…” Your face morphs into one of recognition. “You…smell familiar,” your face flushes. “Sorry that sounded weird!” 
“No worries, I had hoped you would say that. Scents are some of our strongest memory triggers.” He pulls out your favorite perfume. “Hold out your wrist please.” You look confused, but trust him enough to hold your arm out. He spritzes a little on your skin allowing you to get a good whiff of it. 
“Smells like…home…” He smiles, you said the same thing when you initially bought the fragrance. Talking out the memories that surface, you seem to grow more comfortable with him. Even if it took years for you to recover, he is willing to stick with you every step of them way. 
Aomine: His face resembled the one he held when he experienced defeat for the first time. He is absolutely crushed. “Sir?” You look confused by his reaction. “D-Do you know me?” He nods slowly. 
“We are married after all…” You look shocked to hear this. 
“W-we are? I-I don’t-” 
“I know,” he sits on the edge of the bed. “That’s a lot to take in…don’t worry, we can get through this.” He changed a lot over the years, he never got serious about relationships until he met you. Now you didn’t even know him. He is just glad you didn’t have children or anything yet. Trying to explain something like this would be impossible. Pulling your ring out of his pocket he places it on your finger. Surprisingly, this simple action triggers an important memory. 
“I…remember this feeling…we were…at a…restaurant?” He nods with a soft smile. 
“Your favorite one actually, I had the ring sitting on top of your favorite dessert.” You start tearing up.
“I can see it, but…it’s not there…” His hand gently cups your cheek. 
“We will get through this, I promise.” Just hearing him say that brings a smile to you face. He may not have a firm grasp on the how, but he was determined to get you through this. 
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