#also like. paul watched moana. he knows the song. that is a FACT.
dawningfairytale · 1 year
paul matthews from tgwdlm is basically a genderbent mack from teen beach movie who got more beaten down by musicals and society
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g30citiesexe · 3 years
my essay on why Paul Matthews from The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals Is Autistic
so uhhh i rlly like the guy who didnt like musicals
its on team starkids YouTube so uh. go watch it now. cuz there’s gonna be spoilers. (warning. the musical has some horror elements and fake blood/gore)
so here’s my list on why Paul Matthews, our main character, is definitely autistic
-he’s very touch-averse (example: la dee dah day. whenever someone touches him in that scene he gets Very Uncomfortable)
-the “is now a bad time?” scene
-He sticks to a specific routine (always ordering the same coffee)
-Has a meltdown twice, first when Emma sings at their first coffee shop meeting, and second after What Do You Want, Paul?
-him mirroring the cops dance in show me your hands
-him returning an awkward thumbs up during la dee dah day
-his whole attitude throughout la dee dah day
-he’s just very socially awkward through the whole show
-his bluntness (”well it might be fun?” “I just don’t want to”, him saying he’d rather do anything than see mama mia)
-his side comments during some of the songs where he’s just. confused as hell
-his repeated “okays?” Definitely some sort of vocal stim of sorts I think
-great at memorizing shit. he knows the words to moana, was able to remember his high school years well, remembered mr. davidson’s want. Also knowing Emma’s boss despite them having like. never talked.
-his whole convo with tim in Black Friday
-also the fact that in the final scene of tgwdlm he’s like very touchy and energetic? which shows that he‘s infected and not Paul anymore?
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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Since you just gave me the show, I guess I'll answer all of them!
1. favorite character?
It's a four way tie between Paul, Emma, Bill, and the Hatchetfield Bee!
2. favorite person to play said favorite character?
Uh...Jon and Lauren if we're going with the actual show. But also going to add @fencecollapsed for Paul, @graceschasity (as well as our friend Martine) for Emma, @miacheezytoon for Bill, and myself for the Hatchetfield Bee.
3. character you relate to the most?
Definitely Paul, Emma, and Bill. I can be a bit forgetful but also loyal like Paul, I'm snarky and sarcastic like Emma, and I can be enthusiastic, loyal, and sweet like Bill.
4. character you would most like to play?
I got to play Hot Chocolate Boy and the Hatchetfield Bee in a liveread, so I'll list someone different. I'd love to play either Emma or Melissa, even though I'm not a great singer.
5. character you would most like to meet?
Probably Bill, Emma, Paul, or Melissa! I think I'd get along really well with those four.
6. most underrated character?
You know...I'm not actually sure? But for some reason my mind is saying Bill or Deb even though I've personally seen a lot of love for both of them.
7. favorite sung line(s)?
I've said it before when talking about tgwdlm, I love the line "But what will I let in if I let it out?". Other favorite sung lines are "Oh he pines after a cute little barista, isn't that worth a show stopping fiesta?" because I love Lauren's voice there, "What an ass, what a bitch, what a cuck!" because it makes me laugh, "Should we kill him? Should we kill him?" because of the Dracula arms/aggressive dabbing, "Put your words to lyrics and you're playin' the game now." because I think it's a cool lyric, and "It's the ciiiiircle of life!!!" Because god that cracked me up and I love Bill!
8. favorite spoken line(s)?
Probably my top favorite is "Who is it!?!?" "Professor Hidgens!!!" "Don't lie to me whoever you are, I'M Professor Hidgens!!!" because that was the line that made me say "I HAVE to watch this show!" I laughed so hard when I first heard it and I still do. Other great ones are "Sing the beginning of Moana!", "It's crabfest, Alice! You're killing me!", "I'm gonna kick your...head!", and "Now Paul...get in a trashcan."
9. first song you heard from the show?
I think the opening number?
10. song you play on repeat?
Let It Out and Inevitable.
11. song you skip when it comes on shuffle?
Prefacing this with the fact that I love Jeff Blim and I think he's amazing, but probably You Tied Up My Heart (because I'm very specific with the slow love ballads that I like and there aren't many), and America Is Great Again (because it has amazing harmonies but it's scary to listen to when you think about the implications and with that song I always do).
12. most underrated song?
While it's not my favorite, You Tied Up My Heart is probably the most underrated.
13. favorite head cannon?
The Hive has siren powers! It would explain why no one really left the room while the infected people were singing, and while Charlotte even seemed drawn to Sam in You Tied Up My Heart.
14. three words that describe this show?
It was inevitable.
15. overall rate?
11/10, I wish I could forget what I knew so I could go back and rewatch it for the first time again.
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frankensteindotpdf · 5 years
Jon’s TGWDLM Livestream
I offered to write out all of Jon’s answers in his q&a (not verbatim, just a summary but also it got a little long, sorry for that) so here it is! sorry if there’s typos, i wrote this at 2am lmao i put most of the qs in bold
it was hard not to kiss jeff in WDYWP, especially because his face was so close (great way to start it off)
“Sing the beginning of Moana wasnt improvised”
He loves Not Your Seed and Show Stopping Number
His favourite piece of fanart is one of the first ones with red paul blue paul (in let it out) and he had it as his homescreen for a while
he got into starkid by doing Power Prom with jeff and lauren, (as well as another show with jeff and another with quite a few of the starkids) and then they asked him if he was interested in auditioning and he sent in a video audition and tah dahhh
if he could play any other character from tgwdlm it’d be hidgens (though he says part of the reason he loves hidgens so much is because robert did such a good job fleshing him out)
“how close are you and jeff” “uhh who’s jeff?”
paul’s job was originally gonna be a movie critic (buzzfeed-esque) (and at one point in WDYWP they brought up how he was reviewing a Hamilton movie musical-which was, incidentally, his fav deleted bit) but it ended up being at a customer service center “but most of the time he fixes printers and plays on the internet”
jaime helped out with some of the lyrics to CORC/COPC because she’s a barista
his fav memory with the cast was before shows and one time when they hung out after the show at a diner
his fav line that almost made him break every time was “Latte hottay...my wife...yknow like borat, dude” (it made him break a couple of times but he was always walking off stage like right as he said it)
he really liked the line “we’ll make a jammin’ cup of java, mocha latte with the froth for you, jack, frappuccino!” he just thought the wordplay was real good
fav joke was probs the moana bit (he broke a couple of times there too)
fav song was Show Stopping Number (and he said the way the songs flow when you’re listening to it on the album is so good)
he never found it boring to go to rehearsals because James and Lauren are such good choreographers and all the actors are so good at singing and dancing he got to watch them perform all the time and he really enjoyed it (how pure)
his reaction to hearing the show’s plot was “hell yeah, this is gonna be so much fun”
when he first heard let it out he was stoked because in high school he had tried performing Confrontation from Jekyll and Hyde with just a boom box so no one could actually hear the music and it didnt go well so he felt like that song was letting him redeem himself
his fav moment from the show’s run was the first show because they were so stressed because it was the first time they went all the way through the show with tech and music and it went really well “It was magical. we were all,like, on this adrenaline endorphin high and, uh, it was awesome.”
fav character from any starkid show is either nick playing robin or nick playing obi wan from Ani (he’s seen the scene where obi wan walks into the bar “probably a million times” because he loves the timing and the dry humour) but also nick gage as sultan from Twisted
fav moment to watch in the show was the part after Not Your Seed when the aliens were trying to talk at the same time
“would i have wanted to sing more? no, because i got to sing these two awesome songs” Let It Out was really fun to do but also daunting, and in Inevitable he got to sing parts of the other songs
no real mishaps with the blood capsules, just getting fake blood all over his face and shirt (but that was fine cuz it made him look like more of a badass in the next scene, as long as he remembered not to wipe it off)
fav line that he said? “ok”
“will i ever make my own version of Love Never Dies?” he wants to be in a musical about death (more of a “silly fun romcom”) and thinks that concept has so much potential
he’s inspired by The Adventure Zone and that’s where he got the name Travis from (idk what he’s talking about being inspired about, he never really says)
if paul drank the coffee, he would have been infected
there were no pranks, but
before one of the last shows he was rehearsing outside and he “stepped in human poop” like 20 minutes before he had to go on (he threw out the shoes ofc and luckily a member of the band had extra shoes that fit)
general advice? “number 1 surround yourself with people who love and support you and that you trust and you like to have a lot of fun with 2 if you can develop a skill that you l can support yourself when you’re not working, develop that skill, its really important just so you can put food on the table and also you’ll hear a ton of advice and there are a lot of training programs about how to act and how to sing but find whatever works for you...understand the character and do whatever you can to remove tension” (that was a lot lmao but i thought it was good advice)
there were lots of little improvised bits in the show but his fav was trying to figure out what he and emma were gonna say when they were going through the alleys
before every show they’d put their arms around each other and make a one word story (i can explain the game if you dont know what it is)
paul still wants a carpet
the starkid actor he’d want to play paul (if it wasnt him) would be brosenthal or brolden
fav food is “fuh”?  im sorry im a dummy ive heard of it but i cant spell it but yeah he likes it cuz it hydrates you and it’s delicious
he doesnt know the “alexa play despacito” meme
he’d love to speak mandarin (and do a film in china, he’s never been)
paul cant hear the background music when the aliens sing
his fictional band would be named either Territorial Fashionistas, The Light Quixotic, or Immortal Bond
fav fan moment was with a fan who had just had a really bad breakup which reminded of himself and how being true to yourself is more important than staying with your partner
dark mode looks cooler on his phone so he likes it best
in songs where he got to watch others singing and dancing, he was smiling on the inside and the fact that he couldnt sing or dance for most of the musical was made up for by the songs he did get to 
MY QUESTION!! (yes, i screamed) “Why did Paul offer bill and mr.davidson a ‘nice caramel frappe, nothing better’ when he only ever ordered black coffee?” he’s gotten them for Bill before cuz it’s his favourite, and he was just saying anything to try to get away from mr.davidson
he knows the lyrics to Moana because he secretly loves musicals after having watched so many with Alice growing up, but he wont even admit it to himself “he says he likes hamilton way more than mamma mia, so, yknow. he has an opinion”
he hopes it’ll come to chicago but he doesnt know if it will
his fav musical is a tie between Chess and Little Shop of Horrors
the backstage was really nice
he was honoured to have lauren spit on him
he was, of course, sad when it was over (but he’s stoked to move to LA)
finally, in the ending he revealed what his decision was for the end with paul, but i think it’s better expressed through a gif so check out: https://showstoppinnumber.tumblr.com/post/182153650669/theguywhodidnotlikemusicals
that was so long haha sorryyy i didnt wanna leave out anything. it was fun! hope you enjoy it, @realshowstopper!! if y’all have any qs hmu
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tywvin-archive · 6 years
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below the cut are various tags i was tagged in!
rules: repost and answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
i was tagged by @rcbbstark​ tysm franzi!! <33
tagging: @lilttlebird​ @gabannas​ @leejordan​ @lesbianathene​ @helenstroy​ @zenik​ @thisbes​ @lokiofasgcrd​ @sirius
NICKNAMES: john, leni, lennister, ele
HEIGHT: 5′3″? 5′4″? i’m short you get the idea
FAVOURITE FRUIT: apples or granadines i’m so basic ik
FAVOURITE FLOWERS: poppies, carnations, sunflowers, and dandelions (are those even flowers?)
FAVOURITE SCENT: rain, lavender, the sea, new books, new stationery
FAVOURITE COLOUR: dark green and navy blue! and pastels
FAVOURITE ANIMALS: it used to be dolphins but i guess it’s cats now. i also really like horses and bulls for some reason? and lions because lannisters, you know
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: all three? i can’t choose tea
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: it ranges from 0 to ~5 to 11, it’s either one of those three, no in between
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: tywin lannister + brienne of tarth + jorah mormont + leia organa + han solo + indiana jones + asha the iskari + torwin + inej ghafa + kaz brekker + jesper fahey + bilbo baggins + sherlock holmes + many more but i’ll make it way too long
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: one in summer and 2+ in winter
DREAM TRIP: greek islands, japan, route 66, south america
BLOG CREATED: march/april 2018!
RANDOM FACT: i can’t stand william shakespeare even though i have to admit (painfully so) that he is an absolutely amazing writer
i was tagged by @ladymargeary thanks! <3
tagging: @casterlys @polydeuce @barbara-minerva @okoie @dracoluciusmalfoys @maiaroberts
name - john
star sign -  capricorn
height -  162cm? 163cm? idk anymore
put your library on shuffle; what are the first 4 songs that came up?
hot n cold - the baseballs
no more lonely nights - paul mccartney
jailhouse rock - elvis presley
red balloon - never shout never
grab the book nearest you and turn to pg 23, what’s on Line 17? a moment before, she had seemed to need counselling from me
ever had a poem or song written about you? i wanna say yes because i think so but i can’t remember so nope i guess
when was the last time you played Air Guitar? i don’t usually play air guitar so, months ago
who is your celebrity crush? elvis presley
what are 1) a sound you hate, and 2) a sound you love
forks scratching on a plate
do you believe in ghosts? kinda?
how about aliens? ABSOLUTELY
do you drive? not yet
if so, have you ever crashed? nope
what was the last book you read? i’m currently reading the last namsara by kristen ciccarelli the last one i read was utter crap so i’m not even listing it
do you like the smell of gasoline? hell yes
what was the last movie you watched? get out
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? i had a serious illness when i was little but i think that doesn’t count as an injury so, i guess that time i bumped my head into concrete floors and almost passed out i fainted so hard i started trying to solve equations in my head to see if something had gone wrong. idk why? i’m horrible at math, there are other times but not really feeling like mentioning them
do you have any obsessions rn? s t a t i o n e r y & organization
do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve done you wrong? whoops yeah
In a relationship? mentally? yes. physically? hells no, keep them away from me
tagged by @rcbbstark​ & @nancynwheeler! thank you <3
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up. then choose 10 victims!
save us - paul mccartney
don’t stop me now - queen
black hole (liar liar) - never shout never
say say say - paul mccartney ft michael jackson
talking in your sleep - the romantics
twenty flight rock - eddie cochran
i need a dollar - aloe blacc
mine - bazzi
chasing pavements - adele
dancing in the street - martha reeves & the vandellas
tagging: @leiaaorgana @murmuroftheland @polaroids @sirius @kazrietveld @shcdebarrow @dovageidys @hwppers @aragohn @peterparkarr
my top 5 ships!
tagged by: @daeneryn​ tysm <3
1. jaime & brienne (got)
2. jorah & daenerys (got)
3. cersei & the iron throne (got)
4. jake & amy (b99)
5. emily & sylvia (the handmaid’s tale)
+ sherlock & watson from the bbc series
1. achilles x patroclus (tsoa)
2. ari & dante (aaddtsotu)
3. jesper & wylan (soc)  
4. sherlock & watson (conan-doyle)
5.  asha & torwin (iskari)  
1. steve & tony (marvel)
2. steve & diana (wonder woman)
3. steve & loki (marvel) liza told me about this ship and... wow i love it
4. wade & vanessa
5. wade & colossus
1. mulan & li shang (mulan)
2. moana & the sea (moana)
3. tiana & naveen (tiana)
4. ariel & moana (i really want gay mermaids okay)
5. mufasa & sarabi (the lion king)
tagging: whoever feels like doing it!
rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @marttell, thanks feli! <3
name: john
nicknames: answered above
zodiac sign: answered above
height: answered above
languages spoken: spanish, english, and a tiny bit of portuguese
nationality: spanish
favorite fruit: answered above
favorite season: answered above
favorite scent: answered above
favorite color: i’ve already answered this 34649846 times so! have some palettes (just like feli did bc i’m an unoriginal bitch)
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favorite animal: answered above
favorite fictional character: answered above
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: answered above
number of blankets you sleep with: answered above
when your blog was created: answered above
favorite subject: greek! oh i love greek damn
currently watching: i’ll probably start some new shows! but idk which ones yet
favorite band: the beatles
instruments played: i could play a bit of guitar but i think i’ve forgotten everything i knew
favorite book: The Song Of Achilles - Madeline Miller
I’m tagging: whoever wants to do this!
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takebackthedream · 7 years
Shareholders Showdown: Will Disney Break From The Beast? by Jacob Swenson-Lengyel
Exclusive access to President Trump might sound good to a CEO, but it comes at a cost to your business. Just ask Uber chief Travis Kalanick.
In early February, Kalanick was compelled to step down from Trump’s closed-door economic advisory council after People’s Action and other grassroots groups called for his resignation, and more than 200,000 Uber customers deleted their accounts.
Yet, others remain eager to get Trump’s ear. Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger, for instance, has said serving on the economic advisory council is a “great opportunity for me to have a direct pipeline to the president.”
But many of Disney’s customers, workers and shareholders disagree, and that disagreement will be on prominent display Wednesday at Disney’s annual shareholder meeting in Denver. Members of People’s Action and our local member organization, Colorado People’s Alliance, will be making the case on International Women’s Day that Disney should stand with women, children and families, not an administration that’s bent on attacking them at every turn.
Disney and ‘The Beast’
  Disney (NYSE:DIS) is the home of Snow White, Aladdin, and Rogue One, as well as the ABC and ESPN television networks. The media company may well have the most family-friendly image of any publicly traded corporation in America. Doting grandparents take their grandkids to Disney theme parks as a virtual right of passage.
While not without critics, Disney champions diversity and inclusion in its products and policies – from the theme song “It’s a Small World After All” to “Moana” and their upcoming remake of “Beauty and the Beast,” which reportedly includes Disney’s first openly gay character.
President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has spent his first weeks in office viciously attacking immigrants and religious minorities, endangering the health care of millions of American children and families, weakening the rights of transgender youths and slandering the nation’s first black president as mentally ill. Trump’s administration is also actively endangering our democracy by attacking the free press and publicly working to undermine the judicial and legislative branch of government. Even Sean Spicer can’t use enough “alternative facts” to put a family-friendly spin on the Trump agenda.
So, why would a company like Disney hitch its wagons to Donald Trump’s administration?
Iger – and some Disney shareholders – likely have their eye on the enormous tax cuts President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan plan to push forward this year. If the Republican plan succeeds, the corporate tax rate will plummet from a statutory rate of 35 percent to 20 percent, despite the fact that corporate taxes are already at historic lows as a percentage of the federal budget.
Despite the negative impact these tax policies will have on everyday Americans, companies like Disney and wealthy CEOs like Iger are hoping they pay off big time. Some analysts are already calling Disney one of the most promising stocks to watch in 2017.
The World Will Know
  Iger seems to think he can cozy up to Trump and reap the benefits of tax cuts while distancing himself from divisive issues like the Muslim ban, the Republican gutting of health care and ICE’s expedited deportation of immigrants. Even as Iger seeks exclusive access to the President, he expects the public to believe Disney is above the political fray.
Under a normal administration, it might be possible for a company to pick and choose what elements of a president’s policy agenda to support, and how to collaborate around a fixed set of issues. But this isn’t a normal administration. Right now, there are no sidelines. President Trump poses an unprecedented threat to our democracy and to the American people, and even corporations have to decide whose side they are on.
What Iger and his business analysts don’t seem to have factored in yet is that Disney’s customers, workers, and shareholders have the power to stop the company’s wagons and hold them accountable for their actions.
People’s Action is leading a coalition that has already collected more than 513,000 signatures on a petition calling on Iger to resign from Trump’s board. People’s Action alone collected 76,922 signatures. Those signatures will be presented at a rally outside of the shareholder meeting to highlight the public outcry over Disney’s collaboration with President Trump. You can follow the rally on social media using the hashtags #BadMickey and #LetHimGo.
People’s Action campaign director Mehrdad Azemun and Colorado People’s Alliance organizer Robel Worku also plan to take that message directly into the shareholders meeting, where they will publicly give testimony about the direct impact Trump’s agenda has had on them, their families and their communities.
Meanwhile, hundreds of petition signers also pledged, without prompting, to boycott Disney or sell their shares in the company.
Dean Foster, a Disney shareholder from Brooklyn, N.Y., made his position clear: “I have been a Disney stockholder for a decade, but I will sell my shares unless Iger leaves his post with Trump.”
“I am proud of how the company values inclusiveness and diversity, both at home in the U.S. and in our international operations,” wrote Stephanie Haas, a Disney worker and shareholder. Iger should “resign from Trump’s Economic Advisory Council,” she says, “to protect the company, your own reputation, and the future of our country.”
“Our family has canceled our plans to Disneyland,” said Claudia Seskar of Divide, Colorado. “We are a group of 10 and will find better things to do at home.”
Rebellions Are Built on Hope
  While it remains to be seen if public outrage will force Disney to stop its collusion with Trump, the success of the #DeleteUber campaign shows people power can carry the day.
Less than two months in, Donald Trump is already the least popular president in modern American history. Millions took to the street the day after the inauguration in women’s marches around the country. Thousands rallied at airports when  Trump first unveiled his ban on travel from Muslim-majority countries. Wednesday’s “Day Without a Woman” protest is expected to lead to closures of hundreds of businesses and even whole school systems. There are no signs that the resistance is going to let up.
Disney and other major corporations should take note. Tethering a corporation’s brand and reputation to a deeply unpopular administration is a risky bet. In the end, collaboration could prove costly.
0 notes
agentnico · 7 years
Top 10 BEST Movies of 2016
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So I have finally seen all the 2016 films that I was planning to see, so now it’s time to talk about my favourite 10 films of this year. And what a year 2016 has been! It started really badly, as until about April there were hardly good films coming out, then the Summer season came which was also very disappointing *cough cough* ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ *cough cough*. And then the Oscar season came along, and this is where al the good movies came in, which made it really tough for me to make a final top 10 best movies of the year list, as I kept switching different films around and deciding which ones deserve or don’t deserve to be in my top 10. The only movie that I was 100% sure would be in my top 10 is my No 1 film of the year, which by far overpowers any other movie I have seen in 2016. So here you go, my favourite films of 2016, as well as a few honourable mentions that only just missed the list...
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: High-Rise, Silence (didn’t make it into the top 10 because of the disappointing ending), Manchester by the Sea, Moana, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Sing Street
10) Deadpool – There were quite a few superhero flicks that came out this year, but the one that actually impressed me was in fact ‘Deadpool’ (sorry ‘Civil War’ fans!). It’s just that what this film was able to accomplish, from bringing back a character that was ruined before and making him cool again to also proving that just because a film is R-rated doesn’t mean it will underperform at the box office, this film is worth all the praise and more.
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9) Swiss Army Man – For a film that was referred to at the film festivals as ‘the farting corpse film’, this is a surprisingly touching tale that was filled with both great comedy as well as a strong emotional core. In addition, we have Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe giving exceptional performances, and I just can’t give this film anymore praise. It definitely is an odd movie, but somehow it works.
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8) Deepwater Horizon – Possibly one of the most surprising little gems of 2016. A story set on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, which exploded during April 2010 and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Why do I think this film is so good? Because it wasn’t Hollywood-ised. By that I mean that this isn’t a happy fairy-tale action movie where everyone’s a bad-ass and do everything whilst looking super cool. No, all the characters in this film act like actual any-day working men. Thus you are able to connect more as an audience member to all these people, and morally support them as they fight for their survival and for the survival of others. This is a very inspiring film about men and women of true courage, and is definitely worth seeing.
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7) Kubo and the Two Strings – This stop-motion epic is the perfect film for children that, instead of having yellow creatures running around shouting “BANANA!!”, actually tries to tell an intelligent story by using ideas from myths and legends of the Japanese culture, and the result is this beautiful tale that I had so much fun watching. I’m not the biggest fan of animated films, but this one definitely sold me.
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6) Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping – I can say with ease that this Lonely Island mockumentary is the funniest film of 2016 that I have seen, as it perfectly pokes fun at all the pop culture clichés and possibly has the best cameo line-up this whole year. Also filled with some great catchy songs, from the ‘Equal Rights’ song where Samberg tries to show how much he supports rights, however at the same time trying to emphasise how not gay he himself is, to the shocking Bin Laden song, the music alone makes this film worth a watch.
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5) A Monster Calls – A family film that manages to perfectly blend and balance the dark realistic themes with the fantastical, making a great gateway for those unfamiliar with the coming-of-age genre. This is the perfect movie that teaches kids what to expect from life, and that not everything is just sunshine and rainbows.
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4) 10 Cloverfield Lane – Well this one was a massive surprise for everyone, wasn’t it! The original ‘Cloverfield’ film, which I happen to actually enjoy, came out back in 2008, after which many rumours were surfacing about a possible sequel, however nothing major seemed to be happening with this franchise. But then suddenly in January 2016 a surprise trailer hit for a film that had the Cloverfield tag in its title. And though this is more of a spiritual sequel rather than a proper continuation, this movie was a great little confined movie about these three people stuck in a bunker hiding away from what might be an alien invasion. This is a suspenseful film that is definitely worth seeing for sci-fi fans, especially for John Goodman’s incredible performance.
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3) The Nice Guys - Shane Black, who most of you will probably know as the director of ‘Iron Man 3′ is really at his best when he does his own passion projects, and not big studio films. Which is why ‘The Nice Guys’ works so well. This is an original film, which is quite rare nowadays with all the remakes, sequels, prequels, resequels and what-not, but this is indeed an original film set in the 1970s, a setting that is perfectly captured in this film with the costumes and soundtrack, and its simply pure joy to watch this thing. Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe share hilarious banter as they buddy up to solve this mystery of a missing prostitute, and this results in an extremely entertaining film. Thank you for this one Shane Black, it is a real shame that such a good movie underperformed at the box office. No wonder we aren’t getting a lot of original films. People simply don’t go out and see them.
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2) Nocturnal Animals – No other film this year left me as speechless as ‘Nocturnal Animals’. This movie…it’s hard to explain it. It’s one of those films that you just have to watch yourself and realise how great it is. The directing along by Tom Ford is a big enough reason to see this one. ‘Nocturnal Animals’ is one of the most intelligent thrillers I’ve seen in the past few years.
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1) La La Land – Ever since I saw this film, I knew that nothing else would beat it this year. This is an utter masterpiece, as it pays homage to the old school musicals as well as giving an emotionally filled realistic look at how difficult it is to be successful in Hollywood, that is if you are trying to be an actor or a musician, and that when it comes to it, what is more important: love or career? Also the dancing sequences are choreographed spectacularly, and there is also the use of what ‘Birdman’ did, which is filming long takes all in one shot. Also Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling both shine in the lead roles, and……well, I can praise this film endlessly. All I’ll say is that if you’ve been living on the moon this past year and missed out on seeing all the films, the one movie you definitely 100% must see is ‘La La Land’. This is destined to be a modern classic!
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So let’s hope 2017 will bring us as many good films as 2016, if not more. One thing I’m hoping for is a better summer movie season, as 2016′s summer films were an utter disaster!
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g30citiesexe · 2 years
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credits to 343guiltyshark on reddit/apxllo117 on tumblr
83 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 00:46:15 GMT
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they both got autism haven't they?
95 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 14:28:41 GMT
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99 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 21:44:34 GMT
my essay on why Paul Matthews from The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals Is Autistic
so uhhh i rlly like the guy who didnt like musicals
its on team starkids YouTube so uh. go watch it now. cuz there’s gonna be spoilers. (warning. the musical has some horror elements and fake blood/gore)
so here’s my list on why Paul Matthews, our main character, is definitely autistic
-he’s very touch-averse (example: la dee dah day. whenever someone touches him in that scene he gets Very Uncomfortable)
-the “is now a bad time?” scene
-He sticks to a specific routine (always ordering the same coffee)
-Has a meltdown twice, first when Emma sings at their first coffee shop meeting, and second after What Do You Want, Paul?
-him mirroring the cops dance in show me your hands
-him returning an awkward thumbs up during la dee dah day
-his whole attitude throughout la dee dah day
-he’s just very socially awkward through the whole show
-his bluntness (”well it might be fun?” “I just don’t want to”, him saying he’d rather do anything than see mama mia)
-his side comments during some of the songs where he’s just. confused as hell
-his repeated “okays?” Definitely some sort of vocal stim of sorts I think
-great at memorizing shit. he knows the words to moana, was able to remember his high school years well, remembered mr. davidson’s want. Also knowing Emma’s boss despite them having like. never talked.
-his whole convo with tim in Black Friday
-also the fact that in the final scene of tgwdlm he’s like very touchy and energetic? which shows that he‘s infected and not Paul anymore?
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
129 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 02:29:03 GMT
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185 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 18:34:38 GMT
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