#also literally what is it with angelus and taking so close to someone’s mouth??
sunnydalebimbo · 3 years
genuinely cackling over the Killed By Death cold-open and how the Scoobies throw a fucking sack over Angelus’ head. aasfdfghjjklksj what is he? an angry cat?? then they just… kick him a bit??? and point some crosses in his general direction. and Angelus is like “oh no, this is the worst threat i’ve ever face, let me flee dramatically”. what? is he threatened by Xander’s hideous stripped jacket?? OH MY GOD, and Angelus tackling Cordy for literally no reason, and then him just kinda sitting over her. literally who wrote that scene? who? we need to have a chat and possible a fist fight.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Puppy love
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: idea! willow practicing her magic skills by trying to grow a plant instantly. spike mocks her then willow calls him a bitch & he somehow turns into a dog & freaks. then reader finds puppy!spike stuck in some fence near the graveyard & takes him in & cares for him & rambles about their life/interests cuz now they have fluffy friend! then wakes up to see regular spike on the dog bed & freaks. Maybe later they go back to graveyard looking for pup & spike saves from attack & heals them @ his crypt?
AN: I changed the start a little from the original request, hope that’s okay. Right, so, I was in a full on debate with myself about what breed of puppy Spike should be transformed into. I chose a lil black lab cos they’re cute
Also, there is now a teeny tiny second part to this
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Xander and Willow were supposed to be having a double date with Oz and Cordelia, but they had met first to try a de-lusting spell as they had been cheating on their respective partners. You had no knowledge of this, you didn’t usually get tangled in the drama like the rest of them, although they were all your friends.
Little did anyone know that Spike had rolled into town in a drunken stupor, overhearing Willow’s conversation at the Magic Box about her upcoming spell. He figured where he could find them and planned to force her to make a love spell so that he could make Drusilla love him again. He was desperately lonely, a broken heart that couldn’t be healed as Drusilla had cheated on him.
Willow was focusing, closing her eyes and trying to make sure her focus was on magic and nothing else. But when the door swung open, it sent Willow into a panic and when she saw that it was Spike storming in demanding a love potion, she couldn’t help but shout what she was feeling.
Son-of-a “Bitch!” was all that Willow shouted out loud, having been interrupted by Spike sending the magic she had started to manifest straight for him. She moved to look at him as she said it, her magic working in such mysterious and sometimes literal ways. It backfired and Willow’s eyes widened, after a black Labrador puppy appeared from behind a cloud of smoke where Spike had been stood before.
She opened her mouth to say something but only a giggle escaped her lips. The puppy growled at her, scampers off. He made it as far as a graveyard before he spoke to himself in confusion, having seen his reflection in a puddle.
“Woof!” Bloody hell! I’m a sodding puppy! I’m gonna kill that good for nothing little witch when I-
He started to scamper away from his reflection, but he was cut off from his non-verbal little rant, as he was running towards a crypt for shelter and got caught on the fencing. The wiring was caught, digging into his flesh slightly. He let out an angry little growl and started to struggle but with no luck.
At this very moment, you were ambling through the graveyard and you happened upon a little puppy who had been tangled up in the wiring. You gasped, he was the cutes little pup with the brightest blue eyes. They were almost human and he was so small, with a loud voice despite the size. You melted, rushing straight over to him and trying to comfort him. He snapped at you, but you loved animals, understanding he was probably a little stressed. You manage to untangle him and start to check his wounds – they are scratches but you decide you’ll have to try and keep an eye on him and take him home. You were so excited to find a little furry friend, despite his apparent grumpy temperament. You carried him home, whispering softly as you did.
“Come in little one, welcome to your new home” You smile, snuggling into him and kissing the top of his head. He snaps at you and you move him from your head, stroking him and whispering that you understood. Instead you showed him around your small house - he must have been through a lot so you would work up to kisses and snuggles.
You fed him and made sure he wasn’t more hurt than you thought and then decided he should have a name. All you could come up with was ‘pup’ for now. You made a small nest of blankets in the corner of your room, so that he had somewhere to sleep. However, when it got to bedtime after the pup exploring the house for most of the evening, he refused to settle. He just kept scampering back up to sleep in your bed. No matter how many times you scooped him up, he returned to the same spot.
“No, you have a little nest here!” You explain, lifting him again and nestling him on top of the blankets on the floor, “Pup, no!” you try to half-heartedly scold him, but his little face made it too hard.
“Woof” No bloody way am I sleeping on the floor like some animal – why don’t you sleep on the floor you bloody-
“Aw, you little sweetheart! Are you talking to me? Are you?” You whisper, stroking his soft fur adoringly.
“Woof woof” I will kill you and your little friends and if you – oh, that actually feels nice – no, you bloody don’t trick me into – behind the ears, love – that’s it
“You like that, huh? A little scratch behind the ears? I think we’re gonna be good friends little one” You grinned as he started to finally relax in your presence. You paused, deciding you would have to give in and let him sleep here just this once.
“Woof” Don’t stop! What are you doing you strange bitch-
“Okay, you’ve twisted my arm – you can sleep on the bed, but you can’t hog the covers” You joked, dogs can’t steal covers, you giggle. The pup moved his head to the side, almost as if he was studying you closely. His eyes seemed human, he was such a little sweetheart your heart was melting. You were so pleased you had found him. You settled in bed and the pup curled up beside you.
You stayed up that first night, excitedly checking on your new friend, making sure you hadn’t dreamt him up. He didn’t appear to be too bothered about the little grazes from the fencing but you wondered whether you should take him to the vets. You considered checking if he was chipped, or getting him chipped, but something inside told you he might not handle that too well. Maybe a hunch.
It had been a week and the pup was getting more used to you. Your little furry friend could be a little bit of a grouch but you always won him around with snuggles and scratches behind the ear. He was very talkative, little yips as if he was telling you something very important, and he seemingly liked the affection you were giving him.
You continue over the next few weeks to curl up with the pup in the evenings and ramble about anything and everything that came to mind. Sometimes, you could swear pup was actually listening.
“Sometimes I get a little lonely, the Scoobies are all so nice but they’re all coupled up and I feel a little left behind. Is there something wrong with me, pup? Where’s my big romantic story?”
“Woof” Nothing wrong with you pet, except maybe you’re a little too trusting letting a beast like this into the house and expecting to remain unscathed
“Stop, little one! That tickles!” You giggle as his tiny teeth start to playfully snap at your hand. He settled back down, and you continued to speak, “At times, I feel like I’m making things worse instead of helping with the slaying. I made Buffy let Spike go the last time he was here. He seemed to mean well, getting rid of Angelus and all. Everyone thinks I trust too easily – see the good even when there’s none there. I feel stupid, like a child”
“Woof woof” Rot! You’re not stupid! Bloody seen enough of your lot to see that you’re the best of them, pet
“Willow says Spike came back the other week, but he disappeared. His eyes looked so sad when I saw him come back. I wish he had love like him and Drusilla had…” you sigh again, stroking the pup softly as you were in deep thought.
“Woof. Woof. Woof!” Mad bloody bint doesn’t love me – she sodding cheated! Don’t get me started, I mean – a chaos demon?! You don’t want love like that, believe me pet
“Aw someone’s chatty! I know, I know I have you. My favourite little man” You cooed and this time, the cute little pup didn’t grumble like he usually would, instead he leaned his head onto your lap. Snuggling you without prompt.
Over the next couple of weeks, the pup had slowly started to sleep closer to you, as if he were seeking to protect you which made you giggle. He was so small, he was all bark and no bite. He snuggled up nearer you in the night, enjoying your body heat. You both got used to each other, sometimes you swore he was actually speaking to you. You both enjoyed snuggling up in the evenings, and you showed pup all of your favourite shows. You took him on little walks although he still hadn’t mastered fetch.
You were becoming used to each other, until one morning everything was different. You woke up one morning, a strange weight over you, finding a man lying in your bed. No, not a man. A vampire. You scream, looking around wildly for the pup – he made you feel safer. Your screaming made him stir, “How did you even get in?!” you shrieked, moving away from him. Spike realised he’s back to himself and started to run, pulling your duvet from your bed and around him and out the door.
Spike had a weird affection for you after this, feeling like he really knows you. Gets you. He shared your loneliness, wanting to take it from you as you had started to make him feel better. From what you said to him, he felt that he understood you, you’re a romantic. Like him. You’re loyal. He found himself having an innate need to protect you. Look out for you. Wants to hold you and be held by you again. He missed it more than he found himself missing Drusilla.
You were lonely without pup. His little blue eyes would be all mopey and lost again. You needed to find him, you just hoped that he hadn’t been eaten by one of Sunnydale’s many predators.
You walk into the graveyard, looking for pup. You hadn’t lost hop in finding him. He was so innocent, you were worried he was stuck again. Spike had decided to stay in Sunnydale rather than going after Dru. He watched you walk into the graveyard, sighing, rolling his eyes at how oblivious you are. Just taking a stroll when anything could be hiding in the shadows. He swiftly stepped out of the shadows to tell you this, but another demon beat him to it.
You squeal, stumbling and falling backwards as Spike swiftly steps in front of you and beats it up, protecting you from the threat. There was a strange familiarity and need to hug Spike as a thank you, maybe even scratch him behind the ears.
“Come on, pet, I’ve got some of those candies you like” He offered, gesturing towards an abandoned crypt with no explanation. Gestures his head again for you to follow him as you just stare dumbfounded. You feel conflicted, like he was offering you candy to get into a van. But you followed him, trusting his intentions. Knowing, somehow, that he was being sincere. His demeanour towards you appeared to change since he was in Sunnydale last. He almost appeared to have affection for you and you couldn’t help feeling something for him although you couldn’t name it.
“Why are you being nice, Spike?” You ask after he hands you your favourite snacks that he appeared to have actually bought from a shop. There was a receipt and everything in the bag. You were now both sat in a crypt that he had appeared to have done up to look like a house.
“I was the pup you were dotin’ on oh so kindly. Red’s spell gone wrong” he explained with a shrug. You cringe a little, you had poured your heart out over that month or so you were together.
“Oh, uh, you want me to pay you to… stop you from telling people? You’re gonna eat me, aren’t you?” You asked, sighing rather than screaming this time.
“Nothing like that, pet… uh, you give good hugs” he admits with a shrug. You nod slowly as if this made sense. He was missing the affection, being held. He enjoyed it and he wanted it again. Only with you, though.
You’re very trusting and he knew he could talk to you. He started to talk about his most intimate feelings, telling you of his loneliness. Heartbreak. He told you in detail, everything that happened with Drusilla. You were sat, hanging on every word for most of the night. Your eyes started to water, your sobs strangled as you tried not to cry in front of him. You move in to hug him and to your surprise, he wrapped his arms around you in return. His own eyes threatening to spill over as he thought about his past that he had just laid before you so honestly. It was strange, he wasn’t used to being so honest about his past – but it was only fair. You had told him a lot about yourself.
Not willing to leave the warmth of each other’s embrace, you followed him and slipped into bed beside him. You both held each other through the rest of the night and well into the day. You snuggle into each other wordlessly. It became a common occurrence, with Spike staying with you in Sunnydale rather than returning to look for Drusilla. He doesn’t even joke about biting you, that often, he just wants the security of your arms, as you want his.
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demi-angel-novel · 6 years
Chapter 4:  Its time for hell-I mean class
     Have you ever woken up to a trumpet blast? It freaking hurts. I woke up with the sound of an impossibly loud trumpet blare, which caused me to fall out of my bed on my back!
“Ugh-what the heck was that” I groaned as I lifted myself up. “Why, just why would you do this?” I muttered as I rubbed the dust from my eyes. When my eyes focused again they immediately went wide by surprise.
     The room I was in had silver floor tiles with navy blue walls with bookcases stacked to the brim on each. Filled with books that I have and wished to have read. The lining and corners of the room were black and when I looked at the ceiling it was literally the sky I could see the progress of the day and currently it was the early morning with the sky and clouds being engulfed in orange light from the early sun. The bed I was sleeping on was I’d say king size with a wide berth most likely for our wings.
     The bed possessed sky blue covers peppered with black storm clouds with white and gold pillows at the top of the bed. To my left beside the bed was a giant walk-in closet with tons of space for racks and clothes and anything else you would want to add. What really got my attention were two circles hidden in the wall and floor nearly fitting perfectly within the rest of the structures but with enough of an indent to notice. So when I pressed the circle on the wall the floor slide away revealing a staircase.
      “Note to self-explore the stairway at some point”. While I continued to explore the room I noticed it smelled exactly like the Payne’s shop, this immediately filled me with happiness and calmness. I looked to the left and saw a doorway with bathroom on a plaque and when I walked through it I saw myself. I had piles of soot and ashes all over and with my clothes, I found them in tatters and with many pieces missing.
     For the first time, I got a good look at my wings and I gotta say they look awesome but when I looked closer there seemed to be separations in threes of each one huh weird I thought. When I looked at myself I was still pretty much the same still extremely skinny with barely any muscles but I was at least healthier than I was as a kid I was at least normal somewhat. I decided to take a shower to at least get all the gunk and grime off of myself, and when I came back out with a new toothbrush in my mouth I saw a note on the bed with a new pair of clothes. I picked up the note while brushing my teeth and read it in my mind.
“Dear Mr. Di Angelo, we noticed that you lacked a pair of clothes to wear due to your…particular upbringing and the events of yesterday-so we have provided you with a set of clothes until you have bought your own. Please enjoy! From Angelus Sanctum” 
     Beneath the note was a white long sleeve dress shirt and black slacks. When I finished brushing my teeth I put on the free clothes I kept my shirt untucked and noticed two things they fit perfectly and underneath them was a white sash with a blank silver pin on it and when I touched it to examine it closer the sash immediately turned dark blue and the pin turned silver with bronze folded wings.  The heck is this school am I literally in Hogwarts right now!?  I sighed well I might as well wear it.  After I put on my sash and sneakers I went outside of my room and saw CJ wearing a maroon hoodie with a bulldog with M.S.U underneath it with a pair of forest camouflage jeans and shoes.  Over his shoulder was the same sash but, his was scarlet red with the same pin as mine.
“Oh, good morning Thomas!” he said excitedly with a bright wide smile.
“Ciao, where are you heading off to?”
“Breakfast!  wanna join me?’
"Um, sure I’m hungry enough to eat up a whole kitchen”
“Cool follow me!"  He led me through a bunch of corridors and hallways, wiith us finally making it to stairs.
“Jeez, you’d think they would add a map with this maze of a school.  Hey, I was wondering, where’s golden locks?  That trumpet blast wasn’t exactly soothing.”
“Blake has classes later than us, so he didn’t get the alarm.  I think his classes are in the afternoon.”
“What?! how?”
     “Believe me I’ve asked that question many times myself,” he said as he patted me on the back.  After walking down the stairs we wound up in front of two black doors with a plaque above it with the same symbols but now they seemed easier to understand as they turned into English that read Cafeteria.  When we walked through the doors I saw a room with polished marble floors with pure white walls with gold trims and to my right on the wall were empty plates with cups, glasses, and mugs, and peppered throughout were floating stone circular seats that had built in red padded seats and tables with each a different height from the ground some where high in the air with people flying up to them while others were closer to the ground with people who had new wings or people without wings at all.  I saw CJ go over to the purple draped table with the cups and plates and grabbed a large plate with a medium sized cup with him motioning me over with his head.  So I followed and picked up a plate with a mug and followed him to one of the tables floating close to the ground.  When we sat down I noticed food appear in CJ’s plate and cup which was an oversized stack of pancakes and stakes for some reason with a side of orange juice.  On his face was a look of pure joy as like a fountain syrup appeared and dripped with each stack.  My face must’ve looked pretty funny because he choked on his pancakes.
”Cough, cough, dude whats with that face?  Never seen someone eat 20 pancakes before?“
"No, but that’s not the main reason, how did food appear out of thin air!?”
“Oh, that?” he said nonchalantly "That’s how we get our food just think of what you want to eat and it’ll appear no big deal man" 
“You can’t be serious” I doubted
“Dude, you’ve seen all this stuff and you question food magically appearing on a plate?  Just trust me on this it’ll work”
“Alright if you say so” I sighed out as I imagined the food I wanted, which was a plate of waffles and bacon and in the mug, I imagined a cup of coffee I always ordered at the Payne”s and when I opened my eyes I saw the food in front of me.
“Okay, i’m 90 percent sure I’m in Hogwarts right now,” I muttered before I took a bite with the utensils that appeared as well and the food was delicious beyond what I can describe and when I drunk a sip of the coffee it tasted exactly like I remembered like it took a cup of coffee from the cafe itself.  When we finished our food we went to our classes and my first class was Power Studies.  I followed the schedule and saw above the door a sign that read P.Studies F-1.  
     The classroom had faded yellow walls with a wooden gym floor, it had no desks or chairs.  When I looked at the students around me I saw that I was the only one with wings.  Apparently by the time I walked through everyone was already in a group chatting together which left me alone.  For a total of two minutes until one guy with really dark brown skin and a guy with long black dreadlocks with light brown tips.  He had a stocky muscular build with forest green eyes.  He wore a faded grey shirt that hugged against his body with dark blue jeans with brown farm boots.  He had a radiant smile on his face as he walked over to me and I realized this guy was at least seven feet tall so he towered over me who was at least 5 10 in a half.  When he made it up to me he spoke in a booming deep voice with an African accent.
“Welcome fellow classmate!” he boomed as he slapped me on the back nearly knocking me to the ground. whoever this guy is he is freaking strong and nearly knocked me to the ground with the rest of my breath. I thought as he continued.
“Oh, my apologizes how rude of me my name is Arden Oak!  What’s yours?” he continued booming.
“uh, Thomas Di Angelo, nice to meet you,” I said regaining my footing.
“I must say Thomas, that show that you did yesterday was spectacular! if I do say so myself.  I mean controlling that unruly spirit so easily and having such a thunderous voice, whew it nearly shook the school!”
“Yeah being a human lightning was great,” I said sarcastically
“I must make sure I am not outdone by you, my friend!”  He grabbed my whole body and forced me against him in a forced side hug and had his hand clenched in the air in front of himself.
“Let us strive for greatness together!” he spoke proudly.  I couldn’t help but smile his energy was infectious.
“Sure let’s do it!”  Without warning an impossibly loud whistle broke through the ocean of conversations causing all of us to hold our ears.  After the torture stopped we looked up to see a man with short blonde hair that was styled in a buzz cut with rectangular glasses on his nose with electric yellow eyes paired with his fair skin.  He wore a black t-shirt with gray gym shorts that barely reached his knees and around his neck was the dreaded whistle and tennis shoes.
“Alright listen up class my name is Mr.Watts, I’m going to be your S.E teacher!  That’s short for spirit energy.  Today’s lesson is unlocking and understanding Spirit energy or S.E. for short”  His voice was commanding but at the same time inviting and carefree.  He sat on his desk and pulled out a black stylus which when he grabbed it glowed yellow and in front of himself he wrote in the freaking air which floated in yellow font.
“Now, as I’m sure you can guess from the name spirit energy is the energy from your soul or spirit.  This energy exists in every living being, creature. plant, and animal, and especially in us.  And before you say it no this is not the force that’s just one of our old students naming something in his movies.  This is also the energy that allows us to use our powers.  Like I said earlier any living being in this world has this energy and we have the highest abundance of it because one of our parents were angels or children of other Demi-Angels or maybe even descendants of a Demi-Angel.  Most organisms most likely don’t know they possess this energy but in little ways, they use it.  The reason we are able to use this energy so freely and easily is that-”
“Hey Mr.Watts where are your wings” a random guy blurted out.
“Hm, oh, sorry children I had business in the human world earlier”  Out from his back shot out large yellow and black wings.  “Ah, that feels better I forgot I had them tucked in now on with the lesson, the reason we are able to use this energy so easily is that we are the children or in relation to angels beings that exist in the spiritual world.  Originally humans possessed a much higher percentage than they do now but after countless generations, it became diluted and weaker so in a way to protect humans from their newfound blindness a group of Demi-Angels and Angels wove a veil around the world to protect and hide them from the supernatural. We call it the veil but it can go by many names such as mist, glamour, and etc etc.  Spirit energy is the energy of the soul which in turn if large enough can turn into spiritual power and pressure as byproducts.  And ill give you an example of both.”  He held out one of his hands and the air immediately filled with static making my hairs stand on ends and from his hand sparked yellow electricity that arced around his entire right hand.
“This is S.P and as you can tell my power is electricity” the electricity stopped as he began to talk again.
“Now spiritual pressure is a whole other thing it is the amount and power of your soul.  This can also carry certain characteristics of your spiritual power and when I demonstrate my spiritual pressure know these two things, brace yourselves because this will be your first encounter with it and the other is to find the characteristics in mine.  Now let’s begin”  He stood up and lifted up his left foot as if he was listening to music and slammed it back to the ground and as soon as he did a large weight fell upon each of us.  Forcing us to the ground on our knees the air became filled with static as the pressure increased to the point where we each felt our ears about to pop when just as swiftly as the weight appeared it lifted and when it left we each breathed out the air we were apparently holding. 
“You suck for that Mr.Watts” I muttered
“Heheheh, come on class you all rested yesterday time to get up and ready for the next part!” he said with mock excitement which caused all of us to grumble in annoyance at him.  “Alright alright, I’ll let you have a break while I go more in-depth with Spiritual Pressure.  If you could tell my S.P had traits of static in it, but like most people, no two are ever the same.  Each person has a different trait in their Spiritual Pressure, like some have scents, sounds, tastes, feelings, etc etc.  Through unlocking your S.Pressure you also unlock an aura, this is the physical form of your S.E and S.Pressure they can come in many shapes sizes and forms but most times they have a certain color or shape like mine for example”  Around him a thick yellow energy flowed and arced in different places several times.  “This is my Aura as you can see its yellow and arcs like electricity but its shape is pretty basic. 
 An Aura can act as a shield, weapon, healing device if none are around, limbs, and many others.  With the more advanced the usage is the more it can drain you physically because most times your soul is stronger than your body but with practice, these will become easier and what I just told you is barely scratching the surface of the uses for Auras.  Well, I’ve talked for long enough on with the next lesson”  The class groaned, “Fine if you don’t want the chance to activate your wings be my guess.”  the class immediately shot up off the ground with newfound energy and interest.  “uh huh I thought so.  I’ll be unlocking your spirit energy, pressure, and aura.
  For this, I’m going to call you up in alphabetical order by your first name so-Arden Oak step up please”  Arden stood proudly and saluted Mr.Watts and stepped forward and stood head to chin with Mr. Watts.  Mr.Watts made an aura around his hand and pressed against Arden’s forehead and when the energy flowed into him immediately afterwards the scent of pine trees filled the room as a small weight was placed on our shoulders and around Arden flowed a brown and green aura with the brown coming from the bottom branching out into green.  If you were to describe the shape Arden’s body made up the trunk and out of it appeared two large green leaves coming out of his back made of a darker shade than his aura and when his aura finally subsided the two large leaves were left.
“Your parents were Demi-Angels weren’t they Mr.Oak”
“Yes sir they were” he spoke stately
“Ah, okay go back over to the  wall and let’s get the next person”
After what felt like forever he finally made it to me. “Hello Mr.Di Angelo please stand still you should only feel a small pinch”  When I felt the energy enter me I felt a sharp pain in my head and my chest as I felt something suddenly flow into me rapidly, as the area around me smelled of ozone with the scent of fresh rain and the sound of thunder in a drum beat with the feeling of static in the air.  Around me was a mixture of clouds that wrapped around me with jagged arcs of lightning.  The clouds were black and grey and white with the arcs being mixtures blue and silver.
“Thunderstorm huh, nice alright next!” Mr. Watts called
     After Mr.Watts got done with the rest of people I saw a bunch of different wings somebody even had the wings of a plane for some reason but they act like regular wings. But strangely enough, they felt like metal.  His name was ironically Jet.  He had shaggy dark grey hair with metallic eyes and tanned skin.  He wore a brown flight jacket with a white tank top and blue jeans with black boots.  He’s actually pretty laid back and nice.
“Alright class now on to spiritual power and unlocking it what I need you to do is sit Indian style for this.” when we did he continued.  “For your powers, they can range from many options elemental, physical, mental, and so on.  When you each unlocked your S.E you were given some hint to your power some more obvious than others.  To use these powers imagine what form your aura took as well and make the shape a reality like this.”  Mr.Watts summoned his aura again and when the aura began to arc it turned into an actual bolt until eventually, his whole aura became electricity.  “If you don’t get it on the first try don’t worry keep at it no one is great on their first try now as a secret to help you, imagine a bottle or some sort of container and picture the power you think is in their imagine it trying to break out and imagine opening it and allowing it to exit rapidly spilling out.  It helped me when I was your age alright let’s get started”
     From what I’ve been through these last two days I was sure of what my power was.  So in my mind, I pictured a raging storm trapped in a bottle fighting and longing to escape so I imagine the cork popping off and when it happened the storm rushed out with a fury.  In my body, I felt a pull from my chest and my stomach and out of instinct I snapped open my eyes seeing a raging storm rage around me with the same thunder drumbeat with silver lightning arcing violently everywhere.  My eyes were enraptured by the swirling storm around me with my sight being broken because of a sound to my right which was the gym floor being spit and broken apart as a mass of trees broke through the ground wrapping around Arden.  While I was looking at Arden I noticed my lightning being attracted to his trees as when as soon as the lightning struck it either absorbed it or was burned away but was immediately replaced with two more in its place.  To my left was a cyclone of water which also got attacked by my lightning and as I kept looking at everyone else’s I noticed that Jet had metal beams and pillars appear from the ground which also dragged in my lightning.
“Okay, class listen up what I want you all to do now is…to just play around with your powers. Get used to them make them apart of yourselves.  In other words, go crazy” he said as he started reading a sports magazine.  The class cheered for this and we all immediately started playing with them.  I outstretched my hand and disrupted the clouds and twisted, condensed, and just do whatever with the storm.  And on one of these times when I condensed the storm, I tried doing what Mr.Watts did by generating silver lightning bolts and when I did I pushed it out making a tornado with lightning striking everywhere from the ceiling to the walls and floor and from this other peoples powers got sucked into it with water being the first then a few of Arden’s trees then fire them a few beams from Jet and so on and so on until we had made a tornado of powers breaking and destroying everything in its path to the point where even Mr.Watts saw this getting out of hand so he clapped his hand together making a massive thunderclap destroying the tornado and sending everything that was an object flying into the upperwalls above us.  We all looked around and saw the classroom in shambles, floorboards were missing holes were in the floor the wall had fractures and holes it was just a shadow of its former self.  We were expecting to be yelled at but we heard laughter coming from Mr.Watts.
“hahahahaha, children that was great oh my lord I’m so proud of you all just next time try not to destroy my classroom I really don’t want to keep on rebuilding it each day”  Trumpets blared “Ah, there’s the bell okay class tomorrow we really start class so be prepared alright ill see you all tomorrow have a good rest of the day.”
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