#also look at their little yukata
dulciedeleche · 2 years
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Hellooooo y’all guess what? NEW OC!
This precious little girl is Yoko, Haruto’s little sister! When she and her brother were young, they were very close. Inseparable, even. Haruto always did his best to watch over and protect his little sister
Although, something happened to her
That is info for the future however. For now, enjoy the happy little siblings!
@kaymeewise @lize-the-prophet​ More Haruto lore come get ya juice
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koneko-pi · 1 year
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I had a craving
Ft. Solara UuU @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
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windor-truffle · 2 months
Mask of Barona Summer Festival!!!
presenting a spontaneous fluffy Graces 4khoma comic by dolphin :) Hilarity ensues when Asbel and Sophie ask the Mask of Barona to help them track down Richard, who mysteriously disappeared during a festival (read left to right!!)
(the image descriptions should help if the text/art/handwriting isn't clear enough, i know these are just messy thumbnails ^^' the formatting is a little jank too so i recommend clicking on each picture to make sure all the frames are visible.)
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icharchivist · 7 months
So would you want Percy to wear that Event outfit to a date with you or would you prefer the yukata? :3c
Neither i want the game to finally allow him to wear the best outfit they've ever designed for him (which still shows his tits so you can still make fun of me on this one)
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like to what god must i make blood sacrifice for it to finally be a skin in game i've been foaming in the mouth over it for YEARS--
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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SUMMARY: The other Pillars are convinced Tomioka has something against the latest Hashira, but have no idea your husband is simply looking for you during your pregnancy. A/N: I think something glitched when I was making the header...didn't crop properly. Anyway, enjoy this trash and I'm sorry if it's not up to my usual standard but I just got the random idea in the middle of the night! WARNINGS: Fem Reader, pregnancy MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS
Everyone was convinced Tomioka Giyuu hated you right from the start.
You were first introduced to the Hashira when Oyakata-sama called them all for a meeting on the latest reports of demon activity, but requested them all to stay a little longer before being dismissed. Amane gestured for you to come forward with a gentle smile and you shuffled out of the shadows with your hands clasped together in nervousness but with a bright bream upon your face. The Hashira’s eyes caught yours in surprise, wondering if you were perhaps a new Kakushi since you weren’t wearing a slayer uniform, but instead a traditional (f/c) yukata.
Then their eyes strayed downwards and changed their minds about that, but nonetheless still remained in confusion.
“This is our newest member, (y/n) (y/l/n), the (b/f) Hashira. She was supposed to join our ranks quite some months ago but due to her sudden pregnancy she will for now be an honorary member.”
The only sign of your anxiety was the blush on your cheeks and the hand rubbing at your swollen abdomen. “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to meet you all! I won’t be on the battlefield for some time and I’m sorry I can’t fight alongside you for now, but I look forward to getting to know you all. If you need anything, I’m always at the (e/n) Estate.”
The ice was broken and you were immediately approached by many of the Hashira. Himejima-san cried and wished you and your child good health, making you feel a little embarrassed but thanked him anyway. The Mist Pillar Tokito simply stared at you, then at the sky, then at you again before asking what were you doing here again (later on, he startled you by appearing behind and questioning you in that airheaded manner of his if he could talk to the baby).
You were also tackled by the Love Pillar who introduced herself as Kanroji Mitsuri and your new best friend as well as the calmer Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, who despite slightly unnerving you with her smile touched you greatly when she said you could always stop by the Butterfly Mansion for checkups or simply a visit.
“How far along are you?”
“About five months, I think!”
“KYAAAAAAAAAAH! Your baby is going to be so cute! What’s it’s name? Do you know if it’s a he or a she yet? I can’t wait to be an aunt!”
“Heh, I’m not too sure yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a boy!”
Mitsuri squealed again, causing you to laugh at her genuine happiness. She whipped her head behind her and called out to the silently glowering Snake Pillar. “Iguro-san, don’t you think the baby will be cute? I really wish I’ll have some of my own one day!”
You and Shinobu shared a smirk as the Wind Pillar grumpily slapped his friend’s back and dragged the furiously red Iguro away, muttering viciously about not wasting any more time in hunting a Twelve Kizuki.
“Oh look, there's Tomioka-san. Why hasn't he come and said hello yet?”
“Ah well, a lone friendless wolf as always.” Shinobu didn't see you originally visibly brighten at Mitsuri’s words and turn surprised at hers.
Indeed Tomioka was standing awkwardly as always a little - long, actually - way off. What was not as always was that horrified, slack jawed look on his face instead of his usual blank, emotionless one.
“Tomioka-san? Are you alright? You've been making that face for a long time already…” Shinobu's eye twitched, but you didn't notice, suddenly preoccupied with Muichiro’s intense questioning of whether he could play with the baby when it was born.
“She shouldn't be a Hashira.”
The remaining Hashira found themselves narrowing their eyes at the Water Pillar's blunt, if not rude, words.
That would be just one of the many events that further convinced them of his intense dislike of you.
You started going over a lot to the Butterfly Mansion over then next few months, becoming a fast favorite among the girls for your cheerful attitude and your baby; even Kanao cracked a smile at you when you came around. When the other Hashira arrived to be healed you always made it a point to go pay them a visit and in turn you pretty soon had every one of them in your back pocket, including the harsh, loudmouthed Wind Pillar Shinazugawa who constantly gave you a jolt with the complete 360 with his attitude around you, to the point you could call him a good friend.
Being friends with him usually meant hearing him grumble about the stupid waterboy.
“Why doesn’t he ever look at you anyway, turning away like that. So rude, that little (beep) (beep) (beep)-”
“Eheh, Shinazugawa-san, don’t swear so loudly, he’ll hear you!”
You had stopped by to Sanemi’s room when Shinobu had mentioned he was there to be patched up after a mission and knowing how busy she was, had offered to go help change his bandages with the basic medical knowledge you had picked up over the years of being a slayer. Reluctantly she had agreed and so here you were, chatting away with him until he spotted Tomioka passing by (he poked his head in actually, otherwise Sanemi would never have noticed him) and started complaining about him once more, especially when you had called out to him and Tomioka had simply whipped his head to the side to stare into the distance.
Really, Sanemi wasn’t the only one to notice how Tomioka avoided you like the plague with that stupid, vacant, red expression of his.
“He’s just shy, he doesn’t mean to be rude!” You defended the poor Pillar, continuing with rewinding the new wrappings.
“Tch, you should see how he acts at the meetings, like he’s better than us or something,” was the growling reply. “(beep) doesn’t know how to (beep) talk with anyone with his (beep) attitude.”
“I don’t think he thinks he’s better than all of you, maybe it’s just something else,” You hum, finishing up. “That’s all! I’m glad the demon didn’t go any further than a scratch.”
Shinazugawa grunted, then his gaze caught yours and softened. “By the way, who’s the dad?”
“Oh, it’s -”
“(y/n)-san!” Three heads peeked in from the door shyly. “Can you come and play with us?”
“Of course! Bye, Shinazugawa!”
Like always the reply was only a “tch”.
Another thing was that he never stopped repeating what he said at the first time everyone met you: “She shouldn’t be a Hashira”, going as far as to attempt to prevent you from wielding a sword, although this was only noticed by Tanjiro.
You had agreed to the Kamaboko Squad’s requests (aka demands by Inosuke and begging from Zenitsu) to train together, despite Tanjiro’s worries which you brushed off. The boys were very rambunctious and did tire you out quite a bit, but you were having so much fun and they were so eager you just went on sparring with them until even Inosuke muttered a plead for a quick break, unable to beat your incredible swordsmanship.
“(y/n)-chan!!! Who’s the lucky guy you married?! You never told us and I want to know how he managed to score someone so beautiful like you so I can do it with Nezuko-chan!” Zenitsu simpered, scooting closer, ignoring Tanjiro’s scandalized look.
“What’s married?” Inosuke’s voice was muffled underneath his boar mask and the mountain of onigiri you had brought he was stuffing into his mouth, so none of you heard him.
You giggle, placing a hand on your stomach. “He’s very sweet, although he’s honestly very shy and doesn’t talk much. I’m sure you’ve met him before! Can you guess?”
“Woah, really?” Tanjiro brightened, wondering who it could be, but his next question was interrupted by an interrogative monotone.
“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be training.” Tomioka stood in front of them, the first time anyone had seen him interact with you without just staring at the ground. His face was as empty as the void but there was a tiny crease between his eyebrows and Tanjiro didn’t have to inhale to smell the worry reeking off him.
“I didn’t know you were so concerned about (y/n)-chan, Tomioka-san.” Zenitsu’s eyebrows shot up, disappearing under his hair while he glowered judgmentally.
Tomioka made no reply, only swiftly grabbing and removing the sword from your hand. “She shouldn’t be a Hashira, much less train. You nearly died fighting a demon not too long ago, you’re in no shape to be doing this.”
With that he abruptly walked off and left Zenitsu and Inosuke to scream at him for being such an un-gentleman and for not fighting with them while you looked away sadly.
Tanjiro wondered why he didn’t once smell dislike on Tomioka. Only fear.
“What’s he got against (l/n)?” Obanai joined in on the conversation from his perch on the tree. He’d look for reasons to hate against the Water Pillar all the time, but unlike the others this time round his hatred was justified.
Tengen rolled his eyes flamboyantly. “I know! He’s constantly acting like she’s a pest to be around, but she doesn’t seem to have beef with him. What’s wrong with that bland creature?”
“Oh come on! We don’t actually know if he hates her,” Rengoku protested mildly.
“Then why does he keep refusing to even make eye contact with her?”
“I mean, Iguro, you can’t talk, you only ever look at Kanroji” - Obanai turned away, blushing furiously as Tengen cackled - “but I get your point. The other day I walked in on them arguing. I can’t believe he would keep reminding her of past failures without keeping her current state in mind!”
“Perhaps he only wants to try and convince her to stay safe during this time and discourage her from slaying for now?”
“Rengoku, my best buddy, you’re too optimistic.”
“There’s no other reason he’d give her the cold shoulder 24/7.”
Soon the conversation drifted to other topics, but little would they know Rengoku was the closest to the truth…
Shinobu already had enough on her hands with all the screaming, panic and blood, but of course Tomioka just had to show up at the most inopportune moment.
It had been a relatively quiet day as the two of you sat on the engawa, exchanging war stories over tea when with a sudden cry you had doubled over in pain. Your water had broken and you were heading into labour - quickly.
Just barely the Insect Pillar had managed to get you to a bed and sent the Butterfly Girls scurrying for the necessities, hiding her uneasiness at the slight earliness of your boy’s arrival to keep you calm and help you through it. You were doing well under her coaxing to use Total Concentration Breathing, and thankfully Shinazugawa was still around to help you relax with a familiar face.
Then Aoi had burst in with a frantic expression and thundering footsteps from behind that certainly weren’t hers.
“Shinobu-san, Tomioka is demanding to be let in-”
“Keep him out!” Shinobu grimaced, returning her attention to you. She’s heard and seen what he’s like around you, and other than the fact he has no business to be here she didn’t want to send you into a further state of panic. “He doesn’t like her, and if he opens that mouth of his to say anything more I might be responsible for two deaths.”
You dug your nails into Sanemi’s proffered hand, screaming in pain. He winced but said nothing, only looking up with a determined look in his eyes at Shinobu. “I’ll go keep Tomioka out, just make sure she delivers safely.”
Without waiting for a reply Sanemi rushed out to bar the doorway, leaving Shinobu to assure and handle your birthing with the anxious assistance of the Butterfly Girls. The pain in your stomach was surely abominable, intolerable, and Shinobu found herself growing more alarmed with every minute the baby wasn’t coming out.
“(y/n), I need you to push harder, alright? Can you do that for me?”
“N-no - where is he?”
“Your husband? I’ll get someone to call him, don’t worry,” Shinobu lied with dawning horror that in the entire time she had known you…she had no actual idea who you were married to. “But he wouldn’t like you see you like this, right? You can do it. Just keep your breathing under control.”
“JUST (beep) OFF, TOMIOKA!” Shinazugawa’s voice bellowed through the Mansion. His stocky form soon appeared, stubbornly acting as an indomitable barrier against the equally stubborn Tomioka who was desperately trying to barge his way through.
“Tomioka, we don’t need unnecessary people here to worry (y/n) more-”
Whether it was because Tomioka had never raised his voice before or the sheer shock of it all or the fact you reached out for his hand, Shinobu and Sanemi let him through.
“I thought I was going to lose you when I heard you screaming like that from outside.” Giyuu nuzzled deeper into your neck, absently stroking your baby’s tiny hand. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
You played with the strands of his hair with a teasing smirk. “You did to, banging into the room like that, with the “That’s my wife!”. It was very romantic of you, Giyuu~”
“I was in a rush.” Giyuu smacked his face into the pillow, embarrassed while you laugh.
“Ara ara~ Are you both done cuddling? I want to perform a quick checkup on your baby now, if you don’t mind, and all the Hashira are here to ask you a lot of things, Tomioka.” Shinobu stood at the doorway with her customary smile, a twitching eye and crossed arms. Behind her were the shadows of the others trying to peek over her shoulder or head into the room to congratulate you on your baby or beat up Tomioka (both for some).
“Ask about what?” Giyuu lifted up his head in confusion. You snort at his obliviousness, cooing at your precious sleeping baby before gently passing him to Shinobu.
“KYAAAAAAAAAH! That’s so cute of you, Tomioka!”
“Do you hate us all or something?!”
“No…? No one asked and I thought (y/n) would have told you,” Giyuu said blankly, glancing at you with wide blue eyes. You sheepishly raised your shoulders.
“I tried to tell them but we kept getting interrupted or had no chance.”
“You did make us all think you hated (y/n) with your behaviour, Tomioka.” Shinobu raised an eyebrow. “After all, you rarely spoke to her and when you did it was only to reprimand her, but I can see now it was probably out of worry for your child and her…although rather harshly.”
“Oh!” You burst out laughing, shaking so hard you nearly couldn’t take back your awakening baby Shinobu was handing over. “Giyuu’s just very shy! See-”
You pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
giyuu.exe has stopped working.
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astralibrary · 4 months
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hi @marykedoesart, this is my gift to you for @natsume-ss' spring exchange!
you said you like tanuma/natsume and heartfelt, emotional themes so i went very symbolic with this, haha. i really love the idea of using imagery from the fish pond in tanuma's backyard to represent these two and their dynamic, so that became the concept i ran with. i'll explain my whole thought process below, but in the meantime i hope you like it! 💖
pls bear with me here bc this is going to be very long and wordy lol
so there's a definite theme of separate worlds here; while the environments are both pretty abstract, the idea was that tanuma is sitting in his house looking out towards his backyard where the pond is, representing the "real world," whereas natsume is in a more fantastical underwater setting, representing the world of youkai. also there's the implication that he's sitting at the bottom of the pond, aka completely immersed in that other world, while tanuma can only perceive hints of it in the reflected light & shadow on the wall.
tanuma's side is lit by the glow of the setting sun, and natsume's by an otherworldly blue light. also, there's their clothes: tanuma is in his regular school uniform while natsume is in a yukata, something that pretty much all humanoid youkai wear.
next, their poses; they're both sitting exactly the same way as a reflection of each other but natsume has his head bowed while tanuma is looking up; this is meant to represent their different approaches to their relationship. natsume is definitely more closed off, both as a defense mechanism and because he wants to protect tanuma & keep him away from the dangers of youkai. tanuma, though, is open and contemplative, maybe even hopeful; he wants to be let in and he wants to help, even if it is dangerous.
the lighting reinforces these conflicting attitudes, with tanuma's side being brighter and warmer while natsume's is darker and colder, representing this sort of "optimism vs pessimism" dynamic.
so now, the fish. the bridge between their different worlds, basically. on natsume's side it's a real fish while on tanuma's it's a shadow cast on the wall, which is obviously the original conceit of the scene in the source material: natsume can literally see the fish, while tanuma can only see its shadow. still, even if it manifests differently, it still exists to both of them, so it's a connection between them concerning youkai.
so they're both in their separate worlds, but because of this connection they affect each other, maybe in small ways at first; as the fish crosses over the barrier it leaves little effects, little disturbances behind. on natsume's side, bubbles drift up towards the surface, little pockets of air like little lifelines showing the way, and on tanuma's side little droplets fall and create ripples in the reflected water, these small things that grow and grow outward until they're not so small anymore. little feelings that bubble up and ripple out, hoping to reach the other in their own way.
the fish brings these feelings across the barrier, endlessly looping around them as they endlessly call out to each other, trying to navigate this relationship they have; it's possible to bridge the gap between them as long as they look and listen and learn to embrace the things that make them different just as much as those that bring them together.
and that's about it! my goal was to make a symbolic piece about their struggle to understand each other but with a hopeful note, so hopefully that comes across! i hope my explanation at least sort of made sense and wasn't too confusing! (to be completely transparent i only had about half of that in mind while i was drawing it, the rest sort of came together as i was writing this. neat!)
and finally, here's a still frame in the original higher resolution so you can see it a bit nicer! 💖
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maruflix · 2 months
  — ★ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄.
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SYNOPSIS : The very first moment Takiishi Chika laid eyes on you, something stirs deep inside his heart. Was it love, or was it hate? Either way, he knew that you would inevitably be his ruination. FEATURING : Takiishi Chika x f!reader CONTENT : reader is endo’s little sister, sweet!reader, suggestive material at the end
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Takiishi Chika’s world is in black and white. He goes through his boring days on autopilot, since nothing ever really warrants even half of his attention. He has to admit (rather begrudgingly) that after meeting Endo Yamato, things have begun to feel more interesting. Only slightly, though. He knows that he’s a detached, nonchalant type of guy, so he’s prepared himself to live the rest of his life in mild disappointment.
Then you appeared.
Small hands hidden beneath the long sleeves of Endo’s black jacket, gripping a cute pastel umbrella tightly, eyes wide and curious and fluttering at him. He notes the panicked expression on Endo's face as he ushers you away despite your protests of ‘Nii-chan, aren’t you gonna come home soon?!’, a hand placed securely around your shoulders in an unfamiliar gentle manner.
“Girlfriend?” When his black haired friend returns, Takiishi can’t quite stop himself from asking dumbly despite already hearing how you addressed Endo earlier. Endo chuckled nervously, rubbing a hand on his nape. The action is, again, uncommon. Especially for Endo.
“Nah, she’s my little sis-” Before Endo can finish his sentence, you are already tumbling back in sight, this time with a can of soda. Grinning, you hold it out towards a grumbling Endo, who takes it from you anyway. “Go home, pipsqueak. I told you not to look for me.” As a response, you merely stuck out your tongue childishly.
“Then come home with me, nii-chan! Come hooomee!” You tug at the sleeves of your brother’s loosely wrapped black yukata.
Once again, Endo glances at Takiishi, worry evident in his eyes. His red-haired friend only stares back silently. But there’s a nagging feeling in his heart that he can’t push down. He focuses his attention back on you. “Yeah, yeah, anything to get you off my ass.” He pries your hands away from his yukata before turning to Takiishi and giving him a small nod.
Endo may be a horrible person, but he’s still a big brother and he does not like the way Takiishi Chika is staring at his sister.
“Wait, wait!” Ignoring your brother’s annoyed ‘haaah?!’, you walk up towards the tall stranger, eyes once again beaming in curiosity. “Hello, you must be nii-chan’s friend! I’m his little sister, nice to meet you!”
Takiishi blinked at you. People normally stay out of his way, making themselves scarce when they catch sight of him. Endo also tries his best not to bother him, letting him do whatever he wants, because Endo knows how much he hates people who get up in his face. But you… you’re standing too close for comfort, and he stills when your hand reaches up to grab his own. A handshake. He hasn’t done one of those in many, many years. He detests the feeling of being touched. But now… 
His eyes flicker to meet yours, eyebrows knitted in annoyance. He wants to push you away, to grip that soft hand of yours and twist your arm until you scream out in pain, to wipe that sweet smile from your face, to wrap a hand around that small throat. But somehow he can’t do anything, not when you’re staring at him with those beautiful eyes that made his breath hitch. Unassuming, unrestrained, unshrinking even when he glares at you with the heat of a thousand suns—
Endo quickly yanks your hand away, his face panicked and eyes blown wide. “Sorry, sorry~ I’ll be taking this one with me!” He wastes no time dragging you with him, practically sprinting away like Takiishi is going to kill him.
Takiishi pauses. Oh, that’s right. He would usually pummel anyone who displeases him even a little bit. Why hadn’t he done that? Turning away, he decides not to overthink it, blaming it fully on how beautiful you looked. He’s just a little shell-shocked, that’s all. It’s not like he’ll meet you again, not when Endo keeps acting like he’d swallow his little sister whole.
So when he sees you again a few days later, he is completely dumbstruck. He thanks the gods that he normally opts not to move around much, because he literally stops walking when he sees you. You’re not wearing one of Endo’s jackets now, but casual clothes that hug your body snugly. Your eyes visibly light up at the sight of him.
Takiishi lets you walk up to him. You ask him where Endo is. Takiishi gives you an answer. You ask him if he can accompany you to look for your brother. Takiishi agrees. Takiishi lets you put a hand around his arm.
He wanted to smack you away, to beat you the same way he beat all those people who dares to get in his way. But you flash him another beautiful smile, and god, he relents. Takiishi Chika would be lying if he says he wasn’t frustrated with how wishy-washy he was, but he’s not one to doubt and regret his actions. He simply blames his actions on your beautiful smile again. Oh, the world and its pretty privilege, right?
When the two of you finally locate Endo, his jaw immediately drops to the floor as he races to separate you from Takiishi, apologizing profusely before dragging you away, flicking you gently on the forehead. Takiishi watches in mild amusement as he realizes something: he doesn’t feel bothered by your touch.
Pouting at your brother who begs you not to bother Takiishi anymore, you stubbornly turn your head to wink at Takiishi before yelling: “Thanks for the help, Takiishi-kun!”
Takiishi Chika’s world explodes in color.
It doesn’t take much effort to find your socials. He convinces himself that he merely wants to know the name of the insolent brat who keeps bothering him. The way your name rolls from his tongue feels so dizzying. He tells himself that it’s just another way to pass the time when he shamelessly stalks your profile for hours. Like you, your social media presence is blindingly bright. Beloved by your family, by your friends, even by the nasty piece of work that is your big brother Endo Yamato. He clicks on the picture of you holding a birthday cake, posing cheerfully with a sulking Endo next to you, captioned ‘my nii-chan bought me a bday cake!!’ and he wonders how it will look like with him next to you instead of your big brother.
Takiishi assures himself that you’re merely a plaything for him to pass time, a new shiny toy that he can just throw away anytime. He doesn’t like girls like you: friendly, cheerful, sweet, sheltered, touchy. If you weren’t such a pretty, pretty girl, he would’ve battered you and left you to die the first time you got all up in his face. But you were such a pretty, pretty girl.
So he lets you hang around him. Despite Endo’s many scoldings to leave him alone, you stuck to his side like glue. He lets you accompany him during walks. He goes into the convenience store when he spots you inside. He snatches your wallet when you’re going to pay, sliding his own money on the counter, convincing himself that he just feels like spending money that day.
The next day, you found him yet again at the abandoned warehouse he often hangs around in. On your hand is a can of soda, the same brand you gave to your older brother the first day he met you. Grinning sheepishly, you tell him that you’re sorry for being too touchy with him. Takiishi wonders why you’re apologizing now, when you’ve been touching him so often that everyone now thinks you’re his girlfriend. As if reading his mind, you rub the back of your neck, telling him that Endo sat you down to lecture you yesterday about respecting other people’s boundaries and that you were lucky Takiishi hasn’t whacked you in the face.
“So... peace offering?”
Finally understanding, he takes the can from your hand and tells you that he doesn’t really mind. It was the truth. He isn’t bothered by your touches, not at all. What bothers him is how unaffected you look. You’re friendly and touchy, sure, but he can never tell if you truly like him or not when you behave the same way around other people. It frustrates him. Do you merely see him as one of your brother’s friends? If so, he wonders what will go through his mind when he finally pins you down. Maybe you will finally shut up. Maybe you will finally look at him with fear in your eyes. Maybe you will finally realize that he…
But now, when he’s holding your wrists with one hand, straddling your thighs, leaning on top of you, all he can think of is how fast his blood is rushing in his ears. Especially when you’re staring up at him in shock, mouth slightly agape, hair messily framing your face. He can hear his own heartbeat when he leans down, wanting to gauge your reaction. It backfires, because it is him who gets lost in your eyes. His mind goes haywire, thinking about what he should do with you first.
Your quiet plea falls on deaf ears. What Takiishi wants, he gets. He will never let anyone or anything block him from doing what he wants. He sighs in bliss before running a hand up your thigh, feeling the supple skin and giving it a possessive squeeze. You smell so good as he buries his nose in the crook of your neck, wondering if he should take a bite out of you.
Your sniffles are louder now. “Stop!”
Something unpleasant bubbles up from his stomach. He immediately releases his grip on your wrists and flinches away from you. Fuck. He stares at you, heart still thundering inside his ribcage. The unpleasant feeling is unfamiliar, and it took him a few moments to figure out that he’s feeling guilt. “Do you…” He has to force the sentences out of his throat, “not want this?” What Takiishi wants, he gets. He will never let anyone or anything block him from doing what he wants... right?
Underneath him, you finally stop squirming to look up at him shyly. “I want this, but…”
Takiishi waits, the unpleasant feeling slowly washing away when you assured him that he didn’t just force you to do something you didn’t want.
“... you haven’t even said ‘I love you’!”
Takiishi watches you hide your blushing face behind your hands as another unfamiliar feeling rises up in his stomach. He chuckles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning down until his mouth is right next to your ear. He feels you shiver when his hot breath fans your ears as he slowly whispers the three words he never thought he would ever say in his life. “I love you. You know that, don’t you?”
He blames the universe, the way you look so cute underneath him, and all the emotions surging in him that made him get carried away. He knows who he is. Stoic, calm, cold Takiishi Chika. Yet, in the last weeks, he has been behaving in strange ways that puzzles everyone around him, even himself. But no amount of shifting blame can get rid of the awful feeling in his heart, and his inability to leave you alone. Like watching an oncoming crash; he knew that you would be his ruination, but he still dives into you anyway.
He’s snapped back to reality when he feels your soft lips pressing onto his own, and he reacts by holding your chin, deepening the kiss. His sanity almost snaps when he hears you moan and tug at his hair, unknowingly pressing your body closer to him. Your mewls are only fueling his desire. He pushes your skirt up, greedily grabbing anything he can get his hands on. 
Your phone suddenly rings next to your head. He sees the caller ID: “yamato-nii ( ≧ᗜ≦)” and a wave of possessiveness suddenly washes over him. Groaning at the interruption, you reach out a hand to reject the call but Takiishi snatches your phone before you.
He accepts the call and puts it on speaker before placing it on the ground, a little too far for you to reach. “Keep quiet.” He whispered commandingly, continuing to feel you up. His eyes glint in mischief, amusement, and something else you can’t put a finger on.
“Hey, (Y/N)?! Where are you?”
Hearing your brother’s voice from the phone, you suppress a whimper when Takiishi decides to fondle your breasts, his lips still on your neck. His knee is between your legs now as he opens the first few buttons of your blouse, staring at you like a hunter who has just found its prey.
“Huh? Did this idiot hang up…?” A shuffling sound is heard in the background, followed by “Hey! (Y/N)! Oi! I’m talking to you! Where are you, dumbass? Helloooo?!”
You pray to whatever god is out there that your idiot brother will finally give it up and end the call when you feel Takiishi’s teeth grazing your neck and his hands now settling on your butt, suppressing a moan but failing as it comes out choked and an octave higher than it originally is.
“Huh? What’s that sound? Are you crying? Hellooo!?”
Takiishi smirks at you devilishly, satisfied with the expression on your face. He taps on your phone, your brother’s voice in the background suddenly cutting off into silence as the call ends. Shrugging off his jacket, he marvels at how good you look underneath him, skirt hiked up and blouse slightly unbuttoned. You were going to be his ruination, but he’ll let you if it means he can ruin you too.
Leaning down to fully open your blouse, he smirks against your neck, blood pulsing in excitement. “Shall we continue?”
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NOTES : *casually drops another takiishi chika fic* I am so down bad for this man. Oh and I totally blushed like Umemiya’s tomatoes while writing this, I can NOT write smut for the life of me I’M SORRY I TRIED. Also, soft Chika supremacy!! ✊🏻🔥
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justauthoring · 2 years
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includes: manjiro “mikey” sano, ken “draken” ryuguji, chifuyu matsuno and mitsuya takashi all x fem!reader!
a/n: this is not proofread. we die like men.  maybe i’ll proofread it tomorrow...
The absolute audacity of this girl.
You’re almost positive you’re imagining this because... she couldn’t be serious could she?
“Mikey, say ‘ah’!”
With barely concealed disdain written across your face, you watch as the same girl who's been hanging off of Mikey’s arm since the both of you arrived at the shrine with the rest of your friends, proceeds to try and feed Mikey a treat. Of course, it’s taiyaki and it’s clear by the wide grin on her lips that she hopes the taunt of his favourite treat will entice him into doing as she asks.
She hasn’t left his side all night and whilst at first you’d tried to ignore the jealousy burning deep within you, it was getting harder by the second.
From pulling Mikey from your side with her arm tightly wound around his own, to making sure to keep you at a distance all night, your excitement for the night had quickly dwindled into disappointment at hurt. At first you’d convinced yourself that Mikey was just trying to be nice, but it hurt you to see him continuously let this girl hang off of him, giggle at every little thing he says and make sure to throw every flirtatious comment she possibly can.
Did he really not care?
This girl was clearly in love with Mikey, or at the very least had a big crush on him. And it didn’t seem she really cared that Mikey had a girlfriend in the first place – that girlfriend being you. You knew Mikey could be dense, but you were also positive he wasn’t oblivious enough to miss her very plain intentions and seeing him let her do whatever she wanted burned a hurt deep inside of you you hadn’t thought possible. 
It was getting hard to convince yourself that Mikey wasn’t simply enjoying her attention.
You’re too hurt to notice the expression on Mikey’s face as you frown, gaze lowering to your feet only for the hurt the resurface all over again. You’d been so excited for this evening and even more so when Mikey had personally invited you to join him and his friends to the shrine for New Years Eve. It wasn’t like you hadn’t expected to go with him, but it had warmed your heart when he’d still asked despite already being in a relationship and you’d felt a great bout of excitement when it realized this would be Mikey’s first time seeing you in a traditional yukata.
You’d had Emma help you get ready, making sure to wear a material the same shade of Mikey’s long hair and he’d barely looked at you all night since that girl had arrived.
“See, Mikey? Surely, you’d like a girl more like me, wouldn’t you?”
Her words burn, and you feel your eyes watering, turning away before even bothering to listen to Mikey’s response.
Given how he’d been acting all night, you’re sure he’d be no different now.
At the sound of Emma’s voice, you simply shake your head; “it’s okay, Emma. I think I’m just gonna head home.” Sending her a small smile, you wave at her; “say bye to the others for me, kay?”
She doesn’t respond. Not at first.
Quickly latching onto your arm, Emma pulls you back, halting you from leaving. You turned to her confused, but she just points past your shoulder, shaking your head; “look.”
Despite the ever growing want to cry and practically run out of there, you listen to Emma nonetheless, slowly turning your head over your shoulder, only to catch the tail end of Mikey slapping the taiyaki out of the girl's hand. Your eyes widen, surprised, watching the treat fall to the ground and crumble apart as the girl watches on in disbelief, lips parting.
“Mikey, what was–”
“You’re such a hassle, you know that?” Mikey cuts her off, head tilting with a rather serious look on his face. “You’ve been overly clingy all night and I haven’t been able to hang out with Y/N/N-chan at all.”
The girls face twists, anger befalling her expression; “how dare–”
“How dare you,” he huffs, “as if I’d ever choose you over Y/N.”
With that, he all but rips the girl's arm off of him, turning around with hesitation. His eyes flicker across the crowd of people for a moment, before settling on you and instantly his expression brightens, eyes lighting up as he picks up his step, reaching you in seconds. You’re still too in shock to respond to his hug, catching a last glance of the girl with a flushed face of embarrassment and narrowing her eyes at you darkly.
But then Mikey’s pulling back, pulling your focus on him.
“Y/N-chan!” He whines, “I want taiyaki!”
You let a laugh out at that, shaking your head as you feel your body slowly easing.
“Come on, you big baby, I’ll get you some taiyaki then.”
He slips his hand into yours, squeezing. “And you’ll feed it to me?”
Rolling your eyes, you nod; “of course.”
“You know that Ken likes… more girly girls, right?”
Blinking at the sudden stranger standing in front of you – a girl you’re sure you’ve never seen before – you’re too baffled to even know what to say.
“Um,” you try to laugh, “what?”
“Ken,” she says, addressing your boyfriend far too friendly for your taste. “He’s your boyfriend right?”
Nodding slowly, you hum, “yeah.”
“Just surprising is all,” she shrugs, an entirely too smug look on her face. “I mean, I wouldn’t think he’d go for a girl like you.”
The words are said will barely concealed disgust. It isn’t hard to notice the way she’s eyeing you, clearly judging you as she looks you up and down, arms crossed over her chest. And you’re sure you look like a fool, lips parted in bafflement and brows furrowed as you try to make sense of just what exactly is happening here.
This girl, a girl you’ve never seen, is not only eyeing you up and down like you’re dressed in a garbage bag, but also has the audacity to tell you that Ken wouldn’t go for a girl like you?
“And what type of girl would he go for?” You question, quirking a brow at the girl.
She smiles then, expression brightening as she flips her hair back; “a girl like me, duh.”
You snort then, shaking your head; “does Draken even know who you are?”
Indignation crosses her features then, face falling as her eyes widen in disbelief. “We have the same class together!” She calls out, voice pitching as she rushes to explain herself. “We sit next to each other every day.”
“Just never heard him mention you before is all,” you nod, shrugging. “If you were an actual threat, I think I would’ve heard about you by now, don’t you?”
Her face flares, turning red. But before she can say anything, your name is called by another.
Head turning over your shoulder, your face eases at the sight of Draken. He’s making his way out of the school, a certain expression of relief painted on his feet, reminding you that you were supposed to meet him by his class after school and he’d clearly been looking for you when you’d never shown up.
He looks mildly confused by the sight of the girl before settling his eyes back on you.
“I was waiting for you, Y/N.”
Smiling sheepishly, you rub the back of your neck; “sorry, Draken. I got caught up with…” Your voice trails as you turn back to the girl, feeling the familiar sensation of Draken’s arm sliding around your waist, tucking you into his side. You’re not really sure what to say in explanation when regarding how you’d been caught up by a girl who had been by all means trying to intimidate you in your own relationship with your boyfriend.
“Who are you?”
Draken, ever the blunt man he always is, doesn’t surprise you as he turns to the girl, brows furrowed in bafflement.
You hadn’t thought her face could get more red. You’re quickly proved wrong when her face explodes like a tomato, eyes narrowing; “Ken, we-we… we sit next to each other everyday.”
He just shrugs; “oh, sorry. Didn’t recognize you,” and a quick look at his face tells you he’s still not exactly sure who she is. He also looks mildly peeved at her familiar greeting of his name; a fact that nearly brings you into a fit of giggles.
Turning to you, Draken gestures behind him; “let’s go. We’re supposed to meet Mikey and Baji, remember?”
Eyes lighting up in recognition, you grin; “oh, yeah! I forgot!” You move to walk off, offering a small wave at the girl who doesn’t bother to return the action, obviously humiliated and with that, you let Draken turn you, leaning into his touch as you both make your way off the school grounds.
“I, uh… I didn’t recognize her,” Draken laughs once it’s just the two of you, pulling your eyes on him. You snort, shaking your head. “What did she even want with you?”
You hesitate, debating whether you should be honest or not.
Honestly though, you got your satisfaction the moment she was blatantly proved wrong right to her face that you’re hardly even bothered by her words anymore.
“Nothing,” you shrug, “don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
“Oi,” Draken grumbles, “I’m not pretty.”
But the blush on his cheeks tells you he enjoyed the compliment anyways.
Sometimes Mitsuya was too nice for his own good.
You’ve thought that plenty of times before. Mainly when he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion just to help those he cares for. You always scold him for it, telling him that sometimes it was okay to put himself before others. He never really listened, and so in the end, you helped him when and wherever you could.
But, Mitsuya also could be too nice to those he didn’t even know. And it was hard to watch.
What had started as irritation, soon turned into frustration at the fact that no matter how many times you tried to talk to Mitsuya, he’d just brush you off, confident you were just overreacting. It had hurt even more when he’d called you jealous, to which you couldn’t deny you weren’t – but this had gone beyond simple jealousy.
You’ve been watching this girl use and abuse your boyfriend for weeks on end, using it as an excuse to spend more time with him. He’d accidentally knocked into her one day after school, knowing her homework straight into a puddle and effectively ruining it – when he’d professed how sorry he was and that he’d do anything to make up for it, the smile on the girls lips had been far too wide for it to simply be innocent. It had rubbed you the wrong way then, but you’d left it alone.
Now? Now, you’re sure she’d bumped into him that day on purpose, making it seem like his fault, so she could use it to her advantage and make him constantly do things for her, hang out with her, whilst abusing the fact that he’d promised her that ‘he owed her’. 
And Mitsuya was too nice to say otherwise even though it was obvious he’d more than made up for something that hadn’t even been his fault in the first place.
Mitsuya wouldn’t listen to reason and you were beyond simply watching it happen anymore. Except, when you’d tried to tell him, tried to explain how you felt and how it was upsetting you and how this girl was just using him, he’d simply scoffed at you, called you clingy and jealous and that he didn’t have time for you.
You’d left without another word, slamming the door shut behind you, whilst only letting your tears fall when you were sure you were alone.
That was two hours ago, and you hadn’t moved from your bed since plopping on it when you’d finally gotten home.
You couldn’t understand how Mitsuya couldn’t see how this girl was using him! How he would choose to believe some random girl over his own girlfriend, going far enough to insult you while he was at it.
You’re so upset you don’t hear your front door open, or the familiar sound of your mothers voice calling out Mitsuya’s name. You don’t register any of it until you hear your bedroom door open, and turn to find him standing right in front of you, a guilty expression clear on his face while panting, chest heaving.
You stare back at him, confused; “Takashi?”
“I’m so sorry,” he cries out, voice breathless. “I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you.”
He’s bowing his head, and you reel to understand. “Wha-What?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about that girl,” he explains, shaking his head. “You were right. She was just using me and I called you clingy and jealous because I didn’t want to believe it. It wasn’t right of me, and this is no excuse, but I am so sorry.”
Lips parting, you stare back at him. “Takashi…”
He steps forward then, falling to a seat in front of you on your bed. “I’m so sorry, baby.” His eyes wander from your eyes, to how red they are and the dried tear stains on your cheeks. “I made you cry…”
“Takashi,” you call out again, reaching for your hand. “It’s… It’s okay.  I forgive you.”
He shakes his head; “I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”
Squeezing his hand, you shake your head, letting a soft smile curl on your lips. “I’m just happy you realized… I was so upset at her for using you like that.”
“I knew the moment she told me I should dump you for her,” Mitsuya explains, making your eyes widen as you stare back at him in disbelief. He flushes lightly, looking embarrassed. “I should’ve known sooner and I think I did… but just didn’t want to believe it. The second she said that… I was so angry. I can’t believe she’d talk about you like that.”
It was a surprise to see that her intentions had been more cruel than you’d originally thought…
Still, you were glad it made Mitsuya realize the truth if anything.
“You’re too nice for your own good, Takashi…”
“I think me and Chifuyu would make a good pair, don’t you?”
Hinata freezes next to you, eyes slowly flickering over to you on her left, before back at the girl standing before the both of you. “What do you mean?” Hinata asks lightly, ever the polite and friendly girl.
“Well, I just mean, we work so well together. He’s always laughing at my jokes and I’m always making him blush.”
You feel your muscles tense, hand tightening around the cup in your hand and Hinata shuffles awkwardly next to you.
“Well, I mean, Y/N/N and Chifuyu are dating, so…”
The girl's eyes fall on you then and it takes everything in you not to slap her across the face. “Oh, that’s right,” she frowns in mock pity, tilting her head with a small shrug. “I’m sorry, Y/L/N. I nearly forgot you two were dating.”
You bite your lip, holding back your anger. “We’ve been dating for a year,” you remind, “not hard to remember.”
“I hardly see you guys together?” She questions, knowing exactly what she’s saying as she tilts her head in feigned wonder. There’s a twisted expression of pity on her face that has you insides boiling and you can feel Hinata’s hand on your arm where she squeezes, both to be comforting and to try and help calm you down. “Maybe it’s because he’s always with me…” She trails off, “we do spend a lot of time together.”
The absolute gall of this girl…
“Y/N/N and Chifuyu are very happy,” Hinata says in defense of you, and you feel yourself ease slightly at the sheer determination in her voice. For HInata to get so mad makes you feel more justified in your own feelings. “I think it’s silly of you to think he’d leave her so quickly for someone else.”
“But it’s not just ‘someone else’, no? It’s me.”
You don’t even know who this girl is.
Sure you’ve seen her briefly in passing, and you’re almost positive you’d seen her leave class with Chifuyu once but you’re also sure you’d seen a rather annoyed expression on her face as he had. 
For her to insinuate… you actually can’t even believe it.
“And I mean, Y/L/N’s not even saying anything so she must agree.”
Narrowed eyes falling on her, your lips part to respond, but before you can, another cuts in; “she doesn’t have to because what you’re saying is bullshit.”
Your body eases at the familiar sound of Chifuyu’s voice, feeling all your anger wash away within seconds when you feel his arm wound around your waist and comfortably slot himself next to your side. A quick glance to your right tells you Takemichi has fallen next to Hinata, the two of them clearly having been together before, and when turning to the girl, the expression on her face is a sight to see.
Cheeks warming, she shakes her head; “Chifuyu, you-you don’t think we’d make a good pairing?”
“No,” he says bluntly. “Besides, I’m already dating Y/N.” He gestures to you, and your eyes fall on him briefly.
“Bu-But what about–”
“What about nothing,” he cuts in, scoffing. “I’ve already told you to leave me alone. You’re annoying, jeez.”
The girl’s lips part, wanting to say anything, but she ends up just looking like a fool as she stands there, silent, lips gaping like a fish. You can see her eyes watering and in the next second, she’s spinning around, a whimper leaving her lips, and running off before anything can say otherwise.
You hear Chifuyu snort, Takemichi high-fiving him behind your head before turning his focus on Hinata as Chifuyu glances down at you.
“Sorry about her, babe,” Chifuyu frowns, “I hope you know she was wrong. About everything.”
“It’s okay…” You mumble after a moment, unable to stop the frown on your lips. “You didn’t have to be that harsh though…”
Chifuyu’s eyes widen in disbelief; “the girl couldn’t take a hint. I’ve been telling her to back off for weeks,” Chifuyu explains with a simple shrug, obviously unbothered by her reaction. “Besides, what she was saying about you? No one can talk about you like that.”
You want to argue otherwise, but his words make your heart flutter and when you think about it, the girl had walked herself into her own trap trying to belittle you like that.
“You’re right,” you shrug, smiling up at Chifuyu brightly.
“Of course I’m right,” he grins, straightening his shoulders out in a way that has you giggling. “Now let’s get lunch, I’m starving.”
You let him pull you away with a bright grin, completely forgetting about the girl.
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cursingtoji · 1 year
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𓆩𖥟𓆪 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐑 — Geto is a thoughtful leader who uses visual resources to help his followers learn, and tonight you get to play a part. #Cult-tober.
< Part 1 - Contradiction
— cw: religious imagery but no specific religion, exhibitionism, emotional manipulation, god complex, public nudity, fingering, unprotected, oral (f -> m), sex cult behaviour. 3k words.
— note: did my research on cults for this one, also based on this request.
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“Come here” you hear his voice after calling your name, the tone gives you chills.
You know better than to fear him, this is not the first time he calls you to the main room of the temple — a place that has become the closest thing you can call a home now. This room in particular is already very known to you, so why the fear? Can’t you remember the familiar feeling of the tatami under your knees? What about against your cheek? Wasn’t worth the pain of having your face rubbing on it while your master roughly thrusted into your behind? You do recall his pitiful smile when he realized what the mat had done to the soft skin of your face, right? He kissed it so tenderly while holding you like you were made of glass, a glass he didn’t mind breaking a few minutes prior to that, but now, glass.
So what’s wrong now?
Except for the dozens of followers sitting on their knees in that same room right now. How come you never saw that many people before? And more importantly, why are you seeing them now?
A few hours ago, he left you two things along with a note with the time and place you had to be. Those things are: a sheer black lace mask, very delicate fabric meant for your eyes, the type of thing you could picture a woman using in a ball in the 1800s, and a yukata, a simple one. You thought it was weird he didn’t leave an obi — the belt to tie up the yukata, so you took one from your own drawer to complete the traditional piece.
The mask is clearly not part of it, but you know better than to question him. Besides, the note is clear, you must wear nothing but those things. Nothing.
The room you thought you knew now seems strange and gloomy, it’s nighttime so there’s only a few candles lightening it up, there’s an essence burning somewhere the smell is weak but it’s there.
Geto in all his glory sits in his altar, his feet are up in the mat, unlike everyone else sitting on their legs. He has the pose of a deity and clearly that is what everyone thinks too.
Your bare feet touch the tatami, slowly approaching the altar and feeling the dozen pairs of eyes upon you, the offsetting lighting doesn't allow you to see their faces, which is probably for the best, yet Geto’s was lit up as if the sun itself rose for him and him only.
“Look at her, when I met her she was sick, this beautiful lady had a disease. I tried to look away, she was too far gone, but what did I do instead, sweet child?”
“You saved my life” you respond without batting an eye, your mind feels cloudy.
“Kneel” you obey taking place beside him.
Maybe he is a deity after all.
Just that day you were having a conversation with the twins. They had so many questions, especially after seeing you hurt by some curse, so many why’s leaving their little mouths.
“It doesn’t matter!” your voice rose for the first time since taking them in your embrace “If Geto-sama says it’s day and the sky is dark, it’s day. If he says it’s night when you can see the sun, you go to bed because you sleep when it’s night, understood?”
Sometimes you barely recognize the voice that leaves your lips. Scolding is something you never saw yourself doing, not to the girls you loved more than anything.
In your situation one would assume this behavior is driven by fear, what would Geto do if he found out your girls were questioning his actions? They cannot possibly care more about this non-sorcerer in front of them. Never.
But those people would be wrong. Fear does make you do what you do. Love does.
Only love makes you stay put in front of him when he unties your yukata, love has you looking him in the eye even while the disapproval for the presence of the obi is evident.
Geto makes you sit facing him, his stunning image much more welcoming than the unlighted audience, he’s big enough for you to understand can still see the quiet crowd behind you. His calloused hands touch your shoulders under the yukata, the soft touch is enough to warm up your entire body as he slowly revells a skin decorated by some few bruises, some caused by curses, some caused by gods, well… one god.
“She’s still not cured, I don’t know if she’ll ever be” he doesn’t have to project his voice too much in the quiet room, the hot breathing fans over your face, “But I’ll keep trying nevertheless” he says more quietly.
Geto’s hand goes between your legs and you have trouble keeping your sounds to yourself. His hand is big, and the space between your closed legs — while you’re still sitting on them — and your core is narrow, Geto has to be a little rough to get where he wants to.
And he always gets what he wants.
Your face is warm, breathing erratically but still… you’re not panicking even given the disturbing setting. It’s all due to him, if it was anyone else you would be screaming right now, fighting your way out of this.
Geto starts to stroke your folds with his fingers while talking about sins, the best thing you can do is shut your little brain from overthinking everything he says and taking it as personal.
However, what is left to do when he keeps going on and on about undeserving ones while teasing your fluttering hole? You can’t even look him in the eye, just keep staring his throat as he speaks. Your gasp interrupts him when he inserts a finger, both your hands to your mouth, you were distracted enough to forget this was obviously the next step.
Geto snaps his eyes back to you, not glad about the interruption, yet he resumes his speech so he can go on with his plans.
Your hands remain on your closed mouth, not wanting to make the same mistake again. Geto adds another finger and starts scissoring you, which worries you slightly, you thought this was merely a play for the followers, an exhibition of power, but the stretching he’s doing indicates he plans to go all the way. That and the erection under his haori, which you should’ve led you to suspect his intentions from the beginning since he’s never presented himself to his followers without all the layers of his traditional clothing.
Geto removes his fingers, straightening his posture as he finishes his sentence, he pats his lap and you find his eyes, they are predatory, from then on you’re dealing with Geto-sama, not Suguru.
You’re already undoing the ropes that tie his haori just like he did to you a few minutes ago. He’s bare under the fabric, dick is tall and hard, the leaking tip shines under the orange glow of the candlelight as you align it with your entrance.
“If you can’t control your urges, they’ll control you” he claims, hands behind your knees, his voice is steady but the grip he has on you tells it’s hard to control himself too.
“No person or thing should control you… except for me” the last part is whispered for your ears only. You bottom out on him, needing a moment to recover, not just from the stretch on your lower half but from his words and by how willing you are to let him control you.
Especially when he puts his hand on your head, pressuring slightly guiding you to his neck. He keeps his hand there, caressing your hair as you relax on his hold, like he’s comforting someone who's just lost a dear relative, not a simple villager he spared and is now balls deep inside dozens of followers.
With a sharp pinch on your thigh Geto signs you to start moving, you arch your back and raise your hips to slide out of his cock till only the tip is left then sitting back. Since the yukata was not fully removed, it stays on you, sleeves pooling on the middle of your arms, the rest serves as a curtain, keeping the audience from viewing the junction of you and your savior.
You busy your mouth by kissing and sucking his neck, he gives your hair a discreet pull, a warning to not mark him, guess it would be bad for his reputation if his beloved sorcerers find out he’s whipped by a good-for-nothing human.
All they know — as far as Geto is concerned —, is that you’re his little pet, kind of a 3 for the price of 2 after he took in the twins, a package deal he simply had to accept.
Whatever, you don’t care about them anyways. As long as they’re treating your girls as one of their own, it doesn’t matter how they treat you. Geto, Mimiko and Nanako are all you need to be content with your life.
Geto should limit himself from touching you, his fingers shouldn’t be tracing the little marks and scratches on your back.
“You are not perfect, mistakes will happen, that’s why you need someone to guide you” he talks to the audience, his chin resting on your shoulders as the tip of his fingers run over each trauma and imperfections on your back. At this point — with his dick reaching such a sweet spot inside your walls —, you are not sure if he’s still indirectly talking to you, but something makes you think he’s talking to himself, about you.
Is it such a delusional thought? That you are the one guiding him and not the other way around? You thighs clench around him, the awkward feeling in your chest start to bring clarity to your pleasure blurred mind and you start to look around reflecting on your situation.
Geto relizes something switched in your dumb little head, you do that sometimes, look around with wide eyes and heavy breathing. Suguru remembers the days in jujutsu tech, when he was confused, consumed by the trauma and unsure about his future. Why did you make him remember that? Your chest is rising rapidly, he doesn’t want you to panic, that’s not supposed to happen under his watch.
You’re taken from his lap.
“You love me, don’t you?” Suguru holds your chin bringing your focus to him, only him. You nod slowly, admiring his sculpted face by the candlelight, “Then what are you afraid of?”
You search your mind for all the reasons to be afraid right now, shouldn’t be hard, all you need is to look around and remember why you’re here.
Yet his hazel eyes don’t allow you to find any of those reasons, somehow your heart doesn’t feel so heavy anymore.
“Don’t you trust me?” he rubs your chin and you nod again, “Show me” you blink confusingly, “Show me how much you love me.”
You’re sitting on your knees as your eyes trail down where his member is still hard, it glistens with your juices and throbs slightly, the sight is too irresistible.
So you bow to your savior, taking him fully into your mouth, the position giving the closest thing to a privacy moment, where you could pretend it’s just you and Suguru like in the late nights in his chamber.
“There you go” he sighs happily patting your head, not putting any pressure, like what you’re doing is not sexual at all.
It’s merely a form of adoration. And Geto deserves being adored.
Naturally, you take him as deep as you possibly can, focusing your best in worshiping every inch of his skin, putting as much love into it as you can, not even minding the emptiness on your lower half or how you’re dripping on the mat.
There’s a buzz in your ear, you know Geto is talking, finishing his speech probably, but you can’t actually hear him, feels like hearing someone talking from a distance.
The last thing you remember is the hot shot on the back of your throat and the member twitching in your mouth. You think you heard Geto moan, which brings a weird feeling in your stomach since, as far as you know, you’re supposed to be the only one to hear that. His thumb goes to your chin, whipping the saliva and cum, pushing you to release him, you do, but you keep kissing his soft length until the smell of him mixed with the candles and something only this room had made you black out.
A word that resumes what Geto thinks about your performance tonight. If he gave you a script it wouldn’t have played out so perfectly.
Sometimes Geto underestimates how willing you are to be controlled by him.
When everything is done, he takes you into his arms, after wrapping the Yukata back around your body, he raises to his feet and steps down from his small stage carrying you.
There’s a door behind the stage, passing the curtains, which he usually uses as entrance and exit. Yet that night he feels like walking through the audience, with a pretty little thing unconscious on his mighty arms and a bunch of loyal followers bowing on his feet he experiences being, truly, a god.
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vrystalius · 1 month
Hello! May I request the hashira reaction to a child reader (6-7year) who's basically a yoriichi reincarnation? Like the hashira were struggling against an uppermoon, but reader interferred at a crucial moment and cut them down effortlessly with the hashira's own sword :] here comes the dilemma of how to proceed with a clearly abandoned child who's not a demon slayer yet easily managed to do what no hashira was able to do in centuries , not to mention their extremely young age. Thanks!
❕The hashira’s reaction to you as Yorichii’s reincarnation
You saving the hashira’s asses (with their own weapons!) as Yorichii’s child reincarnation.
Here’s my masterlist for the hashira.
Here’s my masterlist for the demons.
Note: Thank you for sending in a request! I hope I wrote it just the way you imagined and expected it. I think I struggled a little bit, but I you like it anyway, anon! <3 I’m thinking of making a part.2 with Giyu, Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu, but let’s see how this picks up first.
Pairing: Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro, Tengen x gn!child!reader
💚 Sanemi Shinazugawa 💚
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Sanemi was more impressed that he managed to fuck up this bad that he needed help from a frail child. He feels embarrassed. Embarrassment turn into humiliation, and that into rage. So, Sanemi did what he doest best. Yell and throw around insults.
“What the fuck were you thinking, kid? You could’ve fucking died! How can you even lift my katana?? Your arm is thinner than my damn finger!!”
But deep down, he’s kind of impressed. How did you even manage to do that? You look starved and dirty, as if homeless or neglected. Your yukata was stained and old, and seemingly the only article of clothing you have, obvious by the lack of shoes and socks. Geez, you’ll get sick like that, Sanemi thinks.
But as Sanemi inspected you further (and snatching his katana out of your hands) he noticed some kind of mark on your forehead. Is this the demon slayer mark Muichiro and Mitsuri were talking about back then? That would explain where your energy and skill to kill a former Lower Moon came from. Sanemi also saw how dirty and filthy your hair was, but he could see the deep maroon colour and the red tips peeling through. If someone were to wash your hair, it would look beautiful. Maybe Sanemi could even braid it?
But this was something to think about later. You look like you’re gonna fall over and just die of dehydration or starvation at any moment, or just freeze to death on the spot. If he wants to or not, Sanemi has to take you in for the moment. He can bring you back to the estate and hand you over to Shinobu or something later.
Sanemi would pick you up, into his arms, and wrap his cropped haori around your fragile body to warm you up a little.
“Let’s grab something for you to eat and maybe some clean clothes m’kay? I’ll bring you somewhere safe. Here, I got some ohagi. Eat up, you’ll need the strength to walk. I won’t carry your ass forever.”
🤎 Gyomei Himejima 🤎
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Gyomei likes being around children. They are innocent, fragile, weak and need to be protected. They lie, too, but Gyomei doesn’t take it to heart when they do. He never did. Children are children after all.
But when he met you, right after you simply beheaded Upper Moon Five while he struggled, Gyomei knew that you are not an ordinary child. You do not need protection, you are strong enough to take care of yourself, and he can sense the powerful aura you had. He never felt this strong of an aura before, ever. It was almost overwhelming to his heightened senses.
“You seem very strong for a child. Where did you learn all this skill?”
In the ranks of the hashira, no one besides Gyomei can wield his morningstar. It’s too unique and western-style of a weapon to be used by an ordinary slayer, if you ignore the heavy weight all together. It takes a lot of training to wield something like that.
With that being said, Gyomei was surprised to say the least when he heard how you swung his weapon with ease. He felt the heat it was radiating after you beheaded the demon. What kind of breathing were you using?
“You seem tired. How about I carry you back to my estate? It’s safe , and you can rest there. On our way there, we can talk about how you got this strong. Shall I carry you on my shoulders?”
❤️‍🔥 Kyojuro Rengoku ❤️‍🔥
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(Let’s just imagine he never fought Akaza during the Muegen Train Arc)
Kyojuro was walking beside what’s left of the Lower Moon’s Muegen train, checking for any more survivors and passengers. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inouske were heading into the opposite direction to check the other half of the train, while Kyojuro inspected the head of the train (in hopes of finding his katana as well, wich he somehow lost).
That’s where he found you, buried underneath the rubble and remains of the train, luckily unscathed. Kyojuro was ecstatic to have found such a frail child like you in such a terrible situation.
“I’m glad I found you in time! Are you hurt? Hungry? Thirsty?”
But as Kyojuro inspected you, he recognised the yukata you were wearing. He could’ve swore that he saw someone similar flashing before his eyes, beheading the train with some kind of fiery technique. It wasn’t flame breathing, he would’ve recognised it immediately. It was more powerful, more bright. It resembled the power of the sun.
That’s when it hit him. Yes, it was indeed you who beheaded the Lower Moon! Your small stature, your aura. Kyojuro laughed loudly when he realised. You, a child, managed to defeat a Lower Moon! With his own sword as well! Even if you did snatch his katana when you had the chance to kill said demon, he forgave you. You saved them all after all.
He made a mental note to look through all the corps’ records, including the flame hashira archives his father Shinjuro keeps back in their home. Perhaps Kyojuro can find what kind of breathing technique you were using, in case you don’t know yourself.
Kyojuro took his haori off his uniform and wrapped you in it, lifting you off the ground and holding you close to his naturally heated body. You looked surprisingly neglected and starved, as if no one took care of you back home. If you even had a home.
“You did great defeating such a powerful Lower Moon! You should be proud of yourself! How about we share some bento boxes when we head back?”
(You ended up being forced to eat multiple bento boxes because Kyojuro was worried you might starve to death on him.)
🩷 Tengen Uzui 🩷
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He is incredibly embarrassed. First, Tengen didn’t notice how Daki was not the real Upper Moon right away. Second, his hand gets sliced off clean. Third, he let his nichirin-blades get snatched by a child. And fourth, that said child managed to behead Gyutaro while that blonde kid and boar boy beheaded Daki. Tengen basically didn’t even do anything! He just let himself get poisoned and lost a hand, then just laid in dirt the rest of the fight. How unflashy and boring!
But he did notice the technique you used to behead the Gyutaro. It was fiery and bright, similar to his friend’s Kyojuro’s flire breathing, just that yours is much more powerful or something. Tengen made a mental note to ask his friend about the fire breathing techniques later.
“Hey kid, lend me a hand will ya?”
What a poor choice of words. He could tell that by your unimpressed expression, but you understood what he meant by that anyway. After giving him his blades back and lifting him off the ground, you helped him walk out of the rubble that was once the entertainment district. Tengen is surprised by your strength and that you’re even able to make him walk upright, but that surprise quickly turned into curiosity.
He noticed the red, flamey mark on your forehead and your dark, maroon hair. You looked very flashy, but neglected. You’re kinda dirty, too. Tengen thinks a little bit of make-up and a nice bath can make you look all flamboyant again! Oh, and yeah, he guesses you’re pretty strong too. But that’s beside the point for now.
Then, finally, Tengen was met with the lovely view of his wives.
“Lord Tengen!! You’re okay! We were so worried!! Waaahh!!”
“Be quiet, Suma! Can’t you see Tengen needs to rest?
“Who’s this little thing here? She looks so thin.”
“My new, flashy and flamboyant apprentice, Hina!”
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Thank you again for requesting, I hope I wrote about what you had in mind. I just got a request for Genya, so I’ll be working on that soon as well.
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves. <3
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kyoghurts · 2 months
you never fail to surprise sakura haruka at every chance you see.
you don’t even have to do anything, the way you just—agh, just something about you makes him all gooey right now. right now, a riot of colours bloom against the dark well of the night sky, flowers that flash and scintillate off of your wide, dazed eyes.
you’re too busy admiring the fireworks, he’s too busy admiring you.
he can’t wear off the explosions happening in his chest. seriously, it hasn’t died ever since he saw you in that beautiful kimono you’re wearing now, ever since you smiled at him, so warm, like you’re glowing—and how the fuck is that even possible?
he felt conscious of himself, looking down at his clothes to double check; deep forest green yukata, little golden outlines of cherry blossom adorned in its faint presence. he remembers you said something about how green suits him, like the furin uniform, like where he belongs now.
what is happening? why does he feel incredibly warm?
he can’t stop replaying it, when you bought dangos with him earlier; his eyes, instead of meeting your lovely ones, trail instead to your lips as you ate the dango off the skewer he was holding. he felt the intensity of your stare, observing him under the spotlight only meant for him.
like he’s the only one you want to see.
he wants you to look at him again. not the damn fireworks.
so he tries telling you this, with a touch— which weakens him, so much. he offers his hand to you completely, capturing yours but not enough to fully cup them. he’ll wait for your permission, he’ll wait if this is what you want. he’ll retrieve his hold if you don’t.
(but he always want this. always want you to stick close to him.) both your fingers intertwine in response, your lips tilted up and your eyes on him, bright and inviting, in all the right places, like where you should be.
(you in his arms. your lips on his.)
you feel a pair of warm lips hesitantly press against yours, just briefly. like you’re uncertain if it actually happened. “wha…” your mouth suddenly agape. air being knocked out from your very lungs.
fireworks blow off your ears but you’re sure you can still hear the loud thumps of one’s heartbeat, your hands place themselves on his chest but you also know your heart isn’t doing any better. you feel his arms tighten slowly with each passing second, and you can see just how much he’s been wanting this, albeit he can’t really process it himself—if the conflicted look that he’s giving you isn’t a clear indication. and he’s blushing madly.
“you— you’re…you look good…” shit. his voice is drowned out by the fireworks, grumbling under his breath.
you still caught them. but it can’t be expressed well enough. so instead of saying it back, your hands find themselves on each side of his face, lips replacing the words with delicate kisses instead.
he lets you have of himself, the way you make him feel is just unreal. or surreal would be the better term for it— but fuck it. it doesn’t matter.
the sky takes the flower in its full bloom and so is the one that’s nestled between sakura’s ribcage. exploding with graciousness and the taste of dango seared on his lips.
ah. so this is what first kisses are like…i feel like dying (of happiness, maybe.)
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gn yal :>
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costelloschoice · 9 months
Wedding Night
-Mizu x fem reader! -warnings: nsfw, pulling off the biggest W and getting married to Mizu, bottom! Mizu, top! reader, toys, pussy eating, dom and sub dynamic -minors don't read or I'll tell your mommy -comments and reblogs are appreciated (she's so cute in the gif waaa)
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She never thought she would be doing this.
Getting married this first time was something she never imagined for herself, but here she is again. But this time she knows this is the real deal.
"This is it.." Mizu whispered, kneeling on the zabuton below her. This scene was so familiar to her in another life. A small saucer plate of sake in her hands, the scent of the fermented rice filled her nostrils.
She looks over at you, her wife. She feels a sense of pride just looking at you but also feel nervous. She wants this to work out, she prayed this would. But you look so beautiful in white, you look like you were meant to be a beautiful bride. To think she came this far after what life has put on her, it all felt like a reward.
You made a promise to her before this small ceremony. A promise she never had to be a man after this moment. She didn't have to pretend to be someone else. But Mizu just had to push through a bit more to be able to be free from this cage forever. Of course, if it was her choice to revert back, you would accept her decision. But you knew deep down she wouldn't.
A small bell rung three times, indicating you both to sip from your glasses. The strong taste of the rice wine went down her throat smoothly, a strong burning sensation heating up the back throat. She tried not to focus too much on the taste as she turned to face you.
You also tried to ignore the burning feeling of the sake. You never liked warm sake, you thought it tasted like dirt. Your body shivered at the heat growing in your throat, almost feeling like the heat was in your ears now, but you turned to smile at Mizu, your now wife.
Your relationship was not at all how others thought it to be. Of course, they also thought Mizu was man. But no one knows how much she loves to be your own personal whore.
Yes, she may present as someone who would be dominate, to make you submit to her and take what she had to give you. When, in fact, you knew how to make her melt and be putty in your hands. The samurai was actually a sensitive girl who would do anything to make you happy, as would you for her.
Carefully, she applied the white makeup to her skin, the kabuki brush evenly spreading the foundation to her makeup. The fine brushes applying the red lipstick to her lips and her eye lips. The candle lit room gave her a sense of calmness as she applied her makeup. She knew tonight was going to be special. You two have already had sex many of times, but now you're married, it's different to her. The sex tonight will be special to her. The beautiful and intricate design of her wedding dress was too good to be true. It was beautiful and picked out by you. Secretly, Mizu loved being dressed up by you, as if she was your doll.
Once she finished her makeup, she only waited now. Mizu took in deep breaths, her fingers tapping her knees. She waited for you patiently. Mizu looked up at a mirror across your shared room. She made sure everything was perfect, a hand running over her intricate hairstyle.
"Wait long?" you said, voice deep yet soft while opening the door to the room.
Mizu turned to see you. Your hair was down and out of the hairstyle from earlier and also wearing a men's styled yukata which was hers. Mizu smiled before shaking her head 'no'. Making your way towards her, Mizu turns her body completely to face you. She looked so beautiful on her knees in front of you, like a good little bride should be.
"You look beautiful, love..." you smiled, your thumb and index fingers catching her chin to look up at you. Her stunning blue eyes never failed to make your heart skip a beat, she was truly your weakness. "Such beautiful girl..." you commented before your thumb ran over her red lips. Mizu's breathed hitched at your words and actions, but let you do whatever you wanted. Soon, slipping your thumb into her mouth. her eyes fluttered closed, and she knew better, then sucked on the digit without being told, she knew how to pleasure you. Her tongue ran under the finger and twirled around, sucking and moaning at the feeling of something in her mouth.
As she continued you said, "Eager, I love it..." which caused her groan, looking up at up with those blue eyes you love so much. The eyes that held so many emotions and feelings. The eyes that made her different from everyone else you ever met. Soon you pulled out of her mouth, "Are you ready...?"
"Y-Yes..."Mizu breathed out, nodding her head. She watched you begging to undo the belt to the yukata. Eyes widening, she looks at the strap on you already had on. Your breast sat beautifully, your strap stood up proud, and your cunt was glistening just below the sexy toy attached to you. It's like you were the definition of lust. You gently grab her face to place her mouth on the tip, letting her use context clues to figure out the rest.
She closed her eyes as he headed bobbed up and down on the strap, a free hand moving to rub your clit between your lips. She knew that you couldn't feel her lips on the cock, but it was such a beautiful sight. Your moans were a reward for rubbing your pussy, "G-Good girl...Keep that up," you panted, smiling as her finger pushes inside you.
Removing her mouth completely from the strap, she quickly put your leg over her shoulder to kiss your lips with hers. Her nimble tongue flicking your clit as her long and slender finger works your g-spot. You moan loudly, trying to have some composure and stay in control. You look down to see how eager she was to suck on your throbbing clit.
"You like how that pussy tastes?"
"Speak up when you talk to me,"
you snapped, making her pull away, her baby blue eyes look up at you. Lipstick and foundation around her chin smudged, "Yes, mistress..." Mizu pants, going back to tasting you. She added a second finger, curling them to rub the special spot. Your moans grew louder, your leg shaking as you feel your nerves being worked on.
"Enough..." you said, quickly pulling away. Mizu was pushed back on her ass, looking up at you. Taking off the rest of your clothes, you kneeled down to remove her dress. She wore nothing under her dress but a necklace you gave her when your first started to date, it was small but meant so much to her. She helped you get her out of the dress, tossing the clothes to the side. You quickly flipped Mizu on her back, letting her look up at you. Grabbing her by the waist, you lift up to rest her legs over your shoulders. You immediately started to taste her, your tongue running between her lips.
She was flushed, embarrassed from the position. Her moans were loud and whiny. Your tongue over her sensitive, hard clit felt amazing. Biting her bottom lip, her hands fondled her own breast. Her fingers pinching her nipples as you dip your tongue in and out of her wet hole.
"O-Oh yes...Please don't stop, mistress...my pearl..." Mizu panted. Even though this was a dom and sub situation, the loving nickname for you slipped out. It made you smile, making you work even harder to make her finish. One arm wrapped around her waist as the other moved to rub her clit, your tongue still dipping in and out.
Her groans and whimpers never faltered, her legs starting to shake from the pleasure you have her, "Oh...! Mistress I'm going to...c-cum! Please let me finish, mistress...!" she begged, looking up at you. You watched her pathetic facial expressions as you ate her out. Pulling away quickly, you only said one word.
She immediately thanked you, moaning loudly while thanking her mistress for the release of pleasure. Her legs shook on your shoulders, making you smile. You rubbed her thigh as she came down from the high of an orgasm, "Good girl...you taste amazing," you praised, cleaning up the mess you made.
You took her legs off your shoulder, laying her down. She pulls you in for a few kisses, wanting to taste herself from your lips, "Mistress..." she moaned softly, her fingertips grazing your breast. Her hand cupping your breast, feeling the softness of your chest. The kisses between you two help her relax again, grounding her in the moment.
Soon she was on her hands and knees, instructed by you. She arched her back as your hands ran up her back, your hands feeling the curve of her spine. The candles in the room made it hotter, creating a thin layer of sweat. The smoke of the incense floating up, the ash growing by the minute.
She felt the tip of the strap on run over her slit, her breath hitched in her throat, "You want this, love? You want to be fuck like the whore you are for me? You want to please me, right?" you teased, making her groan. "Yes mistress, I want to please you..." she said, looking back at you, earning her a smack on the ass.
"Good girl," you said before slowly pushing in. You always made sure to be careful when first pushing in, as to not hurt Mizu. This is supposed to be enjoyable, not torture. Her soft moans were always the indicator on her feelings. you focused on them as you slowly thrusted in and out, trying to find the rhythm to move for her.
Mizu loved the feeling of you inside. The fullness of your strap made her warm, safe even. She knew it was you and knew you would never hurt her. She felt you start to move faster, making her moan loudly. This made you grab her hips, pulling her back into you as thrust into her.
"Mistress...You feel so good," she moaned, eyes rolling back as she focuses on the thrusts. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, moans making a perfectly harmony with the it. You smiled and you thrusted, looking at her ass jiggling a bit every time you thrusted. You placed a hand on her shoulder, making the thrusts shorter but harder.
"Open your eyes...Look in the mirror," you instructed, making her look in the mirror. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she watched you thrust into her, "Look at you, taking it so well," praised, smiling at her through the mirror.
"You like this?"
"Yes mistress,"
"Good girl...You love taking my big cock, huh? Feeling so full by your wife?"
"Yes mistress..! You make me feel so full and good, please fuck me harder,"
She begged, making you do so. She watched her face as you thrusted harder. Mizu looked like pathetic whore in a brothel being fucked fora cheap thrill. But your praises and smiles reminder her that she was your wife, your own personal whore.
"You want to cum? Finish around this fat dick?" you asked with a deep voice, focusing on hard, fast, thrusts. Mizu moaned loudly, babbling the words 'yes' and 'please' like it was the only two she knew. Once you gave her the okay to finish, she screamed your name. Not 'mistress', your name, just how you like. it.
You watched her face as she was pushed over the edge of pleasure again. She looked so beautiful. You know she'll never see the beauty you do. Pulling out, you held her close in your lap. You stroked her face, praising her as she rested in your lap and regained her composure. Even with her training, she was a slave to pleasure, and she was a slave to yours, "You did so well, Mizu, you're such a good wife..."
After an hour, the two of you laid in bed. The candles were long put out, the incense burnt out completely. You smiled as you looked at her, "I love you, Mizu..." you whispered, kissing her softly. Mizu giggled and smiled back. "I love you more...".
"You're lucky I let you cum so easily," you teased.
"You love me too much not to let me get my way," she joked, giggling before kissing you.
She couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect wedding night.
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sashi-ya · 3 months
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𝑴𝑰𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑹, 𝑴𝑰𝑹𝑹𝑶𝑹...  「cuts of freedom: part 5」 soshiro hoshina x f! officer! reader
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a/n: oof, I'm so sorry for that cliffhanger... please enjoy a new one. also, sorry for misleading you with that Okonogi call 😆 tw: mdni! sex explicit scenes. mirror sex. some biting. vag sex. feelings exposed. wc: 1,5k // masterlist
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[Okonogi-chan calling…] "Why is she calling, Soshiro?"
You quickly want to get off his lap, but he buries his fingers on your thighs. “No need for you to stop” he murmurs, smiling with his teeth.
You frown; does he really wants to answer Okonogi’s call with your sex still around his?
“Shhh…” he scoffs, pulling you closer to his chest as he grabs the phone and slides to answer. This way, your head rests on top of his chest, and your nose reaches for Soshiro’s neck. You can listen, in any case, everything through the phone as you are extremely close.
“Fukutaicho! Are you ok?! What are you doing?!” Okonogi asks, rather desperately.
You think why is she that worried? Could it be that he didn’t answer her texts? Or maybe she was waiting for him? were they going on a date? Are they on a relationship…?!
“Yes, why are you asking that?” Soshiro asks, confused but not worried at all.
You idiot, why are you treating your girl this way?! She is worried for yo-
“Because your heart rate won’t stop rising! Are you in pain fukutaichou?!” she screams, leaving your potential asshole of a boyfriend… man? lover?! temporarily deaf.
Your head is a mess. You wanna stand up, you can’t stand it. You don’t wanna listen anymore…
“OH- I- I forgot I had the control device still on!! I’m ok, dear! I was just… uh… training” he excuses himself, silly and sweetly -and lies, thankfully-
“Training?! Are you crazy? You are wounded! What type of training do you think it’s ok to do when you are still wearing your bandag-” “I am training… Okonogi-chan… with someone... -.-“ “Oh-“
You can imagine her cheeks turning red as apples, blushed as the idea sank in. As her intelligent brain was able to decode what type of “training” is done with someone else. She immediately asked for forgiveness and ended the call.
Soshiro, who was still holding his phone, also blushed.
You, on the other hand, were only able to swallow dry. How could you think this badly of Soshiro? Do you really expected for him to be an asshole?
“I’m sorry, Soshiro” you whisper. Perhaps he won’t understand why you are actually sorry for.
“Not your fault, I forgot this little shit on” he says, annoyed, as he picks a little plastic -very technologic- health device attached to his torso, off.
You try once again to stand up, and this time he won’t  stop you. Soshiro understands he can’t force you to stay.
You pick up his silky yukata and cover up swiftly; then, you get inside the bathroom.
The mirror in front of you, which takes the whole wall, shows a woman with bed head hair, black remains of your mascara over dark circles and that special aura every person that’s been having sex has.
You want to open the faucet; honestly there is nothing to wash, but you do it anyway.
Seconds after, delicate steps come closer to you. He seems defeated but also intensely blushed, or at least it is what you can see through the reflection.
“I shouldn’t have answered… I thought we had to go back to the base” he apologizes once again, as his arms snake around your waist.
Soshiro is completely naked, his perfect body with bandages around his tiny waist still makes you shiver… your body can’t lie, it’s become addicted to his.
His chin rests on your shoulder, he kisses right there too.
“You look beautiful with one of the Hoshina family yukatas” he murmurs, playing with the hem of the fine fabrics covering your nakedness. He slowly lets it slide just enough to expose your shoulder, and with it your chest.
“ I’m sorry for the interruption. But, now, I wanna keep making love to you…” he mutters, sliding his hand down your right hipbone.
You let the little air in your lungs left, out. Your lips semi open, your body bending a little forward and your belly softly pinned against the white marble of Soshiro’s sink.
His hardness, hot and drippy, now rests on his palm ready to be guided into you once more. While his free hand travels to your face, pinching your cheeks ever so softly.
“Look at you, look at yourself in the mirror as I fuck you…” he orders, gripping your façade tightly but soft enough not to hurt you. “Aren’t you the most beautiful woman alive? And aren’t you mine, mh?”
You nod, out of words. Your eyes speak what your mouth can’t, and they suddenly turn white, in the violence of a thrust that knocks every oxygen molecule out of you; every sense out of you…
He goes deep, very deep into your core. As he is fucking you from behind, you can enjoy the tip hitting the right spot. Your walls spasm around him, milking with great force, causing him to grunt loudly.
“Don’t - don’t squeeze…” he pleads, biting your shoulder with sharp little fangs, while his hips dance a slow adagio of lust.
You weren’t doing it on purpose, but the way you can feel it pulsating inside of you won’t stop you from doing it.
Soshiro -needs- starts to go slow, painfully slow. The rhythm can only synchronize to a relaxed heartbeat, but the truth is that both of yours were about to jump off your chests.
Your nails carve into the marble, as Soshiro’s hands land on yours. His fingers interlock with yours, grabbing you as he kisses your back and neck. He goes from planting sweet pecks, to looking at you through the mirror. His eyes, penetrating as much as his sex itself, seem to be telling you a story of love and desire. A story of a man willing to claim your body, to subjugate you until you are left like nothing more than his own little sex doll.
Far in the past rest those doubts; if he was yours, you didn’t really know… but there is, once again, something clear to you… you were, so absolutely, only and just, his.
The thrusts grow faster again, when not even himself can’t think straight. Both have fallen, finally, victims of the lowest instincts. Bodies desperate for relief, bodies hungry and thirsty for climax.  
“I’m coming, please don’t stop ~” you purr, this time your head only remains up as he pulls from your hair so that you still face the mirror.
“Turn around, come on” he commands, taking his sex off you faster. The <pop> of the detachment might have been silent, but you could feel it reverberating from your insides to your brain.
His hands move around your waist until you are facing him, and his hands lift you from the back of your thighs. You end up sitting on the very edge of the sink, with your legs spread apart, waiting for him to bury into you again.
Quickly, he guides his sex back inside; it took him no effort, as your folds drip wet from all the arousals.
His forehead lands on yours, his hips fuck you so fast and hard you can’t even breathe properly. Your right hand squeezes his neck, as the right one tangles with his hair.
Like powerful clamps, your legs snake around his little waist, ready to pin him and never let him go. Perhaps, you didn’t even realize, but something primal inside of you was desperate to let him impregnate you.
Him, as well, couldn’t think any differently...
“Soshi-Soshiro, are – ngh- are you mine?” you can’t stop your tongue while on the verge of climax.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “(Name)… I…."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 「to be continued…」
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asukaskerian · 1 month
#1 N°1 Eternal War God
Feast your eyes on the most badass cosplay you have ever seen! The font of manliness, the peerless master, the only rival Bing-ge will ever have...!!!
liuqingge_1.png ; liuqingge_2.png ; liuqingge_3.png
#2 N°1 Eternal War God
Perfect replica of Cheng Luan, I pumped iron for six months for the all-natural chest muscles hahaha, and there's even a little sword charm matching little sister Mingyan's for the gege appeal! This cosplay will be debuted in full during the next great Shanghai convention, come and get your photos after the contest! 
#3 Littlest Cutest YingYingYing
Awww the little charm is so adorable!!!! Secret brocon Liu-gege~¤* 
#4 Cang Qiong Mountain Stair-Cleaning Manager
The all natural chest is also cute >:3c
#5 Peerless Cucumber (Expert)
... Is that a repurposed Japanese kimono? Are you honestly saying that covering the sober, dignified, strong-and-silent Liu Qingge's body with fancy belts and embroidery to break up the outline of *the wrong garment entirely* and distracting the viewer via slutting it up is good cosplay?
My apologies, I have unfairly maligned you -- it's a YUKATA. For those who don't know the difference, it is exactly that of silk versus cheap cotton. 
Just like the difference between an actual effort-grown chest and one shaped with badly blended makeup. There are still fingerprints in the hollow by your left lower ribs. Tssk.
#6 grass your mother and fuck your horse
Everyone pack it up, the quality check expert has shown up to close the thread 
#7 Peerless Cucumber (Expert)
#6, I have no issue with the cosplay itself but don't present it as the best and manliest when you can't even be bothered to source a local hanfu. The cosplay contest judges will laugh him out of the lineup. 
By the way, regarding the charm... Tyrian does not mean *green*. You might assume this is Airplane's lackadaisical approach to continuity but out of seven color references to Liu Mingyan's sword charm, six were synonyms for purple and amethyst and other lazy bullshit, and the seventh was a reference to her veil, which is, let's consult the database... lavender!
#8 N°1 Eternal War God
Someone looked at my abs reeeeeal close there... Jealous??
You keep going about quality control like we could actually source authentic materials, you remember we're in real life? Who cares if it's not real so long as it gives the right feel? Spoken as someone who's never gotten off his gamer chair and can only piss on the efforts of others, do better if you can
#9 The People's Daily Salute To The Heavens
/eating popcorn by the bucket
(things are heating up in the war god fandom!!!!!)
#10 Peerless Cucumber (Expert)
You know what, I think I will. See you at the contest.
#11 The People's Daily Salute To The Heavens
#12 Littlest Cutest YingYingYing
#11 ditto, :O GASP
#12 Little Sister Connoisseur
#11 #12 ditto ditto, :O GASPGASP
#13 grass your mother and fuck your horse
Yeah ok i'll also give it a gasp.
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seaspringangel · 3 months
sparrow in the storm — ais
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summary: ais becomes a sanctuary for not only one, but two little sparrows.
word count: 1.1k
content warnings: gn!reader ✦ established relationship ✦ fluff ✦ mild mild suggestive themes ✦ reader wearing ais’s yukata cuz its their god given right
notes: a while ago, @hollana sent me cute ask one + ask two and @danger-bird made adorable fanart for it. they really made my entire month! so this is dedicated to them :) this is also a birthday gift for @danger-bird, as today is their birthday today. i hope they have a wonderful celebration!
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The bright melody of birdsong carried you out of the haze of your dreams.
So soft and sweet it was, it wrapped around you like a silken blanket, a touch warmer than the drowsy heat emanating from the fabric of Ais’s yukata that covered your entire body at the moment.
The birdsong was serenading in your left ear, so you languidly turned in that direction, your nose immediately brushing against the thigh of the Monster sitting upright beside you, cross-legged. You peeled your eyes open, and your world delicately smudged red from the eerie glow radiating from the waters of the Seaspring.
Between the cradle of his red horns, an actual sparrow was nesting in the darkness of Ais’s hair.
You stare at the bird for a few seconds, watching the crystalline rain droplets gather like gem clusters on Ais's head. “So you’re finally replacing me, it seems.”
Eyes closed, Ais smirked. “Jealousy doesn’t suit you.”
You roll your eyes so hard that it's a miracle they didn’t become lodged in your skull.
You sat up and yawned, idly fidgeting with the bandages wrapped around your arms. “When did you even get a real sparrow, anyway?”
“She flew in with the storm,” was Ais’s soft reply, and you listen to the din of rain thundering the rooftop of the Seaspring like a barrage of fists striking down from the heavens, the cloudy light seeping in from the outside painting his bare chest in translucent silver splashes. “She was weak. Couldn’t leave her out in the cold.”
You smiled a bit as the bird, still singing its merry little song, fluttered down from his hair to nuzzle against his face. She truly adored him, no different than any other creature that falls in love with Ais when they cross his path. “So you let her nest in your hair?”
“Nothing is stopping you from making a nest yourself, sparrow.”
You roll your eyes yet again. Ais is the only one alive who can make you feel heavenly tenderness and agitation that burns hotter than any hellfire. “You do realize I’m not a real bird, right?”
Ais opened his eyes and turned his head to fully regard you then. Your heart skipped a beat once, twice, and a third time as he looked you up and down slowly as if caressing you with the sharpness of his eyes. You pulled his yukata tighter around your body, suddenly becoming shy. It was almost hard to breathe when his eyes went warm like that and became lovelier than crimson jewels glittering in the light of golden sunshine.
Ais hummed thoughtfully. “Could’ve fooled me.”
You blink owlishly at him. Then, incensed, you promptly smacked his shoulder, hot irritation and a sickening sense of warmth going to war inside you. “You are so incredibly annoying.”
The bastard began to chuckle, and his new songbird had the gall to chirp alongside him as if she were laughing at your embarrassment too. How dare that cute, feathery homewrecker?
…Okay, maybe you were a little jealous, but you would quite literally swallow a thousand teacup shards than ever admit to that, so you opened your mouth to say something particularly acerbic and snarky when suddenly Ais pursed his lips and whistled a colorful melody, cupping his hands together.
You and the bird both reacted as if Ais plucked the string of some latent instinct in your bodies. The bird fluttered down to rest in his large waiting palms, and you couldn’t help but be drawn in by his gravitational pull and the need to be near him and soak up the rest of his misty heat like a flower drinking the last dredges of summer rain.
You press into his side and watch Ais’s calloused thumbs gently smooth through the dandelion fluff of the bird’s feathers, the little thing happily thrilling all the while, before looking up at his face and feeling your heart melt instantly.
There was a certain radiance to Ais when he cared for something or someone. It was like trailing fingers along the surface of iridescent water, yearning to crack below the glowing surface to discover the beauty underneath. You know what you’ll find in those waters will make you feel whole again.
There was a softness to his gaze, a look you knew he reserved for you and you alone, especially when he thought you weren’t looking, embers sparking from the depths of his eyes, keeping you warm when you couldn’t do it yourself. You wanted him to look at you like that always, and you wanted his hands, the same hands that cradled the singing sparrow with a practiced gentleness, the same hands that held you with the same reverence, to always hold yours until the whole world rotten away.
“She has your eyes,” Ais murmured, resting his cheek on top of your head. You softly snorted but did not offer a rebuttal this time. You can let him have his delusions just this once. “You think she’ll let us keep her?”
You nod, and after he lets the bird fly back to her rightful place upon his head, you let him pull you into his lap. “I don’t see why not. It’s safer here than out there, even if it’s the scariest place I've ever slept in.”
Ais chuckled against the crown of your head, a rich sound that sent decadent shivers up your spine. “Y’know, I never had two singing sparrows live with me before. This is going to be nice.”
You snort softly against his chest. He was pushing it with this ‘who is the real sparrow’ contest. “Uh, what kind of song do I sing? I don’t consider yelling at you all the time to be particularly soothing.”
Ais hummed. “You sing a different kind of song, not the kind made for polite company but for my ears alone. I like how needy you sound when I -“
This was a learning moment to stop taking his bait.
You jerk your head back far enough to make contact with his sternum, and he lets out a short huff of startled breath. You pull his yukata over your face, desperately trying to hide the savage scarlet burning of your cheeks. “I hate you. I’m going back to sleep. Don’t wake me up ever again. Have fun spending time with your new lover.”
Even when struggling to catch his breath, Ais still dared to chuckle at your red-hot embarrassment. You would’ve enjoyed the sound of his laughter if you didn’t want to strangle him to death.
Soon, the sweet melody of birdsong, the torrential storm outside, and Ais’s heartbeat—a firm and steady drumbeat against your ear—lulled you into a soft, safe dream where everything you desired was within reach.
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belit0 · 1 year
ahh, i just found out tobirama was about 40 when he became hokage! which makes him even hotter🤭. can you do a hokage tobirama and his young pregnant shy wife meeting his family and like people around the village
I need to EXPLICTLYYYY know where you got that information from bc confirming that he was a daddy brings a different flavor to his character🫠❤️‍🩹
For clarification purposes: Madara is blind in this piece. Hashirama healed Izuna before he died, under Madara's acceptance of peace, and Aniki never took his younger brother's eyes, preferring to go blind rather than steal his sight.
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No one dares to look him in the eye, let alone question the possessive hand that won't let go of (Y/N)'s hips. Her belly is too prominent to deny the situation, but no one is used to seeing the current Hokage with his wife.
Senju Tobirama devoted himself to hiding the woman he promised as a bride, unable to tolerate stares at her and unfortunate comments. Both men and women would send lust and desire toward her, and he would have no way to stop them all. What better remedy than to shelter (Y/N) until his ownership is undeniable?
Tobirama can be quite capricious.
The man even went as far as not allowing his own older brother to meet her, Hashirama himself excluded from the equation. To think that the former Hokage could betray his younger brother like that was ridiculous to everyone, but it wasn't about lust with him. No.
Tobirama hid (Y/N) because he refused to lose the one ray of light in his life (after Anija's solar shower, of course). His past is made up of death and disappointment, built as an unfeeling weapon of war by his father, robbed of the ability to empathize with anyone until the creation of Konoha.
His wife brought a peace he didn't know he needed into his life, a breath of fresh air even as nations struggled to not cooperate with peace, freedom among so much horror and suffering. (Y/N) showed him that life could be spent out of survival mode, that he could relax for sleep and accept another person into his bed without danger.
Having found what he always sought without knowing it, Tobirama could not afford to lose it.
Keeping her away from everything and everyone (beyond his possible jealousy) was also composed by the need to protect her, to remove her from the spotlight that inevitably comes with being the Hokage's future wife, to prevent her from being used against him. The albino's attitudes were based on affection, but now that (Y/N) is round with his creation, full of him, he can't help but proudly display her.
He strolls through the market streets with his head held high and his wife tightly in his grip, shooting hostile glances at anyone who looks at them for more than five minutes at a time. Of course he expects people to be surprised, but he doesn't want her to end up with the evil eye either.
"Hokage-Sama! Here, here!" shouts a little old lady from his favorite food stall. He can't ignore people from his village, those who trust him, and comes up to her stall to give her a smile unbecoming of Tobirama. "You look very happy, Hokage-Sama!"
"Ah... how could a man not be, having such a beautiful woman by his side?" And (Y/N) blushes, waving slightly at the little old lady and trying to hide the redness of her cheeks behind the sleeve of her yukata.
The elderly woman smiles, and hands them both a small package of food without accepting anything in return, "here, here, take this, enjoy life!" She practically pushes them out of her stall, and they resume walking to the point they agreed on with Hashirama.
People stare and stare at them, some even dare to congratulate the Hokage, give him blessings, ask if he could feel how many children are there. Some inquiries make him uncomfortable, and with just a blunt look he gets rid of those prying eyes.
They receive more gifts along the way, offerings of love and respect, food and decorations, townspeople declaring their eagerness to meet the Hokage's offspring. Tobirama would not expect to have interacted with so many people in such a short distance, and his social battery is noticeably drained, squeezing (Y/N) more and more protectively against his body.
By the time they reach Hashirama's house, the Hokage no longer wants anything to do with anyone.
"Ayoooooo! Tobi! You made it!" his older brother waits for them sitting at the door, like a little kid waiting for his dad to come home from work. The problem is, Hashirama is not a child, and not little one either. He pounces on the two, wrapping his arms around them and pressing their faces to his chest, invasive and effusive as always but enhanced by (Y/N)'s presence.
"Aaaa! (Y/N)! Finally released from your confinement! It's so beautiful to finally meet you!" Anija lets go of him, only to squeeze her separately, give her kisses on the crown of her head and clench her cheeks like a grandmother. Yes, Hashirama could be compared to a grandmother. "Have you looked... I mean, in there? See what's in there? We could ask Izuna to-"
"No. It's a surprise." Tobirama pulls (Y/N) out of his arms, and hugging her enters the house he knows by heart. He heads straight for the courtyard, where he knows Hashirama (who comes behind him with his head down and feigning sadness) enjoys afternoons of tea.
Of course, he does not expect the surprise his brother has prepared for him there.
The whole clan, the whole damn family is gathered around a huge table, different from the one Anija prefers for his solitary lunches. Sitting in the two main seats, the Uchiha brothers, who have no business in a Senju house, full of Senju men and women.
Is this what peace looks like? Graphically represented? Tobirama wants to vomit.
"TOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" He is greeted by his entire family as a whole, and the elders soon hover over both of them. Females kidnap (Y/N) to shower her with questions and love, all a carbon copy of how Hashirama behaves but boosted to the tenth.
The albino is also abducted, but by the young men and his older brother, who seems to have regained his cheerfulness. They sit him down in front of the Uchiha brothers, and it's like sending a cow to the slaughter.
"Tobi Tobes... I didn't know your family called you like that, neither that your wife was SO pregnant... He hides too many things from us, right Aniki?" Izuna starts, as usual, not missing a chance to poke him with whatever comes in front of him.
"How many children do you have there? 3? She's... prominent!"
"Get my wife out of your mouth before I make you remember why the war existed in the first place." It's a blunt threat, and the young men around him tense up. Peace is old at this point, but the habits of a life that no longer exists are hard to forget.
"He's joking! Yes, yes, he's kidding! No tobi?" Hashirama tries to disperse the waters, and it works, at least with those who don't know them inside out. Madara knows what's coming, and so does he somehow.
"You want me to see how many are there? With the Sharingan, I mean... it's not like I actually want to get inside-"
"Izuna. Enough." Aniki tries, and succeeds until the albino glares at his little brother.
"Madara... you're blind, but if only could you see the size of that woman's belly..."
"IZUNA!" This time it's Hashirama, who gets indignant every time the Uchiha speaks so lightly about his brother's eye condition. Maybe it's the way they both have of cooperating with the situation, but it's still terrible in his ears.
The Uchiha leader chuckles under his breath, and it's all the validation Izuna needs to go on.
"So, what do you say, Tobi Tobes, want to check it out?" and before he can activate his Dōjutsu, two huge branches stop them both. Tobirama, who was in the process of pulling out a kunai and jumping to his throat, is imprisoned in his seat. Izuna, about to reveal the mystery the couple wanted to keep, has a huge trunk wrapped around his head in the eye area.
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"Fuck all of you guys." And everyone turns around in surprise, because this time it's (Y/N) doing the talking. She puts a hand on her husband's shoulder, dodging the wood on him, and gives a pleasant smile to the Uchiha brothers. "We'll find out how many children are here at the time of delivery, for the time being, I appreciate your efforts, Lord Izuna."
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