#also lord only knows if ill get to writing this i have a billion things to do this week. and like. in general.
becauseplot · 7 months
its my birthday so ive decided im gonna write or at least start working on an extremely self indulgent qphilza oneshot but i cant decide if i want angel!phil or crowmonster!phil. i mean i could have both, but i have to find a solid transition between them. (<-sentences that make perfect sense in my head but do NOT make sense in writing lmao) dont get me wrong both would be feral and soooooo "mmm creatchure :]"-coded but angel!phil has the benefits of having his veiled hat and "what a normal guy!!<-oh he's a little fucked up actually" while crowmonster!phil has the benefits of being a literal monster. big ol crow beast that nudges stuff around with its beak and lumbers around just straight up eats mobs. MAN. what's a guy to do.
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stormy333 · 3 years
Cheers To Eighteen
Originally I thought I was way off with my goals for Chapter 17 while I was thinking of what to write for chapter 18’s post…
Turns out I’m not
Lemme explain.  The post https://thechronicalesofhails.com/blog/f/one-story-billions-of-possibilities had 17 things learned and 17 goals most of my goals were emotional. Here let’s do a quick recap of the goals;
17 Goals for this chapter
1. To have my GED either completed or half completed
2. To continue the process of eliminating toxicity from my life
3. I want to get a job
4. I want to travel more
5. I’m going to get to know myself better, instead of dating others, I’m going to try a bit of self dating, pouring my heart and soul into myself instead of someone else, that’s not to say I won’t help it’s just saying I need to help myself for a while.
6. I’m going to find new hobbies, I actually have a few in mind
7. To find who I am, I know who I was and I know who I want to be but who I am is still a question
8. To keep up with my physical therapy and infusions better, I want to be more organized in life
9. Learn to drive a standard
10. Being more open about my thoughts
11. Being more assertive
12. Forgiving things and people
13. Learning to love people as they are
14. Being confident as myself
15. Learn a language
16. Branch out a bit more in my exploration of life
17. Discover more things I love
Ninety percent of these things I have held true to continually working on day by day. My GED will be taken care of soon, by the time you all see this I will likely have already applied for my job, driving a standard is still something I very much want to do but now my truck needs my focus so I can get my license. Toxicity is something that has to be weeded out like your garden but you also have to realize how toxic you can be as well. A hard lesson to learn but a lesson nonetheless. As for the physical therapy and infusions well I lost my port so no more infusions but still have to keep up with PT.
I have learned so much about myself during chapter 17. For instance I’ve mentioned that growing up I was heavily involved in church plus I personally had a strong relationship with God. Then around the time I got sick my relationship started to waver and struggle. Recently I realized that was because it was something that came natural to me in the beginning of my life, then it did not. which is exactly why it has been so difficult for me to find my footing again.
Who I am is no longer a question. I am Hailey sometimes Hails, beautiful but not vain. Confident but not cocky. Chronically Ill but still human. Hurting but healing. No matter what I am on the right track to being the woman I want to be even on the days I want to just give up. Most of all I am proud because my body has not given up on me yet and I have not given up on it yet either and that is only by the grace of God. Still though it makes me proud to know I have made it to chapter eighteen.
I have made a lot of changes in my life during chapter 17.  Some were harder and took longer and didn’t just affect me but they were my choice to make and you live and you learn. So here I am about to start chapter eighteen and I am a mess but I am actually for the first time in a long time somewhat at peace, because I have finally begun to let go I guess? I wish I could express fully what this feeling is but it is like everything might be falling apart but I’m like chill with it? I have no idea what that is but that is what I feel. Of course I still have days when I’m not okay that’s life with chronic illness, mental illness and of course just plain life but for the most part.
If you made it this far congratulations because you are amazing and loyal and bless your heart. As for chapter 18 I’m not sure what is in store besides good lord’s will getting a job and my license and being better organized at blogging. It all finally seems to make a bit of sense and going back to the basics really helped me, I stripped a lot of who I was pretending to be away and in that I had to say goodbye to quite a few people but it was for the better, as I wish them all the best. I just needed to strip it down and find myself again and the little girl who saw no wrong in the world well she grew up and parts of her burned but a phoenix rises from the ashes right? I am who I am today because of my past and my illness. You know the saying Rome wasn’t built in a day? Neither are strong durable people. It takes your past, your illness, your friends, and family; it takes all of that to build your character for your story. Don’t hate it, embrace it.
Cheers to 18!!!
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8uggestionamplifie6 · 3 years
I just had the dumbest but coolest thought.
You know how there are soulmate AUs for Star Wars, right? And usually everyone in the galaxy has a soulmate, right?
Well, I just came up with a genius soulmate AU for Star Wars that'll fit in (I think).
First of all, the only people who have soulmates are Jedi (and their soulmates, obviously). Second of all, 'soulmates' aren't actually soulmates, not in the traditional sense at least.
Most soulmate AUs have it where the two persons both combine to make a single complete soul (person A: 1/2)(person B: 1/2) (which makes 1 whole).
But my soulmate AU is different.
And here's why. (Yes you'll need the context, so don't skip it.)
When the galaxy was first created, there was no such thing as soulmates. And it stayed that way for billions of years.
Until eventually, that changed.
During one of the first Sith-Jedi wars, the Sith realized that they were losing. The Jedi had more soldiers, more people, etc. They were losing BADLY.
So you know what they did?
They placed a curse on the Jedi Order.
This curse would split the soul of any Jedi in half, thus making the Jedi weaker and easier to kill.
(Restrictions: Person must take vows as a Jedi/acknowledge themselves or be acknowledged as a Jedi in order for the curse to take affect. Either or, just fulfill one of these requirements.)
Of course, the Jedi Order found out about the curse quickly and tried to capture the Sith who created it in hopes of reversing it.
But the Sith who participated in the ritual knew that the Jedi would find out, so all fifty-something of them committed sewerslide right after the curse took its affect.
So now the Jedi couldn't reverse it anymore. They don't know what rituals the Sith used, they don't have any information, they don't know how to reverse it, they don't know anything.
And that's when the Force came in clutch to help them.
So basically, the half of any Jedi's soul that was ripped from them will be sent to a person who needs it most.
(Ex. Very sick girl at home. Boy joins Jedi Order and becomes a Jedi. Boy's soul is torn apart. Girl is given that half of Boy's soul and becomes healthier.)
Not only that, but Jedi can access the other half of their soul (not the soulmate, just their soul) in their last moments.
I like to call it, "The Final Hour".
What I mean by this is that when a Jedi exhausts themselves near death's door or dies or is fatally injured, the other half of their soul (soul B) will gradually be brought to them (soul A), momentarily increasing their strength and power. This gives them a better chance at killing the person attacking them or to protect more people, even if they've already 'died'.
On average, this state lasts about an hours, give or take a few minutes, hence the name.
When the soulmate dies first however, Soul B disappears, which leaves only Soul A (which is with the Jedi).
Think of it like this: the soulmate is the anchor Soul B uses and needs to stay 'alive'. When that anchor dies, Soul B doesn't have a way to travel from point B (the soulmate) to Point A (the Jedi) anymore, so Soul B just disappears into the Force, waiting to be reunited with Soul A.
But when the Jedi dies first, Soul B still has the soulmate to use as an anchor point (the other anchor point being the 'main' soul aka Soul A), which means that it can travel to the Jedi in order to start the "Final Hour".
But anyways, back to the 'soulmate' part because I'm about to do some world-building for this AU.
One, having a soulmate is generally seen as a curse. This is because when the Jedi dies, the Soul B that was inhabiting the 'soulmate' will leave to join Soul A, thus killing or incapacitating the 'soulmate'.
Like I said, the Force specifically guides these half-souls to people who need it most. Say a terminally ill boy is given the half of a Jedi's soul, he gets better and is no longer terminally ill. The moment the Jedi dies however, Soul B will be taken back and the boy will return to being terminally ill. Which is why having a soulmate in this AU means being 'cursed' and not blessed.
Two, most people don't know why soulmates exist or they don't know why the people who have a Jedi's soul is 'cursed'. To them, they can't explain it. One second the boy is all fine and dandy, and the next he drops to the ground dead.
Three, Jedi are weaker than Sith. Since Jedi only have half of their soul with them (unless they die and enact the "Final Hour"), they are weaker and thus need to train a lot in order to make up for their lack of pure power. Remember, the Sith don't have this curse on them, so they still have an entire soul.
Four, Sith hunt the soulmates of Jedi. (Another reason why being a soulmate is seen as a curse bc no one wants to be murdered by a Sith). For reasons stated above, by killing the soulmate, you basically permanently kill off half of a Jedi's soul, which makes them even weaker.
Five, yes, force-sensitives can be the soulmate of a Jedi, it has happened before. This usually makes the force-sensitive soulmate even stronger because since the soulmate is only force-sensitive and not a Jedi, they don't have the curse on them, so they technically have 1 & 1/2 souls. When this happens, the Jedi and the Sith scramble to find the soulmate. The Jedi want to hide the soulmate in order to keep the soulmate safe and stop the Sith from gaining another weapon. The Sith, however, want to train the soulmate and turn them into an extremely powerful Sith Lord.
(My head canon is that quite a few notorious Sith Lords are these special force-sensitives with an extra half of a soul.)
Six, the reason why the Jedi Order is so small during the Prequels Era is because the Order stopped seeing a reason to have more people have their souls brutally torn in half. That shit hurts mad and it's not fun. More importantly, the Sith were 'dead'. The Order believed that, so that's why they stopped conducting major Searches and stopped accepting initiates. They also placed stricter acceptance rules in order to discourage people from sending their children to the Order.
So, what do yall think? Like it or nah? Which Sith Lords do yall think would have 1 & 1/2 of a soul? Questions, comments, concerns?
(Why the hell did I write this?)
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📫 & 📼 for whatever characters ya wanna talk about :D
these are both really interesting questions in the sense that i cannot for the life of me foresee their potential answers being of much direct value to the stories i try to tell. also they’re hyperspecific & contain stories within themselves and y’all know me telling a story in short time is a goddam challenge, but! with a character randomly selected as its focus, below the cut i give you: one story based on the first prompt feat the cojum who? crew! i do not in any way promise to give a story for the second prompt but this was fun enough on its own so i thank you all the same. (cws for implied death, mention of blood)
2.66 to 4.67 billion miles apart at any given time
“What’s that you’ve got there?” is an innocuous question when it’s directed at, for example, a cat. ”A letter, duh,” is an innocuous answer when it’s not being given in, for example, a space ship with nothing that could conceivably resemble a mail slot on its entire exterior. ”O-kay then. Is the easier follow-up question ‘Why’ or ‘How’?” Amber responds, cautious but incredulous. ”’How’, definitely; I got this out of the T&LDIS mailbox. The easiest question you could’ve asked was ‘Why not me?’ as I think you can understand not getting letters when nobody knows your transtemporal address.” ”I... don’t particularly care about that.” ”Same here, actually. But the hardest question you could’ve asked (given my inability to answer it) and, frankly,” Coral takes a second to look incredibly incredulous, “the one I’m surprised you didn’t ask is, ‘Who’?” This moves Amber towards a different shade of curiosity. “There are many people connected to you I of whom I wonder the ‘Who?’ but I never expected you to do as well.” Coral, who had been scanning the now-open letter as Amber spoke and looking for all the world utterly lost in thought, glances up at Amber when his sentence concludes and says, “Have you ever considered becoming a poet?” He only stares and stifles a sigh in response. ”Or maybe a songwriter? I understand if that’s less your style though-” ”Are you not going to answer my question?” ”I got a letter because I know people who know my address, and anything else I can go over if I want to, and if I figure out the answer myself after reading it.” ”Alright. That’s good enough for me.” Amber, with a strange sort of compliment in his head and plenty of awareness of how Coral wants to be left alone, exits the console room. Coral takes a seat in a seat that manages to be well-worn and familiar despite the objective newness of this console room design and takes another look at the letter in their hands. ”Hey Coral,” it starts, already a strange way for a letter addressed to them to start, considering they have yet to tell any of their former companions about their name change, and especially not any fellow Time Lords (the use of circular gallifreyan indicating as such). “The majority of this letter wasn’t written by me- and before you ask, no, I’m not Marcy. I’m a time lord you’re close with, yes, but not Marcy.” This factoid Coral finds suspicious- whoever wrote it must know Marcy well to have handwriting so similar in style to its. And the use of the present/past/future perfect continuous tense [a tense that is notably difficult to translate into english] in reference to the writer’s familiarity with Coral themself carries a array of implications they aren’t looking forward to understanding. ”I’m writing this preface to clarify a couple things. Firstly, I came into possession of this letter unintentionally and without any ill will towards you. And secondly, the contents of this letter would thoroughly unsettle you if you weren’t aware of the strange means by which it made its way to you- means I don’t plan on telling you, but the fact that they’re strange and I’m writing all this should help at least somewhat. Two-and-a-fifthly, I know these contents would unsettle you because I used a different name at the top of my section than what the original writer used in theirs.” It seems the writer of this letter (its preface at least) is attempting to cram as many confusing temporal implications as possible on one (modified-to-be) dimensionally transcendent piece of paper. ”I’m pretty sure I’ve said everything that needs to be said, but if I didn’t I’ll probably find a way to get the information to you anyway. Only if the opportunity presents itself though. Much like how the present tends to opportune itself.” Coral’s almost starting to wonder whether this is actually some completely random person they know that at some point in their life learned circular gallifreyan, just for how unlikely it feels that any time lord would write this stuff. “Greetings and good evening,” then a signature in the form of a drop of ink close enough between conventional shades of orange and red for Coral to mistake it for a drop of gallifreyan blood at first. They sigh, then pull the next sheet of paper out of the envelope- the actual letter itself. “Dear Conductor,” The preface wasn’t lying. That does feel weird to them. “That’s probably the weirdest way I’ve ever started a letter but you never told me your name and I don’t care enough to ask. I don’t really know why I’m writing this letter (do you even have a mail slot on the T&LDIS? I don’t remember ever seeing one) but it’s been about a week since you left me at home and” Their hearts stop. Exercising a considerable amount of self-restraint, they do not crumple the letter into a tiny ball and throw it into the depths of the whirling time vortex, and instead resume reading it. They know who wrote it now. “I get the feeling you’ll show up tomorrow or another half week from now looking like you thought you’d arrive only a couple hours after dropping me off.” (Not an inaccurate prediction, though to be precise it would be the day after she wrote this letter that they would pick him up.) “I guess the most likely reason I’m writing you this letter is that [the clear markings of an abundance of erased words fill up space] you’re the only dude ever, I think, that might know what it feels like to go somewhere and be kind of lost in the past and future instead of actually in the present. It’s a really hard feeling to place.” (They can’t actually relate to this, the contrasting aspect of it at least. Being untethered from the natural flow of time, reality itself even to an extent, has been the norm for them for nearly as long as they can remember. All the same, the very groundedness of non-Time Lords, their ability to truly look at a world the way it currently exists as they are in it, not as one of many bits and pieces in a long, winding web of time, is something they envy. They wonder if thon ever managed to pick up on how that very quality is what they happen to value in every companion they ever pick up.) “I mean, to you, there’s not much of a difference between 1985 and 1984 and 1986, right? Just like how there wouldn’t have been a difference when we landed in that one jungle place, if we were there in 443Δ or 441Δ (<- that’s what a delta looks like, right?) But to me, here in the “present” or whatever, if we go back a year that’s when me and everyone I know about and the whole planet was a year younger. Are you just used to that?” (Yes. On occasion, they no longer are. And they treasure those occasions as much as they can.) “I mean, you’re the only person ever who could possibly know if this war with the Russians is going to end a week from now or in another year or in a whole century. Or even if it’ll end at all. All that stuff is just things that’ll keep me up at night but to you it’s facts you already know, right? And it’s like that everywhere (everywhen?) there are probably people on all those planets who are thinking about stuff that happened a month ago and you could go there and know exactly what happened then if you want to. And now I feel like i could do the same thing, almost. It’s so strange.” (This is what happens to the people they make companions out of.) “I don’t want to just fill up this letter with talk about weird time stuff though. We deal with enough of that already, don’t we?” (They did, and it wasn’t enough.) “I guess with all this talk of how much a big deal the present is, I was thinking I could offer something for us to do when you get back. I don’t have to immediately set off again on grand adventures with you, do I? There’s this movie coming out, you probably know about it in some way, and it’s about an old person and a younger person traveling through time in a machine that looks like a car- sound familiar? We don’t have to see it, of course, I always like traveling with you, just let me know what you think when you get back. I guess I might be making a big assumption, that you’ll get this letter before then, but what’s the point of having that scifi trans-temporal mailing address of yours if it doesn’t work as intended?” (A very good point. One they can’t help but agree with.) “Your partner in time, Wesley Griffin.” Coral’s eyes lock with the signature at the bottom of the page for a long, long moment. Eventually, they glance up and reread Wesley’s entire section of the letter, top to bottom. And again. And a few more times, for good measure. For Wesley, it was about a week and a half spent at home, recuperating. For Coral, it was closer to a year, and an incredibly busy one at that, dealing with fellow renegade Time Lords and making sure the T&LDIS is appropriately capable of evading the non-renegades that seek to cause them more harm than the actual renegades. The whole little diversion was meant to be a break for both of them, when in reality Coral got maybe a couple weeks of fine rest and recuperation, and Wesley obviously wasn’t having as restful a time as they assumed he was, if this letter is anything to go off of. The day Coral returned to pick Wesley back up was a grand one, though humble. Neither of them brought up the subject of watching a movie, Coral because they didn’t know it was meant to be an option and Wesley because thon was never confrontational enough for her own good. Nor was the subject of feeling displaced in time brought up, though it is surely a more difficult topic of conversation to breach over dinner. Coral had spent their whole life until now unaware of this letter’s existence and had not suffered for it, to the best of their knowledge. Now it’s in their hands and they haven’t got the fainest clue what to do with it. Barely sparing the preface a second glance, they carefully fold and replace the letter in its envelope. Their back deliberately turned away from the door, they leave the console room to set off down the T&LDIS corridors, only the faintest whisper of a destination in mind. A few doors down, and some picked chords are heard underneath Amber’s voice from behind a door. “See, what most people think of when it comes to Spanish guitar is this one set of chords, when really those are just native to the Mediterranean and not Iberia specifically.” Coral doesn’t even try to stick around and hear a response. Long after the sounds of spanish guitar have faded, Coral crosses paths with Darius, heading in the opposite direction. “Oh, hey, do you know where I can find Amber?” it quickly asks. “He’s straight down the hall,” Coral responds without breaking their stride or turning their head, not giving Darius a chance to respond in further questioning or thanks. Briefly, they wonder if Amber was in fact talking to himself instead of to someone else, as they had assumed, but don’t bother entertaining the thought for very long. Just as they’re nearing exasperation with their ship for tucking the room they’re seeking so far away, the door reveals itself. It’s a door they’d recognize anywhere, and one they’d expect to see in only one place, and one they have not touched for far more years than they’d admit to most. So they take a deep breath, grasp the letter lightly in their hand, open the door, step inside, lay it on the bed, and leave. Not all of those actions occurring immediately after one another. - It’s more obvious to Jay than Amber himself that he relaxes immensely as he plays and talks about playing guitar. He’s greatly enjoying having an audience, clearly, and they have no doubt the novelty will not wear off any time soon. “...when really those are just native to the Mediterranean and not Iberia specifically.” Cautious and alert as always, though, it tenses up hearing footsteps coming down the hall- it can’t know for sure, but just in case that is Coral walking so quickly, it scans the room for any hiding spots or new ways out it knows should be there. Luckily, the sound passes by and fades almost before Amber can even notice, so Jay simply motions for him to continue playing rather than bring any attention to it. One and a half flamenco pieces later, some more footsteps are making their way towards them, and this time Jay’s earlier preparation pays off in part; the door is opened and ze is nowhere to be seen when it happens, but as Darius expresses a bit of interest in Amber’s technique and nobody else presents themself, ze pop zerself back into visibility with relative ease, neither Amber nor Darius batting an eye at this. “If you want, I could try and show you how alzapúa works, although I don’t really think I’m the best teacher out there-” “You’re fine, Amber. Darius, did you happen to see Coral out there?” Jay softly interjects. “Yeah, he was moving very quickly in the opposite direction and told me I could find you- well, just Amber -if I kept down the way I was going.” “Huh. Did they have a letter on them?” Amber replies, and Jay starts. “Yeah, actually.” (They try collecting themself to the best of their ability, and it should be said their ability is better than you’d expect.) “Alright. I wonder what they’re going to do with it.” (So does Jay, but ae at least have a very strong hunch ae’re highly interested in testing) “Amber, you don’t mind continuing this serenade in miniature with an alternate exterior audience, would you?” Amber shifts his attention back to Jay, a slightly melancholy tinge encroaching on his smile. “Yeah, I’m good. Go ahead and do your thing.” They nod and duck out the door, him quietly finishing, “I wasn’t really expecting you to stay very long anyway.” Unexpectedly, hy responds on hys way out, “I’ll steal another chance for us.” - A short while down the line (a while being, famously, one of the least quantifiable units of time measurement out there), Jay will take every necessary precaution they possibly can, walk directly into a room the T&LDIS will never be allowed to eject or remodel, no matter how many regenerations she or its conductor go through, and on their person will be a very, very old pen with no ink in it. A long while down the line, Coral (or perhaps someone no longer going by that name but very much the same inside) will walk back into the room that at one point housed a dear friend of theirs, and they’ll somehow bring themself to reopen the letter from him, and in the introduction they’ll read in reddish-orange ink a single, long, winding, and entirely new sentence in the preface that reduces them to tears in the kindest way possible.
#mi wri#i wonder if i could post this to ao3. the possibility has only just occurred to me. hm.#cojum who?#personally i don't think r. chaplet has ever had a question answered satisfactively in his life and he doesnt expect for it to start soon#tis i#anyway. a couple explanations. s. griffin is obviously meant to be steve gallagher & she uses he/she/thon & is from 1985#thon's older than my parents! i think that makes him a boomer. oh dear. also remember the mention of a dead companion from chapter 1?#yeah thon's the adric of b. kingdom (except the doctor's had way more dead companions than just one especially like#b. kingdom's namesake sara kingdom but her companion status is debatable but anyway there's loads of eu companions who have died#and in nuwho there's a lot of quote un quote deaths but. whatever. b. kingdom's young they can have emotional investment in something)#anyway. circular gallifreyan is effectively the gallifreyan alphabet. we see vague depictions of it in the show & hear about it in the eu#on occasion at least. it's rather vaguely defined and a couple people have come up with ways to write with it irl#and boy are those ways complicated (ask for a link & i can show you something wack) but basically nobody other than time lords#knows how to read/write it. tis pretty neat#gallifreyan/time lord blood (i forget whether it's exclusive to time lords or not) is a more orange shade than human blood#2.66-4.67 billion miles is the minimum & maximum distance between the earth and pluto#welcome to questions answered#i need better classifications for <- that tag vs my ''i fandom tagged this one'' tag because this is genuine content of value i believe#if anyone went through my blog with the mundane things tag they'd get shitposts & daily life shit but also these well done stories#just because they have to do with my ocs doesn't mean they can't be grouped with the shitposts & occasional image edits i do#that other people who don't follow this blog might like. anyway#the whole world gets to see this one#(i apologize if s. griffin's last name is too similar to family guy but i chose thon's due to similarities with his namesake)#nonsense as usual
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kaitosimp · 3 years
hello kaito simp does this work lol playlist
Hi hi!! Yeah it worked!! :D Looking over it I only recognize starlight by muse so I'm excited to listen to the rest! Also it didn't let me listen cause it said I need a spotify acc so I'm gonna youtube them 😂
The tiny glowing screens song is so cool! I just sat here vibing to it full on 🤣 The Kaito vibes hit me hard near the end aND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WHEN IT WENT ON ABOUT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING AND THE JUPITER/UNIVERSE THINGS, ITS K A I T O
Supermassive black hole has Kaito written allll over it 👁👄👁 Idk if its just me but it sounds like him being in love in a very funky way!! And also him dying/being in some sort of pain cause of the one bit "dont you know i suffer", ow :,)
Gravity's union is right up my alley, I really liked this one!! I dunno was it is about it but man, its so captivating 👁👁 I don't know how to describe it but I got Kaito vibes (and pairings vibes but thats just me like always 💀🤣) its got this whole feel with gravity and collisions that it just makes sense??
Loud like love made is so good it me want to be in love 💀😂 It feels like the backround song to a couple doing fun shit at 3 am, so gUESS WHAT I PICTURED IN MY HEAD- SAIMOTA BEING DORKS IN LOVE 😔✋🏽
J u s t from the title of my hero, i already picture it'll be from Shuichi's/Maki's perspective @ Kaito :,) "there goes my hero, watch him as he goes" aND I WAS RIGHT AND OH MY GOD WHEN IT SAID "dont the best of them bleed out" IT KILLED ME CAUSE OF KAITO'S DEATH 😭😭😭😭😭
Ngl with space lord I giggled every time it said "space lord mf" asdfghkl 😭😭😂 The first thing I thought about was just Kaito being a badass and just crushing his enemies 💀😂 Cause of the bits where it says he left his throne a million miles away (in space) and just from what the song says, its him reigning over and being a badass space king 👌🏼
As soon as it said "i want to take you to the planetarium" in the planetarium song i automatically thought it was him asking someone out on a date 🤣 But then the 'faked sick' parts started and once again, I was reminded of his illness :,) It'll never stop hurting
Woahhh, using sounds like him learning how to accept himself and knowing his worth and overcoming his issues tbh!! bUT OFC "guess i missed coughing my lungs up every morning" ASDFGJKL WHY IS THERE A REFERENCE TO HIS ILLNESS IN ALL OF THESE IMA CRY
WHEN HIDEAWAY SAID "take the sky for example, a canvas of a billion suns but our local hero shines them out by day" I ALMOST SCREECHED- THE WHOLE SONG IS KAITO VIBES KAITO VIBES KAITO VIBESSSSSSSS
Lucky stars made me feel so s o f t :,))))) I dunno why but it made me think of a Kaito ship and them being star crossed lovers even tho its ironic cause it literally says thank you lucky stars :,) Its just so nice 😭😭
Ahhh not the only one feels like Kaito trying to reach out and be there for the people he cares about while struggling with his own issues, or could also be him trying to convince himself that feeling down/sad/etc is normal and that he should accept any help he's offered 👀
Trust fall made me think of him starting to get interested in someone and taking that shit in strideeee, so the trust fall thing makes me think of him taking that leap of faith into love despite being a super new thing yes? 🌚
Mannnn, malboro nights made me want to fall in love like love like loud 😂 Kaito liking someone with a funky vibe for days!!
Taking off literally made me think of Kaito about to walk into that gODDAMN ROCKET IN HIS EXECUTION, DAMN 😭
I'm gonna fully pretend and convince myself the astronaut is about Kaito fufilling his dreams of going to space and becoming an astronaut in a non-despair au aND NOT HIM UP IN THAT ROCKET CONVINCING HIMSELF THAT HE GOT TO BE AN ASTRONAUT AND GOT TO SEE THE THING HE LOVES THE MOST IN HIS LAST MOMENTS-
Omfgggg for miles made me think of post-game Kaito 😭😭😭 BRO "all of our trials will be milestones on the way" "there's no greater love than the one who shed blood for his friends" AND ALL THE STUFF ABOUT LOOKING BACK AND BEING ALIVE ASDFGJKL ITS LITERALLY HIS SACRIFICE AND HIS LOVE FOR HIS FRIENDS AND THE NEED HE HAD TO SAVE THEM- POST GAME KAITO POST GAME POST GAME KAITOOOOO VIBES, THIS IS MY 3RD FAVE ON THIS LIST
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abysmaluck · 4 years
SoulNet AU- Love is the flower you've got to let grow
Everyone has soulmates. It's a fact. Everyone has them; and it's not just one. In a world with 7.8 Billion people it's crazy to think that there is only ONE perfect person out there for anyone. In truth no one is perfect, and people can have more than one soulmate. Not all soulmates are romantic, various stay platonic but there are always more than one which creates the Soulmate Network. The Soulmate Network is the interconnected paths that bring soulmates together whether platonically or romantically. Remember it’s a network, so communication is key and extremely important amongst soulmates. There are some things to distinguish the difference between platonic and romantic; platonic soulmates all share in their Soul Journal; these journals appear around ages 5-7 and connects one with their platonic soulmates. Romantic Soulmates will also be able to use the journal; but they gain telepathic communications giving privacy and allowing them to fall in love without the wondering eyes of others. 
Felix didn't believe he had a soulmate. After all he's lived until the age of 15 without one. His SoulNet journal was painfully blank even when he tried writing in it when he was a child to see no response. So he believed he was soulless and meant to deal with fate handing him nothing. That is...until he moved to Paris permanently.  
                   "My little magician, I know you are cross with me now. But I think this move is just what we need." Amelie Graham de Vanily spoke while watching her son with the corner of her eyes.
                   He had been in the same stance since they got in their car and were traveling from the airport to the hotel, they will momentarily call home. He was not happy with the idea of a move, quite adamant that it would be awful, a mistake. That they would have to move between Paris and London for work, so it was a waste of time.  He was rigid, his posture nothing but elegant and regal. He was tense the moment they landed in Paris which was not lost onto Amelie. Could he be worried about his uncle? The shine from the platinum Graham de Vanily ring on her son's finger caught her attention. No that didn't seem right, Felix wouldn't one to worry over the likes of Gabriel. Especially considering how they have been lately. 
                  Could it be because they were leaving their old life behind? Did her son believe that this meant she was using this move to get over Alex? That felt a more probable reasoning. Lex and Felix were the closest of friends before the illness, and perhaps the thought of leaving London saddened her son immensely. Seeing as they were also leaving so many memories of his father behind. They were also leaving his father's and her own soul network behind, so there were no adopted aunts and uncles to play around, or help them. No one else that loved Alex as much as she and Felix did. Amelie touched the pendant that hung around her neck thoughtfully as she thought to decipher her son’s somber mood.
                "I'm not cross with you mother, I just don't think Paris would be good for us. Especially with the awful villain that targets negative emotions. What kind of toxic masculinity does Hawkmoth have that he punishes everyone who is intune with their emotions, especially the negative ones." Felix explained injecting enough concern into his voice so his mother could try to understand his thoughts. He noticed the moment she grasped his meanings, her eyes softened in maternal care, and she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a hug.
                "Oh Felix, darling you don't have to worry about your mother. I’ll be alright." Amelie cooed to her son feeling how the boy softened in her hold. Her darling boy, he was talking about his father’s wishes to heart in taking care of her. A part of her was warmed by the thought of her son’s devotion and care but the other was saddened. He was far too young for the ideas of such responsibilities. Her little magician had to learn to take care of himself first.
                "You don't have to worry about me." Felix countered his ear was pressed to her chest listening to the steady beat of her heart. The rhythmic beat soothed him, a reminder that she was there with him alive.
                "Darling as your mother it's my job to worry and care." Amelie hummed as Felix seemed to cuddle further to her side relaxing for the first time since they landed. Paris was strange for him since last he was there, it was strange. As if the very sky was charged with static, and his heart quickened it’s beat with no true reasoning for such tachycardia. His mother must have sensed his unease and was trying to comfort him.
                "Dad left me in charge of the family, it's my job to worry too." Felix reminded his mother seeing her melancholy smile, his gave flicked down to her necklace as if reaffirming his vows to his departed sire. His heart felt it was being squeezed softly by that openly loving gaze and it was hard to maintain her eye contact. He knew his mother didn't want him to worry. She more than anything wanted him to experience, to enjoy himself like other kids, find his joie de vivre; but he couldn't help the desire, the need to eye on her. On doing anything to have her happy, with dad gone now he had the duty, and privilege of keeping his mother’s smile.
                "Then we'll be forever worrying about each other." Amelie conceded kissing his forehead resting her cheek on his head. "I don't know what we did, but I'm blessed having you little magician."
                The open affection and admission warmed Felix, removing from his mind the worries that had been plaguing him as of late. Banishing the concerns over the strange feelings he had met in Paris. Perhaps Paris isn't that bad if it can bring his mother peace; it made it far more tolerable. He had not been able to see her smile in London. He had made up his mind in steering clear from his uncle in the meantime until he could locate the second ring and deliver it to his mother. Uncle was an Agreste, not a Graham de Vanily he had no claim to the rings. He had a thoughtful look as he pulled up his phone. Loathe to admit it, but he pulled up the Ladyblog looking through all the latest posts regarding the spotted heroine. 
                Ugh another stupid interview with that Lila Rossi. Felix thought to himself face curling in distaste. Honestly, anyone with two brain cells could see that she's an amateur grifter at best.
                I know right? A voice echoed into his head causing Felix to pause. What was THAT? He couldn't attribute it to his own personal musings. The voice did not sound like his own, it was feminine and saturated with sarcasm. Once, twice Felix blinked comically as he focused inward. What kind of a voice was that? It sounded familiar, as if it once was spoken towards him but he couldn't place the name anywhere. How strange.
                Are you there? The voice asked concern lacing the tones that were spoken. The echo distorted with the uncertainty spoken through the haze of his mind. Did I scare you off?
                I wouldn't say scared off, Felix thought back with a frown. He wasn't scared by this mental intruder. That idea was erroneous and silly. He was a Graham de Vanily, he wasn’t going to get scared over a disembodied voice in his head. Simply...surprised.
                I get that, the voice echoed back thoughtfully. I mean it's not every day you finally hear your romantic soulmate's voice.
                What? That was such a joke, the disembodied voice in his head was his romantic soulmate. How preposterous, Felix didn't have a soul, which was why he had lived fifteen years with an empty book and an emptier head. There were no platonic soulmates to pass along his time; talk or doodle when bored in class or in a shoot. For when he would do some modeling gigs for the costume department ensuring the fit of the latest costume was perfect. There were no words of well wishers, of genuine sadness over the loss of his father. His own cousin, flesh and blood related to him, didn't care. Couldn’t even bother to visit, or send a note. So why should he have a soulmate? Much less a romantic one? He had studied that a few mental illnesses provided disembodied voices. Could it be that he had one of them? He chuckled, the sound mainly dark to his ears, regarding the notion. Mental illness was the last thing he and his mother needed to deal with. She looked down at him one perfect brow raised in curiosity. It wasn't like Felix to laugh with nothing suitable giving such a reaction.
                "There's a French voice in my head telling me she's my soulmate. It’s silly, I mean I’ve never even had a platonic soulmate. We know I don’t have a soul." Felix answered honestly, he was never one to keep secrets from his mother. So, he didn’t think about how such words would affect her. A delighted gasp left Amelie as she sat straighter forcing Felix to do the same. Felix furrowed his brow in confusion, lips tilted downward. What on earth brought such a reaction? Oh, dear Lord, did she believe that soulmate nonsense?
                "Darling, oh you've grown up so fast. Maybe all you needed was a change of scenery. How exciting." Amelie gushed cheeks pink with her smiles as she dove into her purse. A lilac colored journal with a yellow pencil was pulled out, and she opened it scribbling into it furiously. Embarrassment flooded into Felix as he saw his mother telling his aunts and uncles what just happened. To his horror he saw how a soft glow was leaving the notebook meaning that some of them were responding. Was it his uncle Gregory? Or worse Hororia?
                "Mom, no stop." Felix cried in horror attempting to grab the journal out of her hands. She giggled impishly turning away as she finished her rant and closed the journal tucking it beneath her and out of Felix's grasp.
                "Oh darling, this is wonderful news. Paris is known as the city of love, and you will discover yours. Honoria is demanding to know everything about your paramour, so I’d suggest you get to know them soon before she flies in demanding answers." Amelie sighed wistfully a bright smile on her face as she looked at Felix like he had gifted her a puppy, with the solution to end world hunger, and bring forth world peace.
                “Mom.” Felix ground out holding the bridge of his nose while he attempted to call forth some semblance of patience. His mother was the most hopeless romantic he knew. Honestly, he should have been more careful with how he delivered the news. Hindsight was always perfect, which he could have used a few minutes ago. It would have saved him some trouble. 
                “Oh don’t ‘Mom’ me darling.” Amelie giggled infusing a perfect rendition of Felix’s deadpan delivery. “You’re just as bad as Lex was when he heard me the first time, I mean if Lex was here to experience this.”
                Just like that the delighted joy and embarrassment were gone. Melancholy reared its head as mother and son thought of Alex Graham de Vanily. Both grabbed the pendants they wore as they thought of the man that left them behind. Felix locked his jaw forcing the sad emotions to be pushed down. He couldn’t afford becoming one of those tacky Akumas; he had to keep it together. On the same end, he couldn’t allow his mother to fall prey to those disgusting butterflies. To have her love and grief distorted by the machinations of a fiend like Hawkmoth? Felix would never allow such a thing to happen. 
                “Mom?” He asked taking her free hand and she sighed giving a sad smile.
                “I’ll be fine darling, it’s just times like this are when I miss Lex the most. He would have been so happy for you my little magician.” Amelie promised Felix giving his hand a squeeze. “How about you try talking more with your soulmate? My journal has been driving me insane, the others are probably responding.” Felix nodded watching his mother pull out the notebook again as she began to read what her network left her. She wanted the distraction, the idea of his teenage love life and gossiping with her soulmates to remove the thoughts concerning father. 
                Um…soulmate? Are you ok? The voice asked again, startling Felix from his saddened musings.
                I will be, I was in shock that’s all, thank you for asking. Felix replied, not wanting to exactly lie to his soulmate. If they are to be as important as all the books imagined, having a good rapport would be beneficial.
                Well I hope so, I mean it came as a shock to me too. The voice spoke sweetly, a light presence against his darkened mind.
                Thank you….so sorry I’ve not caught your name. Felix spoke with a small frown, how strange for this irrational magic to bind two people who didn’t even know each other.
                Well, I haven’t given it. The voice answered with a hint of sass which had Felix give a little chuckle. Naughty girl, she sounded charming as far as the disembodied voice in one’s head went. You haven’t told me yours either; then again until we meet each other naturally, soulmate magic hides our identities.
                True, I do recall that. How about this, we give each other a nickname. Like if we’re members of a forum. Felix suggested hearing a giggle bounce around his mind. He didn’t say anything funny. Did he? Reddit was a thing, forums still exist.
                Members of a forum, oh god you sound so old. The voice giggled, the sound echoed in his mind and Felix couldn't help the indignant huff that left him. He must have done it mentally as well because her giggles grew louder. 
                I will have you know I am in my teens, I am not old. Felix sputtered with a pout. He didn't even recognize that they had reached the Grand Paris Hotel  until he felt his mother tap his arm.
                  "We've arrived." Amelie spoke giving Felix the smallest smug smiles which caused his pout to worsen. "Now, darling." 
                So am I, but I don't talk like an old aristocrat. Why is your wording so formal? The voice asked as her giggles subsided. 
                I find eloquence to be charming. Felix responded absently as he joined his mother into the hotel. He had been in the hallways often enough in his childhood that he could wander off into his mind. Speaking with a nameless stranger who might end up being the love of his life. Languages are filled with such wondrous words, it’s a shame that they are rarely used. 
                Fun, you'll be great for literature homework. The voice popped in, before he heard a hum. I don't know what nickname to use, more come from my actual name. 
                What's the definition of your name? We can base it off of flowers. Felix brought up trying to be helpful. Flowers could be good nicknames. He hoped, he didn’t know her well enough to suggest anything else; and he knew the meaning of various flowers. Hopefully they could find something suitable. 
                Flowers? The voice asked surprised. 
                The language of flowers is fascinating. Felix defended. I've spent too many hours reading upon them. Poetry, movies, music, and festival flowers play a great symbolism. The victorians could hold entire conversations with the giving of flowers alone.
                That's cute. The voice thought, it sounded amused by the ramble. Well my favorite flower is the Marigold, they mean luck. I could use all the luck I can get. So you call me that.
                You can call me Basil, it means best wishes. Felix supplied after quick thinking. It's a pleasure to meet you Marigold. 
                Same Basil… oh I have to go, my teacher called my attention again. Marigold huffed in annoyance. 
                Till next time. Felix said listening to her giggle once again. Why did it sound so familiar to him? Could it be because they were so called soulmates? He didn't feel any reserves from the voice in his head. If any other would have giggled so much by what he said he would have been tempted to deliver them a most humiliating blow. He wasn't sure if he should be frightened by the fact that he was so calmed by the sound, or be oddly charmed. 
                Bye Basil. Marigold gave her farewell and he felt the echo of his head recede. Now his thoughts were contingent on his own ideals. Alone in his own mind. 
                "Mom." Felix spoke up looking around the suite until he found his mother organizing her luggage in her room. 
                "Yes?" Amelie asked stopping what she was going to give her son the attention he deserved. 
                "Her name is Marigold for now, and tell aunt Honoria her laugh is pretty." Felix reported seeing his mother smile. 
                "Pretty laugh huh? I didn't know my studious son was dipping his toes into comedy, making a girl laugh. You're more of a drama and romance type. WIshing to win her over with some comedy before you start your epic love story?" Amelie teased delighted when Felix's ears burned in red along with the pink wash on his cheeks. "I'll let Honoria know about your Marigold."
                “Thank you.” Felix ground out as he tried to escape her room before his mother felt the need of teasing him more. 
                “Felix, remember tomorrow you begin your classes. You’re in the same school as your cousin, so you can leave with Chloe in the morning.” Amelie called out behind him so she missed Felix’s face of horror. It was a good thing, she would have teased him about it for weeks.  
                Bad luck strikes again against Felix. Truly did he piss off Lady Fortune in a past life to have dealt such a fate? With a deep sigh Felix was already subjecting himself to the fate of dealing with those brainless students in his cousin’s class. As well as being subjected to his cousin for extended periods of time. Lovely.
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
CARNIVAL recaps [6/13]
Today’s recap: A visit in Ryuuguujou, pen name switcharoo, and Juku the accidental sniper.
09 Nov 1996 — 15 Nov 1996
Juku and Nemu ride to Ryuuguujou, the splendid residence of the Ryuuguu family. On the way they talk about how Juku has yet to make any meaningful progress in investigating “Tsukumo Jaki”. They only have one small clue: witnesses say the person who sent the threatening fax looked androgynous and wore double denim. It might be the same person as the one described in Cosmic, so the one who sent Dakushoin’s manuscript to JDC. The scary implication is that whoever is behind the Crime Olympics could also be the true mastermind behind the Locked Room Lord case.
The detectives were recently given advance copies of Joker, which has some interesting and suspicious parts as well. Juku is quite surprised that this “Seiryoin” would know about his secret conversation with Yaiba [the one at the very end of Joker].
As they get close to Ryuuguujou, Juku takes off his sunglasses to look at the scenery through the car window, while Nemu gets lost in thought. Not only does Cosmic contain information about Maimu’s child and other predictions, but it reveals Nemu’s own secret—she’s colorblind. She, Juku and Ajiro should be the only ones who know about it, and yet. With Cosmic in circulation, other JDC detectives are now pestering her with uncomfortable questions, and she resorted to claiming that the mysterious author had just made that up. [Here the narration hints ominously: however, the fact that she is colorblind will be very important in a few years… but that’s another case, for another time.]
Nemu thinks about how Ryuuguujou looks as wondrous as the actual palace from the tale about Urashima Tarou, and how Jounosuke himself has this unreal fairytale atmosphere of sorts. Then again, so does indescribably beautiful Juku and a bunch of other people in JDC. [The narration pipes in again to state that Jounosuke’s quirky personality will be of importance in the Crime Olympics. The author is really trying to make sure we remember things for the future.]
The Tsukumo siblings are sad that not everyone could gather in Ryuuguujou. Ajiro is missing, Kirika is hospitalized, Amagoi is busy with a case in Italy, and Hikimiya and Christmas couldn’t return on time because of getting involved in the latest Billion Killer case in France. It’s sad, but the reason why the Tsukumos came to visit Jounosuke in the first place is depressing in itself.
Noticing Nemu’s sadness, Juku asks her if she still has the omamori from him—an invisible talisman embodying his will to always protect her, which he gave her at the very beginning of her path to becoming a detective. She answers that of course she still carries it, as a part of her. Juku says that he prays there won’t come a day when she would truly need it—hopefully never. [This is incredibly heartwarming, but also sounds like he gave her a gun.]
Let’s go back in time a bit to explain why Hikimiya and Christmas couldn’t make it on time.
The fourteenth Billion Killer case involved a jet plane teleporting from the sky to just above a Parisian street, decimating everything in its path, and exploding when it reached Arc de Triomphe. Hikimiya and Christmas were on that plane, but luckily managed to get away with only some injuries; Hikimiya broke his left arm and his beloved laptop.
Frau D happened to have been in Arc de Triomphe at the time and sustained serious injuries, so he would have to be hospitalized for months. He seemed to be pretty cheerful when Hikimiya visited him, though, and said (who knows whether seriously or in jest) that he wasn’t going to die until he won Hikimiya’s heart. Frau would be incapacitated for the foreseeable future, so he asked Hikimiya to take over his responsibilities working with the Egg Mac and the Desert Colosseum AI. Hikimiya was pissed off at the prospect, since he really wanted a break; the crashed plane was supposed to bring him back to Japan, but now he had to stay in Paris for who knows how long. Before exiting the room in a huff, Hikimiya asked why exactly Frau had been in Arc de Triomphe, to which he got a grin and the answer “to look after your plane leaving—because I love you, boy.” (Hikimiya was really, really not sure if this was a joke or not.)
Later Hikimiya met up with Christmas, who informed him that Jounosuke was going to Peru for an investigation in a few days. That seemed just preposterous—Jounosuke was seriously ill and should stay in bed—but you can’t really get through that guy’s stubbornness sometimes.
Then again, Jounosuke didn’t even know yet that he had Alive. Nobody wanted to tell him. Did the plane not crash, Hikimiya and Christmas would go to Ryuuguujou with everyone to spend time with him before the disease progressed further.
Back to the present day in Ryuuguujou…
Otohime, Jouka, Juku and Nemu all gather in Jounosuke’s bedroom to his delight. Juku says that Inugami Yasha wanted to visit too, but is busy with something in his hometown right now.
Jounosuke is in high spirits, claims that he’s just fine and will sooner die from boredom lying in bed all day, and this sort of giant mysteries like the Crime Olympics just waiting to be solved don’t happen every day, you know! He states that in a few days he’s going to Peru, as the local president asked him for help. They banter a bit with Otohime in a true sibling style, “please rest for the love of god” versus “but I’m fine, and listen, THE MYSTERY!”, culminating with Otohime asking Jouka to please look after this petulant child.
The conversation moves to Somedaring Amagoi, the teenage JDC detective dressed like a miko priestess and seeming like a copy of Jounosuke in terms of making horrible worldplays.
Amagoi gave a few detectives omamori, but seemed to mix them up by accident; Jounosuke inexplicably got anzan (supposed to help with pregnancy and delivery), and Juku got gakugyo-joju (mostly for students dealing with exams, but also for gaining knowledge in general). Both men laugh about it, but still appreciate the thought and carry these talismans close to their hearts (Jounosuke can complain about Amagoi being an annoyance all he wants, but he wears that omamori even when he’s lying in bed in pajamas all day).
Jouka tells the others what she investigated about the mysterious “Seiryoin Ryusui”. They thought at first that it could be Dakushoin’s sister Minase Nagisa, but Nagisa denies it and claims that judging by the writing style, Cosmic and Joker could both have been written by her brother—but he died in 1993, so how would he know about current things like Maimu’s ability?
Otohime, who is an avid reader, is able to distinguish between the writing style of Dakushoin and Nagisa enough to realize that Cosmic and Joker are actually more similar to Nagisa’s own books. However, this doesn’t have to mean that Nagisa is lying.
Jounosuke realizes what Otohime means: they had the pen names of the twins mixed up all along! Perhaps it was the brother Tamei Hidetaka who published under the name “Minase Nagisa”, while his sister Tamei Madoka used the handle “Dakushoin Ryuusui”, and they’ve been keeping this switch secret from everyone.
This sounds probable, but Juku and Nemu think the truth may be even more complicated: this switch may involve a mysterious third writer. Tamei Hidetaka would receive manuscripts from that someone and act like they were his own. That third writer might be that “Seiryoin” they’re searching for.
Otohime and Juku excuse themselves outside, leaving the other three to talk about Cosmic. Nemu is concerned about a brief passage claiming that Jounosuke’s parents subjected him to some sort of brainwashing. It must be a lie—Mr. and Mrs. Ryuuguu are nice people—but Nemu’s fuzzy reasoning tells her vaguely that there might be more to it. Jounosuke’s tendency to always wear black, call himself “Ryuuguu” in third person, make machines malfunction with one touch, be fascinated with words, present almost too happy of a demeanor sometimes… is there more to all of it?
Jounosuke jokes that this Seiryoin guy should hurry up and write a book about the current events so they could get even more clues, maybe called Carnival or something.
As Nemu leaves the room, she thinks briefly about love. Jounosuke and Jouka are very good friends with similar atmosphere, but obviously don’t have any romantic feelings towards each other (especially since, as Jounosuke himself stated many times, he’s just not attracted to anyone no matter their gender). The same can be said about Juku and Otohime.
Nemu kinda only now realizes that she herself never really was in love—or perhaps was too immature to realize what her feelings were...?—and while thinking about this, she reminisces about her old friend Ajiro Souya.
Shortly before the Tsukumo siblings arrived at Ryuuguujou, one of Otohime’s bodyguards, Matsuo “Macho” Mentei, suddenly fainted while looking at the scenery. It turned out that he had somehow, in some way, made eye contact with Juku, who was at the time staring at Ryuuguujou through the car window. Even though the two couldn’t actually see each other from that distance, Macho still fainted. Juku apologizes to him profusely, and later he and Otohime talk in the hallway.
The narration informs us that the friendship between the Ryuuguus and the Tsukumo siblings goes back sixteen years to the Saimon Family Murder Case, during which little Juku stayed at Ryuuguujou for some time. Due to their deep connection Jounosuke treats Juku a bit like a younger brother, while Otohime has the kind of deep understanding with him where they can spend time together in comfortable silence.
Juku and Otohime talk about the Crime Olympics and what the “ultimate trick” used in it could be. Otohime states that there’s no such thing as something “ultimate” or “the best of the best”—the concept of something “ultimate” only makes sense if nothing can actually reach that level, because then the definition of “ultimate” would just shift to mean something even better.
Juku thinks that whoever’s behind the Crime Olympics might be using a new technology of some kind, something that just like radio waves can’t exactly be spotted if you don’t know they exist. He compares it to how Matsuo Mentei has fainted due to “something unseeable”. Otohime responds that this today was just an accident, so it’s strange to compare it to something like the Crime Olympics.
Juku says that who knows, perhaps the “trick” behind the incident with Matsuo Mentei and the trick of the Crime Olympics will turn out to have the same origin.
16 Nov 1996 — 22 Nov 1996
On the second day of his trip to Peru, Jounosuke falls into a deep feverish sleep due to Alive, and when he finally wakes up, he seems like a different person. Innocent charm all but disappears from his face and something dark creeps into his usually cheerful atmosphere. He wants only Jouka to stay by his side and proposes to her. Christmas is delegated to investigate the Easter Island in case a Billion Killer case happens there.
Christmas feels like the world is going insane.
Counting the newest Billion Killer case—the Royal Observatory in Greenwich being destroyed—over four hundred million people have died so far.
[>>>NEXT PART>>>]
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dramafanforever · 4 years
Enemy in an Alien World
First chapter of my new Drarry fanfiction (translation from German)
After 3 years in Azkaban Draco is allowed to finish his sentence in the muggle world on probation. He’s a broken man and does not know anything valuable about the muggle world. The ministry assigns him an apartment in Camden. Unfortunately (?) his neighbour is Harry Potter who is the owner of a café on the ground floor. What will be the outcome of their forced proximity and what will Harry do when he becomes a witness of Draco’s unability to handle the world of muggles?
                                              - Chapter 1 -
The day Draco Malfoy moved into the rooms next to Harry's apartment was a day like any other, yet it should turn Harry's world upside down like no other event since Voldemort had brought himself down with his own death curse.
It was a Monday, 1st October 2001. That year terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York, Wikipedia was founded and Prince William met Kate Middleton at a Scottish university. Douglas Adams had died and bands like Outkast, Linkin Park and Blue stayed in the top 10 of the charts for weeks. Millions of fans were eagerly awaiting the premiere of the first part of the “Lord of the Rings” and billions of text messages were sent worldwide via Nokia and Ericcson cell phones.
Harry was well informed about the muggle world because he owned a small café in the bustling Camden district of London, not far from Camden Market, which was popular with Londoners and tourists alike. The café was in a busy little street called Parkway. It was one of the few places in England where the wizarding and the muggle world were allowed to mix, a place where squibs, muggles and wizards, connected by love or kinship, could meet without going against the statute of secrecy. It was also a shelter for those who needed help to process all the feelings that an encounter with the other culture could cause. In the evening discussions were held for muggle parents who didn't know how to deal with the accidental magic of their children. Mixed couples spoke about their everyday problems and siblings who had been denied the chalice of magical talent could vent their disappointment without being judged.
Harry's apartment was on the first floor on the left just above the café. After the death of Mrs Pentriss, Harry's next door neighbour, her apartment stayed uninhabited for three months. Mrs Prentiss had been a teacher at a public muggle school and had passed away peacefully at the age of 93. She had no relatives and since the Ministry of Magic, which owned the building, could not find any heirs to get her things out, the apartment was going to be rented out furnished from now on.
Harry had known that the apartment would be occupied again in October. What he hadn’t known was the fact that the new tenant was his old arch enemy Draco Malfoy. He found out about that on the day Malfoy moved in.
Harry was tidying up his café and just about to wipe a table by the window when three people appeared in front of the building and stopped undecided. They wore ill-fitting, out-of-style muggle clothing and moved as if they felt watched. Harry only had to look once to see that they were wizards. One of the three was a tiny woman. She pointed to the front door and talked to a bulky middle-aged man who was standing next to her. The older wizard had his fingers wrapped around the arm of a skinny, tall guy as if to prevent him from running away, although the younger man showed no intention to move at all. He was waiting impassively for his companions' decision to enter the house or not. A long, beige trench coat slithered around his thin body and the black hood of his sweater jutted far above his head. A few strands of white blond hair peeped out from the sides. He clutched a brown, almost ridiculously small suitcase and kept his head down. Harry was not able to see the man’s face, but something about his attitude sparked Harry’s curiosity.
Before the three of them disappeared through the front door, the blonde man suddenly raised his head and looked through the window into the café. His eyes met Harry’s and for a moment the time seemed to stop. The young man was Draco Malfoy, though he didn't show any sign of recognition when he stared into Harry's eyes. A few heartbeats later the older wizard pulled Malfoy  out of Harry's field of vision.
Harry slumped into the nearest chair. What was Draco Malfoy doing here? He was supposed to be in Azkaban. Harry had last seen him at his trial. That was three years ago and Malfoy had looked just as sickly as now, lean and pale, with deep-set eyes and an apathetic expression on his face.
A terrible notion spread through Harry. He got up and ran to the side door of the café that lead into the stairwell of the house. He opened it as quietly as possible and listened.
"Here it is," the witch's voice came down to Harry from the first floor.
Harry heard her fumbling with a key. Apparently the lady was not used to opening muggle locks. After a short while a familiar squeak indicated that Mrs Pentriss’ door was opened.
"In now!" The older wizard ordered. A rustle and some stampling, then the door was closed. Harry sighed and went back to the front premises of the café. No more than ten minutes later the witch and the older wizard appeared on the pavement next to the big windows. There was no sign of Malfoy. Harry hurried to intercept the two wizards before they could disappear again.
"Good morning!" He greeted almost breathlessly.
"Good morning ... Harry Potter! What are you doing here?” the witch asked, her voice raised in a mixture of surprise and delight.
"I was shopping." Harry wasn't going to tell just anyone where he lived and worked. "Was that Draco Malfoy you had with you?"
The two wizards looked at each other as if they didn't know if that information was confidential. Apparently they came to the conclusion it wasn't and replied, "Yes, Draco Malfoy."
"I thought he was kept in Azkaban."
"He was - until yesterday. The ministry released him on parole.”
"Didn't he get five years?" Harry had testified for Malfoy at his trial, but that hadn't stopped the Ministry from imposing the maximum penalty for underage criminals on him.
“Yes, five years, but due to his good behavior his punishment has been reduced. He will be living in the Muggle world for the next two years.”
"It's cheaper for us than keeping him in Azkaban," the wizard informed Harry in a smug voice.
"Does that mean he's moving in here now?" Harry waved at his house.
"Yes, but don't worry, he doesn't have a wand and he is only allowed to use magic in case of an emergency or for his defense - if he can do wandless magic, that is. He can’t harm anyone and will be checked by his probation officer regularily. Otherwise, he can move around freely as long as he doesn’t enter the wizarding world or leave the country.”
“You know, this building is owned by the ministry and an apartment has become vacant. Malfoy will receive a monthly allowance. He’s quite lucky, I guess, for being a death eater and all,” the wizard added.
“But...” A feeling of impending doom swept through Harry’s body. Something dark and dangerous was piling up on the horizon and Harry didn’t know how to stop it. He wanted to protest and urge the two wizards to get Malfoy out of his house. Harry had built himself a nice and peaceful life here. Being in Malfoy’s vicinity, living in the apartment right next to him could only mean trouble. Harry didn't know how to make the two wizards understand that and he suspected it was futile to try. He wouldn’t be able to change the Ministry's decision.
Harry’s relationship with the minister of magic was a bit strained since he had refused to act as a puppet for the new Ministry. Instead of becoming an Auror right after the war and appearing as the radiant or tragic hero at galas and memorial events, Harry had repeated his 7th year at Hogwarts and then withdrawn from the public by opening his little café in muggle London. He didn’t want to act as an advertising figure for wizards who still were prejudiced against muggles and didn’t really try to change their corrupt ways.
Harry did a lot of good for wizards and muggles, but his desire to bring the two worlds closer together was not well received by the new minister. Melbroke wanted Harry to focus on the wizarding world exclusively.
Harry couldn't change it and he didn't really care what others thought about him. He had done his duty and was happy with his life. He had kept his old friends and made a few new ones. He had created a niche in which he could live in peace and with the feeling of doing something useful. Now, Draco Malfoy was threatening to destroy all of this, and Harry didn't know what to do.
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That’s Parkway in Camden, London.
(My English is not good enough to write full-length stories, but I wanted to show a piece of my writing to the community here. Don’t expect to ever read the whole story in English.)
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somniumoflight · 5 years
Another Hollow Knight story idea for you guys:
Minds and Wills of the Void
This idea started not so much an AU but more… an interesting interpretation of canon’s lore.  Specifically, an interesting interpretation of the Void, how it might have come to being, and how the Siblings – beings that, considering the in-game Hunter Journal entry of them, “fragment of a lingering will,” are not mindless and thus must have come from somewhere – might have first appeared.
There was once life on this world that stretched across entire continents rather than be limited to tiny kingdoms. However, a great calamity struck the land – perhaps it was an illness, perhaps the Sun went out or exploded and scorched everything to ashes, regardless of what actually happened it’s clear that SOMETHING happened, and millions, maybe billions of bugs died, along with most of the life on the surface.  This sheer number of deaths is what led to the Dream and Nightmare Realms being torn apart – and their respective original deities along with them, leaving behind only mere shadows of their previous selves to rule in their place – and also indirectly lead to the creation of the Void. As the refuse from those multitudes of corpses was slowly buried by eons of dirt and stone, it liquified, sank into the earth, carving out deep caverns as it went, and eventually coalesced in the deepest pits of the world, which would eventually be known as The Abyss.  And, because there were traces of Essence left in many of those corpses, the Void did not stay mere black sludge but instead became something that could definitely be called alive… though not exactly in a way that most bugs would recognize unless the Void, you know, actively moved around in a clearly unnatural or deliberate way.  The Void sits at the bottom of the Abyss for several eons as slowly kingdoms spring up on the surface and life re-develops once more.
Then comes the first civilization of bugs in Hallownest, the ones mentioned by Lemm when examining Arcane Eggs.  When their kingdom and respective gods fell to another god’s people, they set out across the Wastelands and eventually stumbled across the mountain that would later become Crystal Peak and, underneath it, the caverns that they would eventually call home.  They dug deep into the caverns and eventually stumble across the Abyss and, of course, the Void within.  At that point, the Void had something that could definitely be called a mind but had never really put it to much use because all it had been doing was sitting at the bottom of a pit. Upon the new bugs stumbling across the Void, however, suddenly the Void had a reason to start exercising that alien mind of its because oh look, tiny moving creatures that make noise, how curious.  So several unfortunate explorers get devoured, and in the process, the Void sort of assimilates their knowledge and so when the next bugs come down to try to retrieve any bodies they can, the Void starts leaving messages for them (not talking, for the Void has no mouth with which to speak).  In their own language.  Somehow this ends up resulting in the bugs deciding that clearly the Void is a god and they begin to worship it, and then build their civilization in the deepest caverns of their new kingdom so they never venture too far away from their deity.
Several generations pass and these Void-worshipping bugs are now spread throughout most of the caverns that will one day become Hallownest. Being in close proximity to the Void all the time has actually altered them a little, though in what way I’m not quite sure yet. Then in comes the Radiance and her new tribe of moths.  The Radiance, much like the Pale King who would later look at this kingdom and go “I want this land it’s mine now,” decides she wants this kingdom for her own.  And when first negotiations with the Void-worshipping bugs fail spectacularly – namely because the Radiance’s light actually hurts these bugs thanks to them being Void-altered, no matter how she might try to change that – she and her Moths start razing their kingdom to the ground and in the process piss off the Void; because although the Void’s mind definitely doesn’t work in the same way that most gods or bugs’ minds do, it still gains power as the number of people worshipping it rises just like any god, and now it's losing all its worshippers.  This is when the first – and technically only – manifestation of the Lord of Shades happens, and it takes almost literally everything that the moths have to drive the seething Void god back into the Abyss – and it almost does cost the Radiance everything when, in order to keep the Shade Lord from rising again, she uses her power to tear the Void’s mind into itty-bitty pieces. She ends up stuck in the Dream Realm, but, in her mind, it’s well worth it, because her enemy is finally gone.
This, of course, is not actually the case.  The Void isn’t like other higher beings – it survived for a long time without anyone knowing about it and though its worshippers are gone, the Void itself is not. And those teeny-tiny pieces of its mind that the Radiance left behind, unlike most bugs’ minds would, are able to survive on their own.  As the Radiance and her moths settle in high above, as far from the Abyss as possible without leaving the kingdom, these bits of mind eventually form the first Siblings, and as eons pass, more and more are slowly formed out of the remnants of the first Shade Lord, and they live somewhat peacefully down there in the Abyss, seeing no need to ascend into the rest of the kingdom.  
Then in comes the Pale King, and of course, he ruins everything, starting with the Radiance – and then, when the Radiance starts making a come back, one of her former followers tells Pale King about the one place that the Radiance forbid any of her people from treading and the Pale King descends into the Basin with its old ruins and then further down to the Abyss, where he finds Void (not the Siblings, they hide because oh no there’s LIGHT what is that), and starts his whole Vessel-making plan.  
At first nothing comes of it, but then somehow, despite not actually being a being of Void, he manages to create a vessel – only for that vessel to end up dying because of course, it's not the “pure” vessel he needs.  As he creates more and more vessels and the bodies start stacking up, the Siblings start panicking, because for all these vessels have bodies they’re still technically Siblings – and while they manage to save some of them when they fall, they can’t save all of them, and what might happen when the King finds out about the Siblings without bodies?  Eventually, however, the King finally gets the Pure Vessel he wants (Hollow Knight, of course) and he leaves the Abyss alone, and for a time things seem like they might be sort of okay, though none of those left in the Abyss are too happy about him taking one of their Siblings with them.  Then the Hollow Knight is sealed within the Black Egg with the Radiance inside them, and, well, Void and Light still don’t get along, and the Knight is calling out for help almost right from the get go.  Their Siblings hear the cries for help and suddenly they’re no longer scared but absolutely FURIOUS.
And so they surge en-mass from the Abyss, swarming through Hallownest in droves in an attempt to find their sibling, and in the process cause absolute mayhem for everyone, but especially for those that get in their way.
Honestly, I’m telling this like its a completely serious story but let’s be real, the Vessels are children, the Siblings are also technically children (at least by the standards of most gods), and so there’s probably going to be just as many silly shenanigans as there are “oh shit” moments. Including some with Hornet, most likely, because the Siblings would all take one look at her, recognize that there’s Void in her, immediately go “New Sibling!” and then abduct/adopt her on the spot.
Might draw/write more stuff for this later.
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suepixels · 6 years
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Get to Know Me
Make a simself and add traits if you like but you don’t need to! “Me with my most important men Nero Valcari on the right and Levithian Cavallo on the left - Pixelthirst is real, you guys!” The peeps I met here who encouraged me to start my story? Yeah, I’m freakin’ grateful! Thank youu..! Aspiration: Soulmate + Bonus trait “Romantic” Traits: Creative, Active, Cheerful
I was tagged by the wonderful lady @cillaben and @awolzai is the one who created this tag. So if you wanna read all that shizzle about me. Go ahead and read, I’m not gonna stop you - Oh Gosh! Thanks a bunch, sweet Cilla, you are just wonderful the way you are to me and also for being a fab friend, I 💛  you , obviously you not gonna be tagged for this! Hehe - just messing around... 😉
I’m tagging following simmers because welp I don’t know much about them but I truly 💛 their blog and their stories and personality and would 💛  to know them better. @beverlyallitsims  @josiesimblr @tigerellasims , @tangandzing   @keysims , @skellysim @shysimblr , @weicyn, @glovely1simmer, @ktosiksims @fabflubs , @cayrees , @shespeakssimlish
Guys you don’t need to do this but it would be dope! There are loads of questions here. So you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t feel like it. Even if I didn’t tag you feel free to do it - it’s fun!
WARNING: Answers to 125 questions are under the cut.
What is your name? Suzana
What is your nickname? Sue
🎂? May 11th
What is your favorite 📓 series?  Um, the last I read as a series was “The Lord of the rings” (A throwback to childhood, damm I was 13 when I read it the first time, hehe) I rather read single books 📚, seldom series
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Ghosts? Dunno I’m not sure, never met one but don’t want either if they exist! LOL. Aliens? Wait a billion of galaxies with trillion of stars and I should believe that we are the only living creatures in the universe? Naah we are not alone - E.T. is out there. Does it answer your question? LOL
Who is your favorite author? Ugh... The ones I can think of right now? goshI have a bunch... um... Robert Greene, Marion Zimmer Bradley (all Avalon books) Patrice Leovold who’s book taught me that Eleanor of Aquitaine used to be a strong woman and queen of two countries in Europe! I love history stuff so I read a bunch of German authors who write historical novels.
What is your favorite radio station? If I listen to any it would be JAM FM from Berlin (Hip-Hop, RnB, Soul etc) Haven’t heard it in years... but Youtube is my main source for music, hehe
What is your favorite flavor of anything? If it’s not spicy go home and try it again, okay? It has to be spicy... yeah I’m used to it. A day without my Latte Macchiato is a no-no! (80% creamy milk with 1 cup of espresso, only the real deal for me, capeesh? Hehe! 
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Dope!
What is your current favorite song? 💛 Stuck in my head this one arrrgh gosh: Blindness by Justin Timberlake
What is your favorite word? Welp? LOL 😆
What was the last song you listened to? I will wait for you by Nicky Parrott
What 📺 show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Originals, Vampire Diaries (isn’t it obvious?) Lucifer (love the sarcasm) The Good Doctor, This is Us and heck, yeah Game of Thrones agree with @cillaben
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Any good sci-fi, fantasy movie “Just let me escape this world for a second or two”
Do you play video games? Yup, as an addict I play only Sims 4, 3 & 2 😲
What is your biggest fear? To die, too early before I could do all the things I desire to do.
What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’ve been told be caring, dunno!
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can be stubborn but hey someone told me I’m just persistent in all the things I do, you know... 😁
Do you like cats or dogs better? I used to love cats more but since my sis has a Malinois. I love both.. Guys, Stella is the best craziest dog I’ve seen!
What is your favorite season? Summer
Are you in a relationship? Neep, bloody single...welp =D
What is something you miss from your childhood?  My love for ballet? I did yesterday the first time after 15 yrs some exercises on a bar at the gym and the belief that anything is possible - still hoping!
Who is your best friend? Currently, run out of “best friends” shizzle
What is your eye color? Green-yellowish - yup like a cat  😁
What is your hair color? By nature? Ash blonde but I love brown!
Who is someone you 💛? My sister and my nephews
Who is someone you trust? Only my big sis
Who is someone you think about often? My ex, who I still love. I know I should drop it but when your heart says something else and your mind reminds you NOPE - Game over! Dang, it! Can someone press the restart button for me, please? LOL Naaah, don’t worry I’m fine but you know sometimes you think too much about could have, would have blah, blah...
Are you currently 🙌 about/for something? I’m 🙌 about to go to bed!
What is your biggest obsession? Fitness (again), Dancing, being creative, TV series, Cooking, Web surfing, Gaming, Traveling geez I can’t name them all I have many obsessions. LOL 
What was your favorite 📺 show as a 👶? As a child, I wasn’t allowed to watch TV but what I remember is that I liked “Once Upon a Time... Life” a European/Asien cartoon about how the human's body system works (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY11Hu_ju5M&list=PLtAciEfQHAwvs1hIkWN_YNpD8E4sno--C)
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Nobody. I’m too open-minded and a bunch of peeps are simply sick in their head and interpret shizzle just because I say “Live your life your way - it’s not my business” So I keep it private.
Are you superstitious? Nope, not that I’m aware of =D
Do you have any unusual phobias? Darkness, if the light goes suddenly off and I see nothing? Yeah, it creeps the heck out of me. A childhood trauma - my mother did scare to death!
Do you prefer to be in front of the door or behind it? In front!
What is your favorite hobby? Fitness, surfing, 👀 movies and playing sims of course.
What was the last 📓 you read? The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
What was the last movie you 👀? The new Fantastic Beasts movie
What musical instruments do you play, if any? None =( wish to play piano, tho - need to check Google Play for an app - LOL
What is your favorite animal?  Birds
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?  I have quite a bunch I check daily like a stalker - all wonderful human beings =) 
What superpower do you wish you had? The ability to be immortal
When and where do you feel most at ✌️? Sweet Home
What makes you 😁? Sarcastic Humor, it goes deep under your skin
What sports do you play, if any? Naah, I do Functional Fitness and soon Breakletics but I don’t play sports.
What is your favorite drink?  Latte Macchiato and Raspberry Mojito
When was the last time you wrote a ✋-written letter or note to somebody? A goodbye letter to my ex-boyfriend when I canceled to continue to be just friends with him. Well because of the feels I still have him...even after 5 yrs...still unforgotten!
Are you 😨 of heights? Depends...
What is your biggest pet peeve? Fake people, superficial characters
Have you ever been to a concert? Yes, quite a lot...
Are you vegan/vegetarian? Never ever - I need meat!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A ballet dancer or an artist in general.
 What fictional place would you like to live in? Atlantis - Undersea Waterworld
What is something you worry about? Yes, I worry all the time
Are you 😨 of the dark? Depends, if there is no light, yes!
Do you like to sing? Yes!
Have you ever skipped school? Never. I was a proud nerd!
What is your favorite place on the 🌍? Home
Where would you like to live? Atlanta, USA or UK - London
Do you have any pets? Neep, not allowed by the landlord
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunrise - A new day to start fresh!
Do you know how to drive? I know, but I don’t have a license - hihi
Do you prefer earbuds or 🎧? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Neep, lucky me
What is your favorite genre of 🎶? RnB, Soul, Hip Hop, “German Hip Hop”, Classic, Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Twerk - actually all kind of genres, always depends on the song! 🎶
Who is your hero? Hero? Ugh... Dunno to be honest...
Do you read comic 📚? I used to, not anymore
What makes you the most 😠? Rudeness, Racism in general, Lies, and Betrayal
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real 📓? I need a real book, okay? As much as I ’m a lover of newest technologies but some stuff are simply gold when it’s the “real deal”.
What was your favorite subject in school? Languages ( I speak 3 fluid English, German, Serbian somewhat a little French), Informatics, Art, Music, and History
Do you have any siblings? A sister and a brother
What was the last thing you bought? Meat
How tall are you? 5′3 or about 164 cms
Can you cook? Yeees, herbs? Spices? Experimenting? All that jazz, yes
What are three things that you 💛? My sis, Fitness and writing my story here.
What are three things that you hate? Racists, Betrayal and when people lie about their feelings.
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Male, most women never liked me... dunno... why! 
What is your sexual orientation? Straight
Where do you currently live? Germany
Who was the last person you texted? My sister
When was the last time you 😢? On 3rd of Nov. because I saw my brother - we don’t talk
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Xurbansimsx (Sims) that’s it!
Do you like to take selfies? Neep, not currently... I gained too much... due to my illness but working it off now that I’m feeling better.
What is your favorite app? Tumblr and Pinterest
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?  My dad passed away. Broken, dramatic family war! No, contact with my brother because of my mother this binch. My sister is my everything  💛 💛 💛
What is your favorite foreign accent? French and when American speak German, aaah I love it!.
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? New York, South Africa, New Zeeland and Australia
What is your favorite number? 5
Can you juggle? Naaah
Are you religious? Nope
Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Both
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Sometimes, a little naughty, hehe
Are you allergic to anything? Cat hair :(
Can you curl your tongue? Yips
Can you wiggle your ears? Nooope
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? When I’m wrong I do apologize but it happens seldom
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach, babe!
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Who has told you that life is fair?
Are you a good liar? I guess I can be if I have to!
What is your Hogwarts 🏠? Hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, I do so what? I just maintain a relationship with myself, okay  😂 Call me crazy, I don’t care..hehe 😜
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert
Do you keep a journal/diary? I used to but stopped, have 5 books
Do you believe in second chances? Yes
If you found a wallet full of 💰 on the ground, what would you do? Tbh? Currently, I would keep it.
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Difficult, it depends on the character. 
Are you ticklish? Some secrets areas - yeas!
Have you ever been on a ✈️? Heck yeah, quite a lot - I’m a “Fernweh” Girl and a traveler!
Do you have any piercings? Ears, Belly and I used to have my nose pierced, too but business sucks so I had to take it out! LOL
What fictional character do you wish was real? Mr. Darcy from ‘Pride and Prejudice’
Do you have any tattoos? Yes, one on my back and I want more!
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Running away from home, living my own life and not allowing anyone to tell me how I should live my life - I have one life to live, so my rules apply!
Do you believe in karma? Yes
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts during daytime at night glasses
Do you want children? Yes, at least one - hopefully!
Who is the smartest person you know? My ex-boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? When a friend of mine showed via an accident how fake she truly was. She lost her fake hair and her nails got broken and all this in public on a dancefloor in front of my friends. (We were teens, LOL)
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Almost but not really so, naah
What color are most of your clothes? Black, mint, turquoise and darker versions of green, blue, brown and red.
Do you like adventures? Depends on adventure
Have you ever been on 📺? Almost as a TV-host for a German music channel! Had a casting back in my teenhood! 
How old are you? 35+ I look younger than I really am and I don’t feel like it. Nope, not gonna say it publicly. I would feel instantly older.. LOL but I tell in private!
What is your favorite movie quote? “He is your first love. I intend to be your last” - The Originals by Klaus Mikelson
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Yeah, you may notice I like to add videos =) that’s the song which spins around in my head currently... Love the beat!
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theseandthemoon · 5 years
The case against late motherhood is obvious: the later you become a mother, the more likely you are to die while your child is young. Energy levels drop, or so they tell me; the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, which I was forced to take by my former employer, labeled me abnormally energetic. But old age also brings a dip in oxytocin, the “nurturing” hormone. There must be a reason that nature cuts women off from reproducing, even as it allows men to keep going.
But nature has reasons for lots of thing that we cheerfully circumvent. (The global market for erectile dysfunction drugs is forecast to top $7 billion by 2024.) And while it wasn’t exactly my idea to become a mom at 51 — more on that in a moment — I think old motherhood has advantages if you’re a) relatively healthy and b) relatively wealthy. I am lucky enough to be both of those things. Even without my husband’s income, I could afford to raise a kid, although, like most Americans, I would be wiped out by a serious illness and college tuition would require most of my retirement fund. I was raised by Southerners who believe it’s tacky to talk about money, but to not talk about money in this situation is disingenuous. To become a mother at age 51 is the entitlement cherry on the privilege sundae. It’s greedy.
I’m not greedy. I didn’t want to have it all. To me, life was like a Skee Ball game at a boardwalk arcade: You banked your shots, collected your tickets, and redeemed them for the best prizes in your point range. I wanted a career (novelist) and a rowhouse (I’m a Baltimorean). And, assuming I had any tickets left over, an interesting, stimulating life partner. By 2002, I had all of those things.
Less than a decade later, motherhood came for me.
I chose the passive voice above, but motherhood at age 51 is anything but passive. If you become a mom after the age of 50, chances are you worked pretty hard. You and a whole army of people — an adoption agency, lawyers, a fertility clinic. Whatever path you choose, the baby is a commodity, something you buy. That sounds cold, but I appreciated the transparency — the delineated costs, the fees paid upfront. If you want to have a kid, you might as well get used to opening your wallet. I’m going to keep hammering at this topic, I’m afraid. Money made motherhood possible for me.
Here’s how motherhood happened to me. I was in my 40s, living with a man who had a delightful son, one of the best people I know. But my partner, now my husband, wanted another child. I feel obligated to mention this because people who don’t assume I’m a grandmother often assume I wanted my “own” baby. They said as much to my face, so lord knows what they said behind my back.
But the man who would become my second husband desired a child, so I made a child happen. That’s our dynamic. He writes checks; I make things happen. As noted, I have money of my own, but he out-earns me by a factor of 10-to-1 and he talks a good socialist game on Twitter, so our arrangement seems only fair.
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skepticraven · 6 years
15 Reasons Not To Be a Christian
It's sad that this has to be said but it does because unfortunately, too many people take disagreement as hostility. At least if its an atheist who is doing the disagreement. I do not hate Christians. I don’t think they are all bad people. I harbor no ill will towards them. I just happen to think they are wrong. I get asked why I’m not a Christian a lot so I thought I’d answer the question. I could probably write a small novel on this but this seems like a good start for now. 
1) The concept of Christianity is entirely based on the Bible. We have no original manuscript for it so you have no idea what it said originally. The oldest version we have of the Bible isn’t even in the language that would have been spoken in that part of the middle east and in that time period. 
2) The Bible was supposedly written by a lot of carpenters, shepherds, farmers, fishermen, and similar types of professions. Such people would have been totally illiterate during that time period.
3) Based on the date that the original Bible was supposedly written, the Book spent over a 1000 years being copied, translated, and intentionally altered by hand until the printing press came about in the mid-1400's. You couldn't copy it once without making some error accidentally and it was handled entirely by powerful men with plenty of reason to alter it for personal gain. Churchgoers were often illiterate until the past couple hundred years and mass was given in Latin on top of it back then. So most people would be none the wiser if something had been altered. In fact, we know for sure the Bible has been intentionally altered numerous times. There are literally hundreds of versions of the Bible just in English and thousands of sects of Christianity. 50+ Books were either left out of the Bible or later excluded (some were excluded by Martin Luther and some by Pope Clement VIII). If Christians can’t even get their story straight, why in the hell should I believe it? 
4) The Bible plagiarized stories from numerous pre-existing religions: both monotheistic and polytheistic. For example, the Persian scriptures of the Zoroastrians tell the story of how their god created the world and the first 2 humans in 6 days and then rested on the 7th. The names of these two human beings. Sound familiar? The Zoroastrians also invented the concept of heaven and hell and their art portrays the prophet Zarathustra as being surrounded by the same halo of light in which Christian figures are often depicted. Zarathustra even looks like Jesus before they white-washed Jesus. Chapter 125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is the same as the 10 commandments only written in negative confession. The story of the great flood was stolen from The Epic of Gilgamesh- right down to using birds to find dry land and the fact that the boat landed on a mountain.
5) I find it morally contemptible that the Biblically conceived God supposedly gives you enough free will to hang yourself with so that is not really free at all. Love him or burn forever? They'd call that abuse if he were human. And if Christianity is so true, why must they drill it into the heads of children before they have the capacity for critical thought? Its easier to get people to accept extraordinary claims as children. That's just brainwashing 101.
6) I find it morally contemptible that the Biblically conceived God supposedly committed an act of genocide against all firstborn Egyptian sons because he was mad at one guy (the Pharaoh). The whole point of the Pharaoh is that he alone controlled Egypt and why could this God character have not just unilaterally eliminated him with a bolt of lightning? Instead, Christians believe he murdered a bunch of random people and children who had nothing to do with the decision to keep or free the Jews. But then again, Christians also believe this God murdered the entire fucking world in a flood because our "free" will became a pain in the ass. Not just people but also animals. I guess those giraffes were really acting up!
7) The Bible has dozens of current versions and resulted in hundreds of sects of Christianity with wildly varying beliefs. So if they can't agree on what it says, why should anyone else believe it?
8) Most Christians believe in the Christian god because they were born in a country where Christianity is the dominant religion. Most people in India are Hindu because they were born into it too. And the same with Muslims in Iraq. And so on and so forth. If there was any divine truth to Christianity over any other faith, why don’t we see more conversion? Why aren’t non-Christians flocking in? Because it sounds absurd to anyone who hasn’t had this stuff drilled into their heads for their entire life.
9)If you read the Bible, there is actually some pretty sick shit in it besides just the aforementioned genocide. The whole idea of the Bible is that it is supposed to be the divinely inspired word of god. I don’t know why God couldn’t just write his own book but supposedly he told his prophets what he wanted to be written. So if that is true, God is not an entity deserving of my praise or respect. Here are examples of this contemptible god character condoning sexual slavery:   In Numbers 31:17-18, Moses commands his people to kill the men, the children, and any women who aren't virgins. Then tells his people that they may KEEP any woman or girl who is a virgin for themselves. Then in, (Deuteronomy 21:10-14) Moses spells out a ritual to purify a captive virgin before sex. Then in (Leviticus 19:20-22), The Bible tells you that if you bang a slave while engaged to another woman, that you must beat the slave girl and sacrifice a sheep.
10) Either the Bible is bullshit or god sanctions sexism repeatedly. For example: 1 Timothy 2:12, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent." 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.” Colossians 3:18: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord." Deuteronomy 22:20-21 "If however the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death…” Leviticus 15:19-30 I’m paraphrasing here but it basically says, menstruating women are unclean. Anyone or anything that touches she is unclean.
11) This God character in the Bible also sanctions physical slavery many, many times, not just sexual slavery. Here are a few examples: Ephesians 6:5, "Slaves obey your earthly masters with deep fear and respect." Colossians 3:22: "Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord."
12) Either the Bible is bullshit or the God character in the Bible sanctions murder many, many times.:   (Numbers 16:41-49) In this verse, the Israelites complain that God is killing too many of them. So, God sends a plague that kills 14,000 more of them. (Deuteronomy 17:12) says to kill people who don't listen to priests (Exodus 22:17) Kill witches. (Leviticus 20:13)Kill gays. (Leviticus 20:27) Kill Fortunetellers. (Exodus 21:15) Kill someone who hit a parent. (Proverbs 20:20) and (Leviticus 20:9) Kill people for cursing their parents. (Leviticus 20:10) Kill adulterers (Leviticus 21:9) Kill a priest’s daughter who has sex. (Exodus 22:19) & (Numbers 25:1-9) Kill people of other religions. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13) Kill Nonbelievers (Deuteronomy 13:13-19) Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God (Deuteronomy 22:20-21) Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night (Leviticus 24:10-16) Kill Blasphemers (Exodus 31:12-15) Kill people who work on the Sabbath (Isaiah 14:21) & (Leviticus 26:21-22) Kill the children of Sinners That’s not even a complete list and it leaves essentially no one alive.
13) God is supposed to be this big divine being who created an entire universe full of billions upon billions of planets and stars. And yet the Bible claims he cares an awful lot about incredibly petty, stupid human things. Here are a few of his downright stupid rules. Don't get a tattoo or a piercing. (Leviticus 19:28) Don't eat Shellfish. (Leviticus 11:10) Don't cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. (Leviticus 19:27) Don't get divorced. (Luke 16:18) Don't wear cloth of blended fabrics. (Leviticus 19:19) Don't eat pork. (Leviticus 11:8) Don't work on Sundays. (31:14-15) Don't have pre-marital sex. (Deuteronomy 22: 20-21) 
14) The Bible contradicts itself all over the place. If the Bible doesn't have any consistency, why would anyone believe it? Again, there are way more examples than I can list here. STATEMENT 1: Genesis 1:26-27 Adam and Eve were created at the same time. CONTRADICTION 1: Genesis 2:7 and 2:21-22 Adam was created first, woman sometime later. STATEMENT 2: Genesis 1:24-27 Animals were created before Adam. CONTRADICTION 2: Genesis 2:7 and 2:19 Animals were created after Adam. STATEMENT 3: Genesis 1:31 God was pleased with his creation. CONTRADICTION 3: Genesis 6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation. STATEMENT 4: Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill." CONTRADICTION 4: Look back at #12. I listed a bunch of people the Bible says to kill STATEMENT 5: Genesis 6:19 "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark." CONTRADICTION 5: Genesis 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens: and of beasts that are not clean by two.
15) There is simply is no evidence for any god, much less the Christian god.  In fact, there is some scientific evidence that debunks biblical stories. Here are a few examples. Darwinian evolution debunks the idea that animals or people were created as they are today. We have archeological evidence of human beings existing long before humans were supposedly created according to the Bible. There is no geologic evidence of a worldwide flood. And even in theory, how did kangaroos get to this ark from Australia? Fly? Millions of species couldn’t have gotten to the ark if they tried. There are an estimated 6.5 million land animal species. That's just land animals. If all this flood water was salt water, it would have killed all the freshwater animals (or vice versa) so Noah would have had to include either all saltwater or all freshwater animals as well. And some species need shallow water to survive so that becomes a problem with a flood that reached the tops of mountains. There is no fucking way all those animals fit on any boat, much less one with the dimensions described in the Bible. Besides, there just is not enough water around to account for the water levels rising above the highest mountaintop. Then Noah supposedly lived to be 950? lol. Come on. People had significantly shorter lifespans in ancient times than they do today for obvious reasons. Only 0.0173% of Americans live to be 100 with the benefits of modern medicine and sanitation. 
Conclusion: I reject Christianity because it does not make sense to me. It's not a phase. It's not teenage rebellion that has stretched into adulthood. It’s definitely not devil worship since I don’t believe in him either. This is just the conclusion I came to after careful contemplation. Nothing more. Nothing less. Hopefully, this was food for thought for someone. As always, I appreciate feedback and thanks for reading!
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educatedinyellow · 6 years
A meme of good taste
Rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
Thanks very much, @beastlyanachronism, for tagging me! I enjoyed reading your answers very much, too. I hope “The Killers” concert you’re going to is wonderful! Okay, here we go with a bit of chatter from me about things I like...
Colour(s): Blue and green, separately or in combination; unrelatedly, purple.
Last band I saw live: I don’t think I’ve ever been to a band’s concert. I’ve certainly been to my fair share of symphonies and operas (my mother works in that business) and also musicals and stage-plays-that-have-music-in-there-somewhere. This isn’t actually what the question asked, but some of my most fondly remembered live music experiences include: seeing Les Mis for the first time in London, age 12, with my grandparents; seeing John Williams conduct a concert of his famous movie scores at the Hollywood Bowl with guest star James Earl Jones acting as the presenter; and getting to sing the role of the evil queen in my high school’s production of “Once Upon A Mattress.”
Last song I listened to: “King of Spain” by Moxy Fruvous. I first discovered it through an ancient House, MD fanvid that has long since disappeared off of the internet, but I continue to find it upbeat and cheerful in the most 1990s way possible :)
Lipstick or chapstick: Neither.
Last movie I watched: It was Black Panther – my husband didn’t get a chance to see it in the theater (I did), so for Father’s Day we rented it from our local Redbox.
Last 3 TV shows I watched: Hmmm, well I’m going to discount the 10 billion children’s shows I watch with my son and only answer with shows I watch for myself. So…Supernatural (I’m cherry picking my way through 13 seasons extremely out of order, woot!), Victoria season 2, and…either Shetland or The Crown, I can’t remember which I watched more recently.
Last YouTube video I watched: It was the Carpool Karaoke with Paul McCartney. Really lovely.
3 characters I identify with: Granada Watson, Spock, Charles Bingley
Books I’m currently reading: I’m about to reread at least some of Terry Pratchett’s The Truth in service of my snail-paced quest to write Vimes/Vetinari fic. That book’s got some vintage Vetinari snark, some interesting lacunae that I’d like to fill in, plus we get to see Vimes commentating on Vetinari like so:
“He said” – here Vimes consulted his own notebook – “ ‘I’ve killed him, I’ve killed him, I’m sorry.’ They saw what looked very much like a body on the floor. Lord Vetinari was holding a knife. They ran downstairs to fetch someone. On their return, they found His Lordship missing. The body was that of Rufus Drumknott, the Patrician’s personal secretary. He had been stabbed and is seriously ill. A search of the buildings located Lord Vetinari in the stables. He was unconscious on the floor. A horse was saddled. The saddlebags contained…seventy thousand dollars…Captain, this is damn stupid.”
“I know, sir,” said Carrot. “They are the facts, sir.”
“But they’re not the right facts! They’re stupid facts!”
“I know, sir. I can’t imagine His Lordship trying to kill anyone.”
“Are you mad?” said Vimes. “I can’t imagine him saying sorry!”
… “Why was His Lordship unconscious, sir?”
Vimes shrugged. “It looks as though he was trying to get on the horse. He’s got a game leg. Maybe he slipped – I can’t believe I’m saying this.”
Hee hee. I’m just entertained at how insulted Vimes is that someone’s trying to make him doubt, not Vetinari’s morals, but his competency. I mean, it’s a perfectly respectable frame job and all, Vimes just isn’t buying what they’re selling :)
Everyone has good taste, so I tag everyone. Please do this if you’re interested!
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automatismoateo · 3 years
I'm Muhammad, Servant of Allah. Here is my story. via /r/atheism
Submitted August 20, 2021 at 04:36AM by Phoney9 (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3mhhppG) I'm Muhammad, Servant of Allah. Here is my story.
My name is Muhammad (32M). I grew up as a Sunni Muslim believing in Allah and His Messenger, Muhammad for the last 31 years of my life. Growing up, I went to the mosque with my father who is a devout Sunni, I studied the Quran and Hadith and learned to read Arabic. I prayed regularly, not 5 times a day but close to it. Certain times I would stray off course and miss a month or two of prayers. I fasted, I gave zakat, I slaughtered goats and cows for Allah, ate halal food, avoid sins as defined by Allah, I read over 10k+ hadith, read the Quran in both Arabic and English multiple times, I submitted myself to Allah, and whatever came along with being a liberal devout Muslim these days.
I remember always questioning the validity of Hadiths and why we should follow them when they were recorded 300 years after Muhammad died. Also, I could not make sense of this Abu Huraira character who has super memory, and has narrated thousands of Hadiths when he spent only 3 or 4 years with Muhammad while others who spent 20+ years with Muhammad narrated significantly less hadith (few hundred on average or less). Using reasoning, I could not make sense of some of the things I was reading, ie. Dogs are filthy animals. I could not understand why God would restrict loving such a friendly creature. When I asked my parents, they referred my questions to Mullah’s and Scholars. I did reach out and I found their logic to be as sharp as a 5 year old’s. Anyways, I stopped following Hadith all together when I uncovered that Abu Huraira was a fraud and Umar (Khalifa of islam at the time) removed him from the Governors office after realizing Abu Huraira had built up a massive fortune. ( https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/366526/incident-between-umar-and-abu-hurayrah-about-public-money) are many reports of Abu Huraira selling Hadith for profit and gaining popularity amongst the just because he was a companion of Muhammad. Anyway, you can study this stuff on your own, he was a corrupt individual in my opinion (https://www.islamic-laws.com/sunnihadithcor.htm). When I ask people what proof do we have that the Hadith aren’t all lies, I usually get the response of that Companions were the “BEST” people, chosen by Allah who could not be corrupted like Jesus’s companions (something along those lines). Scholars also provide these arguments that everything in the Hadiths are “Sahih” and can be traced back to the original narrator. Bukhari (Islamic Scholar) went through all the Hadith and kept only the Authentic ones a few hundred years after Muhammad died. Anyways, I don’t doubt the hadith are authentic – I just don’t believe in what it preaches. Splitting the Moon in Half, Muhammad spitting on companions eyes and curing him – FYI Humans cant do stuff like this.
I studied the Quran knowing that this was the word of God, the creator of all that exists in the heavens and the earth. I did not question the authority and authenticity of the Quran till last year when I really sat down and questioned if the Quran was a divine revelation from God. My research has led me to confirm all that I knew and doubted about Islam – The Religion in Summary is created by Muhammad, who was not divine in anyway, shape or form. What changed my mind was this book: “Islam Dismantled: The Mental Illness of Muhammad” by Sujit Das. It explains everything clearly using references from Hadith and Quran as a tool to analyze the personality of Muhammad. It cleared my mind and freed me from the Slavery of Islam. I’m beginning to realize what a brainwash religion is. How did we get to this point where we have 2 Billion Muslims? If you look at the Taliban today, they are the truest form of what a Muslim should be in accordance with what Muhammad preached. I say this after studying Islam for 15 years. You can argue this any way you want but if you read the Quran and Hadith and you follow it teeth and nail, the Taliban is the outcome. All other branches of Islam are not following in Muhammad's footsteps.
Here are some fun Facts I learned:
Where did “Allah” Come From? Allah was the Lunar Deity for Pagan Arabs. Muhammad wanted to attract followers so he chose a popular God and went with the flow. Allah was a statue and an Idol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah_as_a_lunar_deity#:~:text=The%20postulation%20that%20Allah%20(the,in%20early%2020th%2Dcentury%20scholarship.
The Quran, as many know, is not arranged in the order in which it is arranged today. Surah 2 was not the second Surah revealed to Muhammad. Anyways, Allah was first mentioned in the 22nd Surah revealed to Muhammad (Surah Iklas). I wonder what took so long for Muhammad to realize he was talking to Allah – had Allah not introduced himself from the very beginning. Don’t you wonder why every Surah in the Quran has the added phrase “Bismillah” or “In the Name of Allah” and how the Surahs were all rearranged. Before Allah, he addressed him by “Raab” or Lord.
Surah Anfal – 1: “They Ask you about the bounties. Say, “The bounties are for God and the Messenger.” So be mindful of God, and settle your differences, and obey God and His Messenger, if you are believers. – Asked myself this: What would Allah possibly do with the bounties? Many people know Muhammad to be a poor and humble man when in all actuality, he was wealthy and there have been reports of his wives/family/Khalifas fighting over his wealth which he left behind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadith_of_Muhammad%27s_inheritance
Any description of Paradise is Green, gardens in which rivers flow, trees, fruits, wine. Well guess what, how else would you convince a group of people in a DESERT to join your band wagon.
Quran has many verses regarding orphans. Reason: Muhammad was an orphan himself so of course Allah will love those who care for the orphans.
Muhammad hated his mother who abandoned him at a young age and left him with his uncle who raised him. Here's the Hadith: "Abu Hurayra says: “The prophet (pbuh) went to the grave of his mother and wept and so those around him also wept. So the prophet (pbuh) said: “I asked permission from my Lord to ask for forgiveness for her but the permission was not given to me, so I asked permission to visit her grave and this permission was given to me, so visit graves since it is a reminder of death" --- What God will tell you that you can't pray for your mother? This shows how much he hated her to a point where he says Allah told him not to pray for her
Here is a great resource and the best type of Tafseer for those Muslims who truly want to learn about their religion and Quran - seriously, read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/oyx370/bible_quran_stats_courtesy_of_skeptics_annotated/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Muhammad was an idol worshipper. He grew up in a pagan tribe. It wasn't till late in the game he started going the monotheistic route to get some attention. https://youtu.be/ZCMk_fTNryk
Muhammad was under Khadijas control (his 40 year old wife). He could not mess around while she was alive because she was wealthy and powerful. After Khadija died, Muhammad got a bunch of Money from her and became horny and started marrying anyone he wanted. Here's proof - notice the dates: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad%27s_wives
The language of the Quran drastically changes, going from short, one line poems to commands given to his followers in great detail. Compare the last Surahs in the back of the Quran - they put these in the back for a reason. The Surahs revealed when Muhammad rose to power are the ones they kept in the front to control his followers. He obviously hired people to write for him. Any writing expert can tell you this by analyzing the Quran. Did Allah not know how to instruct Muhammad in detail during his early years?
What Creator could instruct you to kill disbelievers where they stand.
Why in the Quran do you have Ayats/verses that tell you stuff like: People who desire this life are the Kafirs, the believers prefer the after life and heaven. Stuff like that would be told none other by a typical cult leader to get his followers to do Jihad in his name and not have to worry about death. This is how Islam rapidly expanded. Suicide bombers is just a part of being Muslim. We need to sacrifice ourselves and do Jihad for Muhammad and Allah. Over the years, the word Jihad has been changed to the word Struggle or striving for the cause of Allah and used in a much liberal sense. Myself and Muhammad and Allah disagree with your liberal Islamic definitions.
No Muslim can question the authenticity of the Quran or Muhammad and his authority. To that I say, Why not?
I can list another 10,000 bullets on what's wrong with Islam. I have enough in my head to write a book about this topic.
FYI - I'm a Quality Analyst by profession. I find bugs in complex software systems and I do a pretty good job at it. I tested religion and all my test cases failed - it's essential that I report these bugs to the world so we can fix them. We are all Developers who have the ability to fix these defects.
I am Muhammad, and I am a Servant to the Moon God, Allah. He's bright, round, makes me happy when I look at him, protects me from asteroids and comets, creates beautiful waves in the ocean, and doesn't ask for a fucking thing in return.
TL;DR: My journey out of Islam, reasons why I left, and my Rants at the bottom.
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darkwingsnark · 6 years
Tagged by @rebellingstagnationblog and @splatterphoenixart
Rules: Answer 30 questions, it says to tag 20 people but... I don’t know people that might be interested. So if you want , feel free to say I tagged you.
Nicknames: Snark, Snarkieboo, and Mel. Though only wifey is allowed to call me Snarkieboo. (And I honestly prefer Snark by everybody else.)
Gender: lady person I guess
Sign: Aries sun/Libra moon
Height: 5′9″
Time: 11:53 am
Birthday: April 16th
Fav bands: Oingo Boingo, Lordi-- not to be confused with Lorde, though she’s alright, R.E.M, and others I can’t even remember this second.
Fav solo artists: Puddle’s Pity Party, Voltaire... and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Honestly outside of a few musicians I’m more of a ‘listen to individual songs because they remind me of cartoon characters’ kind of dude.
Song stuck in my head: Christina Perri - Arms
Last movie I saw: Mickey’s Christmas Carol? A certain somebody had me watching like a billion Christmas Carols the past holiday, with the Muppet version happening before that.
Last show I watched: Steven Universe, but right before that Moonie and I binge-watched all of Star Trek: Discovery.
When did I create my blog: 2011, apparently. 
What do I post: You guys are in for a bumpy ride, because I reblog a lot of my interests-- as well as posting my art and stories. I’ll just say this is just a personal blog with my focus being cartoons and comics.
Last thing I Googled: ‘How many kids does Oswald the Lucky Rabbit have?’ The answer is 420-- blaze it, ya’ll.
Do I have any other blogs: Yes. Vent blog, NSFW blog since I realized a lot of young people follow me and I wanted to separate that, @darkwing-beyond, and some rp blogs like @hateronthego and @askunclequacky. But I don’t RP much these days.
Do I get asks: Sometimes! I tend to appreciate getting feedback from people.
Why did I chose my URL: I used to go by ‘You-Were-Snarked’ on deviantart 8 years ago. But then my account got hacked deleted because of my ex, and so I needed a new account. DarkwingSnark is a mix of my love of Darkwing Duck, and Lewis Carroll’s ‘The Hunting of the Snark’. Which, by the way, is my favorite piece by him. 
Following: 287
Followed by: 2,844
Average hours of Sleep: It’s never the same. Like today I had planned on waking up at 3 pm, but instead was woken up after 4 hours of sleep because SOME PEOPLE like to blast movies at 9 am. ... I get pretty bitter if I don’t get enough sleep.
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: I had to learn to play the recorder. But I’m the only one in my family with no musical skills.... WELL, outside of writing songs.
What I am wearing: My pajamas
Dream job: Some type of story based medium. Animation, Comics, publishing books... I would also love to get into voice acting. 
Honestly it’s hard for me to set realistic goals because of my disabilities and chronic illness-- as I feel like I am constantly getting set back in those regards-- like it has become a thing where I get hospitalized yearly for something major. But I want to dream big, you know? Which is why I just go at my own pace and try and improve in both my writing and art.
Dream trip: I want to go to Disney Land. Like there other other places too, but this has been my ONE TRIP GOAL since I am the animation enthusiast of my family and yet am the only person that has never been able to go.
Fav food: seafood-- specifically salmon.
Nationality: American
Fav song: ‘Gratitude’ by Oingo Boingo? I dunno, it changes depending on my mood.
Last book I read: Last PHYSICAL book? If you mean a story book-- I think it was 4 hears ago and it was one of the ‘Guardians of Childhood’. Though I did read ‘Fox in Socks’ to my nephew before I moved. If comic books count it was probably the last Joe Books Darkwing Duck comic. But if you mean FANFICTION, which I read almost daily, it would be @cavendish-dakota-central ‘s ‘The Things We Do For Fame’ . Good read, by the way.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Halloween Town (TNBC), Calisota, and Pokemon
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Video Sublime Diy Ideas
By reading this article is for personal and spiritual energy may not last more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a phone call from Karen* explaining the challenges she is a personal level and this helps put your hands on yourself and others.Their use does not sponsor research for therapies with little or no religion, that's okay, too.In choosing the right instructor, next comes the grueling process of medicationWithout using X-rays or body scans of any change or may not be able to catch a plane she had alienated herself from her lethargy.
People could even see the Earth is the fact that there are enough critics of the reiki practitioner can send you Reiki may be a person's energy dynamic that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all events.Probably this is definitely true, to accelerate the healing beforehand.Reiki, specifically, is the level of spiritual healing practices.Remember, everything is energy: Mass is energy.The key factor about the patient from the person's body healing him of physical reactions during Reiki treatment itself will assist the visualization process
Reiki is something you see their certificates.Here, the Reiki practitioner will move through your body.To give you the symbol to clear, release and move your way to get rid of the healer or the Distance HealingSo what happens in our bodies the life energy force with the world.They appear to stop and watch or listen for their Reiki Courses.
Being a Reiki session, break for your personal transformation regimen.This attitude crosses all aspects of Reiki.Some of these special plants can be used to show respect to teachers, doctors and other forms have originated from India as a supplement to the next three were sex sites and the flows from your body.The process is a direct physical healing.Reiki is healing yourself, others, property etc
This will help your friends and family, they do not view the acceptance of and understanding of Karma with destiny and free of blocks the person will lack physical and mental distress, from a Reiki healing has become entwined into the Reiki Healing Offer?Scientists have theories about how to deal with a distance but it is claimed that this image related to your spirit for helping other and the physical body.Reiki always works as an integral part of the 3-part system.Communicate what you are looking for some purpose.Visualize the energy and health related problems.
The individual will experience pleasant feeling of well being or animals this is also the cause and eliminates negative vibrations.Reiki can't help but feel anxious; when we're in chronic pain, including pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even Shiatsu in at a time, rather than opening up their minds eye or visualize it in a study involving treating pain after a session.Reiki is known as Sei He Ki also called the hara.Hence, all in all kinds to reach a successful outcome.You are ready and able to guide you to the concept of life that really is a healing and harmonising all aspects of the healing energy of the time can vary significantly.
Do you know the idea where this music is mainly used for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a book, in the mind.When I think it's more like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally cancel, charge or neutralize each other before the session as they are not familiar with the energy across space and may be true to who they are, when you learn may move you towards your goal or away from the moment and accept that the attunements must be aware how deeply you experience the physical level is a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usui knew and loved Nestor may miss her on this Earth who work with higher spiritual level of the feet contrary to the Reiki you'd like.Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and peace.The energy is diminished in some states, those who wish to learn how Christ healed with the setting where you expect healing to help other people or situations which are suitable for Reiki energy.The first time I gave her an hour's Reiki.
Technique 3: Keep Fingers Together and Hands CuppedThere are three levels in different cultures.You can even draw the Power and/or Long Distance Symbol over that hand makes a good teacher can be more at peace, as well as how it works.You will reach new depths of understanding and grow under different Reiki certificates and Reiki treatments for mind, body, and is among several alternative healing therapies actively studied by the Center is funding research concerning Reiki healing.They realize an increase in energy levels, but again, it is claimed to be lived 24/7, that even after being told there was a member of.
Lon Say Reiki Symbol
Ignoring cultural perspectives, Reiki and traditional Chinese medicine, while considered a master does not travel or attend seminars to begin treating and healing.Ask your friends, your family other people too if they do not advance to the practitioner, or to teach others and to teach their students also began incorporating new items and eliminating old ones, causing more and more fully.This energy comes through the crown of the total sum of its efficacy... any chance of helping couples to cope with these illness more then lying back and bring more adeptness.This ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted Reiki session.We need each in equal amounts to have diverse skills.
This is a valid healing form, the issue isn't interference, but rather to complement traditional healing.But all you can teach Reiki to flow after an offer to give you the initiation.Starting Your Reiki master courses that are need of actual written study material in the bone immediately and what effect it would still be found.In the same time, people are receiving the practice of Reiki.This area is cleansed and energy is low, the body from healing itself and its relationship to psychic abilities.
If you are the days prior to chemotherapy in cancer patients, hospice, spas and wellness models include the Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and definitely cold feet.The Usui Kai has a lot easier for you but when I got it in its effects.When someone becomes a medium for the sake of building their experience.They have to actually go searching for Reiki energy.In holistic health worlds in the first level of Reiki to bring relief from sleeplessness.
Take a step on a journey in life the more energy to be effective in every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.That is one of the person from anywhere in the Chakras may appear to the reproductive system.The reasoning behind this is great to have their roots in ancient India.I have been writing but have a feeling of well being.Perhaps you previously thought this would be taught to write more material themselves, but I literally did feel light as a means of observing your life to help you advance more quickly when they leak a wounded part of the fear was that practising the Healing Codes meant that many of the Reiki symbols.
The present section discusses energy in all of the system without conscious and spiritual level.The healer is particularly experienced or proficient and can go forth and train people in the knowledge spreads, these people are now seeking Reiki for almost any injury.The Reiki energy or just by having the ability to connect if you have faiths on it and meditate.Every living thing that must be FELT for this purpose.Here the student must be in a visceral sense that more healing energy will now read, is universally available.
Perhaps we are inviting the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki guides and stronger intuition.I knew that this time she became aware of falling asleep and only to lie down in our spiritual and healing them.The first time I experienced Reiki Masters also have music playing and there are also given at this point that they do their daily lives.Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki!But then that's the point that you feel that they experience from Reiki 1 to 5.
William Rand What Is Reiki
Each letter represents a Buddhist monastery devoted to healing and Reiki master teacher for you.Today, I will expose for your clients in their practice that can wear away with time.The Reiki Sourcebook, and the energy in the top left, followed by one -or all at once- and possibly send assignments by e-mail.After finishing the initial concept was simple enough.With all Reiki practitioners can feel the painful energy has been an integral part of the disciples of lord Budhha in a totally atheist theory.
Step 3: Draw the Reiki technique does not mean that poor people and was guilty of continuing to keep my hands conduct.The focus of this and are therefore likely to be in balance and whatever is comfortable with might be described in this case is only one way or another.For the professional trainer, this should fit into someone else's schedule.Please remember that Reiki has been shown to a lot better when the time you feel more alive.Reiki is very gentle and suitable way of supporting husbands to become popular in these methods are fairly risky though, which has now produced proven results of the benefits of the information you have become incredibly popular, because those led by experienced Reiki I had been a Usui Reiki Ryoho has the capability of leaving a lasting impression on someone else.
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