#also me: ok you let said lover stab you for the lols too so fair
obserfdom · 5 years
False God, Kaylor's New Anthem
False God - the sexiest part of the album, Lover, (similar to the flirtatious Dress in Reputation) to me personally, has a intriguing meaning. I have searched the web to see what analyses so far regarding the lyrics. Nothing much, mostly saying that it is about Joe Alwyn. Okay, let's debunk this one. 'Cause I also know that Kaylors have an interpretation from the gay's angle.
I think, I can speak on both perspectives, since I've been in both. I once married, however my biggest love life relationship was with woman. So, I am really curious to know, in what angle did Taylor actually write this song.
We were crazy to think. Crazy to think that "this" could work -> okay, since almost everyone out there agree that FG about love/relationship, so "this" referring to Taylor relationship (lover).
Now, don't you think it kinda strange that Taylor having a doubt about her relationship with Joe? I mean, she was 27th when she first met Joe & with enough experiences in relationship already, not to mention Joe is also coming from almost the same background, apart from different country and Joe gained celebrity status from the cinematic industry, but still I mean, what is so crazy about starting a "heteronormative" relationship like that?
Unless... she was talking about a "different kind" of relationship - something, which in general, still being perceived as 'abnormal'...
Hmmm, interesting.
But wait, there's another way to translate it, that somehow during that moment she was having an existential crisis. She questioned a lot of thing: the meaning of being celebrity i.e. she worked so hard to pursue her dream whilst at the same time she was devastated by the facts that people whom she thought once friends, stabbed her from the back - or that strangers would start to belittle & mocking her for everything - she had trust issue, she started losing confidence, she hold grudge, she was in emotional turbulance (these loosely translation based on her interviews).
Hence: she thought to drag someone to her "crazy" world would be tenacious.
Remember how I said I'd die for you? --> seems like she was really madly in love here
We were stupid to jump --> yet they've decided to taste the water anyhow
In the ocean separating us. Remember how I'd fly to you?
--> ok, again, this does fit Joe. Cause taking it in literal sense, then it probably about her had to fly back n forth US-UK.
However, Karlie still fits the role as well, I think, since they both doing a busy life, mostly continental apart.
Whoever it was for, metaphorically speaking it is about how she was making a sacrifice for the relationship to work.
And I can't talk to you when you're like this
--> later we would comprehend that Taylor was talking about a moment when her and lover had some feud. When she restrospected how during the couple-fight, her beau would:
Staring out the window
(I imagine her beau stood still, in silence, gazed through the window) avoiding to look her in the face, thus she thought:
like I'm not your favorite town
!!! What is her beau fave town?
I'm New York City
(yeah, baby!) And whose fav city is New York? Karlie Kloss!
"Well, Joe can also regard NYC as his fave city..." True - but, Taylor wouldn't be writing something that has no common reference to it. I've googled Joe's city preference and came out with null results. While as for Karlie Kloss, almost everywhere - you can find her boasting around about how much she loves NYC. As a matter of fact - she was the one who convinced Taylor to move to NYC in 2014 (and Taylor has been in love to the city, since).
Furthermore the next lyrics kinda congruent to the above speculation:
I still do it for you, babe
--> "I moved to NYC still staying here to date because of you." See, it still a close referrence to Karlie.
Can you come out with different translation that lead to Joe, instead? If you do, please let me know in the comment.
They all warned us about times like this. They say the road gets hard and you get lost
--> this one is really interesting. We all know Joe and Taylor still together and that Taylor somehow bragging about how happy in relationship she is now. But here as if like her saying that 'something happened to the couple' in FG story. Something big and terrible - something that might cause them to split/break apart.
And she kinda blame, the reason why it happened cause:
When you're led by blind faith. Blind faith
--> what is the meaning of "blind faith" in term of falling in love? Yes, when you are so in love that you are willing to do anything to retain or to be in it. You disregard everything, cause you are so drunk inside the pool of love, lust, altogether. You become 'blind'.
Ok, let's speak in het point a view, first - do you think, you see a magical spark when seeing Joe with Taylor out and about? Hard to tell? Okay, fair enough.
But here, an excerpt from Rolling Stone interview:
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Her paused after accentuated the word "if"... to me is her showing hesitation even doubt to the idea of having a family.
Kinda weird coming from her current public image in Lover Era where she continue asserting how happy she is and how seems like, she has found the love of her life.
Further in FG she asserted that she is madly in love with someone whom she willing to die for - to fly across ocean for - so much intoxicated by love as if like having a blind faith!
Unless... the love of her life which she depicted in FG is...
in which because of that, for her to think of the ideas of: 'to be together, be a family'; would be a crazy notion and hard to imagine.
Yet, she also made it clear in FG, despite the odd, she was not ready to release the idea of 'stick together for good', because she thought there is still possibility that:
(But) we might just get away with it
The following lyrics to me, kinda raw and blatant:
Religion's in your lips. Even if it's a false god. We'd still worship.
(We might just get away with it)
The altar is my hips.
Lips & hips -> you imagine anything? (Lol).
Why False God? Clearly, she still talking about love:
Even if it's a false god. We'd still worship this love.
So in another word, Taylor using False God as a metaphor for passionate love she was experiencing with someone.
But why False God?
My take using gay perspective: is because we know how most religions condemn homosexuality. So with probably her involved in the same sex relationship, which would be considered sin or false by many, this probably her way of saying: "I don't care. I have all the rights to love whomever I want to love, regardless what society in heterenormative world would think!"
I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me, honey. Hell is when I fight with you. But we can patch it up good. Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness. Got the wine for you.
In general sense, the narrative here is about normal things happen in relationship. It's about having differences inside romance - a fight, a quarrel- then "kiss and make up".
But again, it is interesting how she chose the religious term like 'hell' and 'heaven' to equate her romantic endeavours.
This can't stop me from thinking that she actually is talking about sacred-secret love which against religious belief.
(Again, her way in saying: "I don't care your heaven or hell! I have my own, in this love-life story of mine!").
I would also like to re-iterate: "Got the wine for you" - seemingly her 'make up' sentence for her beau. But it is interesting to think about her chosen word "wine" there. It could mean literally that they both do love wine or...
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"intimate love" - ok very much correlated. Yet further from the same source (wiki), wine (alcohol in general) often perceived as "evil".
So in which way, Taylor denoted "wine"? If its in devilish way, yes, then it is another mockery from her to religious dogma as if like saying: "I don't mind being perceived as evil. Me and lover will continue doing what we are doing!"
And you can't talk to me when I'm like this. Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you.
Hehe, so woman, don't you think? ;)
You're the West Village. You still do it for me, babe.
A shout out to Kaylors on this. Cause west village in literal meaning is a place where Karlie once lived.
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Is there any other meaning for West Village? Yes, a big maybe. But unfortunately, I couldn't find any. Perhaps, you can dig on that and tell me later?
Finally, when come back to:
They all warned us about times like this. They say the road gets hard and you get lost
--> if we persevere with Karlie's scenario - then one could imagine this depiction is perfectly suitable to the Kaylors conspiracy theory.
How we speculated that their relationship in trouble - they chose to beard for their career sake - beside continue "behind the scene" with their LOVE that worthy eternal worshipping.
Sounds too delusional?
Perhaps. But since it is still a blank space, one owns a prerogative to write things accordingly. And False God is a love letter from Taylor Swift to Karlie Kloss? I'd say ameen to that!
Update: Joe Alwyn Fave City (thank you @dodsdmr for this info)
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Punk Goes Pop-Klance au
I’ve got a lot happening in the next few weeks, so I’ll try to get pt 9 up in the next day or so, so y’all have something in case I don’t have time to write. Enjoy!
Pt 8
The rest of the day was spent playing video games and eating junk food, allowing Shiro to let loose and Keith to feel a bit of normalcy after his stressful weekend. It neared 9 when Shiro called it quits, so he could grade a few papers before bed. Keith powered down the X-box and retreated to his room to go to bed early, so he could maybe get a decent amount of sleep.
PJ-clad and ready for bed, Keith crawled under the covers and unlocked his phone to pull up a podcast to listen to. He remembered Hunk telling him about the new video from his “internet rival” and switched from his podcast app to Youtube to check it out quickly. He looked through the comments of his Rihanna video and sure enough there it was.
BlueTailor69: I warned you, Brogaynes <www.youtube.com/fakelink>
He snorted and clicked. The page redirected to the video and Keith shook his head when he saw the title, smiling at its ridiculousness, Bring Me To Life Evanescence Remix- also known as Brogaynes is a terrible person and I hate him.
The song opened with an instrumental bit, heavy with anticipation, the beat gradually growing through the first verse. After the first line of the chorus, it dropped hard into a stretch of classic dubstep. The song repeated that pattern, slow build with samples of the original song and heavy drop, one more time before ending on a synthetic trill.
If Keith didn’t have a predisposed hatred of all things dubstep, he would have liked the song. He clicked into the description expecting another snide comment like last time, but it was empty. He scrolled through the comments and saw nothing there either. He thought that was a bit odd and out of character, but dismissed it because they’d never interacted, so there was no reason for him to know anything about this person’s character or be concerned.
He switched back to his podcast app, pulling one up, and closed his eyes. Before he knew it, the hosts said their outro an hour later and Keith was still very awake. He groaned and rolled over to grab his phone. He debated playing another one, but he didn’t feel anywhere near falling asleep, so he opened Twitter with the hope that some mindless scrolling would do the trick.
The racing in his mind gradually slowed as he went through his feed. He passed a list of recommended users, quickly scrolling back up for a double take. No way, he thought, his mind fully alert again, and clicked on the user profile. Sure enough, there it was. BlueTailor69 had a twitter and it was exactly what could be expected. The profile picture was a black background with Fuck You, Brogaynes in white Comic Sans and the description read, I exist solely to spite Brogaynes. Besides, he started it.
Keith couldn’t fight the disbelieving laugh that bubbled up as he scrolled through his tweets.  They were pretty much all replies to Keith’s tweets, consisting mostly of various snips and jabs at the songs he covered. He looked again at the most recent tweet, linking to his Evanescence cover, his brows furrowing as he read the caption. Had a shitty weekend so cut me some slack. I can still hate you in any headspace though @BrogaynesMusic ;) That must have been why there was no sarcastic commentary on the video.
Before thinking it through, Keith hit the message button and typed out a quick You ok? Once it sent, he realized that that was probably a bad idea. This guy was likely some troll who just enjoyed fucking with people because he had nothing better to do with his life and wasn’t worth Keith’s time to be worried about. Before he could fully second-guess his decision, his phone pinged.
BlueTailor69: ???
Keith stared at the message bubble, just as confused as to why he was messaging this guy as he was.
BrogaynesMusic: You said you had a shitty weekend. Just asking if you were ok
You stalking me now brogaynes? Was ruining Beyoncé not enough for you?
No, you popped up in recommended and I was just trying to be nice. Sorry for caring. Keith huffed indignantly as he typed the message and sent it.
Dude im kidding lol
… oh
Sarcasm doesn’t translate well over messaging lol knew I should have used an emoji To answer your question, not really? I found out some stuff that upset me and then I was a dick about it Still need to apologize for that
I had a bad weekend too if that makes you feel better
You want me to revel in your sadness to cure mine?
No? just trying to sympathize
ik I was kidding again I really gotta use emojis with u dude
leave me alone
you messaged me broski
…fair sorry I shouldn’t have bugged you
Nah youre good man cant sleep anyway
we can talk to each other til we fall asleep, how romantic!! Rivals to lovers! They can make a movie about us! I totally ship it
why are you like this
I didn’t get enough attention as a child im sleep depraved and lucid I hate myself and veil my insecurities with humor take your pick
Oooooooo fancy how u do that??
skill, you scrub
That’s it ive decided your emoji game is too fly for me not to be in love w/ you
I just declared my love and all you have to say is k? K?
you bastard to think I ever loved you
are you always this dramatic
I was an attention-starved middle child. I learned fast
Makes sense going to school for acting then? wait, you’re not some creepy 56 year old who preys on people on the internet right??
Lol im a sophomore in college, music production major actually and I bet you really insulted some lonely 56 year old who scours the internet for companionship to fill his empty soul
Just checking
wbu? You’re not some 56 year old who lures people in with his deceptively youthful voice are you?
Nope, college sophomore too
See! That can’t be a coincidence, we were meant to be together!
Youre weird
Thx I try what are you in for?
Performing arts
Imma take a stab and say singing?
Nice you could go far with that
I thought you hated my music
Subject matter, not quality you have a really good voice
Youre supposed to say, you too
Fishing much?
I have a fragile ego and no concept of self worth, I need constant validation
Relatable I hate dupstep, but you’re not terrible
That was painful for you to say wasn’t it
A little, not gonna lie
Well Ill take it anyway :) u tired yet
Keith stifled a yawn as he got the last message.
Yeah a little
Im that boring huh
Shut up, you asked
ik lol feel free to sign off if youre ready to sleep
nah im goodigeudjlflllllllll
you feel asleep in your phone didn’t u lol good night dude
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@lucks-eterna let me just tell you how HAPPY ECSTATIC I was while reading all of your comments on Infernal. It warms my heart that you enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it. I’ve never laughed so hard while reading fic comments before! I will go ahead and add my comments to your comments here so it's easier.
“I love that everything is just out in the open, no one’s like ‘no one can know my secret’ they’re all like ‘sup i’m a demon” - I was watching LOTR before I started writing this and I loved the idea of Drawfs, Elves, Hobbits, and Man all living together in one world, and everyone knowing about the other “species.” It definitely creates an interesting world and allows me to have more freedom in the characters relationships and interactions.
“Elena already reminds me of Marcie Millar from Hush Hush, was she the inspiration or were you going for generic high school mean girl? Ohh I would love to take a history of celestial beings class that would be way more fun than stats.” - Sort of Marcie Millar but really just your typical mean girl who thinks she's so much better. Also if I were to write a sequel, I wanted more characters to play around with as I knew some wouldn’t make it to the sequel. Also, me too, I’d totally take a class on Celestial Beings.
“Ahh yes, the old falling into the arms of the person you like trope. Truly a classic. Oh no, good things never happen in the wood. Unless they’re gonna make out cuz then I approve. Like I said, nothing good happens in the woods. *heavy breathing* he’s in her bedroom! Shiiiiiiiiiiiip you’re killing me.” - Yes, falling into your future lover's arms is a trope but it was also a way I could get both Marcus and Lucifer into the picture. Woods can be dangerous, but yes its good for make-outs lol. The last part had me cracking up 😂
“Also, mad props to you for making a side story to tie into the main one. It reminds me of the Chauncey side story in Hush Hush.” - Thank you, I wanted to not make our “bad-guy...or is he...” have his own story and then later on tie-in. Also, it gave me a chance to keep the story going and not be over so quick. (Both in the timeline and physical length)
“I just want to be friends with all of the gang and go to parties with them.” - Bruh, like me too. I was so jealous when I was writing the Chloe and her gang scenes 😂
“Mmmm yeah, he’s in her bedroom again, that’s more like it. AND HE’S SHIRTLESS!!! Ohhh living by herself? I like it. Oh no, I like it less now that something nefarious is behind it. yikes.“ - Yeaaap, just a bit more teasing cuz you love me for it. And when does something like that ever happen by chance?
“Now what’s an archangel doing on a plane when she could just use her wings? I love John Decker. I wish we could see more of him in the show. I’m excited to see more of Remi, I bet her backstory is super interesting.” - Planes are more interesting and it gave her an opportunity. 😂 Also, I wanted to give John more of a story except for what we know in the show. It’s obvious through Chloe he was a loving, caring and hardworking father/husband. It’s a shame we don’t get to see more of him and Chloe when they were younger. Also, Remi is one of my favorite characters to write!
“Ahhhhh ship, you have no idea how much I love it when my otps wash and dry dishes together. It’s one of my favorite things. I’m so glad it’s in this fic. Ahhh I love it.“ - Lol I had no idea, but good to know 😂
“Ohhhhh the two stories are coming togeeeeeetheeeeeeeer. Nooooooo, Lucifer save her, noooooo Maze, you gotta live. Nooooooooooooo. It’s getting dramatic now, wooo boy.” - It was time to heat things up.
“Marcus you bastard.“ - Need I say more?
“‘devils and demons don’t knock. Not in their nature’ dayyyyummmm“ - It’s very true.
“OH MY DAD SHE’S IN HIS BED HNNNNNGGGG. Aww I’ve always loved the head canon that Luci has hell hounds that he’s super soft with. So no wing porn then?“ - That got a good laugh out of me. I love hell hounds so yeah, can’t have the devil without his trusty pet! No Wing Porn..or at least not in this fic.
“… by a more colorful moniker, Samael” did you steal that phrasing from once upon a time 2x05 when Hook introduces himself.” -......maybe 😂, only anyone who watched OUAT would see it though or get the reference. It sounded cool ok!
“I would love if we at least got a hint in the show that Cerberus or hellhounds in general are a thing.” - SAME!
“No no no no. John Decker can’t be dead in this fic. You didn’t. Dammit, ship, you did. AND NOW LUCIFER IS POISONED AND STABBED!?!??!!? Oh, come on! Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. I’ve hit my head on a brick wall while sledding and it is painful af. Ship, why you gotta be so mean to all my fave characters this chapter? Huh? You gonna explain yourself buddy?” - Yeah, I killed him off. Ooops. *sigh* it had to be done though in case for any future written content. Yeah, just a knife wound wasn’t going to cut it because I already have a mindset of where a potential sequel would begin and how everyone fairs in their health. I’m sorry! 😫
“Whaaaaaa ok no. You’re not gonna end it there? For real? Where is the sequel? You can’t leave me hanging shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!!!! In all seriousness though, great fic. You did a really good job weaving together the two stories and your characterization was spot on for such an AU fic.“ - Perhaps during a break, if I have free time and I am in the mood, I’ll jot some ideas down. However, for now, a sequel won’t be coming anytime soon i’m afraid. I’m very pleased to hear that my versions of Lucifer, Chloe and the gang seemed legit. Thanks for reading and yes I looooooved your stream of consciousness! 
Love ya 💕
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