#also merryyyyy
dual-mayhem · 11 months
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justicerikai · 4 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #99 Xmas Present
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
As pointed out in the replies of this post, Nakagami's 来ちゃった is a simple line meaning lit. "I came without meaning to". However, it's also something commonly deployed as a cliche line in the context of a girlfriend visiting their boyfriend on a whim. It, naturally, can be used in a regular, non-romance context too to indicate an aspect of playfulness (the context I was more familiar with, so the potential double meaning was lost on me). I had translated with the latter interpretation, so I corrected it with pulling it slightly into the other direction, but trying to keep both at play.
(The seven of them all having fun)
Iori: Whoosh~! Ahahaha!
Terra: Hahaha!
Amahiko: Hup, hahahaha!
Terra: Beauty!
Amahiko: Sexy!
Iori: Merryyyyy
Iori, Terra & Amahiko: Christmaaas!
Iori, Terra & Amahiko: Ahahahaha!
(Sarukawa zipzooming on the ice)
Rikai: Ah! Saru! Watch out! Be more mindful when skating!
Sarukawa: Haaah? Shuddup moron
Sarukawa: Eeh!? The fuck you wearing a helmet for!?
Rikai: You wear one too
Sarukawa: Hell no dude!
Rikai: Listen and put it on, come on!
Sarukawa: No way, I ain’t, I don’t need it
Rikai: It’ll be a huge problem if you fall over, you’ll hurt yourself!
Fumiya: Ohse, everyone’s pretty amazing
Ohse: Yes
Fumiya: If you fall you’ll hurt yourself, do they know what they’re doing
Ohse: Right
(Terra skating right in front of Ohse and Fumiya)
Terra: Hey, what's up with you two?
Fumiya: Don’t come here
Amahiko: We’ll escort you
Ohse: No need to fuss over a piece of shit
(Terra, Amahiko and Iori pulling them along)
(Ohse and Fumiya resisting)
(Fumiya pushed to skate by Terra & Iori)
Fumiya: Woah, ooaaaooaaa aaaa aaaaaa
Terra & Iori: Ahahaha!
(Ohse pushed to skate by Amahiko & Sarukawa)
Ohse: Wooaa! Wawawawa!
Amahiko & Sarukawa: Ahahaha!
(Fumiya and Ohse grappling on each other to keep their balance)
Fumiya: Oi, Ohse don’t shake, keep it steadya aaaa aaAaaa
The five of them: Watch out watch out! You two good there!?
Rikai: DAMNIT! I told you it’s dangerous!? What do you think will happen if you hurt…Oh, oh oh!
(Rikai falls on his ass)
Rikai: Gah!
Everyone except Ohse: Hahaha!!
Ohse: Rikai-san, are you okay!?
Rikai: My buttocks…!
The five of them: Ahahaha!!!
(Torahime trying to make a phone call)
Torahime:  ….
Torahime: (...Sensei’s not picking up)
Torahime: (No way he isn’t mad about me missing Kusanagi Rikai’s break, maybe)
Torahime: (But I didn’t expect it to happen at 6 am in the morning! That’s way too early! I was sleeping!)
Torahime: (...Either way, need to make sure I won’t let a break slip through my fingers ever again.)
Torahime: (If that happens, Sensei will dispose of me.)
Iori: WAAAA!!
Torahime: (!? A break!?)
(Sarukawa pushing Iori from behind as they skate)
Sarukawa: Hahahaha!
Iori: Saru-chan that’s dangerous! I’m good on my own! Seriously! ….!!
Torahime: (N-not it…)
Terra, Ohse & Rikai: GYAAAAH!!
Torahime: (!? A break!?)
(Amahiko being half-naked from the waist up)
Terra: Don’t strip, Amahiko!
Rikai: What are you doing!
Amahiko: Ahahaha, it’s cold
Fumiya: Hahaha
Torahime: (Geez! Stop misleading me!)
Torahime: (Tch, what is about these bunch of idiots that have Sensei’s… I don’t get it at all.)
(Everyone having fun)
(Torahime looking from afar)
Torahime: …..
Iori: Everyone here? I’ll take the picture now~
Iori: Say, self-sacrifice! Contribution?
Everyone: Free serviceeee!!
(Sound of camera snap)
Iori: Okay~!
Terra: Wait, can we do it again?
The six of them: Huh?
Terra: Terra-kun’s gotta like, be way more in front
The six of them: No no no
Terra: Yes, take it again~ Solipsism, vainglory, Terra-kuuun! Hey, did you take the pic yet?
(Torahime still trying to make a phone call, looking bitter)
Torahime: ………..
Rikai: The secret santa! Has started~!
The six of them: Woooo!!
Fumiya: Puff puff puff~~
Amahiko: Bang bang bang~
Ohse: Shing shing shing~
Amahiko: Bang bang~
Fumiya: Puff puff~
Ohse: Shing shing~
Amahiko: Bang bang bang~
Ohse: Shing shing shing~
Sarukawa: The hell we exchanging gifts for, fuckin’ lame
Terra: Ah! I forgot!
The five of them: ?
Terra: Didn’t we like, forget to tell Tora-san about the secret santa?
The five of them: Ah!
(Everyone apologizing individually)
Torahime: Eh? No no no! Please don’t mind me!
Torahime: I’m a mere freeloader! I totally, absolutely don’t mind!
Torahime: And I was the only one that wasn’t called to join the group’s photo from earlier too, so….
The six of them: ………
The six of them: We’re sorry! So sorry!!
Torahime: It’s okay! I don’t mind at all! I’m a freeloader! It’s presumptuous to think I’d be included!
Rikai: Tora-san, please come over here.
Amahiko: Let’s all enjoy Christmas together
Torahime: Ah, is that so
Iori: Tora-san
Torahime: ?
Iori: Express home delivery dropped by, it was addressed to you
Torahime: …Home delivery?
(A gigantic cardboard box was left behind)
Fumiya, Sarukawa, Terra, Iori, Ohse: …Huh… tch…
(Sarukawa and Fumiya kicking it)
Torahime: Ah, please stop. Don’t kick it, Sarukawa-san, Fumiya-san
(Sound of a violent kick)
Torahime: Hey now!
Amahiko: What happened?
Fumiya: Tora-san got a christmas present
Amahiko: From who?
Torahime: ….Prob… probably from… my girlfriend, I believe.
Amahiko: Eh!?
Torahime: I’m… I’m sorry
The seven of them: EEEH!? WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING?
Torahime: HUH!?
(The seven of them all pretending to note care)
Torahime: Uh… um.. No, it’s just…
Sarukawa: Actually if you got a girlfriend then go to her
The six of them: Yes! As he says! Why are you not going back home!
Torahime: Ah, um…
Fumiya: Hey, let’s go eat cake
(Everyone agreeing)
Sarukawa: Io, does Tora get a slice?
Iori: Nope
Terra: What a shame
Everyone: Hahahaha…!
(Ohse standing infront of Torahime and threatening him)
Ohse: Snarl!
Torahime: Eh?
(Ohse runs away)
Torahime: (....Seems that I probably stepped on an unexpected landmine.)
Torahime: (Can I even stay at this house anymore…. More importantly, what is this?)
Torahime: (The handwriting… It has to be from Sensei…!)
Torahime: (This Christmas present is probably camouflage of some kind, I wonder what’s inside…)
(Torahime gently opens the box and something makes a move inside)
Torahime: !?
(Something pops out of the box)
Torahime: !?!?
Nakagami: Guess fate brought me here
The two of them: …………….
Nakagami: (Charisma House infiltration: Complete)
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