#also my freaking Documents folder is so disorganized
victorluvsalice · 2 years
The WIP Tag Game
Was tagged by @dont-offend-the-bees a little bit ago, figured it might make a fun Thursday post!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP   folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you feel like tagging because you haven't had breakfast yet and your brain is oatmeal.
Now, I don’t have a specific WIP folder (though perhaps I should), and I only have two proper “story” WIPs that I’m currently working on, but I’ll throw a few other things that are either currently sitting unfinished due to a lack of inspiration or aren’t really “stories” in the traditional sense but are scenes and whatnot I dabble in when I’m not feeling the other stuff (or, in one case, after I’ve finished playing my weekly session of a certain video game):
An Introductory Guide To Magic
As Long As You Love Me (The Full Version)
Blades In The Dark Valicer
First Time
Londerland Bloodlines: Downtown Queensland
Learn To Love Again
Tell Me Where To Find Shelter
The HypnoSnippet Archive
So, uh, yeah, have at, if you’re curious! Even if you just want an update on the One Known Project (it HAS been a while since I updated anyone on Londerland Bloodlines, hasn’t it?)
Tagging: I don’t have a lot of people I follow on here, but I know two people who are writing -- @nebbychan and @anonymoose-au! No pressure, but if you’re interested! :)
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mappingthemoon · 6 years
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01. Wood panel + tile bathroom in a rest stop off 441 (wHiCh I dRoVe To), Athens GA, 7/9/17
02. “No one will give it so just take some”: photographing Kasabian at Terminal 5 NYC, 9/14/17
03. documenting the experience / experiencing the document, or, a portrait of the photographer getting her shit wrecked: Gogol Bordello at the Georgia Theatre, 10/19/17 (R photo by Simone Cifuentes)
04. neighborhood kitty on Whitehead Road, Athens GA, 11/4/17
05. actually already cannot believe I spent much of last year looking so shitty and exhausted! wow. I remember thinking at the time that this was an A+ selfie, now i am like y i k e s. UGA Libraries secret bathroom, Athens GA, 12/4/17
06. last-minute anniversary cupcake + photo by Pete, 12/11/17
07. oh hi, photo by Pete, 12/13/17
08. reflection with the inside of a music machine at the Morris Museum in NJ, 12/17/17
“cleaning out my selfies for the end of the world”
some other stuff I did in 2017 besides (complain and freak out about) grad school. this feels like a million years ago now and not just bc even stuff that happened last week feels like a million years ago on the internet. I had a lot of Big Organizational Projects I thought I was gonna complete this summer in a whirlwind of “becoming a person again,” but mostly I was fixated on the project of finally getting caught up on editing/organizing/posting my photo backlog in some semblance of chronological order, however belated. it’s kind of a weird temporal feeling bc I remember, even at the times these pictures were taken, I was already starting to get behind on “life”, i.e., if I do not have enough time to write in my journal and/or process photos, I tend to not really process experiences/feelings -- I remember kind of spending the past year always being like "I'll have to deal with this later", and dumping pics into my /1edit folder; collecting little scraps of paper with notes on things to journal about at some later date, provided I could then remember what was so poignant about whatever barely-legible phrase I'd written; letting the mail pile up, overdrafting the bank, late fees, etc.; leaving the house, forgetting phone or keys or coffee, running late, insisting "this isn't me," wondering if this disorganized, distracted mess IS, in fact, who I am, who I have become, a person who doesn't know what the fuck is going on anymore! ultimately realizing that the nearly 10 consecutive years I have spent in school has been, in part, academic accomplishments notwithstanding!, an excuse, a valid procrastination, a way to avoid acknowledging problems and having feelings; realizing that 10 years have passed and suddenly I don't know "who I am" at the exact age in which I am supposed to be developing out of late adolescence and settling into a stable adult identity but holy shit sometimes I feel so goddamn moody and rapid-cycling in a way I haven't felt since I was like 18, which is kind of fucking annoying. this is also probably still cigarette withdrawal (psychologically) in part... anyway I spent two hours crying in the bathroom the other day which might be more than I have cried in the past five years so I guess that's a start.
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