#also my personal favorite skz dynamic
death2normalcy · 2 years
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Stray Kids Dynamics: Lee Know and Changbin
Seungmin - They fought a lot in the past. The reason they're so gentle nowadays is because they fought so much in the past. That's how they found the middle ground in their personalities.
Hyunjin - They don't bicker when they fight, they fight for real. But that's way back in the past.
Chan - It might be their personalities, but they don't address it. They just naturally make up. That's how they do it. Since they're going to be together anyways... They bicker because they like each other. That's why they fight. 
I.N. - Even when they seriously fought, the two would go to the convenience store together... And naturally make up.
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athforskz · 1 month
More Random Ult Kpop Group Questions: SKZ Version!
I did something like this a while ago when I first started this blog. So it’s time for another round! Questions below the cut I'm marking as MDNI. Like before, feel free to use this template of questions for your own ult group & tag me (and some friends if ya like). I love to see everyone’s responses 🤗
Dumbest thing you believed as a new fan?
Oof… there’s a few things I fell for as a baby stay, technically I still am a baby stay I think, BUT here’s my uhhh list: 
I thought Hyunjin had an identical twin brother.. 🫣 wait WAIIIT before you come at me, there was a rumor/joke going around at the time and obviously I didn’t know any better, so I believed it. There were even really good edits of Jinnie and his “twin” too. Then when I watched interviews where Hyunjin said he was an only child I was like ???? but eventually I figured it out.
I thought the sunshine twins were legitimately twins (they are) . Like biologically. Wtf is up with me believing twin things??
At first, I could NOT for the life of me tell the difference between Lee Know and Jeongin. No joke thought they were the same person. Which looking back on this one… how could I ever have trouble with them? They literally look nothing alike in facial structure and sound completely different in the way they talk & sing. Only thing they’re the same in is their menace behavior. 
2. Favorite duo/ship?
Usually not a shipper type of person but in regard to favorite friendship dynamic in skz, it’s gotta be SeungChan. Just watch this and there’s my reason why. Jilix is a close second because, again, sunshine twins. Followed by MinChan because watching Lee Know with his only hyung is so precious.
3. Favorite Racha (or other mini group within the whole group)? 
MeanRacha (Minho, Seungmin, & I.N) One of these 3 is literally always up to something. Causing chaos when you least expect it. The phrase “Lee Know is linoing” has become a favorite of mine because it always means he’s doing some menace antics again.
4. Favorite unreleased song?
There was a song that Hyunjin and Chan recorded years ago that Chan supposedly lost. We got a snippet of it and when I heard it I went feral because like Red Lights part 2???! PLEASE I NEED THIS SONG LIKE I NEED AIR! Chan like wtf do you mean you lost the track?! FIND IT. RECORD IT AGAIN. 
Also, all the solo performances they did at the opening concert in Seoul for the DominATE tour. Yeah, I need all those unreleased songs to be RELEASED right tf now. Give us another Replay album! And Chan… ykw let me shut up and be good for once, but I just wanna say THE GRASS AINT WORKING 
5. Favorite old song of theirs? Favorite song from their most recent project?
HEYDAY by 3racha. The whole song is a vibe but Jisung’s lazy rap when he first starts his part just does something to me 😩 
In regard to the whole group, I’d say the song 'YAYAYA' is one of my go-to jams from their older stuff. I love the tempo changes, scratches my brain in a good way.
Now as for the new album “ATE” this may be controversial to say but “I like it” is my favorite. It’s just so catchy!
6. Has your bias/bias line changed?
Since the last time I did this, yes and no? I mean as I’ve grown more as a stay I can confidently say OT8! But if I was forced to choose I say Hyunjin no surprise there and Minho.
7. What about your wreckers?
Chan continues to wreck me every. single. day. Like it’s truly insane, that man KNOWS what he’s doing. I’d also like to add that I.N has been wrecking me left and right the last few months which I blame his hyungs for that. 
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Please skip this portion if it makes you uncomfortable. This is the delulu brain talking. 
8. Which member are you attracted to the most physically? What about emotionally?
Physically I’m going to say OT8! Like have you seen those MEN?! I would be lucky to even get a crumb from them like bffr. Changbin, Hyunjin & Minho
Emotionally probably Changbin & Chan. From the glimpses we get of their true feelings & perspectives on things I relate to them the most. Honorable mention for this one will be Hyunjin because he’s such a romantic and I wanna say Seungmin too. I feel like before we didn’t get to see a lot of Seungmin ‘off camera’ per se, but with his [Song by] series we get to see more of his real personality and thoughts.
9. If you ever actually had the chance, who do you think you’d work out in a long-term relationship with (please remember the first rule of Kpop)? 
Probably, Changbin. Mans is a walking green flag. He’s a good listener, considerate of other’s feelings while still being honest. Always there for you. Funny af too. Overall, considering how I am as a person I think, Changbin would just be a good match for me. Like in my delulu brain me and Binnie would have that friends to lovers trope going for us. Even my dearest honey bun thinks so, she did write about it for me afterall💕 
10. A favorite kink of yours and member to fit that kink?
To keep it somewhat light in the kink department I’m going to go with hands. And a member to fit it the best, aka who I think has the most attractive hands will go to Jeongin. Innie has giant and such well structured hands. Rings sit so pretty on his fingers too which makes me feral. Like AHHDKSISVJKDW please grip my wrists and throat sir! *ahem* I mean, please let’s hold hands 🫶🏽 
Honorable hands mention will go to Minho because the veins on that man’s hands are just so ✨🥴
11. Favorite sluttiest choreography/move they’ve done?
Damn do I have a lot for this one *cracks knuckles*
The choreo for Silent Cry. Need I say more?
Anytime Hyunjin body rolls
Every single hip thrust/roll from Minho
The “POPPIN 🗣️” part in Maniac, especially when Binnie does it.
That one part in Charmer. Y’all know exactly what part I’m talking about.
Red lights. Need I say more, pt 2
The entire choreo for Taste. Bonus points to Minho when he did the special stage where he’s fucking hip thrusting from the side (I hope y’all know which one I’m mentioning here)
12. Most unhinged fic or edit you have enjoyed of them?
There’s a lot for this question too but I’ll keep it short. I’ll start with unhinged fics. I enjoy dark themes because let’s face it. Trauma. Please be warned these fics aren’t for the faint of heart, so if you read them, be warned. Some are lighter than others, but please read warnings!
Game Over feat. Seungmin & I.N by @sanakimohara
Games feat. I.N by @dandelions-143
Chemical Infatuation feat. Han by @hanjisick
ABANB series feat. OT8! by @doitforbangchan
The SKZ House series feat. Chan & Hyunjin by @writeonwhiskey
As for edits, there are even more that I enjoy. But I’ll only choose 1 for the sake of time and it’s only letting me attach one video.
Alright, that’s it! Thanks for reading if you stuck it out this far! I really didn't intend for it to be this long but it was so fun that I got carried away. Now for tags, I’ll go with my typical beautiful babes @doitforbangchan @jehhskz @torialefay + anyone else who wants to join!
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hwnglx · 1 month
in light of their recent contract renewal, i thought i'd do a reading on the company's opinion on the members 💌 enjoy
jyp's favorite stray kids members
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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#1 felix most profitable member, heartbeat of the group. he keeps them going, gives them the drive to remain determined. also is very ambitious when it comes his career. they think he has this inner fire that's unleashed once he taps into work mode. the company puts a lot of thought and effort into figuring out how to market him, use him to his full potential. he's also like a sponge, absorbs all the member's energies.
#2 hyunjin very close to being no 1, lix just gives more favorite child. hj has the most star power, literally carries the group. in jyp's eyes, skz wouldn't be what they are without hyunjin's impact. he has an abundance of dreams and wishes, isn't easily satisfied and carries himself in a proud manner. knows what he can do for the group. but also, is the most cherished one within the members, someone they're very protective over. they care about him a lot.
#3 seungmin cares a lot about the group's harmony, willing to sacrifice his own beliefs and opinions for the sake of his members. very agreeable and easy to manage. like he just doesnt bring you any trouble, a company's dream.
#4 jeongin cutely enough, the most professional and mature when it comes to work. good at keeping a level head and separating his private life from his career. brings a lot of happy energy into the group, makes them more of a family. (they think skz would bicker more if it wasn't for him bringing a sense of joy into their dynamic) however, can be explosive unexpectedly, isn't afraid to raise his voice when necessary.
#5 bang chan very intuitive and smart, obviously a member in place of authority. makes the big decisions. constantly worrying and pondering over what to do next, how to keep up their momentum and hold on to their fanbase. good at mediating between the members and the company. can get hyperfixated on certain things and get very controlling or manipulative, knows how to get what he wants from the company. (basically uses the company's resources for skz's “own” good -> doesn't take jyp's opinion into consideration if he feels strongly about something. but obviously knows jyp benefits from their success too so = win win)
#6 lee know very close to being no 5. jyp thinks he's someone who dealt with a lot of losses and sadness in the past. was able to overcome it by keeping busy, he's amazing at balancing different priorities. makes it look very easy and effortless. has a quiet but strong inner confidence, doesn't let anyone stand in his way. doesn't insert himself into discussions too much and tries to remain balanced, only speaks up if he feels strongly about something.
#7 jisung i expected him to be higher, but jyp just struggles handling him sometimes. they think he isn't that reliable, very easily tired and hurt, needs a lot of mental breaks. unpredictable and unstable, you never know if you're gonna get drained or energetic jisung today. they think he's disconnected to his feelings a lot, a lot of numbness. jyp thinks he's a genius and could be one of the most popular members if he didn't stand in his own way. i can sense worry about the public not understanding and judging him. (the cards flew for him my god)
#8 changbin i just kept hearing “말 넘많아” which translates to “he talks too much” lol, they think he disagrees with almost everything the company says, always finds himself in conflict with them. just hard to handle. like, even if the entire group agrees, changbin can probably find something else to nag about and improve. they do acknowledge he plays a huge role for the emotional support in skz though. he's the rock for many members. he's good at reading them, speaking up for them, being their shoulder to cry and lean on. like a soft and gentle father figure.
tbh, i can't sense any animosity towards any members here. they all have a decent enough relationship with the company, their liking just goes towards some members more than others. i can tell they're very aware of how essential the group is for the company's brand, profit, reputation, etc.. so they definitely are very considerate towards them, and making sure they're all satisfied with what they get. the road wasn't all rainbows and butterflies though.. i can see a lot of discussions being held in the past, and skz needing to hold their ground firmly in order to get what they want.
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7ndipity · 5 months
Get to know me
Thanks to @bethanysnow for tagging me!
❣ Who is your favorite Kpop group?❣
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Bts and Stray Kids! There's several groups that I love, but these two hold a very special place in my heart💜
❣ Which member sparked your interest first?
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I don't quite remember for Bts, but I'm pretty sure it was Namjoon. I was really drawn to his general style and aesthetic, as well as his solo work like Mono.
For Skz, it was Hyunjin, bc gifs of him kept popping up in my recommendations after the 'Oh' mv was released and I got curious and checked them out. So it's basically his fault for bringing me into this fandom, lol!
❣ Who was your first bias?
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Yoongi and Chan
❣ Who is your current bias?
Yoongi and Chan(lol)
❣ What makes them your bias?
For Yoongi, he's the grandpa to my grandma energy, lol! Fr tho, I think it's bc he's so genuinely himself?? Like I love his dry humor, his writing style, his awkward tsundere energy, despite having such a soft heart🥺. Like, I will never understand how people think he's cold or indifferent, he's such a kind, loving person. I really admire his drive and passion for music, he's one of the people who inspired me to take back up writing. Idk, it's just everything.
For Chan, he's just super sweet and funny, and he clearly cares so much for everyone around him, from his group members to their crew/staff to the fans. He's also just soo relatable, and I really admire his dynamic with the fans, he feels like a best friend. I also really appreciate his honesty on tougher topics like self love and mental health. He's brought me so much comfort on tough days and makes me want to be a better person. Again, Idk, he's just Chris💜
❣ Who is your bias wrecker?
Literally EVERY OTHER MEMBER of both groups, lol! Like it's impossible not to love all of them!
❣ Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
For Skz, Minho(I blame @bethanysnow for helping fuel this lol) and a bit Han(the new curly hairstyle and the song covers he keeps posting on insta feel like a direct attack on me I swear)
❣ When did you first discover this group?
I'd been vaguely familiar with Bts for a few years, but it wasn't until my sister sent me some of their mvs back in 2020 that I started actively listening to their music.
For Skz, it was the summer of 2021, just after the 'Oh' mv was released, like I mentioned above.
❣ Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No, but a girl can dream
❣ What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
Paradise, The truth untold, Louder than bombs, Blood sweat tears, Zero 'o clock, Blue & gray, Pied piper, Jamais vu,
Oh, Gone Away, Sorry I love you, Red lights, Chill, Cover me, Hello stranger, Waiting for us
Tagging @a-gayish-unicorn @crabby-libra @this-must-be-my-tardis and whoever else wants to play!
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minsungchronology · 11 months
My Personal Opinions on Minsung's Dynamic (2020)
Disclaimer: I am not trying to pass off my opinions as facts. This is my personal interpretation of what is laid out right in front of us. I could be completely off base because I don’t know these guys personally, so take this with a grain of salt and feel free to disagree!
I think it’s more than safe to say Lee Know and Han find each other attractive.
They don’t even try to hide it.
You really start to see it this year, especially from Han’s side (how the turn tables).
2020 was such a good year for them. You can tell that the guys are a lot more confident and vibrant, especially when you compare it to the latter half of 2019. I think Lee Know really starts to come into himself during Gods Menu era (like I mentioned previously), like his confidence here is another level. Compare him to his 2018 self and you'll really notice the difference.
But as I also mentioned before, Han’s attitude really changes this year.
First with the Osen Star Road video: Lee Know talks about working part-time at a restaurant flipping steak and Han blurts out “Flip me!” The members’ reactions to that are priceless if you replay that clip. His intrusive thoughts won that day.
Then there’s the Unlock concerts: the clip of him staring at LK through the giant monitor like he saw the galaxy and LK catching him in the process has me in stitches every time I watch it. (Almost foreshadowing to another instance where he does the same exact thing in 2023, but for a different reason 😉)
The fancam from Music Core during Gods Menu Era where Han literally fans himself right after he stares at LK.
And then casually calling him “Hot” as he films him in one of the SKZ talkers.
Last but not least, the “All in” clip where he goes “You” (Dangshin) after Lee Know asks “What have you been all in?”. Intrusive thoughts win again!!
And the feeling is mutual too.
During the Weekly Idol episode when Han does yet ANOTHER sexy dance, Lee Know tries to create an exaggerated, taken aback reaction much like what the other members are doing. (Some of them are playfully grossed out) But he can’t hold it for that long at all lmfao. Like, his body language completely betrays him. (Man literally says ‘wow’ and bites his lip skjdhaksjhkjashd)
Lee Know also seems to really like Han’s look in the “Easy” MV. (this is one of his best looks imo so I don’t blame him) First, he draws it in one of his vlives and then makes it his mission to mention that was his favorite part (exact time stamp and everything!) before getting all teeheehee shy. Like bro??? How do you even remember that?
Much like last year, it’s not as obvious as it was in 2018. But the occasional "slip up" doesn't ever really go away. Though, they come back in full force around 2022 and 2023 (especially!!).
We get to see a little bit more of their little hangouts. Either that or they just casually mention them in passing. They really do take the time to hang out together outside of work schedules. As much as they’ve mentioned hanging out together, fans have also spotted them out together on many occasions throughout the years. Imagine living with someone, working with them 24/7, and then wanting to spend the very limited amount of spare time you have with them as well, when you…already see them every day.
Oh! and Butt-hunter LK makes his official debut this year. His unique way of showing affection towards the members. Han seems to be his number one victim though (ooooh wow how shocking 🤥).
My personal opinions:
Again, I’m preetty sure they are just friends this year. From what we are shown, I personally don't see anything more (outside of potential feelings) unless you purposefully take moments out of context and ignore how they perceive each other around this time.
Though, they don’t shy away from the mutual playful banter and flirting, as well as being appreciative of each others looks. They seem a lot more comfortable and confident with themselves than they were in previous years, so its not something they refrain from doing. It also seems to carry onto 2021 and future years. But it’s not something you saw as much prior to 2020.
However, I do think Han, for the first time, starts developing feelings that go beyond platonic this year. If I had to pinpoint a year for him, it would probably be 2020. Han’s "Han's Communication Show - Stay 2nd Bday" Vlive gave a lot of insight in such a brief time. He seems like someone who wants to put a distance between himself and any sort of feeling that crosses the platonic/non-platonic boundary with LK. He says he doesn’t want to spend too much time with him, but they always end up together. 🙃 He literally says "Lee Know is annoying" while giggling/laughing like that. (Is he attempting to convince himself or us? I don’t know.)
It kind of goes back to him saying stuff like: “I stared/glared at him b/c he was so handsome...cause i was jealous of his looks." "I ranked him as one of the lowest b/c I don’t like good looking men." "I don’t like when he winks at me it’s so annoying" etc etc.
I honestly don’t think he’s even aware of it. Like sometimes he’ll blurt something out that kind of….gives him away in a sense? Like a Freudian slip or an intrusive thought.
I’ve also noticed he tends to pay extra attention/laugh extra hard at Lee Know’s jokes or little quirks that might go undetected by the others. 
In 2021, the playful back and forth flirting really ramps up between them. I think that year (and onwards) is when they are the most secure with themselves, at least compared to 2020 and the years prior.
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starjxsung · 5 months
Hey Star!!
No idea what to say on my first ask here, so maybe talk about your favorite genres to write and why? And maybe your favorite members to write about?
Also, I was really curious about one thing. You mentioned how your next fic will probably be divided into two iirc and that made me wonder if one day you’d ever write a chaptered fic? I would absolutely love to read something like from you cause more chapters would mean more room for plot and character building without feeling constrained to a certain word limit!!
This was probably so fucking counterintuitive considering you created this blog for random asks and here I am asking about fic shit SORRY ILY 🩷
HI ANGEL don’t apologize I love love loooove getting these kinds of questions !!
Favorite genres. I do love contemporary romance within the realm of strangers to lovers or common romance tropes within contemporary romance, especially friends to lovers or a specific dynamic / occupation like bartender x reader, professor x reader, etc. I like these because I feel like there’s so much you can do with the pining and the sexual tension leading up to when the characters finally get together and it’s so much fun to illustrate sexual chemistry. I love characters with a small barrier between them- i.e. one already has a significant other, they initially hate each other in the beginning, it’s a “forbidden romance”, etc. I feel like when done correctly these can be particularly fun and sort of break the boundaries of what you’d normally expect from these relationships!
I actually never mentioned this on main™️, but I have also been working on a sci-fi romance based in the realm of a “high-tech Tokyo cyberpunk metropolis” setting for quite some time, and it’s been really exciting to illustrate, but also there’s so much you can do with plot and character development that I really love about the genre. It definitely won’t see the light of day on this site, and even then its farrrr too long (I think just chapter 1 alone sits at roughly 15K words) but I’m set on the direction I want it to take and when it’s finished I’d love to get it physically bound into a personal copy if possible. My sister’s been pushing me to get it professionally published and she’s really into the plot, but I would have to be both closer to its finish AND know what I want out of a publishing site because I’m nottttt about to have my work professionally stolen. 😭 it does also currently involve 2 skz members for visual inspo (but obviously names would be changed upon hypothetical publication). But yeah! Lil fun fact in addition to my other projects 🌃
I would love to create a chaptered series at some point! I definitely have to go through my current “to write” list and see what can best be broken out into chapters, but I think scheduled releases and taking the time to really build out characters and plot developments is super fun. Perhaps after my next release I’ll see what works best and see how I can do chapters 👼 I’m glad you brought this up because it crossed my mind briefly but I honestly didn’t think anyone would care for chaptered work and I’m excited to see there’s still appetite for it on this site !!
Anyways I’m sorry this was so long but thank you for these questions I genuinely enjoy answering them so much and I love you !!!!!! So much !!!!!! 👼💕💗💖💓💞
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hexonthepeach · 10 months
you mentioned you've been reading ateez fics lately. i just got into that group and would love some atz fic recommendations if you have any you'd be willing to share!!
welcome to ateez! they're such a gift to me as one of the first 4th gen fandoms i dipped my toes in along with skz. their lore may seem complex but it's actually easier to absorb than most with the way they've kept a clear through line of anarchy and anti-establishment deconstruction of "traditional" values (the real was my first comeback lol).
i haven't been able to deep dive in a while due to life/writing but you're gonna have a great time, i cannot wait to hear who you bias they're all very special to me.
with ateez i attune to writers who give me specifically intriguing characterization (yunho ult, seonghwa, hongjoong, and wooyoung is my wrecker) and obviously i'm a fan of polyamory so these recs will be coded to that but know there's a wealth of good fic out there for everyone. if you find recs send them my way i will absolutely read and rec as i have very few people in my life to exchange with but my asks and dms are open
in no particular order but with obvious bias:
@honeyhotteoks - this night together (a/b/o) is a masterclass entry in kpop omegaverse poly and while it's ongoing i'd wait until judgment day patiently for an update. they weave in situational heat help with so many emotions and a natural response to turn to other members for a "safer" less personal experience while unpacking the difficulty of dynamics across multiple lines it's immersive and real and so, so, so good. they have an incredible oeuvre but they specifically write yunho so beautifully it's a gift i could never stop being thankful for. room for three (seonghwa/yunho established relationship with unicorn reader) is an all time fave but know summer series and the rest of their yunho ml is my bible as a fellow hotteok
@tenelkadjowrites - not just my favorite seonghwa writer but one of my favorite writers of all time, said after decades of fic reading/writing, many of them in the star wars universe (yes we're including my formative years here but i'm a they/them hag). a once in a lifetime kismet of finding someone who can create perfect little aus that absorb you and all feel distinctly different. could i pick a favorite of their work? never. but video girl (90s au with a perfect actual real to my own experience soundtrack) and especially attention (camboy seonghwa with inexperienced reader and a beautiful twist of self-discovery) rocked my world, along with wallflower (true to canon star wars nerd seonghwa office au) are their most recent but just sit back and enjoy their entire catalogue. it's like discovering an artist who you'll follow for their rest of your life (and that's true for everyone i'm reccing tonight)
@setsugekka - art hoe kim hongjoong lives and breathes so fully realized in their writing that i feel like an idiot trying to convey what it has done for my own. i have both paradise lost and atarashi sitting in drafts for long form reviews because of how deserved they are for full reads/reactions but i'll be clear i found their ateez and skz work (and as a minho bias i'll be going there as well) through the mona lisa that is déjà rêvé and déjà vu aka the quintessential dom!doyoung text that has informed my own writing. i really can't add more to that statement beyond them being an impetus for me writing rpf over the last 2 years including longform
@ncteez - philomene [hongjoong/reader - stoned inexperienced perfect perfect fic] - i absolutely love the dreaminess of this fic and it's comforting as someone who loves stoned sex irl and in writing, perfectly articulated and wrought. no more words this song played on repeat while reading i wish i could offer a playlist for how perfect this was but also i could not hold a candle to the entirety of how many of their nct fics have carried me through the last few years. color evasion (dom!johnny/inexperienced reader) lives with me daily but everything they write will be a must read for me, thank you for these gifts
@shadowynn - in love and lore is one of the reasons i started writing longform fic. it's a fantasy demon!ateez au with such an incredibly well-written backstory that even if it isn't finished there's so much there to enjoy and go back to. it's like a first novel and whatever i receive will be good but god, hongjoong and seonghwa with healer/half-demon reader . . . inspiration isn't even the word i could use to describe how well the set-up and pacing is at this point . . . same with the paradigm complex. winnie writes reverse harem with a clear understanding of how to thread multiple storylines and arcs together and i am continuously in awe by whatever i am given.
this was such a long answer but i am in my feelings and so grateful for the fic writers that have given me the courage to post. apologies for not being able to make this shorter and to anyone i tagged forced to read my ramblings i am legit so grateful for your contributions
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hwavsg4ch4n · 2 years
Synergy|| L.M
Warnings/tags: switch!reader, fem!reader, possessive!reader, switch!minho, soft!dom minho, fwb dynamic, angst, pet names, praising, mentions of weed, mentions of alcohol, choking, teasing, penetration, creampie, unprotected sex (have fun responsibly), tears of pleasure, f!M! orgasm, mentions of food. (if I missed anything lmk)
Note: hi hi, ever since I went to the maniac concert, mr. lino has been a very BIG problem for me!!! I had to write this. Also Umi is my favorite artist next to skz so it's just fitting. There's some stoner lingo in this. crossfaded means to be high and drunk at the same time, and i think everything else is self-explanatory!! pls enjoy <3
Sypnosis: Lee Minho, he has a way with words but tends to be as clueless as ever.
Disclaimer: This is mature content, proceed at your own risk. Minors dni! This is a work of fiction, this does not represent skz's real personal life or them themselves!
ps: i don't have the willpower to do kinktober, lol im so sorry The music series, I chose songs and assign them to each member. I write each work according to the vibe of said song. Each work will have smut, whether it is soft, hard, or a mixture of the two. You don’t need to listen to the song to enjoy it, the song would finish before you’re done reading but listening to the song in general is recommended, because why not? To learn more click &lt;here>.
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Part of the music series <masterlist>
You should've known. Known that your heart would hurt as much as it is now when you decided to fuck with Minho.
You rolled your eyes at the despicable sight in front of you, "Girl, don't worry about him." Your friend tried to steer your attention somewhere else, trying to get you to look away from Minho dancing with someone who wasn’t you. You hated the way he gripped her waist, whispering in her ear as she giggled shyly. You wanted to look away, you really did. But for some reason, you were too captivated by the feeling of heartbreak.
You weren't even in a relationship, that was the sad part. The two of you were friends, friends that made an agreement to satisfy each other's needs. Minho made it clear, "No feelings Y/n, I'm not doing that shit right now." You agreed fully, but he treated you like everything and nothing all at the same time. He knew your body too well, you always had the feeling he memorized every crevice, every sensitive spot on your form.
But it wasn't only your body he grew accustomed to, it was your soul.  He knew how to speak to you, making you blush in ways you didn't know was possible. At first it was stupid generic compliments while he was burried in you, "You look so pretty like this." Of course you liked it. But as Minho learned how to satisfy you, he learned how to please you mentally, tweaking his affirmations. "You look so pretty for me." Even though the change was small, it made you cum prematurely the very first time he said it. Like your efforts were being recognized; always wanting to look pretty for him.
His pretty words weren't only used in the bedroom. At first they were,  but eventually he would whisper in your ear, "That perfume... it drives me crazy" in front of mutual friends, "How come you look so beautiful every time I see you?" he’d scoff this while studying, like it was nothing.
Why him? This was a question you often asked yourself, a question you were asking yourself now. Watching as he probably whispered the same things he told you, to her.
"Can I have the pre-roll, Kim? I'm going for a smoke break." You sniffled, holding out your hand. She gave it to you willingly, you avoided her eyes, turning around and navigating through the dancing bodies. You had to pass him, it was dumb of you to glance over. The sight made the lump in your throat greater. Why did he have to slip his damn hand under her shirt?  Why did he have to pull her impossibly closer? Why, why did he have to smile at her?
Your pace picked up, exiting the front door with an intake of breath. You couldn't hold in the pitiful tears as you let out a shaky sigh, walking down the driveway to lean against your friend's car. "How dumb can I be?" Your whispered words felt like venom in your chest as you repremaned yourself, sparking the blunt with the lighter Minho gave you the time he taught you to smoke. 
The blunt felt comfortable between your lips, the lighter making the nicest sounds as puffs of smoke filled the open air.
Maybe you shouldn't be getting high right now, you'd feel everything harder. All those damn people lied, smoking doesn't take away the pain, it just makes those damn emotions more potent. Who knows, maybe weed didn't even want to see you happy.
"Smoking by yourself? Didn't even invite me?" Your heart stopped, quickly looking down to the pavement to avoid the gaze of the man that caused these fat tears running down your cheeks.
"You trying to hide from me, y/n? Always so cute." You frowned, feeling his pressence next to you. "I didn't know you were here, why didn't you say hi?" You gulped, taking another pull in silence. "Go away." the plea was only apparent in your mind. "Y/n?" Your lip quivered as he took hold of your chin, bringing your gaze up to him.
Why were his eyes so pretty? Why was this strain so strong tonight? Why did he mean everything to you? You sniffled, gulping as tears fell freely. Minho frowned, obviously confused as to why you were quietly breaking down in front of him, clueless to the fact that he was the cause.
You moved your chin out his grip, not bothering to protest as he took the blunt from your shaking fingers. "Who did it, Y/n?" He asked softly, taking a pull expertly. You let out a sarcastic chuckle, looking into the house as lights flashed and music blared. "Uhm, who was the person you were dancing with?" Fuck, why did you ask that? It didn't help that your voice sounded small, weak. It also didn't help that Minho stopped leaning on the vehicle to stand in front of you.
"Just some girl." With the nonchalant answer, came the nonchalant way he put the blunt in-between your lips. He watched as you took a pull, aiming the smoke away from his face as you exhaled. "I know you too well, don't try and hide your emotions from me." He huffs out, swiping a lone tear away as it threatens to escape your redend eyes.
"Talk to me~." He whined, taking the blunt and taking the last pull before stomping it out. "I wanted the last bit." You pouted quietly. He chuckled, "I'm sorry pretty girl, next time I got you." You hated how Minho spoke, how he probably spoke the same way to her.
"Don't call me that." He raised his brows in surprise, "Hm? But you love it, don't you?" You did, you loved his compliments, that was what aggravated you the most.
Minho studied how you tried to avoid his gaze, crossing your arms. You didn't even flash your heart warming smile at him when he greeted you. His eyes narrowed, "Did I do something wrong, princess?" He asked hesitantly, the pet name coming out instinctively.
"Minho..." you sighed, too tired to keep it in any longer; maybe you'll feel better. "You, you make me feel like shit." He stayed quiet, his frown deepening as you let yourself rant. "I don't know why, I- I really don't know, but uhm... I want you all to myself, as selfish as that sounds. I didn't like seeing you smiling at someone else, touching someone else like how you touch me. I don't like assuming you told that girl the same compliments you tell me. You're not mine, I know that. But I have feelings, and I get jealous."
"Y/n..." He started, "I'm going back inside. Uh, just ignore this ever happened. I didn't mean it." You did mean it, you meant all of it.
"Fuck," Minho cursed himself, watching with a frown as you walked back inside to crowded house. He didn't get to apologize, say that he didn't know you felt this way about him. Tell you this was an obviously idiotic strategy to get over you.
Minho was beyond pissed, he was raging. Only seeing red as he saw you kiss some other guy, gliding your hands through the randoms hair as you did his so many times. He could understand you were angry, but that didn't stop him from being angrier.
You don't know why you did it, but you knew you were sad, wanting a distraction from what you assumed was rejection. Therefore you downed two shots, locked eyes with the guy that has flirted with you once or twice, and used him. He didn't mean anything, you didn't remember his name, but you used him to forget the name you couldn't seem to forget.
The next events were all a blur, being yanked away from this guy, only to see an angry Minho punch said guy in the face. "Minho!" You gasped, as did everyone else in the room. "What the fuck!?" you yelled, watching as he shook away the pain in his hand.
It was a blur as he dragged you outside, called an uber and brought you home. He didn't talk to you, and you didn't talk to him.
It was only when you were sitting on his kitchen counter with confusion written on your face when he began to speak. "Are you fucking crazy?" you blinked at his question. "Excuse me?" He scoffed at your response. "You tell me you like me... then you make out with another guy." His calmness unsettled you.
"Minho, you fucking rejected me." But you didn't raise your voice either. "I-." "What, so you wanna control me now? You reject me, then punch some guy I made out with because I'm not your pro-" You were cut off, unable to speak as he grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks.
"Will you let me speak?" You glared up at him, as he glared down at you. "I like you too." You murmured out a muffled "Liar." But he understood, rolling his eyes in response.
Your eyes were clear with uncertainty, he could tell. Minho knew you didn't believe his words with time, "Can I kiss you?" He asked bluntly, releasing his grip on your cheeks just enough for you to respond. "Now is not the time to make-" "Just trust me, hm? Let me show you."
You hesitated. “Minho, I may be cross faded as fuck… and obviously you are too,” You scoffed, “But this infatuation thing I’m feeling for you… it’s starting to feel like hatred.” His grip on your cheeks loosened as he frowned. “Did I ever tell you that I didn’t feel the same way? Hm?” You peered into his eyes as he spoke, stroking your cold cheeks. 
“No, but I see you with someone new every time I turn around. It’s… embarrassing.” Minho winced, realizing that you felt exactly how he felt just 20 minutes ago… but only almost every outing the two of you have been to. “Y/n, baby… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that my communication skills are ass.” His confession almost made you laugh in disbelief. Lee Minho, the one who used his words to get you there… was bad at communication. 
“Tell me how you feel about me Minho, I wanna hear it.” You knew this was the weed and liquor talking, but you stopped caring as soon as he looked into your eyes with raw emotion. 
Of course he knew how big you were on words, well his words. How he spoke, whispered, yelled… how he addressed you. It was dangerous, almost lethal. 
“Every time I’m in you… I feel like we become one. And every time I get the pleasure to breathe in the same air as you, I feel like its all I need in that moment.” You gulped, breathing in his scent. “As selfish as this sounds, I want you to myself too.” Silence filled the air as he stopped talking. His sparkling brown eyes staring into yours, trying to read any emotion you could offer him. It seemed as if your hand moved on it’s own as you softly clutched his cheek in your palm. “I’m yours, Y/n. You have me, all of me. No more bullshit.” His voice was gentle, but the urgency seeped through.
You couldn’t help but get lost in his eyes again. You let your thumb brush over his pink lips that you admired so often. “These are mine?” You ask, shuttering as he presses a soft kiss to the pad of your thumb. “All yours.” His voice was heavy. Your hands travel down from his shoulders, your nails slightly digging into his flesh covered by his shirt. You observed as Minho took in a deep breath gulping as he shut his eyes at your touch. 
“I’m gonna claim you, Minho.” He opened his eyes at your statement, “H-huh?” He didn't mean to stutter, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t used to hearing you speak to him like this, it was always the other way around. You smiled softly, your fingers making their way under his shirt, feeling at his warm skin. He sighed at your touch, the sight making you part your lips. “You want to show me how much I mean to you, hm?” He nodded silently at your question, curious as to what was going through your head.
“Let me do what I want to you.” He sucked in a breath, feeling his pants tighten at the mere thought of you using him how you wanted. “And when i’m done, I want you to fuck me like you mean it. Is that okay, Minho?” You peered up at him through your lashes, catching his hungry gaze as he muttered an “Of course.” You smiled at him gently, pushing him away so you could get off the counter. “Should we go-” You cut him off, “Why are you talking?” He raised an eyebrow at your words. “I-I’m sorry.” If this was any other session between the two of you, he would have admired your efforts, looking at you amused as you tried to reverse the tables. But this time around, he didn’t want to risk pushing your buttons. Almost afraid to show any ounce of dominance, he didn’t want to fuck this up.
Minho gulped and you took his black T-shit off for him, licking your lips as you stared at his naked torso. He felt so exposed in the best way possible, his nipples hardening as they made contact with the breeze drafting through his dining room. He flinched as you flicked at his bud, he swallowed back a grunt as you pinched. “Ah- bab-” You shushed him and he listened, his chest falling and rising heavily as you touched him at your own pace. He didn’t notice as you observed his expressions, as his gaze was too focused on where your hands were going next. You wondered if he liked to be praised as well, how much it would effect him. 
“You look so good like this,” His gaze shifted up to yours slowly as you spoke. “You always look so good, how could I not fall for you, hm?” Minho bit his lip, feeling his ears turn red at your compliments; all the while twitching as you continued to play with his sensitive nipples. This is the first time he’s ever felt so defenseless.
“I wonder,” You one hand traveled lower as the other stayed pinching and flicking, “how would all those girls react to seeing sweet talker Minho react to little old me playing with his cute, pretty, sensitive, nipples.” He didn’t mean to let out the whimper he did. “Oh look at you, crumbling apart already. Tell me how this feels?” He lets out a grunt as you squeeze his hard on through his pants, his eyes closing as his lips parted. “Tell me, Min.” The man licked his lips, “G-good, feels good baby.” His voice was raspy and light as he tried his best to answer you. 
You couldn’t help but to feel smug as you watched the man that usually had you ripping at the seams crumbling before you. “I bet you wanna fuck me so bad, don’t you baby?” Minho hummed, feeling your hand unbutton his pants and slip under the waistband of his boxers, gripping his length. “Yes, please.” You scoffed at his response, “I didn’t even need to make you beg, you’re just so needy. I bet you’re wishing my hand was my pussy.” Minho chuckled in disbelief, looking into your eyes with need. “Y/n, you’re killing me here beautiful.” you giggled, pecking his plump lips, tsking as he tried to chase as you pulled away. 
Unfortunately, this felt like tourture to you as well. Felling his length twitch in your palms made your crave for him to fill you up even more. Your hand continued to stroke his member as the other ran through his locks. “You’re gonna fuck me now, do you understand?” Minho nodded, “Can- can I kiss you please?” You cooed. His voice timid, his hands clenched as he waited for your permission. Your other hand joined your other as you pulled at his hair softly, a sigh admitting from him. You smiled, pulling his lips to yours. Minho sighed into you, his hands fighting the urge to touch you without you granting him access. 
“Such a good boy,” You whispered as you pulled away. Minho looked down, feeling flustered at the praise. His dick aching to be released as he watched you undress your bottom half, leaving your tank top on. Minho let you pull his boxers down, “You have such a pretty dick, how are you real?” He whined, “Baby, please.” You smirked, lifting yourself on the counter top. “Inside, now.” Minho was going to ask about foreplay, that was until he witnessed how wet you were. Glistening in the dim light of the room. “U-Uhm, condom-” You scoffed, surprising him as you cut him off. “You’re mine remember, you’re not wasting a drop of cum in a fucking condom.” Minho shuttered, clearing his throat as he moved towards your awaiting cunt, feeling more nervous than usual.
Your hand grabbed his chin, lifting his eyes up to meet yours. “Fuck me like you mean it.” Minho bit his lip, running his tip through your slit, gathering your arousal before stretching you out. It was right then and there where you could feel your little dom act slipping, you clutched his shoulder as you gasped at the feeling of him filling you, your eyes rolling back as this is what you waited for. 
Minho stayed still, smirking as he observed your act slowly disappearing, the pleading look he knew so well making an appearance. His hands gripped your thighs, easing the rest of himself in your heat, absorbing your whimpers as licked his lips at the sight of you. “It’s okay, beautiful, I’ve got you now. Just relax, hm?” You nodded, not fighting the change of roles as he bottomed out.
He began to thrust, his movements were deep, angled because he knew right where you needed him after months of getting to know your body. “F-fuck,” You whispered, looking down to witness where he slid in and out of you, whining as he picked up speed. You swallowed dryly as Minho grasped the back of your neck, pushing his forehead to yours as he fucked you, exactly how you asked. “I’m yours y/n,” You looked into his eyes as yours were hooded. “Hm? I’m yours baby, my dick is yours. I don’t fuck anyone but you princcess, how could I when you take me so well?” You let out a muted sob, tears forming as he hit your sensitive areas every time, his free hand rubbing at your clit.
“F-Fuck, fuck Min- Minho.” Your voice was weak, only moans coming through as he shushed you. “Shhhh, baby it’s okay. I’m here, I got you.” Minho pecked your nose as he watched tears escape your eyes. He let go of the back of your neck, his grip moving to the base instead, slightly squeezing just how you liked it. He held you away from him  slightly, trying to ignore how good you felt around him. Minho smirked, seeing your cunt begin to cream around his length as he was practically pounding into you, Your clit becoming puffy as his thumb flicked at the bundle of nerves. You let out a stream of hushed curses as you held onto his wrist, begging him to choke you harder which he did. Minho bit his lips as he watched your legs start to shake, trying to close shut as the stimulation became almost too much for you. “Cum for me baby, I know you can. It’s almost over.” Minho told you gently, grunting as your walls tighten around him. “There you go, princess.” He watched with a grin as you let out loud drawn out moans, tears flowing your face as you came around him.
You whimpered as he kept fucking into you, “Min, cum in me, please. Wanna feel you.” Minho cooed at your request, stroking your cheek as he reassured you, “I’m gonna fill you up baby, is that what you want?” You nodded feverishly, breathing heavily as he chuckled. Minho grabbed your waist, grinding his hips into you as he grunted. “Fuck, you always feel so good around me.” you thought it was impossible to blush in this situation, but you did.
Your lips parted as you watched Minho’s head tilt back, licking lips as he cursed at the feeling of his climax approaching. You whimpered as you felt him twitch inside you, filling you up with warmth as he pulled you in, kissing you as he made sure you didn’t waste a drop.
After a while, you giggled. Watching as Minho pulled out of you, a bit of his cum seeping out as he took a finger to push it back in. You said nothing as he closed your legs for you, rubbing at your thighs as he pecked all over your face. “I’m yours baby, all of me.” You nodded with a tired smile. “Don’t hate me, hm?” You chuckled at his words. “If you take a bath with me and make spaghetti, then I won’t.” Minho smiled, “Deal.”
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sunshinebbokari · 2 months
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seeking oc discord 1x1 krp
getting uncomfortably close to four years since my last 1x1, so hoping to make some new friends. i'm also helping run a group server that will be advertised in the near future, so expect me to try to drag you into that too. /lh
here's my general 1x1 preferences. please send me a message if you think we’d be a good match! tumblr keeps glitching when i receive likes, so this is the easiest way to check in.
i am 25+ so please keep your personal comfort level in mind. i prefer 25+ partners but am open to 21+.
please be comfortable with (preferably daily) ooc talks, including regularly initiating conversations. i am a very unsuitable match for anxious / avoidant personality types. i am also highly neurodivergent, as well as chronically ill, so i appreciate patience / understanding and will give you the same.
i'm only comfortable playing m/m pairings. i would also prefer a partner who defaults more to top/dom/switch/vers types because i am primarily a dom/switch/verse player. i dislike passive ship dynamics. if you're familiar with proper D/s dynamics, please come be my friend.
i write third person past tense with around 300 - 800 words per post, occasionally more or slightly less, but usually at least 2-3 paragraphs. i love introspection / detail (please give) but not overly so.
i haven't written smut in many years, but i'm open to it. i prefer slow burn ships with chemistry rather than pre-pairing characters together. this is why i would also prefer that we both play multiple characters in whatever roleplay we do.
i love intense plotting and worldbuilding, constantly throwing ideas around and coming up with new things to add. i also prefer running multiple plotlines at once in the same setting. i love gushing about our characters and everything we're doing. please bring lots of enthusiasm!
i exclusively write ocs with a variety of faceclaims. i have a backlog of 80-100 or so and will try to pick and choose from the backlog as we plot, though i may also make a new character. i have a couple fc pairs i like, but we can mutually discuss our favorites. my main groups are skz + ateez.
my ideal posting speed is multiple replies per day, but my health issues / mental state can sometimes make maintaining that a challenge esp because i'm out of practice. i like to aim for multiple times a week and i love staying involved/hyped ooc in the meantime.
i do have some triggers, but i am willing to thoroughly discuss them before roleplaying and i do still enjoy writing angsty/dark content.
if the way you roleplay is by talking to your characters in your head as if they're real people, i am your guy.
concepts i enjoy: modern supernatural, idolverse (with all the drama), scifi futuristic with political junk (eg: the expanse, liu cixin works), mafia/gangs, street racing. throwing proper D/s dynamics into the mix. open to considering others.
concepts i dislike: smut-focused, historical settings, fantasy-geared, school settings.
tl;dr: i'm way more chill than i look, please be friends with me.
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moonjxsung · 5 months
Oh my gosh!! About Lost in Translation sitting on top, that is very true!! I followed you around the time you posted Begged and Borrowed cuz I was like "oh, it's the LIT author!!" I was happy that you were active and then followed you. If you check the (#skz smut) tag, LIT would be the first post you see. It's also currently number 2 on (#skz x reader). At least that's what I saw on my phone.
My personal favorite is 'the rain' series cuz I love Minho's character there, and the dynamic between the city girl and suburb boy Minho is sooo relatable for me! Their pull and push makes it interesting to read too!
I sat and tried to think really hard (lol) why people love LIT more? I think it's maybe because of the layers of their story. Or maybe because their love story is relatable for many people too! Admiring someone secretly and being kinda close to them, their subtle act of service, sharing your favorite things to each other (literature!! it's soo romantic!), jealousy (to the point your wrong assumption about them casting you down lol), and the sweet ending!! when their parents secretly notice that they're into each other and also approve their relationship too hwaaa it warms my heart!
'The Rain' series is still my fav but I think I understand now why LIT is popular!
Oh wow hahah I had NO idea LIT was sitting so high on either of those tags! What an honor!
WTRS/WTSL is a personal favorite of mine as well! When I wrote the first part of it, I had no real intention behind it and I wanted it to be a shorter smutty story, but I found myself really immersed in writing Minho as a bartender. Candidly I think Minho is such a complex person so I have trouble writing only smut for him without some broader story behind it all. I was never even intending to write a part 2 until it became without a doubt my most highly requested work on here. And it was so fulfilling to finally conclude the story :’)
I’ve noticed that WTRS/WTSL fans vs. LIT fans essentially prefer either a very immersive story and complex characters, vs. “slice of life” romance and the simple pleasures of love. I myself love complex characters, but LIT was also very fun and refreshing to create. Fun fact it was only supposed to be like 1K words at most as I was fulfilling a request but I got carried away with it…. I really mean it when I say I cannot write for Minho without giving him a backstory 😅
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I’m so grateful you’ve taken the time to read any of my work! It’s an honor! Sending you all my love 🫶💓💗💕💖💞
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
HI! omg i LOVE that your a baby stay! I’m a predebut stay, and i really adore watching more people fall for skz every comeback, it's always so interesting to see what pulls people into them each time. and omg i could also talk about Minho forever, he is truly SO amazing to watch. His growth from their beginning until now has been so amazing to watch, especially how much more confident and clear his singing is. He’s become one of my favorite voices in skz as time has gone on, especially because a lot of his parts become my favorite part of a song because of how he sings them. And GOD his dancing really is everything, some times I watch this one YouTube video that just talks about how amazing his technique is, and how he dances with so much forethought in how he holds himself while moving between moves. It’s so fascinating and it really proves he’s one of the best dancers. I also love that Minho is the type of person that really likes to show how much he loves someone instead of telling them. The way he takes care of his cats, and is always cooking for the members, taking care of them in little ways with no expectation of thanks is so beautiful. He’s such a kind boy.
My bias is Chan, I don’t even think I could describe all of the reasons he became my bias tbh, but I find such comfort in him, and how much he loves the members that I just adore and admire him so much. His dynamic with Minho is one of the reasons I really love Minho too, because Chan tries to be there for all of the younger members, but Minho is really there for Chan, balancing out all the effort he puts in. 
Also omg it’s so cool that you got to see NCT recently! I saw them back in 2019 and they’re just so amazing live! They’re energy is so fun, and nil I totally cried because they did timeless when I saw them, and it sounded so pretty. NCT was a group I was so afraid to get into when I got into Kpop in 2017 because they were so huge, I think if it wasn’t for Mark I wouldn’t have probably put in the effort, he was always just so funny that I caved and decided to commit. 
Are you into any other Kpop groups? I’m a really big multi so I’m curious if we have more groups in common. Also, I know you’re newer but is there any concept you’d wanna see skz do? I’d wanna see them do something like high fantasy, with really pretty traditional outfits.
gonna put my reply under the cut to save people's dashes hehe <33
omg same one time i watched a video compilation of lino's improvement in dance from predebut (when he was a backup dancer) until now and it was soooo cool to watch!!! he has really improved so much. i also love seeing him teaching the other members dance (like this video, or the vlive where he's teaching stays the choreo to gods menu - i just sit there and watch him teach and don't even learn the moves cuz hes so cute LOL). also YES me too i love how he shows his love through his actions, i remember the one kids room video where changbin said that he would ask lino to do something and lino would be like nooOoOo i'm not doing that for you but then he would quietly do it anyway :(( i think lino actually reminds me of jaemin from nct a lot (which you can probably tell is one of my nct biases from my url haha)
i love chan's rooms, he just seems like so much comfort in a person :(( and i love how much he loves the members, like that finding skz episode where the members hugged him so he would lose the mission and he just seemed so happy to be hugged by all of them 🥺🥺 a pile of love <33 and i love minchan, lino and his only hyung 😂 have you seen this post LOL it's so funny
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(ok also lino's heart rate going up when han kissed his neck ASDFJHKA MINSUNGGG)
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nct was amazing live!!! their songs are so great as live performances, like sticker was amazing even though i dont normally like that song but it was such a great performance. and mark doing his cherry bomb rap live UGHHH. mark was so gorgeous....they were all so hot in person it was unreal 😭 and same, nct was actually the first kpop group i got into and i remember being a little intimidated by the amount of members they have lol, but someone showed me the 7th sense and i was hooked because it was so different from other kpop i had heard!!
for a while i was like with nct that's enough for me since they have so many members but here i am now and i am becoming a multi mess 😂 other groups i like besides nct and skz are txt, day6, p1h, svt, enhypen (i dont know all of enhypens names yet lol), and i also like kbands like xdh, the rose and nflying (again, dont know any of their names haha but i like a lot of their songs and might be going to a oneus concert and then an nflying concert in jan so i'll prob learn their names by then). i also found this group called nine.i recently that is prob gonna be my boy group of the month LOL, their songs are so good and they are so cute and funny!!! i am currently obsessed with their songs young boy and wasted youth, and the parallel universe choreo is also rly cool. they have one or two members who produce their songs i think? also i swear i dont have anything against girl groups haha there are some gg songs i really like (such as stayc, lsf, itzy, gidle) but i dont really know their names and i tend to bias bgs LOL
i'd love to see skz do a horror concept (idt they've done that right?), i saw their kingdom performance from last year (this one) and i looved it (also since i am a minho bias of course i must comment on his intro in the beginning lol please dont stare at the camera like that it's deadly for me). i like dark concepts in general haha and i like thriller/scary movies 😂 of course i love a cute summer concept too or a youthful concept as well (like nct dream is really good at that), but the hint of darkness always hooks me hehe. i would totally love to see them do a high fantasy concept!! i liked the traditional outfits that skz did for thunderous and god's menu, i thought that was really cool and integrated with the song/performance well especially for thunderous, so i think a high fantasy concept would be super interesting to see :)
0 notes
death2normalcy · 2 years
Since I’m officially done with the main guides to Stray Kids, I figured I’d do a couple fun guides, just for, well, fun. I’m done with the dynamics, but I didn’t want to stop making these, lmao. So, I thought it would be interesting to kind of explain the boys music, kind  of like a summary of all the music they’ve put out. Not each song individually, that may be too much. But maybe the albums/mini albums/ EPs, etc.
This post is going to contain the SKZ Replay album, as well as any covers they’ve posted on their Youtube.
SKZ Replay (2022)
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Released in December 2022.
Contains 25 songs, 8 of which are completely new
A-Side - FAM (Korean Version), Connected, Limbo, Doodle, Love Untold, Run, Deep End, Stars and Raindrops, Hug Me, #LoveSTAY
B-Side - Zone, Close, Streetlight, i hate to admit, I GOT IT, miss you, Maknae On Top, Alien, Because, Piece of a Puzzle, Wish You Back, HaPpY, Up All Night, Drive, ice.cream
The A-Side is the one that contains the new songs. The B-Side contains songs that they’ve posted on their Youtube over the years. Many, if not all, of these have been re-recorded, but are still pretty much the same songs.
I’m only gonna link the music video for Fam, but some of these songs also have music videos for the original versions. They are: Zone, Close, Streetlight, miss you, Maknae on Top, Up All Night, Drive
This was a digital release, for the most part. The A-side was available in a physical copy, but only if you ordered the fanclub membership.
Personal Favorite - Definitely Deep End from the A-Side, and Streetlight from the B-Side. But these are all such good songs, I highly recommend checking this album out.
So, all this album gave us official versions of a lot of the songs the boys have released on their Youtube, there were some that didn’t make it, especially the covers the boys have done. The best that I can tell that didn’t make the cut, that wasn’t just a cover, was Changbin’s ‘Cypher’.
There are a handful of covers by Seungmin, I.N., and Han that didn’t get put on the album, so I highly recommend checking them out!
My personal favorite is Seungmin and Han’s cover of ‘Congratulations’ by Seungmin and Han! Honorable mentions for me would be their ‘Zombie’ cover, also by Day6, or Seungmin’s ‘Ghost’ cover, originally by Justin Bieber. I.N. has a few covers as well, but he tends to cover songs that are a little too soft for me, however, if you love softer, slow songs, I highly recommend them. Not my cup of tea, but he still sounds amazing!
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falsifications · 2 years
Hello! I'm the anon that asked you about SKZ fanfiction a few months ago. I saw you published your SKZ fanfiction and I'm so excited! I'm planning to read it as soon as I'm on holidays! I also realized you wrote my favorite SKZ pairings (and they're unfortunately not that common). May I ask you what do you like about these pairings if you don't mind? Like the ideas or anything behind all of them? I'm so happy to find someone that like them too, so I'm curious. Thanks and have a nice day! <3
honestly anon it was just these were the dynamics that stuck out to me when i was first getting into the group! watching videos and stuff it was like, these dynamics are giving me the good brain chemicals, so it's been wild to actually get deeper into things and realise oh huh! these aren't popular, really, and they're especially not popular in this combination. so i'm glad to find someone else who likes this combo too!!
for chanlix, i love that they're each other's safe spaces. chan obviously adores felix, and when felix has cried at various concerts, it's chan that he's clung to, and gone to for comfort. it's just so sweet.
for hyunsung, i love the enemies to friends dynamic and how jisung makes hyunjin laugh so much. the fact that they used to barely even talk and now they can comfortably share a bathroom together?? they're best friends and it's lovely to see.
for minjeong, i loved that minho has a rep for being scary but he dotes on jeongin who has very little fear of him; "tsundere who is soft for one (1) person" is a trope i will enjoy until the end of time. this of course is also the minlix dynamic, felix has no fear of minho whatsoever, and so i also really like nyangnyangracha LOL
and for seungbin, honestly, initially it was just that they were the last two left LOL but after watching them for a while, it became clear how close they are, how much they like each other. and i think constantly about seungmin saying that when changbin is with him, he's not afraid of anything
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quokki · 2 years
well so i know you didnt ask me specifically but u did give me an excuse so: let me just talk abt hanji because i need to, bc i've been thinking aand
why i bias him: when i first fell into skz as i was just making my way through their mvs, didnt even know names yet except for chan and felix, id literally always turn around at han's part if i was doing sth else, and i'd be like 'oh its that guy again, he caught my attention again wow'. like i say this to all my friends but i really didn't know skz personalities at first, i was JUST watching MVs and performances for like a month and they just captivated me so much and he did the most. then my friend sent me a gifset of the 'happiness is a visiting friend' vlive (a life changing moment) and i was like 'ah fuck this is gonna be the guy isnt it' and i watched a bunch of his older solo vlives and i just... could not fight it anymore. I get so overwhelmed watching those lives because of how he oscillates between being deeply uncomfortable abt the attention and basking in it? it's really fascinating and i can never look away. it's also just a way he speaks, i understand like 4 words for every half hour i watch him but something abt the cadence and rhythm and the way his voice gets animated or when he starts really thinking abt this words and gets quiet again but still comes out with beautiful things to say.... it's really very special, just the level of excitement he brings to this job and this world, it's so beautiful.
2. favorite dynamics
binsung binsung aaahhhh..... listen like, the way jisung DEEPLY loves changbin but can never be... normal abt it... i like to compare the way felix and jisung interact with changbin bc its so funny to me, felix just goes in with all the love and warmth that is so inherent to him and changbin absolutely is ready to match it, even if it's more subtle, but that's what changbin does, right? he meets people where they are, when they show him love he gives it right back. but jisung.... he can't. he asks 'why don't you hug me more?' and pouts. he calls him a walrus and then gets surprised when changbin matches that energy... he tries to make fun of him but then can't fully commit bc he looked at changbin too early on in the bit and can't finish it now. he says 'don't look at my back i'm shy' but when changbin tells him to flex for the camera, there's no hesitation (last example pointed out by my friend tumblr user alexenglish) like.... he wants changbin to love him so bad but he just cannot get it out properly and i just.... feel a lot of things for that. the best part abt it is that changbin already loves him so much, han doesn't even have to worry abt it, changbin just does, but han worries anyway...
and then him and felix aahh, felix disables that inability to say nice things. like i don't think han is unable to, he just does it so awkwardly, always telling people he admires them or randomly thanking them or getting serious with compliments when it's supposed to be funny. but with felix, because felix just has that warmth: the love just spills out of him and he accepts it so effortlessly too, he plays along when han gasses himself up, he is so supportive even when jisung is objectively being a pest. so jisung can just... let all that love out. he can hug him and compliment him back and just let all the love that is WANTING to escape him (with all the members) flow freely. because felix does and felix will not make him feel weird for it and it makes me very emo tbh.
and then finally just as a last note: han was chans first kid. they picked each other. they chose to stay together. chan was the first one to say 'you're talented but also i am going to rely on you and you will have to deal with that' and han was the first one to say 'i trust your talent so i will try' and then they did it.... they recognised that their talents complimented each other and then they became friends after... but they really became friends. it's funny bc han seems like someone a lot of members want to protect in their own ways but funnily the guy who protects everyone else (chan) sees him as a friend first? as a dumbass he has to deal with bc he's so awesome that he wouldn't want to live without him anymore? i'm big on being friends on purpose, on picking each other over and over and i think those two do it? a lot?
I don't have any pictures, none whatsoever, i have like 5 saved on my phone but the rest just live somewhere in my head, the day you sent me your pinterest link... i was overwhelmed for hours... i can't handle having pictures of him i'm sorry
oh boy it’s hanji time...
bruh i get you cuz i literally chose him for his voice alone by listening to their songs before i really learned anything about them. and yes omg i need to finish his lives lmao (but they’re so long D:) and he’s soooooo cute. i like how he pays attention to his own behaviour during it and he tries to act in ways that he thinks we enjoy seeing? idk i just think it’s considerate
ooo the binsung bit is so interesting...
“he calls him a walrus and then gets surprised when changbin matches that energy... “ lmaooo
idk i guess maybe han just has a difficult time expressing himself or his feelings?
felix is soooo sweet and loving pls hes love shaped 🤍
omg i love how han was chan’s first pick like yes!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
oooh it’s okay! i have too many pictures of him lmaoooo... as you would know... so i picked a couple for you 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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send me a love letter about your bias 💌💌💌
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Phobia (one-shot)
Pairing: OC (female character) x Bang Chan (SKZ)
Warnings: suggestions of smut, violence, language, mentions of blood and gore
Genre: Mafia AU; Marriage AU
Word Count: 4K
Summary: He found her when she was nothing - disgraced by her family and cast aside as an outsider. Yet, Chan made her feel wanted for the first time in her life, in more ways than one, which leads to countless nights of passionate love...until their worst fears come to fruition. 
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A/N: Chan, you will always be a perfect husband to me. Thank you for coming to my short Ted Talk.
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This time when he came home, he was covered in blood...
I almost broke down in the foyer at the sight of him, but Chan was quick to reassure me, shaking me by the shoulders as he patiently explained that it wasn’t his blood - there was a shooting at their exchange, but neither Chan nor his men had been injured. Of course, it doesn’t stop me from leading him upstairs, drawing a warm bath in our shared en-suite while fussing over the state of Chan’s suit, or what was left of it. His pale skin was apparent behind the black fabric of his dress pants, and there were long tears in his shirt. 
Needless to say, I threw all of those blood-stained clothes away before urging him into the bathtub, carefully kneeling down onto my knees as I started dragging a soft cloth over his skin. Chan moaned in delight, throwing back his head against the shower tiles while he allowed me to fuss over him - to reassure myself that he was okay, and that the horrific image of my husband standing in front of me drenched in blood was nothing more than a terrible memory.
I softly ran my fingers through his blond-hair, working through the tangles while being mindful of his eyes, using my hand to move his head back when I used a pitcher to wash the shampoo out of his delicate curls. “Hey,” Chan said, voice hoarse from overuse as he watched me drag his hand out of the bath water, working on the dirt and grim under his fingernails. 
I paused when I fingered across his wedding band. “Don’t come home like that ever again.”
I could feel Chan looking at me, and there was a lot of regret in his eyes, but I didn’t feel any remorse over my sharp tone. “I’m sorry, babygirl,” he said. “They were shooting at Felix and I-”
“You don’t have to justify your work to me,” I interrupted him. “I know the risks, but I never want to see something like that when I’ve been waiting for you.”
Chan nodded, and I shifted back when he sat up in the bathtub, allowing sensual rivulets of water to climb down the toned expanse of his chest and stomach. Meanwhile, I used the towel holder to help myself stand up, grabbing a spare towel for Chan, and trying to ignore how red the water remained after my husband had climbed out to wrap the towel around his waist.
Afterward, I allowed Chan some privacy in the bathroom while I returned to our bedroom, crawling into bed while remaining mindful of my stomach - the evidence of life bloating the skin. I took a deep breath, smoothing my hands along the exposed flesh, and I knew that it was bad to feel any kind of stress while I was pregnant. Unfortunately, my husband’s chosen line of work never made things easier.
Eventually, Chan joined me on the bed, leaving the towel hanging loosely from his hips while he shot me a concerned glance. “Are you feeling okay?” he asked, and his eyes immediately dropped.
“I’ll tell you in the morning,” I said, and I looked over at him as Chan slid one hand around my waist, holding me and our unborn child protectively.
“You’re right about everything, baby girl,” he said. “I’ll never scare you like that again.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I warned him, but Chan shook his head sternly, keeping me close before landing a soft kiss to the edge of my lips.
“I have a lot to clean-up tomorrow,” he said. “Work might take awhile.”
I sighed in return, looking up at the ceiling. “Wake me up before you go.”
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When Chan and I first met, his ledger wasn’t nearly as red. He actually served my family, taking on small cases with his friends, Jisung and Changbin, in service to my father. However, he had started to garner a reputation for being a quick hand and a good shot when it came to using guns, and Jisung and Changbin provided the perfect support for their little unit.
My father considered Chan to be one of his favorite apprentices, and he even approved of my early relationship with Chan. Despite my tendency to rebel against my father’s chosen favorites, I couldn’t resist Chan’s dark persona and contagious personality. He could probably talk the wealthiest man into giving away half of his fortune once he listened to Chan’s cunning words. 
On our first date, he showed me how to count cards in the Casino that my father owned, and after only three weeks of dating, he fucked me so hard in the backseat of his car that I saw stars after almost passing out from the pleasure.
We technically met in my father’s office because I had stormed in on one of their meetings unannounced, ready to confront my father because he had forced my youngest brother, Jeongin, to attend some lousy military school. Jeongin had cried for the entirety of the days leading up to his unwanted departure, and I had stood outside on the porch fuming as he was taken away from me.
But my father was really good at screwing over the members of his family, and I had finally had enough of his intervention. However, I also remembered hesitating when I saw Chan standing next to my father’s desk, freshly dyed hair glowing under the Chandelier. “Oh, it’s you,” my father grumbled. “What the hell do you want?”
“Nothing,” I said in return, maintaining eye-contact with Chan as I retreated from the office. 
Later that day, I asked my mother about Chan, and she told me that she didn’t know much about him, other than the fact that his parents had been killed in a raid - probably from my father’s doing - and he was serving our family. “Your father seems to like him,” my mother said, and it was only one of the very few times in her life that she had told the truth. 
Thereafter, I developed an unfavorable opinion of Chan since my father liked him, but it didn’t take Chan very long to change my mind and prove me wrong. He wasn’t blindly loyal to the man who destroyed his family - he was cold and methodical, and he told me how he planned to eventually break away from my father and form his own business with Jisung and Changbin. He spoke so passionately that it was hard not to fall in love with the burning look in his dark eyes. 
From then on, we became close to one another, sharing our deepest fears and desires, and we weren’t afraid to demonstrate our affection for one another. I was actually happy for once, which meant that something had to go wrong in my life. And it turned out that one of my father’s business partners was threatening our family because we owed them a lot of money, and my father planned to pay his debt by doing something rather despicable: selling me into their service.
It was humiliating, and I knew exactly what I would become working for a family that was notorious for its influence in the adult entertainment industry. I was enraged that my family would sentence me to that kind of life, but I wasn’t nearly as upset as Chan. We had been together for six months, and Chan had already started to include me in his future plans...the exchange was unacceptable.
So, on the night when my family planned to sell me to their rivals, Chan and I drove away in one of the cars that we stole from my father, bringing along Jisung and Changbin who fired off rounds of bullets from the windows as we escaped into the solitude of the night. Consequently, my family disowned me, snatching my last name and removing me from the family tree. But it never concerned me, especially when Chan offered me his last name instead, vowing his loyalty by exchanging intimate vows and marrying me on a warm, spring afternoon. When he fucked me that same night, he whispered sweet little nothings that contradicted the filthy way that his hips moved against mine, driving his cock deep inside.
After that, the two of us were inseparable - a dynamic duo that was ready to take the underground mafia world by storm...
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Before the sun had completely risen, Chan was stumbling out of bed with exhaustion written across his wearied countenance. I watched him move around the room, admiring the hard planes of his back as he dressed himself in the usual combination of black dress pants and a white button-up shirt. Chan claimed that it was important to look his best when it involved meeting with our rivals.
I closed my eyes when he neared my bedside, and I could feel him leaning down to press soft kisses to my forehead, fingers trailing across my stomach before he was leaving our bedroom with a heavy sigh. I swallowed hard against a sudden wave of emotions, remembering his appearance from the previous night, and the same restless anxiety managed to bleed its way around my heart.
Graciously, I managed to eventually fall back asleep, but it was only for a few hours because I was brought back to reality by the sound of the fire alarm blaring throughout the house. I groaned in complaint, throwing off the sheets before grabbing my dress robes and trudging downstairs. 
As I grew closer to the commotion, I could hear two men loudly arguing from one of the adjoining rooms, attempting to be heard over the sound of the annoying alarm. When I walked into the kitchen, I wrinkled my nose at the burning smell from the stove, waving my hand to clear the smoke. And standing at the center of the drama was Chan’s younger brother, Felix, as he engaged in a heated argument with my brother, Jeongin. “It’s your fault!” I heard Felix say. “You can’t cook bacon like that!”
“I told you to watch the pan!” Jeongin retaliated, and I rolled my eyes at their immature behavior.
“Hey!” I yelled, forcing both of them to pause. “Can you seriously not do this right now?”
Felix was the first to notice me, pointing an accusing finger at Jeongin. “Hey, he started it!”
I closed my eyes. “How old are you again?”
It was a surprise to me that they had both managed to live with us this long without engaging in more than just verbal altercations. After Chan and I rescued Jeongin from his cruel military academy, my husband invited him to join the organization. At first, I was hesitant of the decision, but Chan never invited Jeongin out on missions with them. Instead, he and Felix did most of the reconnaissance work from behind the scenes, and Jeongin was remarkably good with computers. Maybe he wasn’t on par with Felix’s hacking skills, but my younger brother continued to expand his skill set because she was determined to be the best.
Unfortunately, working in close proximity to one another on a regular basis inevitably led to numerous arguments. They were both strong-willed and stubborn, and neither Jeongin nor Felix was capable of flexibility, especially when it meant admitting that they were wrong. So, they often argued over trivial things, and I was usually left around to mend their bruised egos.
But a cooking dispute? At this hour? I shook my head because I didn’t have the patience to deal with them. “Leave the pan and go upstairs. I’ll take care of everything.”
Felix and Jeongin shot each other nasty glares as they obeyed, and I waited until they were gone before opening the windows in the kitchen and resetting the fire alarm. Finally, I turned my attention to the mess on the stove, cleaning with an exaggerated sigh. It was moments like this that made me long for the days when I used to accompany Chan on some of his missions...
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Chan only ever brought me along with him when he felt that a situation was incapable of turning violent, and he liked having me around to distract lesser men as he talked them into agreeing with anything that he said. I, of course, liked being helpful to my husband, and I always played my part well. For example, dressing in low-cut affairs that tended to produce insatiable responses from my husband who loved to drag me into his lap.
It made me feel powerful, arching my back as Chan ran one of his hands down my waist. “Look at your tits,” Chan said, stroking his fingers across the swell of my breasts. “Gorgeous.”
I beamed at his compliment, allowing him to handle as he liked while Chan turned to finally address the impatient man sitting across from us. “Are you ready?”
“I’ve been waiting all night,” the man said with a challenging stare.
“My apologies,” Chan smirked. “I’ve been rather busy.”
“I can see that,” the man said, but his smirk suggested that he wasn’t entirely understanding of Chan’s delayed commitment. Apparently, Chan was trying to sign some kind of arms deal with him, and my husband was very greedy when it came to our money. 
“I have my price listed,” Chan said, shoving the contract at the other man. “You can sign at the bottom.”
“Isn’t this a bit cheap?” the man asked. “The cost of labor alone is barely covered by your...generous offering.”
“It’s my final compromise,” Chan said, feigning boredom as he tugged at the neckline of my dress. “What do you say?”
“How about one night with your whore?” the man asked, leaning in across the table to reveal two rows of slimy teeth.
Immediately, I could feel the way that Chan tensed from underneath me, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at the man. “I hope you’re not referring to my wife.”
The man chuckled. “What difference does it make?”
Chan was quiet for a moment, and I saw a myriad of emotions reflected in his narrowed eyes. “Baby girl,” he eventually said while looking at me. “Why don’t you go get us some drinks?”
I nodded my head, scrambling to find my footing as I left the comfort of Chan’s lap to retrace my steps to the bar at the opposite end of the club. The bartender recognized me, sliding two beers in my direction with a smile before sending me on my way.
However, I suddenly paused when I started to approach our table, realizing that Chan had wanted to keep me away for a valid reason. He had also drawn a crowd of onlookers who watched as my husband smashed our target’s face into a pile of broken glass on the table. There was already so much blood, and Chan’s eyes were wild with his rage. He was also flanked by Jisung and Changbin whose fingers wrapped around the handles of their weapons. “You learned a lesson tonight, didn’t you?” Chan growled, grabbing the man by his collar to toss him into the floor. I winced when Chan’s heeled boot pressed down against the man’s throat, and his hands immediately wrapped themselves around my husband’s leg as he choked. 
There was every reason to feel horrified, watching my husband handle a man with so much violence while surrounded by blood and gore. But I didn’t feel scared. Instead, I smiled as I stood aside with our drinks, watching the action unfold with greedy eyes.
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It was late, and I could feel myself growing anxious. I passed the time by pacing the floor, resisting the urge to run into the other room and demand an update from Jeongin and Felix. They were playing a pivotal role in tonight’s mission, and they didn’t need my distraction.
But I could tell that something was wrong. The clock was ticking away loudly in the background, and every instinct was screaming at me to call my husband and demand his whereabouts. “Come on,” I muttered, hugging my arms around my stomach as I was prone to do these days.
Sleep wasn’t an option. Becaus my mind was a chaotic mess of restless thoughts and horrible scenarios flashing across my eyes. What if something bad happened to Chan?
I couldn’t stand it anymore. He had always promised me that he would come home, but it felt shallow on nights like this. Because life never promised any guarantees, especially when you put yourself in harms way on a regular basis.
I was approaching my wits end when Jeongin burst into my room with wide eyes. “What is it?” I snapped at him, allowing my frustration to boil over like a steaming kettle.
“We have to go to the hospital,” Jeongin said, and he somehow managed to catch me before I collapsed in the floor.
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But I suddenly couldn’t breathe, looking down at the seemingly mundane object in my hand. It was forecasting a fate that neither Chan nor myself had planned for our future. Something that could be dangerous in our world, and I already feared for my unborn child’s life.
However, it wasn’t something that I could hide - a secret to hold onto because it wouldn’t bear any consequences. This changed everything, and I had no idea how to tell Chan when I saw him later that evening. We had plans to have dinner together, and he looked divine as always, dressed impeccably with his hair slicked back, and perhaps to anyone else he would appear perfectly put together. But I knew better than most.
“How was work?” I asked, staring down at my dinner plate because I had lost my appetite.
“It was fine,” Chan said, shoveling another spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth like it was his last meal on Earth. “What did you do while I was gone?”
“Not much,” I said, hesitating as I looked down at the pregnancy test in my lap. “Felix kept me entertained.”
“As long as he’s staying out of trouble,” Chan said, reclining back in his chair as he looked at me from over the table. “You look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you,” I said, and my tone was quiet and uncertain, but Chan must’ve had a billion other thoughts on his mind because he didn’t comment on my mood.
“I’m not busy tomorrow,” Chan said. “We can do whatever you want.”
It made my heart swell with affection to hear him say that since I knew that he was either lying or exaggerating. Because Chan never had any free time. “Channie,” I started, “I have something to tell you.”
Chan adjusted the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his forearms. “What is it?”
I bit my tongue, wrapping my fingers around the pregnancy test as I carefully brought it onto the table. There were so many ways that I could tell him, but nothing seemed to sound correct inside my head, and I was fumbling with an explanation. However, when I met Chan’s sweet smile and kind eyes, I managed to latch onto an inkling of confidence, finding my voice the longer we continued to look at one another. “I’m pregnant,” I whispered to Chan, watching him carefully as he listened.
His eyes widened almost imperceptibly, and I would’ve never noticed if I wasn’t paying such close attention. But then he noticed the test I had brought resting on top of the table. “It was positive,” he said, almost like an observation.
“Yeah,” I said with a nod, waiting with bated breath as he folded his arms across his chest - and it was a vulnerable position.
Eventually, Chan stood up from the table, and I shivered when I thought that he might leave the room, but he instead came to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. “We’ll make it work, baby girl,” he said, holding me like I was something fragile that he needed to protect. There were tears in my eyes before I could hold them back, and Chan was kneeling on the floor and looking at me with so much love. “I’m gonna give you the world,” he promised, and it was a solemn declaration, sealed with a kiss to my shirt-covered stomach.
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Time was a social construct, and we can feel its effects most profoundly in the moments when it feels like it might run out before we can do anything to stop the inevitable. In desperation, we struggle to breach the surface of the water and take a much-needed deep breath - but there’s only so much that we can do for the things beyond our control. Yet, we still try to remedy them, and I found myself pacing anxiously outside of his hospital room, ignoring the suggestions from his other members to relax and sit down. Because my mind was incapable of settling down, and I could only chant the words, he can’t die, as they repeated over and over again inside my head, remembering how the doctor looked at me when I confronted him.
“We’ll do the best we can,” the doctor had told me, but it wasn’t good enough.
I was on the edge of total self-destruction, and maybe it was the first time that I finally realized just how affected I would be without Chan. Because the world would be so cold without him next to my side, and I couldn’t bear the thought of facing that oblivion of darkness.
He had to keep living for me...
“Mrs. Bang,” a nurse said, pulling my attention to the smiling woman approaching me. “You can see him now.”
I sniffled and nodded, following the nurse as she led me to Chan’s room, feeling my heart grow lighter with every step in the right direction. Until I was confronted with Chan’s familiar presence, watching me from his hospital bed, and I was on cloud nine as I rushed to him. Wrapping my arms around him as I cried softly into his shoulder. “Channie,” I whimpered, pulling back to press my lips against his for the necessary reassurance of his touch.
“I’m okay,” he said. “Everything’s fine.”
I shook my head because the fear was still there - lingering at the edges of my subconscious, acting as a reminder of the utter dread that I had experienced when Jeongin first told me that Chan was somewhere I never wanted to see him. “I thought you were gone,” I whispered, grabbing his hands to ground myself in this reality with Chan, surviving the impossible for another day. “This is my worst fear, Chan,” I continued. “That you won’t come home, and our kid will grow up without their father.”
Chan sighed, and I noticed that his eyes were swollen around the rims, and there were unshed tears waiting to fall. “I’m sorry,” he said. 
“It can’t happen again,” I told him sternly, hoping I looked more fierce than I felt on the inside. Because Chan needed to be explicitly told these things in the only way that he would understand.
“I’ll always do my best for you,” he said, and I realized that his tone was thick with emotion and the unsaid words between us that we were both still too afraid to vocalize.
“I love you, Chan,” I said. “I know you like the work that you do, but I think it might be time to take on less responsibilities.”
“You’re right,” he said, looking up at me with a sad smile. “I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“I just need you,” I said, allowing him to pull me onto the bed next to him, and we both savored the silence humming throughout the room and the familiar presence of the person who we needed more than anything else in this cruel world. 
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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eehee here it is the long awaited results of my chaotic ass survey about our hornies it’s so long holy heck, but I have seperated it into a couple sections to make sense of it all (omg if you read all of it lemme give you a kith teehee) ahhhh lol its SO nerdy haha but i hope that ya enjoy nonetheless! ✨
In this essay, I will....(hahah jk jk this is just all for fun) 
1. Demographics Analysis 
2. Polls on Fic Content 
3. Member Specific Analysis 
4. Deep Dive into the Juicy Questions (Confessions) 
5. General Thoughts and Conclusion  
6.  Cute shit that ya’ll said that made me giggle
*Unpopular opinions will be made into their own post to give them ample space and analysis!
Other Notes: 
Out of 100 individuals surveyed, 44 were readers, 2 were only writers, and 54 were both readers and writers. 
Statistical significance can be effected by sampling, selection, and response bias (yeah i took a stats class teehee) and personal biases 
All the the opinions and other analysis presented by me (Ro/binniesthighs) are purely my own oponion and are not factual. you are entitled to interpret all of this information however you like! Anything that i analyze is not definitive! 
while this survey is mostly about stay smutblr, i hope that it can also maybe serve as a template for other fandoms as well with the more general questions! this is a survey for everyone! 
i’d love to hear about what you think about anything presented in this analysis! feel free to send me an ask or comment! reposting is permitted within tumblr or on other platforms if proper credit is given! ❤️ (uwu hehe if you could please help me spread this i would appreciate it so much! i worked really hard on her 🥺) 
1. Demographics Analysis:
Gender Identities of those Surveyed 
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~My thoughts: this really came as no surprise to me considering how the majority of kpop fans (especially boy group fans) identify as female! Seeing as I am a Stray Kids/Seventeen blog (both of them boy groups) it makes sense to me that my readers would mostly identify as female! 
Another important thing to note (from a writer standpoint at least) is the wide array of identities that we still have present within the general audience of stay smut blur (SSB)! I’ll get into this later when i discuss favorite pairings to read, however i think that this gives us one more reason to write for a diverse audience of readers who can identify with different types of self-insert fics! 
Top Five: 
Female (81%) 
Non-binary/gender non-conforming (13%) 
Changes by the day (6%) 
Male (4%) 
Demiboy/Demigirl (3%) 
Sexual Orientation of those Surveyed 
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Other identities mentioned: 
????, unlabeled, aromatic bisexual, bicurious, demisexual, “just liking who i like”, experimenting, heteroflexible, sapiosexual, depends day by day, “i just like anyone” 
~My thoughts: okkkkk i see us gays of SSB 😏 these demographics were really exciting for me to see! i think that it’s super cool that we have such representation across the board when it comes to sexual orientations present in our community! As someone who personally identifies as pan, this was super comforting to see that there are so many others like me in this little space of the internet! I think it’s safe to say at least from my lil survey that all the bi cuties out here own SSB 💗💜💙
From a literal standpoint, it also makes sense to me that heterosexuality is strongly present as well considering that often the pairs that we read are male idol x female reader so this is the perfect niche! 
Top Five: 
Bisexual (40.8%) 
Heterosexual (26.5) 
Pansexual (17.3%) 
Queer (7.1%) 
Asexual (4.1%) 
Stay Creators!! 
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~My thoughts: this one i was THRILLED at seeing oml hahaha and i was so interested to see that this was nearly an even split! 
I think that there’s something to be said about how sometimes we can take our hobbies: (movies, videogames, books, kpop, anime etc)--all things which we really like in totally normal and healthy ways but also kinda like....get hornies about them too? if that makes sense? for example, i have a friend who really likes certain video games/characters from these games as a fan and he’s shared with me that he also doesn’t mind watching porn containing those same characters! (ahahah ya all know what i mean don’t even lie haha) 
what this question proved to me as that there are stays out there who practice “being a stay/being a stay creator” who also are interested in the more...horny side of this hobby/interest 😂
what is even more interesting to me is who i wonder if i’ve  have consumed any of ya’ll’s content while you have consumed mine??? this i am DYING to know aha but it think its best for all of us to stay anonymous teehee ;) 
either way, good on ya for doing what ya do!! you are so so treasured in this community too!! <3 
2. Polls on Fic Content (a long section lol) 
Favorite Pairing to Read 
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*other options selected were rankings of favorite pairings so i just added each of them as an entry to the respective category mentioned. 
Top Five: 
Idol x female reader (69%) 
Idol x gender neutral reader (19%) 
Idol x reader x Idol (poly r/ship) (14%) 
Idol x reader, Idol x reader (threesome, not much interaction between the two idols) (8%) 
~My thoughts: once again, this category was pretty self explanatory to me considering that the majority of readers are female identifying, so it would make sense that they would prefer to read smut that aligns with their identity! This is also super present anyway of SSB as i do feel like the majority of writing pieces that I do come along are idol x female reader, and most authors too often disclaim that they are the most comfortable writing this type of pairing as well. 
What’s signficant as well is the interest in reading fics with gender neutral reader self inserts as well! this is my personal philosophy when it comes to writing (specifically with requests) but i think that writing gn!reader is always the safest bet to go as to not make assumptions about readers! for writers i think that seeing this 19% is something important to take into consideration! 
An outlier to me with this demographic was the “poly r-ship” poll garnering a notable 14% in comparison to the idol x idol option which got 10 less votes (4%). what is a little confusing to me about this is how poly r/ships often (but not always) contain idol x idol content, however there is discrepancy with the amount of readers outright saying that they enjoy reading it alone. I’ll get into poly fics later with the unpopular opinions section--however i wanted to plant the seed here hehe. One other caveat to this is the fact that on SSB i feel like idol x idol content is really in the minority and is much more present on a platform like AO3 so this could be another explaination! 
What is kinda cute to me is the fact that readers do really like poly r-ship dynamics more than a threesome (as i defined it, “with less interaction”) so this makes me feel like we are all saps for the fluff that comes with poly r-ship fics ;) 
Favorite Kind of Smut to Read 
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male idol smut (67%) 
i read both! (female and male idol smut) (25%) 
depends on my mood (7%) 
female idol smut (1%) 
~My thoughts: Again, this is super expected to me as well considering the above statistics. Since i am a skz blog (a boy group) --as are my moots-- it really makes sense that those who filled out this survey would be into male idol smut! 
what was cool for me to see as well was the number of readers who also read female idol smut as well as male idol smut! personally, i more predominately a fan of boy groups compared to the amount of girl group content that I consume (note: i do also consume gg content). because of this, i think that its really up to personal preferences and the content that you consume that can be reflective of the smut content that you consume as well and ya know, whoever gets your hornies going ;) 
Favorite Genres...Ranked! 
*so this was my fault lol i totally formatted this question poorly in google forms so i’ll try to summarize the most popular rankings with my words haha 
*bc of the way that i miffed it (lol) i wasn’t able to get exact measurements, but rough ones! 
Top Five: 
Smut, fluff, angst 
smut n’ fluff (with specific emphasis angst is not desired)  
smut, angst, fluff, 
fluff, smut, angst, 
angst, fluff, smut 
~My thoughts: by far, the most popular ranking that i saw was as follows: smut, fluff, angst. i saw this sososos many times haha also...ya’ll got really creative with your rankings and it made me giggle hehe. So! seeing as this is stay smutblr haha makes total sense that the three most popular rankings that we have were lead by smut! since we’re here for the hornies, i totally get this. 
as for the “smut n’ fluff” or “fluffy smut” category, there was a decent amount of readers that expressed that this mixture is their fave! i’m kinda looping this with the “mixture” option that i also provided for this question since this was the most popular mixture that i was able to observe along with angst + smut. interestingly, i saw a couple mentions of “hurt/comfort” fics with this question too so this went well with this preference. as for number three on this list, we dip into that smut + angst category that I just mentioned as well. there were several individuals who said that they really really enjoy reading smut with angst! 
lastly we get to the four and five on the list: four being fluff, smut and angst. i think this category can also properly represent the folx who tend to like more fluffy fics over the smutty ones, but that can also have suggestive themes too! in five, we have angst, fluff and smut which also is representative of another theme that i saw: as far as plot goes, several people mentioned that they liked fics that start with angst, get fluffier, and then end up in smut, so i think that this could be easily compared! 
*there were also several readers who simply said “all of them” or opted not to rank, (lol me) so this really shows the variability in results! 
Cute stuff ya’ll said (kind of out of context too LOL) 
“...I KNOW IT [my ranking] LOOKS TERRIBLY SPECIFIC AND IM SO SORRY and I guess the better way to describe that was one that has all 3 with a happy ending lol my b my b.” 
“ ...it just depends on the mood my dude.” 
“... (the smut doesn’t have to be soft i just want the relationship to be soft and i want aftercare and general affection).” 
“(but almost no angst oops)” 
“angst honestly makes me so sad.” 
“... but long fics with angst and slow burn smut/fluff is just WOW.” 
“ my favourite thing is when it's fluffy smut tbh with a little bit of angsty backstory. that is *chefs kiss*” 
“(I'm a sucker for good angsty fics but I cant seem to find them???)” 
“Smut, Fluff, Angst (I tend to be a bit of a purist so no mixture here).” 
“(i can't read pure angst lol) “ 
“(I love how much plot there is in angsty fics but I personally can't read anything without a happy ending, i just can't take it)” 
“ i literally couldn't rank them bc my mood is always changing lmaooo.” 
“ smut, fluff, angst. i know what i’m about.” 
Favorite Length of Fics 
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Top Five: 
5k-8k words (27%) 
2k-4k words (25%) 
1k-2k words (20%) 
10k-20k words (15%) 
20k words (12%) 
~My thoughts: this one was super helpful for me to see!! and writers i hope that this is helpful for you too! as someone who tends to rambles (lol) it was very comforting for me to see that long-ish fics are actually preferred! what is really cool about this data too is that it is all super well balanced for the most part and nearly edqual in some parts! how i see this, i think that when it comes to preferences of length, its really reader specific so anyone could like anything! this goes into a little bit the slow burn question that i asked as well too, but it’s really cool to see that when readers do read, they kinda like something to sink their teeth into! 
i wanted to look into how long it takes you to read these words, and it appears that on average, a 5-8k fic can take someone 30 mins to read whereas a 2-4k fic takes about 15mins! idk if this says something about attention spans, but as a writer it warms my heart to know that you’re willing to spend 30 minutes of your time reading something that i wrote! 🥺
another thing i wanted to bring up is the “hard and fast” smut readers--those who like to get straight to the point, get right to business and to the juice! they are also a decently large group too! as for readers who like a nice long fic or a chaptered fic, they are super close in numbers! from this, it’s safe for me to assume that maybe those who like reading longer fics are more inclined to strap in for the long haul with chaptered fics too! 
Favorite AUs to Read 
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*the top category that got cut off (thank you google forms lol) is friends to lovers! the one that says “...love” at 48% is enemies to lovers, and the one that has a blanked out title at 35% is strangers to lovers! 
Top Five: 
friends to lovers (65%) 
enemies to lovers (48%) 
high school/college au (40%) 
roommates/neighbors to lovers (38%) 
strangers to lovers (35%) 
Other AUs mentioned by you! 
office au, royal au, vampire au, fake date, idol au, slice of life, boarding school au, childhood friends, soulmate au 
~My thoughts: ok ok so this was RAD to see! i often wonder myself the kinds of aus that my readers would like to see so this was really helpful! circling back on how readers tend to favor fluff n’ smut (friends to lovers) and angst n’ smut (enemies to lovers) i think that we’re seeing some more themes here teehee. 
i like to think that since most of us are of the college age, the college au is super relatable therefore we really like to read it! not to mention that college and high school au’s are super duper cute as well! this is also relatable to the roommates/neighbors to lovers category which is also relatable to us who may or may not have experienced having a roommate or crush on the cutie next door ;) as a couple readers mentioned, they liked more “slice of life” au’s--which both of these categories fall into! i think we as readers like scenarios that feel the most real to us, bc they are the easiest to insert ourselves into :) 
fantasy and thriller, action, more “fiction” tropes are in the minority, however i think that this can be for the exact same reason as i mentioned above where readers like more relatable scenarios. 
Opinions on Slow Burn Fics 
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~My thoughts: during polling of this category, this pie cart stayed basically the same the whole time!! that was pretty cute to see! the important take aways from this survey for me is the fact that slow burn fics are generally really loved! again, lol as someone who writes big ol’ long slow burn fics this made me feel a lot better hahaha basically, the general consensus is that slow burn fics are welcome most of the time, however some readers might need to invest a little more time into them! this is also very easily comparable to the above statistics on the length of fics preferred (longer ones being the ones more popular) so here’s a lil more supporting evidence! 
3. Member Specific Analysis 
Bias Survey 
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Top Five: 
Chan (19%) 
Changbin (18%) 
Hyunjin (16%) 
Jisung (15%) 
Minho (14%) 
~My thoughts: ok ok ok so this is where it starts getting JUICY hehe (also i apologize once more for making you pick LOL) 
the reason why i asked this question was because i wanted to see if there was a correlation with biases and if there was a probability that members who had more people biasing them (or popularity I guess) were more likely to be read more in smut fics! AND I WAS RIGHT haha isn’t this so fkn cool??? (see more in the next section!) 
for comparison, i went to kprofiles to see their little survey on bias popularity and their top five. 
Kprofiles Top Five: 
Hyunjin (15%) 
Felix (14%) 
Chan (12%) 
Minho (11%) 
Jisung (11%) 
SO oh my god my nerd brain is loosing it over this REE so, what i should note that is those who took this survey on my blog are likely generally different based off of the fact that they are here to read smut specifically, rather than the general holistic popularity survey. It is for this reason that we see Felix much higher on this list and Changbin much lower too (as we know Felix is really well known generally and globally and there are *generally* fewer Bin biased fans). What was really interesting to see what that with Hyunjin, Chan, Jisung and Minho, they still all stayed within the top five! Soooo what i’m saying is.... all of you Hyunjin, Chan, Jisung and Minho fans really must like your smut 😏 and I think that it’s safe to assume that the majority of hard stans come from these four members too ooP (and of course our Binnie too! ;) i see all of ya’ll 👀) 
Members That Get Our Hornies Going 
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First off, i would like to acknowledge the all mighty power of Bang Christopher Chan for pooling this most hornies god DAMN while i kind of expected this, it is also evidenced in the fics that i write! recently i’ve been tracking the number of notes that my Chan hard thoughts get in comparison to other members and the differences are usually ASTRONOMICAL. He is most def the most popular member for smut for several different reasons, lowkey bc i think that it’s kind of part of his brand?? hahaha if ya know what i mean? 
As for preference from Minho on, we can see a super obvious trend that as age order decreases, we get less and less interest for reading for the member. I’m fairly inclined to believe that this has to do with the fact that most often fans (especially fans older than skz) have a harder time seeing the younger members in a sexual way, so the lack of interest totally makes sense here! As referenced above too, we found that the oldest five members (Chan --> Jisung) are the favorites for smut reading which we can see here as well when the numbers really drop after Felix (Felix coming in at 6th place on my “popularity” survey). 
Bc of these statistics, i do really feel like as a reader, i tend to see much, much more fics involving our top five! As for Seungmin and Jeongin, I’ve also seen people state that they do not read or write content for these two members bc they do not feel as comfortable, so this can also explain the lack of content. Also as we have heard many times, Jeongin is a bit of a hot topic lol within the SSB community, so this makes sense that his readership would be low as well. 
4. Deep Dive into the Juicy Questions (aka confessions) 
Is the fact that you read smut a seggsy secret? 
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Before I say anything, i wanted to tell you all how all of the juicy questions were totally optional, but i got 100% participation for every single one of them which if find HILARIOUS i guess you all are just as curious as i am?? ;) 
So! for this question, we have an overwhelming amount of readers who said that only their closest friends know which is so cute to me! i love how we can trust our friends with this hehe. i also fall into this category bc like, it’s lowkey kinda fun to talk about? maybe also the fact that i run a smut acct makes me care a little less about it all hahah 
secondly, we have the rather large group of people who said that they wouldn’t dare to tell anyone which is also sooo cute haha idk how to explain it but this was the category that i started out in too until i found the right people! But i totally get ya, reading smut--especially-- kpop smut-- can be embarrassing or cringey to share (not to mention that it is somewhat morally grey LOL) so this is really understandable! 
also my fkn hats off to all of you who said that you didn’t care about who knows that you read smut. here, you dropped this: 👑 you’re much braver than i could ever be. 
When you read smut, do you really feel the hornies? 
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~My thoughts: ok, so this one to me was also very interesting for me to see as well! (also if you get uncomfy reading about personal masturbation habits you can skip this one lol) 
the reason why i asked this question was because i wanted to see if people “get off” by reading smut (whether reading it turns you on, or if you choose to use it for “material” to get off on however this might look, might be more of a mental simulation without any real like, physical getting off) candidly, I use smut to get myself off every once and a while, so i wanted to see who else might be in the same group! since becoming a writer however, i read much less and reading it doesn’t hit the same when i was just a reader bc i have a different perspective of being the one writing the smut so i look at it more analytically--i digress. 
it was exciting (teehee get the pun?) for me to see that others also “get off” on smut too--and that they are the majority! teehee it is an honor for me to provide you with the hornies LOL. at the same time, we still have a large group in the “don’t take to seriously” category which was interesting to me too! i can’t speak for these readers, but i interpreted these kind of readers to be the kind who read smut to imagine the scenes and are like “hm, that’s hot, i like thinking about this.” but it doesn’t extend much outside of these thoughts. 
What is the most popular position pairing we like to read? 
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*smaller slices of the pie represent multiple favorites which i also seperated back into the categories corresponding to get the best count into what was the most preferred. 
Actual Breakdown: 
dom!idol // sub!reader (51 votes) 
switch!idol // switch!reader (32 votes) 
subidol! // dom!reader (11 votes) 
all of the above (5 votes) 
depends on my mood (2 votes) 
~My thoughts: i feel as if there is a bit of a conflict between which position really is “the best” and while we really can’t know the answer to this question since everyone has different preferences, we can at least find out which one is the most popular to be consumed! 
again, going off of the content that I also see as a reader, i see TONS of dom!idol fics, like, left and right. also, if i may come for all of our necks, 👀 but...there’s really something to be said about the fact that the majority of readers are female and historically and socially, women are typically socialized to be submissive, so i can see why this would be why we would favor this among fics--this is even further evidenced by the fact that male idol smut is also preferred, thus further perpetuating the fact that women have been socialized to be submissive to men specifically. i’m not saying that this is the end all be all reason that this trend is present, but i merely offer it as a possible explaination. this is a much larger sociological conversation, but i think that this trend also showed itself in the types of smut that readers seek out as well--according to demographics. 
sub!idol fics are few and far in-between, and i think that this can also be for the exact same reason as i talked about above! 
When you read smut, do you pick faves to read for? 
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~My thoughts: what’s cool about this question is the fact that the “half and half” nature of it also resembles what we saw in the section for favorite members to read! As we see in that chart, 41 out of 100 people said that they read everyone, similar to this question where 48 out of 100 people said that they read for everyone. What this proves to me once more is that when it comes for reading fics, there's a 50/50 chance that the reader will look at, and read it based off of who it is about alone. This is a really powerful statistic, meaning that the members who that a writer might write for really dictates their readership! At the same time, it’s super comforting to know that regardless of what you as a writer might write, there’s always someone out there who is willing to read it! (as evidenced by the 52% of people who read for anyone! this is still a large number) 
Readers: Do you only use Tumblr for smut? 
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~My thoughts: when i first started out reading smut, i was in the “i just look up skz smut” group LOL so i wanted to see again if there was anyone like me--which there is! This was more of my interest in seeing if some people view tumblr as “their smut dealer” AHA so that my initial motivation. I was surprised to see that this is not the case! out of 100 readers, 39 of them have their own non-smut blogs and the second largest group of 26 people use tumblr for smut exclusively. 
idk why, but when thinking of this question, it really got me thinking back to the question where i asked if reading smut is a seggsy secret, and there was the group of people who said that it is for them--i’m assuming that these people might be part of the group have non-smut blogs and read on the side teehee. 
at the same time, there is a combined 40 people who said that they use tumblr for smut purposes only which makes sense to me, as those who filled out my survey are readers of my smut blog if you catch my drift haha  
Writers: Do you read smut, or just write it? 
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*56 responses correlate with those polled who identified as writers/both as mentioned above 
~My thoughts: this survey is really really cute for me to see bc it means that there is a whole support network or writers out there reading, supporting and here to hype other writers work!! if anything, as a writer because it takes so much time to write, it can become hard to find time to read, hence the “when i have time option lollll (*cough cough* me LOL) thank you all for your honesty with this question! 
5. General Thoughts and Conclusion 
Survey on Exposure 
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~My thoughts: i kinda wanna close off this survey by getting on my soapbox for a sec lol. At least for me, the most common ways that readers found my blog were: looking up a tag, and from a repost. i think that this really goes to show the power of exposure and certain tactics that you can use to increate readership of your account! new readers, if you’re reading this and you’re just starting out, tagging your stuff is so so important! 
also, as i have said and so so, many other content creators have said countless times before, reposting is so crucial and it takes little to no effort to repost a creators work so that it might reach others! as a writers, we spend hours, and i mean hours creating content, editing, drafting, creating headers all out own time to publish something that we are proud of and for you to enjoy! it means the world to authors when you reblog their work and even more when you give feedback too because this is our passion! we write for free in the middle of our busy lives so the validation makes it all worth it!! 
~phew! so that’s it! once again, i wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart from participating in this lil study! i really hope that it is helpful to writers and readers alike! i wanna give ya all the biiiiiigest Ro huggies!! 💕💕
as i mentioned above, the answers for the unpopular opinions will be made into their own post bc there is a ton of them and i didn’t want to clutter up this doc lol 
don’t ya ever forget that you are important, loved, and special! happy hornies my cuties ;) 
~R 🌹
6. Cute shit that ya’ll said that made me giggle (and hopefully makes you giggle too)
~you all are the light of my life!! each of these comments brought me so much happiness and i love you all so fkn much for that!! also, to those of you who said, “Ro date me” PLZ haha i will date you too!!! too all of the super sweet comments about my writing, thank you so so very much and thank you for reading! it means so much to me!! to all of the i love yous, ahhhh i love you toooooo  💕
-ro who 
Me, in chan voice: RObber ducky you're the one 
“ I didn’t know changbin’s thighs were of such importance until I saw your username but now?? 👀 I am looking respectfully.” 
“ every time chan doesn’t reply to my bubble message i hold my breath and try to die💆‍♀️” 
“ here are my favorite emoji combos: 😐☝️ 😫🖐️ 😂🤏 (i use that one when i get a dick pick and it's rlly small but the person thinks its big-) “ 
“ you are EVIL for making me choose just ONE bias OT8 EXISTS OK!?” 
“ I hope this survey provides you with a lot of useful feedback! -sincerely a big tiddie committee member (you know the one)” [hehe yes i do hai M ;)] 
“ chan’s tiddies... that’s it.” 
“jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseoyo?“
“ Jeongin is appropriately baby bread because his face is puffy in the morning so it's kinda like yeast rising 👉👉 “ 
“ someone needs to tell hyunjin to put some vaseline or something on his cuticles like I love him a lot but his recent live made me scream sir your cuticles are hanging on for dear life please I'm literally begging you “ 
“ I squeal whenever I get a notification from you and my family think I’m secretly dating someone. It’s nice knowing that they think I can get someone during a pandemic 😁 “ [this one had me SENT] 
“i hope ur dreams are blessed with skz thighs.” 
“ HS Bin supremacy!!” 
“Ro(ses) are red, violets are blue - DaVinci painted Mona, cause he couldn't find you :') “ 
“✨ dInG dOnG ✨ “ 
“You're doing God's work as a changbin stan xD “ [thank you so much aHA] 
“damn gorl, are you a wifi signal? cause i’m tryna connect 🤔🥴✌🏾 “ 
“Good luck with your survey! I hope you get a big response! You know what else is big..? 
 Chan's feet. (I'm sorry, that was my attempt to make you giggle but I'm clearly not a comedian)” 
“What's the internal temperature of a taun taun? Luke warm! (Haha sorry star wars joke) “ 
“just because you’re garbage, doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot <3 “ 
“Soft-Dom Minho Agenda is the best agenda. I have spoken. Sincerely yours, Javi (@itsapapisongo) “ [this is the way javi] 
“Bang chan daddy supremacy” 
“ro, ro, ro your boat gently down skz’ dick hell yea.” [this also had me SENT] 
“stay smut writers should take “maknae on top” literally“
“idk man i’m just vibing. hope ur day is going well. (changbin voice) da DA da” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @chaangbin​ @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
54 notes · View notes