#also my url insp lmao
bisclavaret · 2 years
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Werewolf History Project- Medieval
Part 2 of my werewolf history project!
Chose to focus this era's piece on Bisclavret, or the Lay of the Were-Wolf written by Marie of France in the 12th century. It's a very unusual story for its time, where the werewolf is not a force of evil, but sympathetic and cursed. And also smooches the king.
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wongki · 3 years
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hello everyone!
hope you all had a wonderful weekend. i’ve been busy all weekend with work (& catching up with sleep!) but i’m stopping by because twelve months and one url change later my blog turned one on saturday! yay! 
i thought i’d thank you for following this lame little blog of mine. and for being kind & friendly to me. ♡ also let me now take the time to apologize if you followed me for only one specific type of content only to find out i am a multi mess of things. lmao sorry about that! but thanks for staying! 
anyway way long story short i love and appreciate you all so thank you! 
have a good day/night and fantastic week! take care of yourselves. 
i was gonna tag a lot people but then i got shy....
....so i only tagged people i didn’t think would mind me tagging them >< and if you do mind me tagging feel free to ignore! :3 
@my-day my mva* ♡
@2bosoos  - @bleuatlas - @d4ebak - @dandyboyseungminnie - @dashingwishes -  @devil-mp3  - @dongsungs-bitch - @doyunhos -  @fruityxuxi - @hongminchy - @hyungwonurl - @hyunubear -  @imnameimss 
@joosgf - @kihyunsgf - @kyunsies -  @lovely-ptg - @mondbebe - @morkyun - @pizza-for-mybbys -  @sarah-simps -  @seungkwns - @shyung-shoes 
@softhyungkyun -  @studioweus - @soonhoonsol - @thatcrazedgirlchuck - @wonheons -  @wonwoobythesea  - @xxcaribbean 
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causticsunshine · 3 years
i was tagged by both the lovely @dyingstars-x and @harrymegirlfriend to answer twenty questions about myself! this was a lot more candid than i anticipated but here we go~
💗what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
💗when is your birthday?
july 21st! cancer season baybee
💗where do you live?
in the US! i've been in the pacific northwest for about eight years but i'm definitely still a californian at heart
💗three things you’re doing right now?
1. jobhunting 2. trying to open my online shop 3. attempting™️ to finish deadline stuff and this HSLOT drawing i've been working on since saturday 🤞🤞
💗four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
i go through little phases where i have my one big primary interest—one dee since returning to it last summer—that sticks around for awhile and then some smaller, less involved ones that tend to come and go, so i'd say right now the only other 'fandom' i'm kinda in is for MDZ/the untamed/cql, even though i'm a very late member to the party!
💗how is the pandemic treating you?
okay i guess? i'd really like to be moved out already as being in therapy and gaining confidence since my big mental breakdown last fall—accompanied with quitting my job of nearly four years that didn't get me anywhere in life—i've realized how many unhealthy behaviors and mindsets are perpetuated in my household and how they're....really not good for me at all. but i also know i can't get to the place i'd like to be mentally and emotionally without moving out, i also can't move out until i find a 9-5 with bennies with all my health problems + me losing my insurance in the new year so it's been....a time.
buuuut besides the soul crushing terror of being an adult living at home with people who don't understand you, i'm confident now and a lot of my mindsets have changed to healthier ones and i've regained my love of art and being creative?
💗song you can’t stop listening to right now?
it's a combination of 'i wish i never met you' by loote, 'crowd' by sophie cates, and...... 'stay' by the kid laroi + justin bieber (although i think that one's just an earworm i need to work out lmao)
💗recommend a movie
i just got to rewatch 'cowboy bebop: the movie' and it's sooo fun....(spoilers) i know the ending of the anime is supposed to be purposefully open as it just covers a section of time in the characters' lives where they're all together but i kinda wish i'd watched the movie after as opposed to when it takes place because it's a little bit...of a nicer (and much clearer) wrap up!
💗how old are you?
twenty five 🧓
💗school, university, occupation, other?
currently jobhunting for a Boring grown up job just for some regularity and insurance (and $$ to get my ass OUT) but i want to take on freelance commission work again too! i dropped out of uni in like 2018 because the school i was going to kept fucking me over with credits just to get my associate's but maybe i'll go back one day.....maybe.....
💗do you prefer hot or cold?
HOT only because it's so gd cold and wet where i live now and even when the summers are warm they're super short and don't compensate for the months i spend not moving out of arthritis pain and freezing my ass off
💗name one fact others may not know about you.
i always come up with fun ones when i don't have any reason to share them lmao but i guess.....staying on-brand with 1d stuff, and i might've said this before, but louis gave me my first bout of gender envy that i recognized as actual gender envy when i was like, fifteen? and as i was coming out of my obvious emo phase into one more subdued, i totally dressed like twink louis for almost a year....haircut and everything....
if i can find the one photo i'm thinking of i'll post it but until then use your imagination sjkgdf
💗are you shy?
i can be? i think once i vibe with someone enough it becomes easy to talk to and open up to them but before that i can be pretty closed off and a bit impersonal.
💗do you have any preferred pronouns?
💗any pet peeves?
i'm one of those 'people talking or random noise being made near me while i'm trying to concentrate on something fuels my murder response out of nowhere' people but otherwise...outside of common courtesy/manners stuff being ignore, i don't think so? although i genuinely hate when people walk right behind me or right in front of me...shit makes me anxious and ticks me off dfjkngdf i got shit to do!!
💗what’s your favourite “dere” type?
am i boring if i say tsundere just because it's relatable? although dorodere is kinda fun in the right setting....i love a good character twist!
💗rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
i'd say a 5? there's a lot more i want to do and achieve and things i know i could have right now if my ADHD and anxiety didn't still have such a death grip on me but i'm also in the best headspace i've been in in years so i'll take that as a win!
💗what’s your main blog?
this one!
💗list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
swmpwxtch is my art-only blog because i'm slow at finishing things and know there's no point trying to make this an 'art blog' when i reblog so much, and then prickelndauge is my insp blog (so if you're wondering why there's a startling lack of fashion and art on this blog, it's mostly over there!), then i have one for creepy/spooky stuff (bonepickng) because i know not a lot of people want to see that on main, aaaaand am-ref a ref blog for art tips, life things, donation pools, etc.! (and some old urls i have saved)
💗is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
at the risk of sounding like a YA protagonist: my heart is full of love and i try to be as understanding and open as i can be but i also have a very short bullshit fuse, so while i'm still happily understanding of certain behaviors and mindsets, if you cross the line that i put very bluntly in the sand, you're not crossing back over.
(ie i love my friends but don't be a dick and if you are you get one warning and that's all <3)
uhhh i know a lot of people got tagged already and have done this so! i'll be tagging @grimmpitch @hershelsue @niallnailme @dragmedown @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @justmehernthemoon @non-binharry @genius0flove @mamaharry @theymetinthetoihlet @saintqueer and uhhh anyone else that would like to!! and if you've done this already please ignore me~
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alemanriq · 3 years
tagged by
Name/Nickname: Ale (ah-leh or like the drink if you want) Alemán, Al
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 1,64 m (what are feet)
Time: 11:46 am
Birthday: 28 aug
Favorite Bands: I like too many at this point I wouldn’t say I have absolute favs. There’s Los bitels (the beatles fhjs), Coldplay, Keane, Gorillaz, Led Zeppelin, Daft Punk, Jamiroquai, RHCP, SOAD, Pearl Jam, Cranberries, The Apples and more from the back of my head.
Favorite Solo Artists: Stevie Wonder, Amy Winehouse, Jimmy Smith, Carlos Santana, John Coltrane, Elvis Presley, Gustavo Cerati, Beyoncé, John Mayer, Gianmarco, Seal, James Blake, Jim Lang (composed Hey Arnold Soundtrack), Silvio Rodriguez, Miles Davis and again, a long etc svsdvs I just suck at lists.
Song stuck in my head: Season 2, episode 3 by Glass Animals haha
Last Movie: Soul
Last Show: Law & Order SVU
When did I create this blog: uhhh somewhere in 2013
Last thing googled: A song I think I misheard as I was waking up and still cannot find lmao (by the time I finish this I’ll forget the lyrics I once thought I heard)
Other blogs: ilusapiens (art ref/tutorials/insp blog :D), uncklerman (kenny asblog), the-moblit-sketchbook (moblit askblog), levihanweek 
Why I chose my url: a mystery (it’s just a mix of my names lmao)
Average hours of sleep: I’ll steal “Either too few or too many”
Instruments: what I can play or what I like? xD I can learn songs on the keyboard if I have enough time and sometimes play around with an otamatone. As for what I like the most is the sound of hammond organ specifically, drums and bass.
What am I wearing: fluffy PJs because summer is taking its time and I’m scared, it’s like the sun recovered from covid and now is joining forces of all its tiny sun friends
Dream job: Being the very best. Also concept or storyboard artist.
Dream trip: Brussels, London, Japan
Favorite food: a tie between seafood and pasta
Nationality: Peruvian
Favorite song: It changes, i give up
Last book read: I’ve been only checking concept art books now tbh ashdjd last ones I got myself for christmas are the one of Spiderman into the spiderverse, Steven Universe and Coco (lols) I’m looking forward to buy one of the prince of Egypt ;o; 
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: - Harry Potter’s except I don’t wanna be like charas getting killed, having allies, I just wanna mow hay...with magic - Beach City from Steven universe since the citizens don’t feel threatened there ever for some reason, I want that peace of mind - Hillwood City (Hey Arnold) because I also want to chill in a fictional city that has hand-drawn skies with intense sunsets and there’s always jazz n funk randomly playing in the bg as ur day passes by. But if that’s too normal then MCU to be a mutant, except I’d stay away from the action and prob never feature in any movie so I don’t get either hunted down nor sued for destroying entire cities.
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maliro-t · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @surprisegents​  below the cut 🙏🙏 thank u!!
1. Name: Maya
2: Gender: waves hand in a vaguely feminine direction
3. Star sign: libra
4. Height: 5′3"
5. Time: 6:55 when I finished this
6. Birthday: Oct 7th
7. Favorite band(s): well my longtime fave is death cab for cutie bc. I’m a sad b*tch I guess. Also, sorry to be an obscure music person, but I highkey love bitter ruin and foxtails brigade.
8. Favorite solo artist(s): mmm probably Mitski for the last couple years! Historically though, Sara Bareilles 
9. Song stuck in my head: none atm but that’s bc I’m listening to music
10. Last Movie: oh god it was night at the museum lmao, it randomly came on after something else we watched. definitely was a movie made in 2006, that’s for sure.
11. Last show: ok wait actually I have a shred of shame left that makes me not want to answer this,,,,,I’ll let you imagine. I will say instead that the last show I Finished was an Icelandic crime drama called the valhalla murders which I basically watched to fill time but it was surprisingly satisfying
12. When did you make this account: the very very end of 2013 so. you COULD dig through it if you want but also maybe do not!!
13. What do I post: I mean overall, fandom or no, it’s mostly just things I think are Pretty. I know I have an insp tag but really everything I rb is insp in some form or another. But yeah I mean idk. mainly pretty things and video game ladies (which I realize are the Same), with a general skew towards fantasy.
14. What is the last thing you googled: oh I’m playing ac valhalla right now and I was looking up how to find an artifact that I couldn’t get to for the life of me 🤡 sorry for being incompetent
 15. Other blogs: I have a fruits basket side blog (date of origin, 2014) that has about 10 posts on it from before I even really knew how this website worked and I’m not linking it, sorry folks. But generally this has been a Single Blog Affair for my entire run
16. Do I get asks: generally not really! only for ask memes, or maybe very very occasionally after I post something that gets enough of a reception. I do have like 20 very weird questions sitting in my ask box rn from when a friend was feeling particularly memey though
17. Why did I choose this url: I’ve talked about this before but it’s a bunch of different bits from my name (aka a made up word), which somehow was taken so I added a hyphen! The reason I decided on that is slightly more complicated and related to two of my very early fandoms.
18. Following: 411
19. Followers: 554
20. Average hours of sleep: probably six oof
21. Lucky number: 3!
22. Instruments: have played piano most of my life, plus violin (which I’m no where near as good at but still dabble in) and some self taught ukulele
23. What am I wearing: a random dress and a comfy red sweater/cardigan thing I love. 
24. Dream job: tumblr you can’t keep tricking me into thinking about the future, I won’t do it
25. Dream trip: unfortunately I have pretty terrible travel anxiety and basically,,,,, never desire to go Anywhere. I’m lucky to have been a lot of neat places with my family but also that was kind of. enough for me oof. So my 2020/2021 answer is a coffee shop.
26. Favorite food: lasagna,,,
27. Nationality: american
28. Favorite song: oh god, impossible to choose. one forever fave of mine is brothers on a hotel bed by dcfc but like. I’m only naming that one because I’ve loved it Forever. 
29. Last book I read: uhhh probably something for class oof, I guess it was Père Goriot which I had a tough time with because it has No plot but u know occasionally there was something very profound.
30. Top three fictional universes I would like to live in: hmmm okay. this is a question I have never really considered, believe it or not, but I think my answers are 1. the magicians, but specifically the books. the show would be a living hell 2. maybe unexpected but can I say stardust? movie or book tbh, there’s just the right balance of whimsy and peril imo, and no world-ending stakes 3.I’m gonna say dragon age for posterity even though I know it would objectively be terrible
i’ll tag @the-socially-unaccepted @barrynn @tightlemon if u guys want!! <3 
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geothefafa · 3 years
i was tagged by @herbal-apparatus !!! now you may also have the means to attack kill me..
name: Andy Andrew Anderson, but ppl call me Geo cus its in my username! i get it! its an oc ive had since i was like 12. hes cool..
gender: Special Menu Option Boy. He/Him for everyone but amigos can use It also bc its fun like me. not an option for strangers tho. its a secret menu pronoun :)
nationality: american :pensiveclown:
bday: december 14
star sign: sagittarius baybee manic monday :)
height: 5′4" manlet confirmed i wear tall platforms that give me like nearly 4 inches tho and its none ya bisnes
fav food: everything. i have the appittite of a rabid raccoon in your trash bin and he wont leave also he broke into your house and ransacked the place and theres nothing you can do about it cus your teacup chihuahua is scared of me
fav bands/artists: i still love ed banger bc theyre still supplying bops but yo ive been gettin into darkwave echocore hell horror evilcore killerclownwave dungeon horror deathvibe monstoer evil edm lately.
fav song: this quasteion was invented by boring people
song stuck in my head: the Earthbound meme song, the penis delirious penis mysterious song however it goes, and the no body no body no body no body meme all playing at once im in hell.
last movie: The Muppets Most Wanted cus i got high
last show: always sunny with my brother in law bc we were high.
last thing i googled: “80′s moustache actor” i forgot tom sellecks name, this helped.
when i created this blog: i dont have a concept of time but i do know i was like 14 when i joined and im 23 now so somethings gone completely wrong.
other blogs: kerchowe is my car blog that will one day get me cancelled and geothetic is my aesthetic/oc insp blog that i hardly touch anymore these days
do i get asks: only joke anons from my friends who i totally cannot tell who is sending me them /s and the completely deadpan serious anons who have to “well, actually” everytime i speak in the tags about buttholes or disliking baby yoda
following: i think this means how many im following? 938. i trimmed it a lot cus a good chunk of ppl i used to follow have been inactive for almost a year or smth.
why i chose this url: my oldest oc is geo. fafa is nonsense. only true fans know the deeplore beyond this point.
instruments: as a kid we had a piano growing up so im a piano slut now. my mom is an overachiever and made me learn other instruments too so i unfortunately can play guitar, trumpet, and clarinet too but not that well. i always liked piano tho, so thats the shit im ok at. friends tell me im good. family tells me im crap. so who knows. i like it so it doesnt stop me from being obnoxiously loud lmao.
average hrs of sleep: like, collectively.. a normal amount. but it takes me like twice as long to get there cus i only get to fall assleep for like an hour or two at a time.
what i’m wearing: like 20 layers
lucky number: 42 and the reason is not what you think.
dream trip: cold. take me to the mountains. to a deep cave. i really dont care. just not the ocean. or vegas.
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: my fuckin daydream oc world thats it thats the world i want to live in there is no second or third runner up thats it good luck. thank you for tagging my lilly. use this information wisely. and since we have the same friend circle i dunno who to tag so im going to literally snatch the ppl who reblog from me most. no pressure to do if u dont want me knowing your secrets and weak spots. @julia-femboy @artistically-frustrated @invader-777 @dafterwho @cotton-candy-ace @natnatbunbun
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kiwimints · 5 years
[chain] 8 people i'd like to know better!
i was tagged by @stevie-harrington !!! thanks so much, it really means a lot!!
one | name/alias | gabby
two | birthday | april 21st
thtworee | zodiac sign birthday | taurus
four | height | 5'6 last time i checked
five | hobbies | drawing, singing, video games, playing piano/uke/guitar/kazoo lol
six | favourite colours | im not assertive enough to have a fave colour lmao,,,,, i really like pale cool colours and pink/red
seven | favourite books | i dont read much anymore but my favourite series of all time has got to be the chaos walking trilogy by patrick ness!!! (aka that one movie adaptation with tom holland but it keeps getting pushed back lol)
eight | last song listened to | evening wear by mindless self-indulgence (a great theme song for jerome btw, such a banger)
nine | last film watched | pet sematary (1989)
ten | inspiration for muse | dont have one bro! ive had a fair share of bad roleplay experiences in my day, plus im never really motivated to commit to an rp long term anyways, so i havent had a muse in a really long time (i sure as hell love theming accounts based on characters tho! so insp for my jerome stuff is that i fell in love with the character; his stage/screen presence is amazing and cameron monaghan does a fantastic job with each and every scene!)
eleven | dream job | im not too sure yet! i like computers so maybe something with that, but i also am really interested in mental health so id love to be in that field (but there's so much schoolllllll,, at least itd be interesting). a "fantasy" job would be acting, i really dont think that's gonna happen lol
twelve | meaning behind your url | i had been using a bunch of stupid unoriginal names and figured i needed one that sounded okay to use across the internet, so i just thought of kiwimints in my backyard a few summers ago and went with it! i dont even like kiwi that much and i'm sure kiwi and mint would be an unpleasant combo but it sounded cute together haha
i tag: @brotherfuckersanonymous @gucci-titties @softvaleska @allynabean @veryvaleska @brucewnaye @connerluthorkent @cyanacity !! you don't have to continue the chain but i just wanted to let you know that i absolutely ADORE your blogs!!!
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bowvengeraa · 5 years
𝟖   𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄   𝐈’𝐃   𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄   𝐓𝐎   𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑,   repost,   do   not   reblog.
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01. / name / alias.   danielle / dani / dany 02. /  birthday.  june 4th 03. / zodiac sign.   gemini 04. /  height.   5′3. 05.  /  hobbies.   lmao sleeping ig? 06. /  favourite colours.   yellow 07. / favourite books.     oooh, thats too hard to pick tbh? 08.  /  last song listened to.    these are my friends by lovelytheband 09.  /  last film watched.   this hallmark mystery movie 10.  /  inspiration for muse.    i’m an mcu/616 mix, drawing a bit more from the comics in terms of personality and backstory. i also have a whole bunch of headcanons to take insp from too 11.  / dream job.    journalist 12.  / meaning behind your url.    he’s an avenger and he uses a bow lmfao
tagged: @kryptona tagging: ahh literally everybody tbh
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shrimpsyrup · 2 years
tagged by @rongzhi on main @voix7 (answering on personal since main is an art blog lol)
Nickname: voxen or voi depending on where someone originally knows me lmao
Star Sign: gemini
Height: 5'4 i wish i was taller ):
Time: 22:22
Birthday: june 14th!!
Favourite Bands: houses, lights & motion, motion city soundtrack, blink 182, ajr, a day to remember, the wrecks
Favourite Solo Artists: fox stevenson, 徐梦圆 (xu mengyuan), dabin, radical face, hayd
choosing 'favorites' for music is hard lmao. i listen to a huge variety of things, mostly in yt playlists, so i don't tend to listen to a lot of the same people over and over. also for a vast majority of bands/artists i only really like specific songs...so.............
Favourite Foods: i am obsessed with cheese and bread. also tuna. i could literally eat tuna sandwiches every day into forever.
Favourite Colors: pink and brown
Last Thing I Googled: rigid / stiff-clothed
(listen...i forgot the word 'uptight'. all my brain would supply was rigid or 'stiff-clothed'. i was trying to find 'upright' in their synonyms. stiff-clothed isn't even a saying anywhere. it was driving me nuts. ...i found the word eventually.)
Last Show I Watched: Legend of Awakening!
Last Movie I Watched: uhhhhHHHH en....encanto? i think? i've watched so much drama recently i don't remember cxnmxcmnxc
Lucky Number: 7. because i'm boring and i use 7s in usernames and stuff.
When Did I Create This your main Blog?: 2014, as an art-only. this one is from ?? 2017.
Do I Have Any Other Blogs?: i have like 4(??) but the only ones currently in use are the main and this personal. there's an insp blog etc but i don't really use it anymore. also i had a couple different tumblr accounts before this one, from like 2009 and 2011. one is completely deleted, but the other one is still floating around out there!
Do I Get Asks?: basically never. i've been pretty dormant on tumblr for a couple years anyway, though i never really got many in the first place. also i'm bad at responding (:>
Why Did I Choose My URL?: good question! i don't remember. voix7 i think was nickname (voi) plus x (chosen name initial) and 7 (favorite number). that's it. xonexiv is just a mixture of voix7 and voxenbox (current main handle)
(don't ask where that one came from either, i don't know)
Blogs You Follow: 263. it's like 99.9% art/insp blogs, because this account was originally set up to be art-only in both blog and dashboard. other account was my "fun dashboard."
since i don't use my old account anymore and i'm back now, that'll probably change though lol.
Dream Trip: mmmmm......i'm kind of a hermit so i don't really think about trips much. i guess a massive road trip? i want to just like. drive(tm) and wander around. from PNW where i'm at all the way across country, maybe up into canada or down into mexico. fill that wanderlust.
Instruments: i used to play piano, flute, and trombone. real basic-like, though. i didn't go much further than middle school / early high school with them, because i was forced to choose between art classes and band classes lmao (i chose art)
Average Hours Of Sleep: average is probably like 10 hours, but it ranges from 5 to 12. consistency? don't know her.
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?: i just had to get up and go count. it's seven. seven whole ass blankets. i sleep with this many no matter the season. listen..it's......i make a nest, okay?
Tagging: everyone and no one (: i'm a hermit
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etams · 6 years
so I just crashed into a brand new interest for football since the wc and I am enjoying IMMENSELY all this sweet, sweet french nt content. and I can't seem to get enough of it. basically I feel like writing some pogmann but also have 0 insp. do u have any prompts ud like to see written out? bromancey or not idc. love you, bye! (if anyone else is interested and inspired pls feel free, the sole reason you are on the receiving side of this ask is bc you showed in the search for pogmann lmao)
ahhh kid…….. *pulls out cigarette* pogmann? haven’t heard that name in a long time *takes drag* i actually invented that ship that’s my brand *blows out smoke*
azedfghjk no for real tho i think i showed up in the tag bc after the 2014 World Cup i created the url pogmann and i kept it for almost four years i just changed it a few months ago haha, glad it brought you here!
tbh with you i don’t read fanfic in the football realm so i don’t rly have any prompt idea but if anyone is inspired, leave your ideas below and good luck on your writing!
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eluvixnse · 6 years
30 Questions // Tagged by @colawrites ( thanks dad ilu ♥ )
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. Nickname: I don’t really have any. I mean, people who use my real name shorten it but uhhh Fai is technically one and members of my family call me ‘trouble’ ‘cause I troll all the fucking time lmao
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Aries
4. Height: 5′3″
5. Time: 1.30pm
6. Birthday: 13th April
8. Favourite solo artists: Sara Bareilles lately and uhhh hmm Billie Marten
9. Song stuck in your head: Brave by Sara Bareilles like honestly what a jam
11. Last show I watched: Uhhhhh.... Mindhunters? Mindhunters
12. When did I create my blog: July 2017. I think I’ve made a new blog like every few months for a while now ‘cause I’m fussy
13. What do I post/reblog: Comics, #relatable posts about mental health sometimes, comics, poetry and quotes, muse stuff and character insp, videogames... basically anything I’m super focused on at the time
14. Last thing I googled: Dragon Age Origins gift guide ‘cause I only ever remember Alistairs lmaoo
15. Other blogs: RP blogs, sideblogs for urls, some secret blogs for spamming or edit insps for whenever I wanna be That person. Nothing interesting honestly. I mostly dump in one place and tag ‘cause I get confused and lost and then anxious really easily ahaha
16. Do I get asks: NOPE
17. Why did I choose my url: Ummm faiwrites was ‘cause this blog was supposed to be for my character stuff? But I went back to eluvixns ‘cause I fucking love the word ‘eluvian’ and I love Dragon Age and I’m an dumb elf at heart
18. Following: .... 532. I don’t fucking know how this happened I DO THIS EVERY TIME. My last blog was like 2000+ or something idk idk
19. Followers: 28 ( I’m sorry to all of you )
20. Average hours of sleep: Depends on my mental and physical health. Sometimes it’ll be like 3 hours and other time I’ve hit 16 hours (^-^)b
21. Lucky number: I like 4. I don’t know why. I wouldn’t say it’s lucky or anything but I like the number 4.
22. Instruments: Naaaah. Wanna learn tho
23. What I’m wearing: Sweatpants that are too big for me and a Wonder Woman hoodie because I live in it now
25. Dream trip: New Orleans and yes it’s because of one of my fav comic characters and I also want to go to Oregon and Paris and I WANNA SEE THE NORTHERN LIGHTS
26. Favourite food: Noodles. I’m often pregnant with pasta
27. Nationality: British
28. Favourite song right now: Love Like This ( acoustic ) by Kodaline. I have this on repeat so fucking much now god damn
29. Last book I read: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
30. Top three fictional universes you’d want to join: UHM my own. Specifically one I’ve been nurturing for years. MAN would I be the happiest chick alive I’ma tag @softbutchelliewilliams & @mitchellwrites & @octomoosey
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gglitchshit · 7 years
tagged by @cactiflowergirl thank you!! :D
Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to know better. (n o)
1. Nicknames? Anzu I guess 2. Gender? Female 3. Star sign? Leo 4. Height? uhhhh 160 i ...guess?? 5. Time? 13:05 6. Birthday? it is a mistery 7. Favorite bands? Alestorm (i’m boring yea) 8. Favorite solo artists? Emancipator (same) 9. Song stuck in my head? “Sunset on the Golden Age” Alestorm (wow susrprise) (but yesterday it was quest for ships) 10. Last movie watched? uuuuhhhh 11. Last show watched? uuUUHHHHHHH 12. When did I create my blog? in ancient times (2012 holy shit...wait or was it 2011...? i don’t remember) 13. What do I post? TF2, memes, OC insp, memes, idk anymore, also i wish i could post more alestorm and gloryhammer shitposts lmao (my blog is a mess im sorry) 14. Last thing I Googled? quest for ships lyrics lmao i needed it for a doodle 15. Do you have other blogs? an art blog and a guro blog. which one i update more, place your bets kids (+placeholders for my old urls but those don’t count) 16. Do you get asks? what are those 17. Why did you choose your url? because im a shitty glitch (its more of a reference for my TF2 Spy OC Lucien so with this now i dont rly wanna change my icon bc the url only fits him lmao) also simple “glitchshit” was taken so that’s why the 2 g 18. Following? 378 im questioning myself 19. Followers? 948 im questioning y’all (but its prolly bc this is an ancient blog) 20. Favorite colours? blue for life 21. Average hours of sleep? 6 lol rip 22. Lucky number? 10 and 37 but i dont rly believe in these anymore 23. Instruments? i used to play/self learn piano like 10 years ago and i regret it deeply that i stopped....also been/was (lmao) self learning to play drums (on a fake phony aerodrum kit bc there’s literal no space in my room/our house for an actual human drumkit but im lazy af so i stopped that too....#regret)......also i used to play many other instruments because Musical Elementary School™ 24. What am I wearing? t-shirt+shorts ya creeps 25. How many blankets I sleep with? 1 i am the Strong 26. Dream job? something something digital artist actually making money 27. Dream trip? japan bc after all im still a weeb 28. Favorite food? SUSHI!!! 29. Nationality? H*ngarian 30. Favorite song now? guess what.......its..........fucking sunset on the golden age by....guess...who...alestorm....its the same song i mentioned above ya (i recently fell deeply in love with this song lmfao this is what a vacation does to u)
ok tho i’ll tag @leecherish <3 i always tag u im sorry
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causticsunshine · 3 years
twenty questions
tagged by @are-you-quite-finished-giovanna thank you babe!! 🥰
1. why did you choose your url?
simply put i adore louis and i like purple and it just rolled off the tongue lol, but i also had a list of possible urls i also liked and i had to snatch this one up while i could!
2. any side blogs?
yes i have four....i'm not one of those 'everything goes on main and you can deal with it' type people.... but i have an inspiration blog @prickelndauge (art insp, lots of fashion, cool photography), an art-only blog @swmpwxtch, one just for spooky/creepy content because i'm really into horror manga and scary movies and that kind of stuff but i keep it off of main because i know a lot of it can often be triggering to others! (i also don't post much there but @bonepickng) and one for art references, life tips, random resources, and more donation sharing @am-ref!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
soooo long i thought i'd be gone by now tbh. i know i signed up in 2011 after just browsing the site through random blogs and tags for ages, but i didn't start actively using my own account until early 2012!
4. do you have a queue tag?
when i actually remember to tag things i have queued i'll use 'i'm sleep queue' because all my early morning posts everyday are queued....i am an insomniac rip
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
keeping up with my interests better! i was like 15/16 at the time so it made sense. back in Ye Olde Days much like now—i really have come full circle lmao—it was mostly just for 1d and then some random tv shows/franchises i just to see content of semi-often, as well as finding cool art!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
rn it's just a regular pic of louis! as much as i like using my collages or little edits as my icons, you can't see much of anything and it looks too busy sometimes (but also the photo i have rn....i am always thinking thoughts about it soooo)
7. why did you choose your header?
it's pretty! i wanted everything to follow a color scheme + i love embroidery and fancy gowns!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
ok i thought it was gonna be one of my old larry chibi doodles because i know a few of them hit 1k+ notes, but i deleted those in 2017 and apparently now it's this 6 year old like....funky photo study i did of dan howell from 2015 when i still watched him and amazingphil a lot?? i mean at least it's something i was once proud of lmao....there's a few art posts i have with semi decent notes that i pretend i Do Not See
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i think rn 40 something so not very many, although i unfollowed a lot of people i was moots with when i left my last fanbase so that's probably why 😬 i've been meaning to check out more HL/ot5 people though!! i love mutual interaction but i'm afraid of being annoying if i'm any degree of attentive
10. how many followers do you have?
overall i have almost 2.4k rn, but there's a decent amount that are totally inactive or at least don't interact with me so it feels like....a lot less lmao but since re-joining 1d i've already made up like all the people i lost when i left my other fanbase of almost three and more so thank you for actually liking my work and maybe me as well 🥺💗
11. how many ppl do you follow?
around 370 rn!
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
half of the stuff that comes out of my mouth is a shitpost fdngjkdf like my tags are bad enough lmao, no one needs to properly share the bs i have to say
13. how often do you use tumblr?
pretty regularly rn but there are times i'll go completely MIA depending on what i'm into/how busy i am!
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog?
in the past i have had some....issues with other people i've met on here but never directly had confrontation with them? most of the time that's happened i figure it's been one-sided though because i can get irritated with certain behavior really quickly—like i always say my heart is big and open but my bullshit tolerance is dangerously low—but when that's the case i'll just unfollow or block without saying anything?
although back in the day there was one instance (and seriously if anyone remembers this you deserve a medal because this shit was Ridiculous) where i kinda but not really called out another 1d fanartist who posted untagged noncon fanart they'd done of at least two of the boys, and then acted like it was no big deal (like. 1. those are irl people my dude and 2. untagged noncon art?? in front of my salad??) and their friends kept defending them for it and tried to come for me claiming i was a proponent of Purity Culture when i'm not and literally all i said in my post on it was that in my own opinion it was kinda fucked up to draw noncon art of real life people—not characters played by actors! but actual real people as themselves—in the first place, but if you felt the need to post highly triggering content like that the least you could do was tag it accordingly
but i think that was the last time properly so i guess times within this fanbase are still chaotic as ever just in a different way?
15. how do you feel about "you need to rb this" posts?
Annoyed™️ like don't guilt trip me over a post lmao i do what i want !!
16. do you like tag games?
YES i love to talk about myself after years of trying not to show any personality online out of fear of judgement dfjkngdf
17. do you like ask games?
yes! i want to do them more but i'm always afraid of reblogging one and then getting nothing and looking like a Fool :'(
18. which one of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i guess i have a few moots that are kinda well-known or at least get good interaction within the community we're a part of? also isn't that phrase kind of an oxymoron at this point adfjkdf
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
not past platonic friendly affection lmao but honestly what is it like to have a realistic crush on an actual tangible person versus someone in the public eye who doesn't even know i exist.....it's been so long and i am so lonely please send help
20. tags?
@niallnailme @bolitodequeso @milkcurls @exzouis @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @got-my-devotion @aliensyndrome uhhh anyone who'd like to please consider yourself tagged by me! literally if there was an 'all my moots' button i'd just pick that lmao and as always no pressure/sorry if you've already done this and i haven't seen!
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alemanriq · 6 years
by @the-not-so-dark-age and @ephemeralem0tions (thank you! sorry I took so long hahahah)
1. Nicknames: Ale, Aleman, whatever cute name tumblrites give me ksjfh
2. Gender:
3. Star Sign: Virgo
4. Height: 1,63
5. Time: 18:00 in Perú
6. Birthday: August 28
7. Fav Bands: The Beatles, Coldplay, Keane, Gorillaz, Led Zeppelin, Bajofondo, Daft Punk, Jamiroquai, RHCP, SOAD, The police, radiohead, Muse, Rammstein, Soda Stereo, kinda Molotov and so on :,D
8. Fav solo Artist: Stevie Wonder, Amy Winehouse, John Coltrane, Elvis Presley, Norah Jones, John Mayer, Gianmarco, Tiziano Ferro, Michael Jackson, Alejandro Sanz, Michael Bublé, Carlos Santana, Silvio Rodriguez, Miles Davis and a long etc lmao
9. Song stuck in my Head: Poco Loco (COCO Soundtrack aHAHHAHAlsd)
10. Last Movie I watched: I, robot
11. Last Show I watched: Lost
12. When did I create my Blog: sometime in 2013
13. What do I post: Mostly SnK, a mix of bnha, mp100, hellsing, steven universe, gravity falls...now lots of COCO but I kinda restrain myself a little bc I don’t want to spoil too much accidentally ;; so I’m saving stuff on my drafts for now lol.
14. Last thing I googled: which was the english spelling for “yo, robot” (the movie I last watched LMAO since sometimes the name isn’t translated literally)
15. Do I have any other blogs: yeah, uncklerman & the-moblit-sketchbook (kenny and moblit art askblogs), ilusapiens (insp blog) and singeki (nsfw blog lol) also I’m current mod for levihanweek.
16. Do I get asks: veeery few times unless I reblog a meme or sth. Otherwise nah people doesn’t really approach me u^^) *stares into the sunset*
17. Why I chose my URL: it’s based on my name
18. Following: *hides face*...560 blogs
19. Followers: 4200+ (wow dancc)
20. Hobbies?: drawing, learning to play a song, biking, singing at karaoke (I suck but I enjoy it shh), modeling silly things in sculpey, struggling daily to make my dog love me.
21. Average hours of sleep: 5-6
22. Lucky Number: I don’t think I have one but I like 5,3 and 8 
23. Instruments: Organ, but just for fun; I learn stuff only by ear. I have an otamatone but tune fucked up bc of shitty luck so I have to get the handle of it again lol.
24. What I am wearing: pijama pants and a sweater.
25. Sexuality: hetero
26. Dream Job: concept artist or storyboarder.
27. Dream Trip: Japan, England, Belgium.
28. Fav Food: ceviche (seafood in general), some other peruvian dishes, pasta and japanese food.
29. Nationality: Peruvian
30. Fav Song: ugh I like too many songs so I’m just gonna pick some I haven’t gotten tired of over the years: Taxman, In a sentimental mood, Samba pa ti, Are you lonesome tonight, Isn’t she lovely, Lotus flower, La flaca.
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bennepie · 7 years
Tag Game
i was tagged by @drivelikeudo thank youu 💕
Nickname: chlo, coco
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Height: 5’
Last thing you Googled: does every matrix have an inverse lol
Favorite music artist: my holy trinity is the nbhd, portugal the man, and brand new but ryan ross is the loml also damon albarn and andrew vanwyngarden
Song stuck in my head: black lips by the zephyr bones
Last movie you watched: surfs up lmao
What are you wearing right now: mom jeans, nike af1s, and a nbhd shirt
What do you post: basically whatever i want which is mostly ryan ross
Why did you choose your URL: it rhymes with heads cars bending
Do you have any other blogs: I have an art insp blog that i barely use but want to start posting artwork on (it’s @bennepie btw follow me lol) What did your last relationship teach you: i haven’t even had one???? (date me!!)
Religious or spiritual: not religious but i want to believe there is something after we die
Favorite color: rose, yellow ochre
Average hours of sleep: like 5 or 6
Lucky number: 16
Favorite characters: mickey milkovich (bruh he deserved better. i love him so much i cry every time i think about his character development), craig gilner from its kind of a funny story(also read the book. the movie doesnt do it justice...i didnt think it really captured his character development: ie the way he got through his depression by making other people happier), bro if anyone watches hemlock grove i really like roman (and omg ive been saying forever that he looks like a young steve buscemi!)penelope garcia and spencer reid from criminal minds also isak from skam
How many blankets do you sleep with: 3
Dream job: i want to make my own animated tv show and like design all the characters and write the story for it omg that would be my dream ahh
also everyone who sees this should do it!
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catboii · 6 years
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