#also not exactly komahina but in spirit everything is komahina
cherryluck55 · 5 months
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Random doodle with my all-time fave boys I made in december
Happy Birthday hope boy!! 🥳🍀
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byemizumikahago · 1 year
UPDATE: Some of Mizumi's AO3-essay's comments + more!
I talked about Mizumi deleting the AO3 version of her 2nd anti-komahina essay, and all of the comments along with it. I still haven't found an archive of it, but that's alright, because thanks to a very helpful source (you know who you are, and thank you again SO MUCH), screenshots of some of the more important comments are still alive.
And that's not all! The very helpful source (once again, thank you so SO much) has supplied other screenshots of mizumi's interactions over the years, as well as various other miscellaneous stuff. They also provided context to each one, so I'll be using quotation marks and italicized text to quote exactly what they said.
The grooming victim's name will continue to be censored in blue, so that you can tell when it's their name being censored vs. other stuff.
So, without further ado, here are all the screenshots they provided:
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These are the types of comments mizumi said she received here, and, yeah, it proves that mizumi didn't lie/fake these screenshots. I've checked both of these accounts' histories, and they both seem legit; not a sockpuppet account.
(PS: Bcuz this still needs to be stated, do NOT go and harass these people. Yes, I know some of the stuff they said isn't very great (especially the one faking DID), but the point of showing their usernames isn't to send people after them, it's to prove that they are real people, and not just alt accounts made by Mizumi. Do not take what is meant to educate as an excuse to harass people, thank you.)
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The screenshots from this post, but without the AO3 account deleted, + Mizumi's dms to christy afterwards.
"This was everything I remember she sent regarding the ao3 essay. [She] Sent these around December of last year."
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"She claimed to have been harassed and witch-hunted in this post. She'd told me she experienced excessive harassment (which I know now is likely untrue), and sent stuff like this to try corroborating it a lot."
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"Something sent in a similar spirit"
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"And here is Mizumi having her [EX] friends defend her.
That said: I don't fault the two friends in these screenshots. I truly believe they were lied to and/or threatened, as she had done to me and the reddit moderator."
(IMPORTANT: Both of these people are no longer friends with Mizumi. So don't go and harass them, they have not done anything wrong.)
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"I also want to share this. The behavior I witnessed and experienced aligns with this, and I think it's so important for everyone, especially younger people, to be aware.
Based on the last post, it looks like she's still interacting with minors, even after promising not to do so again; this is very scary to me.
I think they all need to be aware of it, especially if they may not be familiar with abusive behavior. This is without getting involved of course, as this kind of thing can be dangerous for a younger person."
(OCTOBER 7/8 EDIT): "You're going to meet many people in life. Some will be lifelong friends, others will leave a lasting impact on who you are. Unfortunately, some of those people you meet will end up being predatory or abusive in some way. With the internet becoming more prominent, predators now have more access to potential victims than ever. For that, I think it is crucial that everyone, namely children, are aware of the grooming stages. https://www.rainn.org/news/grooming-know-warning-signs If this has or is currently happening to you, please let a trusted adult or loved one know. You are not to blame for what you've endured, and you shouldn't have to continue suffering. You should never have to keep a relationship of any kind secret from trustworthy loved ones, nor be afraid to set boundaries. If you're a child, please understand that it isn't acceptable for adults to behave inappropriately towards you. They should not be leaning on you for emotional support nor making you uncomfortable in any way. If you are a survivor and don't have a support system, I'll be linking some support networks below. https://helpingsurvivors.org/grooming/ https://www.rainn.org/ Here is a tip line for those in the United States https://tips.fbi.gov/home"
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