#also not to be a party-pooper but that transcription is debatable given how sloppy George's writing is (he's just like me fr)
fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
what do you think about the affc 2003 old script release? sansa fans are claiming because it says “take north” it means actually retake the north instead of heading north
It's interesting to look at George's notes and try to line them up with the plotlines we already have, but it's hard to make predictions on future ones because of how fragmented they are. The only reason it's being used as proof is because Stansas have already decided that's how her story will play out; It's just confirmation bias.
Regarding Sansa's portion, I think it lines up with what we've already gotten from her AFFC + TWOW chapters. Her final AFFC chapter includes LF outlining his "plan", which is supposed to culminate in her revealing her identity, gaining the support of the Vale, and retaking the North...hence the "take the north" in the outline. The fact that it predates the Tourney on the list, introduced afterward in her TWOW sample, seems to line up. LF's "prizes" of returning her identity and Winterfell give us her motivations + reasoning for why she is, for now, willing to follow his plan. The only actual new point seems to be "Kill the Mouse".
It's hard to theorize on any of these because they could all be subject to change/revision but to me, this outline shows that George has an entire arc in the Vale planned out of her. The Tourney hasn't even begun yet, we have Myranda potentially realizing Sansa's identity, Sansa hasn't even begun allying with the knights of the Vale, an engagement to Harry hasn't been secured, SW's health is up in the air, I doubt that the Mad Mouse will be killed off anytime soon, etc. She has a lot of story left to play out where she is and nothing actually indicates that she will be physically heading North anytime soon. The issue is that people keep trying to align her book arc with the show. Ultimately we won't ever really know until George releases TWOW, but it is funny to me that this is taken as ultimate proof when there's so much from George that they ignore. They'll rally around a few fragmented thoughts from 10 years ago, but then they ignore it when he outright says he has no idea what D&D are doing with Sansa and that things will be very different in the books 🤷🏾‍♀️
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