#also outside the skelebros lie gaster and grillbz
nighttimepixels · 7 years
okay, to the anon who sent in that post asking along the lines of “who are you favorite skelebros/why” but not in terms of general character things but specifically the ones that, and i quote, “would be ones to…..smooch places ;3”, i accidentally deleted your ask while trying to answer it, since i’m on mobile on a break between errands and this app is nonsense.;;
sooo here’s my reply, you strange and lovely sweetheart callin me out on my inclinations =///v///=
(also apologies, can’t readmore this thanks to mobile… be back with art tonight, hopefully!)
not quite in any order:
Classic Sans: because really, how could i not? my original skeleton crush. from his beautifully purposefully shitty humor, to his time and space jokes, to using his god-level powers largely to joke and work multiple jobs and care for/tease his brother… to everything he goes through and struggles with and stands for in geno routes (which gods, i never could play). frankly, i’ve… never felt so connected to a character. his depression and his humor, his deeply caring but humor-inclined relationship with his brother, his quick wit and cleverness, everything - i love him, so very, very much.
Red: it’s kinda funny how over time the aus, while still being “copied alternates” of one another, have ended up so distinct as different individuals to me. with Red… all the things i love about Sans, but with a twist - i seriously would get along with him too well. i’m kinda a total natural flirt with anyone who i end up friends with, my humor can get pretty dark and/or risque with those who match it - i love the stars and when i’m close to someone, frankly, i just want to be with them and talk through the insomnia-ridden nights and dark thoughts and funny stories and the barbs around the kindness… i’d give him a run for his money, too, i like to think, since i’m very much the ‘kill em with kindness’ type who also gets shit done because there’s no other option, really. not to mention im fiercely protective of those i care about too - i never hold myself to the same level of importance, so - mmm, i feel like he’d… get that. especially if/when we’d get close… i have a feeling there’d be a lot of late nights that didn’t feel quite so lonely.
Stretch: the kindness and underlying good attitude of Pap, with the scientific and magical inclinations of Sans, and a Sans-type wry and witty and easygoing personality? gods, i feel like i’d be best friends woth Stretch, ‘smooching possibilities’ aside. i’d love to set up stories and chill pranks woth him, chill(and smoke a dog treat, heh) with him while wandering through a forest or sitting at some view of the surroundings, shooting the breeze or listening to musoc or just… well, just talking. i wanna play video games through the night with him, and cook with him and his brother, and get nerdy about whatever obscure thing - show him campy scifi shows and accidentally geek out over animation to him and end up pulling my hood over my head bc im flustered that i slipped up like that. i wanna listen to him talk about science, and games, and swap stories, and share the things that are too hard to share with pretty much anyone. i wanna support and love that tall skeleton, dammit…
Russ: i know not a lot is written on him, and when it is, it tends towards a drooling or uncaring to the point of mild incomptence sort of guy - but i don’t… interpret him that way. i view him as having the rough and flirty and dark humor of Red, and the sweet and mischievous and slightly more laidback inclinations of Stretch at his core. i want to connect with him, to have the inevitable flirting and quick wit sessions of easy-going but pointed jokes, and to slowly but surely end up close to him, to have those late night sessions where we seek each other’s company for both fun and comfort, for friendship and understanding. to take a break from the hanging worries and anxieties and responsibilities and just… benon the same page as someone. play videogames and make up bs silly and hilarious backstories for poorly written npcs, or watch shitty horror movies or excellent comedies, more campy scifi - to cook for him late in the night because it’s a stress reliever for me even though i cant eat the things i love to make. to drink too much coffee, or make poorman’s cocktails, or tell stories and talk theories on whagever. to hear him relax and feel like he doesn’t have to be on edge, to hear his stories and his jokes and his quality flirting, heh. i… dunno why, but i just feel really connected to him, despite how little i see him around.
… heh, i won’t get into the smooching prospects specifically, this was self-indulgent as is. (yes, even as much as i want it, aw geez. you guys know me too well;;) but let’s say i’m down for anything they’d want to dish out, and damn if i don’t love cuddling and that casual intimacy on top of all the rest. =//v//=
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