#also oversharing tbh
muffypollz · 2 days
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Edwin: *monologuing about confusing feelings*
Monty: *kisses him*
Edwin: "That was unexpected"
Monty: "I have feelings for you too"
Edwin: "I wasn't talking about you"
Very funny but oh so awkward
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stuckinapril · 7 months
I’m finally biting the bullet and contacting a therapist today after being ambivalent ab it for so long… this hellsite has its many disadvantages but one thing I can say is it has truly helped me be less scared of pursuing therapy. Silver lining etc etc
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yuno-karei · 6 months
Since Im clinically insane over my mairuma ocs, what would yall like to learn more of about them?
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trashcatsnark · 11 months
ngl, didn't play EA but I'm poking around datamined dialogue from an EA version- I find it very inchresting, that seemingly, they definitely turned down the dream guardian's like horniness and romantic interest. Like it seems to be implied that at one point the dream guardian like- tries to kiss you during the first encounter, like lots of notes about cheek caress, thigh touching, and leaving you with a smooch souvenir. And then in the morning you get a pretty good idea of who everyone saw (Karlach didn't have a file for it that I saw and Shadowheart's was vague, beyond- "someone she is attracted to") and Gale is funnily enough seems (from my searching) to be the only one who admits that... yeah, he smooched them...
And like, totally get why they turned that down for final release, but god if that was still the case- I would have lowkey tried not to laugh my ass off when who the dream guardian is was revealed and ask Gale how he liked the taste of squid mouth, was it worth it, bud?
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anixknowsnothin · 7 months
the outside
week 3 of @ttpdpoetryweek
apologising beforehand because this is not my best and I’m submitting really late. my poetic side has gone due to too much physics and finals
The Outside I look from the outside,  I look at you,  You smile softly, lighting up the room,  As I stand in the dark cold. 
I wish I could take it back,  Take everything back, I lose sleep over the fact I walked out that door, And since then you’ve looked me in the eyes no more.
If only I tried to be better,  I swear I’m trying to be better, But you found better when I left, You found better because I left. 
I’ve never been the kind who always needed someone, I never really thought I needed someone. I said I can’t do with you, But really, I can’t do without you. 
Now I’m outside,  I walk towards the door, The same door I slammed as I stormed out of your life,  And I knock.
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if you think it's exaggerating when i write my self-insert character bluntly jeopardizing a romantic scene to talk about feelings and philosophy, consider that i literally did that with a guy for like 3 hours last night
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
constantly on the knife's edge of i need a break i need to do nothing i need an Rx for 6 months by the seaside while also being like i NEED to be busy i need to be moving if i stop moving i will disintegrate into nothingness i will fade away. like if i don't move i'll shrivel if I move at all I will explode. does this make sense to anyone else.
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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"Henry cares for Faran. The Liars normally have to be the ones caring for others. It just makes me melt!" - Zaria on Twitter about Henry(x)
#pretty little liars: original sin#pll: original sin#henry nelson#ben tyler cook#look i know people don't like him but ME do#i know he wasn't the best boyfriend in summer school but he was trying!!!#he does have an issue with boundaries/oversharing/nosiness but i feel like that's a fairly normal issue(he needs to work on it)#maybe i just like ben tyler cook...#i don't even post many gifsets for male characters yet here i am defending him#also could be because he gives me strong lucas beattie/lucas gottesman vibes and i remember really liking him with hanna(until some point)#him getting upset at her for being mean to kelly kinda reminded me of lucas with hanna about kate in the books iirc? but i'd need to reread#pllosedit#henrynelsonedit#bentylercookedit#bencookedit#i honestly would be happy to have him back next season as faran's friend but idk how likely that is tbh#just a dorky romantic sorta dude with a strong moral compass and a heart of gold :p#i would LOVE to know who they were gonna cast if they kept henry as asian-american#i think he also reminds me a little of holden? i also liked him too#pretty little liars: summer school#pll summer school#pllssedit#honestly wish they would stop straightening ben's hair i love his little waves/curls and the messiness... i mean gif 9? what a cutie#if ben himself ever talks about henry i will replace the quote#honestly henry probably gave faran issues by saying ''i love you'' but then wouldn't leave the c*lt for her...#but also she didn't say it back? she honestly didn't have to if she wasn't feeling it but idk maybe it hurt him and that's why he wouldn't?#if i'm being honest though FUCk that c*lt storyline... that was just for shock value and not even GOOD shock value#i truly believe he acts impulsively when he feels like someone will be hurt or is hurting#i wonder if he was working on illinoise and that's why he wasn't upped to a series regular?#sir don't join a c*lt... go to therapy!!! pls i BEg
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eryanlainfa · 11 months
I'll admit everytime I get a vague anonym ask about Vat 7k my mind assumes its going to be followed up by some hate towards my oc x canon content but so far it never has ! I am pleasantly surprised tbh. Somehow drawing Hugo using a vacuum cleaner was more of a big deal-
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taxidermydolls · 1 month
unfortunately i don't think I'll ever understand my sexual orientation because i think abt men alot more than women but the idea of spending the rest of my life with a man makes me wanna throw up and cry whereas the idea of spending the rest of my life with a woman sounds ideal and peaceful and enjoyable but also then i think abt if i met a 6'1 malnourished boy with shaggy blonde hair, baggy clothes, a skateboard, a smoking problem and an eyebrow piercing I'd never go back but also i wld only ever wanna grow old with a woman but also I've only ever dated one man and no one else so I have no experiences to compare it to
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euclydya · 2 months
!! [slides in excitedly] hello i hope i am not bothering you all (please feel free to take your time/ignore i won't mind hkjhg <22) i saw that yall got classpects and wanted to help explain!!!!!!! :]
i do not know what Form implies since it is noncanonical, but Doom is about endings, destruction, and the necessity of acceptance! there can be depression or apathy, but endings aren't always bad things. the ending of a tortuous time loop, the satisfying conclusion to a game, the grand finale of an album. leaving awful situations, the end of bad times, sunsets of brutally hot days, the cooling reprieve of night. if things don't end, when will you finally get to rest and process things? the Death card in tarot, essentially: the transition after major upheaval. resting in that dark space after a big change before you begin life again. letting things be as they may, knowing endings must happen, a real "it be like that sometimes" aspect. Memento mori, remember death, and let that make life worthwhile!!
(Life is its opposite aspect, of beginnings, energy, and growth.)
Knights are literally my favorite class (<- this is probably not surprising!! but also i posit there is no bad knight in homestuck, that being Dave, Karkat and Latula.) Knights of Doom can protect doom, allowing people or yourselves to grieve without needing to push straight into the healing process, to rest after a long ordeal. Or to protect using doom, guarding against toxic positivity with needed pragmatism, and allowing things to end as they need to. Or, y'know. Protector using Doom for real, i.e. "You want me to kill that guy for you?"
Knights also often hide behind a facade, sometimes having to do with their aspect. Karkat, for example, hides behind his "ANGRY SHOUTY FUCKASS I HATE EVERYONE" persona, when he actually really cares about his team and friends (<- Knight of Blood). Knights of Doom might put on a facade of some kind to hide the feelings of doom inside.
if yall are Mages, we can be mages together!! :D Mages do NOT get much explanation, but i have personal speculation :3 if yall are Mages of Doom that makes yall Sollux's classpect! Mages gain and keep knowledge of their aspect through experience of/"suffering through" their aspect personally. If yall experienced depression, destruction, and/or upheaval in your lives, this would be fitting. Mages often keep their experiences to themselves, as opposed to their counter class, Seers, who often share this information. (Seers are like teachers sharing knowledge, Mages are like students taking knowledge in!)
They also carry the need to balance between too much and too little of their aspect, using their experiences to know when to shift balance. Mages of Doom would experience too much doom at some points in their lives, and very little doom during others. the cycle of life, doom, then rebirth, and knowing this balancing act intrinsically.
(Personally as a Mage myself, I have to balance between my aspect of Breath [distance, isolation, freedom] and its opposite, Blood [relationships, connections, dependency]. however, im not always the healthiest about these things and can often veer too far into either one!) if yall are Mages, yall might also strive to find balance between Doom (endings, destruction, acceptance) and Life (beginnings, growth, change)! the hibernation of winter to prepare for the new spring, to grow and wither and grow back stronger, to live and die and live again.
TL;DR: [Protector of/Protector using] OR [Knower of/Balancer of] [Apocalypse, Endings, Death, Acceptance, Rest]
sorry i know you all did not ask for this, this is just an old hyperfixation of mine :'] this is all speculation and personal interpretation, thank you for reading any of it if yall did <222
As soon as we finished taking that test actually we WANTED to ask you for your explanation on our classpect, so thank you so much!!! We just. Didn't wanna be a botherUEHFJDJDJF we try to not send you too many asks at once we don't wanna overwhelm you ahaha
Reading your explanation I'm not sure which fits us best tbh we might just Be Both cuz by the end of the day things like Classpects and similar concepts are Boxes people intentionally put emselves in for funsies yeah? And sometimes people just don't fit into one box entirely. (aka Both Fit Us Really Well. Fuck. HFJDJSNFFB)
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royalreef · 2 months
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(( As a kinda silly OOC thing: I like conceiving of Miranda (and her connections through the Merkingdom) as being an anti-OP muse.
As in, I like the thought of, the more OP someone or something else is, the worse of a time they have being able to do anything to Miranda. She is, very intentionally and within the logic of her own universe, designed to be able to handle those with extreme power and authority and to be able to undermine everything they can throw at her and counteract anything that they try to do.
She's already a royal, next in line to her throne! She has to be able to fully handle other people in similar positions without risking any damage to her own, and this is something that she's dealt with her entire life. She very much knows all the risks associated as a part of her job, her title, her entire reason for being born, and she's well-trained in the formal and informal methods of striking down anyone else who might even come close to a position to her own.
Which, of course, means that muses that very much aren't OP, that are just normal people or much closer to it, are much, much more capable of threatening Miranda and the Merkingdom both as a point of intention. This is something that I very much want and very much want to encourage. Especially because the reason this is such a problem is the way that the Merkingdom and, thus, Miranda, entirely overlook and ignore such threats and treat them like non-issues. The fact that most Merkingdom royals, upon actually encountering a landfolk, have a range of responses from discomfort to dismissal to ignorance, is one that is very purposeful here. The ones that they're most likely to pay attention to are the ones in the most danger, and the ones that they aren't likely to care very much about beyond petty malice and as another means to inflate their own egos. And, as it is, the ones they're most likely to pay attention to are those that have decided to pose a risk.
And it's a thing that I've been dealing with from the beginning too. From the start of this blog I was very bothered by the idea that some OP character would decide to singlehandedly "fix" or destroy the Merkingdom from a position of equal or greater authority. Which is not to say that I didn't want it to be changed or that there weren't ways to dismantle it. But rather, I wanted it to be more organic, and I wanted to deal with the actual question of how that even happens, and I wanted to ask the question of what could measurably improve this situation and Miranda's life both.
Which meant that, yeah, the more OP a muse is the more intentionally destined for failure they are, and the closer they approach "some guy", the more they'll be able to achieve. Which is not to say it won't be difficult or hard to do, or that there's not the possibility for failure (again, even at her most basic, Miranda is a macropredator that can easily maim someone, but more typical "normal" muses are more likely to possess caution and try to read her body language before pressing her), but the fact remains, very intentionally, that they are the only ones who will be able to do it.
#Most secret royal advisor || OOC#(( miranda is like the non-newtonian fluid of muses#(( the harder you try to hit her the less youll be able to do and the harder you get hit in turn#(( again: the correct way to handle miranda is to fuss over her like a kitty cat#(( she likes it when people are just silly and affectionate with her#(( and you can go VERY far if you stay within that non-threat range#(( its also why miri is a chronic oversharer with her friends#(( and constantly will say the most concerning things to them that she might not even be mentally registering herself#(( and cant lie very good to them and feels an urge to give away her secrets#(( but if you actually try to pull those secrets out on your own then Good Fucking Luck#(( its also why i often take mental account of#(( if miranda is ACTUALLY registering someone as a threat or if she thinks theyre annoying or frustrating or feels hurt#(( if shes actually being threatening intentionally in any given scene or if shes just. playing.#(( because shes dramatic and she likes to do the cat thing#(( where she acts all menacing and scary because she wants to chase and be chased#(( its why i specify if shes actually hitting someone with her claws or not or how hard she bites when she does#(( if blood isnt drawn then shes not trying to hurt you#(( because all of this matters!!! miranda has her secret affinity scores that no one else is privy to!! you just have to guess!#(( (i will also say the vast majority of them are neutral or that miranda finds them boring.)#(( (most likely she just doesnt care rather than hates someone)#(( this also applies to positive relationships tbh........#(( see: how easily miranda will get into relationships but just thinks of the other person as a fun toy to use and dispose of#(( they have Not actually gotten as close to her as they might feel in the moment#(( shes just funky!!!! i love having a muse who is so much not what she seems!!!!!
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motherforthefamicom · 2 months
trying to find some oldass drawings of one of my first sonas i havent been able to find em yet but instead ive just been unearthing all these old notes an ex friend and i would pass to each other back in middle school
#fucking insane i forgot abt a lot of these. i feel kinda bad keeping them that person kind offfff completely ruined my and many of my#friends lives but also. theyre kinda funny to look back on idk#theres one they made that was like ‘i drew the 2 of us as guys haha no reason lol’. idk how he identifies now but back then they were#very very openly a lesbian and last time id heard of him he had transed his gender#i remmeber . so clearly feeling some kinda way abt the art i couldnt articulate at all at the time. Lol#god that whole situation was so fucked im not gonna get into all my personal middle school bullshit becuz it was soooo stupid but like. man#insane#i know ive always been kind of a pushover ill admit but its soooo frustrating looking back like. man..HOW did i just not say anything at al#i wouldnt have gotten into that whole mess if id just been honest 😭 i mean tbh that guy was . i dont want to say anything too like . awful#he was going through a lot absolutely had his own issues they were working thruwe were all like 12 but again .#completely ruined me nd my friends lives for a while . i feel like he wouldve just pulled rhe same thing w someone else as the main target#okay no i need to stop talking abt this i said i wouldnt over share#its mostly just funny seeing all the old art tbh. most of it was before shit got bad so its sorta bittersweet in a way#inquisitivewaltz.txt#i dint know why im talkign abt this sorry#this is honestly something i think abt a lot sometimes . especially the stupider nd more mundane bits#but it was such an awful part of all out lives i cant really discuss it much w friends#everyone else has a much more ‘thank god were not in that anymore now lets pretend it never happened’ outlook on it which is understandable#idk#sorry im oversharing again i need to start keeping a journal or some shit
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spaghett-onaplate · 4 months
"blood matters more than anything" blah blah blah my father and all four of my grandparents can consider themselves opps
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eddywoww · 2 years
As someone who is sober these days, the closest I get to feeling inebriated is sleep deprivation like…..fuck me, it turns me into a different person
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