#also picturing ven playing some mmorpg and being the healer/support
sunsetno4 · 4 months
If ur playing the sidestep ask game, can I get 1, 3, and 12 for ur step?
Absolutely! :D Thank you so much for the questions! <3
what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Vendetta Frey (ne/they). c: Ven is the only nickname anyone outside of Anathema has gotten away it. Themmy used Venny and Vendi a lot. Ortega tried 'gummy bear' once (once) but that only got her the nickname of Jello in return, lol.
As for why, Vendetta was one of the first words they remember hearing and ne just loved the way it sounded. It was so pretty and melodic, and ne just really liked repeating the syllables over and over again to nemself. It's just special to nem, like the first spark of the inferno that would be nir future self. There was never gonna be another choice, as much as Vendetta also wishes ne picked something a bit less noticeable sometimes.
On the other hand, Frey is simply because Ven needed a last name, saw nir hoodie sleeve was fraying and was like 'sure sounds good :)!' lol.
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it?
Ichor! \m/ Ah, Vendetta just really loves words that are just fun to say and a bit archaic too, which Ichor fits that bill perfectly. The number of hours ne spent pouring over words to find the one that just clicked right… :')
Ichor is also like the spicy fluid that is supposedly the blood of gods and immortals, so Vendetta does enjoy the cheeky-in-a-nerdy-way implications that ne isn't human and that ne is toxic to actual humans like ichor is supposed to be.
Ichor can also imply an infection, which I personally enjoy a lot, and probably why Vendetta keeps allowing trippy drippy glitchy static bs through their armor, ngl. Why fight it? It is a fun visual~~~
12. do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or through violence?
Vendetta's ruthless score is like ….18%, so I wanna say diplomatically?? Ne really doesn't enjoy violence for violence's sake (probably why ne ended up gravitating more towards being a thief, well-thought heists avoid people entirely).
Buuuuuuuut, sometimes you just have to bite people and/or slug them in the face to make a point stick and ne certainly isn't above that. Plus, violence is a faster solution a lot of the time. Like you could spend time talking to someone, or you could knock them out. It's simple and it's efficient. :)
It's probably a 50/50 split, entirely depending on the situation. ^^;;
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