#also please keep in mind this story is non-canon and occurs in an alternate universe
ja-lin · 1 year
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After having a writer’s block burnout for two months and taking a hiatus, I’ve finally completed the most massive episode ever for my fanfic visual novel. Packed with lots of action, drama, comedy, and romance. 
(I also ask, please pay extra attention to the content warning, episode 5 delves into some sensitive topics that may make some readers uncomfortable.)
Night of Sin: Pride, episode 5 (v3.23) https://nightofsin.itch.io/
- new weapon poses added for some characters - some new characters introduced - new main cg, several new mini-CGs - new sound effects added to improve game experience
Available for Windows PC or you can play the web version online/mobile without downloading anything. Keep in mind, the game doesn’t work on some browsers, so it’s advised that you download different browsers on your computer or phone. So far, Firefox has worked, but Chrome doesn’t work for some newer phones.
Anyways, dark story aside...this is my favorite moment when I finally finish an episode and I can actually ENJOY IT instead of playing through to check for bugs with the coding console open. 🤣 
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kayetra-spade-queen · 7 months
YDA AU One-Shot: From Under The Shards of Glass
Note: Please keep in mind that this story will had headcanons and variety of non-canon things that do not happened in the series. This is purely fanfiction, and this fanfiction is set on an alternate universe of the original universe of the series.
TW: Mentions of injury, scars and blood. Also angst. You have been warned
After 2 hours of training, he finally decided to call it a day.
As he was standing in the mirror, after washing his face, and was about to take off the bandages off of his hands that he use for hand-to-hand combat training, his eyes landed on the reflection of his neck.
His neck was wrapped in bandages, a reminder what he went through just a few days ago.
It was something that he could never understand, or even comprehend, even as an officer.
He thought he had seen it all; thefts, mutated enemies, plans of destruction of an entire country, and more than he could count by now.
Never thought that he'd be exposed into an action as inhumane as this.
Where instead of the one as a spectator, or a solver, he was the victim.
It traumatized him greatly, and he's still in the process of mentally healing from it aside the physical healing as well.
"Paaji, are you done yet? I need the bathroom real quick." A voice from outside the bathroom snapped the super cop back to reality.
"Ah, I'm sorry, Veer! I'll get out now!" He took off the bandages from his hands and threw it into the bin before opening the door and stepping out the bathroom before his BSF soldier-friend quickly went in and closed the door.
After the incident that occurred a few days ago, he was granted paid-leave for a while until the scar on his neck have been completed healed; he can't risk questions from people at his hometown if they saw the white cloth around his neck. So that's why he was staying in the academy dorms instead of going back home.
He remembered something sharp slit across the back of his neck, the stinging pain that come with it, and something wet dripping down that stained his police uniform because of it.
He was grateful that his teammates were there with him when it happened, because because of what happened, he was on the verge of blacking out because something hit his head before the pain on the back of his neck occurred. Although at the same time, he felt guilty that they had to witness him in such a state.
He was so used into being thrown into buildings, shot by energy guns, or being dangerously close to an explosion. He didn't expect getting thrown a broken glass bottle to the head would be almost as painful as all of the pain he'd experience in all of his time on-duty.
The time where the other police officers in that place as well as security officers were escorting people out of the vicinity, catching the person responsible for throwing that glass bottle, and his teammates trying to tend his injuries.
Veer increasing his size to shield them from the perpetrator, Shivaji putting many ice cubes he created in a plastic bag on his head as Chinnu summoned a plant on her hand as an act to patch up the decent-size scar that had blood dripping from it.
The voice of Shivaji telling him to keep conscious, and the medics are on their way, as well as trying to keep up, was quite the painful time for him.
He didn't remember anything after that, he must've lost consciousness after getting inside a car. He woke up in a hospital bed, bandages on his head and neck.
Everything felt like a blur afterwards.
A series of checkups, questionings with the doctors and Faulad sir, a bundle of crying worries from his fellow squad members, and a confrontation with the perpetrator. It was like a storm had blown by.
He didn't confront the perpetrator himself, of course not. He witnessed it along with Faulad sir and his squad members from outside, with a window overlooking the whole room.
"Why did you attack inspector Little Singham? What was your motive behind your assault?" Asked an investigator in charge of this whole case.
"I want him to feel what I feel; how it feels to be trampled all over because of one small action. It's people like him that bring me to where I am now, homeless with a criminal record on my back, just because I couldn't answer a question regarding a robbery that I wasn't involved in, but the person who's responsible for arresting me insisting I was guilty at the court, and I was being held guilty as a result." Answer the perpetrator, who sounded so detached yet so vengeful and full of spite. Not a pinch of remorse could ever be heard from him.
It was bonkers, really. Little Singham didn't even know him, he had never even seen this person in his hometown. Yet somehow he got caught in someone's ugly hatred, just because of the position he hold.
It wasn't that Little Singham did something to this person, it wasn't about the person who did it. It was about anyone who held the same position who had wronged him.
Although it was kept in a tight-lip so the news wouldn't get anywhere into the media, the news is evident and spread like wildfire in the force, and it caught the attention of a certain special agent, and scientist-inventor.
Who wouldn't get furious when they heard that their dear only child was attacked by some man just because that said child is holding the same position that the man hated?
Along by being sentenced for attempted injury, special agent Black Shadow, aka Akira, and her scientist-inventor husband, Fire Hawk, aka Vindrajeet or VJ, sued the ever so living out of that man for intentionally injuring their child over something that he didn't even do or known about.
And now, here he is now.
Although the whole ordeal had been done and over with, that doesn't mean he could just forget everything that happened.
Not only that incident physical harmed him, it also messed him up mentally, and he had nightmares where he relived that pain and horror he experienced, all because of one man's misplaced hatred.
He was a kid, wasn't even 10 years old yet, yet he was judged by some weirdo for the misjudgements of a completely different officer that he doesn't even know of.
After he made it to his dorm room, he sighed as he put his bag on the couch.
A quick shower and change of clothes (and bandages) later, he plop his body onto the couch before reaching out to his bag and took out a book to begin to work on his history homework.
"Some people held grudges that are just too inhumane..." He said, as he opened his book.
End of One-Shot.
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mustlovemustypages · 4 years
Yuletide 2020 Letter
Dear potential writer,
I truly hope all is well with you and yours. No matter what state you find yourself in, my wish is that Yuletide boosts your spirits and gives you the extra jolt we all could use to usher in the new year. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and thank you in advance if you decide to write anything for me!
Below are my desired fandoms and pairings along with story ideas that I would love to see written. Please don’t feel stifled by my prompts; I’ve also listed my general likes and dislikes at the very bottom of this letter if you decide to go a different route.
Little Women (2019):
Characters: Amy March and Theodore “Laurie” Laurence”
The main reason I adore this adaptation is because it made me see why Amy and Laurie ended up together. They had very similar worldviews and fit so well what the other needed. Both deserved to be with someone that valued them for who they are. With Laurie, Amy was not just financially secure but with someone who encouraged her to express herself creatively, politically, or however she chose. With Amy, while she grounded Laurie in reality and challenged him to be the best version of himself, he didn't have to fundamentally change to make her happy.
Story ideas:
These quotes really show how Amy's perspective on life was different than her sister's: "You are your family's hope." (Aunt March) "I’ve always known I would marry rich." (Amy March) That's a lot of pressure on someone so young. We heard some of Laurie's thoughts, mostly that he didn't think Amy should feel ashamed for wanting that. How would some of that pressure continue even after she got married, and what would Laurie say to make her realize they were in life together as a team and she didn’t have to suffer the weight of the world alone?
The conversation between Amy and Laurie in the painting studio showed just how level-headed and intelligent she was. Laurie, while not wholly agreeing, was respectful and didn't discount her thoughts. It would be interesting to see the impact on their story if Vaughn hadn't arrived, and this had played out more. Would the proposal have happened earlier and/or how would later scenes be altered as a result of further conversation?
What did the other characters think of Amy and Laurie's relationship, and how did it change after seeing them interact more as a couple? It would be interesting to read about Meg, Marmee, John, or some of the other characters realizing they were genuinely a good match for each other.
Post-canon, I'd love to get a glimpse of what kinds of conversations they had. Did Amy encourage Laurie to pursue a career and find what he was passionate about (music perhaps as Laurie mentioned writing an opera)? And similarly, did Laurie encourage Amy to pursue her art? Did they continue to have in-depth conversations about societal pressures and expectations of gender in certain economic classes?
Characters: The Protagonist, Kat, and Neil
Tenet is the first movie I've seen in theaters since Star Wars IX. There have been some mixed reviews, but my love for Christopher Nolan sci-fi films combined with the experience of stepping foot in a theater again made it a wonderful experience for me. Sure, the plot could be confusing at times, but it was fun trying to fit certain puzzle pieces together and oh so thrilling when things just clicked into place in the most satisfying ways.
I adored the dynamic between Neil and the Protagonist. The easy friendship, the banter, the suits... everything. I also loved the relationship between the Protagonist and Kat. It started off as each using the other but transformed into one of genuine care on both sides. Ever the romantic, I definitely saw something more than just friendship between the two and was slightly disappointed the movie didn't explore that aspect more.  
For pairings, I’m interested in friendships between all of the characters. I’d be interested in seeing a romantic relationship between Kat and the Protagonist if you’re up for that, but not between Neil and Kat, nor Neil and the Protagonist. If you really want to give a romantic partner to Neil, I'd be fine with Laura (or an original female character if she’s not the focus of the story), but please, no slash. While I’d be ecstatic to see all three characters together, if you can only find a way to fit in two, that’s wonderful as well!
Story ideas:
Even though Andrei Sator is gone, there are still other players in the game, some like Priya, who want to eliminate Kat or even abduct her with the delusional idea she can continue her husband's work. The Protagonist (and Neil, if you so choose) ensures no harm comes to her, and he realizes that keeping her at a distance may not have been the best idea.
I personally don't buy into the fan theory that Neil is Kat's son Max; however, I do find the idea intriguing and would be up for reading about how that worked. The Protagonist breaks his rule and sees Kat, helping to raise her son Max/Neil and eventually teaching him about inversion.
The Protagonist doesn't have to wait quite as long as he'd thought to see Neil again. It can be the Neil who had already met him and knows about Tenet or the Neil who knows nothing about inversion.
What conversations did Neil and Kat have while the Protagonist was asleep after almost freezing to death? Maybe Neil explained the finer workings of Tenet and inversion more in-depth. Perhaps they discussed the Protagonist. 
Characters: Cher Horowitz and Josh Lucas
This movie set the bar high for teen romantic comedies. How can anyone ever beat 90s Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd? Plus, the relationship between their two characters is fantastic. Josh and Cher just bring out the best in each other. Cher shows Josh that he doesn't need to be so serious all of the time and that people are more than their outer appearances. Josh makes Cher want to be a better person, and he believes that she's not just a pretty face. Their banter and playful moments always make me smile.
Story ideas:
Knowing Josh and Cher end up together, this brings a heightened awareness to rewatches. They have so many casual touches and exchanged glances (when did Paul Rudd's eyes get so blue?) that it's hard to miss their natural chemistry. It may take quite some time for Cher's dad to notice anything has changed because they don't act all that different from before. Is there something that makes him finally take notice? How does he react?
Sort of related to the last prompt, there's a moment where Josh decides to go to the dance to keep an eye on Cher and Christian, and you can tell by Mel Horowitz’s smirk he realizes Josh has a crush on Cher. Does he do anything to push it along or play matchmaker just like his daughter?
I've always been curious about whether or not Josh believes Cher's story about being assaulted in the car by Elton and then held at gunpoint. We skip over Josh pulling up to the phone booth and go straight to Cher already being in the car. How did Josh react when she reiterated the story, and does he instantly believe her, or does it take some convincing? I'd like to see if he comforts her and if they both go together to tell Cher's dad what happened.
Cher is obviously very intelligent socially, if not always so much academically. When it comes time to apply for college, what does she major in? And how is Josh a positive influence in Cher's life, encouraging her to be ambitious and not letting negative comments from guidance counselors or teachers dissuade her?
Things I don’t like:
Alternate Universes – For the specific fandoms that I picked, I really like the universes as they are. I’m definitely okay with deviations from canon, but please don’t make Little Women into a supernatural werewolf story or have Tenet take place in a mundane coffee shop setting. (I don’t mind Soulmate AUs or something similar because those can be incorporated into canon with little change to worldbuilding).
Non-Con/Rape/BDSM/Sexual Violence/Graphic Sex – I like my characters to be happy and everything within ships to be 100% consensual, no question about it (mentions of non-con if it occurred in canon is fine). I also prefer plot over porn, especially with one-shots.
OT3s – Two people per romantic relationship, please. Any more than that makes me uncomfortable.
Character Bashing - Unless a character is a bad guy in canon, I don’t want to read hundreds of words about how awful they are, especially if they are one of the characters that I requested. Don’t take it out on the characters. If you hate my pairings, just write gen.
Things I love:
Hurt/Comfort – There is nothing I love more than one character comforting another. The hurt can be physical, psychological, or both.  
Happy Endings – I’m all for the realistic endings… but if they could be plausible AND at least happy-ish, that would be amazing.
Expanded Scenes/Contorting Canon – Feel free to expand scenes and change up the canon to your heart’s content as long as it makes logical sense.
Humor/Banter/Snark – I thrive on this stuff.
Bonding/Building Relationships – Whether it be a friendship or a romantic relationship, I adore reading about two people growing closer together. When characters know each other so well that they can have conversations with just their eyes or anticipate the person’s next move (especially if it’s to the surprise/confusion of everyone around them), my shipper heart is thrilled.
Dark to Light – Seeing a character come out of a bad mindset or situation and get better is so satisfying.
Happy writing and I hope you get the Yuletide gift of your dreams!
- Maddy @mustlovemustypages (on Tumblr, Ao3, and FF.net)
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lifeaftermeteor · 6 years
So You Want to Build a Preventers Organization...
@kirinjaegeste​ asked about this in the GW Discord Channel and I thought it would maybe be useful for other Gundam Wing writers too.  Keep in mind that nothing—and I mean nothing—is universal, and because canon material is so amorphous there's really no wrong way to do this.  But this is how I did it, and figured I'd share.
Also, although this particular write-up is Gundam Wing specific, the things addressed here I think would help anyone who's looking to build an organization from the ground-up for their story.
What is the Charter?
First thing to ask yourself is what is this organization supposed to do because that will guide the size, the missions, the "concept of operations" (i.e. how it all works together), and any conflict that stems from these aspects down the line in your story. 
If the Preventers in your story is primarily a peacekeeping operation, forward-deployed into high-risk countries (or orbital colonies) that need a non-partisan, unbiased presence, that is one kind of charter.  If it's an elite entity that operates outside the bounds of standard legal, political, or military operations and is meant to suppress or defuse crises before they arise, that's a very different charter.  Are they glorified bodyguards for the ESUN political elite?  Different charter.  Are they a liaison entity, bridging the judicial gaps between Earth and space?  Yet another charter. 
So to reiterate: Step #1 = what is it supposed to do?
And now add the finer details...
How many people are in its ranks?  Managing an elite force of ~30 people is very different from a multi-million person enterprise with global operations.  For LAM, I gave the Preventers an expanded charter—after the Barton Insurrection—to include a multi-faceted operational responsibility: liaison, advisory, peacekeeping, intel, crisis-prevention and mitigation.  I thus took a page out of the DoD's book and gave it a couple million people to manage (DoD at present, if you include service members, reservists, and civilians, is at about 2.8 million people…more if you add in contractors).  That leads you to the next question...
What is the structure of the organization?  Again, depending on the size of the organization, how you herd cats differs.  Some options to consider: 
Hub-n-Spokes Model: There is a strong centralized presence with smaller field offices/teams spread out across different regions.  Although the field offices retain autonomy, the hub serves as the primary authority and connects the various operations to ensure coordination.
Diffuse (Mission-Oriented): There are multiple offices, all of which are separate entities responsible for certain missions or duties - e.g., you have one office stationed in New York that is responsible for XX mission, another in Brussels that handles YY mission.  There is likely an "HQ" or "Office of the Director," but they are focused more on administrative or overarching support/coordination and the individual, geographical, mission-focused offices themselves retain a lot of independent authority to do their jobs with minimal coordination with and oversight from a centralized entity.
De-centralized: No "HQ" for all intents and purposes.  Leadership sets broad mission, vision, and goal, but personnel have authority to act on their own accord with little-to-no oversight or direction.  Think about how terrorist cells are constructed—you get rid of the leadership, the entity keeps on truckin'.  The cells are likewise disconnected from one another, so if you take one out, there are others that will continue the mission unimpeded.
HQ + Branch Offices (not mission-oriented): The model used for LAM, Headquarters is the arm and the power and the authority; the branch offices are mini-HQs with multi-functional teams that serve as liaisons and first line of defense for regionally focused Preventers work.  Think of it in terms of diplomacy: if the Preventers HQ is the equivalent of the State Department (or Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.), then the Branch Offices are the Embassies and Consulates.  This provides some autonomy for day-to-day operations, but the staff at the Branches constantly go back and forth with regional or functional teams at HQ and derive their mandate (i.e. their authority to do something) from HQ itself.
Clandestine or Not?  Another element to consider is whether or not the general populace knows about the Preventers.  Are they a shadowy, super secret organization staffed entirely by ghosts?  Or are they a household name?  Or are they somewhere in between—known of but not necessarily understood.  I've seen all of these manifest in the fandom at various points and it really depends on what role you need them to play in your story.  If you need Duo to go and off someone in a situation that Une can disavow all knowledge if things go sideways on him, that's one kind of entity.  Alternatively, if—like in LAM—you need them to serve as a bridge between Earth and the colonies, a voice for former combatants, and a symbol of the future (i.e., "drop your past affiliations so we can protect the peace together"), then that's a different kind of organization entirely.
What support do they need and how do they get it?  Now that you've figured out the mission, the size, and the structure, what are the operational requirements for the Preventers to do their job?  No one works in a vacuum, so based on their job duties, who supports them?  Lethal or non-lethal?  Private industry involved or in-house only?  Black market and black budgets?  Or are all acquisitions recorded on triplicate?  Do agents get a stipend to do with as they please in order to get the mission done, or are supplies provided by a central authority?  Do they work with local authorities and law enforcement or do they operate under the radar?
Who's in charge and what does their job entail?  Information relay and duty tasking are important parts of any organization, big and small, but what that looks like is influenced by the questions you've answered above.  For the AC universe, it's generally accepted that Lady Une becomes the Preventers Director at some point during AC 196.  But what does that role entail?  Does she personally task actions to lower ranks or has she delegated that authority down to Deputy Directors and Deputy Assistant Directors and so on?  What are the limits of her authority?  Does she have to report to anyone?  That brings us to the next question to ask yourself...
Who retains oversight of the organization? Or more bluntly, who goes to jail when shit gets fucked up?  Constraints on power and influence are part of life—whether you're talking about governments, non-profits, militaries, businesses, etc.  There are rules and regulations that dictate how institutions can and should act.  There are checks and balances, both within and external to an organization.  Based on the world you're constructing, who is checking the Preventers' homework? In LAM!verse, I opted to create an Oversight Committee within the ESUN specifically to retain ESUN visibility into Preventers operations.  This committee has Preventers leadership brief them on things that matter to them or that impact their constituencies, provide reports on everything from budget numbers to personnel (including past affiliations) to acquisition needs for operational support.  They also retain the right to remove the Preventers Director through a vote of no-confidence.  So while the Director is all-important within the Preventers itself, they are still beholden to the ESUN through the Committee.
Relationship with Other Entities?  Regardless of the question of "oversight" above, there is this separate question of, "Who does the organization interact with and what does that look like?"  Depending on the role, missions, size, structure, and function of the Preventers in your story, their relationship to other national or international organizations could change.  We know from Endless Waltz that (1) the President was an elected official and knew about the Preventers, and (2) the President or the ESUN was funding them.  Obviously this sets some expectations on all sides.  Is there tension inherent in interactions due to structural or institutional characteristics?  Are there "champions" of the Preventers outside of the organization that support what they're trying to do?  Are there naysayers?  Are those supporters/detractors at the institutional level (i.e. from national, international, or ESUN itself) or at the individual level (representatives, senators, national leaders, the ESUN President)?  What are the "atmospherics" as we call it here—i.e., what is the emotional space in which this organization is operating?
On or Off the Rails?
Now that you've built the Preventers CONOPs and other structural and legal matters, time to think about what RIGHT looks like.  When this entity is doing its job in accordance with its Charter and its mandate, what is happening (or not happening if that’s easier to answer)?  Obviously in the case of Preventers you could say "crises are averted" but that's a surface-level assessment.  What are people inside the organization happy about?  What are people outside the organization happy about?  How is it impacting the world around them?  What are they contributing?
Now that you know, next is to determine what WRONG looks like and what kind of wrong you’re looking for.
Out of Bounds: the organization has breached its Charter and gone above and beyond what they’re technically supposed to be doing.  This can be willful/intentional or unintentional, the latter occurring when a sudden need arose and either (a) no one came forward to handle it, or (b) the organization was thrust forward by outside/oversight forces in a “this is now your job, fix it!” sense.
Scope Creep: related to the “out of bounds” possibility is what’s called “scope creep” wherein an organization starts doing stuff that it wasn’t originally intended or tasked to do.  However, I separate it out here to capture a separate factor: what they’re doing is still technically within bounds of the Charter.  This happens when a Charter either (a) is too broad to effectively eliminate things from the “acceptable duties” list, or (b) someone of authority decided to reinterpret the legal limitations the Charter imposes.  Sometimes (b) is followed by actual legislative change to make the new interpretation a reality (see Constitutional Amendments).  A note on this one: reinterpretation of the right and left limits of what is “okay” is not inherently a bad thing.  It’s how that’s perceived and the nature of the execution itself that matters.  
Failure of Checks and Balances: often related to “out of bounds” and/or “scope creep” is a more generalized lack of oversight and checks/balances on your organization.  When no entity can rival or counter-balance an organization, they can get an inflated sense of authority and power.  This can lead to lead to them doing what they want because either “No one can stop me,” or “Who else is going to do it.”
Crisis of Leadership: the organization needs a strong leader who can effectively provide vision/direction/tasking and no longer as one (leaving the organization direction-less), or the organization can handle a weak leader but suddenly has a megalomaniac at the helm. Both of these are problems that arise at the top and have trickle-down effects on everyone below them, making the institution ineffective at best and dangerous because the people who should be in charge aren’t anymore.
Crisis of Personnel: aka, “the peasants are revolting!”  Your staff have gone off on their own and are doing their own thing, either belligerently against orders/tasking/guidance or due to general ignorance of what leadership is aiming to do.  Sometimes this will come about in conjunction with Crisis of Leadership, often in response to something wrong happening at the top.
What Kind of Conflict Do You Need?
I won’t delve into this one too much because it goes beyond the scope—LOL!—of this post, but I think it’s important to note all the same. Depending on what kind of conflict you need to drive your plot forward, here are some things to think about:
Rapid on-set, mission-based: the organization took on a sudden role or expanded its authorities to respond to a specific crisis or need at hand. The change happened quickly and was because of this crisis, rather than some internal driver.
Slow burn, can’t-stop-a-moving-train: the organization gradually evolves over time, does not raise alarm bells from people either outside or inside the institution. It’s only well after a new status quo has been established after a time that someone stops and says, “Wait a minute. What the hell…?”
Surprise, bitch: aka, the ‘military coup’ option wherein the entity takes power, often by force (bloodless or otherwise) and no one can stop them
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mustlovemustypages · 5 years
Yuletide 2019 Letter
Dear potential writer,
I’m so incredibly excited that it’s Yuletide season again and I hope you are as well. Thank you for reading my letter and also thank you in advance for anything you decide to write for me!
Below are my desired fandoms and pairings along with story ideas that I would love to see written. Please don’t feel stifled by my prompts; I’ve also listed my general likes and dislikes at the very bottom of this letter if you decide to go a different route.
Characters: Charlie Brown and Lucy van Pelt
This is my most unusual request, so I figured it best to put it out there first. I grew up both reading the Peanuts comics and watching the various Charlie Brown movies/television specials, so this is fueled by pure nostalgia upon seeing the nomination in the tag set.
Even as a kid before knowing what shipping was, I wanted desperately to see Charlie Brown and Lucy get together. Their back-and-forth banter with Lucy’s sharp remarks and Charlie Brown’s wry sense of humor is perfection. I don’t often request things too far from canon, but I would love to see a story with them as adults and how even though they didn't see eye-to-eye as children, over the years they have become just what the other needs.
Story ideas:
It's their high school class reunion, and it's been years since the Peanuts gang have all been in one place. Charlie Brown and Lucy are either already together, surprising the other characters by how well they get along and know each other, or everyone at the reunion sees how perfect they would be together except for them.
Lucy becomes a psychiatrist (although she charges way more than 5 cents for advice now) and Charlie Brown a child social worker. They run into each other by coincidence while they're both dealing with difficult cases and help each other cope.
Charlie Brown has recently broken up with the Little Redhead Girl and Lucy with Schroeder right before the holidays. Both disillusioned, they run into each other in the big city and decide that what they need is a road trip back home. Amazing banter ensues.
Similar to the last prompt, both Charlie Brown and Lucy have recently broken up with their respective partners. Not wanting to go back home for the holidays single, they decide to give the ridiculous, we'll-never-fall-for-each-other fake relationship thing a go.
The Boys (TV 2019):
Characters: Starlight|Annie January and Hughie Campbell
Just when I thought nothing new could be brought to the superhero genre, Amazon comes out with this smashing success. It reminds me of X-Men in a way due to the social commentary made by several of the plotlines. I especially appreciate how the show comments on celebrity status and social media.
Aside from that, far and away one of the best things about the show is the relationship between Annie and Hughie. Even in the midst of so much corruption, these two characters somehow remain so earnest and pure. The fact that they formed a connection on that bench before even knowing the other's name speaks volumes about their respective characters and chemistry.
Story ideas:
Despite being integral to the plot, it was crushing to see the moment Annie realized Hughie had been using her to enact revenge. Canon divergence where Hughie tells her the truth almost right from the get-go and Annie immediately is onboard to help would be really fun to read!
Another fun twist would be if Butcher approached Annie instead of Hughie for help, and she agreed to act as a double agent. The scene at the bench still goes down as does the one where Hughie realizes Annie is Starlight (although he's a real photographer). Perhaps Annie sneaks off to do some double agenting and Hughie follows. Annie almost gets caught and pretends to be dating Hughie as a cover.
After the explosive conversation with her mother and finding out she wasn't born with her powers like she thought, Annie tracks down Hughie to rant.
Season 2 can't come soon enough. I would be interested in speculation of what could happen next as long as it includes Hughie/Annie!
Impulse (TV 2018):
Characters: Henrietta “Henry” Coles, Lucas Boone, Jenna Hope, Townes Linderman
This show became a surprise favorite of mine in 2018, mostly because it’s on YouTube Red and I haven’t given most of their original shows much thought. Also because it tackles rape and recovery in such a raw and interesting way, especially in the context of a sci-fi show.
I just need more Henry Coles. If you want to do a romantic relationship, I’d prefer seeing something explored with Lucas Boone or her canon love interest Josh (who was only in 2 episodes but really seemed to “get” Henry). Otherwise, gen stories between Henry and any/all of the tag set characters would be great. Season 2 is just now coming out as I write this, so feel free to ignore or include it as desired. I tried to keep the prompts general enough that they can apply to either season.
Story Ideas:
Henry will never be fully “recovered” in the sense that one can never truly recover from rape. It will always have an impact on her life. The other characters get that and try to help her in any way they can.
While Lucas is aware of what his brother did to Henry, he has no idea of the real impact. I’d love a story where he learns more about her seizures and the way her anxiety/fears manifest themselves as teleportation.
Hurt/comfort in all forms because Henry has been hurt enough for a lifetime, but she could do with a whole lot more comfort. Either within the confines of season 1 or imagined opportunities for comfort in season 2.
We get the story from mostly Henry’s perspective, but I’m sure a lot is going on in the minds of Lucas, Jenna, Townes, and Anna as the events of season 1 play out.
The Folk of the Air
Characters: Cardan Greenbriar and Jude Duarte
Holly Black is an evil genius and I bow down to her greatness. Starting off the first book in this series, I never would have imagined that by the end I’d be rooting for Jude and Cardan to be together, but here we are.
They are the ultimate enemies-to-lovers and I can’t wait to see what happens to them in the third book coming in November.
Story ideas:
Maybe I'm unrealistically optimistic, but despite Jude’s betrayal at the end of the first book and Cardan's at the end of the second, I think these two can work it out. Perhaps Jude helps Cardan cope with the stresses of being king and he is able to move past what she did. Or maybe they each realize how impossible their respective situations were and come to accept the questionable decisions the other made.
Madoc is a horrible father. Jude basically knows this from the beginning. Still, she was genuinely upset in discovering what he had done. I’d love to see her finally release all of that pent up anger - either her using Cardan as a sounding board for her rants or even having her completely breakdown under all of the stress and him comforting her.
We get the perspective of Jude throughout the entire book, but I would really enjoy seeing some of the scenes from Cardan’s point of view as his feelings for Jude change.
There is no way that Jude’s sister, Vivienne, wouldn’t be alarmed when finding out that Jude and Cardan kissed. Jude having to explain her changed feelings for Cardan and Vivienne, realizing that Jude is in love would be hilarious and heartwarming.
With the third book coming out soon, feel free to either include or not include elements from it. As long as there is Jude/Cardan, I will be happy.
Nancy Drew (TV 2019):
Characters: Nancy Drew and Ned "Nick" Nickerson
Only one episode in and I was impressed by this show. Up until now, I hadn't seen or read an iteration of Nancy Drew that I didn't enjoy, but I'll admit I was scared as sometimes the CW makes questionable choices with their adaptations. They have done a fantastic job with casting, though, and updating things just enough for the modern era without taking away the charm of the original.
When it boils down to it, Nancy Drew appeals to me because she is unabashedly herself, not ever pretending to be something that she's not to get others to like her. And although it's just getting started, so far the interactions she has with Nick and her father, Carson, are my favorite.
Nancy is a guest on a true-crime podcast featuring amateur detectives. Nick tags along and watches from outside the recording studio in amusement, or perhaps the hosts bring up Nick's criminal past on-air and Nancy gets defensive.
Maybe Nick and Nancy start a true-crime podcast of their own and it's an unexpected hit.
Carson Drew is not 100% onboard with Nancy and Nick's not-so-secret relationship. When Nancy suddenly stops shutting down Carson's attempts to connect with her and Carson finds out it was due to Nick's influence, he changes his tune about his daughter's boyfriend.
The gang goes to an escape room for fun. Nick is amused by how seriously Nancy takes it.
We haven't gotten very far into the season yet, but any speculation fics about where the mystery goes would be interesting as well!
Out-of-left field request: If you're not a fan of Nancy/Nick in the new show, I'd be open to a story where the Hardy Boys arrive in River Heights (I'm not so secretly hoping the CW makes this a TV show if Nancy Drew succeeds). Although I love Nick and Nancy together, I have always loved Nancy/Frank stories as well.
Things I don't like:
Alternate Universes – For the specific fandoms that I picked, I really like the universes as they are. I’m definitely okay with deviations from canon, but please don’t make Peanuts into a supernatural werewolf story or have the fantasy/sci-fi canons take place in a mundane coffee shop setting. (I don’t mind Soulmate AUs or something similar because those can be incorporated into canon with little change to worldbuilding).
Non-Con/Rape/BDSM/Sexual Violence/Graphic Sex – I like my characters to be happy and everything within ships to be 100% consensual, no question about it (mentions of non-con if it occurred in canon is fine). I also prefer plot over porn, especially with one-shots.
OT3s – Two people per romantic relationship, please. Any more than that makes me uncomfortable.
Character Bashing - Unless a character is a bad guy in canon, I don’t want to read hundreds of words about how awful they are, especially if they are one of the characters that I requested. Don’t take it out on the characters. If you hate my pairings, just write gen.
Things I love:
Hurt/Comfort – There is nothing I love more than one character comforting another. The hurt can be physical, psychological, or both.  
Happy Endings – I’m all for the realistic endings… but if they could be plausible AND happy-ish, that would be amazing.
Expanded Scenes/Contorting Canon – Feel free to expand scenes and change up the canon to your heart’s content as long as it makes logical sense.
Humor/Banter/Snark – I thrive on this stuff.
Bonding/Building Relationships – Whether it be a friendship or a romantic relationship, I adore reading about two people growing closer together. When characters know each other so well that they can have conversations with just their eyes or anticipate the person’s next move (especially if it’s to the surprise/confusion of everyone around them), my shipper heart is thrilled.
Dark to Light – Seeing a character come out of a bad mindset or situation and get better is so satisfying.
Thanks again and happy writing!
- Maddy @mustlovemustypages (on Tumblr, Ao3, and FF.net)
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