#also pls appreciate how i made brainiac's symbol into his tiddies
jesncin · 5 months
Mind if I ask what your take on other Batman Rogues would be like, like Bane, Croc, or Riddler? Or Superman's like Braniac, Toyman, or Zod?
There's no reason behind the specific names. They're just the ones that popped first in my head.
Thank you for the both of your's time.
Out of these rogues, I've got some concept ideas for Brainiac. He's a mix of GLaDOS, Brau-1589 (from Pluto), Ghost in the Shell's Puppetmaster, and concepts from the game SOMA.
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Braniac is an advanced Kryptonian AI program that gained uncomfortable sentience. A robot capable of murder, Brainiac seeks to destroy civilizations, believing his data of their recorded history would become more valuable in the process. He can possess and download himself into any robot body, so he takes many forms. Internally, he's at odds with his growing humanity.
You didn't mention her, but I have big brain ideas for Livewire!
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A controversial grifter podcast influencer lady, Leslie Willis finds a prime opportunity to use Superman as a scapegoat for inflammatory content when he accidentally gives her the ability to be living energy. She's already primed her audience to victimize her if anyone chose to take a stance against her, targeting Superman just became a lot easier! She aims to rival news outlets like the Daily Planet, including Jimmy's popular video show. Though becoming more influential than her old colleague Lois Lane doesn't hurt either.
Those are my rogue ideas! I generally only pick villains to reimagine if I have a story to tell or a compelling take on them (I don't have an idea on everyone, at least not yet lol). Popular villains like the bat rogues are so saturated with content that it's pretty intimidating to attempt a take on them, haha. People have such strong feelings over the most obscure of the bat rogues, so I'd only make a take if I feel very strongly for an idea there. Lately I feel Superman rogues are very underrated! And I'm always looking for ways to revitalize Martian rogues too.
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