#also purah canonically has a 'sheikah slate'. but is it like links. like can she copy the runes from his to hers
svtskneecaps · 2 years
grrrrrrrr i have more inane zelda lore questions
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
The Long-Awaited PART SIX of Margin's Heroforge Saga: Breath of the Wild
IT IS HERE! And I am SO PROUD of it. Seriously, I think these might be my favorite designs yet- and that is SAYING something, considering how much I liked doing Hyrule Warriors and Wind Waker. I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them :) The Champion Descendants, I decided, I'm going to put off for now and I would put them in a potential TotK set instead.
Also. I'm going to put a cutoff right here because this post is VERY long, for not only are there pictures, but RAMBLES as well. it is NOT for the faint of heart. You have been warned.
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Luminary. Oh my gosh, I am SO HAPPY that Heroforge afforded options for his repaired eye. His hair has grown, because... well... hair doesn't stop growing while you're in stasis... he has scars from his final stand, and he's dressed MUCH more simply than he was before the Calamity, but he's happy. That's important, as you'll see below. Also, yes the torch is a nod to the arson joke. I am obligated by law to include it. No, seriously, there are government agents standing behind me watching as I type this (/j).
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Luminary (Pre-Calamity). If you take a gander above, you'll see that this tunic has more gems and silver accents, but does not have the pattern the present-day pictures display. That was purposeful. The thought was that it was so damaged during the Calamity that the Sheikah had to repair it- and they did so by improving it by giving it a pattern (because, you will notice, all the other Champions- minus Zelda- have patterns on their Champion Attire). Link's didn't have a pattern- which was a nod by me to how his role as Swordsman dehumanized him, and made him less himself. Despite all the prestige that surrounded his role (symbolized by the gems... which i am now realizing you can't see well but trust me, they're there... and the silver), it did nothing but add to the crushing weight on his shoulders, causing him to retreat even further into himself.
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Sunshine. UGH. I LOVE HER OUTFIT. I WANT HER OUTFIT. In all seriousness. Please draw your attention to the Sheikah Slate which I so lovingly crafted (if you look in the second picture you can kind of see the eye on the screen) and her Silent Princess earrings. Also, you'll note that her hair is very pale and her skin is very dark. Well, this comes from my headcanon that she's half Sheikah- Rhoam is, in fact, a Sheikah, and Impa, Purah, and Robbie are not just Zelda's best friends, but also, in fact, her cousins! This also gives some background to her interest in Sheikah Tech- because she wants to reconnect with her Father's side of the family.
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Sunshine (Pre-Calamity). Notice that she still wears the Silent Princess earrings (which represent her ability to act autonomously), but her outfit is much more formal (i tried to be as accurate as possible to her in-game princess dress because I love it) and includes the Royal Red. She also has a dark red ruby in her crown- if you've followed this series since the start, you may recognize it from before. In the other sets, this dark red gem (along with a dark red metal not featured in this set) is only ever worn by Sheikah characters. Well, not only is it worn by Zelda here (which is plausible, considering she is of Sheikah descent) but it is also worn on Luminary's pre-Calamity belt (which I am telling you since you cannot see it)- which represents how the Royals have claimed the Sheikah, and by extention their culture, as belonging to them. Take that as you will.
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Sunshine (Prayer Dress). OH SWEET NAYRU HOW I LOVE THIS ONE. OKAY. So, as you can tell, this shot takes place at the MOMENT Zelda's powers are unlocked- hence the golden sigils on her arms and chest, the golden tears streaming down her cheeks, and the golden strands in her hair. But take a look at her attire- it looks as canon-accurate as I was able to get (because I love the prayer dress), but notice that her silent princess earrings, which represent her autonomy, are conspicuously missing. Instead, they are replaced with gold earrings (that were as close as I could get to a triforce shape), showing- much like the lack of a pattern on Luminary's Pre-Calamity tunic- that, while she's in the role of the failed Sacred Princess, anything resembling her individuality has been utterly stripped away from her. She has been reduced to nothing more than a tool to be used.
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Zelink (ignore the glowy thing. there is literally NOTHING i can do to get rid of it.) YES. Okay. I have little to say about this one- because it speaks for itself- other than that the minute I saw that there was an option to hold a frog I knew EXACTLY how I was posing these two. Thusly. There they are, in all their glory. Also please note Link's expression. I find it hilarious.
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Mipha. Ah yes, now we move on to the Champions- who I am quite proud of. For the record, Mipha's face was probably the most complicated thing I fanagled with on this entire set, except maybe Urbosa's armor. Anyway, her head fins were inspired by her lionfish concept art, and her crown was modeled after the one Laruto wears in my Wind Waker set. Also, her Champion's pattern is fish scales in shades of baby blue- I've always liked the idea that the Champions each wore a different shade of blue (and in this case different patterns because I couldn't get the actual insignia on their garb) to symbolize the different races (represented by the different shades) uniting under a common goal (represented by the fact that they're all wearing blue). Finally, notice the green Poe shading, which I added to all the Champions since. You know. They're dead. But I think it looks really cool :) Also I just love Mipha, she's such a sweetheart and I am REALLY proud with how she came out. Heroforge may not be the best for Rito but if you know how to hack the system you can get some really good Zora out of it :)
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Revali. Oh my word. To fanagle with this bird man was just. He was, in true Revali fashion, difficult. But I ended up taking the same route I did with Medli in the Wind Waker set by giving him bird characteristics :) His Champion's garb is Indigo, and you can't see it very well because of how I posed him but since there was no option to give the scarf a pattern, I put it on his skirt thing- it's a pattern of stripes and circles. I am quite proud of his shading and of the feather attachments on his head :)
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Daruk. OH MAN. I LOVE HIM. One thing that can be said for Heroforge is that, though it's bad at making Rito and you have to stretch to make Zora, GORONS are quite easy to make and SUPER FUN. Also, not only does he have the Poe shading but the rocks protrudig from his skin also glow with that green light- like Luminous Stones! He's smiling but it's kind of hard to see because of his 'stache. Also, the Boulder Breaker came out lovely. His Champion garb is in shades of Navy, with a geometric diamond pattern that reminded me of gemstones. Also, at this point I want to call attention to the fact that, much like the champion garb, each character's landscape on their base is slightly different, symbolizing the fact that the Wild has many different ways of showing itself, which is one of the core themes of the game :)
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Urbosa. OH MY WORD. HER ARMOR TOOK ME A SOLID 20 MINUTES. BUT I AM SO PROUD OF IT. For reference, like how the Sheikah have those special gems and metal, the Gerudo have a very specific armor set that I have designated just for them- the armor she wears on her shoulders and boots, specifically (other pieces can be swapped but pretty much every Gerudo will be wearing those pauldrons and boots, albeit in different colors. See Nabooru for reference- and yes, I did make them purposely similar-looking). You can't see it well because of the Poe Light, but her Champion's garb is also in the pattern that I specifically designated for the Gerudo; Nabs doesn't have a good display of it but you can see it more clearly on Ganondorf. It's in shades of Turquoise because it reminds me of the desert sky.
And with that, Breath of the Wild is done! Any thoughts? Don't be afraid to share them! The last installment in this first leg will be the Classic Games- you know, The Hyrule Fantasy and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I'm really excited for those and I think you'll like them too. And then I'll put up another poll and do the next round of games, because you guys seem to really be enjoying these!
Have a great day, and see you later!
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some spoiler-y thoughts about tears of the kingdom thus far:
-FUCK GLOOM HANDS. i hate that everyone at nintendo saw our fear of spooky grabby hands and said “fuck yeah lets keep doing this forever”. i’m tired of being groped by very old men goddamnit! and then some of them turn into Phantom Ganon???? holy shit, that is a difficult fight. 80% of my deaths in the game so far have been at the hands(no pun intended) of these fuckers.
-ZELDA TURNED HERSELF INTO A FUCKING DRAGON AND I SOBBED LIKE A BABY. bruh i was not ready. SHE SACRIFICED HERSELF and her personality! but like, i havent finished all the main quests even though i got all the dragon tears/memory things so like, if Zelda IS a dragon, then who the fuck is showing up all around hyrule looking like her? is Mr. Dorf doing an evil magic to look like her like in that one memory? that can’t possibly be the case for all of the Zelda sightings. i’m so confused but so fucking intrigued.
-seriously though, watching Zelda sacrifice herself in order to save Hyrule and support Link is so upsetting. this girl was 16 the day the Calamity hit, and she hasn’t known a moment’s peace since then. give a bitch a break! but hey, at least she’s doing stuff in this one, whereas in most Zelda games, she’s just.... kidnapped.
-SIDON’S ENGAGEMENT STORY IS BULLSHIT. there is ZERO evidence of any other kingdoms existing for Zora outside of the Domain in Lanayru that King Dorephan rules over, it’s JUST to piss off people who ship Sidon with Link and that’s incredibly homophobic and annoying(especially since i had to fucking rewrite an entire part of my OC’s story due to it). and like, i feel bad, bc Yona seems like a lovely character, but she’s going to be HATED in the fanbase bc of the bad writing.
-speaking of questionable writing, there’s still so much i’m very fucking confused about. TotK obviously takes place several years after BotW, but they don’t specify how many and it creates a lot of confusion. why have some characters obviously aged up but some are still basically the same age? like, Hudson and Rhondson have a child who’s old enough to be sent back to Gerudo town, but Finley never hit her growth spurt(even though she clearly stated last game she was old enough to have supposed to hit it by botw)? what the fuck is that about?
-also, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE DIVINE BEASTS GO????? you can’t re-bury four fucking giant robot constructs in the span of maybe a decade, especially with Ganondorf reviving and creating a massive earthquake that unearths a fuckton of other shit. like, not having the Sheikah Slate i get(which is why the Purah Pad exists), and all the shrines and towers probably went back underground, but that part makes no goddamn sense and i don’t like it.
-i’m kinda sad Teba wasn’t the Sage of Wind and instead it was his son, Tulin. he really only got to shine in Age of Calamity, and most Zelda fans didn’t even play it bc it’s non-canon. the disrespect on my poor mans.
-i do love that so many of the towns are under new leadership now. it really feels like the world is evolving in that aspect. Teba and Paya being in charge of their respective towns is lovely to me.
-i love the idea that Link gave Zelda the house he dumped literally thousands of rupees into in Hateno, but like. where did he live? did they sleep together in the same bed? it’s implied Link no longer has a house bc you can make your “dream home” in Tarrey Town or w/e but like, ????? what’s that all about? Zelda just kicked Link’s ass out and made a secret room in the home HE invested in lmao, typical royal colonizer behavior(joking)
-i love that Grante, Robbie and Jerrin’s son, changed his name to Granteson so he could work for Bolson Construction. that’s genuinely adorable. he was already one of my fav tertiary characters just bc he’s Robbie’s son but this makes me like him even more. i also love that Jerrin is involved with stuff at the Lookout Landing! let Robbie’s wifey take care of stuff. even if it’s just cleaning. give her something to do besides glower at a machine her husband built lol.
-Kohga being still alive is hysterical, and the Yiga clan evolving to live partially underground is a lovely touch. them taking over old abandoned areas in the game is great as well. i also love that they flat-out do the “leave Mighty Bananas on the ground as bait to lure in unsuspecting victims” bit bc that’s EXACTLY how i imagined my OC fought them in BotW. i totally headcanon they stole that idea from her.
-tbh i’m kind of enjoying exploring the depths more than i am the sky islands. maybe it’s the fear of heights, or maybe it’s just that i really like that it wasn’t advertised at all. i thought it was just gonna be land and sky, but no! we’re going underground too babey~
-i love the addition of caves, wells, and other underground spaces. it makes a lot of sense for a game like this to have these things, and it makes me kinda sad they weren’t really a thing in the last one.
-the fusing thing is just okay. they didn’t really fix the issue people had with durability in the last game, so that’s annoying, but it is fun to make new weapons out of things at least.
-overall i really like the game so far. even though it’s a world most people have explored through already, there’s enough change and new content to make it fresh and engaging, and even though there’s another crisis, it’s heartwarming to see how people are finally being able to rebuild after the century-long crisis that was the Calamity. i’ve beaten one boss character so far(the Rito one) and i’m looking very forward to the rest!
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
10/6 Age of Calamity Trailer Analysis
It’s only 44 seconds but there’s stuff to be analyzed so let’s just jump into it!
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First opening shot is of a familiar fade in, similar to that of the memory cutscenes in Botw, BUT, you’ll notice there Sheikah Slate marks covering it. Either meaning this cutscene is some flashback through a video on the Sheikah Slate, OR (the more likely option) it’s just a reference to the fact that the two focusing characters of this trailer (Robbie and Purah) and Sheikah Researchers. Neat detail nonetheless!
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King dude sitting on his throne. From the lighting and referring to the layout of the room in game, this scene takes place sometime in early morning 
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Similar to that, if we stick to our 180 line film school rule, Zelda standing below her father (symbolism of power dynamic but that’s a given) is also in the early morning. Given she’s in her researcher/field blouse, I’d say she’s going out to do a mission, and not doing any ceremonial pomp and stuff. I think this scene is her getting a stern talking to by her dad before she goes
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Despite the overlap of the King’s dialogue here, this above shot is undoubtedly of a different scene all together. They’re [Zelda, Link, and Impa, who’s behind Zelda] outside of the Sactum/Throne Room, rushing off somewhere to do something. AND Zelda is holding some unknown device
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Is this an instrument?? It looks like there’s holes in it like some sort of panflute. Could also be a gear? An Ancient Sheikah piece? Perhaps they’re bringing this to Robbie and Purah to look at?
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I’m hesitant to put this shot in the same scene as the previous one because the lighting is different, but judging from the stone walls and his sigh, I’m thinking this is the “I see my daughter is rushing off to research guardians again even tho I told her not to” look of disappointment. Or the “I don’t wanna be harsh on my daughter but I’m the kind and we have duties” sort of thing. It’s something angsty at the very least, just look at the foreboding walls and shadows
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He’s arrived! Electric guitar riff and all! You can also see eggbot on the table there, deactivated I assume. The egg bot isn’t glowing or anything, and from the looks of the above lamp thingy there is a source of Sheikah power somewhere so perhaps they’re trying to turn it one, or open it up and see what’s inside
I am 50% sure that this is at the Royal Ancient Lab. One because...he’s a Royal Ancient scientist...there’s a Royal Ancient Lab...so. Ahem TWO, because BRICKS!!
Make like Purah and CHECK IT because the wooden scaffolding and bricks in the background are of a different work than that of Hyrule Castle. Comparing the wall in the background with the models of the Botw game for the Royal Lab Ruins 
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The style is much more similar, with smaller, alternating bricks rather than the Castle’s larger, parallel brick work. But I’ll explain why I’m only 50% sure in a bit. 
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I can only assume they are looking at Robbie in disappointment both because of the editing of the shots, and because of the lighting. You’ll notice in my last screenshot that above you can see a distinct Sheikah-blue lamp.
Also, those models of paper and bookstacks in the background are the same/very very similar ones used in Hyrule Castle in Botw. So, if these guys are with Robbie, I’m inclined to believe this scene takes place deep in the Castle somewhere.
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I don’t really have a lot to say about this part. I’m thinking the front of Hyrule Castle’s entrance, given the soldiers and the towering height of the wall behind them. Plus the style of the bricks in that classic fortress jutting brick style. This is at the time of day similar to the later shot with Urbosa and Purah, but I can’t define the orientation to see if this is sunset or sunrise. I’m inclined for sunset.
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Also Purah and Robbie both have the same two red pins [THEY’RE NOT CHOPSTICKS PLEASE STOP SAYING THEY’RE CHOPSTICKS PLEASE] in their hair because of course our chaotic duo should match. I’m also very glad I can confirm pens exist in Hyrule so I can stop double guessing myself whether to use “quills” or “pens” in my fic. 
Also similar to Botw, Robbies googles are powered by the battery pack on his back, as you can see with the wire. We can even see it twitch in this scene, although it lacks the glowing googly eyes as the Robbie we see 100 years later. Safe to say he’d probably modified it by then.
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Another reason why they’re probably not at the Royal Ancient Labs, the floor is different. The ones in the botw ruins are more of a naturally cut stone, rather than the rigid smooth squares we see in the trailer. I wouldn’t put it past Nintendo to completely ignore their canon and old details (even though it pains me) but I’m working with what I got here. Different floor, same blue musky lighting from the Sheikah overhead lamp, I’m 50% sure it’s Hyrule Castle. 
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Guardian in the background, same wooden scaffolding as seen in Robbie’s initial appearance, plus the same lamps which are the same type you can find in the houses in Hateno, and in the Hateno Ancient Lab. 
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Oh my god she is so cute I love her I am simping way to hard oh my oh my gosh
It’s Purah! Check it! She’s got her iconic glasses, the previously mentioned red pins, plus a cut red highlight ohhh mmy gogsh she isso prettby I-- She’s also got the Sheikah slate, and I can only hope with all my heart that in this moment she is taking a selfie because that would be so iconic. (But I doubt it because the orientation is the wrong way, you can see it’s the handle side up)
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It’s a different brick type in the background now it’s exactly like the ones in the Castle interior with the wider width and shorter length the lighting is the same but is this really the same location as the one Robbie was shown in Nintendo what is the truth please
Maybe Purah and Robbie just have different offices, with the same blue musky overhead lamps. Then again...the only sources of the Sheikah Power/Blue Flame are in Hyrule Castle, Akkala, and Hateno, so maybe this really is in the Castle.
Anyhow, Impa looking embarrassed because of her sister’s antics is a mood.
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This definetly takes place much later in the game. Link has the Hylian Shield (something only attained through trial) and Urbosa has already been made Champion at the Sanctum. This is around the front of the Castle Town wall judging from the style of the bricks and the rounded areas for the lookouts areas atop it. You can also see Sheikah working on fixing a wagon or something in the background
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Don’t let Purah and her beautiful face distract you from the destruction in the background! Some walls or something have collapsed, and people are looking up at the wall and....
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You can see the faintest glow of Sheikah blue as Purah moves her head. I’m thinking this is some sort of Guardian destruction, perhaps a test gone wrong, as I doubt they would be acting so casual if this was the work of the Calamity. 
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The final shot fades to the same Sheikah Slate filter as the beginning of the trailer, and you can see Purah’s expression change in surprise because of something on the slate..hmmmm
Anyhow, moral of the story is: I am way too attracted to Purah, and I need Nintendo to keep consistent architecture and bricks please it’s the only thing I’m good at don’t take this away from me please I beg you I-
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junietuesday · 4 years
my top 10 botw ships bc i might as well jump on the bandwagon on @botwstoriesandsuch this is hilarious
10) urbosa/zelda’s mom. hate that they fucking buried our gays but theyre so soft and it adds so much to the story
9) robbie/purah. i can see it. chaotic scientist bisexuals. but what im seeing here as an alloaro is that theyre friends with benefits who also use each other to get out of boring parties so they can get back to their ancient tech
8) zelink. i love their dynamic in general which is why this is ranked so low, honestly i prefer them as chaotic bffs but they do make a good romance....two people connected across time and through fate to always be there for each other....i can see the appeal even if the whole “lover bonded by soul” is the opposite of my thing
7) paya/zelda. i like the themes of duty and tradition vs the new and different, what with paya being raised to be the leader of the sheikah and zelda’s whole entire thing
6) miphlink. like with zelink, i love their dynamic, link having a childhood best friends is just so sweet and again the themes of duty to the country vs people you care abt, but i enjoy these two as mlm/wlw solidarity not so much as romance
5) revamiph. honestly hwaoc made me ship it. the gentle healer w the prickly fighter. red and blue bisexuals. short people solidarity. the way they bridge cultures, social class, so many things to be together. theres something here
4) sidlink. both of them trying to move on from their past but feeling guilty about leaving the people from before behind, but Also carving a path toward the future with these new people they care about. both learning to open up to each other, sidon who refuses to show anything but optimism and link who refuses to show anything but strength. also the height difference is funny
3) zelpha. princesses in love! the contrast between the princess who is struggling with her power and her relationship w her father and is doubted by the people, but who despite it all tries to stand up for herself wherever she can and do the thing she truly loves vs the princess who’s mastered her power and has a good relationship w her family and is adored by her people, but can’t gain the confidence to just confess and be open with the person she likes and do anything purely for herself! it’s so so delicious and i am a simple lesbian.....
2) eggbot/sheikah slate. i can see a rivals to lovers dynamic here with how the two are both pieces of ancient tech that zelda obsesses over in turn, but then they grow to respect each other as technology with different functions that work in tandem. but also they do have potential for a hard and fast romance, with how eggbot literally awakens to the sheikah slate’s chime in that introductory scene. like they were created to work together. there’s also a lot of potential for worldbuilding with these two and what’s better than that. really you can make this ship be anything, with eggbot’s lightheartedness there’s humor and banter, but with its time travel abilities there could be angst about honesty and communication, it’s such a versatile ship. lastly i mean theyre nonbinary icons
1) revalink. i am a sucker for repressed gays figuring out their shit together. with how both of them are valued only for their fighting ability and nothing else, but with link it was thrust upon him with no choice and with revali he saw it as the only way for people to respect him. revali’s bitterness against link for being chosen by the master sword while revali had to work so hard for his status honestly feels so justified, but then you think about it from link’s perspective and how he never chose any of this and now people are depending on one child to do the heavy lifting of saving the world, how he felt so pressured by everyone that he literally wouldn’t speak - contrasting with revali’s verbosity, because well-read people are always respected. just. the two learning to share their emotions with each other and lower their masks to gain a mutual respect for each other’s abilities but also really caring for each other despite those abilities because that’s not what makes you a worthy person. it’s really touching and with the whole canon setup of “revali is dead and link is rescuing his soul” there are so many opportunities for angst i don’t even have time to detail, but revali’s snark and pretty much any personality you can give link, whether snarking right back or letting revali lose his cool by just not responding, plays off of it for hilarious banter.
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kittmoon · 4 years
Breath of the Wild: A Cannonical Timeline of Events Leading up to the Calamity (Part 1)
Hello fellow botwriters! As someone who has taken it upon themselves to write multiple sagas for BOTW, I repeatedly find myself doing multiple rounds of research to make sure I have everything right in terms of the canonical timeline.
A few months ago, I made an official timeline in my Google docs, but now I’m publishing it for widespread use. Anyone can use this however they see fit- feel free to repost and/or copy it into your own document.
Part 2 | Part 3
This is a long post. All information comes from:
The original 13 memories
Diary entries from Zelda and her father, the King
Zelda’s research journal
The Champion’s Ballad DLC, containing 5 extra memories + diary entries from all 4 champions
Masterworks/Creating a Champion, in which the routes of the Champion’s in relation to Ganon’s return are mapped
🔸Rigidly Cannon
🔺Some Interpretation Needed
🔹Mostly Interpretive
🔹Zelda is Born/Link is Born
This is a good starting place. If you’re writing this, you’ll have to decide which of them is older. We already know of Zelda’s origins as a princess, but as for Link, we know via the Masterworks book that he is not noble-born, and that he was birthed to a family of knights (aka being a knight was a family tradition to some extent, aka his father didn’t just decide to become a knight after Link was born).
🔺The Queen Visits Gerudo Town
This is to visit Urbosa, whom she’s very close with, and to introduce baby Zelda.
🔹The Fortune Teller Predicts Clamity Ganon’s Return
Who the Fortune Teller is will continue to be a significant mystery. This is mostly up to the writer.
🔺4 y/o Link Visits Zora’s Domain
He’s traveling with a group of Hylians, maybe diplomats from the Hyrulian Kingdom. At this point he’s known to be good with a sword (why is up to writer if they choose to include it). Here, he meets Princess Mipha and witnesses her healing magic.
🔹The Divine Beasts are Excavated
It’s mentioned in the King’s Diary that more and more relics, including the beasts, are being dug up. These efforts were put in place in response to the prophecy. The Queen is still alive at this time.
🔺The Queen Passes Away
Zelda is 6 when her mother dies. Urbosa is at this funeral. How she dies and where is up to the writer.
🔺Zelda Begins her Training
It’s stated that this occurs a year and three months after the Queen’s passing. Urbosa visits the castle shortly after to check in on Zelda, and witnesses her praying in a freezing spring.
🔹Link Pulls the Master Sword and Becomes the Hero of Legend
Where and how this occurs is mentioned nowhere in any BOTW resource. Masterworks states that the location of the sword had been a mystery, so there wouldn’t have been any cannon document of Link pulling the sword either. It’s likely that the sword was on “its pedestal” in the Lost Woods when Link pulled it, but how he got there is a mystery as well. What we do know is that any attempt to pull the sword by someone who wasn’t worthy would’ve resulted in death. It takes incredible spiritual and physical strength to pull it. We also know that Link had the sword for several years before becoming a Champion, and its estimated by Masterworks that he may have been 12 or 13 when he pulled the sword.
🔹The Royal Family Begins Seeking Champion Pilots
This would begin a long time later, after a long period of study on the excavated divine beasts.
🔺Zelda is Introduced to Robbie and Purah
While talking to Impa, who at this point is a royal adviser and is in charge of relic research, Zelda is introduced to the two other Sheikah scientists. It’s estimated that the three of them are in their 20s at this time.
🔺The Sheikah Slate is Discovered and the Devine Beasts are Activated
Together, Zelda, Purah, and Robbie manage to restore functionality to the Sheikah Slate. With it they manage to activate the Devine Beasts.
🔺Robbie Restores the Guardians
It’s written in Zelda’s research journal that Robbie led the effort in reactivating the Guardian stalkers. There are said to be more stored in the “five columns under Hyrule Castle”, and yet, these columns are nowhere to be found.
🔺Revali Wins an Archery Contest and the Flight Range is Built
Revali states in his dairy that he had the Flight Range built so he could practice his archery skills at different elevations.
🔸Revali’s Song
Revali waits for two days before giving Zelda his official agreement on becoming a champion. Some regard this as the first “memory,” although it is not Link’s memory. It’s Zelda’s/Revali’s.
🔸Urbosa’s Song
Urbosa’s people fear that she shouldn’t accept the role of pilot, as she is the Gerudo Chief and should not shoulder that separate responsibility. However, Urbosa accepts and presumably does her best to ease the fears of her people. Again, this memory is not Link’s, but could be Urbosa’s/Zelda’s.
🔹Link Visits Zora’s Domain
This is not the visit where he fights a Lynel - that comes later. He may have just been visiting on personal leave, perhaps just to visit Mipha (I’m not establishing here whether Lipha is cannon or not). Mipha notices that he smiles a lot less now that he carries the Master Sword.
🔺Link meets Daruk and Becomes a Goron Brother
I honestly have no idea why Link was anywhere near Goron City. The reason I put this here was because it’s possible his visit to Zora’s Domain was part of his kightly duties- a work trip. That same journey may have brought him to Goron City. Here, he meets Daruk, and they become good friends. It’s also separately possible that Link and Daruk met somewhere on the road crossing paths.
🔸Daruk’s Song
Urbosa’s Song could come after Daruk’s; this was just my interpretation of events. Daruk readily agrees to become a champion pilot.
🔸Mipha’s Song
I’m aware that Mipha’s Song isn’t listed as last- Urbosa’s Song is. However, in this memory, when Mipha asks who will be piloting the other beasts, Zelda tells her (with considerable confidence) the names of the other three. I’ve put Mipha as the last champion to be recruited, but of course this isn’t quite as rigid.
🔺Link Visits Zora’s Domain and Defeats a Lynel
This is likely the moment in which Mipha fell in love with Link. He finishes off the beast with a spin attack using the Master Sword. In her diary, Mipha notes how interesting that move was, and how she’d like to replicate it somehow - it’s implied that this is what inspired Mipha’s apparently famous spin attack with her spear.
🔺King Dorephan Gives His Blessing for Mipha to Pilot Vah Ruta
We have details of how this went from Mipha’s diary - there were a lot of tears. Mipha is well aware of the cost this may have, but she’s doing this for both her people and all of Hyrule.
🔹Mipha Begins Crafting the Lightscale Armor
This is stated in Mipha’s diary. She’s trying her damn best ok.
🔺Link Stops the Guardian and Catches the King’s Eye
This is told from the perspective of Daruk’s training journal, presumably because Link told Daruk himself. It’s after this event that Link is appointed as Zelda’s personal knight. Remember, it’s important to note that Link was not invisible before this - he had already acquired the Master Sword. Even before he stops the Guardian, he has all eyes on him. He is the Hero. Becoming Zelda’s appointed knight may just be adding more pressure to Link’s shoulders. If he held in his emotions before, it suddenly has become crucial that he continue to do so.
🔸The Champion’s Ballad
The good thing about this scene is that it can be told from anyone’s POV - the whole gang is there. However, when referring to it as a memory, keep in mind that the memory is Link’s specifically.
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hylianfury · 5 years
So you've made me very suspicious of the sheikah now and I realized something while playing last night. If the one guard used to be yiga that means he probably has the same abilities they do. He could just be teleporting to robbie and purah to tell them about us or whose to saying he hasn't just disguised himself as one the the random travelers and been keeping an eye on us. These are the things I think about instead of sleeping.
That’s pretty my point, yeah, they’re using stuff they’re not sharing with Link if we considerthat not just ingame flags but actual stuff. Let me throw more water to my mill:
This is the ingame flag to spawn Yiga “travelers”. You can talk with everyone in the village and they won’t appear (impa included), they only ‘happen’ when Link decides “oh yeah, I will risk my life for the cause.” Coincidence? Probably, yes, it’s a difficult scaling but my conspiracy brain wants to say “YES”.
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If they have all that stuff to teleport and such and move around (which we can safely assume they DO since purah canonically has another slate) WHY not sharing ANYTHING with the hero who’s trying to save the day?
Why has Link to prove each time himself to them?
The final boss of the game, the STRONGEST one, is in a DLC and is a Monk. And weak to bananas. Like the Yiga (Kudos to @ibijau who brought that up)
The tapestry is a farce, clearly, because it has CLEARLY Ganondorf and Zelda on it and NO LINK. I assume a LOT of time passed so there could be issues but… you know.
The ‘heirloom’ of Impa’s family. If it’s a trinket for the hero why aren’t you giving it to him but literally kicking Link away from it whenever he gets too close until the thing gets robbed?
We don’t know when kakariko was founded but again: King Rhoam tells you to go there and meet impa after the tutorial and CASUALLY the turorial shrine on how to fight the ‘spider-guardians’ is right there. Did they knew 10k years ago the sheikah village would still?) be there and prepared for that? Because that also raises more flags on them knowing already how things would go down.
I love how gameplay items can be used to turn things around, ohohoh.
And let’s go back to that slate. AND THE KING. Think about King Rhoam? Because I have shit on him too.
He clearly looked down on Zelda’s research in front of her and we know for a FACT she didn’t go far with finding out stuff about the slate itself. Yet he knows ALL about it. he knows about the runes, he knows about the map, he knows about the pins you can put to navigate on it, he knows you can TELEPORT with it… how? Think about it, someone HAD to probably teach him that stuff, either HE is a Sheikah himself, something I wouldn’t completely put aside for a series of reasons, OR someone explained that stuff to him. If the sheikah KNEW about that stuff even back then why not helping Zelda and pretending they were only learning back again what their stuff was like?
Is that linked to his distaste of how Zelda was trying to learn more about technology?
Zelda’s mother was the one with the power of the goddess. we KNOW that because Holy crap the main reason Zelda has no guidance on her powers is because her mom died too soon yet he has the power to pop like a ghost and even take physical form after death… who is that man? Even the champions can’t do that and they’re, like, superpowered people again.
Not only he traps you on the plateau but he also keeps time from flowing until you raise the first tower and talk with him right after. WhO IS hE? It’s literally costantly dawn until he tells you to get the shrines, try it.
Now, I’m no theorist but I LOVE to look at this stuff :P (maybe someone already debunked those but I don’t watch theory vids so…)
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officialotakudome · 4 years
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Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Review
For perhaps the first and maybe only time in it’s storied history a musou title becomes apart of a licensed property’s canon with the release of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Taking place prior to the events of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game unfolds the events that occurred before the awakening of Calamity Ganon and Link in the midst of the destruction of Hyrule.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a 2020 hack and slash game, it is developed by Omega Force and published by Nintendo & Koei Tecmo. It is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.
Editor’s Note: Near complete to complete spoilers for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity may be present within this review. Slight spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild may be present within this review.
The Great Champions of Hyrule are back in Breath of the Wild’s past.
In the original Hyrule Warriors you played just as you would in any other musou adaptation of a famous IP. Most, if not all of your favorite characters would be playable with unique moves kicking all kinds of ass on a battlefield full of literally hundreds upon thousands of enemies. This is more or less the same in ‘Age of Calamity’, but Nintendo once again shocked the world by revealing not only a sequel to a third party title featuring one of their licenses, but also the fact that it’s 100% canon to said IP’s most recent entry.
A handful of heroes take on a battlefield of hundreds in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
THE GOOD: Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity on the surface level feels like any other musou game. You fight thousands of enemies on a semi-open map and use unique abilities & weaponry to pull off big combos and attacks to dispel the enemy army. Koei Tecmo and it’s developer Omega Force got to a point where the musou games became a big enough deal to where entertainment entities trusted them with their IP to skin over the musou formula. Over the years we’ve gotten Gundam, perhaps the most famous being One Piece, Berserk, Attack on Titan (kind of), and even The Legend of Zelda at a prior place in time. The original Hyrule Warriors while it had an original story of sorts was more or less just about playing as a large roster of Zelda characters killing nearly everything that moved. Because it’s such a rarity, it’s always a beautiful thing seeing Nintendo allow its IP to spread their wings onto different genres and even more rarer with different game developers. Age of Calamity should be considered an eye opener for Nintendo and possibly even Sony and Microsoft in regards to what the potential of lending their in-house IP to different developers outside of their own can do. Story wise the game takes place prior to that of ‘Breath of the Wild’. The Great Calamity has begun and Ganon’s forces have attacked Hyrule nearly bringing it to complete destruction. As Link, Zelda, and the soldiers of Hyrule make one last attempt at defending the last remnants of Hyrule a miniature Guardian awakens and a time portal opens. Guardians siege Hyrule castle with one attacking the mini Guardian as it enters the time portal with the other Guardians following.
A near mirror image perfect replica of it’s predecessor is Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
The portal sends the mini Guardian to the past prior to the start of the Calamity where it meets Link, Zelda, and a young Impa who uses her Sheikah Slate to raise the Sheikah Towers & talk to Purah and Robbie who reveals that the mini Guardian came from the future. Link and Zelda go off to meet the four Champions destined to control the Divine Beasts; Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa, and Revali. King Rhoam has the new group search for someone who can possess the Master Sword, who naturally ends up being Link. Having previously encountered a follower of Calamity Ganon named Astor, they find the Master Sword in Korok Forest. Purah reveals that Calamity Ganon will be revived on Princess Zelda’s birthday, Link and the others search for the other Sheikah towers as Zelda goes off to train in her sealing magic. The Champions prepare the Divine Beasts for Ganon’s return and Purah & Robbie are captured by the Yiga clan after completing their research on the mini Guardian who escapes with the Sheikah Slate to Zelda as Calamity Ganon awakens. The Champions are about to be killed by Ganon’s Blight as his forces nearly corners Hyrule’s, but a time portal opens from present day Hyrule revealing current Champions Sidon, Yunobo, Riju and Teba who defeat the Blights. Desperate, Astor kills several Yiga to give their life force to Calamity Ganon so he can awaken faster. Seeking revenge Yiga leader Master Kohga and his clan defect to Hyrule and give them an edge against Ganon’s forces. Zelda unleashes her magic and she & the others prepare for the final battle. As Astor attempts to summon Calamity Ganon he is consumed by it who corrupts the mini Guardian forcing Link to fight and defeat it. Zelda recalls the name she gave the Guardian as a child Terrako. As Terrako slowly dies it regains its original self and sacrifices itself for Zelda and the others to deliver the killing blow to Calamity Ganon. Zelda seals Calamity Ganon and the current Champions return home. In a post-credits scene Purah and Robbie repair Terrako.
‘Age of Calamity’ becomes the first canonical musou adaptation.
As a musou adaption of a famous video game Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is absolutely fantastic. My personal favorite are the One Piece musou for much of the same reasons ‘Age of Calamity’ has usurped it. It’s such a complete love letter to its source that if you had told me you thought this was simply a new Zelda game I’d have honestly believed you. There are times when Omega Force really bring their A game using nearly every ounce of the assets available to them and it’s dedication like this that keeps ‘Age of Calamity from feeling like “just another spinoff”. Going so far as to even mimic the use of the Sheikah Slate was a bit of a surprise. Granted they could have done a bit more with that mimicry, but to even include it at all was a bit of a sight. Yes, I’m well aware that the Sheikah Slate is a central element of the first ‘Breath of the Wild’s’ story. But there were obvious ways to work around it’s use here Omega Force simply opted not to. The typical button mashing is here, but Omega Force also included some ‘Breath of the Wild’ mechanics such as the bombs, magnetize, and freezing Sheikah mechanics in the source. Every character feels spaced out play wise with multiple styles and move animations. I loved playing as Impa who has a fast attack system with AOE like attacks that can quickly take out large groups the animations are also pretty sweet being inspired by ninja lore. The story is pretty well stitched together to connect it to the ‘Breath of the Wild’s’ and it can be inferred that it directly leads to the start of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. The leveling system is like a typical RPG where your characters experience increases which can lead to leveling up said characters with quests and battles. You can also forge more powerful weapons by fusing them through the blacksmith. There’s also side quests of sorts such as practicing character techniques and ridding an area of enemies.
‘Age of Calamity’ while another redundant time travel story at it’s core is a great Zelda adventure that further advances the story of an upcoming title.
THE BAD: Like with most musou games there is a strand of repetitiveness, but effort taken to dwindle the average amount of it in any other musou game is felt heavily here. Omega Force went above and beyond to present ‘Age of Calamity’ as not only an authentic musou experience, but also an as authentic as humanly possible Legend of Zelda experience. At least as far as the Breath of the Wild series goes anyways. The weapons breaking system is the one thing that’s absent from ‘Breath of the Wild’ but all things considered this can be forgiven due to the type of game that ‘Age of Calamity’ actually is.
Connect the pieces of the past and present of the Calamity in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is more than a “copy and paste” musou game. It’s a 100% dedicated love letter to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and The Legend of Zelda franchise as a whole. Far be it from me to say that Omega Force doesn’t put their heart and soul into every musou, but when they’re major fans of the series in question it really shows. One Piece Musou and ‘Age of Calamity’ are examples of this on high. There’s honestly no telling where the musou franchise could go if it’s given more licenses outside of the anime realm, Nintendo is the only one to make the first move so and it’ll hopefully be the door opener to the refresher the franchise desperately needed.
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wildshero · 4 years
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verse: age of calamity
So for the most part this verse will follow the events of the game. This post is specifically made to discuss my divergences from the game. This verse should not be confused with my main pre-BOTW verse that takes elements from AOC but is not AOC. They are two separate entities on this blog.
So for the most part the what happens in AOC happens in this verse. What does not happen is Impa being with Link and Zelda every step of the way. Additionally the egg is not canon on this blog, the evil egg, I could care less, but Zelda’s little egg is not a thing on this blog. Sorry. It very much took story elements away from Link, and certain aspects of what it did just seemed a bit much. I can buy her having a music box that perhaps was built out of the Ocarina, that she carries but not the egg.
Additionally there is no time travel. I don’t like what it implicates. I am totally okay with the Champion Descendants transcending time to help in whatever what you see fit, but done via the Egg, is just beyond the limits of fantasy and reality that I will allow on this blog.
Essentially the story elements with the Egg are not applicable in this verse, on this blog. I found it took too much from our central characters, and more or less made Link useless in the story.
Further, Zelda’s powers awaken very much the same way they do in BOTW, on Blatchery plain with Link nearly dying. I find it much more potent, than what we get in AOC. Impa is there during this moment, and goes to Link’s aid as he falls and Zelda’s powers activate. She saves his life quite literally while Zelda holds off the Blights and the guardians that are coming for them. Unlike in AOC where she is remember her father in this moment, it is a gut reaction for her to stand in front of Link like we see in BOTW.
Sooga does not die. He was intended to be a sacrifice, but was ultimately not placed in that position. Apparently Astor saw wrong, and changed plans. Astor becomes that sacrifice at the end, giving Calamity Ganon a more human like appearance.
King Rhoam still dies. His relic saves him the initial onslaught, from the guardians but it does not save him completely. It was a valiant fight on his part, and he was able to give Zelda, Link, and Impa valuable time because Zelda’s actions saved him.
Link is mostly left free to roam the Wilds, and finally completing the trials set forth for him as discovered by Purah and Robbie. He also finds the fifth divine beast, in a battle and shrine he must fight on his own.
Also the Sheikah slate once the Calamity is defeated it is found to have certain aspects that only Link can utilize. Namely the teleportation has to be initiated by him from the main slate, though Purah and Robbie create more. The original slate is one that after the Calamity is solely used by Link, as it will not work for the others beyond the pictograph rune.
More TBA.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
So, I love your headcanons. Something I'd like a headcanon for, and hear me out on this, is how the Guardians work. I'm really sorry if this is odd. I love your blog so much!
Odd? Oh dear anon, you underestimate me. You have no idea how much world building stuff is trapped inside of my head, just waiting to spill over and drown every unfortunate mortal that made the mistake of following me. Prepare yourself for
Long post warning, also spoilers for the end of the DLC
You cannot create something from nothing, energy cannot be created or destroyed, that’s the law of the conservation of energy. [insert that quote from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood or something idk I’ve never watched it] 
So how, you ask, are you able to do all that cool stuff in botw? From summoning bombs out of your pocket, to Guardians who somehow never need a power bank or charging station?
I shall tell you how, it's the Ancient Sheikah’s perfection of teleportation and the ability to convert energy
Observe, Exhibit A: Teleportation
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Teleporting with Sheikah technology converts Link and his belongings into a pure, blue energy which disassembles and reassembles across Hyrule. 
But the main thing to focus on here is the energy part of this. 
[We know that it’s energy because it emits light, which you can’t do without some sort of energy, so it’s not just disassembling and reassembling atoms]
See, I’ve tested the timing on this and Link’s teleportation is instantaneous. Despite the loading screen, nearly no time passes whether he teleports from the Eldin mountains to the Gerudo Desert. 
So, the Sheikah have the ability to convert things into energy and transport it instantaneously, no lag, no time wasted, you want it? You got it
I mean the pads literally say “calling” on them. So yeah, they can call upon this energy anywhere. Even note how when dealing with an actual Sheikah monk in the DLC, they don’t even need the Sheikah slate or pad things.
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“Why does this matter?” you ask? Well, if the Sheikah are able to transfer and convert energy like this, who’s to say they couldn’t also apply this for offensive purposes?
Exhibit B: Bombs and Arrows
This same technology used to instantly transport and emit energy is used in the Sheikah’s offensive technology 
The bombs and arrows have no battery, and no electricity, no way to store that kind of power used when actually fighting. How is this possible? 
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See that? The energy used to form the bombs is the same particles for when you teleport. The energy is coming from somewhere else, not from the Sheikah Slate itself
I mean when you even set off the bomb
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You can even see the lines for a few frames of energy being summoned towards the bomb, and then expelled outwards in the blast.
Same story goes for the Ancient Arrow
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So why do these Sheikah technologies not need an apparent “source of power?” Simply put, that energy is being stored somewhere else, and being transferred instantaneously to these devices.
Now, “where is this energy being stored?” So glad you asked, because insert segue into
Exhibit C: Blue Flames and other azure features
One might assume that the blue flame is what powers all this technology
And one would be wrong
See, I believe Sheikah technology is powered by some other kind of generator stored deep within the earth. We already see from the Divine Beasts that they can generate power from within the ground, so I’m thinking the actually source of all this blue energy is something deep in the heart of Hyrule
Ok ok, first as to why the blue flames don’t actually power everything
First off, the source of the blue flames? Babam, here they are rising out of the ground. You can even see how the pipes on them connect to the ground
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The only pedestals that can house the blue flames are made with specific Sheikah technology. When you use a blue flame on wood or grass or anything, the flames don’t turn blue, they just become regular fire. 
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This suggests that the “blue flame” is just a way that energy could be transferred in a fire-like form, but isn’t actually fire itself
The furnaces Purah and Robbie use to power their Sheikah stones? That ain’t no coal furnace, no coal, turbines, steam, or wood to be found. Instead, it’s rigged directly to the ground, sooo again, the blue flame is just a means of transporting energy but isn’t a source in of itself.
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Further supporting my belief that the actual source of energy comes somewhere deep below the earth are the towers
That blue rod that lights up when Link activates them? Safe to assume it’s the source of their power, OH and look it connects deep below the ground look at that
The Sheikah are so obsessed with underground stuff. Shrines and towers ruse out of the ground, you take those elevators deep underground, the DLC is deep underground, the Divine Beasts and guardians were underground, the blue flame’s source was from underground, the—
Therefore...the source of the energy, the energy that is being transported to all other Sheikah technology and powering stuff is from underground
And now, I actually address the original request of how Guardians work. Well class, if you have been paying attention and taking notes, this will all make sense
So, please observe Exhibit D: Guardians in the form of this gif
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Now, if this laser worked like an actual energy beam and was being formed directly from some power source within this Guardian, would it really be stopped with one measly wooden arrow? The answer is no
See those blue rings forming around it just before it attempts to release a blast? That’s that Sheikah energy, the same stuff that teleports you, the bombs, and the energy on your bombs and ancient swords.
Why are guardians so light that a few swings with a sword can knock them over? Because they have no need for extra energy storage or large batteries, all the energy they need to function is just teleported at a constant rate
When opening them up, you can even see this energy moving through the air
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And these things? These cores that are the source of their power?
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The blue ring surrounding the larger one is similar to that of the blue rings on the teleportation pads. The smaller one has a small blue node which has the trademark Sheikah blue energy connection. These puppies are simply gateways for energy to be teleported within the guardians, and released to power them and their lasers.
TL;DR Guardians are powered from an external energy source probably stored deep below Hyrule, which is instantaneously teleported to their cores in which they can expel said energy without the need for charging or batteries. 
Quick side note: Also all Guardians are connected through a central information system that is most likely based on the information gathered by the Sheikah Towers [as seen in the photo where guardian locations can be tracked when engaged with one] so the reason why they’re weak to electricity and can’t be submerged in water is probably because they still have individual computer like systems in order to analyze their surroundings and aim and such and is why they are able to sense Link’s presence even when shut off for several years.
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And ALSO the guidance stones that drip the water-like substances is just another form in which the Sheikah’s blue energy is transferred and teleported as seen when Purah uses them, canonically moving it from Hyrule Castle to her lab in Hateno. So, location isn’t a problem when you can just teleport energy whenever you want and the only reason she needs the blue flame is because these guidance stones weren’t connected to the typical shrines or towers which as previously stated already have built in power systems underground
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Ok I’m done 
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