#like does purah have bombs now. does purah have bombs.
svtskneecaps · 2 years
grrrrrrrr i have more inane zelda lore questions
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a-manicured-lawn · 2 months
So. Wind and Spirit as Sages with Secret Stones. It probably wouldn't make sense but I think the NotTwins having those things has good potential for both crack and angst.
you've made me roll this around in my brain for a WHILE anon and i'm going to go HAM (long enough to need a 'keep reading')
to start with, we need to know their magic types. we've got several such as Time, Wind, Spirit, Lightning, Gloom, Light, Water, and Fire. for obvious reasons, Wind and Spirit will be the ones we'll focus on today considering it's both these Links' names and the best matches for their personality and game usages.
the Wind secret stone has the ability to create gusts, right? WRONG. The gusts were already made by Tulin before he got the Stone, and the stone allowed for the avatar summoning and possibly enhancement of the power. By the same token, Wind's secret Stone would of course be Spirit Wind, and his control over the wind would be enhanced since that's his original usage of the element. depending on how juiced up he is, it's possible that he wouldn't necessarily need the Wind Waker to direct the breeze if he had a Secret Stone on board, but that means he'd be able to create an avatar to help Wild out.
Spirit, obviously, would be getting a new ability with his Secret Stone. In canon lore Spirit has no connection to ghostiness aside from seeing the dead similar to Wind, but i personally like to add the concept that Spirit can, in fact, separate soul from body at will alongside his Zelda. This Secret Stone could perhaps be the reason for this gift, allowing him to "die" at will and use his soul to possess Phantoms, scout around, and ignore anyone who tries to put him on bedrest. it's not as flashy as, say, Wind's, but it's still both impressive and useful and can be used for a variety of situations (until someone's got a bug net!).
now that we've got the whole concept of their powers mapped out, though, we have to figure out why, exactly, these two children have world-ending power in the palm of their hand. You mentioned Crack, you mentioned Angst, and both are so delicious that there's no reason why we can't do both.
Following the defeat of Ganondorf, there are a LOT of Secret Stones hanging around. Mineru's, Ganondorf's, Zelda's, and the Sages depending on whether they'd be asked to give them up. Naturally, the safest place for these extra stones would be with someone who's uninterested in them, i.e. Wild and his Purah Pad/Sheikah Slate. who cares about power, he's got Recall and unlimited bombs at the same time!
Crack: Everyone is hanging around the campfire, chatting and having a great time. They get into a conversation as to the most impressive things all of them can do, with Wind loudly declaring that he's got the Wind Waker and is thus the flashiest and most epic Hero of them all. Spirit is next to him, quietly knowing that he doesn't have all that impressive of items himself without his train.
Since they're both kids, everyone gives them a patronizing "Sure, Jan." and ignores them. And. Well. Wild *does* tend to love his brothers.
Wind insists on a demonstration of his coolness, and Wild decides to have some fun. As he pulls out the Wind Waker, Wild taps him on the ankle with one of the Stones. the light breeze turns into a blistering gale with a loud yelp, and the Stone makes an ankle band to tie it to the new Sage Of Winds!
Cue Wild cackling in the background, tapping the other one to Spirit. THAT one goes even worse, as the new Sage of Spirit promptly dies as soon as the Stone touches him. there is a LOT of panic, a hundred apologies, and a very excited Hero once Spirit learns he can do it on command.
The Sages are both delighted at their new powers, refusing to take them off and using them for minor inconveniences. Thanks to Timeline Shenanigans they can even turn back time to TotK, saving Link in the nick of time from Aerocudas or angry Constructs and vanishing with a cheeky salute or a shy wave. if this particular Wild went to LU before TotK, that would throw him WELL off his game even after both boys had vanished.
Meanwhile, over in Lurelin, two young boys kick back with virgin banana dacquiris and watch the boat races while comparing the speed of a boat to the speed of a train. Neither win, of course, considering that there are no trains in TotK (hmpf.)
Angst: Within Zonai architecture, twin dragons have always been a recurring motif. Some pieces, like the Shock head, tend to look like the dragons Wild has seen in his adventures. Farosh, Dinraal, Naydra.... Zelda.
But for the rest, Wild has never seen these twin dragons before. An architectural liberty, perhaps? or a memory of dragons long-vanished?
It's only during a particularly ugly bout with the Black Lizalfos that he discovers exactly why. As a club shatters his leg and the Twins rush over to cover him, he sees them both shoot glances at each other.
At the twin Secret Stones, lying placidly on their wrists.
He can't do more than whimper out "no!" as one twin, then the other protect each other as they grab the stones from their holders.
Then, as one, swallow.
Twin Heroes no more as the shockwave obliterates the nearby monsters and Twin Dragons rise into the sky with simultaneous howls.
(cue an epic quest for them to revive their brothers, because if it happened for Zelda once then Wild is NOT giving up.)
hhhhhhholy fuck this went on longer than i expected. Surprise?
if you want to write any of this be my guest!
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 16
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log Date: 15:30. 8th month, 21st day 104AC Location: Minshi Woods, North Hyrule Weather: Foggy
I can’t believe it. It’s finally happened: I’ve found her! 
I wish I realised it sooner. There's a reason I haven’t seen her anywhere: I’ve been looking in the wrong places. 
Been thinking while I walk. Open air helps with the clarity. She wasn’t in any of the towns or the Temples. That cruel ghost in Hyrule Castle wasn’t her. She isn’t up on the sky islands (have explored most of them now) and I hope to Hylia she’s not stuck down in the Depths, but I think the Yiga would’ve let me know if she was. If they’d captured her, they wouldn’t bother trying to impersonate her. 
So what is left. Not much. But, it’s always the last place you look, right? 
I thought, you know, good time to go see the Deku Tree and get the Master Sword back (again). That’s when it hit me. What better place to shelter Hyrule’s Princess than the Korok Forest? 
The Lost Woods are completely sealed so it looks like I’ll have to go through the Depths to get into the forest. All the Koroks here are talking about it but they don’t seem worried, so neither am I. 
It’s nearly over. We’re so close. By this time tomorrow, she’ll be home. 
A photograph of the dense woodland of North Hyrule, and the korok diaspora hanging out amongst the trees. They look at the camera with blank but inquisitive expressions, somehow. 
Caption: They're just friendly little guys.
Log date: 15:30. 8th month, 22nd day 104AC Location: Korok Forest, Great Hyrule Forest  Weather: Clear. 
I don’t know what to say. 
No, I do: Link, you fool. You idiot. Getting your hopes up, for nothing. Stop lying face down in the grass and get back on the trail.  
The Koroks are side-eyeing me, I can feel it. And they don’t even have eyes. Mr. Hero seems upset, they whisper. Yeah, I am!
Zelda’s not here. The Master Sword is not here. I can’t fight the Demon King without the sword that seals the darkness. No one is being sealed anywhere by a Bokoblin Horn. 
I guess it was good that I came here. Ganondorf’s blight reached even this sacred place. Found and fought some Gloom Hands within the Deku Tree. Didn’t take any chances. Rained bomb arrows down on that thing until it shrivelled up and then cut down the Phantom Ganon that followed afterwards. Didn’t take long. Have fought worse. 
I can sense the presence of the Master Sword, the Deku Tree told me, and then a new map marker appeared on the Purah Pad. But … the marker is moving. And fast. It doesn’t make sense — I’d have noticed a sword hurtling across the countryside by now. 
I asked the Deku Tree if he had any more clues, but all he talked about was the time Zelda and I came here to retrieve the Sword, nearly half a year ago now. He said something about the Sword’s strength growing with time, along with my connection to it. The truth is within you, he said, you just need to listen for it. But I don’t hear or feel anything. 
I need to think. And I need help. Maybe more answers will come on the road…
A photograph of the towering Deku Tree, his stern expression unreadable and inscrutable. Koroks hover at the edge of the frame, eternally persistent and unphased by the ebbs and flows of fate. 
Caption: This place should be a haven, and yet.. 
Log date: 09:30. 8th month, 24th day, 104AC Location: Kakariko Village, Necluda  Weather: Rain. Light snow overnight. 
Back in the familiar embrace of Kakariko. Coming here was the right choice. 
Needed advice. Rode south from the Korok Forest and sought out Paya as soon as I arrived. Caught her up over some green tea and pickled swift carrots. Let her know that, surprise, ‘Zelda’ was a ghost the whole time. Paya took it surprisingly well. Only children fear ghosts, she said, and I swore it was Impa’s voice speaking. Those who are gone cannot hurt us.
Anyway. I told her I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have any clues about Zelda or the fifth Sage. I tracked the Master Sword to Eldin using the new map marker, but I couldn’t see anything. Nothing but rocks all around and a cloudy sky above. There are more geoglyphs I could find, but… I need to make more progress in the present before revisiting the past. 
Paya knew just what to do. Trust the Sheikah to have all the answers. Change comes not through contemplation, but action. She pointed me towards the floating Ring Ruins and all but commanded that I investigate. Act then, Master Link! 
Found some ancient writing inside the ruins that the researchers Tauro and Calip deciphered, with Paya’s help. Seems like they point to someone named Mineru, in the Zonai Ruins to the south. We leave in the morning. Tauro is beside himself with excitement. I’m sitting in his camp, watching him pace back and forth trying to write Paya a ‘going away’ letter. Can see him blushing under his bangs — he’s smitten. 
Feeling optimistic. It would make sense for the fifth Sage, maybe an ancient Zonai, to take Zelda into protective custody. Maybe hidden in the ruins and cut off from the world, Zelda doesn’t know that we’re looking for her. It would make sense, for her to be there. It would make perfect sense. 
A photograph of the floating Ring Ruins in Kakariko Village. In the foreground are Paya and Tauro in private conversation. Paya whispers something in Tauro’s ear, as he crouches down to listen with intense focus. Paya has her hands clasped in front of her waist and stands with a calm confidence. 
Caption: Good for them. 
Log date: 20:13. 8th month, 26th day 104AC Location: Jo-ku Usin Shrine, Thunderhead Isles  Weather: Thunderstorm 
Need a break. Sheltering in an ancient Zonai cavern. All go, go, go since leaving Kakariko. Waded through marsh and swamp at the Zonai Ruins with Tauro for a whole day, examining murals and fighting off lizalfos. Hate those guys. 
We found some Zonai armour, completed an ancient ritual (Tauro enjoyed that), unveiled a whole new archipelago — but no sign of Zelda, or the fifth Sage. 
Getting frustrated. Might just be this storm. All my gear is completely soaked. It’s just… the more places I look, the more I fear it — the thought that I buried months ago to stay sane. The thought that answers a terrible question – when someone goes missing and doesn’t come back, what does everyone assume happened to them? 
I thought I could sense her, and sense the Sword. But maybe they’re just echoes. Just ghosts. Apparently the Master Sword is nearby, moving past the SkyView Tower on the Popla Foothills. If it is, I can’t see it through the clouds…
Pressing on. Will find this fifth Sage if it kills me. What else to do? I’m a hollow machine, the only thing real about me is the air I breathe. 
If I stop moving, I’m gone. 
A photograph taken from the Thunderhead Isles of the Popla Foothills to the north. The Light Dragon is seen flying just below the clouds. There's a sense that, no matter where someone is in the world, the dragon’s light would shine upon them. It's a familiar feeling, like the light that shone from Hyrule Castle when its Princess called out to— wait. No, stop that. That’s— what are you talking about? The feelings aren't familiar at all. It’s just a dragon. Nothing more. This isn't even a good photo. It’s blurry, and dark, and should just be deleted. 
Log date: 07:45. 8th month, 27th day 104AC Location: Construct Factory, The Depths Weather: Not applicable. 
Finally good news. The fifth Sage is here, in the Depths.  
Barely made it to the end of the Thunderhead Isles. Didn’t sleep. Heart’s been in my throat all night. I had braced to find a tomb, but found instead a Zonai mask that led me to this Construct Factory. Then I heard the voice in my mind – Link, Zelda’s Chosen Protector. I am Mineru, the Sage of Spirit.  
She couldn’t say much, except that she had been hidden in the Purah Pad all this time. Since it wasn’t designed to hold a living spirit, she had to lay low. Remembering now that Purah told me the Purah Pad was the key to the final Sage. I guess she figured it out, somehow. 
Mineru’s little more than a poe, so we’re building her a new body. She says she’ll explain everything when we get to the Spirit Temple, and that we have to hurry. Zelda’s Chosen Protector is going as fast as he can, because I think it all makes sense now. Zelda IS down here in the Depths, safe in the final Temple. I thought… something worse had happened to her. Something that couldn’t or shouldn’t even be possible. But, it wasn’t true, in the end. Thank the Goddess. 
I’m so tired, Zelda. I just want you home with me. Surely, this time, I’m right? 
Surely, this time, you really are here? 
A photograph of a large construct, half-built and still ensconced in its protective shell at the entrance to the Construct Factory. Though its eyes are open, the Construct is not yet awake. 
Caption: We’re close, I know it. 
~ Welcome to the Purah Pad ~
Today's Purah Pointer: Always make sure to che###%%% mon[][]rs%% in--
[Mineru.exe initiating...] [Initiation complete]
Message Medallion activated.
Connection established.
MNR | 11:00 Link? Are you there?  I’ve routed my comms through the Purah Pad, it’s easier to communicate this way.  Telepathy is a strain, after a while. 
LNK | 11:02 I don’t want to talk.
MNR | 11:02 I know what I showed you at the Spirit Temple was a lot to take in.  Zelda told me you would be upset, but she was sure her plan would work, and that the Master Sword would be–
LNK | 11:02 There’s nothing to be upset about.
MNR | 11:02  Link.
LNK | 11:03 We don’t have any proof she went through with it. 
MNR | 11:03 Yes we do.  You have met her.
LNK | 11:03  No. 
MNR | 11:03 Link, she was guarding the Great Sky Island. She saved you from a Gleeok in Hebra. In Hateno, she guided you to Lanayru. And I saw the photo you took of her on the Thunderhead Isles. 
LNK | 11:04 That wasn’t her. That dragon isn’t her. 
MNR | 11:04 Denial serves no one. The dragon is a dragon of light. It would make perfect sense for it to be her.
LNK | 11:04 Don’t say that. 
MNR | 11:04 Say what? 
LNK | 11:04 Nothing makes sense.
MNR | 11:04 Link. Go to her. You will see what I see. 
LNK | 11:05 I don’t want to talk about this.
MNR | 11:05 You cannot ignore the truth. 
LNK | 11:05 Leave me alone. 
MNR | 11:05 Do this for her, Link. She missed you so much.
MNR | 11:05 Link, wait—
Purah Pad power down initiated. 
Powering down in 3,2 — *blip*
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happymeishappylife · 1 year
I just finished Tears of the Kingdom and wow oh wow, what a game! I have soooo many feels as the story was just beautiful and watching all the memories start to finish before fighting Ganondorf just hit sooo hard. That battle too! Dang, I thought I was going to biff it too because I didn't really bring enough gloom potion/food, but thank god I was overpowered and had all my hearts. I also didn't know what I was supposed to do when Ganondorf backflipped and that was what tripping me up until I figured, huh if I shoot bombs at him that does more damage, lol. But then being on Zelda and fighting his dragon was soo cool because I did spend a lot of time riding Farosh, Dinrael, and Nadrya so navigating a dragon was easy for me. And then that catch at the end was so satisfying!
I am also glad the game gave me a group of friends to fight with. I loved having my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my nephew, and Younoubo with me, teehee. My nephew, Tulin, is the MVP of the team. Coming in clutch with those arrow shots and always helping to get me where I needed to go. It was cool to see the others step up into leadership as well. Because in BotW we only saw them as youngsters or with leadership thrust upon them, just trying to help, but all of them now really stepped up to help their communities and that was great. Even their soeech at the end where they kind of messed it up, they still continued and they are trying their best. I love it.
I also loved exploring Hyrule and all its changes but also all its similiarities. I finished BotW last year so jumping back into this world was easy-ish until you discoverrd the sky islands and the depths! Plus they put new spins on some of favorite places like the Labyrinths which was cool. And while it was cool at first to have all my horses back, the way this world was set up made me just go wild in how I explored it. I also loved seeing the people of Hyrule mingle with each other. Before they felt so isolated, but it was cool to see a mix of races in each town and for them to be friends adventuring or building lives together. Even accepting Kilton is a step forward though now that Kolton is a Blupee, I wonder how that will affect him.
I wanted to stay in the world forever and except for 2 shrines in the sky (damn that thundercloud island), I am proud to say I found them all myself. Having the lightroots connect to the ones on the surface was a great feature to know you caught them all. Then except for q guide to find the last 45 caves and 21 wells, I feel proud to have done all my other quests by myself. I also laughed when I went to Hyrule Castle already with Mineru and my sword in hand for that fun scene with Purah because I thought the castle was going to be end game again, whoops lol.
Overall though it was magnificant. One of my favorite games of all times and the best Zelda game for me. I think I might take a mini break before hopping into more games because this one really left me witha lot of feelings.
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floweringpopcat · 1 year
started totk earlier today and i already have so many thoughts. i'm guessing it takes place 2-5 years (maybe longer with how much purah aged!) after botw considering all of the guardians/sheikah tech is cleared out, plus the zonai stuff has had time to settle a bit. where did all that sheikah tech go/get disposed to? what happened to the sheikah shrines? where did the zonai ruins and shrines come from? i feel like time/dimension shenanigans may be at work
and then there's just the whole sky islands thing and i want to scream. skyward sword with skyloft and moving to the surface and then totk and the islands are back. it's like how earth started with pangaea, is now continents, and will become one supercontinent millions/billions of years in the future. full circle. (though with the royal line totk is portraying, i think it can be safely said that botw/totk are on a separate timeline)
considering botw didn't have bomb flowers, like likes, sundelions, etc., can it be inferred that the seeds and fauna came from the zonai ruins and/or depths and thrived in the new environment? how much has the geography changed?
the little tidbit in the lookout landing emergency shelter where the one guy is looking at texts written in ancient hylian? ugh /pos the majority of the hylians are so research-oriented and i absolutely love it
why does hylia say "go and bring peace to hyrule" in botw, but "go and bring peace to the world" in totk? how much is truly at stake here? i'm excited to find out
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newtsnaturethings · 3 years
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I rewatched Atlantis the Lost Empire (one of my favorite movies as a kid) the other night and now here’s the Breath of the Wild Atlantis AU no one asked for.
Here we go:
- A long time ago the Calamity happened and shit hit the fan. It ultimately gets sealed but the Sheikah settlement of Atlantis gets submerged and lost to time (side note this movie kills A LOT of people and is not subtle about it). 
- Flash forward to our protagonist Link, who works at a museum in Castle Town. He’s obsessed with legends and myths of the Goddesses and heroes. Also his parents are dead because of course they are. 
- He works as the museum’s cook during the day and security guard at night.
- One day he gets called to the Zora domain to meet with King Dorephan, a friend of his parents, who tells him he’s funding an expedition with the remaining Sheikah to find the lost Sheikah settlement of Atlantis that supposedly went missing after the Calamity many years ago. 
- He reveals his parents found the Sheikah Slate, the map to find the lost settlement. Link can barely understand how to use it but yeah instead of the Shepard’s Journal we got the Sheikah Slate.
- The expedition crew is composed of the champions: 
- Mipha is the team medic. Sidon’s there for moral support. 
- Daruk is the bomb expert but he doesn't always remember that not everyone has a bomb shield at the ready
- Revali works communications. He’s also super uncomfortable with the submarine travel because birb but he (of course) puts on a confident front. (He get’s better in the underwater cave bit cause there’s room to fly) 
- Urbosa is the captain. No question there. 
- Robbie is the mechanic and Purah is the team scientist. Impa makes sure they don't accidentally kill everyone with their experiments.
- Link goes as the cook and as extra back up. And because Dorephan knows how much he loves adventure. 
- Also the Yiga have infiltrated the expedition because they want to unseal the Calamity and eliminate the one who can seal it. No one knows this. 
- Near the entrance the submarine gets attacked by rogue Divine Beast Vah Ruta. They manage to get into the cave and no one dies (seriously the Atlantis movie has an INSANE death count)
- THE EXPEDITION CONTINUES. Shenanigans ensue. More rogue Divine Beast attacks. 
- Link somehow gets separated from the group and meets the lost princess Sheikah Zelda (can y’all tell I’m a sucker for warrior Zelda)
- Zelda leads everyone to the lost Sheikah settlement.
- Zelda wants to research all the busted tech but her dad is not into it and discourages the research (she doesn’t care and does it anyways). 
- Link shows Zelda the Slate and they go around and try to piece together how to get the tech to work again (with mixed results) 
- Zelda also shows Link all the cool places and wildlife she loves to study and Link tells her all about the surface. They grow closer and then they realize the feelings hit and they just awkwardly flirt while everyone rolls their eyes in the background. 
- The Swimming Scene: Link tries (and fails) to be confident and is like “I was raised with the Zora I can definitely swim” and Zelda’s just like “uh okay :) let’s go” 
- Yiga reveal. 
- They take Link and Zelda to the Sacred Spring underneath the city. Zelda gets taken by the Goddess. They attempt to take her to where the Calamity is sealed so Zelda (and the Goddess) can be destroyed forever. 
- Link’s like f*ck that shit and rallies the crew to rescue her (also the Champions aren’t out to get rich like in the movie as soon as they wise up to the Yiga they are on board for the rescue). 
- The Yiga are defeated but then the Calamity awakens anyway. 
- Zelda fuckin obliterates it with her powers. 
- Zelda returns to everyone. Cue heartfelt reunion with Link.
- Zelda becomes Queen and works with Link to continue to help her people and recover the lost technology. 
Enjoy the brain rot. 
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 1
Chapter 1: Era of the Wilds Queen Zelda rebuilds her palace.
[first] - [next] read it on ao3!
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Three months ago, Link started this time travelling journey. Before he left through that portal, with eight heroes waiting behind him expectantly, he held onto Zelda’s hand and promised he’d tell her everything.
They were a good bunch, by Zelda’s judgement. She was relieved knowing that the Hero of Twilight was looking out for her former knight. And the Hero of Time and Hero of Warriors seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, so she certainly shouldn’t be worried there. And Link was even friendly with the others, like the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds! She was glad there were at least some people there to indulge him, once in a while.
One of their visits landed on a beautiful day, right on the edge of summer. As a bit of a treat, Zelda let the Hero of the Four Sword and Hero of Legend loose on what remains of her library. She idly watched as her Link—Wild, the others called him—disappeared into Castle Town with Wind in tow, both of them giggling.
“We should probably follow them,” Twilight grimaced.
Zelda startled, caught off guard by Twilight’s suggestion. They were sitting against the wall below the castle’s observation room, comparing and contrasting their respective monarchies when he’d abruptly changed the topic.
“What for?” she questioned. “There’s not much trouble for them to get into. Let them have their fun.”
He sighed. “Wild’s idea of fun usually involves explosives.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating. He can be very responsible.”
“You were there when he launched himself halfway across Hyrule, right?”
Zelda paused for a moment, glancing back to the palace gates Wild had disappeared past. Their last visit, he had wanted to show off to Hyrule just how far he could launch himself with his bombs, and, somehow, he’d made it all the way to Hateno.
“Perhaps I’m a bit lenient with him,” she relented. “I suppose I just like seeing him happy.”
Twilight said nothing, but he arched an eyebrow at her. Something about his scrutiny made her heart drop, and for a split second, she wondered how much he knew about her and Wild’s shared past. What happened to him, how she couldn't save him before-
“I mean, he deserves as much, doesn’t he?” she hastily explained. “He’s got a second chance, now.”
  △ ▲△
Queen Zelda Sarya Hyrule awakens for the day, leaning her hands on the balcony as she looks over her kingdom’s sunrise. It’s a bright, fresh morning, the smell of last night’s rain still in the air. This morning marks three months, officially, since Link's last visit.
Zelda sighs. She supposes she ought to be used to this. She’s got a hundred years’ worth of experience waiting for Link, she can survive however long it takes him to finish this mission. She could spend her time worrying over her friend’s safety, but really, eight other heroes from eras past? He couldn’t be in safer hands.
It’s only a shame they had to halt their weapons training, for the time being. Zelda’s getting tired of sparring with dummies.
She steps away from the balcony, stretching her arms out. She’s been using the observation room as her temporary quarters. And it’s not that she wouldn’t rather stay in her old room, if it weren’t for the broken bridge and collapsed roof, it’s just…
Well, Link always referred to his life as a new beginning. Maybe this can be one for her, too.
First thing to do, get dressed. Yesterday was laundry day, so her clothes are nice and clean.
Second, get some breakfast. What she wouldn’t do for some coffee-
“Oh shit!”
“No! The pallets!”
Upon further analysis, it appears Zelda won’t have any time to get dressed before her day begins.
She shows up to the moat wearing an old, plain shirt and shorts, her pajamas since she’s woken up. Her hair is messy and tangled, and she’s still having trouble keeping her eyes open. But when Bolson and Karson notice Zelda, the latter bows to her as though she were the picture of beauty.
She has to resist rolling her eyes. What would her father think of this?
“What’s the issue?” she asks them as Karson rises. “I heard something about palettes?”
“Ah, well-” Karson stammers. “You see, your majesty-”
“Our horses,” Bolson explains, mercifully cutting Karson off. “They were carting pallets of material for our work today, when something spooked ‘em. Knocked the pallets into the water, ‘n Karson and me were trying to figure out how to fish ‘em up.”
Zelda raises an eyebrow, glancing at each side of the bridge. Aside from the rushing water and the slight breeze, all is still.
“What could have possibly scared your horses? There’s nothing up here, and-” She peeks down at the river. “The Zora aren’t supposed to arrive for a few more hours.”
Karson speaks. “I’m sorry, your majesty, I don’t know-”
She holds up a hand. “I’m not blaming you, Karson. I’m simply confused.” She sighs. “Don’t worry about your supplies. Do whatever else you can for now. When Prince Sidon and his guard report to the palace, I’m sure I can convince some of them to scavenge your belongings.”
“Thank you, Queen Zelda,” Bolson responds before Karson can make a fool of himself again. “Hudson went after the horses. Karson, we should see if he needs any help.”
Zelda watches as the two of them leave. Link had personally attested to the quality of work Bolson Construction could do, and truth be told, she’d hired them on his recommendation alone —though the fact that one of their members had built an entire town by hand had been particularly alluring. Her father would have thrown a fit at Bolson’s “manners”, or lack thereof, but that very trait was the reason she enjoyed working with him so much. He understood that she was in the same boat as the rest of them.
But that story about the horses had her worried. On such a calm morning, when most of the kingdom had yet to stir, she couldn’t help but fear that whatever had spooked them so bad had been malicious.
She looks back over the bridge, trying to peer down into the dark water. It wasn’t so long ago that the castle had been teeming with monsters, after all. Sure, they aren’t quiet, but is it possible some of them were missed?
Well, whatever it is, it could at least wait until she’s dressed.
  △ ▲△
“I’m worried about excavating the Great Hall.”
Zelda is enjoying her breakfast (buttered bread, Hylia, how she misses Link’s cooking), when Yunobo approaches her. He, along with several other young Gorons, volunteered to help clear the debris from Hyrule Castle and its adjoining town.
At first, Zelda had been a bit concerned about having not only Vah Rudania’s new pilot, but Daruk’s direct descendant working so closely with her. Daruk had been a dear friend of hers, after all, and she wasn’t sure she could bear having a reminder of him walking around her home.
But right away it had become apparent that Yunobo is nothing like his grandfather. He’s innocent where Daruk had been optimistic, hesitant where Daruk had been a leader. It was easy enough for Zelda to pretend that there was no relation at all.
Wordlessly, she motions for Yunobo to sit beside her, which he does.
“Link got your slate to you, correct?” she asks, pulling out her own.
Zelda had been quite shocked when Purah had presented her with a brand new slate, a replacement for the one she’d given to Link. Apparently one hundred years of research and a now-peaceful world meant technological advancements could happen fast. And with the correct payment, she was willing to make a few more for the rest of the new Champions.
Yunobo nods, shyly taking his slate out. His is much larger than the ones provided to the rest of the Champions, on account of his larger hands.
“Perfect.” Zelda pulls up a file, a diagram of the castle’s interior, and taps their slates together. “Did that transfer work? You should have a copy of the castle’s blueprints now.”
“Oh wow!” Yunobo holds his slate to his face, marvelling at his screen. “This is amazing, your majesty!”
Zelda can’t help but smile along with him. “I thought the same thing when I first started playing with the first one,” she admits. “You can use this to show me what’s troubling you.”
“Right.” He points to the main entryway to the Great Hall. “See, we’re focusing on this part here, because it’s easier for us Gorons to move around. But I’ve been noticing a lot of rocks in the rubble from further up the castle.” He sighs. “It’s unstable. If we keep going as we are now there’s going to be a hole in the rock right up to the Sanctum.”
Zelda frowns, eyes fixed on the blueprints. So far, they haven’t had any issues like this. Most of the ruins have been from the stone lining the hallways, not the mountain itself. And, despite being a researcher, she’s not exactly an engineer. Can something like this even be fixed?
“Well, first of all, we’re stopping construction on that area immediately,” she instructs. “Make sure the rest of the Gorons know that. Then, go to Bolson with your concerns. His work has been temporarily delayed, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you figure out this problem.” She tucks her slate at her side. “Does that work for you?”
“Thank you!” Yunobo beams, and isn’t that a sight? Link told her he used to be very anxious a while ago. “I’ll get on that right away, your majesty.”
What she wants to say is ‘No need for that. Call me Zelda.’ But something about it gets caught in her throat.
“If there are any other issues, let me know,” Queen Zelda says.
  △ ▲△
There have been talks, lately, of turning Castle Town into a trading hub for the rest of Hyrule, and Zelda thought it was a wonderful idea. It was, after all, how the capital had been established many years ago, and returning to its roots would be a good way to build it back up again. She’s already gotten the word from several villages that they’d be willing to send merchants. The only thing left to do is to strike up a deal with the Gerudo.
Lady Riju is wise beyond her years, and Zelda can’t help but see herself in the girl. Forced into a role of importance at such a young age, carrying the burdens of loss and leadership on her shoulders…
“Using Castle Town as an in-between for your trades with the Gorons would make for shorter journeys in the long run.” Zelda and Riju are seated at a table in the dining hall, which the Queen has converted into an office of sorts. Both are flanked by several guards, yet their attention is focused on the slates in their hands, displaying a map of the kingdom.
“We would get our gemstones faster,” Riju reasons.
“Exactly,” Zelda says. “Not to mention, this would also open up opportunities for you with Zora’s Domain. I’m not sure whether you would appreciate their fish, but one of their other major exports is Luminous Stones.”
Hearing this, Riju raises her eyebrows. “Now that is interesting.”
The Gerudo are lucky to have Riju, Zelda decides. She knows there’s only one jeweler in Gerudo Town—aside from a few hobbyists—and yet, the chieftain was clearly interested on her behalf. Now that the Calamity is gone, the Gerudo may as well expand their horizons a bit.
Urbosa would be proud.
Zelda immediately shakes that thought off like a dog out of the water. “Of course, you’ll have to work the details out with the Zora themselves, I’m just offering the venue. But Prince Sidon is supposed to come by later today.”
Riju hums to herself. “Buliara,” she says, turning to the guard by her side. “Make sure we get a meeting with him before either of us leave.”
“Yes, Lady Riju.”
With that assurance, Riju faces Zelda once again, standing. “Well, Queen Zelda, it looks like we have a deal, then.” She offers Zelda a hand.
“Thank you, Lady Riju.” Zelda takes her hand, and the two shake. And that’s where Zelda assumed it would end.
“Actually,” Riju clears her throat, and suddenly it isn’t Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo standing in front of her. It’s Riju, the thirteen year-old child, eyes wide and pleading, awkwardly holding onto one of her arms. “I was wondering, if you’re not doing anything for a while…”
Zelda winces, and in that instant she sees Riju avert her gaze. “Oh, Riju,” she says. “I’d love to, but…”
Riju holds up her hand. “It’s no matter, your highness,” she claims, displaying strength as if Zelda didn’t just see her put a wall up. “I should discuss the changes to our trade routes with the Gorons, anyway.”
Some other time, Zelda promises herself. She’ll make time for Riju soon. But as Riju beckons her guards and leaves, she can’t find it within herself to say it out loud.
  △ ▲△
Zelda really thought she could do it this time.
Ever since she’d gone through the process of selecting new Champions, new pilots for the Divine Beasts, Zelda has spent quite a bit of time with them. Training, maintenance, everything to help them move along as smoothly as possible. And it’s been fine with all of them!
Well, with the exception of one.
Riju and Yunobo are both generations removed from their ancestors, and if Zelda doesn’t remind herself, she can almost pretend there’s no connection at all. And Teba isn’t even related to any of the former champions. But Sidon…
Zelda storms into the makeshift infirmary, a large tent just outside the castle, to find Sidon having a wound wrapped by a nurse. Noticing her arrival, the nurse offers a bow before sliding out of the tent past the Queen.
“Prince Sidon,” she fights to keep her tone diplomatic. “Please tell me Captain Bazz lied to me.”
Sidon is so Mipha.
“Queen Zelda-”
“Stop,” she commands, and some part of her mind recognizes it as one her father took often. “You-” She points a finger at him. “-the crown prince of the Zora, a race known for their weakness to electricity, decided to take on a Lynel, of all things. Is that correct?”
Somehow, in all her five-foot four-inches worth of glory, Zelda has successfully gotten Prince Sidon, a fish towering over ten feet, to cower under her glare.
“Yes, Queen Zelda.”
Of course, Mipha wouldn’t have been nearly as brash as her brother. She knew her limits, knew the risks of facing a Lynel head on, especially a Silver one. She knew she wasn’t the one to take on that task.
Sidon, for some reason, didn’t.
“Okay,” Zelda sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why?”
“Why?” Sidon echoes back at her. He finally meets her eyes, matching her own harsh gaze. “Your highness, that Lynel was too close to Helmhead Bridge! If I hadn’t stopped it, it could have gone on a rampage throughout Castle Town!”
But he had her passion, that’s for sure. Where Mipha had been drawn to healing the injured, Sidon found himself drawn to battle away every danger that could befall the innocent. In that sense, the two of them were the same.
Sidon, like his sister, is a protector.
“You were under orders to clear out the Military Training Grounds! That’s it!” Zelda counters. “That Lynel was not your responsibility!”
“Hyrule is my responsibility! You made it my responsibility when you gave me Vah Ruta!”
Sidon is Mipha in every way that Mipha wasn’t. And how dare he come to her castle, acting the brasher, braver Mipha?
How dare he, Mipha’s most precious brother, risk himself for her?
“I’ve already led one set of Champions to their deaths, Sidon!” Zelda shouts, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “I’m not going to let you die as well!”
Sidon reels back, looking at Zelda with wide eyes.
Zelda covers her mouth, and her spine goes rigid, like ice. She turns on her heel, making a beeline out of the tent.
“Your highness!” Sidon calls after her. “Zelda! Wait!”
But Zelda ignores him. She pushes the flap out of the way, and once she’s finally outside the tent, she runs.
  △ ▲△
Of course it’s her old room. Zelda hadn’t even realized it was her destination until she arrived there, eyes blurry with tears. She slams her door shut behind her and sinks to the floor, finally letting herself cry. Sobs rake through her body, and she’s reminded of the times a hundred years ago, when she would lock herself in this same room after yet another day of failing to unlock her powers.
It’s been a century since then, and she’s right back where she started.
The Champions, all of them, deserve this future much more than Zelda does. She failed them all.
She’s not sure how long she sits there, curled in on herself, crying like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Seriously, what’s wrong with her?
Suddenly, there’s the sound of wings flapping from the literal hole in the room, rattling Zelda out of her sorrow enough to look up.
It’s Teba, because of course it is. Who else would fly all the way up here? His expression is difficult to read, but he’s focused on her.
“There you are,” he says, landing on the ruins of her wall. He hops down. “You scared Sidon, back there.”
Zelda looks back to the floor, head turned away from Teba. Her face and chest burn with shame.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles.
There’s warmth next to her, Teba sitting by her side. “Now, why are you saying that?” He drapes one of his wings over her shoulders.
It’s disgustingly casual, certainly not the image a distinguished queen should be projecting. But Teba is concerned for her, and Zelda can’t remember the last time she let someone do that. Even Link, her closest friend, she’s kept at a distance. He’s been struggling so much, how was she supposed to burden him with her own issues?
“I keep ruining everything,” she admits, choking back a sob. “His sister is gone because of me. I let Hyrule fall.”
“Zelda-” and how great it is to hear her name. Not your majesty, your highness, the great and wonderful queen who could do no wrong. Just Zelda, the person. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”
If only it were that easy.
“I should have,” she retorts. “How stupid were we to believe that pig would fall for the same trick twice?”
“You’re a kid.”
Zelda can’t help but laugh at that, though it isn’t particularly funny. Some of her loose hairs fly away from her face as she does so.
Teba, unamused, sighs. “What are you doing here?”
She rolls her eyes. “I came to my room to cry, obviously.”
“No, I mean-” Teba tries again. “Why are you at the castle?”
“To rebuild Hyrule,” Zelda answers automatically. “To lead my people.”
“Who told you to do that?”
Zelda blinks, and she realizes she doesn’t have an answer for that. Rarely does she ever find herself in this situation.
“Well, no one, but…” she struggles. “It’s what my father would want.”
Teba points at her. “There’s your issue,” he says. “You’re putting yourself in this box, trying to be the person you think everyone wants you to be. And in the process, you’re ignoring yourself.”
“The reconstruction effort doesn’t necessarily need you, Zelda,” he tells her. “We’re glad to have you, but if you need to go off somewhere on your own, we’d get along just fine.”
Zelda scoffs. “Where would I even go?”
“I don’t know.” Teba shrugs. “Maybe you could check out what Link’s been up to?”
  △ ▲△
Teba’s suggestion rings in Zelda’s mind. She tries to sleep, truly, she does. But she ends up kicking her way out of her bedroll in frustration.
So, just as her day began, Zelda finds herself standing on her balcony, staring out at Hyrule. The night is cloudless, the vast sky full of twinkling stars. Hyrule Field is still, save for the breeze that passes through it. It catches her hair, long and golden, bringing it to sway.
Maybe she should cut it.
Hyrule is large. She’s heard from Link of his journey and saw much of it herself. Their initial tour had been half a year ago, when the Calamity had finally been defeated. Sadly, they’d been limited to the main settlements, focusing on making peace with their leaders and spreading the news that, yes, it was over. They hadn’t had much time to divert from the path, to see the little wonders Link spoke so fondly of.
Zelda knows Link would want to show her these wonders himself, but perhaps she could find some of her own to show him? Do something nice for him, for once.
If he ever comes back, that is.
Once upon a time, Zelda told the Hero of Twilight that she was happy for Link, happy for his second chance. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a second chance of her own.
Behind her, she hears it. The sound of reality tearing, ripping at its seams. It’s a sound she’s heard before, everytime Link and the other heroes dropped in unexpectedly. She turns around, and there it is, the oval portal glowing a soft, golden light.
She leans against her balcony and waits, patiently, for Link. It’s rude of them to show up so late, especially when she’s so underdressed, but she can make an exception for the heroes.
But nothing happens. Instead, Zelda feels a tug in her own chest, an instinctual pull that says ‘Hop in’. And she’s reminded of what Link told her about how the group finds their portals:
They’re drawn to them.
  △ ▲△
When Zelda doesn’t show her face the next morning, they go looking for her. They find the observation room scarce of most of Zelda’s belongings, her bedroll and clothes all missing. The queen herself is also gone, and in her place is a note.
Dear all,
I went to go see Link. Keep up the work without me. I will return sometime soon.
Your friend, Zelda
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Remember your past life - Prince! Harry Hook x Chosen Knight!Reader - part 19 - Hateno
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*note I’m trying to include the game mechanics because I can lol. such as inventory, paragliding, and teleporting*
You glanced down at Harry as you climbed the membrane-like ladder that connected the pillars of the sheikah towers. He paced back and forth, glancing up at you every other moment, the small egg-shaped anatomic thing (which they learned was called a guardian, thanks to the tablet) followed closely, the top on its head shooting up as it tried to talk to the worried pirate teen.
You sighed and turned to look back up towards the top of the tower, huffing as you leaped to the side and planted your foot on one of the platforms sticking out the side. You sighed in relief as you fully stepped on and shook your arms.
These things were too damn tall, and it was going to be hell trying to get down from them if they were at all like this one. You glanced to your right, grimacing at the thorns that covered the tower.
You rolled your shoulders and jumped back onto the tower wall, grunting as the top came in sight. You lept to the platform on your left to give your legs one more quick rest before starting your climb again.
Finally, you made it to the top, groaning as your legs thumped from overexertion, you had never climbed that much since….probably 500 years ago heh. You smirked at the dumb thought and unclipped the tablet from your hip and placed it in the pedestal. You felt the wind from the activating tower as the blue glow surrounded you. You heard the mechanics on top of the tower lift and set in place.
The stone above the pedestal glowed and trailed down until a drop of blue “liquid” splashed on the tablet and downloaded the area map onto it. You picked it up and nodded to yourself as you looked over the map, to the right of the tower seemed to be where you were heading next. Hateno Village.
You looked up and to the right, nodding as you spotted the village from the top of the tower. Shouldn’t be more than a ten-minute ride at most.
You clipped the tablet back on your hip and overlooked the area around you before walking to the edge and looking down at where harry and the mini guardian were. Both of them looked back up at you, Harry’s arms crossed as his foot tapped on the ground.
You backed up and started for the openings, you jumped as the tablet suddenly started sounding off. You unclipped it and rose your brow. “what is this?“ you muttered to yourself, eyes widening as you scrolled through the empty slots of…inventory? That’s what the top of the screen said it was at least. The first block had a picture of the sword on your back, the next had your bow, and then your shield. It looked there was also a slot for the random items you were hauling along, and….a whole ass paraglider? What?
You tapped on the picture of the paraglider and rose your brows at the description.
An item you received from the king on the great plateau, it allows you to sail through the sky. Bring it forth from the sheikah inventory to use it.
“bring it forth?” you muttered, well the sheikah slate was probably thousands of years old, the old type of speaking was probably normal for…its time? Welp, no time like the present to try it out and scare the living daylights of out Harry!
You clipped the tablet on your hip again and took a couple steps back from the ledge, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, and ran forward. You jumped off the ledge, hearing Harry's yelp of terror and the little guardian's high-pitched screech as they watched you plummet towards the ground.
You tapped the tablet on your hip and brought your hands up after it, a bright blue untouchable substance following your hands and forming a glider above you. It caught you mid-air about 20 feet above Harry and the little guardian.
Harry dropped to a crouch, holding his face in his hands “HOLY SHIT LASS DON’ DO THA’ TA ME!” he cried, peeking back up at you through his fingers “yeh scared meh half ta death!”
You gave a sheepish smile and hit the ground with a light thud. You jumped back as the little guardian started to scream at you, pointing one of its little claws at you accusingly and jumping in your face.
“um- ah!” as you backed away it followed you, continuing to seemingly tell you off.
Harry snorted as he watched the thing chase you around and screech, with you trying to calm it and avoid it headbutting you.
You rubbed the back of your head and glanced back at Harry. “uh, sorry bout that, OH! I have something to show you!” you unclipped the tablet and shoved it in his hands. He rose his brow at you and held the tablet limply in his hands. You rolled your eyes and pointing at the top right button. He sighed and pressed it, eyes widening as he finally looked at the “inventory”
“huh” he muttered, swiping through the screens and beginning to mess with the buttons. “that’s cool, so this...allows us to keep more on us than normal?”
“I guess so? I mean, look” you leaned over to look at the screen, pointing at the slots for his weapons “you have one sword right now, and then there's four more slots, and I’m guessing we can summon the other weapons we have to us from it, doesn't tell us how to put em in or retrieve them though.” Harry shrugged, clipping the tablet to your hip and walking towards mercury. “eh, we’ll figure it out when we need ta’ that’s how yeh figured out that paraglider thing righ’?”
“yep, we could also go to the scientist girl Regina told us about, Purah, I think her name was” you chirped, climbing on (H/N) and snapping his reins to lead him towards Hateno “come on, we got daytime burning. Let's go little guy!” the little guardian chirped and ran after you and harry, its gears in high motion as it kept pace with your cantering horses.
Less than two minutes later you had arrived at Hateno. ‘looks like ten minutes was a bit much’ you thought, turning in your saddle to look around at the village.
A clothing store, general store, a…dye shop? And an inn near the end of the main path. ‘good, we’ll have a place to sleep’ you nodded to yourself, you gestured for Harry to follow you and headed towards the Inn, sliding off your saddle and setting (H/N) into the small stable. Harry set mercury next to you and sighed, setting his hands on his hips and letting out a low whistle.
“quaint town isn’t it?” he wondered aloud, following you as you walked back to the clothing store.
“I guess” you hummed, pushing open the door and glancing around the small shop. Your eyes drew towards the set at the front.
A red tunic with leather armor on the arms and chest, connecting to the left shoulder, tan pants, and a dark blue hood/cape.
You walked up to it and looked over the price, nodding to yourself as you un-did your money bag from your hip and looked towards the woman overlooking the shop.
“excuse me?” the woman jumped at your sudden voice and spun around to look at you, her hand over her chest “sorry, I would like to buy the set of leather armor please”
“I-“ she let out a breathy laugh, shaking her head “yes, of course, I’ll need his size though, that particular set” she glanced at Harry, her eyes traveling the length of his body “will not fit him”
Harry rubbed the back of his head as he shuffled through his brain files, remembering Evie's measurement mumbling from when she made his first set of clothes.
He relayed it and the woman nodded, walking to the back and grabbing what she needed. You and Harry simply stood and awkwardly stayed quiet as the woman shuffled around the back. “I haven’t seen the two of you before!” she called, her head peeking out from the door “where ya two from?”
“um, nowhere in particular?” you shrugged, smiling as she simply nodded.
“I getcha, don’t worry, I’m not the nosy type, but may I ask why you’re in Hateno?” she emerged fully from the back and handed harry a pile of clothes, the leather cuffs and armor resting on top, then handing him a pair of tall brown boots.
“we’re looking for a woman named Purah, we need to talk to her” the woman nodded and turned to write down some numbers on a notepad.
“you’ll find her at the top of the hill directly east from the door, hard to miss” you nodded and took out the amount of pay the woman had given you for the clothes and carefully placed them into her hand. “thank you, if you wish you can change in that room right there” the woman pointed behind harry to an empty room. Harry sighed and nodded, walking towards the room, the little guardian close behind.
“I’ll be in the general store okay?” you called, nodding as Harry waved his hand at you in dismissal.
You walked out of the clothing shop and across the path to the general store, you pushed open the door and looked around. To your right was a bunch of arrows and….bomb arrows? They looked to be arrows with a packed cloth on top of them.
You brushed it off and looked to the left, nodding to yourself as you overlooked the food stock.
“welcome! You buyin’ or sellin’ “ the shop owner asked, his beady eyes staring directly at you.
“buying” you muttered, walking over to the food and grabbing a couple handfuls of everything, setting them on the counter, and pulling your money bag back out.
“Alright then….that’ll be, 96 rupees” you nodded and quickly pulled the amount out, setting it in the man's hand. He poured the money into a drawer and bagged your items, passing them off to you and heading to the back to stock what you had purchased.
You muttered out ‘thanks’ to the man and walked out of the store, looking around for anything of interest. Your eyes caught a flash of red and blue as Harry exited the clothing shop, the little guardian running towards you as it sang and pointed back at Harry.
You smirked, realizing what it was trying to say “yes he does look good” Harry turned red and puffed his cheeks, looking into his shoulder “alright come on, let's go put this with the horses and go see Purah” Harry sighed and nodded, taking the lead and walking towards the horses.
A few moments of struggling to put everything away to where it wouldn’t comically bulge out of the bags later, you and Harry were off to see the sheikah scientist.
You snorted as you looked back at the huffing and puffing Harry, who was a good 15 feet behind you on the steep hill. You stood still as you waited for him to catch up, glancing down at the little guardian who chirped and sang at harry. “I’m comin’ I’m comin’” he breathed out, giving the thing a slight glare “how are yeh not bothered by all this lass?”
You laughed and shrugged “I guess my body is used to all of it even after more than a century in that chamber thing” Harry rolled his eyes at you, finally catching up and leaning over to catch his breath.
“I guess so….that’s still so fuckin weird by the way” you rolled your eyes back at him and harshly patted his back, sending him forward on his feet a bit.
“Yeah yeah, you’ve mentioned that about a thousand times, let’s go” Harry groaned and looked up, the two of you still had a bit to go, but he just huffed and continued after you, groaning again as the little guardian easily kept pace with you and even walking circles around you.
There were a couple of times where you would have to stop again and wait for harry to catch up, and he was thankful you had never audibly teased him about it, he guessed his old self…..Prince Harry had been able to keep up with her but as the person, he was now, completely unused to walking uphill for such a long time, of course, he would be falling behind a lot.
He also guessed the more the two got further into their journey he would soon be easily able to keep pace but for now, he would be falling behind with her stopping for him.
He would keep the fact that he liked the way she would always notice when he fell behind, she always had her mind on him, always kept track of him.
It helped him feel safe, wanted.
Finally, you had arrived at the lab, you looked up at the tall tower that possibly made up the main house, while the larger square-shaped house below it made for the lab. You and Harry glanced at each other and shrugged, you walked up and pushed open the doors.
A smaller child, with a tan dress with red lines, whirled around to look at you, her eyes wide as she looked at the two-three of you behind her glasses. “(y/n)?!” she screeched, eyes trailing to harry as she leaped off her chair and into the air “Prince Harry!?! You’re awake?! You’re here?! How?!” she ran toward you and pulled you down by your sheath and examined your face, her amber eyes flashing around. “amazing, it looked like the shrine hasn’t aged you a single day! Heck, even more like you look younger than you did! And you!” she turned, grinning up at the extremely confused harry, and pointed up at him “you’re supposed to be in the castle! Did you do it! Defeat the dark one?!”
“um-I’m, uh” Harry stuttered, hands wringing together, you stepped in front of him, arm out to shield him.
“the prince's soul split into two, this is a different person than the prince you knew” Purah gasped and took out her note pad, muttering herself as she scrawled something down.
“interesting interesting~” she glanced back up at the two of you and blanched, throwing the notepad on the table behind her “sorry! I have a bad habit of taking notes at inappropriate times! Now how’ya been (y/nny)!” you just stared at her with furrowed brows, her brows rose and her eyes widened. “what's with that face? Do-do you not remember me?”
You shuffled in place, shrugging your shoulders as you shook your head “um, no, sorry, I hardly remember anything from…back then, Harrys the same way, we’ve picked up a few things but everything's pretty much blank about all this stuff” Purah nodded and grabbed the sheikah slate from your waist.
“Alright then, I’ll keep my explanations short! And hello Terrako!” she patted the little guardian's head and beamed. “nice to see you! I thought you were still in the castle in the prince's study!” the little guardian, Terrako as it just was named, started spouting off with a melody of notes and whistles, the scientist nodding along and humming “my my, so you heard the princes voice and ran to look for him? Well, I think you succeeded” Purah laughed, glancing up at harry who rose his brow.
“Yeh can understand it?” Purah shrugged. “not personally, but~” she turned the tablet towards you and harry, where a good paragraph had been written down. “the tablet can translate what he says!” “he?” you echoed, crossing your arms.
“yep, he!” Purah chirped, walking over to a pedestal and a long stone that hung from her ceiling “anyway, I’ll be checking on this thing for a minute, and while we wait, Symin!” an older man in the corner of the room, near all the books turned, smiling at your odd group “could you please make us some tea?”
“of course,” he hummed, setting down his book on a small table near him and walking out the door to his left, presumably to the kitchen.
“Now we wait! And while we wait, you two are gonna tell what’s happened during your time awake!” you and harry shared a glance, sighed, and decided to just give her the bare minimum of information of your recent lives, at least on Harry's side, who didn’t want to talk about his life on the isle.
Purah’s eyes sparkled as Harry started, her hands twitching every few moments. Something told you it was going to be a long night of explaining.
-end of part 19-
set of armor that Harry is now wearing 
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loruleanheart · 4 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 12
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Zelda poured over stacks of research notes at her writing table. As organized as it was, it was still proving difficult to locate what she was looking for.
The elixir recipe has to be in here somewhere…
She searched through the drawers, finding a neatly folded piece of paper tucked in a journal she’d used to write down field research notes.
Yes, I think this is it...
Zelda unfolded it, quickly appraising the recipe for the spicy elixir she had written down some time ago. She collected these recipes out of morbid fascination. She never imagined she’d be putting one to practical use.
It would be simple to gather the ingredients for the elixir, although she dreaded having to ingest the concoction that consisted of at least one monster part, likely from a bokoblin since they were so common and at least one creature that could give the elixir cold-resistant properties, likely an insect. These elixirs could be strengthened in effect or duration by adding additional monster parts, creatures, or plants.
I’m turning into Link, she thought grimly, recalling how Link had eaten rocks in her presence at least twice during their travels. It would be just like Link to drink one of these bizarre elixirs… or all of them…
Zelda grabbed an empty corked glass container to hold the elixir. She wrinkled her nose, imagining the taste of a potion that was created from the internal organs of a monster, and decided to bring an additional bottle to hold some water to wash it down.
The thought of Astor telling her she has bokoblin breath crossed her mind.
That is if he ever got close enough and we...
Zelda’s heart fluttered in her chest, and it took a moment to compose herself and focus on the task at hand.
She picked up the Sheikah Slate, pulling up its map function, which Purah had shown her recently after she and her fellow researchers had successfully activated the towers all over Hyrule. She studied it and decided the path she would take. The way through Dueling Peaks stood out to her at first, as it was the most well-established path, but taking a second look she saw a quicker, more direct route. Either way, she’d be passing through Kakariko village, which made her a little nervous. What if someone recognized her? Not that it would be the end of the world if someone did, Zelda reassured herself. It just wasn’t often that she went anywhere without an entourage of guards. The worst that could happen is one of the villagers would tell Impa she’d been spotted walking through the village alone. They probably wouldn’t guess where she was going, as Mount Lanayru was still some distance from the village.
She went to her wardrobe to grab a plain, dark cloak and put it on over her dress, adjusting the hood over her head. The cloak sat awkwardly over her long hair. She adjusted her hair so it would all fit comfortably inside the hood at the nape of her neck.
Leaving the comforts of her chambers was difficult. She had never done anything like this before. Still, the thought of staying put and doing nothing when the people of Hyrule were preparing for the worst was unconscionable. Soon there would be a mass exodus of people from Castle Town and she knew what they would think of her, thanks in part to her father’s never-ending scolding.
Outside, she was relieved to see the castle grounds were free of any guards, allowing her to walk out without incident. She supposed they had already been excused to retreat from Castle Town with their families. Her father was at least a benevolent king who cared for his people, despite his stern and sometimes harsh treatment of her. Zelda relaxed a bit and breathed deeply of the night air, looking out over the town from her vantage point as she made her way down the winding path.
Zelda cleared the gatehouse and then the main gate that led out into Castle Town, arriving in the central square. The gentle trickle of the fountain greeted her as the town slept. Zelda navigated through the empty cobblestone streets, heading for the final gate that would lead out into Hyrule Field. Once she had cleared the town’s gate, she headed east. 
The grass swayed in the gentle breeze. The moon was high and bright allowing her to see her destination in the far distance. The Sheikah Slate shifted in the pocket of her cloak. As she walked, she let her mind wander, trying to focus on sweet daydreams to overcome the sense that she was in a race against her kingdom’s demise. She remembered how conflicted Astor had sounded the last time she spoke with him. Her heart swelled and she walked a little faster, feeling hopeful and foolish at once. Her heart beat steadily in her mind over the sound of crickets chirping. She didn’t look back at the castle as she moved further and further away. If she looked back, she knew she would lose her resolve. 
Zelda neared a bokoblin camp. There were three of them, and fortunately for her, they were all in relative proximity to each other. She grabbed the Sheikah Slate from her cloak’s pocket and charged forward, giving a grunt of effort as she activated the remote bomb feature. By the time they noticed their unwelcome visitor it was too late. The pig-like creatures gave a chorus of animalistic shrieks just before they were blown sky-high. Zelda sighed in relief looking around the camp for whatever she could pillage for herself. There was a thick juicy steak cooking over an open flame. She was quite hungry now that she thought of it.
As Zelda moved towards the steak, a slew of bokoblin parts began to fall from the sky. Zelda flinched as purple guts rained down on her with an array of wet plops, some of them bursting upon impact. She wasn’t hungry anymore.
Zelda started working on the elixir after she had gained the nerve to gather the bokoblin guts and place them in a large cooking pot that already had a fire going under it. She stayed at the camp a few minutes waiting for a warm darner to appear and when one presented itself she caught it and added it to the pot. Slowly, everything began to liquefy, becoming an orange-red liquid. If she stood too close to the concoction her eyes began to water. Breathing in the peppery aroma the elixir gave off made her break into a coughing fit. 
Success… Zelda thought to herself.
She carefully scooped the rim of the bottle through the liquid, letting it flow into the container. She corked it and put it away for later. Zelda moved to the nearby Hylia river and bent to scoop up some water in her cupped hands, greedily drinking to quench her immense thirst. She savored the crispness of it, and it sated the burning in her throat. She gathered some water in the second glass bottle and corked it. She climbed back up the embankment and crossed the Rebonae Bridge.
By late morning it was discovered that Zelda was missing. The few staff left at the castle descended into a frenzy, searching the castle and even spreading out into Castle Town to look for her.
Link and Impa knelt before King Rhoam who was furious.
“It seems my daughter has forsaken her divine duty and has fled. I fear all is lost…”
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I don’t believe she would do such a thing. I’m sure that wherever she has gone she has a good reason.”
The king narrowed his eyes at the Sheikah advisor. “Then where has she gone and what is she doing? This is unacceptable! You two are her closest companions. You must know something! If you are hiding something from me, I will hold you both personally responsible!”
Impa shifted nervously, shooting a brief look at Link for support. “Uh… S-she might be with a certain individual… He… He might have taken her, but then again, she might have gone with him willingly. I really can’t say for sure either way…. I don’t want to point any fingers, though, and I mean no disrespect towards the Princess…”
“What do you mean ‘went with him willingly’?” King Rhoam snapped, his anger flaring. “Who is this individual?”
“Uh… Let’s just say he’s a prophet with exclusive knowledge of the Calamity.”
Link gave Impa an incredulous look. Impa could only imagine what the young knight was thinking. 
Smooth, Impa, real smooth. You really know how to spin things.
“Hmm… A prophet…” Rhoam paused, contemplating this. “This still does not sit well with me… Especially the fact that you don’t sound very certain about this man’s intentions at all... Send word to the Champions at once to leave their Divine Beasts for the time being. Inform them of the situation and have them assist in searching for her.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Impa bowed, and they turned to leave the sanctum.
“It can’t be true can it?” Impa whispered to Link. “The other night when Astor interrupted Zelda’s prayers at the Spring of Courage…  We have no idea what was said between the two. What are the chances Zelda’s disappearance has something to do with him? What if… What if they both turned from their respective roles and ran as far as they could?”
Link regarded her. He seemed to consider what she was saying, a serious look in his blue eyes but refraining from expressing his thoughts on the matter, committed to silently bearing his duty, no matter what unexpected turns fate threw at him.
“Ugh… sorry, I’m just rambling, I guess.” Said Impa. “I don’t want to believe Zelda would just give up like that, but if she did... I guess I would understand why…”
Zelda had, at last, reached the gate that marked the entrance to Mount Lanayru. At the base of Mount Lanayru was a beautiful, tranquil field. This would probably be the last moment of relative comfort, for once she started her ascent the air would only grow colder the higher she went. She had to do some light climbing to reach the start of the path up the mountain. She followed the winding path up the mountain, and soon she noticed it was snowing lightly. The change in temperature was dramatic, and when she became too cold for her liking, she took a small sip of the spicy elixir. It wasn’t as foul as she’d been anticipating, so she was able to consume the rest, although slowly. Even after chasing the elixir with water, she could feel sweat beginning to bead on her forehead. The cold became tolerable, and soon, any unpleasant burning aftertaste faded.
The path up the mountain was steep, marked every so often with a segment of stone steps. Her legs began to ache but knew that if she stopped it would hurt to resume moving again. She wouldn’t stop until she stood before the Hylia statue at the Spring of Wisdom.
She sensed she was at a high altitude now. A cutting gust of wind snapped back the hood of her cloak and violently ruffled her thick hair. As she tried to pull the hood back in place, the wind hit again, stronger this time, and it took her breath away for several beats. She struggled to take a breath, gasping for air. Still, she pushed up and onward.
 Her legs were about to give when she, at long last, reached the spring. She wondered how the water wasn’t solid ice given the frigid temperature. She stepped into the spring, starting to shiver as the ice-cold water touched her skin up to her shins. She couldn’t turn back now, she’d come too far and was finally at her destination. 
She forced herself further down the spring, following the stone path below the water’s surface, coming to stand where the crest of Hylia was etched. She clasped her hands together, barely being able to form a coherent thought. Are the effects of the elixir wearing off, she wondered with rising alarm.
She braced herself against the immense cold, squeezing her eyes shut. “Goddess Hylia, please… I came all the way up here... I don’t understand… Don’t you want me to awaken my power?”
Her chest felt so tight. She could feel the bones ache in her fingers. She couldn’t stop herself from visibly shivering. The cloak that had felt so heavy and substantial all the way here, suddenly felt paper-thin now.
Had she made a mistake?  One she would pay for with her life? There was no way she was going to make it back down the mountain. She was far too cold, and far too exhausted to turn back.
“Please… Didn’t you call me here?”
The seer watched the princess in the ancient Sheikah orb. She was praying at the Spring of Wisdom, just as she had said she would. The girl’s breath was visible, coming out in steady puffs from her pale lips.
The seer hesitated. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was never meant to make it up to that spring, especially not alone and not this early. Astor could sense the goddess at work, altering fate’s course and forcing his hand. He had to choose and seal his ultimate fate.
He had once sworn to crush beneath his heel those who were trying to defy fate’s rightful course. No, not fate… Calamity Ganon’s will. The truth was slowly starting to dawn on him. He’d been so deluded by the Calamity for so long, only falling further into those delusions when he’d found the Harbinger. But fate had a true course, and even that was being rewritten. The hardest thing to accept was that it was being rewritten for his benefit. Why him? He never would have considered that a goddess would give second chances to those that turned their back on her in favor of serving an all-consuming evil entity.
 Hyrule’s two most powerful beings were at war over him. He was a tool to both, although he had to surrender to the fact that the goddess had far more benign plans for him. He’d be a fool to fight Hylia’s plan, but it still felt wrong. He’d repressed human desires for such a long time, or rather serving the Calamity had nearly destroyed all those desires, leaving barely a whisper of humanity in him.
Could the princess really be his? He could no longer fight or deny his want for her… Or was it he who would be hers? Astor wasn’t sure. It was the princess who had pursued him and won him over. He was vaguely aware his thoughts of her were consuming him, slowly changing him.
He recalled the last thing she had said to him.
I hope you will allow me to give you what the Calamity cannot.
Her words echoed through his mind. Those words had sent him spiraling. He wanted so much to do the same to her somehow.
And so Astor willed himself to that place. He appeared behind her on the stone platform, the frigid temperatures immediately hitting him.
Zelda turned, taking notice of him. Her eyes widened and her lips parted to speak, but she had no words. Overcome, Zelda ran to him, up the steps and onto the stone platform he stood.
“So... Cold!” She threw herself at him, burying her frozen hands into his robes. Astor cried out in surprise, vanishing from the Spring of Wisdom, taking her with him. And for a brief moment in time they were neither here nor there, but still locked in that embrace.
The princess was still shivering intensely when they reappeared at the base of Mount Lanayru, back in that tranquil field.
She hung on to him, trying to steal what little warmth his body and clothing could give. It occurred to her that he must have been watching her, knowing exactly where she was and when she was in trouble. “You… You came to save me?”
He didn’t know how to act towards her, doubling down. “Quite bold of you to make that assumption.” He said coldly. “Perhaps I only came to witness your demise brought on by your ill-conceived plan, but alas it seems I have inadvertently saved you…” He pried her off of him and pushed her away, yet it was far too gentle for someone who had once plotted her death. His fingers brushed against her ice-cold ones, and he flinched from the contact.
Zelda’s heart fell. “If you were still loyal to Ganon, you would have just left me to die… Please, stop playing games with me... I can’t stand this… I’m so cold.” She came close again, trying to bury herself in him once again. She must have been starved for affection and validation to be seeking it from him of all people. Astor halfheartedly held out a hand, trying to keep her at bay. He wanted so badly to give in to her, but her touch was paralyzing, for it ignited a chain of images in his mind’s eye. The visions were too rapid to interpret or understand, but still, they left him with a strange feeling. She may not have been able to find her power, but she had certainly managed to awaken something in him.
Zelda gave him a dejected look. “Thank you for saving me...” She said self-consciously, before beginning to head back toward the Lanayru Promenade. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly, still feeling the effects of the cold. Astor couldn’t help but follow, each step a subconscious desire to stay at her side.
They walked for a while in silence down Lanayru Promenade, its beautiful ancient stonework covered in moss.
Zelda came to a stop, near the edge of the path, overlooking the water. Her fist was wrapped tightly around the handle of the Sheikah Slate. “That was my last chance… Looks like I’m just not meant to awaken this power… But why…? Why won’t it awaken for me?”
Astor paused, her words deeply affecting him for reasons he couldn’t understand. He felt like a ghost of his former self, now numb to Calamity Ganon. The vision of the princess and the knight at Blatchery Plains ran through his mind, sobering him. It made Astor anxious that she would ultimately give up on him and find validation in the most obvious of places - that boy. Was it possible for fate to circle back around and bite him in such a cruel way?
“My seventeenth birthday is... tomorrow… There’s no more time…” Zelda’s voice cracked in a pitiful way. She stood perfectly still, her back to him. “I really am just a failure.” Zelda gave a horrible, soul-rending sob and pitched the cloak she’d been wearing into the waters below.
Laughter erupted through the promenade, catching Astor and Zelda’s attention. They looked up to see Kohga and Sooga watching them from a perch high above them.
“Well, well, well… Look here, Sooga… The doomed prophet and the heiress to a throne of nothing together at last… I never saw this coming.” Kohga howled with sarcasm. “Is that a banana in your pocket, Prophet? Or are you just happy to see the pr-”
Astor clapped his hands over his ears, his irises constricting. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” Astor screamed. “I’m going to consign you degenerate pests to oblivion if it’s the last thing I do!”
Zelda sniffed, blinking several times as if caught off guard and deeply confused.
Astor was dying inside, the desire to throw himself off the edge of the promenade only increasing.  He fantasized about all the ways he could kill Kohga, but he couldn’t help but admit Zelda’s reaction was strangely endearing. Had Kohga’s terrible joke actually got her to stop crying?
“Yiga assemble! Cut down the false prophet and the girl who carries the blood of the goddess!” Kohga clapped his hands together, summoning his footsoldiers, each bursting into the scene, scrolls falling around them. The footsoldiers began to swarm Zelda and Astor, while Kohga and Sooga vanished. 
One of the footsoldiers took a running jump towards Zelda, swinging his sickle. Zelda gasped, losing her footing as she stepped back, nearly falling into the water. Astor moved quickly, grabbing Zelda by the wrist and pulling her close to him.
With his free hand, Astor summoned his orb, hoping Calamity Ganon’s power hadn’t forsaken him yet as he called forth a Hollow. The Hollow of the princess’s appointed knight appeared in an instant and rushed at the Yiga footsoldiers with horrifying speed.
The footsoldiers screamed in recognition of the hero’s likeness, holding their sickles at the ready. The malice being wielded its ‘sword’ just as skillfully as the hero himself, expertly blocking any attacks the members of the Yiga Clan threw at it. It made short work of the footsoldiers, hacking and slashing until they each fell, nearing death. The Princess stood very still as she watched it all play out before her in morbid fascination, wide-eyed and still held in Astor’s grasp.
The footsoldier’s bodies jerked and spasmed, giving up the ghost, or in this case red-purple spheres of energy that rose out of their chests one by one, being drawn out by the power of malice Astor wielded. The spheres floated delicately in the air, and Zelda could just make out a faint electrical pulse within. Astor raised his chin in a ‘come here’ motion, and the spheres barreled through the air with a ghastly howl towards the pair. Zelda shut her eyes and flinched away, only to realize that the spheres had been absorbed into the orb Astor held.
Astor released Zelda from his grasp and stepped away, looking surprised. He had saved her, again, on his own volition this time. He had held her so close, and the moment had passed too quickly, barely having acknowledged it at the moment due to being under attack.
Zelda regarded him silently, waiting for him to speak. He looked as if he was waiting for Calamity Ganon to strike him down.
“If you’re going to perish, it must be by my hand...” Said Astor, as a way of an excuse, as confidently as he could muster.
Zelda’s face fell. The fear and anticipation of the impending Calamity hung palpably between them. Zelda thought of her father, her anxieties mounting. She didn’t know how she was going to face him knowing she’d broken Lanayru’s decree and failed to awaken her powers yet again. “Well... I don’t suppose you’d like to accompany me back to the castle? Father might want to kill me when he finds out where I’ve been.” Zelda gave a nervous smile.
Astor smiled a bit. This girl thought she was clever. “I can do that…” In truth, he’d follow her anywhere at this point.
This took Zelda by surprise. Her features contorted a bit, nearly breaking into tears again. She gave a small exhale of relief. “Thank you…”
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
So, I love your headcanons. Something I'd like a headcanon for, and hear me out on this, is how the Guardians work. I'm really sorry if this is odd. I love your blog so much!
Odd? Oh dear anon, you underestimate me. You have no idea how much world building stuff is trapped inside of my head, just waiting to spill over and drown every unfortunate mortal that made the mistake of following me. Prepare yourself for
Long post warning, also spoilers for the end of the DLC
You cannot create something from nothing, energy cannot be created or destroyed, that’s the law of the conservation of energy. [insert that quote from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood or something idk I’ve never watched it] 
So how, you ask, are you able to do all that cool stuff in botw? From summoning bombs out of your pocket, to Guardians who somehow never need a power bank or charging station?
I shall tell you how, it's the Ancient Sheikah’s perfection of teleportation and the ability to convert energy
Observe, Exhibit A: Teleportation
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Teleporting with Sheikah technology converts Link and his belongings into a pure, blue energy which disassembles and reassembles across Hyrule. 
But the main thing to focus on here is the energy part of this. 
[We know that it’s energy because it emits light, which you can’t do without some sort of energy, so it’s not just disassembling and reassembling atoms]
See, I’ve tested the timing on this and Link’s teleportation is instantaneous. Despite the loading screen, nearly no time passes whether he teleports from the Eldin mountains to the Gerudo Desert. 
So, the Sheikah have the ability to convert things into energy and transport it instantaneously, no lag, no time wasted, you want it? You got it
I mean the pads literally say “calling” on them. So yeah, they can call upon this energy anywhere. Even note how when dealing with an actual Sheikah monk in the DLC, they don’t even need the Sheikah slate or pad things.
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“Why does this matter?” you ask? Well, if the Sheikah are able to transfer and convert energy like this, who’s to say they couldn’t also apply this for offensive purposes?
Exhibit B: Bombs and Arrows
This same technology used to instantly transport and emit energy is used in the Sheikah’s offensive technology 
The bombs and arrows have no battery, and no electricity, no way to store that kind of power used when actually fighting. How is this possible? 
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See that? The energy used to form the bombs is the same particles for when you teleport. The energy is coming from somewhere else, not from the Sheikah Slate itself
I mean when you even set off the bomb
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You can even see the lines for a few frames of energy being summoned towards the bomb, and then expelled outwards in the blast.
Same story goes for the Ancient Arrow
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So why do these Sheikah technologies not need an apparent “source of power?” Simply put, that energy is being stored somewhere else, and being transferred instantaneously to these devices.
Now, “where is this energy being stored?” So glad you asked, because insert segue into
Exhibit C: Blue Flames and other azure features
One might assume that the blue flame is what powers all this technology
And one would be wrong
See, I believe Sheikah technology is powered by some other kind of generator stored deep within the earth. We already see from the Divine Beasts that they can generate power from within the ground, so I’m thinking the actually source of all this blue energy is something deep in the heart of Hyrule
Ok ok, first as to why the blue flames don’t actually power everything
First off, the source of the blue flames? Babam, here they are rising out of the ground. You can even see how the pipes on them connect to the ground
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The only pedestals that can house the blue flames are made with specific Sheikah technology. When you use a blue flame on wood or grass or anything, the flames don’t turn blue, they just become regular fire. 
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This suggests that the “blue flame” is just a way that energy could be transferred in a fire-like form, but isn’t actually fire itself
The furnaces Purah and Robbie use to power their Sheikah stones? That ain’t no coal furnace, no coal, turbines, steam, or wood to be found. Instead, it’s rigged directly to the ground, sooo again, the blue flame is just a means of transporting energy but isn’t a source in of itself.
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Further supporting my belief that the actual source of energy comes somewhere deep below the earth are the towers
That blue rod that lights up when Link activates them? Safe to assume it’s the source of their power, OH and look it connects deep below the ground look at that
The Sheikah are so obsessed with underground stuff. Shrines and towers ruse out of the ground, you take those elevators deep underground, the DLC is deep underground, the Divine Beasts and guardians were underground, the blue flame’s source was from underground, the—
Therefore...the source of the energy, the energy that is being transported to all other Sheikah technology and powering stuff is from underground
And now, I actually address the original request of how Guardians work. Well class, if you have been paying attention and taking notes, this will all make sense
So, please observe Exhibit D: Guardians in the form of this gif
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Now, if this laser worked like an actual energy beam and was being formed directly from some power source within this Guardian, would it really be stopped with one measly wooden arrow? The answer is no
See those blue rings forming around it just before it attempts to release a blast? That’s that Sheikah energy, the same stuff that teleports you, the bombs, and the energy on your bombs and ancient swords.
Why are guardians so light that a few swings with a sword can knock them over? Because they have no need for extra energy storage or large batteries, all the energy they need to function is just teleported at a constant rate
When opening them up, you can even see this energy moving through the air
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And these things? These cores that are the source of their power?
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The blue ring surrounding the larger one is similar to that of the blue rings on the teleportation pads. The smaller one has a small blue node which has the trademark Sheikah blue energy connection. These puppies are simply gateways for energy to be teleported within the guardians, and released to power them and their lasers.
TL;DR Guardians are powered from an external energy source probably stored deep below Hyrule, which is instantaneously teleported to their cores in which they can expel said energy without the need for charging or batteries. 
Quick side note: Also all Guardians are connected through a central information system that is most likely based on the information gathered by the Sheikah Towers [as seen in the photo where guardian locations can be tracked when engaged with one] so the reason why they’re weak to electricity and can’t be submerged in water is probably because they still have individual computer like systems in order to analyze their surroundings and aim and such and is why they are able to sense Link’s presence even when shut off for several years.
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And ALSO the guidance stones that drip the water-like substances is just another form in which the Sheikah’s blue energy is transferred and teleported as seen when Purah uses them, canonically moving it from Hyrule Castle to her lab in Hateno. So, location isn’t a problem when you can just teleport energy whenever you want and the only reason she needs the blue flame is because these guidance stones weren’t connected to the typical shrines or towers which as previously stated already have built in power systems underground
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Ok I’m done 
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
Somebody Different (3/???)
Beginning, Previous, Next (To Be Released)
Summary: Decisions must be made, a life hangs in the balance, Time and Twilight scramble to keep broken pieces together.
Note: Sort of a filler chapter but very important nonetheless. Angst of most kinds can be found here. Tread carefully. And by that I mean enjoy.
Epona huffs through her nostrils, her body pumps beneath his legs as he lets go of her reigns and aims an arrow made of light at the stomach of the terrible beast snarling above him, trying to find and probably smash him into the ground as a new dish called "the Hero's pancake". He takes a steadying breath and lets the arrow fly, and it's thanks to months of practice that he hits his target dead center.
Calamity Ganon screams and rears its head up, snarling, almost desperately trying to shift so it can get a better look at the one who will defeat it.
Link thanks whatever gods there are—he's still learning—for Epona. The beautiful horse knows how to hold her own in battle, and he hardly even had to steer her towards safety, she did it herself. He rubs her neck and she whinnies. This could be it, he thinks. He could fail here, and he could die here. It's all been leading up to these moments, and it could all have been for nothing…
He shakes his head. No. He can do this. If he dies… Epona will die. Zelda will die. Purah, Impa, Paya, Beetle, everyone, all of Hyrule and the unknown lands to the north and west, all the uncharted seas to the South and east, all of it will be doomed.
He cannot fall here.
Though, true to the theme of his life, everything suddenly goes downhill. A leg of the beast above him moves suddenly and too quickly for him to avoid. Epona stumbles below him and he barely has time to wince at the pitiful noise she makes before he's thrown clear off from her back. He rolls for a long time, limbs flailing and skin rubbing raw to the point of blood each time he makes contact with the ground. His head spins and it takes him a moment to recognize that he's no longer rolling.
Groaning, he curls his hand around the grass and dirt below him and forces his head up, ignoring every pang of pain trying to coax him back down.
In front of him is the beast, smoke steaming from the corners of it's lips, the sky runs a blood red and darkness seems to be closing in. However, he doesn't need Zelda to call out to him that there's a last weakness, that not all is lost. Looking up at the head of Calamity Ganon, he can see light wanting to burst through in a giant, long crack. A single eye opens in that light, wildly looking around as if confused why it's there, why it's exposed.
He has to get to that. How? How does he get all the way up there?! Revali's Gale isn't strong enough to lift him that high, there has to be another way-
The beast in front of his roars and Link quickly rushes to his feet, pushing all pain to the back of his mind to deal with later. It's charging up, a deep purple beginning to glow at the back of its mouth. Before Link can do anything, the beam of malice he has managed to avoid up till this point is firing right at him.
And then he wakes with a start.
His chest is pounding and he's too hot and too cold at the same time. The other man, the one who calls himself "Legend" is still against the tree, resting somewhat fitfully if the wrinkles between his eyebrows are anything to go off from. Link sighs and leans back against his own tree, pulling his Hylian Cloak closer to him to ward away the chill of night. The campfire cracks, still strong, letting Link know he hasn't exactly been asleep long.
What happened… after Calamity Ganon fired at him? He can't remember anything past that, and it tears him apart. Did he defeat it like Legend has said? Did he fall? Was the whole battle actually fabricated? He used to think losing all of his memories was the worst thing that could happen to him, yet it seems the Resurrection Shrine has called his bluff and took half of his memories away.
Now he has three separate lives he must put together, one of a boy raised to be a knight, one of a memoryless knight training to be a hero, and one of a hero with seemingly no purpose anymore. Three versions of himself. If anyone is allowed to have an existential crisis, Link thinks he's probably the most entitled to one right about now.
Cricket's sing as he tries to calm his mind and heart. It's late, and he needs to sleep… but after a few minutes of trying he recognizes how impossible that is and instead reaches towards the Sheikah Slate connected to his hip. He turns it on and with practiced movements he flicks the screen towards the hundreds of photos he has stored onto the device. He started taking pictures of everything after he found out how important Zelda's pictures were to his memory. He's always been paranoid about forgetting everything again, so he thought that if there's a chance he forgets he'll be able to easily track down his memories.
If only it were that simple. It seems with each new beginning he has, the more difficult circumstances will make it for him.
He flicks his fingers through his very short second life until he comes upon the last photo he actually remembers taking. The beast. Calamity Ganon. He thought, at the time, that Zelda would be shaking her head in exasperation as he jumped of Epona to quickly snap a picture of the beast hell bent on destroying Hyrule. For the memories, you know?
It takes him a second to work up the courage to slide his finger across the screen to come across the next photo, and when he does his breath is taken away.
She's beautiful. He already knew this of course, but he's only ever seen her in blurry memories with half the information stuffed inside them. Seeing her like this, smiling at him with the endless expanse of world behind her… it fills him with so much joy... and so much sadness that he doesn't remember taking it, doesn't remember seeing her in person.
The next photo is a picture of them posing together in front of a silent princess. The next one is of her chasing a frog, and the next is her arm nearly being pulled out from her socket as she shakes Sidon's hand.
There's plenty of pictures like this, documenting a life after success, until the first strange photo pops up. It's simple yet so out of place. It's a picture of a bowl of soup that he figured out and perfected the recipe of just a few months into his journey. There's a child holding the bowl in his hands, bits of carrots and creamy soup dripping from the corners of his mouth as he smiles widely, as if it's been a very long time since he's had a good meal.
He studies this picture for a moment, trying to find familiarity with the person he's seeing, until he gives up with a huff and flicks to the next confusing image. This one strikes something in him… it's of a man, probably just a few years older than Link himself, tattooed on the face and clad in a wolf pelt. Link's posed in this one, his arm slung around the man's shoulder, making him lean down awkwardly as he's forced to bend unnaturally towards Link's shorter height. Link's smiling widely, and the man is frowning in surprise as if the photo was of complete surprise, like Link decided at the spur of the moment that he should have a picture with this man and took it before the other could complain.
The reason this photo stands out to him is because it tugs something in his gut, something that screams he should recognize this but for the life of him he can't place it. It reminds him of the time he came out of the resurrection chamber… the first time he came out of it. Alone, not a single memory to his name, hell, he didn't even have a name, at least not one he was sure about. It reminds him of when he first laid his hands on the Sheikah Slate, when that strange feeling of familiarity washed over him yet he had no recollection of actually seeing it before.
It's exactly like that, now that he thinks about it. The Sheikah Slate was the first thing he interacted with, this man was the one who pulled him out the second time.
More pictures, more faces, some striking more feelings than others but each as mind boggling as the one before. A small one with strange colored clothes and a bright smile that hides many secrets. A soft, middle sized one with a kind gaze and welcoming arms. A taller one who reminds Link just a bit of Revali, but his smile isn't as arrogant, it's the grin of a great leader. One that looks to be the eldest, a single eye hiding so much pain and wisdom but his expression is genuine and open. Another who looks like he laughs more than anything else, who looks like he's seen many mountains and many monsters, whose friendly stance and welcoming expressions screams that he's never let a single bad moment take away his hope.
Then there's Legend, he's only in a few pictures, he's probably mastered the art of avoiding the camera, but in the photos he's in there's always this glint of… happiness he's trying to hide behind layers and layers of unreadable expressions. He's happy, but he's trying to not let anyone know about it.
Well, that's what it looks like at least. Link likes to think he's good at reading people; when it comes to the Yiga clan, he really has to be.
He studies a few more pictures, flips back to look at them again, and all the while a brick begins to settle deeper and deeper into his stomach.
He shot a bomb at these people.
Sure, he had just woken up, the last thing in his mind was a powerful monster about to kill him, but he doesn't intentionally ever hurt people, even the Yiga. The only human whose death he's responsible for is Master Kohga, and he will make sure he goes the rest of his life without the death of another human on his conscious.
The more time that passes from the moment he woke up again, the more he regrets freaking out and using a drastic measure like taking a hostage. Maybe he should have stayed and talked with them... he hopes they're all okay… however, he also has to keep reminding himself that there's no way that he can know for sure that Legend's story is true… the one he was told piece by piece through the day, the story that each of these other faces are past incarnations of himself and that they're working together to fight an unseen threat larger than what any of them has ever faced before.
The pictures cannot be taken at face value. He already knows the Yiga can adopt the look of any person, so it's possible that each of these photos, even the ones with Zelda, are doctored.
He exits the gallery before the brick in his gut can grow any larger. Instead, he turns to where the map of Hyrule should be. Instead, it's all static. Nothing, not even any border lines that suggest there's a tower or some sort of way to get information of the land he's lost in.
He sighs and sets aside the slate, finding it useless for everything except making him anxious. He sets his eyes on Legend and stares for a second.
He has a decision to make, leave this mysterious man behind and make his escape to figure out where he is, or slow himself down, take Legend with him, and have a source of information. Questionable information but information nonetheless.
He'll decide in the morning…
"Will he be okay?" Wind asks and Time looks up from where he's nursing his bruised back. Twilight meets his eyes as he's wrapping Four's's head, both avoiding the youngest's questioning glance.
Time, instead turns to rest his gaze on Warrior, the only one in their group who's still unconscious, laying out on the forest floor with Twilight's pelt used as a pillow. Hyrule sits against a tree nearby with his legs pulled against his chest and his forehead resting against his knees, not bothering to look or talk to anyone.
At this point, Wind could be talking about either one of them.
What does Time say? Yes! Warrior will be completely fine, what's a few broken bones and a major concussion? He'll one hundred percent be okay even though they already used up all the red potions they had to cure the worst of everyone's injuries. Yes, they'll all be okay even though all of their travel bags were lost in the world switch. Everything is completely, without a doubt, a-okay even through Wild's gone hostile and took one of their own hostage.
Thankfully, he doesn't have to answer. Sky does for him.
"He's Warrior, he's never down long," Sky replies, brushing dust and dirt off from his Sailcloth. He sounds confident, even looks somehow confident despite how he's covered in dust and bandages, but Time catches the unnerved glance Sky sends towards the unconscious member of their team.
Twilight pats Four's shoulder and stands up from his position, his eyes darting around the forest they all now find themselves in. "We need to find our stuff," he says, "It shouldn't be far. They'll be more supplies for Warrior there."
Time nods, and regrets it instantly when his head pounds with the motion. He winces and brings his hand to his temple and rubs. "You can't go alone," he grinds out. Twilight gives him an unimpressed glare and before he can argue with Time about him being the one to go with him, he glances over to where Hyrule is still moping.
Understanding flashes in Twilight's eyes. Hyrule, after helping Twilight wake everyone up and drag the group to the surface, has fallen into some sort of depression and has been silent and still for way too long. A Hyrule that isn't bursting with life, kindness, and exaggerated movements hardly isn't Hyrule at all.
Time smiles in satisfaction when Twilight nods and walks over to where Hyrule sits, he taps Hyrule on the shoulder. "C'mon, you up for joining me?"
Hyrule stays silent, not acknowledging Twilight in the slightest. Sky moves forward and opens his mouth, as if he's about to offer to go in Hyrule's place, but one look from Time he seems to understand what Time and Twilight are trying to do.
When a few seconds pass and a reaction from Hyrule is still lacking, Twilight clicks his tongue and gently places his hand around Hyrule's bicep. Hyrule let's out a growl of frustration as Twilight slowly drags him to his feet. Hyrule lifts his face, cheeks red, and steadies his stance as Twilight wraps his arm around his shoulders and starts to guide him away.
"You can mope later," Twilight says, smiling, though his eyes betray worry, "for now, help me search the forest."
Hyrule simply nods and Time has to look away because he can't stand how expressionless the boy looks. Something is eating at Hyrule, and if it's left alone it will begin to eat at the rest of the group, and with Warrior as wounded as he is, with Wild gone rogue, with Legend MIA, bad moral is the last thing they need.
Instead of watching them go, Time leaves Hyrule in Twilight's capable hands so he can take care of the rest of their broken family.
"Whose hungry?"
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the-delta-42 · 7 years
To Find Hyrule 1
Link never expected to find a home on the waves. Tetra never expected to find a home in a person. A Series of non-chronological One-Shots that’ll vary in length that’ll follow Link and Tetra, and their growing relationship, as they look for New Hyrule. Set after Phantom Hourglass.
I decided there wasn’t enough of Tetra and Link, so here’s a series of one shots around them.
[This means sign language]
1. The Sheikah Markings part 1
“So,” Said Nudge, looking down at Link and Tetra, “The Ghost Ship took you to another world. Where you were turned to stone and Link had to find three fairies, then three pure metals to make a sword to kill the monster that kidnapped you.”
“Yes.” Exclaimed Tetra, throwing her arms in the air, “Why do you think Link has two more swords, a boomerang, bow, bombs, grappling hook, hammer and some strange mouse thing.”
Everyone suddenly looked at Link, who tried to hide his new weapons from the crew.
“Speaking of,” Said Tetra, slowly, “You’re going to have to put them with the others, Link.”
Link promptly bolted with Gonzo and Senza chasing him. Linebeck, who’d been quiet until this point, looked funnily at Tetra.
“Why does he need to put his weapons away?” Asked the sailor, as Link ducked under a recently installed cannon while Gonzo ran full pelt into it.
“An incident happened.” Said Tetra, her cheeks turning slightly red.
“What incident?” Asked Linebeck, placing his hands on his hips.
“N-never you mind!” Barked Tetra, “I-it’s rude to ask people about their personal business!”
“Link accidentally used his hookshot on the ship.” Said Mako, looking at a map, “Normally that wouldn’t’ve been a problem, as he did it all the time, the problem was Tetra had her door open, namely due to the heat, and Link flew into her room while she was changing.”
“Saw in her underwear, he was saying.” Said Zuko, from the bottom of the mast, “The angle he saw thing didn’t help him much.”
Tetra had gone bright red, in both embarrassment and surprise. Niko saw her eye twitching before trying to salvage the situation, “Then miss Tetra took his effects and locked them in a chest in her quarters, which now is under lock and key.” Niko then stuck his foot out, making Link trip and Senza catch up with him.
The selective mute whined slightly as Senza took the bag containing the items and put them down in front of Tetra.
“Link, it’s for your own good.” Said Tetra, picking the bag up, before spotting the Phantom Sword. “You can keep the sword.” Link immediately brightened, before grabbing the sword and hugging Tetra.
Linebeck frowned at Link, “Aren’t you gonna say anything?”
The entire crew froze before Gonzo walked over, nursing his head.
“He’s selectively mute.” Said Gonzo, checking if his nose was broken, “the only ones who can get him to speak are his family and miss Tetra.” Linebeck pulled a face, “The entire time he was on my ship, he didn’t shut up.”
Mako frowned slightly, before tilting Link’s head upwards. Linebeck squinted and saw a thin pale pink line on Link’s neck.
“You sure about that?” Asked Mako, before looking at Linebeck.
Tetra was quiet, before speaking up, “Link did speak more while we were there, I may have been stone, but I could still see and hear.”
“But that doesn’t explain why he can’t speak now.” Said Linebeck, folding his arms.
“Different world, different rules.” Shrugged Tetra, before trudging off with the bag, “Link, you better come with, I don’t want anything to blow up in my face.”
Link nodded and quickly chased after her.
After Link and Tetra had disappeared and were out of earshot, Niko spoke, “50 rupees they kiss by the end of the month.”
“80 if they kiss before that.” Said Nudge, looking down at the smaller pirate.
“Knock it off, before they come back.” Grumbled Gonzo, before going to the wheel of the ship.
“What’s Link’s job here?” Asked Linebeck, looking down at Niko.
“Originally, he was a swabbie.” Said Niko, before continuing, “But after the incident with Ganon, Tetra gave him a job as a navigator-slash-strategist, made dealing with other pirates easier.”
“But there was a week when Tetra had him mop the decks.” Said Zuko, as he started heading up the mast.
“Why?” Questioned Linebeck.
“One submarine was infested by rats.” Replied Zuko, halfway up the mast by that point, “Never heard her scream so loudly.”
“What are you talking about?” Demanded Tetra, as she appeared followed by Link.
“Nothing!” The entire crew exclaimed, quickly pretending that nothing had been going on.
Tetra glared and snapped, “Well, get back to work.” Link stood behind Tetra and cocked his head slightly, before looking out to sea. Link’s hand tugged the back of Tetra’s vest. Tetra swung around and looked at Link, her demeanour changing instantly.
“What is it, Link?” Asked Tetra, before Link pointed at something. On the horizon a ship with a red eye and tear drop on its sail fired a shot that landed three meters from the bow.
Tetra looked from the ship to her crew, who just stood there staring at the water.
Anger gripping her, Tetra stalked over to Gonzo and kicked him in the shin, yelling “Don’t just stand there! Fire back!”
The crew jumped into action, loading the cannons and returning fire…until a shot hit the mast, causing both it and Zuko to fall into the ocean. Link threw a rope over to Zuko, so the short man could climb up.
Tetra saw red, before shoving Senza from the seat of one of the cannons.
“No one shoots my ship and gets away with it.” Growled Tetra, firing a shot at the advancing ship.
The next three shots from Tetra’s cannon hit the attacking ship’s side. Without the shots causing any damage.
Gonzo’s jaw dropped in shock. While everyone stopped and stared as the advancing ship drew closer, until three pellets where thrown onto the deck, which then spewed out smoke, making everyone close their eyes and start coughing. Four figures leapt onto the ship, two going towards Tetra, with the remaining two going to Link.
“Get off me!” Coughed Tetra, as one of the people grabbed her, before the other one knocked her out. Link received a similar treatment, before being hoisted up like a sack of food and carried off the ship.
When the smoke cleared Link and Tetra were gone. Along with the attacking ship.
Tetra groaned as she regained consciousness. Shifting her head, she spotted Link, still passed out, with some drool running down his chin. While she found the sight adorable, not that she’d admit it, she quickly kicked him, making him wake up.
“The pigs are attacking the cuccos.” Mumbled Link, as he woke up.
“Link, where are we?” Whispered Tetra, trying to figure out why they weren’t on Her Grace.
Link only stretched and rubbed his eyes before pointing behind her. Tetra slowly turned before seeing a man with white hair and red eyes staring at them.
“You’re awake.” Said the man, looking at them passively.
“Who are you and where are we?” Demanded Tetra, jumping to her feet and glaring at the man.
The man only chuckled at her, before sitting down, “Of all the questions you ask, it is those two that are first.” Said the man, a sad look in his eye, “so much like your mother.”
“How would you know my mother?” Demanded Tetra, growing angrier by the second.
“You are aboard the Nocturne, a ship used by the Sheikah Tribe.” Said the man, looking down at Tetra, the 15-year old’s chest heaving with anger, “And as for who I am, my name is Dorian, and I am your father.”
Dorian walked out onto the deck and rubbed his eyes slightly.
“Things didn’t go according to plan then?” Asked a Sheikah blade master, quietly sharpening her scimitar.
“How long were you listening in, Purah?” Asked Dorian, not looking at the woman.
“Long enough to know that she thinks Impa was always a pirate and her crew were just picked willy-nilly.” Said Purah, checking her sword for any dullness, “I still don’t know why Impa ran away, or dyed her hair for that matter.”
Dorian exhaled sharply, before walking down to the prow of the ship, “How long until we reach the isle?”
“Another day or so, why?” Responded Purah, putting her sword down.
“When we reach the isle, Tetra will begin her training.” Said Dorian, before turning, “I also want to see how well this ‘Hero of Winds’ can fight.”
“Why?” Asked Purah, “He defeated Ganondorf, why do you need to see how well he can fight?”
Dorian was quiet, before walking into his cabin, leaving Purah on deck with a Shadow looking down at her.
Link watched at Tetra stomped across the cell, having seen her blow up at Dorian. Tetra let out a small scream, before kicking a crate. Link got up and walked over to her.
“W-why are you so angry?” Asked Link, his voice soft and wispy.
Tetra took a deep breath and sighed, before looking at Link.
“He said he was my father.” Said Tetra, “If that’s the case then, where was he? He didn’t turn up at all in my childhood, even after my mother died, I was raised by my crew.”
“B-but he h-here n-now?” Said Link, his stutter returning, another reason he didn’t speak.
Tetra sighed before sitting down on the crate she’d kicked, “Link, I know this is cruel on you, but if your parents turned up out of the blue, how’d you react?” Asked Tetra, looking up at the blond boy.
“I-I d-d-don’t know.” Said Link, slowly becoming more distressed at his voice.
Tetra sighed and grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to her, before she started speaking sign language.
[It feels like that he only turned up because of you defeating Ganon] Signed Tetra, making Link frown slightly.
[But I didn’t, you did more than I did] responded Link.
[I was kidnapped, knocked out and was practically useless through out the battle, Link.] Signed Tetra, huffing slightly, [The only reason you got involved was because I got your sister kidnapped.]
Tetra took a shuddering breath, prompting Link to wrap his arms around her. Tetra gripped him back as the last of her walls crumbled, quietly sobbing into his shoulder.
Her Grace limped her way to Outset Island, being towed by a small steamship. Aryll looked through her telescope, spotting the ship and ran off to tell the other islanders.
“GRANDMA!” Yelled Aryll, running towards her home, “LINK AND THE PIRATES ARE BACK!”
Saria, Link and Aryll’s Grandmother, looked out to the ocean and spotted the ship, or rather the fact the mast was missing, and they were being towed by a small steam that was lacking in the structural design.
“Orca.” Said Saria, looking at the younger man, “Be a dear and bring Link and Tetra to me, thank you.”
“Aye.” Said Orca, walking down the pier towards the steam ship. Saria watched as Orca jogged up to the steamship as it made dock, the pirates clambering into long boats and making their way to shore.
Orca spoke with the captain of the steam ‘ship’, while the crew of Her Grace slowly made their way to the village.
“Somethings happened.” Said Sue-Belle, as the pirates approached, “They never take this long, not for any good reason.”
“Gonzo.” Said Saria, slowly hobbling towards the pirates, “can you tell me where my grandson is?”
Gonzo looked panicked, quickly looking at the others for help. He was shoved forwards by the rest of the crew.
“W-well, you see, um...” Said Gonzo, before Linebeck just walked forwards.
“Their ship was attacked, during the chaos Link and Tetra were taken by the attackers.” Said Linebeck, looking down at the little old lady.
“My grandson…” Said Saria, slowly, “Was kidnapped.”
“Unfortunately, yes, judging on how the attackers arrived, they’d obviously been monitoring the crew for a while.” Said Linebeck, “If I wasn’t so concerned, I’d almost be impressed on how they were able to subdue him so easily.”
Everyone was quiet, before Sturgeon spoke up, “Was there any markings that could’ve identified them?”
“Aside from a red eye with a tear-drop on their sails, no.” Said Linebeck, idly cleaning a telescope.
Sturgeon quickly turned to fetch one of his books, before Saria spoke.
“You mean to tell me, that the Sheikah have kidnapped my grandson.” Said Saria, slowly turning to look at Tetra’s crew.
“Pretty much.” Said Linebeck, putting the telescope back in his pocket.
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splatfest-official · 7 years
@violetinfidel asked me to talk about my botw AU and im writing it as a text post because a) long and b) im gonna need to save the draft
- vio is fluent in hyilan and old hylian. over the 100 years of calamity ganon’s castle siege, hylian changed and the old language (along with the books) were mostly lost to destruction. impa still has a small collection of those old books and vio borrows them frequently.
- shadow is sometimes pushed to the back of the boys’ minds while they’re doing Important Quest Business, but they make it up to him by playing games with him when they have the time. he enjoys hiding in one of their shadows and seeing how quickly they can guess where he is - they get really good at it, red especially.
- “is your shadow moving?” “Oh, yeah, it does that sometimes”
- please never give anyone but blue the map. he’s uncannily good at reading them (and can even tell when they’re upside down, no matter how confusing it is), and while vio isn’t bad either, it’s not a good idea to let anyone else’s hands on the map.
- the only two who went to the great plateau while the old man was there are green and vio! they met in the east post ruins near proxim bridge, where vio got ambushed by moblins and green saved him. vio only carries bows around, so if he ever gets ambushed unexpectedly it can get ugly.
- shadow is absolutely terrified of blood moons. and also malice, and also hyrule castle. he’s afraid of anything having to do with ganon - without a perfect method of communication, vio can’t say for sure, but he theorizes it’s because, since  shadow is closely related to link (he’s made from fragments of the spirit of courage) he must have the same dislike of ganon/evil, it just manifested as fear instead of defiance and courage. 
- shadow, thus, disappears whenever the group gets in the general vicinity of hyrule castle town and malice-infested areas. (after the events of the game they take him to all the divine beasts, since he didn’t get to see them before, and he finds he’s exceptional at dealing with ancient tech for some reason.)
- each of them have their own strengths when using the Sheikah Slate (green hogs it the most, though). blue likes the bombs, and he’s really good at judging throwing distances from fishing in lurelin all the time. red likes cryonis, green likes stasis, and vio peruses the stamps on the map very frequently.
-robbie hates them all.
-purah loves red and hates the rest of them.
-impa loves vio and hates the rest of them.
-green hates hebra so much he hid in one of the hot springs for three hours instead of helping the others progress. shadow kept him company.
thats all for now folks
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