#also putting your own gender on frisk makes no fucking sense when they also have like. a name and defined look already
the-meme-monarch · 1 year
damn, that sucks. misgendering sucks. I really wish people would remember that frisk/chara/kris' pronouns are they/them
not because they're the fill-in for the player, but because literally everyone calls them those pronouns. jesus.
anyways you're right I wouldn't touch xtale with a 10-foot pole
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i appreciate the ask bc someone Literally just gave me the most misinformed and dumb fucking take
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icedinsomnia · 5 years
A girl about seventeen years of age moved through the shadows of the back alleys of the ruined city, security drones surveilling the streets for rebel scum. Her fur hood covering her face, she made her way into a nearby tavern. Compared to all the other monsters and humans left in the broken world, she had to be the most casted out but also the most wanted. She took a seat in the back, her white hair covering the right side of her face, her left red eye shining brightly. Her hair was at chin length and was decently kept, the hoodie she wore an old faded blue color with a fur cream colored hood. A thick belt wrapped around her abdomen, ripped and repaired jeans with combat boots to finish off her attire. She called for a waiter with a lift of her hand, her skeleton fingers and wrist visible. Her other hand was similar, but her arm was nothing but bone. The girl touched a golden heart locket she wore around her neck, thinking of her parents and the ones she had to leave behind. She had hoped to enjoy her moment of peace when three figures approached her from a nearby table, each taking a seat across from her.
“So…” the one started, a big cyborg man, started. His buzz cut hair and replaced body parts indicating that he was apart of the war or a survivor of the purge.
“Are you the one they call Karma?” another asked, finishing his friends’ sentence. The second one was scrawny and underweight, his feline claws and grey and black spotted fur covered by a shawl and some extra cloths that seemed to be loosely sewn together. The third one was reptilian for the most part, but she also had lizard like features. Her scales were an off blueish white, short spines jutting out of the back of her head, fins near her ears, gills on her neck and claws that could cut threw steel. She wore a dress with a cape draped over her shoulders. Her tail swishing back and forth in anticipation.
“Yes… I am Karma.” The girl responded, keeping her voice down and watching the eyes of the other patrons.
“It is an honor to meet you! We have been looking everywhere for you and the rebellion!” the feline said excitedly, trying to keep his voice down.
“Oh really? Then please tell me, why do you want to join the rebellion?” Karma asked, crossing her arms, making sure her bones were hidden.
“We want revenge.” The reptilian answered. The other two nodded. Karma considered this.
“Why do you want revenge?” Karma asked, her voice sending shivers down their spines. The three hesitated to continue, but the cyborg broke the silence.
“Our families were killed by The Mandate, we have nothing left…” the other two nodded in agreement.
“So what of it?” Karma responded harshly, the three sat still, no words escaping them.
“I watched my mother die, my father in critical condition, my uncle missing and my grandfather against me. I had to kill my brother because he got infected by the plague, I had to leave my family to save their lives and now here I am, running a rebellion that should have been killed off twenty years ago. So don’t you dare say that that is a good excuse for justice.” Karma hissed, her covered eye glowing a florescent blue color.
“Please Karma… we know what your parents did for the human and monster races, we heard about the accident, and what happened to us was just icing to top the cake. We want to be a part of this… so please… give us a chance?” The cyborg pleaded, the others with the same hope in their eyes. Karma sighed heavily.
“Fine, but one slip up and you’re out.” Karma stood, the others following her like lost puppies.
“What are your names anyway?” Karma asked, putting her hood back up.
“I’m Ace.” The cyborg answered.
“The feline is Caoi and the reptilian is Evanna.” The four of them walked outside, checking the streets for security drones.
“Well, Ace, Caoi, Evanna…” a robotic security automata stepped out from behind Karma, her not seeming to care as it scanned her.
“Welcome to the rebellion.” She said as her covered eye exploded with florescent blue light, the energy so powerful it moved her hair away from her face to show that her left side was all bone and no flesh. She used the magic bestowed upon her to summon a hand gun that looked to show no real promise. But as she aimed and pulled the trigger, the automata became nothing but scraps, the same plasma ray shot out of her gun the same color as her glowing eye. Karma laughed at the sight of the decimated automata, her eye ceasing to glow.
“Get dunked on motherfucker.” She laughed in hysteria, her gun becoming nothing in an instant.
 The four of them cautiously made their way into the sewers, going through twists and turns until they eventually came across a steel door. Karma knocked in a series of three, eight, and one. They waited a moment, then the door opened. Inside was a massive hideout, filled with tunnels and equipment. There were many people scattered about, the one who opened the door, an undead like male with black hair and rotten flesh, smiled at them as they entered. Karma smiled back as she led the three new comers down the middle most tunnel.
“The left tunnel is the sleeping quarters, the right is the medical wing, and this one is where we keep our provisions and weapons.” Karma explained, pointing things out as they moved along.
“Why are we in this tunnel then? Shouldn’t we be taken to the sleeping quarters first?” Ace asked, he seemed tense. Karma sensed this immediately.
“There is someone I want you to meet first…” Karma opened a door off to the left of the long tunnel and stepped inside. It was a room, candles and calming music setting a tranquil mood. The one who sat one the mat looked up at them. The left side of his skull shattered, eyes heavy and tired. His kimono a black and blue color.
“Father?” Karma knelt in front of him, sitting up straight. Sans looked at his daughter with a dead gaze.
“You’re late…” He mumbled, glancing behind her and to the trio.
“Sorry… I was caught up at the tavern… I found three promising recruits though…” Evanna avoided Sans’s gaze, trying to remain in the shadows.
“Evanna? Is that you?” Sans leaned to the left to stare at her, she backed up a few steps, almost hiding behind Ace and Caoi.
“You know her father?” Karma stood, voice changing from pleasant to angry in two seconds. Evanna shivered.
“That’s Undyne and Alphys’s daughter…” Sans stood as well, Karma instantaneously going over to support him.
“Wait… but they’re two girls… how the hell did they have a child together?!” Karma asked, bewildered. She shot a gaze of daggers at Evanna.
“M…my mother… Alphys… explained it like this: if a fish is unable to find a proper mate of the opposing gender than that fish becomes the gender to compensate for the missing piece, this is especially common if two of the same gender fish are in proximity of each other and are capable for mating…” Evanna almost laughed at the sight of Karma’s, she was so confused and not even trying to hide it.
“So…Undyne’s a guy now?” She asked, keeping her father steady with one arm. Evanna shook her head.
“No, no, she only changed gender temporarily… I think… she’s back to normal now… probably…” Evanna avoided Karma’s razor gaze.
“Well, that was a science conversation. A little fishy for my taste but interestfin none the less.” Sans joked, Karma chuckling quietly.
“Father. No.” she giggled, trying to look professional. Sans took it as a challenge.
“But I’m not finished! I know you can school me any time of the day with your jokes, and I am whale away from catching up!” Sans laughed as his daughter collapsed on the ground in her silent explosion of laughter.
“That’s my girl. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine. Oh speaking of…” Karma looked up at him, tears in her eye and eye socket.
“Alphys wants to see you. She’s upping the dose of your medication.” Karma was silent for a while, she sighed.
“Ok… I’ll head there after I get you to your room, and show these bone heads theirs.” Her and Sans chuckled.
“Alright princess. Let’s go then…” Karma guided Sans out of the small tranquil room, the trio following them.
“I…if you don’t mind me asking… how long has my mother been working here…?” Evanna asked, keeping close to Ace and Caoi. Karma glared at her.
“A while.” Was all she said, they walked in silence the rest of the way. The trio waited outside as Karma took care of her father, once she closed the door though, the questions started.
“Did he really take on Lord Chara on his own?!” Caoi asked first.
“Are you really Frisk and Sans’s daughter?! What happened to your brother?!” Ace asked next.
“Are both my mothers’ working here or just the one?” Evanna asked, stopping herself before she asked another question. Karma inhaled sharply.
“I will say this once… you can ask me questions between the hours of four and five and if I don’t answer them don’t push for an answer. Or else.” There was a pause.
“To answer your questions since it’s still between four and five… yes he took on Chara on his own, he almost won too… yes I am Frisk and Sans’ daughter, I will not mention what happened to my brother, and yes both Alphys and Undyne have finally decided to work with us again…” Karma exhaled, her eye becoming clouded in what seemed like grief.
“Let me show you to your quarters…” Karma turned and started walking, the three looking at each other before walking after her. They were a ways down the tunnel when Karma stopped.
“The door to my left is for you three, we are currently working on expanding and adding more sleeping spaces so you will have to share for now…” Karma was about to walk off when she heard running footsteps from behind her. With a swift turn she was face to face with Undyne, her battle scars running deep along her arms and face.
“Where the fuck were you?!” Undyne shouted, Evanna hid herself behind Ace, hoping her mother hasn’t noticed her.
“I was out, why do you care?” Karma crossed her arms, not fazed by Undyne at all. Evanna, held her breath and started creeping into their room.
“You father was worried sick! He thought The Mandate got you!” Undyne continued, Karma yawned. Evanna was halfway through the door when Undyne spotted her.
“Eva! Is that you?! What the fuck are you doing here?! I thought you were with Asgore?!?!” Undyne grabbed her daughter and pulled her to her side.
“I am taking you back to them right now!” Undyne yelled, Evanna tried to pull away.
“No! I want to help the rebellion! I want my chance to make a difference!” Evanna yelled back, pulling harder.
“Nonsense! You don’t know anything!” Undyne started walking with her daughters arm in her grasp when Karma stepped in front of them.
“She’s with me Undyne. Let her go.” Karma grabbed Evanna’s other arm.
“She’s my daughter! I say what’s right!” Undyne pulled her daughters arm, Karma pulled the other.
“She’s under my supervision. She is my responsibility now.” Karma’s covered eye socket flared to life, Undyne getting a chill running down her back. Undyne looked from Karma to Ace to Caoi and finally to Evanna. She sighed, letting go of Evanna’s arm.
“If she dies… I will make sure you go through actual hell…” Undyne hissed as she walked passed them. Karma’s eye socket ceased glowing, she winced and put her hand on her socket like it hurt.
“Karma? You alright?” Caoi put a hand on her shoulder, she pulled away and started speed walking to the main room, leaving the trio alone.
“I’m… going to check on her…” Caoi started walking, but Ace stopped him.
“I wouldn’t. She doesn’t trust us yet. Don’t want to give her a reason to be even more upset, do you?” Ace ruffled Caoi’s fur between his ears and motioned toward their room. Evanna stood in the tunnel, sweat dripping down her face. She started walking, then running. But not to the main room, to Sans’s room.
 Evanna knocked on Sans’s door. She could hear the sound of light footsteps inside. Then the door opened, the weakened skeleton yawning as he starred at her.
“What’s up kid? Is Karma being a pain again?” Sans joked, smiling kindly.
“It is about Karma yes… but it’s not what she did that I’m worried about…” Evanna dropped her gaze, Sans had a serious expression that she was nervous to look at directly.
“What happened?” He asked, no sign of his lightheartedness in his voice. Evanna trembled.
“S…she and my mother got in a bit of a heated argument… and she stood up for me… she threatened my mother with a flare of blue magic… her eye… it looked like it was hurting her… is this common or should we be worried? Because I want to be useful to her, to everyone. I may not be the strongest but I am good with strategy and I want to be sure I can be of use so right now I’m trying to be useful, so is she gonna be ok?” Evanna met Sans’s gaze and froze. He looked like he watched everything he loved be ripped apart right in front of him.
“Sans?” Evanna was at a stump of what to do.
“Where is she?” He asked, working his way into the tunnel, Evanna at his side to help him if he need it.
“Uh… I don’t know… I saw her head to the main room… but I’m not sure past that…” Evanna put a hand on Sans’s shoulder. He mumbled something.
“What?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t griping about her.
“I think I know where she went. And if she’s there I’m going to beat her ass.” Sans grumbled as he and Evanna teleported to a desolate room in an unknown tunnel. And there was Karma, a bottle of what looked like wine in her hand and a florescent blue substance on her other hand. Sans approached her, putting a hand on his daughters shoulder.
“Karma? You ok kid?” Sans sat next to her, he was trying to keep his composure but Evanna could tell that the situation wasn’t good.
“Why won’t it stop… why won’t they go away… why can’t I die yet…” Karma mumbled, Sans rubbed her back and sighed. He looked over to Evanna and said quietly.
“Run to the medical wing and get Alphys. Tell her to go to Karma’s Lookout.” Evanna nodded and started running the opposite direction. Sans watched her go, his daughter mumbling and twitching, her eye socket leaking florescent blue magic.
“Karma… it will be ok.” Sans tried to calm her, keeping his distance. The last time her condition got this bad… his skull was smashed in on the left side.
“Why won’t they stop…? Why won’t he go away…?” she mumbled, scratching her arms open, crimson blood dripping on her legs and the metal of the tunnel.
“Who sweetheart?” Sans had a feeling of who she was going to say, based off what happened last time. But… every time he asks her, it seems to calm her slightly.
“Arial… I hear him… I always hear him… why won’t it stop… why won’t he rest…?” Sans watched as his child spiraled into her psychosis state, madness taking over.
“He’s gone Karma, he isn’t here…” Sans moved away quickly as Karma swung around to face him with a murderous glare.
“DoN’t LiE tO mE!!!” She yelled in a voice completely unknown to Sans. Sans recoiled, the ripped flesh that served as a dividing line between her face and skull seemed to move, making the flesh of her face a little less. Sans inhaled sharply, it gets worse and worse each time this happens and yet Sans is always mentally unprepared for it.
“Arial isn’t here Karma… not like I’m here, or you. He exists in the void now…” Sans tried to reason with her, her eye ablaze with an uncontrollable amount of power.
“LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!!” She screamed, Sans prepared himself, ready to do what he must for his child, when blue bones suddenly surrounded her. She hissed. Papyrus stepped out into the dim light, Alphys and Evanna standing close behind him.
“You know the drill little niece. Don’t move and you’ll be fine.” Alphys was fidgeting with a syringe and some liquid, the sight of it making Karma go into a rage, slamming herself against the bones that caged her. Her HP was dropping at a tremendous rate, her blood splattering on the ground with each hit.
“Papyrus! Stop your attack!” Sans yelled to his brother. But Papyrus didn’t give in, he watched as his niece slammed herself against his blue attack until she collapsed onto the floor panting, her HP down to 10. Sans pleaded with his brother to stop, to let her go. Papyrus looked down at him with a look of envy and hatred. After the war, Papyrus became cold inside, jealous of the love that Sans and Frisk had, hatred grew when they had gotten married and were eventually gifted with twins, a girl and a boy. One with too much magic and one with too little. Papyrus blames Sans for Frisk’s death and Arial’s death. Papyrus loved them, missed them, and could never forgive Sans for what he did. Papyrus let Karma go, Alphys immediately going over to give her sedatives. Evanna, the poor girl, watching in horror as Papyrus picked up Karma and through her over his shoulder. Her blood everywhere. But what scared her the most wasn’t the blood or even the fact that she watched Karma almost kill herself, it was the cold malice in Papyrus’s eyes, the usual dead glow from his magic gone and replaced with the look of a mass murderer. The look you would see on the face of the God of this realm… Chara.
It was a month after Frisk freed everyone from the underground, she had tried to reason with the human’s ruler, Chara, for some time… but it was all put to waste when human scouts stared burning their small village and slaughtering veterans of the Great War. Frisk and Sans led the rebellion against Chara’s forces for a year, when the time came to infiltrate the castle, they were greeted with the surprise of advanced weaponry and robotic soldiers. It was a miracle that a third of them survived the assault. Years later Frisk signed over the rest of monster kind to the rule of Chara, and due to the circumstances, it was their only option left. Monsters and humans did live in a sort of harmony, but it was one where everyone feared the dictator of the land, where there were no freedoms of any kind, where survival was the only was to live. Frisk and Sans secretly built the rebellion from scratch, making it bigger and better then before. But when Frisk died giving birth to her twins Karma and Arial. The rebellion was grieving over Frisk’s death, but it took another hit when the young boy fell ill and died three weeks later due to an unknown illness. But little did anyone know, the young child was murdered, and the illness Karma suffers from, the illness that should have killed her, was caused by the same monster.
“I don’t understand it…” Alphys had said to Sans in private after the death of his son.
“This kind of illness is just… I it just doesn’t happen!” Sans rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
“Alphys… I just lost my son and you’re coming to me not making any sense at all... so forgive me for saying but if you don’t get to the damn point then I’m leaving.” Alphys was silent for a moment before whispering the words that changed Sans’s viewpoint forever.
“He was murdered…”
 Sans kept a close eye on Papyrus as he carried Karma to Alphys’s wing. Sans had suspected that Papyrus was apart of his son’s death somehow and for Karma’s condition, but if he were to accuse his brother with no proof then it would all seem like rambling from a grieving old man. Sans has been looking for some sort of proof behind Papyrus’s deeds, but he found nothing… everything was scrubbed clean. Maybe it was just his imagination? Maybe Sans was becoming that grieving old man who just needed someone to blame for all his problems. Sans sighed. He knew that if Karma couldn’t control her powers soon she would… basically her own powers would kill her. Alphys gave Sans this complicated explanation about her energy output and her soul power and the potential DT that she could have inherited from Frisk. It was to dangerous to look at Karma’s soul due to her fragile state, but it was possible that she has Determination like her mother, its what everyone hoped for.
Papyrus left Karma with Alphys and Sans, pulling Evanna aside to a tunnel where no sound escaped. Papyrus had his arms crossed as he looked down at the young girl. Her eyes big and fearful, her lip quivering.
“I won’t go into too much explanation seeing as you figured out my true intentions here…” Papyrus had that look again, tears erupted from Evanna’s eyes.
“I… I won’t say anything… I promise…” she begged, shaking and crying. Papyrus sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.
“I know you won’t… but…” Papyrus in that moment summoned a sharpened bone, it swiftly making its way into Evanna’s stomach and through her back.
“I can’t take any chances…” was the last thing Evanna heard before she bled to death on the cold steel of the tunnel.
 News of Evanna’s death spread quickly, and in that short amount of time everyone turned on each other. It took only a half hour before the rebellion started ripping itself apart. It was another half hour after the slaughter started that King Chara and his forces arrived. The king, accompanied by his lead warrior Mettaton and his High Demon council member, Sans and Papyrus’s father, Gaster finished the slaughter swiftly, ash and blood mixed with the newly ignition of fire spread through their once peaceful base. Sans stood in the middle of the room, betrayal and rage across his face. Papyrus, in all the chaos, managed to make it to the medical wing and grab Sans’s unconscious daughter.
“Why… WHY PAPYRUS?!” Sans screamed, tears running down his face. Papyrus looked to Chara first for his approval before looking back at Sans.
“It was the only way to save you…” Papyrus left quickly after saying that, Karma flung over his shoulder. Sans looked up at Chara, Mettaton and Gaster.
“My lord, shall I dispose of him?” Mettaton asked Chara loudly so Sans could hear the conversation as well. Chara thought, glaring at Sans.
“No… We shall spare his life, for now. It’s your lucky day skeleton. The fact that I’m taking pity on you should be a blessing enough.” Chara smiled down at him before him and his forces left, the building and tunnels collapsing behind them.
“A pity… I was hoping I would be able to fight him again…” Chara sighed. Sans teleported in front of the now destroyed, burning remains of his home.
“Karma… I will get you back… I promise…” Sans turned around suddenly to an unfamiliar figure in a cloak.
“Hello UnderGods Sans…” the cloaked figure stepped into the fires light, so Sans could see his face. He was a younger boy, around Karma’s age, with black eyes and galaxy hair that seemed to change with his emotions.
“Who are you?” Sans hissed, glaring at the boy, he sighed and had this face that was so done with everything and everyone.
“My name is Cosmic Void, and I have come to recruit you.” The boy, Cosmic, smiled. Sans relaxed a bit and thought.
“Recruit me for what?” was all Sans could say, if Cosmic had pupils or color in his eyes Sans was sure he would be rolling his eyes.
“The multiverse is in danger, and we need all the help we can get… and if you help us, I will help you get Karma back.” Sans knew what kind of kid Cosmic was now, and it frightened him. He was the one who would do anything to get what he wanted, no matter what he had to do to get it.
“If I help you save the multiverse… you will help me save my daughter…” Sans considered this greatly, he didn’t trust Cosmic but…
“Alright… I will help you…” Sans had this neutral expression that didn’t seem to affect Cosmic at all.
“Great! That’s one more AU to help the cause! Come on, my sister and uncle want to meet you!” Cosmic grabbed Sans’s hand and opened a portal, dragging Sans behind it. The portal closed on this world and would only do so two more times in its history. Karma knew this, so she waited locked in her cell for the day that her brother and father would rescue her. She was filled with Determination.
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rumongray · 7 years
Ok i would love if you elaborated why you don't like toriel or toriel ships. People seem to either really like her or really don't.
*cracks knuckles*
Okay, so the thing about this is...at first I thought there was something wrong with me, or that I maybe, just maybe, was being judgemental about her in ships because she was a lady. But...that didn’t make sense because character gender never made me cringe in ships before, it was always the personalities or the character’s decisions...
Then I realized that when I played Undertale, there were always these nagging feelings about her that I couldn’t put my finger on until much later.
First...there’s how unsettling the air is when you’re in her home. I watched a friend of mine stream the game for his first time awhile ago, and when he found the box with all the shoes, his first thought was “oh god she’s going to kill and eat me.”
And...no, but I mean, who wouldn’t think that?
I just...I dunno. Toriel’s decisions baffle me in a way that can’t just be coincidental to fit into the game’s structure. (As a tutorial, both about the world and about how to show MERCY.)
So Toriel and Asgore watch their son die, essentially watching both of their children die. Asgore declares war on the humans and vows to take the souls of any humans that fell into the Underground, in order to break the barrier.
Toriel, furious, leaves Asgore over this, and goes to the Ruins until present day.
She mentions watching “them leave,” meaning the other children, and being unable to stop them. Like...she totally can. She has the power to stop them from leaving.
She -also- has the power to inform the children of what the Underground is, and what’s going on.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t tell Frisk either. And yes, I understand this could be a contrivance for game narrative’s sake, but come on. “Do what I tell you and don’t ask questions” really blurs the line between mother and dictator, if you ask me.
At the end of the game, she takes out Asgore with ONE little flame. She’s clearly powerful enough to stop him at any time.
So why doesn’t she go with Frisk to protect them? Or better yet, why not explain to Frisk that they can’t leave the Underground without taking a monster’s soul? And since a boss monster would have been sufficient...
...why not give hers to Frisk? Asgore does! He even says for them to take his soul and “leave this cursed place”. And yes, it’s after he’s lost the battle, but even then, he offers to be selfless. Toriel doesn’t.
Nope, she kicks you out and locks the door. Doesn’t call you ever again. Doesn’t answer your calls. Doesn’t do a goddamn thing the entire game.
“But Ken, that’s because she can’t handle the grief of losing another child!”
And she could have prevented this at multiple stages.
Also, Toriel scolds Asgore at the end of the game, saying “you could have taken ONE soul, gone past the barrier, gotten the rest, and come back and freed everyone else!”
So why the unholy fuck didn’t SHE do that?! It’s her freakin’ idea, and yet she lacks the conviction to carry it out.
I know why Asgore didn’t do that by the way. Because in the Underground, the humans who died are already “disappeared.” There’s no monster attacking a town to take souls, there wouldn’t be a war, the monsters would just...be free. I think deep down, Toriel knew it too.
And I just...I don’t like her kicking Asgore when he’s already down. Down in his many many years of grief and somber resolve to save his people, regardless of the cost, but to keep them out of war. She’s a straight up bitch to Asgore, and it’s clear she holds grudges for a goddamn eternity.
*takes a deep breath*
That’s...pretty much it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like...hate ships with Toriel in them, or at least not enough to lose my shit, but they are not my thing. They always show her being this kind mother figure, but my brain can’t look past the fact that she lacked the conviction and resolve to stand up for her own views. She ran away and locked herself away in the Ruins. She flip-flops between wanting to protect Frisk and wanting nothing to do with them in order to selfishly preserve her own emotional well being. She has the power to stop all of this and does nothing.
I can’t look past that, I’m sorry.
FINAL DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion, and I’m just one guy on the internet, so nobody has to listen to anything I really have to say on the matter, but nobody will be able to change my mind on the matter either. If you like Toriel, you can go ahead and do so, I don’t hold that against anybody.
Thanks for asking :D
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derangedknifefreak · 8 years
Void/file travel: Chara randomly appears in timelines/au’s other then her own to mess with them. Past: Chara when she was younger, aka, during the goat family time with Asriel. Possesing Frisk: Chara during her first genocide run. Will be written with both my muses. Non-canon: Anything else you’d like to rp, such as post pacifist or random ships, I won’t say no but I won’t consider it canon for Chara’s story.
Full Name: HIDDEN Nickname: Chara >     How’d they get it?: It was the first thing she thought of when she met Asriel.
Age: 14 (but if you count all the timelines she’s been through she’d be around 30 or so) >     Date of Birth: 25 may 1974 >     Zodiac: Gemini
Species: Human Gender: Trans Feminine (Aka, born male, identifies primarily but not completely as female.)
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them Sexual Orientation: No preference
>     When did they realize this?:Their interests don’t lay in traditional sexual contact, so the gender or species of the opposing party simply don’t matter.
Current Residence: Post Genocide Undertale verse
Fight Abilities
Hand-to-Hand capability: Very quick reflexes and good at dodging, but having a teens body, her punches are virtually harmless. >     Who taught them: Reflexes came naturally but she learned how to deal with monster attacks through multiple playthroughs with various Frisks and Players.
Weapons: Chara will use whatever weapon is available to them and is light enough for them to swing effectively. She has an obvious preference for any weapon with a sharp edge and point, like knives, swords and spears. She usually picks a knife because it’s the lightest and easiest to maneuver. >     Who taught them: Self taught
Physical strength: very little Speed: very fast Planning: She knows all monsters from the original timeline so she can easily plan her attacks around this knowledge, but when she meets a new monster she tends to attack blindly until she’s figured them out. Powers: Can possess anybody. A monsters’ weaker soul doesn’t stand a chance against hers, but the soul of a young determined human could probably expel hers. Gaining LOVE makes it easier for her to possess you.
The only parents Chara truly remembers having at this point are Toriel and Asgore. Before she fell into the underground she actually had a pretty normal family life, but she didn’t get along with any of her family; she simply never fit in anywhere. She was always the odd duck out and not once felt any kind of understanding from anyone. She hates humans primarily because they’re ‘stupid’ and ‘useless’. This hatred only applies to adults as she’s generally willing to give children a chance.
Chara was always a bit closer with Toriel, she appreciated goat mom’s humor and felt accepted and loved by her in ways she never felt before. Unconditionally. She loves Asgore too, but simply has a slightly more distant relationship with him. Asgore was more aware of her somewhat twisted nature, which is probably why he kept her at a slight distance.
Of course she was closest with Asriel. The two shared literally everything together. Toriel had a difficult job just getting them to eat of different plates and sleep in different beds. But despite how close they were their relationship was less then healthy. Chara would manipulate and emotionally abuse Asriel to get what she wanted. Asriel was for the most part unaware of this, but occasionally it would dawn on him that she treated him more like a pet then a brother. He never complained though; he just wanted her to love and approve of him.
Virgin?: In the classic sense, yes. However they have been involved in sexual acts of a different nature.
First crush?: You could argue that (genocide!)Sans was their first crush; but it would only be his strength they crushed on, not him as a person. They also have a certain obsession with their frisk and the same goes for Asriel; while they were never in love She considers him hers and used to get really possessive.
Any romantic relationship?: It would be difficult for any relationship with a person this twisted to evolve into a romance, but it’s not impossible. Chara could only be romanced by a personality more dominant then her own, and that person would have to accept her ‘demonic’ nature, and to a certain degree, understand it. Chara is an emotional masochist, she won’t like being hurt physically, but she likes it if her partner can give her the feels. The more it hurts her heart, the better. 
Favorite foods: French Snails in Garlic butter [Don’t put them in pie toriel!], Candied apples, Pure Chocolate >     Least favorite food: Pasta’s in general
Favorite colors: Red [BLOOD] >     Least favorite color: Gold
Music: Trance and the gentler styles of house music Literature: Fairy Tales Smell: Lemons Feeling: Bittersweet Season: Fall Pets: Hamster Place: Core Favorite sport: Dancing Possession this character values most: the Heart locket >     Why is it so important to them?:It contains a picture of her goat family and reminds her of the happiest time she had in her life.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 155 cm (5 feet 1 inch) Weight: 45 kg (90 pounds) Body build: Slender Eye Color: Deep brown/ red >     Glasses or contact lenses?: No
Hair Color: Light Brown >     Type of hair: Frizzy straight >     Hairstyle: Chin length, styled outwards
Complexion and skin tone: Pale / Caucasian >     Any particular blemishes?: Her lips are always cracked.
Shape of Face: apple Scent: Salty and Metallic Voice: Medium high Mannerisms: Giggly, seemingly carefree, DISTURBING Health: Physically; she’s literally a walking, rotting corpse. It doesn’t really bother her much though and she can’t exactly get sick either. Her soul (Which isn’t in her body, she’s using Frisks’) is all cracked up and eternally bleeding. Style: Simple and cute, a cross between childish and feminine. She likes sleeves that are too long. Tics: Not exactly a nervous tic, but She cannot stand still when she hears music, ever. She will dance against her own will.
Preferred Clothing
Underwear: Solid colored slips Shirts: stripped sweaters Pants: comfy shorts, leggings Skirts: short, multi-layer Jackets: loose and comfortable Shoes: anything without heels, Short boots Accessories: She doesn’t go anywhere without her locket. Formal wear: She’d purposely wear something old and torn up just to make a point. Sleeping wear: shorts and shirt Swimming wear: children’s bikini
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Did they go to school?: She was home schooled both above and under ground. She’s good at exact subjects.
Native language: English >     Do they know any other languages?: No, but she carries a wing dings translation sheet around just in case. Multiverse travel taught her to.
Manner of Writing: Childish, doesn’t use difficult words and keeps her sentences short. Any Mental Illnesses?: So many, but they are undiagnosed. In short, she’s thoroughly fucked in the head. How does your Character see themselves?: “After everything I’ve done, It’s still just me. Nothing’s wrong.” How does your Character believe they are perceived by others?: They think they’re seen as nothing but a demon who only exists to torture and kill everyone around them. This believe is often accurate. How self-confident is your character?: If they don’t feel confident they will just pretend they are so it’s not noticeable. They’re a good actor. >     What makes their self-confidence waver?: Dying to minor monsters
What would embarrass your character the most?: If somebody felt sorry for them. How does your character feel about love: She doesn’t see the point of it.
How does your character show affection/love?: Play around and threatening them longer before brutally murdering them. She may even make you a flower crown. Before forcing you to eat it. Probably. How does your character handle grief?: In short, she doesn’t. She just pretends it’s not there at all. >     What are they like when they cry?: Quietly sobbing while hidden away OR grinning madly while tears stream down when their face with the FEELS. >     What can make them cry?: Being reminded of Asriel’s betrayal or in those rare moments when the fact everybody hates their existence actually gets to them.
How does your character handle physical pain?: She gets mad and makes sure to pay it back triple. >     Emotional pain?: She gets high on it.
Leader or follower?: Follower/ loner ‘big picture’ or ‘little details’?: Big picture Energy level: She’s quite energetic. Describe their sense of humor:  Dry and dark. Very dark. She finds screams of agony especially funny. Hobbies: Playing games and dancing. Talents: Seeing through people, dancing. >     She dances a fast style of contemporary dance.
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing.
Emotional Characteristics
How does character relate to others?: She seem them primarily as tools or sources of entertainment. How does the character deal with anger?: Fight. >     With sadness/ loss?: Smile >     With conflict?: Kill >     With change?: Curiosity
What does your character want out of life?: To be entertained What would your character like to change in his/her life?: Generally they’d answer this question with ‘nothing’ or ‘what would be the point, this world will end regardless’. But occasionally they’ll long for the time they were happy with their family, and wish Asriel had used his powers to get the 6 souls and execute their plan. What frightens your character?: Little white dogs >     Are they afraid of the Dark?: No, they embrace it. >     Death?: No, they’re technically  already dead.
Is your character judgmental of others?: She’s quick to gather what to expect of the opposing party but her deductions are usually accurate so you can’t really call it being judgmental. She’s kind of judgmental of naive people though. Is your character generous or stingy?: Neither, she doesn’t really deal with money. Is your character generally polite or rude?: Rude. Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic. Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert/ behaves like extrovert. Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil, no need to be cautious when you’re already dead. Logical or Emotional?: Both Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Messy Would they rather be working or relaxing?: They like to be active. How do they feel about animals?: Pets are pretty cute, she secretly has a weakness for fluffy things. They are most at ease when: Listening to music and dancing alone. >     Ill at ease when: having to behave for some reason in a crowded place; too many people judging her at once.
What is their best quality?: Good dancer. What is their biggest flaw?: Everything else.
Some History
Chara didn’t go through any sort of trauma aside from those caused by her own abnormal personality even as a child. During her childhood she never expressed her inner demons the way she does now. She was actually a pretty sweet child before Frisk showed her it was ok for her to be evil, to be themselves, through doing a genocide run. Since then she has seen, and caused many more broken timelines.
Breaking and recreating the timeline over and over again has caused her soul to crack. Pieces have broken away over time, leaving her with less and less of her ‘good’ self. If she continues the way she has, eventually, she truly will be nothing but the demon called LOVE.
Blank Character profile by Jadeookami@Deviantart
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uruhidanatsuki · 7 years
Kaostale progress(this is LONG)
Hey; I am too lazy to check if I mention on this blog I have Kaostale under work; I started Late may 2016. Slowly creating story and pages, I wanted this to be show of what I can do(for me). With this it’s longest project without giving up single time, now I’m determined to put end to first season within this month.
Reason for rush is simple; I’m going in private school (no social media; I can try but I’ll be punished for it) and in a year I will become professional Comic Artist and have one work in art gallery in my name(Depends if it’s good or not how long they keep it there) I’m nervous about it so I go on break from 4.9.2017 to somewhere 3rd month of year 2018 by that time the work for Gallery is done and long gone 30 or 31 at May; my school ends but I can start working on Kaostale season two by that time.
Season two won’t take as long as first one did, if I can help it. I can’t help but feel that first season was rushed; I practiced many things in while doing pages like first time drawing fighting scenes or subtle jokes. Also first time drawing a skeleton which I end up drawing ton of. Season 0ne’s lenght is right now 84 pages; 41 needs only text to the bubbles, 19 needs to polish before scanning and rest are still only sketched out. About 20 more to climax and cliffhanger; yeah I’m really meanie that you don’t see how it continues until end of next season (No! It’s for a good reason)
I didn’t send out pages one by one because story wasn’t set nor I wasn’t completely decided how to story should begin. It might be messy because of this fact but I’m 90% it makes now more sense than at May 2016. Well since I made this story to have only one main character; I normally don’t put my own character as main because I don’t want to seem like self-loving-dick-head. Since this is called Kaostale; it does make sense that Kaos is main of the main character.
If you’re wondering what kind of ship this have I say; main story line has none but if you want see I had been working on 6 different ending including bad end. I like to theorize if this or that happens how the ending would change and with the extra time I add ships.I name them A to E ending; Story A contains Toriel and Sans ship (Because I love to see Sans as parent to Frisk), Story B contains Frisk and Sans (not that there isn’t similar ship in somewhere else) My favorite ship, Story C is Papyrus and Sans (Don’t ask), Story D; Sans(Blue) and Sans(black), Story E Secret pairing but if you love Toriel x Sans and you’re easily shaken don’t read it ok?(It’ll stay secret until it’s out; it’s only surprise I have) and Finally Story F a.k.a. “Fucked up Ending” it’s horror themed, lot of sin and may cause sleepless nights
I’m also working on ending with my special way; ship is Player x Any Kaostale character. I personally call it mirror manga; I would describe it like rpg game You start as generated none gender character through pages you get to choose between two options to proceed; it changes either your character or ending you’ll be having(a.k.a. ship). It’s like staring at stick man to become Anime/manga protagonist, except I’m trying to read your aim and what kind of person you are through your choices; I reflect your choices and determined how you look and draw through answers that I get. (This is going to be REALLY long, but I bet time I get to this I draw 20 page in day) Every choice matters and everyone of them change things but I do draw a line when some choices don’t effect anymore because I won’t be drawing millions of pages of this one....  line changes on topic(and by my mood..).
Last thing don’t judge the series over few pages I know I messed up some of them and I’ll correct them as I make youtube video; where I read it and edit special mood tunes to bring(try) you same mood I had while making this(If I can’t simply edit original ones I might do real recording and actually play those tunes). I can’t get Sans voice the way I want, but Chara is for some odd reason perfect. I feel like I’m my worst critic and that’s way I have not put out of many comics because I prejudge them as horrible (Elementary level; is my insult to it) well there’s truth to it since I could draw same level drawing back in elementary but since social life ruined my insanity I stopped for a while(Until I killed my social life *stab stab*) but back then I only could do one good one and all other 99 were awful. Since I only saved good ones I attend to forget the 99 bad ones that are long gone by now. 
In a way I’m not lazy cos’ no matter what I’ll finish this, If you read this all please put message or like to this and I’ll like all your post; cos’ this was lot to read and knowing that you took so much of time to read this made me happy!! ^_^ *hugs you* and I want to repay your kindness.
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