#also saw some comments on a video after watcher's apology
so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
Your tags on the 'Tired of masterbating. I want to be loved.' Thing are amazing, I love them!
Thank yooooou!!!
@cockasinthebird enjoyed them too and prompted me to start on a lil something, so here’s a quick lil preview of what I’ve started.
Steve stared at the message on the screen, paused as he rewatched his live stream. Read the words once, twice, heart beating in his chest.
I’m tired of masterbating. I want to be loved. From GuiltyAsCharged, a username he recognized. A regular watcher and paying patron. Never did many comments, though on some of Steve’s filthiest videos he’d leave these emoticons that should have been dumb, but always had Steve hot under the collar. They were so sparse, it was just nice--
But that wasn’t the point. Point was, GuiltyAsCharged had some shit going on. Steve bit his lip as he pulled up his DMs, quickly typing in the guy’s username. His fingers hovered over the keys as he stared, lips pursed. He’d done it before. Talked to people who left concerning comments. It was kind of a thing for him, being very serious about mental health. Open as well. But something felt different about this time. There was something in Steve’s gut that said sending this message was going to change something, shift the waves, so to speak.
He typed out his message, and hit send.
Billy woke up, head pounding to the beat of his upstairs neighbors bass. He groaned, pulling a pillow over his head to muffle what could, as well as block out the sun. Billy lay there, feeling sorry for himself. His head hurt, his body hurt, his mouth tasted like shit--
Billy jerked upright, hissing in pain at the sudden light and movement. He held his pounding head in his hands, groaning even louder.
Billy had been drunk, so so so drunk, after going out with Tommy and he’d gotten home horny. Had pulled up his favorite camboy, DoeEyedKing, and gotten to it. He was hosting a live stream at the time, fucking himself open on dildo, going painfully slow. Billy had pulled out his already half hard cock and stroked, teasing the underside of the head with his thumb. He stroked in time with Doe Eye’s thrusts, breath speeding up as he jerked. Teeth scraped against his lips as his hips began to jerk up, eyes glued to the screen.
“Fuck,” Doy Eyes breathed. “I feel so full. It’s fucking amazing.” He moaned, loud and wanton, and Billy had to squeeze the base of his dick with a hiss. “God, it feels so good,” he whined. “The only way this would be better is if it was one of you. So I could feel you cum deep inside me before plugging me up.” He smirked, tongue running over his top teeth teasingly and as a challenge. This was why Billy liked him so much. He looked like a soft little pastel twink, and he definitely played that up, but the guy was nasty, bratty and cocky too. He hit all of Billy’s buttons, leaving him sweaty and gasping as he nearly stripped his cock, no longer finessing his movements, too close to the edge to care.
“Sh-Shit,” Billy hissed, hips jerking as he came, spilling into his fist as he pumped and pumped, until it hurt. He lay back, breathing hard through his mouth, heart sinking into the ground.
Billy stared at the ceiling, wishing that he wasn’t left with a sticky hand and no one next to him once again. It was what he’d been denying lately, tried to drink away tonight. The horrible, crushing feeling, that he was such an asshole, he was going to die alone. Blue eyes watered as he wiped his hand on his sweater and sat up, moving to shut his laptop when something Doe Eyes said caught his attention.
“Wow, I feel incredible, holy shit,” he panted, bright blue y-fronts stained with cum and lube. “What about you guys?” There were the usual horny for you, baby’s and wishing i was there’s, and Billy just felt compelled. Was so drunk, he felt like the best idea was to write his immediate feelings. After hitting send, he noticed he’d made a spelling mistake and had also made the weirdest comment in the fucking world.
Doe Eyes was not only hot as shit, nasty and exactly Billy’s type, he was a sweetheart. He blocked people who were being assholes, was always polite when he turned down a kink that he wasn’t into, and was always grateful and thankful, no matter what kind of scene his video was. Billy was kind of, maybe really, infatuated with him. He seemed almost too good to be true, but he was also so crazy sincere, Billy couldn’t find it in himself to doubt him.
And now he’d made a creepy, weird comment and was gonna end up blocked in the morning. He’d closed his laptop and decided to sleep at that point, forgetting until the morning what an ass he’d made of himself.
“I’m a goddamn idiot,” he rasped, voice low and husky from dehydration. He stood, stumbling to the kitchen in his small one bedroom apartment. He got some water, downing it, before pouring another glass. He sipped this one, popping some tylenol while he was at it. Billy chewed on his lip between sips, fiddling with his phone. Maybe he could apologize before Doe Eyes even saw it. Do some saving face. Try and not get himself blocked from the one person who got his dick up lately.
Billy opened his phone and felt his heart stop when he saw he had a DM from the man himself. His thoughts raced, all of them bad, and it was with a shaky thumb that he clicked, opening the message. Billy blinked when he read it.
DoeEyedKing: Hey, hope you’re doing okay, man! If you’re going through it, know that I’m rooting for you!
Billy restarted the app, just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.
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lschmitt62 · 7 years
I remember when I first read Diana Gabaldon’s best selling series, “Outlander”, 20+ years ago. The history, the settings, and yes, even though I know I am not supposed to say it, the romance.
Doesn’t everyone dream of that kind of love? The kind that you would sell your soul for, and never think twice. I remember that it enticed me to travel to North Carolina. Gave me a great fun filled weekend at Grandfather Mountain for their Highland Games. It introduced me to an awesome Celtic band, “Seven Nations”. Good times.
Years passed and they were a go-to read on my Nook, for long car rides and plane rides. I never tired of the story and a re-read gave you details that you might have missed before.
Imagine my surprise when I realized they made a TV series based on the books! I remember literally screaming in joy. Watched the first episode free and then signed right up for a pay channel to watch the rest. My husband and I, tolerant soul that he is, watched the first season with me filling in the blanks. Season 2 came along and I basically watched by myself. Hubby said it was too slow and confusing for him. Season 3 was the same. Solo.
I was in love with all of it. The beautiful way it was presented, and the actors. Sam and Cait were so good at portraying Jamie and Claire and oddly enough, they presented themselves as possibly a couple in real life. Signed myself up for a couple of events. Trained to NYC to the Apple event, and to the NYC Tartan Day Parade. I bought T-shirts that supported their charities. Gave generously as a matter of fact. After all, they asked us to.
Flew to Seattle for the ECCC. Bought autograph and photo sessions. Dragged the hubby with me. We spent 3 days having the time of our lives. Eating fabulous food and enjoying each other’s company. The comic con was secondary to the marvelous time I was having with my husband. It was also the time when I jumped ship, literally from standing on the shore, to the lido deck.
I am an observer by nature. And what I was observing seemed like a true involved real life relationship with the two lead actors. It made me start looking at videos and body language. I have been married to the same man for 34 years. But I surely remembered young love. And truly my hubby still looks at me like I was seeing Sam look at Cait.
I found on Tumblr that there were others who felt like me. I started following some blogs. It was interesting to see others observations. I found that I fit better in these blogs then some Facebook groups that I had joined. I am not a person who accepts double standards. I left those groups and never looked back.
What I found on Tumblr was some warm, genuine, and seriously funny folk. I never found the crazy ES that other fans seemed to call out. I found women that cared for each other. That took time out of their own crazy lives to form relationships with these friends. To send a message of support, to offer a shoulder to others who were hurting for reasons unrelated to “Outlander”.
I never really cared if Sam and Cait were truly together in the real world, and I still do not. I didn’t tweet them to tell them what exercise I did today, or didn’t do. Or tweet them to let them know I contributed to whatever the charity of the day was. Things that didn’t matter.
I watched as there was a blonde female introduced into Sam’s life as a possible girlfriend. Then I was confused as to what exactly her role was. This was just about the time the shine began to tarnish.
I am not a celebrity watcher. I follow a couple of them on Twitter, mainly the ones who make their voices heard socially. Celebrity lives normally don’t interest me. I felt that we were being sold a narrative, and I was unsure what exactly it was supposed to be.
I am still unsure of what I think. There are far too many unanswered questions, and far too many scenarios that you can just forgive. That doesn’t mean that I don’t wish the best to all parties involved. I do. Truly. I wish Caitriona the best. I wish her a man that loves her unconditionally. I wish her a man that catches her gaze from across the room and holds it. None of us know a thing about her fiancé. If it is Tony, then so be it. She owes none of us anything about her personal, and “just for her”life. My hope is that she removes her social media presence entirely. If she doesn’t then she opens herself up to all of the critiquing of her relationship.
I feel the same about Sam. I know what has been presented to us and obviously we are supposed to believe it was all for naught. I am not even including the blonde in this equation. I truly felt like I was watching a Monty Python episode with her. If the relationship presented, that some of us saw, the ones whose brains don’t turn off, who like to solve puzzles was not true, then where does that leave him? It leaves his sexuality questioned by some. Just another thing I don’t care about.
Somewhere along the line, I lost my love for “Outlander”. If Starz was selling me the entire package, you lost me. You changed the books and as hard as that was, I accepted it. I unfollowed the author on social media, as some of her comments about being displeased with the series I didn’t care for. And to be truthful, I was mildly disturbed at the kiss she pulled Sam into on stage. I get it. Jamie was hers. But Sam is not Jamie, he is an actor playing a role. Nothing more. Nothing less. I have cancelled my subscription.
I wish these fine ladies on Tumblr peace. I wish them to forget what the others say about them. I saw the same things that you saw. I had the same questions. I just let you ask them instead of myself. I have never met a group of ladies that could make me spit my coffee out as fast as you. That made me literally laugh out loud at the gifs you made. I apologize that I left you take the heat for what I also saw, but was to timid to blog about. Thank you for all that you have done.
@sherrigamblin @widchadidcha @pissedoffsoka13 @manders1984 @
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