#also say hi to triffany she made it!!! shes one of the few grumps who has the privilege of being drawn!!
fluffyglass · 9 months
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i dunno guys she said she doesn't know where it is, maybe we should look somewhere else
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shwoo · 1 year
Grumpus Headcanons (2/3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part two of unnecessarily detailed Bugsnax headcanons, and I had second thoughts about splitting it into three after sleeping on it, but ph well! Too late to change it now!
But I will put part of it under a readmore, because even if the word count isn't quite in the thousands, it's still a big wall of text.
I only arranged these by character surname by surname so that Jamfoot The Secret Guy wouldn't be first, but... I guess putting him exactly in the middle didn't work out how I wanted either.
Character Headcanons (Alegander Jamfoot - Shelda)
Alegander Jamfoot He was not expected to survive being stationed in the Triplicate Space. Maybe he was too openly ambitious, or saw something he wasn't supposed to, or was just kind of annoying. He knows he upset someone, which is why he suspects it's a punishment. It's normally almost impossible to survive on Snaktooth Island alone for more than a few months, because the less outside stimulation someone has, the easier it is for the cravings to take precedence. Jamfoot lasted more than a year in part because he was so focused on his research, but he was already experimenting with eating Bugsnax when Bronica's expedition came along. If they hadn't given him something else to think about, he definitely would've died.
Journalist Their most successful story is probably the Soylent Grump story Lizbert mentions in the opening. Soylent Grump was a meal replacement that the manufacturers claimed was made of soy and lentils, but according to rumours, it was secretly made of Grumpuses. Grumpus DNA was eventually found in some of the products, which didn't help. The Journalist ended up breaking into the main factory, and discovered… that Soylent Grump was made of soy and lentils. But also, the safety standards were so bad that bits of factory workers were ending up in the food. Once they knew that, the Journalist found a whistleblower and published an exposé. They believe that this proves that there's always a story, even if it's not the one you expected. Clumby thinks they got lucky.
Bronica Lottablog Not sure about her personality (intense?), but she cowrote a series of books about zoology and history aimed at kids. She started doing this about ten years before her disappearance, and the books did so well that they stayed in print for another ten years after her disappearance. Most of the cast are at least aware of them from their childhoods, except for Wambus, Cromdo, and Shelda, who are too old. Gramble would be a little too young, but his school's library was underfunded and extremely out of date. The Journalist had Bronica's book about cryptids, which they read so much it fell apart.
Triffany Lottablog The Lottablog method she mentions in her interview was her own invention, and is fusion of archaeological techniques and the adventuring techniques her (non-archaeologist) grandmother used. It's actually quite effective, and part the reason she's a "leader in [her] field". It's a bit of a high risk high reward thing, but it hasn't got her killed yet.
Lizbert Megafig She really likes standing dramatically on high places, like one of the pictures in her hut. If she's standing around somewhere, especially outdoors, she'll climb to the highest place she can get to, without really thinking about it. I'd say she likes to be tall, but she already is pretty tall. The Snaxsquatch's tendency to stand dramatically on high places might be related to this.
Wambus Troubleham It is very difficult to grow sauce plants, on or off Snaktooth Island. They basically are normal plants, but they normally don't grow very well. The island helps them along because they make it easier to lure in hosts. Wambus was just so stubborn and good at plants that he figured out how to get them to grow without the island's interference. It was still a struggle to get them to sprout, especially since the soil on the island is not very good. His success at growing sauce didn't influence his decision to try to grow Bugsnax like plants, though. He started both projects at the same time, and the sauce is the one that worked out.
Wiggle Wigglebottom Wiggle is not her given name, but it is the name she's gone by since childhood, as well as the one she uses professionally. It's a nickname based on her surname, and the way she's always moving around. It actually does sound slightly silly, even to Grumpuses who think Filbo Fiddlepie is a super normal thing to be called, but everyone's used to it at this point.
Beffica Winklesnoot She didn't join Lizbert's expedition until the night before they left, during the getting-to-know-you party that Filbo definitely threw. She ran in halfway through and asked if this was the expedition to the deserted island a long way from here. She'd just been kicked out by her roommate, and was also worried about legal action, but she didn't bring that part up. Lizbert felt bad for her, though Eggabell was more suspicious at first.
Shelda When she asked the Journalist to bring her a Bugsnak for her first sidequest, she really wasn't intending to eat it at the time. She wasn't going to have the light of Mother Naturae purge it either, because that's not really a thing. She just wanted to look at one up close, while also preparing to convince the Journalist to stop bringing people Bugsnax. But she hadn't had proper food in a long time, and she convinced herself that just one wouldn't hurt. And nobody would notice anyway. Even though they absolutely would.
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p3rry-pi3 · 2 years
People from bugsnax who need to snap and go unbelievably feral on the others:
Top being the most needed, bottom of list being the least needed.
Filbo. None of them would be the way they are if they had stopped and LISTENED to the guy. If they all hadn’t had shut him out and kept arguing; I don’t think they’d be where they were when we arrived. They would’ve instead had built a stronger town together if they had stopped and use their brains, but I feel like just cause none of them get along and kind of hated each other for various reasons, it was out of filbo’s control. Seriously, he was Mayor for a reason. While Liz was gone, who fucking babysat a whole ass town full of grown adults? If Liz trusted him to be mayor despite his clumsiness, wouldn’t that say something? Like,,, I dunno, him being a good fucking leader that the host of the expedition saw in him as a trait AND as actual potential.
Us, as in, the journalist. Self explanatory.
Gramble. You know the amount of times others have literally lessened him? Yeah, no.
On a similar note; Wambus. The amount of shit he gets, the other grumps just like talking about his wife leaving behind his back, it’s like, dude. Come on.
Unpopular opinion; Eggabell. You know the shit she had to put up with back when Lizbert was in town? She had a full blown mental breakdown over Triffany’s leg AND the whole ass town yelling at her. She deserves a minute.
Other unpopular opinion; Lizbert. The shit she went through with the others. The way she had to help one grump to the next. The crap she had to put up with. No wonder why she left them all. /j
Chandlo. Bros been nice a little to long to everyone else’s crap. Not his character or personality, but every once in a while is nicer than being the epitome of cavities from sweet foods.
Triffany. She’s SURROUNDED by the chaos not only her husband causes but others, and she experiences back on Brokentooth how bad it is when filbo is left mayor. She literally had to put up with the shit filbo did, I mean this with every atom in my body, whether it not they all made up in the end. Please, with all due respect, go nuts.
Shelda. When have you seen her at her breaking point when it wasn’t with floofty? When?
Snorpy. He surprisingly doesn’t have much reason to really go ham on all of them. Not really need to not go nuts, but also not enough reason to go crazy. Ykwim?
Cromdo. Dude knows he’s the one pissing everyone off. At one point I think he did get to that point, so what excuse does he have.
Floofty. Floofty takes action to what they’re doing, but the amount of people that despite this shot on them is strangely higher than the people who mainly made amends with them. Only because there’s very few from the island, they stand here.
Wiggle. Wiggle is the LEAST needed out of all of them to snap. Literally no excuse whatsoever to either A) be attacked or B) be the attacker. She literally really only has Snorpy against her. Unless there’s someone else, I think she can slide.
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spade-snax · 3 years
Alright! Here goes my Bugsnax Grumpus last name headcanon!
(This ended up being way longer than I thought it would've been, oh god-)
I think we all can agree that the headcanon where a Grumpus child has their parent's combined last names as their own last name is a very common headcanon people share. It's a good one! Even I like it a lot. And when applied to OCs or fankids it makes for some hilarious names.
It'd make sense in-canon and I feel like it gives the Grumpus world more depth as their own little tradition. (Honestly give me ANY culture/tradition headcanon for Grumpuses PLEASE THOSE ARE MY FAVORITEEEE I even had one for teeth a while ago that I may share publicly one day!!)
But I've been thinking about this, especially because of Cromdo and my own OCs - Neddy and Rason Honeyfidget. With Rason being Neddy's dad, if we only used this headcanon then Neddy shouldn't have this last name... Well, there's a lore reason why he doesnt and that is that his mother has died while he was still an egg, a while before hatching. Rason made him take on "Honeyfidget" only.
But that's just the backstory that got me thinking at the name traditions as a whole, so I'll try to avoid OC talk any further to make this friendlier for others who do not know about my OCs and are just interested in reading this headcanon.
Another headcanon I want to mention as I apply it to my own is the headcanon that Triffany changed her last name to Bronica's last name as a way to honor her. You can definitely change your name to anything you want in the Grumpus world, but changing your last name to a relative's like your grandparent's last name is possibly quite common!
And now I want to bring up Cromdo and the fact he is divorced. It has been confirmed that Cromdo is divorced and that his name may reflect that. (Though originally it was answered in the AMA that "Cromdo Face" just sounded funny at first and that it is possible that he did loose a half of his last name this way!)
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Also I want to say that he wasn't abusive to the child mentioned! I remember there was a small confusion and drama about that. And I believe one of the devs on the YH discord mentioned that the 1# tie was a reference to Octodad. I do not remember if that confirmed that he is a father or if this answer by Sage was possibly wrong. He cannot see the child because he lost custody of them and lost in court. I do not have screenshot evidence of this. On a side-note I believe this could be one of the reasons he grew to be so money hungry. He didn't have enough money back then to keep his child. Again I want to say it could be ONE of the reasons and not the exact reason why he is this way.
This is more so of an ramble about my headcanon and what I want to say rather than some comprehensive thing, I am so sorry dfwergeg it's just how I write and explain things and I gotta mention it ALL (Great addition to "Guzma, your ADHD is showing")
Anyways, back on track with my HC.
But in this/my headcanon - Cromdo is divorced, he has had a child, and lost a part of his last name because of the divorce. I do not know how human marriage last name and stuff works properly so uh, see this as just speculation about a fictional species' culture rather than a carbon copy of our own. Which it clearly isn't LOL
I personally think that you can do multiple things with your last name when you get married! (And how it can affect the child's last name!)
Let's use Chandlo and Snorpy as examples, because I think they make great last name combinations. (And Snorplo is HELLA !!/pos)
- You can change your last name to your partner's last name, like we do commonly. (At least, with all the cultures I'm aware of and how marriage works for us.) Examples: Snorpy Funkbun, Chandlo Fizzlebean
(This one isn't very common to do!)
- You can change one half of your last name to a half from your partner's last name. Examples: Snorpy/Chandlo Funkbun/Fizzlebun
(Not as common either, but it still happens. It is actually more common than the first example. This was the case for Cromdo. I'll get back to this later. Grumps usually reserve this for their childen, which is the most common way of naming your children!)
- You keep your last name after marriage! Example: Snorpy Fizzlebean. Chandlo Funkbun. Canon examples would be Wambus and Triffany as well!
(Most common one to do as many wear their last names with pride or for other reasons - such as Trifanny when she changed her last name to Bronica's last name in this headcanon.)
Before we get to the kids again, I'm gonna go back to Cromdo and what can happen during divorce.
During divorce you can simply change your name back if you changed it, or keep the last name you took from your partner. Many simply change their last names back to what they were originally. Some, if they went by the half/half method, take away the half from their ex-partner only. This leaves some Grumpuses with one worded last names, such as Cromdo.
I think he changed a half of his last name during marriage. After the divorce, he didn't want to "wear" his partner's name anymore and changed his name to Cromdo Face only as Face was a part of his last name he was given at birth. This is most often the default for Grumpuses who have been divorced and took only half of their partner's last name.
If Cromdo - (or any Grumpus with a one-word last name! There's certainly rare cases of Grumpuses who have one word that didn't go through divorce. Possibly Grumpuses with bad attachment to one of their parents - so they change or remove that half of the last name they got from said parent. If their last name was a combination.) - were to re-marry he could take one half of his new partner's last name, or not change his name at all.
I want to get onto how naming a child would work with this situation, so I will talk about ways of naming children before I get back to this! And by naming I of course mean the last names only, lol.
(One rule is that, unless you change your name later in real life for any reason, it's gonna have to be one of these otherwise! Your Grump parent cannot make you up a new last name. It is just a part of the tradition they have. Though re-naming isn't looked upon in any way by the majority of Grumpuses as there are many reasons to do so!! Unless you're a jerk or you value your last name TOO much.) (Also when I say "you" I don't mean YOU as the reader literally. I mean a hypothetical Grumpus child!! It's just how I like wording things.
(...I've been writing for almost an hour, brain scrampled eg)
- Your last name is the combined name of your parent's last names. Examples: Fizzlebun, Funkbean
(VERY COMMON! Most Grumpuses will do this when first naming their child!)
- Your keep one of your parent's last name! Fizzlebean or Funkbun.
(This all works if you have multiple parents btw! Can make for SUPER crazy long and funny last names. This *all* applies to marriage, too! I hope it is easily applicable. I do not want to go in depth on that. Feel free to hit me an ask about this if you want me to explain it more in depth!! I wouldn't want to exclude polyamorous relationships ^^ )
(Also yes, last names that are just the same word repeated twice/multiple times are possible too. Fizzlefizzle, Funkfunk... How fun are these to say? Gives me Grumpus OC name ideas already.)
But yes! Back to Cromdo! Or any Grumpus in the same situation, but as I've stater earlier, Cromdo is just an example here. If he were to re-marry and NOT change his name, there's two posibilities:
His new partner has a full last name.
In this situation, if they have a child they can keep the full last name from Cromdo's partner. Or they can have one word from his partner + Face. For reasons stated below the child cannot have "Face" as their only last name.
His new partner has a one-worded, short last name like he does.
In this situation, if they have a child they have to name it a combination of their last name's. No exception. Having a short last name is a sign of something happening in your life, and it is traditionally not put onto a child, unless they are adopted with no last name. That still counts as something that happened in their life, as their birth parents possibly just gave them away with no care in the world.
At this point I am almost completely off track, so please do ask me questions as I am not sure where I completely left off - Or rather if there is something I forgot that I wanted to mention.
By the way, for combining last names and such, you can also mis-match! Doesn't even have to be combinations. This applies to everything, even for (Full last name + one-word last names) where it makes sense the most. Examples: Beanfizzle, Bunfunk, Bunbean, Bunfizzle, Beanbun, Beanfunk. I'm personally a big fan of Bunfunk and Beanbun :P)
And this applies to siblings, too! It isn't uncommon for parents naming their children mis-matched last name combinations if they have multiple ones. (This ties into my headcanon for Filbo's many siblings and that he isn't a single child. He's in a big household and has at least 2 siblings. ONE OF WHICH I want to make into an OC! This requires me to make the parents, too, but I am not so bothered about that :P)
I'm out for now, all my brain power has left me a few paragraphs ago and I've got to go eat lunch
But again I encourage people to ask me questions (If anyone was brave enough to read through this!!)
And if I got anything wrong, do let me know! I am not all-knowing and I could've missed some VERY OBVIOUS mistakes.
And sorry if the writing is wonky at times! Sometimes it is done on purpose but sometimes the fact I only pretend I know how to write + the fact English is my second language IS SHOWING
(Also I sometimes just write how I think, without much thought put into the sentence if I don't proof read, so HSDFWERGRGT)
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sukipershipper · 4 years
Can you spill some of ur bugsnax hcs?
I assume you mean with the characters, in which case, Yes of course!  Bear with me though that all of these are going to take place Post-Snaktooth Island. I might do some headcanons on what happened on the island but for now take these.
(SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE END OF THE GAME, I also apologize for it being so freaking long...I actually did not intend on that)
They all lived in a small but very prosperous town, said town doesn’t have a name cause Mun isn’t creative enough to make one yet
After being elected Mayor, Filbo had learned to become more assertive with others. His role as Mayor of the small town involves him doing a few small tasks, like cleaning up the streets or helping with lessons at the schools
Other times however he is brought into meetings to plan celebrations, opening new buildings and ways they can develop the community.
His meeting council includes Floofty, who is always helping him out in terms of his decisions.
His office has all of the trinkets and maps from Liz’s adventures, as well as pictures of everything they did on Snaktooth and all the pictures she and Eggabelle have of each other.
Filbo constantly sends out letters in bottles to Snaktooth in the hopes that Liz and Egg will find it and write back. He is still waiting on a response from them
When he gets bored, he often just draws in a spare journal he has. He does this in meetings or when he’s at a lunch with the others
He had a statue of Liz and Egg made and placed in the center of the town to help remember them and what they stood for
Wambus and Triffany live in a small country home just outside the town next to the beach and a small grotto. 
The place has a large amount of land for Wambus to start a farm with all sorts of sauces. The beach they live next to has a big cave with all sorts of secrets that Triffany is willing to discover.
Reconnecting with their kids has been a challenge, seeing as they left quite abruptly. The kids did eventually start coming around though.
Wambus is a very good cook, lots of people headcanon it and I headcanon it too. The man can make a mean roast. Only reason he never did it on Snaktooth was because the food was already walking around so he had no need to.
Triffany may look like a stick but she’s actually quite strong. On the same levels as Wambus and Chandlo? Maybe not. But she has punted several people before.
She is also very unconventional in her methods, resulting in lots of Scars and broken bones. Wambus had tried bandaging her up before but after failing 15 times he just called Floofty.
Speaking of Floofty, the couple have a very good relationship with the scientist. Floofty often helps Triffany with collecting samples or attempting to help Wambus with growing crops, though those attempts often result in Wambus yelling and Triffany trying to calm her husband down.
Floofty now teaches at the towns school, they’re a very talented professor and many of the students they teach have delighted in their work. Though other teachers find the methods very...unconventional.
Though Floofty is still quite cold hearted to most of the grumpus’ they have learned to be more cheerful towards certain Grumps. One of which being Snorpy and the other being their students.
Many students ask how Floofty lost their leg, to which they reply: That information is irrelevant, but if you truly wish to know then speak with the Mayor
When Not teaching they’re usually helping Snorpy out with anything involving the Grumpinati. Though they aren’t really of much help considering their methods
They definitely are considered a cannibal, Floofty was once seen carrying an arm (no one knows if that was theirs) and took a little nibble of it...then spat it out and complained that it was too salt
They are always helping Filbo out in terms of his mayoral duties.
Gramble and Wiggle share a small little two story home in the town. The house is decorated with all sorts of flowers and different patterns on the fence
While Wiggle is always busy touring, playing music, Gramble became the local veterinarian for the town. His experience with the Snax actually prepared him for the animals. 
He also has a small little puppy, ten times better than any of the Snax he had
Gramble still does keep pictures of Sprout around his room, as much as he hated knowing he harbored a parasite in his home, he still missed the little guy. (I am fully convinced the one at the end though was Sprout)
He and Wiggle began dating right after they settled into the house together, believing that it was much needed change for the both of them.
Gramble knits sweaters for Wiggle since she goes out touring so much, he also knits plush versions of the Snax he kept back on Snaktooth. It was the biggest mistake he made, cause now he envisions them staring at him and wanting to murder him
Wiggle always tries to help him when it comes to his nightmares. Playing white noise or ASMR videos so he can go to sleep
Her songs are very well received and she has quite a lot of publicity. Do The Wiggle is still one of her best selling numbers, but she has some love for her other pieces too.
She is always asked to sing at events by Filbo, and of course she never says no. One of her favorite things to do is get one of the kids to come up and sing Do The Wiggle with her since it’s one of the best songs in their opinion
She has a ring box tucked away in her dresser, she’s waiting for the right moment to pull it out on Gramble and propose
Cromdo is doing much better in life, opening up a successful karaoke bar and gets quite a lot of business from some of the guys in town. 
He also showed the less serious side of himself a lot more, and once he let down such a defensive guard he was able to get further in life, albeit he still has a long way to go
He and Beffica still don’t get along, but they’re on better terms than they were back on Snaktooth 
He hasn’t completely dropped his ways though, he’s still a big old Scumbag (and we love him for it). Often he tries to make a profit off something miniscule like an old bottlecap. 
Though Cromdo is still a scumbag, he helped Filbo and Buddy set up Filbo’s campaign to get him elected
Cromdo still tries stealing Triffany’s stuff and Wambus fucking yeets him all the way into town. How he has no broken bones from that is still a mystery to everyone.
Beffica is now a photographer for the local newspaper, probably not a good choice in many of the Grumps opinions
She is however much better than she was on Snaktooth, and does have a small friend group outside of the Snaktooth Island group
Her old friend group has tried getting in touch with her but she’s very reluctant to talk to them again
Many of the older grumpus’ have basically adopted her because she’s still very shaky after everything, they didn’t expect her to be so shaky but life is surprising.
Her favorite person to go to though is Triffany, for the pure fact that she and Triffany just talk about guys and it’s the best chat ever
She and Filbo are on much better terms, and she may or may not have some feelings hidden for the new Mayor but we will never truly know
She and her ‘Bestie’ go out for Boba tea all the time, a truly fun experience for the both of them
Chandlo takes Snorpy out on morning runs all the time, he’s proud that his bro is taking baby steps into letting the outside world embrace them
Oh, Snorpy is also He/They now, I honestly feel like it fits them
Snorpy and Chandlo moved to a small little apartment complex for now. The home is very quaint and the two have little designated areas for all the stuff they have.
They also had to make room for Floofty as the sibling insisted on staying with their brother for...reasons
Chandlo goes to library a lot to learn new techniques to help Snorpy, but he also secretly reads up on articles about the Grumpinati in the hopes to help Snorpy destroy them one day
He and Floofty have made a strong pact over the fact that Snorpy must be protected at all costs, no exceptions
Snorpy is a lot more open about what he does now, often asking for advice from Chandlo about his inventions and whatnot.
Neither of them are good cooks, they both try but both almost always burn the complex down so they just ask Floofty to do it
Snorpy actually bruises very easily, he is a literal tomato. So he doesn’t always participate in many physical activities but he does try his best
When Snorpy does bruise, Chandlo goes into full panic mode as he doesn’t know how to tend to wounds. No one ever told him that you can put ice to make it go down quicker
They are married, they have all the paperwork signed and the rings to prove it
She does still go by the name Shelda as people aren’t quite used to calling her Shellsy Woolbag
She actually took up dating when she encountered an old friend of hers, such friend does not have a name because as stated before, Mun is not creative
Shelda has a lot of books and meditation CD’s in her shelves, she also has a Tape Player so when she goes out on walks she can listen to some of the best audiobook readings
She and Floofty get a long a little better, sometimes Floofty will give her insight as to what the world is to THEM and Shelda shares a funny story in return, one that does manage to make Floofty laugh surprisingly.
People don’t often see her get out much, possibly because she’s always busy writing up her experiences and whatnot
She is Buddy’s comfort and the one that they room with currently, she is actually very good company believe it or not
She and Buddy also love writing little stories together as practice for her next book, and they also exchange drawings and doodles they’ve done over the course of the day.
And that’s pretty much it! 
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg: 6/13: Adoption
They could’ve perhaps gone straight to Gramble and asked him to adopt the egg but while they were both reasonably sure he’d say ‘yes’ putting that kind of pressure on him wouldn’t have been fair. And it potentially would’ve gotten the town rumor mill going and even in a small town, rumors could get out of control very quickly. They could’ve also gone to each person individually and asked everyone but that was a lot of work and again letting that kind of news possibly spread around unsupervised wouldn’t be wise. So the best and easiest course of action was to gather everyone in town and tell them all at once, asking for volunteers while doing so.
Filbo, amazing and wonderful as always, volunteered to be the one to deliver the news without Buddy even having to ask him to. Which was doubly good because it freed them up to keep watch how everyone reacted and hopefully observe how judgmental they were all likely to be. Buddy had encountered enough hostility from others over expressing their desire to never have kids when it was merely hypothetical, such judgment was only bound to be much worse when there was an actual egg in the equation. They weren’t going to tolerate it if it arose, especially since Filbo had already expressed feeling guilty over the decision.
“As you guys already know, Buddy and I have an egg,” Filbo said as soon as everyone had gathered in the center of town. Given how unsure he’d been just a little while ago, his voice was impressively almost steady, for him anyway. “We had a talk about it after they woke up and we have decided that being parent isn’t a good fit for us and that we should uh… put the egg up for adoption. Which is where you guys come in since you’re the only ones here who could possibly adopt it. So uh… any volunteers?”
The look on most everyone’s face was surprise. As expected, the expressed desire to not be a parent was a rare thing, even more so when an egg had already been born. No one looked mad or offended right off the bat though, seemingly so anyway because Cromdo always looked kind of angry.
Gramble unsurprisingly was the first to step forward. He didn’t get a chance to speak though as Cromdo stepped forward too, cutting him off. “What kind of grump actually wants to give their child up and never see them again? That just don’t make sense.”
“Geez Cromdo,” Beffica cut in, “you seem awfully into this egg. First you’re giving Filbo advice on how to take care of it and now you’re offended he doesn’t want to. And you got that dad tie in your hut, I was sure it was for a scheme but now I’m starting to think it might not be.”
He turned to growl at her. “What are you doing snooping around my cabin? That tie and why I have it ain’t none of yours or anyone else’s business. But…” he snapped back around to face Buddy and Filbo again, “if you two assholes really don’t got what it takes to care for that egg, I’ll do it.”
“No!” Gramble finally spoke up. “I want it. I’ve always wanted an egg but uh… Just let me adopt it, okay?”
“Well if Gramble wants it then I do too,” Wiggle came in with her almost sing-songy tone. “Maybe taking care of a little one will be the exact thing my muse needs to get kicked into gear.”
“You two know I’d take better care of it then Cromdo,” Gramble said. “Especially with Wiggle’s help.”
To nobody’s surprise Cromdo had an objection to that. “Nuh-uh, you’re half-starved and Wiggle just said she wants to use the grumpling solely for inspiration so how could you two possibly do a good job raising a kid?”
“Uh… for what it’s worth,” Triffany cut in before Gramble or Wiggle could do more than gasp in offense, “me and Wamby just had a quick talk and we got experience with raising youngins, two of them in fact and they turned out great. We was thinking about having another but uh… waited a bit too long it seems. So we’d like to be considered for adopting the egg too please.”
“Heck, I volunteer also,” Beffica said, raising a paw.
“You? Really?” Cromdo said, almost as incredulous as Buddy felt.
“Yeah. It’s none of your business why, but I think having a little grumpling might be nice.” Ah, yeah, probably something to do with her expressed belief that she was always gonna end up alone if Buddy had to guess. “Especially since with so many others here who want it too, I’d probably have plenty of help taking care of them and stuff, right?”
“That’s a great idea Beff!” Filbo cut in, pointing at her. “Since all you guys want it, you can maybe all adopt it? And like take turns with it or something. It wouldn’t even be that hard to do with how everyone’s practically neighbours here. And that way Buddy and I don’t have to choose. And, there’s that ‘it takes a village to raise a child,’ saying. It’s probably true, right? So… if everyone’s cool with that…” he trialed off, opening his arms in a gesture for one of the potential adoptees to speak again.
“Well,” Wambus spoke up, “it’s your egg. If that’s how you and Buddy want us to do it then we could probably give it a go. It’d let me and Triffy continue focusing on our own stuff a lot too.”
Filbo turned to Buddy, the question on his face. Trying not to notice how everyone else was staring at them now too, they shrugged. “It can’t hurt, can it?”
Filbo turned back to face everyone else. “I guess that’s how we’re going to do it. You guys can figure out the specifics amongst yourselves, right?”
“Yep! And dibs on pouching the egg first.” Before she’d even finished speaking, Beffica was making her way over to Buddy. “Hey Bestie, I’ll take good care of them, I promise. I’ll make sure the others do too.”
“Thanks,” Buddy said as they handed the egg over with an internal sigh of relief. That had been surprisingly easy and quick to get taken care of and other than Cromdo no one had gotten openly angry at them. The whole thing was almost too good to be true.
As soon as it was safely in Beffica’s paws and before any of the others could get here, they turned and left. Fast walking away because they were done with all that and had important stuff to get back to.
“Wow, that went really well,” Filbo said as he fell into step with them.
“Yeah. No regrets, right?” Buddy certainly felt none.
“Uh… no actually. I still feel kind of bad about doing it or uh… wanting to do it I guess but… it’s a huge relief too.”
A few seconds later, they reached Filbo’s hut. Inside, they pulled their backpack up off the floor and opened it up to pull out Sprout. He seemed rather miffed about having been left in the dark for so long if his frantic skittering around against the walls of his buggy ball and agitated tone in his voice was anything to go by. They pushed him back into their pouch where he belonged, quieting him down immediately. Hmm… they were more attached to a strawberry with googly eyes than to their own egg. That was certainly a bit strange but it didn’t really matter, everyone was happier this way.
Next, they pulled out their camera and hung it around their neck. Then, after zipping the pack closed, they checked to make sure all their hunting equipment was firmly attached to it and that their notebook and recorder were safely in the side pocket before heaving it up onto their shoulders. They then turned to towards the exit where Filbo was standing watching them with a concerned expression on his face. Uh oh.
“You’re uh… not planning on heading out, are you?” he asked even though the way he was blocking the door made it pretty clear he already knew the answer and didn’t like it.
Buddy had to hold back a sigh at yet another delay. “I need to find the Snaxsquatch again and see if I can’t get it to communicate with me more.” And thank it for helping them out. “And I also need to hunt for food for everyone. And I still need to find Lizbert, remember? She’s kinda important for my story and your best friend so you should want me to find her as soon as possible.”
Filbo shifted his stance a bit so that he was blocking the door a bit more. “I do but… you literally gave birth yesterday. You need to rest.”
“I rested plenty already.” That had been the longest they’d slept perhaps in their whole life, especially if one didn’t count the half-awake state they’d been in when stumbling out to raid Wambus’ garden as being properly awake. “It was like midday yesterday when I went into labor and it’s past midday now. That’s like a whole twenty-four hours wasted already.” Not to mention all the time they’d wasted over the past few months because providing for the formation of the egg inside them had drained so much of their already sparse resources. Now that it was outof them, they could devote themself even more to finding Lizbert and completing their story.
Filbo’s frown deepened, making Buddy feel bad because they just wanted to make him happy. “Please. Just… for the rest of today. You can get back to work tomorrow after breakfast but… just take it easy for a little while longer.”
Buddy took a breath to insist on going out now because it was important. The story and finding Lizbert for her sake most of all but the sooner they finished, the sooner they could go home and eat real food again too. If they pushed hard enough, they could probably get Filbo to fold and let them go or perhaps he might firmly stand his ground for once, that’d be nice to see. But… they were still really tired and sore, their pelvis most of all but definitely they just hurt in general too. And they didn’t want to test Filbo’s newfound limits, not yet anyway, not right after the emotional conversation they’d just had about the egg and possibly breaking up over it. So… with a sigh they took their pack off and let it drop to the floor with a thump.
“Does this mean you’re not going out?” Filbo asked with hope and maybe a bit of pride in his voice.
“Yeah.” They put their precious camera away again, not bothering to hide the fact that they were unhappy about this. They reached down to pull Sprout out of their pouch too but… no, he got to stay just because. So instead they turned to look at Filbo again. “As soon as I’m up tomorrow morning, I’m heading out.”
“After breakfast.”
“No. I’ll eat breakfast while on the go.” It would give them an excuse to walk slow.
Filbo looked like he was going to protest but ultimately sighed and finally stepped away the door. “Okay, I guess that’s probably the best I can hope for, huh?”
I'm allowed to dip into the same well of inspiration twice; half the town adopting the egg is inspired by the Adopted Egg AU. Conversations about that started up around the time I was getting close to writing this chapter and I liked it so half the town adopts it because that kind of thing is cute. Though, unlike the Adopted Egg AU, it doesn't eventually extend into everyone having a turn with the egg, only the group who spoke up have adopted it here.
Also, this was were the fic was supposed to end but it didn't feel complete yet especially with Buddy's instance on being like 'now that that's taken care of it's time for me to go run around and do stuff again' even though they'd just finished going through a surprise labor like 24 hours ago. So I continued writing until the physical fallout of the pregnancy and birth while they're so malnourished and stuff reach a conclusion as well.
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Buddy’s Problem part 2
Okay! Part two is done! Part three probably isn't gonna be until after the New Year, though, but it should be the final part.
Enjoy the story, and have a Merry Christmas! :D
As it turned out, being a campaign manager was pretty difficult, especially when Buddy had to travel to a whole different town for it. Filbo lived in a small farming town called Kinsing. Several other members of the expedition lived there too, though Wiggle, Gramble, and Cromdo lived in Gippsenburg. Either way, apparently Filbo wasn't very well known, having moved to Kinsing recently.
That was useful, and Buddy could totally work with that.
First was getting him nominated, which was easy as anyone could throw their name in. Filbo actually did that himself, though he needed some coaxing from Buddy to actually put it into the box. They then went out for burgers(not Bungers, thankfully) afterwards. They were joined by Beffica, who was shocked that Filbo was running for a real political position.
"Like, seriously? That's awesome you squeeb!" She gave him a soft punch to the arm, which he winced at. She didn't notice, or maybe just ignored it. "I didn't think you had it in you."
"Well, I mean, I ended up doing pretty good back at Snax- on Snaktooth, so I figured I might as well try for the real thing." He told her, rubbing the soon-to-be-bruise. "Worst thing that could happen is I'll lose to Robbzoni."
"Ugh, Robbzoni. He's the worst." She helped herself to Buddy's fries, even as he tried to yank the plate away from her. "He's the real reason we don't have anymore flowers by the roads. He kept stealing them, so eventually the town stopped replacing them."
"How the grump did you find that out, Beff?" Buddy asked before shoving the whole handful of remaining fries into his mouth. She just shrugged and went for Filbo's plate instead.
"I snooped, Bestie. Just like I always do. Did." She corrected herself quickly, looking away. "I, uh, used to do that."
"So..." Buddy searched for a new topic. "What do you do now, anyways?"
"Oh, I got hired as a reporter at CGN. It's a bit of a commute, but not so bad." She shrugged. "And my coworkers aren't so bad, either."
Ah, the rival for GNN. Buddy remembered all the fights that had broken out between reporters at events. He also remembered the time he raided their office with some of his coworkers and stole all of their paperclips. It was in retaliation for them stealing all the rubber-bands at GNN. Which was to get back at them for stealing all of CGN's staples.
Good times.
"Here." He dug out a bottle of pepper-spray and handed it to the shorter Grumpus. "You'll need this."
"Uh." She looked between him and the large canister. "... Thanks. I think."
"No problem." He took a long drag on his soda as the conversation drifted away from him. Which was just fine, as he was busy brainstorming anyways, writing down plans and ideas into his journal. So far he didn't have a lot, but he'd talk to Filbo about it later and see what they could do.
Maybe a party? Filbo always seemed to like them, back on Snaktooth, so maybe that would be a good way to win him some votes.
The rest of the time passed by in a blur. Events were held, debates, parties, even a couple of bake sales that reminded Buddy of his school days. Speeches were made, each carefully crafted to have the best effect on the small populace of the town.
Wambus was actually a big help with that. As a farmer himself, he knew what to say to get and keep the farmers on Filbo's side. So they ended up conferring with him a lot, which meant going to his and Triffany's house a lot.
He was a surprisingly good cook, honestly. The meals they shared there were some of the best Buddy ever ate. He really would miss those nights when everything was done here, but that was no reason not to continue the "quest" for Filbo.
It was one such night, where Wambus had grilled some delicious steaks and corn on the cobs. He also had some homegrown sauces that he'd brought from Snaktooth, which made Buddy a little uneasy. But, the older farmer seemed to know what he was doing with that so he let it go for now.
"You seem to be getting pretty popular, dear." Triffany was saying to Filbo as Buddy doodled in his journal. He flipped it around to show Wambus his idea of a steak-based Bugsnax, only for the farmer to just grunt in acknowledgement. That was good enough for him though and he put the book aside to eat some more.
"Heh, yeah." Filbo rolled his corn on the cob in some butter. "It's all thanks to Buddy, though. He's doing great on the whole 'campaign manager' thing."
"It's not that hard." Buddy shrugged. "Not like you're running for Minister of the Public or something. It's just a few events to plan, and, like, two debates."
"True, but it still seems like a lot of work." Filbo actually looked kind of concerned, but Buddy waved it off.
"It's... it's really not." He told them, even though it kind of was. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a full night's sleep, but it was definitely before Snaktooth.
"It would be tiring to be around all those people all the time." Wambus agreed. "I could never do that."
"Of course not, dear." Triffany agreed. "That's why you're a farmer."
Buddy watched the exchange with a small smile as Filbo took over the conversation, asking after the sauce crops. Whatever problems the couple had, he was glad they were working them out. He didn't want to even think about what would've happened if their marriage had broken up like...
Well, it wasn't good to dwell on it.
Wambus was right though; it was tiring being a campaign manager. He was almost glad the elections were ending soon, if only so he could get some more sleep. And then focus on finding a real job, as his savings were starting to run a little dry.
Still, as he watched his three companions, he felt content with how it was shaping up. Filbo was excitedly explaining all his plans for being Mayor, from replanting the flowers around the walking paths to finally getting the pot holes fixed. He even started explaining his plans to renovate the park in detail before Wambus finally reminded him to actually eat his steak.
"Oh, heh. Right." He cut a piece off, then opened his mouth to keep talking. Buddy took the opportunity to grab his wrist and shove the fork into his mouth.
"Eat it." He told him firmly, to quiet giggling from Triffany. Filbo shot him a glare, but obeyed, chewing quietly. Buddy then grabbed a forkful of his own steak to chew on, ignoring Triffany's pointed look.
The rest of the night passed without incident. In Buddy's opinion, it ended too soon. But then, it always did. And soon enough Buddy was back at his table in his apartment, drawing up more plans for the campaign. Luckily, the people seemed to really like Filbo. Or maybe they just hated Robbzoni that much more. Either way, according to the mid election survey Filbo was looking to be the popular candidate.
Still, he couldn't relax yet, there was still too much to do. The election itself was tomorrow. People would vote in the morning and the results would be announced both that afternoon, and in the next morning's paper. There would be one last speech before the vote though, and Buddy wanted to make sure it was perfect.
However as the time got later, and he had started the speech pretty later anyways, he found himself unwillingly drawn into sleep. Even as he tried to fight it off with copious amounts of caffeine, he inevitably passed out.
When he woke up, it was to Filbo calling him. In a panic, he grabbed his papers and raced out the door, practically flying down the stairs and into his car. He broke several traffic laws, but he managed to get to Kinsing Town Hall just barely on time. As he ran inside, he tried desperately to sort through the garbled mess of a speech he'd written.
He made his way to the backstage area, where Filbo was talking to... someone. Buddy felt like he should know the other Grumpus, but his exhausted mind just refused to make the connection. In any case, as soon as the Grumpus had left he was rushing up to Filbo, rapidly spewing apologies all the way.
"Sorry, sorry! I think I still have some time to, uh, to-to fix this? Maybe?!" His voice rose an octave and he quickly cleared his throat and tried to laugh off the rising panic. "I was up too late I think. Working. On this." He gave another short laugh, internally wincing at how off it sounded.
"Hey hey, it's okay." Filbo had to grab his shoulders, forcing them down from where Buddy had unconsciously hunched into himself. "I've got this one." He told him. Buddy blinked in surprise, hands lowering and almost dropping his papers.
"... You... you 'got' this?" Just what did he mean by that? Was Buddy unneeded? Had he been unneeded this whole time?
"Yeah. Since you've been working so hard lately, I figured I'd just, y'know, handle my own speech for today. " He gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, I probably should've told you sooner-Oh!" He jumped at something the Grumpus on stage was saying. "There's my cue! See ya later!" He gave a quick wave before rushing off to get on stage, oblivious to Buddy's aborted attempt to reach for him.
'He didn't need me...' Quietly, Buddy dropped his speech into the trash. He then went for the snack table they had set up to get some coffee. 'I don't know why I even tried.'
The speeches were said, and then the voting happened. The surprising part, at least to Buddy, was that as they each voted the other members of the expedition would come up to them. A couple offered a "Good luck" or two, but none of them really left afterwards. They all hung around, and talked.
It made Buddy feel even more like he shouldn't have come. Filbo had plenty of people to keep him company for this, he didn't need Buddy Nobody did anymore.
So he sat just a little bit outside of the group, speaking only when someone talked to him directly. Other than that, he just drank his coffee quietly and wondered when would be a good time for him to leave.
It turned out never. The others never forgot about him for long enough for him to be able to slip away. Floofty in particular seemed intent on watching him, and they weren't blinking. He knew this because he straight up had a staring contest with the mad scientist, and they didn't blink once.
Soon enough, voting had closed and the votes were being counted. Poor Filbo was anxious through the whole thing, but never said anything about regretting running for mayor. Buddy was actually kind of proud of him for that, if he was being honest. He knew how hard the light blue Grumpus could be on himself, and he was glad he had gained some confidence at least.
Even if it was just another sign that he wasn't a help to him anymore. That he wasn't a help to anyone here anymore.
But, when they announced that Filbo had won, that he'd done it and beat out longtime Mayor Robbzoni, everyone present cheered. And not just the ones from Snaxburg, either, but everyone else who was hanging around. As everyone congratulated the new Mayor, and the MC announced when the official swearing in ceremony would take place, Buddy gave a quiet sigh into his coffee. Mentally, he ticked this quest as complete, but no new objectives came to mind.
"Hey, Buddy!" He looked up to see Filbo waving at him, and gave a small wave back. "We'll all going to Gramble's place to celebrate. You coming?"
Would he go? No. There wasn't anything for him to do there and besides, he had to get started on job hunting.
"... You guys go on ahead. I'll... I'll catch up with you later." There. Now he could go home and the others could get started on whatever came next for them.
Filbo hesitated a moment, searching Buddy's face intently. Then he shrugged and turned to follow the others. "Well, okay. If you're sure."
And then he was gone, along with the rest. Buddy put down his still full cup and stood up, dusting his fur off. He went to his car, a tiny little red thing that really needed to be traded in, and drove down the road back to Gippsenburg. He had a stop to make before he went home to his apartment, and then maybe he could finally work on forgetting everything.
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Made a Grumpus OC
They're just one of few of them..not sure if I'll draw any of them, I drew them because..I'm bored
I have a grumpsona in mind..but I'm not finish with it's design
I guess I'll explain them
Amly Ductforce(I'm bad at names) came to Snaktooth island because they were bored and needed a vacation from their "job"
He's gender-fluid and doesn't mind people getting his pronouns wrong when he doesn't feel that gender, but some just call him a "They" and that's fine by him
One thing that she's really good at, is lying and stealing. When she came to Snaktooth Island, she started her hobby right away and stole some things from Wambus which got him pretty upset
He gives everyone nicknames despite not liking anyone besides Cromdo
She likes order yet enjoys chaos, sometimes, she would plant random objects that belong to the residents in each other's huts to start up something
When the town split, he went to the Boiling Bay due to the nice warm yet cold feel to it and because she wanted to steal stuff from Floofty
They're probably in their late 40s early 50s
Her and Cromdo get along for the most part as long as she doesn't steal anything from him
In their hut, they have a lot of stolen objects, most from Wambus
Their hut is beside Liz and Egg's hut but is to the right of the beach
If he was in the game, then you'd meet them the same time you meet Floofty
She doesn't like Lizbert because she always calls her out on the stuff she steals, same for Beffica
Due to his hatred to Lizbert, he shares the same hatred towards Eggabell but doesn't go out his way to steal from her, seeing her as too fragile
He's scared of Chandlo(because he would snap her like a twig), Shelda(because she acts like a cult leader), and Gramble(because he's too nice)
If they get caught stealing, they lie about it and theres a 90% chance it'll work due to their confident sounding voice and being a bit manipulative
Dialogue in game:
What everyone thinks of them
"Oh..them? They're..ok, as long as they don't cause any trouble.."
"She's just a thief, no wonder her and Cromdo work so well together, they're nothing but squeebs."
"I never spoke to him before..but..I don't think he likes me very much.."
"She stole my banjo and said she wanted to play a song, but then she threw it off a cliff! I'm so glad I have fast reflexives."
"All they do is steal stuff! Then lie about stealing that stuff! I haven't gotten my inventions back in 3 months!"
"Ah..that grump is something all right..greatest business partner ever, she and I are gonna rule the money world!"
"Oh..Amly? I don't come in contact with her often but Wamby doesn't like her."
"After they stole my balls AND Snorpy's inventions, I promised to never speak to them for the rest of my life bro!"
"I don't appreciate them stealing my leg or my notes. If given the chance, I would experiment on them."
"Do not speak of thy name who gladly would turn his back on us if given the chance!"
"Nope. I don't like her at all..she's not that attractive..and she hangs with Cromdo."
"I really don't like it when she tries to remove my arm..it hurts my feelings.."
Being asked about Floofty:
"I like stealing their stuff but if I offered to help them, I think they'll kill me."
Meeting them:
"Woah..a new face! I haven't seen anyone new around here in..grumping forever!"
"Who are ya and why are you talking to me?"
"Oh! You're that amateur journalist Lizzie was talking about! I thought you were never coming, isn't this grand? New faces! New people! New stuff to..borrow!"
"I'm Amly Dustforce, the ruler of Snaktooth island!"
Will you come back to town?
"Wait..town? No way..if Cromy's not there, then I'm not going!"
"Also, I'm a little parched, can ya get me a Sqaquiri? I'd drink those things, everyday of the week, maybe we can..cut a deal, how's that sound doll?"
*Caught Sqaquiri*
"Now THAT was a refreshing beveridge, thanks doll!"
"So, ya want me to come back to town? Well, I might need some convincing, I want ya to find out what that Filbo kid does when nobody's lookin, I could use it for..things."
*You find out what Filbo does*
"HA! Are you serious?! Oh jezz, and I thought he couldn't be more of a squeeb! HAHA! Goodness..that's a laugh I needed..ha!"
"Good to know theres some things to see in town, but I'm more interested in WHAT is in town."
"For ya final task, I want ya to steal Beffica's diary..then rip out some pages that are interesting, and give them to me. Easy."
*You grab the pages*
"Sweet! Good job my messenger grump!"
"*sigh*, I think I'm ready to go to town..but..first I want you to get Cromy in town."
But you said that was the final task
"I lied."
"Get Cromy in town and I'll follow right behind, deal?"
*Cromdo is in town*
"Wow! That was..slow but it'll do!"
"Thanks doll, looking forward to chatting with ya! Farewell!"
Have time for an interview?
"Interview? That sounds fun! I'm in."
Who are you?
"Amly Ductforce, it's pronounced Aim-ly. Strange. I know."
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
"I heard of Lizzie's stupid conspiracy on TV, I was about to change the channel when I heard there was an island involved, and I just so happened to be looking for a place to host my vacation. So I packed up and lied about being interested in her expedition."
Vacation from what?
"My life. My job. My family. Everything basically."
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
"I guess they're ok, the names could be better..but some taste pretty good. Note, keep away from the Aggroll."
"Because those things will break some bones and the flavor isn't even worth it! Also because it's named after someone I'm not found of."
Why did you leave town?
"I could handle the drama between Wamby and Gram, but once Cromy left, I had no reason to stay. I wanted to follow him, but I decided to live near the beach instead, so yeah."
What do you think about Cromdo?
"Me and him have a pretty decent relationship, I give him what he wants and he takes the fall for me. Simple business."
Are you planning on betraying him?
"No way, he's cool, I don't consider him a friend, but he's still great to work with."
Any info on Lizbert?
"Liz..I grumping hate her! She keeps saying I stole stuff from her, I would never do such a thing! If she didn't have that little obstacle beside her, I would burn her hut down!"
Woah, calm down. Who's this obstacle?
"I am calm..just speaking out my mind. And I'm talking about Eggabell. The doctor? Lizzie's girlfriend? Eggy bell? Yeah. She and her are like..two papers in a file. Theres nothing you can do to separate those two."
What happened to Lizbert?
"If we're being honest, I'm not sure."
Are you lying?
"Heh. For once in my life, no. I really don't know what happened to Lizzie, she went up that mountain and didn't come back."
How do you know she went up the mountain?
"I saw her."
Why didn't you tell anyone?
"I did. Nobody besides Cromy believed me, guess that's the price being the best liar in the world."
That'll be it. Thank you
"No problem doll, that was pretty fun! Here, have this!"
*stolen piece of journal paper*
"Found it while cleaning Lizzie's hurt, it might help ya in someway. Any who, I gotta run, farewell!"
Side Quests:
"Heya doll, you won't believe what I discovered! It'll help ya find Liz!"
"First..get me a Poptick..it's very important."
"Trust me! It's super super SUPER important!
Sure, I guess
"Caramel please."
*Got the Poptick*
"Perfect..now..I need a Snaquiri.."
Are you going to tell me why?
"Nope. Make it quick! I have a feeling my brain's about to forget everyone!"
*Got the Snaquiri*
"Good..now..I need a Cheery, that'll be all to finish this!"
I have a feeling you're lying
"I'm hurt."
"Hurry up! I'm losing my life force!"
*Got the Cheery*
"That's it. I was just hungry."
Why did you say it was important
"There was no way you'd do it if I asked, so I just..slightly lied."
"Calm down doll! Everything fine! Nobody got hurt.."
You have a lying problem
"I know..but I can't do anything about it, it's the only thing I got."
"When you're a liar, nobody wants to be around you, nobody likes you..and nobody will trust you."
"Ever since birth, I lied, stole, and broke so many things, nobody wants anything to do with me. I had no friend and my family kept saying I was a bad person..so I don't talk to them anymore."
"Lying is all I got left doll and if I stop, I got nothing. So I'm not stopping anytime soon, so deal with it."
"Thanks for the food..farewell."
Welcome back message:
"Heya Wamby, didn't know you'd be back either! How sweet! The gangs coming back!"
"Amly, if you go near my farm-"
"What? Me? Go near your farm? No way! I would never!"
"Don't think that everyone things you're a saint! Only Cromdo thinks that!"
"I don't think I am one, but it's nice knowing you think so!"
"Just stay away from my farm."
"Deal. Happy catching up with you!"
Major Celebration Dialogue:
"You know, Cromby..maybe we should take a break from our business, we're making a few people upset by it."
"Agreed. What should we do to be occupied til then?"
"Hm..maybe we could sell Bugsnax? I could..borrow that trap the journalist uses."
"Yeah..yeah I like that idea!"
"It's settled! Cromy and Amly's marketing lives on!"
"We need a better name."
*approaching him*
"Heya doll, how's the party?"
*asked to dance*
"Sorry, but I'm working. Maybe when we sell out."
*sold out*
"Wow! That was quick, how's about a dance Cromy?"
"You bet! Meet you on the dance floor!"
Reaction to partner(I guess..he paired with Cromdo and Beff):
Cromdo: "Grumping..NO!"
Beffica: "Wait..no..what..what's going on?!"
Dying message:
"I'm nothing but a liar..a cold..worthless liar. I hurt so many people..no wonder I have no friends..at least I got bugsnax.."
Final message(Good ending):
"What the ever grump was all that?! Why..did...oh zonk who cares?We're alive! Ha ha! Amly lives to see a new day!
You know..after all of this..I think I'll finally turn over that new leaf..I'll quit my job..and start fresh in the country. I should also apologize to everyone I hurt, so..sorry doll, I stole your pen...
Geez that took a lot out of me! Ah! This'll be hard!
But..it feels..kinda nice..guess I shouldn't wait around..farewell, til we cross paths again, doll."
Final message(Bad ending)
"What..the grump? Cromdo..he's..gone. This..makes me..realize..our lives are so..fragile, I..shouldn't waste it..
Oh Cromdo..if I known that..I would have put myself in your place
At least..maybe we could be together..again
Business partners forever...ha.."
I over complicate everything
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