#also school did hella damage to my brain in general
Just had a dream that I was taking a math final and I didn’t finish it. Like I was halfway done and time was up. And I was left with the familiar feeling of frustration and gauging if I failed this it’ll tank my grade from an A to a C or worse. And have woken up to that feeling of sadness and inadequacy cuz I failed my math final in my dream.
I’ve been out of school for 5 years now.
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So Now I’m Back, From Outer Space
(Kidding, but I did go to The Kennedy Space Centre and I’m obsessed.)
I stopped writing this blog over a year ago. The last two posts here weren’t even originally written for this page, but were op-eds for the school paper that I’d written, once I’d returned to university to finish my undergrad. You see, I’d left school for two years -- largely as a result of being able to reckon with what it meant to study at an institution that cared so little for my future, and that of my fellow students. 
(For a backstory you can control+F “Divestment” and skim any number of pieces I’d vomited forth whilst desperate/angry/disillusioned with the lack of action said institution was taking on climate change.)
There are a myriad of reasons (is this the correct way to use “myriad”?) why I stopped writing as “The Lazy Environmentalist”. Not least among them was that, for a while, I wasn’t sure if I should be speaking up at all -- even if it was just to an audience of a casual dozen. As douchey and self-righteous as it sounds (is) I refer to myself as a climate justice activist or organizer, and a couple years back, I realized I was showing up to climate justice spaces in a pretty shitty way. I figured because I wanted to be there that I should be there. I thought that because I wanted to speak up that I should speak up-- somehow not realizing that my being there meant that I was taking the place of someone else, or that in speaking up I was speaking over other voices. I needed to learn to be quiet. Not silent necessarily, not absent by any means, but simply more aware of my surroundings-- who was missing because I was taking their space, who wasn’t being heard, because I’m so fucking noisy. 
In this way, it was good that I took a break from writing for a little while, because it helped me to see that sometimes (most of the time) my voice isn’t the one that needs to be heard-- especially when it comes to discussions regarding climate change and climate justice. 
I also need to acknowledge that because this whole exercise is largely self-indulgent, when I stopped writing I was really just letting myself off the hook. This blog, like it says in that gross yellow font at the top of the page, exists so I can hold myself to account, and that still rings true. Did I pull out my laptop in a frenzy tonight because I’ve decided that I once again need to stuff my trash in a mason jar and make my mom feel bad for taking me to restaurants that send home leftovers in styrofoam? No-- behaving like that was pointless at best, and harmful otherwise. Me toting around my trash in an instagrammable jar does nothing to reduce the amount of plastic choking a baby Laysan Albatross, and my saint of a mother doesn’t need to carry the guilt of the lack of plastic materials regulation around on her shoulders simply because I don’t feel like finishing my zimarika at our favourite Greek restaurant. 
No. When I say this blog exists to hold me to account I mean that the act of writing is one of the best things I can do when it comes to working against the forces driving climate change. Not because anyone reads this-- we’ve already established no one save my big sister (hey, Kayla) does-- but because its through writing that I force myself to sit with my thoughts and digest the literal constant deluge of terrible news about human-inflicted damage on the planet and all of its inhabitants. When I stopped writing I gave myself permission to be intellectually lazy (not cute, contrary to my chosen moniker). When I say I’ve been in a cognitive fog the last few years I’m not even being that obnoxiously hyperbolic-- I honestly feel like I’ve retreated into a world of podcasts and quickly skimmed news articles-- I’ve eschewed my own ideas and feelings because when things are as desperately, existentially terrifying as they are in the year of our lord (lol, there is no God) 2019, its easier to let someone else, someone smarter, tell you what to feel, what to worry about, and how to think. I think when I opened my laptop 21 minutes ago it was on a whim that maybe thats not what’s best for me anymore. I think if I want to devote my time, my brain, my heart to saving what I can of my home that I need to push myself to dig a little deeper into the recesses of the ole’ lobes (ew?) and try to figure out why I’m here, doing this fucking work in the first place, and also what I fucking mean when I say “this work”. “This work” sounds vague and self-aggrandizing and I’m in a time of my life where I think I need specifics and tangibilities. 
Finally, I stopped writing as “The Lazy Environmentalist” because I wasn’t sure . if that’s who I was anymore. I’m definitely a fucking lazy individual-- even at this moment I’m lying in bed at a somewhat cramped and awkward angle because I can’t be bothered to shift myself into a seated position (lol @ the misfortune of my neck). However, I don’t like the idea of letting myself take the easy way out because I’ve accepted that I am fundamentally a lazy person. Is my aversion to accepting my habitual sluggishness perhaps rooted in questionable puritanical christian societal values? Like, ya probably. Does that mean that it’s a good thing to watch 6 hours of Criminal Minds and tell myself that its okay to buy that dress from Zara because there’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism, so fuck it? No. Obviously. Criminal Minds is gross (though Reid is still hella cute) and fast fashion is terrible for both people and planet (so props to me for actually putting that dress back on the rack last week even though I didn’t look terrible in it and honestly I could use another shapeless sack in my wardrobe).  
As for the “Environmentalist” part of “The Lazy Environmentalist”I also feel more than a little weird about that too. The term is fucking loaded, and carries a lot of terrible history with it. The environmental movement has and still does a really god-awful job of caring about people (despite people being animals - woah who’s really eschewing anthropocentrism now, Tim*?!) But for real, forgetting the fact that from the purely cold, calculating, strategic reality that we can’t save the planet unless we have more people on board with the concept, and that we can’t do that effectively if we don’t speak to those in marginalized communities (those always most at risk to climate catastrophe) environmentalism has been not only ineffective and alienating for a fuck-ton of people over the decades-- environmentalists have been intensely harmful to people -- there are still environmentalists who think the best use of our time is to devastate Northern Communities by rallying against the seal hunt, and pushing veganism in communities that it simply doesn’t make sense for from a cultural/historical/geographic standpoint. Old school preservationist environmentalism is based in super gross settler ideas of manifest destiny, and protecting an “untouched” wilderness, ignoring the fact that Inuit, Anishnaabe, Mi’kmaq, Tsleil-Waututh, Cree, and hundreds of other Indigenous Nations lived QUITE HARMONIOUSLY on this land for EONS (and still do) before we settlers got here, thought of ourselves as separate from the land, parcelled it up, sold it off, decided to ~protect~ a fraction because God said so or whatever, and generally started fucking shit up. 
So yeah, the term Environmentalist kind of makes me feel uneasy, as it should,  because it carries with it a history of violence-- a history that is still being perpetuated today. 
That being said, the term environmentalist also makes me think of my Grandma (cute, right?) I don’t necessarily think she would have considered herself an environmentalist, but she was the single most compassionate, loving person I’ve ever known, and yes I idolize her and hold her to a standard that no one else will ever meet but that’s okay, because she was my Grandma and I’m supposed to think she was perfect and magic. I mention my Grandma (her name was Lecetta) because she’s who made my into a little lazy environmentalist. She took me on trips to see Manatee rehab centres in Florida, walks through the Carolinian forest near her house, and swimming in Lake Huron. On the days we were inside we watched PBS nature documentaries and read books about wildlife in North America and on Saturday mornings she’d sit with me as I sobbed during WWF infomercials in what I realize now was a pretty weird weekly self-flagellation ritual. What I’m trying to say with this bizarre tangent is that the term “environmentalist” still holds some pretty earnest intention for me, and I’m remiss to entirely abandon the roots of what compels me to defend our home. 
So, circling back to what I’d initially tried to start saying with this post- I think I’m going to start writing here again. I think I’m going to see if this helps me be the sort of person I want to be: the still sometimes lazy, but still earnest environmentalist- trying to figure out what my place is- in the movement, in my community, on the planet, and simply within myself. 
*There’s no one named Tim
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
today was alright, would’ve been good even but my stomach was bugging me pretty much the whole day so that kind of soured my day. I initially woke up at like 10 but fell back asleep till 12 when my alarm went off. Got ready, got an uber, and went to my doctor’s appointment. new doctor, but he’s part of northwestern’s whole medical complex, so I’d been in the building before (it has a heck of a lot of doctors in it). so this was a reference for the chest pain. we spent a while going over history of acid reflux and everything associated with that, and description of symptoms, he said he doesn’t really think an endoscopy would be necessary since I’ve had like 3 and they’ve mostly been like meh but it sounds like a muscle spasm in the esophagus which can really mimic cardiac chest pain, and he prescribed an anti-muscle spasm medication that should help with that, it’s worth noting that I haven’t had an episode since the end of November, when I’d previously been having them like once every two weeks, so that’s significant. I also told him about the current stomach pain issue and what that has been and strange enough he said that also sounded like a muscle spasm issue that I could use this medication to help with, so hey, good with me. I got out of there by like 1:30, earlier than I expected, so I took the bus to school since I figured it wasn’t worth it to go all the way back home to come back down for my night class. I hadn’t expected to be back in time to catch any of my afternoon class that was 1 to 2:15, so I hadn’t done any of the reading, so while I got to school at like 1:50 I decided not to catch the end of class on the chance that I get cold called and have to admit I didn’t do the reading for the first fucking day of class, which is just asking for the prof to think really shitty of you, plus I’d already told this prof about the appointment so he knew where I was, ultimately not worth going. So I settled into the PAD office and started doing the reading for that class in conjunction with the Wednesday assignment, as that’s technically the next class I’ll have after tonight’s which I already did the ready for. I was joined not too long after by this guy who likes to hang out in the office, not on the e-board but a sort of PAD enthusiast, he’s generally been regarded as annoying by most people but I had two classes with him last semester and he’s grown on me to some degree (even though I can tell why others would find him annoying). we mostly sat and did work, talked a bit, and ended up having a fairly deep conversation about depression and finding the right medication and getting your life back on track and trying to pass law school classes when your brain is having chemical imbalance issues. It was a good talk, I’d say. I had brought chinese food with me for dinner which was being kind of difficult and uncooperative, but it worked for the meal. At 5:50 I went up for my class, Remedies, no idea what to expect really, the class is of course based around the “remedy” available in any case- that is, damages, injunction, etc.- the ultimate result of the case, do you want money, do you want someone to not be able to do something, etc. Didn’t know the prof, but he seems like a really cool and chill guy, he was cracking jokes the whole time which is of course appreciated. He apparently worked on the Jon Burge cases which is a Big Deal here in Chicago (Burge was a cop who tortured people into confessing, it was BAD) so that was fairly impressive. I was able to pay attention without trying to hard for most of it, and I really wanted to pick a fight with him over the wrongful life/birth cases he was using in an example but I knew it was completely Not The Point and functionally irrelevant to the actual class, but I still wanted to tell him about the successful wrongful birth lawsuits that have come out of people claiming they’d have aborted their child if they knew they were going to have this medical condition during pregnancy, but not the point, so I didn’t (but I really wanted to). I of course still obsessively was checking my grades during it, and I FINALLY got my bus org’s grade, which I was very relieved to see was a beautiful B+, which is what I was hoping and praying for for that class (I mean an A- would’ve been nice but I’m not trying to tempt fate too much) being that I pretty much failed to pay attention the entire semester and straight up bs-ed (like more than normal bs, like stringing sentences together that you don’t even know what they mean bs) one out of three essay questions on the test, so HEY I will take this with zero complaining. At this point I’m just waiting on poverty law (and every time I think about it I just get an image of my exhausted poverty law professor trying to get everything done and it just being impossible because the world hates poverty lawyers) which I feel fairly confident about, the first question on that test (take home test) was a beast and it was hella hard to do, but I felt very confident in the second one, and she pretty much indicated in the last class that if the work earned it, she had no problem with giving everyone an A (it’s a non-curved class, obviously) so I feel pretty good about that one, hopefully it’ll be a straight A so I’ll end up with 2 A’s, 2 A-’s, and 1 B+, which should put me in pretty good standing overall. We got out around 8, I got home around 9, and decided to watch last week’s episode of The Gifted, which was interesting and somewhat confusing, but ultimately good. And after that I watched the news and then Jimmy Kimmel for a while, which is always entertaining. And yeah, then I started getting ready for bed, my stomach bothering me through pretty much all of this unfortunately but whatever, and yeah that’s it. Tomorrow is my day off from school, which means I have about 500 other things I need to get done, such as reading for class, going to target for food, meds, and CO2 gas for my sodastream because I am dying here without seltzer, and of course the laundry that I was supposed to do in like, November, so there’s a good bit of that (read: covering most of the floor in my admittedly small bedroom). So hopefully I can get all of that done, and I think I’ll end it there. Goodnight my dudes. Pleasant evening.
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cookinguptales · 7 years
Okay so weird question, but how exactly did you get diagnosed with POTS? I was diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome and partial arrhythmia a while ago, and it's only just recently that I've had a doc wonder if I have POTS. He didn't really tell me anything about POTS, and now I'm really lost! Do you think it's unlikely that I could get to be 21 and not be diagnosed?
Strap in, friend, because the story of how I got diagnosed is long and unpleasant.
So to start off, here’s a basic explanation of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It’s a syndrome, which means that it is a description of a collection of symptoms rather than an underlying cause. Frankly, doctors aren’t super sure why any of this happens, what exactly causes it, or even if it’s genetic or what. (But my mom, sister, and grandmother all show signs of mild POTS, so uh. It’s probably genetic.) The long and short of it, though, is that your blood vessels are supposed to automatically tighten or release in order to control blood flow. When you stand up, they tighten to counteract gravity and make sure blood stays where it should be. When you have POTS, your blood vessels don’t do what they’re supposed to do. Your autonomic nervous system stops controlling this tightening and loosening process, which means your blood flow is not being adequately controlled. (Also, there seems to be some research showing that #1, we tend to have more elastic blood vessels, which means they just expand when they fill up more – bad because that means your body can’t use blood pressure to regulate blood flow, either, and #2, we may not always have enough blood in our bodies to fill our blood vessels, so again, shitty blood pressure.) ANYWAY, what all this means in practice is that assorted parts of your body aren’t getting enough blood, or they’re getting too much blood. Blood does all sorts of important things for your organs, especially oxygenating them, so this really means that POTS is an “anything that can go wrong will go wrong” situation. Anything in your body that uses blood can go haywire at any time. And sorry to say, that’s everything.
Now, POTS is highly variable. Again, it’s a loose collection of symptoms, and those symptoms are different for literally every patient. POTS is actually super common in teenage girls, but it tends to be very mild and some teens (mostly boys, mind) completely grow out of it, so people often don’t even notice they have it. People only just started researching it and it’s still not talked about much, which, well, is probably due to sexism. I learned the hard way that teenage girls are not generally listened to when they complain about nebulous symptoms, especially if those symptoms have literally anything to do with hormones and menstruation. (Which POTS does. It’s…I think ¾ of all people who have it are biologically female, and onset usually accompanies periods of hormone fluctuation such as start of menstruation, childbirth, or start of menopause. Most sufferers get it in their teens when they start getting their period.) Like… It’s hard to really put this in a gender neutral way because I promise you, the reason doctors are shitty about POTS is tied to both the biological and societal effects of being female. That’s an aside though.
Anyway, tl;dr, it’s different for everyone and doctors think you’re nuts. When I was diagnosed, in the informational packet literally said “THIS IS NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD” because so many patients have been repeatedly told that. For me, I was actually uh. I don’t want to say lucky? But in some ways I guess, yeah, lucky. I have a really bad case of POTS with some really severe symptoms. I have a lot of digestion problems, extreme exhaustion problems, dizziness, faintness, anxiety/depression, pooling/tingling/coldness in extremities, and here’s the biggie – blindness. When I stand up, I often just straight-up go blind. (Or if I’m just sitting there doing fucking nothing if I’m on an airplane.) It was really bad especially when I was a teenager. It used to be like literally every fucking time I stood up. (We later found out it was because all the blood was draining out of my head bc gravity. Turns out your brain likes blood! This is also why it hurts so much.) Now, doctors ignored most of what I told them about exhaustion, trouble keeping down food, aches and pains, etc. I was repeatedly told “oh, well, that’s just part of being a teenage girl”. Like honestly, try telling someone that you have exhaustion, pain, and nausea relating to a period and see how seriously you get taken. Jesus.
BUT UH THEY COULD NOT IGNORE THE BLINDNESS. Like I don’t care how teenage girl-y you are, it is not normal to go blind on the regular! My doctors could not figure out what the hell was happening. And I do mean doctors. I got POTS when I was around 10, along with my period. I was diagnosed when I was almost 18. In the meantime, I was passed around between dozens of doctors and honestly? I was a guinea pig. They didn’t know what was wrong with me so I was subjected to constant barrage of tests and treatments that made me a hell of a lot sicker. I was going to like 3 different doctors a week, sometimes every day. There are very few medical tests I have not had at least once. Some of the treatments they tried, I later learned, carried a strong risk of addiction, permanent neurological damage, and death. I was a drugged-out mess trying to drag myself through 15 flavors of physical therapy every day. Like uh. In short, my teenage years weren’t…good… 
I finally got referred to like my sixth neurologist, and the guy was like “okay, you have been passed around between neurologists, cardiologists, ENTs, sleep disorder specialists, etc. for YEARS and we don’t know what’s wrong, so it makes no sense to keep ‘treating’ you – so I’m gonna take some readings and send them (and you) to a research hospital”. And that’s what he did! He took me off all of my medications (leading to the kind of DTs that honestly possibly could have killed me; I researched a few of the medications later and let’s just say you’re not supposed to go off them cold turkey) and did some tests. He found out some stuff like my blood pressure moves around a lot when I stand up. And sometimes my blood pressure was as low as 60/40. (Yo, that’s almost dead. The nurse took the reading three times with two different machines bc she was freaking out, lmao.) So he referred me to Mayo Clinic.
Now, what I did not know before this was that Mayo was actually the clinic that had discovered (and still researched) POTS! They saw a lot of girls like me. They took some blood, did a few tests, and when I had my appointment with them, they knew in under a half hour that I had POTS. I…cried. A lot. haha. It was so bizarre how many things in my life were actually an indicator of POTS. They were like “do you often sit all folded up?” and I basically exclusively do – and often got in trouble for it in school – and they were like “yeah, that’s POTS, you unconsciously try to keep all your limbs tucked in to reduce how far your blood needs to go”. Which is, I guess, why I tend to lose sensation in my legs and/or have my feet turn purple when I sit in normal chairs. lol. “Do you ever get dizzy or black out when you stretch or yawn?” oh yeah. “Do you get really sick when you take hot showers?” almost died once or twice, check! “Do you get weak when you lift things above your head?” you betcha. “Do you have a lot of problems with heat and sunlight?” OH YES I DO. Living in Florida was hell. I’d be vomiting and unable to stand up after like 30 minutes outside in the summer. I still vomit and get migraines if I look at a sunset, when the sun is strongest. Sensory sensitivity, especially photosensitivity, is a thing with POTS.
The actual diagnosis of POTS is kind of difficult. They usually have to do a ton of tests to rule everything else out first. Then they’ll usually try a tilt-table test (they tilt ya and measure your heart rate to see if your heartbeat skyrockets to help battle your blood doing weird shit) or a sweat test (which I am told is supposed to be painless but was one of the most painful experiences of my life so maybe it was a POTS thing) or look at your pee and see if you’re hella dehydrated. If you have POTS, you’re pretty much always hella dehydrated. (Gross but important: a symptom I never mentioned bc I didn’t know how abnormal it was – it burned like HELL when I peed. Turns out I was grossly, dangerously dehydrated. My urine was so concentrated that it was literally burning my urethra. idk how this slipped by so many doctors, but drink some dang water!) So it’s really a combination of tests for diagnosis, and they have to know to look for it in the first place! More and more doctors know about POTS now, but when I was first diagnosed almost a decade ago (this February! :’) when I went to college none of the school doctors knew about it. My family doctor didn’t know. None of my specialists knew about it. They wouldn’t give me student vaccinations bc they didn’t know how they’d interact with my brain. lol. It’s better now, though! I recently got a new doctor when I left my school’s health system, and she knew what POTS was! I was so happy, haha. Once I had a doctor literally google it right in front of me, so it was uh. A welcome change.
All this is to say that getting POTS diagnosed can be hell!! And I could definitely buy that you’re 21 and haven’t yet been diagnosed, especially if you’re female. My recommendation is this: the main treatment for POTS is diet and exercise, and that can’t hurt even if you don’t have POTS. I shit you not. There’s no cure or anything, but you are supposed to drink A LOT of water (I drink over a gallon a day, and that’s on days I’m not dealing with the sun) and eat a LOT of salt (”as much as you can stand” was their exact wording) and wear compression clothing (spanx and compression socks help me) and try to keep your body as toned as possible. It’s really easy to get out of shape when you have POTS (god knows I did), but they recommend trying to keep your blood moving. (THOUGH, CAVEAT!! I put on a lot of weight since I got diagnosed, and I have to admit. It’s gotten my blood pressure to a healthier level. So idrk what to make of that.)
I’m not gonna tell you to start eating massive amounts of salt when I don’t know your body, but drinking water can’t hurt you. So if you suspect that you may have POTS, start drinking water. This is not a replacement for a treatment plan, but it can’t hurt you! It can only help! So while you’re working with your doctor, just drink a lot of water and see if it helps you feel better. It is like night and fucking day with me.
Finally, POTS has a high comorbidity rate with other issues. In other words, if you have a severe case of POTS, you probably don’t only have POTS. A common illness to have with POTS is EDS, or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It’s a type of hypermobility, which may be why your doctor is concerned. (I don’t have EDS, probably, but I do have some pain/movement issues that they’ve never been able to pin down, so there’s probably…something. idk.)
Here’s my advice. Work with your doctor to try and figure things out. Drink water. Make sure you have a good doctor whom you trust. Even after I got diagnosed, I regularly got medical professionals who believed this shit was all in my head. And try not to worry. Like I said, for most people who have it, POTS is extremely mild. If you change your lifestyle, you might not see many symptoms at all, and if you do, well. Work with that trusted doctor. Hit me up. I know a lot of ways to get a lot of salt in your body. lol
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lingeringscars · 6 years
do the ship meme for a ship of ours because
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! / may be selective
I went through your muse list before ultimately deciding that i would be #fake if i didn’t do chrissa. esp considering we broke them up for 3 years. they deserve this.
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! |The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - as long as they both decide to stop being idiots and actually talk to each other and remember that they love each other and know each other, until their deaths. 
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - okay they do fall for each other pretty quickly because they make each other feel safe?? and it was just exactly what they needed. christian legit decided that she was worth risking permanent brain damage for when he still wasn’t sure if she liked him or not. they don’t let each other finish each other’s sentences, but they do know the endings ( usually ). they’re both soft. 
How was their first kiss? - could have been better. but christian doesn’t have a lot of social cues under his belt. he was p much trying to prove a point and wow this person makes me feel alive and frustrates me and all of a sudden i’m feeling everything and my toes are curling and wow! it also gives us “that’s what you do with someone you like” which is great and makes me happy and i love them 
Wedding: team tasha edition bc we both know that the royal wedding would have to be different-- as in lissa has like 3 extra bridesmaids that she doesn’t know nor care about and there’s some dude standing next to christian that none of them know bc they didn’t want a best woman + it would be the biggest spectacle ever 
Who proposed? - both. they pull jolex’s. christian proposes like 12 times and lissa unintentionally proposes because it’s ridiculous to think that she would spend her life with anyone else and it’s pretty much assumed that they will get married.
Who is the best man/men? - if you think they don’t fight over rose, you’re wrong. but also laurel. 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - rose. i also see ryan being there for this too lmao. altho he could be the ring bearer. 
Who did the most planning? - christian. lissa didn’t need that on top of everything else. also laurel. 
Who stressed the most? - also christian lmao. mostly over fancy clothing that he was gonna have to wear. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - aaron. that one dude (blake?) that christian told to keep his hands to himself. he grumbles about adrian but ultimately he is allowed.
Who is on top? - i feel like christian
Who is the one to instigate things? - both
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now god doesn’t mind.
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - depends on the day
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yeah
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. 
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. 
How many children will they adopt? - they have adopted many animal children at the very least
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - i’m laughing over christian
Who is the stricter parent? - i actually think lissa. i feel like christian is hella afraid of what could happen and also is just completely enamored and isn’t too strict at all. 
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - lissa
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - both
Who is the more loved parent? - probably lissa?
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - i’m gonna stick w/ my flow and say ryan. love that man.
Who cried the most at graduation? - christian holds lissa and pretends like he’s not crying just as hard. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - rose. i love my kids with their 930 parents. 
Who does the most cooking? - christian! 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - lissa
Who does the grocery shopping? - under no circumstances does rose, so christian. 
How often do they bake desserts? - pretty often. christian doesn’t trust his skills in that department as much so he tries to expand there.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - healthy dose of both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - lissa would try
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - christian
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - elena
Who cleans the room? - they alternate
Who is really against chores? - christian groans but does them anyway bc tasha raised him right
Who cleans up after the pets? - lissa gets pet duty
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - also christian
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - lissa
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - lissa
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - they take them together
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - both
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - every holiday they do something with their little family. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - i think it’s just to make each other happy and safe
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - neither
Who plays the most pranks? - christian 
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